Wild Wednesdays
- 2 years ago
- 67
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Before Paul could answer, the bus came and the three of them got on. The girls went first and Paul followed. Since the girls were naked, they got some friendly pats as they walked down the aisle but Paul didn't interfere this time. No one was hurting them and it was just friendliness.
They sat down with Paul across the aisle. There was a girl sitting next to him, fully dressed, who looked at the naked girls with open astonishment and curiosity.
Paul turned his attention to his two slaves. "As far as I know, we don't have anything special in school other than the usual classes. But I imagine that Betty will want to have a little fun." He grinned at her. "Just remember that I am in charge."
"Yes, Master," said both girls at the same time.
Paul turned back to the girl sitting next to him. "I don't recognize you," he said. "Are you new?"
"Yes," she replied. "We just moved here. I'm Marsha Mason."
"Paul Harding. I'm glad to meet you." He held out his hand but when she reached to shake it, he reached over and squeezed her breast.
She shrieked in outrage and slapped him. Then she called out to the bus driver, "He touched me!"
The driver looked back in his mirror and said, "Tell it to the principal when we get to school."
Paul didn't know if what he did was OK or not. He had just grown accustomed to treating girls in this manner. He wondered what Mr. Burns would say.
Meanwhile, Betty and Jennifer had started to talk.
"You know what Betty? You think the girl would have noticed something was up when she saw the two of us."
Betty tried to keep from laughing. "I guess some people are as thick-headed as you." Betty knocked on Jennifer's head.
"Hey, don't do that!" Jennifer didn't like being made fun of, even if it was in a fun manner.
"Or what? Remember who is in charge here. And you do NOT call me Betty for the day. To you I am Mistress, understand?"
Jennifer looked toward the floor. "Yes Ma'am ... Sergeant Hardass."
Betty just took the insult in stride. "I'll deal with you soon enough."
Jennifer and Betty continued back and forth until the bus came a halt in front of the school.
When the trio got off the bus, Marsha went running up to Mr. Burns who was standing at the door, waiting for everyone to arrive. "Principal Burns," she said excitedly. Remember me? I'm Marsha Mason. You met me with my parents when you interviewed us."
"Yes, dear, I remember. Welcome to Fairless Hills. This is your first day, isn't it?"
"Yes and it's been awful." Her lip trembled. "That boy," she pointed at Paul, "touched me," she said with a sense of horror.
"He did? Where?"
"On my br-br-breast." Marsha was ready to cry.
"I see. Well I think you and Paul had better come with me."
Marsha shot Paul a triumphant look. Now he was going to get it, she thought.
Paul followed the principal and Marsha with his two naked companions in a small parade into the school, down the hall and to the principal's office.
As they went in, they could hear a voice say, "Oh good Master, I wanted to tell you..." Then it cut off as Marilyn Ternsley, dressed only in stockings, high heels and a garter belt realized he was not alone.
Sidney Burns gave her a look that promised more later. "You are to call me Mr. Burns, here, Marilyn.
"Yes sir, your slave is sorry."
Marsha acted like she couldn't believe her ears. Your slave? She thought. She decided to ignore it. "Mr. Burns, I want to press charges."
"Just a moment, Marsha. Let me hear from Paul. What happened, Paul?"
"Well sir, I did feel her. She reached out to shake hands and I just gave in to temptation."
"I see. Well done, son."
Marsha's jaw dropped. Well done? Your slave? Naked students? What kind of lunatic asylum were they running here? "Principal Burns, this is outrageous. If you won't do anything, I am calling the police."
"Young lady, first of all, Paul did nothing at all wrong. The laws you are referring to are long since gone here. The police will laugh at you. Furthermore, you are in this school for a reason. I have discussed this with your parents and you may call them right now to confirm." He handed her a phone.
She called home and started to complain but before she got more than a few words out, she stopped. There was a quiet pause of a few minutes as she listened to her mother and father and then she put the phone down in shock.
"I see you were told to do whatever I tell you."
The girl looked at him in stunned shock.
"Paul was within his rights to be friendly. Now you are going to give him the opportunity to finish. Remove your clothing, this instant." The principal looked at her and waited.
Meanwhile, Jennifer was rapt. She had just been though this herself and knew what the poor girl was going through. So did Betty. But both girls also knew the joy that awaited her at the end of this journey. Betty reached out and took Jennifer's hand and squeezed it. Jennifer started to pull away and for just an instant realized that whatever was there between them, they were sisters now. She squeezed back and patted Betty's shoulder.
Marsha very slowly began to removed her blouse. "Do I HAVE to?" she whined.
"Yes you do," said Mr. Burns.
She took off the blouse and then removed her skirt, standing there in just her bra, panties, pantyhose, socks and shoes.
"Go on," said Mr. Burns.
She took a breath and then started to take off her shoes and socks. Then came her pantyhose. Standing in just her bra and panties she stopped. "Please don't make me take this off too. I'll be all naked."
Betty stepped in. "It will be OK. Really."
Marsha looked at her. "I am not a whore," she said.
Betty looked like she'd been slapped.
Mr. Burns stepped in. "Don't worry about it Betty. She is new. Give her a chance." Turning back to the girl, he said, "I suggest you watch your mouth, young lady. That remark is going to cost you more than you think. Now take the rest of that off or I will for you."
Marsha reached back and unhooked her bra. She had large, firm breasts. Not as big as Betty's but very nice. Both Mr. Burns and Paul were staring avidly. Marsha blushed bright red. She immediately covered them with her hands.
Mr. Burns sighed. "Take off your panties," he ordered.
She put her hands down and drew down her panties and stepped out of them, now totally naked.
"Alright Paul," said Mr. Burns. You go ahead and feel anything you'd like."
Marsha gasped and tried to cover herself.
Mr. Burns said, "Betty, Jennifer, please hold her arms for me."
The two girls stepped forward eagerly to each grab an arm.
Paul then walked up to the restrained girl and began to fondle her quite freely.
Jennifer held tightly to one arm and Betty did as well with the other. Betty could tell what she was going to try to do. She slammed her foot down on Marsha's. She leaned her head over near Marsha's ear. "Don't even consider trying to hurt my Master. Then you would have the two of us to deal with." She meant every word and Marsha could tell. She was frozen with fear.
Jennifer then twisted Marsha's arm behind her back to keep her from moving while Paul had his pleasure with her. Between Jennifer and Betty, there was no way Marsha was going to get away with anything they didn't approve of.
Marsha felt all sorts of pain flowing through her. Her foot was pounding and her arm hurt. Paul's hands embarrassed her without limit. Tears started to stream down her face and Paul stopped touching her.
"Thank you Mr. Burns. That's enough," said Paul as he stopped.
"You can let her go, girls," said the principal.
Jennifer and Betty let the girl go.
Marsha just rubbed her sore shoulder.
Marilyn stepped over and put her arms around Marsha. "Take it easy. We will get you a boy to look after you."
"Thank you for your help, Paul. You and your girls can go on to class now."
The three of them turned and went on out of the office.
Mr. Burns told Marilyn, "Why don't you look after her and I will check my list and get someone to take care of her. And after she goes, we will deal with you."
The teacher looked at her owner with a mix of dread and anticipation.
Paul led Betty and Jennifer to their first class of the day. "I appreciate your help this morning," he told them. "Both of you get a kiss." Paul stopped just outside the classroom and took Betty in his arms for a deep and passionate kiss. She threw her arms around him and kissed him back, pressing up against him.
Letting Betty go, he took Jennifer in his arms. She also kissed him passionately, trying to outdo Betty. Betty watched and then said, "That's long enough, Jen."
Paul let Jen go and then smiled at Betty. "Keeping a close rein on her, huh Betty?"
"Yes, Master." The girls glared at each other.
The classes went pretty much as expected. Then it was time for physical education. Paul changed into his gym uniform and the girls eagerly helped. The new rules required a co-ed locker room so they kept their eyes open, watching the other boys change too.
The only thing Betty and Jennifer were required to put on were gym shoes, and that was just for safety reasons. After Paul was dressed and they each had a good pair of shoes on, Paul lead the other two into the main gym for the warm up. Betty had an evil smirk on her face and Jennifer couldn't figure out why.
When Jennifer started to sit down in line, Betty put her hand out. "Not so fast. You know the instructor always asks for someone to demonstrate each stretch and today YOU will be volunteering."
Jennifer just froze. She looked at Paul and knew she couldn't argue. "Yes, Mistress." Jennifer walked to the front of the class and sat down in front of everyone. The way she was sitting, the class was facing her and she was facing them. She just wondered what Betty would have planned for her for the rest of the day.
Paul was actually wondering the same thing. Betty was taking to her new role like a duck to water and Paul was getting a tremendous kick out of it. He wouldn't ever let Jennifer actually be hurt and besides, tomorrow she would be in charge again. He thought that with a few reversals like this, they would learn to respect each other, never knowing when the other would have the upper hand. But he would enjoy watching Betty get her licks in.
Mr. Bizby, the gym teacher, was getting the class ready. Although Jennifer was in front, most of the girls were naked. "Now that so many of you are going bare," he explained, "it is going to be more important than ever that you have a healthy, well-toned body. We always start with stretching. Jennifer, would you care to demonstrate for the class the proper way to stretch?"
Jennifer began to stretch out her lithe, well-toned body. She was always embarrassed about being the center of attention. Then she caught Paul looking and smiled. She started to gracefully entice him with her movements. She saw him get increasingly engrossed in what she was doing and felt really good.
Meanwhile, Betty saw it too and was jealous. This wasn't at all what she had in mind.
Betty didn't know what to do to get his eyes on her and off of Jennifer. She had done this to herself and now she was going to have to deal with it. She had a lot to learn and little time to learn it in. She watched Jennifer, taking in all she did so she could one day try and use it herself.
Jennifer ignored all the attention she was getting except for that from Paul. She was now just doing her stretching for Paul, almost ignoring the teacher. She hadn't heard her name called. Soon she felt a swift smack on her bottom and she snapped out of her narrow view and looked at the teacher. "Yes, sir?"
"You seemed fascinated with something. Normally I would make you share it with the class but I'm not sure I even want to know. Now stand up and line up against the wall. Today I have decided to mix it up. Instead of making all of you run, we are going to have a nice game of dodge ball. Only thing is, the losing team will feel more than just the shame of defeat."
Mr. Bizby smiled, he liked what was coming next. "The winning team gets to spank the losing team, the female members that is. The males will get to spank one girl of their choosing and then I will get to spank the worst player on the field regardless of which team they were on.
"Now, as for team captains, Paul you will be the captain of team A. Now who wants to be captain of team B?"
A handsome, athletic boy named Jeff put up his hand. "I will Mr. Bizby." Helen, his girl, stood next to him with shining eyes, admiring her Master.
"That's good. Choose your team, gentlemen. Guys, your girls will automatically be on the other team. If the numbers are uneven, I will move some girls back at random."
The two captains chose the players they wanted. Finally they were ready. They began to play, taking turns throwing and dodging the ball. The girls were, of course, the favorite targets but the boys got their share too, especially when the girls were throwing. Finally Team A was judged the winner.
"Just to be fair," said Mr. Bizby, "the boys cannot spank their own slaves. Each of you will pick a different girl to spank. Paul, you go first."
Both Jennifer and Betty were watching closely to see who Paul picked.
Jennifer wondered who would be judged as the worst player and would get spanked by the teacher himself, but that was going to be the grand finale. Right now, all she could think about was who the lucky girl on the other team would be who Paul got a hold of. Jennifer sat back on her heels and waited.
Betty was much more anxious, she hadn't done so well in that game. She was never very good at sports. She wanted to know who Paul was going to pick so she waited and prayed it would not be her name called by the teacher.
Paul looked over the girls on the other team. This was such a thrill for him. "I'll take Josie," he said, indicating a very pretty girl with long blonde hair. The girl blushed and walked over to him. Betty looked at her with a poisonous glare. Josie smiled at Paul and submissively went over his lap.
Meanwhile, other boys on the team were picking the girls they wanted to spank. When one tried to pick Betty, the teacher stopped him. "I'll be dealing with Betty, myself," said Mr. Bizby. "She didn't play well at all. I am going to make an example of her."
Jennifer looked at Josie and felt a bit of envy for her; she wanted to be in her place. Then, as Betty took a step forward, an evil grin spread across her face. "Mr. Bizby, I know one player who did worse than me but she will never admit it." Betty knew it was a lie but Jennifer couldn't say so.
"Jennifer, wouldn't you agree I did better than you?"
Jennifer glared at Betty then took a deep breath. "Yes, sir, Betty is right."
Mr. Bizby was taken aback. "Well then, I think that I will have to deal with this in a special way." He gave the girls a penetrating look. "I think it's only proper for me to spank BOTH of you." Betty gave Jennifer a triumphant look. Then the gym teacher went on, "And in addition, I think it would also be proper for each of you to give the other a sound spanking also."
Betty looked horrified and it was Jennifer's turn to smile. It would be worth it.
Most of the boys already had their chosen girls positioned for the spanking and Mr. Bizby told them to begin. There was a chorus of slaps and high pitched shrieks of pain as the exercise began. Josie started to immediately kick and squirm vigorously under Paul's punishing palm.
Betty and Jennifer looked at each other and the teacher and waited for his instructions.
Mr. Bizby motioned for Betty first. "Since I noticed you first, I will give you the first spanking." He then turned his attention to Jennifer. "Now, I want you to sit right there on the floor with your legs spread apart while I spank her. A little more over so Betty can see you too."
Jennifer felt the color leave her face; she didn't want to but she did it anyway.
Betty smirked at Jennifer from her position over the teacher's lap, enjoying the humiliation Jennifer was feeling at being so exposed. She eyed the other girl, seeing that she was already moist from her entertainment of Paul.
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In the mornings, weekdays anyway, the alarm rings at six. Usually, we roll right out and use the bathroom, come back and grab something to read while we wake up. I pick up one of my books of erotica, Ed picks up a copy of X-Rated Letters or something else from the shelf next to his side of the bed. We sit close together as we read and usually I have my hand on his thigh. "You're up early this morning," I said after a while. "Umm. You felt good this morning before the alarm went off....
Toni walked into Melanie's shop late one afternoon. Melanie saw her and whistled. "Wow! You're not the Toni I used to know." Toni smiled, curtsied. "Thanks, but you know, I'm still wearing the same clothes as before." "Well, yes, but you've changed them, and there's someone else inside." Toni beamed. She wore a multi-colored print dress of light cotton. Today, it fit her closely, tied with a contrasting sash around her narrow waist, emphasizing her figure. The top was now...
Dana stuck her head into Toni's office. She smiled broadly when Toni looked out of the workroom. "Hi, it's me!" "Great, Dana." Toni came out and hugged her briefly. Dana was wearing shorts and a t-shirt that, as usual, clung to her breasts. "Thanks for coming. I hope you didn't have difficulty getting time off." "Hey, I've got so much comp time built up... Anyway, I thought it would be wonderful to take the afternoon off for this. I can hardly wait. And I love that...
As he usually did when he was expected at Rudy's and Melanie's, Sheldon finished up early at the office. As he left that Friday, Rudy met him in the hall. "We'll see you about seven?" he asked. "Right. You know I like to get home and shower before I come to your place. Get rid of the office tension." "Yeah, so do I. Well, don't get too dressed up tonight. Melanie said we need to relax, let ourselves go a little." "Fine with me. Shirt and slacks?" Rudy laughed. "Anything you...
When Jenny appeared again, it was Thursday evening. Dana was wearing one of Ed's shirts, making dinner. "Hi, Jenny, thanks for calling this morning, I was wondering where you were." "Well, you knew where, but you're welcome. I had Shel bring me by here so I could change and pick up my car. I was a little late to work, but no problem." Dana turned to look at her friend, her shirt open, her body relaxed and lovely. "So, how was it?" Jenny grinned. "Wonderful. Wait 'till I change,...
Toni came out of her sewing room, now set up in the spare room of the house in Niwot. The weather was hot, but thunder showers were predicted for the late afternoon. She walked out from the sun deck to where Ned, naked, was grubbing in the garden, clearing out weeds. "What do you think?" Toni said. Ned sat back on his haunches, looking at her. She wore a light, boat-neck shift that fell half way to her knees. The sides were held at the waist by a band that brought the material tight...
When the four women met in Toni's office, they settled down quickly, opening sacks and handing sandwiches around. Toni said, "Okay, who's in charge?" Jenny spoke up. "I want to talk about something else. Either now, or later, but I don't want to miss it." "Go ahead..." "Get it off your chest..." "Do it now, might as well." "Well, I want to talk about what happened while you guys were gone. I started telling Dana, but she suggested I wait and we'd all talk about it." She...
The five men sat on the deck in Ned's back yard. The Broncos were playing an exhibition game on a small, portable television, and they half-watched it as they sat, sipping drinks in the late summer sunshine. The women had gone shopping, not wanting to compete with the Broncos for attention. "How did you find this place, Ned?" Rudy asked. "So private, yet such a great location." Ned popped another can of beer. "Took a while. I looked all over the county, and then some. Louisville,...
Toni, Dana and Melanie collapsed into chairs at a café in Denver's Cherry Creek Mall, dumping packages and bags on an empty chair. A server appeared and they ordered Cokes. As they were finishing their order, Jenny appeared and ordered the same. She sat down with them and Sylvia followed closely after. "You keep wandering off, Jen, what are you looking for?' Toni asked her. "I'm checking every clothing store I can find for shirts.' She looked at her friends. "I've been looking for a...
Toni, Dana and Melanie met early at Toni's office on the day of the meeting with Dana's corporate management. They were joined by two models who had driven up from Denver to show the clothes. Toni took them into the workroom and gave them instructions. The three friends were dressed conservatively — as each of them defined it. Dana wore a blazer, blouse and skirt; Toni a charcoal gray ankle-length dress that fit her well, but its double row of brass buttons down the front was at once both...
We school girls lived in the very rural part of the Southwest and while the city girls had their clubs of Girl Scouts and Brownies to learn about nature, well, since we lived in nature there wasn’t much about it we didn’t already know and for this reason our Girls’ Clubs were different. While the city girls were beginning to mature, grow hair and breasts, starting talk about that forbidden thing called “S E X” we country girls saw it and many experienced it already. It might have been...
It was 6:47 as I looked over at the alarm. The sun was starting to creep through the window, so like my usual self I pushed my face into the bed and pulled my satin pillow over my head, god I loved the way it felt just like the sheets my nude body was in between so smooth they felt like I would just slide off. OK I thought You have to get out of bed sometime Amber trying to encourage myself. I still had a headache from the night before, by now I should have learn to lay off the drinks, but...
Author: Amit Amit strode into his house and locked it from inside. Then he freshened up and started undressing. It was raining outside and there was some chill in the air which made goose bumps rise all over his skin. If his wife had been at home this would have been a perfect time for sex. But he had something else in mind for the cold and grey afternoon. He undressed till the underwear and dropped on the bed rubbing the hard boner that had erected due to the icy weather. The day had been...
I belong to a family where both of my parents remain out for work. When i was fourteen years old they both had to go for a business tour. However, i couldn't attend them because of my classes.So they asked my cousin ,Regie, to stay with me. Regie was three years older than me, but he looked much more like adults.He had dark brown eyes and blonde hair.Though he was older than me he often shared many things with me .I know about almost all of his girlfriends .But i didn't know...
This is a continuing story that begins with "Darkroom - Monday."----Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn't told him what time to be there, and he didn't feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...
ExhibitionismHi indian sex stories dot net readers Tribute to all the girls who like it wild, I run a page on Instagram(want to know which, then email me), there due to onesta free food offer for the name, I was honored to meet a girl whose name can’t be disclosed, I can go on about her but her lips are very attractive, though they are very thin she has a bright smile that can make any guys day. We started texting, casually day by day, as she had a bf I had a limit on how I used to flirt with her, I am...
I was laying in a chaise lounge chair by the pool in our backyard. The thought of more playful fun due to a recent addition of an 8 ft total privacy fence all around the backyard made me hard as I could now go au natural without worries...no family in the house and no prying neighbors. My wife had gone to visit her sister for a couple days. She didn't get any objection from me. A couple days of 100% me-time was just what the doctor would have ordered had I told a doctor about any of my...
My deepest thanks to SouthPacific for his editing skills, this story reads allot better with his help. I had some real trouble deciding on a category for this one. The first page or so will lead you to believe it should sit firmly in one category, but when you read it to the end you will think it could well sit in another. Just a shame that it can’t go into multiple categories! I do hope you enjoy your read. ***** I thought I had it all – before I walked into the Paradise Hotel. A loving...
Wednesday 23 September will live long in the memory of Michael Jenkins. It started as a typical day, he went to work at the bank, as usual, he had his lunch at the Metro Café as usual, finished work just after five pm as normal, and headed to the local adult education centre which was not normal. Wednesday evening was generally spent at number fifty-two Walton Terrace with Mr Smith. Not tonight, tonight he was heading for classroom fifteen, still to see Mr Smith though. Michael had been to his...
I kept my brush wet, in case I walked around and saw touch-ups, or drips, but first I went inside and thoroughly washed my hands, washed up, washed my hands of the albatross of my summer-into-fall project. The poor house had had a couple crappy spray-on paint jobs over the crumbling and all-chalked-out century-old enamel. This summer I'd taken on the west side of the house, scraping every inch of it down to bare wood. I was intent on doing a very thorough job. I replaced the worst wood. I...
Editor’s Note: The next page is another extract from the journal of Mischa Doeple, dated Wednesday December 8th. Bec had a really bad dream last night. The way I know that is because she suddenly sat up and started gasping for breath. She didn’t scream or anything but she was totally panicking. Bec sitting up woke me because when she pushed herself upright, one of her hands pushed down on my chest. I was sleeping when that happened. Having someone suddenly push down on your chest like that...
Hi boys and girls.Today i want to tell everyone about a sexy thing i do almost every Wednesday. Every Wednesday after I have my lunch, I have my dessert of creamy sperm. Every Wednesday I participate in internship in local government building. In the same building, I know a very good friend that gives me sperm after we have lunch. He is an old friend and one of the first men I make experience with sex. He is much older and has a beautiful cock. We no fuck for a long time because of time. So...
When Millicent Met Maria One Wednesday. By Maria Ski Author's Note: This is not an autobiographical tale but a work of fiction. It was a Wednesday afternoon in March and like most Wednesday afternoons I was off. For some strange reason the college gave us Wednesday afternoons off. And I took advantage of it. As I lived at home it gave me the chance to indulge in my little hobby of cross-dressing. With the full knowledge that my mother was at home and that she approved. Well it...
They sat on the couch, the bowl of popcorn in her lap. Nathan reached over from some popcorn, eyes never leaving the TV. Summer swatted his hand away playfully, eyes focused on the movie, smiling as she popped another piece into her mouth. Nathan rolled his eyes, settling back against the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table. This was their usual Wednesday night tradition. It’d started years ago when Summer had been dumped and she’d come crying to Nathan. Nathan had been annoyed...
Once you have crossed the Rubicon, there is no going back, as Julius Caesar might have said. Sex with Karen became a regular part of my life. Every wednesday, I would work from home. Her home. As time went by I grew in confidence in the relationship, enough to really want to take control. Fond as I was of Karen, and I was fond of Karen, there was something in her that brought the bully out in me. I liked to dominate her, sometimes even make her cry, just a little, and then make her pleasure me....
Wednesday in SOHO I felt a little nudge; I was sleeping on my left side while Mark curled upagainst my back. His right arm is draped along my side his hand cupping thecurve of my bottom. He nudged me again. I could feel the hardness against myass so I lifted my right leg a bit and let him slip in between. Mark let outa contented sigh as his little one slides along my pussy. I squeezed my legstogether not wanting to lose him while I opened my eyes and propped myselfup on an elbow. "It's 9:30" I...
My office mate George, finally admitted that since about a year ago, the bastard had been dating my sweet wife.That night we were having some drinks after office and George got too much alcohol; so he was very communicative with me and he finally slipped his little secret….His fetish was a woman who wears coats with nothing underneath. So, before dating him for the very first time, my sexy Ana had purchased a short black leather rain coat to wear for him… When George told me that, my cock...
Editor’s Note: The next documents contain further transcripts of meetings and patient interviews written by Dr Koehler Snr (Psychiatrist). Notes of Meeting, Wednesday, 12/1; 9:07am, Nurse Cassandra ((Discussion about other patients deleted)) Dr K: So what about Bec Freeman in 6? N.C: According to Night Shift, she had a troubled night. In the evening they discovered she’d made a mess in the room, smearing ketchup all over the wall. Dr K: What did it look like? N.C: Huh? Dr K: The...
Paul lay back watching television in the downstairs den when Ruth Eleanor Taylor arrived home. ‘Hi Mom, have a good night?’ Ruth Eleanor nodded absently. ‘It was real nice. What did you do this evening?’ Paul shrugged. ‘I don’t suppose you boys ever do anything you shouldn’t. You know something that would make you deserve a good spanking.’ Paul sat up on the couch and looked at his mother. ‘What makes you say that? Are you craving to warm some ass. Or did you do something that deserves...
Wednesday In the garden of the house we share there is a small bower of trees which encloses a seat. When she needs to think it is to that seat that she goes; for the quiet and the lack of diversion. I am not allowed there unless she takes me with her. It is her space. I sat in the room overlooking the garden and watched as she walked to her seat in the late evening sun. She is tall, lithe and graceful. Her dark hair is thick and shines in the sunlight. I watched as she turned and smoothed...
LesbianThe bus ride home always felt so much longer on Wednesdays. It was the anticipation and the excitement that did it and Sharon was filled to the brim with both. At times she would wonder why she hadn't started to get bored of this yet, every Wednesday for over a year now, but if anything she was more and more pleased every time the school rang out on those extra short days in the middle of the week. Then she'd have a light skip in her step on the way to the bus stop, no matter what the...
When Wednesday Comes. By Jill Bird. It was the middle of Monday afternoon and Jill was lying in post-coitalcontentment with her lover, under the print of the Vermeer her father had givenher years ago, a canal scene. "I'll have to go soon," Paul said. "You never stay; once you've fucked your old lady you're off, doing whateverteenagers do these days!" she snapped. His voice became wheedling, "You know I want to stay but my mum will wonderwhy I'm late. And you're not old, thirty two next time,...
He was only a few weeks shy of 40 when Cain called him, and on days when he felt guilty about the whole thing he hid it behind that excuse: midlife crisis, staring into the abyss of mortality, the appeal of youth, that whole thing. But the truth was he'd found her attractive even before that. In the last photo he'd seen of her she must have been thirteen, and in that moment right before recognition set in, he'd thought, "Wow, she's hot." Long legs, what they used to call "coltish," but...
Editor’s Note: The next documents contain further transcripts of meetings and patient interviews written by Dr Koehler Snr (Psychiatrist). Meeting with the Freeman family Wednesday 12/1; 12:40pm Dr K: I’m glad that you’re all here. I want to speak to you before I take you in to see Bec. Peter F: How is she? You said she was talking. Dr K: Yes, I had quite a good conversation with her an hour ago. She was quite alert and aware of her surroundings. She still has no memory at all of...