laundary day a continuation of the barbecue
- 2 years ago
- 32
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The limo was white, not black, and the driver was female, not the baffled male who drove us around New York City during my last visit. Because a terrorist act we'd partially foiled potentially exposed my empathic aptitude to our old driver, Sandy had judiciously changed limousine services.
After a couple of weeks without sex, Sandy was in no mood to wait, and before we left the airport complex she jumped my bones. Did I complain? Nope. I went with the flow.
But my bones enjoying my eager and passionate sister was only part of what was going on. This is different, I thought.
You'd better believe it, lover, Nicole's attitude said loud and clear. I even heard her mental giggle.
Maybe not mental, I thought. For all I know she laughed out loud.
Out loud, Nicole thought.
I was in New York making love with my gorgeous sister in the private passenger cocoon of a limo. The sensations she shared with me were fantastic; we were in sync emotionally, and through her attitudes, I understood what she was thinking as if I were a telepath like Nicole.
If that wasn't enough, Nicole was lying on our bed about three thousand miles away with her fingers busy at her pussy, sharing her emotions, sensations and thoughts - through her attitudes - with me. Nicole was also listening to Sandy's thoughts.
And the situation was even more bizarre. Nicole and I were having a silent conversation.
I wish I could feel her sensations like you, Nicole thought.
Ooh, this feels so good! Sandy thought. I'm thrilled to have some time alone with Josh, but it'll be great when Nicole arrives. I've missed her, too.
Give us some time alone, Nicole.
Spoilsport. All right. I understand. Here's what I'll do. I'll break my connection with you but maintain my connection with Sandy. She knows when I'm connected with her now. She started to feel me when I enter her mind a few days ago, so if she wants privacy, she'll raise her shield. She doesn't mind me being along for the ride, so to speak, but she's ignoring me. No, ignoring me isn't accurate. She's enjoying you so much she's forgotten I'm connected with her. I'll probably come when she comes. Have fun. I will. Bye.
I felt Nicole slip out of my mind and backed away from hers, but only regarding her attitudes, a connection she could feel. I remained connected with her sensations and emotions, connections she couldn't feel - not yet. She was masturbating, and she'd climax when Sandy's orgasm struck. Orgasm times two! Three if you count mine. I didn't.
My cock throbbed with anticipation. Would I pass out again?
"Fuck me, Josh. Fuck me, little brother," Sandy gushed. "Oh, you feel so good in me, thrusting... throbbing... fucking."
Sandy's clit hit my pubic bone. I could feel the resulting exquisite sensations everywhere, even my hair follicles. I latched my mouth on a hard nipple, and she dragged her clit through my pubic patch and up the topside of my cock, and her thrilling sensations took me with her. Nicole's fingers flashing back and forth over her clitoris pulled a moan of pleasure from somewhere deep inside me.
Nicole and Sandy were in sync. They'd climax simultaneously, and they'd share their climaxes with me. What I hadn't told them was the dual climax wasn't just twice as powerful. Their sensations struck me as if multiplied exponentially, became so powerful they took me to a different plane, one even more exquisite than the place we journeyed during orgasm where we could only feel. This new place was primordial like the burst of rapture at the moment life began. The prime sensation! The sensation that drove humankind to procreate.
Then it happened.
Pressure and air and light and sound struck me with hurricane force and tossed me through the first place to the second. I vibrated with the rapturous, rolling spasms and shared my blissful molecules with the dark energy and matter of the universe. Then I slipped back to the first place and connected with Sandy and Nicole, shared their delicate but powerful sensations momentarily before returning to the here and now with them.
My seed was blasting into Sandy, and I went within myself, a light trance not unlike what I experienced when I healed myself, or others. I rode the wave of sperm I'd just deposited, observed their frantic, thrashing struggles, watched millions give up while few persisted. Some swam fiercely through the heavy mucous at the cervix. I felt their need, their determination, and some of them reached their goal, striking a round object protected with a thick, vitreous substance.
An egg, I told myself. Sandy's egg.
Some of the sperm moved partway through the protective substance but didn't have the strength to survive. Then I watched with wonder when one determined sperm rammed the barrier, wriggled its tail and drove forward with sudden strength, crashing through into the egg.
I opened my eyes and smiled. "You're pregnant."
"What?" Sandy asked, sounding shocked.
I felt Nicole enter my mind, and I reconnected with her attitudes.
"I wandered into your protoplasm and watched the amazing process of conception," I said. "I'm in awe."
Sandy's pregnant? Nicole's thoughts asked.
Yes. I wish you could have seen what happened, Nicole. It was a marvel, the survival of the fittest in action.
"Your sperm may have impregnated an ovum, Josh," Sandy said, "but the pill will suppress the hormones that prepare my uterus so it's hospitable to an embryo."
"On the other hand, I did miss taking the pill one day this week."
She's pregnant, Nicole thought.
Sandy grinned. "In a day or two, wander around in my protoplasm again and take another look."
I tossed two folders on the coffee table. "Land sale packages," I said by way of explanation. "One possibility is seven acres north of Scottsdale in the foothills. The other is almost six acres in Care Free. Nicole took pictures. I have them on my laptop, and she e-mailed them to you. Do you have a preference?"
"Yes, the seven acres in the foothills," Sandy said. "The site is closer in, and I like the look of the high desert landscape on and around the property. Have you actually walked the land?"
"No, but Nicole stomped over it."
"Will it offer views of the city below?"
Yes, Nicole told me silently. She'd been sipping wine and reading, but closed the book when Sandy and I started talking about the land packages.
"Nicole says yes."
"What about water and sewer?"
"City water, but we'll put in a septic tank for sewer."
A well was drilled years ago and then abandoned, Nicole said silently, so a well goes with the land.
"Oops, Nicole just reminded me well water might be possible."
Sandy looked surprised, which matched how she felt.
"Are you and Sandy communicating with each other right now?"
"Yeah. Cool, huh?"
Sandy's attitude disagreed.
"Where does that leave you, you ask?" I said. "That's easy. It leaves you dearly loved, Sandy."
Here, here, Nicole quipped.
"Nicole agrees," I said.
Tears quickly formed in Sandy's eyes. She was only partially mollified. I anticipated problems on this issue latter.
"When did you become telepathic?" Sandy asked.
"I haven't. I use my empathic ability telepathically. I can translate your thoughts into an understandable attitude very quickly now. Nicole says it's like having a silent conversation with me."
"Has your range changed?"
"No, but I can connect with Nicole when she connects with me by following her signal back to her."
I hadn't told either of them that I'd been almost constantly connected with them, except for attitude scans, for quite some time. Once connected with someone, I could remain connected without much effort, but I had to tamp down the level of Nicole and Sandy's connections so their emotions and sensations didn't disrupt whatever I happened to be doing at any given time. If I wanted to feel closer to one of them, I just amplified my connection or added an attitude scan.
Nicole's checking visits gave me the idea. If either of them ever needed me, I reasoned that I might be able to help by increasing my empathic scan to its maximum radius of fifty feet from the one needing help. If nothing else, this might let me gather information relative to the problem. I was also playing with the idea of taking more drastic steps if needed to resolve the emergency. I wasn't sure about the more drastic steps. They needed to be tested. What's more, I could follow my own signal from my emotion and sensation connection to connect with either of them with an attitude scan. Also, once after Sandy raised her shield for some privacy to protect her thoughts from Nicole, for some reason I lost my connection with Sandy, too, which surprised me. I'd believed her shield wouldn't disrupt my non-attitude connection. I was concerned I wouldn't be able to reconnect with her until I was with her physically again. Later, when Sandy lowered her shield and Nicole connected with her again, I followed Nicole's connection to Sandy to reestablish my connection with my sister.
I also knew it was time to come clean about my constant connections, so I told Sandy what I'd been doing and why. Nicole followed my conversation with Sandy by reading my thoughts.
"So if either of you would like complete privacy, throw up a full body shield," I concluded. "In my defense, my motive for the constant connections was to make sure you were both safe, and if you weren't, do something about it if I could. I wasn't bein' nosy. Honest."
Hah! Nicole grumbled, not with dismay, but rather as if to say, "Why should I be surprised?"
Sandy just shook her head. She'd stopped worrying about my intrusions into her privacy when I'd accepted her savage attacks during previous lives.
"Nicole, I'd like to try an experiment that, if successful, could truly help you out of a jam someday" I said out loud. Nicole and I had experimented with her telepathy. She concluded when I spoke that I thought the words a split-second before I uttered them. I'd spoken out loud to include Sandy in what I wanted to try.
Experiment away. You will anyway, Nicole responded. What do you have in mind? No pun intended.
"Don't be such a grump, Nicole. I'm talking about implanting an attitude in someone from you."
"Huh?" Sandy said.
Explain, Nicole thought.
"Here's one unlikely but possible scenario. You're in danger, Nicole. You're bein' stalked by a serial rapist or someone equally vile. When you connect with your assailant and become aware of the danger, your attitude will tell me what's happening. Because I'm connected with you, I might be able transfer an attitude from you to your assailant that would take you out of danger."
"I'd like a similar safety net," Sandy said. "But I can't connect with the bad guy like Nicole."
"One step at a time, Sandy. I'll get to you in a minute. I want to try something slightly different with you."
She nodded.
"Nicole, is there someone you work with that needs an attitude adjustment?"
Sure, a couple of them.
"Can you connect with either of them now?"
I don't know. I haven't tried.
"Please try."
Got him.
"What's his problem?"
He's doesn't think women should be in the work place. He's a keep-'em-at-home-barefoot-and-pregnant kind of guy.
"Okay I'll fix that, but after I try something else first. There, I'm connected with him, too. Not a nice man, Nicole. Avoid him."
I do.
"You should know if my attitude reaches him, so stay connected. Here goes."
Should he be laughing his fool head off? Nicole asked a few seconds later.
"Yup. Now the attitude adjustment to fix your problem with him. There, all done."
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Mind Controldisclaimer: This story is for adults only. Nothing in this story is intended to defame,defraud, or slander any person, place or thing, real or imagined. Also, permissionis given to download this story for your own enjoyment, and to distribute toothers of legal age as long as the file is not altered and appropriate creditis given. (And if you post it somewhere I'd love to know about it!) *****************************************************************
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It was the Sunday before my senior year, and I was not ready to let go of Summer, or my sex life yet. I had decided I would not have sex during the school year so I could focus. I invited my fiance’s best friend, Paul, over to drink with me, and he brought his friend Mike, who was my previous best friend’s boyfriend. I had heard amazing stories about Mike’s sex, as he had spent the summer fucking my then best friend in my bedroom. We started drinking a little bit, then Mike revealed he had...
This was a very recent experience of mine spawned from my life’s experience of always keeping an eye out for those mature women, found in the most mundane circumstances, who are willing to try some of the sexual experiences missed in earlier years. Elspeth was the perfect example of my theory that if you scratch a woman deep enough you’ll find a wanton slut hiding there.Chapter OneShe came across the crowded room making a bee-line for me as I stood alone at a somewhat boring financial...
Title: Femme Your Hubby - FAQ #2 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest will move to the head of the class. Not for dissemination to minors under any circumstance(s). Preface to FAQ #2: The author...
I don’t know how long it has been since you strapped me to the bed and walked out of the room; it could be two minutes, or ten ,or it could be longer. Fur lined leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles restrain me to the bed. I am completely splayed out, with my legs spread and attached to the corners of the bed and my arms straight over my head. The blindfold has plunged me into complete darkness and the music playing in the room causes me to not be able to hear anything. My other senses are...
BDSMSeraphima Seraphima(by Eve Adorer) Synopsis:If next door was a convent, then eighteen-year-old Seraphima was just ?the girl next door?. Like all young girls, Seraphima was compelled by the mysterious wonder between her legs. As her story begins, the question of the moment is, what is Seraphima, a convent girl, doing in the ?Poolside Bar?? Seraphima(by Eve Adorer) Chapter 1 - Pool Pool or pools? Alluring: brown: compellingly disquietening: electrically flashing golden heavenly...
The Announcer came on: “Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls; school’s out and guess who’s back joining us? Charles & Claire!” A wonderful round of applause came up from the crowd, the returning kids smiled at us, the new kids glared at us. “But they are last today, so let’s get started.” He went on to announce the first competitors and it began. Things were moving along, I felt a bit more nervous than usual. Claire came up to me and said, “Charles, remember we’re waltzing today, this...
"Luis, we have decided you must vacate your apartment since you have broken two of the articles in the agreement you signed when you moved into the towers. We would like for you to be out by the end of the month," the chairman said. Luis looked shocked. Why I don't know since he had expected it. He looked at me like do something. "Mr. Chairman I think you need to give Luis the required thirty days notice at least. Thirty days would give him till March 20th. March 31, would be better," I...
Jake and myself; both now seventeen, grew up just a street apart and attended the same high school. I'd been over to Jake's house numerous times, but in the past several months I found myself taking more notice of his mother, Mia. I'd find myself catching a glance every opportunity I had, making sure Jake never saw me or he'd give me a beating I'd never forget, or worse, take the piss out of me.I considered Mia like a step-mother, who took care of me when my own parents went out of town. I know...
First TimeFraternization with colleagues is now strictly prohibited now because of the #MeToo movement, but Audrey Bitoni has found that only her co-worker, Johnny, is the only man who can make her have an orgasm! Her recent rendezvous with him proved her life-long anti-cum issues not impossible to overcome, but how will she face the dilemma of not getting caught with him at their place of work? The short answer is: Audrey doesn’t give a fuck, she wants to cum! So into the private office they go and out...
xmoviesforyouI drove into the parking lot pick up area and watched Lisa walk out of the lobby and get in the car. She had trimmed her red hair to just above her shoulders for the wedding. It really made her big blue eyes and thick sensual lips more noticeable. She looked great. “Damn, girl, you look HOT!” I said as I drove off. “How was the reception?” “It was ok. Ron was hitting on me all night. So was John. He loves looking at my tits” she laughed. As we...
My hands were shaking. The knot in my stomach was aconstant reminder of what I had to do if I was evergoing to be sane again...She, who is my mother, was sitting on the couchreading one of her many romantic novels, oblivious tomy pain. Before I get into my problem allow me todescribe what has been torturing me for the past fiveyears: My mother is what I would call cute and pretty.She's a natural beauty who never needs more than alittle make-up to enhance her beautiful hazel eyes orher plump,...
"Oh god darling, at little deeper pleasssse."Doug has been holding back, teasing my pussy! Then he thrusts deeper into me, the feeling of his stiff shaft penetrating my very wet vagina is overwhelming and I cum and so does he. I feel his hot ejaculations into my pussy.Doug pushes my legs back towards my ears to fully expose my cunt to his attentions. I want max penetration this time. he thrusts deep, deep into me! I feel the tip of his cock brushing against my cervix, and it again is too much....
Chantelle and I reached the top and we both just stood there.'So...''So...'Everything inside me wanted to kiss her, just kiss her so passionately, say I loved her since I first met you, and wish we could be together forever.But she spoke first.'So are you gonna come in or are you just stand there?'I went in.As soon as my foot went through the door, I couldn't believe who I saw.It was Molly.'Molly!''Hey, Sean''What are you doing...'I just notice who I was staring at.Not Molly.But the sexiest...
What goes around comes around, a true story . . .In my early years after high school I had met the girl named Debbie and her girlfriend named Diane at a drive-in restaurant. It was a place where guys in their hot rods would cruse through and try to get the girls interested in us. Somehow, I was able to get a conversation going with them and I thought Debbie was hot! Diane was nice too but Debbie was the classic blonde babe that I just had to get to know better. After a few weeks of trying I...