Fun with MILF Sue
- 2 years ago
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The Tuatha Dé Danann world of Murias was a mess. It was initially invaded by the Nephilim and then by a small contingent of the Sidhe. Now the inhabitants were in a three way fight with the rest of the Tuathan worlds as well. Frankly I was amazed that they were still going, but their leadership had planned well, had the support of the lower classes (a first for the Tuathans who generally used their lower classes as cannon fodder) and in areas they controlled had begun economic reform to distribute wealth and opportunity using the seized wealth of the conservative loyalists who had opposed any and all changes to society despite the obvious truth that it was falling apart due to the ruling Comitet Militaria’s unrelenting aggression against other Earths as well as its constant putting down of lower class rebellions in various cities in their autocracy.
This was the first time however that they’d faced the rebellion of an entire world, one with a plan and possible allies in place.
First impressions of the Tuatha Dé Danann by a Mage of Earth were Pre-revolutionary French as opposed to the Norse of the Æsir or the Irish of the Craebh Ruadh. No, there were no real similarities in language or dress but that’s how they came across with presumably the same potential for a state of terror or Napoleonic age depending on how things went.
We were met by the leader of the Reform Comitet, who at least was known to us and seemed inordinately pleased to see us.
“Mage Morgana, Mage Julia, journeyman John, journeywoman Róisín, a pleasure to meet you again,” he greeted us.
“Good to see you too, Wind Councillor Ferrimoot,” Morgana replied. “May I introduce Mage Zola, Mage Arch and Mage Thea?”
“A pleasure to meet you in these trying times for us,” Ferrimoot replied and introduced us to the Comitet, most of whom looked both tired and worn out.
“Mage Zola is here to represent the Council of the Wise in negotiations for aid and assistance, particularly for modern Earth arms,” Morgana explained.
“Your request for medical Mages has already been approved and a contingent from Earth is being assembled as we speak,” Zola confirmed.
“That in particular is good news,” Ferrimoot replied as he and the Comitet looked relieved. “However unless we have access to better ‘technology’ (he pronounced the word as if foreign to him) then it will not matter how many your people can save.”
“I realise this,” Zola replied. “But you’ll also understand that the level of trust your people have built up over the centuries would be in negative numbers if that were possible and so I’m here to investigate your ‘revolution’ and see if it poses a future threat to us or the other Earths.”
“Understandable,” Ferrimoot replied with a nod. “All will be open to you. Now please come inside and we’ll take you to your quarters where you can begin your investigations.”
The quarters were in a secured block of buildings with guards placed to ensure our privacy from any curious mundanes. Inside we were free to roam and choose our own rooms and so I ended up sharing with Thea and Róisín (as if I had a choice).
“First impressions, Thea?” I asked without using her honorific as we were in private quarters.
“They’re frightened. The war isn’t going well for them as they’re fighting on two fronts and the Tuathans opposing them are allowing the Nephilim to run rampage in areas they are bypassing, in the belief that if they win they’ll be able to turn back the tide,” Thea replied.
“Róisín?” I asked.
“The same as Thea, although there are tensions on the Comitet too. Some of the ‘old’ Tuathan arrogance, a lot of hurt pride at having to ask for help and some greed at getting something for nothing,” Róisín replied.
“Quite human then,” I chuckled.
“Yes, although Ferrimoot is clearly the head of the Comitet, or rather its guiding force,” Thea added.
“Well, at least we know we can do business with Ferrimoot. He may be utterly ruthless at times, but it’s only aimed at those thwarting his plans,” I replied.
“Fact is, at the moment they need us. Zola’s mission will be to ensure that we remain cordially friendly, at least if or when we stabilise things here,” Thea acknowledged.
“So why are Mage Morgana and Mage Julia here?” Róisín asked.
“Morgana and Julia know Ferrimoot and that provides a common reference point for Zola,” Thea replied.
“Plus we’re here to protect Zola and Julia if necessary,” I added.
“Yes, John. So as soon as Mage Arch turns up, we’ll split into two teams and ward this building defensively to prevent any surprises from the Tuathans, the Sidhe or the Nephilim,” Thea noted.
Arch wasn’t too long and so Thea and I took one side of the building and worked our way through it, putting up new wards and setting up encrypted escape portals, checking and double checking our work until finally Thea gave a nod and we crossed over to the other side of the building to check Arch and Róisín’s work as they did for us.
At the end of the afternoon the whole group met for an evening supper along with Ferrimoot and the other Comitet member in the same room where the first business discussions had begun.
“What we have are large swathes of our planète under the control of our enemies, although, thanks to the good leaders of what used to be the bonded lower orders but are now free men, we hold just enough of our cities and fertile farmlands to sustain us. They completely outnumber us in Magicien’s as the haut-Magicien cabale on Gorias sided with the government there. What few we have are barely enough to defend us, but again we hold,” Ferrimoot explained.
“Aye, but holding isn’t winning,” growled one of the Comitet I recognised as Kordanta, Ferrimoot’s old adjutant.
“I know that, old friend,” Ferrimoot acknowledged. “That’s why I took up a promise from the Mages of Earth to talk if we could successfully revolt.”
“Which is why we’re here despite a few calls from our ‘alliance’ to simply let you rot,” Mage Zola stated.
“I realise that,” Ferrimoot replied. “Nor can we exactly claim total success, but I’m hoping for the sake of the people here that you will help, at least against the Nephilim and Sidhe. If you can get them off our backs, I believe we’ll be able to deal with the Gorian Alliance.”
“There’s certainly a possibility of that,” Zola mused. “Would you have any issues with us using our own troops to do it?”
“I thought the Mages of Earth did not command armies?” Kordanta queried.
“We don’t, but we have allies who do; allies who know and understand how to fight the Nephilim and Sidhe,” Julia replied.
“The Æsir?” Ferrimoot asked.
“Yes, they’re still spoiling for a fight, having defeated the Nephilim on their own worlds,” Julia acknowledged.
“I’m not sure about how our people will react to having foreign troops here,” Kordanta mused.
“The Æsir aren’t that fond of you either, with good reason,” Zola stated.
“Yet they’d still fight for us?” Ferrimoot asked.
“For you, no. Against your enemies, yes,” Julia replied.
“I can still see advantages to this,” Ferrimoot nodded. “An independent command following say ‘suggestions’ from our Wind Council as to where they might best find ‘employment’ but, how they go about it is up to them?”
“They’d still reserve the right not to be placed in situations where annihilation is a possibility,” Julia replied.
“They are soldiers, they should fight!” Kordanta stated.
“They’ll fight; they just won’t commit suicide,” Julia responded.
“I’ll request that Vaniralla Freya visit to discuss the use of Æsir warriors,” Morgana said soothingly.
“That might be best,” Ferrimoot acknowledged.
The meeting broke up after that and other than a few discussions between Mages, nothing new arose and so we retired for the night.
The following morning I was surprised to find Vaniralla Freya had already arrived along with her personal dróttina which it appeared she never went anywhere without.
“Greetings, Vaniralla Freya,” I intoned and gave her a formal bow of deep respect.
“Greetings, Seiðmaðr John. It’s good to see you again,” she replied with a smile.
“You too, Vaniralla,” I acknowledged.
“As this isn’t a formal occasion I believe you can dispense with the titles, John,” she replied.
“Thank you, Freya,” I chuckled.
“No, thank you, John. You appear to have given us a chance to gain honour and glory,” Freya noted.
“Well, it was hardly just me,” I chuckled.
“Yes, but your name was enough to convince several of the værinjar of the hordes that the cause was honourable, in spite of the location and the allies,” Freya replied.
“It is an honourable cause. As for the allies, well, I believe you’ll find Wind Councillor Ferrimoot to be an interesting man,” I answered.
Freya nodded in thought as we walked towards the meeting room that had been set aside for discussions. Inside we found the rest of the Mages and the Comitet already assembled going over the maps which showed the various positions of the Nephilim, Sidhe and the Tuatha loyalists.
Greetings were exchanged and Freya was the centre of attention of the Comitet who seemed fascinated to be meeting one of their old enemies.
“Assuming we can agree terms and conditions,” Ferrimoot began after the introductions.” How many Æsir could you bring to the field?”
“Five fully equipped hordes, roughly five thousand værinjar or warriors and associated Seiðkonur or Magicien’s I believe you call them,” Freya replied.
“That is a most generous offer,” Ferrimoot replied in astonishment. “And you’d wish in return?” He asked.
“The return of the Odroerir, our sacred triskelion, taken from the Temple Prime of Sverresborg during the first years of your invasion and the sack of our capital,” Freya answered making the assembled Comitet go pale.
“That object is not held on Murias, but on Gorias,” Kordanta stated.
“Nevertheless, that’s what we want and is the price of our aid,” Freya stated.
“Is there nothing else we can offer?” Ferrimoot asked looking somewhat aghast.
“No,” Freya answered firmly.
“Where is this Odroerir held and how big is it?” I asked.
“It’s kept in the Conquesta Militaris Museum in Senone, the Gorian capital,” Kordanta replied. “It’s also the headquarters of the elite Tagmata regiment so is guarded night and day both militarily and by members of the haut-Magicien Cabale.”
“It looks like three drinking horns joined in a circlet inlaid with gold leaf with various runes written in very fine script naming the Æsir Gods,” Ferrimoot added.
“It’s what you call an object of power, John,” Freya explained. “Although it won’t work on Gorias I expect.”
“Indeed not,” Ferrimoot agreed. “Our histories say we took it to prevent the Æsir bringing down the wrath of their Gods on us.”
“Smart move,” Freya acknowledged. “But now we want it back.”
“Sounds easy enough, go to the enemy’s capital, break into a highly defended fortress museum, steal a sacred object and get back here for breakfast,” I chuckled.
“Indeed, John,” chuckled Ferrimoot. “When you put it like that.”
“It could be done...” Morgana mused.
“Not by us,” Kordanta admitted. “We don’t have the resources.”
“I will attempt to retrieve the object, Freya,” Morgana stated. “If you and the Comitet agree plans in the meantime.”
“Agreed, Seiðkona Morgana,” Freya replied.
“Are you sure about this, Morgana?” Mage Zola asked.
“Yes, I believe my team here has all the necessary experience required, save only the use of a Seer,” Morgana replied.
“Very well, I bow to your greater experience,” Zola acknowledged.
“Thank you, Mage Zola,” Morgana replied with a formal bow before signalling the Enforcement Mages to her side.
“Can we do this, my Mage?” I asked.
“I believe so, John. The very audacity of it will give us a chance that will both surprise them totally and keep them from figuring just what’s going on,” Morgana replied.
“But we do not know the area, the layout, the security situation or anything else along those lines,” Arch added.
“For that we have Ferrimoot and Kordanta,” Morgana replied. “All we need is a Seer to get us in there with a hidden portal and I believe we can do the rest.”
“I’m going to assume you’re going to request the aid of Julia for said Seer,” Thea asked.
“Yes, but she needs this alliance to work so I expect she’ll say yes,” Morgana chuckled.
“Hell, I’m in, it sounds like fun,” I chuckled.
“Me too,” Róisín added with a grin.
“Children,” muttered Arch before breaking out into a grin. “Yup, me too.”
“I must be mad, but count me in,” Thea added with a grin of her own.
“You’re all just too easy,” chuckled Morgana.
It took a few days to put the details into place, a lot of it was spent with Ferrimoot and Kordanta along with a few other Tuathans who’d either been to the museum or had served in the Tagmata Guards, or rather one of its auxiliary units as only pure born Gorians were allowed to serve in the guards themselves.
Abi had volunteered to come along to open the hidden portal for us in Senone and then remain undercover until we needed to make our escape. Arch and I were dressed in the height of Gorian fashion which essentially meant tight breeches and florid over-frilled shirts and heavy frock coat. The ladies though were fuming ... Apparently Gorian ladies of good social standing had to wander around in a hooped skirt that came all the way down to the ground and employed a method of walking that made them appear to be floating along. Add to this, loosely fitting blouses but with very tight collars and cuffs and you had something totally impractical for breaking and entering.
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xmoviesforyouPreface to Part 2 I first would like to sincerely thank all of those who read Part 1 and offered such wonderful reviews. Even the criticisms were mostly on point, and I've tried my best to take them into account in preparing the revised version of Part 1 and this new Part 2. I would also like to apologize to all those readers of Part 1 that have been awaiting Part 2. It's been well over a year since Part 1 was offered on, and several things have happened in my...
Author’s note Thanks to all who added comments on the site and emailed me. Also thanks to those of you who gave the story such high marks. I have published this second part more quickly than I probably will subsequent episodes, which I aim to submit to Lit every ten days or so. I am sorry about the errors in the first part, especially literals. Editing is not my strong point, but I have tried harder with this and will continue doing so in future. Thanks Georgie ...
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The story was rejected the first time I put it through, possibly because I put some stuff in there that was just too gross. So I’ve taken that out. It’s all the better for it to be honest. I also had a lot of stuff going on hence why I haven’t written anything. But, I’ve taken it back up, so here I am, submitting my latest chapter in this storyline. Two more chapters to go, maybe three, then this story will be finished. Thanks for your patience people… enjoy! =========================== ...
Julie By Waldo([email protected]) All rights reserved by the Author. This may be posted on web sites or BBS where stories are distributed for free; just send me an e-mail telling me where you've posted it. It's an adult story. Author's Note: Some of you might recognize some of this story. This was started about three years ago and even partially released to a list of readers where it had been stopped at a point. It then sat while other things were worked on. However, it bugged...
It was a slow day at the Deli. As the afternoon rolled in, there was only one customer in the shop. Chris needed to keep busy, so he walked out from behind the counter and started to sweep the floor. He glanced at the sole customer in the shop. She was a 16 year old classmate of his. She was wearing a long skirt, and he thought that she was pretty. He would have asked her out, if he didnct already have a girlfriend. Chris adored his girlfriend, but other girls still caught his eye....
Pa and I headed out for the roundup before day-light. He had been out there yesterday and had come in last night. Mexican Pete and the two other Mexicans spread their blankets nearby. They were at the chuck wagon eating when we arrived. We got in line and the chuck wagon cookie filled our plates. We got our own coffee. "How's it going?" "We got most everything gathered. There may be a few more in the brush and half the crew is hunting them. All the ranchers have a few steers to sell....
After lunch we round-tabled the attack at MSU I could easily see this was going nowhere. No one was offering any new information. There should have been plenty by now, after the Saif connection. Finally I gave up on the open forum route and just started asking questions. I started with Ben Smith, “Has the NSA reconstructed Saif’s route from the Middle East yet?” After some throat clearing, “Well, not exactly; we think he came as a crew member of an oil tanker to New Jersey. From there he...
Introduction: What happens when a hot MILF comes up a little short and does not have enough cash to pay the babysitters Payment Right after I finished my sophomore year in high school, my best friend Chris and I were asked to baby sit at the house of a woman that my mother knew. I had never met her before, but when I arrived at the house I realized that she was pretty damn hot, especially for a mom. She was about 57, had shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, and had a pretty curvy body with...
Hi my name is vijay singh I am from punjab patiala city. My age is 20 year and my height 5ft 6inch and my cock size is 7inch long and 4inch thick and my body type is well muscles I am m.Com student I am regular reader of indian sex story today I am tell about my story miss patiala lady meri last story aunty ki horny chudai ki story se muje kai mails ayee thanks for mail un me se kai mail ladies ke bhi the koi delhi se koi noida se different states se muje invite kr rahi thi but mera is time...
I had been chatting with olivia for awhile and she loved telling me about her best friend amanda and how she really want to fuck her, they had kissed now and again when they had been drinking but nothing more.Having seen pictures of amanda I was willing to help to see if olivia could have her way so we decided to all meet up at my place the following weekend and see if we could have some fun together.Olivia told me that amanda was all set and she told me about all the naughty things we had been...
Foreword: I wrote some of my past stories by request of my fans. In a way, I could also say that this story was written by request. However, it would probably be more accurate to say that this story was provoked than requested. Part 1 of this story is true. Some militant feminist recently started sending me flame mail accusing me of hating women because I write about submissive women enjoying rough sex. When she sent me a computer virus by munging her email address to make it seem like it came...
Voodoo Gone Wrong A Timber Grove Story by Trinity CHAPTER -ONE- Jerry looked down at his watch and then to the clock on his wall in hopes that either one was wrong... but they both read 2:40. A long sigh was followed up with a quick slam of his hand on the small table in front of him. He got up and crossed the small room to see if the small neon sign was on outside, and he could see it was. From his angle the sign made no sense, but to those walking down a small alley off the...
Rick and I avoided any kind of drama we feared our kids might put us through if they knew we were seeing each other. In fact, Kellie, by way of Brandon, provided him with all kinds of information about me in order to pull off some unexpected surprises. He bought gold circle tickets to see Diana Krall. He sent me a basketful of candles that I lit all over my room whenever he came over for marathon sex sessions. He surprised me with homemade gnocchi and Marinara sauce, my favorite, and the best I...
Victoria took a sip of her red wine; she stood up from the breakfast bar where she was sitting. Another sip and she walked through to her bedroom. She placed the glass down on the dresser, then had a second thought and took another drink.She opened her top drawer and went straight to back for a bag she had hidden there. She took a look inside and placed it on the bed. Taking a deep breath, she removed her clothes and returned her attention to the bag. Inside was a matching set of red lace...
CheatingI stayed with her because I loved our child. We would have good and bad times but the bad times were multiplying and rarely did we have any good times. She had some friends and we started going to their houses or they would end up at ours and we would play cards and drink beer till the wee hours of the morning. We eventually settled down with a pair of friends that we continually planned activities together. Their names were Darin and Terri. Terri and my wife, Cynthia, were friends in...
I've been married to Edie for just a little over six years and I am constantly finding out things about her - things that I would never have expected or even believed for that matter. For instance - I just found out she is a slut. Edie wasn't a virgin when I married her. It wasn't something that I knew first hand, but in the spirit of being up front with me Edie laid out her entire sexual history for me even to the point of naming names. I knew two of her previous lovers and she wanted to...
The Worst (and BEST) Date of My Life!Did you ever have one of those dates where you spend hours getting ready, only to have the date be a total disaster? David was the major hunk in my drama class, smart, charming, and that body just got me going! He was about six foot one, dark brown hair, enough muscles to be handsome but not creepy, and a smile that left a swath of drenched panties in it's wake. Mine were no exception, and we started to hit it off, and he asked me to go out on Friday...
IncestAfter talking for about 45 minutes char puts her head on my shoulder and says she wishes she was happy. I put my arm around her and give her a big hug and we get tight together. The way she’s sitting i can see right down her shirt it’s awesome. Char leans back and looks at me, i didn’t react fast enough and she catches me looking down her shirt. “Hey what were you looking at?” “Sorry, i didn’t mean to” “Yes you did, trust me i notice it” “Why don’t you say anything?” “Because i like...
I dreamed I was watching a little dog running around and then I was chasing after it. You know how dreams work, things seem familiar, but not making much sense. Abruptly the dog disappeared, and then I was seeing my wife. It didn't seem as if I was that close to her, and I felt I had to keep a certain distance from her. It wasn't the Betty I had lost less than two years ago. It was more like the Betty I had married many, many years ago. She was young, vibrant and so beautiful, and she...
Charlotte slipped into her pale pink satin chemise and started to line the candles up around the bedroom on all the shelves and tops of the furniture. It seemed almost ritual, as she had done this for the past four years now. She sprayed the perfume into the air as the room began to warm in the soft flickering glow. She then turned to the bed and eased all the creases out. Charlotte lingered over the hollow his head had made in the pillow the night before, before plumping it up. These little...
But we are from Hindu family, so we did not want to do it with anybody in Public. After 2 years of my marriage life I m bored with my sex life One day I plan to do group sex but my wife Reena refuses she is total Hindu lady so she promise me not to talk about this in the life otherwise she left me I ignore him and say I am just joking but my heart is sad so I remove the plan from my heart after few months one day my cousin Arvind comes to Mumbai for a training of 6 months period he comes and...
LADY IN THE HOUSE - PART X By Michele Nylons Michele decided to throw caution to the wind and to try to satisfy Davey to the best of her recently learned abilities. She dropped to her knees besides the bed and slowly eased down the zipper on Davey's fly. "What are you doing you naughty girl?" Davey joked. "I'm just reciprocating the pleasure you gave me," she smiled, and dipped her hand inside his jeans. Davey smiled back and watched Michele's painted fingernails...
I hope ya’ll like it. I’m going to tell ya’ll the story about my first foursome but I believe the event that led up to it is just as hot as the actual event itself!! I’m just gonna tell it from my point of view. There’s no ‘I threw myself in the arms of passion’ or ‘I screamed louder for him to fuck my pussy harder’. I’m just giving you the down and dirty details of sex!! I have never hidden the fact that I was a really big whore earlier in life. I never considered myself a slut because I...