Ed BiggersChapter 5 free porn video

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As Kelly looked over the menu at Maria’s Cantina, Ed looked around the room at the other people around the tables. A few would look over at him and Kelly before talking quietly with each other. Proud that he was seated with the most beautiful woman in the room, he knew that the majority of conversations were not very flattering about him.

A very nervous Rosa came to the table with a tray. She was a very buxom Hispanic woman and hated the stares that her chest usually attracted. Ed was the worst, almost always commenting on her build. She set a shot of tequila and a beer in front of Ed and turned to Kelly ignoring Ed completely. She asked, “What would you like to drink?”

Kelly looked at Ed with a question. He understood that she wanted wine with her meal and winked at her. Despite telling her several times that it didn’t bother him if she had something to drink, she felt like her taking a drink tempted him to fall off the wagon. She answered, “I would like a glass of red wine.”

Looking at the beer and shot, Ed said, “I’m sorry, Rosa, but I would prefer iced tea with my meal.”

Rosa stepped back as if Ed had threatened her. Not quite believing his request, she asked, “You don’t want your regular drink?”

Wondering how long it would take for him to lose his reputation as a heavy drinker, Ed replied, “I quit drinking. I’ll just take an iced tea. Thank you for the thought.”

Uncertain what to do, Rosa put the beer and shot on the tray. As she returned to the bar, she set the beer on the table of another customer saying, “On the house.”

In the back, she drank back the shot in a single swallow. Maria watched with dismay, since her sister almost never drank. Concerned, she asked, “What happened?”

“Ed sent it back.”

Maria jeered, “He’s never sent a drink back.”

Shaking her head, Rosa replied, “You serve him. He scares me.”

Maria, well aware of her sister’s feelings towards Ed, asked, “What did he order?”

Rosa said, “A red wine for the woman and a glass of iced tea for him.”

Maria gave the order to the bartender. After a minute, she loaded the tray with the glass of wine and a glass of iced tea. She carried it over to the table and set the wine in front of the woman and the iced tea in front of Ed. Ignoring Ed, she examined Kelly wondering what her story was. What ever it was, it had to be bad for her to take up with Ed. Watching Maria, Ed could read the thoughts going through her mind. He said, “Maria, I’d like you to meet Kelly. She’s my lady friend. Kelly, this is Maria. She owns the restaurant.”

Surprised by the introduction, Maria found herself turning to Kelly saying, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Smiling at the other woman, Kelly replied, “This is a very nice place you have. You must be very proud of it.”

Warming to the woman, Maria smiled and answered, “I am, but it’s a lot of work.”

“I’ll bet.”

Maria liked the woman and just couldn’t imagine what she saw in Ed. Afraid to become involved with a woman that had taken up with Ed, she changed the subject by asking, “What would you like to eat?”

Kelly winked at her and said, “What do you recommend for a young woman wanting to watch her figure?”

At least the woman had the normal concerns of all women. Smiling, Maria answered, “How about a taco salad that’s light on the meat, cheese, and dressing?”

“Sounds perfect.”

Maria turned to Ed and, in a less than friendly manner, asked, “How about you?”

“I think I’ll have the Enchilada dinner,” answered Ed. He added, “You do them just right, Maria. I think they’re the best in the state.”

Maria stepped back and looked at Ed as though he grown a horn in the middle of his forehead. She answered, “Thanks, I’ll put the order in right now.”

Maria had just stepped away from the table when Harry Burton stumbled into her. He looked up, swaying drunkenly, and stared, first at Ed and then at Kelly. For almost a full minute he stared at Kelly. Finally, he shouted, “Hey, Ed. Who’s the whore?”

After a collective gasp, the entire restaurant turned quiet as a cemetery. A very angry Ed turned to look over at Harry. Skin flushing at the less than nice characterization of her, Kelly glanced at Ed seeing his eyes narrowed with anger and muscles along his jaw tight with tension. All eyes turned to Ed, waiting to see his reaction.

Harry wobbled, finding it difficult to stand. His skin was a pasty white and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. Hands over his stomach, Harry was swallowing heavily as though trying to keep from getting sick. One thought went through Ed’s mind, ‘Harry is going to vomit.’

Jumping up, Ed raced over to Harry and threw a hand over his mouth. With his other hand, he grabbed Harry by his belt and lifted his butt up in the air. As he carried Harry out the fire exit, he heard someone shout, “Oh my God. He’s going to kill Harry.”

Carrying Harry over to the trashcan, they reached it just in time. With the noises familiar to everyone, Harry lost the contents of his stomach in a heaving retch. The anger drained out of Ed at the sight of the man being sick. Having years of experience getting sick after drinking, Ed rubbed him on the back and said, “Easy, Harry. Just relax. Don’t force it and don’t fight it.”

When Harry tried to stand, Ed held him over the barrel with a light touch on his back. He said, “You’ve got some more coming up, Harry.”

Groaning in misery, Harry threw up again. Ed stayed with him, making sure he was okay. When Harry finally stood up, Ed looked at him and could see that he was seriously ill. He was a very pale white and his whole body soaked with perspiration, possibly suffering from alcohol poisoning. Tottering like an infant, Harry bent over and threw up in the barrel again.

The Sheriff came around the corner. The dark scene, lit by a single dull light bulb, didn’t allow too many details to be seen. From where he stood, it looked like Ed was stuffing Harry in the trash can. The Sheriff shouted, “Let him go, Ed.”

Ed shouted back, “You better get an ambulance here.”

Based on the report called in, the Sheriff was convinced that Ed meant to kill Harry and pulled his gun. He approached cautiously, knowing that Ed could fight as dirty as anyone he had ever encountered. When Ed helped Harry stand up, he lost his shot since Harry was between him and Ed. The Sheriff stared in surprise when Harry, hanging onto Ed, said, “Ed, I don’t feel very good. Thanks for being here.”

Ed helping him stand, answered, “Don’t worry, Harry. I’m here to help you. The Sheriff is here and he’s called an ambulance.”

The moment of control was over as Harry bent over and vomited again. By this time, the Sheriff realized that Ed wasn’t hurting Harry. Holstering his weapon, he came over to help. Just a glance was sufficient to see that Harry was really sick. At least an ambulance was already on its way, a precaution taken as a result of the call received at the Sheriff’s station. Working together, the two men helped Harry stand up. With the wail of the ambulance in the background, Ed took a close look at Harry noticing a black drool from his lips. In a tone of real concern, Ed said, “Sheriff, he’s really sick. I think he’s throwing up blood.”

The Sheriff looked at Harry and could see that he was in dire need of medical attention. He ordered, “Let’s carry him to the front. The ambulance will be here in a few minutes.”

Carrying Harry around to the front of the restaurant, they reached the parking lot as the ambulance pulled up. There was a sudden loosening of Harry’s bowels and a terrible stench filled the air. The ambulance crew quickly took charge of the situation. It didn’t take them long to get him onto a gurney and into the ambulance. It was a relief when they pulled out of the parking lot. Neither man had realized the tension they were feeling.

As the Sheriff watched the ambulance drive off, he asked, “Ed, did you hit him?”

Ed shook his head and replied, “No, I didn’t. I took him outside because I didn’t want his throwing up to spoil my date’s evening.”

“Are you sure you didn’t hit him?”

“I didn’t hit him. Of course, you have no reason to believe me.” Ed straightened up and looked at his hands. There was vomit on them acquired when they had carried Harry around the building. He said, “Do you mind if I get cleaned up and let Kelly know that I’m going to the station with you? You might want to wash your hands as well.”

The Sheriff didn’t know what to say. Ed wasn’t his favorite person in town, he’d had more than one run in with Ed. His past record suggested that he had beaten Harry. The problem was that he had seen Ed helping Harry. Harry talking to him and thanking him. Deciding that he would wait until he had more information, he said, “Sure. Let’s get cleaned up.”

The two men went into the restroom of the restaurant walking past a scared Maria. The Sheriff washed his hands while Ed looked at the sleeves of his coat. Frowning, he took his coat off. After checking the pockets, he threw it in the trashcan in disgust. Turning to the Sheriff, he said, “First time I wore it, I got blood on it. The second time, vomit. I guess I’m not cut out to dress nice. At least the shirt is clean.”

The Sheriff said, “Tell me what happened out there.”

As the Sheriff dried his hands, Ed stepped up to the sink and started washing his. He said, “Well, Harry said something very rude about my date. I just about lost my temper, but I looked at him and could tell that he was in bad shape. When I realized he was about to vomit, I put my hand over his mouth and carried him by the belt outside and over to the trashcan so he could vomit there.”

“That doesn’t sound like you.”

Ed agreed with the assessment. He replied, “No, it doesn’t.”

The Sheriff said, “Let’s go in and talk to your date.”

Ed led the way to the table. The looks he received from everyone in the restaurant were very accusatory. When he reached the table, he sat down next to Kelly and pointed to a chair. He said, “Sheriff, I’d like you to meet Kelly. Kelly, this is the Sheriff.”

Relieved to see Ed and worried about the presence of the Sheriff, Kelly didn’t know what to think. She had wanted to follow him out the back door in an attempt to stop him from hurting Harry, but others had held her back. She had been left sitting there, scared and alone, wondering what she was supposed to do. Maria, after calling the Sheriff, had returned to the table and tried to comfort her. It had angered Kelly more than comforted her to hear the woman say that Ed was just a bad seed. The problem was that she had seen the anger flare up in his eyes.

The Sheriff looked at Kelly and said, “Nice to meet you.”

Kelly looked at Ed, fearing for the worst, and replied, “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you too. I just wish the circumstances were better.”

The Sheriff took in the beverages sitting on the table. The lack of a beer bottle surprised him as much as everything else he had seen. Watching Ed take a sip of the iced tea was an additional shock; he didn’t believe that Ed knew what iced tea was. The Sheriff sat down and signaled Maria over to the table. He asked, “Did they eat yet?”

Glaring at Ed, Maria answered, “No. I held off on putting in the order.”

The Sheriff said, “Well, put in the order and add a couple of tacos to it. I’ll take some iced tea, as well.”

Startled by this turn of events, Maria glanced at Ed, the Sheriff, and finally at Kelly. She backed away from the table. Before she had taken three steps, Ed said, “Maria. Don’t worry about what you said to Kelly. She’s heard it before from me. I know you’re just trying to spare another woman some pain.”

Turning back to Kelly, he said, “Don’t worry about Harry. The ambulance took him to the hospital. I think he’s going to be okay.”

“The ambulance?”

Hitting his head with the palm of his hand, Ed said, “Stupid me, I should have called you. You’re a nurse and would have known what to do.”

Kelly repeated her question, “The ambulance?”

Ed nodded as he answered, “He was really ill. We were lucky that Maria called the Sheriff and he called an ambulance.”

The nurse in Kelly emerged and she asked, “What was the matter?”

Ed said, “He was throwing up blood.”

With a glance in the Sheriff’s direction, she asked, “Did you hit him?”

“No, I just carried him out to the trashcan where he could throw up. I didn’t want to spoil our date.”

“So what is going to happen now?”

Ed shrugged and said, “I imagine the Sheriff is going to take me to the jail until we hear from Harry that I didn’t hit him. I don’t know what will happen if Harry doesn’t remember the events of tonight. I guess that is up to the Sheriff.”

The Sheriff watched the exchange with interest. Kelly shook her head and said, “It’s not going to be that easy. If he was throwing up blood, odds are that he’ll die before he gets to the hospital.”

The look on Ed’s face was one of horror. He leaned forward and asked, “You can’t be serious.”

After a glance at the Sheriff, she answered, “Very. I bet if the Sheriff makes a call now, he’ll get the news.”

As the Sheriff stood up and left the table, Ed held his head in his hands and moaned. He said, “There’s no way anyone is going to believe that I didn’t kill him.”

Putting her hand on his neck, she whispered, “You’re a good man, Ed. They won’t blame you if he had a medical problem.”

Ed just shook his head while thinking about how he had done the right thing for a change. It didn’t matter what others thought, he knew the truth and that was all that mattered. The thought gave him the strength to sit up straight. He said, “Don’t worry, I’ll be okay.”

The Sheriff came back to the table and sat down heavily in his chair. He looked around the room and then at the pair. He asked, “Do you want the news now or after you eat?”

Prepared for the worst, Ed sat back and said, “I’ll take it now, if that’s alright with you.”

“Well, your girlfriend was right. He died before he got to the hospital.” The Sheriff looked at Ed, noting that he didn’t protest his innocence. He asked, “What do you think about that?”

In a solemn tone of voice, Ed answered, “I feel sorry for Harry. What a horrible way to die. He spent the last minutes of life with someone that he detested bent over a trash barrel sick as hell. It’s not fair, not fair at all.”

Kelly nodded her agreement and said, “Sad. That is very sad.”

That was not the reaction that the Sheriff had expected. Ed looked at the Sheriff and said, “I assume you’ll be pressing murder charges.”

When Ed had made that statement, Maria showed up with their food on a large tray. Hands trembling, she set the dishes on the table in front of them. The Sheriff answered, “No. They cleared you.”

Puzzled, Ed asked, “How could they clear me?”

Standing off to the side, Maria listened with interest. She was convinced that Ed had killed Harry and was willing to testify to that in a court. The Sheriff answered, “The doctor said that if you had hit him, he would have died right then. I saw you taking care of him while he was throwing up. He talked to you and there wasn’t any fear in his voice.”

Same as Ed Biggers
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Dream StateChapter 16

We woke up and Aimee ordered room service for breakfast. When she put down the phone, Aimee told me that there was a package for Patricia James, her alias, at the front desk and that it would be delivered with our meal. I wondered what present our friend Mr. Voder had for us today. I idly wondered if he might have our room bugged, since he obviously knew where we were staying. It was a paranoid thought, but I was taught well that one doesn't survive in the military if one is an unnecessary...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Flaming Hot Anal POV

The flaming hot Joanna Angel has been craving an anal creaming…and that’s exactly what Small Hands is there to do. Joanna kicks things off by gulping down his massive cock, deepthroating his throbbing shaft as she gives him an amazing and sloppy blowjob. Once Small Hands is all warmed up, Joanna squats on his cock, sliding it into her wet pussy. Joanna goes wild riding his rod, getting herself revved up for the main event. She switches holes, stuffing Small Hands’ huge cock...

3 years ago
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A strange Day

I got out my smartphone and googled dating for over 40s, found a website, entered my details, paid the fee for a premium membership. The office phone rang. "Hi Kevin Hardman "Kevin. Angela Holloway is here to see you""Send her in Nancy." I put the phone down and a moment later Nancy came in with Angela. Nancy is my sexy secretary, a 70s throwback with big hair lowcut tops short skirts stockings and high heels. Nancy is a half tongan half European, long frizzy black hair large boobs and long...

2 years ago
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Rex and Jill had been married a long time. Sex was always good between them and kinky. Jill had given Rex six c***dren and her FF tits now sagged but he still loved the huge jugs. When the last c***d left home they began sprucing up their sex life with young girls. She had to have huge tits and a big ass. Liz was their newest toy and she was a live in maid. She had firm DD tits and a big round ass. She cleaned during the day and was the sex toy at night. Tonight after dinner she was cleaning up...

2 years ago
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Another Afternoon by the Lake

All persons mentioned below were above the legal age of consent. With the desire to satisfy his urgent need, he was oblivious to the cacophony of wildfowl as they milled overhead. After one last look around he quickly dropped his jeans and pants then lay back against the sun baked dunes. With eyes closed he began to slowly stroke his cock, as a circlet of fingers rolled loose skin back and forth pre-cum oozed from its mushroom head easing his play. He lifted up his hips, driving his cock deeper...

1 year ago
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Reddit Creampies, aka r/Creampies! If you've never used Reddit before, you might be interested in this site since it is one of the perfect ways of sharing and viewing free porn. Reddit is basically a giant online forum with the ability to create new topics and share information and photos with likeminded people. There are tons of boards on various topics and you can find people to connect or debate with on pretty much anything you can think of under the sun. This is a primo place to look for...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Body of a Man Mind of Machine Chapter Two1

“What’s the emergency you called me about?” Amanda asked with worry as she climbed into Jenny’s car. “I need to talk to you and I can’t do it in your house or mine,” Jenny said sheepishly as she pulled out of Amanda’s driveway. They drove out of the suburbs and deep into the woods, stopping at the side of an unpaved road. They were half an hour’s drive from the nearest house or real building and only after being absolutely sure that both Amanda’s and her own phone were turned off an...

2 years ago
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Brittnis Gloryhole Addiction

There was a part of my life that I’m not particularly proud of but I feel compelled to tell about it. I was still in high school, life was fun and not much responsibility except sports, boys, and grades. I was barely 17 and relatively new to sex. My experience was basically having intercourse with a couple of boyfriends while either jacking or sucking off a few more. I was at that stage in life when sex was so exciting and fresh, you would have thought I was a guy because it was on my mind so...

2 years ago
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Fucked a married lady by showing my six packs

Hi readers, this is sahil(name changed),this is my first n real story, first I wnt 2 thank those senders who hve sent their real stories n helped me masturbating in d bathroom e1 aftr hvng grlfrnds 2 fuck(as I hve windows phone I open dis site n read d stories frm thre only) Bt I m totally against of dat fake senders who jst send d stories 2 increase their ratings or I dnt knw 4 wat they send pakau n fake stories, coming 2 d point I m gr8 fan of this site n nvr miss a single story m I m sahil...

2 years ago
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Neighbourhood Attractions Darren and Ella Part Two

Ella and Darren kissed, feeling their lips press together softly at first and then harder as shyness dissipated. With her arms hooked around his neck, Darren drew Ella up to him from the stool. Ella felt his tongue on her lip and deepened the kiss in turn as she pushed her tongue into his. Kissing more passionately with his hands moving over her back and sides, he kept his hands off her curves for the time being. Ella could taste the beer on his breath while his designer stubble teased her...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Girl at a Boys School

The man looked down at the papers on his desk and then back up to me. "So this really isn't some joke? You are Elliot Doe?" I sat across from him, arms crossed under my C-cup sized breasts. "Yes," I said, a bit annoyed at both the constant disbelief as well as the situation I found myself in. The man sighed. "It's almost as hard to believe that no one actually checked your gender as much that you filled out all the paperwork and paid all your fees upfront for the next four years without even...

2 years ago
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This story is pure fantasy created from my twisted mind when I lusted for my daughter like most human fathers blessed with a beautiful daughter though I must admit I never touched her before she turned eighteen and ironically it was she who seduced me, but that,s true life and this story is not! Katie Ross was terrified of electrical storms, seemed to have suffered this fear from an early age. Living in midwestern USA these storms occurred often especially in early summer. When her parents were...

3 years ago
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Brown Eyes Blue Smile Ch 04

Shanice had butterflies dancing in the pit of her stomach right as she got up the stairs of her apartment building and even after entering her apartment as she undressed herself and then went into the bathroom to wash the remains of the evening from her skin. She rested her head on the shower stall, feeling her hand over her erect nipples and wishing Eric was here to make her feel good. Her thumb and forefinger played with her tits while one hand went between her legs to massage her pussy and...

1 year ago
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AWUAbused Women United part 2

AWU - Abused Women United In Part 1 our Hero, Deanna decided his reputation as a ladies man was worth more than Jennifer's reputation. Who he claimed to have scored a touchdown in the game of love. In fact he had been called out on strikes. With the help of the AWU, Jennifer made Dean pay his crimes. Part 2 deals with Deanna's return to school and when she arrived afterwards. AWU- part II By Jennifer Allison When the new Deanna arrived at school she found what looked...

1 year ago
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My first taste of cum and I love it

My wife and I have been married for a few years now and have been involved in the swinging lifestyle for the past few years. After a short break we swapped with some friends of ours and got back into wanting to swing. Since then we have been looking for a new guy to join us. I am straight so we had been looking for another straight male to basically add an extra cock for the wife to play with. My wife found a guy she was interested in and has been sexting, exchanging pics and videos, and...

2 years ago
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Introduction: A man and a woman meet for the first time I sat on the edge of the bed and I nervously glanced at the clock beside the bed. Five minutes until he was supposed to arrive. I could already feel my face begin to flush, and the temperature of the room seemingly began to increase. My breathing grew rapid and my hands began to twist together, an obvious display of my nervousness. As I sat there, I tried to calm myself down, but try as I might I could not. Suddenly three raps echoed into...

1 year ago
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Sister became his wife

Hi, this is between me and my loving sister who is now my wife. We are from India. Many might think this story not only as i****t but also something very sick. But let me tell you that this is my real life story and I am not only living with it, rather enjoying every bit of it.Currently I am 28 and she is 26. We have been having sex since 4 years now. It was very difficult to achieve this. It took me years to make her fall in love with me. Today I am recounting all this, because we got married...

1 year ago
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Foreplay Is Most Important

Hi all, I am new to Indian sex stories as an author but I read many stories here and inspired by many of them. My name is Vinay 27 aged (name changed for obvious reason) from Bangalore, work in MNC it company and height of 5.6 ft tool of 6″. Here is a real story happened about 1 and half years ago. I travel usually in BMTC to office which 12 km distance from my place. I have a good friends in company I never miss to have fun in the weekend with them. We talk all non veg things with girls who...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 159

This one is compliments of Gary The parents asked their young son, "Jason, what would you like for Christmas?" Jason replied, "I wanna watch." So they let him. These are compliments of Dorset A couple of "put downs" "You have such passionate fingers!" "Oh, really?" "Yep, everything you touch gets fucked" "You have such a sexy voice!" "Oh do I?" "Yep, you talk like a Cunt" Have you heard about the new rubbers with a quarter in the tip? If you can't come,...

2 years ago
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Neighbor kids part 1

Introduction: This is a fantasy about a 9 yo girl and boy. My first story so be kind! This is a fantasy only. First a little background. I love young barefoot girls. They just turn me on so much! I like the ages from about 9 to 14. I love them when they are petite, small breasted, nice tight little asses, nice legs and of course pretty bare feet! There is something about their freshness, innocence, and smiles that is captivating. I also like petite women for pretty much the same reasons minus...

1 year ago
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i couldnt belive my luck facebook fucks

I've got some pictures she used to send me which i will add very soon.When i was at college there was this girl i used to fantasise about. she was in my art class and we'd sit and chat most lessons. Her boyfriend was the typical popular dick. Yrs passed and i totally forgot about her. And then the myrical thats is facebook was giving to us.lol. She's just split up from her estranged x. And had been craving a disant cock for a while. She'd had a few sexual partners but no one who could compare...

3 years ago
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The GirlsChapter 6 Freia Helpful Sibling

Sitting around the dinner table with her family that night, Freia was having trouble concentrating on the conversation. She couldn't stop thinking about her friends, wondering if they were okay - everyone had been acting a little strangely all day. Firstly, Hailey had deliberately shown off her (admittedly impressive) rack in the changing rooms that morning, then Cass had spent the entire morning groping her, and her dance at the end of the lesson had seemed to be nothing but an (again,...

1 year ago
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MrLuckyPOV Alex Grey Petite Alex Cums Back

What can I say about Alex Grey?? She really is one of the best little sluts. Her blonde hair, small frame, tattoo’s and gorgeous face make her as unique as she is sexy. I have been wanting to fuck this girl since the day I saw her 5 years ago and the evening has finally arrived. She had not shot much in the past 2 years so I was ecstatic when she agreed to have her cum back scene with me!! Her sexy little voice and tight pussy are enough to do it for me. She rides this dick and uses a vibrator...

2 years ago
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Nudist Beach Stories true

We settled down in a great position below three couples all lying out in the open (not surrounded by the usual array of wind breaks) and a couple to the right and below us –– the people above us were openly stroking and performing oral sex on each other with-in about a half hour of our arrival, the male of the couple below us was looking right up to my wife's legs which I had gently spread and his prick grew to impressive proportions – I told my wife to take a look at what she was doing to him....

1 year ago
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The Reluctant Couple

Chapter 1Standing at the kitchen sink in the small duplex she shared with her husband, Roger, Diane Slater stared gloomily out through the window at the cold, rolling fog which had come in over San Francisco's Richmond District from the ocean. Damn, but she hated the fog! It made everything so dark and cheerless, so lonely.She finished washing the last of the breakfast dishes and put them in the rack to drip dry. Then she emptied the dishpan and wiped her hands on a dishtowel. In the living...

1 year ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 34 Visiting the Schools

I had been instrumental in rescuing many troubled and abused girls in modern times. Many of those girls, I took into my home to guide them into returning to a life of being just normal kids and to become self-sufficient members of society. After a while my home was bulging at the seams and I decided that something needed to be done. It was then that Grace and I came up with the idea of constructing a boarding school for troubled and abused girls, which I lovingly call my TAG School (Troubled...

1 year ago
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A Week at the BeachChapter 2

All this time, the third guy that had invaded our cottage had said nothing and done nothing, other than look very intimidating. As soon as my mother crawled off the sofa, he grabbed Heidi by the arm and pulled her upright. "Okay, little Missy, it's your turn. I hope you were watching, 'cause I wanna' get me some cherry pussy tonight." Cara immediately spoke up, trying to protect her younger sister. "Please, leave her out of this. She is too young. I'll do whatever you want. Please...

4 years ago
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A Teaser Taught a LessonChapter 2

In the morning I awoke slightly confused. At first I didn’t know where I was or what I was doing there. Paul is leaning over me and unlocking the chain imprisoning me. He removed it from the foot of his bed and examined the wood for damage. Thankfully he found none. He helped me up and took me back downstairs. He led me through his house to the backyard so I could go to the bathroom in the grass again. As I walked past the living room I saw the noose that had been around my neck for so long....

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