T.R.E.SChapter 12 free porn video

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After making love and talking some more, I was too revved up to sleep. Josh wasn't. I watched him sleep and my love for him just kept getting stronger and stronger, and while daydreaming about our future together, I drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep.

The sun was shining brightly when my eyes opened. Josh wasn't in bed with me. When I ran my hand over the sheet where he'd been, I couldn't feel his body heat. He's been up for a while, I reasoned.

I stretched kicking the sheet away and realized I was feeling wonderful! I probed the townhouse for Josh's presence and found him. He was talking with his sister on the telephone, which didn't surprise me. While she'd been gallivanting around the world, they'd talked most mornings, and the morning talks had become a habit. I'd gleaned this information with my probe, not from conversations.

Josh loved me, but he also loved his sister. I'd tried to determine if he loved me more than Sandy, but the quest proved fruitless. My mom would've said simply, "Love is love, silly. That's just the way it is."

"Thank you, Mom," I said out loud.

I sensed Josh in my mind and let him wander around. I think my probe alerted him that I'd awakened. I was enjoying the feel of the white, satin sheets on my sensitized skin while I continued to stretch when Josh stepped into the room with a cup in one hand and his satellite cell phone in the other.

"I went out early and bought some coffee and a coffee pot, a toothbrush and a few other things I thought you might need. I brewed the coffee, a first for me, but I followed directions. From an attitude check before I went out, I also found out you like sugar and non-dairy creamer in your coffee. I hope it's drinkable."

"Thank you, thank you," I gushed as I took the mug. I sipped and smiled. "Ah, French roast. How did you... ? Never mind. It's good!"

He beamed.

"I've also been on the telephone with Sandy for quite a while. Would you mind talking with her while you have your first cup of coffee?"

"She knows about us, then?"

"Yes, I share everything with her, Nicole. You don't mind, do you?"

I smiled. "No, I know how it is between the two of you. She's your first love, and you'll love her always." He handed me the telephone.

"Hello," I said tentatively.

"Nicole, it's so pleasant to finally hear your voice. I'm so happy for you and Josh!"

"Thank you." I took another sip. "Sandy, I want a nice, long conversation with you, but I just woke up, and..."

She laughed, and I adored the sound of her laughter.

"I understand," she said. "A tinkle, among other things, is in order. Do what you need to do and call me back. Just press..."

"Speed-dial number one on the satellite cell phone."

She laughed again. "Yup, you do know everything down to the minutia. I'll expect your call soon. I'm really looking forward to a nice, long conversation with you, and fortunately this morning is the perfect time. Hand the phone to Josh, please. I want to talk with him some more."

I gave him the phone, a quick kiss and dashed for the bathroom. His thoughts about the way I looked as I scurried away from him pleased me. Later, I was even more pleased when I discovered he'd bought the toothpaste I preferred. My lover pays attention to the detail in my mind, I thought. A hairbrush and comb approaching the kinds I used had been placed next to the other toiletries he'd purchased for me, so I brushed out the tangles and wondered what to wear.

"There's a new terry robe hanging on the door hook," Josh said to my silent query. I pulled it on, once again appreciating Josh's attention to detail. Maybe I wouldn't need to hurry home this morning after all.

He was still talking with Sandy when I exited the bathroom, and he handed the phone to me. "I'll shower while you two talk," he said.

With a chuckle, I said, "Sandy, I guess I won't need to hit speed-dial number one."

"I guess not. Okay, here's the deal, Nicole. I want to meet you face to face, just you without Josh along. Can you take time off your job? If it will cost you, Josh and I will reimburse you, and we've already agreed that we'll cover your expenses for a trip to New York City." She chuckled. "Oh, and Josh insists that you and I go on a shopping spree in Manhattan - on him, he says, and not just for you, for me, too. So you've gotta say yes, Nicole. I do love to shop on Josh's nickel. I don't get the opportunity very often." She laughed again. "In fact, this is my first. Waddaya say?"

"How long?" I asked wondering if Harry had any real need for me over the next few days. There was a closing...

"Let's say a week. A few days with me alone, and if things work out, Josh will fly to New York and join us for the balance of the week."

"This is important to Josh, isn't it?"


"All right, but I can't afford to lose my job over this. I'll need to check with my boss before I commit."

"I understand. Oh, we'll have so much fun, Nicole! I can't wait to meet you. I'll get tickets to a Broadway play, and New York offers a lot of other tourist venues that I've been meaning to visit and haven't. Tell me, what do you do for Olsen Investment Company?"

"I'm an intern. Besides being a go-for for my boss and acting as his hostess when he entertains, I review sale packages being offered to Olsen, run various tests on the numbers regarding the properties being offered, such as internal rates of return, Olsen's method of cap-rate calculation, and others, and then make recommendations whether the opportunity presented in the packages should be pursued or tossed in file thirteen. If Olsen looks deeper into a property, I sometimes perform an inspection visit, utilizing Olsen's checklist for property inspections, and then I write up my findings. I also work on properties we offer for sale, like the apartment complex you and Josh bought the other day. It's a pretty good summer job, and I've been told they like my work and might hire me when I graduate next May."

"Yup, you're perfect for what we need for our business. Would you consider switching jobs and working with Josh? We'll double your salary."

"Whoa, you're movin' way too fast for me, Sandy. I have one more year in college before I graduate, and I won't jeopardize..."

"Nicole, Josh brought up the same point. We promise that the job won't interfere with your education. Will you continue working with Olsen when the new school term starts?"

"No. They only utilize full-time summer help for their intern positions."

"Well, our investment company will hire you part-time while you finish college. You pick your hours, and they can vary from week to week, depending on your class workload. Josh needs a little help. He's going to college, too. He told you about Phoenix College's online program, didn't he?"


"When he graduates, he plans to go on for an MBA with their online program. Are your grades good enough to get into graduate school?"

"Sandy, I'm attending ASU on a full academic scholarship."

"Oh, Josh didn't mention that. Straight A's or close, huh?"


"Would you like to go on and get your MBA?"

"Of course, but..."

"Josh does too - online. The investment company will pick up your tuition and expenses if you want to continue your education online. That way you can work part-time with Josh while you continue your education."

"Oh. I don't know what to say... yes, I do. We'll talk about these issues and more during my visit with you in New York. When would you like me to come?"

"ASAP, according to Josh, but don't let him bully you about it."

"I won't."

"Now, tell me about this shield you taught Josh how to create. Do you really think I can create one?"

"Yes. My father created one, and he isn't telepathic, but with Josh, you'll need two shields, one for your mind and the other a full-body shield."

Sandy chuckled. "Trust Josh to complicate things. You say you can feel it when Josh enters your mind?"

"Yes, if he's probing for an attitude. And he can feel my scans." I huffed a laugh. "What I didn't know was that he could probe for pure emotions and sensations and I couldn't feel his probes. I fixed his wagon, though, with the full-body shield."

Sandy laughed gaily. "Good for you. Why two shields? Why not just a full-body shield?"

"I don't mind if he's feeling what I'm feeling, so the full-body shield isn't necessary unless I want absolute privacy, and from what he's told me, you'll probably end up just using the mind shield like me. I understand that your concern is the possibility of Josh implanting a need that will force you to do something you wouldn't otherwise do."

"In part, yes."

"Josh implants what he calls an attitude. In your case he'd bundle the kinds of needs you fear, and then he'd transfer the bundle into your mind. A mind shield effectively blocks access to your mind, so the transfer couldn't take place. You said, 'In part.' What else bothers you?"

"I understand you know about my past lives. Correct?"

"Yes. Josh didn't tell me, but I uncovered just about everything Josh knows about you during a deep probe last night. For what it's worth, during puberty, besides the onset of my telepathic abilities, I had flashes of memories from what I think was my immediate past life, and since then the memories have become much more complete. So, I understand firsthand that what happened to you can happen."

"That's interesting. Tell me about your memories."

"I was a female, thank goodness, so my past life gender didn't confuse me about my gender in this life, and I lived in England, so I didn't gain a language, like you. I'll be happy to discuss my past life in detail when we meet, and I'd love to hear about yours. My goodness! Over one thousand years, both as a man and a woman in various places around the world! I find your memories even more extraordinary than the paranormal talents Josh and I enjoy. We changed subjects. You were about to tell me what else bothered you about Josh's empathic intrusions."

"My memories of my past lives are in my current memories. I don't want him to know about some of the things I had to do just to survive in some of them, Nicole."

"Oh. Okay, I understand. The mind shield will effectively block him from stumbling across your memories when he scans you for attitudes, as well. Your memories should be perfectly safe, Sandy, although, for the life of me, I don't know what you're worried about. Josh loves you deeply. Nothing you did in any past life will change how he feels about you in this one."

"Are you all right with the way he loves me?"

"Yup. I'm happy for both of you. I learned about unlimited love from my mother sitting at the kitchen table when I was fourteen years old. I've always considered my mom the most remarkable woman I've ever known. After I get to know you better, I might need to alter that judgment. Sandy, from everything I've learned about you from wandering around in your brother's thoughts and memories, I must tell you I think you're as remarkable as my mother, maybe more remarkable."

"Well, thank you, Nicole. You mentioned your father built a shield to keep you out of his mind. Before that, could he feel it when you scanned him?"

"Not for years. He does now and has for some time, but my mom told him about my telepathy before he learned to sense my scans. This upset him, as you can imagine, so I did research about telepathic shields, and passed along the results to my mom, who gave them to Pop. He built a shield lickety-split, and it was a powerful sucker, too, multi-layered, a mirrored surfaced at the outside, a marshmallow shield just behind the mirror to soften the blow of a mental attack, should one occur, and a few other layers just to make sure. He's since dropped all the shields but the impervious mirror he creates."

"He sounds like quite a character."


"Do you know why I want to meet you before being around Josh again?"

I chuckled. "You want to test the shield you create against my telepathic probes."

"You've got it! But there's more. Josh loves you. He's loved before, and unwisely. Not to put any pressure on you, but I care about Josh more than you can imagine. Frankly, Nicole, I want to check you out face to face. If that's too blunt, I'm sorry."

I laughed nervously. "Sandy, if I were you, I'd do the same thing. After all, Josh and I have only known each other for two days. Of course our probes have given us intimate knowledge of each other that often isn't achieved in a long-term relationship. Look, you've been blunt with me, so I'll be blunt with you. Shame on you, Sandy, for putting Josh through so much pain because you didn't trust him to be honest with his empathic abilities."

She didn't speak for a few seconds, and I wondered if I'd gone too far. Fuck it, I thought. She had it coming.

"I didn't respond immediately because what you said brought sudden tears to my eyes. For what it's worth, you can't shame me nearly as much as the shame I've heaped on myself over the last year and a half. I know I hurt him deeply." She sniffed. "I like you, Nicole. That took gumption, and if you love Josh like he thinks you love him..."

"He's my soul mate, Sandy. I love him more than anything, including myself. Fate brought us together. You believe fate made you and Josh brother and sister, so you know what I mean. I've been playing with the idea that fate is bringing the three of us together. I'll firm up my attitude regarding the three of us after the New York trip."

I heard the shower shut down. "Josh is getting out of the shower, Sandy. I'll check with my boss today - I have his home number - and then I'll call you back. We'll talk more then, and if I can get the time off without jeopardizing my job, I'll make arrangements to meet you."

"My travel agent will make the arrangements, Nicole."

"Oh, good. Listen, I do want to talk more with you, but frankly right now I'd rather go help Josh dry off."

Sandy laughed heartily. "Go for it, girl."

I waited impatiently in my dowdy apartment, the apartment I was so proud of in the recent past. Compared to Josh's townhouse, my apartment was a dump.

Earlier, after drying Josh's wet body with a fluffy towel and another hot session in bed, we showered together, and he gave me a tour of his townhouse. It was quite large, a little over two thousand square feet, Josh told me. Besides the master suite, which was beyond sumptuous, the place had a large guestroom with a private bath, a humongous office where Josh worked - with enough space for another desk if I accepted his and Sandy's job offer, Josh pointed out. A small living room was located to the left of the entry foyer, a formal dining room to the right. The grand entry hall moved toward the back of the townhouse to a large family room and kitchen with kitchen eating. The ceilings were high, soaring in places. Oh, there was a hall bath, too, and a hot tub by the patio outside. The townhouse came with a two-car garage.

"Whew!" I gushed. "The rent on this place has to be higher than a cat's back."

Josh laughed, and a quick scan told me he was laughing more about my cat's back expression than anything.

"I don't pay rent," Josh said. "I own the place. It's free and clear, no mortgage. I bought it with cash out of my third real estate deal."


As we continued to tour the townhouse, I noted all the antiques. "Did Sandy help you decorate?"

"Only to the extend that some of the furniture pieces and accessories belong to her. I did my own decorating, Nicole. I get a kick out of fixing a place up."

Which didn't bode well for me. I'd fixed up my dump, but...

Tears stung my eyes, and Josh picked up on my sudden unhappiness immediately. I felt a quick attitude scan.

"Ah, honey, you can fix up our next place. No, we'll do it together. You've got it in you to do as good as job as I've done here."

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My Slutty Teen Slave Part 1

When I was twenty, shortly after I broke off my year long relationship with a girl named Natalie, I started to search adult chat sites for female submissives. I talked with a few, but none of them were quite what I was looking for. One night, as I sat on the couch in my apartment, I pulled out my laptop. Within minutes I found a possible submissive, who listed her name as Jess18. I sent her a quick hello, and she replied, seeming flirty. ‘So, I heard you’re looking for someone who can hold you...

3 years ago
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How a Not So Pretty Girl Gets Laid

I wasn’t blessed with a pretty face. Even with makeup and such it seems to be barely passable and I wasn’t asked for dates in high school. But I wasn’t a virgin then and I’m not celibate now, years after graduation. Nature gave me a decent body and lots of brains though, and I used them. No boyfriends meant I doubled-down on academics and had my bachelor’s degree in a high-paying technical area by the time I was eighteen. My first income went to a plastic surgeon who fixed my nose and made my...

2 years ago
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Every Time Is Your First Time on Groundhog Day

“Carl, could you make up the beds too?” Mary pointed to a pile of sheets and pillowcases she’d dumped on the living room sofa. “Really? Couldn’t you do that much yourself?” Mary turned to look at him. “I’m still working on the curriculum for the first day, right? I’m the teacher.” “Oh.” With a sigh Carl picked up the pile of sheets and headed out to the barn. He’d spent several weeks converting the barn into the Lake Washington Drama Camp. This was Mary’s dream -- to start up her own drama...

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Male Escort And Unsatisfied Lady

Hello guys, Rahul here based in Pune. Average looking Indian guy passionate about travelling and photography. I have been a regular reader at ISS , finally, I have decided to share my sexscaped. I provide escort services to fund my travel, to ladies who are deprived or unhappy with their sex life. I even had threesome experience with young couples from Pune and Mumbai who wanted to spice up their sex life. Not just sex but I also offer consultancy to spice up sex life. And I even offer...

1 year ago
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Grandparents best friends

Now I'm really into older women and men. Something about their bodies get me hard! So a few weekends ago i went to vist my grandparents they have a huge house and cool cars and toys like that. But when i got their they were gone and their best friends Ann and Mick were housesitting. Now Ann is 60 but with a body of a 30 year old nice ass and huge tits. And Mick is just a sexy hairy man with a nice cock. After saying our hellos and telling them that my young marrage was over they told me to stay...

1 year ago
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Sister Comes to Visit

Debbie is 10 years younger than I am. At the time all of this took place she was just shy of her 16th birthday. She is just over five feet tall, weighed about 120 pounds, had medium brown hair, nice tits and ass. Even though I was her brother I couldn’t help but notice that. I am five foot eight and weighed about 150 pounds and was in pretty good shape. My wife and I had two children and we lived in a three bedroom house. With my sister staying with us we planned for her to sleep on the...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 107

Yes it was embarrassing, but I knew that no real harm was done. After he got his shit and left, I finished what I had been doing. I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on TV shows on line. I did keep up with them, but not to the extent that I couldn't miss a few episodes and catch up later. When bedtime came, I was alone again, and I was fine with that at the moment. I knew that the time would come, and it wouldn't be that much longer, when I need that rush. The one that sex of any...

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A Moms Intuition For the Survival of Her Son

A MOM'S INSTINCTS FOR SURVIVAL Intellectual property of of … But GREATLY adapted!But at that moment, neither the young mother nor her son was thinking about any of that. The sudden, freak blizzard had reduced visibility down to zero, and the roads were getting worse by the minute. Living in the mountains had given Linda plenty of experience for driving in bad conditions, and the 4x4 SUV helped… but the problem was that she didn’t know anything about the area they were in. And as she was...

2 years ago
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Thunder and Lightning

A crate arrived at the home of Miss Tina. It was unusually large and heavy andhad to be carried by four men. When the men had left after she had given thema tip, she opened the lid and beheld quite a sight. Inside were two women tiedup in very uncomfortable positions. Their feet, which were dressed in ballerinaboots without any heels, were behind their heads and tied together there. Theirarms were in rubber gloves that ended in fingerless mittens and tied behindtheir back in reverse prayer, so...

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The Domain of Pleasure

The world was a rather hostile place, filled with bounds of selfish and evil-minded people who cared for nobody but themselves. You are different from most, however. As far back as you could recall, you had always been an outstanding person. In an effort to counter all of the negativity in the world, you try your best to fill it with as much positivity as you can. You give your spare coins to the beggars in the streets, you volunteer at the hospital to mend wounds, you help your uncle plow the...

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Caribbean Blue

The beach in Jamaica certainly lived up to the brochures. Kate and I walked along, hand in hand with the warmth of the Caribbean sun on our backs. The beach was moderately busy with other tourists but not too many as we were slightly off the tourist trail. The hotel complex we had chosen for our holiday, had beach bungalows which gave us straight access on to the beach without all the security that seemed to abound around some of the other hotels. There were around 20 bungalows and then the...

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Collage Days

Here is how I got to mess around with two of my friends during our senior year of college. Names have been changed to protect identities. I will also warn you - this will probably end up long.SO I knew Ashley and Sara since our freshman year. They had been roommates since the first semester, and we all had History together. We had been the best of friends throughout college, although none of us had done anything sexual together. My parents lived not too far from college, and they decided to...

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The Gift Book IIChapter 2

It was a grim, freaky feeling, burying my older self. I loaded the older version of me into my jeep, along with a pick ax and shovel and bag of lime. I drove for about twenty minutes to a spot I knew. It was lonely, but was located on the side of a hill, overlooking a valley that had a river running through it. It was as good a place to spend 'eternal rest', as any. It was also on my land, was very private, and was not easily accessed. It took four-wheel drive, and a lot of patience and...

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A Boss For Me Made A Toss For Her

Hi, everybody, this is fahim and I am a regular reader of iss and I was willing to post a story of mine and this incident of mine happened some months ago and hope you enjoy my story and also expecting your feedback for my narrations. Basically I belong to kerala and I look fair, handsome and height of 5.8 and good physique and aged around 25 and had many girlfriends during my college days and interested in mature ladies and after completing my graduation in engineering I got a job in a public...

3 years ago
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The Girls All Get PrettierChapter 2

SALLY I felt better after talking with Tammy. I was really confused with what he said about a boyfriend — what was that all about? And then Tammy told her about what Hank said: "I'm takin' over the ranch management from Jake and I will move in to that big old house after Jake moves out. What was Jake going to do? Where was he moving? That damn cowboy! I had to admit I was having feelin's for him. I think I was just mad at myself for drinkin' all those beers. And then hearin' him sing...

1 year ago
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College girl summertime fantasy

Watching the clock count down the minutes to the weekend was all that was in my mind that Friday! "Wow, I'm so glad that week is over" I said to myself once quitting time came. "Yeah, me too, have a good weekend everybody" was pretty much a given to hear while leaving on a Friday. Working Monday through Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm as a customer service call center account manager is taxing on the nerves but sure pays the bills, This week was definitely one for the books. I had just broke up with my...

Drunk sex
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Watching Ann Masturbate

Ann was so horny she could hardly stand it. Her date had canceled that night, and she had been looking forward to a good, hard fucking. She had been lying on her bed fantasizing about Bill's big cock ramming into her when he called. Her nipples were hard and tight in her frustration, and she reached up to rub and pinch them through the tight turtleneck that she was wearing. Her big nipples poked out stiff and hard, and she could feel her cunt become slippery as she teased her nipples. Mark...

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cocu suite agrave une crevaison de nuit

Mon épouse rentrait très tard d'une réunion de travail terminée par un repas et une soirée (01h25 de la nuit) et en cours de route elle s'est arrêtée sur le bas côté pour voir ce qui n'allait pas. En fait un pneu crevé, Une voiture qui la suivait s'est arrêtée et un jeune arabe est allé la voir et lui a proposé sans se départir de changer la roue contre une fellation.Je suppose que la tenue de ma femme y a été aussi pour beaucoup : petit tailleur noir, chemisier blanc jupe courte fendue sur un...

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Amy reached from beneath the sheets and groped around clumsily for her alarm clock as it beeped cheerily on her bedside table and knocked it to the floor. As her hand slid from the nightstand, following the clock to its doom, she let her arm hang lazily from the side of the bed. As she slowly rolled over onto her stomach she felt something squashing against her upper thighs. Something hard. Warm and damp, it pressed against her skin, bunching her panties to one side and making...

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12 October 2008Chapter 4

Wendy and Karen sat on the backseat as Dan drove them to Brad and Jake’s hockey game. Karen smiled, rubbing Wendy’s baby bump. “Just over another month more,” she smiled. “I know, I can hardly wait to have our babies. I’m still horny as hell,” Wendy said guiding Karen’s hand between her legs. Dan adjusted the Maxima’s rear-view mirror to see his two loves fingering the other’s pussy. “I want some of that when we get home.” “Now you’ll have four women to choose from to fuck,” Karen...

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Valedictorian turns Slut

Lisa was a 23 year old college girl, on track to become the valedictorian. She organized the model united nations, she was head of the debate team, she regularly visited church and her parents were public figures and very very proud of her. Always bragging to friends and family about her achievements, always bragging what a good girl she was, hardworking, polite, never causing any problems, a prissy virgin until marriage. Well she wouldn’t be a virgin for long. Lisa was so tired of...

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The plumper landlord

I’m a good tenant. I always pay my rent on time. I’m not too loud. Sometimes I’ll play music or sing the shower but I don’t make nearly as much racket as she does. The thing is, Barbara blasts music until the wee-hours of the morning. I have no idea why. I’m not sure if she parties every night or anything. Barbara gets away with it for one simple reason. She’s the landlady. I’ve never confronted her, partially because I don’t want trouble and partly because Barbara is really fit. She’s curvy...

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Mother And Son A Tale Of Forbidden Love 8211 Part 1

Hello! This is the first time I’m writing stuff like this. I’m deeply aroused by mom son incest. This is such a story which is a work of pure imagination. I’m writing with the intention of giving the reader a great orgasmic experience. I hope it works !! Dev was a gentleman in everyone’s eyes, a soft-spoken shy guy, yet cheerful and good-humored. He was the only son of a business man, Ravi. A shrewd business man he was, Ravi was known for his greediness and cunning. Ravi started his business...

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The Bad Boy Experience

" Mya wake up sweetie it's time to go to school" my mom chanted from down the stairs. I groaned and got up rubbing my eyes which were bloodshot since i'd been doing a paper all last night only getting 2 hours of sleep. I got out of bed and ran to the shower before my brother could get there before me, we had two different bathrooms but the other was my mom and dads room and i never go in their room. I bear him to the bathroom and as i locked the door i could hear him cursing me out. I...

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Bangladeshi Wife oggled by Danish guy

We are a couple from Bangladesh. We are from Jessore and we arrived in Denmark recently. Its very cold in this country but it is very nice in the summertime. My wife is Nazma and she is 35 years old and has a voluptuous body, dark brown skin and, long black hair and full lips. She wears colorful shalwar kameez all the time and teases the danish men when we go out. I have seen Danish men follow her from behind when we are out and some of them walk behind her with a camera in their hand filming...

4 years ago
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Keeper Ch 06

January 1 ~5:50 P.M.~ ‘Pizza’s done.’ John said absently as the kitchen timer went off at the same time Blue’s cell phone rang. He stood, looking down at her as she fumbled the tiny phone from her pocket. ‘Do you know who it is?’ he asked when she hesitated with her phone in her hand, thinking about the odd calls and texts she had been receiving. ‘It’s Detective Banks.’ she murmured before pressing the answer button and holding the phone to her ear. John watched her warily for another...

3 years ago
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Silken Ties That Bind

by Sinturian I met Louise at a business seminar social function; one of those affairs where few people knew one another, and conversations just started with total strangers. She was an attractive blonde with a nice figure and seemed fairly intelligent. She told me she was 25 and never married and I revealed to her that I was 45 and twice divorced; it didn’t seem to bother her. As the evening wore on and things were becoming dull, I asked if she would like to join me for a drink and she...

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View to Die For

I guess that you could say that I was a pervert and she was a prick tease. I didn't have a lot of choice, what with being confined to this rotten fucking wheelchair and the window next to my computer, where I spend most of my time, just happened to overlook the back yard and swimming pool of her house. It wasn't helped by her sunbathing naked at every opportunity. To make matters worse she would apply sunscreen to her body in such a way that I had no option but to jerk off.I'm in this chair...

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