Jake s Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 11
- 2 years ago
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Varick could only stare at Alan in shock there had been no sensation at all one moment he was watching with Harman and the next he was next to Angelika. Taken aback a moment Varick asked, “I’m sorry, what was it you were saying?” then felt like an idiot the moment the words left his mouth.
“Oh sorry Uncle, I know it can be disjointing it was to me the first time. I said, hello uncle, mother thought I should meet you, I agreed.” Again Alan extended his hand to Varick who was really feeling stupid now as all he could do was stare at the gesture of friendship from his nephew. “Really uncle, had I known it would have thrown you off this bad I might have warned you first, I’ll remember next time.”
“Thank you Alan that might help though some of us might not be as accepting as my sister and I.” Varick said a wry smile on his face, oh yeah he could gauge Harman’s reaction had it been him. “You know why we have been looking for you don’t you? Hell you might even have a better idea of a lot of things than we do. It appears that your abilities are coming in free of manipulation. Tell me just how much about us do you know?” Varick asked curious to see just what Alan had learned.
“When I went into Truda’s mind I saw the many blocks that had been placed there. Most I could get past but I didn’t try to remove them as I was afraid that it might hurt her mind. From what I saw they are in crucial areas of her mind.” Alan told them.
Varick thought a moment so the doctor really was afraid that they would finally discover a way to reopen the memories. This was curious as they had always known the man to get sadistic glee from the pain he inflicted upon them. Then again he said that they had been close to getting him, were they in fact starting to develop past where he could retard their abilities? “When was the last time that any of the blocks were placed in her?” Alan asked.
“From what I saw it was many months ago, why?” Alan asked.
“We all have been working to strengthen our defenses, in the last few months we have also been able to access abilities that we hadn’t been able to ‘til now.” Varick explained.
“May I look uncle?” Alan asked.
Varick tensed up but slowly nodded. Alan was suddenly in Varick’s head, shit there were so many blocks here it was pitiful. Moving through Alan bumped an early memory, the block was suddenly trying to attack him! What in the hell?! Withdrawing Alan saw that the block was coming out with him. Breathing hard Alan held up his hand when Angelika moved to help him. “NO! Don’t touch me, not yet!” Alan could see the block starting to form into a human shape. Ok now he was pissed and sliced at it effectively killing it.
Varick could feel Alan in his head, and then he felt Alan brush against something. Suddenly a painful memory flooded his mind, a memory of the first weeks of torturous pain that the doctor had put them all through. Breathing hard and gasping Varick feel to his knees his face contorted in horrid pain. Angelika felt helpless neither wanted her to touch them. Suddenly Alan growled and stood, looking at Varick. Alan flew back in Varick’s mind.
Alan passed a hand over the pain and watched as it only was a memory of the event and not of torture. Varick started to breathe easier.
Varick told Alan finally able to stand. “I think the doctor sealed us up to keep our emotions in check.” Varick said
“Funny you should mention that uncle, I was telling mother before I brought you here that emotions can up the power. THAT might be why this doctor has had you suppressed for so long. It almost seems as if he is still experimenting on you.” Alan growled.
Varick and Angelika both smirked, yes that sounded a lot like something that the old bastard would do.
“Mother I have upped your defenses as I have Truda’s, they aren’t high enough yet but he will have an extremely hard time doing things to you now. I could go higher but I am afraid that with all the blocks it might hurt you. You uncle, are a different case, I can see that you have broken several of the blocks. I believe I can have you where almost no one can touch you without a major effort on their part.” Alan told his uncle.
“Would this just be my defenses or everything?” Varick asked.
“Gee getting greedy aren’t we brother?” Angelika giggled as she elbowed her brother, then gasped and held a hand to her mouth.
Varick’s mouth hung open was his sister just giggling? How? All of their emotions had been sealed by the doctor. Turning he looked at Alan, had her son done this? She had such control! “Angelika! You ... you have emotions! How?!”
“Alan smiled, he liked his mother better, and better after all she was a hot babe! Shaking his head he passed a hand over Varick’s head feeling the blocks shift and slide into different places. “There uncle I think that ought to do it.”
“Huh?” Varick said then looked at his sister, “I am not greedy thank you!” Varick said with a sly smile then turned slowly to stare at Alan. “This is strange almost like when the doctor,” Varick growled and slammed his hand against a tree which shattered into millions of pieces. Varick stared at Alan what in the hell had that been?
“Very good uncle I take it there was no pain?” Alan asked Varick, who could only shake his head. “Good then your body has already started to adjust. Also anytime you want to break more of the blocks I think you’ll be safe.” Alan told him.
Varick was speechless! What he’d just done he’ been trying to master for over two years now he’d not only mastered it but was beyond it! Finally able to speak Varick asked, “Just how far beyond where we were have you moved us?”
“I didn’t do anything except to open your emotions and place control there for you. Everything that you do after that is all you, not me.” Alan advised them both. “As I told mother earlier, emotions can up the power greatly, be careful as you always have. Now I have to go, that bastard that came after me is still at it. I am going to try and stop him by the way he shouldn’t be able to hide from you anymore.”
“You really need to prepare more than you have Alan,” Angelika advised him.
“I’m not worried mother with what you and uncle have now you both should be able to open more for each other and the others.” Leaning over Alan kissed Angelika on the cheek, “I’m glad I met you and I know the truth, don’t worry I will make them pay I guarantee it!” With that Alan vanished.
“Damn it!” Angelika shouted. “He knows better than to go off alone!”
“We have to get back to the others,” Varick said thinking of how worried Harmon and Truda must be. Suddenly they were both in the back of their jeep and it was moving! Holy shit! What in the hell?! Harmon slammed on brakes almost throwing all four of them through the windshield.
“What in the hell is going on!” Harmon was shouting. “Damn it people appearing and disappearing all over the damn place!”
Angelika was rolling her eyes, Truda was laughing then her eyes flew wide what the hell she was laughing? How?!! Worse yet Harmon was staring at his sister in an attack position. Harmon suddenly froze he could feel Varick in his head when had he learned that? Then he felt several things move then several more moved then a third set moved. Suddenly he felt a rush of heat on his face then he snarled at Varick, “WHAT in the hell was that!?”
Varick smiled, “That my friend is the beginning of the end of that bastard doctor using us for his sick little experiments!”
“If what you did helped, then I am all for it!” Harmon yelled as a bolt of fire flew from his mouth burning an area of 50 square yards to instant to ash. Harmon’s eyes grew wide then a wicked sly smile crept onto his lips. “You know if this is what it’s going to be like then I am really all for it!”
Varick was tense, Harmon was the most violent of their group, and he’d have to really keep an eye on him. Harmon might just start a war that they really couldn’t win right now they needed control before they rushed off. “You are going to have to exercise more control Harmon we can’t have you roasting everything in sight even our enemies.” Varick told Harmon then looked inside again and reset a few more checks for Harmon, a lot like he’d seen in his sister when he’d looked.
“What in the hell did you do now?” Harmon asked. “Hmmm I see I have more control though I can feel the link of our abilities to these new emotions.”
Varick nodded then looked at Truda but obviously Alan had already set her abilities, Also her control was far more fine tuned than her brother’s but the second adjustment Varick had done had helped immensely. Sighing Varick guessed he was going to have to work on that as well, they were going to have to push it to get better so they could help Alan when the time came.
Angelika was staring at her brother she’d forgotten just how fast Varick could learn something especially if he felt their lives depended on it.
Varick looked at Truda then asked, “Can you see Alan, Truda? I am afraid that he has gone off the try to take the other down. He wouldn’t listen or give us a chance to warn him about him of the doctor. Alan might be far stronger than us but I doubt he has surpassed the other or the doctor.”
Truda nodded and stared straight ahead, then she shook her head, “No I can’t see anything past the point that he left the both of you. I can feel him, not exactly where he is, but I can feel him. He is within 100 miles but other than that right now I can’t tell.” Turning she looked at Harmon, then her mouth hung open. “Your power and defenses have almost doubled!” The she turned to stare at Varick’s crotch with a smile. “You are one sexy man Varick!” Truda’s mouth hung agape as she suddenly realized what she had said.
“I’m sorry Varick that was inappropriate, but you are sexy!” Turning away Truda giggled then caught herself.
Varick smiled, “It’s alright Truda, with respect to your brother I also find you quite arousing.” Varick was trying to put the feelings away but looking at Truda’s lean hard body was causing parts of his body to react that he thought never would. Her slender thighs, hourglass figure, and 34B cup breasts were causing his blood to stir.
Had it been anyone else Harmon would be on them in a second but he found that he was pleased that Varick found his sister attractive. Suddenly shock registered on his face, what in the hell was going on? He knew that they would have to adjust but they were almost ridiculous! Shaking his head he found that he suddenly had control of the new emotions.
“Varick!” Harmon said as he nudged Varick to take his attention off his sister. “You three have to have more control though Angelika does seem to have more than you two.”
Varick shook his head and closed his eyes looking in he saw that yes he was starting to lose the control that he’d had earlier. “Thank you Harmon,” he said as he looked inside searching for what he needed to fix in order to not be a drooling idiot over Truda or hell any female.
Twenty minutes later Varick finally finished, it had been the hardest thing he’d ever done. Saying a small prayer he opened his eyes and looked at Truda. Thankfully what he’d done had worked, now he had to look at Truda and Angelika.
It was perhaps another hour before they finally were ready to move out. Varick wasn’t sure they should try to appear back in the place, they did have quite a few working for them that really had no idea what they could do. Harmon started the jeep and headed back to the city at break neck speed, they might not be completely ready, but they could at least help if needed.
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IncestMELODY LEFT EARLY SATURDAY MORNING to go visit Amy on the other side of the mountains. Lissa left to pick Kate up at about one o’clock, asking me repeatedly if I was sure it was okay to leave the boys with me. “We’ve got plans,” I said. “If we’re not home when you get back, don’t worry. Just text me and I’ll let you know when we’re coming back.” She finally left and I got the boys dressed for our outing. About half an hour later Jack showed up. “This was a great idea, Tony. How much do I...
My first story....completely true...and a pivotal moment in my life.The first part covers how I started enjoying kissing other boys.The second part tells how I lost my bi cherry to another guy and became actively and happily bi sexual.As I boy growing up in a small English village in the 1960's, sex wasn't a subject that got talked about in an educational or overt way.The very conservative nature of our society at the time meant that any useful education was gained either from whispers in the...
Saturday was too far away for John. Wednesday night he drove downtown to Carol’s neighborhood, got out and began walking, looking at the store fronts. He was searching for second hand shops, for the second hand shop to be exact. He could have called and asked either Rita or Carol herself where it was, but for some reason he wanted to find it himself. His task was complicated by the simple fact he wasn’t too sure just what she meant by second hand shop. He passed several pawn shops, costume...
Peter and Meagan were facing each other at just a slight angle while sitting cross legged on the floor. They were both naked, although Meagan had wanted to wear either a sports bra or yoga pants. It would have driven Peter wild, but Debbie didn't like the way a sports bra would have concealed Meagan's breasts. "Now remember, even though I'm going to be painting you two, the primary goal is for Meagan to learn to control her breathing. And maybe learn to cum a bit more quietly," Debbie...
Diana Eisley reminds some of your TSG editors of many of the girls from the past, the kind of girl SCOREClassics.com is showcasing in unedited scenes. No tattoos, big, natural, well-shaped boobs and a bush. A girl who does not look like the typical, modern-day porn star and nude model. The “real girl” appeal. Except this real girl has really large breasts. And to think Diana’s entrance into modeling for TSG was kickstarted at a sushi restaurant she was working in. Diana is at...
xmoviesforyouOne from Dorsetmike, answer the questions in your mind, then read the answers. No cheating!!!!! An Aussie lady who was kind but not very well-educated was sent on her way to Heaven. Upon arrival, a concerned St Peter met her at the Pearly Gates. ‘I’m sorry, ‘St Peter said; ‘But Heaven is suffering from an overload of godly souls and we have been forced to put up an Entrance Exam for new arrivals to ease the burden of Heavenly Arrivals.’ ‘That’s cool’ said the lady, ‘What does the Entrance...
Right now I wanted to go to my friend Jeremy’s house. He was down, from his breakup with his girlfriend. So I, who was in the best of moods, decided he should be too. Jeremy lived across town and we didn’t get to see each other as much as we would like. We met in middle school and were friends since seventh grade. But now we went to different high schools and only got to see each other about once a week, when we got together to play cards. When I got to his house I saw only his car in the...
The Carolina sun beat down on Collette's back yard, as Collette, her brother Dave, and Patty sunned themselves by the pool. Jackson Brown's "Fountain of Sorrow" seeped from the speaker rocks surrounding the teens as they drowsed on their lounge chairs: "But when you see through love's illusions, there lies the danger And your perfect lover just looks like a perfect fool So you go running off in search of a perfect stranger While the loneliness seems to spring from your life Like a...
Growing up I was the anonymous child. In a family of five children, I was number three. My eldest brother, the firstborn, was a total hell-raiser. Number two, my sister, was a drama queen. Number four, my second sister, was the ADD/ADHD Ritalin sibling among her many other disorders, and number five my youngest brother was the darling of our tribe. He could do no wrong and always got away with murder. My entire childhood was a never-ending soap opera. The one thing that I, Mr. Anonymous, had...
Gay MaleMissy woke before dawn, catching the alarm just as it started it's annoying squeal. She turned to see the alarm hadn't disturbed Robbie, angelicly sleeping under his muss of red hair. The only thing scruffier than Robbie was their terrier mix dog, Snarf, curled up at Robbie's feet. Missy toyed with the thought of waking Robbie, rolling him over, onto his back, so she could mount him and ride until they both shook in pleasure. A quick glance at the clock told her she'd have to wait until later...
Tomorrow I will be forty years old. My story, however, begins nine years ago when I was thirty one... My name is Jessica. I've been happily married for nine years to a wonderful caring man I met in college. We have two lovely children, a boy six and a daughter eight. My 31st birthday was yesterday and, as usual, my husband treated me to a night of dinner and dancing. He so enjoys doing for me that my pleasure's are equalled only by the delight he derives from making me happy. We want for...
It is important to point out that this story is 100% fiction, and all people in the story are around the ages of 21-23 This is a story about how I started back a sexual relationship with a past girlfriend and in fact the 'one that got away' The story started when I went to an old mates party as I was in the area. As I walked in I was greeted to people who I had not seen in a long time - I chatted to these people for a while and caught up on their lives and mine own. But it was when I looked...
EroticFrank had Tanya tied naked to a wagon wheel with her legs spread wide. She was currently upside-down with Frank holding her in place with one hand tightly gripping a smooth, creamy thigh. His other hand was busy painting her soft, golden bush with kerosene, causing her to squirm with ticklish delight. "I'm constantly amazed ... how ... you can find so many ways ... to depilate me," she gasped, twitching with sexual arousal. "You know, I could just burn it off myself ... I am a Phoenix...
TO BE READ BY ADULTS AT LEAST 21 YEARS OF AGE Best Girl Part 6 By A.F. [afstories (at) yahoo (dot) com] Laying in bed, Todd heard someone rustling from the other side of the room. Not moving himself, he whispered out the side of his mouth. "Candy, do you hear something?" Chris woke up and said, "What?" "Shh. I think there's someone in our room." Both Chris and Todd slowly rose up and saw a figure standing at their dresser at the other side of their room with his back to...
(This narration is based on true events narrated by Sujata,(well, almost, I added spice as required with her approval). All names have been changed as she requested. I will forward her fan mail to her. Please send your comments, suggestions and fan mail of Sujata to ) Sujata’s fingers were moving with lightning speed between her thighs, in her love hole and her eyes were glued to the Laptop screen. She was not watching a steamy porn movie but was reading an incest story, Mom seducing and...