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They kept him drugged with pills. He knew that. And occasionally in the past when he could, he'd faked swallowing them. Never again. He'd take the meds when he was instructed to take them. Meds was the alien word for pills.

One time, he'd managed to skip the meds three days in a row. On the third day, he became violently sick. While lying on a bed wishing he could die, he overheard some aliens talking about his symptoms. They'd guessed that he hadn't taken his meds because the symptoms he exhibited could be caused by a sudden withdrawal of meds.

So he took the meds without complaint, but that didn't stop him from wondering what the meds did to him.

The day after skipping the night meds, he woke up with a partial erection. That's when he realized that one of the things the meds did was suppress his libido. He couldn't remember the last time he had been horny.

His thoughts drifted back into his past, back to when he occupied his real body. Yvonne. Yvonne could get him hard. She spent him into the poor house, but she was a sexy piece. He could see her in his memories. The meds didn't kill memories, just dulled them, but they did nothing to dull his fantasies.

He'd tried to jerk off, and he'd managed a full erection, but it wilted before he could climax. He reasoned that real sex, sex with a woman, would give him what he wanted. But none of the female experiments in the building appealed to him. Not the old hag pretending to hold a baby. Not the fat broad that skipped like a girl and pretended to jump rope all the time. And certainly not any of the female aliens. The thought of sex with an alien made him sick.

Then one day, a new experiment arrived. Grace. The aliens called her Grace. Her blonde hair was stringy, and she wore no makeup, but she was young and slim, and when he looked at her he could feel some arousal.

That's when he started to experiment with the meds. He pretended to take some of them and actually took others, and tested the results, finally determining that if he skipped two of the meds at night, he woke up with a full erection the next morning. He still couldn't achieve an orgasm, but he came closer. A woman's body, a pussy was needed to give him full release. Grace's pussy.

He had one other thing going for him. Like him, Grace had figured out that not speaking, not moving until being told to move was the smart way to act around the aliens.

Tonight's the night, he thought.

The snow on the foothills around Ely played tag with the light shining from the early sun, glistening, then fading to gray, but never black. Rugged, sienna-colored boulders, pushed up through the earth's crust from the liquid heat of the mantle during an explosive moment long past, and now poked up through the snow and competed with the olive-green teardrops that were cedar trees. The foothills were greeting-card beautiful. The streets in the little valley that housed the town were dirty and ugly, though, and they weren't completely clear of snow and ice. The pickup did some slipping and sliding.

I'd ask around. Did the folks around here put on snow tires in the winter?

Cory and Nora looked like they were still asleep when I walked into the weight room at the school the next morning. Cory had called me the night before to tell me he wouldn't need a ride. Nora was picking him up, a development I applauded silently.

I introduced myself to Nora. I'd never met her. She was a big girl, but like Cory, she wasn't obese. She had a perfect face. By that I mean that all of the features in her face were perfectly symmetrical. She did have two small scars, one on each cheek, probably from acne. I pictured her as svelte in my mind's eye, and nearly gasped at the vision of an ugly duckling morphing into the swan she could become.

As Aaron MacDonald, I'd worked with a personal trainer, so I elected to use his approach and demeanor. After they stood on the scale to determine their weight, I measured the various parts of their body with a measuring tape. I didn't have the device that tested body fat, but the size of their waists embarrassed both of them.

"No need to be embarrassed," I said. "If you persevere, you'll soon be good candidates for a body-beautiful contest."

They didn't believe me.

"Did I go too far?" I asked.

"Yes," they parroted, and then laughed together—a good thing. Until then, they'd been quiet and tense.

"What? You don't see yourselves as centerfolds in Playboy and Playgirl magazines?"

They laughed some more.

"That's the spirit I want to see. Cory, Nora, the expression 'no pain, no gain' is accurate. You're going to experience some pain. You might as well have some fun while your bodies are screaming at you to stop whatever you're doing to make yourself svelte." I paused. "Svelte. I like the sound of that word. It sort of rolls off my tongue and gives me the shivers."

They laughed again.

"So, work hard, be diligent, but have some fun in the process. That's an order. Okay?"

"Got it, Coach," Cory said.

"I like fun," Nora said. "Fun is a good thing."

Then I took each of them through some exercises using free weights to determine their strengths and weaknesses, jotting down notes after each exercise, and complimenting them whenever possible. Cory had good balance; Nora didn't, but she had grace. Then I had an epiphany. Working with weights and running were essential, but some combination exercises that include elements of tai chi, yoga and pilates might help. I groaned. More research on the net was needed.

I told them I'd have a training schedule the next morning, but they should plan on running, not working out with weights.

"I'd like your workouts to match mine," I said. "I run on Thursdays, so I'll be running with you tomorrow. Friday will be your first session with the weights. Did Ms. Sanger give you your diets?"

It had been bitter cold outside when I left the house, and snow was still on the ground, so my upcoming morning run with Danielle would be cancelled.

"No, today sometime, she promised," Nora said.

"Like Nora said," Cory quipped.

"Good, I'll see you here tomorrow morning at seven, Nora. Cory, I'll see you at football practice this afternoon."

I had time for another chore before my home room class, so I hot-footed it to the administrative offices. Tom was in, and he agreed to see me. I gave him copies of the short and long term affects of meth and the meth recipe I'd downloaded off the net the previous night.

"It occurred to me that the high school meth dealer is probably dealing because he's an addict," I said. "I wanted to know what to look for in a user, thus the affects of using the junk. You probably know more about this than I, but I made a copy of the affects for you anyway. The recipe surprised me because meth can be manufactured with over-the-counter drugs and household supplies, but the list also gave me an idea. This is a small town. Unless the people making the meth are getting their supplies out of town, a little investigative work should produce some names to check out. Notice the supplies I highlighted in red: Contact 12 hour capsules, Heet, muriatic acid, iodine tincture 2%, and Red Devil lye. Who has been purchasing those items in Ely? The drugstores and any other store that sells non-prescription drugs should be told to watch for heavy buyers of Contact capsules and iodine tincture 2%. Heet is sold by auto supplies stores. It's a gas-line antifreeze and water remover. Muriatic acid is used to clean concrete, probably sold by hardware stores. I don't know who sells Red Devil lye, but it can't be available in too many places in town. Waddaya think?"

"Red Devil lye was used for making soap, but because of its use in the manufacture of meth and other reasons, it was taken off the shelves, which didn't stop the meth cookers. It or a substitute is available on the Internet," Tom said. "Coach, why did you go to all this trouble?"

I sank in the chair. "Because someone is selling meth to students in this high school. Because that someone is destroying young lives, and I want him stopped." I sighed. "Okay, I'll back off and leave this to the professionals like you and Sheriff Ken and his deputies." I stood up. Then an unrelated question came to mind. "On another subject, Tom, what do you know about Larry Foreman's home life?"

Tom snorted. "What home life? The whereabouts of his father is unknown. He lives with his mother. She's a drunk. He takes care of her the best he can. They're on welfare, and he works nights at a convenience store. His days off are Thursday and Friday so he can play football."

"Shit," I muttered.

"What's the problem?"

"I jumped all over him for being a sexist when I announced that Helen Sanford was joining the football team as a place kicker. Then I preached to him about being angry and told him he could get help to manage his anger. He told me if it cost money to forget it. Out of ignorance, I handled him and the situation badly."

Tom emitted a short laugh and clapped me on the shoulder. "Welcome to the club of frustrated educators who care, Coach."

"Thanks a bunch. Do you know the condition of the football field? Will it be available this afternoon for practice?"

"Nope, but if it doesn't snow tonight, you'll be able to practice on it tomorrow afternoon, and the last game of the season with the Fallon Greenies will take place on Friday as scheduled."

I was so stunned that I sat back in the chair.

"What?" Tom said.

"I didn't know Friday's game would end the season."

Tom frowned.

"No memories, Tom, remember?" I said.

He laughed riotously.

When he settled down, I said, "Am I scheduled to coach anything else for the rest of the school year?"

"You'll have some free time during basketball season, but you're coaching the track team."

Great, that's just great, I thought sarcastically. I know less about track and field than I did about football when I found out I was the head football coach. "Will I have an assistant coach?" I said.

"You bet," Tom said. "Pick anyone from the faculty that will be willing to work with you, or needs a little bigger paycheck, or both."

"Hello, Tom. Do you have a problem at the school?" Sheriff Ken Hansen said. He'd just returned a call from Tom Early.

"No, no problem or at least no current problem that needs your attention. Listen, a curious thing happened this morning. Coach came marching into my office with a meth recipe that he'd found online. He'd marked a number of the ingredients and suggested that in a town of this size if we investigated who was buying the highlighted ingredients that we might track down the meth cooker. One of the items on the list was Red Devil lye."

"Red Devil lye was taken off the market over three years ago, Tom," the sheriff said.

"I know, and when I informed Coach about that, it took all the wind out of his sails. He said he'd leave the investigation in your hands."

"Good," the sheriff said. "As a general rule, meth cookers are a violent bunch of cretins. Coach is big, and I'm sure he can handle himself, but a small lead projectile from a zip gun can take down the biggest man. Meth cookers are generally recidivists, and they don't use zip guns; they're more sophisticated. Their weapons of choice are of the illegal variety, by that I mean automatic firearms."

"I hear you, Sheriff," Tom said. Hansen had taken the conversation off topic. To redirect it, Tom said, "Another item on Coach's list is muriatic acid."

"I don't remember all the ingredients that go into making meth, Tom, but we track the sales of a number of them, Contact 12-hour capsules and similar cold medicines, for instance. By law, the drugstores must require buyers to display a picture ID, and then write down the buyer's name."

"Do you track muriatic acid?"

"No, not like we track Contact or Sudafed capsules and other cold medicines that have been put behind glass at the pharmacies."

"Coach said the acid is used to clean concrete, probably sold by hardware stores. You might want to check the hardware stores in town for someone who has made more than one purchase of the acid."

"We did that, Tom. The meth cooker isn't buying muriatic acid from any paint or hardware store in Ely."

"Okay, just a thought, sorry to have bothered you," Tom said, feeling a little foolish.

"No problem. Whenever you have an idea that you think might help us identify that meth cooker, call me. As a matter of fact, fax Coach's list to me. Cookers use slightly different recipes. His list might help. That Coach, he's something else again, isn't he?"

Tom chuckled. "Yes he is. Truth be told, Sheriff, I didn't like him until he was struck by lightning and lost his memories. Since then, he's been very likeable, and he's become a real asset to the school."

"The good Lord smote him, Tom, reached out of the sky and yanked away all his meanness along with his memories. He's been touched by the hand of God."

"Maybe so, Sheriff, maybe so."

Sheriff Hansen stuck his head out of his office and told his secretary that he wanted to speak to Wade Cantrell, one of his deputies. A few minutes later Cantrell stood in front of the sheriff's desk.

"Have we been tracking the sale of the ingredients meth cookers use in their recipes?" the sheriff said.

"We checked on cold medicine sales at the drugstores a while back. That's about it, Sheriff."

"This is a list of four items." He handed the list to Cantrell. "Contact capsules is one of the four. Check the drugstores again, and while you're in the drugstores, ask about sales of iodine tincture 2%."

"I'll get right on it, Sheriff," Cantrell said.

"I'm not finished, Wade. Check out Heet sales wherever auto supplies are sold, and do the same for muriatic acid sales from the paint and hardware stores in town. Heet is a gas-line antifreeze and water remover, and muriatic acid is used to clean concrete."

Cantrell read the short list, looked up and said, "Good thinking, Sheriff."

Hansen smiled and said, "That's why they pay me the big bucks, Wade."

I stuck my head in Robyn's office. "Got time for lunch somewhere besides this school?" I said.

She frowned.

"This isn't a date, Robyn. It's school business. I want to talk about some students without other teachers or students listening in," I said, pressing the invitation. "I'm buying. Where's a good place to eat close by?"

"Evah's at the Copper Queen," she said.

"Can you pull the files of four students and bring them with you: Cory and Nora's, plus Cal Jensen's and Larry Foreman's?"

"That'll take a few minutes," Robyn said.

"Okay, we'll use separate cars. While you're pulling the files, I'll get us a table at Evah's." I grinned. "That way, I won't have to be alone with you. I don't want to get slapped silly again."

She laughed, which was a good sign.

I was sitting at a table in the restaurant when I saw Robyn striding toward me. Her posture as she moved was straight and confident, emphasizing her height. She looked like a runway model, except her strut wasn't exaggerated.

"You're looking good today," I said as I held out a chair for her to sit on.

She smiled and said, "Thank you."

"Let's order. We'll talk while we eat," I said.

After the waitress left with our orders, I told Robyn about the fiasco that my ignorance had made of my conversation with Larry the previous day. "Robyn, that young man has every reason to be angry most of the time, and what I said to him aggravated his situation and increased his anger. I don't want to run off at the mouth again without knowing enough about the students I'm dealing with to be effective, instead of harmful. How are Larry's grades?"

She opened his file, flipped some pages, and then looked shocked.

"What?" I said.

"He's carrying a 3.67 grade-point average," Robyn said. "Larry Foreman is an exceptional student, college material."

I nodded and pursed my lips. "Never happen. He's dirt poor, and he's committed to taking care of his alcoholic mother. Tell me the grade-point averages of the other three students."

Cal was a B student, barely.

"Cal probably follows Larry's lead," I said.

"Probably," Robyn said and picked up another file. "Whoa, another surprise!"


"Cory. His average is 3.1. He's a slightly better student than Cal."

"That is surprising. With his learning disability, he must work his ass off to get those kinds of grades," I said.

"He does. Remember, I told you he studies three or four hours daily." She opened the last file. "No surprise here. Nora has the highest average of the four. I think she's ranked third in the junior class. Two B's in P.E. her freshman and sophomore years and a B in art last year. Otherwise she's a straight A student."

"So she's an outcast not only because she doesn't present the body beautiful but also because she's smart," I said.

"Yep," Robyn said.

"Do the files tell us about their home lives?"


"What about their goals and aspirations or lack thereof?"

"I've been working with Nora on college applications," Robyn said. "She wants to be a medical doctor."

"Is that in her file?"


"What about Cory's dyslexia? Is that in his file?"

"Yes, but only because he was tested for it during his freshman year."

"Are instances of discipline for bad behavior in the files?"

"Yes, but not in every case."

I groaned.

"What?" she said.

"Tell me if I'm wrong. The files contain lists of subjects taken and grades earned, test scores required by the state or federal governments and college entrance exams, some info on learning disabilities, if any, and any disciplinary notes."

"They also include the student's current schedule and the names of parents or guardian and contact information," Robyn said. "Why did you groan?"

"The files don't tell me enough to deal with a student problem without potentially doing harm," I said.

"Like with Larry?" she said.


Our meals arrived and we ate in silence for a few minutes. I broke the silence. "This is a better restaurant than the coffee shop in the Jailhouse Casino."

She smiled. "Yes it is. This crab salad is scrumptious."

"That's fake crab."

"I know. It still tastes good."

"Do you know anyone proficient in yoga or pilates?"

"Huh? Never mind, I heard you. Why do you ask?"
I told her about my idea of combining elements of tai chi, yoga, and pilates, along with weight training and running to keep Cory and Nora's interest high during their weight-loss efforts.

"Coach, that's an excellent idea!" she gushed. "You know someone who practices yoga, by the way."



I grinned. "How about that? Life's full of surprises."

"It sure is. Surprise, surprise, I use pilates for my workouts," Robyn said, grinning ear to ear.

I rubbed my hands together with glee. "How about helping me with Cory and Nora? Not everyday, just join us for a few mornings to teach them some pilates exercises and check back occasionally to mark their progress. That's what I plan to do."

"Sure. Where and when?"

"The gym, seven AM."

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Fucking My Sister For The First Time

One winter evening, everyone was out except my cousin Nandini and me. I was busy on the computer. We had finished dinner. My sister said we should watch a movie. She was going to get a shower and asked me to find something good and cue it up. I had the movie ready and was sitting on the couch when Nandini came in after about 20 minutes. She was wearing a thin kurta, and it seemed nothing else. My cock hardened a bit. My sister was very attractive in a very nerdy way. She wore glasses that made...

2 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 83

Present – Ira – Battle ground cabin My Katana blade had never bathed in more blood! How many of these infernal pests infest this house? General Pain (Jack) withdraws his pistol and uses it because he can acquire targets faster than with a rifle. I wonder how Ms. Donaldson will ever eliminate the chaos we are generating in this cabin. General Pain questions... Present – Jack – Battle ground cabin I rhetorically question, "Where in the fuck did all these damn rats come from?" Ira...

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Youve been drafted Girlie

You've been drafted, Girlie! It's almost 11.00 pm. From where our unmarked, darkened van is parked we can see the light still on in the mark's bedroom. "It's watching porn movies," says Danni the IT expert through our earpieces. She has hacked into the mark's home computer, just as she had previously hacked into its school records. "Porn movies?" "Yeah, shemale porn movies." "Ooh, p'raps it wants to star in shemale porn?" suggests Sally. We all giggle. In the future it will...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Brandi Love Uma Jolie Teach Me Mom

Uma Jolie is so excited for her date with with an older grad student but is so nervous she won’t know how to satisfy another lesbian. Uma calls the spa and makes an appointment where her step-mother Brandi Love works so she can not only get a relaxing massage, but hopes her mom can show her a thing or two in lesbian fornication. Brandi is taken back when she sees her daughter at her work of place, especially when Uma insists that Brandi teach her how to go down on a woman. Uma lays on the...

3 years ago
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She Loves to swallow part 2

This is a second installment of she loves to swallow part 1. If you have not read it you should you might like it. These are different stories from, my fuck buddy Crystal shared with me about other guys she has been with they were pretty lemme know what you think.First time swallower: Crystal and I were hanging out a week after the first night she sucked my dick, we fucked every single day more than once after that night. She still had a boyfriend but things were going south I guess. I loved...

3 years ago
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Living Room Lust

Michael and I had known each other since we were in elementary school. We had dated off and on since high school, and lived together for three years. We did everything together. Avid outdoors people, we camped, fished, snowboarded, and mountain biked. We went on long drives in the country, read the newspaper to each other, held hands on walks down the beach. We were the perfect couple – everywhere except the bedroom. Though he’s always been the sexiest man I’ve ever met, sex between us wasn’t...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Alex Blake Maya Bijou Girl Crush

Alex Blake enjoys a bubble bath while she watches her girlfriend Maya Bijou admire herself in the mirror. Dressed in just a bra and thong, Maya is quite a sight that Alex can’t get enough of. The blonde eventually tires of caressing her own tits and twat, and gets out of the tub to join her girlfriend for some lesbian play time. Peeling off Maya’s bra and shedding her own towel, Alex guides her Latina love to the counter and drops to her knees. She relieves Maya of her thong next,...

1 year ago
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Wifes slave

I could not believe that one day I will became slave to my wife. It all happen few day after my marriage with my leady love Nancy. During college time we me and fell in love. Nancy loved my very much but it end after our marriage and that to during our first night. Unfartunately I am having only 4' gun and that to ejaculates very early. During our first night when I approached Nancy my gun start errecting. I removed my clothes and her too. She has amazing beautiful and sexy figure. She took my...

First Time
4 years ago
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When I spied on my boyfriend and found him fucking his dog

“Jason, where are you?” I said as I walked into my boyfriend’s house and peered around. My boyfriend told me to meet him at 10 o’clock to hang out. I started to walk up the stairs when I heard noise, which sounded like moaning coming from the room at the end of the hall. As I crept toward the door I noticed it was ajar. I stepped in front of the door and peered in to see my boyfriend on his knees, with his hands laying on the bed well his dog rammed his big red dick...

1 year ago
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Private Sofi Vega Sexual Fantasy

Latina and super sexy, Sofi Vega has come to www.private.com to fulfil her sexual fantasy, but it won’t be without some suffering for the lucky Dante Colle! That’s right, this horny mulatto is in a particularly teasing mood today in Private Specials, Sexual Fantasies, and after undressing in front of Dante and ordering him to eat her pussy, Sofi repays her lucky hostage with a sloppy deepthroat blowjob before hopping on for a ride and enjoying a hot and wild fuck that has her moaning until her...

3 years ago
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Mistress of Gor pt 5

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 5: Kurgus gives me a mission. I am now very scared indeed. One of the things I have most difficulty with as I write this account of my adventures on Gor, is forcing myself to think as I did in the early days, and recollect only what I knew than and not varnish the account too much with the privilege of hindsight. Foreshadowing is a great thing in a narrative story, but too much of it can...

2 years ago
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A Puppies Life

A Puppies LifeProvided By: BDSM Librarywww.bdsmlibrary.comSynopsis: A puppy girl’s life in America with her loving Husband and owner. The Meeting        Anju was from a small town near Kanoya, on the south island of Kyushu in Japan. Her Husband Bill was there teaching English after graduation from collage. He was in japan teaching for over five years. The last year he was there, Bill met Anju, she was one of Bill’s students in his English class. Anju was a beautiful Japanese woman with long...

2 years ago
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Average Life TurnedWetChapter 5

Kim came home a little after five; Rob had made some Carpaccio and some pasta with freshly made pasta sauce and salad on the side. Lovely glass of wine slightly chilled. He had prepared a dining table outside by the pool, the sun was still shining but he had lighted some outdoor candles for a bit of extra light just in case the sun would decide to call it quits and drop down behind the hills while Kim and Rob were still enjoying the lovely evening. As soon as Kim entered the house, dropped...

4 years ago
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Perfect PitchChapter 5 Intermezzo

Rebecca was wearing only a long T-shirt and padding barefoot around my kitchen trying to demonstrate her domestic skills,. She had ordered me not to help, so I bit my tongue and let her muddle along. Soon, it was painfully obvious that in the cooking department, she was still a teenager. She did manage to make coffee without too much collateral damage, but toast, bacon, eggs, or anything else that required timing, turning, stirring or flipping was totally beyond her ability or experience....

1 year ago
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Strip Club Sally

Sally and I paid the cover charge and walked into the club. Looking around we saw gorgeous women writhing on raised stages while rock music pounded. Single men sat around the stages, eyeing the half naked women, while a few couples talked at tables. We had been occasionally going to this particular strip club over the past several years. It had a large dance floor where couples were encouraged to dance. On the weekends the club featured topless dancing by its female customers. When Sally and I...

Erotic Fiction
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Saturday at Jacks

The sun shone into Jack's bedroom window. He laid back on his bed wondering when Emily was finally going to be round. His acceptance grew to inpatience. But then, there was a knock on the door. Jack lifted himself from the bed and rapidly scurried downstairs. Pulling open the door with such strength, he saw her. His eyes scaled her whole body. She was wearing a pair of tight denim shorts, a tight vest top and a pair of flip flops. He could not believe his luck. Waving goodbye to her mum Jack...

Love Stories
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Make love not war pt10

Today he decided to log in an join her in a match or two as she ran around the map grinding through a few more ranks so she could hit max level and rub it into some of the guys she played with that she was a colonel. “Hey daddy!” her voice chirped cheerfully into his headset as he joined her squad. He took a peek to see where she was on the map before deciding not to drop in on top of her, he didn't want to let the other team know where she was hiding out to pick them off. “Hey sweet...

4 years ago
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The Nature of the Game6 Unwelcoming Home

The doorbell continued ringing incessantly. “I’m coming, I’m coming. Jeez! Give me a chance to put on a damn robe.” Rudolf Morgan hurried down the stairs, his robe trailing behind him as he struggled to fasten it. His wife, Ruth, trailed behind. Jacob stepped out of his room. “Be careful. You never know who it might be, especially at this hour.” “I know how to use a peep hole, Jacob.” Rudolf finally got his robe fastened. The intrusion started with someone knocking and then pounding on the...

2 years ago
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The Pleasures of Beth

This story is the beginning of an erotic novel that I was encouraged to write by a friend of mine. Many of the events in the story actually took place, although a few are figments of her libidinous imagination, and mine. Beth is a real person, but her name has been changed as she would be recognizable otherwise. Some of this is a fantasy, but an awful lot is not. Enjoy! * * * * * I – By way of introduction Beth is standing alone in her washroom. Water drips from her body as she dries herself...

4 years ago
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Pleasured Principles AlphaChapter 2 Changes

It all began to fall in place with a foot massage. Yes, that's right. I said a foot massage. I'm quite well-known, to my female friends, for giving great foot massages. This is something that I do for a few reasons. One reason is that it's something that I enjoy. I don't exactly have a foot fetish (podophilia); however, I am a bit of a hedonist (but not in the strictest sense): I derive no small amount of pleasure from giving others pleasure. This may sound at odds with somebody who...

4 years ago
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Marking An unexpected fetish Part 1

Before this story took place Michelle had decided that she was tired of letting preconceived ideas, friends, family and society tell her what was acceptable, what was "right" or what she could enjoy. She was now choosing to give everything a try, as long as it wasn't impractical or highly illegal. At worst she'd discover some things she didn't care for, at best she'd find new things to enjoy or make her cum. Part-1 deals with the path we took and challenges we faced as we worked to make...

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Her Terms for His Pregnancy

This story was inspired by one I read 20 years ago in an anthology. I don't remember the name of the story, the anthology or the original author, but I do write this with apologies. Anyone else remember it? ------------------------------------------- I couldn't help but smirk as Kevin waddled through the door, both hands cradling his swollen belly. I caught his eye and waved. He scowled and made his way awkwardly through the narrow little restaurant. I stood as he approached our...

4 years ago
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DOLCETT DOLPHINS: WHALING CONTESTThe advert was discreet one found in a local health magazine and Roxie's curiosity was immediately aroused.Big Beautiful Woman? WIN at least $100,000 or more!! CALL 1-800-whaling Now!!BBW Swim Challenge! Are you aged 18 to 30, a Big Beautiful Woman who enjoys adventure activities?We're a sporting club with a unique love of your kind of woman and we invite you to come and join one of our weekend retreats.Deep in the heart of the countryside our retreat offers...

3 years ago
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Glamour Shots Chapter 2

“Do you really believe that he wasn’t admiring your ass in that shot? You do have one of the world’s greatest asses you know.” She laughed. “You’re so kind – and so classy, I might add.” “Yeah, well, it just bugs me to think of him with a big old hardon while he was ogling my wife’s tits and ass.” “Oh David, it wasn’t like that at all! He was too busy to notice! The entire time we were in the studio he was either taking pictures or talking to me, giving me encouragement and saying stuff like...

2 years ago
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Enjoying With The Tailor Aunty

“… And don’t forget to bring my blouse back from the tailor aunty” my mom hollered from the other side on the phone. “Ya, ok mom! Bye…” I disconnected the call disgruntled. I hated doing chores, especially during my vacations. “Do the dishes!” “Wash my car!” “Did you iron those clothes yet?” Sheesh! And to add to that, I had to get my mother’s blouse from the tailor aunty. Her name was radhamma. A telugu bramhin lady who had lost her husband in a freak accident long ago. The insurance money...

1 year ago
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Brothers vacation

The vacation that turned out better than it was supposed to be. It was in early July that my best friends( my brothers) and me took a vacation trip to Jamaica. It was four… The vacation that turned out better than it was supposed to be. It was in early July that my best friends( my brothers) and me took a vacation trip to Jamaica. It was four of us that traveled to Jamaica from different locations. I travel from Texas to Jamaica, baron travel from Germany because he was stationed over...

3 years ago
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Making Pankhuri My Sex Mate

Hey guys, this is Raj with another sexy experience I had 2 days ago with my flatmate’s female friend. Her name is Pankhuri. First let me confirm that she is just a friend of my flatmate, not his girlfriend. So, coming to the story. Pankhuri used to come regularly to our flat for class notes, gossip, sometimes lunch. Now, it’s been 4 months since I have known her and since we are in the same coaching also, we have also become good friends. Although, my flatmate (let’s call him, X) has warned me...

2 years ago
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The World Turned Upside Down

Halloween was my favourite night of the year, all of a sudden. I’d hated it as a kid. I never went trick or treating, I'd almost drowned bobbing for apples, and my parents never bought sweets or costumes.Then, there I was in a pub listening to one the best, and one of the loudest, bands I’d ever heard. OK, so maybe I hadn’t come to this venue by accident. OK, so maybe I hadn’t gone for the most subtle outfit in the world. I wore a see through top, short leather skirt, hold ups, and what could...

Straight Sex
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Victorias Secret Part 3

As Victoria stood behind the bar, finishing the last of her checks to ensure that everything was in place, she glanced at the time. Five minutes and the doors would open. She looked down at her body. It seemed strange: to her eyes she appeared dressed, yet she knew she was only wearing a thong and heels. The air conditioning inside the club didn't help. Her nipples stood out quite clearly, despite Martin's paintwork. Finally, the time came for the doors to open. A wave of apprehension swept...

First Time
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Adult Empire MILF

The male love of milfs starts at a ripe young age. Basically, the moment we get our first ball hair, we begin having wet dreams about teachers and friends' moms. We can't help ourselves.From Ball Hair to Ant HillsWhile young men are certainly still attracted to their peers, when you're a kid, your peers aren't fully developed women like moms and teachers. The evolutionary urge to reproduce takes over, and women of obvious mating age become sexy as fuck.The human mind is a strange beast,...

Premium Mature Porn Sites
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It was a hot night and by eleven most of the boys were cavorting naked in and out of the pool. Every single one of them had a wonderful body, with a really good taut ass. “You realise this is part of the entertainment don’t you baby? I like it almost as much as you, some of those boys are huge,” my man reminds me. “I have never been so turned by a man’s ass, they are magnificent,” I mutter in response as three of them have their back to me. “Can we have them?” Then an announcement over the...

2 years ago
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At The Pool

It’s another hot sunny day, as you lay by the side of the pool in nothing but your hot little pink bikini. Your eyes closed and covered by sunglasses, relaxing, the warm summer breeze blowing against your firm hot body keeping you warm yet cool. Everyone must be out for the day, as you seem to be the only person there. Slowly sliding onto your stomach, you reach back to undo your bikini top to make sure you do not get tan lines. You slide your bikini off from under you to free your firm...

2 years ago
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The Nude Photo Shoot turns Hardcore

I always get myself into horny situations. You would think a nude photo shoot in the Valley is sexy enough...The photographer runs me through a variety of raunchy nude poses for a porno magazine. A crew of onlookers gather to watch. Some are assistants or helpers, but there are a lot of horndog executives from the porno magazine watching, too. I’m wondering why so many people have to be here gawking at my nude body in these dirty poses. It’s embarrassing. I’m still trying to make it hot, but...

3 years ago
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The Brass StatuettesChapter 13 Expendable

Frank hung up the telephone. He'd been discussing his plan for putting together the new financing package with the Company's investment banker in New York. The intercom buzzed. "Agent Henderson would like to see you," Jeannette announced over the speaker. Henderson walked into Frank's office with the employee roster in hand. "Do you have a guy named Fishberg working here? I don't see him on the printout." "It's Fishman," Frank answered. "He's a Financial Analyst; he works on...

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