The Summer of 78 Part 2
- 2 years ago
- 34
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The first time Corvus saw Quad Ulpius dressed in a toga, he burst out laughing.
"What?" Quad looked down at himself. "It's just a toga. You're wearing one too."
"I know. Forgive me," Corvus stood at the window, considering the view of the bay from his father's house, one of the many amenities he hadn't been able to duplicate in his own house. "That was the laughter of relief. I was starting to think this was some practical joke reserved just for me. Is this seriously how everyone's going to be dressed tonight?"
Quad nodded. "Even security. We've got white leather holster belts so they don't clash too much with the fabric."
Corvus shot Quad a sidelong glance. When the centurion said things like that, he was rarely joking, but it still sounded odd. "How do I piss in this thing?"
"The goal is not to piss in it," said Quad. "If you get a stall, you can just hike it up like it's your wedding night. If you're at the trough, either bring a servant or ask one of the attendants to hold your skirts for you."
The tailor Natta Manilus entered the room with a pair of silken rope belts over his shoulder, one in red and one in gold. "Citizen Corvus, have you chosen a color for your trim?"
Corvus frowned. "I thought that was decided."
Natta frowned and Corvus could feel another complication coming on. When he'd suggested Gaius receive Plautus Iunius with "all honors," he hadn't realized the term had a very specific meaning - one that included a formal banquet where all the guests wore togas with the trim color chosen by the guest of honor.
Unfortunately, Plautus Iunius insisted on wearing the purple. It was technically his right. The Iunii were officially an Imperial Family, descended from some of New Rome's last emperors. Even so, it was considered in bad taste for Plautus to wear it and there would have been a mutiny among the other guests if Gaius had asked them to take it up in Plautus's honor.
Instead of receiving Plautus "with all honors," they were now receiving him "with honors" - a distinction that boiled down to each guest choosing their own color to show the interests of their family. The red sash over Natta's shoulder would represent a martial affiliation and Gaius would certainly wear one. The gold represented politics. Corvus might choose it to represent his own ambitions in that field.
"Forgive me, sir," said the tailor. "I must have been distracted when the decision was made."
Corvus sighed. There would be implications to either and he didn't understand them all. To buy himself time, he asked, "What color will the widow Crispa Iunius be wearing?" It might be the red of her late husband, a soldier or her grandmother's gold.
"I haven't been informed, but I can have my assistant call and ask," said the tailor.
"Please do," said Corvus. "And help me out of this thing. I have a lot to do."
If Corvus had realized how much relied on his specific word choice, he would have found some other way to express his suggestion to Gaius in a way that didn't involve the word "honors." He was already dreading wearing a toga for his own elevation and for his mother's wedding. He really didn't need another party in the quintessentially old-fashioned garment. As soon as the tailor left, Corvus stripped down and put his street clothes back on, glancing at his watch. He still had time to talk to his mother.
Between opening up his new house and her preparations for the wedding, he hadn't seen much of Lucretia lately or even known how to get a hold of her very often. This morning, she was just across the hall for her own scheduled toga fitting. He knocked on the door and heard her call out for him to enter.
As it turned out, she wasn't being fitted for her toga, but her wedding dress. Corvus hadn't seen it before and was surprised as he approached from behind to see how much it followed the current flouncy fashion, complete with big sleeves and a white silk bow on the back of the waist that completely hid her shape. Three young women crouched around her gesturing and measuring with pins, chalk, and a cloth ruler.
"You do know you're not wearing that tonight, right?" Corvus asked dryly. "Not that it isn't a lovely dress, but it's really only supposed to be for the one day."
"Just some last-minute alterations." Lucretia turned around, sending the young women crouched around her into a small frenzy of trying to keep their place and redo the work she'd undone. "How do my tits look?"
Where the dress from behind had seemed very modern, the front hearkened back to a much older tradition where brides went topless to display their fecundity. From the waist up, the front of Lucretia's dress was made of a gauzy white material that normally would be more appropriate to a veil and clearly showed both the shape of her breasts and her dark nipples.
Corvus was surprised, but not shocked. This was Lucretia to a tee, bending tradition to her own ends. "You're built like a house slave, mother. You know that."
Lucretia gave a quick eye-roll at the vulgarity. "Yes. But am I built like a young house slave? I don't want to look ridiculous."
Corvus sighed. "They're magnificent, mother. You have nothing to worry about."
She turned back to the mirror, considering herself. "As nice as Paphian's?"
Corvus gave a short bark of laughter. "I haven't seen Paphian's."
She turned to him again, the girls again scrambling for position. "Whyever not? You have one of the most notorious hetaerae of the last century living under your roof. You should make good use of her." She frowned. "You're not still fixated on that Rose girl. Are you?"
Corvus shook his head, unsure whether Lucretia had confused his two slaves in her head or was just testing him. "No. I've diversified like you suggested. But, that's not what I hired Paphian Nova for. She's there to help with training. And honestly, I'd like to keep the number of people you and I have both slept with to a minimum."
Lucretia smirked. "What Paphian and I did hardly qualified as sleeping together. It was almost always business."
Corvus really didn't want the conversation to go down that road. He was well aware of his mother's tactic of discomfiting him as much as she could before springing whatever trap she'd set for him. "Actually, I wanted to ask you something about Labeo Vitellius."
"A sad, little man come to a sadder end," pronounced Lucretia. "I hope you manage to scrub the stink of sanctimony off the walls before I come visit."
"You knew him then?" Corvus asked.
"Of course. We saw each other at school functions fairly regularly. I hadn't spoken to him in years, though."
"Why not?"
Lucretia narrowed her eyes fractionally, but answered. "He never approved of your father ... your first father ... being a common soldier. He thought we were overreaching by moving to the school district." She gave a snort. "He even tried to get the school board to redraw the map so that our neighborhood wouldn't be grouped with his."
Corvus had never heard that before and wanted a few seconds to process it, so he asked, "Were you surprised to hear he'd committed treason?"
Lucretia raised an eyebrow. "I'm still not sure he did. He was a humorless prig, but he was a hidebound humorless prick. The whole reason we won the redistricting fight was because we had the imagination to break the rules and he didn't."
Corvus was so accustomed to getting information from his mother in dribs and drabs that he wasn't sure how to interpret the sudden open flow. "What do you think happened if he didn't actually do it?"
Lucretia shrugged. "He always thought he was way above his actual station. He either made an enemy or lost a friend and they moved against him. It happens more often than you like to think in this city."
Corvus decided to throw all caution to the wind. "Were you one of his enemies?"
Lucretia smirked. "Probably, but if you're asking if I had anything to do with his being executed, I didn't. Labeo Vitellius was a prick and he snubbed your father and me, but if I went after everyone who fit that description, you wouldn't have much of a plebiscite left in your district."
Corvus gave a humorless snort of laughter at the truth of that statement. "Well, if you do decide to start having people killed, please give me a heads up so I can do some damage control."
Lucretia reached up and patted his cheek. "Always, my dear boy. We are a team after all. That's not going to change just because we're both getting married. Is it?"
"I'm getting married?" Corvus asked.
"Well, not this week. But you should soon." said Lucretia. "By my figuring, there are six girls of the appropriate age and station in capital society and, as fate would have it, all six of them will be at this banquet tonight."
"Funny how that works out when you let fate choose the guest list," deadpanned Corvus. "Will you let me know who they are so I can make a point of meeting them?"
"They know who they are," Lucretia told him. "They'll make a point of meeting you. If they're not bright enough to do that much, they're not as appropriate as I thought. You do know it's important to marry for love. Don't you, Corvus?"
The statement came so far from out of nowhere, Corvus sensed it had to be some kind of a setup. "Is it?"
Lucretia nodded. "Yes, so you'll want to decide which of the six you're liable to fall in love with and let me know so I can start arranging things with her family."
Corvus got back to his house just in time for Clover to report that Crispa was up and about and nearly ready for breakfast.
"How is she?" he asked.
"Much recovered," answered Clover. "She's had a bath and coffee and said she was hungry. Also, there's a ... woman in your office waiting to talk to you. She wouldn't tell me her name or why she's here, but Malcolm says she's from the agency and that you would know what that means."
Corvus drew in a breath. "Ah, good. Thank you. I'll attend to that first. Please let Crispa know I'll join her shortly."
When he saw the woman waiting for him in his office and using his phone, he understood Clover's hesitation in what to call her. His first thought was that she must be a slave sent over to deliver a message. She had reddish-blond hair and the pale skin common in Europe, but when she turned and held a finger up to keep him from speaking over her conversation, she lacked any provenance mark. Appearances to the contrary, she was a Roman citizen.
She finished her phone conversation and put the retriever down. "Good, you're here. I need a slave name."
"Beg pardon?"
She held out a hand. "Alyce Londinia, at your service."
Corvus shook her hand. Her surname explained part of the riddle. Alyce must be from London and one of the European-born Roman citizens who'd been joining the empire ever since the conquest of Britannia. "Corvus Gallicus."
As he shook, he looked Alyce over. She was pale, even paler than Rose and had reddish-blonde hair and green eyes. When she'd spoken, her Latin had a soft, lilting accent he didn't recognize.
She leaned back against his desk, ankles crossed and said, "I need a slave name - one appropriate to your household. I'll be working undercover."
"Pretending to be one of my slaves?" Corvus asked. "While watching Plautus Iunius?"
Alyce glanced to one side. "Is this room secure?"
"The army swept it over the weekend."
She nodded. "Yes. I'll be masquerading as one of your slaves so I can watch Plautus Iunius while he's a guest in your father's house."
"Tansy," said Corvus.
The young patrician smirked. Alyce Londinia wasn't the only one who would speak in cryptic non-sentences. "Most of my slaves are named after flowers. It's a naming convention I've inherited. I have Clover, Rose, Datura, and Lily, but I don't have a Tansy."
"All right." Alyce extracted a single sheet of paper from a thin leather case and wrote something down on it. "The story is that I'm Tansy. You just bought me for your household and you're lending me to your father to help out with the upcoming wedding. Malcolm will assign me to the rooms Plautus Iunius is using. I'll be your eyes and ears there and report back to you and the Widow once a night or more often if it seems like things are moving quickly."
She handed Corvus the paper, a standard form with the word "Tansy" written in one place. "Sign this, have it witnessed, and have it faxed to my agency. I'll start working as soon as they get it."
Corvus took the paper and read it, frowning. "This is a writ of manumission."
Alyse nodded. "It's my escape clause. Once I get the tattoos, there isn't much identifying me as a Roman citizen. If somebody tries to make a case that I'm really a slave, we have this to fall back on."
Corvus frowned as he read the writ over for any non-boilerplate language. "Do you find that the tattoos actually convince people you're a slave?"
Alyse shook her head. "Not alone. I need to act like a slave."
Corvus raised an eyebrow. He'd known Alyse less than a minute and already found her brusque and faintly masculine. "That must be some act."
Alyse went smoothly to her knees, her whole posture changing as she went. When she looked up at Corvus, her eyes had lost their keen focus and held instead the look of almost worshipful admiration he'd only seen in the eyes of slave girls.
"How may I serve, sir?" Her accent was instantly thicker than it had been a moment ago, reinforcing her foreignness.
The net effect was startling - as if the brash young spy had actually disappeared and been replaced by a slave with similar features. If Corvus had seen "Tansy" in the halls, he might not have connected her with Alyse Londinia. She wore a citizen's clothes, but she looked like a slave playing dress-up, not a citizen playing slave.
"Remarkable," acknowledged Corvus. "Won't it be dangerous for you to walk around looking like that?"
Alyse rose, shedding her slave demeanor as quickly as she'd put it on. "You're paying a standard danger rider. The target is a guest in your father's house with no known history of mistreating slaves. There's always some danger of these missions not turning out as expected. If the danger turns out to be too much for me to handle alone, you'll need to arrange for additional personnel or scuttle the mission."
Corvus gave a thoughtful nod. That hadn't been exactly what he meant, so he decided to try a different tack. "Yes. But ... if I may ask, how will you avoid someone deciding to ... uh, use you ... as a slave."
Alyse smiled like a predator. "I don't. My goal is to get close to the target. If he's not some kind of weird pervert, I expect to be in his bed tonight." Corvus must have shown what he thought of that in his face because her smile softened. "It's what I'm trained for and I'm good at it, but thank you for your concern."
Corvus shook his head. This was a whole new world to him, but he wasn't going to try to buck it. "All right. Is there anything I can do besides signing and faxing this form?"
Alyse shook her head. "Just try not to send too many pretty girls to serve Plautus Iunius while he's in your father's house. I don't need the competition. And remember, the next time you see me, I'm Tansy."
Corvus found Crispa at one of the small tables in the central courtyard. She'd chosen a table in the shade and wore a pair of dark sunglasses, but otherwise seemed none the worse for wear from the night before. Before her sat a plate of fresh fruit and a steaming mug of coffee.
Corvus slid in across the table from her "I've just met a most peculiar woman."
"No you haven't. You've known me for almost a month now. I just look different without makeup."
Corvus laughed. "Not you. I just met my first Colonial and my first professional spy ... as far as I know." He slid the paper he'd been given across the table. "I need you to witness that, please."
Crispa signed it. "What is it?"
"A writ of manumission." To her surprised look, he went on to explain.
Crispa nodded slowly. "Clever. A slave might be the perfect spy. It certainly wouldn't occur to me. I probably told Clover far more than she would ever want to know about my childhood last night."
"Slaves don't want anything." Corvus delivered the line with perfect aplomb. "Service is the master's gift that saves them from the suffering of desire."
"That is the party line." Crispa poured herself more coffee from the silver pot sitting between them. "And I think your girl might be a true believer. She's ... incredibly sweet."
Corvus accepted the pot from her and poured coffee for himself. "Her service was a comfort?"
Crispa chuckled. "I'd try to buy her from you if you weren't so clearly attached."
Corvus shook his head. "Definitely not for sale."
"Could I borrow her again sometime? I'd let you try Ibis if you liked."
"I'd rather try Sunya Green," said Corvus, more an idle fancy than a bargaining position.
"That would have to be soon. Her contract's wrapping up at week's end and I'm not planning to renew."
Corvus raised an eyebrow. "Problem?"
"No." Crispa shook her head and sipped her coffee. "She was a special treat that I knew I couldn't afford indefinitely and her owner has her lined up to make another movie once I'm done with her."
Corvus sipped his coffee and nodded thoughtfully.
"How about tonight?" Crispa prompted.
Corvus hadn't specifically meant to make the swap at all and felt that, at the very least, he should ask Clover how she felt about such an assignment. But that instinct was almost certainly wrong. Every conversation where he'd tried to suss out what Clover really wanted had been awkward and frustrating. Clover wanted to serve and make Corvus happy. That was the only answer he would get.
Would Clover and Crispa being together making Corvus happy? The idea certainly didn't make him unhappy in the way that the possibility of Clover serving some other man did. If the three of them were to wind up in bed together, he certainly couldn't imagine having any objections.
"I'd really like a chance for her to see me at my best," prompted Crispa. "I was kind of pathetic last night."
Corvus put aside that last thought. He wasn't sure what the protocol was for following up on turning down a patrician woman's offer of sex, but coming back the next day and suggesting they get together with his slave would probably be considered less than diplomatic.
"You're planning to be at your best when you get home from the banquet tonight?" Corvus sipped his coffee.
Crispa batted her eyelashes at him. "Knowing Clover's waiting for me might just be the incentive I need to get me through tonight intact."
Corvus rolled his eyes at the obvious gambit, but laughed at the same time before becoming serious. "Clover's very special to me, you know."
"I can see why," said Crispa earnestly.
"You'll be nice to her?" Corvus wasn't sure what he was asking exactly, but he felt the need to ask anyway.
"I will," said Crispa earnestly.
Corvus sighed and gave a nod. "Fine. Send Sunya over tonight. I'll let Clover know you've asked for her."
Crispa smiled at him from behind her dark sunglasses. "You really are a good friend, Corvus. Would you like to borrow Ibis as well?"
Corvus shook his head. "Honestly, she scares me a bit."
Crispa seemed to be waiting for more and when none was forthcoming shrugged her shoulders. "Well, if that's not your thing, you probably wouldn't enjoy Ibis much."
Corvus nodded. His mind was already on to other things. "Apparently, I'm supposed to fall in love at dinner tonight."
"Oh, dear," Crispa said with mock horror. "And you're so young. Who with?"
"No idea," admitted Corvus. "Lucretia says there are six acceptable matches in the whole empire and that they'll all be at the party tonight."
"Five more choices than I had," Crispa said brightly. "Not that I'm complaining. My husband was actually a lovely man, much nicer than I ever was." A cloud passed momentarily over her eyes. "Marriage can be a wonderful thing and, if you have a choice as to who you're going to do it with, I'd take choosing well seriously. There's a lot of variety in girls - even the acceptable ones."
Corvus hadn't expected such earnestness from his friend, which made it all the more impactful. "I agree. I was hoping you would be there when I met them."
Crispa raised an eyebrow. "May I ask why?"
"I want your opinion of them - first impression, anything you know about them personally, rumors, anything like that," said Corvus. "And I want to see how they react to you - maybe even ask them what they thought of you later. I doubt any of them will tell me directly what they think of me, but they can still reveal a lot by what they think of you."
"Ah. You want me to be polarizing and catty. I can do that," said Crispa. "In fact, it might be what I do best."
After giving Crispa a ride to his father's house, making sure that she was set up in the guest wing, and reassuring her that she could come hide in his wing of the house if things got to be too much, Corvus headed back to his rooms. Clover met him at the door to the antechamber. "How may I serve?"
"Has my toga arrived?" Corvus asked.
"No. Someone from Natta's team called a few minutes ago to ask what color trim you'll be wearing."
Corvus muttered a curse. "I meant to ask Crispa what color she was wearing so that we could match."
"The Widow Iunius will be wearing the purple tonight," said Clover.
Clover gestured to the phone. "The man from Natta's shop said she'd be wearing purple tonight. I asked him to confirm and he did. Does that affect your decision?"
Corvus scowled and shook his head. "Not really, but I wonder what she's playing at." Without the guidance he'd hoped for and having no time to confer with anyone else, he made a snap decision. "Let them know I'll be wearing the gold tonight, please."
"Very good." Clover headed for the phone.
"The Widow Iunius has asked me to send you to her rooms to serve her after the banquet." Corvus said as casually as he could manage.
Clover smiled brightly. "She was pleased with my service, then?"
"Apparently so," said Corvus. "It's just for tonight."
"Of course." Clover indicated the phone she'd been headed for. "May I call the tailor? They seemed eager to get this information."
Corvus nodded. "Yes. Of course." He waited until she'd made the call. "How much work do you think it would be to set up a private party at the Butterfly Club two weeks from now?"
"How large a party?" Clover asked.
"About two hundred people."
Clover frowned. "I can check, but I think you'd have to rent out the whole club for a group that large. And clubs like the Butterfly are generally booked months in advance for this season with all the weddings and graduations."
"Never mind. It was just an idle thought," said Corvus.
"If you tell me what you had in mind, I can probably come up with a number of alternatives," said Clover.
"I ... was thinking that graduation is going to be in two weeks, : said Corvus. "It's the last chance I'm going to have to see that group as a group and they are going to be part of my plebiscite. When I was still going to school there, nobody was very happy with the options for our after-graduation party."
Clover bit her lip thoughtfully. "Would you like me to look into what can be arranged for that weekend?"
Corvus nodded. "All right. Let me know what you find out."
Corvus sat waiting in the antechamber of Crispa's borrowed rooms while Ibis went to fetch her. As silly as the toga seemed, what really bothered him was the subligar. The loincloth worn under a formal toga reminded him more of a diaper than proper underclothes and was fitted through a clever but hard-to-remember bit of folding. He'd spent an inordinate amount of time having Clover show him how to do the folds correctly. But he didn't want his first official public appearance to be remembered for his underwear having fallen down.
After a few minutes, Sunya Green emerged and knelt smoothly before him. "Citizen Corvus, the Widow Iunius has been delayed in her preparations. How may I serve?"
And just like that, another long-held fantasy was staring him in the face. Sunya Green was a sex symbol - the first woman he could ever remember wanting, albeit from the far side of the silver screen. She was lighter-skinned than most Roman citizen with jet-black hair and warm diamond-shaped eyes rimmed with kohl. She was dressed in a sparkling aqua sari and made up like she might run off and shoot a movie at any moment. Corvus found himself staring.
"Citizen?" Sunya asked after a long pause.
Corvus shook his head. "Sorry. What?"
"How may I serve?"
Corvus played back the last minute in his head and remembered what she'd said. "Oh. Do you know how long Crispa will be?"
Sunya looked thoughtful. "Another ... twenty minutes, perhaps thirty, I think."
Corvus glanced at his wrist before remembering that men in formal togas didn't wear watches. He looked at the wall instead. In twenty minutes, they would be late, but he supposed that might be the point. Crispa wearing the purple with her toga would almost certainly cause a stir and she probably wanted to make an entrance. "I'll wait. Thank you."
"May I offer you a refreshment or some other service while you wait?" Sunya prompted.
Corvus wondered not entirely idly how long her soliloquy from High Seas declaring her love and longing for her sailor husband thought lost during a storm was and if she still remembered it. The whole speech couldn't be more than three or four minutes - much less time than Crispa was expected to take. It had always been one of his favorite moments in film. There were plenty of Pax Dulci actresses who were nothing more than a pretty face and a nice body. Sunya on the other hand was a great actress as well. She'd really made him wish someone would one day love him that much.
He realized he was staring again. Embarrassed, he said, "Just some water, please. My throat's gone a little dry."
As he watched her sashay off, Corvus realized that Sunya Green was going to be waiting for him in his rooms when he got back from this party and felt a moment of pure panic. He had no illusions about his skill as a great lover and for several years, Sunya Green had been the hottest of hot commodities out of Pax Dulci. She was older now - maybe thirty or so, but in her prime, she'd served the sons of some of the richest and most powerful families of New Rome. He wasn't ready to be compared side-by-side with those scions of wealth and power.
When Sunya returned and handed him the glass of water, she met his eyes and gave a little self-aware smile. It was enough to make Corvus grin and chuckle. He didn't need to worry about how he stacked up against scions of wealth and power. He was one of them. Besides, being rich and powerful didn't make a man a good lover. To the contrary, Corvus knew that his own desire to please whatever woman he was with regardless of her class or status made him a bit of an odd bird. He'd heard the old saying repeated often enough: good sex was for mistresses. Wives and slaves would perform their duty.
Six girls? In the whole world, there were only six girls who might make a good wife to him? What if they all hated him? He'd still have to marry one of them, bring her into his house, and try to make the best of it. All of Roman society was built to accommodate men unhappy with their wives.
Far too much depended on tonight. Why couldn't Lucretia have waited a week and invited his entire pool of possible future wives to the wedding? As important as tonight might be to Crispa's future, it was hard to think of anything beyond those six girls waiting for him.
"Sorry I kept you waiting," called Crispa from the other room. "I'm ready now."
As she emerged, Corvus rose and kissed her on the cheek. She wore the pure white toga with the promised purple piping and belt. Her hair had been done in a style that might be suggestive of a laurel wreath with violets intertwined into the braid.
"You look lovely," he told her.
"Thank you," said Crispa. "The gold suits you."
"And the purple you." Corvus offered her his arm. "Should we go take the bull by his horns?"
"Yes." Crispa sounded uncertain, but took his arm. "I'm entitled to wear it. You know?"
"Of course," said Corvus easily. "The Iunii are an old imperial line." He was concerned about the repercussions of Crispa's wardrobe choice, but she must have a reason for it and he wasn't about to try to gainsay her on the matter.
Crispa didn't say anything as they walked down the hallway to the grand ballroom at the heart of his father's guest wing. Corvus realized now that the delaying tactic hadn't just been for the moment they were announced to the assembled party guests, but also for the first time Corvus himself saw her in the purple. She'd expected a fight.
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WHORE By Emma Finn Updated and streamlined from its original online publication, Whore is now part of the short story compilation AN New You by Emma Finn, available on Amazon and Smashwords... 1 I was almost certain she was a whore and that tantalised me - that I was spying on her without her knowledge. It thrilled me almost as much as fingering the slip of paper in my pocket, knowing about the power the unnatural words on it contained. I asked myself, just for a...
We were a typical couple, grown kids across the country, empty nesters that really didn’t have that much in common anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my wife, but I soon found out after we married that we were not sexually compatible at all. We did have sex early on in our marriage but it just wasn’t what I wanted in life. I am a lover of the female gender in every way. I love to touch, taste and feel my way through love making, to be adventurous and try everything at least twice. I am...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Street Rat - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Eric Carroll was a child prostitute who did his tricks for drugs. An unscrupulous doctor with a strange kinky desire, traded the drugs he supplied to the boy with feminine hormones from the hospital's...
Miranda (Joanna Angel) and Gloria (Kayla Paige) are two wealthy, powerful business owners. Longtime friends, they have just finished eating lunch together at Gloria’s office. Gloria’s personal assistant, Naomi (Aliya Brynn), is also there, silent and subservient, waiting at Gloria’s beck and call. As Miranda and Gloria chat, it quickly becomes clear how elitist and arrogant they are. They are casually catty and demeaning towards each other, but are especially mean-spirited...
xmoviesforyouWill and Romeo have noticed that all their stuff keeps disappearing out of nowhere! They have no idea who could be the culprit, so they decided to set a trap. They placed a pair of sunglasses under quite the cartoon like contraption. They pretended to leave the house then snuck in through the back to keep their eyes on the trap. Little Elle Voneva from across the way wandered inside to start looting. She noticed the shiny sunglasses right away and went in for the swipe. Just as she grabbed...
xmoviesforyouThis was a first time in my lifetime that we had face this issue, there was a major blackout in our area. The electricity had been out for an entire day and now night had started to fall. Readers, the story you are about to read happened in the month of May 2018. My name is Abdul Mirza. I am 19-year-old. I live in Panvel city near Mumbai. My family consists of my dad, mom, and two elder sisters. My dad is 51 years old. He has been working in Saudi for 15 years now. He went so that he can get...
IncestHi fellas, this is ronn again from Delhi with a new story which involves me & a lady whom I met at a family function. Thanks to this wonderful platform where we can share our hidden desires and secrets. About me I’m a normal guy from Delhi with a 5-inch tool and the lady in the story is Nikki who’s from Noida. A smart lady with complete good assets, blonde hairs and a very good sense of humor. Her vital stats are 34-30-36. Ass is quite bigger and she is a bit on a bulky side which I loved the...
James woke to a new sensation, to the peculiar feeling of a warm body wrapped around him. He looked at the woman who slept in his arms. She was relaxed. When she was awake she was always worried and insecure. But in her sleep nothing mattered. Angela opened her eyes slowly. "Good morning. Why did you wake up?", he asked and kissed the top of her head. "Because you woke up", she murmured. "How is that possible?", he laughed and she snuggled even closer. "I don't know. It's just...
Tabitha Awakes By Sammy It had been several months since I had gone to the prom as Tabitha and I was now starting my first year of collage. Me and Stacy ended up going to the same school so I was hoping it still have her in my life. I had been looking forward to starting collage all summer just to try to put the event of prom-night behind me and the desire to be Tabitha, hoping it would help me to push Tabitha out of my mind. I figured sharing a dorm with another guy I wouldn't be...
Misao: YOU'RE LEAVING THE AOIYA!?! (Kenshin silently fits a new handle on the reverse blade.) Misao: Why?! Now, when you finally got a new reverse blade? (She charges at him with such ferocity that they butt heads. They both clutch their aching heads.) Okina: Settle down, settle down. Himura, you owe us a reason. (No reply.) Misao: You're not gonna talk?? Okina: You stay back. (Kenshin hammers the new handle on.) Okina: You don't want to tell us? Well, after all, we're perfect...
Donna waited for a response. She felt fairly certain that she was correct but under the circumstances she just couldn't be sure. The delay, a few seconds that felt like minutes, increased her apprehension. Was she right? What was going to happen? She felt his tongue gently licking at her nipple. A sense of relief came over her as a warm glow spread throughout her body. Her guess was right. She smiled. Everything else faded out as she experienced the joy of having her sensitive...
By the next day, her hands had healed and didn't need my help at all. I had slept till late after fapping the fuck out of myself. I hadn't expected her to be such a perv. I knew I was one but did not know about her. She didn't behave different or surprised with what had happened a day before. I didn't even know what it was supposed to be from here on. I tried to test waters. "how are your hands now mom?" I asked. "I am good now." she replied coldly and left the tent. There were no...
Anyway as a result I may be slower to post than usual as I try to beat this twisty, hellish yarn I choose to call a story into submission. Sorry, hopefully the story will be better for it. In other news: OVER 200,000 WORDS! HORAY! ________________________________________ “Hello?” The shopkeeper peered, bleary eyed, at the figure standing on the other side of the glass door. “Sorry we‘re closed now.” “Good.” The hooded man pushed the door open roughly. “Then there will be no...
With the end of school, came an opportunity to work full time. I needed to work full time so I could earn more money. Another advantage of coming back to this time period was that I could invest my money in stocks. The problem was that I never paid much attention to the stock market in my previous life. What I did know, however, was that certain companies especially in the upcoming age of the personal computer would be very good investments especially if you could get in early. Companies like...
In “Security Risk, Part Two,” Mayor Dee Williams has a major problem: she is being blackmailed and fucked by an unknown hacker, Mickey Mod. When he calls Dee to get his two million dropped into a crypto wallet, it is revealed that his girl on the inside is none other than Victoria Voxxx, Dee’s annoyingly earnest speech writer… Dee is furious and drags Victoria to see her criminal colleague, Quinton James. This dangerous and handsome man stalks around Victoria, questioning her to see if...
xmoviesforyouI was a 16 year old boy living with my parents and my 19 year old sister.My parents both work so almost every day when I come home from school I put on my laptop and look at porn on x-hamster jerking myself off. Today I had to wait cause my sister and her friend were home. I was in my room hoping that my sister would go out so I could jerk myself off. I was horny as hell and lucky. My sister yelled from her room if I need anything from the store. I said no, when will you be back. Half an hour...
Introduction: Constructive criticism welcome. I cant gey better unless I know whats wrong. I waved good-bye and watched my mom and dad drive away. As soon as they were out of sight, I pulled a cigarette from my purse and lit it. About a year and a half ago, my parents had decided that they needed a weekend away with no kids. It had been so much fun that they made a regular thing of it. Now, the second weekend of every other month was their designated alone time. That meant that my sister and...
When are home; we always have a hard time keeping our hands off each other. I am always walking up behind her to grab her tits or ass. She loves to wear tube tops a lot and I love to come up behind her and pull it down and massage her tits or suck on her nipples. She loves to squeeze my ass when I was doing something in the kitchen and rub her hand thru to my dick. She also loved to hold my dick when I’d take a leak. Never understood that one, but it was fun. I work four nights a week...
Desert Heat – Part 13Friday morning came and Ginger and I slept later than we anticipated. The other three had already left for work. We found a note saying that they let us sleep and looked forward to seeing us when they got home. Ginger poured some coffee and we grabbed a quick breakfast. I asked Ginger what she wanted to do today since the house was clean, the laundry and yard work done and we did our shopping the day before. She said that she would like to run out and try to find...
Following my afternoon nap I slip on my soft pink silk robe over my nakedness, walking over to the window I see that now, contrary to this morning that it’s raining lightly. Mmmmm, rain can be so sexy. I felt like a little music so I turn on my Sade Love Deluxe cd and dance with myself until I dance right over to my fully stocked bar making myself a Cosmo. I don’t know why I opted for alcohol knowing that the shit goes straight to my pussy but I did…and I poured myself another. Leaving...
Kenzie Madison and her stepbrother Brad Sterling have to share a room with a bunk bed when they visit their Aunt’s house. There’s lots of sexual tension between Kenzie and Brad, which freaks Brad out. He tries to express his concerns to his mom, Claudia Monet, but Claudia tells Brad that it’s perfectly normal for girls Kenzie’s age to be curious about sexual things. She suggests that Brad show Kenzie his dick to normalize it for her. Kenzie gets an eyeful, but Claudia...
xmoviesforyouMy life was a bit of a nightmare. I had to grow up real fast. My mother was a single mother. She didn’t have any college education, so she had to do shit jobs. She mostly worked in a bar as a cocktail waitress. Although, I do think she might have done other work on the side. She had the neighbor next door watching my young siblings. I was old enough to take care of things in the house. She expected me to do the cleaning and all of the cooking. I was basically her slave. She’d always bring men...
My sister Anne (she's the religious one in the family) tells me that I am a whore. I love her dearly, but what does she know? She's twenty-eight and still a virgin. It was my own fault though. I never should have taken Alan anyplace where someone who knows me could have seen us together, but see us together Anne did, kissing and hugging, and the next day she demanded to know what I was doing. When you have been caught there is no use in denying so I told her I was spending some quality time...
We are back on the legendary Bang Bus today with our boy Tony Rubino. We got a little lost and ended up by a courthouse, where we ran into a very sexy lawyer. We thought there would be no way a classy woman like this would ever get on our bus…but I’ve been wrong before, and I was wrong again! This lawyer was a total freak. It didn’t take long to get her to flash us her perky tits and hop on our bus for a good time. Tony starts to finger her tight pussy and she melts to the... a dj....traveling around the globe playing my music....why xhamster?first is love to make erotic vids...second ..everybody on x hamster love no bullshit talk about your real the thing I dont like are FAKE people .GUYS WITH GIRLSPROFILES....we all have some in our friendslist.....[fuck you all.....]WHAT DO I LIKE?love to talk late at night with lovely ladies..about you and your things you like.why are you on xhamster?watching porn ?...
Karen and Wendy approved of Dan’s light blue sports shirt and dark slacks combination for his date with Tina. “Why are you making such a fuss about my dinner date with Tina?” he asked. “This isn’t our first time out alone. We went out to celebrate the first year of meeting each other only two months ago.” “Don’t you know by now that Tina loves you and we expect you to love her too?” Karen said. “I know she loves me and I love her too.” “A man likes it when his girl dresses sensually well...
Later that evening after dinner and coffee Bill and Caroline, Valerie and the Cox brothers, Maddy and Naomi were joined by two more of Caroline's family, Tara and Michael Chesterton. Also there from a spectacular night at the 'Pussy Galore' (Nine Memorable Days — Thursday Chapter 49) were Sarah Pendleberry, Robin Ottoman and Justin Robertson's girlfriend, Vikki Thompson. Also arriving to pick up Naomi were her parents Peter and Angela Johnson. It was late so nobody stayed too long and...
With everyone eating breakfast at the same time for once, Amy prepared the table in the dining room rather that the smaller kitchen table. As she saw the girls enter she said to Hannah, "So, you're on two legs today, I take it that means you'll be eating at the table with the rest rather than that dog bowl on the floor." "I probably won't need my dog bowl again until next summer." Hannah said smiling as she took her place at the table. The boys came into the dining room next, and on...
*Tuesday Morning* The sunbeams filtered into the room waking me from a restful sleep. As I lay there, my thoughts drifted to dinner with Beth. Asking myself, was it the alcohol that encouraged her to flirt with me or was she aware of what she was doing? I was unsure of the answer. Sitting up, I unsnapped my garters. My hands traveled down my leg removing the nylons one at a time. My thoughts drifted to Beth running her foot along my leg during dinner. I have never been sexually interested in...
Hello everyone! This is my first story here so please show some love! Here in this story I am going to share you about my lust affairs with my niece who gave away her innocence to shower me with all her love! To tell you about myself, I am a male of average build, 32 years and I stay in Mumbai with my wife. So it all started way back when I was in college and used to visit my cousin brother in Mumbai during my vacations. He lives there with his wife (my bhabhi) and two of the most amazing...
IncestChapter 6 - Sarah and Kent It was Friday two weeks after the conference and Sarah was having a quite afternoon in the office. The visit plans for the next week was complete and most of the timesheets for the previous week had been returned although there were always a few that were missing usually from the same people. Sarah would have to have a word with them, there was no reason for them to be as late as some always seem to be, after all the other careers managed to get theirs in on...
As you know I am a little on the short side but quite well endowed in the boob department. Many of the ladies reading this will know that this is quite often a mixed blessing. I was well used being the butt of crude remarks in my teenage years and I suppose I allowed this to effect my confidence. Almost always going out wearing cardies, coats etc etc. in attempt to cover up, I suppose I must have cut an odd sight!On the evening that I first met Joe, I was out with the girls, so was showing a...
When we get back to our room, we’re surprised to see a bucket with chilled champagne in it and four glasses waiting. You pour us each a glass, then sit back in a chair, loosening your tie. “Why don’t you two enjoy yourselves for a bit?” I move to you and sit on your knee, leaning down to kiss you deeply. You slide your hand up my thigh and return my kiss. I hear music begin to play and I pull back, turning to see Beth walking towards us. She pulls me to my feet and against her body, grinding...
Group SexMy friend ross is like me 15, is again quite tall around 5'10, reasaonably thin but no real muscle defintion. He has browny blonde hair and green eyes, and from what i remember about a 6 inch cock. Now for the girls. Lisa is 17 and is around 5'6 with long brown hair and lovely big brown eyes to match, she has long defined legs and a quite a big ass, and has about 36c tits. Kerri is older at 20 and is shorter at 5'4 she like her sister has brown eyes and hair, has long toned legs, a smaller...
Listen to the Music Part 6 We stopped at a local restaurant and had a nice little meal. We talked for quite awhile about how things have been working for both of us in business and life. I started to have a whole new set of feelings about Ken and how our relationship was moving on. After we had our dinner we decided to head back to Ken's place. We dropped off the packages from today's shopping at my place and walked over to his apartment. Ken brought out another bottle of wine...
As we were leaving, Julie came over not quite able to be bitchy anymore but still looking curious and a little dazed. "Aren't you guys having dessert?" she asked. Mrs. S was totally into the Lana character when she leaned over and whispered but not too softly "I need something sweet with a nice gooey cream filling so Stephen is going to fulfill me which he's so good at." Julie completely froze. We walked out, got in the car and drove off. It was incredible!I was feeling awesome as I drove....
Will was a narcissist. He would spend hours at the gym then come home and look at himself in the mirror, making sure to not how good looking he was. He was constantly putting down his friends and family for not being as good-looking as he is. He thought it was harmless fun, but he would go to new lengths to make sure everybody knew who was the best looking around. He went over the edge one night by making fun of his roommate Chris's penis size in front of his girlfriend. Chris was...
I turned off the water. "I wonder why Max hasn't asked me to have sex again," I said, getting out of the shower.I grabbed a towel and dried off for a moment.I peeked at myself in the mirror. "I know Max loves me and would surely love to stick it to me again. We made love several times that night, all while our parents just slept on the couch in the living room. Maybe he is just shy," I theorized, prior to wrapping the towel around myself. "I hope he doesn't think we can't be around each other...
Taboo"And action," said the Director.There she is sitting on the couch again with her knees parted enough for me to see her sweet spot, her panty covered mound. I'd give my right nut for a closer look, for a sniff, a touch, and a taste of my sister's cunt, thought Jason sitting down in the chair across from his sister, while staring at all that his sister was showing. Gees, her panties are so transparent that I can see her pussy slit, he thought. She's such a sexy bitch. I'd love to do her right...
Hans Piemmel had gone to bed as soon as Harry relieved him from the watch, and had fallen asleep immediately. But only an hour later he woke, prodded to consciousness by his sailor's ear, an ear that listened to his ship, the wind, and the sea, even while he slept. He lay quietly for a minute, trying to isolate the one sound which had waked him from all the others filtering into the darkness of his cabin. Unable to decide what had disturbed him, he did not go back to sleep, as so many...
This is a work of fiction based on a series of abandoned pictures here on XH. I have no idea who the woman is but she really deserves a story instead of being hidden away on an old gallery lost to time. If you haven’t read the first chapter you may want to do so, you will find it here: told me to call her M0m, and quite honestly she did remind me of my M0ther from the neck down. My M0ther was much prettier than Chris but their body had...
I have arranged for you to take a part time job as a substitute teacher at an all-boys school. The classes you will teach are small, 5-8 boys, at a school for especially difficult k**s with behavioral problems. The k**s are around 18. Young, eager, and very horny boys. You will dress in a simple blouse, two sizes too large for you, so that the top can easily fall away from your boobs. You will leave the top three buttons undone at all times. Your skirt will be about knee length, flared...
I eased out of Dani and slid off so I could lie next to her and look across at Sara and Natasha, just on the other side of her faintly trembling body. I stroked the fine, Mediterranean skin of her arm, then her pert left tit and its nipple which was still erect. She sighed happily. “Enjoy borrowing our toyboy, who you just met for for the second time?” Sara teased. Dani was right next to Sara, almost touching. She wriggled onto her side to face her challenger and snuggled back into me. The...
Girls’ night in was the decision for tonight.Cat and I have been going out a lot recently.Clubbing, picking-up and general abusing our bodies with all-nighters mixed with copious amounts of alcohol. All leading to situations where you quickly put on your clothes in the morning and leave as fast as possible.DVD’s, takeaway Thai, white wine, popcorn and chocolate were scheduled for tonight… and I was looking forward to an easy weekend for a change.I walked into Cat’s place - a two-bedroom...
Character Introduced: Josie, 14, daughter of Fred and sister of Jolene, white, 5'1 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Janice, 14, daughter of Fred Josie's identical twin, white, 5'1 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Claire, 12, sister of Jolene twin of Clairice, white, 4'11 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts Clairice, 12 sister of Jolene twin of Claire, white, 4'11 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts Ray, 40, white 5'11, 5” cock Madison, 36, wife of Ray, white, 5'7 Red Hair Blue Eyes 38D...
"Let's review," shouted the upperclassman with the bullhorn. "The Green Team has won one event and the Gold Team has won one. In higher education we call that a tie. So here's the deal, we will play one more game. Winners will be considered very, very cool... losers... oh my... losers will have to be initiated. I can't tell you too much about the initiation, but just think mud pit... over there... yes, that one. Keep mud pit in mind as you play. Also think indentured servitude. History...
We had just gotten the new girl (Sherri) calmed down enough to tell us what had happened to her. She had just gotten ready for school on the first day of the disaster when her family heard the news of what was going on so they told her to stay home while they figured out what to do. The day went by without any problems at first but as the sun went down her parents let their guard down. The guy me & James had killed, had snuck in their garage. Well while they were cooking her father...
Hai friends pehele me ye kahedu ke me story badi muskil se likh rahu ap plz meri koy b story ke pehele ki ditail zarur padna detail padne me sirf 5min honge but badme kahani ka maza utna hi jyada ayega me ye story apne mobile par yahoo mail ke zaria likh raha hu kyu ke me aj suba cafe Gaya tha or apni dusri kahani jo abhi likh raha hu vo mene vaha ded ghante likhi or bas khatam ane ko 5 ya 10min baki thake sali light chali gay but kahani itni mast he ke me rahe nay paya or bahar sadi me khana...
I had lost my virginity to my mother last week and I could not get the things that we did out of my mind. All that I could think of was the taste of her pussy, the warmth of her mouth around my steaming rigid cock and then feeling it sliding into her hot juicy pussy.As the week between that day and our two week holiday dragged out we did not have the opportunity to fuck again. I was so horny just thinking about what we had done I had to masturbate at least three times a day.My mother had booked...
IncestSome girls just never learn. Weeks before new headlines spread across the nation after two innocent teen girls at a concert in Detroit were brutally fondled and then sexually assaulted by hundreds of drunken men in a mosh pit at a concert. Newspapers reported that one of the girls was now pregnant. These concerts were not a good thing for girls to attend with their friends. Breanne arrived at Casey?s house around three in the afternoon. The girls were excited. Both sets of parents were out...
Sunny Saturday. It was a Hot June Saturday. After a heavy Friday evening at the pub, I didn’t wake until lunchtime when I was woken up by the sounds of the cockerels in a nearby smallholding crowing as usual. Thankfully I didn’t have a hangover. Cocks are reputed to crow at sunrise. Why do they start well over two hours earlier just when I’m trying to get to sleep and continue frequently throughout the day? I suppose it’s one of the things that you have to put up with in the countryside. I...
Hi all Friends, I wanted to tell you the story of how I lost my virginity to my uncle (that’s my mother’s brother) and later how I became a slut allowing him (even urging him to) send me around to his friends. You see, I am a normal 20 year old girl in many respects, except in one thing. I love sex. I think about sex all the time and I just love having it with anyone. I love staring into the man’s eyes as he penetrates my pussy again and again as fast as he can, giving me as much pleasure as he...
IncestOn the third day of our business trip, we had no clients to interview; so Matt decided to have and easy day working from the apartment. He set only one condition: we both should be naked at our desks. Before lunch time, Matt could not help himself having erection from watching my sexy round naked body. He came over to my desk from behind and kissed my neck. I told him I was working…He then told me to keep working and ignore him. He continued to kiss and lick my earlobe. I tried to ignore him;...