ElevatedChapter 12 free porn video

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The first time Corvus saw Quad Ulpius dressed in a toga, he burst out laughing.

"What?" Quad looked down at himself. "It's just a toga. You're wearing one too."

"I know. Forgive me," Corvus stood at the window, considering the view of the bay from his father's house, one of the many amenities he hadn't been able to duplicate in his own house. "That was the laughter of relief. I was starting to think this was some practical joke reserved just for me. Is this seriously how everyone's going to be dressed tonight?"

Quad nodded. "Even security. We've got white leather holster belts so they don't clash too much with the fabric."

Corvus shot Quad a sidelong glance. When the centurion said things like that, he was rarely joking, but it still sounded odd. "How do I piss in this thing?"

"The goal is not to piss in it," said Quad. "If you get a stall, you can just hike it up like it's your wedding night. If you're at the trough, either bring a servant or ask one of the attendants to hold your skirts for you."

The tailor Natta Manilus entered the room with a pair of silken rope belts over his shoulder, one in red and one in gold. "Citizen Corvus, have you chosen a color for your trim?"

Corvus frowned. "I thought that was decided."

Natta frowned and Corvus could feel another complication coming on. When he'd suggested Gaius receive Plautus Iunius with "all honors," he hadn't realized the term had a very specific meaning - one that included a formal banquet where all the guests wore togas with the trim color chosen by the guest of honor.

Unfortunately, Plautus Iunius insisted on wearing the purple. It was technically his right. The Iunii were officially an Imperial Family, descended from some of New Rome's last emperors. Even so, it was considered in bad taste for Plautus to wear it and there would have been a mutiny among the other guests if Gaius had asked them to take it up in Plautus's honor.

Instead of receiving Plautus "with all honors," they were now receiving him "with honors" - a distinction that boiled down to each guest choosing their own color to show the interests of their family. The red sash over Natta's shoulder would represent a martial affiliation and Gaius would certainly wear one. The gold represented politics. Corvus might choose it to represent his own ambitions in that field.

"Forgive me, sir," said the tailor. "I must have been distracted when the decision was made."

Corvus sighed. There would be implications to either and he didn't understand them all. To buy himself time, he asked, "What color will the widow Crispa Iunius be wearing?" It might be the red of her late husband, a soldier or her grandmother's gold.

"I haven't been informed, but I can have my assistant call and ask," said the tailor.

"Please do," said Corvus. "And help me out of this thing. I have a lot to do."

If Corvus had realized how much relied on his specific word choice, he would have found some other way to express his suggestion to Gaius in a way that didn't involve the word "honors." He was already dreading wearing a toga for his own elevation and for his mother's wedding. He really didn't need another party in the quintessentially old-fashioned garment. As soon as the tailor left, Corvus stripped down and put his street clothes back on, glancing at his watch. He still had time to talk to his mother.

Between opening up his new house and her preparations for the wedding, he hadn't seen much of Lucretia lately or even known how to get a hold of her very often. This morning, she was just across the hall for her own scheduled toga fitting. He knocked on the door and heard her call out for him to enter.

As it turned out, she wasn't being fitted for her toga, but her wedding dress. Corvus hadn't seen it before and was surprised as he approached from behind to see how much it followed the current flouncy fashion, complete with big sleeves and a white silk bow on the back of the waist that completely hid her shape. Three young women crouched around her gesturing and measuring with pins, chalk, and a cloth ruler.

"You do know you're not wearing that tonight, right?" Corvus asked dryly. "Not that it isn't a lovely dress, but it's really only supposed to be for the one day."

"Just some last-minute alterations." Lucretia turned around, sending the young women crouched around her into a small frenzy of trying to keep their place and redo the work she'd undone. "How do my tits look?"

Where the dress from behind had seemed very modern, the front hearkened back to a much older tradition where brides went topless to display their fecundity. From the waist up, the front of Lucretia's dress was made of a gauzy white material that normally would be more appropriate to a veil and clearly showed both the shape of her breasts and her dark nipples.

Corvus was surprised, but not shocked. This was Lucretia to a tee, bending tradition to her own ends. "You're built like a house slave, mother. You know that."

Lucretia gave a quick eye-roll at the vulgarity. "Yes. But am I built like a young house slave? I don't want to look ridiculous."

Corvus sighed. "They're magnificent, mother. You have nothing to worry about."

She turned back to the mirror, considering herself. "As nice as Paphian's?"

Corvus gave a short bark of laughter. "I haven't seen Paphian's."

She turned to him again, the girls again scrambling for position. "Whyever not? You have one of the most notorious hetaerae of the last century living under your roof. You should make good use of her." She frowned. "You're not still fixated on that Rose girl. Are you?"

Corvus shook his head, unsure whether Lucretia had confused his two slaves in her head or was just testing him. "No. I've diversified like you suggested. But, that's not what I hired Paphian Nova for. She's there to help with training. And honestly, I'd like to keep the number of people you and I have both slept with to a minimum."

Lucretia smirked. "What Paphian and I did hardly qualified as sleeping together. It was almost always business."

Corvus really didn't want the conversation to go down that road. He was well aware of his mother's tactic of discomfiting him as much as she could before springing whatever trap she'd set for him. "Actually, I wanted to ask you something about Labeo Vitellius."

"A sad, little man come to a sadder end," pronounced Lucretia. "I hope you manage to scrub the stink of sanctimony off the walls before I come visit."

"You knew him then?" Corvus asked.

"Of course. We saw each other at school functions fairly regularly. I hadn't spoken to him in years, though."

"Why not?"

Lucretia narrowed her eyes fractionally, but answered. "He never approved of your father ... your first father ... being a common soldier. He thought we were overreaching by moving to the school district." She gave a snort. "He even tried to get the school board to redraw the map so that our neighborhood wouldn't be grouped with his."

Corvus had never heard that before and wanted a few seconds to process it, so he asked, "Were you surprised to hear he'd committed treason?"

Lucretia raised an eyebrow. "I'm still not sure he did. He was a humorless prig, but he was a hidebound humorless prick. The whole reason we won the redistricting fight was because we had the imagination to break the rules and he didn't."

Corvus was so accustomed to getting information from his mother in dribs and drabs that he wasn't sure how to interpret the sudden open flow. "What do you think happened if he didn't actually do it?"

Lucretia shrugged. "He always thought he was way above his actual station. He either made an enemy or lost a friend and they moved against him. It happens more often than you like to think in this city."

Corvus decided to throw all caution to the wind. "Were you one of his enemies?"

Lucretia smirked. "Probably, but if you're asking if I had anything to do with his being executed, I didn't. Labeo Vitellius was a prick and he snubbed your father and me, but if I went after everyone who fit that description, you wouldn't have much of a plebiscite left in your district."

Corvus gave a humorless snort of laughter at the truth of that statement. "Well, if you do decide to start having people killed, please give me a heads up so I can do some damage control."

Lucretia reached up and patted his cheek. "Always, my dear boy. We are a team after all. That's not going to change just because we're both getting married. Is it?"

"I'm getting married?" Corvus asked.

"Well, not this week. But you should soon." said Lucretia. "By my figuring, there are six girls of the appropriate age and station in capital society and, as fate would have it, all six of them will be at this banquet tonight."

"Funny how that works out when you let fate choose the guest list," deadpanned Corvus. "Will you let me know who they are so I can make a point of meeting them?"

"They know who they are," Lucretia told him. "They'll make a point of meeting you. If they're not bright enough to do that much, they're not as appropriate as I thought. You do know it's important to marry for love. Don't you, Corvus?"

The statement came so far from out of nowhere, Corvus sensed it had to be some kind of a setup. "Is it?"

Lucretia nodded. "Yes, so you'll want to decide which of the six you're liable to fall in love with and let me know so I can start arranging things with her family."

Corvus got back to his house just in time for Clover to report that Crispa was up and about and nearly ready for breakfast.

"How is she?" he asked.

"Much recovered," answered Clover. "She's had a bath and coffee and said she was hungry. Also, there's a ... woman in your office waiting to talk to you. She wouldn't tell me her name or why she's here, but Malcolm says she's from the agency and that you would know what that means."

Corvus drew in a breath. "Ah, good. Thank you. I'll attend to that first. Please let Crispa know I'll join her shortly."

When he saw the woman waiting for him in his office and using his phone, he understood Clover's hesitation in what to call her. His first thought was that she must be a slave sent over to deliver a message. She had reddish-blond hair and the pale skin common in Europe, but when she turned and held a finger up to keep him from speaking over her conversation, she lacked any provenance mark. Appearances to the contrary, she was a Roman citizen.

She finished her phone conversation and put the retriever down. "Good, you're here. I need a slave name."

"Beg pardon?"

She held out a hand. "Alyce Londinia, at your service."

Corvus shook her hand. Her surname explained part of the riddle. Alyce must be from London and one of the European-born Roman citizens who'd been joining the empire ever since the conquest of Britannia. "Corvus Gallicus."

As he shook, he looked Alyce over. She was pale, even paler than Rose and had reddish-blonde hair and green eyes. When she'd spoken, her Latin had a soft, lilting accent he didn't recognize.

She leaned back against his desk, ankles crossed and said, "I need a slave name - one appropriate to your household. I'll be working undercover."

"Pretending to be one of my slaves?" Corvus asked. "While watching Plautus Iunius?"

Alyce glanced to one side. "Is this room secure?"

"The army swept it over the weekend."

She nodded. "Yes. I'll be masquerading as one of your slaves so I can watch Plautus Iunius while he's a guest in your father's house."

"Tansy," said Corvus.


The young patrician smirked. Alyce Londinia wasn't the only one who would speak in cryptic non-sentences. "Most of my slaves are named after flowers. It's a naming convention I've inherited. I have Clover, Rose, Datura, and Lily, but I don't have a Tansy."

"All right." Alyce extracted a single sheet of paper from a thin leather case and wrote something down on it. "The story is that I'm Tansy. You just bought me for your household and you're lending me to your father to help out with the upcoming wedding. Malcolm will assign me to the rooms Plautus Iunius is using. I'll be your eyes and ears there and report back to you and the Widow once a night or more often if it seems like things are moving quickly."

She handed Corvus the paper, a standard form with the word "Tansy" written in one place. "Sign this, have it witnessed, and have it faxed to my agency. I'll start working as soon as they get it."

Corvus took the paper and read it, frowning. "This is a writ of manumission."

Alyse nodded. "It's my escape clause. Once I get the tattoos, there isn't much identifying me as a Roman citizen. If somebody tries to make a case that I'm really a slave, we have this to fall back on."

Corvus frowned as he read the writ over for any non-boilerplate language. "Do you find that the tattoos actually convince people you're a slave?"

Alyse shook her head. "Not alone. I need to act like a slave."

Corvus raised an eyebrow. He'd known Alyse less than a minute and already found her brusque and faintly masculine. "That must be some act."

Alyse went smoothly to her knees, her whole posture changing as she went. When she looked up at Corvus, her eyes had lost their keen focus and held instead the look of almost worshipful admiration he'd only seen in the eyes of slave girls.

"How may I serve, sir?" Her accent was instantly thicker than it had been a moment ago, reinforcing her foreignness.

The net effect was startling - as if the brash young spy had actually disappeared and been replaced by a slave with similar features. If Corvus had seen "Tansy" in the halls, he might not have connected her with Alyse Londinia. She wore a citizen's clothes, but she looked like a slave playing dress-up, not a citizen playing slave.

"Remarkable," acknowledged Corvus. "Won't it be dangerous for you to walk around looking like that?"

Alyse rose, shedding her slave demeanor as quickly as she'd put it on. "You're paying a standard danger rider. The target is a guest in your father's house with no known history of mistreating slaves. There's always some danger of these missions not turning out as expected. If the danger turns out to be too much for me to handle alone, you'll need to arrange for additional personnel or scuttle the mission."

Corvus gave a thoughtful nod. That hadn't been exactly what he meant, so he decided to try a different tack. "Yes. But ... if I may ask, how will you avoid someone deciding to ... uh, use you ... as a slave."

Alyse smiled like a predator. "I don't. My goal is to get close to the target. If he's not some kind of weird pervert, I expect to be in his bed tonight." Corvus must have shown what he thought of that in his face because her smile softened. "It's what I'm trained for and I'm good at it, but thank you for your concern."

Corvus shook his head. This was a whole new world to him, but he wasn't going to try to buck it. "All right. Is there anything I can do besides signing and faxing this form?"

Alyse shook her head. "Just try not to send too many pretty girls to serve Plautus Iunius while he's in your father's house. I don't need the competition. And remember, the next time you see me, I'm Tansy."

Corvus found Crispa at one of the small tables in the central courtyard. She'd chosen a table in the shade and wore a pair of dark sunglasses, but otherwise seemed none the worse for wear from the night before. Before her sat a plate of fresh fruit and a steaming mug of coffee.

Corvus slid in across the table from her "I've just met a most peculiar woman."

"No you haven't. You've known me for almost a month now. I just look different without makeup."

Corvus laughed. "Not you. I just met my first Colonial and my first professional spy ... as far as I know." He slid the paper he'd been given across the table. "I need you to witness that, please."

Crispa signed it. "What is it?"

"A writ of manumission." To her surprised look, he went on to explain.

Crispa nodded slowly. "Clever. A slave might be the perfect spy. It certainly wouldn't occur to me. I probably told Clover far more than she would ever want to know about my childhood last night."

"Slaves don't want anything." Corvus delivered the line with perfect aplomb. "Service is the master's gift that saves them from the suffering of desire."

"That is the party line." Crispa poured herself more coffee from the silver pot sitting between them. "And I think your girl might be a true believer. She's ... incredibly sweet."

Corvus accepted the pot from her and poured coffee for himself. "Her service was a comfort?"

Crispa chuckled. "I'd try to buy her from you if you weren't so clearly attached."

Corvus shook his head. "Definitely not for sale."

"Could I borrow her again sometime? I'd let you try Ibis if you liked."

"I'd rather try Sunya Green," said Corvus, more an idle fancy than a bargaining position.

"That would have to be soon. Her contract's wrapping up at week's end and I'm not planning to renew."

Corvus raised an eyebrow. "Problem?"

"No." Crispa shook her head and sipped her coffee. "She was a special treat that I knew I couldn't afford indefinitely and her owner has her lined up to make another movie once I'm done with her."

Corvus sipped his coffee and nodded thoughtfully.

"How about tonight?" Crispa prompted.

Corvus hadn't specifically meant to make the swap at all and felt that, at the very least, he should ask Clover how she felt about such an assignment. But that instinct was almost certainly wrong. Every conversation where he'd tried to suss out what Clover really wanted had been awkward and frustrating. Clover wanted to serve and make Corvus happy. That was the only answer he would get.

Would Clover and Crispa being together making Corvus happy? The idea certainly didn't make him unhappy in the way that the possibility of Clover serving some other man did. If the three of them were to wind up in bed together, he certainly couldn't imagine having any objections.

"I'd really like a chance for her to see me at my best," prompted Crispa. "I was kind of pathetic last night."

Corvus put aside that last thought. He wasn't sure what the protocol was for following up on turning down a patrician woman's offer of sex, but coming back the next day and suggesting they get together with his slave would probably be considered less than diplomatic.

"You're planning to be at your best when you get home from the banquet tonight?" Corvus sipped his coffee.

Crispa batted her eyelashes at him. "Knowing Clover's waiting for me might just be the incentive I need to get me through tonight intact."

Corvus rolled his eyes at the obvious gambit, but laughed at the same time before becoming serious. "Clover's very special to me, you know."

"I can see why," said Crispa earnestly.

"You'll be nice to her?" Corvus wasn't sure what he was asking exactly, but he felt the need to ask anyway.

"I will," said Crispa earnestly.

Corvus sighed and gave a nod. "Fine. Send Sunya over tonight. I'll let Clover know you've asked for her."

Crispa smiled at him from behind her dark sunglasses. "You really are a good friend, Corvus. Would you like to borrow Ibis as well?"

Corvus shook his head. "Honestly, she scares me a bit."

Crispa seemed to be waiting for more and when none was forthcoming shrugged her shoulders. "Well, if that's not your thing, you probably wouldn't enjoy Ibis much."

Corvus nodded. His mind was already on to other things. "Apparently, I'm supposed to fall in love at dinner tonight."

"Oh, dear," Crispa said with mock horror. "And you're so young. Who with?"

"No idea," admitted Corvus. "Lucretia says there are six acceptable matches in the whole empire and that they'll all be at the party tonight."

"Five more choices than I had," Crispa said brightly. "Not that I'm complaining. My husband was actually a lovely man, much nicer than I ever was." A cloud passed momentarily over her eyes. "Marriage can be a wonderful thing and, if you have a choice as to who you're going to do it with, I'd take choosing well seriously. There's a lot of variety in girls - even the acceptable ones."

Corvus hadn't expected such earnestness from his friend, which made it all the more impactful. "I agree. I was hoping you would be there when I met them."

Crispa raised an eyebrow. "May I ask why?"

"I want your opinion of them - first impression, anything you know about them personally, rumors, anything like that," said Corvus. "And I want to see how they react to you - maybe even ask them what they thought of you later. I doubt any of them will tell me directly what they think of me, but they can still reveal a lot by what they think of you."

"Ah. You want me to be polarizing and catty. I can do that," said Crispa. "In fact, it might be what I do best."

After giving Crispa a ride to his father's house, making sure that she was set up in the guest wing, and reassuring her that she could come hide in his wing of the house if things got to be too much, Corvus headed back to his rooms. Clover met him at the door to the antechamber. "How may I serve?"

"Has my toga arrived?" Corvus asked.

"No. Someone from Natta's team called a few minutes ago to ask what color trim you'll be wearing."

Corvus muttered a curse. "I meant to ask Crispa what color she was wearing so that we could match."

"The Widow Iunius will be wearing the purple tonight," said Clover.


Clover gestured to the phone. "The man from Natta's shop said she'd be wearing purple tonight. I asked him to confirm and he did. Does that affect your decision?"

Corvus scowled and shook his head. "Not really, but I wonder what she's playing at." Without the guidance he'd hoped for and having no time to confer with anyone else, he made a snap decision. "Let them know I'll be wearing the gold tonight, please."

"Very good." Clover headed for the phone.

"The Widow Iunius has asked me to send you to her rooms to serve her after the banquet." Corvus said as casually as he could manage.

Clover smiled brightly. "She was pleased with my service, then?"

"Apparently so," said Corvus. "It's just for tonight."

"Of course." Clover indicated the phone she'd been headed for. "May I call the tailor? They seemed eager to get this information."

Corvus nodded. "Yes. Of course." He waited until she'd made the call. "How much work do you think it would be to set up a private party at the Butterfly Club two weeks from now?"

"How large a party?" Clover asked.

"About two hundred people."

Clover frowned. "I can check, but I think you'd have to rent out the whole club for a group that large. And clubs like the Butterfly are generally booked months in advance for this season with all the weddings and graduations."

"Never mind. It was just an idle thought," said Corvus.

"If you tell me what you had in mind, I can probably come up with a number of alternatives," said Clover.

"I ... was thinking that graduation is going to be in two weeks, : said Corvus. "It's the last chance I'm going to have to see that group as a group and they are going to be part of my plebiscite. When I was still going to school there, nobody was very happy with the options for our after-graduation party."

Clover bit her lip thoughtfully. "Would you like me to look into what can be arranged for that weekend?"

Corvus nodded. "All right. Let me know what you find out."

Corvus sat waiting in the antechamber of Crispa's borrowed rooms while Ibis went to fetch her. As silly as the toga seemed, what really bothered him was the subligar. The loincloth worn under a formal toga reminded him more of a diaper than proper underclothes and was fitted through a clever but hard-to-remember bit of folding. He'd spent an inordinate amount of time having Clover show him how to do the folds correctly. But he didn't want his first official public appearance to be remembered for his underwear having fallen down.

After a few minutes, Sunya Green emerged and knelt smoothly before him. "Citizen Corvus, the Widow Iunius has been delayed in her preparations. How may I serve?"

And just like that, another long-held fantasy was staring him in the face. Sunya Green was a sex symbol - the first woman he could ever remember wanting, albeit from the far side of the silver screen. She was lighter-skinned than most Roman citizen with jet-black hair and warm diamond-shaped eyes rimmed with kohl. She was dressed in a sparkling aqua sari and made up like she might run off and shoot a movie at any moment. Corvus found himself staring.

"Citizen?" Sunya asked after a long pause.

Corvus shook his head. "Sorry. What?"

"How may I serve?"

Corvus played back the last minute in his head and remembered what she'd said. "Oh. Do you know how long Crispa will be?"

Sunya looked thoughtful. "Another ... twenty minutes, perhaps thirty, I think."

Corvus glanced at his wrist before remembering that men in formal togas didn't wear watches. He looked at the wall instead. In twenty minutes, they would be late, but he supposed that might be the point. Crispa wearing the purple with her toga would almost certainly cause a stir and she probably wanted to make an entrance. "I'll wait. Thank you."

"May I offer you a refreshment or some other service while you wait?" Sunya prompted.

Corvus wondered not entirely idly how long her soliloquy from High Seas declaring her love and longing for her sailor husband thought lost during a storm was and if she still remembered it. The whole speech couldn't be more than three or four minutes - much less time than Crispa was expected to take. It had always been one of his favorite moments in film. There were plenty of Pax Dulci actresses who were nothing more than a pretty face and a nice body. Sunya on the other hand was a great actress as well. She'd really made him wish someone would one day love him that much.

He realized he was staring again. Embarrassed, he said, "Just some water, please. My throat's gone a little dry."

As he watched her sashay off, Corvus realized that Sunya Green was going to be waiting for him in his rooms when he got back from this party and felt a moment of pure panic. He had no illusions about his skill as a great lover and for several years, Sunya Green had been the hottest of hot commodities out of Pax Dulci. She was older now - maybe thirty or so, but in her prime, she'd served the sons of some of the richest and most powerful families of New Rome. He wasn't ready to be compared side-by-side with those scions of wealth and power.

When Sunya returned and handed him the glass of water, she met his eyes and gave a little self-aware smile. It was enough to make Corvus grin and chuckle. He didn't need to worry about how he stacked up against scions of wealth and power. He was one of them. Besides, being rich and powerful didn't make a man a good lover. To the contrary, Corvus knew that his own desire to please whatever woman he was with regardless of her class or status made him a bit of an odd bird. He'd heard the old saying repeated often enough: good sex was for mistresses. Wives and slaves would perform their duty.

Six girls? In the whole world, there were only six girls who might make a good wife to him? What if they all hated him? He'd still have to marry one of them, bring her into his house, and try to make the best of it. All of Roman society was built to accommodate men unhappy with their wives.

Far too much depended on tonight. Why couldn't Lucretia have waited a week and invited his entire pool of possible future wives to the wedding? As important as tonight might be to Crispa's future, it was hard to think of anything beyond those six girls waiting for him.

"Sorry I kept you waiting," called Crispa from the other room. "I'm ready now."

As she emerged, Corvus rose and kissed her on the cheek. She wore the pure white toga with the promised purple piping and belt. Her hair had been done in a style that might be suggestive of a laurel wreath with violets intertwined into the braid.

"You look lovely," he told her.

"Thank you," said Crispa. "The gold suits you."

"And the purple you." Corvus offered her his arm. "Should we go take the bull by his horns?"

"Yes." Crispa sounded uncertain, but took his arm. "I'm entitled to wear it. You know?"

"Of course," said Corvus easily. "The Iunii are an old imperial line." He was concerned about the repercussions of Crispa's wardrobe choice, but she must have a reason for it and he wasn't about to try to gainsay her on the matter.

Crispa didn't say anything as they walked down the hallway to the grand ballroom at the heart of his father's guest wing. Corvus realized now that the delaying tactic hadn't just been for the moment they were announced to the assembled party guests, but also for the first time Corvus himself saw her in the purple. She'd expected a fight.

Same as Elevated
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The Great DepressionChapter 8

How long did he stay with his mouth glued to her cunt? He couldn't say since time had no meaning for him then. As he moved his lips over the entrance of her cavern, he then made a discovery. There was a spot at the front, between the twin lips, that made her thighs squeeze his head each and every time his lips would touch that most sensitive place. He soon concentrated his attention of this small flesh projection that was in all evidence a center of excitement for Anna. He seized the morsel...

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  Shaking my head I opened my mouth then snapped it close. What in the hell was I going to say? I wasn't any good at feelings or emotions, thinking quick I decided that science was the answer. "Sheila, I did not mean to imply that you did anything wrong. For some humans, this is good for the circulation others not nearly as good."   Sheila's face seemed to take on a long pause as she digested what I had said so far. "You are not angered with me Doctor Gance?"   "Angered? How could...

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FilthyFamily Isabella Nice Fucking My Step Sisters Tight Asshole

My step sister wants it badly. She’s always coming on to me. This week she woke me up with a blow job so that I would help her with her math homework. She then came on to me in the kitchen as our parents were preparing dinner. She does not stop. So I had enough and had give it to her. I took her to my room where I fucked her in several different positions. She then begged me to slip my cock in her tight little asshole. I stretched her asshole further than it has before. Finally, I dropped a...

4 years ago
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Becky and Her Son Chapter 8

"So, did you like having two men at the same time?" John asked the next morning. Andrew had left late the night before after he had fucked Becky twice more and then watched John fuck her in the ass again. "God, I loved it. But of course I love your cock more," Becky said. "Of course," John said and smiled. "So do you think we should invite his mom over?" "Absolutely. How many chances do we have to actually find another mother and son who are having sex? It will give us both...

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The Triad and the Virgins Passion Chapter 2 Dryad Delight

Chapter Two: Dryad Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Seamus – The Dryad's Grove, The Kingdom of Haz I gripped my sword, the blade burning with the warrior god Gewin's enchantment, as I stepped out into the clearing. I had followed the sounds of moaning. I had thought the moans belonged to my wives, the twin sisters Fiona and Aoifa. I had lost them when the trees came alive and attacked us. I hacked my way through the trees, my sword stained with sap, and instead found the dryad...

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Young and Built

This story begans when I am in my teens (18) still in highs school and I can remember looking and enjoying other boys dicks, and all thru life I always wanted to try it, I was close one time with a friend of mine he was older in his 60's and I was in my 30's we were having a few drinks and we went to the rest room at the same time and he just said come on pee here I don't care and he stood on one side and I stood on the other side of the toilet. I kept looking at his dick and finally he said...

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Laying Out Got Me Laid

It was a summer day and I had a friend’s place all to myself. They knew about my “hobby” and told me to have fun as they left for work. I immediately prepared myself for a day of tanning by the pool. An hour later I was made up, oiled, and my ass was flushed clean. I was wearing a thong bottomed bikini with my breast forms, my favorite vibrating butt plug, and a wig I used for swimming and sunning. I was listening to music and sipping an iced tea enjoying the rays beating down on my nearly...

2 years ago
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Daniel 11

Immediately I notice the curve of his ass, I would know that bubblebutt anywhere. The jeans he wore fit perfectly around those two sexy asscheeks. I quietly approached his locker and put my arms around his waistand pulled him close to me. I wanted him to feel the bulge of my hardeningcock that was growing in my pants. Sean settled right in against my crotch and turned his head towardsmine. I kissed him softly on the lips and released him as we heard thejeers from our fellow...

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A sisterly Surprise

Jared discovers his sister's long held secret.At just over six and a half feet, Jared Williams had been widely recruited by a lot of major universities. With dark brown hair, near emerald green eyes and a build that turned a lot of women's heads, Jared knew he was an attractive looking guy. And as such, he could have dated just about any girl he'd set his mind to. If Jared had one flaw however, it was that he was extremely shy, innocent beyond words. Nearing twenty years of age in just a couple...

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Sex With Rashi Aunty

My name is parth and I am 22years old and before this amazing incident I was a virgin.I am writing a story about how i had sex with neighborhood aunty .I am a college student and rashi aunty is 42 year old beautiful lady and also she is a mother of 10 year old but still she’s very well maintained. I was a teen when she got married to the uncle in neighborhood.I met her for the first time when she was 31 in her marriage,she was looking very beautiful , I went to the stage with my parents,we...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 64 A Brief Break

It seemed that I had barely closed my eyes when the intercom chime pulled me back to full wakefulness. “Captain,” Ensign White said. “Mike tells me that we will finish linking to the dock in less than ten minutes. Why don’t you head to the airlock?” “My officers run me like they run the ship,” I grumbled as I got out of bed. “No we don’t,” Ensign White said merrily. “We just want you to get the relaxation you deserve. You saved us in that first system. I would have charged in and got us...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 6 First Day of School

August 1981, Chicago, Illinois The rest of the week went as planned. We went to Wrigley field to watch the Cubs lose to the Dodgers 5-0. We rode our bikes along the lakeshore and visited the museums. I went to my karate classes. And we fooled around a lot. Elyse was a very creative lover, and completely uninhibited. We made love in our beds, on the couch, on the floor of the living room, in the shower, and sitting in a kitchen chair. We even tried using the kitchen counter, but the angles...

2 years ago
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Beauty in Distress

Nobody loves a car-clamper.And I imagine the lady in that big Porsche loves me about as much as a puff-adder with typhoid on a bad day.But for me, it had been a really bad day - all day - and I'm afraid it left me very much wanting to sting someone.My clamping territory is small, manageable and highly lucrative, in an upmarket enclave of boutiques, restaurants and a couple of luxury blocks with a private car-park in the courtyard between them. We've posted-up all the warning signs about...

4 years ago
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My first time cheating

My first time cheatingSarah and I were together for a while in college. More than half year. It felt like a long time for college students. We acted just like best friends to our friends and the other students. But it was more than that. She taught me to truly touch another woman. I learned how to reciprocate. In no time I was using my mouth to satisfy her also. It was a wonderful experience. She taught me everything I needed to know to be a lesbian, even though I still did not consider myself...

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A good day out

It always picks up quick at lunch time as workers pop in for a fuck, so it was no surprise to see a guy make his way towards me and begin to play with my ass, his mouth wrapped around my cock as his fingers slipped inside opening my hole ready for his cock. It felt great as his cock slipped straight in balls deep first push, it wasn’t huge but it filled my ass nicely, his pace picked up as another guy entered the room, his cock found my mouth ready to fuck, as both urged one another on, my...

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Fairytale Adventures Ch8 Prince Charming the fina

Kristen awoke as the sun was coming through the leaves of the trees... she felt completely refreshed, and rather glad to be so well-clothed.As she walked along, she found a little side-path that led to a stream... thinking it would be nice to take a bath, Kristen stripped off her peasant-girl outfit that she'd gotten from the b**st's castle and climbed in. Splashing and playing she almost felt like an entirely new person!Suddenly, the whinny of a horse made her turn around... and she gasped....

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I love fucking pregnant women by PO469

For many years I have loved fucking pregnant women. When I was sixteen I had just finished doing yard work for my neighbors when she invited me in. She was twenty five and more than seven months pregnant and I was almost a virgin. While I was drinking the ice tea that she gave me, I watched her slowly pull her skirt up and spread her legs so I got a look at her pussy. She saw me looking and laughed and told me that I was blushing. Then she asked me if I had ever seen a girls cunt before. I told...

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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 9 The Sixth Lesson

At some point during the night, the cool air coming through my window chilled me, as I had kicked off the covers in my sleep. Without regaining consciousness, I rolled over and pulled the covers back, not noticing that I was sharing them. Hours later, an errant ray of sunshine stabbed into my eyelids, and I started to come awake. I was lying on my back, and I soon realized that a warm weight lay across my chest, and my legs. My eyes opened to see auburn curls blocking my vision. I realized...

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Finally Giving In

She had fought the urges for so long. She had dreamed and fantasized about taking a bare cock while she was in her fertile time. It was the one idea she obsessed over…This passion for ‘Playing The Game’ had cost her several boyfriends. None of them were man enough to want to plow her fertile fields. To prove their worth by exploding deep inside her and filling her with their c***d.She joined Tumblr to explore and express her desires. She read blogs by others who shared her passions, men and...

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The Nose Knows

The banshee-like howl from the other room brought me instantly wide awake... again! "Eeeeeiii-YA-A-a-hhhhh! FI-ILL me U-U-up!" Wild grunts and squeals accompanied my confusion as I rolled off the lumpy old couch and scrabbled, half awake in mortified shock, to stuff my few possessions in my bookbag. Still dressed from the night before, I scrunched into my shoes as the gasping and growling escalated, and fled out the front door with a little sob catching in my throat. Tangled hair was...

2 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 41

Ed Rollins retired Sheriffs deputy sergeant.‭-132 Divorced with one son John Rollins Ed’s son who graduated from law school. A bookworm. Lynne Rollins Ed’s ex-wife who never married again Alma Bishop widow of Amos Bishop and owner of old country store. Sally the widow Bishop’s daughter. David the contractor Son Perkins a moonshiner from the hills of Tennessee The stove man MIKE liquor supplier. Jesse orange he was a shiner in Arkansas Linda, Barry, and Megan the family Abrams Ed...

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Raping Diana

Summer vacation was great. No school, nice warm -- or even better, hot -- days and nothing to do. Sometimes the last could be a little boring, but Diana had ways to entertain herself. At 12 years of age, she gained sexual awareness about a year earlier as her breasts began developing. They weren't all that big now, but they had grown from painful puffed up nipples and embarrassingly pointy cones to almost fist-sized boobs that stuck straight out. Whenever Diana couldn't think of anything else...

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One saturday night

It was a Saturday night, you had put some music on to get you into the mood for the night ahead. You go into the kitchen to get yourself a glass of wine from the fridge, as you walk back into the bedroom you happen to look out of the window and see the silhouette of your neighbor in his bedroom window. As you are standing there looking out of your window he suddenly pulls the curtains open which makes you dart to one side so that you aren’t seen. You precariously peek around the curtains and...

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On Dog CreekChapter 3

On the third day after his father had left, Rocky moved onto Seamus' bed and slept there every day waking him earlier than he had been used to by licking his face at sunrise. Another two days passed as Seamus applied himself to asking various questions about how to care for the increasingly more active Rocky and trying to figure out what it was that caused his mother to look so spooked. Just after dawn on the sixth day after his father had hiked out of the area around their cabin Seamus was...

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Ghost of Statum ShoresChapter 5

Marlowe drempt, and slowly, but quietly children playing were heard in her mind, pouncing on the water and the voices began to repeat themselves in an echo, she was shuddered and the sounds grew louder and louder, take her down, take her down... take her down, and Rebecca grabbed her by the arm as she come close to her on the bank of the Ocmulgee, Rebecca's face was beautiful to the eye and then rapidly changed in to a horrible corpse, and the drums began beating, louder, in a rythmic beat...

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Rachel Rosenbaum

Rachel Rosenbaum bent over and lifted a box of oranges. G-d, they were heavy she thought, as her muscles strained to bear the weight. Her arms weren't used to this kind of work, as she had worked at a clothing store before her job here at a massive supermarket. It wasn't her choice to leave her old job, it was just that it paid better, and money was very important to her right now. As an 18 year old high school senior, she had to think about her future, which meant enough money for a state...

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Bang Bang In A Field

I was reluctant to attend the marriage of my best friend, reason being the ceremony was taking place in a remote village. I have nothing against villages pure clean air lush green fields no pollution and no maddening crowds there are so many in fact all are plus points.My only worry is the lack of proper latrines and the necessity to go into fields with a small bucket of water and of course the fear of snakes coupled with the nightmare of some females turning up unexpectedly when you are in the...

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one day you find a strange device laying around on the street. you pick it up to see what it is and you get a shock and faint. once you wake up you have a terrible headache that you just wish would go away. and as soon as you think that thaught, it does. confused about what happened you look around and you realize that you should have drove here instead of walking so that you could get home easier. as soon as the thaught enters your mind your car is next to you. you wander what the heck is...

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I sipped at my iced tea, watching my mother as she stood at the kitchen counter, deftly chopping vegetables. God, it felt good to be home. I'd just finished a brutal year of college, and looked forward to a relaxing summer with Mom.  You might have heard of my mother, actually, except that I can't tell you her name. She's a fairly successful author of historical novels. She ditched my loser of a dad when I was ten, and has been content to live on her own ever since, raising me along the way....

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The Love Journey Part 1

This is a new story. I compare the women in the story to actresses. Coming to the story. I am Jack, 19 years old. I had finished my 12th and I was on leave. My mom looks like Shriya Saran (actress browse the internet) 39 age. My mom married my dad at the age of 19. My dad, Jagan works abroad as a driver. He comes home once a year. I have learned about sex from my friends and I had a girlfriend in junior college. I have done only kissing and pressing her boobs nothing more than that. I don’t...

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Job HuntChapter 8

When he was finished sending his men out, Howard told me, "I have to call the FBI in. They are the ones who really have jurisdiction. We have a relationship with your agency because of people that go through the unemployment process, and it is our responsibility to protect federal employees and property. Some of them could be people we are looking for. Did you see the posters down by the counter? We have a stack of posters near each counter for your people to look at. It's surprising how...

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Becoming Daddys Good Girl 4 Sexy Vibrations

Chapter Four: Sexy Vibrations By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I awoke to the first rays of sunshine streaming through Daddy's bedroom window. They fell on my face as I lay beside him naked. I blinked and groaned, rubbing sleep from my eyes. I didn't want to be awake. It was too early. It was summer vacation, and a Saturday, and last night had been wild. Daddy took Sun, my best friend, and I into his BDSM dungeon in the basement. The room I had been forbidden to enter all eighteen...

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Hot Fucking Of Student In Lahore

Hi readers I am Babar from Lahore back after a long gap, sharing with you my real life experience. I am Lecturer in a college and don’t like to teach tuition specially I hate home tuition. Few months back a home tuition was referred to me from some of my colleagues with a strong recommendation to oblige the student. I was not interested in teaching but to oblige the colleague (who referred me) I decided to visit and guide the student who was a young girl and student of Intermediate. I reached...

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Susan Takes ChargeChapter 6

“I’ll see you at the weighing-in, when your life sum total’s made. And you set your wealth in godly deeds against the sins you’ve laid. So you place your final burden on your hard-pressed next-of-kin. Send the chamber pot back down the line to be filled up again. Take your mind off your election and try to get it straight. And don’t pretend perfection; you’ll be crucified too late.” -Jethro Tull, “Lick Your Fingers Clean“ It can be embarrassing picking out exactly the right outfit for a...

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The Problem and the Fix

Fiction! Eddy came to me one day and he said,"You know that I am gay. Do you also know that I can not get a hard on?" "No, I did not know that.What is the problem? And why is it coming up just now?" "When I was boy I was fucking my two aunts and my mother. One uncle is a Baptist preacher and they live in the parsonage next door to us. The other aunt and uncle live with us. This was going on for about two years and my dad and uncles caught us. They beat me up and then took me up to the office...

Erotic Fiction
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A Girl in Need Ch 05

This story of Pat and Jake seems to have taken on a life of it’s own that I never foresaw when I started it. We might even get to some passion in this, though if you are looking for quick sex scenes then you might do better with other stories. The characters and names except for certain places are totally figments of the writers mind, not based on real people, but people trying to cope with real people problems. Any incidents are again spin offs of real events, modified to become part of the...

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A Lesbian Love Storyof Sorts Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3: BUYING SOME TOYS The school week went on with little fanfare as it was report card week, so both Gwen and I were bombarded with work. Writing down comments for 60 kids in every category of learning is exhausting and brain-numbing. So on Friday, Gwen and I went out for drinks, to celebrate another ending of report card reporting; Rob was out of town as was often the case. After a couple drinks we left, Gwen saying she was exhausted and needed some sleep. I laughed and said it was only...

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Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl Ties That Bind

Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl: Ties that Bind I’m a Lawyer. I’m very busy on most days, so when my roommate Nicole suggests I go on a blind date with her friend, I use work as an excuse. ‘You’re always working, I’m sure whatever it is can wait. Its just one night, Danielle,’ Nicole says in my ear as I’m sitting at my desk on the phone. ‘I don’t have time for a blind date, Nicole,’ I reply ‘Make time, fake a sick day, have a day for Danielle once in your life. You’re gonna lose your...

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Bringing Back the Fire Part 2

Mixed feelings ran through me as our hotel room closed behind her. Although I had just received a truly great and satisfying blow job (from which I was still recovering), there was still a lingering bitterness. Cheryl had just walked out the door for the sole purpose of giving away what she had so long denied me, her husband whom she repeatedly professed to love so much, yet refused to have sex with. On the other hand, I understood the power of lust and the animal attraction that can grip us so...

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Its Only Incest If

Terri sat in front of the mirror and dried her hair. She had to rub a clear spot on the foggy mirror from time to time. That's because her brother, Bobby, was still in the shower. He had been waiting patiently, sitting on the chair at the dressing table when she got finished with her own shower. She'd stepped out naked, glistening with water droplets and his eyes had raked over her, as they always did, as they had for as far back as when she was thirteen and he was twelve. That's why she...

2 years ago
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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 2

RACHAEL STRETCHED OUT ON the bed, staring up at the ceiling in the dark room. The open window let in a lazy breeze that felt nice after the heat of the day. Anger still burned inside her. As much as she liked Grandpa, she was pissed that Mom had banished her to the middle of nowhere, and for the whole summer! The whole effin’ summer! She fingered the ring in her eyebrow, felt it tug her skin. She was beginning to regret getting it. It was ugly, but it had done its job by infuriating Mom....

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Hunting DelightsChapter 18 Game Over

It was the little eunuch who told her she was pregnant. "Nonsense," she said, "I'm forty-seven years old and I'm missing at least half my periods because of the menopause." "There is no doubt that you are pregnant. Your Master does not know who is the father," said the eunuch, "He says you have become pregnant because you enjoy sex far more than is proper, even for a concubine, and with too many men. For this he has decreed that you are to be punished." Zubeydeh could not deny,...

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Big Melon Valley

Please send any and all feedback to serrated2. Ron Marrick was in his room playing on his computer when his mother called for him. Pausing his game he walked over to his door and opened it just wide enough to stick his head out and yelled back to her. "What?" he asked. "Can you take out the garbage right now?" she replied. "Yeah okay." he said. Shutting his door, he went back to his computer to save his game and then turned it off. When he was done, he opened his door and stepped out into the...

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TeamSkeetLabs Maya Woulfe Samantha Reigns Current Events

What is “Current Events”? These are scenes based on the latest popular events happening in the world. Things that everybody is talking about, will take a sexual turn for everyone’s amusement. In today’s update, Zac Wild plays the part of Jeff Bezos who is holding auditions to choose a girl to go to space with him on his rocket ship. First he interviews nerdy girl Samantha Reigns who can’t seem to stop talking about the science of rockets, which is not exactly what Jeff was looking for. Next, he...

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My Sisters Room

My Sister's Room: Chapter One. Charlie was an 11 years old kid like any other. He liked watching TV, drawing, playing with his friends, playing videogames and he especially loved playing with his new computer, where he could finally search for some things he liked with the Internet. Charlie lived with his grandma Joan, his grandpa Vincent, her mom and her 13 years old sister, Andrea. They all had a happy family life, with almost no problems. Charlie really admired her sister. She...

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A Peasant Girl Chapter 12

Anna lay back and waited for the inevitable penetration. Then she was shocked to hear her father's voice cracking. "I... I can't do it while you watch. Your eyes are turning me to stone." "You're as bad as a woman," said Peshka with a harsh laugh. "You think it is something I haven't seen before? I cannot help you unless I see the act." "Look at my manhood, look how you shrivel it with your stare," protested Sergei Ivanovich. "How do I know your touch didn't do...

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Daddy Dom and Me

I love kitties and always really wanted a Siamese one but they're not so popular and definitely not free but a few days ago I found one on the internet and just needed to have it and approached daddy with the idea. "Can we please, please, please get the kitty?" I whined to him when he got home. "I don't think so...it's not a good time and I don't know if we can it the attention it needs." He was more stern than I expected. "But I want it!!" I pouted. Similar banter went...

1 year ago
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The Ring AOChapter 45 Board Meeting

At 10am they meet in the board room. Helena said “Well this is the first full board meeting for the new company GCVA. Gold Coast Vanuatu Airways. For the record I will list the people attending. Helena, Chairman, William, CEO, Joe, General Manager Australia, Engineer, (full name is Eugene Near), Manager plane operations. Ben, Suzanne, Legal, Fred, Finance. These are the directors of the company. Also in attendance is Lisa the Office Manager and note taker. Welcome all and I hope the titles...

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PurcellChapter 18 Purcell

Sam Warren led a considerably larger delegation to the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia in June of ‘72 than Gabe Lincoln had led to Chicago four years earlier. The state now had 14 electoral votes, and it had gone solidly Republican in ‘68. The delegation still could not stay in the hotels that most of the delegations used, but travel distance was shorter, perhaps because the city was more compact. Randolph and most of the other whites stayed at the regular, white,...

2 years ago
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The Cheater Part 2

After fighting with his wife, getting drunk and having sex with two men, Jason wondered how he was going to face his wife when the cab reached his house. He paid the driver for his ride and the ride to take the man that had driven his car home back to the bar. The man parked the car, handed Jason his keys, got in the cab and waved as the cab drove off. The whole ride home, he had wondered what he would say to Cheryl when he got home. he actually hoped she would be asleep when he got there, but...

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Green CloudsChapter 15

The rest of the morning was more like a normal job. I answered the phones. I ran a few errands. I greeted several visitors who had appointments with Mr. Porter and struggled not to laugh at the shocked looks on their faces when they saw me. It was just like working in a normal office except for the dress I'm wearing. I was a few minutes late getting out of the office at lunch time. I invited Linda to join me but she had an errand to run. I'm looking forward to talking to Rob and finding...

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Interesting TimesChapter 05

Matt turns his television on as his computer monitor then he lies back and goes on-line to start a search for suppliers of Video DVDs where he can buy a lot of movies and TV show sets at low prices. The initial search finds a huge list he soon cuts down a lot by adding restrictions to the search parameters by wanting only the operations in the local area, Sydney, Melbourne, and Canberra. Before long he has a much smaller list of websites he’s skimming through while getting a feel of what they...

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Private Tutor for Trophy Mom and Daughter

Introduction: This story was previously removed for underage. It has been revised to make the daughter 18 years old. Chapter I: Landing the New Job I graduated from college just as the economy took a sharp downturn and the job market for English majors was considerably bleaker than it normally is. After failing to land a teaching job, I put ads in some upscale publications as a private tutor. Living on Manhattans Upper West Side I thought I had a good chance of stringing along enough students...

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