Ed BiggersChapter 18 free porn video

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Closing John’s notes on the serial killer, Ed felt sick to his stomach. The idea that a person existed who could perform such gruesome deeds, made one doubt the existence of a God that could allow such perversion. The summaries of the horrendous actions were bad enough, but the pictures threatened to make him throw up. Forcing down the bile, Ed turned to John and said, “How can such a monster exist?”

Looking out the window of the car, John answered, “I don’t know. All that I do know is that he can’t be allowed to remain free.”

An old black Cadillac drove past, headed towards the highway. John wrote down the time on a piece of paper; it was a little after eight. Agent Joe Fredricks tapped on the steering wheel impatiently. Although they had been there for only thirty minutes, he was tired of waiting. Two days of pointless inactivity had worn his patience. He turned back to face John and asked, “How much longer are we going to sit here?”

Noting the impatience, John answered, “I think today will be the last day. I believe that events are in motion.”

Voice dripping with disgust, Joe replied, “How in the hell can you say that? I’ve been watching that same herd of cows for the past two days. Nothing’s happening there.”

Ed glanced in the back seat at John and could see the amusement on his face. In an attempt to lighten things, Ed said, “That one heifer over there is going to drop a calf anytime now.”

“We’re not here to arrest a calf,” replied the agent as he turned to look at John. He said, “I’m going to call this off. Damned amateur detectives don’t know what they’re doing. How in the hell did you get in the FBI anyway?”

Wryly, John answered, “I’m a close personal friend of Director Mike Holden.”

Joe Fredricks sat behind the wheel disgusted by a guy that used personal connections to get a position in the FBI. His orders had been very specific, he was to do what ever John Carter asked with no questions asked. Still, there were limits to his patience and John’s insistence on sitting here for the past two days had passed them. He said, “If you don’t tell me what’s going on, I’m shutting you down.”

Continuing to look out the window, John said, “We are waiting for the Amputation Murderer to take someone else.”

“The only thing he can take out here is a cow.”

Laughing, Ed said, “That would make him a butcher, not a murderer.”

Joe turned to Ed and said, “You shut up. You’re a civilian and have no business being here.”

Tired of Joe’s continuous snipes at Ed, John said, “He’s here at my invitation. If you want to stretch your legs, get out and walk around. Just don’t go near the road.”

Getting out of the car, Joe was startled by Rover sitting on the roof of the car. He had known the cat was there, but it had slipped his mind. Looking down at the agent, Rover yawned, showing all of his teeth to the agent. A shiver went down the agent’s spine. He was going to call Ann and find out what kind of game was going on here. Parked under a tree in the middle of a field with a hippie, a cowboy, and a cougar, there was no doubt he’d be the laughing stock of the FBI if nothing came of this.

Inside the car, Ed turned to John and said, “He’s about to put an end to this.”

With a sigh, John said, “I know. I’m just not going to tell him what I believe until I have a little more proof. The God knows that I’m right, but that man out there won’t take that as a convincing argument.”

Looking over at John, Ed asked, “This is your first service for the God?”

“Yes, it is,” replied John. He added, “I’m a little nervous about it too.”

The two men sat there looking out of the truck. Opening the ice chest, John pulled out three Cokes. He handed two to Ed saying, “I imagine he’ll want one when he gets back.”

Slipping the second Coke in the cup holder for the agent, Ed opened his and took a sip. An easy silence descended on the pair which lasted until Joe returned to the car. Slipping behind the wheel, Joe looked at the Coke and opened it. Before taking a sip, he said, “Thanks. I needed this.”

As the three men drank their Cokes, an uneasy silence settled over the men. The source of the uneasiness was the FBI agent, as he kept tapping on the steering wheel. The time passed slowly, but the clock approached noon. John opened his door to let Rover in the car. Once the cat had settled in the back with him, John tapped Joe on the shoulder and said, “It’s time. Drive down to the road and turn right. I’ll tell you when to stop.”

Joe looked around confused at the request, puzzled because nothing had happened. He turned to look at John and asked, “What do you mean it’s time?”

With a smile, John said, “It’s time for us to change our location. Drive down to the road and turn right.”

Joe Fredricks drove down to the road and turned right. The dirt road was bumpy and he couldn’t drive very fast. After a mile and a half, John said, “Stop right here. I need to take a leak.”

As John got out of the car, Rover leapt out and ran across the road towards a herd of cattle. Ed watched as the cat assumed a low crouch and edge towards a calf. Tapping on the arm of Joe, Ed said, “Watch the cat.”

As Joe turned to look at the cat, Rover wiggled his rear and then burst out of the grass taking down the calf. Joe shouted, “Jesus, did you see that?”

Before the herd had a chance to react, Rover was already dragging the calf to the dilapidated house. With a powerful leap, the cat jumped to the roof of the porch taking the calf with it. Rover pulled the calf up to the top of the roof.

Joe shook his head in amazement at the strength of the cat. Ed said, “Amazing isn’t it?”

“Incredible. I’ve never seen a cougar make a kill before.” The agent was truly impressed.

John opened the back door and stuck his head in the car. He said, “Stay here. I’ll go up to the house to make reparations for the calf. Remember, if I say that it’s a pretty pretty day, then you are to call in the back up.”

Catching Ed’s eye, John winked to let him know that not all was as it seemed. Ed understood and nodded back. Fuming at what appeared to be another waste of time, Joe said, “I don’t have all day for you to dally around.”

Smiling at the impatience of the agent, John replied, “Remember, it’s a pretty pretty day.”

Ed watched as John headed towards the dilapidated house. It was hard to ignore John, he cut quite a figure walking across the field with his walking stick and cloak. From the road, they watched as he took a seat on the porch. Leaning over the back of the seat, Ed went through the cooler making sure that it was stocked with a selection of drinks. Watching Ed, Joe shook his head wondering why he was bothering.

Ed said, “Turn on the receiver. He’s wearing his wire.”

Joe turned on the receiver and listened as John talked to Rover. Joe said, “The wire’s working fine.”

Shortly after that, a beat up black Cadillac pulled off the road onto the gravel driveway. They watched the car as it stopped by the house. John stood up and walked towards the car. They could see that the owner of the property was saying something, but they couldn’t hear it.

Listening carefully they heard John shout, “Hey, man. I’m here to pay damages!”

Again they couldn’t hear what the other man was saying. Worried, Ed asked, “Can’t we turn up the volume or something?”

“No. We won’t be able to hear what the other guy is saying until they are closer together,” answered Agent Joe Fredricks. He wasn’t sure why Ed was so interested in the conversation.

“Well, I stopped to take a leak over there. My cat jumped out and got one of your calves. Those are your cows in the pasture, aren’t they?”

Now that John was closer, they could hear the other guy answer. “Yes. You say your cat got one of my calves?”

When John approached close to the car, he said, “Yes. My cat killed one of your calves and dragged it up on top of your house.”

“Jesus! That’s your cat?” Ed smiled at the remark, it was not the first time he had heard that.

It was easy for Ed to imagine the look on John’s face as he answered, “Yes it is.”

“He killed a calf and took it up on my roof?”

John asked, “So how much are you going to charge me for the calf?”

The owner answered, “That’s a prime calf. He’s worth fifteen hundred.”

Ed groaned as he said, “That’s highway robbery.”

“It’ll probably cost me another five hundred to get it off the roof.”

“He ought to be arrested for blackmail,” said Ed very indignant at the clear abuse of the situation.

“Okay. I’ll make out the check for an even two thousand. I’ll just write it on the back of your car, if that’s all right with you. What name?”

As Ed heard John’s answer, he wanted to go over and beat the guy senseless. He turned to the FBI agent and said, “That guy is slime.”

“No law against that.”

“No. Let’s go into the house and conclude our business there.”

“Well, it’s such a pretty pretty day today. I’d much rather stay out here,” said John.

Hearing that phrase, Ed turned to the FBI agent waiting him to make a call to the backup unit. When the other man didn’t move, Ed leaned over to him and said, “He said it was a pretty pretty day. Call in the reinforcements.”

Agent Fredricks turned to Ed and answered, “We’re here because his cat ate a cow!”

Ed snarled as he said, “ He gave the code phrase. Send in the others.”

Agent Fredricks grunted and then answered, “If you’re wrong, it’s all your fault.”

“Get them here, now! If you don’t, I’m going up there myself!”

A very apathetic Joe Fredricks sent out a call to the backup that was parked two miles away. They had been sent there so that they wouldn’t be noticed. Even if they were noticed, they wouldn’t be connected with this location.

Ed listened to the conversation going on between John and the other man as he grabbed the small ice chest from the back. Watching Ed gather together the materials from the back, Joe said, “The back up will be here in five minutes.”

Ed said, “We’ll wait for them before going down there. We don’t want to let that monster get away by rushing up there alone.”

“What monster? All that I’ve heard is a guy upset about losing his cow.”

The van with the back up agents came rumbling down the road. Ed said, “Let’s get ready to move.”

As the van pulled into the driveway, Ed ran out to follow behind it. Frustrated, Joe followed behind Ed swearing to himself. The man, Henry, stared in horror when four FBI agents wearing vests emerged. Breathing heavily, Ed and Agent Fredricks ran up behind the van. Ed was hindered since he carried the small ice chest. On reaching the van, Ed set the ice chest down next to it.

When Henry started to run, John grabbed him by the arm saying, “Stay right here. I don’t want you going anywhere.”

One of the agents ran up to John and asked, “Where is she?”

John pointed at the car and answered, “I heard her in the back of the car.”

Another agent turned to Henry and said, “We need the key to open up the back of the car.”

Henry shouted in rage, “You can’t do anything without a warrant. I know my rights.”

At those words, Ed went over to the back of the car and listened carefully. He could hear some sounds coming from within the trunk. Knocking on the trunk, he shouted, “There are FBI agents here. Is anyone in here?”

The thuds that emerged from the back of the car were loud enough that they could be heard on the porch. John shouted, “Probable cause. You can search the car.”

Frustrated, Ed looked around for some way to open the car trunk. After spotting the keys in the car, he grabbed them and used them to open the trunk. Inside, two young ladies were bound and gagged. They were sixteen or seventeen years of age at most. They stared up at Ed in terror, only relaxing when they saw Agent Fredricks with his FBI vest. Dismayed by the look of terror in their eyes, Ed pulled off the gags on both women and said, “We’re here to help you.”

The women didn’t know what to say first. Their conversation was a confusing jumble of half uttered phrases, made even more confusing by the tears and sobs that burst loose uncontrollably. The sight of the two scared young women touched Ed so much it was as if someone had twisted a knife in his heart. He looked over at Henry with rage in his eyes.

The women were bound with nylon ropes that cut deeply into their flesh. Ed and Agent Fredricks tried to undo the knots that held the women bound. The tight ropes had cut off the circulation in the hands swelling them and turning them a horrible purple color. Any attempt to cut the ropes would cut the women as well. The two men struggled with the knots. It took a long time before they were able to get the women unbound.

As the feeling returned to their hands, the two women screamed in agony. Trying to help the young women, Ed was too busy to notice when Henry was handcuffed, read his rights, and taken away to the van. He did hear the man shout, “All I wanted to do was make them perfect. Get rid of those ugly arms and legs, like in the statues.”

The words made Ed’s blood boil in anger. He had seen the pictures of what the man had done to his past victims. Rather than give into his anger, he turned his attention to the two young women still screaming in pain.

Rover, hearing the screams, jumped down from the roof. Moving to join Ed, John walked over to the women to see if he could help them in some fashion. With the grace that all cats possess, Rover quickly joined him. The cat was as upset at the women’s pain as the men. John knelt down to pet Rover while Rover rubbed his head against the women’s legs and purred. The presence of the cat took their minds off the pain and calmed them significantly. Smiling in an open and friendly manner, John looked up at the girls and said, “Ladies, I would like to introduce you to Rover.”

Almost as one, they replied, “Hello, Rover.”

John added, “Would you like to introduce yourselves to Rover?”

The taller girl ran a hand over the silky fur. “I’m Stacy Hutchinson.”

The smaller girl squeaked out, “I’m Sarah Smith.”

“I think Rover is happy to meet you.” John turned to Agent Fredricks and commanded, “Give the girls your cell phones, and let them call their families.”

While John and Rover took care of the women, Ed went to where he had dropped the ice chest. He brought it over to where everyone was gathered and set it down. While the girls were talking to their parents, John joined Ed at the cooler. They took out soft drinks and snacks, pausing to open the drinks and hand them to the women. The women smiled in relief and took a big sip at the first opportunity. The look of joy on their faces was reward enough. Ed fished out a couple of bags of potato chips and waited patiently for the girls to finish their call.

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Before lunch had been served Dusty had already spoken with the King. Even though he tried hard to keep the crystal phones they created a secret from the public, the King while bragging about them, had shown his off to a few of the nobles and visiting dignitaries. That was enough to spark a huge interest in them. Suddenly it was seen as a favor to the crown to have a few people outfitted with them, and a few others tried to curry huge favors with him to get one. Dusty and his friends kept...

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Young Marine Discovers MILF Next Door

Norma and her husband got in another fight as he was leaving for work. The fights were becoming more frequent. Every few days something would set him off and she would be the object of his disgust. This morning it was the house and her appearance. Though she spent hours cleaning the house, it was never clean enough for him. It was not like she did not work. She was a nurse. Three days on dealing with doctors who thought they were gods and patients who thought nurses were their personal...

2 years ago
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Verka Booth Wali Aunty Ko Choda Part 8211 4

Mera naam Jimmy hai aur main Chandigarh me rehta hun. Mera email address hai ‘’. Koi b lady mujhe is email per contact kr skti hai. This is a continuation to my previous story ” Verka booth wali Aunty ko choda”. Jinhone nhi pdi wo is link per jaa kr pd site hain ‘https://www.indiansexstories2.net/desi/verka-booth-wali-aunty-ko-choda-1/’ . Pehle to aap sab ka bohat bohat thanx jo aapne is story k pichle part ko itna pyar diya, bohat saare fans k mujhe mails b aayi, shukriya bohat bohat. Aur aap...

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Surprise Visitor

You stand in the doorway to your apartment in complete shock. When you heard the frantic knocking on your door, you wondered who the hell would be out in zero degree weather in the middle of the night while a snowstorm raged outside. The answer caught you so far off guard, you nearly fell over when you opened the door. Anna was friend from college. You two weren't really close, but you had several classes together, you'd sit together in the lunch room and you did hang out from time to time....

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Strangers in the NightChapter 6

Strangers in the Night: 6. "A job?" she said, "Do you have any idea how badly Dalmar wants you to go to work at Valmaat?" "I don't want any favors." "Let me handle it," Wendy said. She did. The hospital decided if I was well enough to spend the night in a hospital bed with my naked sister, I was well enough to go home ... until Wendy said we didn't do anything but talk. When I had been injured read that as in a coma I was first admitted to the University Hospital at Tampere...

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Fun with a neighbour 3

The fun continues.....It was the day after I had enjoyed Sandy's attentions, and instead of satisfying me, I felt hornier than ever. I kept remembering how she smelt, the feel of her soft skin, the feeling of her pussy sliding down my cock and that moment when we came.As usual, we walked the older k**s to school and chatted about irrelevant things. The same for the return journey with just the two youngest k**s. We got to my house and I said that I'd see her later and she gave me a look....

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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 10 Chrysallis

THE PERFORMER I wonder what they intend for me? What will my life be like, being enslaved to them? They make me wear a collar and they are keeping me imprisoned but apart from that, they are quite kind, in comparison to my nightmares. They don't shout orders at me, when they tell me to do things they speak quietly, clearly but firmly. Yes, they cane me but from their point of view, I deserve it is because I have not done something I have been told to do or not done it as willingly or as...

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“Porno Tube,” quite an interesting URL. Yes, it is simple, but it probably cost these folks a fortune. And that’s not the only exciting bit of this site; how they put a collection of good quality delicious straight and gay porn videos makes the site so lit. Well, it’s easy to dismiss the site as just one among many free porn sites on the web; it has a simplistic design, categories, and a few sorting features just like the rest of them anyway. I think otherwise thou; this is because few free...

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Grander Treasure

It is well known that an adventure needs to start somewhere. In your case, it could have started with your engagement, or even the day you embarked on the long journey to meet your future spouse. However, I am sorry to say, your adventure started a few weeks after both of those things, in a pile of rotting hardtack. Smoke was filling the small hole you were hiding in. The space had been for food storage, but now you were cramming yourself in between infested rations, while a battle raged...

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Roger the Lodger

God, she was horny! It was difficult to concentrate on her prayers as she knelt by her bed in her long flannel night gown. She gave thanks for the good things in her life, remembered her husband who had passed away three years ago and her two children who were both away in college. She started to get up, remembered something and dropped back to her knees. "Also, Dear God, please send me a man. I haven't had sex with another human since my husband died. Amen." She climbed into bed and...

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CherryPimps Emma Starletto Petite Window Washing At Your Service

Steve did not know what he was getting into when he hired a petite window washing service. His windows are so tall and require some real skills to get to the top of those panes! Steve tries to help petite cutie Emma Starletto and before he knows it she is telling him that he should be cleaning her pussy with that tongue of his so he shuts up and stops complaining about silly smudges on his windows! The view for Steve is turning out ok once he buries his face in that pussy admiring that gorgeous...

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Kinky Girlfriend Pegged

I have never met a man or woman as confident as the young woman who took my anal virginity. She was not dominating, or arrogant, just very confident in herself and her judgments of people. How she knew a guy like me would give her what she wanted, and what I learned to want, I still do not know.We met when I was doing a work survey of a local university to add some decorative pieces to the administration areas and the student union's offices. I had started up a specialty business to do singular...

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Summer Lust

It was the summer of 1987 school was out, and I needed some money. So I got a summer job working at the local supermarket. It was a hot summer that year; the weather was in the hundreds! The action I got was just as hot as the weather. That summer, I got laid by an older woman named Ms. Sonia Martinez, a thirty-five year old with smooth brown skin, wavy dark brown hair and sexy brown eyes. One evening, Ms. Martinez came to the store to do a little grocery shopping. I was stocking the aisles...

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I Pay with My Ass Gay

My name is James Francis and the following story is true and one that I have found to be continually on my mind sense that fateful early summer day.I am 42 years old, married to my beautiful wife Jane who is a flight attendant, two college age c***dren, own a very nice house, two fancy cars and have a great job. I am 5'8" tall, full head of hair, a slim build and am totally straight. I am a salesman for a medium sized national company, but my travel is fairly limited so I can work from home on...

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Read Dirty To MeChapter 4

"Would you like to come to dinner at my place?" asked Layla, as soon as they were outside. It was the first thing she'd said to him since they'd quit reading. "Do you think that's a good idea?" he asked. She stopped and turned to face him. She didn't say anything. She just stared at him, waiting for him to answer her question. "I'd love to," he said. She smiled. "Good," she said. "I'll go pick up Aidan. Give me two hours before you come over, OK?" "Can I bring something...

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berlandbus als Schicksal

Sie schaute aus dem leicht getönten Fenster des alternden Stagecoach-Busses und seufzte schwer, als die scheinbar endlose Landschaft träge vorbeirollte. Die Klimaanlage ließ den heißen Sommertag kühl erscheinen, aber letztendlich auch langweilig. Es war Rebeccas erste Überlandreise, um ihre Tante für den Sommer in Ravensmoor zu besuchen, und ihre Eltern hatten das Gefühl gehabt, dass der Bus nicht nur die sicherste, sondern auch die billigste Route war, da ihnen mehr Geld für sie übrig blieb...

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Mom8217s Ass My Dream

Hi I am rony. This an erotic story about how I got the golden chance to fuck my mom. She is 45 years old and when I got this golden opportunity I was in class 11 and she was 42 . I cannot guess her real stats but she would be 34-32-40. Yes she has a big ass biggest ass I would say. I haven’t seen any women with a bigger ass then my mom. I used to think that’s its so big that it can engulf my whole head. So her huge ass was the centre of attraction for me she is a normal indian housewife. She is...

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Uncle Roger Part 2

I understood why my mother wouldn't trust me. After all, she had found her underwear in my bedroom, and what mother wants to deal with that scenario? She obviously thought that leaving me with Uncle Roger when she was working late was a good idea - as a former teacher, you'd expect him to be responsible. But instead of supervising me doing my homework, he had humiliated me more than I ever thought possible. In fact, some of his behaviour was nothing short of abuse. Forcing me to swap...

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Friends for Life Part 3

Friends for Life - Part 3Rick's body, tight and hot, sweaty from her Uncle Colby's thrusting - I wanted to lick it all over, every inch - but on top of it all, I wanted my first taste of cock and cum real bad! He had just asked me to suck his cock, who was I to argue?  But suddenly Rick sat back up on the bed! "Not yet my love" . . . let me introduce myself - my name is Rita.  Say it darling.  Call me by my name".  I stood there for a second - took another look at his/her body and slowly said...

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The New HoodChapter 4 I Was Just Out Hunting for My Camp

As we sat inside the truck I wondered how to start the tour of the cave as this place would be well beyond anything these women had ever seen in their lives. “Malta I didn’t really say much to about my cave, as I knew that cave living itself would most likely be new to all of you ladies all by itself. But seeing as how we rode here in my truck, which had all of you very nervous for a good part of the trip here. I could really and truly understand that if my truck had made all of you somewhat...

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Private Ginebra Bellucci Misha Maver Enjoy Anal Threesome

The stale relationship of Ginebra Bellucci and Alberto Blanco needs spicing up and that’s exactly where the sexy tattooed beauty Misha Maver comes in as she shows this dull couple how to have some real fun in Private Specials, Anal Threesomes by Private 4. Watch all the action on www.private.com where Ginebra and Misha share the lucky Alberto Blanco, warming up with some shared cock sucking before taking turns getting pounded as Ginebra finishes the party off in style with some intense anal...

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Grandfathers visit

My Grandfather came up to visit from Jamaica over the holidays. He stayed with my mom and I in NYC. My Grandfather was a successful businessman and had a thriving professional business, in Buff Bay, Jamaica. He was 62 and had the physique of a much younger man. Since my Grandmother's death he travels abroad often, and lives as a bachelor. He is a big man. Standing 6'4 and weighing about 220 lbs. His skin is tanned a rich dark pecan brown with a thick neck like a football player. ...

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The Wishing Blanket

The Wishing Blanket Katie Leone Chapter One New York City in January isn't the warmest place to be, and this year it was even colder than it was in recent years. Some people love New York in the winter, maybe because of the lights and decorations, or maybe because of the holiday spirit, but I think it's because the only thing they know about New York is what they learn through movies. People don't know how cold New York...

1 year ago
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Scars Ch 02

Okay, well I probably should have put this at the beginning of my other chapter…but I kind of forgot so I’m putting it here. This is my technically my second submission, but it will be part of one big whole. Just like any other writer I love feed back, any and all. Also if anyone wants to help me on some other books…feel free to email me. Oh, and if you are looking for a quick book with sex…this isn’t it. I don’t even get to that point for many more chapters. I like to build up to it. All...

3 years ago
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The CourierChapter 6

The only illumination in the small room was provided by a few emergency candles from Miranda's backpack. The quiet, slow, soothing music that filled it came from the small radio/cd player she usually had attached to the handlebars of her bike. And the subtle ocean breeze that cooled the air passed through the open window, stirring the thin curtains until they resembled ghosts, waving approvingly in the dim light. Miranda put her arms around Misty, holding her carefully as they swayed slowly...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 12: RE-NEWED BEGINNINGS So much was changing. And so quickly, again. And it seemed to be touching on so many parts of our life to give us the impression of our “New Life” being renewed to another beginning. At the wedding and then re-affirmed after our honeymoon, our life took a dramatic changes in commitment and adventure at least in our private lives or very deliberately expanded our sexual life. That had led to many wondrous experiences so far. This new change gave every indication...

1 year ago
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At the Summit Ch 14

Part 14 – ‘Into the Shadows’ LATE IN 1997 ‘It seems like everything in the Summit Conference preparations was coming together,’ observed Sophia. I agreed, unable to say more due to the toast with marmalade in my mouth. We were having breakfast in our room in the Oxford, Room Service now having become our practice. It was a luxury, but Sophia’s business was benefiting from Denver’s booming economy, and it felt so wonderful to be together after our tear-soaked lovemaking of the night before. ...

3 years ago
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A Quickie On The Menu

Pam could sense his apprehension as he stood on her doorstep with a bottle of wine in his hand. They smiled and kissed each other on the cheek before Jake followed her inside. She could still feel his apprehension as he followed her into the kitchen, she turned and saw the strange expression on his face as he looked around the kitchen before focussing upon the readily prepared dining table. “Everything okay, Jake?” His face broke into a smile. “What’s wrong?” she asked him. Still...

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