Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 422: Refuge's Stables And Other Aliens free porn video

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Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued)

I teleported us to the stable. "Stable" is misleading because internally it's more like a very large, luxurious, natural animal den, although with some internal walls, shelves, etc.

I told Donna, "Your new pets are outside."

Donna ran for the door.

I told everyone else, "Follow her quickly because you'll enjoy seeing the expression on her face."

We exited into a lovely highland plateau. It was covered in thick grasses and areas of multicolored wildflowers. To the south and west the land sloped down, allowing us to see a series of heavily forested hills descending for many miles away from us, with a major river and some small lakes among them. The eastern side of our plateau offered a gentle climb through a beautiful forest, and the north side was a cliff face, over which poured a substantial waterfall.

I'd created the waterfall myself, and had developed the pool at the fall's base into the perfect swimming hole. I was proud of it so I'll digress to describe it more fully.

There's an unnaturally soft, sandy beach on one side of the pool, surrounded by shade trees which provided a variety of chilled, refreshing fruit. There's also a spring in the trees which produces nicely chilled pure water, one of the nearby trees conveniently having leaves perfectly shaped for cups. Depending on which of the many colors of leaf is chosen, the water put inside it will acquire different flavors; the darker the color of leaf, the more flavor it'll impart.

Next to the beach is an easily climbed rock face that provides several diving platforms and a near-frictionless trough on one side, giving what is initially a waterless waterslide. That goes around and through the rock. There's a teleportation gate in a dark tunnel that can unnoticeably jump each rider into one of four other and increasingly extreme waterslides. Whether a rider jumps, and to which chute, depends mostly on their state of mind. The four alternative chutes are built in the waterfall's cliff face to give much more height for longer, faster, wetter runs. They have lengths with an open side along the face of the cliff, with the most extreme of them having an invisible section which exits the cliff completely, extends over the swimming hole and around the fall before reentering the cliff face again. It has a section where the tube doesn't exist so the rider is in freefall for a few seconds before being gently caught again, and it has loops and corkscrew sections too. That ride randomly jumps the person from section to section so they never know what's coming next, and I also have gravity doing weird things in different parts of it. It's a REALLY hairy ride, so Donna will LOVE it! The five chutes terminate near each other, delivering their riders into the swimming hole conveniently close to the path that leads back to the start of the ride again. Once they're used to them, I'll let the riders consciously choose their rides. If it proves popular, I can create many more chutes for them to try, making them as long and as exciting/scary/freaky as the riders want.

In the middle of the large swimming hole is a small island. It can be swum to, or walked to across the pretty little bridge I built. It has its own little beach, beautifully scented flowers, and a large, idyllic, moss-covered 'bed' in the middle, just in case I can think of a use for one of those. The island also has a hot-water spring that makes a wonderfully natural hot tub, large volumes of the hot water overflowing into the surrounding pool so different parts of that offer us different temperatures depending on their distance from that overflow.

The swimming hole's details were too far away to be seen from the stable but they wouldn't have been noticed even if they'd been closer because there was a much greater distraction in front of us. When Donna had run out of the stables, she'd been gobsmacked by the sight of a family of Pegasus-inspired creations of mine. They were eating grass in a loose group in the open meadow about a hundred yards from their stable's door. Most of us missed Donna's first sighting of her new pets (not me, because I have sight blobs), but her face was still gobsmacked when we emerged.

I'd taken my inspiration from Pegasus rather than unicorns - which little girls are meant to like - because Donna had never shown any such liking. Donna loves speed and adventure, so sitting on the back of a Pegasus-type creature while its wing muscles beat powerfully under her thighs as they fly at high speed will thrill her immensely.

The stallion was about 50% larger than an Earth stallion, which made him look HUGE to Donna because she's used to thinking that an extra two or three hands of height make for a large horse. Other immediately noticeable features were its long, feathered wings and its forequarters being covered with golden hair. similar to a lion's mane. Although not apparent yet, the mane was tentacle-like and would grasp the rider's legs firmly enough to keep her in position even if flying upside-down or in an outside loop. The creatures were also exceptionally good looking, in horsy ways.

There were six mares who were silver-colored, reduced-scale versions of the stallion, being about the same size as a large Earthly stallion. One Pegasus stallion to six mares had seemed like a natural ratio to me. There were two yearlings, one silver- and one gold-colored, and two silver-colored foals, still so young that they gamboled around and sometimes had coordination problems, bumping into others in their exuberance because they hadn't mastered steering and stopping yet. They were currently untangling themselves after bumping into each other in their rush toward Donna to greet her.

The stallion caught Donna's open-mouthed attention when he greeted her by spreading his wings wide, bending his forelegs to bow to her, and saying, "Greetings, Donna-sister-of-Mark."

Donna was being jostled by the two attention-demanding foals, the yearlings were quickly closing in to nuzzle her, the mares weren't far behind, and the stallion had just blown Donna's already gobsmacked mind. She didn't know where to look or what to say. She had her mouth open though, ready for when she managed to get her brain working again.

The other girls and the parents had caught the stallion's greeting and were also astonished. Not as badly flummoxed though, as they didn't have two impatient foals nudging and licking them.

Donna saw me and exclaimed with wonder, "WHAT ARE THEY?"

"I created them a few hours ago, so they don't have a species name or individual names yet. I thought you might like to name them, considering I made them for you."

"They're mine?"

"All yours. They can gallop on the ground much faster than Earth horses, and can fly in the sky too. You can bring your girlfriends here if you want to share the fun of your new pets, but when they leave they'll only remember that they played with your other horses. When your friends are in one of the elevators at home, just request to be in Refuge's stable and you'll appear here. Why don't you climb on the stallion and let him take you for a ride. He can tell you all about himself and his family while you're riding."

With no thought of asking Mom's or Dad's permission, Donna gave the foals a last hug then parted them so she could rush to the stallion.

The stallion said, "Climb on in front of my wings, Donna-sister-of-Mark." It knelt on its forelegs' knees, to make that easy for her.

As she was swinging on, Donna asked me, "What about stirrups and reins?"

"Its mane will hold your legs firmly, and it's smart enough that you don't need to control it with reins. Only the stallion can talk to us, but they all learn to understand English at about the same pace human babies and children do, so you'll be able to communicate with the mares easily and yearlings in simple ways. Only the adults are strong enough to carry a rider in the air so you can control them verbally, or as they get used to how you use your body to indicate what you want, like leaning to turn. If you're riding a yearling on the ground, probably pointing where you want to go will be best, but you'll need to train them to understand what pointing means."


Mom was about to ask, but I beat her to it, "They're 100% safe, Mom. I created them for Donna so I made sure there are all sorts of safety features. They won't let her fall off. She can fly all over the planet on them if she wants because there are no predators, poisonous animals or any other threats here anymore." There is a very large cat-like carnivore - like a Smilodon but much more impressive - because I have a thing about big cats, but it'll only hunt humans so it can play with and lick us. It'd be best not to mention a large carnivore to Mom though, as she's too quick to worry. I wouldn't let it happen, but it wouldn't really matter even if the cats ate one of us, as I can easily recreate anyone. I didn't explain that scenario to Mom either, instead continuing my reassurance, "Plus she's got one of my minds hovering invisibly over her head looking after her continuously, so she couldn't possibly be any safer than she is now. Not that it could happen, but even if Donna died, I'd just bring her back to life."

"You can even do that too?" asked Vanessa.

"Sort of. For a start, none of you can die now unless you want to. I'm looking five seconds into the future for all of you, so if death's coming your way I'll either stop it directly or teleport you to safety. If death did somehow happen, then depending on the cause I'd have to recreate your body and/or your mind, then connect them together. Bodies are just physical matter so there's nothing tricky about recreating those, and minds are just information so they're even easier to copy onto a volume of the Universe, provided I've got a source to copy from.

-- "I'd almost certainly be able to take a snapshot of your body and mind during the five-second warning period, but to be doubly safe your bodyguard minds take backup snapshots of your minds and bodies several times every day. That way if anything happens to you I'll be certain of being able to recreate you. You might miss several minutes of memory, but I can recreate those too, based on what the bodyguard mind observed.

-- "It wouldn't be so much a 'bringing back to life' as a recreation of it, but the result would be indistinguishable to anyone, including the person involved. It also permits some other tricks. You don't have to be dead to be recreated, so if you've got a lot of paperwork to do, come to Refuge and ask the house to make some copies of you. You can make as many copies of yourself as you want, although I suggest you don't have any of them return to Corvallis for obvious reasons.

-- "You can tell the house whether or not you want your copies to be mentally linked to you and each other. You won't need to if the copy is working on something that the original just needs the results of, but more likely than not you'll prefer to share each other's thoughts and experiences. I've set that link up in a way that makes it feel like the other person's life is a little indirect, like watching a scene on TV rather than participating in it directly yourself. Unless you get very caught up in what the other you is doing, you won't have any trouble differentiating your life from theirs. Tracking the actions of multiple yous gets harder when there are two or more copies. That's like trying to watch two TV programs at the same time, while you're also doing something else yourself. You'll find you lose track too easily initially, but with practice you'll be able to work with an increasing number of yourselves." I could've given their minds the capability of handling any number of simultaneous copies, but everyone needs some challenges in life.

-- "I know you have trouble keeping up with your Math reading, Prof. Get a duplicate to do it for you at Refuge. Ditto with Mom and Vanessa doing MAF work. If you need your laptops duplicated, just tell the house. It can duplicate any matter you want."

"What happens to the duplicated people afterward?" asked Vanessa.

"Whatever you want. My advice is that you ask the house to cancel them. That seems like suicide or murder but it's not because your existence continues. I create and cancel my minds continually and it's no big deal. Think of it as walking away from a mirror. The mirror image of you gets 'lost', but that's certainly not any form of suicide. That the duplicates the house will create for you have greater depth than a two-dimensional visual image doesn't make any real difference.

-- "If you want to, you and your duplicates can have turns living on Earth and on Refuge because being perfect copies you truly are interchangeable. Prof's duplicate and his original minds might want to take turns staying on Refuge to work on some original research for articles he wants to publish. Julia's might want to take turns doing her college assignments, Donna and her duplicate can take turns playing with her new pets, Ava and hers can be park rangers here for the entire planet. This is a totally unspoiled planet, Ava, and it has some amazing species on it. You and your duplicate would get a huge blast going on field trips to learn about them first hand. I'd love to come with you on those trips too, so if you want company, tell the house and it'll create a duplicate Mark for you."

I created another Mark beside me right now, to help get them used to the concept. Mark2 appeared wearing hiking clothes and with a fully loaded backpack on his back.

Mark2 said, "Let me know when you want to go, Ava. We'll use a couple of Donna's pets for transportation, and we'll have a blast. As you can see, this is an exceptionally beautiful world. Catch you later," and Mark2 disappeared.

I - Mark1 - explained, "I did that mostly to illustrate the point. I created his body and created the mind I attached to it. After he'd finished speaking he canceled himself. It's no big deal because his self still exists. That it exists in other bodies is irrelevant. You think it's a big deal because all your life you've been used to having only one body and mind so you think it's precious. After you get used to having many of you whenever you want them, you won't think twice about canceling them-slash-yourself.

-- "The reason I chose to come to the stable now was so you can see that I can create life, whether brand new species like Donna's new pets or copies of myself or of you. When I called myself a god, I wasn't making an empty boast. Every miracle in the Bible is easy for me to perform, and most of them I can do a great deal better than that book describes. Never mind 'seven days'; it wouldn't even take me seven hours to create and populate a brand new Earth, and I could even do it in less than seven minutes if I pushed myself." I'd have to start by creating several billion minds to help me, and I'd cheat by copying the new Earth from an existing one, but I wasn't going to worry about those nuances. "Nevaeh, I see you're struggling to comprehend this?"

"You're saying that YOU have done all of this? Not the Guardian Angel or God, but you?"

"That's right."

"How do you know the Guardian Angel isn't doing what you want, the same way it always knows when to turn the lights off or bring you things without you having to ask?"

"That's a good question. I have a convincing answer for it, but before I say it I want to talk about Christianity briefly. Jesus lived so long ago that no one alive now has firsthand experiences of him, but what I find VERY interesting are the similarities between the Bible's description of Jesus' life and death, and my own situation."

-- I used an advanced version of EKP to make Nevaeh look away for a second, so I could give the rest of my families a wink to let them know that this was going to be crap. I wouldn't want them to think I was taking it seriously. When I let Nevaeh look back, I continued to her, "Jesus died and rose again. You heard me say earlier that my minds have died up to nine times each. There's nothing specific in the Bible about Jesus having many minds, but he could've been keeping them secret the same way I've been doing for the last five years, or maybe the Trinity is an attempt to describe him having three or more minds. Dying is the ESSENTIAL step in how I got my abilities, and I find it very significant that Jesus' death is so important in the Bible.

-- "There's also the years he was missing. There's a very big mystery about what he was doing during those years, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if he was going through the same sorts of things as I was going through for the last five years. Obviously not being kidnapped by the criminals wanting our $11 million or the CIA wanting to experiment on my body, but he could've gone through similar troubles. Some of those might've caused his death, just like some of my troubles caused my death, and each time he would've gotten more powerful, just like I did.

-- "I think it's quite possible that there are so many years missing from the story of his life because he went through something similar to what I went through with Ron Fisher. Just as Mark Anderson was missing for quite a while, if Jesus was in an unrecognizable body, no one would know to write about him. So I think there's a very good chance that the Bible was based on a real man called Jesus who 2,000 years ago went through the same process that I have." Nevaeh didn't know that the Ron Fisher in Corvallis had really been me wearing a disguise, but that didn't invalidate my 'explanation'.

-- "Jesus did his own miracles. He didn't have a Guardian Angel following him around doing his miracles for him. I'm the same. Five years ago my journey toward being God started, and since then I've been doing all my own miracles. Every miraculous thing that you've seen was done by me. You asked me how I know it wasn't the Guardian Angel doing things for me. The answer to that is very simple: because there never was a Guardian Angel. I wasn't all the way to God yet, so I had to disguise my involvement. I created a ball of light and told everyone it was a Guardian Angel, but really it was just a ball of light and I did everything we said it was doing."

I'll stop quoting my attempted explanation here, as all it did was confuse Nevaeh. I had to explain the key points a few more times and in different ways until she finally got her head around the enormity of my deception, and then she got angry.

I'd tried to divide the issue in two, in effect by saying, "Christianity was probably right in the past, but I'm the God of the future," but Nevaeh's anger prevented me getting to the stage where I could make that point stick, especially after she realized that the wild sex she'd been having for the last twelve months hadn't been sanctioned by her God after all.

I lost patience with the whole argument, as it was ENTIRELY crap. The Christian god does NOT exist, and I've read more than enough history to know how legends and myths get created, used, usurped, joined, evolve, etc. That's happened innumerable times throughout human history and there's no doubt whatsoever that Christianity is merely another compendium of those stories, especially because almost every single event mentioned in the Bible is mentioned in innumerable earlier and later myths, sometimes in places far removed from the Middle East, so independently created out of human desire. The Bible is clearly just a collection of myths that caught on because they pandered well to what people wanted. I haven't bothered making the effort to do so yet because it so pointless, but one of my minds might one day get around to checking out Jerusalem's 2,000-year ago past. I have no doubt that I'll discover that Jesus himself, assuming he existed, was at most someone who was used as a convenient hook to hang all sorts of myths on, simply because generations of local - and eventually even global - priests wanted to control their gullible flocks better, as priests in EVERY religion have ALWAYS wanted to do.

It's noble of me to have a rule not to directly manipulate my families' minds, and not even to read their minds - hence my attempting to convince Nevaeh in the usual manner - but too much nobility can become a stupidity; a lesson I'd learned more than once from the Williamses. It would've been stupid of me to let Nevaeh go stomping out of our lives because she couldn't break through the unmitigated crap she'd been brainwashed with for her whole life. She LOVES her life with us, and if she leaves it in anger she'll throw herself back into the church and her head would get seriously messed up. So I fixed her head right now. I didn't make her slavishly believe me, I just stopped her slavishly believing Christianity so she could think through what I was saying.

That approach was for the rest of my families' benefit too because I didn't want them to worry about me manipulating people's beliefs directly. They saw the argument continue, and saw me win it when Nevaeh realized that everything she'd been taught about Christian theology was false. By the time our fairly short argument finished, Nevaeh was no longer a Christian in any way. She now thinks they're idiots who talk a load of crap - I was very good at changing her attitude to agree with mine. She now understands that I'm "A god", in a way that's nothing to do with her previous mistaken belief in "THE God". She also understands that I'm also Mark Anderson, the very nice guy she's delighted to have in her life, and hopes to continue to be with for as long as we all get along well. Her previous wonderfully compliant behavior toward me which had been very much rooted in my having God's favor, is now rooted in the enormous respect she has for me.

The argument hadn't taken more than a few minutes as I have a very low tolerance for crap, so Donna was still joyfully wheeling around the sky - not that pegasi have wheels - and the others weren't too impatient yet. So after getting Nevaeh's final apology for her foolishly not understanding my point right away, which I accepted after she paid me off with a kiss, I got my families' attention again for a new topic. "I've also created something I call 'Communal Refuge'. In about 1-in-10,000 dimensions all the Andersons never existed or were killed for some reason or other. Sometimes they had car accidents, or more likely something fatal happened to one of their ancestors. Whatever the reason, there's no Anderson family to need a Refuge in those dimensions. What I've done instead is to create very large Communal Refuges there. In the same way you can teleport from Corvallis to Refuge, or among Refuge's rooms, you can also jump to the Communal Refuge. There you'll meet whichever other members of the families who are there from the 10,000 dimensions I've allocated to that Commune. You can socialize, discuss serious issues, or whatever you want. There are some garden areas already set up for you in this Refuge, Vanessa, but maybe you and a few thousand other Vanessas would like to potter around together in the Communal Refuge's garden. It's up to you."

[In some other dimensions I'd already explained what the Communal Refuge was, as you'll read later. This example of the Grand Tour varied in many ways from other of the billions of occurrences of it, depending on which of my families' comments I chose to respond to, the order in which I showed them the rooms, how well or poorly other Marks got concepts across, etc. I'm using one of the first Tours I gave as an example because the later ones got very slick and 'professional', so less interesting. For example, in most of them I saved Nevaeh the bother of getting upset by surreptitiously fixing her beliefs right at the beginning of the meeting, back in Corvallis.]

Vanessa checked, "They'll be real live versions of me; not duplicates?"

"Duplicates are still real live versions of you, but the answer is yes. They'll be from other dimensions so they're exactly as original as you are. If you talk with them enough, you'll discover that most of them have differences in their lives. Usually small differences, but occasionally something major. I'll talk with you about one of those differences later, but for the moment I want to give you the big picture.

-- "There's probably not much else I need to say about the overall concept of Refuge. You can come here whenever you want and you can bring your friends here too. Like I said about Donna doing that, I'll ensure they won't have any astonishment about what happens here because that'd be a nuisance, and after they leave they'll think they were entertained in our normal home. Even their cellphones will work normally.

-- "I'm currently not allowing outsiders to go to the Communal Refuge, nor allowing members of any of the families to go to each other's personal Refuges unless they're specifically invited. Like most else I've said during this Tour, those 'rules' are just my opinions of how things should be done initially, so don't hesitate to speak up if you think altering them would be better. Just tell the house or your bodyguard mind - you can get its attention in the same way you signaled the sight blob.

-- "Speaking of entertaining others and as examples of the house's flexibility, if Dad's entertaining a bunch of his friends here and they decide they want to go bowling, just tell the house you want to go to the bowling room, Dad. The room will be created and ready before you've finished the request.

-- "The same applies to all of you, of course. If Mom wants to enjoy a Celine Dion concert with her friends, just tell the house and it'll create a concert hall for you and put a perfect copy of Celine and orchestra in there for you. I'm sending minds all over many Earths to record as many of those types of things as I think any of you might enjoy. If you ask for something weird the house might not be able to supply it, but if you give it some prior warning it should be able to come up with the goods.

-- "For events like a Celine Dion concert, the house will have to remove the memories from your friends when they leave - I'll probably just have them remember watching a Celine DVD - but you'd still get the full enjoyment out of it. I know the management, so I could even get backstage passes for you, haha."

"Wouldn't removing their memories create noticeable gaps?" asked Prof.

"No. What I'm doing is more sophisticated than plucking out a few isolated memories. It's also astonishing how good - or how bad, depending on your perspective on this - humans are at inventing self-deceptive fillers for gaps in their memories. I won't have any problem with my memory surgery.

-- "Obviously I'll have to block hard evidence going back, such as photographs of Donna's pets, cuttings of alien plants, any of the animals natural to this world, its bacteria, etc. I control the only way back and it's easy for me to review what people are carrying with them, so that'll be easy."

"If you control the only way back, couldn't we get stranded here?" asked Dad.

"There are over a trillion of my minds in existence, all of whom know everything that any of us know. There's no chance of all of us forgetting you. Nor is there any chance of us being too busy because when we're busy we just create more minds to handle it. For example, I've got a very large number of minds exploring outer space because I find it so fascinating. When the first of them discovered this planet in its dimension, it had the idea of building a special home for his families on it. The other Marks noticed and liked the idea, so they started doing the same. Then when one of them saw how widespread the adoption was, he suggested making it a 'formal project' - not that we used quite that phrase. So in every dimension that there was a Mark, and in a few other dimensions, we created and sent a mind to the coordinates of this planet. When each mind got to its dimension's version of here, it created a million new minds and they got busy doing all the various things required to make this into the most perfect home we could collectively think of: picking the locations for each room of the house and improving the local geography to make the locations even nicer, removing or altering all the species that might've caused you any discomfort, and much more. It was a huge job, but a million of me working together on each planet didn't take long to get it done, especially because all our research and ideas were automatically pooled. My main point being that none of the other Marks were made too busy to do the rest of their tasks well while we were creating so many Refuges, because all of them were made with additional minds. In short, I'll never be too busy that I accidentally leave you stranded here.

-- "Nor is there any chance of you getting stranded because I died. Each room in the house has one of my minds in it, and because they don't have a body there's no chance of them dying in the usual ways. Even nuclear bombs going off above every room wouldn't harm my minds. It'd take something that very badly messed up the fundamental structure of the Universe to kill them, and they could be immediately replaced by copies of my minds from far-removed locations. It'd take a Universe-wide calamity to kill me, so I expect to live until the Universe ends, presuming I allow it to. I'm going to be around for a VERY long time.

Same as Deja Vu Ascendancy
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I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

3 years ago
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The Pony Stables

The pony stables Whilst visiting the Arabian nights virtual world I felt I just had to revisit the slave market, before I returned to the mundane real world. I had had a hoot inside the virtual world, saving princesses, fighting various battles and making something of a name for myself. I had been rather arrogant on entering the world, choosing to use my own name of John Lemure, rather than a more native sounding one. It of course increased my notoriety. The slave market was housed...

3 years ago
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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 9 Aliens

The FBI Comes to Find Jenny Because of the Past. John had been on the internet all morning long. Many of the cities and counties were running out of funds for the unemployed. This would resolve itself if people went to God and simply asked: “What am I to do?” John continued to play the “what if?” game. He laughed at himself. No one was going to starve on his watch. By adding money to the economy at the base of the food chain, will be much like planting seeds in a good growing environment....

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At The Stables ndash Exposed Vulnerable And Taken

At The Stables – Exposed Vulnerable And Taken.PreambleI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown...

2 years ago
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Its the ALIENS

And now for something completely different! In my last stories I tried to stick to real life, like situations. This one, well this one's just for fun! I wanted to write something that hit all fetish buttons, something a bit crazy, a bit outrageous and a bit off the wall. So this is what I came up with and I must admit it was a TON of fun to write! Also I wanted to try and write something a bit darker, however I hope you can forgive me since I wound up writing a story with a...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 434 SingleMinded Marks The Williamses at Refuge

Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued) Before they could get worried that I was some sort of alien out to kidnap them, I kidnapped them, teleporting them and Prof's walking stick to their Refuge's living room. I also teleported myself, making me appear standing behind a sofa several feet away from them, at human-normal size and with the face and body shape that I'd used in my 32-minded dimensions, although the fine details of my body were hidden under my clothes. The room's décor and the...

2 years ago
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At The Stables

The mist is rising off of the fields as we arrive at the stables, and the sun is just beginning to peek through the clouds. The air is humid and it's already getting sticky. Soon those extra layers you put on this morning may seem like a bad idea, but for now, you get on with you morning rounds, putting on the head collars and lead ropes and bringing the horses out of their stables.  You pass me a lead rope and I follow you down to the field. We are moving like a weird elephant troupe, one...

Straight Sex
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Refuges get lucky part two

Frida just saw a flash of light, wondered in the back of her mind what it was before she felt Abshir’s hands grip her neck and she felt his breath come in shorter gasps, his hips began to buck and the boy held her head tightly to him. She knew he was going to ejaculate. She felt his cock throb, all the way up and a small spurt of semen arrived in her mouth. She was surprised and disappointed at the small amount, but then another shudder rent through the cock in her mouth and she she felt the...

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Slumdogs and Aliens.I am Lucky(real name) sharing my story of encounter with aliens in my college days.It was May 2012, a hot day of summers I got a technical project work on that day the technical project work was issued by our class teacher ‘Hakka’(fictional) .Hakka was a beautiful merried lady and as our lecturer in college. She was very polite and good communication skills . and she also belong to rich family and always wears designers cuts. Actually she was working in the college for just...

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Frankie And The Aliens

Frankie And The Aliens by Carol Collins Frank lay down a heavy beat as the lights flashed on the stage. His bass guitar seemed to have a life of its own as the band played another song for their appreciative fans. They were in the largest night club in New Jersey and it was packed with people of all types who had come to dance and to hear them perform. And, they were getting their money's worth. Frank began to sing as his eyes were once again drawn to the...

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At The Stables ndash Juliersquos and Maryrsquos Tiff

At The Stables – Julie’s and Mary’s TiffPreambleI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables...

3 years ago
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At The Stables ndash Caught Napping

At The Stables – Caught NappingPreambleI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables and the...

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At The Stables ndash Mary and Julie

At The Stables – Mary and JulieI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables and the money to...

4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

4 years ago
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At The Stables ndash Mating The Mare

At The Stables – Mating The Mare.PreambleI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables and the...

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Rednecks and Aliens

I reckon not keeping up on the news and what's happening in the rest of the world can sure shake a feller up. I know when I got into town I was sure surprised to see all these soldier boys standing around in uniforms I didn't recognize. At first I thought maybe we'd been invaded by the Russians or something like that, but I could tell they wasn't Russians right away. While all them military types was big boys, six foot plus and built like the Hulk, they wasn't all blue eyed and blond like...

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The TG Limits Aliens Aliens

There is nothing wrong with your computer screen. Do not attempt to adjust the monitor. We are now controlling the transmission. We control the horizontal and the vertical. We can deluge you with a thousand transformations or expand one single crossdresser to crystal clarity and beyond. We can shape your reading to anything our imagination can conceive. For this story we will control all that you see and read. You are about to experience the awe and mystery, which reaches from...

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At The Stables ndash Miriam Stays Over

At The Stables – Miriam Stays Over.Preamble/Characters I’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown...

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Tales from Taboo Stables

Taboo Stables was located in Connecticut. The vast majority of the horses boarded there belonged to barons of industry, the nouveaux riches big spenders, a few movie stars, the odd Kennedy, real estate magnates, hedge fund managers, and even Middle Eastern royalty. The place was owned by Marguerite Percy-Sandoval. The 83 year-old, five-foot-three, white-haired lady was the only c***d of the third son of an English earl and an American socialite. Her father had bred and trained horses his entire...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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At The Stables ndash The Generalrsquos Wife

At The Stables – The General’s WifeI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables and the money...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 338 Aftermath of the Angels Vandalism

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 I woke up after my usual brief sleep, and lay in bed using my downstairs study's computer to browse the news networks' websites, primarily the print media because the TV networks use sound too much and, as I believe I've mentioned, I can't get goddamn sound blobs to work. The most important consequence of my activities yesterday was that Jonathon Winters was now a VERY busy guy. He now had a large office building, many people helping him, etc. The "Make a...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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At The Stables ndash Maryrsquos Deflowering

I’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables and the money to fix them up. Oh and I can’t...

3 years ago
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At The Stables ndash Day After Naughty Ch1ldren

At The Stables – Day After Naughty Ch1ldrenPreambleI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables...

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At The Stables ndash Naughty Ch1ldren

At The Stables – Naughty Ch1ldrenI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables and the money to...

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Aaaah Little Green Aliens

Xanthar was the leader of the alien space ship La?hts?a?Kha?ak. The alien fleet had been sent to Earth to test out the human woman. They were to learn how to manipulate them, see if they could impregnate them, and simply find out what made them tick. The aliens had already discovered how simplistic the males of the species were, so they decided that they should test out the females. The aliens were small, green creatures with big, bulging black eyes. However, they had large cocks bigger than...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Aiko and the Aliens

Aiko and the Aliens The saucer picked up Aiko in the early evening as she was walking home. At first she didn’t see it for it was descending behind her without lights and the propulsion system was silent. It was only when it was almost upon her that she noticed something was wrong and by then it was too late. The aliens were upon her swiftly and almost immediately she was rendered unconscious. When Aiko awoke again she was naked and strapped to a table inside the alien ship. Her legs were held...

3 years ago
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My Surprise Birthday Treat at the Stables

My Surprise Birthday Treat at the StablesI’m Jack and on my 40th birthday my wife Sam went to the stables as usual. Not even a Birthday ‘playing with’ or even a kiss. So I plan to ravish her upon her return regardless of her wishes. I reframe from watching Xhamster vids and pleasuring myself so I can deposit a full load into my wife’s welcoming pussy. After a leisurely shower and a birthday fry up, I am set for the day ahead. 9.30 I receive a text that says ‘burst pipe please come immediately...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Slave to Aliens

Sally and David were two earthlings who were captured. They were capture by two Aliens name Kendra and Star. Kendra and Star were two Aliens who stood 7 feet. They were hominoids with super models faces and beautiful green skin. They had 3 breasts. Kendra had red hair and Star had black. They had captured these two Earthlings as love slaves to be rented out to all sorts of kinky and strange creatures. They had modified the Earthlings to last longer. Sally pussy and ass could stretch beyond...

2 years ago
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My Surprise Birthday Treat at the Stables Pt 2 nd

My Surprise Birthday Treat at the Stables Pt 2 – Two Weeks Later.I’ve been asked by several Xhamster readers what happens next. So here it is. Enjoy.To know the characters you will have to read ‘My Surprise Birthday Treat at the Stables’. I’m Jack, my wife Sam has two stable girls and I was lucky enough to enjoy them on my birthday. Mary didn’t get pregnant so I expect I shall get to fuck her again. Hopefully Kumi will join us. S.he has the tightest non-virgin pussy I’ve ever had the good...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 342 The Angel Visits Memphis but not Graceland

Sunday, April 22, 2007 (Continued) I discussed my plans with the parents, especially Mom and Dad because they'd be taking the calls. Later that evening, I flew to Memphis, located a reporter typing up a story in his station's office. He was sitting within twenty four feet of the exterior wall, which made it even easier for me to type. During a pause in his typing, I machine-gunned, "Grab your phone, tape recorder and camera. Come to the roof for an interview you'll love." I repeated it...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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ant and the aliens

then she awoke a hour later. she noticed that there were maggots in her teeth. she tapped her head but found that it was hollow. and shallow too. she gave it a resounding thwack with a hammer. pus leaked out of her wound, and blood too. she felt a creature crawling on her forehead. so she smashed it with a hammre. this time , her skull actually split open. the creature was a crak shaped. she pulled her would apart and it revealed some more ceratures. they got out. then it got into her...

2 years ago
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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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Abducted by Aliens

    This story is meant for the enjoyment of adults only.  This is my first attempt at a science fiction story and I would like to hear what you think of it.  I tried to make an implausible situation believable and still have the prurient interests involved.  Please write to me at [email protected] and let me know what you think.                                           Abducted by Aliens                                            Written by 4play      My girlfriend and I were driving to...

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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 364 Gods Servant Lands Some More Punches

Wednesday, June 6, 2007 (Continued) Next on the itinerary was Fairchild AFB, about two hundred miles north. According to Wikipedia, home of KC-135s and some Huey helicopters. Soon after I left Mountain Home, on my way to Fairchild, I picked up two high flying radars ahead of me. Judging by the weakness of their signals, they were a long way away, but the signals were slowly getting 'brighter' in my vision-mapped detection system. They were on the same band as the F-15Es behind me had...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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ConvergenceChapter 14 Aliens

"The only fact we've determined, so far, is that they communicate at much lower frequencies than we do," the Science Officer mused aloud. If a human had been in the room, the human would not have heard the words. The alien's analogy to a human's voice box produced a sound so high that even Earth dogs would have to strain to hear it. The human wouldn't hear anything, but the human would see the face on the bulbous, leathery head contort as it spoke. The alien's thin body was leaning...

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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...

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