The Christmas DreamChapter 3 The Aftermath
- 3 years ago
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2006-12-20 5:20:00 (MSK) | weblogs | user: roughrider1532 | performer: Hannah | entry: 50
My head aches so bad. I move it to the side and the pain is splitting. I feel my pillow on my cheek and I feel like a wave of relief. I'm in bed at my Aunt and Uncle's! I think of them finding me there in the family room and feel a wave of embarrassment. Still, I'm out of that dream! I think I must have the flu, a high fever would like explain it all.
My stomach convulses and I jump up, desperate to get to the bathroom. My head hurts so bad I almost collapse. I look around. I'm stunned. Everything looks strange. I see a door and a dim bathroom and all but dive for it. There seems to be very little left in me, the heaves are painful.
I kneel over the toilet bowl, panting and sweating. As the sound of the flush fades, I hear that background voice: ["Her eyes move dully over the strange bathroom. Hardly taking anything in till they happen upon her sex. 'What's happened to my pussy?' she whispers. Indeed all her pubic hair is gone. It looks so different, so strange, it's so not hers."]
My eyes do fasten on my sex. My voice says, "What's happened to my pussy." I look at it and it looks so strange and not at all like mine. And in fact it's not. Mine is such a dark rude twisted thing. This one is so sweet and pink, its lips smooth and puffed.
For the first time I get a good look at my so not mine breasts. They're full and firm and their flesh gleams the softest palest pearly pink, it's almost like they're made of wax. They are the breasts I've always wanted. That I've stood before the mirror and tried to force out of my chest by pure desire.
I remember my mother looking at me once, saying, "Pity you take after your father's side. Flat and dumb. Every woman in my family is stacked."
I want to touch them, to not only feel them with my fingers, but feel my fingers with them. My hands remain clinched to the rim of the toilet bowl and I'm wracked by another heave, this one brings up nothing at all but makes me aware of how foul my mouth tastes.
I totter to my feet and step to the sink and fill a glass of water and drink. My eyes meet my eyes in the mirror. I don't recognize them at all as mine. These are green flecked with gray, not boring brown. And my hair. Where is its dirty pale brown? Now my dark red hair tumbles gleaming about my bare shoulders. I look again at those amazing breasts, with their aureoles decorated with tiny bumps and their nipples so pert. A couple blue veins stand out beneath their pearly flesh. I try to will the stupid Nancy into moving her shoulders so I can feel them shake. She of course doesn't.
I forget all about the story and what's going to happen, just reveling in my looks.
The background voice goes: ["The bedroom door opens without a knock and Mrs. Preston walks in. Nancy suddenly feels her naked exposure. She leaps up and dashes blushing for the bed and dives under the covers. Looking up she meets Mrs Preston's cool gaze."]
Its like I'm a puppet. I dive like I'm scalded for the bed. From there I look fearfully up into the awful Mrs. Preston's hard gray eyes. I say, "Where am I? Where's my Dad?"
"Where are you? Think of it as Hell. Who am I? Think of me as Adel. Where's your Dad? Think of him as gone."
"Where is he?"
"Don't you remember last night at all? You work for me now," she says, "That's all you need to know."
"I want to leave! You can't keep me here! It's against the law!"
"Will you come downstairs with me?" she asks.
"And out the door! Where are my clothes!"
"You must come as you are. Are you ready?"
"Fuck you."
"Just let me know when you change your mind."
The door closes. I feel myself separate a bit from Nancy. Her/my body gets up and I drape the bedspread around my shoulders. I think, "This is a mistake, put it back!" and then I head for the window.
The door opens again. I spin. There stands Mrs Preston and two swarthy guys. One of them I recognize as the guy in the car, the driver I guess. I freeze. While Adel watches calmly, the men approach me, smiling broadly. I shrink backward until I feel the windowsill against my butt through the bedspread. They try to pull the covers from me. I fight and kick and when the bedspread's torn from my hands I shriek and leap at Adel. My arms are grabbed and I can do nothing. The other man strips the remaining sheets from the bed and the one holding me pushes me violently onto the mattress. As I lie curled in a ball, sobbing, Adel says calmly, "When you promise to leave the bed made up as it's supposed to be, you can have your covers back." Then "Luis, the towels from the bathroom too." Then they are gone.
I shout and scream for help until I'm hoarse.
2006-12-20 5:20:00 (MSK) | weblogs | user: roughrider1532 | performer: Hannah | entry: 1052
I stand looking out the bedroom window. It's a second floor window. I am so desperately hungry. That is what consumes my mind. I am so hungry that I'm finding it difficult to separate myself from Nancy.
I hear that background voice, that rich hypnotic man's voice, it goes: ["What a picture Nancy is, there by the bedroom window. Outside it's a beautiful spring evening. Two large apple trees glow white in the setting sun, beds of daffodils and tulips line the drive. Across the lawn is a small suburban street and on the other side of that is another lawn on which sits another huge house. It is quite distant, maybe two football fields away. Her attempts to wave at it have been fruitless. She is so lovely with her dark auburn hair, her delicate face with it's band of light freckles along her upper cheek and nose, her fine boned shoulders, thin waist, full soft bottom, slim narrowing legs, neat ankles, one foot pushed back. The dark shadows under her eyes, their redness from weeping, the slight uncontrollable shaking of her hands where they rest on the window sill, only serve to make her more vulnerable and attractive.
"She is so so hungry. Its ache fills her.
"It is 5 days since she arrived. 5 days of nothing but water."]
The ache makes it like so hard for me to think. My memories are so confusing. It's like they're duplex. There's my memories from reading the story, leaning eagerly over the laptop, and my memories from experiencing it. I remember my escape attempts, slipping out the bedroom door in the wee hours, only to set off deafening alarms and get caught halfway down the stairs by a laughing Luis or Miguel, of being carried struggling back to the room, of being collared and tethered by a locked strap to the toilet, my arms bound behind my back. Of Adel standing watching, wearing a gray bathrobe and looking absolutely unsleep-disheveled. I remember how when I read that passage I felt kind of like an erotic excitement, the same as when I chanced upon bondage pictures on the web. It was more intense because while I was reading it I seemed also to be feeling Nancy's desperate emotions.
When I'd experienced it for real, as Nancy, it'd just completely ruined me. I could still hear Adel's cold voice say, "Agree to behave in the morning and you'll get the freedom of the room back" and I could still remember the impossible long hours sitting naked on the bathroom tiles, my back against the toilet, then morning and my/Nancy's first surrender.
What I remember caving completely, just hours before, huddled in bed under the scant protection of the covers, telling Adel I would do whatever she wanted just to give me something to eat.
"You will come downstairs with me this evening?" she asked
"Yes, Yes, just give me something to eat now."
She'd said coolly: "This evening, after my little get-together, if you've been cooperative," she pauses, "After you've been the life of the party" and she'd left. I remember weeping and the continual desperate hunger.
If anything, I'm grateful when that hateful man's voice goes: ["There is the sound of the door opening. Nancy squeaks with shamed alarm and dives for the bed. The door to the bedroom opens and Adel enters, she gets just a glimpse of the girl's white form vanishing under the covers."]
The bedroom door does open. I'm filled with shamed awareness of my exposure and I dive for the bed. I have the covers over my bottom and up to my chin as Adel enters, I so hate and fear her, which is the truth. She has been in and out of this room since I woke. Always calm. Always dressed neatly in the Office American clothes my mother wears to work, 2 piece gray or blue suits, white blouses, low heeled black pumps. In fact, I realize, it's hard not to compare her to my mom, there's like the same stinking superiority, the same amused contempt.
That background voice continues: ["The girl says, 'Please Adel, I've agreed and I'm so so hungry, can't I have something to eat now?'"]
My lips move of their own volition and I go, "Please Adel, I've agreed and I'm so so hungry, can't I have something to eat now?"
I am so very very hungry, hungrier than I've ever been in my life.
"And have you change your mind, Nancy?" Adel pauses, watching me calmly, "Not likely. Get up and stand beside the bed."
I think for like the millionth time that I must wake from this dream! I try to bite my lips but can't, my lips and jaws won't move. As the words said I'm like frozen, staring up at the horrible gray haired woman.
"Now Nancy, we have a tight schedule."
The voice in the background reads: ["Still she doesn't move. Adel takes the covers and yanks them off. Oh what a sight the weeping girl is! So soft, so exposed, her skin the palest contrast to the white of the sheets! Her breasts the round firm globes of an 18 year old in all their first glory! How delicious she looks as she twists trying vainly to conceal her hot young flesh!"]
I stare up at Adel. I'm consumed by embarrassment and shame. I cover my breasts with one arm and the other hand goes between my legs.
"If you are to eat, Nancy," Adel says clearly and slowly as if speaking to an infant, "You must stand. That is the first step." She pauses, then "The first of but many."
Flushing, miserable, I swing my legs off the bed and obey. Bending a bit from shame. I still can't get over the body that I see with my lowered eyes. The breasts so round and firm, the hips plump, even the feet are wrong, not stupidly long and narrow. I've never liked the way my feet look. I feel like my head has been lopped off and glued onto the neck of some hot young thing, as perfect as the teens I so vainly admire on the web. Except, I've got the perfect teen's head and face now too.
Adel sets the little black cosmetics case she's carrying on the bed. "You've showered like I asked?"
Adel slips a finger along my armpit, I feel the bite of her fingernail. She raises the finger to her nose and sniffs.
"OK." She takes a little glass perfume dispenser, "Lift your arms."
I blush, frozen and shaking. I don't want to lose what little protection I have.
My arms seem to rise of their own accord. My underarms are sprayed and feel suddenly chill.
"This is expensive stuff," Adel says, "Try not to sweat it off," she pauses, then "You'd best avoid all excitement."
She takes a pinkish red lipstick and runs it along my lips, putting a hand behind my head to hold it still. The hair that flits through the sides of my vision is dark red and long. It's funny that I don't seem to get used to anything about being Nancy.
From the cosmetics case Adel takes something with a little bristly brush and paints my lips with it. Her face is so close to mine I can smell her breath, there's wine and something spicy on it. My stomach lurches with hunger. She takes mascara from the case and does each eye. My lashes are like a dark fringe on the top of my vision.
"Your arms!"
I've put my arms before my breasts again. I raise them.
She cups one breast and applies the lipstick to the cookie sized aureole and then to the nipple, pushing it about, coating it all over. I watch and feel fascinated. That breast is such a stranger to me! I never get tired of looking at it. It's so large it blocks out her cupping hand. Its skin's so soft and delicate!
I shift anxiously. The touch of the lipstick and her hand feels so exciting. I'm again reminded of the reservoir of heat within me, if only it could be turned into food! The other breast is quickly attended to.
Adel drops to her knees and kneels right in front of my waist. Before I can do anything, she's running that lipstick along the inside of my, along my sex lips. I jump when it touches me, "Oh" I gasp, "Stop!" My hand reaches down to interfere.
"Stand still," Adel orders. "Keep your hands up! I'm perfectly willing to put a stop to the evening right now. It could be a week or more before my guests are free again. Think how hungry you'll be then!"
My arms cross in front of my chest. One of my legs begins to tremble and shake uncontrollably. I feel tears welling in my eyes.
"Careful," warns Adel, "I'm in no mood to redo that makeup."
Adel parts my sex with one hand, spreading it as far as it will go. The sensation is shocking. She works the lipstick about quickly, I close my eyes and clench my teeth. She grips my little tender tip and coats it too.
Way in the background I hear that man's voice go: ["Adel sprays Nancy's cunt with the rich perfume. Nancy jumps at it's sudden chill. Adel says coolly, 'Sweating won't be the problem down here.'"]
Adel sprays my sex and I do jump at the sudden biting coolness of the perfume. Adel does say, "Sweating won't be the problem down here."
"Turn around and bend, rest your arms on the bed."
I do. I know what comes next. Nancy jerks with shock and distress as her butt cheeks are spread. "No no" she pleads.
Adel says, "That is a word you'll find means little tonight," she pauses, then, "Use it all you like though." Then she works the lipstick about, pressing it uncomfortably into what feels like my asshole but which I tell myself firmly is Nancy's.
I feel the cold spray of the perfume, then Adel's hands release my rear.
She stands and says, "Straighten up and turn to face me." I do. Then, "Open your mouth and breath out." She sniffs. "You'll need to floss, brush and rinse with the wash you'll find in the bathroom. First put on these. I'll get you a glass of milk. Can't have you passing out. You're the main attraction."
She hands me a pair of stockings, they're ivory colored with broad lacy bands at the thighs, then a pair of impossibly high heeled sandals.
I sit numbly on the bed and slip the stockings on. They fit tightly and gleam, their lacy edges accenting my thighs. I spend a moment looking at my calves, at my knees, my thighs, so different from my own thin ungainly limbs. When I move my legs, those sheathed calves sway so seductively. My skin is the smoothest cream in tone, no red patches or blemishes.
I look at the shoes. The heels are amazingly long, long even when you consider how thick a platform they have in front. There's like a pair of ribbons at each ankle but nothing else. How to attach them? Though I know from reading what to do, I stare at them without comprehension.
"Just press the shoe to the sole of your foot."
Adel has returned. She is holding a large glass, the milk. Its scent makes me weak and desperate and nauseous.
I do as she tells me. I feel the surface of the shoe grip. I try to wiggle my toes and they become attached as well. I lift my foot wonderingly. The shoe moves with it. As I put my right foot onto the other I ask, "How do they come off?"
"Maybe they don't," Adel says, then, "Hurry up, I'll do the ribbons. You drink the milk. Lift your foot."
Adel hands me the milk and takes my raised foot and quickly ties the ribbons into an attractive bow just over the ankle. "The other one."
I drink. I'm so hungry and empty the milk is like painful as it goes down. I feel light-headed and sick.
"Now your teeth. Quick!" Adel pulls me to my feet and slaps my rump, sending me scooting for the bathroom. I'm not used to such shoes, twice again as high as the sandals I'd, I mean Nancy'd worn to the prom, I myself of course've never worn anything higher than sneakers. I trip and sprawl. "Quick!" Adel barks.
I pick myself up and wobble my way to the sink. I see Adel behind me in the mirror, leaning against the doorjam, watching as my hands of their own accord work the floss between my teeth. I hear Adel's shoe tap the tile impatiently.
In obedience to the distant instructions, a voice I recognize as my own speaks in my head. "I shouldn't have agreed! This is so wrong! I look like such a slut! I should refuse."
What I myself think, looking at myself in the mirror, is: "Am I hot shit or what!"
"The mouthwash. Hurry it up."
When I've rinsed and spat, Adel says, "Finally, come on."
Adel goes to the door and into the hall beyond. I follow, unsteady on those stilt-like shoes. She stops in the doorway. I am so aware that I'm worse than naked, the stockings hot on my legs, the sandals tipping my feet forward, straining my ankles and calves.
"What is going to happen to me?" I whisper, looking nervously at the dark hall behind her.
"What do you think?" Adel answers. "Get a move on!"
"I can't go out there," I whisper, "I just can't! Let them come up here. I'll do anything."
"If you don't come, you'll starve, despite being desert."
I take a hesitant step forward.
Adel takes my hand and pulls me into the hall. I will my hand to grab the doorjam, to fight, but of course it doesn't obey. As the reader in the background directs I trip and fall to my knees again and struggle back onto my feet.
The hall has a high ceiling and thick carpet. The door on the other side is closed. On my left, stairs lead down to a landing. Adel pulls me to the stairs. I trip again and barely save myself by clutching the railing with my free hand. The landing is gleaming hardwood. Stairs lead up directly in front of me, I guess to another wing of the house. Stairs to my right lead down into a large hall. Adel pulls me down. My shoes click on the wood.
A large oriental rug covers the hall's floor. To my right is a large living room with several couches and easy chairs, a large flat screen, and a fireplace with a roaring fire. To my left is a dining room with a long dark brown gleaming wood table, a chandelier hangs above it. The table is set for five, the place settings laid out on gold colored placemats. A man hurries across my view on the other side of the table. I panic and turn to flee up the stairs but Adel grips my hand.
"I can't. You can't make me, this is too much," I whisper.
Adel just looks at me. I'm suddenly so aware of rich dinner smells, the smell of meat and cake and rolls and God only knows what. It's like I'm floating inside an oven. My stomach is so empty, I have no choice.
Adel pulls me clattering into the dining room. The two men, Luis and Miguel, are setting out wine glasses, three of various sizes at each place setting.
There is no place setting at the foot of the table. Adel indicates the chair. I'm aware of the echo, the distant man's voice goes: ["Adel commands, 'Climb on that and get on the table'"], an instant before Adel speaks the same in her clipped alto tones.
The distant man's voice goes: ["The girl stares at Adel without understanding,"] and that is what I do, mouth open, though I know perfectly well what is expected.
"What are you, stupid? On the table, Nancy. You're the centerpiece. Every dinner table demands one. And be careful not to mess up the silverware and glasses or these men will make it hard on you later." Adel pauses, then, "Quick!"
As she moves she hears the unseen voice go: ["She steps onto the chair, it's cushion gives under her foot, the spiked heel makes a deep crater. Her upraised stockinged leg with its swaying calf, the lines of stretched tendon against the smooth flesh of her thighs, all look so so hot.
"Nancy carefully climbs onto the table and crawls down the narrow corridor between the glasses, the wood of the table hurts her knees, her rear seems impossibly raised. Somehow having her sex so exposed to the world from the rear makes her feel more awful than before. When she looks down she sees her dark reflection in the wood's polish, her hanging breasts, her pale smooth pussy. Her knee touches one glass and it slides. In the middle she hesitates, her strange dark reflection in the polish of the wood looks up at her, her expression amazed and strained."]
"On your back, Nancy. You can relax for a bit. Take your ease while you can, and Nancy, remember, to be fed, you must do as your told, willingly." Adel pats me on the rump.
Awkwardly, carefully, I drop to my side and then twist and shift so I'm lying on my back, looking up at the chandelier.
Adel pats my thigh, "Again, all you have to do is wait and do as you're told... And of course, have fun."
I'm left staring up. The table is so uncomfortable. Hard on my shoulder blades and rear. I lift and bend my right leg so that it is at an angle, my shoe flat on the table, my foot tipped uncomfortably by the heel.
One of the men comes up. He's holding a small square pillow of gold colored material. I blush furiously and put one hand over my sex, the other arm over my breasts, hooking my hand on my shoulder. The guy grins down at me and sets the cushion down on the table. "Lift your head," he instructs. When I do he slides the cushion and then I hear him move off.
I'm alone. I hear the background voice go: ["What a sight she is! Her auburn hair spreads across the gold of the cushion spilling over the dark shining mahogany, her face lightly freckled and pale, tears welling in her green eyes, her bottom flattened against the hard wood, her plump hips, her blushing sex lips demurely hidden beneath her hand, her breasts keeping their shape despite gravity, and oh her legs, firm in the thigh, her calves penduluming when she shifts, her neat ribboned ankles, her feet so tipped by those heels, the place settings empty along her flanks and above her head. How can anything to be served possibly compare to her? Even if cooked by God's own chef! The diners when they arrive must pause and, gazing at her, feel their mundane bites turn to sawdust and their wine turn to water."]
I remember reading that, imagining myself in the girl's place, flushing with heat, I remember what my fingers were up to. I feel the polished wood getting slick with my sweat under my bottom. How exciting it'd been to read, with the girl's sensations welling up in my mind, how awful it was to experience.
I hear the far off clatter in the kitchen, a faint murmur of men's voices, the distant rumble of the furnace. The room seems quite comfortably warm. I'm suddenly aware of the smells of imminent dinner. My stomach hurts and my right leg begins to tremble and shake.
I stare helplessly at the ceiling. I try to move my toes but they won't budge, they're like glued to the shoes. I hear that unseen omnipresent voice go: ["She shifts her legs to ease the pain of the wood hard on the base of her spine"] and my legs do shift, both shoes are flat on the surface, both knees high in the air, as the voice says, I feel the air moving about my thighs. I hear the voice: ["Seen from down the table her cunt is plump and closed, like a fleshy tropical fruit all but overripe, it's reflection in the shining wood so impossibly hot."]
I hear steps and I stretch my legs and clinch my thighs to like make less of myself visible. I look to the side and see that it is one of the servant guys. He pours wine quickly and efficiently, paying no attention to me.
I still can't get over it. Like how can this be happening? One minute I'm like reading that so exciting text, a sweet climax building, the next here I am, experiencing it all first hand. Even though 5 days have passed in the story, it feels in my memory like just minutes, the length of time it took me to read the words.
Surely it's just a strange dream, possibly it must play it's course to where I was when the laptop fell from my frenzied fingers. Then I will surely come to myself, lying before the fire. There's no way this can go further. I don't know what happens, it won't be able to play in my head. It must let me go.
My back hurts and I raise my knees again, the hard plastic soles of those shoes scrape on the wood.
I remember another email of my mom's: "Oh Dougy, I'm just desperate for a login to But you know it's so expensive! I've heard that its so beyond video. The characters feel like alive and you sense their every emotion. And it's so true. I loaded their sample, just a little bit from that old dog The Story of O. The text appeared on the screen, nothing special, then I was just blown away. One moment I was Ann-Marie, pressing the red-hot brand into O's sweet flesh, the next I was Sir Stephen, savoring the moment. It was so amazingly real."
Is that what's happening? I wonder. Am I experiencing the normal run of my cousins' website? I don't think so. That was more like what reading by the fire had been. Then I'd experienced everyone, though mostly Nancy as the other characters are so like cartoonish, and I'd certainly kept my distance from Adel Preston. I even remember there were parts where Nancy wasn't present. Those seem to be gone now. And there was always, of course the sense that I was in control. Now, it's like I'm experiencing the story from the bottom, locked in this one character, at the beck and call of that reading voice. If it were to stop, I wonder, what would happen to me? Perhaps I would wake? Or vanish? No. I'm sure what'll happen is that I'll wake when I come to where I left off reading. Getting there will be unpleasant enough.
"Man oh Man" a man's voice exclaims.
"Look at how her cunt is reflected by the wood!" There's laughter as I hurriedly stretch my legs flat again.
I hear steps and by lifting my head and looking down over my chest I see four men and Adel enter from the hall. The men are elegantly dressed in black and white tuxes, two have red cummerbunds, the others black. Adel vanishes behind me to the head of the table.
The men sit with a clattering of chairs. Looking up at them, they're all like grotesque, their mouths are strange and I'm like looking up their nostrils.
Luis and Miguel start serving.
The man by my right shoulder, a guy with puffy shaking cheeks and what I guess is a bald head, laughs, "Why there's a hair in my soup!" He lifts a strand of my hair and puts it between his lips. His eyes meet mine, "My name's Andrew and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."
I stare at him dumbly and he laughs. From my perspective his several chins, thick lips and fleshy ears are prominent. I look away and he laughs again. I close my eyes. The smells rising from the soup are overwhelming. I can almost think of nothing else.
"So where did you pick this one up," comes a gruff voice from the man by my left shoulder.
"I first saw her almost a week ago," goes Adel's voice, so nasty and dispassionate. "She'd just gotten home from her prom. Imagine her in a red strapless dress, bushy below the waist, when she walked in she looked almost like a bell, begging to be rung. She was tired and just wanted to go to bed but her Dad asked her into the living room, 'I want to hear about it honey, ' he said. She glanced at me, shy. She sat on the edge of the couch. She was quite lovely. I nodded to him and he offered her the drink. 'Something to top the evening off, you're grown now' he said. She sipped, got this endearing surprised expression on her face, managed to say she was feeling a little sick and then toppled over."
"What did you have over him?"
"He was the CFO of a smallish company. He'd been embezzling for several years. The place was going belly up sooner than he'd expected and he was worried the FBI and SEC were closing in. Rightly so."
"So that is where the tip to sell short on Continental Shelf Chemicals came from," one of the men said.
"Hey," goes another, "I know who you mean. I read about him vanishing. I even used to work with the guy. At his previous company. Tom Lyons. It was maybe 10 years ago. I even met this girl, at a summer outing for senior management and families."
"He came to me in desperation," Adel continued, "With considerable effort, my influence created a one day window. One of my employees who looks somewhat like this young thing accompanied him on his flight. Everyone thinks Nancy here is with him in hiding in Central America."
"How's she taking it?"
"As well can be expected," the dry voice says with a hint of amusement, "It must be difficult to go so abruptly from having at least the illusion of freedom, of choice, to the reality of it's absence. Most of us never have to face this until the moment of our deaths."
"She is a lovely thing."
There is a pause. While the soup dishes are being removed one of them says, "Have any of you tried ExtremeOPhilia Adventures?"
"Not me," goes Andrew, the old guy on my right, by my head, "I'm more the sedentary type."
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IncestTrue Story! and he did mom's lez lover too! Presented by Oediplex 8==3~ The following is a narrative shared from a real mom - until just after the shower scene - then my OediPal, KiwiSailor, helped me edit and complete the narrative based on the true facts of her confessions. Just like Tom_Hathaway and Tuballcain, Julie is an actual person that I can vouch for, who experienced a positive sexual relationship with her son. Oediplex 8==3~ I have one child (Robert) and I have been...
The Long Con By Amy B "You really don't remember do you?" quipped Tracy. I shook my head no. "About three months ago, you were fixing your makeup in the ladies room here and I was making out in one of the stalls and you yelled 'get a friggin' room sluts', it was then that we decided to teach you a lesson." I guess I should back up a little bit. I'm a closet transvestite. After moving from my wholesome Midwestern town and hiding my proclivities, I found myself in the big city....
So when i was 25 i was going out with a nice girl called Laura who was 20 and i'd met when i was on a night out with some friends. She had a nice figure and we'd got chatting and got on well and arranged to go out for a few drinks together then started going out properly as a couple. She wasn't really much of a tights wearer and as she didn't really need to wear them for her work she only wore them now and again although after a few months of us dating i did tell her i was a leg man and liked...
Today was the big day, Earth Day, only Mortimer wasn’t himself today. He was still in shock. It wasn’t enough that he was diagnosed with cancer and given a death sentence a few weeks ago, but now this. This was too much. From bad news to worse news, this was what had sent him over the edge, no doubt. It didn’t matter, with his Earth Day plan already in place there was no turning back now. Going from good to very bad, his life, as he had known it, had suddenly reeled out of control and spiraled...
Hi everybody. I am Prakash Patel, now in Ahmedabad, a settled business man. I am 5ft 4 inches, fair, medium but athletic built, smart & soft man. I am here to share my real life experience. Now I am 46. I developed my knowledge in sex as most of boys do. Yes, Porn magazines, friends and Gujarati romantic novels. I was bored and my mind moves to next stage to do all those things practically. But, the question was How to do? I tried a lot. But nothing happened. It actually happened when I was in...
IncestSanata ging ruhig durch die dezent beleuchteten, hohen Gänge der grossen Bibliothek von Merett. Er betrat einen der grossen Sääle und suchte sich eine freie Holosphere. Er betrat die Seifenblasenartig schillernde Kugel und sofort verstummten auch die kaum wahrnehmbaren Geräusche der Bibliothek um ihn. Obwohl der Raum in der Kugel leer zu sein schien setzte sich Sanata hin. Die klare Luft schien einen Sessel für ihn zu bilden. Sanata schloss seine beiden Augenpaare und konzentrierte sich auf das...
What’s up, Team Skeet fans! This Classic comes from our Teens Love Black Cocks series and was initially released on February 19th, 2016. It features one of the world’s most iconic pornstars, Riley Reid, and the ultra-studly Isiah Maxwell. The scene was a lot of fun and received acclaim from our members at the time. Upset that she didn’t make the cheer team, Riley Reid storms to her coach’s house to confront his decision. Isiah explains she just isn’t all that good, and he’s looking for better...
xmoviesforyouIf you don't like i****t stories then this series isn't for you, TURN BACK NOW!Continued from Pt. 1:...I put my head back down and realized how sweaty I was. I made an attempt to get backup for a shower but my mom's mouth prohibited that. It felt so good to have my limp dick in her mouth! So good I closed my eyes and fell in to the dark abyss... The feel of light on my face made my brain come back to earth. I opened my eyes, lookedaround, and remembered the night before. I turned over and saw...
When it comes to sex and hotels, I have had some mind blowing experiences.I was on my honeymoon and stayed in this five star establishment, for five days and nights. It was in the honeymoon suite with all the embellishments, and all the knowing looks from the cute waiters that appealed to my naughty endeavors, I knew what they were thinking with room service and returned the mind games with the odd secretive flash.On the third night, after a lot of heavy partying, we retired and my new hubby...
I never had a real mom, mommy had pass away when i was young and i got under her sister careI was 17 when she had to help me shower after a ski accidenti will always remember how shy i was , my little 5inch all hard in the bath my aunt washing me not saying a word about it taking it in her hand and cleaning my little cock before asking me to get bend overthe first time i did i wasnt expecting ither finger teased me open fill of soap my head down trying to restrain from moaning''there you go all...
Social media has made it easy to access and stay in touch with your favorite stars. Before now, the only time you heard from a celebrity was when they appeared on TV or had an interview with a magazine. However, social media has changed that.Today you can stay updated about your favorite pornstars and interact with them frequently via Twitter, Telegram, and Reddit. No shit, I was talking about adult film stars! The only celebs I keep tabs on are pornstars. Twitter is one place you can stay...
Twitter Porn AccountsAthena Pearce The elevators dinged and then opened on the executive floor. I strode out with confidence, my heels whisking on the thin carpet. Behind me, my secretary-slut heeled me. Minako was under the power of my mind-control panties, serving me as my slut and helping me achieve the goals of serving the love of my life, Mildred Dean. Just thinking of the sexy, brown-haired futa sent such a patter through my heart. I was so fortunate to have Mildred’s love and trust. I was the one who...
Talkative Schoolgirls Amber & Allison Are Paddled The lives of two sisters changed dramatically when both their parents were suddenly killed in a plane crash. The eighteen-year old non-maternal twins sat in the lawyer’s office were wearing matching white short skirts, tank top shirts and tan pantyhose for the occasion. They’re uncle was also present for the reading of the will and the codicil that had been added a couple of years ago. The executor read the will to the three of them and the...
When they arrived at the plane they could hear the electric tools of the work crew already installing the living room furniture. They carried the first load of packages into the meeting room and found Maggie there watching TV. "Hey Maggie, wanna give us a hand carrying some stuff in?" Cindy asked. "Sure." she replied, and between the five of them they got the rest in one more trip. "Stay here." Cindy said with a wink, and let herself into the living room to check the progress of the...
A very happy Megan burst into Erin's room the next morning. Full of energy and a burning desire to tell her friend about all that had happened last night, she wasn't prepared for the sight that she beheld. Erin was notoriously not a morning person. And she was normally a bit of a 'grumpus' first thing. So the vision of Erin this morning totally stood Megan on her ear. Erin was fully dressed and glowing so brightly in the early morning sunlight that Megan had to actually squint to make...
Fallon has rules even with the bad boys. This is a feel up afternoon. But Jarryn excites her too much and on only their second time together, the bitch gives him every hole....I came home a different way from usual. I was being surreptitious. Really sneaky and sly and knew I was heading extra slutty quickly this afternoon.There really is nothing more compelling for a rich bitch, aged eighteen, private all girls’ college lass than a parental off limits naughty high school dropout older boy with...
He arrived home, eager to check out the new porn website his friend had told him about, and headed straight to his room, his nineteen year old cock already hardening and ready to go as he passed his sister’s door. “Ooooh god yes!” Jack froze when he heard Sammy moaning in her room. He waited a minute, nothing but silence, and then; “ good.” Was his fifteen year old sister getting laid? He usually wasn’t home for another twenty minutes, so she clearly thought she had the house to...
So this is what happened: one afternoon when I came back from work I saw Claudia looking over a mens underwear magazine which, quite naturally, depicts models with perfect bodies and suggest what appears to be a rather decent bulge inside of the garments. I have never been a jealous man, and although she was a bit red and got redder when I asked her what she was doing, I gave it no second thought. We actually laughed it off the next minute. She then started watching her favorite show...
I posted a couple of weeks ago on looking for 2 warm mouths to suck on my 8 inch cock and balls at the same time because I love that so much. I was fortunate enough to get a reply from two gay partnered guys that said they would do it if I came over to their place. I gladly showed up there and they had me take off my clothes and sit on the sofa. The one on my right started to suck on my cock as the other guy on my left started sucking on my left nut. Wow, did that ever feel good, and I let them...
It had been a couple of weeks since I last heard from the guy that I gave head to in the parking lot. But last Monday that changed. I got a text from him again around the same time, as I was about to leave happy hour at the bar, around 630ish. It said the same thing as last time, telling me he needed his cocked sucked again. I left the bar and he texted that he was in a different parking lot but not far at all from me. I drove straight there and saw his vehicle. I got in the back seat and he...
We just moved into a new neighborhood and I was standing in the bedroom looking out the window when I saw the women next door fucking her pussy with a dildo out back by her pool. It looked like she had a huge dildo in her pussy and she didn't know anybody was watching. She fucked herself for a good five minutes I had to stop watching because my wife came in to the bedroom, she looked down at my tent I had in my pants and said; take that big, hard cock out and...
Mera naam Suraj hai. Pune ki ek I.T. company mein job milnae se mein Mumbai se Pune aa gaya. Yeh mera pehla work experience tha. Kuch din company accommodation mein rehnae ke baad, mujhae sharing basis pae ek flat mil gaya. Mere naye roommates bhi meri hi company mein kaam kartae hai. Sabhi roommates ki apni-apni girl friends thi. Jo kai baar flat mein aati-jaati rehti thi. Woh sabhi bhi almost humari hi company se thi. Unkae saath bhi meri achi dosti thi. Ek saal ho gaya hai, lekin merae...
Aunty Teresa took hold of my hand and led me from my room to the bathroom. We have a large walk in shower, which she turned on, and once the water was hot she guided me inside with her. She washed what remained of my spunk from her face and tits, then looked at me and said."Remember what i said, this is our secret!""If you can keep it to yourself we can do it again,... understand?"I nodded and replied,"Yeah ofcourse."Aunty T picked up the soap and slowly washed me from top to toe, her hands...
Hi dosro mera naam Nidhi hai. Meri shadi ko 2 saal ho gaye hai. Mere pati Ashutosh hai jo ek software company mein kaam karte hai. Humari sex life bahut achi hai. Ashu ko chudai ka bahut shauk hai. Par vo mere siwa kisi aur ko nai chodte hum ek dusre ki body se bahut khush hai. Ashu se meri arrange marriage hui thi. Shuru shuru mein dono hi sharmaate tha par ab o khul ke chudai hoti hai. Ashu ko company ki taraf se dusre city jana padhta hai. Wo hamesha mujhe apne sath le kar jate hai. Ashu...
Introduction: NOT porn! Wizard of Oz part 1- Original fic by MISTER BIG T This is a rather darker approach on the storyline of the Wizard of the Oz, a classic story. Warning, this has reference to child abuse and beating. Dorothy walked down the alleys. The snow had begun melting and the water was forming small rivers that danced towards the sewers. She pulled her coat closer, she was getting colder. But she was afraid to return to home, afraid to face her mother. ...
It had been so long since I left the human world. After twenty years, I decided to join my old alumni, taking on the identity of an absent student using a charm spell. Boy, it was such a rush. You see, I never actually graduated from school. I left school when I was 14 or 15. Had a big fight with my father too because of that. Anyway, everything was different from what I could remember. The school that I used to study at was larger after twenty years, taking in the surrounding lands that used...
Hello ISS Readers, This is my First story on ISS so kindly forgive me for any mistakes. I have been reading ISS stories for quite a few years now and I have been quite a big fan of all the stories. To introduce myself formally I am Rohit (name Changed) from Rajkot (Gujarat), 27 male with a slim yet handsome personality. My cock size is 7 inches long and 1.5 inches thick. Any girl / bhabhi / aunty / divorcee / Milf from Rajkot or anywhere in Gujarat can contact me for fun relationship on my ID ...
i dont know where to start here i am kneeling on all fours on a specially made table which has cushioning for my knees there are 4 foot platforms on it that are raised at different levels, my arse and pussy are naturally raised for easy access with my head at cock level this is the 3rd straight day i have been ordered to get myself comfortable on this table which is in the middle of my living room ,they took my sofa and coffee table away and gave me this along with all the slut wear i am...
This is about the first time I broke a girl’s cherry. My first college girlfriend was a year older than me and I wasn’t a virgin when she took my virginity her name was Deepa and she was a year older than the rest of us as she skipped a year college early on in her life. She was as tall as me 5.9 had long legs, an incredibly tight ass and small boobs that were impossibly perky. She was the perfect specimen of teen beauty. Even if her tits were bigger, it wouldn’t have made her more attractive...
The sexual tension and anticipation of another meeting of The Group was clearly present in the room as all the senior guys and girls who were charter members of the high school sex club gathered in the den of Coach Ron and Janet Ellis's house. It was the safest and biggest place where the group of twelve people could meet and engage in sex without anyone else in the small town community knowing what was going on behind these closed doors. The first meeting had been held exactly one month...
Ami Kasai is a personal housekeeper that comes to your house and cleans, your pipes. That means she comes into your house in the morning and she makes sure that everything is nice and clean. One wondeful thing about her is that she will call you whatever you like. Perhaps you want to be called, Master. Then Ami will call you master while she is in your house. She will do a job on everything in your house that will make everything so clean, and sweet and it will be a joy for you. When she...
xmoviesforyouMia Moore is enjoying a nice relaxing day off at home when her boss calls, he needs her to bring him his new suit. She’s annoyed but she doesn’t want to lose her job. When she gets there, he says he needs her to take his measurements in case he needs to have it altered but while she’s doing it she accidentally rubs against his cock! It wouldn’t be a problem… but she really liked what she felt! Before you know it she blowing her husband off while she is...
xmoviesforyouMy Step-Daughter’s Best Friend Spencer came over, I thought to see my Step-Daughter but she had to talk to me. I quickly learn that Spencer has some alternative motives, she came over with something in mind. Spencer tells me she needs my help, she wants to learn how to please a man. I tell her my wife is gonna be home soon but that doesn’t bother her, she shows me how she sucks dick using a banana. I start to feel a bit excited and I think she knows, she begs me to let her suck my...
xmoviesforyouAlicia had enjoyed exploring her body ever since she caught sight of her brother and his girlfriend kissing and dry humping; seeing the convulsive pleasure had intrigued her. Today was no different. After her parents left for work, she removed her tight black knickers, and settled onto the couch in her pyjama shorts and loose-fitting white tank top. She had not put on a bra, so the tank top barely concealed her budding 32B breasts with deep pink nipples and allowed her tight mid-riff to show...
I’d been playing on the chats for a while when he came into the room, and we started up a conversation about where we were from, what we were doing – the usual stuff. We role played for a bit, just the mundane stuff (what we’d do to each other if we were to meet up in a hotel room, or some place semi-private). I started to share more and more personal fantasies, and just other random ideas about sex with him as time went on. We carried on chatting about everything that crossed our minds for a...
Watching Jessie (part 9)It was late Sunday night. I wanted to feel Jessie’s pussy on my cock. Tyson and Darin had just left. They had been fucking her for over eight hours almost nonstop. She had taken ten loads of cum. Her pussy was stretched out and overflowing cum. When I got in the bedroom Jessie was lying on the bed almost passed out. She had moved out of the pool of cum she had made on the edge of the bed. Another wet spot was growing from her pussy where she now lay. I stripped quickly...
Bill and Bob were born a year and a half before Jill and Joan. They were all twins. Like their parents. Their mother had a twin sister and their father had a twin brother. It ran in the family. Bill and Bob were both blonde like their mother and Jill and Joan were both redheads like their father. Approaching 16, Bill and Bob were both six feet tall and 170 pounds. They were both very athletic and good students. Like their sisters. Straight A's for the Hanson kids all around. Jill and Joan were...
The patient’s mother, Miss Smith, phoned me to set up her son’s examination. The boy had just turned 18. She felt he required a special exam session due to what she had seen him doing with another boy of his own age. She had came home from work early one day to find her son and the boy “playing doctor” in his bedroom. She explained how she watched as her son played the role of the patient, the other boy having him lie on the bed in just his briefs as he sat beside him...
With my secret puppet shadow permanently in the memory trunk, Succubus securely trussed, I devoted myself, as promised on my wedding day, to husband and family, those betrayed for so long.Life has turning points, transitions, milestones. Call them what you may, but they’re real. Some are written herein. After seven years of re-committed faithfulness since the last gasp, another occurred. I became a great-grandmother, a blessing but an unmistakable old age signpost. Everyone knows, great-grandma...
CheatingI had to beg Mom to let me stay downstairs with her that night. I was hoping for a chance to get a peek at her tits again. I’m not sure if she did it on purpose or not but the last time she stayed over the front of her robe came open and she wasn’t in any hurry to close it. My brother Tom claims it was no accident and that I should have taken that as an invitation. He claimed if she was willing to show she was prepared to have me feel them. Maybe, maybe not. Mom and Dad hit the sack early;...
A.J. Chegwidden sat there in the chair in his JAG office, his uniform pants were unzipped and he had pulled his already semi-aroused cock out of the fly of his pants and now he was stroking himself as he sat there alone with only his thoughts and his recent experiences to fuel his masturbation session. He couldn't believe all that had occurred in the last few weeks within his JAG staff. He thought he knew everything that had gone on -- admirals always did -- but little did he realize all the...
Tink awoke feeling refreshed and tried to stretch but felt the sail canvas holding her tightly pinned. She wondered why her Master had done this to her but the immobility felt soothing and somehow safe, like a baby in swaddle. After a few minutes, she heard his footsteps approaching the cabin. She couldn’t kneel so she simply held her eyes downcast. “Good morning my Master,” she said. “Good morning, Lightning Bug, are ye feeling better?” “Shall I unwrap thee?” “I’m well, good Sir,” Tink...
Finally it was Spring Break, and Jean and I were celebrating. I had aced all my exams, and had been awarded an academic scholarship. We had splurged a little and gotten some sexy bikinis, according to her. And once I finished an exhibition on Friday we were heading for Panama City! And since she now had a car, it was already loaded up, and as soon as I finished we were jumping in her Aztec and heading South. We had reservations at a hotel about 15 miles from the beach, and it would be 4 days...
Paul got to work and checked in with everyone before heading to his office, shutting his door and taken a seat at his desk. He pulled out his daughter’s phone and right before he opened it up he looked at her picture on his desk. Sara was the perfect daughter getting straight A’s all through school, never getting into trouble and being captain and star athlete. She had a body of an athlete at 5’6” and under a hundred pounds. Paul never really checked his daughter out but knew that unlike her...
Illustrated Fetish Stories for ADULTS ONLY! Not for republication ILLUSTRATED FEMDOM/fm Toilet stories 'Audrey's Last Resort' TJ Ryder Audrey, beautiful teacher and toilet slave to Delta House,the dom/sub lesbian sorority she was owned by, was still wondering what her supervisor Mai Ling meant when she said that on days when she was hungry and couldn't find enough toilet clients, she could always line up at the plumbing pipe. She thought that...
She fumbled with her key, partly from the beer but mostly in anticipation. It had been a great evening at the bar. The band was fantastic and her friends had made themselves scarce when the guy standing beside her had struck up a conversation, and eventually left with her. The key turned in the lock and they entered the darkened living room. He tossed his leather jacket on the chair as she went up the stairs towards her bedroom. This is perfect, she thought, no pretense, just a fantastic...
BDSMBy this time, Saul has returned with my water. Actually he has brought a whole pitcher and some home made ceramic cups. No Dixie Cups for this group, I think to my amusement. "I am very grateful to you Saul. I was getting parched with all this talk," I smile up at him as he hands me the cup. Saul gives Melville a small smirk, letting the older man know he was sent off while the real talk took place. But he is gentle as he takes his seat beside me again. I settle back against him, grateful...
Moni Shared Just Before Wedding After having long talks about what all we had done and been doing it was like we could finally tell each other anything. I had told her all my fantasies and she was starting to share hers with me. One night as we talked she shared that she always wanted to pick up some guys at a bar, total strangers and just let them fuck her.It was great for me to hear her say things like that as she had never been so open talking about things like this. But it turned me on to...
blood rushed through her veins, hot and thick with lust. She was in the strong arms of a man with a mask and his naked skin glistened with a thin sheen of sweat as he pulled her close. Sharp fangs pressed against her skin followed by the hot wetness of a tongue, tasting the juncture of her neck and shoulder; her sweet spot. She was wearing a sheer silky slip edged in lace that left nearly nothing to the imagination, her heavy breasts bouncing gently with each shuddering breath she took, her...
Sharon was overwhelmed by the dinner. The fine silver, the white bone china plates with the gold rims, the candelabras at either end of the long oak table... She had never seen such sumptuousness, nor such food, nor such service, and she felt ill at ease. While Mark and Lena carried on a witty conversation, and sparkling rejoinders back and forth all through the five courses, Sharon kept to herself, only speaking when spoken to, nodding and smiling other times, and worrying about the...
A SHAMELESS COUPLEBy Amanda WrighterKaren Burke’s Apartment6:15 PMDAY ONE Thirteen year old Janet Burke stood just over four and a half feet tall…half a head shorter than her own mother. Unlike her mother though, she had reddish blonde hair that she wore down…bangs often times covering her brows. Unlike her younger sister who always had her own hair yanked back in a vicious ponytail, she preferred to let her own swing free…but that wasn’t the only thing she disliked binding up. She was chubby...
The phenomenal Stacy Cruz is another of our Social Media Sexy Influencers and she’s here to show you how to cool off and stretch down after a workout with her man Max Deeds, however during the presentation Stacy can’t help resist the sight of cock and she just has to get a taste. Watch as this super sexy girl sucks off her man before hopping on for a ride and taking a real blasting, so much for a cooldown… things soon turn back into a real gym workout that has those perfect tits bouncing and a...
xmoviesforyouNote: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal My wings fluttered fast as I hovered at the brothel window, a big grin on my lips. While my family searched through the library, which was utterly booooring, I had to find my own ways to amuse myself. Lucky for me, we were in the City of Az, the largest city in the world. Or, at least, the largest city in Zeutch. It was full of mortals to play pranks on. I was having so much fun. I made frogs rain on frolicking maidens during a...