CRPChapter 2 free porn video

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Current Responsible Party - Day 1

I’m awakened by a loud buzzing sound, and jump from my bunk. I start saying...

“I’m awake.” but the buzzing continues.

Everyone has gotten up trying to turn it off, and Sarah now sits on her bunk, and puts her face in her hands in disbelief. When it finally shut off, we understand how nobody could possibly sleep through it. I go into the bathroom to pee and by the time I get back Sarah has gotten everyone busy making their beds. Following the rules, we work at getting them in the same condition we found them. Nickolas goes into the bathroom next, and by the time he comes out the door opens and an older women escorted by an officer comes in. She has 4 plates with lids that resemble microwave meals. She puts them and 4 bottles of water on the table. She stacks a change of clothes for everyone on the table and without saying a word leaves. We sit at the table and remove the tops from the plates of food. It’s disgusting and Rachel pushed it away saying she’d rather go hungry, but Nickolas dug in because everything is an adventure to him. Sarah sent Rachel to shower while the rest of us ate our breakfast. Sarah was next to shower, then Nickolas and finally I showered. I wasn’t used to having separate shampoo and conditioner, and the shower gel smelled like lilac, which I could have done without. There was a huge dispenser of depilatory cream mounted on one side of the shower, with a built-in timer and start button. I finished up, dried off and got dressed. Today’s underwear was even more worn than yesterday, and the tag was dated 11 months ago, and I couldn’t help but wonder how many people had worn them. By the time I stepped out of the bathroom, everyone was dressed and sitting at the table. It was 8:35 and I noticed next to my corneal time display there is a timer counting down, 24:37 :36 :35, obviously counting down to 9AM. I take a seat in my chair, and we all sat quietly and nervous about today.

As 8:45 approaches I started feeling anxious. I would have loved having coffee instead of bottled water, but hadn’t thought to ask for it when the lady brought breakfast. Each minute seems to drag on, until I hear the door jiggle and open. Ms Watson steps in followed by another lady who picked up our clothes from yesterday, and cleared the table. Today Ms Watson looked quite different from yesterday. Yesterday she was dressed casual but today she is wearing a very nice dark blue dress suit. A matching skirt and jacket with a white silk blouse accented with a lighter blue tie. Shear stocking and dark blue heels, her hair was up and styled, and her makeup impeccable. As she walked in with her epad, she said...

“Everybody up, we don’t have a lot of time. Line up across the back wall.”

We all got up and did as told. She walked back and forth in front of us looking us over like some type of inspection.

She stopped in front of us, and has us rearrange ourselves saying...

“Mr Davis to the far right side, then Sarah next to him, then Rachel and finally Nickolas. So we are big to small, or small to big depending on which way you’re facing.”

She then has us spread out equal distance, so we take up the entire wall in 4 equal distances. She then says...

“Remember your places, this is exactly the order to line up when asked whether it’s me or a VIP announcement. Now turn around and face the wall.”

We all turned around then she continued...

“Beyond this folding wall is the Mall. This wall opens automatically at 9AM daily and closes again at 9PM. Once the wall opens you’ll notice there is a 4 foot distance between the wall and the glass enclosure. Additionally, there are 4 feet of glass dividing your enclosure and your neighbors on either side. In your enclosure you’ll notice it has 4 sections, 1 for each of you directly in front of where you are standing. If at any time an announcement is made to present yourselves, you will enter and remain in the center of your section until told to move out. Is this understood Davis family?”

A number of us said...


Then she added...

“Yes Ms Watson, is the correct answer, understood?”

We answered...

“Yes Ms Watson.”

She said...

“That’s better, now, you are not required the first 5 days to present yourselves here in the display area if you do not wish to, however, if buyers come to view you and you want to be considered for a debt purchase, I recommend you stay at least forward to be seen. Additionally, if you choose to use an Offer in Compromise for a buyers’ consideration, you want to be here for viewing. Also, pay attention to the monitor, it keeps a running log of reviews and recommendations from each potential buyer who wishes to leave one. Most leave reviews because they are encouraged to do so when they enter the Mall and issued their epads. Finally, the glass enclosures are sound proof so don’t try to communicate with anyone outside unless you happen to know sign language. And remember to smile, nobody wants to buy the debt of people who don’t appreciate the gift they’re offering you.”

She paused, then continued...

“I will be escorting potential buyers through the Mall today, and I have 2 additional enclosures, a day 5 and a day 7. If I bring someone to see you, you’ll hear me announce it, and I expect to see each of you front and center, understood?”

We replied... “Yes Ms Watson.”

With that she said...

“Eyes forward, 3 minutes till the Mall opens so relax.”

We have no idea what to expect when the Mall opens, so we wait nervously. Finally, we hear a series of beeps, and a moment later the folding doors begin to part in the center and fold back to each side. Lights start beaming into our room as the doors open wider and wider. We all stand still as they fully open and the sounds stop.

Ms Watson from behind us says...

“2 steps forward.”

With our eyes still adjusting to the light, we all step forward 2 steps and stop. I’m still squinting but my eyes are starting to adjust.

Ms Watson says...

“This is a daily ritual. Everyone steps forward to present themselves at the start of each day, is that understood Davis family?”

We all say... “Yes Ms Watson.”

She says...

“Excellent, you will remain here for the 1st 30 minutes each day, and that will help you adjust to displaying yourselves.”

Then she steps out the door and left us.

With my eyes finally adjusted, I look out across a wide corridor much like any of the Malls around town. There were places to sit, a few Kiosks in the center, an escalator down to the right, and even an elevator on the other side. I hear Sarah gasp, and I look at her and follow her gaze looking across to the other side. Another room like ours but not standing, but kneeling and completely naked there’s an adult male, a female next to him and next to her a young girl who looks to be about 14, slightly younger than Rachel. Above them is a digital banner display that reads...

Day 6 - McMillan Family - Male 39 - Female 38 - Virgin Female 14 - 180,000 Credits for 30/Months + OIC 12/Months - 42/Months total.

My mouth hung open as I looked at them before slowly panning across the other rooms. Each room was presented much the same and more than half of the people in the rooms were naked and kneeling. I noticed the naked people started at day 3 and up. Curiously, I looked up above our heads and saw our digital banner that read...

Day 1 - Davis Family - Male 37 - Female 36 - Virgin Female 15 - Virgin Male 14 - 209,000 Credits for 25/Months.

I looked at Rachel, and her mouth hung open as she looked around, Nickolas had a shocked look, but a small grin as if something was funny. Sarah reached over and took my hand as we stood there looking out. I could see at least 5 rooms to the left, and 4 to my right on the other side of the Mall floor. I looked to the right and oh my, there was a women and man, kneeling facing the front naked. They were both young. My wife squeezed my hand, and when I looked at her she nodded her head upward. I looked up at the couple’s digital banner which read...

Day 5 - The Greens - Male 28 - Female 25 - 450,000 Credits for 108/Months - OIC 24/Months - 132/Months total - Switch Offer 50/50 - Trigger Offer 50/50 - Laser Offer 50/50

I squeezed Sarah’s hand as we stood looking over the rooms. I monitored the time and waited for the required 30 minutes to pass. We watched as a few people slowly walked down the Mall across from us, they would stop and read banners and spend several minutes looking at the people inside. It had finally been the required 30 minutes, so I said, let’s go, and stepped to Sarah and the kids, gathered everyone up, and retreated back to the table. We all sat down, and I made sure the kids were not facing the glass wall. We held hands and I apologized to my family for getting us into this. I talked about being brave, but I wasn’t being brave at all. I was putting on a front for the children, inside I was about to break down. I felt sick inside, and I could tell Rachel was very distraught. We drank some water and I said...

“If anyone wants to spend some quiet time in the bathroom we would all understand.”

Out of curiosity I looked at my corneal display and brought up Sarah.

CRP: Human Services Location: Human Services Enclosure J CRP Name: None Gender: Female Age: 36 Weight: 128 Lbs Height: 5’5 Breast size: 36C Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Other: Married, 2 Children, Anal Virgin

I was a little taken back by no mention of her name. Rachel got up and went to the bathroom needing some space. I sat facing the front and the lights were shining brightly into our room. I could feel the heat radiating through the glass like how the sun is magnified coming through your cars wind screen on a summer day.

I watched as a middle-aged man and woman slowly walked by, they paused and looked in on us, then looked up and read our banner. I was pinged and knew they were getting our stats. I didn’t bother to see who they were because I didn’t care at the moment. They spoke between themselves, then entered something on their epads before walking off. Sarah looked at me and squeezed my hand before saying...

“That couple pinged me.”

We sat sipping our water and talked among ourselves about all of this. Rachel rejoined us, and I could tell she had been crying. She missed her friends and normally would be in school now. She was the oldest in her class because of her birth date so even at 15 she was only in the 9th grade. I knew she was feeling self-conscious about how she looked right now. She lately had become more concerned with her looks and style. She loves clothes, and always kept her hair brushed so it flows over her shoulders and half-way down her back. Her little nose was so cute with those little freckles scattered about, but now she tries to cover them up. Being the oldest, she kept a special place in my heart and I adored her.

It seems like we’ve been on display here for hours and it’s only been 45 minutes. I don’t even look toward the glass and don’t want to be gawked at. It’s humiliating enough to be where people can look in on us like peeping toms, but to acknowledge their presence is so much worse. Sarah is squeezing my hand and I feel as if she doesn’t blame me. We’ve ignored this part of the Government because it never affected us personally. I never thought it could happen this way, but I had trusted my boss, little did I know.

Our thoughts were interrupted by a beeping, then over the room’s intercom a male voice said...

“1st floor to your designated areas.”

My heart ached, and I noticed my corneal display timer had begun to count down starting at 15 seconds. We all looked at each other, and I could see in their eyes that everyone had the same timer counting down. We quickly got up as my timer had 7 seconds left. The short walk to our sections only took 4 seconds, and we were all standing centered within our assigned sections with seconds to go. As I looked down centering myself I wondered about the 2 small circles toward the front close to the glass, and spaced a few feet apart. We all stood still while Sarah was making sure Nickolas was centered, and encouraged him, Rachel seemed to have no problem and understood what was required. As I stood there, I scanned around the Mall, more curious than anything else. The couple to our right I decided to access. I started with her since she was closest to me. Her info popped up in my display and read...

CRP: Human Services Location: Human Services Enclosure K CRP Name: None Gender: Female Age: 25 Weight: 114 Lbs Height: 5’3 Breast size: 34D Sexual Orientation: As Directed Other: Married

I looked past her to the man and accessed.

CRP: Human Services Location: Human Services Enclosure K CRP Name: None Gender: Male Age: 28 Weight: 164 Lbs Height: 5’10 Penis size: 8” Sexual Orientation: As Directed Other: Married

I looked them over one last time, noticing how they knelt toward the front and seemed to pay attention to the Mall activity.

My eyes wandered back around to the Mall corridor, and as I focused across and to the right, I couldn’t believe it, but there in enclosure D was Mrs Wallace, my boss’s wife and their daughter Jessica. I hadn’t seen them since the Christmas party but there they were. I looked around the room, but didn’t see him anywhere with them, so I looked up at their banner which read...

Day 1 - The Wallace Females - Female 43 - Female 17 - 120,000 Credits for 29/Months

Part of me felt happy to see them there, and I hoped Mr Wallace was in jail. But then again, it probably wasn’t Mrs Wallace or Jessica who did anything wrong. They were probably more innocent than me. I accessed Jessica and it read:

CRP: Human Service Location: Human Services Enclosure K CRP Name: None Gender: Female Age: 17 Weight: 109 Lbs Height: 5’4 Breast size: 34B Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Other: Anal Virgin

Poor Jessica was just short of 18 and being on her own. Now it looks like she’ll be years in service.

My daydreaming was cut short by Sarah whispering my name and I look her way. I had missed a couple about our age with a son who was probably about 15 years old standing in front of Sarah. They were looking her over while their son was staring openly at Rachel. The couple started typing on the epad and talking, pretty much like the couple earlier. The couple moved more in front of me and the son stepped in front of Sarah. They looked me up and down pausing here and there. The women focused right at my crotch for several seconds and said something to her husband. He also looked at my crotch and then wrote something on their epad.

They both looked at their son as he spoke, then they talked for a few moments. The man tapped on the epad and then started milling about in front of us while looking up and down the Mall. About a minute later, a smartly dressed young woman no older than about 20, walked up to them and started a conversation as the 4 stood in front of our room. Finally, the young woman started talking into a headset while shaking her head up and down to the couple. A moment later the intercom in our room beeped and came on, the young woman with the headset was looking at Sarah as her voice come over the intercom saying...

“We need the adult female to open her coveralls and display her breasts for these prospective buyers.”

My mouth dropped, I gasped and heard Sarah say...

“What?” and looked my way.

I hear Rachel say OMG, and Nickolas actually laughed. Sarah and I both looked at them, and it was obvious that the son had requested it.

They looked at us with an expectant look on their faces while Sarah and I waited for someone to laugh and say, just kidding. The young woman’s voice came over the intercom saying, with a bit of aggravation...

“Now and hurry!”

Sarah tilted her head to the side quizzically, and a few seconds later started unzipping the front of her coveralls. She whispers to me as she unzips...

“A 10-second timer came on.”

She pulled her zipper down below her breasts, then pulled each side open, exposing her breasts, they still rested nicely with very little sag to them. She looked up and to the left, trying to avoid any eye contact with anyone, including myself.

Looking out at the 4 of them standing just 5 feet away, the young man was looking over my wife’s breasts intently. He said something but I couldn’t tell what it was. Then the young woman says over the intercom...

“Adult female, bend over so your breasts hang down.”

My wife mumbled “Asshole” under her breath, but bent over. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her breasts hanging down while she remained there. I must have had a pissed look on my face, because I suddenly notice the boy’s father looking at me. When we made eye contact he gave me one of those, don’t get an attitude looks! I quickly looked away feeling somewhat intimidated by him.

Suddenly the intercom says...

“Stand and jiggle them.”

I watched as my wife stood back up, and when fully upright, she gave her breasts a quick jiggle up and down one time. Again the intercom said...

“Keep jiggling till you’re told to stop bitch!”

Sarah began swaying her breasts back and forth gently with an occasional jiggle. I watched the young man who seemed amused smile. The parents looked briefly but mostly spoke with the young woman from Human Services. After at least 5 minutes, the parents smiled to the young woman then walked toward the Greens next door. The young man stood smiling at my wife another moment, then turned and walked off following his parents.

The young woman stood writing on her epad for a moment. Sarah was still jiggling and swaying and I knew the young woman was testing her. Finally, she looked up, stepped up to the glass and looked Sarah in the eye, then through the intercom said...

“Don’t you ever embarrass me like that again, do you understand me bitch!”

Sarah looked as if she had just peed herself, but started shaking her head up and down in acknowledgment. The young woman added...

“And that goes for the rest of you!”

She looked back and forth at all of us, and I shook my head acknowledging her. Then she looked back at Sarah and said...

“Now you can stop jiggling.”

She then turned, and walked back across the Mall to a kiosk. I looked over at Sarah, she had stopped jiggling and I saw a tear trickle down her cheek. I reached out, and then stepped to her, when Rachel saw me move she did the same, and we both hugged Sarah while she cried on my shoulder.

After a short cry, Sarah pulled herself together. I reached and pulled her zipper back up and kissed her lips tasting the saltiness of her tears. She straightened up and looked me in the eyes, with a look as if she had betrayed me, but she hadn’t. It was not her, but a young man who demanded that of her. I gave her another hug, and she pushed both Rachel and I back from her. We both stepped back to our sections and stood silently.

I finally noticed why we were standing here at the front. Down to the left were several Middle Eastern people walking this way with Ms Watson. They strolled casually along our side of the Mall looking into each of the rooms, and stopping at a few. These people were probably the reason the entire floor was front and center. As they approached I could see 3 men wearing expensive suits, 1 older man who was probably the father and 2 men either late teens or early 20s. 2 females but I couldn’t figure out their ages. They are wearing beautiful dresses with gold trim, but the head coverings makes it hard to tell ages. The 5 of them were obviously from a Middle Eastern country, but I couldn’t tell which. As they approached our room, I could tell Ms Watson was talking about us to one of the young men, who seemed to be translating to the others. Now it was easier to tell one of the females was older and the other female was probably in her mid teens. They were both beautiful and had impeccable skin. They were wearing gold jewelry everywhere, and their dresses were partially trimmed in gold. All 5 of them looked us over, but they only paused briefly in front of us, then wrote something down. I was happy they moved on, and we watched as they stopped in front of the Greens next to us. Ms Watson seemed to be going into detail with them, and the father even acknowledged as the younger man translated. I suddenly realized the Greens were both holding their mouths wide open as they looked upward at the men, and when the 2 women walked up they wiggled their tongues as well. The Middle Eastern group, and Ms Watson didn’t seem to pay any attention to them more than watching their tongues. Soon after, they moved on and continued looking into everyone’s rooms.

The Mall seemed to be getting a little busier now. It’s almost 11AM, and we’ve been here for at least 90 minutes between both times up front. I looked to see who was on our left. I had to look past Sarah then Rachel and finally Nickolas to see them. I was leaning forward to see around everyone and could make out a male probably in his early 40s. Next to him was who I assume is his wife and down the row looked like 3 or 4 kids ranging from late teens to youngest. I asked Rachel, and she confirmed 4 kids. They were standing much like we were, and taking in the activities. Leaning as far forward as I could, I made out, Day 2 and the name Taylor. I asked Sarah if she could see how much and her and Rachel both looked and said 340,000 credits. I quickly did the math in my head, rounding up and thought 27 months.

We stood there for another hour and 20 minutes. Several people walked through and a few stopped at us. I accessed information on a few of them but I could only access names and nothing more. I did notice some had a check mark behind their name and some did not. I would ask Ms Watson about that. I watched the Middle Eastern group make their way around the entire floor, and finally enter the elevator with Ms Watson. It wasn’t more than 1 minute later that the intercom beeped and this time a woman’s voice said...

“You may now relax and use the restroom if needed.”

No sooner than she stopped talking, Rachel turned and ran to the bathroom saying, “I’m first” as she went. Sarah said, “Hurry I need to go.” I stepped over and got Nickolas to go sit down. I glanced at the family to the left, and they were walking to the rear like us, and when I looked over at the Greens, they were still kneeling and looking ahead. I had a feeling they may be getting desperate.

We all took turns using the bathroom then sat down at the table. It felt good to be off our feet after standing in one place for over 2 hours. Rachel said she hoped lunch would be better than breakfast, and she was getting hungry. I knew she hated oatmeal but when it’s room temperature and sticky it’s disgusting regardless. Sarah and I didn’t know exactly how to explain things to the kids. They were seeing all the same things we were. They knew their mother had been made to do something we wished they hadn’t seen. The day may soon come that they both get a crash course in things sexual, but hopefully not too soon.

Both kids had their heads on the table and might be asleep, and I decided to let them sleep if they wanted to. I walk up behind Sarah and kiss her cheek and hold her from behind whispering in her ear, I love you. She tilts her head over, and we enjoy a quick hug.

Suddenly the beeping is going off again. The countdown starts at 15 seconds like last time with the announcement for the 1st floor to come forward. Sarah and I shake the kids, and make sure they are awake, so we can get up front. I pull Nickolas up and toward the front and Sarah is doing the same with Rachel. Just like last time we are there with a second or two to spare. I glance over to the Greens and I don’t think they’ve moved. I look across the floor to where Mrs Wallace and Jessica are, and see an elderly couple standing there looking them over, but oh my, Mrs Wallace is actually pleading with her fingers locked together. I have a feeling it might be her parents. I hope they get the help they need.

Looking off to the far left I see several people coming through the Mall on the other side. They walk past where we are and to the second room past Mrs Wallace and Jessica. 3 different couples standing there, so I look at their banner and read...

Day 7 - The Miller’s - Male 43 - Female 41 - 300,000 Credits - NA/Months - Auction 2:00 PM - No Reserve - Global Sale - Switches, 4 Triggers and Laser’ing will be included with a full debt purchase.

I am trying to see them, but it’s blocked by those gathering there. I check my time and its 1:50 PM. I look over at Sarah and the kids and they are all looking over there as well. I tell the kids not to pay attention to what’s going on over there, and they look down and the other directions. Several more people begin to gather around and I look down to the far end of the Mall and see 2 men dressed as maintenance workers pushing what looks like rolling bleachers. They push it in front of the that room, and set the brakes. Immediately the people started taking seats on the bleachers and block me from seeing the Miller’s.

At a few minutes before 2 PM I see Ms Watson and a man I’ve never seen walk between the bleachers and the room. Suddenly the intercom comes to life in our room. I see a video feed come on the overhead monitors hanging from the ceiling of the Mall. One of those 4 huge monitors pointing each direction. It’s aimed at the front of the room and I see the Miller’s standing at the front of the glass, just as we are now. I turn to Sarah and asked...

“What should we do about the kids?”

She whispered...

“There is nothing we can do, the audio is being broadcast! Why would they do that?”

I shrugged, and looked back up to the monitors.

I hear the intercom crackle, I look, and the bleachers are now full, with others standing around on the sides. I swear I see one of those Middle Eastern men sitting at the top of bleachers. I hear the man’s voice through the intercom say...

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen to today’s auction of the Miller’s. My name is Mr Jones, and I am the Director of Placement here at Human Services. The bidding will start in just a few minutes. I see some familiar faces here this afternoon, welcome back. Remember at any time you may ask questions and make requests. We want this to go smooth, and everyone here to enjoy themselves. Free drinks are available during all auctions, and wait staff will begin taking orders momentarily. Their counselor Ms Watson will give us a run down and detailed information about each of them. So without further ado I turn it over to Ms Watson.”

“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We present you with the Miller’s. John Miller holds a Master’s Degree in Agriculture. He is 43, has a 6” penis and is an oral and anal virgin. He was a member of the Community Church and helped couch the Church Basketball Team. With his degree, he would be perfect as your yard man and gardener. Kirsten Miller, age 41 holds a BS in Chemistry. She has 36D breasts, and an anal virgin. She was also a member of the Community Church and sang in the Church choir. She would be perfect to entertain at parties using her singing talents once she learns your favorite music. They had 1 daughter, who is currently at City University. She has been coming to visit daily, and currently sitting with a counselor watching from the family viewing booth. She is not part of the auction, and I’m sure she’s anxious to get back to school.”

“You with your hand up, do you have a question?”


“Of course their clothes can be removed. One moment please. Can an associate please help the Miller’s undress please? Thank you.”

“While they are being stripped, I will continue.”

“Although the Miller’s have shown little respect for the staff, or potential debt buyers during their time here, we are confident they can be trained to perform admirably. That is why Social Services have decided to include with the sale, the complete add-on package. Both will have Libido Switch Implants, the latest version with lifetime chemical and mental fast acting dispenser. Each will receive 4 Trigger commands of your choice, using the latest chemical hypnosis, and finally a total and permanent body hair laser treatment, including head hair at your discretion. All of these treatments would normally cost 10,000 each so this should be considered when placing your bids. Wouldn’t it be nice to set up a trigger to have Kirsten break into song, and sing one of your favorite albums on command? Or perhaps have John learn the piano, so they can both entertain together.”

“There we are, now you can see exactly what you’re getting. Sorry we don’t have the Switches embedded yet, or we could see him hard to demonstrate his length and girth.”

“Will the associates please have the merchandise kneel at the knee placement points?”

“Thank you, now we can see Kirsten’s vagina better.”

“Now remember, after the purchase all body hair will be removed at your discretion, so use your imagination please. Some buyers like body hair, and we understand there may be some who opt out of the laser hair removal.”

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Fate Ch 02

Eight and a half weeks. That’s how long Gage would be away for basic training, but they tried to keep in touch as much as possible. It was difficult being freshly engaged and not being able to be with your fiancé/fiancée to share the experience… That new love sensation. Natasha and Gage’s love was very new. Although all their life it had been no secret that they were meant to be together they had never dove into the unmarked territory to find if they could be anything more than the best of...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 368

I was in my office with Lorrie and Marcy; we were discussing the latest update of the work on the two C130s at Toronto. Every few days Lockheed sent pictures and a report on progress; they clearly understood the deadline was fixed. Jenny and Marcy had insisted there be a daily financial penalty for every day past the deadline in the contract. Amy sent an email that the budget had been signed and that we should precede with logistics for the new embassies. Everyone would be super busy again...

2 years ago
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The great car sex

Hi all ISS readers, my name is Aman. I am an Indian but I have been living outside India for few years now. I moved away during my teen days so never got a chance to have the pleasure of sex with any Indian girl. Although I have had sex with a number of girls (from 8 different countries). Anyways to start with the story… This is an interesting incident. I had been going out with ex-my girlfriend, Hege, for many months now, and we’ve been having sexpractically nonstop. One night we were coming...

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etsindi ? ?To be frank I am confident that you will be pleased with the result." He said as he led her down the corridor, his?head down?staring at?his feet and actually feeling the reverse.. " I think you will admit Mrs Bishom the brief you gave us was not very detailed -?" mute sentient suffering "?I think was the nub of the thing -?however I believe we understood your requirements and that our interpretation will be to your taste." The woman turns to him as her heels click on the...

4 years ago
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Webcam Boys Chapter 9

Introduction: William and John get a long awaited reunion. Now allied with Johnson and Carl, the boys try to figure out the mystery of Peter McMahon Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. Its a work in progress, with...

3 years ago
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The Way He Makes Me Feel

This boy. Almost 22 years old. The most gorgeous person on the planet. The things that he has gone through in life, I can't help but admire him. He is persistent, dedicated and passionate. And I can't help but add, the best sex ever. The way he kisses me is like a drug. I can't get enough of his lips and it makes my head spin to kiss him. The gentle way he bites my lip and meets my tongue. But that kissing can get rough and passionate in the heat of the moment. His soft kisses on my neck and...

Straight Sex
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Now This Wont Hurt A BitChapter 24

Becky giggled softly as she backed Victor the stock boy against a set of shelves roughly in the middle of the storeroom. She wriggled her body against him, letting her breasts bounce and heave against his chest. "You like that, Victor?" Becky cooed. She traced her fingers down one of his bare, heavily-muscled arms, delighting at how he trembled under her touch. "You like feeling my boobs touching you like that, hmm?" Becky looked into his eyes. Victor could do little more than stare...

2 years ago
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Letters from Sky Part 7

Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 7 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Monday, April 28th (noon) Hi, Marsh, I'm banished to my room by the cleaning lady again. Nah-uh, he didn't really grab me and hold or anything -- just sort of tried to hug, but rough. And I could have asked his mom or brother for my bike, but just didn't want to. And I looked...

4 years ago
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Star of my Fantasy

I’m having fantasies about my co-worker. Sexual ones. Yes I’m already in a relationship, but I haven’t had sex in more than 2 months! Don’t even ask. So I figure a little flirting and mental gymnastics never hurt anyone…right? So I’m sitting at my desk, studiously trying to finish this report that was due like yesterday. But the face right across me is so damn distracting! There is a time and a place for fantasy, and this is not it let me tell you. But he’s so damn gorgeous! Caramel skin and...

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Anal with Mom

Billy sat at the kitchen table feeling depressed. Another night out with friends, another night of flirting with girls that led to blue-balls instead of getting laid or making any real connections. It had been so long. He was so lonely. On top of it all he was living at home with his mom. She was definitely a "cool" mom. "She's awesome." he thought. They had a very open and honest relationship and she didn't really place any stupid restrictions on him like some parents. "And she's beautiful."...

1 year ago
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Pool Party

Chuck and I snuck into the Taylor's bedroom and got in position on the floor. We could see the pool and everybody perfectly though the light was not too good. There was a lot of people, maybe twenty five or thirty. Just then, Marie Wilson jumped up with no top on. Huge natural tits. Everybody started clapping. The Taylors had this party every year and every year Chuck and I would hear about this woman was naked or his mom was naked or so & so mom's gave someone a blowjob or he got fucked....

3 years ago
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Random Encounter

My boyfriend and I had recently split up after only a few months of dating. No matter how long we’d been together, I was in serious need of some dance therapy. Clark, one of my good friends, offered to take me out one night… a hard opportunity to pass up. Clark didn’t drink much, and he never had issues taking care of me if I accidentally drank myself silly. After agreeing to go out, I put some real effort into myself while I got ready. I straightened my hair, fixed my make up quite nice, and...

4 years ago
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Law of the BloodChapter 22 The Second Date

The people present had expected a duel, but what they had seen had been an execution. It was as violent as it was quick. The casual destruction of a human life was shocking to some of them, but the expression on Roban’s and Athea’s faces was the reason for the continued silence. They didn’t show any of the emotions expected of them. Neither relief about Roban’s survival, nor compassion for his dead opponent, not even lingering fury. There was just a happy and satisfied little grin on their...

1 year ago
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Secret Admirer

Miranda had just gotten home from work on Friday evening after a tiring day, and had nothing on her mind but taking a hot shower and curling up on the sofa with a good movie. She wandered into the bedroom of her apartment, took off her clothes and looked in the mirror. At almost 30, she was lovely. Her blond hair fell in waves past her shoulders and to the middle of her back and her light green eyes, though they were tired at the moment, were still clear and beautiful. She wasn’t fat, but not...

Straight Sex
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Unexpected part 2

hello  again.....if you read part one,here is what happened behind that closed door!  Hope you enjoy it!  We fell on the bed and kissed like crazy. We were both hungry for each other even more then! Doug kissed me all over with a wet sloppy tongue! I was moaning like crazy as I felt him go to places a woman has never licked! He rolled me over and massaged my back and ass and gave it a few really hard slaps! I just moaned and layed there, my mind going crazy! I reached my hand between his legs...

3 years ago
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Bhai K Lund Ko Sant Karna

Me resmi 22 saal ek bar fir apne choot se ek kahani nikal k aapko sunane ja rhi hu.Meri family me panch log h mummy papa riya varun aur me.Mummy papa ek room me sote the,me aur riya ek saath sote the aur varun akela ek room me sota tha.Me thodi moti gori aur kafi sundar hu kisi ko bhi apna diwana bana sakti hu.Bhara hua jism masum chehra bari bari boobs.Varun bhi bahut handsome he.Bar bar pichhe se meri kamar pakad leta h aur meri ass ki golae se chipak jata h.Lekin riya ko ye sab pasand nhi...

1 year ago
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The Accident

It was a day like any other. Wake up, take care of my morning wood, say hello to my three roommates Dani, Gina and Aspen, grab something quick to eat and head to my temp job at Pharma-Ceuticals Inc. I'd been out of work for a while and writers block has kicked me in the ass. I needed to make some cash to pay my rent or I'd be out on the street, no matter how much my roommates liked my company. The temp job wasn't too difficult, running papers, copying and transcribing, etc. I was already...

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I have to thank a pair of people who went over this and made it far better than i could Honeybree and Pepper_pace. The two of you did so much for this story i can’t even begin to thank you. For all of you who read this story please enjoy it. It is a long one, but I couldn’t cut corners on this one. So enough of my useless rambling and enjoy the show! comments and votes are always welcome as is your enjoyment. * The bell rang out as the two warriors slumped against each other. Their corner...

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Friend8217s Hot Mom

This adventure took place last year; I am 25 from Pune and have a long and thick dick to satisfy any Gal/Women When I was first introduced to porn I found older women to be my main attraction. There was something about having sex with a woman who was fully developed and had plenty of experience that turned me on like nothing else. My dream of being with a milf or cougar made interacting with girls my age extremely boring. I still found girls my age attractive but never really tried to get a...

3 years ago
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Once you have Black

Once you have Black A radical group of Black men take over a mountain town in America, by hypnotising all the white men into black cock loving girly sissies, and any black man not in their group into joining them and putting all the females in baby farms were they will make the babies for the white sissies to bring up with their black husbands. Father Samual walked into the Mayor of Summersvile office. Summersvile is only a small town in southern U.S.A in the size of only 20km in...

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Late Arrival to a Party All Ready Started

Though I do like a drink, sometimes I abstain totally and act as the good samaritan to drive my friends from the town where we live into the city. One night I went with my then girlfriend and some of her mates. The night started on a pretty strange footing. I met up with them at her house. Her parents were away so I just walked straight in expecting to find them all sitting in the living room, drinking vodka and giggling. As per usual on nights like these. They weren't in the living room...

2 years ago
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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 49

Aina time: 2:40 AM, day 286 of 1449 Earth time: 2:21 AM Eastern Standard Time, Sunday, July 19, 2043 Jennifer opened her eyes, feeling very groggy. She realized several people were in her hospital room with her, and she shivered as she realized some of them were male. She forced herself fully awake, and looked around. There was only Dr. Ker with her now. "Dr. Mayoni will be here in just a second," Ker said quietly, and then she looked at some monitors. Jennifer looked at her arm band. She...

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Christmas At The Salon

Back in October I introduced my friend Susan to boys that wanted to be girls for her beauty school.They would come in for help with their hair and makeup and her students could practice on them.Everyone had a ball and it worked out very well. Soon the girls realized that this was a dream come true for the boys and became more demanding of them.Keeping the place clean was just one of their many new tasks.They had to speak in a feminine voice when they were there and address each girl as...

1 year ago
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ViperGirls Transsexual

When presented with the possibility in public, most men will scoff at the idea of having sex with a chick with a dick. They don’t want to look like a fag in front of their friends. Of course, every man wants to present himself as the very model of masculinity, but we all know what he is really thinking, “maybe fucking a chick with a dick wouldn’t be so bad.”Furthermore, I would argue that watching tranny porn is not as gay as you might assume at first. Fuck that. I’ll even go one step further...

Shemale Porn Sites
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The Makeup Sex

I was already in a bad mood that day and it didn’t help matters that I was running late for work. I sped through town, rushing every stop light and stop sign to ensure I’d make it there within the allotted grace period – not that there actually is one. Anyways, I made it in just in time to slip by my boss and into my desk. Awesome part of that – he hadn’t noticed I was ten minutes late. That heightened my mood a bit, but I was still mad that Aly wanted to play knowing that I was going to be...

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Rashmi Aunty Ka Deewana

Hello everyone! Mera naam rao hai mai kanpur ka rahne wala hu yeh kahani meri aur rashmi aunty ki hai. Rashmi aunty hamare ghar se thoda door rahti thi par wo hamari family friends hai. Mai rashmi aunty ko tab se pasand karta tha jab se mai 12th std mai tha. Aunty ki age 39 thi. Aunty ek dum jabardast thi. Mote mote chuche thodi fatty aur unki jabardast chuttad. Unke gand ka to mai deewana tha. Kai baar mai unke ghr jata to vo mujhe pyar se hug karti chicks par kiss karti. Issi mauke ka fayda...

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Black Dahlia AvengedChapter 4

Ty tried to keep away from the club; he was a freelance journalist and could use his job as cover, on the pretence that he was on some lead or other, but his weakness meant he was there more often than he should be. He was no front-page news hack, most of his articles were for glamour and theatrical magazines, few at the club knew his business, but he was wary that his regular presence there might get made known to the wrong people and damage what little reputation he had. Still, his weakness...

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I had been reading lots about rabbit vibrators and how much good they do for women around the world and how many women still prefer them over other conventional sex toys and I knew I had to try out the most popular one there was and give you my 411 on what the fuss is all about even all of these decades later.I had read a lot about combined orgasms and whilst I had dabbled in this sort of play before I don’t think I had ever tried it with all in one type of sex toy. I was aware combined orgasms...

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Gay Spa Encounter

On one of my business trips to northern Ohio several years ago, I decided to go to a downtown gay spa. I had never been to such a place, although I had read stories about what might take place at such establishments. It was late at night, and there were very few cars in the lot. I went in, paid the fee and got a towel and a locker. I undressed and locked up my things, put the towel around me, and headed off to explore the place. As my eyes were adjusting to the darkened conditions, I passed by...

3 years ago
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Fun With Neighbor Bhabhi In Her New Flat

Greetings to my all ISS friends and followers, I would like to thank all the story readers who gave overwhelming response in my previous story. I am Dev living near Noida and this story which I am writing in hurry is about my neighbor bhabhi, whom I satisfied in her new flats. Her name is Rita and looks gorgeous. This story happened with me in last month. She, her son & her husband were our neighbor till few months back and recently they shifted to their new flats in noida. Lets start the story...

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Watching my sister

I used to get myself off watching my older sister having sex. I once heard Angie and her boyfriend fucking when they thought they had the house to themselves and got really turned on by it, and eventually thought of a way to get to see them in action. So I learned to tell them I wouldn't be home until late and then to hide under her bed and wait for the two of them to come home and get busy upstairs - usually straight away. She was really in love with this guy, and I used to hear her...

3 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 20

I said, "Here's the deal. We can do 4 on 4 off, 8 on 8 off or some weird combination. We have three days to go 180 miles. After three days the weather becomes disturbed." "What does 'disturbed' mean?" Grace asked. "It means they don't know ... Saturday is going to be rough ... but not dangerous," I said, "CPO Olsen suggests on Saturday we head straight across to Frankfort, the wind will be on the quarter. I am assuming he wants us to harbor jump. Stay within a mile or two of...

2 years ago
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High School Days RepostedMy Big 10

In math class the teacher is a fat guy we call Porky, he was a mean prick. I sat next to Debbie Mann, who was one of the most popular girls in our class. She was real pretty with auburn hair, nice body, great personality. In the middle of class she leans over to me and ask, “why do they call you Wiener all the time?” Boy did my face get red, and I just mumble, “that I did not no why.” But she was persistent and kept asking. All of a sudden Porky is by us and hollers, “Miss Mann,...

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MyFamilyPies Lulu Chu Maya Woulfe My New Years Resolution Is My Stepsisters Pussy

Lulu Chu has invited Maya Woulfe to celebrate the new year with herself and her stepbrother, Codey Steele. The trio are enjoying themselves putting up decorations, when Codey decides to stir up some shit. He begins talking to Maya about the resolution board Lulu has been making. Lulu is embarrassed, but Maya wants to know more. She runs to Lulu’s room and retrieves the board, then starts reading the resolutions out loud with Codey chiming in. One of Lulu’s resolutions is that she...

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Tribute Story for cokokisses Part 5

My chest was heaving considerably, the fast and furious pace that I'd set earlier having caught up with me. Deep ragged breaths were drawn in and I let them out as slowly as I could, my heart hammering in my chest. I was sore, and slightly tired from the fucking, but one look over at the woman beside me had all of that disappearing. I grinned over at her as I reached down to untie her ankles and wrists, letting the belts pull free before tossing them onto the floor. She rubbed her wrists and...

2 years ago
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Playground of GodsChapter 1

The light cutting through the bamboo shades finally settles on Beatrix Eden, waking her from her slumber. It is later than she usually gets up, but she is the boss and thus gets to decide when she starts her day. And today she isn’t in a hurry. Looking around the room, she can tell that her girlfriend, Danyelle, has not been home the night before. However, this isn’t unusual. Their relationship is open and they are both free to go out or even sleep with other people they chose to. And the...

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My First Family Encounter Part Two

My First Family Encounter Part Two.Read Part one first, when you read part one read this.Since the first mutual mastabation episode in the bathroom with my mother, I had been lying still fully naked on my single bed in my bedroom,Oh my god I got hard again just remembering what had taken place between my hot sexy mother and me, and now I heard her comming to my bedroom.The door to my bedroom was open, seconds later my mother came into view, she stood in the doorway to my room, she now wore a...

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A Tom Hanks movie was running on the television but Hazel wasn’t watching it. Sure, she was sitting in the right place on the sofa, had the lights turned down and an obligatory bowl of microwave popcorn on her lap but it was one of those nights where she just didn’t feel it. Some other day, she might have been on the edge of her seat. But that night, the acting felt obvious and almost insulting.Her eyes moved around the living room of her small apartment. The fairy lights were still up, as was...

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The Binding RingsChapter 6

Jason sprung away form his aunt - guilt, panic, and fright all vying for control. “Quick!” He hissed to Sarah urgently. “Get upstairs and hide - make sure you act normally if you come down!” His aunt looked like she wanted to say something or other - the urgency of the situation didn’t seem to concern her as it did him - but Jason eventually succeeded in getting her up and moving; he had to basically shove her up the start of the stairs until she got the hint and went of her own accord....

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My fantasy

She had the sexiest tits they were 36 C with pink nipples that were hard as a rock. She took both hands and rubbed both nipples twisting them between her fingers & thunbs she was moaning like crazy opening her legs while I continued to suckle on each toe. I couldnt take anymore I said Sarah can I fuck your feet? Yes ! So I pulled off my pants & said pull your skirt off so she did there she was lying back on the couch with them pink panties on, I kicked the autimin out of the way& pulled her...

4 years ago
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The Anonymous The Curious ch1

"I'm sorry sweetie. I haven't been able to concentrate much lately." "Sounds like you need to get laid," she quipped. "Mmmph," was all I could say to verbalize my agreement. My wife was an amazing woman. She had the smarts, the sense of humor, the endless kindness; all of it. In fact, the only part of our relationship that wasn't enviable was our sex life. We had our daughter in our thirties. While this afforded us a better financial situation and greater patience than we...

2 years ago
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Pink Sugar Apocolypse

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!! A hand reached out from beneath the covers, groping blindly for the infernal device. It smacked the cheap desktop on either side, before the sheets rustled as the figure scooted closer to the desk. The hand came down just past the tool of sadists, with the figure's arm smack it's top, and the wrist striking the hard plastic edge. A muffled curse was spoken, as the figure finally gave up on the desired 5 more minutes, and threw off the sheets. The young man stretched,...

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The Escort

The Escort By Jennifer Richardson I got the idea for this story from a reply I received from a gentleman who I have been writing a series of fantasies. He is into all manner of kinky stuff so I wasn't really surprised when he requested a tale involving him and a transvestite. He is aware that I'm a hetero transvestite and all the previous stories I'd written for him were hetero too. I checked with him and he confirmed his requirements. What he actually said was: "I don't know...

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The War with the GodsPart 1

South of my hometown of Buya, just inside the Wilderness, was a small waterfall, picturesque and remote. It would have been a popular getaway for vacationers from the city, if it weren't so close to the entrance to a mutant lobster cave. Of course, this didn't worry me much, as the lobsters and I had an understanding: if they didn't bother me, I didn't kill them in great numbers. Still, we occasionally had our misunderstandings. It was almost noon, which meant stopping my work for more...

3 years ago
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Playing Peegames on a Train and Fucking the Conductor in Both H

Over the years, I’ve met up with Martina several times, but for the most part we’ve been chatting online. I enjoyed our “sessions” more and more, we shared some of our innermost secret desires and discovered new ones together as we had some of the most depraved and kinky exchanges possible. I love her, in a way that’s hard to describe and new to me, but feels “right” for the kind of relationship we have. Because of our different lives and her marriage it was hard at times to keep up that...

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The day my brother popped my cherry

It was a hot June day and i was home alone. Being horny as hell, i quickly tossed my clothes and started watching some porn on the net. Pretty soon i was hard as a rock and jacking off furiously. Despite always watching str8 porn, i had recently been fascinated by some ass play vids and was always watching at vids of women playing with asses... I had slightly bent over, jacking off like a madman and having inserted a pencil in my little, tight asshole, when i realized someone was behind me...I...

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Sex With A Handsome Stranger

I had just spent a very frustrating six months with a man that was not a good fit for me. By the time I was ready to start dating again, I was so sexually frustrated that I didn't feel I was able to be disciplined enough to date someone without hopping in bed with them before I knew if we were a good fit. I also felt like my youth was running out and I wanted to have fun while I can.So, I decided to go against my character and just have a fling while I was looking for Mr. Right. After only a...

1 year ago
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Her Sensuous SearchChapter 12

Physically they were quite different, Lauralee thought; inside, they were the same, the identical operations of their passionate natures at odds with their bodies. But those bodies complemented each other--Jessica's plump and ripely rounded, very lush and generously developed, her large, heavy breasts a comfort for any man, and those lavish thighs a welcome. Lauralee looked down and checked out her own physical qualifications: she had always thought she was a bit too long and lean, but...

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