A Balmy SpringChapter 3 free porn video

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I felt sorry for Cassie, and I wasn't sure why she stuck around all morning. I probably hadn't said ten words to her since she arrived three hours earlier, which was even before they normally allowed visitors. I imagine that sitting in a hospital room with a bruised up guy and his mother was still better than sitting in class all morning. Besides, she'd seen me look worse. Hell, she'd FUCKED me when I looked worse. The day after The Party, when Mike Vincent flattened me with one punch, the whole side of my face was swollen and purple, and my eye wouldn't open, yet we had sex for the first time then.

My pain had subsided to a dull, full-body ache. There were some residual sharp pains in my head and knee, but nothing very bad as long as I didn't move too much. I looked from Cassie to my mom. They luckily were both in my field of vision, so I didn't have to turn my head. Mom was patting Cassie on the arm and giving her a sympathetic smile, then they both glanced at me before resuming their conversation. I didn't have a clue as to what they were talking about, but I realized they were now pretty comfortable with each other. Cassie hung out at my house often enough that they'd gotten to know each other pretty well.

An image of Fuzz suddenly flashed uninvited into my head, and the momentary reprieve from my stupid emotions was over. A lump formed in my throat and my eyes started to burn. I quickly looked away, ignoring the complaint from my aching joints, and hoped that Mom and Cassie hadn't seen me.

A cool hand lay on my cheek.

"Are you OK, Sweetie?" Mom gently asked.

I swallowed my emotions and nodded.

"Do you need anything?" Cassie asked.

"Yeah, to go home," I mumbled.

"We're just waiting for the doctor to give the OK," Mom said, "It shouldn't be much longer."

"That's what they said two hours ago."

"Unfortunately, that's how these things work."

"Well, it's bullshit."

"Now, Brody," Mom chided, though her voice sounded more sympathetic than reproving.

I instantly felt like an asshole for taking my piss-poor mood out on them, but I didn't apologize.

"Do you want me to see what's taking so long, Tracy?" Cassie asked.

"If you don't mind."

"Be back in a minute."

I saw Cassie leave the room in my peripheral vision, so I let the emotional dark cloud overtake me. I laid my head back on my pillow and tightly closed my eyes, squeezing a tear out of each one. They left burning trails down my cheeks. I cursed myself and aggressively wiped at them.

"Oh, Brody," Mom said, and I could hear the sadness in her voice.

We were silent; Mom holding my hand and gently rubbing my arm, me staring at nothing. Cassie eventually came back.

"The doctor is signing the paperwork now. Just another minute or two."

"Did you talk to Jeff last night?" I asked Cassie, without looking at her.

"Yeah," she said. "Um, not last night, this morning."

"How was he?"

When she didn't answer right away, I finally looked at her. She was uncomfortably looking at Mom.

"How was he?" I asked again, with a slight edge to my voice.

She looked at me, and I could see she didn't really know what she should or shouldn't say.

"He was ... working through it."

"What's THAT supposed to mean?" I snapped. Mom squeezed my hand.

Cassie's eyes actually teared up, and she fidgeted in place. "He's ... he's pretty torn up, but it's been less than a day, so..."

I sighed and laid my head back. The nurse decided to make her grand entrance at that moment.

"Looks like you're free to go," she cheerfully said. I frowned at her, but she ignored me. "I just need Mrs. Brown's signature in a couple of places, and we'll be set to wheel you out of here as soon as you get ready."

I tensed up. "Wheel?"

She showed Mom where to sign, then she smiled at me. I'm sure the smile was meant to be comforting, but it just seemed patronizing.

"Hospital policy dictates we take you down to the entrance in a wheelchair. Then you can use the crutches the rest of the way."

I just grunted at that. It was a stupid rule.

Mom finished signing the papers and handed them back to the nurse. She took them and started to leave.

"Just hit the call button when you're ready," she said.

I watched her leave, waited two seconds, then hit the call button. She poked her head in a second later.

"I'm ready," I said, somewhat huffily.

The smile almost slipped from her face. "Well, OK, then. I'll get the wheelchair."

She was gone again and I proceeded to get out of the bed. My knee screamed at me as I swung my legs over the edge, and my head kind of went dizzy as I sat up.

"Careful, Sweetie," Mom said, "Just sit there until she brings the chair."

I shook my head to clear it and started to stand. "I need to take a leak."

I took a step and my knee nearly buckled.

"Let me help too," Cassie said, and I had a woman on each side of me helping me limp to the restroom. Once I got to the doorway, I grabbed it and tried to shrug their hands off my arms.

"I can take it from here."

I felt their hands reluctantly drop from my arms and I shut the door behind me without looking at them. I turned back to lock the door and rested my forehead against it.

Then I cried.

"We're in the lobby," I grumped, "Can't I walk now?"

"Once we get to the entrance," the nurse said, her voice still annoyingly cheerful. I was going to go postal if I didn't get away from her soon.

"Cassie should have the car pulled up in a second," Mom said, as she walked beside us, carrying my crutches.

The timing couldn't have been better. I could see the front nose of Cassie's mom's minivan come into view through the glass door of the hospital and the small group of people milling around outside. I was up on my feet before the wheelchair even came to a stop, which almost sent me toppling over.

"Easy, Brody," Mom said, as she helped steady me.

"I'm fine," I said, as I grabbed for the crutches.

I quickly had them under my arms and was hobbling to the door. I could hear Mom apologizing for my behavior and thanking the nurse. Ms. Ray-of-sunshine said something cheerful in return, which made me frown. Mom was beside me a moment later.

"I know you're hurting, Son," she said, "But that's no reason to treat people rudely."

I ignored her as the automatic door slid open so we could step through. I made eye contact with Cassie who was coming around the front of the van to open my door. Her eyes were wide open and she was glancing at the people. A camera flashed in my face the second I came through the door. I quickly turned my head, only to have another flash blind me. I could hear Mom gasp.

"So how does it feel to be the man of the hour," asked a voice?

Another piped in, "What was going through your mind as you—"

Another voice: "How extensive are your injuries? Is it true that you saved them with a broken leg?"

I staggered back in the face of the onslaught, nearly falling over.

A large man was suddenly beside me, steadying me. "Easy does it, Young Man." He leaned forward, sweeping his arm and clearing out a path to the van. "Please, Folks, give him some room. I'm sure the last 18 hours have been very trying for him."

People moved, but the crowd of 6 or 8 people was still firing questions at me. I was feeling faint. What the hell... ?

"What the hell is going on?" Mom echoed my thoughts. She was at my other side, her expression telling everyone that she was NOT happy at the moment.

The man smiled a big toothy grin. "I'll be glad to explain in a minute. Let me disperse this media hoard."

"Media?" I asked. I mean, obviously it was media—camera flashes, lots of questions—but why would they be here?

The man turned back to the crowd, shielding us from them. "Members of the press," he said, in a booming voice. "Please respect this young man and his privacy during this time. Even though he saved my wife and daughter, he lost a dear friend. I will be holding a press conference at 4:30 this afternoon at my office in the Bartlett Building. I'm sure that Mr. Brown will be available for comments in the next few days."

There was some grumbling, but this man had such a presence that the crowd more or less dispersed. Several were pulling cell phones out as they left. Mom was helping me into the front seat of the van, when the man turned back to us.

"I'm sorry about that, Folks," he said.

"What was that all about?" Mom asked. She sounded exasperated. "Who are you?"

He stuck out his hand. "I'm C.L. Bartlett, and I'm—"

"—in real estate," Mom cut him off as she recognized the name. "Yes, I know. We have a branch office in one of your buildings. Why are you here? Why were those people nearly assaulting us?"

Mr. Bartlett let his hand, as well as his smile, fall, but his expression remained warm and full of concern. "Mrs. Brown, what I was going to say was that I'm the husband and father of the two people your son saved yesterday."

Mom's face softened. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so defensive. I didn't realize..." She took a deep breath. "How are your wife and daughter, Mr. Bartlett?"

"They'll be fine, thanks to your son." He looked past Mom at me. "I'm in your debt, Son. Connie told me all about how you pulled them from the wreckage a moment before their car plummeted to the bottom of the ravine. You are a hero."

My mind was spinning. "What?" What was he talking about? I wasn't a hero. Cassie, who was now in the driver's seat, reached over and squeezed my hand. I glanced at her and she gave me a reassuring smile.

"A hero," she said, "You saved their lives."

"Is that why the press was here?" Mom asked.

"Yes, Ma'am. Local boy rescues woman and her five-year-old daughter moments before they would have been killed. The media drools for headlines like that."

Mom tilted her head. "Especially when the woman and child are the family of one of the most prominent businessmen in the state," she sounded almost ... bitter.

He sheepishly smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I'm sure that just added more sugar to their feel-good story."

Mom sighed. "Well, we're glad your family is alright, Mr. Bartlett. As you can see, we are—"

"How can you call it a feel-good story?" I said, anger swelling inside me.

The smile threatened to slip from Mr. Bartlett's face again. "Well, my wife and daughter are still alive—"

"My friend died last night."

The smile did vanish this time, replaced by what appeared to be a sincere look of sadness. "Yes, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to belittle your tragic loss. Sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me."

"Sir, if you want to talk about a hero, talk about Fuzz," I said, tears threatening again, though this time from a combination of frustration and sorrow. "He's the real hero. He's the one who told me to go help them, even though that meant I couldn't get him out. I couldn't..." My voice choked up, and Mom stepped between us.

"Mr. Bartlett, if you'll excuse us, I'd like to take my son home."

"Of course, of course." He looked at me. "I'll talk to the press today, Brody, and maybe you can say a few words in a few days."

I didn't say anything.

"Maybe," Mom said, then shut my door. She slid the rear door open to climb in. Mr. Bartlett stopped her before she could close it.

"I had something I wanted to give Brody, Mrs. Brown. Consider it a token of my gratitude."

I shook my head even as Mom was answering. "We appreciate it, Mr. Bartlett, but Brody can't accept a gift."

"I insist."

"Please, Mr. Bartlett, not now. Give your wife and daughter our best wishes." With that she closed the door. "Please get us out of here, Cassie."

It was quiet in the car as we drove for a few miles. Cassie finally sighed.

"That was crazy."

"Yes, it was," Mom answered. "I appreciate Mr. Bartlett's gratitude, but his timing was a bit poor."

"How do you think the press caught wind of everything?" Cassie asked. "Do you think he leaked it? He almost seems like the kind of guy who would showboat a bit."

"Possibly, though they might have heard about the accident on the scanners, maybe even the identity of the people involved. From there, it probably wouldn't be too hard to track down information on Brody's hospital stay." She took a deep breath. She rubbed my arm from behind. "Are you OK, Brody?"

Sure, Mom, I'm great! Some guy just offered me a reward and the press thinks I'm a hero, all because I let my friend die. Don't worry about me! I'll be just fine and dandy. Fuzz, on the other hand, won't be anything because he's dead. And his family ... bah, who cares about them?

Of course, I couldn't really say that.

"Yeah, I'm OK, Mom."

Cassie hung around for a few hours, but I wasn't much company. She eventually said she needed to get home and left, clearly disappointed. I felt bad that I wasn't receptive of her attention, but I couldn't lift myself out of my funk. Mia called me that evening, then Shay called. I couldn't really talk to them. Not yet. I knew they were worried and disappointed that I wouldn't or couldn't talk, but everything was just too raw. I'd call them in a few days, once I felt better.

I told Mom I wanted to sleep in my room, by myself. She looked disappointed, too, but kissed me and told me she loved me.

How could she love me? How could any of them? I was such a fucking failure.

They made me sit in one of the two dozen chairs beneath the awning. I know they did it because I was on crutches, but all I could think about was that I had a great view of the shiny metal casket and dark gaping hole in the ground behind it. Fuzz's parents wanted me to be a pallbearer, but because I was gimpy, I couldn't actually carry the casket. They had me listed on the funeral program as an honorary pallbearer, whatever that meant. I felt the burning hole in my heart get bigger as I watched Jeff and five other guys carrying the casket from the hearse to the grave. I wasn't carrying the casket because I didn't deserve to carry it, injury or not, and I could tell from the way people looked at me that they knew it.

Jeff sat with Fuzz's family, with Jeff's parents and Fuzz's grandparents behind them. That put me two rows behind Jeff and the Behrs, by my choice, even though Mrs. Behr asked me to sit with them. I didn't feel right about sitting up there. Mom sat beside me. Since I was on the end of the row, Cassie stood beside me with her parents. I don't know who else was there. Friends from school, I guess, and other friends and family. I heard whisperings that some reporters were there, but I didn't see them. I was focused on what was in front of me: the casket, the hole, and Tess Behr, who was wrapped protectively in her mother's arm. Tess was Fuzz's nine-year-old sister, and I knew that she was really struggling from the way she was trembling and hanging onto her mom.

Tess adored Fuzz; absolutely worshipped him. I grumbled more than once about how little privacy she gave him, always wanting to be where he was. He was exceptionally accepting and patient with her, though, and you could tell by the sparkle in his eyes when she was around that he adored her almost as much.

That thought made the hole in my heart burn even bigger.

I glanced to the opposite end of the first row to where Jeff was sitting. He sat still as a statue, all hunched over, staring straight ahead. When the graveside service was over and people began to disperse, they called the pallbearers up to lower the casket into the hole. Someone had to actually touch Jeff and lean in front of him to get him out of his trance. He got up and stumbled to the casket, and I lowered my head in shame. Fuzz and I were friends, but it was NOTHING like Fuzz and Jeff. It seemed that they'd been best friends forever.

Mom put her arm around me and gently squeezed me. I felt the warmth of Cassie's hand on my shoulder. I should have felt comforted, but I didn't. Other than a few awkward words with Fuzz's parents, I hadn't spoken to anyone. I didn't have the balls to talk to Tess or to Jeff. Jeff wouldn't even look at me.

I heard various people quietly speaking to the Behrs as they left. One hushed conversation grabbed my attention, for some reason. I glanced up and saw C.L. Bartlett holding his daughter in one arm with the other around his wife. The little girl had a bandage wrapped around her arm and some bruises on her face. Mrs. Bartlett just had some bruises. She was desperately trying not to cry, but was failing. Mrs. Behr stood up and wrapped the other woman in a hug, which just made Mrs. Bartlett sob. She probably blamed herself for Fuzz dying, too, but I knew better. Her part in everything was an accident. What I did, not helping Fuzz, had been intentional.

Before I knew it, the Bartletts were standing in front of me. Mrs. Bartlett hadn't composed herself yet. She tried several times to say something to me, but couldn't get the words out.

"It's OK, Connie," Mr. Barlett quietly soothed his wife. He looked at me. "She wanted to thank you, but..." his words trickled off.

I stood up, unsteady until I could get my crutches under my arms. I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded. She bit her tears back and cautiously hugged me. She held on for several long seconds and I could feel her tears soaking through my dress shirt. She finally released me and tried to smile at me through her tears. Then she took her daughter from Mr. Bartlett's arms and walked away.

We watched her for a few seconds before Mr. Bartlett sighed.

"She's taking this hard, blaming herself for everything." He looked at me. He looked tired, and I guessed they probably had gone through some rough nights in their home. "She really is grateful to you. We all are. Maybe we can talk later, when emotions aren't so raw."

I nodded again.

"Thank you, Mr. Bartlett," Mom said for me.

He glanced at his wife as he pulled something from his pocket. It was a folded piece of paper, and before I could react, he slipped it into my shirt pocket and strode after his wife. I didn't have to see the paper to know what it was.

It felt like he was paying me for offing Fuzz. The hole in my heart became a chasm.

"Save them first," Fuzz says. He grimaces and I try harder to free him. "Now, Brody!"

I stumble away, but the underbrush is too thick, kudzu vines wrapping around my ankles; thorns and branches slashing at my arms. I can see the SUV already starting to slide and I try harder, but the harder I try, the more difficult it is to move.

"Please help me, help my daughter!" The voice is panicked, full of pain. "Hurry! Why don't you hurry?"

"I'm trying!" I grunt, yanking my foot free of one particularly hindering vine. My knee groans in pain.

I'm finally at the SUV. I climb up and look in the window. Connie Bartlett is staring back at me, her face sliced from broken glass.

"You're supposed to help us," she says.

"I know."

Suddenly the vehicle begins to shake and I'm thrown to the ground, landing hard on my shoulder.

"NOOOOO!" Mrs. Bartlett cries out, as the car starts to roll.

"NOOOOO!" Cori Bartlett cries out.

I try to get up, but the vines hold me fast. I watch in horror as the SUV crashes and bangs its way to the bottom of the ravine.

I'm sobbing. I failed, I couldn't get them in time.

"Brody!" Fuzz is calling for me. This time the vines relinquish me and I struggle back up to his door. His eyes are full of pain and sadness. Anger, too. "You were supposed to help them, Brody. Why didn't you help them?"

"I tried!" I cried.

"Like you helped me?" he spits back, his voice full of accusation.

"No! I mean ... yeah ... I mean..." I don't know what I mean, I'm so confused.

Suddenly Fuzz's car begins to crunch and clank, and it's denting all over, compacting in on itself while I watch helplessly. Fuzz cries out in pain.

"AAAAGH! Brody, why? Why? I thought you were my friend!"

"Fuzz, I tried," I cry. "I tried."

Then he's gone, his car a crumpled ball of steel.

"I thought you were something special."

I wheel towards this new voice. It's Mia, giving me a disgusting look. Shay's behind her, shaking her head. Sam is there, too. My mom, Jeff, and Cassie are a few steps behind them.

"What a fucking loser," Sam jeers, "Com'n Mia."

He turns to her and she takes his hand. "You're such a disappointment, Brody." Then she turns and kisses Sam, a passionate kiss like those she and I used to share.

"No ... no," I try to explain, "There wasn't anything I could do."

"Yeah, Brody," Shay says. "You failed. You always fail." Then she turns and follows them.

Cassie and Jeff just shake their heads and walk away.

"Wait, it's not my fault!" I cry.

Mom watches me, tears in her eyes. "You let me down, Brody. You let your father down, too. He'd still be here if you weren't so weak."

"I'm sorry, please, I'm sorry."

She sighs. "Wake up, Brody. Wake up."

I jerked awake, sitting up in bed with a gasp. I was panting and sweating. "Wha--?"

Mom's arms were around me. "Shh, it's OK, Baby. Shh ... It was only a dream."

It took me a few seconds to orient myself and get my heart to slow down. Then I went limp in her arms. She held me for a long time. I finally started to wiggle out of her grasp. It felt ... wrong, somehow.

"I'm OK, Mom."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Nah, I'm fine. It was just a dream, like you said."


"I'm fine, I just ... I just need to get back to sleep so that I'm not so tired at school tomorrow."

"Do you need another day? You can wait, if you aren't ready."

I sighed. I wasn't sure I'd ever be ready to go back.

"I'll be OK, Mom. Just ... just go back to sleep."

"I can sleep here. Or ... or you can sleep in my bed." I could tell from her voice that the invitation was from my mother, not my lover. We hadn't slept together since I came home from the hospital, let alone made love. I wasn't sure we ever would again.

"Thanks," I said, "But I just need to sleep alone for now."

She hesitated beside my bed, then reached down and gently stroked my face. "I love you, Brody. I just worry."

"I know, Mom." I tried to give her a reassuring smile. "I appreciate it. Thank you."

She took a deep breath and headed for the door. "Good night, Baby."

"Good night, Mom."

I turned my lamp off and plunged myself into darkness.

"We don't have to go in," Cassie said, "We can just drive right off the lot and play hooky."

I was sitting in the passenger seat of her mom's minivan, staring at the entrance to the school. Things would never be the same. I'd never walk in and see Fuzz flipping through an issue of Revolver at his locker, while Jeff tried to get him to gawk at all the girls that passed by. I sighed.

"It's fine. I have to do it sometime."

"It doesn't have to be today, though. No one would blame you if—"

"I said it's fine," I sharply said. My glance at her was met with an expression of hurt, which instantly made me feel like I was lower than dog shit. I lowered my eyes, and in a more contrite tone, said, "Sorry, but I just want to get this behind me."

"Ok," she said in a tight voice, as she shut the engine off and got out of the van. She opened the sliding door behind the driver's seat and started to get my crutches.

"I don't need those."

She stopped and looked at me like I was crazy. "You damaged ligaments, Brody. It hasn't even been a week."

"Partial tear, and I'm wearing a brace. I'll be fine."

"Don't try to be so macho."

"Don't try to be my mother."

That hurt expression was back. "Fine." She practically threw the crutches back in the van and grabbed her purse and books. She glared at me before she shut the door. "Are you getting out or not?" She didn't even wait for an answer before she slammed the door shut.

"Don't be such an ass, Brown," I mumbled to myself, as I opened the door and eased myself out.

I locked the brace straight, grabbed my backpack and hobbled after Cassie, who was already walking towards the building, a little faster than I thought was necessary. I tried to keep up, but winced when a sharp pain flared in my knee.

"Cassie," I called after her.

She didn't look back or slow down.

"Cassie, wait!"

Still no acknowledgement.

"Please," I pleaded one last time.

She stopped this time and her shoulders slumped, but she didn't turn around. As I caught up with her, I saw her hand go up to her face, and I knew she was wiping her eyes.

"I'm sorry," I quietly said.

She whirled around, her red-rimmed, shimmering eyes piercing my heart. "You aren't the only one hurting, Brody."


"Fuzz was my friend, too. Maybe I didn't know him as well as you did, but he was my friend, and I hurt because I miss him, too." She wiped at her eyes again. "And I hurt for you," she quietly said.

I could be such a self-centered jerk sometimes. "I know, Cassie, and I'm sorry. I just..." I couldn't think of what else to say, because the truth was that her hurt didn't take my hurt away, and I just didn't have the strength to work through my own. I could ignore the physical pain, but the emotional? How do you ignore that?

She let a frustrated sigh out. "I know you are, but please don't get mad at me because I care about you and want to help you."

"I won't."

We stood looking at each other, obviously not sure how to move past this awkward moment. The bell rang, startling both of us.

"I'll see you at lunch," she said. She looked like she wanted to hug me, but she gave me a half-hearted smile and walked away instead.

I sighed and followed her more slowly into the building. It started the moment I walked through the doors.

"Hey, Brown!"

I turned in the direction of the voice. Two guys I didn't know were standing next a nearby locker.


"Way to go, man, saving those people," said one.

"Yeah, good job," said the other


I turned to see a trio of freshman girls nervously standing beside me. The one who'd spoken to me held her books in front of her chest. When I didn't say anything, she blushed and continued. "I ... we," she said, glancing back at her friends, "Just wanted to say we think it was really brave what you did for that woman and her little girl."

"And we're sorry about what happened to your friend," said one of the other girls.

Not to be left out, the last girl said, "Do you need someone to carry your books to class today?"

"Between the three of us, we have your whole schedule covered," said the first girl.

I was dumbfounded and asked the only question that came to my numb brain. "You know my schedule?"

All three girls blushed this time.

"Um, yeah."

Surreal. I looked up and there was Jeff at his locker about 15 feet away. He was looking right at me. We just stared at each other. His expression was unreadable, then he turned and walked away.

"Bro-deeee!" I recognized the voice this time, and before I could turn, slender arms circled my waist from behind. Kristin leaned around me and smiled sweetly at the girls. "Thanks, Girls, but ... toodle-oo. I've got it from here."

I thought the younger girls would be offended, embarrassed, or something, but their expressions were more awe-filled than anything. I mean, Princess Kristin Franz actually acknowledged their presence. They didn't say anything, though, but they nodded and scurried away after a good five seconds, heads together, whispering, and occasionally throwing looks back in our direction.

"Thanks!" I called after them. They glanced back and giggled their way down the corridor.

I was peeved at Kristin for intruding into my conversation, but I just didn't have the energy to have a confrontation with her. She slid around so she was in my line of sight, and I must admit that she looked sexy enough to knock my irritation down a notch. She wore a shape-hugging western-style shirt that was buttoned up just enough to avoid being obscene, but unbuttoned enough to give everyone an eyeful of her amazing cleavage and the necklace that dangled in it. The shirt was tucked into a pair of tight, hip-hugger jeans, which were in turn tucked into mid-calf leather boots with three inch chunky heels. Her bottle blond hair was pulled back in two pigtail braids that fell just below her shoulder blades.

Regardless of my feelings for Kristin, she was still smoking hot. She almost preened as I let my gaze linger on her. Then she winked at me, and her expression became serious.

"How are you, Brody?" she asked.

I shrugged. "My knee hurts."

"Well, of course it does, and that's what makes what you did so much nobler."

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Kristin, I didn't—"

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Doing it all OverChapter 4

Time continued to go on, as it does. I was pleased to see that it passed at an adult's pace instead of a child's or a teenager's. I went to bed each day and I woke up each day still in my new life. Gradually I became convinced that I was there to stay, that I wouldn't suddenly wake up again back in 1999. This was an idea that used to terrify me once I became used to being back in my teens. Of course there were things I missed. Modern music for one. I longed painfully sometimes to hear a...

3 years ago
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My Life as a Wittol Chapter Ten B

In my sexual haze, I naively questioned, “Hank? What about Hank?”She bent forward as she shamelessly whispered so low I could scarcely hear her, “I fucked Hank.”She felt my dick gradually start to swell and she knew I had become aroused with her confession of her affair with a casual friend and neighbor that lived just a few short blocks from our home. I had become extremely close to that threshold of a very intense orgasm.She leaned back and moaned as she told me, “I love the way you get so...

3 years ago
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Juggling Daddies 3

Juggling Daddies 3So I'm at work and in ugly boys clothes. That never seems to stop Daddy R's erections though. He sneers at me all the time.I can feel his eyes on my ass every time I walk away from him. I did suck his cock, but he seems to think it's appropriate for meto get down on my knees and serve him whenever he wishes. I'm up for it, sure, but he still expects all my work to be donedespite all the time it takes for him to ride my ass in the backroom. I always wear something kinky under...

2 years ago
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RetreadsChapter 10

The woman from protective services, who introduced herself as Marjorie, was very nice but thorough. The first thing she did was ask to see Tina. Mom was the only person allowed to join her. She was in there for over an hour and when she emerged she was visibly shaken. She asked to speak to my parents alone and they went into the kitchen where another hour was spent. Al was next and didn't take long before it was my turn. My dad was there as well since I was a "minor". She asked me what I...

4 years ago
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Adult Films

Oh shit! This guy makes porno movies! You heard of them, but had never seen one. Why didn’t you read it more carefully? You decide it is time for you to leave. So you head for the door. He blocks you and asks where you think you are going. “Home,” you tell him. “Unh-uh. Not so fast babe. Remember those contracts you signed? You want me to sue your ass off? Looks to me like you don’t even have enough money for a lawyer.” Damn! He tricked you. It’s...

1 year ago
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Dirty under lace

She walks into the bedroom in her tight jeans, hugging her beautiful round juicy ass. I watch her as she takes off her jacket wearing a tight see through shirt and I can make out the size of her full, round breasts. Blood rushing to my cock, throbbing from excitement, of the thought of having my way with her. She sits at the edge of my bed. I watch her eyes glance at the bulge of my pants and she knows I’m going to fuck her. She slowly reaches over and grabs onto my pants and brings me close...

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Loves True ObsessionChapter 18

Jack told her to open the bigger envelope first. She did so, removing some papers and reading them. She looked at Jack and said, "Mine?? This land is mine? Ohhh Jack! Thank you so much, darling!" She was crying happy tears as she leapt up and hugged him tightly. "Hey now, baby! No crying allowed until after you look in the other envelope and the little box that are sitting on the table!" he said as he handed her a tissue. "Now I know why you had the tissues in there, baby." she said...

1 year ago
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Swingers Club Dark Room Ch 01

Carla's and Matthews first visit to a dark room. It was 03:00 AM in the swingers club. Carla and Matthew have been here before and liked every aspect of it. They like the jacuzzi the best because naked people are just sitting here and enjoying the warm water and sometimes play with each other. The best part is that you cannot see what is happening under the water, but you can guess by looking at the faces. A man sits on the edge of the pool while his wife gives him a blowjob. On the other side,...

2 years ago
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MageChapter 35

“Honoured Mages, we now have a vacancy on the Council,” Sofya stated into the calm after the struggling Clarence had been dragged from the chamber and Edward had been formally welcomed. “Indeed, Mage Sofya. Your point is?” Simon stated, his eyes twinkling. “The work of the Council must go on unabated; I’m loathe to see decades of delays in filling a post due to political infighting amongst ourselves. We need an experienced Mage, one who commands the respect of the Bureaus and Offices of...

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Little Red Riding Hood Out of the Woods

What.. WHAT THE FUCK?! Um.. hi. What&hellip, WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? Why is Mollys pussy on your&hellip, on your.. Peters angry, beyond pissed, but hes a human male. Hes got a dick, and that dicks more concerned with the fact that my tongue is mere millimeters from hot girls dripping cunt. The Wolf reaches over me and grabs Mollys ass. His voice comes out low, like a growl, You should come get the pussy youve been dreaming about. Peters mouth seems to have gone dry,...

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At The Stables ndash Juliersquos and Maryrsquos Tiff

At The Stables – Julie’s and Mary’s TiffPreambleI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables...

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Girls Aloud Knickers Tales

Girls Aloud Knickers Tales All 5 members of Girls Aloud, Cheryl Tweedy, Nadine Coyle, Kimberley Walsh and Sarah Harding are all round at Nicola Roberts’s house catching up on all the key events that has happened to them over the past few months. They all sit drinking wine talking about each other’s solo careers and Kim and Sarah’s move into TV presenting but soon the topic shifts to their love life and current boyfriends. Cheryl says she still cares for Ashley despite what a scum bag he...

4 years ago
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The Nerd Part 3

We fell asleep holding each other lip to lip. We woke up in exactly the same position, except that Morgan was gently licking my lips, her leg over my hip. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” she said softly. I opened my eyes, slid my free arm up from her waist to her neck, gently pulling her even closer. We started our day with a warm tender kiss—one that lasted almost five minutes. I pulled back, stroking her face. She may have looked like a little kid but she was all woman, and she was all...

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Monday To Friday

This incident happened during late 80’s… I was doing 7th Std then… was about to attain puberty any time. Both my parents were employed and my elder brother was doing his 11th std staying in our grandparents house. My school is just at a walk able distance from my house. Both my parents were working with Aavin at Ambattur and hence had been allotted a staff quarters to stay in. Many people there used to raise cows, produce milk and supply to Aavin. Hence we used to get fresh milk twice a day...

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Goodbye Mrs Sox

By Tom Cup It was my first real date in months and it was going well. We did the dinner thing -- a quaint little bistro that had great food; nothing too fancy just good eats, great wine and warm conversation. I was in rare form. I displayed the modern man, strong but sensitive, responsive but able to listen, understanding and thoughtful. My date, Sheryl, was giving me every indication that I wouldn't be spending the night with Mrs. Sox, my usual bedtime companion. There was a light...

1 year ago
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My Homely SexCrazy Mom Sangeetha 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, thank you for reading the second part and the feedback. I will narrate what happened after watching my houseowner fucking my mom hard and rough. I have never imagined my mom being so slutty in bed. Initially, I was furious at her for allowing our houseowner to devour her. The way he treated her and fucked her as a slut. But I was so horny. I pumped my dick three times that night to continue to watch. Especially the place where my mom is on her knees and licking my house owner’s...

2 years ago
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Strip Poker Set Up

A Little Foreplay My name is Charles. My full given birth name is Charles Daniel Smith. Right away I know what you’re thinking, anybody with a name as dull as that should be consigned to a life of mediocrity. Whoever heard of a Charles Smith, a Charlie, ever making it big at anything? I might as well have been named Mr. Nobody, Mr. Pastel Walls. And with a first name like Charles, Charlie, Chuck, Chuckie, one can be damned certain I wasn’t going anywhere. The ladder of success, the stairway of...

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The Hitch Hikers

I was the typical, horny, eighteen-year-old back in the late sixties. It was a warm Spring Saturday evening in southern Michigan. My girlfriend and I had recently broken up, and I was looking for someone to take her place. Jim, my long time friend, and I had been riding around doing a whole lot of nothing that night, and it was getting late. Jim was spending the night at my place, and we were about to head home. It was then that we spotted them. We were completely surprised to see them...

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The SisterhoodChapter 31

It was a world wide event at the christening of the interstellar spaceship: Aphrodite. It was really a small City to contain the two-thousand men and women who had volunteered to make the flight. A glass rectangular bottle half a mile long and a quarter of a mile square. It contained another dozen smaller ships for exploration, but was totally capable of landing on the most hostile planet. Inside it was collected the highest technology on earth. Including complete copies of every major...

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Me Mom and Mel 2

My mobile vibrated. I stopped pedalling and pulled off the road. Reached in to the pouch on the back of my cycling shirt and opened the message form mom. A small pic came on the screen I clicked on it and it showed a woman's butthole being fucked by a dildo. Underneath a message " Unfortunately nothing beats the real thing! Where are you?" It was Mel. I replied " On Hobsonville Road by the lights home in twenty minutes". Instantly came reply "Meet me at Hobsonville Point walkway Please" I...

2 years ago
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"Doug, what is it that is so exciting you had me drop everything and rush right down here? I'm trying to get all the pictures set up for our subscribers to decide the contest winner for 'Hottest Amateur Picture'." "well, you don't have to now, because I have the mother of all contest winners right here. A video in fact, downloaded from this broad's computer, automatically it seems." "Well then, lets see it." "You'll love it, Dan," Doug said confidently as he clicked the...

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My dads secret

“Holy shit,” I said. I looked and saw that both of my parents were under one couple, Gina and Andy Thompson under Frank and Julie Thompson. That only left me with one conclusion: could my parents have been brother and sister? If my grandparents had both of them, what other explanation could there be? I sat there and pondered this horrific scenario, but after a few minutes, I calmed down a bit. If that was in fact true, there would definitely have to be a story behind it. I also wondered if...

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The Seduction of Aisha

Disclaimer: I didn't write thisIt was a warm summer afternoon and Aisha was out and about soliciting donations for the new mosque that was recently built in the area. She had immigrated to America from Bangladesh only a few months earlier to attend a local college and was eager to share her Muslim faith in the community.Having led a very sheltered life, Aisha was a bit wary of Americans after all that she heard from her family, especially white males. She had heard that they were perverted and...

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I was in a club I had never ben there before a friend had told me about it said it was a good spot to pick up guys and have fun so here I am at the bar looking around but after a drink or two I have to pee so I go to the little boys room for a tinkle I go into the stall because I like to pee sitting down its more relaxing that way and its how girls pee...I go into the stall in the back and put paper all around the rim first and then as I'm sitting there peeing I notice a cardboard sign on the...

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Threesome with a hooker and her boyfriend

I was on s kip the games and found their add. It got my attention for two reasons: Her makeup and they were a couple on a sex worker site. MMF threesomes are my fetish. She posted pictures with a muscular young dyed blond Surfer Dude. They were a couple and they would meet with guys. My cock was hard thinking about it. She was 5'5 with platinum hair herself. They looked like slutty Barbie and Bisexual Ken. She wore provocitive clothes and stripper magnitude eye makeup in all her photos. I...

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Prejudice Ch 02

On Sunday, 22 June 1941, Anna and Niki woke to shouting in the building. ‘The Germans have attacked! The Germans have attacked!’ The radio reported the attack and said that the Red Army was fighting valiantly but with no more details. On Tuesday all the workers gathered in the main factory building to hear Comrade Biebler, Elena’s father, give a speech. At the end of the speech, he asked for volunteers from all men under forty. They would leave immediately for the front. They couldn’t even go...

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Fun With A Newly Married Girl

Hello, people, I am here again with a true new incident, you can find all the previous incidents of mine by clicking on my id above, all the reviews (positive or negative) are welcome and all the lovely people who wanna have some fun can mail me on email address Thank you, so here again am narrating an original sex story of mine. I am a doctor in Pune and all these incidents narrated are not any made up stories or work of fiction. It all started when my cousin told me about his dear friend...

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Drunk Mom and Me 3 updated

The next evening was a washout. Mom went out with her sister and came home late and went right to bed. I had no choice but to stay home and whack off. I talked to Jimmy that day, told him that I had seen my Mom’s tits. His eyes lit up. He said he would love to suck on them, he had sucked a grade 10 girl’s tits and she loved it. He then told me he fucked her too but she was too slutty and he just came his load. Jimmy asked if I had ever fucked a girl yet and I said yes, but wouldn’t tell...

1 year ago
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Possession Hijinks

Introduction Theo: Hey, I have nothing to do today. You got any ideas? In an inconspicuous corner, two teenagers are sitting around during their lunch break. For most, it may seem that there is hardly any time to do anything. But for these two bored teenagers, it feels like time has stopped in its tracks. Cody: What about the usual? After hearing his friend complain over and over, Cody answered with a smirk on his face. Although he didn't say what activity it was, his best friend Theo...

4 years ago
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Garden Fairies

The castle garden was intricately built with the finest fauna. Every patch of roses and trinket of bushes was carefully pruned to sculpt a beautiful alleyway and a labyrinth of fragrant flowers for the season. Birds merrily chirped as they shared the blessings of this afternoon. In the center of this maze, a small but lovely pavilion lay to give shelter. And in it, the images of 2 maidens could be spotted a couple who shared their teas and cakes as they enjoy their sanctuary from the outside ...

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Dirty Little Secret

"Hussshhhhh" I sighed as I got out of the shower.I had just come back from college, and after a long day of boring lectures and random doodling on the back of my notebook, I had come home and I needed a hot shower to recharge my batteries. With a towel wrapped around my body and little drops of water still trickling down my legs to my ankle, I walked over to the dressing table. I picked up the bottle of hair conditioner and started applying it over my hair. I, then picked up the bottle of body...

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The HillsideChapter 6

Jacob saddled up his horse and put the buckboard halter on two others. There was no hurry to get to Brockton — although Susan might contest that assertion — so no extra mounts were needed. Susan had been a bundle of energy for the past 10 days. She had started out pleasant enough, happy with the knowledge that she soon would be back with her beau. That pleasantness turned to snippiness as the days past until Marnie finally pigeon-holed Jacob for a firm date. With nothing at the ranch that...

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Bris Decision

The Saturday morning sunlight lit up Bri’s golden locks that were cascading down her back.  Matt sat in the living room with his morning cup, admiring the young beauty washing her new Camaro in his driveway.  “My God, could anyone be more perfect, more beautiful than her?” He asked out loud to himself.  His eyes scanned the gorgeous woman, Thank god for daisy dukes and bikini tops, he thought. As she bent down to clean the front rim, he got a nice glimpse of her outer lips.  “No panties,...

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He Was My Forbidden Fruit Part 3

You know something is wrong, that you shouldn't even be thinking it, let alone be considering it. It is completely wrong and if you ever go down that road, nothing but destruction waits for you at the end. But you still choose to take that chance, why? You have absolutely no idea, yet your very essence is compelled down that path and so you turn around and begin to walk that path of destruction... Sweet, manipulative, crazy, intense, insane, passionate...Those words come to mind as you continue...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 22 Persuading Hagrid

Chapter Twenty-Two – Persuading Hagrid Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mF, Mf, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, oral, spank, unif, voy It was the middle of January and Harry, Hermione, and Ron would be enjoying the cold windy Saturday in the beautiful town of Hogsmeade. They had all dressed accordingly; wearing their heavy winter cloaks to keep warm while they...

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sperm in her underwear

I'm not sure this is much of a story, but I felt better by writing this all down. (It feels almost like I'm telling someone about this situation now.) My wife is a very active mum to our two young k**s (both in school.) I work from our home and she goes into town every morning to take the k**s to school, workout and help her friend with her babysitting business. (She goes over to the friend's place more to socialize than anything.) Her friend is an attractive MILF in her own right who is...

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California CrewChapter 22

I sat in the airport, staring out the window. I recognized the emotions that were flowing through me. But at the same time, these were different. I was angry this time, and I knew that no matter what, there was never going to be anything I could do to change what was happening to me. My perfect lives, first in France and then in California, had been taken away from me. And now my parents were going to try and recreate another perfect life for us back in France. I knew things would be...

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Washing Day Procrastination Part 2

PART TWO It had been an interesting day and it wasn't even 10 o'clock in the morning. The electrician would be arriving in about 10 minutes. My whole body was filled with delicious sensations, raw sexual energy rolling off my skin in waves. The interrupted joy of a bath and a bit of self-loving had put my thoughts in a fuddle and the voyeuristic lads next door, watching me hang out my panties on the line naked, had only served to increase my avid tension. But my release would have to be...

Wife Lovers
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Ships in the NightChapter 6 Harder Choices

Before seeking Margareta's wise counsel, Errol was determined to make Willie sit down with him and listen to his view of her rosy projection for their future. The dishes were in the washer, the pots and pans were clean and hanging from the rack, and the counters were all wiped down. He turned off the lights in the kitchen and wandered into the living room, thinking about how to begin the conversation and how to express his misgivings to her. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her...

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Honeymoon Sissification

To be honest I was having real misgivings, my new wife Melody and I were on our honeymoon in the Caribbean, there was a nudist beach near by and she wanted to go. "Look Mel I really don't want to go, I know you say there's nothing wrong with me, but I'm not that well endowed, it will be really embarrassing", I begged in a desperate attempt to get Mel to change her mind, knowing I was only 4 inches when hard, and 1? inch when soft. "Nonsense you're just average, I'm sure there will be...

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The Torment Part 1

Disclaimer: Dragon Ball Z and Ranma do not belong to me. I am not making any money from this. I do not know how to spell the names of the actual owners, but they own them. Not me. The Torment Dende was confused. He had been watching a particularly strange part of the world that he protected, and wondered if he would ever figure it out from where it was. Unfortunately, he couldn't go anywhere himself, but he knew someone who could. :Piccolo?: he called out mentally. There was...

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19 Years Old Perfect

19 years old? Perfect.Below a story of something I did two weeks ago.We met online – that’s how it goes these days doesn’t it? Well it don’t always but the dirty slut fucker that I am I felt it was time to do something a little younger. Usually I search for women in their twenties and thirties but when I met my friend for drinks the horny 47 year old walked up to me to shake hands and lo and behold a cute little 17 year old indo-cutie stepped out from behind him to extend me a hand and peck me...

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Angelas new boss

Angela Wedgwood was a middle aged woman who lived with her mother.She had boyfirends in her teen years and her early twenties, but after Paul broke up with her and started to fuck her best friend she never bothered again.She wasnt a virgin or anything and some nights when she was lying in her bed she would get pretty horny and masturbate until she came.That was getting less and less frequent.Her mum heard her one night and burst in to her room to ask what she was doing.Fortunately Angela was...

2 years ago
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At the feet of a goddess

It's Saturday night - you're out at Fyre - a new club that just opened. It's a fairly normal scene - pulsing EDM, dim lighting, young bodies writhing to the beat, scantily clad in mixtures of fetish and goth fashion. Fog machine billow clouds of haze across the dance-floor, reflecting the strobe lights above. A mixture of perfume, body spray, and fresh sweat hangs in the air. The club feels stifling, despite the chill of the night outside, the collective body heat of the crowd rolling in...

3 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 36

Sunspear, Dorne The next morning Elia Sand, the young Princess of Dorne, daughter of the late Prince Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand, niece and namesake of Elia Martell, nervously tossed back a good deal of Dornish red wine while listening to Kinvara, the Red Priestess sent from King’s Landing to Sunspear. As the eldest remaining Sand Snake, she was the obvious choice to rule Dorne, and so now she did. Elia heard rumors that Kinvara and other Red Priests could resurrect the dead, but if so,...

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A Story about my time with Kelli Part 1

This is a Story of a girl named, Kelli. She had beautiful, flowing red hair; curly, it cascaded down to just passed her shoulder. Her hazel-green eyes were surrounded by darkness of a mistrustful life, possessing a spark of joy and happiness, much like the Hope kept within Pandora's Box. Her breasts were small, but perfectly formed. Her legs were long and firm, smoothly leading up to a well-rounded backside. To quote one of my fellow Marines during that time, “She's got an ass like a black...

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Sharing my wife with friends

This story is about a young couple where the husband discovers his sexy wife has complete blackouts when she drinks. So he uses it to his own advantage.For those of you who think this is not possible, think again. This story is loosely based on fact and I know someone who can be abused in this way when drunk and asleep or even partially awake and remember nothing in the morning. So enjoy the story and believe is CAN happen!I’m not sure when the change in my attitude to Vikki began. I’m also not...

4 years ago
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Gay Dick Fun in Durham

Hi lads. Thanks for reading my last story! Highest amount of comments so far. Thank you all. Again, true story, only names changed to protect other people. If you like it, COMMENT, LIKE or FAV to help grow my fan base. As always, all friend requests accepted.Enjoy!*********************************************£7.50 for a return ticket to Durham from where we live. Arriva. Or an outrageous price via Darlington on the train. Either way, I absolutely adore Durham. Student city. Strangely enough,...

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PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 6A Learning More About The Island You both go and take showers to clean some of the mutual cum off and there is plenty of heavy petting and another round of orgasms. Coming out of the shower was when it got interesting for me reasons. "I can't believe that your makeup stays in place and doesn't have to be reapplied. It's not fair. Especially the deep painted red of those lips. It still looks like they were painted next to an old '55...

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Alan Ch 10

Ask Me Some Questions and I’ll Tell You No Lies ‘I don’t know how to begin. I’ve never come here with this type of situation.’ ‘Well, why don’t you start at the beginning? I’ve been your guidance counselor for four years, and you’ve only come to see me about college applications. Since you’re going to Georgetown on a football scholarship–congratulations by the way–I know it’s not about that. Something is troubling you, I can see that.’ ‘I’m embarrassed.’ He couldn’t look her in the face. ...

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Endless Beach

Clara’s life was something I enjoyed a lot. She was a journalist at the New York Times, married to a very rich investment banker, sometimes she modeled and - to make her even more joyful - she had an affair with a player of the Yankees. I occupied her now for three weeks and that day, I just returned from the Yankees players place and drove back home. His sperm was still in my pussy from the short and rough encounter we had. My husband would not mind. He would either work and not realize or he...

Mind Control
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WenatcheeChapter 7 Closing the Door

Gisele and I were sitting in the kitchen, drinking a coffee while she heated some muffins. It was still early on a quiet Sunday morning, not that every morning in February wouldn't be quiet in the hills overlooking Wenatchee. We had made love for the first time, been discovered by Jana, and slept naked, something I never did. I had a feeling there would be more firsts in our relationship. I had pulled on my briefs and Gisele had given me a guest bathrobe from the bathroom closet. She was...

3 years ago
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Sexy Married Business Associate

Hi, again, I am Prashanth, from South India. Good looking, medium built but athletic and pure rugged, desi-Hindustani. This sex story happened on my Palakkad tour when I had tour on-duty for my private firm. So, I came to Palakkad where I had given a hotel to stay. It was just a small hotel. So, I went to this industry and my reporting manager happened to be a very hot, dark, lovely girl (she must be 35). I straight away reported to her and got down to business. She was rather serious at first...

1 year ago
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The Horse You Rode In On

I was pouring a fresh cup of coffee, listening to some Stevie Ray Vaughan and thinking what an incredible blues guitar player he was, when I heard a soft tap on the door. I hurriedly threw on an old button-down and walked to the door, opened it, and was delighted to see her standing at my door. Mackenzie was a classmate of mine at the university, and she was majoring in sociology as I was. She was a pretty neat woman. She was as intelligent as all hell, but wasn’t full of pretense as so many...

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