RestorationChapter 7 free porn video

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I was just finishing up getting dressed when David knocked on the door. We all went out and greeted him. He didn’t come in. Instead, we went out and got in the car.

This time we sat with our own spouses in the car and acted like two normal couples going out for dinner. We didn’t avoid talking about the things we did today, the sex I mean. But that wasn’t the only topic of conversation. We talked about a wide variety of topics. We laughed and joked and we were totally comfortable with each other.

We ate at the Old Mill. It was a long, leisurely meal. The girls are looking hot but were well behaved in the restaurant. To the best of my knowledge no one flashed their underwear. Everyone kept their hands to themselves. We were just two couples enjoying a normal evening out.

David insisted on paying. The evening is on him and Bev to celebrate our engagement. We left after almost two hours of laughing and joking and teasing. David drove us to the bar where we were to go dancing.

The club is in a large building built like a log cabin. When we got inside I discovered that it wasn’t just a façade. It’s actually a log building. There’s knotty pine everywhere. That was the first thing I noticed. The second thing I noticed was that the wall behind and over the bar and the beams all around it are decorated with bras.

We looked at David and Bev curiously. They just smiled innocently and led us to an empty table. We sat down and David ordered a bottle of their best Champagne. Their best Champagne turned out to be not all that good. But it was drinkable and we appreciated the gesture.

It didn’t take the four of us long to polish off the first bottle of Champagne. I offered to get the next round but Bev insisted that the next round is on her. I thought nothing of it. Not until shortly after she left the table when we heard a very loud bell clanging up at the bar and everyone turned to look.

The place had gone suddenly silent. The bartender was helping Bev up onto a short, sturdy stool in a gap between two sections of the bar. The other customers started chanting something I didn’t understand at first. We watched as Bev unbuttoned her blouse and took it off. She stood there on the stool where everyone could see her while the bartender unhooked her bra in the back.

There were cheers all around as he reached around and slid the cups off of her breasts, replacing them for a moment with his hands before removing her bra and tacking it up over the bar.

He went to his cooler and returned with a bottle of Champagne. He opened it and set it on the bar and chatted with Bev while she took her sweet time putting her sheer blouse back on.

That answered a lot of questions. All but one. I had to ask David what the crowd has been chanting. I never could understand them.

He laughed and said, “Booze for boobs ... or boobs for booze. I forget which. I can never understand them either.”

Bev returned to the table and poured everyone a fresh glass of mediocre Champagne. We drank a lot slower this time. We even worked in a few dances before we emptied the second bottle. When the second bottle was empty I was ready for something a little better to drink but before I could say anything, Kelly got to her feet and went to the bar.

I watched in amusement as she spoke with the bartender for a couple of minutes. He finally rang that loud bell again to get everyone’s attention. When the crowd was quiet he announced, “This young lady is celebrating her engagement and wants a bottle of the good stuff.”

There was a round of loud cheers from the crowd, some of whom rose from their seats and began to press closer to the bar for a better view. Kelly stepped up onto the stool and removed her blouse. She’s wearing a sexy little smile and she looks calm but she’s blushing like crazy.

She put her blouse down on the bar and waited while the bartender took his time removing her bra just the way he removed Bev’s earlier. He unhooked it and lifted the cups slowly away from her breasts, replacing them for a moment with his large hands before baring them to the excited crowd.

But the “good stuff” apparently cost more than a bra. He tacked her bra up on the wall over the bar while she stood waiting with her breasts exposed. As soon as her bra was properly displayed on the wall behind the bar the bartender lifted Kelly up onto the bar.

The cheers and good-natured taunts gave way to total silence as the bartender slowly pushed her skirt up to her waist. My eyes kept moving back and forth between Kelly’s face and the hand of the bartender. He slowly worked his fingers into the leg band of her panties while Kelly and I smiled at each other across the room.

She’s fully aware of all those other people in the bar, all gathered around and watching closely. But she’s doing this to turn us on. Those other people are just a means to an end for us.

The bartender worked his finger around and over her pussy for a moment before hooking it around the crotch of her underwear and slowly pulling them down to her ankles. She stepped out of them and stood there with her skirt around her waist, as good as naked while he tacked her panties up beside her bra.

He took his time. Everyone gathered around has an excellent view of my beautiful, sexy, naked fiancée. I’m watching her eyes the entire time. I may not be driving tonight but I know I’m going to have to cut back on my drinking. It’s obvious I’m going to get fucked hard tonight.

The bartender lifted Kelly off of the bar and set her back down on the stool where the women stood to have their bras removed. She calmly put her sheer blouse back on. It didn’t hide anything and the other customers seemed to appreciate that.

She didn’t even touch her skirt until she had her blouse on. She finally pulled her skirt back down and thanked the bartender. She almost forgot to wait while he reached into the back of the cooler and pulled out another bottle of Champagne.

I didn’t know if this bottle would be better. But whether it is or not it was worth the effort it took to get it. God that was hot!!

Kelly kissed the bartender on the cheek and thanked him. Then she made her way back through the crowd to our table. It didn’t look like she was in a hurry to get back. She was obviously being groped by more than a few of the men she passed. A few of them even stopped her and spoke to her briefly. She was beaming away, obviously loving the attention they were heaping on her. It was amazing to watch her.

The Champagne she brought back with her was worth the added expense of her panties. It’s a much more civilized brew. We each had a glass and danced a few dances. I’m not in the habit of drinking Champagne. I’ve forgotten how sneaky it can be. I’m starting to feel it. I need the dancing to work off some of the alcohol.

We returned to our table after a couple of dances and I excused myself to use the little boy’s room. I splashed some cool water on my face and that helped a lot. I was feeling a little better when I returned to the table.

What I saw when I got back out there, though, really sobered me up. There’s a huge mountain of a man bent over talking to David. I can see by their faces there’s a problem.

Just before I got back to the table, David tried to stand up. The big guy easily slammed him back down into his seat. I don’t remember if I’ve described David. He’s a large man. He’s probably six foot two, give or take half an inch. He must weigh two-fifty and he isn’t fat. He’s a quiet, easy-going man. But he looks like he could hold his own against just about anyone ... anyone but the giant who is bent over them and giving them a hard time.

I went up to the table and politely asked, “Is there a problem?”

He didn’t even look at me. He continued to stare down at David. I assume he has already made his judgment that if he’s going to have a problem with one of us it’s more apt to be with David. Of the two of us he’s the larger and more threatening adversary. But there’s something the large troublemaker isn’t taking into consideration. He doesn’t know my history.

He continued to press David down into his seat and said, “I asked the girl with no panties for a dance. She said no. I want to dance. I want to dance with the girl with no underwear on. This is between me and her. You need to mind your own fucking business!”

I looked over at the bartender. He turned away with a guilty but helpless look on his face. So, I guess it’s up to me.

I calmly said, “The girl with no underwear is with me. It doesn’t look to me like she wants to dance with you. I guess you’re out of luck.”

He turned his head and smiled as he looked me up and down. He must have thought I don’t look like much of a threat. But my calm response seemed to finally draw his attention.

I had my first good chance to look him over. You can’t really evaluate a man until you can see his eyes. He looks strangely young. He has a little boy quality about him that’s disconcerting. I’m having a hard time deciding how old he is.

He finished his reappraisal of me and evidently decided I won’t be much of a problem. He asked, “Are you going to stop me?”

I shrugged and smiled disarmingly. I replied, “If I have to I guess I will. I’d rather you just walk away and leave us alone. I really don’t want to hurt you.”

He looked at me curiously for a moment. He seems to think I’m an amusing little man; certainly not a threat to someone as large as he is. He sighed as if I’m being very unreasonable, stood up and with no warning at all he drew back and threw a roundhouse punch at my head. If it had connected it would probably have put me in the hospital ... or the morgue.

Unfortunately for him, three years of survival training in prison left me well equipped to deal with his amateurish attempt. I sidestepped and grabbed his wrist as it passed by my face. I added my weight to his and together we propelled his fist into the post behind where I had been standing. I heard his bones crack when his fist hit.

There was a moment of silence before the pain signals made it all the way back to his brain. He gasped loudly and then made a noise I can’t even describe. He dropped to his knees and cradled his injured fist in his other arm, holding it against his belly. He knelt on the floor looking up at me with a very confused look on his face. Suddenly he looked like a large but very vulnerable child.

I bent down and calmly said, “You have some broken bones in your hand. You need to go to the emergency room. Can you make it or do you need some help?”

He looked up at me. His expression was almost comical. He looked like he was grateful for the explanation. He looked down at his hand again and said, “I think I need help.”

I asked, “What’s your name?”


“Okay. Come on, Calvin. I’ll take you to the emergency room.”

I borrowed David’s keys and told them I’d be right back. They looked a little worried and very confused. But no one said a word as I helped Calvin out to the parking lot.

I hadn’t realized we were the focus of pretty much everyone in the bar until I helped Calvin up and started helping him out. No one said a word as I walked poor Calvin outside but they seem happy to see him go.

I guided Calvin to David’s car and held the door for him. He got in and sat with his head back while I went around and got in. He sighed and said, “I’m sorry, mister. Sometimes I get a little too much to drink and I do stupid things. I didn’t want to hurt you. I don’t know why I do dumb stuff like that.”

He sounds like a little boy! I almost feel guilty for hurting him. I had to keep reminding myself that he didn’t give me a lot of time to decide what to do. And I didn’t realize he might not be in possession of all of his faculties until he was on his knees and cradling his broken hand.

He directed me to the emergency room and I dropped him off at the door. It was about a ten-minute drive. I drove back to the club and saw the relief in the eyes of my three companions when I walked in.

I sat down at our table and asked, “Is it okay with you guys if I switch to beer? A glass of Champagne is okay every now and then. But I can only take so much of it.”

David stood up and said, “I’ll see if I can get us some beer. But I’m warning you right now, if I have to take off my underwear I’m leaving.”

I believe I mentioned David always seems to know the right thing to say. We all laughed as he walked away. Kelly got out of her chair and sat down in my lap. She put her arms around my neck and said, “That was the bravest, and the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. I love you so much. When I saw the concern in your eyes and the way you helped that huge man up and took him to the hospital I had tears in my eyes. How did you get so sweet?”

Before I could answer, David was back. He heard what Kelly asked and he added, “And where the hell did you learn how to do that. I’m very impressed!”

David wasn’t carrying any beer. I asked, “He wanted your underwear?”

He laughed and replied, “He’s bringing the beer to the table. He said to tell you he’s sorry.”

I nodded and said, “I was really hoping he’d ask for your jockeys.”

He sat down and asked again, “Where did you learn that move? That was amazing. I never even saw it coming. You’re a lot faster than you look.”

I shrugged and answered, “It’s just something a guy picks up if he wants to get by in a prison. If you don’t learn to protect yourself in a hurry you don’t survive. Not intact.”

I saw that my explanation brought everyone down a little. They didn’t like being reminded of that part of my life. I sighed and said, “Listen, you have to learn to look at the bright side of things. That entire chain of events sucks big time. You can’t dwell on that or it destroys you.

“I survived. I did more than survive. I found a young woman who has made me whole again. I’ve met two of the nicest people I’ve ever known. It may sound strange, but Kelly and I were talking about you. We feel closer to you two than we’ve ever felt with anyone else we’ve ever known. I imagine hearing something like that makes you feel uncomfortable. I’m sorry. But we couldn’t have done the things we’ve done together if you weren’t who you are.”

There was an uncomfortable pause before I said, “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t be saying all this if you hadn’t plied me with alcohol. Forget I spoke.”

Bev reached out and took my hand. She has tears in her eyes but she’s smiling. She said, “We talked, too. We feel the same way about you guys. We’ve never done anything like this before. We never thought we would. It never even occurred to us. But for some reason you guys make it seem so natural. I don’t mean that it’s something you said or did that got us into this. It’s just that the four of us together are...”

I squeezed her hand and smiled at her. I nodded and said, “I know. We know. We feel the same way. It’s almost like the four of us are a couple.”

Her face lit up and she exclaimed, “YES! YES! That’s it!”

The bartender arrived. He looks very embarrassed. He looked at me and said, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t ... there was no way I could...”

I finally let him off the hook. I nodded and said, “I understand. Don’t worry about it.”

He handed out four beers and said, “The drinks are on me for the rest of the night.”

He started to turn away but turned back and said, “You ladies can have your underwear back. But only if you get it back the same way you donated it to the wall of fame.”

Bev smiled and said, “We wore old underwear tonight with the idea that we would be going home without it. You keep it.”

He grinned and said, “Just wave when you want another round.”

I had to explain why the bartender was so embarrassed. But no one, me included, blamed him for not coming between Calvin and his prey.

We had a few more rounds of beer and danced a few more dances before we finally left. David drove us back to the RV park on those dark, narrow, country roads. I’m glad he’s driving. I don’t feel drunk. But I wouldn’t have wanted to have to take a breathalyzer test.

As tempting as it was we were too tired to take them up on their offer of a late-night coffee and conversation. I’m even too tired for sex!

We said goodnight after making plans for another breakfast at our favorite outdoor café in the morning. Kelly and I stood for a moment and watched them drive off down the narrow road to their RV.

I turned to Kelly and took her into my arms. I kissed her lovingly and said, “At the risk of sounding like an actor in a soap opera, I love you with all of my heart.”

She hugged me tight and said, “I already loved you so much it hurt. But when I saw you help that poor man who tried to take your head off, when I saw in your eyes how much it bothered you that you hurt him ... oh god, Sean! I’ve never met a man like you! You’re different than anyone I’ve ever met. You’re special. If I believed in god I’d swear you were a saint.”

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Ballet Troupe This is a tale of a group of kids, 18-23 yrs of age that formed a bond based on love. There they were, all crowded together on the bus....sitting so close to each other and giggling and playing as if they were all alone. I ride this bus daily to get to my job. I live in a major city and have no need for my own car. My name is David. I am 28 and still a virgin. Sure you can laugh, but I never was attracted to anyone enough to want to have sex. I had a great childhood...

2 years ago
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Mrs J

Summer break between high school and college, my last chance to live it up before I had to get serious. I decided to head over to my best friend’s house. I met Jeff in 8th grade, and we’d been pretty much inseparable ever since, at least until I found girls. Normally I’d call ahead, but it had been raining for the past several days, so our phone wouldn’t work. Happened every time. Since he lived close, I walked over. Unlike the last few days, today was sunny, hot and humid. By the time I got...

3 years ago
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Mock Rape Inc

Claire returned to her table to find the check laying in its usual spot. She picked it up to look at it. There was a white business card concealed beneath the check. She turned it over. Mock Rape, inc. Dark Fantasies Fulfilled There was a phone number and logo which pictured a pair of feminine hands bound at the wrists. Claire stared at the card for a few moments in shock and puzzlement, then laid it face down as she had found it. She flagged down the waitress. "Janet, did you leave this...

4 years ago
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So It Begins Part 4

So it begins part 4 The next morning when I woke I was wearing my chemise over my bra and panties. I was also wearing my false nails and eyelashes. I wanted to take things further today, no half measures I resolved. I felt so much sexier as a woman than I ever did as a man I thought as I stroked my body in my chemise. What would it be like if my body was smooth and hairless like a woman's I thought? I came down for breakfast but Tracey was not up yet. Sarah sat me down at the...

4 years ago
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Imperfect Mother

I went through my own Oedipal phase, and for probably a year, I masturbated with both incredible frequency and superhuman ferocity to thoughts of my mother. My folks were borderline hippies, and consequently nudity and sexuality were neither taboo nor dinner conversation topics. I saw them both nude more than a few times, mostly by accident, and I remember thinking that my mother's body, in particular, was a thing of singular beauty. I remember a few times, when my father was away traveling...

1 year ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 15

Tommy smiled broadly. He couldn't be happier; now he could show his mother how much he truly loved her. Now he could give back some of what she had given him all these years. The comfort, the closeness, and the feelings of worth and worthiness he had enjoyed from her, he could now return."Now please Tommy, let's quit talking about fucking and give me what I need, namely that big young hard cock. I want you to fill me with your hot cum… yeah like that, baby… oh fuck, I love your cock so much!...

1 year ago
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First time21

Prologue I make my way up the long flight of steps from the dock toward the house where Cija waits for me. I speak into the entry phone, feeling a thrill at the sound of her voice telling me to come on up, the door swinging open for me. I adjust my collar, run my fingers through my hair and reflect for a moment. When we first met, she was gauche and awkward although pretty. I can already see the change in her since we started ‘accidentally’ meeting over the last few weeks, becoming more...

1 year ago
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MyFirstSexTeacher Silvia Saige 24271

You’ve been fucked stupid before, but have you ever sexed up smart? It’s an uncommon occurrence, but it’s been known to happen at Naughty America. Take, for instance, the story of Silvia Saige. The university history professor was tasked by the dean to give her student – the school’s star quarterback – another shot at not flunking his exam, what with the football program’s funding and all. Silvia has no choice but to follow her boss’s orders, but she figures she’s going to get what she wants if...

1 year ago
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Pregnant And Lactating White Wife Fucked By Black Neighbors

There can be huge cultural and social differences in being brought up in the Deep South, as compared to the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. My husband, Ed, and I were born and raised in a mostly white, suburb of Jackson, Mississippi that has a very low African-American population. Our families and friends are racists, and always preferred to be segregated from black people. It was only natural that we would grow up thinking the same way, but that is a source of shame for us now.My...

3 years ago
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The dirtiest sex story ever

'So what, I am a girl and I talk dirty, I let men look at me, and yes I am always in a state of readiness, I have always been, that's what happens when you grow up watching your mum and dad fuck each other, as part of your home education regarding sex'.Even my opening lines to you men reading this, are a challenge. I am a real person and I am challenging you to meet me and find out for yourself just how perverted a girl I am.I love sex and full on intercourse, I am a liberated soul, blessed...

4 years ago
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Enjoy with sexy bhabhi

Hallo friend i am kalpesh me phir aap ke samne aap ni nai kahani lekar aaya hu mere pichali kahani per muje bahut response nahi mila is ke liya me iss reader se thoda naraz hu, lekin koi bat nahi galtiya to aakhir insaan se he to ho ti hai. Hi friend this is my 2nd story, hope you like it. Let me startr . I am 29 , mera naam kalpesh….. Hai, mai ahmedabad mein rehta hoon.or ek private company mein hoon,. Meri yeh kahani kuch 3 month purani hai.mea ek dost hai, wo mere ghar per aaya or bola, are...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 63

We waited. And waited. We waited so long that I needed to take Charger out for a walk, and we had wandered down to the cafeteria and got ourselves something to eat. Charger is especially fond of double cheeseburgers and seasoned French fries. We lingered over the fast food quality meal, knowing that the staff would come get me if anything changed. The holdup appeared to be the comings and goings from the hideout. Our agents on the ground were ready, willing, and anxious to put those...

2 years ago
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tna209 had 5 hard squirts

tna209You cheered me up today.I came home from work in a pretty bad mood. Then I got onto xhamster, found your videos (ALL of them are in my favorites, by the way), lubed my cock up, and began stroking. Before I knew it, I gave up my load in honor of you in 5 hard squirts when I was watching your "36G natural tits and booty wiggle" video. I wish I could have filmed my cock spitting to it for you to see. Your beautiful body gave me the release I desperately needed from a day of pent-up stress.I...

3 years ago
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Exceptional Room Service

Em was alone that day. She’d gone to the island on a holiday trip with her sisters and their children, without her husband Ambrose. It was her first visit and she’d found it very different to what she had expected. It had turned out to be somewhere, she thought, where you could have a six-star holiday at three-star expense. But high finance wasn’t what was on her mind today. She’d begged off the family trip that day, pleading a mildly upset tummy. They would not be back until late in the...

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Gaming, anime, and cosplay. Sabrina lived for it all. The nineteen year-old enjoyed living a casual life of excercise, cosplaying at conventions, and relaxing in her apartment. One particular thing she enjoyed doing at home was chatting and playing with people online. Sabrina spent enough time on the internet to distinguish real, friendly people on the internet from the fake and thirsty ones. At least, she believed that she did. She had made many friends and even significant others over the...

1 year ago
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Help mom 3

She stood there looking somewhat astonished to see my penis sticking up so big and hard, delighted, and maybe just a little proud of being the cause of it. "Is that proof enough?" I questioned, grinning sheepishly. "Apparently," she answered. "I think that's lovely!" "Even if I am your son?" I teased. "It's very special," she told me. Seeing that she was not embarrassed, but in fact quite happy, I said, "I think it's special, too. You do look sexy." "Do you really think so?" "Well...considering...

3 years ago
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HunterChapter 4

As Tim Brown sat down at the lunch table with Mike, he asked, “Do you like to fish?” Not recognizing the voice, Mike looked up from his plate. He didn’t know Tim all that well, and it took him a second to recall the man’s name. In fact, he had only met Tim in a couple of meetings. The man was normally very quiet, but people tended to listen when he spoke. He answered, “Yes, but I don’t have the time for it any more. My wife and I are fixing up our house. That kind of keeps us busy all of the...

3 years ago
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The company I worked for had several factories dotted all over the place. After ten months, however, I had never been sent to the smallest of our tool producing plants. There was an ongoing joke at the company about visits to this godforsaken plant in the middle of ‘hick-land.’ Unsurprisingly, I eventually got sent to this small town on a three-day, two-night visit. I worked in the computer division of the company, and several upgrades needed to get made at this plant. There were only two...

Gay Male
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A Friends Treat 2

Tracey had small pert breasts and although she was not tall, slim shapely legs. She had a neatly trimmed bush. (I now had proof she was a real blonde). Tracey walked to me and kissed me slowly. Her tongue darted in and out of my mouth and I responded passionately. My cock was again becoming hard and my hands began to explore her lovely body. As we kissed I felt hands undo my trousers and begin to lower them. Dave’s hands ran up and down my legs and stoke my thighs. I loved the feel of his...

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Wifersquos diary ndash 16 April 20XX Part 2

I sucked Jan’s cock a bit longer, slowly running my finger and thumb the whole length of his dick to squeeze out every bit of cum. His cock still felt big but it was getting softer. I got excited when I held it round its base and it curved gently down, still long and full. I wanted to keep sucking it until it was rock hard again. I looked up at him but he was looking at Gerard and I think they were talking but I don’t know and then Gerard grabbed my arm and pulled me over to him. He used the...

2 years ago
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Pretty in Pink Plastic 3

Pretty In Pink Plastic Part 3 By Deewet 2008 Glenn smiled. Pink was surely his color, a color he liked to see me dressed in for him. I felt weird after the orgasm, probably because it was my first one in front of anyone. My body felt numb, a strange lightness and I wasn't so freaked out about what was happening to me. A strange feeling of security washed over me as she snapped me up in the pink plastic pants. "Put her in the crib while I get my little darling ready." Glenn...

1 year ago
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Homespun FunChapter 8

"You'd better go help Nancy with lunch," Ken said. "And bring me a beer, will you?" He switched on the TV and sat down to catch the news, trying not to think about his youngest daughter and all the problems his screwing her in the ass might have caused. He was in so deep with both girls now that it seemed hopeless, and the prospect of getting out of there looked better by the minute. "It'll be ready in about ten minutes," Dana said when she brought him a cold can of beer. "Fine....

2 years ago
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A Pleasure Trip With My Baby Girl

Her head is resting in my lap, heavy and snuggled in towards my body. I can feel her every breath, deep and satisfying, and unconsciously tries to sync mine to hers. Each rise of her body presses her against my hand, resting on her long toned legs. My fingers trace the outline of her face, from behind her ears, along the neck and over her lips. She looks up and smiles at me — that mesmerizing smile. Sitting here, naked, spent after sex. I think to myself; this is not how things work; this...

1 year ago
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My Aunt

Note: This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! My family and I have a summer camp in New York.  We go every summer with my parents and our relatives.  One day my whole family decided to go into town.  I decided to stay home and swim in the lake.  After about an hour or so I got really tired and bored so I got out of the water and went inside.  I was heading to my room upstairs when all of a sudden my aunt walked out of the bathroom completely naked!  My aunt is very...

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Nude by Nature

Nude by Nature This ain't nothing for you ignorants! No story for any ordinary person who is not willing, nor able to see things from another angle than theirs. I as a convinced nudist wanna talk about what I think of showing myself naked on the internet. What it feels like to be literally bare to you and whoever else. And why, for God's sake, this way of exposition is the very right thing for me. After more than ten years of self-destructive doubts about my nature. Quirky? Maybe. Vane? Why...

4 years ago
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Transformations ImmersionChapter 15

Saturday morning was not a happy time for Mary and Floyd Hall because it marked the end of their five days together and the beginning of two or more months of separation. Mary had checked in to the Tee in a hurry and there had been no time for lengthy goodbyes. Of course, they had known it was coming, but had refused to face up to it. Back then, the loss of physical contact did not seem like major deprivation, either. In the last five days, under Barbara's tutelage and insistence, they had...

3 years ago
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Deadly Sex Games CH 7

The following weekend, Sally made up her mind. It was another hot, steamy summer night. She put on black nylons, a very short mini-skirt, a low cut top, and high heels, then drove to the sleezy part of town. There, she rented a room another run-down old hotel. The old hotel clerk didn't blink an eye, although she noticed him looking her over. Sally nervously walked out on the street and took a place along the side of a building, near a street light. She noticed that the street was almost...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyVault Sara Jay Summer Bailey Sara Jay8217s Surprise Threesome

Summer Bailey was minding her own business sucking cock until Sara Jay walked on over to say hi. It was a surprise to us all as we had no idea Sara Jay was going to be here. Summer says she’s going to the bathroom real quick and that gives Sara a quick chance to fluff our boy Jack before Summer comes back. But knowing Sara Jay, she’s going to stay sucking cock because it’s what she does best. Summer catches her sucking cock and instead of getting mad, she thought why not...

3 years ago
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Day ThreeThe trip to work was uneventful. Jess' tits really bounced without a bra. We were at the office before 6 so we went for a coffee. When the doors opened to the building Jess went and put on her usual short skirt. Without a bra her tits bounced every time she moved and her job meant she was always on the go, as were we all. At lunch I went out to pick up a few things , rope an electric cord, then to the adult store for some handcuffs, gags, a riding crop and some clamps, although I had...

2 years ago
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My Wife gets a load of Cum from a Stranger

Years before we ever delved into the swing lifestyle, we had an experience that was permanently etched in our minds. Neither of us spoke of it, we behaved like it never occurred but secretly in our minds, we relived the occurrence in graphic detail. It was three years after we had been married. We did not have any c***dren yet, and principally were busy building our careers with work and little time taken for fun. Among our friends, we had become known as the boring couple who worked all the...

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CHAPTER 1I woke up slowly and peacefully. My eyes fluttered open to the defused light of the early morning coming through the sheer curtains of my bedroom. The bigger realization of the start of the day was I was still in the arms of a man. Well, maybe it was more like my arm was d****d over his lower rib cage as I lay on my side, which is why my eyes took in the filtered light of the window on the other side of the room. I kissed his upper chest/shoulder where my head was resting and I wiggled...

4 years ago
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Cumming on Sister Part 2

So I’m sitting there waiting for her in a suit that I borrowed from a buddy of mine it wasn’t anything worth talking about. I ordered some water I was getting nervous about this “date" until I saw her walk in, a very sexy green dress that was very appealing to her body. She had her hair up in a ponytail which only made her more sexy. She sat down and looked at me and my heart melted “your starring” “sorry your just so beautiful” we spoke for hours until finally we had to end the night. She...

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