Mary gets to meet Sandy
- 3 years ago
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Josh and I were in the out-of-doors hot tub, getting rid of the kinks from our luncheon with the homeless when he smiled and moved out of the water.
Why the smile? I asked.
The intervention is finished. Gloria wants me to join them.
May I listen in?
After he toweled himself dry, he strolled away toward the guest quarters.
Aren't you going to dress? I asked.
No. Gloria and Wanda are nekkid.
I laughed. That's the way it is, huh?
Why maybe?
Listen in and find out. My polygraph neurons will be humming.
I connected with Gloria and Wanda. They were silent, waiting for Josh. Gloria was worn out. Wanda was nervous, and her anxiety increased when Josh entered Gloria's rooms, that is until Josh took her into his arms and kissed her.
I'm proud of you, he said. He turned to Gloria. You're wiped out, Gloria. I want you to do nothing but relax until the party tonight. Sandy's in the hot tub by the pool. Why don't you join her there and let the bubbling water do its thing?
I felt Gloria's head nod. She hugged Wanda and left, joining me a few minutes later.
I'm thirsty, Josh said to Wanda. Any root beer in Gloria's frig?
Wanda laughed. I doubt it. She has a carafe of ice tea, though.
That'll do.
Wanda hurried away and returned with two glasses of ice tea. They settled on the sofa facing each other.
At the same time, Gloria sunk into the frothing hot water of the hot tub and sighed with pleasure. "This feels good. Just what I needed." She looked at me. "Are you connected with them?"
"Good. If anything goes awry, let me know. Otherwise, let me relax."
I laughed. "All right."
Have you forgiven your parents? Josh asked Wanda after sipping some ice tea?
No. What my parents did to me isn't forgivable. Gloria says she's all right with that.
What Gloria thinks doesn't matter anymore.
Why not?
What matters is what you think, what you feel. That said, Gloria is a wonderful woman, caring, loving, and very, very wise. Personally, I'll listen carefully to any counsel she offers me, but in the end, I'm responsible for myself, so I must decide what's right and what's wrong for me.
That makes sense, and it's not inconsistent with what Gloria has been saying the last couple of days.
As a child, you loved your parents. Do you still love them?
She hesitated. Would she lie?
Yes. I hate what they did to me, their manipulation - Gloria called it brainwashing - but I loved them then, and I love them now. They were sick, Josh, mentally fucked up, and I had the bad luck of being born to them. What they did was counter to our cultural norms, but they never hurt me physically. In fact, they gave me a great deal of pleasure. When they were killed, I started to hate them. They'd given me so much pleasure, so much love, and suddenly they had abandoned me. I hated them for that, but deep down, I knew their death wasn't their doing, and by then, I also knew what they'd done to me was very wrong, and I hated them for that, too. Still, I didn't want to hate them, so I suppressed what they did to me and made them into normal, caring parents so I could love them.
Gloria says if I'd been given to normal, loving parent substitutes after my parents' death, I might have learned to cope with what my real parents did to me and get on with my life without burying how they'd used me for their own sick desires. Instead, my aunt and uncle became my parent substitutes, and they continued the abuse but in a different way. They belittled me, called me names, beat me. I couldn't love them, so I suppressed my parents' sick behavior so I could have someone to love. She shuddered. Josh, you can't believe what I've gone through the last couple of days.
Josh put an arm around her shoulder. Yes, I can. I was with you all the time.
You were?
Yes. Have you forgiven your aunt and uncle?
No, and I won't try to forgive them. I never loved them, and I never will.
Good. You seem to understand the psychological manipulation and sexual abuse your parents visited upon you, and you certainly understand the abuse heaped on you by your aunt and uncle. Do you understand how this abuse affected you?
I think so. It made me feel as if I wasn't lovable.
Bingo! Give the lady a kewpie doll!
Wanda laughed, which tickled me.
So, you believed you weren't lovable. What were the results of this erroneous belief? Josh asked.
I had a difficult time... no, that's waffling, and Gloria wouldn't let me hedge anything. I couldn't maintain a relationship, Josh, sexual or otherwise. Sexually, I was frigid. I don't think I had more than ten orgasms from the age of twelve when my parents died until I met you, and those orgasms happened during my early teen years from masturbating. I not only suppressed my memories of what my parents did to me, I also suppressed my sexual urges and responses.
Do you think you've reconnected with and repaired your past?
I've reconnected with my past. Repaired it? No. Some repairs have been made, but I'm not cured, Josh. Still, I think I can join the living now. Will I repair my past? I don't know. Some of it is repairable, other parts - fuck it, I say. Let it lay.
I could feel her grin. I was proud of her.
What about your lost years? Josh asked.
Lost years?
Yes, those years when you couldn't maintain personal relationships, even friendships, the years when you couldn't function sexually.
Ah, those years. Lost is a good description for those years. Except for my work, Josh, I'm going to write off those years.
Do you have any past connections with people that you misused that you'd like to fix?
Hmm, yeah, a couple, maybe more. One man and one woman, definitely.
How will you fix what you did to them?
Wanda laughed. Fuck 'em, probably. They both cared about me. I had sex with them, but... you know, I didn't come and I looked for excuses to make them the villains, not me.
Do you think you're cured regarding your frigidity?
You helped me come, not once but a bunch of times, and Gloria... well, if you were with me all the time, you know what happened between Gloria and me.
Is all incest wrong? Josh asked.
Is all pedophilia wrong?
Yes. Wait! I take that back. Gloria told me about kissing Darren's little cock when he was a baby. She said sometimes while she was changing his diapers he'd get hard, and she'd kiss his little hard-on, even suck on it a little, and Darren would squirm around and giggle. He liked it. Why shouldn't he like it? It felt good. Some might call what Gloria did to Darren pedophilia. I don't. She said he seemed to like her blowing a raspberry on his belly the same way, or a kiss to his ear or when she nibble on his neck. She just loved him; she wasn't having sex with him.
We're having a party tonight.
Gloria told me.
It's not a clothing optional party. We'll be nekkid, Wanda. Would you like to join us?
I felt the nod of her head.
Are you sure? Does your desire to attend the party come from a sense of obligation to Gloria or me in any way?
She snorted an ironic laugh. No, that would be coercion, Josh. I'm a big girl now, a woman, an adult. I can make a decision like this. I love you, Josh. I know you don't love me like I love you, and I'm all right with how it is between us. I also believe I know the difference between love and sex. I'll find out for sure tonight. I need this test, Josh.
I broke my connection with Wanda. Is she telling the truth, Josh? I asked.
Yes, as she sees it, Josh replied after ending his connection with Wanda, as well.
Will she fall apart tonight when she sees you with me or Nicole or Gloria, and especially with Grace?
That's a part of the test.
What I do isn't the riskiest part of the test.
The big question in her mind is will she respond to others besides Gloria and me.
"Josh, who's your favorite watercolorist?" Gloria asked as Josh petted her breasts with soft, adoring touches.
Josh blushed. "I don't know any."
"You've got to be kidding. You haven't studied other artists?"
"No. Hmm, I did do some surfing on the Internet, but what I saw there were photographs of paintings. I like visiting art museums, but they don't hang many watercolor paintings. I'm self-taught, Gloria; trial and error, that's it. Name some famous watercolorists for me and I'll look into them." He kissed along the side of her neck.
Gloria shivered with pleasure and reached for his partial hard-on. "Hmm, I like Charles Demuth and Winslow Homer. I own one watercolor painted by each. Look into Zoltan Szabo, Tom Hill, Andrew Wyeth, and Edward Hopper. There's more, of course. I'll give you a list tomorrow."
Good. He's hard, she thought.
"Thanks. Did any of them try to paint souls?" A hand wandered from Gloria's breast to her hip, and then to Gloria's inner thigh.
"Not that I'm aware." She spread her legs slightly.
Josh's hand cupped her cunt. She was wet. I knew she'd wanted Josh from the day they'd met.
"Shucks. I wanted to see how another artist approached my problem," Josh said. "Wanda, you know more about art than anyone here. Has any artist ever tried to paint souls?"
"Edvard Munch, maybe. He painted The Scream, a painting referred to as the 20th century's icon of angst. Wait, I'm wrong about Munch. The Scream reflected an emotion more than a soul. Honoré Daumier, perhaps. I think his painting entitled Third-Class Carriage touched on what you're trying to do. I'll do some research and give you some more names later this week."
Josh laughed. Sandy, Nicole, they're trying to educate me.
You need some education, buddy boy, Nicole said.
You also need to fuck Gloria, I said. She's quivering inside.
Wanda, Josh said, when I lift Gloria, take my cock and put it in her cunt.
Okay. Put her back to your front so I can lick her clitoris while you fuck her.
I watched as Josh lifted Gloria, seemingly effortlessly, and with Wanda's help, Josh's hard cock impaled Gloria's cunt. Gloria nearly climaxed when he bottomed out. She did climax when Wanda's mouth covered her vulva.
Wanda stayed with her, though, and she climaxed again a few minutes later. Josh, I knew, took Gloria's second orgasm as his own.
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IncestMy phone rang and a husky feminine voice whispered I am here. Trying to hide my hard cock with my shirt I quickly went out to my hotel parking lot and found the Escape with a silhouette waiting. I walked up to the window and introduced myself “Hi Sandy, I’m Zef” Come sit for a minute sugar Sandy replied. I climbed into the passenger seat my cock straining hard against my shorts. Continuing were we left off on craigslist we talked for a few as I admired her dark nylons and pulled up skirt just...
This is a true story how I got my first sexual experience and remember it like was just yesterday. Big Bill & Sandy Was the summer after I gradated the year was 1970 and had just turned 18. Sad to say was still with out having sex with a woman. I did belong to a motorcycle club for the past two yrs and sense I was now of age to speak, I was now allowed to do more within the club. No we were not a bunch of Harley riding, bar busting, leather wearing roughs necks. We were a AMA sanctioned club...
Ive never told this before but wanted to now. Sandy was the girl i dated for nearly 2 years and i thought i would be with forever [ when your young thats how it seems to always feel!!] We met in high school and began dating and we enjoyed nearly everything together, friends, school, everything. We were both teens and innocent. Neither of us had ever had sex and we sort of agreed until we got to 18 we would not. We made out a lot with a lot of hot kissing and learned together how to kiss and...
I won’t celebrate 1sy Jan as new year and I celebrate our Ugadi festival as new year….but my neighbor wanted to celebrate and they wanted me to join them and from December 15th they started asking me….every day for new year fun. I told them its completely depends on hubby schedule and i knew that hubby is going to take leave for house construction in native but did not gave them any hint…..just keep on dragging…..they told me i am going to get good time with themI said completely depend on...
I took the job because I needed one quickly thinking it was a stop gap as it happened it lasted two years I did production work assembling components in a controlled enviornment room In the adjacent room four women did the preparatory work then handed on to me Three were nice respectable ladies of a certain age the forth was called Jean in her thirties and very hot indeed .We began flirting sending notes through the servive hatch -remember this is before mobiles etc We talked innocently at...
orgasm of the evening. Light sparkled off the sweat that poured over her creamy skin. Her bountiful breasts heaved in ecstasy as Monica ate out the blonde's tasty pussy. The taste of strawberries was unmistakable. (That was a great idea that Sandi had with the whip cream and ripe berries.) Her new craving for tongue was insatiable; Monica ran her tongue over the prickly surface of Sandi's shaved twat. To watch them it would be difficult to tell that this was only Sandi's first...
The story you are about to read is a complete work of fiction. None of the events depicted here actually happened. Any similarity to any actual person, place, or event is entirely coincidental.I promised I’d deliver the story about what happened between my daughter’s friend Sandi and myself. Well, here it is. Ah, memories…The summer afternoon of Kimberleigh’s 16th birthday party was a hot one. The sun was blazing overhead and made me thankful for the cool shade of the trees in the...
TabooThe story you are about to read is a complete work of fiction. None of the events depicted here actually happened. Any similarity to any actual person, place, or event is entirely coincidental. I promised I’d deliver the story about what happened between my daughter’s friend Sandi and myself. Well, here it is. Ah, memories… The summer afternoon of Kimberleigh’s 16th birthday party was a hot one. The sun was blazing overhead and made me thankful for the cool shade of the trees in the...
Only two nights’ later mom and dad were yelling at each other again. Sis arrived at my door about when I turned on the light. I guess she saw the light under the door because she did not tap but simply entered my room, closed the door quietly, walked to my bed, and crawled in beside me. I turned off the light and took her into my arms as she put her head on my chest. We had progressed to the point where nothing need be said, but I still had the desire to lick her pussy. I wondered how...
I was about halfway down the hall when I heard Jeremy pull up to the house, then knock on the door. I was hidden behind the wall and could only see half of the room as my dad opened the door and greeted Jeremy. I knew that they shook hands, but I could not see them until they left the door. Jeremy entered my sight first and all I could see was the back of his black suit. He sat on the couch out of my view. “Anna,” my dad called, “Jeremy is here.” I took a deep breath, bit my lower lip and...
The Origins of a Whore I really became a prostitute by accident. Okay, well, not really, but sort of by accident. I had been going to a chat room online and found there were quite a number of admirers of t-girls, she males, cross dressers, chicks with dicks, sluts with nuts, whatever you want to call us. I hate the term drag queen because it is so demeaning and inaccurate. I much prefer to refer to it as dressing “en femme”, and call myself a “girl with something extra”. But I digress. There...
The state had pulled my certification. Without it I was unemployable, even as a game warden. That really hurt, not that I really wanted to back to being a rabbit police person. Even if I found a small town police force that wanted me, they could hire me without that certification. I could bring an action against the state but if the damage to my hand proved to be long term, I would lose. I doubted that any court anywhere would force them to do any more than make a monetary settlement with...
Part 4 This story is going in a slightly different direction than the others went. It can stand alone, but it is very helpful to have read parts 1 through 3. Because of the lack of votes, views and comments, I’m taking it a new way. A short synopsis: Nick (Sketch) was in love with Cameron. She loved him too, but wouldn’t admit it out of fear of ruining their friendship. Nick slept with Tammy (blonde bombshell), then realized that he only wanted Cameron. They got together. They went to Nick’s...
Straight SexBack when I was finishing grade 13 in high school, I had just reached the age when I could finally vote (among other things) and had access to one of the household cars. My folks had started a Friday night routine where they would go out for dinner and then catch a movie afterwards. They were always out of the house from 6pm until 11pm at the earliest. When I could rely on their being gone for that long every Friday night and having the house to myself for the evening, I would make up some...
Karl Baxter was an unmarried man aged forty who spent a lot of his time as attractive thirty-something Carla Baker. Throughout his twenties and early thirties, Karl had had sexual liaisons with both females and males but if he were to express a preference at that time it would have been for cock rather than cunt. At about the age of thirty-five, Karl had started to dress, from time to time, as a female although in the early weeks and months of doing it he never ventured outside. As confidence...
CrossdressingBook Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Two: The Priestess's Inspiration By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Four: The Priestess's Inspiration Kora Falk – Faerie “He's going to be a while,” I said, a smile playing on my lips as my brother followed the faerie princess into the pavilion grown out of the grass in moments. Nathalie giggled. The eighteen-year-old girl nodded her head as she rubbed her hands together. Her small breasts...