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I am sitting here, raking my fingers over the dashboard, trying to decide what to do. The unintelligible laughter of children playing down the street is a constant reminder of how exposed I am. My very presence here is a risk, and every minute I stay is another minute someone might notice me parked down the street from her home.

Her husband and I don't know each other all that well. Oh, we are close enough to say ‘Hi’ when our paths cross. I have little doubt he would recognize me in an instant if he saw me. I have even less doubt that he would wonder what the hell I was doing sitting in my car this close to his house. What he would never believe was that I was here to see him, and he would be right. What he could only suspect was that I was here to see his wife.

“Damn, this is a bad idea.” The words taste hollow and desperate as I say them. Worse still, I know I'm not going to listen. I am about to make one of the worst mistakes of my life, yet I can't make myself leave. I know it is a horrible risk, yet I am going to do it anyway. I am consumed with my need for her, and right now, nothing else matters. Nothing but that petite little blond with her incredibly deep blue eyes.

Instead of fearing what might go wrong, my mind can only focus on that first, hurried kiss from Sophia. Days later, the taste of her lips still seem to linger on mine. That first, hurried moment we shared had been frantic and incredibly intense.

Neither of us had planned it. We didn't even know each other at the time, not beyond our names anyway. To me, she was the wife of an acquaintance, a man with whom I happened to share a mutual friend. To her, I was just another man at the party, a friend of a friend, and nothing more.

Closing my eyes, I let my mind wander back to the night at the reception.


Kismet. Chemistry. Fate. Whatever it's called, we were struck by it that night. It was as spontaneous as lightening and irresistible as the tide. It was a hot and intoxicating need neither of us had the strength to resist. Before that moment, I’d never felt anything like it. Now, I fear I will never be able to let it go.

Oh yes, I know that men are often attracted to women we’ve recently met. There have been many times I wanted to fuck a woman within moments of meeting her. That’s just being a healthy adult, I suppose. Considering I managed to get many of those women into my bed, I assume they felt the same way about me.

Attraction and arousal can happen quickly, but that is a far cry from what I felt for Sophia that night. It was a mindless, animalistic need, and once I knew she felt it too, I couldn't resist taking her right then, regardless of the consequences. I was burning with a heat I couldn't begin to contain.

All of this began when a long-time friend of mine, Bruce Atwood, was getting married. His reception was being held in the Grand Ballroom of the exquisitely appointed Kensington Hotel. Being separated from my wife, I felt a little out of place in attending an affair meant to celebrate my friends wedding. The last thing I wanted to be was the proverbial fifth-wheel among all those happy couples. Honestly, I had almost decided to skip the party entirely, but my dread of returning to my own, empty apartment finally persuaded me to go.

Good Christ, thank God I did.

It hadn't started off well at all. For the first hour, I mixed with others, idly chatting about nothing of interest with people I barely knew. I indulged myself in a drink or two, but all the while I was counting the minutes until I could escape unnoticed. I was outside the main Ballroom, making my way down the hall toward the unisex restroom when I literally bumped into Sophia. Neither of us was paying much attention to our surroundings when we abruptly collided, just outside the restroom door.

“Oh, gosh. I’m sorry!” I exclaimed as I bumped against her much smaller body. Instinctively, I reached out and slipped my arms around her, simply trying to keep her from falling. In the brief moment, I found myself with an armful of soft, wiggling femininity. Her body felt incredibly warm, light and pliant in my grasp, and my first clear view of her was that of her deep, pale cleavage jiggling delightfully inside her dress.

At just five-foot, two, she was a full foot shorter than I, and the unexpected impact almost knocked her off her feet. My reflexive response was meant merely to keep her from falling, but the moment we touched, something extraordinary happened.

It was as if a circuit closed. Electricity seemed to arc between us like a physical force, stunning us both with its power. Sophia could have pulled away, but she hesitated instead, and then virtually melted against my chest. For a brief moment, our eyes met and then her gaze dropped demurely as her bottom lip tucked into her mouth. The way she so willingly relaxed into my arms, and the honestly submissive reaction to my touch, instantly sent chills racing down my spine.

"It's... okay," she quietly murmured as her gaze rose again and locked onto mine. Her big, blue eyes seemed to call out to me, and her small hands slowly slid from being defensively spread flat on my chest, down to my arms. I quickly realized she was actually holding onto me, just as I was to her.

I should have stepped back. That's what a gentleman would do, right? I just couldn't seem to make myself do it. Her pull on me was powerful and magnetic, and my grip on her waist relaxed only enough to allow my hands to slide down the satin of her dress until they were resting just above the rise of her beautifully shaped ass.

"Um, you're Sophia? Charlie's wife?" I inquired awkwardly. It was an innocent enough question, but one that felt completely out of place considering how closely we were embracing.

I expected her to draw away, but she held her place with only a slight nod of her head in response to my question. There was a wistful look of longing in her eyes, as if she were lost between a powerful urge and reluctance to give into it. Then, tentatively, as if she were losing the battle, she leaned forward until her heavy breasts were crushed against me.

"Yeah, you're Alan, right?" she finally asked with a tremble, and then flicked her tongue over her lips in a way that made me want to crush mine against them.

The words we spoke were nothing but platitudes. Far more meaningful to me was that her hands began to caress my arms as she spoke, and mine responded by slipping down and cupping her bottom. Sophia's eyes blinked in surprise as the first of many nervous trembles passed through her body, but she made no effort to stop me as I intimately caressed her through the thin fabric of her dress.

"I guess I should let you go," I whispered as her mouth came closer to mine. My heart was pounding by then and my breath threatened to catch in my throat.

In that moment, she could have halted the momentum of our attraction, but she hesitated too long and soon we crossed the line. In that moment, we revealed those secret, primal desires that people normally hide. Once exposed, we were left with no way of denying their power. Sophia could only hope I would find the strength to stop, but the upward curl in my lip only dared her to let me continue.

"Yes, you should..." she whispered doubtfully, and then my lips found hers. The chemistry was inescapable, and our kiss soon became frantic. Sophia's arms slid upward and slipped around my neck as my hold on her waist tightened. Our kiss was deep and impassioned, and her mouth opened easily in response to my tongue as it flicked out, searching for hers.

"Oh, my God," Sophia gasped as we parted, and a tremble passed through her again as my mouth descended to her neck. She was bouncing lightly on her toes, and her gaze darted worriedly up the hall as I felt her fingers raking through my hair. Thus encouraged, I nuzzled her throat, sucking excitedly on her tender skin.

“We can't be seen like this,” she pleaded with an urgent hush. “My husband… I'm married, Alan.” She was conflicted and torn between what she knew was right, and the sudden desire to continue our exploration of this inexplicable attraction. Despite her denial, her arms only drew me closer as my lips fluttered over her neck.

“You’re right, I'm being terribly forward,” I responded between urgent kisses before lifting her off the ground. Checking to ensure we had not been seen, I kicked the bathroom door open and her arms tightened around my neck as I took the few steps that brought us into the privacy of the tiny room.

"Oh, my god, we shouldn't be doing this," she said worriedly, but that didn't keep her from locking the door closed behind us.

“I know. We should stop," I agreed with just as much passion, all the while fumbling with the back of her dress, searching in vain for the zipper.

"It's… It’s on the side, babe,” she offered breathlessly, and then she braced her arms on the door as the descending metallic whine of her zipper filled my ears. Milky white skin and the black lace of her bra appeared as the satin gown parted. I continued to open her dress, and Sophia moaned in submissive defeat as it fell away from her body.

With an urgency that bordered on frantic, she seemed a flurry of blond hair and black lingerie as she turned and slipped into my arms. Her breath tasted of cranberry and mint as we kissed with ardent abandon. My hands roamed over her back, taking in the warm smoothness of her skin while hers dropped to my cock, squeezing me hard through the cloth of my slacks. We were being consumed in a whirlwind of lust, and neither of us knew how far that wind would take us.

“Hurry, please. I don't have much time," she pleaded in hushed tones.

"I know!" I gasped as she fondled me. "God, I don't want you like this, Sophia. You deserve so much more."

"Later, maybe, Alan. I don't know. Right now, I don't care. I want you now. I want you inside me!" Sophia's fingers deftly unbuckled my belt and then she reached into my trousers and wrapped her hand around my cock.

“Look at that,” she whispered in awe as her hand pumped my swollen erection. “You are so hard. I can't believe I'm actually doing this.”

"Please, don't think right now," I whispered. "Don't think about what we're doing, Just let it happen, okay? Let's just make this moment for us." My touch flowed up and down the bare skin of her flanks, running my fingers over the contrasting textures of her warm flesh and the lacy cloth of her bra and panties.

Sophia kissed my chin, and then her nuzzling bites drifted down, over my throat. My fingers fumbled with my tie, and hers quickly popped the buttons of my shirt until I felt her lips scorching my chest as she dropped to her knees in front of me.

"I like that, Alan," she murmured as she pulled my slacks down to my knees. Once exposed, my cock bobbed powerfully in front of her and she took it into her hand.

"I don't want to think about it, baby. I just want to suck you, and make you feel good." With that, Sophia leaned in and let my turgid head slide deeply over her tongue.

"Ah, damn, I moaned, careful to keep my voice low. Sophia's mouth felt soft and wet as her warm lips slid along the length of my cock. I was already so hard that I could feel my heartbeat throbbing through my shaft. She began sucking me and swirling her tongue under my head. Each time she took me deep, I struggled to keep from thrusting it down her throat.

She was as skilled in her ability as she was eager in her desire, and the soft caress of her mouth was drawing my precum out of me. I was sure she could taste its flow leaking from my head and she licked the tip several times as if she loved its flavor.

Watching her kneel before me, and feeling her mouth moving so easily over my glans made me desperately want to entwine my fingers in her hair, but I resisted. What we were doing was wrong on so many levels, and I feared leaving her hair so mussed that her husband might grow suspicious.

All I could do was lean against the counter and fondle her breasts through her bra. When my fingers found her nipple, I flicked them hard, causing her to gasp.

"Oh, yeah, Alan. I love having my nipples touched."

"Let me take your bra off, then. I'm dying to suck them."

Sophia hesitated, and then pulled one of her plump boobs free of its cup. "That will have to do. As much as I'd love it, we have to hurry, okay?"

Her nipple was thick and pink, and she winced wonderfully as I pinched it between my fingers. Sophia sucked me harder, taking me to the edge of her throat while I fondled her breast. It was an intense moment, and when I began thrusting toward her, she pulled off and stroked me slowly with her hand.

"Don't come yet, okay? This feels so good, I don't want to stop sucking you yet." Sophia asked while she glossed her lips with my wet head, waiting to see if I was close.

"I'm okay for now," I assured her. "But I won't last long like this. I don't want to come in your mouth either. I want to be inside you when I do."

"I want that, too," she whispered before taking me back into her mouth. Drawing her lips up and down my length with a torturous patience, she took me to the edge again and again without letting me come. Her small hands cupped my balls, lifting them and rolling them between her fingers until I couldn't take it anymore.

With a strangled grunt, I pushed her off my cock and drew her up, kissing her with a hunger that bordered on madness. "I can't wait anymore," I growled in her ear, and then spun us both around and bent her over the hard counter.

"Oh, shit," Sophia hissed as I hooked my fingers under the hem of her panties.

"I'd so much rather have you in my bed," I reassured as I slid her black lace panties down. Her body was round and curvaceous, and my hunger for her soared to even greater heights. I could almost hear the elastic rasping on her skin and I swear I could already smell her scent.

With my chest pressing against the warmth of her back, I was able to draw my mouth close to her ear. Then I slipped my arms around her, with one just under her breasts and the other coming up between them with my hand gently on her throat.

"I should be fucking you the way a woman deserves to be fucked." I whispered hotly into her ear. Moving my fingers under her chin, I turned her head to the side, exposing her neck to my kisses. "I'd fuck you slow, at first, letting you feel me slide into you until I was nice and slick. Would you like that, Sophia? Taking me deep inside you like that?"

"Ohh, yes, I would," she responded quietly. Her tremble turned to a hard shudder and I could feel her becoming weaker on my arms.

Satisfied, I let my hot breath flow over her ear as I continued. "I'm sure you would. Just as you'd love it when I held you tighter and started to fuck you harder and deeper. Would you like me to do that to you, Sophia? Or will this one time be enough?"

Sophia's breath came deep and hot, and her eyes pierced into mine through the mirror. "Yes, I want to be in your bed, Alan. I want so much more. I need you to want me like that. Now, fuck me. Fuck me hard enough to make me feel it tomorrow. You have no idea how much I need that right now."

Turning her head, I kissed her hard as I reached around and brushed my fingers through her neatly trimmed bush. Our tongues danced and flicked together as my fingers slid over her swollen lips. She was wet and hot and I easily sank my digit into her, coating it in her slick juices.

"I can see that," I told her as I glided my finger over her clit. "I want you just as badly."

Sophia moaned deeply as my fingers teased her button and I smiled in satisfaction as her knees began to quake. Knowing she was this wet and ready for me made my erection pulse, and I pressed the length of my cock tightly between the soft cheeks of her ass.

I would have loved to tease her more. My desire to explore her body in intimate detail was like a physical hunger, but the seconds were passing like a quick flowing river. Urging her legs apart, I placed my hand on her back and pushed her down until her still covered breasts were pressed against the cold, marbled surface.

God, seeing her being so receptive, and knowing she wanted my cock inside her as much as I wanted to give it to her made my entire body tingle with lust. Every detail of her body was being burned into my mind, from the hungered look of anticipation on her beautiful face, to the way her fingers strained against the surface as she waited for my thrust. That hot look of surrender and anticipation made my blood run hot and my chest heave with lust.

Over and over, I dry-fucked the hard length of my cock deeper into the cleft of her ass, fighting the urge to press it against her rose. If Sophia understood my interest, she didn't complain. Soon, she was rocking her hips in time with me, as if she were trying to massage my cock between her beautifully shaped buns. It was a completely illicit move, and I was sorely tempted to find out how willing she really was to be ass-fucked, but this wasn't the time. With a resigned grimace, I pushed my cock down until my spongy head found the soft, wet entrance to her sex.

When Sophia felt my head splitting her lips, her eyes grew wide and fixated on me through the mirror. "Yes, yes yes, put it in, baby. Don't tease me anymore, I need you inside me."

"Ohh, yeah that's it," she gasped in pleasure as I plunged myself deeply into her clenching pussy.

Damn, the look on her face was incredible. Her expression was the vision of pained-pleasure and it drove me to the edge. Sliding my hands up her sides until I was tightly holding her shoulders gave me complete control of her body. I had her right where I wanted, and I grunted loudly as my cock lanced deeply into her.

"That's it, Alan. Do it! Fuck me hard! You feel so good inside me, baby. Oh yes, you have no idea how much I needed this!"

Hearing her beg for it as her wet hole squeezed my cock made me feel as masculine and dominant as I ever had. With one hand on her shoulder and the other holding her bra strap, I held her in place while I began driving into her fast and hard. I could see the strain of pleasure on her face as her channel conformed to the shape of my cock. Soon, my hips were slapping into her, pressing her hips against the counter with all my strength. There was no music to this, it was raw lust burning us both in its heat.

I fucked her fast and hard, only to still inside her for long moments before building our pace again. I was keeping her guessing, and driving her to distraction with my changes in speed and depth. Her cunt clenched and sucked on my cock, dragging on my length as I pulled out, and opening around me in eager acceptance each time I thrust in.

All too soon, I felt my balls tighten and a deep heat began building in my cock. "Where should I come?" I asked through clenched teeth while still driving deep into her body.

"Unh, inside me, baby. Come inside me" she gasped in response. Her mouth hung open, and she was panting with desire, but her eyes never left mine through the reflection in the mirror.

We were connected physically and mentally. It was an incredible moment, and our gaze locked as my countdown began. My body grew hard and when I grunted out loud, a satisfied smile appeared on her pristine face.

Sophia squeezed her muscles around me as I shot my load, milking me with a kind of contented mewl. "Yeah, baby, that's it. Fill me up with it. Mmm, that's so hot inside me."

Her voice carried the warm, post-coital murmur of a woman who was feeling embraced by the comforting afterglow of sex. Slowly, my orgasm subsided with my erection. Once I slid out, she stood and kissed me with a deep and contented passion.

Standing there, holding her in my arms, gave me a moment to reflect on what we had done. I felt a sudden pang of guilt about taking her so forcefully. Everything had happened so quickly that I didn't have a chance to ask why, or to give her the pleasure she had just given me.

"I'm sorry," I told her after her lips left mine. "I don't know what happened, but it was amazing. I just wish I had time to make this as good for you as it was for me."

Sophia just smiled and caressed my chest. "Don't be sorry. I'm not. It's been a long time since a man has looked at me like that. Knowing how much you wanted me... Believe me, that meant more than the sex."

We kissed again, and then she picked up my phone. I watched happily as she entered her number into it before handing it back.

"Call me tomorrow, okay?" she asked with a smile "I'll be free in the morning, and then we can talk about what happens next."


Over the next week, we spoke on the phone each morning, still caught up in that same, powerful attraction. Our conversations were laced with sexual overtones and we easily slipped into hot descriptions, explaining in intimate detail what we longed to do with each other. Hearing her moans of pleasure as she touched herself to my words, and her own eagerness to hear me run my hand over my cock, only intensified our desires.

I told her everyday I wanted to see her again, but she hesitated to go that far. That was until this morning. We planned to meet tomorrow, but I couldn't resist her for another day. Now, with her husband at work, I'm sitting outside her home, trying to build the courage to surprise her at her door. Hopefully, the heat she felt that for me that first day will still be burning hot in her veins.

There is only one way for me to find out.

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Issue 12: Dawning of Dusk "Wait - don't go! I need you! Please stay! Don't leave me!" Spider-Man pleaded. "I'll be so empty without you!" "You only want me for my body!" I said in revulsion. "Not true... I want you for your brains too!" Spider-Man cried plaintively. That's just what every girl wants to hear, isn't it?! Except I'm only technically a girl and Spider-Man's designs on my were less carnal and more gastronomic. Voraphilia? Uh uh. No way. No. How did it come to this I...

1 year ago
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Malan MothersChapter 14

She turned back to Enid. "Enid, allow me to present Esme Limbada, moneylender to the masses at Albany, Georgia. Esme, this is Enid Pfeiffer, wife of our Colony newspaper editor, Tom. Tom and Enid have been instrumental in this affair." "Come in, Esme. Come in and meet Jeannette and Margo. We are having a girls giggle session at the moment." She dragged Esme into the front room, where two more ladies had stood up to welcome her. "Girls, This is another of the same: Esme Limbada. Esme,...

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Demon Queened Chapter 9

Demon Queened Chapter 9 Written by Princess Kay Edited by paradoxicalWitchling Proofread by FallingLeaf Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent in the country where they reside should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. I woke up early today, fully intending to reach the cooks before they started my breakfast. Unfortunately, I achieved my goal a little too well. I...

3 years ago
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“I would love you to watch another man giving you a blow job, he would need to be much younger than us and very pretty.” “I would love to have two bisexual men while you watch. I have a fetish about seducing a bisex man. Also two women while you watch.” “I would love to watch you fucking another woman. No kissing though.” “Can I have the same two women while you watch?” “Right now I will settle for a golden shower,” Jon smiles. “After this some mutual masturbation honey,” he moans lying on...

3 years ago
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Never Bested Always The Best

Time to set the record straight. You've never been defeated. Not by anyone from Earthrealm, Outworld, the Nether Realm or anywhere else for that matter. You were and still are as far as you're concerned the reigning Mortal Kombat Champion. You never lost to Johnny Cage, you certainly never lost to Liu Kang, hell you could probably take on Shao Kahn if you really wanted to. And what's this crap about loosing your arms to Kotal Kahn? No witnesses, no evidence, never happened. They say you were...

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Jeanettes Song

It had been a year or more since that fated day when I was purchased as a pet. Me? A pet? I had to laugh at the thought, yet was intrigued to know what that involved. Though I had been a participant in a few activities on that nameless site I had not often visited it so didn't know what that meant. For the most part I still don't, but will soon find out.I clicked on the tab to see who had purchased me as her own personal pet...turned out that was more a game of seeing how many pets a member...

Straight Sex
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The Not So Green Hills of HomeChapter 2

I gathered up my silver protection talismans which were always near at hand in my front belt pouch and was placing them around the sides of the cave mouth as my foe squeezed past me and collapsed inside the small cave against the back wall in a renewed coughing fit. I don't think she noticed by what a slim margin she made it to safety into the cave mouth as the Orkneas glided after her. It's truly frightening how fast they can move if they wish to, floating through the air and with no...

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Jennys Tale

PRETTYBIRDS LADIES ONLY NIGHTCLUB AND WHOREHOUSE JENNY'S TALE ? My name is Jensen Jigson. I was a 37 year old married father of one daughter when this story began. All the names have been changed but every word is true. I drove through the evening to the business district of Chapter City. I'd been given careful directions and told to drive round the back of a three story factory building tucked away between the two interstates and the railroad. At the top of the fire escape I ...

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Housewife Fucked By A Salesman

By : Rrahulraj10 Dear All, This is my first story for this site. My name is Rahul. I am a software engineer working in a very reputed company. I am very fond of sex and sex stories. I really like this site and it’s my turn now to contribute to the site. This is a true incident happened to my wife. My wife is very loyal to me. She used to say me each and every small thing that she experiences. This was one of incidents encountered by her. In fact it was her first sexual experience that she...

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The Pleasure Machine

The Pleasure Machine- Sam DarquesiedThe seminar had lasted for two of the most mind numbingly boring days I have ever known and it was a long drive back to the city. I was looking forward to getting home but the drive was as boring as the seminar and I needed a break. As I passed through a small town I noticed a garage sale and decided it was a good excuse to stop for a while and maybe after I?d find a restaurant or something.There was no one else in the yard except for an attractive,...

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danny phantom ghost boy series by jayrich

“Hello. My name is Tucker Foley, and welcome to my Blog.” Tucker types in those words onto his computer, proud of himself for starting off his own Blog. Then his face changes to concern, as he wonders exactly what he’s gonna write about. “Aw, man. My mind’s a blank now. Good going Foley. Start a Blog about yourself to get the girls interested, then don’t have anything to write about.” He drops his head on the Keyboard, looking like he just failed. But a moment later, he raises it with a smile...

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My neighbor

Deepa a lovely 19 year old lived on the ground floor of our apartment block and I on the first floor. My daughter was just born and Deepa used to come up to our apartment for playing with the child and generally helping my wife in taking care of our daughter.Deepa’s mother Jaya, a widow in her late thirties usually left for work fairly early leaving Deepa and her brother Prashant (14) under my wife’s care.Deepa was 19, tall, lovely figure, conical large breasts, dusky complexion, straight...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 33

I awoke the next Morning with the smell of her all over me. I hated the thoughts of a shower, so even though I knew better I took Dog and went for a ride on my trike. He and I did about an hour on the thing. It was so hard to pedal up hills that it was as strenuous as running. Well it did give me a chance to rest during the downhill run. Dog couldn't but he had learned to run along beside and not to pull me. If he kept that up, we could do two hours, I thought. We stopped at Hardee's and I...

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That Night

That NightBy Spectre My sister and I weren't really close before we were teenagers. I'mtwo years older and was always a step ahead in what I was allowed to do. We didn't fight all that much, we just weren't really friends. Lookingback, I know it was sexual tension. Kayla was always beautiful, always theloveliest girl in my eyes. Slender without being thin, dark skin thatbronzed in the summer sun, long brown hair that developed blonde streaks asshe grew older. She has amazing eyes, so...

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Smokin Hot GILF

Recently I got a call from my Mother-in-Law she asked if I could stop by on my way home. She said her neighbor Dianne’s smoke detectors were beeping. She realized she had never changed the backup batteries since she moved in three years ago. She purchased a pack of batteries and got out her ladder but then she realized she was afraid of falling and injuring herself. She asked her neighbor my MIL if she thought I could stop by and install the batteries since my MIL had told her of all the work I...

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Surprise Guest

Over the last few months we had become very close friends that shared one magical secret. Although we were both married to others, our connection could not deny the passion that burned within. Having had a few little get-aways before, we booked a nice overnight get away and brought in some snacks so we would not have to go out. As we got comfy and kissing each other our passion grew as a knock sounded on the door. I walked over and open the door to see Jenn, one of your close friends and...

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Outdoor first time

First things first. this is a my story. As written about my friend who wanted to share what happened. To be unidentified il change the names, and the location. Getting up was a usual day, never wanting to get out of bed, but my alarm was going off loud, waking up all of the house. I was only young back then, and had to get to the school bus quickly. Getting to school was normal as ever, it was summer, just after we returned for a new school year, Making this my second year in high school. I'm...

First Time
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My Roommates New ExGirlfriend Part 1

This is part 1 of a multiple part story. If their is a lot of interest in it after parts one and two, I might post more in the story. Not a true story I should add.About 2 months ago, I came home after work on a Friday to find my roommate Zach and his girlfriend Mary arguing in the living room, which had become a common occurance between the two of them. Trying to ignore them, I went in my room and changed into shorts and a tshirt and proceeded in to watch them fight some more. To my...

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Daddy Caught Us In The Act Ch 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Kellie and I had always had a very close relationship. Her mother had died when she was young, and we were all each other had. I dated but never anything serious, and I kept my sexual encounters hidden from my daughter. What happened that was something I had never imagined. It was her 18 birthday. I wanted to her so I got off a couple of hours early from work and stopped by the flower shop to pick up a dozen pink roses, her favorite. When I pulled up...

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SisterwivesChapter 3

One day Josiah was driving me into a town to pick up material to sew new work shirts and dresses. While I was a very good seamstress, I couldn’t sew jeans on a hundred year old treadle machine, so we bought Wranglers. Josiah favored the Pro Rodeo version. I liked my jeans to be less bulky, so I got a women’s version that weren’t too tight to be useful when actually riding a horse. On the way home, we saw a girl hitchhiking along a very lonely stretch of blacktop. It had to be one-hundred-ten...

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Temptations Kiss Ch 04

Cassidy rolled over in bed and hit the snooze button on her alarm clock. It was Sunday. The shop didn’t open on Sundays. There was absolutely no reason to get out of bed, Cassidy thought as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stretched. With a yawn and a wistful glance at her bed, she stood and headed for her bathroom. Sunday was housework and grocery shopping day. It had been ever since she had opened the bookstore. After a long steamy shower, Cass put on a pair of old jeans...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 22

Half a continent away from Athens and Spearfish Lake, Harris Harper looked out of the office window of the Los Angeles high rise at the brown LA smog. Pretty bad, he thought. He remembered when it had been worse, but it still had been pretty bad. When the smog was gone, it was a pretty nice view, but not today. He shook his head; there was work to be done. He went back to going through the mail. It had been pretty carefully screened before the mail got to him, of course. The Washington...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 26 Katie the Good Neighbor

Mrs. Jackson stood in her kitchen and stared out the window towards Phil Dorman’s house. It had been a few weeks since his release from the hospital and while the neighborhood rejoiced at his return; the hot married wife felt nauseated. Every day after her family had left for work and school Phil had called or rolled up to her door. She never answered as she knew what he would say or try to do to her. She regretted that moment in his hospital room as well as every moment of what happened...

3 years ago
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Oh God Part One

He's talking to me, or trying, but the music is too loud. We stay behind, holding hands as his friends walk ahead of us. Our fingers are intertwined, his skin warm against mine as I kiss him, shutting him up. He smiles and pulls me into him, his lips crushing mine. His strong arms tighten around my waist before picking me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist. "Hehe, control yourself, baby," I mumble into his year, feeling his friends gaze on us. He puts me down lightly, grasps my hand...

Group Sex
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All Aboard the FWB Experience

Then I saw her. She was about ten feet away, and was standing on the springboard in the deep end looking at me, all five foot of her. She was absolutely gorgeous and cute into the bargain. I guessed she was maybe fourteen or older. I was pretty good at telling how old girls are, but I sometimes got it wrong. It's difficult to determine their age since it depends on how far into puberty they are. She had golden blonde hair that was fixed in a knot on the top of her head. She had on a...

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My Wife Denies Shes A Tease Chapter 2

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. Continued from Chapter 1, sandy had discovered who the black man was that watched her getting gang banged at the company party. I was a wild woman causing Bob to fuck me two more times. Bob was fucked out as he laid panting under me. I laid down on his chest as his cock was still buried in my pussy and I purred my contentment as we then...

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GloryHole Isabella Nice 08192019

Isabella is on mission. Her boyfriend is doing some home improvements and sent her to the store to get “CAULK”. Sweet and naive Isabella saw the sign outside of the adult store that said “COCK INSIDE”. Honest mistake really…I’m sure it happens to a lot of girls! Anyways, the video store clerk was more than happy to show her the room with the “cock dispenser”. Before she can second guess this shopping trip, she’s down on her knees and with a...

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Spacetran Part 1

Spacetran By Beverly Part 1. The craft landed without any sensation of deceleration and I had to look outside to convince myself it had actually landed on the moon. The harsh cruel outlines of the unweathered rocks and the black sky combined with the fractional gravity to convince me I was definitely not on earth. 'The whole thing must be true.' I thought. The whispered stories about the rescued astronauts had until now been the stuff of mystery and conjecture. For...

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Filmstars german

Filmstars Filmstars by [email protected] Um Kommentare und Mails wird gebeten!    the following story is fictional and of explicit adult and pornographic content. None of the characters included is real except for myself ;) - if you are not adult or the reading of pornographic fiction offends you just stop here! die folgende Geschichte ist fiktiv und enth?lt ausf?hrliche Beschreibungen pornographischer Natur. Keiner der auftretenden Charaktere ist real abgesehen von mir selbst ;) - w...

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MrPov Brooklyn Chase Can I Use Your Dick

Just look at her. What a pervert. Brooklyn Chase rubbing another one out. Hubby’s away, and she’s lonely. Brooklyn’s just three minutes into finger banging herself when she notices you there, in the room, just staring. And how does she put it? “I could use some dick!” Which is exactly what Brooklyn proceeds to do. She’s a cheater alright, and with Hubby away, Brooklyn will use your dick to finish what she just started. In all three holes!! Starting with her...

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CherryPimps Riley Reyes Wants All Your Cum

Sexy hot Riley Reyes is loving her lacy blue lingerie but thinks it will look much better on her bedroom floor. Charles Dera agrees completely especially with that cock! He whips it out and Riley sticks her tongue out wanting to be throat fucked! Her ass goes up in the air and its just begging for some smacks! Those blue panties look incredible over that sexy booty and soon they come off when Charles goes down licking up all those sweet juices! There is only so much fucking Riley can take until...

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marks cottage

The cottage part one   It was a grey and gloomy sky that seemed to reach down and chill your very heart as we drove through Edinburgh. Tom and I were on our way to a xmas party.   This was to be, no ordinary party. Finally we approached the entrance to the driveway that led up to Mark’s cottage.   Small flurries of snowflakes were falling as we drove slowly up the winding driveway that led to Marks cottage. The driveway was lined by very old, crooked trees,...

Group Sex
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Sinders a bit of a fairy story

Sinders was looking at herself in the mirror. Her long blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders as she painted her lips red and rouged her cheeks ready for the task ahead. “Your twelve O’clock’s here Sinders,” the Madame shouted, “The fat bald deaf one with bad breath.” “Which short fat bald deaf one with bad breath?” she asked. “The one who stinks like a Donkey.” “Oh well,” Sinders mused, “It could be worse,” though she couldn’t really work out how. “Ah Sinders you look so beautiful!”...

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Blacked Eva Lovia Catching Up

Eva moved to LA a few months ago to take an internship at a big time Beverly Hills talent agency. She works extremely hard and it leaves her with no time to herself, and she has to live with her sister in the meantime. When she buys a gift certificate for an hour massage which she can’t use, she offers it to her sister instead. After receiving text messages from Jason, an old flame she met at college, she finds out that he is in LA for a few hours, and her mind starts racing about what she...

2 years ago
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Undercovers Detective chapter 6

Alexia When Janine gave me the address to The Slice Club, she said to meet her there at 1:30 pm and don’t be late. This was to be my interview with Inna Grekov, the club manager. All my undercover training and months of preparation would be wasted if she didn't hire me. I had dressed as provocatively as I could, using Janine's makeup instructions carefully. The fake eyelashes and dark eyeliner made my appearance look sexier. . It wasn’t like the guys would be focusing on my face, but I had to...

4 years ago
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Michelle fährt über die Autobahn von München Richtung Berlin, um ihren Freund Alex übers Wochenende zu besuchen. Sie ist eine erfolgreiche Versicherungsberaterin, sie ist bei Ihren Kunden sehr beliebt. Hauptsächlich, weil sie sehr attraktiv ist. Bei Ihren Kollegen bei der Versicherung wird sie als arrogant und herrschsüchtig beschrieben. Allerdings interessiert sie andere Meinungen nicht, sondern konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf ihren Job. Michelle ist 35 und mit ihren 1,84 cm sehr groß....

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PenthouseGold Crystal Taylor Stars In Her Own Hot Porn

Penthouse blonde Crystal Taylor is being ignored by her cheating husband. A close friend helps plot revenge – shooting porn with hot young studs, right there in the marital bed. With lights and camera set up, Jay Romero arrives and this naughty MILF can’t wait to give him a pro blowjob, deepthroating his cock as he teases her titties with a whip. Facedown and handcuffed, the divine doll screams with pleasure as her perfect pussy takes a hardcore pounding, before a hot 69 and cowgirl...

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The Joys of High School

Part 1: It was the end of another long day of High School, and the end of Phys. Ed. (aka “Gym”), which was perfect for Junior Jake, who liked having the locker room to himself. He could take naughty pisses anywhere he liked, such as some of the lockers, a sink or two that was plugged up, but especially all over the floor. If no other option was available, he could simply pee in the showers like most of the other boys did, which was fine with him. Jake secretly enjoyed watching the others do...

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