Lounging for FunChapter 9 Premature teen by choice
- 2 years ago
- 25
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Current Responsible Party - Day 1
I’m awakened by a loud buzzing sound, and jump from my bunk. I start saying...
“I’m awake.” but the buzzing continues.
Everyone has gotten up trying to turn it off, and Sarah now sits on her bunk, and puts her face in her hands in disbelief. When it finally shut off, we understand how nobody could possibly sleep through it. I go into the bathroom to pee and by the time I get back Sarah has gotten everyone busy making their beds. Following the rules, we work at getting them in the same condition we found them. Nickolas goes into the bathroom next, and by the time he comes out the door opens and an older women escorted by an officer comes in. She has 4 plates with lids that resemble microwave meals. She puts them and 4 bottles of water on the table. She stacks a change of clothes for everyone on the table and without saying a word leaves. We sit at the table and remove the tops from the plates of food. It’s disgusting and Rachel pushed it away saying she’d rather go hungry, but Nickolas dug in because everything is an adventure to him. Sarah sent Rachel to shower while the rest of us ate our breakfast. Sarah was next to shower, then Nickolas and finally I showered. I wasn’t used to having separate shampoo and conditioner, and the shower gel smelled like lilac, which I could have done without. There was a huge dispenser of depilatory cream mounted on one side of the shower, with a built-in timer and start button. I finished up, dried off and got dressed. Today’s underwear was even more worn than yesterday, and the tag was dated 11 months ago, and I couldn’t help but wonder how many people had worn them. By the time I stepped out of the bathroom, everyone was dressed and sitting at the table. It was 8:35 and I noticed next to my corneal time display there is a timer counting down, 24:37 :36 :35, obviously counting down to 9AM. I take a seat in my chair, and we all sat quietly and nervous about today.
As 8:45 approaches I started feeling anxious. I would have loved having coffee instead of bottled water, but hadn’t thought to ask for it when the lady brought breakfast. Each minute seems to drag on, until I hear the door jiggle and open. Ms Watson steps in followed by another lady who picked up our clothes from yesterday, and cleared the table. Today Ms Watson looked quite different from yesterday. Yesterday she was dressed casual but today she is wearing a very nice dark blue dress suit. A matching skirt and jacket with a white silk blouse accented with a lighter blue tie. Shear stocking and dark blue heels, her hair was up and styled, and her makeup impeccable. As she walked in with her epad, she said...
“Everybody up, we don’t have a lot of time. Line up across the back wall.”
We all got up and did as told. She walked back and forth in front of us looking us over like some type of inspection.
She stopped in front of us, and has us rearrange ourselves saying...
“Mr Davis to the far right side, then Sarah next to him, then Rachel and finally Nickolas. So we are big to small, or small to big depending on which way you’re facing.”
She then has us spread out equal distance, so we take up the entire wall in 4 equal distances. She then says...
“Remember your places, this is exactly the order to line up when asked whether it’s me or a VIP announcement. Now turn around and face the wall.”
We all turned around then she continued...
“Beyond this folding wall is the Mall. This wall opens automatically at 9AM daily and closes again at 9PM. Once the wall opens you’ll notice there is a 4 foot distance between the wall and the glass enclosure. Additionally, there are 4 feet of glass dividing your enclosure and your neighbors on either side. In your enclosure you’ll notice it has 4 sections, 1 for each of you directly in front of where you are standing. If at any time an announcement is made to present yourselves, you will enter and remain in the center of your section until told to move out. Is this understood Davis family?”
A number of us said...
Then she added...
“Yes Ms Watson, is the correct answer, understood?”
We answered...
“Yes Ms Watson.”
She said...
“That’s better, now, you are not required the first 5 days to present yourselves here in the display area if you do not wish to, however, if buyers come to view you and you want to be considered for a debt purchase, I recommend you stay at least forward to be seen. Additionally, if you choose to use an Offer in Compromise for a buyers’ consideration, you want to be here for viewing. Also, pay attention to the monitor, it keeps a running log of reviews and recommendations from each potential buyer who wishes to leave one. Most leave reviews because they are encouraged to do so when they enter the Mall and issued their epads. Finally, the glass enclosures are sound proof so don’t try to communicate with anyone outside unless you happen to know sign language. And remember to smile, nobody wants to buy the debt of people who don’t appreciate the gift they’re offering you.”
She paused, then continued...
“I will be escorting potential buyers through the Mall today, and I have 2 additional enclosures, a day 5 and a day 7. If I bring someone to see you, you’ll hear me announce it, and I expect to see each of you front and center, understood?”
We replied... “Yes Ms Watson.”
With that she said...
“Eyes forward, 3 minutes till the Mall opens so relax.”
We have no idea what to expect when the Mall opens, so we wait nervously. Finally, we hear a series of beeps, and a moment later the folding doors begin to part in the center and fold back to each side. Lights start beaming into our room as the doors open wider and wider. We all stand still as they fully open and the sounds stop.
Ms Watson from behind us says...
“2 steps forward.”
With our eyes still adjusting to the light, we all step forward 2 steps and stop. I’m still squinting but my eyes are starting to adjust.
Ms Watson says...
“This is a daily ritual. Everyone steps forward to present themselves at the start of each day, is that understood Davis family?”
We all say... “Yes Ms Watson.”
She says...
“Excellent, you will remain here for the 1st 30 minutes each day, and that will help you adjust to displaying yourselves.”
Then she steps out the door and left us.
With my eyes finally adjusted, I look out across a wide corridor much like any of the Malls around town. There were places to sit, a few Kiosks in the center, an escalator down to the right, and even an elevator on the other side. I hear Sarah gasp, and I look at her and follow her gaze looking across to the other side. Another room like ours but not standing, but kneeling and completely naked there’s an adult male, a female next to him and next to her a young girl who looks to be about 14, slightly younger than Rachel. Above them is a digital banner display that reads...
Day 6 - McMillan Family - Male 39 - Female 38 - Virgin Female 14 - 180,000 Credits for 30/Months + OIC 12/Months - 42/Months total.
My mouth hung open as I looked at them before slowly panning across the other rooms. Each room was presented much the same and more than half of the people in the rooms were naked and kneeling. I noticed the naked people started at day 3 and up. Curiously, I looked up above our heads and saw our digital banner that read...
Day 1 - Davis Family - Male 37 - Female 36 - Virgin Female 15 - Virgin Male 14 - 209,000 Credits for 25/Months.
I looked at Rachel, and her mouth hung open as she looked around, Nickolas had a shocked look, but a small grin as if something was funny. Sarah reached over and took my hand as we stood there looking out. I could see at least 5 rooms to the left, and 4 to my right on the other side of the Mall floor. I looked to the right and oh my, there was a women and man, kneeling facing the front naked. They were both young. My wife squeezed my hand, and when I looked at her she nodded her head upward. I looked up at the couple’s digital banner which read...
Day 5 - The Greens - Male 28 - Female 25 - 450,000 Credits for 108/Months - OIC 24/Months - 132/Months total - Switch Offer 50/50 - Trigger Offer 50/50 - Laser Offer 50/50
I squeezed Sarah’s hand as we stood looking over the rooms. I monitored the time and waited for the required 30 minutes to pass. We watched as a few people slowly walked down the Mall across from us, they would stop and read banners and spend several minutes looking at the people inside. It had finally been the required 30 minutes, so I said, let’s go, and stepped to Sarah and the kids, gathered everyone up, and retreated back to the table. We all sat down, and I made sure the kids were not facing the glass wall. We held hands and I apologized to my family for getting us into this. I talked about being brave, but I wasn’t being brave at all. I was putting on a front for the children, inside I was about to break down. I felt sick inside, and I could tell Rachel was very distraught. We drank some water and I said...
“If anyone wants to spend some quiet time in the bathroom we would all understand.”
Out of curiosity I looked at my corneal display and brought up Sarah.
CRP: Human Services Location: Human Services Enclosure J CRP Name: None Gender: Female Age: 36 Weight: 128 Lbs Height: 5’5 Breast size: 36C Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Other: Married, 2 Children, Anal Virgin
I was a little taken back by no mention of her name. Rachel got up and went to the bathroom needing some space. I sat facing the front and the lights were shining brightly into our room. I could feel the heat radiating through the glass like how the sun is magnified coming through your cars wind screen on a summer day.
I watched as a middle-aged man and woman slowly walked by, they paused and looked in on us, then looked up and read our banner. I was pinged and knew they were getting our stats. I didn’t bother to see who they were because I didn’t care at the moment. They spoke between themselves, then entered something on their epads before walking off. Sarah looked at me and squeezed my hand before saying...
“That couple pinged me.”
We sat sipping our water and talked among ourselves about all of this. Rachel rejoined us, and I could tell she had been crying. She missed her friends and normally would be in school now. She was the oldest in her class because of her birth date so even at 15 she was only in the 9th grade. I knew she was feeling self-conscious about how she looked right now. She lately had become more concerned with her looks and style. She loves clothes, and always kept her hair brushed so it flows over her shoulders and half-way down her back. Her little nose was so cute with those little freckles scattered about, but now she tries to cover them up. Being the oldest, she kept a special place in my heart and I adored her.
It seems like we’ve been on display here for hours and it’s only been 45 minutes. I don’t even look toward the glass and don’t want to be gawked at. It’s humiliating enough to be where people can look in on us like peeping toms, but to acknowledge their presence is so much worse. Sarah is squeezing my hand and I feel as if she doesn’t blame me. We’ve ignored this part of the Government because it never affected us personally. I never thought it could happen this way, but I had trusted my boss, little did I know.
Our thoughts were interrupted by a beeping, then over the room’s intercom a male voice said...
“1st floor to your designated areas.”
My heart ached, and I noticed my corneal display timer had begun to count down starting at 15 seconds. We all looked at each other, and I could see in their eyes that everyone had the same timer counting down. We quickly got up as my timer had 7 seconds left. The short walk to our sections only took 4 seconds, and we were all standing centered within our assigned sections with seconds to go. As I looked down centering myself I wondered about the 2 small circles toward the front close to the glass, and spaced a few feet apart. We all stood still while Sarah was making sure Nickolas was centered, and encouraged him, Rachel seemed to have no problem and understood what was required. As I stood there, I scanned around the Mall, more curious than anything else. The couple to our right I decided to access. I started with her since she was closest to me. Her info popped up in my display and read...
CRP: Human Services Location: Human Services Enclosure K CRP Name: None Gender: Female Age: 25 Weight: 114 Lbs Height: 5’3 Breast size: 34D Sexual Orientation: As Directed Other: Married
I looked past her to the man and accessed.
CRP: Human Services Location: Human Services Enclosure K CRP Name: None Gender: Male Age: 28 Weight: 164 Lbs Height: 5’10 Penis size: 8” Sexual Orientation: As Directed Other: Married
I looked them over one last time, noticing how they knelt toward the front and seemed to pay attention to the Mall activity.
My eyes wandered back around to the Mall corridor, and as I focused across and to the right, I couldn’t believe it, but there in enclosure D was Mrs Wallace, my boss’s wife and their daughter Jessica. I hadn’t seen them since the Christmas party but there they were. I looked around the room, but didn’t see him anywhere with them, so I looked up at their banner which read...
Day 1 - The Wallace Females - Female 43 - Female 17 - 120,000 Credits for 29/Months
Part of me felt happy to see them there, and I hoped Mr Wallace was in jail. But then again, it probably wasn’t Mrs Wallace or Jessica who did anything wrong. They were probably more innocent than me. I accessed Jessica and it read:
CRP: Human Service Location: Human Services Enclosure K CRP Name: None Gender: Female Age: 17 Weight: 109 Lbs Height: 5’4 Breast size: 34B Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Other: Anal Virgin
Poor Jessica was just short of 18 and being on her own. Now it looks like she’ll be years in service.
My daydreaming was cut short by Sarah whispering my name and I look her way. I had missed a couple about our age with a son who was probably about 15 years old standing in front of Sarah. They were looking her over while their son was staring openly at Rachel. The couple started typing on the epad and talking, pretty much like the couple earlier. The couple moved more in front of me and the son stepped in front of Sarah. They looked me up and down pausing here and there. The women focused right at my crotch for several seconds and said something to her husband. He also looked at my crotch and then wrote something on their epad.
They both looked at their son as he spoke, then they talked for a few moments. The man tapped on the epad and then started milling about in front of us while looking up and down the Mall. About a minute later, a smartly dressed young woman no older than about 20, walked up to them and started a conversation as the 4 stood in front of our room. Finally, the young woman started talking into a headset while shaking her head up and down to the couple. A moment later the intercom in our room beeped and came on, the young woman with the headset was looking at Sarah as her voice come over the intercom saying...
“We need the adult female to open her coveralls and display her breasts for these prospective buyers.”
My mouth dropped, I gasped and heard Sarah say...
“What?” and looked my way.
I hear Rachel say OMG, and Nickolas actually laughed. Sarah and I both looked at them, and it was obvious that the son had requested it.
They looked at us with an expectant look on their faces while Sarah and I waited for someone to laugh and say, just kidding. The young woman’s voice came over the intercom saying, with a bit of aggravation...
“Now and hurry!”
Sarah tilted her head to the side quizzically, and a few seconds later started unzipping the front of her coveralls. She whispers to me as she unzips...
“A 10-second timer came on.”
She pulled her zipper down below her breasts, then pulled each side open, exposing her breasts, they still rested nicely with very little sag to them. She looked up and to the left, trying to avoid any eye contact with anyone, including myself.
Looking out at the 4 of them standing just 5 feet away, the young man was looking over my wife’s breasts intently. He said something but I couldn’t tell what it was. Then the young woman says over the intercom...
“Adult female, bend over so your breasts hang down.”
My wife mumbled “Asshole” under her breath, but bent over. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her breasts hanging down while she remained there. I must have had a pissed look on my face, because I suddenly notice the boy’s father looking at me. When we made eye contact he gave me one of those, don’t get an attitude looks! I quickly looked away feeling somewhat intimidated by him.
Suddenly the intercom says...
“Stand and jiggle them.”
I watched as my wife stood back up, and when fully upright, she gave her breasts a quick jiggle up and down one time. Again the intercom said...
“Keep jiggling till you’re told to stop bitch!”
Sarah began swaying her breasts back and forth gently with an occasional jiggle. I watched the young man who seemed amused smile. The parents looked briefly but mostly spoke with the young woman from Human Services. After at least 5 minutes, the parents smiled to the young woman then walked toward the Greens next door. The young man stood smiling at my wife another moment, then turned and walked off following his parents.
The young woman stood writing on her epad for a moment. Sarah was still jiggling and swaying and I knew the young woman was testing her. Finally, she looked up, stepped up to the glass and looked Sarah in the eye, then through the intercom said...
“Don’t you ever embarrass me like that again, do you understand me bitch!”
Sarah looked as if she had just peed herself, but started shaking her head up and down in acknowledgment. The young woman added...
“And that goes for the rest of you!”
She looked back and forth at all of us, and I shook my head acknowledging her. Then she looked back at Sarah and said...
“Now you can stop jiggling.”
She then turned, and walked back across the Mall to a kiosk. I looked over at Sarah, she had stopped jiggling and I saw a tear trickle down her cheek. I reached out, and then stepped to her, when Rachel saw me move she did the same, and we both hugged Sarah while she cried on my shoulder.
After a short cry, Sarah pulled herself together. I reached and pulled her zipper back up and kissed her lips tasting the saltiness of her tears. She straightened up and looked me in the eyes, with a look as if she had betrayed me, but she hadn’t. It was not her, but a young man who demanded that of her. I gave her another hug, and she pushed both Rachel and I back from her. We both stepped back to our sections and stood silently.
I finally noticed why we were standing here at the front. Down to the left were several Middle Eastern people walking this way with Ms Watson. They strolled casually along our side of the Mall looking into each of the rooms, and stopping at a few. These people were probably the reason the entire floor was front and center. As they approached I could see 3 men wearing expensive suits, 1 older man who was probably the father and 2 men either late teens or early 20s. 2 females but I couldn’t figure out their ages. They are wearing beautiful dresses with gold trim, but the head coverings makes it hard to tell ages. The 5 of them were obviously from a Middle Eastern country, but I couldn’t tell which. As they approached our room, I could tell Ms Watson was talking about us to one of the young men, who seemed to be translating to the others. Now it was easier to tell one of the females was older and the other female was probably in her mid teens. They were both beautiful and had impeccable skin. They were wearing gold jewelry everywhere, and their dresses were partially trimmed in gold. All 5 of them looked us over, but they only paused briefly in front of us, then wrote something down. I was happy they moved on, and we watched as they stopped in front of the Greens next to us. Ms Watson seemed to be going into detail with them, and the father even acknowledged as the younger man translated. I suddenly realized the Greens were both holding their mouths wide open as they looked upward at the men, and when the 2 women walked up they wiggled their tongues as well. The Middle Eastern group, and Ms Watson didn’t seem to pay any attention to them more than watching their tongues. Soon after, they moved on and continued looking into everyone’s rooms.
The Mall seemed to be getting a little busier now. It’s almost 11AM, and we’ve been here for at least 90 minutes between both times up front. I looked to see who was on our left. I had to look past Sarah then Rachel and finally Nickolas to see them. I was leaning forward to see around everyone and could make out a male probably in his early 40s. Next to him was who I assume is his wife and down the row looked like 3 or 4 kids ranging from late teens to youngest. I asked Rachel, and she confirmed 4 kids. They were standing much like we were, and taking in the activities. Leaning as far forward as I could, I made out, Day 2 and the name Taylor. I asked Sarah if she could see how much and her and Rachel both looked and said 340,000 credits. I quickly did the math in my head, rounding up and thought 27 months.
We stood there for another hour and 20 minutes. Several people walked through and a few stopped at us. I accessed information on a few of them but I could only access names and nothing more. I did notice some had a check mark behind their name and some did not. I would ask Ms Watson about that. I watched the Middle Eastern group make their way around the entire floor, and finally enter the elevator with Ms Watson. It wasn’t more than 1 minute later that the intercom beeped and this time a woman’s voice said...
“You may now relax and use the restroom if needed.”
No sooner than she stopped talking, Rachel turned and ran to the bathroom saying, “I’m first” as she went. Sarah said, “Hurry I need to go.” I stepped over and got Nickolas to go sit down. I glanced at the family to the left, and they were walking to the rear like us, and when I looked over at the Greens, they were still kneeling and looking ahead. I had a feeling they may be getting desperate.
We all took turns using the bathroom then sat down at the table. It felt good to be off our feet after standing in one place for over 2 hours. Rachel said she hoped lunch would be better than breakfast, and she was getting hungry. I knew she hated oatmeal but when it’s room temperature and sticky it’s disgusting regardless. Sarah and I didn’t know exactly how to explain things to the kids. They were seeing all the same things we were. They knew their mother had been made to do something we wished they hadn’t seen. The day may soon come that they both get a crash course in things sexual, but hopefully not too soon.
Both kids had their heads on the table and might be asleep, and I decided to let them sleep if they wanted to. I walk up behind Sarah and kiss her cheek and hold her from behind whispering in her ear, I love you. She tilts her head over, and we enjoy a quick hug.
Suddenly the beeping is going off again. The countdown starts at 15 seconds like last time with the announcement for the 1st floor to come forward. Sarah and I shake the kids, and make sure they are awake, so we can get up front. I pull Nickolas up and toward the front and Sarah is doing the same with Rachel. Just like last time we are there with a second or two to spare. I glance over to the Greens and I don’t think they’ve moved. I look across the floor to where Mrs Wallace and Jessica are, and see an elderly couple standing there looking them over, but oh my, Mrs Wallace is actually pleading with her fingers locked together. I have a feeling it might be her parents. I hope they get the help they need.
Looking off to the far left I see several people coming through the Mall on the other side. They walk past where we are and to the second room past Mrs Wallace and Jessica. 3 different couples standing there, so I look at their banner and read...
Day 7 - The Miller’s - Male 43 - Female 41 - 300,000 Credits - NA/Months - Auction 2:00 PM - No Reserve - Global Sale - Switches, 4 Triggers and Laser’ing will be included with a full debt purchase.
I am trying to see them, but it’s blocked by those gathering there. I check my time and its 1:50 PM. I look over at Sarah and the kids and they are all looking over there as well. I tell the kids not to pay attention to what’s going on over there, and they look down and the other directions. Several more people begin to gather around and I look down to the far end of the Mall and see 2 men dressed as maintenance workers pushing what looks like rolling bleachers. They push it in front of the that room, and set the brakes. Immediately the people started taking seats on the bleachers and block me from seeing the Miller’s.
At a few minutes before 2 PM I see Ms Watson and a man I’ve never seen walk between the bleachers and the room. Suddenly the intercom comes to life in our room. I see a video feed come on the overhead monitors hanging from the ceiling of the Mall. One of those 4 huge monitors pointing each direction. It’s aimed at the front of the room and I see the Miller’s standing at the front of the glass, just as we are now. I turn to Sarah and asked...
“What should we do about the kids?”
She whispered...
“There is nothing we can do, the audio is being broadcast! Why would they do that?”
I shrugged, and looked back up to the monitors.
I hear the intercom crackle, I look, and the bleachers are now full, with others standing around on the sides. I swear I see one of those Middle Eastern men sitting at the top of bleachers. I hear the man’s voice through the intercom say...
“Welcome ladies and gentlemen to today’s auction of the Miller’s. My name is Mr Jones, and I am the Director of Placement here at Human Services. The bidding will start in just a few minutes. I see some familiar faces here this afternoon, welcome back. Remember at any time you may ask questions and make requests. We want this to go smooth, and everyone here to enjoy themselves. Free drinks are available during all auctions, and wait staff will begin taking orders momentarily. Their counselor Ms Watson will give us a run down and detailed information about each of them. So without further ado I turn it over to Ms Watson.”
“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We present you with the Miller’s. John Miller holds a Master’s Degree in Agriculture. He is 43, has a 6” penis and is an oral and anal virgin. He was a member of the Community Church and helped couch the Church Basketball Team. With his degree, he would be perfect as your yard man and gardener. Kirsten Miller, age 41 holds a BS in Chemistry. She has 36D breasts, and an anal virgin. She was also a member of the Community Church and sang in the Church choir. She would be perfect to entertain at parties using her singing talents once she learns your favorite music. They had 1 daughter, who is currently at City University. She has been coming to visit daily, and currently sitting with a counselor watching from the family viewing booth. She is not part of the auction, and I’m sure she’s anxious to get back to school.”
“You with your hand up, do you have a question?”
“Of course their clothes can be removed. One moment please. Can an associate please help the Miller’s undress please? Thank you.”
“While they are being stripped, I will continue.”
“Although the Miller’s have shown little respect for the staff, or potential debt buyers during their time here, we are confident they can be trained to perform admirably. That is why Social Services have decided to include with the sale, the complete add-on package. Both will have Libido Switch Implants, the latest version with lifetime chemical and mental fast acting dispenser. Each will receive 4 Trigger commands of your choice, using the latest chemical hypnosis, and finally a total and permanent body hair laser treatment, including head hair at your discretion. All of these treatments would normally cost 10,000 each so this should be considered when placing your bids. Wouldn’t it be nice to set up a trigger to have Kirsten break into song, and sing one of your favorite albums on command? Or perhaps have John learn the piano, so they can both entertain together.”
“There we are, now you can see exactly what you’re getting. Sorry we don’t have the Switches embedded yet, or we could see him hard to demonstrate his length and girth.”
“Will the associates please have the merchandise kneel at the knee placement points?”
“Thank you, now we can see Kirsten’s vagina better.”
“Now remember, after the purchase all body hair will be removed at your discretion, so use your imagination please. Some buyers like body hair, and we understand there may be some who opt out of the laser hair removal.”
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LesbianPART SIXLAX (Los Angeles International Airport)Tuck was standing several feet from the airline ticket counter arguing over who is the best quarterback in the NFL with Chuck, while Reggie Tharpe wearing his embarrassingly tacky bright Hawaiian shirt, negotiated with the ticket agent lady. It was obvious Reggie was having a hard time understanding the lady’s foreign accent.Finally, they noticed the ticket lady pass Reggie their three boarding passes. “That Reggie has no patience with foreigners,”...
Straight SexAllison sat next to Nick in stony silence, eating her supper. He made sure she got the best of what cook had to offer, but she clearly didn't appreciate it as she shoveled food down her throat. "I'm done," she said after a few minutes. "Can I get a thank you?" Nick asked, for some reason wanting her to acknowledge his effort. "Why should I thank you when you are the one who kidnapped me?" Allison had been like that for the three days she had been on his ship, unduly contrary, Nick...
As an only child, with neither the guidance or example of older siblings, nor the responsibility for younger ones, you learn to be self-reliant and to enjoy your own company a lot of the time. Some kids create a fantasy friend with whom they can share “being alone”. It’s all perfectly normal. Or so they say. In my case, I had a fantasy younger brother and his name was Deryk. However, he was no daytime playmate; I only ever conjured him up at night. But in my imaginings, he was always...
PART 2The next morning Edith woke Jojo and I by telling us that we were to have a very exciting day. What could be more exciting than what we had last night? She suggested that we first shower and that she would be first. No problem with that but my surprise was that when she got out of the shower she walked around only in her panties. That broke the ice. Jojo was next and did the same as did I. Edith then made another announcement, why don’t we all cross-dress. For me that was not problem...
-- DECEMBER 2003, SOPHOMORE YEAR -- I was told to be ready at 8:30pm sharp, dressed informally despite the supposed formality of the event. I was told to expect the unexpected. And I was told to have eaten and hydrated beforehand. It was all very mysterious and cloak and dagger. But even so warned, I was still surprised to find three people standing outside my door at the appointed time. I was even more surprised to find that they were all cloaked in black robes with ominous hoods, Venetian...
Well, this was certainly a long time coming, wasn't it? It's been what, a year, since I've posted any actual content. Ah well. I've been working on various long, uncompleted projects, but I got this idea based on a dream I had last night and had to put it down before I forgot about it. This has all the basic copyright stuff, it's mine, and you can post it anywhere you want as long as you notify me and it's free to do so. Game, Set, Match By Tanto I was walking alone through...
It is exciting to watch a slut getting plowed and see her vigorously bounce on a cock. Only a few things in life are as pleaurable as wanking to bitches getting fucked.I have to say that reviewing porn sites and forums is one of the best jobs ever. I get to watch tons of videos and view endless about of pictures of sluts masturbating and getting fucked hard.Even those who constantly try to demonize porn cannot deny that watching porn is one of the most pleasurable experiences. There is no...
Twitter Porn AccountsFlashback – Major M – Undisclosed base I was still waiting for the message from the Sgts. to decode when I received another e-mail from my Mossad contact - and I about crapped my pants. He informed me that one of our communication devices had been "found" by the Sedankina bitches. They turned it over to their handler who was almost killed by the auto-destruct mechanism. It was too bad it wasn't the Sedankina monsters who were injured. The e-mail from the Sgts. finally showed up. At least...
Hello, people, this is my first post over here. I have been an avid reader on this site. So I thought of sharing my stories with a dash of my fantasy with you all. I have taken the title of the story from a movie named by the same. And maybe my further stories too would be titled like this only, inspired by a movie title. So with no further delay lemme start off with my indulgence of experience. P.S Have patience with story plot because I will be very descriptive. As I don’t like...
Chapter One – Tramp On The Run There was a girl running through the forest. Poor thing. She had shoes, that wasn’t the problem, although they were a pair of white four inch heels, which certainly made the running difficult. She had clothes, a loose grey sweat shirt cut at midriff and cutoff blue jean shorts, tailored so tight at the crotch that even a camel would’ve cried for a size larger. I mean, they were comfortable for running. But she wasn’t comfortable. For one thing, she was being...
What did you end up seeing?” Harmony asked at breakfast. “NORTH BY NORTHWEST,” we said together causing some giggles. “How was that Palace Drive-In?” Dad said. “I have been thinking of taking your mother there some evening.” “That’s the cool part of it, Dad,” I said. “Movies start at nine am every day of the week. You don’t have to wait until it’s nighttime. It’s very comfortable, they have sixteen screens. They are showing all eight of the Harry Potter movies on one half and eight of...
Hi, guys and lovely girls… Thanks for your valuable comments on my last story sex with a teacher and her sister-in-law.So hardiicck (with double I and double c) is back. It’s a sequel to that story. Who haven’t read that story please read that one and then read this. I am from Navi Mumbai so girls and ladies can contact me on So without much ado let’s jump to the story. It’s been 2 months since that sexual night. And a lot has changed in these two months. Firstly I and sandhya(my teacher) both...
It was her bladder that first awakened her, plus the sensation of a wet, clammy sheet beneath her sore and leaking g u r l pussy. The wetness of the fabric somehow added to the bladder’s insistence. Luna gently moved the large calloused hand cupping her chapped and tender breast then slid her legs out of the bed, stood up and headed for the toilet. When she lifted her green chiffon nightgown, she groggily discovered/remembered that her panties were somewhere in the bedroom and not upon her. She...
The sandy beaches of Jamaica again… A full week sunning there.Ana and I arrived at the resort in the evening. The warm weather and the rhythm of the waves crashing on the beach were wonderful…We quickly unpacked our stuff and headed to dinner.My sweet wife dressed rather conservatively this first night, wearing just long loose pants and a tank top.After dinner we went to the beach, to a party around a bonfire.The following morning we took an excursion around the island. By the time we got back,...
"Janine?" Janine Barton looked at the man she'd accidentally bumped into in the aisle of Sav-A-Lot. He was tall, lean and a little craggy, an outdoors type with a dusting of silver on each temple-- and then suddenly the years fell off and his face thinned and smoothed out in the memory. "Tom McGreevy?" she said, eyes widened in surprise. "My gosh, Janine, I haven't seen you in..." "Don't say it," she said. Instantly she felt bashful contemplating the good-looking middle-aged man...
Deity Arms 2: I Call My Sugar Candy By The Professor Luk had been making great progress in learning English. He had even been picking up some of the local slang, so when Mr. L told him to be part of the furniture, he assumed that meant he was to be very quiet while observing his mysterious boss as he carried out a negotiation. Not so. He would have sighed, but in his current shape as a floor lamp, it was impossible for him to do so. In fact, how he could see and hear was a mystery to...
When Kendra Spade wants the D she’s not willing to wait. Kendra’s back at her place after class and gives Jax a call to let him know she’s horny. He says that he’s busy right now and won’t be able to make it over to later which really pisses Kendra off, she’s going to get fucked now whether it’s with him or not. Jax isn’t going to let that happen, he gets out of his bed totally naked and runs out the door. As he’s running down the street without his clothes, Jax jumps on an electric scooter to...
xmoviesforyouEhhhhh... Someone needs to turn that alarm off. It feels like it's a million miles away. I'm way too comfortable to move my arm. I will probably die if I hear that ring one more time. Yep. It rung again. I'm dead. Alright, so there's a point to this story, I promise. I just haven't figured it out yet... Wait, yes I have. Ahem: It all started way back in the summer of 1983... Nah. Just kidding. So, it's Monday. Business as usual. Wake up, do all my hygiene-type stuff, start voice acting (my job,...
First TimeI had been laying in my room staring at the ceiling for a good hour. Whatever Mason planned to do with that book was the farthest thing on my mind at the moment. This hangover is killing me. I guess the good thing is now I know the limits of my new teenage body. I rolled over on my side and held my belly. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and it wasn't because of the hangover. It was something else. A nervousness, maybe? But of what? I'm sure Mason isn't doing anything too...
My name is Mike, I’m nearly seventeen, and because I go to the gym I’m pretty fit but I was so bored with the PE lessons at School. They only had ancient equipment, no cross trainers, no weights and no rowing machines, so I skipped those lessons whenever I could.I was in a history lesson at the end of the day when Miss McKenzie stormed in and whispered something to Mr. Kramer before leaving just as quickly. When the lesson ended Mr. Kramer told me to wait behind.“Mike, Miss McKenzie asked me to...
Spanking"What do you think of trading now?" Pris directed the question at both Bensons, turning her head toward them as they lay beside her and her husband on the big bed. They had separated themselves and stretched out, all four on their backs, resting from their exertions. "I thought it was better than it's ever been before," Max replied, still gazing up at the ceiling where a large mirror afforded him a fine view of all four naked bodies. "Me too," Jackie murmured, squeezing her thighs...
(AN: This story is entirely a fantasy. If you agree with any amount of this story or that women deserve to be corrected or that they are unequal to all other genders in society, then please seek the help of a therapist. If, though, you understand this is fantasy and can separate your fantasies from reality in your actual life, then please continue and enjoy this absolute filth.) (AN2: More girls/scenarios coming!) “Welcome to the Female Adjustment Protocol,” the voice from the computer began,...
Gorgeous Latina Janice Griffith is always changing her look. Her latest is purple hair, and she looks hot as ever. She hangs out in a sun-soaked bedroom, waiting for our stud to show up and pleasure her lithe, caramel body. He squeezes her nipples and feeds her his thick cock, letting her slobber all the way up and down his shaft. Then, he eats her pussy and enters her cunt while she lies on her side. Janice rubs her clit until she has a screaming orgasm, and then she takes a serving of man goo...
xmoviesforyouThe Harder the Better By Cassandra Morgan What is it that makes a moth attracted to a porch light? Is it the glow? Is it the warmth? Is it the brightness in comparison to its rather monochrome existence? Is in in his DNA? Why does a bear risk the wrath of bees by daring to taste the honey from the hive? Is it the sweetness? Is it the risk? Is it knowing that the pleasure outweighs the pain? Is it just the kind of creature he is? Such are the questions that enter one's mind in the...
This is the current endcap for the St. Clair series. It certainly won’t be the last one, but it is the last one I actually have planned. The readers of the St. Clair series have been very supportive and very, very patient. The first story in this series was originally intended to go in Romance, but since the two leads in the couple happen to be female, it ended up dropped into Lesbian; I learned to keep the series together in the same category the hard way. There is no graphic sex in this...
The week went bye fast as it was Friday evening already and the house phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and didn’t know the number but still picked it up. Hi Mark from the other side..I said hi who is this? It’s Maria...O Hi how are you doing? I am fine and can’t wait for this weekend if we are still on for Sat/Sun? O yes, it still a go if you are still a go? She responded the only way I would cancel the weekend if I was in the hospital and I said I hope that don’t happen ever. She said...
After completing my college i came back to my new house where my parents have shifted on my birthday, my dad lives outside the city and visits us every weekend so mom is generally alone and thus she joined kitty parties with my neighbor aunt, once when they had to go for this kitty party i happened to be at home and aunt gave me their house keys to pass it over to anybody from their house who comes early. It was a normal day for me as i was home and watching TV enjoying my days. The bell rang i...
Alex snuck into his cousin Grace’s room with a dog and a jar of horse urine. He sneaks over to her drawer that contains all of her clothes. He pulls out her only thong and the tightest shirt. For some reason Grace kept all of her clothes in the same drawer. They were placed in such a manor she could stack them all and still allow half an inch from the mouth of the drawer. Alex had spent the last three weeks studying how much the dogs her family owned...
Charlene, because I never gave it to her. I had thought about calling her to see if she wanted to go out to a movie or something, but I just didn't know how to ask a girl out. I always found some excuse for putting it off, and there were midterm exams to keep me occupied. "Hi Larry, this is Mary," she said. "How are you doing?" "OK, how about you?" I replied. "I am doing fine. I was calling to see if you were interested in another poker game?" As soon as I...
"Will you just leave me alone?" snapped Ryan. "God! I'm just trying to help," responded Darius. "Well you're not helping, okay? You're just fucking making it worse! I don't want another girlfriend right now. I don't want another girlfriend!" "What, are you gonna spend the rest of your life alone because of Jen? How about when she invites you to her wedding? Are you gonna bring a date or will you still be hoping she comes back to you? Wake up, Harper! She's not gonna come back...
Hello friends today this is a story about an encounter with me my sister and another guy.I am 40 and my sister is 39 since was 18 me and my sister have been having fun together but we never fucked till she got married all these years we were having oral sex and her husband did not like orals and she was addicted to it so we continued our fun and my wife though she is good but I have continued my secret sexual fun with my sister. Whenever we get time we go to the outskirts of the city and book...
Hello everyone, this is in continuation to the previous parts of the story. Please read the previous parts to understand this story better. As Megha dozed off, first of all, I took out my phone and got a few more pictures of her and her deep cleavage. Now, I sat beside her wondering what should I do. But I didn’t want to take her by surprise and mess things up. I shut down the computer and woke her up. I asked her to sleep properly to which she declined and got up. Then the two of us had some...
IncestI am amazed at how things have worked out. Growing up, I would have never imagined that I would be 24 and married to my 23-year-old sister. Add to that, that we are also expecting our first baby. How did it all this happen? Growing up there wasn’t much to talk about. My dad left us when we were 6 and 5. Mom did her best to raise us by herself. But, being a single mother with no child support meant she had to work 2 jobs. That left my sister and I alone a lot, especially as we got older. My...
If you own this story, please tell me, I love it sooooo much, turns me right on.Session 1 with Miss Andrea -2012 Femdom, CBT, FM, Bondage, UrethralInsertion Matt sat at the couch again, his desire burning within him. His need tobe punished. His need to be hurt, to have his nipples pinched, his ballsslapped and squeezed. As he stared at the TV, he made the decision, "Icould use a real rough hard session" he texted to Andrea. He grinned a bitas the text went through and his erection grew. ...
LauraI did love Tommy, but he had learnt to get into my head. The way he remembered things that had been said. Throwing the plaything back at me, using the environment and everyone in it. He held me as I calmed down and then when I tried to turn around to help him, he just held me in place.“Shh, you go to sleep. I’ll sort it in a bit.”He started to stroke my hair and that was the last I remember until the following morning.I was woken by a knocking on the door. Barely awake, I told whoever it...
IncestMary made a break toward the door, but the big man grabbed her easily and flung her back against the wall. His shorts were off and she could see the front of his underwear poking out like a flashlight was hidden under there. But it wasn't any flashlight. She began to whimper pitifully. "Shut that crap up." Royce pushed her facedown on the bed and stripped off the bottoms of her bikini. She heard him gasp with delight as he fingered her plump, white asscheeks. "Uhhh, let me go! I'll...
It was time to take the fight to the Stypos uccubus Queen head quaters. You have spent many months preparing for this day. Thanks to the rebels within your villages, they were able to muster up a horse and some gear to aid you on your venture. Riding out a few miles from your village, you finally come acorss the large catherdral looking building in the middle of a large forest clearing. "This must be the place.. " You speak to yourself as he hop off of the horse. You look down and see that your...
FetishHello, Indian sex story readers. Anu is a pretty girl, about 25 yrs, cute and attractive figure. She has a good reputation for her work. She is smart and sincere. I am management person in the office and she was transferred to my department about 2-3 months back. She sits nearby my office. She always smiles whenever she passes through me. I am her boss’s boss. Last month was her birthday and HR team sent an email to staff as usual. I wished her saying, “Anu, many happy returns of the day. Have...
Continued from ‘The Liquor Store - Hooked’ (part 2).It had been a while since we played with Mike, Michelle’s hung stud. Many different things had been going on. My wife, Michelle had started working with a catering company and our store had started supplying the liquor for special events like weddings. Michelle was constantly traveling between the store and the catering company, improving our business but by the end of the day, she was usually exhausted. On a rare slow night, we decided to...
Wife LoversWhat does our little fallen angel have in mind now? Well, maybe you should read.-----------------------------Kelley thought about undoing her father from where she had him shackled, hand and foot to their basement gym, but decided against it. He had gotten to enjoy his time with her... she now wanted to have some fun of her own! She looked over and saw the cheval mirror that he had given her for Christmas a couple of years back. She had had it in her bedroom, but it was such a tiny room, she...
It was late in the afternoon. Cale and his older sister Rachel had just finished lunch and their mother, Joy, was cleaning the kitchen/dining room. Rachel had decided to revisit the painting she had been working on in her spare time, on a canvas in the living room. Her little brother, Cale, 17 blue eyes like his father and jet black hair, like his mother, was flipping through the cable guide menu on the couch nearby. He was beginning to notice steadily the lack of quality programming...
IncestBoth Vicdaen and Alexander stuck in my mind like boots stuck in mud. Although I tried so hard not to think about Vicdaen's kiss I did and I liked the tingle in my chest that spread outwards to every part of my body. But then I remembered the confused look on Alexander's face, and the wicked look of Vicdaen's. What was I supposed to do? Which one was I going to choose? I could not love both of them! Vicdaen set my body on fire, said lovely words that calmed my mind, but he could do such...
James Davies I was so glad that Ruri wanted to lose her virginity. I had been patient with her. She was a prickly girl, embarrassed by her emotions and desires, prone to lash out with attacks to protect her emotions. The Japanese called it tsundere. However, her cute, innocence made my heart beat so fast. My creation was ready to be taken hard. “Don’t just stare at me,” Ruri said, her arms hugging herself, her small breasts quivering. Pink nipples thrust hard from atop those little mounds....
I’m 28 and have been dating for 11 years now. I’ve had only 1 boyfriend but I wasn’t stupid enough to have only one partner. We both met in college, and in an instant I knew he was someone I’d want to be with. We had amazing chemistry. My name is Pallavi & to know more about me, my bf and another instance of me having fun, read my first story titled The New Office Intern. I don’t have the biggest breasts, so people here hoping I’ll describe myself as a 36-24-36, will be disappointed. I’m not...
Britney sat outside on her front steps and watched her new neighbor move in. the moving men were hot and were getting her alittle turned on. she watched as they finished and left and she was thinking of going inside and calling someone. she then saw who her neighbor actually was. he was an older man, he looked to be in his late 60s. he saw her and waved and she smiled and waved back. she watched as he struggled with a few boxes and she went over and asked if he needed a hand. he gladly accepted...
Life used to be beautiful and so filled with love when he was young. Now that his childhood had passed, his youth faded, and middle age loomed close at hand, he wondered where all the love had gone. Remembering his sweet Daiyu, the love they exchanged, and the life they had lived, Shui felt the loss deeply. Where had all the love gone? When this mess was over, he would have to find love again. Yes, start over anew. Only he couldn’t with her. She had died at his hand, by order of his master....
4. Not in Kansas Anymore The morning sun was streaming through the window when I woke up. Mistress was still asleep and I smiled as I watched her sleep. I had a serious case of morning wood. Who could blame me? I was lying next to a beautiful naked woman who had awoken something in me I never knew existed. I was still trying to figure out how all this had come to pass when Mistress began to stir. She opened her beautiful brown eyes. “Good Morning Mistress, I hope you slept well” “What...
Ricky found his way out of the ship. He stopped when he looked at the new compound. They had cleared a lot of land to his way of thinking. He liked the nice wide streets and the fact they had left clumps of trees for shade. He could see the pavilions, the rows of tents and the bustling people. He was shocked when he realised that a lot of them were teenagers. He then realised that a group of them were in one of the squares near the landing field. A tractor with a deep hoe was traversing the...
A couple from joevsr 1. Navy’s ship names of the world: England: HMS (Her Majesty’s Ship) USA: USS (United States Ship) Italy DMB (Datsa My Boat) ---- 2. During the World War, Germans and the Poles were in the trenches at a stalemate. Neither side was winning or losing. One of German solders had an idea. He asked his buddy what was a good Polish Name, He said Stash! So he yells out, Hey Stash, From the other side, A Pole answers, Jumping up out of the trenches, he yells “yes” and the...