A Balmy SpringChapter 10 free porn video

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"I still don't know why they want me along," Jeff said, as he fidgeted in the passenger seat.

"They like you," I replied, "Plus, they said it sounded like fun. I mean, we hang out together a lot of the time as it is."

"That's HANGING out, not GOING out." He nervously scratched at the back of his neck. "This is a whole different animal."

"Relax, Man," I said, as we pulled onto Cassie's street. "It's not like we've never gone a double date before, either."

"Sure, but that was a double DATE, not a double LAY."

"You can't think about it that way. Cassie and I, you and Danica, are just going to grab some food and hang out. Whatever happens after that should just happen."

Jeff didn't respond, but he watched the houses go slowly by. When I pulled up to the curb outside Cassie's house, I opened my door, but Jeff's hand caught my arm.

"Listen, Brody, I know I talk all kinds of smack about getting it on with girls and stuff, but the truth is, the only girl that I've ever been with is Jenna Miller, and that was like twice. She knew as little as me about sex. It wasn't anything to write home about."

I could tell that this little confession had to be humbling for Jeff. I hadn't known his full sexual history, but I figured that it was pretty minimal.

"It's cool, Jeff. Just let things happen. Both girls like sex, and they both like you. Be yourself and enjoy hanging with them, and they'll pretty much set the tempo." I grinned at him, "And once they set the tempo, we can only hope to keep up."

"That's what I'm afraid of," he muttered. "What if I can't, you know, keep up? Or worse, what if I go WAAAY too fast, if you know what I mean?"

I patted him on the shoulder. "You're young. You can quickly recover. Besides, I'm pretty sure they can find ways to keep each other busy until we're ready to go again."

His eyes opened wide. "Are they... ? Do they really... ?"

"Come on; let's pick up our dates," I interrupted him. He had long speculated that the girls were intimate, and I figured he'd find out soon enough. He started to get out of the car, but I caught his arm this time, and fixed a stern look in his direction. "Remember ... you don't say a WORD about what goes on tonight. Don't even hint. If anyone asks, we just hung out, grabbed dinner, caught a movie, and that's all. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not a blabbermouth."

My expression softened. "I know. I wouldn't have asked you to come with us tonight if I thought otherwise."

We walked up to the house and I rang the bell. Danica was spending the night at Cassie's, so we only had to make one stop. Mrs. Jones answered, escorted us into the house, then called for the girls. They came bounding down the stairs a few moments later. Damn, they looked FINE. Cassie was wearing an embroidered peasant blouse and pair of short, cut-off jean shorts. They didn't show anything naughty, but they were short enough that the bottom of the front pockets could be seen among the fringe. Her breasts bounced free and deliciously beneath the loose material. Danica was wearing a pair of tight knit shorts that really showed off her killer legs, and a belly shirt exposed her chiseled abs. They looked sexy without being slutty. I glanced at Jeff to see his reaction, and it was pretty much the same as mine: eyes and mouth opened wide in awe.

Cassie hesitated at the bottom of the stairs for a second to pose for our viewing pleasure. Mrs. Jones shook her head at her daughter's antics, but she had a smile on her face. Cassie glided over to me to give me warm kiss and a hug to Jeff. Danica was less of an exhibitionist, and she demurely greeted us with a couple of quick hugs. Mrs. Jones reminded Cassie that their curfew was 1:00, so that meant we had five hours to have fun.

We got in the car, Cassie in the seat beside me, and Danica in back with Jeff. Cassie slid over and attacked my mouth. Her little tongue wiggled its way between my lips. I returned the kiss for a bit, enjoying the fruity taste of her lip gloss, before pulling back to look at her. Her lips were centimeters from mine and her eyes were open and clearly hungry.

"Let's skip dinner and go to your house," she breathed onto my lips, "I'm so horny."

"Cassie!" Danica squealed.

I pecked Cassie's lips. "As much as I'd love to, we need to make an appearance in public, in case your mom asks."

"She knows we're having sex," she grinned, as she dotted kisses on my cheeks and chin.

For some reason, I blushed as she gave me those little kisses. It seemed particularly sweet and intimate, and the manly part of me was a little uncomfortable at having Jeff see it. Cassie's comment about her mom knowing that we were having sex was a revelation to me, and I decided that I was glad she and I didn't have to sneak around.

"OK," I said to her, "But I'm pretty sure she didn't expect you to go straight over to my house for a night of group sex. Besides, Danica's parents don't know. As far as they know, she doesn't even have a boyfriend. Now behave yourself before you make our friends even more uncomfortable."

Her eyes cleared and she had the grace to look contrite. She looked back over her seat. "Sorry, you guys. I get a little carried away sometimes."

"I understand," Danica said.

"Hey, not a problem," Jeff said. I glanced in the mirror and saw his shoulders slump. I couldn't tell if he was relieved that I put the brakes on the whole group sex thing, or frustrated that he had to wait.

Things were pretty much normal after that. The four of us had already been hanging out quite a bit since spring break, though usually just after school and on the occasional weekend. This was the first real 'date' with the four of us. Everybody quickly fell into their comfort zones, but I noticed one new change: Danica was holding hands with Jeff as we entered Daddy-O's, a 1950's themed diner that was a pretty common hangout for the kids from school. Because so many of the kids were going to the prom, and chose classier establishments for dinner, only a handful of our schoolmates were scattered about. The rest of the place was full of parents with younger kids, though; they probably sent their older kids to the prom and took the younger ones out for some fun.

We had to wait for about 20 minutes before we were seated. The girls tightly held our hands as we talked and laughed. As soon as we were seated in the booth, Cassie's hand slid up my leg and rested on the lump in my shorts. She gave it a little pat, then just left her hand there as she talked normally with Danica and Jeff. Either the girls discussed this earlier, or Danica could tell what Cassie was doing, because just after the server brought our food and left, her hand disappeared under the table. Her cheeks were tinged pink in embarrassment, and Jeff jerked a couple of seconds later, bumping the bottom of the table with his knee, splashing pop out of glasses, and overturning the salt shaker. Both girls giggled.

"Uh, sorry," he mumbled, as his face glowed bright red.

I was surprised at how brazen Danica was, considering she'd never even kissed the guy, but I was glad she was also having fun playing around. The girls both ate with only one hand while keeping the conversation going. Jeff and I ate with both hands as fast as we could, but I noticed a dazed look on his face. I could understand that, because it's not every day you eat dinner with a girl petting your cock. I'm not sure what Danica was doing, but Jeff would freeze up every now and then, and his eyes would widen even more. A few seconds would pass and he'd relax again—if you could call this dazed state 'relaxed'. Needless to say, Jeff and I were done when the server came to check on us, but the girls were still only halfway through their food.

"How was every—"

"Great," I quickly said.

He smiled at me. "Did you save room—"

"Nope," I said just as quickly, "Just the checks, please."

Danica slid into the seat beside me when we got back in the car. She sweetly smiled. I glanced back at Cassie, who smiled just as sweetly.

"You made me leave before I was done with my food," she teased. "I'm mad at you, so I don't want to sit next to you."

"You were the one who didn't even want to get food in the first place," I countered.

"Don't you want to sit next to Danica?" Cassie teased back.

"Of course I do."

"Then just drive."

I looked at Danica and she quickly cast her eyes down into her lap. She was still shy and nervous even after the few times we'd had sex together. I knew from that past experience, though, that she was a wildcat in bed when she got horny. I smiled at her and reached over to capture her hand. She grabbed and held mine in her lap. Neither of us said much on the drive to my house. Jeff and Cassie were quietly whispering, and I kind of got lost in my own world as I drove, listening to the music, and enjoying the feminine company. I was brought back when Cassie leaned forward and ran her hand through my hair. I glanced in the rearview mirror. It was light enough that I could make her eyes out as she was looking into the mirror, too. Those eyes seemed hesitant, uncertain. I kept mine locked on hers, hoping that she'd see my acceptance of the situation I'd put us in. Other than Mom, I'd never seen any of my girls with another guy. As far as I knew, none of them had even BEEN with another guy—willingly—since they had hooked up with me. I searched my emotions and was surprised to find I had no doubts about Cassie having sex with Jeff. Other guys, now that was a different story. That made my stomach hurt. Was it hypocritical? Probably, but it was how I felt.

She must have seen something in my eyes, because she sat back. There was some rustling. My mind flashed back to the last time Cassie was in the back of my car while I was driving. Cassie and Mia, then Cassie and Shay. Damn.

"Cassie!" I heard Jeff's panicked whisper. "I ... can't ... what are you ... with Brody..."

"Ask him," Cassie said, in a normal voice.

"Ask me what?" I said, playing along. Danica turned around to see what was going on behind us.

"I can't ask him THAT!" Jeff said.

Cassie dramatically sighed. "Brody, can Jeff make out with me?"

I almost laughed at her nearly perfect imitation of Shay, even down to the way she cocked her head. I needed Jeff to freely do this, not because he was pressured into it, so I spoke to him.

"Do you want to make out with Cassie, Jeff?"

"Dude, I, I mean, she's hot, you know I think that, but she's going—"

"Jeff, remember what we talked about earlier this week and again earlier today?"

"Yeah, Brody, but—"

"Do you want to make out with Cassie?"

I was looking in the mirror and I saw him looking back and forth between me, Cassie, and Danica.

"I ... I was hoping, you know, to maybe get Danica to go out with me, just the two of us, sometime." He blushed. "I don't want to screw up that chance. I'm afraid if I do anything with Cassie..."

Danica unbuckled her seatbelt and completely turned around so that she was on her knees. She motioned for Jeff to come closer. He hesitated a second, then did as she requested. To my surprise, she put her hand behind his head and locked lips with him. He froze in surprise, then jerked when her tongue probed his lips. Jeff's a smart guy, though, and he quickly rebounded; he and Danica soon were really swapping spit. I was a little nervous about Danica being out of her belt while I was driving, given the experiences I'd had with car accidents, so I swatted her on her ass after a minute or so. She yelped and turned to glare at me while she rubbed her sexy little derriere. Cassie was giggling, and Jeff had this goofy grin on his face. I wondered how long he'd wanted to kiss Danica—months? Years? Based on his attitude this evening, I think I underestimated how he really felt about the slim, athletic girl.

Danica demurely settled back into her seat and buckled up again. "That was the strangest way anyone has ever asked me out, Jeff. Sweet, but strange." She smiled at him. "As long as you save lots more of those kisses for me, have fun with Cassie," she said.

"Jeff," I got his attention. "Do you want to make out with Cassie or not?"

He blushed even more than he already was. "Yeah, I do. I'm sorry, Man..."

Cassie didn't wait for me to respond. She grabbed the front of his shirt in her fist, yanked him over, then mashed her lips against his. He responded faster this time, and they were really going at it when I put my full attention back on the road. Danica's hand slipped into my lap and squeezed my lump a moment later. She didn't move it until I pulled into the driveway.

Mom had gone over to Jeff's house to hang out with his parents and a handful of other friends who had sent their kids to the prom. I would be picking her up when I dropped Jeff off later. So my house was quiet and empty when we walked in. I turned the entryway light on and looked at our group. It was a good thing that no one was there to greet us, because Jeff wasn't in any condition to see anyone. His hair was a tussled mess, his shirt wrinkled, and his face flushed. A quick glance down south showed he was in the same state as I was.

Now that the four of us were alone in the house, things threatened to become awkward. The girls, who were frisky and playful in the safety of the car, were anxious and nervous in the playground that was my house. Since I was the one who facilitated this little shindig, I felt the need to take the lead. I faced Danica—she WAS the one who had kept me in my current state of rigidity—and slipped my arms around her. She was tense and clearly nervous. I pulled her tight against me, grinding my hardness into her, and lightly kissed her.

"What happens for you tonight is your call," I quietly said. "Don't let anyone else's decisions be yours, including Cassie's. No one will pressure you. Nobody will think bad about you either way, and no one will say a word about it. We're just here to have fun, OK?"

She nodded and gave me a little smile. I released her and turned to Cassie. She gave no indication that she heard what I told Danica. She clearly saw my actions, though, because SHE grabbed ME, pushed her pelvis against my dick, and kissed me like she was trying to push her tongue into my stomach. I returned her kiss, and grinded against her for a few seconds, before dislodging her tongue from my mouth.

"What happens for you tonight is your call," I quietly started. It worked well for Danica, so why mess with perfection.

"No," she decisively said.

Her quiet forcefulness made me lean back so I could look at her face.


"I can't do it that way. Remember?"

Her lower lip started to tremble. I suddenly knew what she meant. She had already told me she would only do this if I told her to. I knew that, so why was I forcing this encounter? Here I was getting ready to watch one of my girlfriends fuck another guy, yet she acted like she wouldn't do it. Except that wasn't the point. She DID want to, but she wouldn't or couldn't do it by herself. That begged another question: why did she have to be sexually involved with anyone at all? I mean, she was only seventeen. Plenty of seventeen-year-olds go without sex. It wasn't like she would die if she went without sex until she came to Arizona or found someone on her own.

Yet, I was beginning to understand the why. This wasn't just about finding another guy to be the 'cover story' for Cassie and Danica. If they only wanted that, they could get Jeff to go along with the charade without having sex. I somehow knew that Cassie needed this to feel ... safe, maybe? She was vulnerable. On top of potentially being 'discovered' of being bisexual, she was afraid of making some stupid mistake with some guy, or of being seduced into a relationship with someone she couldn't trust. She didn't want to be taken advantage of, to be hurt. I just couldn't figure out why this was such a fear of hers.

I gently kissed her forehead. "What happens to you tonight is Jeff's call," I revised. You could almost see the relief on her face. "If Jeff wants to have sex with you, give it all you've got."

"Why are you doing this for me?" she asked, in a small voice.

I didn't clearly understand why she needed me to take control like this, but I knew why I was doing it. I smiled. "Because I love you."

How was that for twisted logic? It apparently was the right answer, though, because her cheeks dimpled and her eyes danced in happiness. I stepped back.

"Danica, will you and Cassie go to my room?" I said for everyone to hear. "Maybe put on some music or something. Jeff and I will get drinks and be there in a bit."

Danica tilted her head, dubiously looking at me. Before she could say anything, Cassie gave her a peck on the lips. "I brought some of MY music over, Lover. That way the only screaming we have to hear tonight is our own and not Brody's music."

Danica blushed and let Cassie drag her away.

"Did she just call Danica 'Lover'?" Jeff asked, still incredulous that his assumptions were true.

"Listen, Jeff, we're all here to have fun, OK? What you do with Danica is by mutual agreement between the two of you. Don't pressure her or make her feel bad if she wants to put the brakes on, and if she DOES want to do everything, don't think that she's a slut or loose or something. She just likes to have sex. Oh, and don't breathe a word about this to ANYBODY."

Jeff looked at me seriously. "Of course not, Brod."

I went into the kitchen to get some drinks. Jeff followed.

"Um, what about Cassie?" he asked, "I mean, making out with a guy's girlfriend is one thing, but sex..."

"What you do with Cassie is up to you," I said, as I grabbed a few cans from the fridge. "Grab some glasses and get some ice."

"Yeah, but what if she doesn't want to do anything with me?"

"She does," I answered.

"Yeah, but what if she changes her mind at the last minute?"

"She won't."

"How can you know that, though?"

I sighed. "Because I told her to have sex with you."

Jeff's eyes widened. "Told her ... Dude, how can—"

"It's hard to explain, Jeff," I cut him off. "Cassie and I have ... an unusual relationship. Trust me when say that you having sex with Cassie will NOT be against her will."

He was ready to argue that point, but I I cut him off again.

"Do you trust me?" I asked.

He looked at me for a second before slowly nodding.

I smiled and turned towards the bedroom. "Then this will be a night you'll never forget."

I don't know if the girls had planned things while we were getting drinks, but when we walked into the room and were greeted by two gorgeous teenage girls, clad only in their underwear, I knew that we just needed to sit back and let them take it from there.

Cassie came over to Jeff, pulled the glasses from his hands, and set them on the desk. Then she grabbed his hands and placed them on her soft, proud breasts. I guessed that once she knew what I wanted her to do, she did it aggressively. It was an interesting contrast of behavior, submissive and aggressive, in the same girl. I didn't know if that was common or not, but regardless, I felt that her enthusiasm showed how much she adopted my decision as her own. I still didn't understand it, but having that kind of control was a heady experience.

"Holy shit," Jeff hissed, as Cassie leaned into his hands. It was one of many times he would say that very phrase that night. They resumed the kiss they'd shared in the car, and I watched Danica watching them, looking for any signs of jealousy. Not seeing any, I took her by the hand, sat in the desk chair and pulled her down into my lap, her back against my chest, so we could watch them together. Some weird part of me needed to see my girlfriend with another guy, maybe just to get it out of the way so that I could enjoy the evening, or maybe just because I was a voyeur. Maybe it didn't matter why.

I spent part of the time watching Cassie and Jeff, and part of the time kissing Danica's neck and shoulders and exploring her body with my hands. I was going to miss her when I moved. I knew that our times together were limited. That would be it once I moved. Cassie and I would hopefully resume our relationship in a year, but I knew Danica would move on from me, so I resolved to make this as good as possible for her, as well as me. I had her breathing faster by the time Cassie slipped her bra off and let Jeff touch her bare breasts for the first time. Their kisses heated up as Jeff massaged her soft mounds. When Cassie broke the kiss and sank to her knees in front of Jeff, I slowly slid my hand down Danica's chiseled stomach and under the waistband of her panties. She gasped when my fingers slipped between her moist folds, but didn't take her eyes off the scene before us.

Cassie glanced at us and smiled, then looked up at Jeff while she worked his pants and underwear down. Jeff looked at us, too, clearly uncomfortable about being the only one bottomless and providing a show, but when he looked down at Cassie, it was clearly in awe. This was, as he liked to put it, "Cassie Fuckin' Jones" that was getting ready to play with his dick. He looked back at me. I waggled my eyebrows at him, then buried my face in Danica's neck and my fingers into her steamy pussy. She whimpered and hunched her crotch against my hand. I slipped my other hand up her chest, easily pushing her bra up and off her small, but perky tits.

I kept my eyes closed as I played with Danica's body, largely so Jeff wouldn't feel self-conscious about being naked. He wouldn't care anymore once they were a little further along.

Jeff's moaned as if on cue. That was followed by another and another, then a gasp from Danica. I couldn't keep my eyes closed any longer, and the sight left me speechless. Cassie was still looking up at Jeff as she fisted his cock, but what had us all excited was the fact that she didn't waste any time sucking his cock between her lips. She backed completely off with a slurp, took a deep breath, and quickly took him into her mouth again. Jeff was wide-eyed and panting as one of his fantasy girls gave him what I imagined would be the blowjob of his life.

The sight of Jeff's cock didn't do anything for me. But the sight of Jeff's cock sliding in and out of Cassie's mouth did. Cassie was breathtakingly beautiful on an average day. She literally made guys of ALL ages do a double-take when she walked by, but I don't think I've ever seen her look as sexy as she did at that moment. Maybe it was the angle, or maybe I was just able to concentrate more since it wasn't MY dick in her mouth, but whatever the reason, seeing Cassie sucking another guy would be an image that was likely to always instantaneously stiffen my cock.

Cassie was bobbing her head on Jeff's shaft by now, taking him deep each time. Danica and I watched in rapt attention, though I was pinching the slender girl's nipple and fingerfucking her with the same cadence as Cassie worked Jeff's prick. It couldn't have even been two minutes before Jeff was urgently moaning.

"Oh shit," he grunted, as his legs quivered, his knees threatening to give out. He put his hand on the top of Cassie's head to steady himself. "Oh shit, Cassie, I'm gonna come."

Cassie whimpered around her mouthful and pulled back so that she was only suckling the tip. Then she opened her mouth so we could see his glistening glans resting on her tongue. She started to jack his shaft with her fist and flicked her tongue all along the underside of the swollen head.

Jeff dropped his other hand to her head, grunted and jerked, and from our angle, we then saw the first rope of white burst from his dick and disappear into her mouth. A second one quickly followed, then a third, before Cassie closed her mouth around it, letting the rest coat her mouth without spilling.

"Oooh!" Danica tensed, and began to tremble on my lap, her first small orgasm shaking her sexy body.

Jeff was gasping like a fish out of water as Cassie finished him off. She noisily swallowed several times before she let him fall from her mouth. She gave his dick one last squeeze, licking up the little drop that appeared, before helping him completely out of his shorts. My cock was aching with need by this point, having been trapped under Danica as she wiggled all over it during the show. I pushed her up, but grabbed her waist to help balance her. Then I was up and stripping before she could even catch her breath.

Cassie stood up and coyly smiled at Jeff.

"Cassie, that was ... that was..." Jeff was speechless.

She giggled as she crawled onto my bed and rolled onto her back. She pushed her panties down and off, letting them fall to the floor. Then she let her legs fall open.

"How about you return the favor?" she asked, with a wink.

Jeff was more than willing, though he blushed as he lay down between her silky thighs. "I've never, you know, done this before," he confessed.

"That's alright, I'll teach you."

I wanted to watch this, too, and I was pretty sure Danica wouldn't mind the show, so I swiveled the chair around facing away from them this time. I had Danica kneel in the seat and lean over the back so she could watch them, while providing me a mouth-watering view of her slender butt and perfect legs framing her juicy little peach. She moaned when I grabbed her hips and positioned my cock at her folds. She dropped her head in anticipation of my thrust.

"Look at them," I encouraged.

She looked up as Jeff's head moved all around Cassie's crotch. She was quietly giving him little directions, pausing to moan or tell him how much she liked what he just did. Her eyes turned to us and watched us watching her for a few seconds before rolling back into her head.

"Oh, that's so good," she moaned, "Keep going, keep ... going..."

I nudged the tip of my dick between Danica's folds and slowly, oh so slowly, pushed into her. She gasped as my cock pushed her pussy walls apart, deliciously stretching her. When my pelvis bumped her ass I ground against her when my pelvis bumped her ass. She dropped her head again and wiggled her ass against me. I pulled out just as slow, watching her lips cling to my now glistening shaft. I paused with just the tip inside her and watched Cassie. Her hips were rocking off the bed and her hands were working through Jeff's hair.

"I'm going come, Jeff," she panted. "Oh, God, Jeff, you're making me coooome!" She started to quake and clamped her legs tight, trapping Jeff, and thrust her pussy up at him. She cried out her climax, and begged, "Don't stop ... don't stop..."

Danica moaned, and since I wasn't moving, decided to do the work herself. She pushed back, sliding her pussy back over my cock, and began fucking me at a pleasant pace. She had another little orgasm within a minute. I watched her pussy repeatedly swallow my cock, while keeping my eye on the couple on my bed. Cassie was limp after her orgasm, and Jeff was up in a flash when her legs fell open again, his newly inflated (or never deflated) dick like an arrow. He hesitated just before he plunged into her depths.

"Cassie," he panted, "Can I... ?"

She looked at me, her expression placid. "Oh, please," she said, without taking her eyes off me.

Jeff dropped his hands on either side of Cassie's head, and she reached down to position his cock. Without another thought, he lunged forward and buried himself into her. They both grunted when their bodies collided. Cassie's legs flew up and around Jeff's waist, holding him in place.

"Wait ... hold there," she panted, "Now move your hips back and forth a bit."

He did, which drew lusty moans from her as he massaged her clit. Since she didn't let go with her legs, he kept rubbing back and forth, and she kept moaning.

"I love that," she cooed into his ear, "But I love being fucked, too."

She dropped her legs, and Jeff, being the smart guy that he is, knew exactly what to do. He pulled out almost all the way, and then thrust hard enough to make the bed shake. Cassie gasped.

"Oh, yeah, like that! I wanna know that I've been fucked!"

Now Jeff set up a rhythm. Hard, deep strokes mixed in with some of the grinding she'd just taught him. Cassie kept him from popping off too fast by controlling his rhythm, and she was well on her way to another orgasm when I turned my attention back to Danica. She'd been fucking me while we watched, climaxing every few minutes, and her rippling canal was doing wonderful things to me. I was inspired by those feelings and by the sight before me, so I grabbed her hips again and lunged into her hard, forcing the breath from her lungs. I tightly held against her, and reached around and under her to squeeze her rubbery nipples, then pulled up so she would rise off the back of the chair. She sat up nearly all the way, her upper back against my chest, her ass against my hips, and her lower back curved to allow it. Then, it was MY turn to fuck HER.

I kept one hand on her chest, the other against her pubic mound, and I thrust into her with fast, shallow thrusts. I slipped my fingers down and mashed her clit.

Same as A Balmy Spring
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Anita at the nudist beach

Anita at the nudist beach.My sweet wife Ana and I had booked an early summer holiday in the Canary Islands to catch some sun. She liked to sunbathe and swim naked and soon found one of the many nudist beaches. On the sixth day of our holiday we were on the beach at the end of the afternoon and gradually everyone else left until we were alone. We were both stretched out on the sand when a voice suddenly disturbed the quietness. "Good afternoon, I haven't seen you here before." Opening my eyes I...

1 year ago
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Seducing Married Sister

I am a final year engineering student.Dad is working in private company, mom is a housewife and my elder sisters renu, Subha got married. Like all the boys I too have fond of interest in sex. I used to watch porn movies in my friends home from 12th standard itself. Till now I have seduced many girls and aunties and fucked them. Since this is my first story I’ll explain that later. From my childhood onwards my sis subha only used to take care of me she used to bath me she used to feed me etc...

1 year ago
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Looking for a porn video downloader like Adult Offline to save them on your hard drive? Do you remember YouTubeToMp3.com? A website where you could grab literally any video on youtube, convert it to MP3 and then download it? Well, this website will do the exact same thing, but with various porn websites. Basically, what happens on AdultOffline.com is: You take a video from some porno websites, you take the link, and you place it on the white square in the middle of the page, and you hit the...

Useful Software
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 Her soft lips brushed against my neck as she whispered, “Here.”“Here? What, right here?” I glanced around nervously. We weren’t exactly hidden. Okay, so we were standing amidst a clump of trees but they didn’t actually conceal us. “You sure? Isn’t this a bit, you know, public?”She laughed, tossing back her long, blonde hair so it rippled in the sunlight. God, she was beautiful, a true angel, yet she had the devil’s own glint in her eyes.“Here’s perfect,” she said, breathlessly, the look in her...

3 years ago
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My first Bi Couple

I was volunteering a chief organizer for a local fund raiser and arranged for many donations to be brought in. One of which was from a local hair stylist. I arranged to pick up the vouchers and met with her briefly, as we chatted a sense of ease was apparent and I booked my next cut with her later that day. During the cut, we chatted like old friends as I found out that her husband was an engineer for environmental studies at a local think tank. We became good friends and her husband was a...

3 years ago
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Walking In The Rain

When I was first married my wife and I would go for a walk in a nice warm summer rain. She was eighteen, tall, thin, and had the cutest 32-A titties you ever wanted to see. And I always wanted to see them. Like they say more than a mouthful is a waste! Back in those early days of marriage she would wear one of my white T-shirts without a bra and go for a walk with me. It wasn’t a downpour by any means, it was just one of those light rains on an eighty degree evenings. We would hold hands...

3 years ago
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Yes Dear

Slowly I opened my eyes. It was still very dark out. I looked at the clock across the room. Aahgr… it was only 2:45am. The red numbers seemed to be laughing at me. I rolled over trying to get comfortable. My wife, peacefully asleep, lied next to me… I am so loved. My mind raced back to the beginning. I had told my wife I was interested in perusing a femdom type marriage. Wow, what a fight that was and how far we have come. I love my wife. What’s not to love; she is amazing. Her...

1 year ago
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Hubby eats creampie for first time wifey has expl

You may notice on my profile that my wife is a bit uptight about sex. This a damn shame because she truly is hot, a beauty to behold, and has not always been so uptight. In our early years we played a lot, never outside of marriage, but lot's of fun within. With the advent of c***dren all of that slowly went out the door and it got to the point where sex was rare. Porn was my best friend. All the k**s are gone, and here is this damn fine looking woman that says she won't masturbate, suck dick,...

1 year ago
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Last Term at Bardell Academy

Candace Berkford held the red miniskirt against her waist. "It's awfully short." This was something an 8 year-old girl would wear, she thought, not a girl of 16. It was even shorter than the cheerleader skirt she'd worn at her last school. The heavy-set older woman shrugged. "They're all short. It's what the school regulations call for." "I guess I don't have any choice," Candace said, folding it up. "How much?" "$10. You'll want the second one, too." "Second one?" The...

2 years ago
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To Waiter

"Hi - a beer please," the voice had a certain edge to it that made Damien immediately looked up and found himself face to face with a pair of very blue eyes. The man was resting his hand on the bar counter and there was a playful smile on his face. Damien spluttered and then grabbed a glass, filled it and set it on the bar, splashing more than half of it on the way. A hand gripped his wrist. "Hey mate, take a breather there," the man had a slight Australian accent and Damien was all too...

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Teacher Teacher chapter 30

Sandy was now finished pleasuring her two Mistresses. Her tongue and jaw were sore and her face and chest was covered with cum. Anita looked down at her slave and told her to go home. There would be instructions when she got there. Standing she grabbed the coat and wrapped it around her body. With no buttons the only thing keeping her covered was the belt. However when she walked her legs pushed the sides open and exposed everything below her waist. She wondered how she was going to...

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EllenChapter 43 Commander Parker

It was late afternoon before Richard and Ellen came downstairs again. Ellen was aware of the fact that she walked gingerly, but she was blissfully indifferent to the knowing smiles of Sadie and Neeta and to the deep blush Evi showed when she saw her mistress. Marie was in the nursery and Ellen went upstairs again to make sure her cousin was coping. Marie blushed when she saw Ellen. “I took the children outside to play, whilst you and Richard...” The rest of Marie’s words were...

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Wild in the CountryChapter 27

Priscilla Devereaux stood in the kitchen, drinking a cup of strong coffee and watching her father and Robin talking happily in the living room. It was funny that the young girl could be so attached to Jim Devereaux. Priscilla never had been, in spite of his open-handed generosity with her in all things. She would never forgive him for using his power and influence to break up her and Mark's love affair and delivering him into the sticky little hands of the piano teacher she hated. And now...

4 years ago
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A Place Id Rather Be

Rod laid down on the patio lounge to rest a moment. His 49-year-old body was already tired and it was still only early afternoon. The day was excessively hot and he was wearing just a pair of tattered faded red shorts that must have been fifteen years old, but faithfully comfortable. As the sweat slowly beaded upon his forehead he could feel his eyes close sleepily. Maybe for just a moment, he thought.Then he heard the clank of the latch on his good neighbor gate open in his side yard fence. He...

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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 6

"Madame Witch Belanger," Miranda began, slowly and very formally to Bel, "I have tried to solve an important problem for my father, but I have been quite unable to do so. The matter is either too complicated or beyond the means of my powers, or perhaps both. In short, children have been disappearing lately and no one quite knows why or how." "Just called me 'Bel'." She replied. "Disappearances in Chicago, or any other city are not uncommon ... especially for children. What makes...

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Temptation in Paradise

The ferry was just leaving for a short thirty-minute ride to Moorea. Not a bad way to start a day, it was a warm morning in Tahiti with the sun shining and the deep blue water shimmering in the distance as the lush green island of Moorea beckoned. These were our last few days on vacation and Moorea was a brief stopover on the way home.My family of my wife and two kids were standing on the deck as the ferry departed. All of us looking forward to a few days in the sun during the winter holiday...

2 years ago
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Jenelle Theatre Fucked

Phil and I decided to visit a sex shop in Dandenong late one Saturday afternoon. I thought I would get dressed sexy for the trip in and tease some of the men that would be in there. I showered and gently rubbed my clit to get me "warmed up" but with out getting myself off. Phil was in the bathroom shaving as I jilled myself and he must have heard my whimpers as I was rubbing. He came over to the shower recess and took his cock in hand and slowly wanked it as I was jilling. It got me so horny...

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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 26 Late summer 1984 Val and Joe

"This is a terrible connection," Val said. "Where are you?" "At the office," Joe said. "Shall I try again?" "Maybe I should call you back." "It's cheaper from here isn't it?" "Let me call you back, anyway." "Okay, good," Joe said, and hung up. She'd been dressing for dinner when he called, and she stood now in bra and panties in the master bedroom looking in the mirror at her bulging belly. Seven months along ... wow! I look like shit. Frowning with distaste at her...

2 years ago
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group play

kk and i stand face to face with our hands clasped behind our backs, eye forward, head held high. our Masters step forward a bit of chain with a clamp on each end. you attach one clamp to each of your wife's nipples. i watch her wince slightly as they bite into her. you step back and Rob does the same to mine..damn they do pinch hard. he steps back and hands you a short length of chain and says "you do the honors mate" and with that, you hook up together by our nipples chains. you and Rob...

1 year ago
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What the Night WhispersChapter 4

I don't remember returning to bed that night, but I woke on my back, naked with no covers. My daughter's pleasant moans rang in my ears as I tried rouse myself. It took me many minutes and a few idle strokes of my fingers between my legs to force my body from the bed and into my robe. Kira was still in her bedroom, so I crept down and made coffee. Before I'd finished my cup, she joined me at the table, eyes averted. "Kira..." I said, trying to remember what I'd planned to say to her...

1 year ago
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The Skate Park Yard Job

The Skate Park—The yard job Jamie and me show up at Mr. Wilson's about 9:00 AM. I had recuited him the day before to help me do his yard. I promised him a mouth full of jizz—lol cheap labor.It was a big yard, about 1 ½ acre. Lots of trees and bushes, and wood chips. This would be an all day gig, then the “bonus” afterwards for Mr. Wilson and his friend, Johnny.Took us about 2 hours to do the front. Mow, trim some bushes, and a few bags of mulch. By now we were both pretty pumped up, and...

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Claudia IncarnataPart IV

What they say betwixt their wings? Or in stillest evenings With what voice the violet woos To his heart the silver dews? - Tennyson, Adeline. Claudia awoke and saw that the sun was already well above the horizon. The view from her bedroom window was of a cloudless azure sky and a sea more tranquil than any she had yet seen. It was a calm day and the cool of the night still lingered in the airy room. Her Sicilian summer wore on and with each passing day she...

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Rey Repairs Her Bike

by Kgnot (cont. Of Rey Swallows Her Portions) “Ahh, can this day get any worse?” - Rey exiled. Her bike was gradually slowing down as her fourth gear automatically shifted to zero. Not only did she not sell enough junk to eat a whole meal, but now her only mean of transpiration broke - “Yep that is the gear box.” There was no way she can scavenge for junk in the desert without a vehicle so it was a pretty big deal. The young woman...

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daddy and his girls 4

Jenny is dumb struck. Her hand is now just dormant inside her sisters pussy, any thoughts of locating the g-spot have vanished. How can she answer this ? What exactly did Sky hear ? Sky now sees her chance to take control. Sky's attempts at loving other girls were all initiated by her, but the past day or so, with her smaller, younger sister, has been dominated by Jenny's actions. Now Sky can see how she can again be the 'big sister'. Sky knows by Jenny's silence, she has the relationship...

1 year ago
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Aye Babe

“Aye babe, I can’t believe we are really to going to meet.” Gaby said in her sexy Latina voice. I loved when she called me babe. We had met online in a chat room about sixteen months ago. As time passed we exchanged phone numbers and began talking almost daily. We talked about all kinds of things but never mentioned meeting each other. That all changed about three weeks ago when I heard her laugh. Her husband had almost caught her talking with me. She hung up quickly. Within five minutes...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 266 Is This Life

What the heck is it about people wanting to know if Celia or her sister were putting out. “I have no idea. Celia’s only twelve, and I don’t even think about having sex with middle school girls anymore. I’m pretty sure I probably did when I was in middle school,” I told the mother of Celia’s best friend, who so happened to be a boy. “As far as I know, the kids are treating her like a leper because she did some dumb human trick to impress some kids. She did say some boy came over to see if he...

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Two single women living together find sexy fun with each other when they find that they share the same scat fetish

Jane and Mary, were sitting in their living room watching TV. They’d had a good meal and had decided to spend a relaxed evening in. After a while of companionable silence Jane spoke. “I meant to tell you Mary, that I’ve really, really come alive since we started our fun games. You’re such a good, good friend! Much better than any guy I’ve ever been with.” Mary agreed, “Same goes for me my love. Are you in the mood or something now?” “Well...

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Ingrid her story

Jan had come to visit me. And as always he couldn’t keep his eyes off me, and yet he did nothing. I had met him at a dancing school, and soon it became clear to me he was in love with me … or at least desired me intensely. But he never did anything at all. Probably didn’t have the guts. Even if we danced body-to-body, he remained scrupulously ‘correct’: never an attempt to seduce me, never a touch-that’s-just-over-the-edge, never flirting … actually nothing showed he wanted me, except the...

3 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 25 Some Girls Set Up to go Dear Hunting

The Darla Jean Nevins that showed up at school on Monday was not the same one who had left the previous Friday, and a number of people noticed. Oh, the clothing was the same -- but the presentation was different. Her shirt was still shapeless, but it was open another button, for instance. Her slacks rode lower -- or did they? Maybe it was all attitude... Darla Jean's habitual impenetrable reserve wasn't there; her camouflage had apparently either been shut off or otherwise wasn't working....

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Service SocietyChapter 23 Tuesday Morning

The alarm clock, making an infernal buzzing noise, woke Dexter. He opened one eye and reached out to turn it off. His hand found the switch. He breathed a sigh of relief when quiet returned to the room. “Good morning, Honey.” She ran a hand across his back in a tender caress before snuggling in closer to him. She gave a contented sigh. “Good morning, Janet.” He rolled over and kissed her cheek. He always felt a little uneasy about kissing with a bad case of morning breath. “I don’t want...

2 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 4 and 5 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

1 year ago
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Thoughts Sensations and EmotionsChapter 6

I'd just stepped from the shower and was toweling my body dry when Dad hollered through the door, "It's Barbie on your cell phone. You left your phone in your purse on the entry console table again." I yelled back, "Did you answer the call?" He laughed. "Oh, of course you did, or you wouldn't know it was Barbie." I cracked the door to the bathroom to reach for the phone, and my father's eyes met mine but only briefly before they wandered down my naked body. She's gorgeous, he...

2 years ago
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Pengalin Pundaiyai Nakkum Kaama Veriyan

Vanakam enathu peyar anbu vayathu 18 naan 12aam vagupu vadithu varugiren. Naan oru gramathai sernthavan ennudan piranthavargal yavarum illai naan matrum enathu petrorgal mattume. Enathu pakathu veetil 2 pengal irunthaargal avargaluku vayathu 22 matrum 24 innum thirumanam aaga villai. Enudan avargal nandraga pazhaguvaargal ippozhuthu than puthithaaga vanthu irukiraargal. Enathu veetirku vanthu ammavidam nandraga pesuvaargal piragu enidam kamadiyaga pesuvaargal naanum avargalidam kamadiyaaga...

4 years ago
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Mami Anju Aur Mami Ki Ladki Nikki Saath Chudi

Hello ISS readers it’s me Maddy age 24 again from Pune Maharashtra after a successful response via your mails I get encourage to wrote my sex experience how I fuck to Anju maami and Nikki my mama’s daughter those college girls and aunties wants to chat with me they will mail me at I come to my story and it was happened when I was in first year engineering just had taken admission and that time after a long summer vacations and I fucked to my anju maami and Nikki anju maami’s daughter number of...

3 years ago
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Two Heads Are Better Than One

Hi, readers. I am extremely happy for the feed back that some of readers sent in on the previous submission and the list of regular readers is growing day by day. The below submission is a kind of continuation to the Southern Spice, yet again we are to tread the same line. The back drop is the same Kumbakonam 320 km south of Chennai also this time around its Vaishali & Janani both in their final year of higher secondary in a private school in Kumbakonam. What exactly transform in their night...

1 year ago
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Educating the Capo Ch 02

I wrapped the bathrobe around her and led her into the house. This had all of a sudden become a real security issue, so I led her into the library, which doubled as my office. I sat her down on the leather couch opposite my desk, and quickly poured her another scotch, which she took with trembling hands. The tears were flowing freely now and I sat and watched as she sobbed silently. Loath as I was to disturb her I had to get a couple of quick answers from her before I could proceed. “Honey, I...

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Ilmaiyaana Aanai Kaamam Seithen

Hai friends, indru kathaiyil thirumanam aana oru pen ilamaiyaana aan udan matter seigiraal. Athai eppadi usar seithu matter podugiraal enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiraal. En peyar Vinitha vayathu 30 aagugirathu, thirumanam aagi iru pen kuzhanthaigal irukirathu. Enaku oru kanavan irukiraan, avanuku vayathu 40 aagugirathu. En veetil sontha mamavirku thirumanam seithu vaithu vitargal, ennai vida 10 vayathu periyavar, muthalil thirumanam aana naatkalil ellam avar ennai...

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Daddy His Little Girl and a Wall

It was so wrong. So wrong. His thrusts deepened, his firm body pinning hers to the wall. Her hot, slick pussy enveloped him like a glove, milking him with every stroke. His panting breaths washed over her neck as she whimpered in reponse. How did this happen? He began losing some of his practiced rhythm. He'd been with many women, but this one was different. She was something he never thought he could have. That he thought he'd never want. But here she was, with one slender leg wrapped around...

2 years ago
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The Revenge Of The Big Cocked King Part 8211 1

Hi this is me back with another series story….. This story is fiction and imagination…. Please support me and give your comments and valuable views to me My email id is The story begins It was 2070 …. The world had changed after the 3rd world war…. Monarchy came back… It was the time of the kings again…. Their customs etc…..Even though machines and big buildings were present…. I am prince mahesh varma …. My dad now is the king of southern part of india which consists of some parts of...

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Doing A MILF

"Hey, Amy," I said, walking into her room. "Hey, Ben," she responded, turning to me. "How have you been?" she pondered before kissing me. I failed to answer and just checked her out for a moment in silence. "Does that mean you like the top, Ben? Is it all the colors?" "And the black pants too, they perfectly match your hair," I answered, feeling a few strands. 'I just want to see it off you though, with me not wearing anything either.' "You're staring again, dude, what's going on, and please...

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Sailors in Silk Chapter 10B

Sailors in Silk, Chapter 10B - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Myself. Madeleine, a very effeminate and pretty she-male who is vigorous and entire. Elizabeth My erstwhile long term sapphic partner. Azure Our wise Moorish doctor and herbalist. Thomasina Once called Timothy a deck boy who was injured and castrated by an exploding cannon. Davinia Once called David but also injured and castrated by the same exploding cannon. Najanga. An African Princess, freed from...

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Turning Point

Turning Point By Jillian O and Deborah Edwards Authors note: We hope you enjoy our coming of age story involving a young cross dresser. We would appreciate any comments "Great!" Danielle thought as she opened her PO Box, "It's here!" She took the little yellow card and stood in line. Surely, this package contained the dress that she had ordered from EBay. She tapped her foot impatiently as she waited her turn, only two more customers to go. Finally it was her turn. ...

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Hijabi Bengali slut UK fucked Please comment

Hijabi Bengali slut UK fucked. Please comment.This is a true story about a bengali slut getting fucked. More to follow.She was 5ft 3 and weighed 50kg. She had all the curves in the right places. She was dress size 8 to 10. Her breast size was 32c. She has almond eyes and wears hijab. She has wore tight jeans show of her ass as loved the attention from the guys perving on...

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Celebration Weekend

"Call me if you need anything. I'll have my phone on the entire weekend."My mother-in-law gave me a hug and pushed me on my way. I was so nervous, but needed a release. My husband had died a year and a half before, leaving me a single mom to a small child. Surely I deserved a weekend for adult time, but leaving my child was such a hard thing to do."I'll call when I can. Mommy loves you Ry Ry, be good for grandma and poppy. See you Sunday night.""Ali, she's fine. Get going it's a long drive to...

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Tv Chix! All of us are looking for a little love, right? Between fucking chicks left and right even I have to stop and consider which chick I want to fuck for a little longer than the others. A girl I could get with 10 maybe 15 times before I get bored instead of the usual 2 or 3. I’m talking some light commitment. And porn sites just aren’t the kinds of places to find that sort of thing. But dating sites are! Sometimes finding a decent relationship shit can be tough, especially when you’re a...

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Meeting at the Mall continued

Meeting at the mall (cont) I then wrote down my phone number and let myself out of his room. As I left, the hotel clerk at the front desk said, Have a good evening miss and I said Thanks, I already have and I left the lobby. I went to my car, and drove across the street to my hotel. I parked, took all the bags from the back seat and walked into the front lobby, past the front desk and to the elevator. I went up to the room and once inside, I sat on the couch, kicked off my heels and...

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Adventures behind the lens 2 Tina and Anita

I started to push buttons on my camera, paging through the menus to look busy while we waited for Anita to come out of the bathroom. It wasn’t that long before we started to hear some soft moans coming through the door. Tina and I looked at each other, before she quickly stood up and stormed to the bathroom door. She threw the door open to find Anita leaning against the sink as she was rubbing her clitoris. I started my camera recording again as Tina started to yell at her younger sister. I...

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Autumn Winds

Friday morningAutumn has blown in with a vengeance early in the week.  Cold, squally winds and heavy cold showers are yellowing the leaves and ripping them from the trees to be trodden underfoot.My partner, Jen decides that walking to the station is no longer an option.  Normally she dons sneakers with her business suit and walks the fifteen minutes down the country lanes to catch her train.  She always says it’s quality thinking time to prepare for the day or week ahead.It amuses me to see her...

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Protection and Preservation Book 08Chapter 4

[Janice writes] Our learning efforts were beginning to pay off. Everyone was learning and Andy had a totally new attitude about helping and teaching. I would describe her as wistfully beautiful. She had lost something but I could tell she hoped to get it back. It, of course, was Charlie. The new attitude from her was utterly attractive. Along with her physical beauty, the young men were being drawn in. She politely ignored their overtures that started less than a week after she returned to...

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Part 8 Matric holiday Zoe hmmm

Waking up Thursday morning at 8 I saw I had a reply from Zoe that came through a few minutes earlier. She said, " would you like to meet me at my house at 10 30am and then we walk down to the beach together for a swim."I replied saying that sounds good, and see you shortly. Getting up and checking on Mark he was still sick and seemed he just kept getting worse. Going to the main house to grab a bite to eat his parents said they would be taking him to the doctor. My parents as well as Hailey and...

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The Naughty School Girl

Classes had just ended for the day at the local high school, and Principal Benjamin Dixon was feeling horny and a bit out of sorts. He thought about Jennifer Brock, a tall female student with long blonde hair, a beautiful face and a terrific figure, and how he had spanked her with a ruler when she was caught smoking in school. She had suggested corporal punishment rather than expulsion and, since school records showed her to be eighteen years old and legally able to make such an agreement, he...


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