Chances Are...Chapter 3 free porn video

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The contest was now nearly over and Drake was still standing, but it had been tough competition for him and our local boy looked more than a bit the worse for wear. At least it wasn’t one of his ears that was now decorating the moll’s jacket. He and another survivor from this sand ring made it to the center arena and climbed upwards just as a meager selection of small weapons appeared out of seemingly nowhere and scattered themselves widely across the final upraised combat stage.

“Hah!” Leo, laughed, “I knew it! Just like the boss said happened, back in Chicago. Now the finalists get to really hurry and fight to see who gets a weapon and who gets to become the stuck pig! Not enough toys to go around ... so the kiddies are going to have to share!” He giggled ... perhaps not altogether sanely.

The loud sudden cry of alarm from the skirt clued me in at last just whom she had been rooting for all this time. Her bruno had come out on the short end of the race for the limited supply of sharp hardware and Drake was now providing the dame a short and violent tutorial on what happens when you’re on the receiving end of a cold meat pie, being sliced, diced and carved up with six inches of sharp steel. After thoroughly disemboweling the poor sap, our guy Drake wasted no time in plunging his knife into the back of the next nearest competitor, repeatedly a half-dozen times, as the hysterical dame screamed and cried and lunged into the arena and threw herself upon the fallen form of her man, frantically trying to stuff his bleeding guts back into his abdominal cavity.

She never noticed the guy behind her with the short sword turn, and with an easy swing of his blade, take the skirt’s head clean off. Her heart’s blood pumped out in violent spurts from her headless neck, splattering the crowd just off to the left of us, as she slowly toppled over on top of her man, joined together once again, but this time in death. It ought to have been sentimentally touching, the irony of it all, but I was good and ready to puke myself by now. Pils was already doubled over and trying, mostly in vain, to barf up anything remaining left in his guts.

The violent drama before us was reaching its climax and Drake now had his own bit of comeuppance a few moments later. Thrilled to have his favorite weapon again in hand, our boy enjoyed a brief but vicious pair of fast victories before he became over ambitious, and directly challenged a pair of other finalists, each armed with bully clubs. Fully engaged now in a real fight for his life, he was taken from behind by surprise by that bruno with the short sword,

Hubris ... I thought as I grimaced, watching that blade slam right through his back and right out through the side of his chest, narrowly missing his heart. Antonio always thought too highly of himself and his street fighting skills, and tonight near the end of this competition, he had let his ego dictate his tempo, by trying to fight everyone at once to show off that he was the biggest badass there. The guy with the sword had the right sort of game plan for this kind of donnybrook ... let the other guys fight it out and weaken each other, while he clung to edges of the general combat and conserved his strength, so he was prepared to take advantage of other’s mistakes.

Karma, as my prison cell neighbor upstate would have said, is a bitch and she always gets her due. Fate and Lady Lucky, however, weren’t quite done with Drake just yet.

Drake slumped face down on the sand of the central arena, blood already pooling around him and I sadly thought he was already a stiff, but looking closely I could see that his eyes and fingers were still moving. The sociopathic bastard was still alive, moving and even trying to get back up upon his feet, but he was now almost out of time. The two thugs with clubs had beaten down the last couple of remaining challengers and now, along with the guy with the short sword, they were the last trio standing. By the rules of the engagement, Doctor Fate should have pronounced the tournament over and done with, and rewarded these three finalists accordingly ... but I had the sense that the crazy evil fucker was waiting for something to happen, right at the last moment. I could just feel his anticipation and eagerness, and soon so could the rest of the audience.

After a moment or two of waiting, even the three remaining candidates could sense that some wildcard had yet to be played. Like his luck in playing cribbage, that last card was apparently Pilsner’s.

“Help me!” Pilsner muttered, pushing past me into the ring, “Drake’s trying to stand up but his legs aren’t working good. I gotta help him to his feet ... he can do this!”

This was madness ... and it was way out of the ordinary for Pilsner to interfere in anyone else’s fight ... anytime – anywhere – or for any reason! He’d seen ... and heard, what Fate had done to the last bystander that had interfered – and now like a sap, he wanted us to do the same damned stupid-ass thing!

“Bad idea, Pils ... Really, really bad!” I yelled to him as Pilsner grabbed my hand and now set foot inside the outer arena sand rings, pulling me towards the central arena.

“Fate t0ld me to do it! I heard his voice command me inside my head, just now!” Pilsner whined, tugging me along behind him even harder.

“HELP HIM TO HIS FEET!“ I then heard Fate bellow similar orders inside my own head, but not through either of my ears. It was Fate’s mental command then, so perhaps we weren’t totally and completely screwed... yet.

Everyone cheered us as we hastily stepped over the piles of the dead, unconscious and wounded, right up to the edge of the central stage. Then the audience grew quiet but anxious, undoubtedly waiting for us to become another pair of obscene snacks, but Doctor Fate remained silent and unmoving, and we could tell that his eyes and the force of his will were upon us.

And so ... I let Pilsner drag me out there, one footstep across the bloody sands at a time, until we were right up against the edge of the raised central arena. By leaning way over on tiptoes I could just reach Drake’s right foot to grab him and pull him back towards us, so that after a moment of tugging, Pils could then reach his left.

Somehow, the magnificent psycho bastard was still alive, but he was bleeding out and there was quite a blood trail flowing in his wake as we tried to lift him up.

“Quick, let’s at least get him up on his knees so he can still fight!” I muttered to Pils. We really didn’t have any time to spare; the finalist holding the short bladed sword that had run Drake through a minute ago, was just now wising up to our game, and was looking in our direction with more than a bit of malice. The other two finalists with the pair of billy clubs were just watching us with a wink and a smirk. Very clearly, they didn’t consider us their problem and they seemed entirely content to stand in the center of the circle and await their just rewards. They’d already won, in their opinion, so they weren’t about to risk their certain reward for anything.

Hauling salvage about can be heavy and exhausting work and we had the muscles to prove it. We lifted Drake up into a kneeling position and somehow he managed to stay there, albeit he was a bit wobbly. His blade was still in his tightly clinched grip and he was still eager to use it. Then, with a snarl on his lips, he shuffled his right foot forward and with a loud cry tried to lunge himself forward on his feet, to meet the incoming attack of the cheated swordsman. Drake didn’t quite make to both feet again, and that probably saved his life. His rival had lost his cool composure and went for the flashy final kill, swinging his short sword around hard, going for another certain decapitation. But when his would-be victim stumbled and fell forward instead of standing, his blow swung wide and high, clear over Drake’s head, leaving his groin and belly wide open for certain retaliation. Drake’s dagger, still fixed in his right hand, rip-sawed upwards into his rival’s groin, then ripped into his belly upwards nearly the entire length of the swordsman’s body right up to the chest bone.

Coils of bright red and purple intestines, guts and likely also a severed penis and testicle or two fell outwards on Drake, covering our champion as the two mortally wounded men fell and collapsed on each other. With what must have been his last bit of effort, the swordsman tried to raise up his longer weapon again, to strike one last time and finish this duel, but our friend twisted his dagger inside up through his remaining guts into his chest cavity, thrusting his blade slowly upwards into the heart for the kill.

That one final stab was enough, and Drake remained there motionless, the dagger embedded still inside his foes chest, as the now dead swordsman slowly toppled over, cheated at the end from his near certain reward. I thought for sure now, that Drake had at last bled himself dry from his dreadful wound, but his eyes kept blinking as he remained hunched down on his knees, too weary to try and stand once more.

Fate laughed. It was a long and nasty laugh that no entirely human voice could have replicated. There was just something reptilian and other about it, an entirely too evil sort of cry for any mortal possessing an untainted soul to utter. It chilled me to the bone and caused me to stagger about three steps backwards, making me trip over one of the stiffs and fall backwards on my ass, right on the blood-soaked sand. Stunned, I just lay there on my backside ... and that quite probably saved my life, if not my soul as well.

“I am pleased,” Fate murmured to his three winning contestants, “and I find the three of you each acceptable. Now for your rewards!”

With just a mild gesture of his left hand, Fate caused a bright golden vortex of yellow plasma to appear before him, down at the center stage. The energy field grew for a moment and then stabilized, appearing much like a round doorway to something or somewhere else. It seemed made of some sort of liquid, but even as close to it as I was, I could tell that it felt unnatural and certainly wasn’t of this world. Whether it was summoned by Fate’s arcane magic or constructed from unnatural energies from outside of our world, I couldn’t hazard any guess ... but no manner of prize or reward would ever have enticed me into entering that eldritch sphere of abnormal energy!

The two champions with the billy clubs did so, immediately and without pause or reservation. What emerged a moment or so afterwards ... wasn’t entirely human anymore and I shuddered a little bit with fright!

“Golden men! Now that’s some serious liquid water enhancement!” I heard Leo cry out, just behind me as he moved forward on the bloody corpse strewed sands to offer me a hand up. They were ... exactly that! I’ve seen ancient Greek and Roman statues of their gods at the museum, and well ... these golden men now looked just like them. Tall, muscular and seemingly the perfect representation of the human form, except well ... they definitely weren’t human anymore and possibly, like Fate, weren’t even made of mortal flesh, either!

Very definitely enhanced ... probably in every way possible. As for liquid water enhancement ... well, that’s what my father called just plain Scotch.

It was then ... just as Leo’s hand reached out to help pull me back up on my feet, while Drake stretched out with his hands to touch the welcoming glow of the golden liquid, which would heal him and make him seemingly also perfect, that the skies all fell in around us and the entire world around me turned to chaos and death.

It was the beginning of the end of my old life and from this moment onwards nothing would ever again be entirely the same.

Everything seemed to slow down around me as if time itself began to crawl. My mind could still think, as if the world was quite entirely normal, but oddly everything around me seemed to be moving much slower. Too startled to move even a muscle, there were a series of loud crashes all around me and I tried to turn my head around to see what was happening. In front, to the sides and even behind me, as walls and doors blew open as the entire warehouse filled with sound and fury.

The so-called costumed super-heroines had arrived!

Now, I’d never seen a super-heroine before in the flesh, but I’ve seen their pictures published in the Gazette and read about them all the time. The Gazette might be a tabloid scandal rag, but it has the best crime reporting of any of the other local papers. They also avidly report all of the adventures and appearances of the lady crime fighters with a friendly but yet balanced editorial attitude, neither outright fawning nor disparaging in tone. I’d never seen a villain either, before now ... so it was quite a night of firsts.

Present here and now was just about every heroine I’d ever heard of, and probably a few that I hadn’t. Dealing with Doctor Fate was apparently a Class-A emergency for everyone, along with their friends and any acquaintances available with a clean, ready-to-wear cape and leotard.

Oddly, there don’t seem to be any costumed hero crime fighters, anywhere; fighting evil and saving the world seems to be a strictly female-only occupation, from what I’ve read. Even the Gazette reports this as a cardinal fact that only women had ever been granted super-powers. The Times, I read once, even lauded this fact as the highest singular achievement of decades of increased women’s independence and post-war modern ‘liberation’ from old repressive cultural traditions.

A bright yellow costumed streak raced right past me, the heroine blasting away with lightning bolts at Doctor Fate and his two new golden minions. That must have been Lightning Lass sprinting by me, running so fast that she was nearly invisible to everyone but me, as time still slowed around me ... up until she was struck by one of Fate’s own nebulous purple-black energy bolts and was blasted backwards on her pert hypersonic butt, somewhere way beyond my sight.

At almost the same moment, a chunk of concrete masonry about the size and weight of a small car was hurled by the Mighty-Maid right at ... and harmlessly right through Fate’s immaterial form, leaving him untouched. It’s flight path unobstructed, it then flew inches over my still reclining head and violently impacted poor Leo full on in the upper chest and head. Undoubtedly quite fatally, with that much mass and the speed of its impact ... not to mention the squishy pulping sound the flying concrete made as it turned poor Leo’s entire body into mushed jelly. No attempted good deed goes unchurned, I sadly thought with a smile.

What was left of him impacted somewhere far behind me ... probably right into the Haarlem River.

I could next see Pilsner, turning around from the central arena to try and make a run for it ... far too late for safety’s sake. He didn’t complete even his second step before a bright red energy bolt of pure power struck him in his lower back, blasting him forward out of the sandy ring, to within maybe ten or twelve feet of me. It might as well have been a mile away.

At first, blinking my eyes twice to clear them from the glare of the energy blast, I thought Skulda, the Valkyrie War-Maiden had been the one responsible ... firing energy from her magical spear, but the true culprit was just to her side. It was Lady Firefly, blasting away without respite at Doctor Fate with both energy-glowing hands flaming brightly as she laughed with maniacal glee.

Was Pilsner alive or dead? I couldn’t see his face or even tell if he was still breathing. I started to crawl on my belly over towards him, but at my snail’s pace it seemed like it would take forever. Time, seemingly, was a luxury now that no one but me appeared to have!

The bystanders all around me now tried to make their own escape, but like Pilsner they had delayed for several moments too long, or else they were just doomed right from the start. Doctor Fate could not be harmed by thrown bits of masonry or steel beams, or even the energy blasts hurled by the heroines, but the crowd of merely mortal bystanders could be, and were. Some managed to start running for the exit, but I don’t think any of them made it.

I could see the two golden men go down under a hail of hurled rocks, iron beams and a rainbow of assorted energy blasts cast by the heroines. Those bastards were tough though, and I thought I could see them constantly regenerating themselves right up until the moment when The Lumpette and Commander Grimm appeared to do combat with them at center stage. Each of these absurdly powerful women, the first a mountain of raw near formless muscle and the other a military heroine, perhaps America’s greatest super-soldier, each wielding long chunks of steel I-beams, swinging them upon the heads of the golden men as if they weighed no more than a tennis racket. In a moment, no more than two blinks of my eye, the golden men were naught but quivering golden mush. So ... it appears that they were still mortal after all!

Finally, the combined cosmic efforts and energies of Atomic Girl and her daughter, Starlite-Starbrite, found a meaningful weapon to use at last against the seemingly impervious Doctor Fate. Together they concentrated their combined beams upon his floating golden energy sphere and this appeared to distract the villain’s attention. As the women blasted away, aided in minor ways by Lady Firefly and the other heroines, the central energy globe pulsed erratically and violently changed color to a bright angry purple-red color.

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Chance Encounter Ch 03

Copyright 2006, 2007 CHAPTER 3 — A Price Must be Paid Paul buzzed Marge. ‘Marge, come in for a minute, please,’ Paul spoke into the speaker. Marge Bates had been Paul’s secretary for over a dozen years. When Paul ascended to top management, he brought Marge with him. They were a likely pair. She was a prim and proper type, about the same age as Paul. Marge was quiet and correct at all times. She was tall, neither slender nor stocky. Her usual manner of dress at work was a pleated plaid...

4 years ago
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Chance Motel Ch 02

Rebecca walked briskly down the hallway of the Chance Motel toward room 461. She had gotten the voicemail demanding she meet him here at 4:30 p.m. when she had finished work for the day. She especially couldn’t understand why he asked to meet her in a dive like this. As a prosecutor, she tried to keep away from any and all things that could in any way damage her career as the D.A.’s up and coming new attorney mastermind and this place had scandal written all over it. The Chance Motel was known...

3 years ago
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Chance Encounter

1Chance Encounter        It was just a bit over two years since my divorce and I still hadn’t come completely to terms with it.  I was still looking for other answers.  Maybe I had dedicated too much time to advancing my career and not enough time to her, although my major goal there was always to be the best breadwinner I could be, and not aimed at feeding my ego with my success.  And I always tried to be very solicitous to her when we were together.  Maybe even over solicitous.  She had just...

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Chance EncounterChapter 4 Every Worm Must Turn

Paul caught a taxi to the airport with Jim Spencer and Ted Wilson. Few words were spoken on the way, and nothing was mentioned about the explosion in Wilton's office, or the meeting in general. Paul had gone off like a rocket, and the others could see that he hadn't quite landed on the ground. They decided to let him cool, rather than risk re-ignition. It was a side of Paul rarely seen. The younger man, Spencer, had never seen it. As the plane began its climb out over Lake Michigan Paul...

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Chance Meeting in the Park

I couldn’t get over how big the dog was or how attractive the one girl was, but the girl with the dog said hi back, and as we passed each other, and we made eye contact, I commented, “That’s a big dog.” We again smiled at each other, and she simply remarked, “Yea.” But suddenly, as if the German Shepard knew I was attracted to the girl, it pulled her, causing the two girls to giggle a little as they continued on there walk around the lake, cutting off my chance to talk to her. The girl...

2 years ago
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Chance A Day in May Ch 12

Duncan knew it was not a sign of age for a man with his long history to indulge himself in reminiscing. Still, sometimes he felt guilty to just sit and reminisce, remembering all the wonderful things he had seen and, more importantly, the people he had met. It hadn’t been that many years since he made that early pit stop here in Ritzville. Lord knew he’d spent hours enough recalling that morning. Most especially the vision of Helen, walking, swaying up the walk from where she’d parked that...

3 years ago
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Chance Encounter Ch 04

CHAPTER 4 — Every Worm Must Turn Paul took a taxi to the airport with Jim Spencer and Ted Wilson. Little was said on the way, except necessary details about flights and arrival times. Nothing was mentioned about the explosion in Wilton’s office, or the meeting in general, until their plane lifted from the runway. Paul had gone off like a rocket, and they could see that he was still in descent mode. They decided to let him cool, rather than risk reigniting him. It was a side of Paul rarely...

3 years ago
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Chance Encounter Ch 09

Chapter 9 Endings and Beginnings (Part II) It was the middle of March. Paul found himself seated on an airliner next to Ted Wilson on their way to Chicago. They had two items on their agenda that day. First, was the signing of the dismissal agreement on the Peoria lawsuit. It had gone as planned between Paul and Leonard Raines five weeks before. A small flap developed when the plaintiff’s side asked for a ‘hold harmless’ clause. It had been due to Paul’s mention of Harry Carmichael’s company’s...

2 years ago
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Chance Encounter Ch 02

CHAPTER II — A Plant in Peoria Paul woke first on a Saturday morning. Lying on his back, he couldn’t see the clock. He judged the time to be early—before six—considering the hue of the light streaming into the cabin window and the songs of the birds in the surrounding forest. Partly alongside, and partly atop, Glenda lay in bed with him. Her deep rhythmic breathing told him that she wasn’t about to wake up. Paul thought that a change of pace might be enjoyable. He and Glenda had not seen one...

2 years ago
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Chance Encounter in Georgia Part III

The night in Adam's cabin had come to an end. I was disappointed. I never wanted it to end, I wanted to stay with Adam. Around nine, I started to get dress, I had a twelve hour drive back to Ohio. I looked at Adam, sound asleep in bed. I didn't want to wake him, but hoped he'd wake before I had to leave, maybe even convince me to stay.I didn't have to wait long, he woke up shortly after I did. He smiled as he propped himself up on the pillows. He said, "You know, I love that shirt, but you look...

Love Stories
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Chance Encounter in Georgia

"I swear you are the absolute worst James! I came all the way from Ohio because YOU wanted to rekindle our relationship. I swear I should've seen you pulling something like this. You stand no chance to rekindle our relationship." I was sitting in the bar he told me to meet him in, and now he was telling me he couldn't even show up?!I was young and naive and should've known better. It was a total James thing to do to stand me up. I just didn't want to think he'd do that if I traveled all the way...

Love Stories
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Chance Encounter

Chance encounterAs I round the corner to the elevators, I see you standing there in front of the doors with a luggage cart and a cart with boxes loaded on it. As I step up near the doors, you look at me and half smile. You are dressed in business attire however I have to admit your shape is very attractive, not to mention your half smile.The door opens and you try to drag both carts into the elevator, the bigger cart gets caught in the door so I help you get it into the elevator. The door...

4 years ago
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Chance Encounter With A Hot Punjabi Office Girl

Once again i will take you people through the pages of my sex life. It’s totally a chance encounter with a hot Punjabi girl in my previous office and it’s a real encounter started in office lift. Needless to say that Punjabi girl has an ass which every men wants to spank and fuck. Hot figure 36-30-38… hold your dicks guys because i know every one of you would love to remove her panty and spank her big ass before actually fucking it… ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It was a normal day, and i was...

2 years ago
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Chance encounter

Chance encounterAs I round the corner to the elevators, I see you standing there in front of the doors with a luggage cart and a cart with boxes loaded on it. As I step up near the doors, you look at me and half smile. You are dressed in business attire however I have to admit your shape is very attractive, not to mention your half smile.The door opens and you try to drag both carts into the elevator, the bigger cart gets caught in the door so I help you get it into the elevator. The door...

1 year ago
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Chance Encounter 8211 Sarita Nimmo revisited

Chance Encounter – Sarita & Nimmo revisited This is the 2nd episode of Chance encounter. Thank you readers of ISS. The original story had over 1,00,000 hits. That was way beyond what ever I expected it to be. And it prompted me to put this second episode on paper. After few months, I went back to this small town where Sarita & Nimmo lived. I went directly to their house hoping to get the room of the roof for rent again. As I alighted from the rickshaw, I heard a shreik of joy from inside the...

2 years ago
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Chance Meeting

I work as an accountant and I was attending a conference for tax preparers.  I was standing by the entrance when I could not believe my eyes.  I could swear the woman who had just walked through the door was Deanna, a former co-worker and a friend of mine.   I remember the last time I saw her it was at her going away party.   She had taken a job out of state.   The party was winding down, myself and Deanna wound up the last ones still in the club. The juke box was still playing....

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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chance meet out walking

It has been a pretty rubbish year this year with everything thats happened, plus staying safe and all the restrictions has made looking for fun put on hold for a while. i have been good stayed in and looked after myself but have been super horny too, so to pass the time i like most have been spending a lot of time online chatting with sexy people and enjoyed some great chats and horny messaging.I spent a lot of time on gay sex dating sites chatting to guys about horny stuff getting more and...

2 years ago
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Chance of a Life Time

Anna Maria Menendez spent the second decade of her life as an aspiring Olympian and student athlete and the next decade submitting to others' wants and needs. She did not make the cut for the Olympics as a high school senior. In college, she had taken the minimum hours each semester to maintain athletic eligibility so she could spend more time practicing in order to be more competitive. Even though they won the national championship her senior year at Kansas, she was injured and could not...

4 years ago
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ChanceChapter 8 Chance

The ride to the restaurant had been quiet. Helen prided herself on her ability to engage anyone in a conversation which seemed to have deserted her since opening her door to Duncan. Duncan's own short, one or two word answers to her sallies hadn't helped. Thank goodness the ride had been short. Even that was relative with the thoughts churning around their heads. Duncan was embarrassed at being tongue tied. Try as he could there didn't seem to be a thing he could do about it. Helen...

4 years ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 2 A Plant in Peoria

Paul woke first on a Saturday morning. Lying on his back, he couldn't see the clock. He judged the time to be early—before six—considering the hue of the light streaming into the cabin window and birds singing in the surrounding forest. Partly alongside, and partly atop, Glenda lay in bed with him. Her deep, rhythmic breathing told him that she wasn't about to wake up very soon. Paul thought that a change of pace might be enjoyable. He and Glenda had not seen one another for three weeks. A...

2 years ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 3 A Price Must Be Paid

Paul buzzed Marge. "Marge, come in for a minute, please," Paul spoke into the speaker. Marge Bates had been Paul's secretary for over a dozen years. When Paul ascended to top management, he brought Marge with him. They were a likely pair. She was a prim-and-proper type, about the same age as Paul. Marge was quiet and correct at all times. She was tall, neither slender nor stocky. Her usual manner of dress at work was a pleated, plaid skirt with a coordinating blazer. Sometimes, she wore...

3 years ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 9 Endings and Beginnings Part II

It was the middle of March. Paul found himself seated on an airliner next to Ted Wilson on their way to Chicago. They had two items on their agenda that day. First, was the signing of the dismissal agreement on the Peoria lawsuit. Paul's and Leonard Raines' plan worked to near perfection. A small flap developed when the plaintiff's side asked for a 'hold harmless' clause. It was due to Paul's mention of Harry Carmichael's company's losses on account of the suit. For that reason Harry...

1 year ago
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Chance meeting

She could see him from across the room, he was standing there leaning up against the bar looking her way every now and then trying not to let her see him watching her. She couldn’t help but wondering what was running thru this mans mind. Did he feel the things she felt when she gazed upon his eyes. She looked away just for a moment and he was gone, she could think of nothing else but walking around to see if maybe by chance he was still there. Just when she thought she had looked every place...

2 years ago
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Chance Meeting at The Beach

This one particular time when I was lucky enough to go with them to spend time at the beach, I ran into a young lady while there. The afternoon when this all happened, we were all lounging under some umbrellas down by the ocean having a good time with some great conversation and going swimming whenever we got to hot. There were a few other families set up, enjoying their time at the beach, but suddenly a mother and two of her children drove up and set up just down the beach a little bit. I...

2 years ago
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Chance Meeting Pt 2

We’ve been lying on the carpet, wrapped in each other’s arms, listening to our own heartbeats slow down, as well as that of the other. There doesn’t seem to be a need to talk with Edward. There’s a sense of calmness and ease.Slowly, Edward turns his head and after I feel his lips kiss the top of my head, he invites me for a shower. After our different experiences so far this evening, I’m looking forward to letting my eyes glance over the whole body that I’ve had only some tastes of.We uncurl...

3 years ago
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Chance Meeting1

who everytime she goes to a club has to show an ID because she looks like a 17 year old. Although it bothers her, she is reminded by friends that the older she gets and people still think she is 17 then the luckier she will be. She figures her friends are right and has come to accept it. Rachel walked into the club with some friends. Rob,35 year-old club manager, noticed her right away and went to the doorman to ask if he had carded her. When the doorman saw who he was referring to...

4 years ago
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Chance meeting with my ex part 3

This time it’s slow. Those first few seconds when you wake up and you don’t know where you are and which way is up. That all ends when I move my hands a little and I feel Nancy’s breasts. We fell asleep the same way as we did the night before only apparently, during the night my hands cupped her breasts. For a few minutes I do nothing but enjoy the position I’m in. Nice hotel, gorgeous woman in my arms and two nights in a row of amazing sex. Nancy is still sleeping soundly. “I’ll soon...

3 years ago
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Chance meeting with my ex part 2

After the bath we went back to bed, made out a bit and then fell asleep spooning. She was wrapped up in my arms the whole night, it was heaven. Because I had to go to work in the morning, there was no time for a pleasant wake-up. Both of us jumped to the sound of the alarm. I hated that thing, not only for the near heart attack, but more so because it made me break the embrace. After the alarm was dealt with, I turned to find Nancy smiling at me. We got close and kissed each other....

4 years ago
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Chance A Day in May Ch 10

Edited by Melado Helen tossed and turned for hours, trying to sleep. Her mind had other ideas. Her feelings for Duncan jumbled, bumped and danced through her head. She nearly hated him when she remembered his giving her that detective’s report on Gerry. Then she would remember how wonderful he had been on that high hill in the moonlight. Every time she did, goosebumps chased one another across her belly accompanying a throbbing in the center and her belly going liquid. Later the memory of...

3 years ago
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Chance A Day in May Ch 09

Chapter 09: Chance A Word of Warning!!!! This chapter has no sex in it, implied or otherwise. As always my stories are about people. I will not force an erotic interlude into my story just to be including it. I hope you enjoy my story of star crossed lovers. There will be one final chapter, and an expected epilogue. Enjoy! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – After a good morning hug lasting too long to be casual the two friends took turns in the shower. Duncan hesitated when dressing....

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