T.R.E.SChapter 27 free porn video

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Boredom prompted my proposal, but reason was its driving force. My real estate paradigm left me free time - too much free time - and my involvement in the renovation of the Vegas office project had ended shortly after our return from Sandy's ill-fated attempt at matchmaking. What's more, I suspected I wasn't alone in my ennui. Nicole didn't have a project in mind beyond the lease-up of the office complex, and Sandy's book tour had ended. My sister had also finished her second novel during the tour.

During some idle time one afternoon, I was glancing through a Forbes magazine and noticed an article about the world's most expensive hotels. The hotels and their locales fascinated me. The Mansion at MGM Grand in Las Vegas topped the list, but what caught my attention was that many of the hotels were situated on private islands. A week later I found two islands, Butterfly Caye, a forty-minute boat ride southeast of Dangriga, Belize, and Koyo Caye, twelve miles east of Placentia, Belize. Butterfly Caye, a six-acre island, was one of the few unspoiled places left in the world. Unspoiled, but not uncivilized. The island came with a three-story main house, a guesthouse on the other side of the island from the main house, and the island came with a staff (a manager/boat captain, maid, and gardeners) and a long list of personal property including two boats. Also, the island wasn't completely isolated from modern technology. The current owner had brought in satellite TV and Internet connectivity. Koyo Caye was undeveloped period, but it was larger - twelve acres. Both islands were protected by barrier reefs.

I raised my shield because I didn't want my attitude or thoughts to project my intent.

"Why the shield, Josh?" Sandy asked that evening as we finished eating dinner. Sandy usually trotted over from her home to Nicole's and mine for dinner, usually slept with us, too. We'd planned accordingly. Anticipating that Sandy would find her man of the world someday, our master suite provided for four occupants, not two. The master suite in Sandy's house was just as accommodating, and about half the time the three of us ended up in her bed.

"I'm bored," I replied.

"Huh?" Nicole said.

"I'm bored. What about y'all?"

"Hmm," Nicole muttered. "Yeah, a little."

"Frankly, I'm enjoying the downtime," Sandy said. "But... yeah, boredom might be just around the corner. Waddaya have in mind?"

I tossed the Forbes magazine on the table. "What would the two of you say if I suggested we spend a few nights in each of the world's ten most expensive hotels?"

"Sounds fun," Nicole said.

"Argh. The book tour cured me of traveling for a while," Sandy said, but she picked up the magazine and flipped through the pages.

"I'm not proposing traveling for the fun of it, although staying in those hotels should be fun. I need a challenge, something new to occupy my idle time and mind."

Sandy handed the magazine to Nicole and gave me a funny look. "You're shield is irritating."

"I'll drop it in a few minutes. Nicole, do you note any pattern to those hotels?"

"Let's see. Two are located in South Africa on game preserves. Two are in Fiji. Hmm. Oh, I see! Six of them are on islands."

"Yup." I tossed the two sale packages on the table. "More specifically private islands, Nicole. Here's the deal. I found two private islands for sale. Both of them are off the coast of Belize and are protected by barrier reefs. I'd like to look into developing a high-end hotel on one of them. Waddaya think?"

Nicole picked up one of the packages, Sandy the other. They skimmed the folders and then traded them.

Sandy looked up and said, "Are you serious about this?"

"Yes and no. I'm serious about exploring the possibilities. I'm also serious about the three of us doing a project together, but money isn't my prime motive. We say we're married, that we're a TRES, and we are, but... I don't know. I think we need something that symbolizes our marriage besides our ceremony overlooking the Grand Canyon."

I paused and looked at each of them. Yup, I had their attention. "In the eyes of the law, we aren't married, and I don't see the law changing anytime in the near term. When I was too young to start a business, Sandy, you and I formed an investment company to overcome the hurdle my age represented. Then Nicole joined us, and she assumed the role of an independent contractor to the company for a few of my deals. Nicole, you led the renovation of the office complex in Vegas."

"You helped a lot, Josh," Nicole said.

"Yes and loved every minute of it. Frankly, I enjoy your real estate paradigm more than mine." I looked at Sandy. "And because Nicole and I were so busy on that project, you led the effort to develop our home base."

Sandy grinned. "And loved every minute of it. Do you really think we need something that symbolizes our marriage?"

"Only in the eyes of the law, and only the economic aspects of our plural marriage, all of which can be handled with a new legal entity like the investment company. We handled the non-economic aspects of our marriage with our vows. I guess what I'm proposing is TRES, Inc., a business for sure, but structured in a manner that says to the world that the three of us are one."

"What a marvelous idea!" Sandy exclaimed.

"Yes," Nicole said softly, tears welling in her eyes.

I lowered my shield and thought, I love you, both of you, very much. TRES, Inc., will not only own the projects the three of us do together, like the island hotel, but will also be the legal entity that protects the economic aspects of our group marriage.

It should be structured... Sandy started to say silently.

I grinned and interrupted her thought. To provide for more members.

"Yup," Sandy said out loud. "Love isn't limited."

"I agree. Also everything we do doesn't need to be and shouldn't be contained in TRES, Inc. We're one, but we're still individuals with separate needs and dreams. Sandy, you'll continue to write your novels and acquire artifacts for your museum. Nicole, I know from your thoughts that you want to continue your education. You..."

"That's correct, but you don't," Nicole said.

"Nope. I'll finish the MBA program at Phoenix College, and that's it."

"Why finish?" Sandy asked. "The class work bores you to tears. You've tried to hide your dirty, little secret, but Nicole and I are in your head ninety percent of the time. You're financially independent. You achieved what you wanted to achieve with your business education. It's time to follow your dream, buddy boy."

I groaned and hung my head. "I don't know how. I suppressed..."

"For me," Sandy said and tears welled in her eyes. "I left you behind, so you suppressed your dream to catch up with me. Well, you did it, Josh. I'm yours. Step back, think, and make a plan that if followed will fulfill your need to be an artist. You can do it. You, my love, can do anything you truly want to do."

"It's too late," I said.

"Nonsense," Nicole said. "Someday, I hope to have a Ph.D. in economics. I want to be called Dr. Nicole Johnson, become a sought-after expert in my field, maybe even write a book or two, and I know you'll support me, help me to achieve my dream. Sandy and I will support you to be all you can be, too, Josh."

"I won't go back to college to study art," I said.

"Then don't. Do what I did. Teach yourself," Sandy said.

"Easy for you to say."

"Hey, I didn't say it would be easy."

"Josh," Nicole said, "Your innate sense of design is phenomenal. When you start talking about balance or color or any design element, even Andy and Liz pay attention. Hmm, you'll need a studio. When you decide what kind of studio you want, we'll build a studio here on the property. In the meantime, how about... ?"

"I won't need a studio until I start to paint. I'll start with drawing, and I'll need some models."

"Nekkid models, he means, Nicole," Sandy said with a wicked grin. "You can count on me, little brother."

"It'll be difficult to sit still when your eyes are roamin' over my nekkid body, Josh, but count on me, too." Nicole shivered. I do love your eyes on me, baby.

Yeah, Sandy thought. I know what you mean, Nicole. His eyes sorta eat you up. His eyes on me give me goose bumps sometimes.

They make my pussy wet, Nicole said silently. Look, Sandy. His pants are startin' ta tent up.

Just before they pounced, I groaned - happily.

After taking a quick tour of the six island hotels listed in Forbes and visiting the island properties off the coast of Belize, we purchased both islands. Butterfly Caye became our home away from home, and we initiated development plans for Koyo Caye. We also formed TRES, Inc., funding the entity with a million dollars, split three ways. When we decided it made more sense to keep the renovated office complex in Vegas than sell it, we also transferred that property into the new entity. With the cash, our home base, the office complex, and the two islands, TRES, Inc., started with a net worth of a little over twenty-two million and its assets exceeded fifty million. Those numbers would more than double when we completed the development of our high-end hotel on Koyo Caye.

My boredom fled. I quit school and started to draw again. In my early teens, I'd often carried a sketchbook, and I quickly reacquired the habit. I conferred with Andy, and he designed an artist's studio for our compound. Six months later when the structure was complete, I started to paint and quickly discovered studio painting wasn't my cup of tea. I preferred the out-of-doors. I also preferred watercolors to oil paint. I liked the freshness of watercolors, the spontaneity, and fortunately watercolor painting fit my new lifestyle. Although Sandy led the development of our island hotel, Nicole and I took supporting roles, and we all traveled back and forth from Scottsdale to Belize, sometimes together, but usually separately so one of us was on hand at Koyo Caye to confer with our general contractor most of the time. While on one island or the other, I managed at least one painting a day, sometimes three or four, seascapes mostly, but some landscapes as well. I must have painted the three-story house on Butterfly Caye a dozen times, and the dock and boats also made interesting subjects for paintings. Over the one-year development period for the hotel, I painted a series of watercolors that depicted the various stages of construction, and after learning how to scuba dive, I started to paint underwater scenes from the coral reefs from memory.

The staff members we inherited when we purchased Butterfly Caye were neither energetic nor ambitious, but they were a happy crew. Unfortunately, the manager/boat captain's happiness came from a bottle. I offered to help him dry out and pay for some therapy, but he gave me the finger and told me to fuck off. The maid left with him. Neither proved difficult to replace, and the housekeeper we hired also doubled as a cook, thank goodness. Sandy and I weren't very handy around the kitchen, and one or both of us were often at Butterfly Caye while Nicole was busy elsewhere. During the hiring interviews, I quickly established a baseline for truthfulness and asked each prospective employee about their attitudes regarding plural marriages and nudity, along with pointed questions whose answers gave me genuine indications about their honesty and integrity.

Out of that experience, Sandy and Nicole dubbed me TRES's official personnel director. When it was time, I packed my paint box and duffel bag - read matched luggage - and started my search for a hotel manager and executive chef, key employees for our new development. I found the executive chef in a classy restaurant in Port of Spain, Trinidad, and the manager in a Marriott in St. Thomas. Besides plugging them into the development team for our Belize TRES Island Resort, they were also charged with filling all other positions for the hotel, with the caveat that I would speak briefly with each prospective employee before they were hired. My built-in lie detector avoided hiring drunks, drug users, crooks, cruel or evil staff members. I didn't bat a thousand but came close.

A few weeks before the grand opening for the Belize resort, I traveled to New York to buy some art for the hotel. Nicole was in Las Vegas concluding a full-floor lease for our office building, which if successful would complete the lease-up effort, and Sandy was busy with last-minute details at the resort in Belize. I carried a portfolio of watercolor paintings, ten of my best. While buying art for the resort, I wanted the opinions of various art gallery owners about the quality of my work. None of them turned cartwheels and offered to sponsor a one-man show, but that was expected. I was still learning. I did get some honest positive feedback.

Art supplies were hard to come by in Belize, so I searched out a large art supply store and was walking the aisles shopping the shelves when I walked past a well-dressed, distinguished man whose thoughts were so evil I backed out of his mind.

What's wrong, Josh, Nicole asked. She'd sensed my discomfort.

An evil man, I replied.

Oh, one of those.

No, not one of those. Worse. He was daydreaming about dismembering a body.


How's the lease progressing?

We're hung up on two points - the liability and subletting clauses.

Sandy joined us and we chatted silently about the lease clauses until I suggested offering the tenant a reciprocal liability clause and adding language to the subletting clause stating that we wouldn't unreasonably withhold our permission for the tenant to sublease the premises.

Great! That ought to do it, Nicole said. Is the bad guy still around?

Yeah, he's at the checkout counter.

Scan him. He might be recalling memories, not daydreaming.

I reached out with a tendril and brushed his surface thoughts. With a shudder, I probed deeper. "Fuck," I breathed.

Memories, huh? Sandy said.

Yeah. That is one sick puppy. Using my sketchbook as a notepad, I jotted down his name and address and what I found out about him during my probe. I'll give the details I uncovered during my probe to the police.

Anonymously, Sandy cautioned.


Liz seemed happy when you talked to her this afternoon, Sandy said.

Yeah, she's a good mother.

Why did you pass on her dinner invitation? Nicole asked.

She wouldn't leave her baby boy, wanted me to come to her house, and I'm attending two gallery openings tonight.

I heard Sandy's mental chuckle. Well, I'll take good care of Andy tonight.

Give him a hug and kiss for me, Nicole quipped.

I paid for the supplies I wanted and left the store. At the corner, I noticed a pay phone, but it was out of order.

My anonymous tips to the police aren't working. Follow up is poor to nonexistent, I said to Sandy and Nicole as I thought about the other tips I'd passed on to various police departments.

I don't like the direction your thinking is taking you, Sandy said. If you're not careful, you'll end up a lab rat.

Maybe not. I've got an idea.

Go for it, Nicole said after she translated my attitude.

Go for what? Sandy asked. She still had trouble with attitudes, so I gave her my idea with a thought.

It's worth a try, Sandy said.

I grabbed a cab and told the driver to take me to the local offices for the FBI. After telling the receptionist I was waiting for someone, I took a seat in the lobby. I scanned five or six agents as they moved in and out of the lobby, finally settling on a middle-aged woman who appealed to me because of her strength of character. To be honest, she was also good looking for her age, which I determined was thirty-six. I left the offices and took a cab to the building where Sandy maintained an apartment.

After making a root beer float, I settled at the kitchen table.

Okay, I said to Nicole and Sandy, I've probed her deeply. I probably know as much about her as her mother, more, because I know about her teenage and college sexual shenanigans, too. I like her.

Why a woman? Sandy asked.

No special reason. She was the best of the lot that wandered by me in the lobby. Any suggestions about how I should contact her? Telephone or e-mail?

Telephone, Sandy said. Use a pay phone.

Does she have an unlisted home number? Nicole asked.


Call her at home.

Use a pay phone in the hotel on the corner.

Same as T.R.E.S
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This little story started last September. My name is Tanika; I'm a twenty-two-year-old engineering student at a very well established university in Oregon. I happen to be African-American and love to run. I was on the track team in high school, running cross country. When I moved up to college, I ran on my own, never competing in races or up to my abilities.A friend suggested one of the local running stores which train for the various distances up to a half marathon. That's where I met Jay,...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Kali Sudhra First Position

Ballet teacher Alicia may be strict, but her unorthodox methods always get results. In a private session with student Olivier, Alicia showcases her harshest teaching technique: challenging him to hold First Position without moving a muscle. Performing an incredible striptease just inches from him, Alicia gives Olivier a sharp ‘thwack!’ with her riding crop every time he hungrily twitches towards her. Losing control, Olivier gives up – knowing that as punishment Alicia will have him...

2 years ago
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Our first conversation occurred at Doc Disorder's, the neighborhood bar. I stepped in just like I did every day after work. Only this time, I saw a strange face -- a really adorable brunette with hypnotic dark brown eyes. She also looked like she just came from work. She wore a short black jacket and a slightly above-the-knee black skirt. Black nylons and pumps completed the ensemble. She eyed me from across the bar and motioned me with her flashing brown eyes to sit next to her. She was...

3 years ago
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12th GradeChapter 5

I went in to work with my Dad on Wednesday. I sat up front, and talked to him about this latest development with Shirley. I didn't say anything about Ellen's suicide attempt, just that she was upset about some personal things, and that Shirley wanted me to take her out on a few dates to try and cheer her up. I tried explaining how it really bothered me about Shirley being willing to lend me to Ellen like that. "Kenny, women think differently than men do. You shouldn't make assumptions...

3 years ago
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The Road to Tennessee

The Road to Tennessee By Cassandra CD Unable to believe what I was doing and why I drove southbound. The radio blasting as my distraction. The sounds were very ineffective. It appeared as if nothing could help me. A horn blast from the semi-truck next to be almost scaring me to death. The trucker waves out his window and yells some obscenity that I cannot really hear. The tucker reminds me once again of what it is I am doing. I drive the rented convertible, with the top down...

3 years ago
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Accidental WerewolfChapter 15

Raven woke up groggy, not remembering having gone to sleep. Her eyes drifted open but she saw only darkness. She was cold and had a pounding headache, a low, dull throb that made her dizzy. Her hand tried to rub her head, but she gasped to find her arm was restrained. Adrenaline rushed through her body as the memories of the mall flooded back. She had been watching Cameron as the beast fuck Holly (in the ass!) when she felt something cold pressing into her back. A man behind her explained...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 468 Live for Retribution

Time to give these kids a glimpse into the world from which Kumquat came. When we got back to the hotel, I had the freshman honor’s class come to the suite Yuki got prepared. I went to talk to the companion kids first. “Kids, I’ve taken some artistic license when dealing with a matter that came up tonight. There is someone who broke their family’s rules, and her parents requested I handle this matter in a way that will break their daughter’s strong for messing with the family business,” I...

4 years ago
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DeceptionChapter 4

Andy pushed back at the same time Kendall extracted his hand. All of a sudden, she bolted up to a sitting position and looked at him. She then looked at the bed, and then back at him. After closing her eyes and letting out a little noise, she said what was on her mind. She'd had too much to drink. This was the second time with Tequila, and both times it had ended up problematic. Kendall was waiting for her to go off. He wouldn't have blamed her, even though he had no idea how they even...

2 years ago
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A World of Color ch 3

As Joan kissed Paul, she played with his cock, waiting for it to harden again. She had just swallowed his cum but looked forward to being fucked by him, something she had thought about every waking moment since yesterday when these former lovers had met again after twenty years. She was soaking wet from sucking his cock and could hardly wait for that moment when he penetrated her soft, wet folds. Paul pulled Joan’s dress the rest of the way off, leaving her only in a garter belt, stockings and...

4 years ago
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Scotts Letter to Jen

Today was the day. I’m going to finally tell her I’m falling for her, I’m going to get up the nerve and ask her out. Was what Scott thought to himself. But, how to do it was another story, ok a little background. Around a week ago this incredible women started emailing him. Over the course of the week Scott found out they had a lot in common and had even spoken to her over the phone. This phone call on the previous Friday had sealed the deal, Scott knew he had to ask out Jen (Named changed to...

2 years ago
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Kates Anal Correspondence Course Lesson 1

Kate looked at the small brown package left by the UPS truck. The package itself was utterly unremarkable in every way except that it was curiously heavy for such a small box. The sender’s name was printed on the shipping slip, but this gave no clue as to what might be inside. The name ‘W & A Distribution’ meant nothing to Kate either. But she knew exactly what the package contained and the very thought of it gave her a knot in her stomach and caused her asshole to clench tightly shut. If she...

4 years ago
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Evolution in ActionChapter 3

Janet was getting inured to the pheromones simply because of her continued exposure to them, but Olga did not have that insulating effect. Suddenly she put down her glass of iced tea and stood up. "What has come over me? I am suddenly so horny that I am about to explode. I must have relief! Where is Jimmy? He certainly can do the job for me if he is fucking my daughter." Janet had an inspiration and said, "Come with me, Olga. I will show you to Jimmy." Janet led Olga up the stairs and...

1 year ago
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Chachi Ki Pyaas Bhujai

Hello everyone..My name is Yash. I am 23 yr old.I am 6ft hot guy. Isliye ladkia jaldi impress ho jati hai. I live in chandigarh. Yeh mri phli khani hai isliye agr kuch glt typ ho jaye toh sorry Friends. Jyada bor na krte hue apni khani par aata hu. Yeh khani meri chachi neha (name change) ki hai. Neha 32 sal ki hai.Aur dikhne mai bht sexy aur hot hai bilkul karishma kapoor jaise. Chachi dikhne mai 22 sal ki lgti hai.Chachi koh dkh kaiyo ka lund khada ho jata hai. Mera jb se lund khana hna shuru...

2 years ago
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Kangalaal Pesum Kaama Pen

Vanakam enathu peyar Rajesh vayathu 26 naan pudhuvaiyai sernthavan. Parpatharku azhagaga sexyga irupen niraiya pengalum auntygalum ennai ooka muyarchi seivaargal. Nan innum oru penudanum sex vaithathu illai athanal eppozhuthum yaraiyavathu vaaipu kidaithal oklaama endru ninaithu irupen Appadi oru naal enathu nanban veli naatil irunthu pdone seithaan ennai oru agencyku senru train ticket book seiumaaru kettan. Naanum sari naan sendru book seigiren endru sonnen, naanum enathu innoru nanbanum angu...

1 year ago
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A Cuckold by Birth

Chapter 1 - IntroductionsThis is the story of my beautiful wife - who is no less than a queen to me - and my life with her . We hail from an upper middle class family and have lived for most of our lives in the surrounding areas of Mumbai but not exactly in the city. It has helped us stay connected with the fast moving things in life but at the same time offered us solitude and privacy of the distance from the hustle bustle of a city life. We own a small business that has been doing reasonably...

3 years ago
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Me And Lecturer In Kerala

Hi to all the wonderful,hot and sexy ladies out there. Coming to my introduction.Myself Gagan Gowda,22 years of age,doing my undergrad from a reputed college in Bengaluru. I live in an apartment in central part of Bengaluru. Both my parents are working,so I enjoy my time when I am alone in various ways (you know what I mean). Well, I am well built. I hit the gym regularly. I am a fitness freak. I have a medium sized dick, enough to satisfy many of the ladies out there. I want to enjoy my life...

1 year ago
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My first sexual experience

My first sexual experience was both homosexual and i****tuous. I have never shared this with anyone before. I was a small lad of about 4 or 5. My brother, who was 6 years older than me, shared a bedroom with me. Frequently we would wake up early and mess about – as k**s do. This progressed to him getting into my bed some mornings for some playful fighting. One morning he got me laying face down in bed and he was lying on top of me. I was wriggling about and so was he and I could feel soft lump...

2 years ago
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Natalia and Jakes First Time

Natalia was a pretty girl. She had long brown hair, which fell gracefully across her back, small brown eyes, and plump red lips which any man would happily have moving across his body. She was a bit on the short side, however she had a body that would make up for that. She had large perky breasts and a rear end which stuck out a little bit too much, in a good way of course. Natalia had been the object of Jake’s desire for a while now. She, however, was hesitant on that part. She knew she was...

Straight Sex
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GFE With Stepmom

She’s exotic, one of a kind. I had to stretch my imagination even to make love to her in my dreams. I dreamed of an amazing GFE (girlfriend experience). After completing college’s second year in Dubai, I was eagerly waiting for my exchange to Atlanta, where I’d graduate in another 2 years. If I did well, I could land a $50k job in America. I’m Baban (pronounced Bbn with both a’s silent). If you didn’t guess from my name already, I’m of Goan descent. My height is considered average here, only 5...

2 years ago
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Just A Friend

You invite me over to watch a movie. Unlike all my other friends, you actually enjoy sitting and watching and discussing them with me. But from time to time, I've noticed your hand inching closer to mine, or your eyes resting on my breasts when you think I'm not looking. But you’ve never made a move. I can tell that you're nervous. We've established a fragile friendship at best and neither of us want to ruin it. You can forgive my drunk texts asking you to come over. We ignore them in each...

Straight Sex
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Susans Curiosity

Sue was a very pretty girl, but she had never made a real effort to get to know other girls, or get a boy friend, much to her parent’s "not-really-caring-ness". She lived her life mostly on the internet, and made a healthy living of it doing surveys for big companies, and playing games. She stayed in shape by exercising every few hours or so, or playing with her friends, and every week, she would go and swim the at the local beach, sometimes even on her own if no-one else wanted to. Over...

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Fairy Things will be great when were Downtown

Things will be great when we're downtown... When it comes down to it, skid row is a state of mind rather than an actual place. It is where people go to be away from all society, and even there you can't escape it. Where the needle or the smoke or the bottle is your only friend, and everyone else is a blur. Weather is rain falling on you, snow gently covering and freezing you. The sun baking you and night having it's own terrors. During the winter they flock to mental institutions, and...

1 year ago
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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 10

Five months later “I’m afraid this will be our last year working together,” I reluctantly told Carl, my Kroger liaison. “You’re going to sell to someone else?” he asked, sounding just as hurt as he was surprised that I would consider doing it. “No, your people have been great. I just can’t stay here any longer. Every time I go into town, too many people laugh behind my back. I’m going to take a bath when I try to sell the place, but I have to get out of here,” I sighed. Concerned for me,...

3 years ago
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Sonny Marie and Me

She walked in and found me with a huge cock in my mouth. I had expected her not to return for at least another day. I was sucking a guy named Sonny that I had met in a gay bar the night before. We had spent the whole night sucking and fucking, with me doing the bulk of the sucking and Sonny doing the bulk of the fucking. “What the fuck is going on here,” she yelled. I had been busted by my girlfriend Marie and was absolutely petrified. I tried to pull my mouth off Sonny’s cock but he was...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 9

Sahara and Michelle had collected Ashley's clothing and the three of them hustled into the bathroom again. "You need a nap, Dude," Steve, the still camera operator said. "Hell, I need a cold shower and a nap." Derrick chuckled. He felt like he could sleep for about a week but he knew he had class in a few hours. Ben had given him a thumbs up and stepped away to talk on his cell phone. Derrick finally got his feet under him and wandered into the men's side of the bathroom to take a...

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I caught my sons best friend spying on me

There I stood in my room, in just my matching pink bra, and thong. My reflection just looked back at me, and my big boobs, as I stood at five foot nine. My brown hair moved along with my head as I struck many poses. Two years before, I became a divorced woman after over twenty years of marriage, leaving me as a forty-four-year-old divorcée. I managed to get one wonderful son named Joe out of the deal though and he always had friends come and go. As he turned twenty and my divorce became final,...

1 year ago
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Master Rewards his Cunt Pig

Master Rewards his Cunt PigI had been Master’s property for over two years before he rewarded me with my number one sexual fantasy for being such a good slave.  Over the past two years I had been my Master’s slave in training.  Within the first two months I was ordered to move in with him so my training could progress to being full time and my only priority in life.  I was thrilled beyond belief when Master told me this was going to happen and as of this point I had formally become His...

3 years ago
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A Mother in law affair 2

After my second blowjob of the morning, we kissed again then I finally got dressed and drove into work. The drive in and day of work was an absolute blur to me. All I could think about was what I had done the night before and what was coming that night. I had no idea what I was in for, I had no basis for expectation either. The day seemed to drag on forever. At about 3:30, I was fixing to leave for home and I got a text from Judy. It said, "What time will you be home?"I replied, "I am probably...


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