Mallu MILF Asha 8211 Part 1 Mother Finds Out Son 8217 s Porn Stash
- 4 years ago
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I felt sorry for Cassie, and I wasn't sure why she stuck around all morning. I probably hadn't said ten words to her since she arrived three hours earlier, which was even before they normally allowed visitors. I imagine that sitting in a hospital room with a bruised up guy and his mother was still better than sitting in class all morning. Besides, she'd seen me look worse. Hell, she'd FUCKED me when I looked worse. The day after The Party, when Mike Vincent flattened me with one punch, the whole side of my face was swollen and purple, and my eye wouldn't open, yet we had sex for the first time then.
My pain had subsided to a dull, full-body ache. There were some residual sharp pains in my head and knee, but nothing very bad as long as I didn't move too much. I looked from Cassie to my mom. They luckily were both in my field of vision, so I didn't have to turn my head. Mom was patting Cassie on the arm and giving her a sympathetic smile, then they both glanced at me before resuming their conversation. I didn't have a clue as to what they were talking about, but I realized they were now pretty comfortable with each other. Cassie hung out at my house often enough that they'd gotten to know each other pretty well.
An image of Fuzz suddenly flashed uninvited into my head, and the momentary reprieve from my stupid emotions was over. A lump formed in my throat and my eyes started to burn. I quickly looked away, ignoring the complaint from my aching joints, and hoped that Mom and Cassie hadn't seen me.
A cool hand lay on my cheek.
"Are you OK, Sweetie?" Mom gently asked.
I swallowed my emotions and nodded.
"Do you need anything?" Cassie asked.
"Yeah, to go home," I mumbled.
"We're just waiting for the doctor to give the OK," Mom said, "It shouldn't be much longer."
"That's what they said two hours ago."
"Unfortunately, that's how these things work."
"Well, it's bullshit."
"Now, Brody," Mom chided, though her voice sounded more sympathetic than reproving.
I instantly felt like an asshole for taking my piss-poor mood out on them, but I didn't apologize.
"Do you want me to see what's taking so long, Tracy?" Cassie asked.
"If you don't mind."
"Be back in a minute."
I saw Cassie leave the room in my peripheral vision, so I let the emotional dark cloud overtake me. I laid my head back on my pillow and tightly closed my eyes, squeezing a tear out of each one. They left burning trails down my cheeks. I cursed myself and aggressively wiped at them.
"Oh, Brody," Mom said, and I could hear the sadness in her voice.
We were silent; Mom holding my hand and gently rubbing my arm, me staring at nothing. Cassie eventually came back.
"The doctor is signing the paperwork now. Just another minute or two."
"Did you talk to Jeff last night?" I asked Cassie, without looking at her.
"Yeah," she said. "Um, not last night, this morning."
"How was he?"
When she didn't answer right away, I finally looked at her. She was uncomfortably looking at Mom.
"How was he?" I asked again, with a slight edge to my voice.
She looked at me, and I could see she didn't really know what she should or shouldn't say.
"He was ... working through it."
"What's THAT supposed to mean?" I snapped. Mom squeezed my hand.
Cassie's eyes actually teared up, and she fidgeted in place. "He's ... he's pretty torn up, but it's been less than a day, so..."
I sighed and laid my head back. The nurse decided to make her grand entrance at that moment.
"Looks like you're free to go," she cheerfully said. I frowned at her, but she ignored me. "I just need Mrs. Brown's signature in a couple of places, and we'll be set to wheel you out of here as soon as you get ready."
I tensed up. "Wheel?"
She showed Mom where to sign, then she smiled at me. I'm sure the smile was meant to be comforting, but it just seemed patronizing.
"Hospital policy dictates we take you down to the entrance in a wheelchair. Then you can use the crutches the rest of the way."
I just grunted at that. It was a stupid rule.
Mom finished signing the papers and handed them back to the nurse. She took them and started to leave.
"Just hit the call button when you're ready," she said.
I watched her leave, waited two seconds, then hit the call button. She poked her head in a second later.
"I'm ready," I said, somewhat huffily.
The smile almost slipped from her face. "Well, OK, then. I'll get the wheelchair."
She was gone again and I proceeded to get out of the bed. My knee screamed at me as I swung my legs over the edge, and my head kind of went dizzy as I sat up.
"Careful, Sweetie," Mom said, "Just sit there until she brings the chair."
I shook my head to clear it and started to stand. "I need to take a leak."
I took a step and my knee nearly buckled.
"Let me help too," Cassie said, and I had a woman on each side of me helping me limp to the restroom. Once I got to the doorway, I grabbed it and tried to shrug their hands off my arms.
"I can take it from here."
I felt their hands reluctantly drop from my arms and I shut the door behind me without looking at them. I turned back to lock the door and rested my forehead against it.
Then I cried.
"We're in the lobby," I grumped, "Can't I walk now?"
"Once we get to the entrance," the nurse said, her voice still annoyingly cheerful. I was going to go postal if I didn't get away from her soon.
"Cassie should have the car pulled up in a second," Mom said, as she walked beside us, carrying my crutches.
The timing couldn't have been better. I could see the front nose of Cassie's mom's minivan come into view through the glass door of the hospital and the small group of people milling around outside. I was up on my feet before the wheelchair even came to a stop, which almost sent me toppling over.
"Easy, Brody," Mom said, as she helped steady me.
"I'm fine," I said, as I grabbed for the crutches.
I quickly had them under my arms and was hobbling to the door. I could hear Mom apologizing for my behavior and thanking the nurse. Ms. Ray-of-sunshine said something cheerful in return, which made me frown. Mom was beside me a moment later.
"I know you're hurting, Son," she said, "But that's no reason to treat people rudely."
I ignored her as the automatic door slid open so we could step through. I made eye contact with Cassie who was coming around the front of the van to open my door. Her eyes were wide open and she was glancing at the people. A camera flashed in my face the second I came through the door. I quickly turned my head, only to have another flash blind me. I could hear Mom gasp.
"So how does it feel to be the man of the hour," asked a voice?
Another piped in, "What was going through your mind as you—"
Another voice: "How extensive are your injuries? Is it true that you saved them with a broken leg?"
I staggered back in the face of the onslaught, nearly falling over.
A large man was suddenly beside me, steadying me. "Easy does it, Young Man." He leaned forward, sweeping his arm and clearing out a path to the van. "Please, Folks, give him some room. I'm sure the last 18 hours have been very trying for him."
People moved, but the crowd of 6 or 8 people was still firing questions at me. I was feeling faint. What the hell... ?
"What the hell is going on?" Mom echoed my thoughts. She was at my other side, her expression telling everyone that she was NOT happy at the moment.
The man smiled a big toothy grin. "I'll be glad to explain in a minute. Let me disperse this media hoard."
"Media?" I asked. I mean, obviously it was media—camera flashes, lots of questions—but why would they be here?
The man turned back to the crowd, shielding us from them. "Members of the press," he said, in a booming voice. "Please respect this young man and his privacy during this time. Even though he saved my wife and daughter, he lost a dear friend. I will be holding a press conference at 4:30 this afternoon at my office in the Bartlett Building. I'm sure that Mr. Brown will be available for comments in the next few days."
There was some grumbling, but this man had such a presence that the crowd more or less dispersed. Several were pulling cell phones out as they left. Mom was helping me into the front seat of the van, when the man turned back to us.
"I'm sorry about that, Folks," he said.
"What was that all about?" Mom asked. She sounded exasperated. "Who are you?"
He stuck out his hand. "I'm C.L. Bartlett, and I'm—"
"—in real estate," Mom cut him off as she recognized the name. "Yes, I know. We have a branch office in one of your buildings. Why are you here? Why were those people nearly assaulting us?"
Mr. Bartlett let his hand, as well as his smile, fall, but his expression remained warm and full of concern. "Mrs. Brown, what I was going to say was that I'm the husband and father of the two people your son saved yesterday."
Mom's face softened. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so defensive. I didn't realize..." She took a deep breath. "How are your wife and daughter, Mr. Bartlett?"
"They'll be fine, thanks to your son." He looked past Mom at me. "I'm in your debt, Son. Connie told me all about how you pulled them from the wreckage a moment before their car plummeted to the bottom of the ravine. You are a hero."
My mind was spinning. "What?" What was he talking about? I wasn't a hero. Cassie, who was now in the driver's seat, reached over and squeezed my hand. I glanced at her and she gave me a reassuring smile.
"A hero," she said, "You saved their lives."
"Is that why the press was here?" Mom asked.
"Yes, Ma'am. Local boy rescues woman and her five-year-old daughter moments before they would have been killed. The media drools for headlines like that."
Mom tilted her head. "Especially when the woman and child are the family of one of the most prominent businessmen in the state," she sounded almost ... bitter.
He sheepishly smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I'm sure that just added more sugar to their feel-good story."
Mom sighed. "Well, we're glad your family is alright, Mr. Bartlett. As you can see, we are—"
"How can you call it a feel-good story?" I said, anger swelling inside me.
The smile threatened to slip from Mr. Bartlett's face again. "Well, my wife and daughter are still alive—"
"My friend died last night."
The smile did vanish this time, replaced by what appeared to be a sincere look of sadness. "Yes, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to belittle your tragic loss. Sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me."
"Sir, if you want to talk about a hero, talk about Fuzz," I said, tears threatening again, though this time from a combination of frustration and sorrow. "He's the real hero. He's the one who told me to go help them, even though that meant I couldn't get him out. I couldn't..." My voice choked up, and Mom stepped between us.
"Mr. Bartlett, if you'll excuse us, I'd like to take my son home."
"Of course, of course." He looked at me. "I'll talk to the press today, Brody, and maybe you can say a few words in a few days."
I didn't say anything.
"Maybe," Mom said, then shut my door. She slid the rear door open to climb in. Mr. Bartlett stopped her before she could close it.
"I had something I wanted to give Brody, Mrs. Brown. Consider it a token of my gratitude."
I shook my head even as Mom was answering. "We appreciate it, Mr. Bartlett, but Brody can't accept a gift."
"I insist."
"Please, Mr. Bartlett, not now. Give your wife and daughter our best wishes." With that she closed the door. "Please get us out of here, Cassie."
It was quiet in the car as we drove for a few miles. Cassie finally sighed.
"That was crazy."
"Yes, it was," Mom answered. "I appreciate Mr. Bartlett's gratitude, but his timing was a bit poor."
"How do you think the press caught wind of everything?" Cassie asked. "Do you think he leaked it? He almost seems like the kind of guy who would showboat a bit."
"Possibly, though they might have heard about the accident on the scanners, maybe even the identity of the people involved. From there, it probably wouldn't be too hard to track down information on Brody's hospital stay." She took a deep breath. She rubbed my arm from behind. "Are you OK, Brody?"
Sure, Mom, I'm great! Some guy just offered me a reward and the press thinks I'm a hero, all because I let my friend die. Don't worry about me! I'll be just fine and dandy. Fuzz, on the other hand, won't be anything because he's dead. And his family ... bah, who cares about them?
Of course, I couldn't really say that.
"Yeah, I'm OK, Mom."
Cassie hung around for a few hours, but I wasn't much company. She eventually said she needed to get home and left, clearly disappointed. I felt bad that I wasn't receptive of her attention, but I couldn't lift myself out of my funk. Mia called me that evening, then Shay called. I couldn't really talk to them. Not yet. I knew they were worried and disappointed that I wouldn't or couldn't talk, but everything was just too raw. I'd call them in a few days, once I felt better.
I told Mom I wanted to sleep in my room, by myself. She looked disappointed, too, but kissed me and told me she loved me.
How could she love me? How could any of them? I was such a fucking failure.
They made me sit in one of the two dozen chairs beneath the awning. I know they did it because I was on crutches, but all I could think about was that I had a great view of the shiny metal casket and dark gaping hole in the ground behind it. Fuzz's parents wanted me to be a pallbearer, but because I was gimpy, I couldn't actually carry the casket. They had me listed on the funeral program as an honorary pallbearer, whatever that meant. I felt the burning hole in my heart get bigger as I watched Jeff and five other guys carrying the casket from the hearse to the grave. I wasn't carrying the casket because I didn't deserve to carry it, injury or not, and I could tell from the way people looked at me that they knew it.
Jeff sat with Fuzz's family, with Jeff's parents and Fuzz's grandparents behind them. That put me two rows behind Jeff and the Behrs, by my choice, even though Mrs. Behr asked me to sit with them. I didn't feel right about sitting up there. Mom sat beside me. Since I was on the end of the row, Cassie stood beside me with her parents. I don't know who else was there. Friends from school, I guess, and other friends and family. I heard whisperings that some reporters were there, but I didn't see them. I was focused on what was in front of me: the casket, the hole, and Tess Behr, who was wrapped protectively in her mother's arm. Tess was Fuzz's nine-year-old sister, and I knew that she was really struggling from the way she was trembling and hanging onto her mom.
Tess adored Fuzz; absolutely worshipped him. I grumbled more than once about how little privacy she gave him, always wanting to be where he was. He was exceptionally accepting and patient with her, though, and you could tell by the sparkle in his eyes when she was around that he adored her almost as much.
That thought made the hole in my heart burn even bigger.
I glanced to the opposite end of the first row to where Jeff was sitting. He sat still as a statue, all hunched over, staring straight ahead. When the graveside service was over and people began to disperse, they called the pallbearers up to lower the casket into the hole. Someone had to actually touch Jeff and lean in front of him to get him out of his trance. He got up and stumbled to the casket, and I lowered my head in shame. Fuzz and I were friends, but it was NOTHING like Fuzz and Jeff. It seemed that they'd been best friends forever.
Mom put her arm around me and gently squeezed me. I felt the warmth of Cassie's hand on my shoulder. I should have felt comforted, but I didn't. Other than a few awkward words with Fuzz's parents, I hadn't spoken to anyone. I didn't have the balls to talk to Tess or to Jeff. Jeff wouldn't even look at me.
I heard various people quietly speaking to the Behrs as they left. One hushed conversation grabbed my attention, for some reason. I glanced up and saw C.L. Bartlett holding his daughter in one arm with the other around his wife. The little girl had a bandage wrapped around her arm and some bruises on her face. Mrs. Bartlett just had some bruises. She was desperately trying not to cry, but was failing. Mrs. Behr stood up and wrapped the other woman in a hug, which just made Mrs. Bartlett sob. She probably blamed herself for Fuzz dying, too, but I knew better. Her part in everything was an accident. What I did, not helping Fuzz, had been intentional.
Before I knew it, the Bartletts were standing in front of me. Mrs. Bartlett hadn't composed herself yet. She tried several times to say something to me, but couldn't get the words out.
"It's OK, Connie," Mr. Barlett quietly soothed his wife. He looked at me. "She wanted to thank you, but..." his words trickled off.
I stood up, unsteady until I could get my crutches under my arms. I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded. She bit her tears back and cautiously hugged me. She held on for several long seconds and I could feel her tears soaking through my dress shirt. She finally released me and tried to smile at me through her tears. Then she took her daughter from Mr. Bartlett's arms and walked away.
We watched her for a few seconds before Mr. Bartlett sighed.
"She's taking this hard, blaming herself for everything." He looked at me. He looked tired, and I guessed they probably had gone through some rough nights in their home. "She really is grateful to you. We all are. Maybe we can talk later, when emotions aren't so raw."
I nodded again.
"Thank you, Mr. Bartlett," Mom said for me.
He glanced at his wife as he pulled something from his pocket. It was a folded piece of paper, and before I could react, he slipped it into my shirt pocket and strode after his wife. I didn't have to see the paper to know what it was.
It felt like he was paying me for offing Fuzz. The hole in my heart became a chasm.
"Save them first," Fuzz says. He grimaces and I try harder to free him. "Now, Brody!"
I stumble away, but the underbrush is too thick, kudzu vines wrapping around my ankles; thorns and branches slashing at my arms. I can see the SUV already starting to slide and I try harder, but the harder I try, the more difficult it is to move."Please help me, help my daughter!" The voice is panicked, full of pain. "Hurry! Why don't you hurry?"
"I'm trying!" I grunt, yanking my foot free of one particularly hindering vine. My knee groans in pain.
I'm finally at the SUV. I climb up and look in the window. Connie Bartlett is staring back at me, her face sliced from broken glass.
"You're supposed to help us," she says.
"I know."
Suddenly the vehicle begins to shake and I'm thrown to the ground, landing hard on my shoulder.
"NOOOOO!" Mrs. Bartlett cries out, as the car starts to roll.
"NOOOOO!" Cori Bartlett cries out.
I try to get up, but the vines hold me fast. I watch in horror as the SUV crashes and bangs its way to the bottom of the ravine.
I'm sobbing. I failed, I couldn't get them in time.
"Brody!" Fuzz is calling for me. This time the vines relinquish me and I struggle back up to his door. His eyes are full of pain and sadness. Anger, too. "You were supposed to help them, Brody. Why didn't you help them?"
"I tried!" I cried.
"Like you helped me?" he spits back, his voice full of accusation.
"No! I mean ... yeah ... I mean..." I don't know what I mean, I'm so confused.
Suddenly Fuzz's car begins to crunch and clank, and it's denting all over, compacting in on itself while I watch helplessly. Fuzz cries out in pain.
"AAAAGH! Brody, why? Why? I thought you were my friend!"
"Fuzz, I tried," I cry. "I tried."
Then he's gone, his car a crumpled ball of steel.
"I thought you were something special."
I wheel towards this new voice. It's Mia, giving me a disgusting look. Shay's behind her, shaking her head. Sam is there, too. My mom, Jeff, and Cassie are a few steps behind them.
"What a fucking loser," Sam jeers, "Com'n Mia."
He turns to her and she takes his hand. "You're such a disappointment, Brody." Then she turns and kisses Sam, a passionate kiss like those she and I used to share.
"No ... no," I try to explain, "There wasn't anything I could do."
"Yeah, Brody," Shay says. "You failed. You always fail." Then she turns and follows them.
Cassie and Jeff just shake their heads and walk away.
"Wait, it's not my fault!" I cry.
Mom watches me, tears in her eyes. "You let me down, Brody. You let your father down, too. He'd still be here if you weren't so weak."
"I'm sorry, please, I'm sorry."
She sighs. "Wake up, Brody. Wake up."
I jerked awake, sitting up in bed with a gasp. I was panting and sweating. "Wha--?"
Mom's arms were around me. "Shh, it's OK, Baby. Shh ... It was only a dream."
It took me a few seconds to orient myself and get my heart to slow down. Then I went limp in her arms. She held me for a long time. I finally started to wiggle out of her grasp. It felt ... wrong, somehow.
"I'm OK, Mom."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Nah, I'm fine. It was just a dream, like you said."
"I'm fine, I just ... I just need to get back to sleep so that I'm not so tired at school tomorrow."
"Do you need another day? You can wait, if you aren't ready."
I sighed. I wasn't sure I'd ever be ready to go back.
"I'll be OK, Mom. Just ... just go back to sleep."
"I can sleep here. Or ... or you can sleep in my bed." I could tell from her voice that the invitation was from my mother, not my lover. We hadn't slept together since I came home from the hospital, let alone made love. I wasn't sure we ever would again.
"Thanks," I said, "But I just need to sleep alone for now."
She hesitated beside my bed, then reached down and gently stroked my face. "I love you, Brody. I just worry."
"I know, Mom." I tried to give her a reassuring smile. "I appreciate it. Thank you."
She took a deep breath and headed for the door. "Good night, Baby."
"Good night, Mom."
I turned my lamp off and plunged myself into darkness.
"We don't have to go in," Cassie said, "We can just drive right off the lot and play hooky."
I was sitting in the passenger seat of her mom's minivan, staring at the entrance to the school. Things would never be the same. I'd never walk in and see Fuzz flipping through an issue of Revolver at his locker, while Jeff tried to get him to gawk at all the girls that passed by. I sighed.
"It's fine. I have to do it sometime."
"It doesn't have to be today, though. No one would blame you if—"
"I said it's fine," I sharply said. My glance at her was met with an expression of hurt, which instantly made me feel like I was lower than dog shit. I lowered my eyes, and in a more contrite tone, said, "Sorry, but I just want to get this behind me."
"Ok," she said in a tight voice, as she shut the engine off and got out of the van. She opened the sliding door behind the driver's seat and started to get my crutches.
"I don't need those."
She stopped and looked at me like I was crazy. "You damaged ligaments, Brody. It hasn't even been a week."
"Partial tear, and I'm wearing a brace. I'll be fine."
"Don't try to be so macho."
"Don't try to be my mother."
That hurt expression was back. "Fine." She practically threw the crutches back in the van and grabbed her purse and books. She glared at me before she shut the door. "Are you getting out or not?" She didn't even wait for an answer before she slammed the door shut.
"Don't be such an ass, Brown," I mumbled to myself, as I opened the door and eased myself out.
I locked the brace straight, grabbed my backpack and hobbled after Cassie, who was already walking towards the building, a little faster than I thought was necessary. I tried to keep up, but winced when a sharp pain flared in my knee.
"Cassie," I called after her.
She didn't look back or slow down.
"Cassie, wait!"
Still no acknowledgement.
"Please," I pleaded one last time.
She stopped this time and her shoulders slumped, but she didn't turn around. As I caught up with her, I saw her hand go up to her face, and I knew she was wiping her eyes.
"I'm sorry," I quietly said.
She whirled around, her red-rimmed, shimmering eyes piercing my heart. "You aren't the only one hurting, Brody."
"Fuzz was my friend, too. Maybe I didn't know him as well as you did, but he was my friend, and I hurt because I miss him, too." She wiped at her eyes again. "And I hurt for you," she quietly said.
I could be such a self-centered jerk sometimes. "I know, Cassie, and I'm sorry. I just..." I couldn't think of what else to say, because the truth was that her hurt didn't take my hurt away, and I just didn't have the strength to work through my own. I could ignore the physical pain, but the emotional? How do you ignore that?
She let a frustrated sigh out. "I know you are, but please don't get mad at me because I care about you and want to help you."
"I won't."
We stood looking at each other, obviously not sure how to move past this awkward moment. The bell rang, startling both of us.
"I'll see you at lunch," she said. She looked like she wanted to hug me, but she gave me a half-hearted smile and walked away instead.
I sighed and followed her more slowly into the building. It started the moment I walked through the doors.
"Hey, Brown!"
I turned in the direction of the voice. Two guys I didn't know were standing next a nearby locker.
"Way to go, man, saving those people," said one.
"Yeah, good job," said the other
I turned to see a trio of freshman girls nervously standing beside me. The one who'd spoken to me held her books in front of her chest. When I didn't say anything, she blushed and continued. "I ... we," she said, glancing back at her friends, "Just wanted to say we think it was really brave what you did for that woman and her little girl."
"And we're sorry about what happened to your friend," said one of the other girls.
Not to be left out, the last girl said, "Do you need someone to carry your books to class today?"
"Between the three of us, we have your whole schedule covered," said the first girl.
I was dumbfounded and asked the only question that came to my numb brain. "You know my schedule?"
All three girls blushed this time.
"Um, yeah."
Surreal. I looked up and there was Jeff at his locker about 15 feet away. He was looking right at me. We just stared at each other. His expression was unreadable, then he turned and walked away.
"Bro-deeee!" I recognized the voice this time, and before I could turn, slender arms circled my waist from behind. Kristin leaned around me and smiled sweetly at the girls. "Thanks, Girls, but ... toodle-oo. I've got it from here."
I thought the younger girls would be offended, embarrassed, or something, but their expressions were more awe-filled than anything. I mean, Princess Kristin Franz actually acknowledged their presence. They didn't say anything, though, but they nodded and scurried away after a good five seconds, heads together, whispering, and occasionally throwing looks back in our direction.
"Thanks!" I called after them. They glanced back and giggled their way down the corridor.
I was peeved at Kristin for intruding into my conversation, but I just didn't have the energy to have a confrontation with her. She slid around so she was in my line of sight, and I must admit that she looked sexy enough to knock my irritation down a notch. She wore a shape-hugging western-style shirt that was buttoned up just enough to avoid being obscene, but unbuttoned enough to give everyone an eyeful of her amazing cleavage and the necklace that dangled in it. The shirt was tucked into a pair of tight, hip-hugger jeans, which were in turn tucked into mid-calf leather boots with three inch chunky heels. Her bottle blond hair was pulled back in two pigtail braids that fell just below her shoulder blades.
Regardless of my feelings for Kristin, she was still smoking hot. She almost preened as I let my gaze linger on her. Then she winked at me, and her expression became serious.
"How are you, Brody?" she asked.
I shrugged. "My knee hurts."
"Well, of course it does, and that's what makes what you did so much nobler."
I let out a frustrated sigh. "Kristin, I didn't—"
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I was looking at the local escorts to me, although not too local when one new profile caught my eye. There were no reviews and no pictures. Just a little blurb on what she was like: Sexy Elle 22 years old (so 8 years younger than me) tall, blond hair, pert boobs, tight shaven pussy, bubbly and will put you at ease. OWO, CIM, protected sex, no anal, £120 per hour. There was just something about the profile that really made me want to finally fulfill this fantasy. So I sent off a message,...
“That’s not fair, Sis ... those are first strike weapons,” I said causing her to chuckle. Back when I was only ten years old, my twelve-year-old sister, was cute, despite not having any breasts to speak of. Her smile was enough for me to get through the school day. We went to the same school together, until I was twelve to her fourteen. She had really long hair, down below her waist. She would often wear it in a French braid. She taught me how to do that and I was offering all the time....
It had been 2 weeks since Rishi and I crossed all boundaries. I was licked, fucked and played with in every possible way. Rishi and I were not thinking about anything else. We were brought to reality and think about what we were doing by two phone calls. One from Bhabhi that her water broke and she could have a baby anytime. The second was from mom that she is returning next week. And for the first time, we had to think about what we had been doing. We discussed it for the first time. The...
IncestI’m 38 years old, standing on the naughty spot in the living room, my hands on my head, facing the wall, and waiting for Mum to put me across her knee and give me a long hard bare bottom spanking. Mum has spanked me throughout my adult life so for me it is business as usual. The cause of my imminent spanking started at the office when at lunchtime I called Mum to discuss what we were going to do at the weekend. She wanted to do one thing and me another. Unfortunately I wasn’t...
SpankingI must have dozed off. Because I woke up a little disoriented. I had my arms around a beautiful woman. My chin was resting on the top of her head, and I was spooning her. My crotch was pressed right up against her back side. I glanced at the clock next to the bed. Yep, I had dozed off for at least an hour. It was still before midnight, but we had just had a marathon sexual session and I guess my body decided it needed some rest. I whispered into Ellen's ear. "Hey there, are you...
Hi, my name is Sam and I am a 26-year-old, slim physic cross dresser. I am a fashion designer and have a thing for female clothing. Not only I love designing female clothes but I also enjoy dressing as a girl. Coming to my story, this incident took place some years back when I was around 20 years old and had cross dresser romance session with my real Aunt. With fair and curvy physic, I can look more girly than a girl with my cross dressed attire. On one weekend, I went to my aunt’s place...
Cross Dresserthen my hand slid down the inside of ur tight denim pants and my fingers found their way 2 ur wet hot tight hairless pussy....remember u were so wet with excitement? 2 fingers slid into while my thumb diddled ur excited pinkish clitty while ur hot hole bathed my fingers with ur hot creamy cunt cream while u moaned and ur breaths became heavier veach time my fingers went deep inside of u and u asked me to slide my other 2 fingers into ur asshole and how hot, tight and sticky ur butthole...
They moved Susan over the weekend. Her body, I mean, the physical her that had been in the hospital. The rest of her, the real Susan as I'd come to think of the voice that was always in my head, stayed with me. The way I found out about it, Brodine rang my cell and asked me to come in. When I got the call it was both Susan's and my idea that he, or they, were having belated second thoughts about the protection I'd asked them for. So I was reasonably enthusiastic about going to see...
Andena woke up with a start because someone was banging on her door. It was Joshua who shouted, “Wake up! You need to be ready in fifteen minutes.” Her head was pounding because of the loud noise and the direct command she had received from Joshua. She sat up in her bed and to her surprise she noticed that the text was still there in front of her eye. She recalled what had happened the previous night and decided to continue to flip through the text as fast as she could give the command. She...
"Can you sing?" The question caught James a bit off guard. She was not prepared for it, and so blurted out the first thought that came to mind, an old joke that she always used when people asked her that in auditions. "Only if you don't mind somebody who sounds like Frank Sinatra." It came out rehearsed, casual. Of course it was totally inappropriate, a fact that was not unnoticed by the questioner: a longhaired drummer who went by the name of Colin. "Seriously, can you sing?" He...
© 2001 Jiri was travelling from Melbourne to Adelaide by train. It was a business trip: Jiri was starting a new job, but he had a few days to spare. Jiri loved trains, and with a first class ticket the journey was comfortable and pleasant. The season was not very busy, he had a whole carriage to himself, and was passing the time reading some novels, and looking out over the dry landscape. Although not beautiful, it represented freedom to Jiri: huge expanses of space, from which you could...
Mein reifer BläserNachdem ich in Vergangenheit hier schon über einige meiner Bi bzw. schwulen Erlebnisse berichtet habe, hatte ich mir lange überlegt, ob ich diese Geschichte schreibe, da sie fast wie ein Déjà-vu zu meinem erlebten mit Karl (So wurde ich Bi) ist.Nachdem ich eine Geschichte hier gelesen hatte die ähnlich ist, habe ich mich entschlossen diese doch zu schreiben.Diese Geschichte entspricht 100%ig der Tatsche.Nachdem das Kino in Darmstadt leider geschlossen wurde, wusste ich...
May 11, 2006, it was early morning as I drove up West 72nd Street in my ice-blue Ferrari F430. The temperature in New York was very warm that it felt like summer had arrived early. I turned right driving fast up Riverside Drive at a top speed when I finally stopped at a red light. As I waited at the light, a red Corvette pulled up beside me. I looked over to my left, and I immediately recognized the driver, it was Mimi. She was a very cool, slim, light-skinned girl with a pretty face. We were a...
Donna's abusive boyfriend had finally gone too far. He had made sexual advances toward the woman who lived next door to them. When the woman refused him, he beat her. He beat her so severely that she died a few days later. He had recently started serving a life sentence in prison. I first met Donna when she walked into my office looking for a job. Being a typical male, the first thing I noticed was her looks. She was 24-years-old, about 5'5", weighed 110 to 120 pounds, and had a nice set of...
Two weeks later I was going to eat dinner with Melissa, her little sister Megan, and her parents at the Samuelson house. All week long Missy was coaching me about her parents, desperately wanting me to make a good first impression. I was pretty desperate, too. I was having nightmares about dribbling ice cream down the front of my suit, or sneezing a big goober out all over the table, or some such other calamity during dinner with her parents. I was nervous as hell about it, but no matter how...
Chapter 10: Release from the cage, Cosplay fun At work, I found I was constantly aware of the chastity cage around my cock. When I went to pee, I had to sit down and then use toilet paper to clean the area around the hole of the chastity cage. On Monday night, Layla called. She asked how I was doing in the cage? I told her I was doing fine. When I asked her about her cage, she said she'd previously worn her cage fot weeks on end, and she's used to having it on. She asked how my...
When they got home Bill and Theresa had their first argument. He took her bag to his room and opened an empty cupboard which had shelves and hanging space. It had clearly been his wife's. "No, darling," said Theresa. "I'll stick to my old room for the time being." "Why on earth?" "We're not married." "So what?" "And what happens when Wendy comes home and finds a fait accompli before we've told her?" "We'll have to tell her before she comes home then." "Bill,...
We are a married couple of six years. I am 5'4", 34C pert breasts and wear a bikini well. My husband is 5'10" with a well toned build. We have always been pretty open and honest with each other when it came to sex.One night, while making love, my husband expressed his desire to watch me fuck another man, one with a large cock. I told him that I indeed was intrigued with the idea and that it turned me on. As I wondered why he wanted this man to have a big cock, I asked him if he was more than...
* This is transferred across from my old profile (LookingForSomething) *This isn't a 'story' at all, because it really happened. I just thought I'd share my experience with you; perhaps you'd care to comment if you enjoyed it, found it sexy, or want to know more.There isn't a 'transvestite' niche on xHamster, so this is filed rather awkwardly under 'Shemales' 'Gay male', and 'First Time'.OK, about 15 years ago I discovered that I got turned-on by 'shemales'. Let's be clear about that: shemale...
by Kiran AliI was going 18 at the time and my sister Kiran was almost 20. We are 18 months apart. She was the kind of sister that no brother would have dream of before all our relation changed. I was on a fitness training to take entrance examination into a military academy that involved physical test like fitness, swimming and interview. So I was on almost top physical condition besides I was the school's soccer team. She was always picking up on my study. Something like peeking into my room...
Hi, girls and aunties even divorced women can also contact me. Don’t worry about the privacy I give 100% security. The whole story happened when I was in my be 1st year I was 18 yrs and the beauty of the story queen 18 yrs with 38-28-36 hourglass, fit and very fair..Like her nipples and pussy completed my BE(Mech). I’m 22 now, well physic because I play tennis every day and even good stamina too. I’m fair in complexion. My dick size is of 7″ long and 2.5″ in diameter. Coming to the sex story:...
Chapter 7 I woke up the next morning in a bed that was new to me. It was then that I remembered where I was and what had happened last night. I got up and went into the living room, after getting dressed. For some reason, even after yesterday, I just didn't feel right walking around nude in someone else's house. "Henry?" I called out. No answer. "LuAnn?" I called again. Again, no answer. I went into the kitchen and it was there, lying on the table, that I found their note. I read...
Lauren and step-daughter Zoe are are having a conversation about why Zoe was making so much noise in her room fucking her boyfriend last night and Zoe tells her mom Lauren that it’s because it’s the first time she tried anal. Her step-mom tells her there’s a lot more to being an Anal slut than just doing anal, she has to do ass to mouth and ass to pussy. Zoe tells her mom she’s not afraid to do that and that she can be dirtier than her mom and a bet is made. The next...
xmoviesforyouHave you ever in your past done something that you wished you hadn’t done but at the same time you’re so happy about it you’re glad you did it? About 6 months ago something happened to me that shook me down to my 5 inch high heel shoes. As a matter of fact it happened to my whole family but I guess it started with my actions. My name is Salma and I’m 42 years old. I don’t see myself as beautiful although my husband and son tell me I am. I stay in good shape and yes, I’ve had a boob job. Two...
IncestLee showed up with her little sister Suzie in tow on Friday night. They were fifteen minutes late but I attributed that to nerves for the both of them. Suzie had just turned eighteen and was a very cute brunette. She fidgeted as Lee and I were speaking. I turned from Lee to look directly at Suzie and said. "Suzie, Its nice to see you again, would you like something to drink?" "Yes please, a Coke or Pepsi would be nice." She replied. "Lee, what would you like?" "I'll have whatever...
Edited by English Rose June 21, 2003 * * * * * Chapter 1 Hong Kong 1950: ‘Ah fuck! ‘The voice yelled from under the blanket. A neatly polished boot kicked the bundle under the blanket again. ‘Let me be! Oh my fucking head! What hit me?’ The voice growled from under the blanket again. ‘I am afraid it was that whiskey river that you tried to drain last night old boy.’ Captain Jeffrey Chambers said. ‘Where am I?’ The voice asked. ‘Oh you are in jail Old sport. I am afraid that you...
The year is 1381, and Tara is a beautiful eighteen-year-old princess that lives in a castle with her wicked stepmother, just like the well-known fairy tail her stepmother is extremely jealous of Tara, but Tara proves to be not so white as snow! When the queen's trusted guard takes Tara deep into the nearby forest to kill her, Tara has to persuade him not to hurt her. She manages to do this by telling him he can do "anything" he wants to her sexually if he spares her life. This is an offer he...
FetishMera naam Parul Parikh hai, mai 23 years ki hu, mai Gujarati hu, aur mai Ahmedabad Gujarat se hu.Mai Third time yaha pe mera naya incident share kar rahi hu,, aur asha hai ke ap sabko pasand ayega.So apne comments parulparikh4u at yahoo dot com pe jaroor bheje Mai mere bare me batana chahti hu ke mai M.B.A just shuru kiya hai, mai rich family se belong karti hu, meri height 5 feet 4 inches hai, mai bohot bohot fair hu,, aur mera figure 36 29 38 ka hai. Mujhe tshirts aur jeans pehana pasand hai....
A vampire with crimson eyes sat in his Manson and he was bored since the last human he met shot him in the chest and left him to bleed to death after that his family forbid him from touching another Human girl for two hundred years. The time limit ended and it was time to have some fun! He walked through bars and took a bar chair and waited for a sheep without a Heard after while he was getting he made two sluts flirt with the least attractive men in the bar and then he saw it awkward, hoddie,...
Mind ControlAuthor of THE SATYRICON - Gaius Petronius Arbiter (c. 27 - 66 AD) was a Roman courtier during the reign of Nero. He is generally believed to be the author of the Satyricon, a satirical novel believed to have been written during the Neronian era (54-68 AD). Tacitus, Plutarch and Pliny the Elder describe Petronius as the elegantiae arbiter (also phrased arbiter elegantiarum), "judge of elegance" in the court of the emperor Nero. He served as suffect consul in 62. Later, he became a member of...
Madeleine was working late with her new boss Deirdre. They’d been working late for two weeks trying to tidy the mess left by the previous manager. At last they’d cleared the backlog. Deirdre sighed, looked directly at Madeleine, and stretched up her arms – her large soft breasts pushed forward in her skintight jumper making it ride up to reveal a stretch of suntanned stomach. ‘I think this calls for a celebration.’ Madeleine was disturbed by the sinking feeling in...
Dressed in matching outfits, Maria Anjel and Scarlett Hampton are in the process of decorating for a St. Patty’s party when Scarlett’s stepbrother, Jay Romero, walks in on them. He asks about their shirts, which say Ask Me, I Might… Scarlett tells him that they might show off their cute tits with their shamrock pasties. Before they will let Jay see the goods, though, Maria and Scarlett want to convince Jay that he needs to act on Scarlett’s stepfamily sex fetish. Turning...
xmoviesforyouOk, I've tried to start this story a hundred times. ?The problem is I don’t know how it started. ?I would be lying to say everything just magically appeared. ?I guess I got caught up in the slippery slope of desire and before I knew it.... ? My wife and I have been married about 20 years. ?We both had previous marriages that brought some baggage but we are fairly normal people. ?I mean we both have decent jobs, we live in a nice older home, participate in community events and we had a decent...
Memo: Subject: Lab 18 progress report (Confidential) To: Directory Committee From: Dr. C. Tillinghast As you all know, The Miskatonic Institute of Genetic Engineering has had a smashing success in creating a saurian duplicate from fossil DNA. The particular species is Thescelosaurus, a warm-blooded, plant-eating dinosaur that lived in forests during the late Cretaceous period, about 77 to 65 million years ago. To refresh your memories, Thescelosaurus had a small head, a bulky body, a long,...
Hello, my name is jessi, and the story i am to tell you is a wicked one.It starts off with myself a 3 roomates/friends Christy, Evan, and John. We live alittle town of Collinwood Tennessee, population around 2,500. And absolutelynothing to do. Well, one day John - in his unforgiving boredom - starts roamingthe internet. Ebey, to be exact. There, he finds something that he thinks will takeaway his boredom. He decides to make a bid on a book. the owner was offering it foronly 1 cent and...
"I've got one." "Sssshhhh." "But..." "What have I said about when I'm reading?" "I'm not to disturb you when you're reading." "What am I doing?" "You're reading, but..." "Look, how many times do I have to tell you that I really don't care about your puerile computer game adventures. I don't care about winged sandals, poisoned or unpoisoned chalices, and I certainly don't care about grails holy, knots gordian or swords damoclean, so I really don't care about whatever it is you've got.""It's not...
MatureStep-sisters Emma Starletto and Lily Larimar both look bored as they sit in an empty classroom. They don’t have any work on their desks and their backpacks are on the floor. Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door. Emma and Lily are surprised when their step-mother Sarah Vandella pokes her head in. Sarah steps inside, looking stern. Shocked that they are unsupervised, Sarah is furious about the school’s lack of structure and discipline and decides to punish the girls herself....
xmoviesforyouKimmie grabbed the towel quickly to cover herself. Glancing down, she saw a line of her own wet footprints leading to and from the shower. For a moment, it crossed her mind that she didn’t really need to get out of the shower to pee…then she forced the thought away like a bad dream. Wrapping the towel tightly around her breasts and body she shook her head for the mess she made, then, grabbing another towel, she dropped to her knees to wipe up the water. Another therapist, another couple of...
As Jennifer drove home on autopilot, she wrestled with what had happened. Jennifer had found her answer, the secret of the basement, yet she had more questions. What exactly did he have in mind for her? Did he really expect her to become submissive, and allow herself to be tied up and used again? She got home just before three, and walked upstairs with his books stuffed into her oversized purse. Jennifer had become frugal in her expenses, in an effort to save money. So far in her adult life,...
It is a good thing that Jeremy had completed the presentation he was preparing for the board of deacons, because when Angie came walking toward him with a clean shaven pussy, wearing nothing but a pair of high heel shoes, he knew what he was going to be doing for the next hour. He turned and started to fondle her tits, however, she said ‘I just came to see your presentation.’ Reluctantly he started the presentation, which was projecting on a six foot screen. She stood behind him watching the...
TRUCKER'S BREAK This story is pure fantasy, not to be lived out. It was after midnight by the time my day got exciting. I'm a truck driverfor a major national chain and I own my own rig. I was stopped in a retailparking lot with a full load both in my trailer and my balls. Things can getreal lonely for a truck driver, going weeks not being home, not that thereis anything exciting there anyway. Sure, you can pick up the occasional lotlizard, but most of them have had a really hard life by the...
It started out as just a regular celebratory night of drinking, for a friend’s 21st birthday. His girlfriend was out of the country, he was bored and he’d just turned 21. What else could we do but go into the town and have some drinks together, just the three of us? Of course, in typical fashion, birthday boy was late by an hour, or so, before casually sauntering into the restaurant, as we sat waiting near the door. We’d already had a couple of drinks. I hadn’t really been too upset, I’ll be...
Bengali villages wife husband in London this is a story from Bangladesh. we currently live in the UK. in Bangladeshi tradition and Culture sex is very very discreet not talked about .but sex is very common outside the marriage .my dad used to work abroad in the UK. and me and mom lived in bangladesh in a village. my dad only used to visit once every 3 to 4 year for about 4 weeks at a time. my mom and I lived with her parents. my mom is a very very sexy women she is really very tall and stocky...
“Mr. Adams, we employ you to prevent exactly the sort of impending complications I’m beginning to sense from our new project. In concise terms, please explain what is going on out there? One of our most critical landowners was shot. It appears, Mr. Adams, that you may have lost control.” Bertrand Adams had never met Augustus Atwood, Chairman and CEO of Alpine-Colorado Corporation. He had never been invited to Atwood’s offices. His only contact had been a distant meeting with a second-level...
Hello dosto mai avi fir se ek bar ap logo k liye ek sacchi ghatna leke aaya hu. Meri pehli kahani boss ne munhe ek chudakkad banaya padh kar bahuy mail aaye so ap mujhe mail kar sakte h is mail id pe So apka jada samay na lete hue mai story pe aata hu Bat us wakt ki h jab mai 1st year me tha mere ghaf k samne ek family shift hui thi. Mai apne ghar k bahaf hi khada yha tab achanak ek gadi fuki usme se ek bahut hi sexy si aunty utri waaaahhh kya maal lag rhi thi phir uski 2 betiya utri kya gajab...
[Note: This is the third and final episode in "The Arrangement" series. It is not necessary, but probably preferable, to enjoy the first episode, "Let's Make a Deal," and the second episode, "A Change of Routine," before reading this installment.] I had actually started to drift off, but my fifteen-year old stepdaughter, Kimmie, shifted uncomfortably beneath me. This roused me from that drowsy afterglow that so often follows a man's orgasm. "Daddy, I can hardly breathe!" I pushed...
Hi ISS readers, I am Kiran, 29 and 5’-9”. I am from Hyderabad currently living in Singapore. This story is about how I fucked my ex girlfriend after her marriage. My ex girlfriend is a doctor now, working in Hyderabad. She was my girl friend in my schooling and college with a series of mis understandings and we had to bid goodbye to our relationship. Nothing really happened when we were in a relationship.when I joined in my first job and she got married to a divorcee. I don’t the reason why she...
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Author's Note: This novel deals with extremely taboo situations and events in a very graphic, no-holds-barred manner. It covers a myriad of...
28 December, 1686 Morning Felipe, Cog, Lomasi and Penrose remained at the plantation while all others including the two guardsmen returned to the Maidens Revenge, then after having secured the guardsmen below decks the rest established themselves about the mess table aboard the Maidens Revenge to consult matters of their common objective. Scarlet describe how it was that he had come to dispatch the two guardsmen, and the desperate circumstances and sentiment of the black slaves he had...
I was on my way home from work and thought I would stop by the Adult Bookstore and buy a new video to add to my collection. I have a large collection of some hot sexy videos but a new one always turns me on, especially the first time you watch it. I usually go into one of the video boothes and check out a few of the new ones to see which one I would like to buy. I got to the store about 11pm and it stays open til 2am so I had plenty of time to watch some videos. As soon as I entered the store I...
BisexualHi friends this is Sandeep (real name) age 28 year height 6 feet from Hyderabad back with another experience. This was happened in recently 2014. Previously I have submitted 2 experiences in 2012 year. 1. Success on seducing neighbour aunty part 1 2. Bangalore cyber cafe aunty Please go through these stories in ISS I am a big fan of ISS from 2008. Previously I have given an email but I have lost password to this email so I am not able to get that email so I have created this new email please...
Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
I can't help but grin in the mirror as I finish applying the last of my makeup before we leave. I love when you take me out. Not just because I love the way you present me to others, so proud and protective, but because I can finally tease you and feel a bit more daring and dominant. As we enter the bar and head upstairs I make sure to go first, I had to be sure you knew what was awaiting you. Five steps up I hear your deep chuckle and I know you caught a glimpse of my bare, naked pussy and ass...
Quickie Sex