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Dedicated to a muse of the finest order-Lady Ashely Bada Bing Kimberli Nicole McCarthy (c) 2001 "You're always such a lame ass." "Screw you Bob, I don't feel like doing it." "C'mon Johnny, why not? It'll be fun." "I don't even like the show." "You don't even watch it, so how do you even know?" "I don't watch it because I don't like it." "Whatever. Why do you have to be a wet blanket all the time?" "The fact that I don't want to get dressed up in some dopey costume doesn't make me a wet blanket." "You're right," said Bob, rubbing his chin with his hand and furrowing his brow, "it makes you a fuddy-duddy." "Shut up, loser." "Stick in the mud." "Asshole." "Lame ass." "You already used that one!!!" "Fine. Yellow belly." "I can't hear you!" Johnny said, covering his ears with his hands. "Pussy boy." "LA LA LA LA JOHNNY CAN'T HEAR THIS!" "Pussy boy pussy boy pussy boy-" "LA LA LA LA-" "Pussy boy pussy boy pussy boy," Jill had heard just about enough. "WILL THE BOTH OF YOU, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP ACTING LIKE EIGHT YEAR OLD MORONS?" "Eight year old morons?" asked Bob, with great surprise and offense. "Granted, Jill," said Johnny, "we may be acting like eight year olds, but I'd say we have intellects that far surpass the average eight year old." "In any event," said Jill, unamused, "it's time for you to both get over it. Bob, if Johnny doesn't want to dress for school on Friday, he doesn't have to. And Johnny, if you want to be a lame ass, fuddy-duddy, yellow bellied, pussy boy wet blanket your whole life, that's your right." Every year it was the same. Bob and Jill Ashely, Franklin High's cutest faculty couple, would organize the Halloween theme day at the school, and every year John Watson would protest that he didn't want to participate, only to succumb at the last possible second, thus assuring that his costume would be a thrown together piece of crap that barely resembled the required theme. But, there was no denying that dressing in silly costumes for Halloween promoted school spirit, and Johnny, at 27, was still bucking for tenure, so promoting school spirit was always of the utmost importance to the young English teacher. "I don't understand why we always have a stupid theme, why we can't just dress as whatever costume we want." "Because silly," said Jill, "then we'd have what we had in the past, twenty five witches and thirty vampires. For a bunch of teachers, this faculty has zero creativity, and so it's up to us to provide a little direction." "Yeah silly," sneered Bob. "But who's ridiculous idea was it to come up with television characters for a theme?" "It was mine, asshole," Jill was even less amused than she had been earlier. "And why, on earth, does the English Department have to represent the Sopranos? High school kids shouldn't even be watching that show?" "You want to get wit' da program?" asked Jill in her best toughguy accent, "or you wanna get whacked?" "Fine, fine, which one do I have to be?" "Easy," said Bob, "you'll be the idiot... Tony Jr." *** And so it was that on the Friday morning before Halloween, Johnny "Mr. Watson" Watson found himself walking into school with a Limp Bizkit concert shirt, baggy jeans, and a stupid look on his face. "Who are you supposed to be?" asked Janey from fourth period creative writing. "Tony Soprano Jr. C'mon Janey, stop laughing" "You don't look anything like him. You call that a costume?" "You want a C minus?" "Did you come up with this idea yourself?" "Of course not, but I'm the youngest in the department, and I guess I don't look like anyone else from the show." "Whatever," said Janey, "at least you don't look stupid." Something in the way she was laughing told Johnny that she didn't really mean it. Johnny's thoughts about how stupid this all was and how much he hated Halloween were interrupted by the vision of out of control sexpot beauty that was coming his way. Walking towards him in a tight leopard mini-dress, sky-high high heels, hair teased to Kalamazoo, and more jewelry, perfume and makeup than you could shake a stick at, was Jill Ashely. Johnny didn't watch the show that often, in fact he had just borrowed the DVDs from Bob to catch up, but he watched enough to know that she was dressed as the young wannabe mobster Christopher's girlfriend. Jill was quite a sight, but she was almost too much to look at. What really took his breath away was the woman walking next to her. Next to her was Carmela Soprano. In the couple of times Johnny watched the show, he never really thought twice about her, but seeing her now, he was absolutely floored by her beauty. Her blond hair was perfectly coiffed into a big, yet somehow refined; hairstyle that he guessed must have involved a lot of pins, a lot of hairspray, and a lot of time with a beautician. She was wearing a gold flecked business suit, that would have been sophisticated if not for two things: the fact that the top three buttons of the jacket and blouse were unbuttoned, showing some pretty sweet cleavage, and the fact that it was shiny gold. She was balanced perfectly on a pair of gold high heel shoes, which added a sexy little wiggle to her step and allowed for a peek at her carefully painted toenails. She would have gone blind from the glitter of her countless rings, bracelets and earrings, but her gold framed sunglasses, which were currently perched in her perfect hair, would provide protection if necessary. Thank god they weren't on, though, because her glittering hazel eyes threatened to melt them with their erotic gaze. Perfectly painted, her made-up face and glistening red lips pursed in a delicious little smirk must have been the product of a professional artist. Johnny had never before been one to notice accessories, but the gold beaded purse she clutched in her hand caused an odd stirring in his loins. Or maybe it was the long, painted fingernails on her slender hands that did that. The woman on the show was attractive, but the woman before him was a drop dead, gorgeous, take off your shoe and bang it on your head three times knockout. She was graceful. She was exquisite. She was giving him a boner. She was-OH SWEET JESUS! THROW MY ASS IN THE CRAYOLA FACTORY AND COLOR ME SURPRISED, I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!! She was his neighbor, his co-worker and friend, Mr. Bob Ashely. *** "Good morning A.J.," Carmela said in an incredibly feminine and sexy North Jersey accent, "I'm here for parent teacher conferences." Johnny would have spoken if he could have picked his jaw off the floor. "I think he's a little shy today," said Jill, her mouth furiously chewing the grape flavored gum. "Holy shit, Bob, that's amazing." "Isn't it?" said Bob, in his regular voice, which threw Johnny for another loop. "When Jill came up with the idea, I thought she was nuts. But then she convinced me last night that I look more like Carmela than any of the other characters." "That's right," she said, "and I wish you could have worn that cute little babydoll to school today." Johnny thought about what Jill just said, thought about how amazingly convincing Bob looked, and he really wished his boner would go away. Johnny's thoughts were interrupted by the floor, which provided for an uncomfortable landing place when he fainted. *** "Johnny, honey, wake up?" The soothing, comforting, sensual voice called to him. "Johnny, honey, c'mon, wake up." He could smell the sweet perfume on the wrist of the hand that softly slapped his cheek. Is that a slap or caress? "Honey, it's all right." Johnny opened his eyes, and focused on the warm hazel eyes of the beautiful woman who kept calling him honey. Boy, he thought, she really looks like the Sopranos lady, only prettier. "Good, we brought him back," said Bob in his regular voice, cradling his fallen comrade's head in his beautifully manicured and bejeweled hands. His voice seemed to bring the spark of recognition back to Johnny's eyes. This spark was followed by the same confused look the poor kid had a few minutes ago. Johnny's body went limp again as he faded back into unconsciousness. *** Well that wasn't so bad, Johnny thought, the kids liked Pride and Prejudice a lot more than I thought they would. Another day of classes done, Johnny headed to the teacher's lounge to pick up his things on his way home. And then it would be off (well across the street actually) to Bob and Jill's for the party. Johnny laughed a little at the recollection of the day's events. He had never fainted before, and had to admit to himself that it was pretty funny. These thoughts fell out of his head the second he walked into the teacher's lounge. In the year 2001, two women kissing is in no way shocking or new. Especially to Johnny, who had spent about three hundred trillion nights flipping the channels, hoping for some hot lesbian action on Cinemax. Of course, he had never seen it in person. Until now. Jill's heavily teased head was thrown back in passion as Carmela slowly and sensually kissed her neck and cleavage. Jill's ridiculously long fingernails dug into the side of Carmela's tight gold skirt. Two sets of long, nylon clad legs intertwined in a passionate swirl. When their red, moist lips finally met in a deep, hot kiss, Johnny felt the blood rush back toward his throbbing manhood. He stood still, staring. Sensing someone in the room, Carmela broke the kiss, and looked at Johnny. "Johnny," she said, "lock the door honey." Johnny opened the door, set the lock, and stepped into the hall, slamming it behind him. "Johnny," he heard from the other side of the door. "What," he panted. "I want you to come in here and lock it behind you, silly." It was Carmela talking, and Johnny knew Carmela's real deal. But her voice was so sexy and inviting. Knowing he shouldn't, he knocked on the door again. Carmela answered, and with one finger motioned for him to walk in. Jill was sitting on the windowsill, her legs parted slightly, stretching out to the floor. Carmela walked slowly back, sliding effortlessly onto the desk, crossing her long, sexy legs. Johnny set the lock again, slamming the door behind him. I don't give a shit who she really is, thought Johnny; I just know I want her. Johnny closed in, and she opened her legs to accept him. Her thighs wrapped around his hips as their lips met in a fiery embrace. There are times for soft, gentle kisses, and times for ravishing lip locks, and this was definitely the latter. Their lips and tongues danced in perfect rhythm. She ran her hands through his hair and his slid down her back, to her thighs, to her sweet, sweet ass. She threw her head back and called out his name as he kissed her neck and nibbled her ears. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that Jill had begun fondling her breasts and hiking up her skirt. She was going to pleasure herself to this sight. She could feel Johnny's raging hard cock against the inside of her thigh. She instinctively reached for it and massaged it through his jeans. "Does A.J. like it when Mommy touches him?" she purred. "Hold it. Wait just a second." Johnny interrupted, "C'mon guy, there's nothing hot about incest." "Okay, okay," she assured him, "forget I said it." The minor delay did not decrease the passion. Johnny's kisses were hard and sexy and full of lust. His hands were firm and sure and sent shivers down her spine. Clothes were certain to be ripped off in the coming seconds. "Oh Johnny," she whispered in his ear. "Oh, oh, oh---hey wait a minute, what do I call you." "Huh?" "Well I'm not calling you by your real name, that's too freaky." "Fine lover," she purred, trying desperately to keep the fire going, "call me Carmela." "Not gonna happen. That's just not a hot name, it turns me off." "Okay," she said, thinking that if this guy wasn't so cute she'd claw his eyes out, "how about Ashely?" "You mean your last name?" "No fuckface, I mean my first name. My first name is Ashleigh, therefore making my name Ashleigh Ashely. I'll give myself the middle name Von, so actually it's Ashleigh Von Ashely. You happy now?" "Oh yeah," he said, the devil in his eyes, "that is HOT!!!!" To her delight, he was still rock hard in her hand. She wanted to finish this before he ruined it, because her loins were trembling with anticipation. Their bodies quickly regained their rhythm, their hands searched hungrily again. She looked deep in his eyes and licked her lips seductively as she unzipped his zipper, his cock springing free. "Johnny?" Jill asked. "Johnny, are you alright." Johnny was brought back to reality by the inquisitive voices of his neighbors, still in each other's arms, still both looking like beautiful women. After further contemplation Johnny would wish he opened the door before he turned to run through it. It would have done a lot less damage to his nose. But that thought would come later, because he was too busy grappling over the cum that was running down his leg. He hadn't creamed without contact since he was thirteen, and he was sleeping then! As he ran to his car, he tried to convince himself that he was looking at Jill when he exploded. *** It didn't take a lot of effort for Johnny to convince himself of two things on the ride home; first, that he had obviously experienced a mind altering head wound when he fainted this morning, and that his severe concussion was the reason that he was mistakenly turned on by what he thought was a lesbian encounter, and second, that there was no way in hell, heaven, purgatory, reincarnation, or any other plane of existence that he was going to that party tonight. And so he found himself, at ten p.m. that evening, sprawled on his couch in boxers and a tee shirt, watching some tube. As he tried to concentrate on REO Speedwagon's Behind the Music, he heard the feint sounds of the siren's call. He flipped to E! and was momentarily distracted by the loveliness of Ms. Jules Asner. Yet, somewhere, the sirens kept singing. The Match Game reruns, the Crocodile Hunter and Emeril all tried in vain to rid the mesmerizing tune from Johnny's head, but it was not to be subdued. Losing control of his ability to dictate the movement of his own body, Johnny walked to the shelf on the side of the television, reached behind the Braveheart DVD, and found the source of the intoxicating call. In his hands he held the complete DVD set of the first season of the Sopranos, which Bob and Jill had lent him just last week. *** Around midnight, the party started breaking up, not because of disinterest, but in deference to the neighbors of the townhouse complex. Jill was busy congratulating herself and her husband on another great party, while Bob was busy admiring himself in the mirror. Bob loved it when Jill dressed him up, he always had. He loved it even more that drunk ass Mr. Jensen spilled punch all over the gold suit he'd worn to school. Of course, with his hair and makeup so perfect, and it being only ten-thirty, he'd just HAVE to wear something of Jill's. He'd look so foolish in his own clothes. Maybe it was the wine or because Halloween was such a good excuse, but Bob threw caution to the wind and grabbed a dress he knew his wife wouldn't miss. He also thought about how lucky he was to have a last name that was a girl's. He always cooed quietly inside when someone called him Ashely. Jill's sister had exquisite taste, and Bob had fond memories of the way the dress looked on Jill at the wedding. Bridesmaids have so much fun, he thought to himself. Again, maybe it was the wine, or because Halloween was such a good excuse, but no one seemed to think it strange when Ashely descended down the stairway, resplendent in her spaghetti strapped floor length pink satin gown. The slit up the side showed a wonderful range of her long thin leg. It's too much, Ashely thought. But then again, I'm too beautiful. Cleaning up, Jill admired Ashely's figure in her old bridesmaid dress. "That dress is sooo early nineties," she quipped. "Jealousy will get you nowhere," Ashely replied, striking a hands on hip runway pose. "Speaking of jealousy, where's Johnny?" "What do you mean, jealousy?" "I mean that the way he reacted to seeing us smooch today, he definitely wanted to be one of us, but I'm not sure which?" "Get out of here," said Ashely, "he was staring straight at you and your slutty little leopard get up." Ashely delighted in her lie, secretly thrilled that he had obviously passed himself off so well. The way Johnny stared, Ashely knew he was hers for the taking. Silly boy. "You think he was too embarrassed to come?" asked Jill. "Of course not, I bet he came all over himself just thinking about it." "I'm serious... I don't know... but I think we really freaked the poor kid out. And he's such a little cutie. I hope he doesn't get all awkward on us." "Tell you what, I'll run over and make sure everything's alright." "That's a good idea." *** In the five years that Johnny taught at Franklin High, and lived across the street from his fellow teachers Jill and Bob, the three had become very close. Jill and Bob were only seven years older than Johnny, but when they met the kid he was barely two weeks out of college, so the couple were as much mentors as friends to the young teacher. They showed Johnny the ropes in both a school and town that were foreign to him, and as corny as it seemed to acknowledge, they really were family to him. They were the only ones Johnny trusted to feed his cats while he was out of town, and the only people he trusted with a spare key to his apartment for those not so infrequent moments that he locked himself out. Maybe it was the complete concentration he devoted to the television screen, which he managed to pause at just the precise moment that it looked like Carmela was actually looking at him from the Jersey suburbs and begging him for sex, maybe it was the Barry White blaring from his stereo, or maybe it was the fact that his hand had worked his stiff penis to the point of explosive ecstasy, but Johnny hadn't heard the knocking. Ashely, on the other hand, heard the noise from the other side of the door, and knew that Johnny was home and from the volume, had to be awake. Ashely also knew that Johnny was not in the company of a young lady. Not because Johnny lacked the charm necessary to woo the girls to the point of consent, quite the contrary, she knew that despite his goofy exterior, he had a magnetism that was both effective and undeniable. Rather, Ashely remembered from Bob's countless conversations with John that the young teacher's golden rule was to always sleep at the woman's house. That way, in his thinking, you could always be the one to decide when to part company. He's cute, she sighed to herself as she unlocked the door, but the poor kid's got a lot to learn. *** Ashely in the door, Carmela on the screen, Barry on the stereo, Johnny on the couch naked with his dick in his hand. A whole lot was going on, and the first thought that came to mind was, that's a beautiful gown. Her mind raced furiously but paused on the following thought: he's jerking off to a vision of me. Ashely couldn't figure out whether to be disgusted or flattered. She was surprised to find she was a little bit of both. Ashely gasped, told Johnny she-was-sorry-for-barging-in-but-she- just-wanted-to-make-sure-she-was-alright, and turned to rush out. She stopped dead in her tracks as she heard his voice behind her. "Ashely, I'm glad you came, and I assure you princess, that I am alright." She was facing the door, her back to the bizarre sight she had just stumbled upon. She knew she had to leave, but she couldn't move. She heard his footsteps from behind, and she heard breathing. She couldn't tell if it was hers or his. When his hands fell upon the back of her hips, she was surprised at how strong they were. She had shaken his hands a million times but they never seemed this powerful. As she felt his breath on the back of her neck, and the goosebumps formed on her arms, she couldn't remember recalling before that his breath smelled sweet. As she felt his manhood strain against the top of her ass, she thought that it seemed a lot bigger than the penis she caught a quick glance at in the locker room at the gym. As his strong arms wrapped around her, softly spun her, and pulled her toward him, she knew it was Johnny, but somehow it wasn't. At least it wasn't a Johnny she'd ever noticed before. Her hands connected around the back of his neck as he pulled her face towards his. She tried to say that this was a mistake, but as her lips parted, they were met by his. She'd been kissed a thousand times before, but she never lost control like this. Never felt he knees go out, never had to hang onto shoulders for dear life. She melted into his embrace; she gave herself completely to his power. There was no denying it, she would do absolutely anything Johnny wanted right now, and she hadn't the slightest ability, or desire, to resist. Johnny, she said in between kisses, I want you inside me. She looked into his blue eyes, wrapped her sight around his beautiful little smile. She knew that if she gave him everything she had, he would guard it jealously, and protect her from any pain ever again. He swept her into his arms and walked her across the room, laying her gently on the couch. He knelt beside her, and took her in from her feet to her hair, gazing longingly and lovingly the whole way. His stare intoxicated her. She grabbed feverishly for her clothes, wanting to rip them off, but he caught her wrists, and placed them gently above her head. He slowly removed her sexy pink heels and softly massaged her feet. He kissed her ankle, and calves, knees, thighs. He moved his head to her chest and playfully licked at the top of her cleavage. He traced his tongue across her chest to her neck. He nibbled her lobes and she felt his hot breath in her ear. He kissed her forehead, both cheeks, the tip of her nose. His strong hair cupped the back of her neck at the base of her skull, and lifted her face to his. Their lips met again, and again she felt a shockwave through her body. The gentle kisses grew fiercer, more passionate. She sucked hungrily at his tongue. She felt his hand trace her leg, up to her thigh, between her legs stopping just short of their destination. Her back arched in a spasm of pure lust. She thought that she had been loved before, but learned for the first time that a kiss planted just right on her red, accepting lips, could forge an explosive climax. For the first time as a woman, she knew exactly what it was to be wet. She sprang to her feet, catching him by surprise. He seemed about to apologize, so she place a finger on his lips, guiding him with her other hand to sit on the couch. He sat, and she walked three paces away, and then turned to face him. Looking him in the eyes, running her tongue seductively across her glistening lips, she reached behind her neck to loosen the clasp. The dress fell to her ankles, revealing her pink panties and bra. His eyes were fixated on hers, which avoided any embarrassment she might feel if he saw her mess. She took two of the sexiest little hip swaying steps she could muster, and without losing eye contact, fell to her knees, her hands landing squarely on each of his quadriceps. Her eyes fell from his eyes to his pulsing, throbbing, begging cock. Johnny, she asked. Yes Ashely. Please don't think I'm a bad girl, but I'd really love to suck your cock. His eyes told him all she needed to know, but she wanted to make absolutely sure. Johnny she said, her eyelashes batting up and down, can I suck your cock? She didn't wait for an answer. Her lips gingerly touched the top of his head. Her tongue explored delicately, tasting a drop of his precum. She kissed gingerly and circled the head with the tip of her tongue. As she continued, she heard his passionate groans. She looked up, met his eyes, pushed her hair blonde back behind her ear, and enclosed her mouth around his manhood. She kept her eyes on his as her head bobbed up and down his iron shaft. Her hand circled the base, guiding her mouth. She moaned softly as she tasted him. The intense throbbing told her that she was doing this well, and she smiled ever so slightly. As she continued up and down, in and out, tasting him, loving him, feeling him in her mouth, her blond locks fell around her face. His hips moved faster, rising to greet her red lips and painted fingernails. His strong hands massaged her head. They didn't force or guide her head, just provided support. She hoped he would never cum. She moaned again and her hand worked his cock and her lips, mouth and tongue tasted his love. A quick, hard convulsion was followed by an intense stream of his warm, salty juice. She swallowed it, savoring every drop. He was finished, but she couldn't seem to let go as he softened in her grasp. He lifted her to his lap, looked in her eyes again, put his hand in her hair, and kissed her again, deeper and more passionate than before. Ashely watched as what looked like an abnormally abundant amount of semen pumped out of Johnny's dick, forming a geyser that landed across his chest and stomach. If she could have drawn her eyes away from this amazing sight, she would have seen the look of complete horror on his face. The next thing she knew she was in bed, next to Jill, stripped naked. She curtly told Jill that Johnny was fine and forced all other thoughts out of her mind in a monumental quest for sleep. Just as she finally drifted off, she hoped that Johnny hadn't seen the hard-on through her gown as she stood in his doorway staring at his naked body masturbating. *** Three weeks later, Johnny had not acknowledged to his buddy that he had grown hard watching him kiss his wife or that when he had caught him beating off; he was beating off to an image that reminded him of Ashely. That was just fine with Bob, who thought that any mention of such events was unnecessary and that Ashely should take some time off. Everything came rushing back to Johnny as he stumbled home after a night of pool and beers with some gym teachers. He always knew that from a certain spot in the parking lot of the complex, if you craned your head just so, he could see into Jill and Bob's bedroom. Of course, he always avoided any late night glances out of respect for his friends. Respect was out the window tonight, courtesy of Jim Beam. He felt a familiar yet disturbing stirring in his loins as he discovered that Bob was nowhere to be found tonight, and that Ashely had come for a "just girls" visit. Ashely was painting her toenails, separating her cute little toes with cotton balls, while Jill brushed and styled her blonde hair. Wig, thought Johnny. Shut up dude, it's her hair; it's not a wig. Stop talking to yourself you freak. I will if you will. Then we're agreed. Then I bid you adieu. Adieu. Johnny needed a closer look. Squatting on the railing on the deck in the back of his best friends' house was an unnatural position for so many reasons this particular evening. To Johnny's chagrin, he couldn't quite position himself to look in the window. To his surprise, he could hear every word the girls were saying. From what Johnny could gather, the ladies were having a much needed heart to heart. They had been friends for almost as long as Bob and Jill had known each other, and for the first time, Ashely was expressing the need for something more than Sapphic fulfillment. Jill noted with a bittersweet tone that her best friend had finally hit puberty and was ready for boys. She promised to support Ashely, so long as Ashe kept her infidelities to men, who Jill understood had something she could not offer. Johnny heard what sounded like hugging, but he was busy trying to control another of his raging hard-ons. When Jill announced that they were going to "The Arena" on Saturday night to "pop Ashely's cherry", Johnny's diabolical plot began to form. *** Johnny looked himself up and down in the mirror. Doubts disappeared from his mind as he looked at his industrial workboots, just longer than Daisy Dukes denim shorts, the leather vest exposing his bare chest, and the sandy blonde seventies male wig and moustache that completed the look. That's right, he thought, I look totally gay, and no one can tell who I am. Jill looked up and down at Ashely, and she knew she had outdone even herself. Ashely's yellow little sundress hugged her breasts and hips in all the right places. The strappy platform sandals screamed for attention. The makeup was perfect, utterly feminine without descending into camp. The curly blonde bob brought to mind a pre-Russell Meg Ryan. Jill guessed it would take roughly one point two seconds for Ashely to find a willing man. Ashely had downed four drinks, all bought by separate, incredibly horny looking men of varying degrees of attractiveness, and she started thinking that none of these men had what it takes. None of these were the handsome, young, bright, yet a little goofy type of guy she would do anything for. Just admit it, she thought, none of these guys have anything on ---- Ashely spit out a mouthful of amaretto sour as her eyes fell on the ridiculous caricature of a Village People-esque gay man. Who is this jackass, she thought, and why is he walking over here. Nice, thought Johnny, she's eyeing me and she has no idea who I am. Once I score with her, I can tell her who I really am and pretend that she tricked me into doing this, and that now that I've realized the truth, I can be open minded and go on fucking her brains out for the next twenty years. And the whole time, it was she that seduced me, not me who is the weirdo pervert. "Hey handsome, I haven't seen you around. You new here?" Ashely asked out of sheer amusement at the buffoon before her. "Funny you should ask," Johnny replied, smiling inwardly at his brilliant ruse, "I just moved here from San Fran, and I'm looking for a little genetically born lady to show me around. And let me tell you something girly, you definitely look to me like you were born a girl, and you're ready to party." A ton of bricks fell on Ashely as she listened to the jerk off speak. "Well Mr. San Fran," she purred, cuddling up to him and tracing a fingernail on his chest, "I know someone who could show you a great time." "And who's that Little Darlin'?" "His name is Mr. Watson, he's an English teacher at Franklin High, do you know him?" She smiled as Super Gay Man choked on his beer. "Uhh, well, no, I never met any Johnny Watson." "Who said anything about Johnny?" Johnny thought of the many responses he could summon. He used what came naturally, and ran from the bar screaming like a seven year old girl. *** Johnny woke to find himself in the same situation he'd been in for the last 22 hours. Rolled in a fetal position, staring at a picture of Carmela Soprano in Entertainment Weekly, and listening to love songs by Journey. There was no need for him to do anything else. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do. Just stay here and wallow in his own jackassery. He was broken out of his self-pitying trance by a knock at the door. "I didn't order any goddamned pizza!" he yelled. The knock continued. "Go away!" It continued. "Son of a bitch," he yelled twice, first at the intruder at the door and second at the leg of the couch that so brutally whacked his bog toe. Johnny got to the door and thought about the fist pounding he would lay on the jerk who kept knocking. He opened the door. The black high heels gave way to the black stocking clad legs, which rose to the hemline of the skirt, a few inches above the knee which was a lovely part of the sexiest little black cocktail dress he had ever seen which showed off a phenomenal pair of breasts which sat about a foot below a bewitching face of unparalleled beauty and grace with its red pouty lips and big sparkling come hither eyes, a face that was framed with cascading blond waves of movie star quality. Johnny jammed the pen he was holding into the side of his leg, just to make sure this wasn't another stupid fantasy. "Johnny," Ashely asked, "aren't you going to invite me in." The trickle of blood running down his leg told him this wasn't a dream. He smiled. "Please come in."

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Mera naam Neha hai, aur me 32 year ki hun,  housewife hun,  me paheli bar yanah apani bat aur mere sath huve ajeeb sex experiences ko share karan chahti hun. Par me batana chahati hun ki ye ek aesi story nahi jo ki AAM hao.. 6 sal pahele ke ye bat hai,  jab mene paheli bar sex ka anubhav kiya tha. Ye ajeeb lagega par mene college me bhi sex nahi kiya tha aur bad me bhi me chahati thi ki pahela sex mere pati ke sath ki suhagrat me karu. Sex shuahag rat ko to huva par pati ke sath nahi.. aur yehi...

2 years ago
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Badale Ki Aag

Ye hadasa 3 sal ke pahele huva tha me isse paheli bar likhake batan e ki koshish kar rahi hun! jise me aaj, 3 sal bad batane ki himmat jutha payi hun. Mera naam Jyoti hai aur mere bhai ka naam Sanjeev 3 sal pahele ki bat hai tab meri age 18 sal ki thi me dikhane thik thak se khubsurat hi hun to muje aur mere bhai ko 2 din lambe train ke safar pe jana tha Mere bhai ki shadi dur ke gao me tay huvi thi aur usi ke bhai ke sath meri shadi tay honewali thi. Mera bhai mujase 4 sai badha hai hum log...

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Badalte Rishte

“Are didi, itna saman utha kar kahan ja raheen hain aap,” koi peeche se bola to maine palat kar dekha. Yeh mere papa ke bachpan ke dost ka ek lauta beta tha. “Laiye main apko apne bike par ghar chod deta hoon,” usne age kaha.Are bhaiya, aap yahaan kya kar rahe ho?” Maine pucha.“Kuch nahin didi, thoda dost ki dukaan pe aaya tha. Lekin aap bazaar se kya kharid le ja rahi ho?” Usne poocha.“Kuch khas nahin bhaiya. Aaj college mein jaldi chutti ho gayi thi to maine socha ghar jate samein bazaar se...

2 years ago
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Baday Ghar Ki Ladki

I am Mahesh , 26 years old guy. I am a chartered accountant by profession. I stay in Punjab. I am 5`11″ and have a very good built. I am very smart and handsome guy with very hairy body. My cock is 7. 5 inches long and is very hairy. This is a real story of incest, which happened 6 years ago, when I was 20 years old. It was in the year 1996, at that time I had just completed my B.Com. Final year. So I was just free for one month as my registration for Chartered Accountancy was to be done in...

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We lived together and had so done since college where we met, and then through Medical School.  While there, Jacky and Joe got married but we kept our relationship as a trio.  We shared everything and jealousy was not in our dictionary.  We loved each other and had never been unfaithful.We had kept our sex lives interesting by reading erotica and sometimes acting out the stories, and then raised the bar by taking vacations to all-adult resorts where clothing was optional to add a bit of a...

Group Sex
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The nightclub has no name, but its the hottest spot around. Getting in isn't easy, but once there, patrons can find anything they desire.

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Nicoles Tittenbingo

Mein Mann Andy und ich fuhren von einem langen Messetag zurück nach Hause über die Autobahn. Es wurde schon langsam dunkel und auf der Straße war kaum etwas los. Wir bekamen Hunger. Es war aber weit und breit keine Raststätte zu sehen. Von der Autobahn aus erblickten wir allerdings ein kleines Städtchen mit maximal 10 Häusern. So dicht an der Autobahn? Da muss es etwas zu essen geben. Wir fuhren die Autobahn ab und nach einer kurzen Landstraßenstrecke erreichten wir dann auch das Dorf. Wir...

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No Sermon While On This Moumt by Bingville

Joan and I have been married for more than twenty years. Our love life is still maturing. Other than acting out and verbalizing our respective fantasies, we have remained mutually exclusive. I think that a threesome with the right other man involved would be something which Joan would find habit forming. She claims this is something that she would never do, but really becomes aroused in our love making by the idea of fucking a former lover, fucking someone we both know who she finds attractive...

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hot tubbing

I haven't talked to my sister in years, our family kind of moved apart. Recently I got a call from mysister, she invited me over to talk later that day. So after work I drove over and walked up to the door. Loud music was coming from the upstairs bedroom. I thought maybe her roommate was home and we'd have to be candid. I knocked on the door, no answer. I knocked louder. Nothing. I ran the door bell and heard, "Come in, damnit!" So I opened the door and sat on the couch. The music continued to...

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It's Friday evening. I'm sitting on my sofa (peach, fabric) watching the start of some movie (rom-com, boring) cradling a bucket of ice-cream (chocolate, half melted), expecting a quiet night. I've already showered off the grime of work and slipped into comfortable pajamas (baby pink, a sheep motif sown onto the shorts). My phone rings. It's Sarah, a friend. I answer.Shes going out tonight, just her, and wondered if I wanted to go along. Apparently, theirs a killer new club opened up on the...

3 years ago
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hot tubbing

one day me my girlfriend and a bunch of my co workers got off from work in the afternoon. and went to my boss,s house. we,d do this once in a while as he had a nice condo with a deck. we were all restaurant workers and after sunday brunch it was a great way to blow off some steam. it was a hot day in july, so my girlfriend had on her bicini, we were all drunk around the hottub, when my boss and another person went to get more beer and wine. it was just my girlfriend, me and my bosses hot wife....

3 years ago
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Masters Double Subbing

It was right Master wouldn’t let it send it. He was VERY upset with it. Told it that it was not right to deceive women and that is NOT what he wanted. This totally left slave confused and unsure of what to do. How could it make this work when it didn’t even know if it really wanted it to work? The slave decided that before it attempted to even try and send another email to the lady that it was going to sit down and reevaluate the whole situation. It had to determine the reasons why it was...

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Masters Double Subbing

As the slave waited for Master in the hotel room, the conversation that T/they had in the beginning of their relationship was repeating in its head. “If slave is going to be my slave then it will eat another woman’s pussy,” Master had told slave. Then Master asked the question that slave knew He would next, “Is slave willing to do this for Master?” The slave wanted to say no but it knew that it couldn’t do that. All slave wanted to do was please Master and it knew that this was something...

2 years ago
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First time subbing

?  She has arranged to meet her new Master in a pub downtown, and she is nervous asshe walks down the street to get there. He was very specific in his instructions-he told her to wear exactly the clothes she wore in the pictures she sent him- a blue crop top, black miniskirt, black lacy panties, black shoes and long black schoolgirl socks...The miniskirt is very short and she notices men looking at her as she walks.She has on a jacket over the blue top but she is still a little cold...

3 years ago
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Clubbing and Tubbing

Chapter 1 There was one more month 'til graduation, after which Kara would become an associate attorney with Grayson and Locke in Dallas. They employed nearly five hundred attorneys world-wide, about two hundred of which were partners. At present there was only one female partner. With Kara's credentials she was all but assured of becoming the second female partner in one of the nation's most prestigious law firms. George, Kara's boyfriend during most of law school, was going to clerk...

3 years ago
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Young Girls First Time Tribbing

I have watched her several weeks now and have finally figured out a plan to get her into my house. I will talk to her parents about having her come over to my house while I am out of town and feed my cat. If they agree then I will begin the seduction. Starting off with leaving a tribbing video on with my laptop open. I may have to place a hidden cam in my room to see how she will react. Well my plan is set I invite her over to meet my cat Charlie, they hit it off right away. I...

1 year ago
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This story takes place in Charlotte, NC, because I've been to a few places there. While the places exist, the characters are completely fictional. If you have questions, comments, criticism, or just want to talk to someone, email me at [email protected] or [email protected] and I will write back as soon as I can. Enjoy! Clubbing By Allison Voorhees Darcie was giving me THAT LOOK again. I get worried when she gives me "the look". It usually means trouble....

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact SideStory Mary and Diane Go Clubbing

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact Side-Story: Mary and Diane Go Clubbing Note: This takes place between Chapter 17 and 18 when Mary goes out with Diane. Takes place at the same time as The D&D Group Side-Story. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was dressed in a sleek, black dress that clung to my curves. It was low cut and a push up bra made my B Cup breasts look like C's. The skirt was short, and the tops of my black fishnets would peak out as I walked along with...

2 years ago
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A Night Out Clubbing

I really hate to go clubbing, so I often decline the invitation to do so. It was my friend's birthday, though, so I had to go this time. I was so bored, so I sat at the bar all night long, until I encountered the most gorgeous woman I'd seen that night.I noticed how sexy she looked as she moved her hips around as if to be riding an imaginary dick. She was a mature lady, one could tell by the rest of the group she was with, but still had a great body. But, I never got a good look at her...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact Sidestory Mary and Diane Go Clubbing

Note: This takes place between Chapter 17 and Chapter 18 when Mary goes out with Diane. Takes place at the same time as The D&D Group Side-Story. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was dressed in a sleek, black dress that clung to my curves. It was low cut and a push up bra made my B Cup breasts look like C's. The skirt was short, and the tops of my black fishnets would peak out as I walked along with the clasps of my black garter belt holding the stockings up. I wore gray eyeshadow, a...

2 years ago
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New Plumbing

New Plumbing A Short Story By Maryanne Peters He sat down in the aisle seat. I was at the window. It was only a small plane so there was just the two of us. I was on my home that evening. I had come straight from a meeting and I was in my best business suit. The skirt was fairly short and I had only nude pantyhose and a smart pair of heels. He admired my legs as he fastened his seat belt. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I was not until we were airborne that he spoke to...

3 years ago
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Gone Clubbing

GONE CLUBBING by Throne I couldn't believe what Marva had done to me. The sexy Black girl, who had lured me to an afterhours club and then slipped a date rape drug into my drink, must have had access to those super hormones I've heard about, the ones that get sold to trannies on the street. They're fine for guys who want to be women, but she had given them to me, Dean Davis, a straight guy who just wanted to sample some Black pussy. I got off the cot, stood in the dimly lit room,...

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I began growing long hair in college. I was now 26 yo. Even then some guys would call me boy.. Butt I was none of those names. Well I met this girl and we had alot of fun together and I thought that I was in love..Not much sex..We used to smoke MJ together in her all girl dorm then listen to music.We had intercourse a few times butt she liked me to eat her pussy. She called my cock her,"little man".She even laughed and said its too tiny.She jerked me off and even...

2 years ago
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when me and wife went clubbing

in the 90,s me and ann went clubbing every sunday like most we took recreational d**gs ecys which made you love everyone and later we would fuck like rabbits fantasising about certain people in our crowd then we would talk about it during the week until i said did she fancy trying to get someone as they probably thought the same as we were a good looking cple many of them would go for it she agreed and decided on certain ones but would say on the night out she was bi curiouse with some girls...

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OMG last night was crazy!!!! One of my girl friends birthday wanted to go clubbing and begged me to go, since it was girls night out. So we got ready and I had on a black metallic party dress with a deep long V neck dress and long enough to cover my ass with a thong and no bar hehe. With black heels and shiny new earrings and I was set to go.We had a few shots before we head out. I was already tipsy from it. I don't have a very high alcohol tolerance, as soon as we got there the line was...

2 years ago
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My mother and I attended an out of town family reunion last month. Dad couldn’t get away from work, so she and I traveled together. There were several hundred family members getting together, so our relatives’ houses were crammed to the walls with people, and we had to stay at a hotel downtown. Mom and I got adjoining rooms, with a little door connecting my room to hers. This was her first time away from dad in years and years, and so she was a little bit nervous about being alone and wanted...

4 years ago
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SM Clubbing

BDSM Clubbing Experience Once in the club you see a hatcheckgirl who is naked, she is taking The DOM/ME's jackets and the subs, likeyourself, coats. As it becomes your turn you feel your heart pounding as you are about Totake off your coat and you know what you are wearing under it. Your stomachhas butterflies and your legs feel somewhat weak. "Want me to help you with your jacket dear?" This breaks into your thoughts and automatically you take off your Jacketand accept the token from the...

1 year ago
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Victoria Collaring and Clubbing

Saturday night could not come fast enough as I could not wait to collar my sweet new 18-year-old fuck toy. At 10:30 there was a knock at the door and I opened it to see Victoria grinning ear to ear as she gave me a big hug and kiss. I have missed you so much Master she says as she walks in and begins to undress as usual. Do not undress at the door I told her as tonight is a special night. Please go change in the bedroom and I will be out here waiting for you. Victoria, looking confused goes to...

3 years ago
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College Retreat Plumbing

Bernard was so relaxed on Thursday morning; he actually had a smoke with breakfast.Erica commented it was a disgusting habit. Bethany was indifferent and Chastity of course shared a few puffs.It was a stress free breakfast, who knew what ribald entertainment was on the agenda for the late afternoon.Mornings were always a roaring fire, porridge, coffee, except for Erica and her fruit juice. Bernard’s highlight probably just beating the intoxication of the morning drag ritual was the scanty pj...

4 years ago
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Mountain Climbing

Since XNXX decided to put water sports and pissing together in one category please don’t be misled. This story contains pissing. Mountain Climbing I am an avid mountain climber and have been for many years. I take my vacations just so that I can climb mountains throughout the United States. I cannot ever imaging climbing Mount Everest at 8,848 meters in height K2 at 8,611 meters in height but someday I do hope to climb Mount McKinley at 6,194 meters or 20,320 feet in the Alaska...

2 years ago
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The Trouble With Tribbing

It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Annually on this day, the teachers at Gray Elementary would get together and go drink and dance and joke around. Then a few of us would end up at the ridiculously huge house of the assistant principal, Mrs. Reid, to pick up our cars or freshen up or just pass out.This year, we were joined by one of the new teachers named Margie, wearing a thin, silky camisole under her coat and ridiculously tight jeans.All evening, she was either giggling about anything...

1 year ago
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My BBF introduced me to Tribbing

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Kelli asked."Nothing planned," I replied."Want to lay out and get a tan before we go to Vegas?""Sounds like a good idea. Come on out and I'll fix us lunch.""See you tomorrow."I had a suspicion she was interested in more than tanning. After our last little episode together, I sensed she might be hungry for more. There's something about that first great orgasm that sticks in your mind, and when you need refreshing, it's always nice to go back again.She showed up...

4 years ago
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badan ki bhook miti

Sabhi iss readers ko mera salaam.mai hyderabad ka rahene wala hoon.mera naam aman khan hai main ek play boy hoon aur main 23 years ka smart aur handsome ladka hoon aur mai apna graduation complete kar raha hoon. Mai aap logoon ko mera realsex experience aap ke saath share kar raha ki bahut hi hot aur sex bhara hai.yeh kahani kuch six months purani hai maine college mein kai ladkiyon ko pataya aur choda bhi hoon.iska karan meri khoob durat face aur mera bada lund hai.lekin yeh story...

3 years ago
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The Digital Disrobing

A very special thing is happening, dear reader. A very special thing. All throughout the digital multiverse, beautiful women are finding themselves totally bare, without the comfort of clothing or privacy. And lucky you! Because you can be here to see it all! That's right, women from any video game you've ever played could be finding themselves stripped right here! From head to (bare) toe, they're all yours to experience! So let's kick back and read about some very special girls getting into...

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Dungeons and Disrobing

Footsteps echoe across the walls of a narrow valley, as well-armed and -armored adventurers trudge across the rocky terrain. At the end of the valley stands an open door - simple, roughly hewn from the stone, yet foreboding because of its sheer size and the deep darkness lying in wait behind its threshold. The adventurers halt a few feet from the edge, weapons ready at their side. The fabled caverns of Hin'Dryaz.. according to the stories fabled treasures lied within, ready to be snatched up...

1 year ago
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Beach Blanket Bingo

My girlfriend Geena is 23 and I just turned 27 and we recently started going to a local nude beach, mostly to people watch but for a little bit of exhibitionism too. It started off innocently enough; Geena found out that it excited her to show off her body to men, so she started going braless while we shopped in our local mall which morphed into letting men see her when she tried on clothes in department and specialty stores. Then going out to a nude beach seemed like the next logical step. At...

4 years ago
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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 6 Beach Blanket Bingo

The doorbell interrupted Stephanie as she was dusting the living room. She was still dressed in the leotard and tights she wore to the gym this morning. The delivery man's eyes were all over her as she signed for the package. She enjoyed being ogled for the first time in a long time. Darren's fantasy date idea was working. She felt sexier than she ever had, even though she was sure she wasn't in the best shape. She'd lost ten pounds since their ski trip in January. She had been going to...

1 year ago
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2nd Time bingo

My name is Le, I live in an apartment block in New York City, Im 19, negro, and with a "pretty largely" sized cock, about 11 inches, so I was told. Anyway my first time with a woman was about 3 months ago and it was shocking, it was after a night out at a club and well you can say that it shouldnt of been counted as my first time. Anyway I was getting down and depressed about my sex life, so I wasn't really into going out anymore. As I am (as I've been told) a pretty attractive male, I went...

3 years ago
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Out Clubbing

The beat was very intense. It throbbed like a living thing and mesmerized the dancers. The people just swayed and moved to it, like a snake when the charmer plays the flute. They looked like a huge throng of people fucking in their clothes as Amy watched them. She could feel the sexuality, the pure animal lust that flowed from person to person on the dance floor. She had her hand on Bill's leg. Just an innocent place to lay it as they watched the people dance below them. Soon...

4 years ago
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Lucy And Jo Go Clubbing

Lucy and Jo both worked at the same company. They had been there for about five years. Jo was employed after Lucy, but only by about six months. The two girls became good friends, and after about two years, they decided to move into a flat together After all, it would help with the bills and the wages were not great. The one thing the company did have was that they promoted from within, where ever and whenever possible.When they moved in together, they did, of course, have a lot of duplicate...

3 years ago
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I’m getting ready for a night on the town. My hair is done and my outfit picked out. Black tank with a smattering of silver sequins, a black choker necklace with a silver charm of a moon, a short black skirt and thick black high heels with a silver buckle. In keeping with the theme I put on a silver thong and a matching silver bra. I was looking in the mirror, admiring how the outfit enhanced my curves and trying to visualize make up when my phone vibrated. It’s a message from you, asking...

2 years ago
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Charlene Clubbing

Her legs were bare, she wasn’t wearing a bra and the top three buttons of Charlene’s shirt dress were undone. Charlene was still a few months shy of being eighteen and old enough to get into the club, but one of her escorts, Blake, had told her that somewhat immodest attire would likely get her past the club’s doorman. Charlene wasn’t really sure about all of that but as it provided a rationale for dressing the way she really wanted to dress, she bought into the argument.The doorman looked her...

College Sex
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Charlene Clubbing

Her legs were bare, she wasn’t wearing a bra and the top three buttons of Charlene’s shirt dress were undone. Charlene was still a few months shy of being eighteen and old enough to get into the club, but one of her escorts, Blake, had told her that somewhat immodest attire would likely get her past the club’s doorman. Charlene wasn’t really sure about all of that but as it provided a rationale for dressing the way she really wanted to dress, she bought into the argument.The doorman looked her...

College Sex
2 years ago
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I'm getting ready for a night on the town. My hair is done and my outfit picked out. Black tank with a smattering of silver sequins; a black choker necklace with a silver charm of a moon; a short black skirt and thick black high heels with a silver buckle. In keeping with the theme I put on a silver thong and a matching silver bra. I was looking in the mirror, admiring how the outfit enhanced my curves and trying to visualize make up when my phone vibrated. It's a message from you, asking about...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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One night we went out to a club in Sydney Anne was wearing a dress that zipped all the way down the front it could be unzipped from the bottom to show as much leg as wanted and down from the top to show as much cleavage as wanted quite sexy really. This night Anne chose to wear it with just stockings and suspenders beneath, the last time we had been to this particular club there had been some really good looking single guys that had danced with her and on the dark dance floor they had happily...

1 year ago
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Bad Night Clubbing

It was a strange night; first thing that was strange was that I was out of the house; the second was that I was in a club. Most nights you would find me sitting at home playing on my computer, tonight for some strange reason I had gone to a club.I looked over at my mate who was having a fun time with his girlfriend ?how did he talk me into this? I asked myself. I continued drinking the drink that was placed before me,I looked back towards where my mate was but he and his girlfriend had...

2 years ago
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Dangerous Clubbing

It was Friday night, the end of a great week at work, and I felt like partying. I decided to go all out, hit some of the top clubs, and see if maybe I would wake up to the sound of someone making me breakfast after a night of horizontal mattress dancing. I rummaged through my closet and found the top I had never had the courage to wear before. It was silver, metallic and shimmery, although there really wasn't much of it—it was basically a small triangle of fabric. It had one tiny strap that...

3 years ago
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The JobChapter 2 Night Clubbing

I took the ferry to Airlie my first weekend off the Island. My mum had relatives in Airlie, and our uncle had rented us their old house just on the back of the main tourist area of Airlie. The place was run down but clean. It was also in a great spot in that my brother Ryan only had to walk down the hill for about a klick to get to where he worked. The fact we didn’t own a car wasn’t such a hardship, but it could get annoying. Most of everything else we needed was also within a reasonable...

1 year ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 22 Clubbing

“You are invited,” the embossed, gold-edged card decreed in large black letters, “to a celebration of kink. The new Kink Collection of leatherwear, rubberwear, and restraints will be shown alongside party, play and dance at the Viaduct Club.” Allison turned the card over. It had the date and time and the words, “Dress Code: Tops – Leather / Rubber / Uniform / Fetish / Vintage. Bottoms – whatever the Top decrees.” Allison smiled. That was only as it ought to be, of course. Clipped to the...

2 years ago
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PromiseChapter 3 Charity Tennis and Clubbing

I SHOWED UP for the charity tennis tournament right on time. Every seat was filled, but with Alejandra’s invitation I was in one of the VIP boxes high in the stands. Groundskeepers were finishing their grooming of the scuffed red clay as I found the party. “Michael!” Alejandra waved when I entered a “box” the size of my apartment living room, and rose to greet me with a hug and kisses on both cheeks. I held her at arms length afterwards and looked her up and down. “You look fantastic,...

1 year ago
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Alpine Climbing

My girlfriend and me met through a mutual friend in a bar one day and have been together for 3 years now. They say opposites attract in our case it could not be further from the truth, she is a driven business women with blue eyes, blond hair pert subtle breasts and a firm well shaped behind an all raped up in 5ft 6 size ten frame. Where I do a manual job and an 5ft 8 loosing my hair and have an average build nothing special. It all starts one November with me coming back off an alpine climbing...

2 years ago
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Moms Plumbing

The sink disposal was broke so mom called a plumper to come over to take a look. After an hour he'd would have it fixed up and roaring to go. Mom was delighted that it was working again, "how much do we owe you sir?" mom asked! "That's ninty dollars mam." said the man, "oh my, I only have fifty! Is there something we can do?" mom replied! After a minute of thinking, the plumber walked over to me and untied my shorts and pulled the down saying "lady, you could make the difference up by playing...

1 year ago
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A good girl fixes her plumbing

What does a good girl do when she hasnt a daddy all of her own and the shower is leaking? She fixes it.Now anyone can tell you that as a single baby girl you very often ( and pun intended) have to take matters into your own hands and that dear reader is exactly what I did.Being self sufficient can be a good thing and I figure that , when I finally do meet my forever and ever daddy he will praise and celebrate the fact that I'm a very smart and very resourceful girl.I have a tendency to daydream...

4 years ago
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Fixing the Neighbors Plumbing

Early one morning last summer on my day off I had gone out in the morning to water the plants before the blazing sun had started to cook them. While in the front yard my neighbor Barbra was also out doing the same thing, she said hello and asked if I had time to come over and take a look at her garbage grinder, she said it would not turn. Now Barbra is a mature bbw widow, she is always so nice and plesant to talk with. She is also a sun lover and lays out nude in her back yard as much as...

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