BreederChapter 15 Place of Last Resort
- 2 years ago
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Chuck went in and seated himself on the bed. A moment later, another door popped open and Allie entered the room. “Chuck!” she gasped.
“Hi, Allie.”
“This is embarrassing...” She tried to cover herself.
“It shouldn’t be. Want me to get naked?”
“I ... You won’t tell, willya? What I look like?”
“That would be rude,” Chuck replied, throwing his shirt over his head. “How about this? I won’t tell on you if you don’t tell on me?”
Allie cocked her head. “What could be so horrible?”
Chuck kicked off his shoes. “I dunno. What’s so bad about you?”
“Well...” Diffidently, she lifted her hands away from her breasts and crotch.
“You look like a girl to me...” Chuck opined.
“Yeah, well...” Chuck’s undershorts dropped and his erection sprang free. “You’re sure a boy!”
Chuck blinked. “It’ll grow a little more...”
“I don’t think it needs to,” Allie replied, gazing at it. “I should have said man - but you said girl, so...”
“Oh.” Chuck thought about it. “We wouldn’t be here if you weren’t a woman.”
“Yeah. Ummm...” Allie reached out, and then drew her hand back.
“Come on. I want to feel you, too.” Chuck beckoned, and Allie moved into his arms. Emily’s lessons were fresh; he lowered his lips to Allie’s neck.
“Ooooohh! Chuuck!” Nerves in Allie’s neck, arms, back and breasts lit up - and her pussy clenched. “Wow!”
Chuck put both hands on Allie’s ass. It was good-sized - but it felt just fine when he squeezed it. “Look I know the fact that we know one another makes this kinda strange - but I’m here to make you happy. This isn’t a date. Let’s just explore each other and get what we’re supposed to be getting from this - and if you never want to mention it again, that’s fine.”
“What if...?” Allie whispered.
“That’s different - but we both will need to see other people before we get wrapped up in things, you know? Maybe...” That seemed to be the place to leave things - Chuck didn’t want to put out bad vibes.
“Yeah, you’re right. This is about sex. If I didn’t know you, it wouldn’t be this complicated - so I don’t. Okay?”
“It’s a plan.” ‘She’s being pretty cool about it... ‘ Chuck mused.
“You can keep kissing my neck,” Allie gasped. “It gives me chills.” Responding to a squeeze of her ass, she sighed, “That’s huge, I know.”
“It’s a problem?” Chuck breathed. “I don’t see how...”
“That’s ... sweet...” Allie gasped. Her pussy kept clenching as his lips roved over her neck. “It’s just ... Uuuhhh...” She couldn’t think to finish the sentence.
Chuck let go of an ass cheek and brought the hand up to cradle a breast, then shifted his lips to the stiffly erect nipple it presented - and sparks flew all over Allie’s nervous system!”
“Where did you learn...?” she gasped.
“I want...”
Allie took advantage of the open position they’d assumed when Chuck took charge of her nipple to reach down and collect his stiff shaft in one hand and cradle his balls with the other, “That.”
“Okay.” ‘She’s not much on foreplay,” Chuck mused. “How?”
“Me on my back.” They did this awkward dance where they didn’t let go of what they were holding as they rotated, but they got there. Allie sat on the bed and drew her legs up. It was unladylike, to say the least - but she was accessible - even with Chuck standing up.
“You’ve got big lips,” Chuck observed, running a finger along her rubbery inner lips.
“Yeah.” Allie was torn between pleasure and embarrassment.
“Neat.” They popped open for his fingers and Allie forgot embarrassment.
“Now?” She hunched up so she could reach between her legs for his shaft.
“Sure...” She had it - she was driving, rubbing his glans in her wet gash. Chuck reflected that he couldn’t be rushing her. The feel of her channel rubbing the head of his cock was maddening ... She seated it against her hole and gave a little tug - and Chuck snapped his hips. It was more or less instinctive. The head popped through, and Chuck just naturally moved forward to sink himself in her to the root. “Aaaahhhh!”
“Yeah ... God!” Allie sucked in a lungful of air. “Fuck me!”
Chuck reached down and grabbed her hips and started pounding, “Awww, SHIT that’s nice!” His second piece of ass ever was as good as - if not better than - the first!
“OH! FUCK! FUCK! DO ME! HAAARRD!” Allie howled, her head rocking back and forth. Grabbing Chuck’s biceps, she used them to help her push herself up at him.
Playing off each other’s urgency, the couple was at orgasm’s edge in a matter of seconds! Gritting his teeth, aware that he was supposed to be in control of things, Chuck gasped, “I’m gonna pop!”
Allie, her expression positively manic, shrieked, “DO IT! FILL ME! SHOOT ME FULL!!” It took Chuck right over the edge, and with a wordless howl, his cock started firing globs of semen into Allie’s depths. Allie felt the first one and the world went white as she exploded in orgasm, too, “AAAIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!” Chuck discovered that he couldn’t withdraw his cock if he wanted to - Allie’s inner sheath was milking and sucking and didn’t want to let him go! It would squeeze and pulse - and Chuck’s cock would fire a blast in response, again and again!
Chuck got a little control as Allie flopped back, so he withdrew some - but he was still rock-hard, and the feel of her wrapped around him was too intensely pleasurable to want to stop, so he drove back in. That set up another withdrawal, and another drive into Allie’s depths - and before he knew it, he was fucking her steadily again. Allie didn’t complain; she threw her head back and forth, hissing, “Yessss! Yesss! Mooorrre! Mooorrre!”
This time, it took a bit longer - nothing amazing - probably three minutes. Allie pulled Chuck down closer to her - and it was awkward, but neither of them cared. She crossed her ankles over his lower back and drove her soaking pussy onto his spike to the root from below, taking on half of the effort of slamming their crotches together upon herself. When the pleasure mushroomed into a massive climax, the whirlwind again took him, too; this time, there were soft but emphatic noises, not loud exclamations. Instinctively, she clutched him to her and offered him her lips - and just as instinctively, he took them - and they came to themselves with their tongues intertwined. It was by far the hottest thing either of them had ever experienced!
“That was ... great...” Allie breathed, when they finally broke the kiss. ‘Great’ REALLY didn’t come close to describing it, but it was what she had available.
“You’re incredible!” Chuck panted. “A wild woman!”
“Thank YOU!”
“No, I meant ... Well, thanks for THAT, too!” Allie smiled coyly.
“Any time - and I mean ANY time!” Chuck grinned.
“Yeah, well, I know we said we wouldn’t, but ... we might!” Allie smiled back.
They’d have probably gone for thirds, but Chuck had been drained pretty effectively earlier and just didn’t have it in him, so they parted reluctantly, when Fiona bustled into the room a few moments later. Chuck cleaned up in the bathroom and made his way to the waiting room. “Well, how was it?” his father asked.
“Awesome!” Chuck grinned from ear to ear.
“She’s unusually wild for a girl her age,” Maude offered. “Not that it wouldn’t have been good in any case, but she appears to be exceptional.”
“She was amazing! You were right about looks being deceiving, Dad!”
“Let that be a lesson to you!” Maude waved a finger. “Get the test drive! Hot-looking girls know they are hot-looking - and they’re less likely to go the extra mile - and since you can have the Confederacy fix issues once you’re in orbit, looks should NOT be a serious criterion! Performance testing is THE way to go!”
On that note, the Oberndorfer men headed home - to face the ire of Sherry, who wanted every detail of why they were so late getting home!
Two weeks - and three visits by Chuck to Maude’s - later, Sherry Oberndorfer got a phone call: “Mrs. Oberndorfer? Maude Carlson. I wonder if I might impose upon you this evening? We have a test sequence scheduled and I’m calling proctors...”
Sherry had been waiting for this. Since that evening when Gary went off to deal with Maude’s ‘emergency’, Sherry had been waiting impatiently to see if Maude had sold her a bill of goods to get her husband in the sack with someone or if she had been on the up and up. Gary wouldn’t talk about it - and neither would Chuck - and dark suspicions flowed in a cloud around Sherry. What had they done? WHO had they done? Had Maude Carlson just taken a fancy to Gary and concocted a bullshit tale to get her to roll over and allow Gary to sleep with her? Sherry didn’t know - and it was killing her. The situation put a strain on her relationship with her husband - jealousy popped up here and there, distancing her from him. Maude had called twice requesting Gary’s services, but he’d begged off, not wanting to exacerbate things. Sherry had made it clear that until she got called to do HER little thing, she considered Maude’s offer a ruse... “When? I think I can probably clear my calendar.”
“Excellent! We’d love to have you! Can you make five-thirty?” Maude rejoined.
“Yes, I can do that...”
“I’ll look forward to seeing you.”
‘Of course, all that old bat wants me for is to make sure some kids don’t cheat on a test,’ Sherry thought. ‘But it will get me out of the house, and if it gets me a higher CAP score, it’ll be worth it... ‘ Getting out of the house was big; the past two weeks had been murder. She was mad at Gary, but she was horny - and Chuck, well, Chuck was suddenly hot! He had this confidence ... Sherry kept scaring herself, finding little ways to put too much skin in her son’s visual field. It wasn’t right, but things were going JUST as that awful Emily had said they would! Chuck was out there, having sex, and he was qualified to take women to the stars - and Gary wasn’t. Maybe that was the REAL issue - the title of Alpha Male in the house had shifted shoulders - and Sherry was reacting to the change...
Sherry showered and shaved her legs and dressed as though she was going out - even though for all she knew she was going to be handing out multiple-choice test sheets and pencils to a cluster of pimply-faced kids. Maybe Maude would have another ‘emergency’ - requiring a female, this time! She brushed her dark brown hair glossy, then pinned it back on the sides with a pair of combs and set out for Maude’s.
Maude welcomed her personally. “Mrs. Oberndorfer! How nice of you to come! May I call you Sherry?”
“Oh, by all means!” Sherry replied, playing up. After all, if this bought her a higher CAP score, buttering up the old bat wouldn’t hurt her. They passed pleasantries for a few moments while Maude led Sherry deeper into the house. Finally, in an office area, Maude sat Sherry down.
“I guess you’re wondering exactly what will be expected of you?” Maude asked. “We’re conducting a performance examination of a mixed group of young selectees and prospective concubines. We’ll want you there with several other adults to season the group and keep an eye on things. We have a canned presentation on the duties of a proctor - it’s about fifteen minutes long, but it is better if you see it rather than having me try to touch on everything. Then we’ll have you sign a release and we’ll move on to the preparations.” A screen lit behind Maude and Sherry shifted her attention - and Maude immediately got up and left the room. Thirty seconds later, Sherry was thoroughly hypnotized and the AI was implanting suggestions...
Gary and Chuck arrived at seven, part of a mixed bag of about a dozen young people. Everyone who was due arrived by seven-thirty, and Maude gathered the group together in a conference room. “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to testing. This evening, we’re going to be rendering final exams to each of you - but first, I thought it might be nice if we all went out to dinner to celebrate!”
Maude and a couple of her staff led the group back outside to a bus, where they loaded and headed off to the restaurant. Everyone was excited and engaged in conversation - and no one noticed that, after driving around a bit, the bus made its way to the back of Maude’s property...
What the group DID see as they disembarked was a classic, railroad car diner, parked apparently dead in the middle of a residential area. Maude waved the group inside and the wait staff seated them in an area to one side and provided menus. Anyone watching would have noticed several other people entering the diner - but no one leaving...
Darkness facilitated the illusion. Maude’s didn’t rate an interdiction field, but the windows of the diner were made of a glass that could be made translucent by applying an electrical current to them. The final actor to arrive entered the diner and surreptitiously locked the door behind him...
“Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen,” the giant announced as he turned to face the room. “My name is Corporal William Watson of the Confederacy Marines - and this is a pickup!”
There was a concerted gasp. The students rubbernecked the room and someone yelped, “You’re shitting me!” This wasn’t supposed to happen yet!
“It is what it is,” ‘Corporal Watson’ replied jovially. “These things are seldom anything but a surprise! If I could have Vincent Taylor, Robert Ellison, Michael Randall, Jessica Parsons and Chuck Oberndorfer join me, we can get started.”
The five selectees eyed one another then rose slowly to make their way to the bogus Marine, who took their CAP cards for examination, then announced, “Everyone else please array yourselves on my right if you are interested in being selected as a concubine, and on my left around the corner there if this situation is really of no interest to you at all.” One old woman struggled up and hobbled off to the designated corner for those not wishing to be involved; she was there primarily as decoration. The rest of the occupants of the diner shuffled off to Watson’s right - and THAT’s when Chuck caught sight of his mother, shuffling dazedly over with the others!
Sherry - actually, ALL of the ‘proctors’ - had been thoroughly prepped. For her, this WAS a pickup - hypnosis had her completely convinced. Maude had sent her out to eat and these idiots had showed up before she ever got to do whatever it was that was going to raise her CAP score - and now she was going to have to ... wait - wasn’t that Chuck? OMIGOD! She looked back at her son, eyes huge!
Maude, looking on via the surveillance equipment in place was enjoying this immensely. It was probably wrong to manipulate the woman in this manner, but Sherry had set herself up as a target - and Maude just couldn’t resist! Besides, she needed Gary - and her agreement with the Confederacy limited the amount of time that she would be able to keep him. He would stay away until the woman was broken to the bits - and this would do it. The fact that Gary was watching made the whole thing a certainty...
“Let’s go, Ladies and Gentlemen! Get your CAP cards out and make yourself as presentable as you can - we have a limited amount of time for this, as I’m sure you’re all aware!” Watson pressed. Prospective concubines started staggering around, and women and girls especially started throwing off their clothing. The five girls from the class had their things off on the floor in no time, while the older women - who ran the gamut for age size, shape - and sexual capacity, since it wouldn’t be a test without a few jokers - tended to move more slowly. Each of the proctors was hypnotically prepared - even the volunteers who walked in the door that evening knowing exactly what was going to happen. Two or three had been deliberately inhibited for the test - and one primed to let herself go, more as an aid to her own sexual discovery than anything else. The student concubines moved right in, posting themselves in front of their favorite selectee as they had been trained and trying to get his attention; little Candace Phelps was going to have a hard time, though, because Chuck Oberndorfer was thoroughly distracted by watching his mother divest herself slowly of her clothing while staring back at him.
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Lesbian Lovers Melissa Moore and Jenna Sativa make passionate love on their bed before Jenna leaves to work. They hold each other tightly, eat one another’s pussies and Jenna fingers Melissa until she cries out undeniably satisfied. Jenna’s sister, Gina Valentina knocks on their door, reminding Jenna that she will be late for work. Jenna takes off and Melissa decides to take a hot bath to relax her sexual strain. Unbeknownst to her, alien life forces invade the planet, targeting...
xmoviesforyouThis is a tough chapter to write. After all of the things that I have been through, writing this one is going to be tough. Caesar died. He got sick and within a week he didn't wake up when I got out of bed to start my day. I took him to the vet when he got sick and the vet prescribed meds to help him, but it didn't matter. He must have been old and hadn't fully recovered from the fire. It didn't matter why he died, he was gone and I cried on him while I was holding his furry body to me....
Hey friends I ‘m Aady and I am 20 years old or meri nani ka naam sunita hai vo 61 saal ki hai gora rang boobas tho bot zyda bade or mote or gaand bhi alg hi hai kul milake vo sexy hai or garam bhi ab story pe aata hu Ek din maa me kha ki tum nani ke ghr chle jao kuch samaan leke ek pal ko tho meri gand me aag lg gai ki bc budiya ke pas bejh rahe hai phir bhi mai chla gya tho mai jb pahucha tho nani tv dekh rhi thi nani ghr pe akeli rehti hai qki meri mum ki sirf bhen hai koi bhai nhi or nana...
Вы можете пополнять историю своими идеями или писать автору любые свои пожелания. Внимание! На chyoa появилась возможность использования переменные(но пока они работают плохо), чем автор планирует непременно воспользоваться и добавить RPG составляющую. Чтобы воспользоваться дополнительным функционалом, перейдите во вкладку Score и нажмите Start game. Эта история про одного мальчика по имени Антон 20 лет, про тебя. Раньше тебе не везло с девушками, но теперь ты начинаешь новую жизнь, и поэтому...
“I’ll see you’re checked in and go home,” Gordy said. “I’ll be back by six.” “Fine.” “Thank you.” When they we in their rooms, Tessa said, “It’s a lot better than the hotel in Marree.” “Yes, it is.” “I’ve been thinking about Marree.” “Oh?” “They did a history when the town was 100 years old. It’s got a lot of old photos and chapters where I found it hard to tell gossip from history. Anecdotes about Afghans. Stories of whole families dying between Farina and...
This event happened one summer morning, on my way to work some 20 yrs ago.I just got on the "A" Express train at Euclid Ave., and was heading to Jay St.- Boro Hall in Brooklyn.As usual there was a delay on the express "A"train, by the time I got to Utica Ave. train was pack and the conductor annouced that there was a disable train ahead.Well, when we finally got to Nostrand Ave., that platform was packed.When the doors opened I was pushed out of the car. People were trying to force there way on...
The last day of our affair was a day of surprises in the Carson household. Not saying a word, Amanda wore her engagement ring to the supper table as we prepared to eat prior to our parents leaving to play bridge. She was the last one to arrive at the table and, as Mom was talking at the time, she just sat down and crossed her hands in front of herself, the diamond on her finger in plain sight, a shit-eating grin on her face. For my part, I decided to play dumb, pretending not to notice...
"Son of a bitch, is it cheating to just peek? I mean, Sherry doesn't mind if I watch porn, so could this be that harmful?" I pondered, pacing back and forth in my room. I brought my hands to my forehead. "I'm sweating bullets." Then I halted. "Oh, she turned the water off," I moaned through my teeth. I clenched my fists and my entire body began vibrating. "What should I do?" I asked myself repeatedly. "Oh, fuck it," I said before I opened my door and quietly made my way out. With my heart...
NovelsI can not imagine a class more boring than senior English. Who cares about people who died hundreds of years ago? Who cares about how to write a sonnet? Who cares about literature? Just boring trivia, nothing I will ever need to know. It takes all my effort to stay awake in that class. But you had to admit, Ms. Gabriel made it all worth it. She is my teacher, and I couldn't imagine a better one. For looking at, at least. She was short, just over five feet, with smooth, toffee-colored skin and...
TeenJune woke on Friday morning and looked over at her sister’s empty bed. In a near panic, she sat up and looked at the clock on her nightstand. It was only 5:30 am. Relieved that she had not overslept, she laid back down. As she laid there, she wondered why Autumn was up so early. June’s thoughts turned to her meeting with Rick and Maddy. Even though they both seemed sincere, she was still a bit uneasy about what they would ask of her. She got out of bed and went into the bathroom to pee and...
When Dex woke up early Sunday morning after his big party, Morgan was nowhere in sight. Ignoring the sudden pangs of loneliness, he did his bathroom chores, pulled on his workout shorts, grabbed his shoes and a towel, and headed for the gym. He had finished loosening up and was starting some lat pulldowns when he saw Morgan come round the corner towing a very reluctant Elise. Morgan had found some shorts that sort of fit Elise, and given her one of the thousand or so T-shirts that seemed to...
Benjamin walked from his Chelsea apartment to the nearby hotel that was hosting a Halloween fundraiser for LGBT causes. He was dressed like a construction worker, with the sleeves torn off his plaid shirt to expose his muscular arms. A frayed spot in the crotch of his blue jeans drew attention to his package. Once in the hotel and pass the lobby, he showed his ticket before popping his head into the main ballroom to see a crowd of costumed people dancing to techno music. Most of the costumes...
Mom 4K sounds a little bit like a fun run for mamas, a couple miles and a half of heart-pounding cardio with perhaps a charity angle thrown in. Of course, I’m not in the business of reviewing wholesome activities, so you already know this ain’t going to be a SFW excursion. Nah, when I talk about moms here at ThePornDude, they’re typically naked, horny and hot, and the MILFs of this next website are certainly no exception. These ain’t the local fatties cheering on their tykes at soccer practice,...
Premium Interracial Porn Sites"Look at his cock," Mona said as she caressed the powerful horse's side. Barbi's eyes widened as she spotted Beauty's giant prick. She gasped as her breath caught in her throat. She gulped back her pounding heart and realized that her virgin pussy was pulsing for the horse's prick. "Now you know why you get hot all the time while you're riding. It's because your body knows more than your mind." She stroked Beauty. "Your body has been telling you that you want his cock." Numb,...
Dear Diary, OMG can you believe I'm going to go to college in the fall? Chloe says I should be sure to pledge a good sorority, but I'm not sure yet. I've been a girl for two years now, one year and a half since I made the choice myself. Aphrodite, after she gave me this chance, offered to wipe my memory of ever being a boy, but I am who I am. Didn' t Popeye the Sailor say that? My mother and grandmother and Aphrodite opened my eyes to the fact that I could be whatever I wanted to...
I had to include this even though this was far from the first time She’d made me spunk my pants – that started back in the magazine era, at about the time the Internet was taking off. Her’s was one of the first websites devoted to one model, and the first ‘Top Ten Pants-Spunks’ was when I was downloading sample pics of Her.I rarely whip it out for rubbing when I’m looking at pics, not just because that’s not on if you’re parked up somewhere, but because I don’t need to most of the time – I know...
In the morning, we rose, ate and went into the Base. I quickly realized both from the map and from looking around that this was a huge place. We had to find some kind of administrative building with a map of the base or wander around wasting a lot of time. I explained to the girls what we were searching for and why. In the meantime, just about any building would help. As luck would have it, we found the PX, a huge building, in fair shape. I was surprised that the doors still existed. I...
So there I was, waiting in front of Starbucks in Plaza Indonesia for my friend. We wanted to meet there to watch some movies and talk, but she was still stuck in the traffic. It was my first time meeting her and while I was waiting there and sending her SMS after SMS to know where she is, I didn’t really pay attention to the pedestrians. Everytime someone walked by really close, I thought it might be her and looked up. One time while I was doing that, I saw this girl, walking with her friend....
After her night with Rico Bella had gone home and, no surprise, found Fernando there, waiting somewhat impatiently. He wanted to hear the details, who had she been with?, what had she done?, had she enjoyed it?, would she do it again? He was bursting with questions but he kept his silence, waiting for her to come forward. Bella told him that she had met Rico at the café. ‘You remember the handsome man we saw awhile ago outside with his friends, and you said I should go with him to his...
This story was written as a serial over the period of several months. The Role Exchanger 2 By Morpheus Part 1 It was a nice Saturday in the quiet suburban neighborhood, with the people who lived there going about their normal business. There was nothing to break the usual peace and calm... until now. There was a strange flickering in the very air as a glowing blue ball of light slowly moved across the sky above. Reality itself seemed to rippled around the alien entity... Then...
Stranded little cutie Kiley Jay is relieved when she spots a windowless white van approaching her. She waves the driver Jax over and convinces him to give her a lift into townn. A bit down the road Kiley reveals that she doesn’t have any cash. Fortunately for this little slut, Jax also accepts total sexual submission from tiny teens. This super petite teen is bound with rope and fed a mouthful of BBC in the van then dragged back to a dungeon and brutally fucked like a toy. Jax plasters...
xmoviesforyouThe journey from the College of Correction and Redemption back to the Convent was again in a closed carriage under the cover of darkness. She was met at the door by the Reverend Mother herself and escorted straight to the infirmary. "You will stay here," the older woman ordered, "Until your child is born. Then, and only then, will you be allowed back into the company of decent nuns." "Reverend Mother..." Waving away Sister Lucia's attempts to ask questions, she continued, "As to...
Jayanthi and rajalakshmi are sisters in law and were visiting reddy paalayam where jayanthi’s cousin was staying . The reason for this visit was that jayanthi’s husband’s sashtiabdapoorthi( 60 th birthday). So they wanted to invite kodhai , their cousin for this event. Kodhai lived in reddypaalayam in combatore and as they had wanted to buy certain pooja items there, they combined both. Ding dong !! The door bell rang. Mani said “coming, just a minute”. He opened the door thinking it was his...
Hi all! Raasa from Chennai again for you all! I am happy to see the responses to my stories here and I would love to add that all my stories are all true happenings. I have just changed the names, for sake of privacy. Well though 54, I always have a flair for sex. I willingly take the woman whom I come across to bed, provided, they are willing to. I would like to share an experience I had with a woman during my recent visit to the twin cities I had been there on a weekend coupling an official...
100% fiction! My name is Katie and I have wanted to share my story of the first with my wonderful and caring father. It all began like most young girls who begin to notice their father in ways they probably should not and as time went on I found myself masturbating to the thought of getting what my body wanted so badly. My first attempts failed miserably though I kept trying to think of different ideas to get him to want me. The very first move was wearing low cut shirts that hung loose over my...
IncestStill Rocking. By Trish. I am sure when Susan first got back from Afghanistan, most people who knew her probably thought her sudden passion for injured soldiers and their families was just a passing phase, and I'll admit I was one of them. When it came to Susan I was still torn between two poles and had been talking to a therapist to help me get over of the bitterness I still felt about how she used me. I know if she had not done what she did, then I would probably have spent my...
“Okay, that’s it for today,” Stephany said. “We will meet again when there’s something new to discuss.” She stood and smiled at her husband, Gerrard. “I’m ready to go home.” Abby and I stood from our chairs and stretched as the meeting ended. In the six months since we’d moved to San Antonio, we’d found another ten people traveling the interstates, just like the rest of us, the last pair arriving two months ago. It was interesting that no one had encountered any lone survivors, I’d...
Caressing up nylon enhanced thighs with my eyes, I couldn’t resist lingering over her firm rounded ass. My mind recalling images and sensations of pleasing your anal desires, stirring my passion.Completing the vision of her, my eyes followed up the low V-cut back of her dress, savoring the tantalizing lines of her exposed back, shoulders and neck, teasing my hunger for her. My visual tour of her body faded as I realized that we were supposed to meet her friends at a restaurant in less...