Xxxecil's: Nymph(a)ManiacsChapter 6: A Fuck Well Done... free porn video

It was a new day; so far uneventful. But there was much to learn and do if I was to prepare for a raid against the Waverly Estate. I was driving the Van, visiting a few university contacts to get more lab results; this time I had several vials of mind-control milk; I really think I needed to know more about it. Anything to get my mind off the dreams. The dreams of course, where about Jessie. We were together in a dark void, but the mood was celebratory. I felt as if I had won ... we had won. Jessie was wearing a white, silky knee-length dress that just melted into her naked body as we embraced. She assured me that she would welcome my seed in her belly; and how it was alright now to take her, claim her body and soul, to fill and fuck my seed into her ripe womb. We kissed gratefully, my cock slid into her of its own accord; our bodies seemed to meld, blending, melting into each other in a release of liquid sex. I was always hornier after waking up from those dreams. Brooding, I switched on the radio.
"Protests again in the Nation's Capitol forty-eight days straight demanding de-classification of the Pilsner Report..." Yeah, the world was going crazy, and luckily I wasn't the only who noticed.
The Madness infecting the world was of deep concern to everyone; it's just that no one seemed to understand what the cause was. As far as the public knew, there had been a series of disconnected crises and disasters whose only similarity was the baffling lack of reasonable explanations.
It started in Europe, a series of local politicians and various parliament members resigned under mysterious circumstances abruptly. Several prominent wives committed suicide. Everyone assumed some kind of seedy, sexy scandal. But these days? In Europe? So your hubbie gets his rocks off with some call-girls; hardly a reason to end one's life. The family and friends of those affected seemed somehow unable to remember anything unusual. Then, huge multinational banks started going belly-up. Billions of dollars seemed to vanish overnight from insured accounts with no explanation. The people who should have been connected to the events seemed to have no memory of anything unusual; and could not account for the errors. The records didn't make sense; transactions to non-entities; untraceable, unexplained transfers of millions, billions of euros and dollars in ways that baffled experts. All the presidents and prime ministers promised full investigations; but none of the investigators could explain anything; and many of them suffered bizarre, unexplainable memory loss.
My main preoccuptation was when the Women started appearing. It was in the big cities first. Arrests for prostitution climbed over 1000%. (And those were just the ones that got caught!) In areas where prostitution was legal the police still had to pick up the women for varying forms of disorderly conduct - (Which was a nice way of saying they were brazenly offering police officers lurid sexual favors.) But there was something terribly wrong with all these would-be whores; all of them where strangely eager to offer up their bodies to any form of kinkiness imaginable; many where forceful and aggressive; the new breed of whore would solicit Johns even with their wives in tow.
When they were arrested; no one could find any records of their identities in any global database. No fingerprints, no DNA matches, no fcial recognition matches, no photos, nothing. Worse, the women seemed to have no memory of their own origins. The most basic questions about their identity could not be answered. The best they could do was give goofy, unlikely first names, such as 'Kiki', or 'Bunny'. If pressed, the captured women would say something like:
"I'm a total whore for men with hard cocks!"
"Fuck me and I'll tell you!" Should the questioner actually perform the action requested, the women would say something similar to the first response.
Some of the mystery sluts where put under deep hypnosis to try to extract more information; but in every case, all that could be recounted where extremely detailed summaries of unprotected sexual encounters with random men sometimes without even an exchange of money. Many of these investigations fell into disrepute, as male police officials eventually fell prey to the continuous attempts at seduction by the neo-whores. I'd never forget the pictures that floated around the net of New York's new police commissioner with his dick buried in the ass of a naked redhead in his own office.
Women officers pretty much had to handle the mystery-sluts. These girls just wouldn't let up; if a guy didn't blast his dick into her just from her DD-boobs and hot young bod, she'd bombard him with neverending lusty promises. The trick was, they really weren't just Bimbos, these girls could be cunning and observant when it came to pure seduction. If a guy was shy, insecure around women; they'd pick up on it, tell him how virile he was. Problems with wives-slash-girlfriends, they'd give you a shoulder to cry on.
Of course, it was all a trick, to lure resistant men into fucking them.
I'd seen tapes of the most hardened L.A. vice-squad detectives just surrendering; allowing these naked young hussies to engage in full, nude intercourse with them right there in the interrogation chamber under the hot lamp.
Often without even any promise of cash.
It wasn't really about money; they were sluts for all men just for fuck's sake. Why, some wondered. What could have happened to erase these women's identities and make sex so important? But I knew. I had the missing pieces of the puzzle.
Then, there were the disappearances ... maybe. Rumors persisted that thousands of people, both prominent and unknown had been disappearing from public life with no warning. Yet every single investigation concluded that there was no cause for alarm, and no evidence of any disappearance. Some claimed that the wives and mothers of bank presidents and other captains of industry where vanishing; some tried to link this to the mystery whores; but the strange sluts where all uniformally young and sexy; seemingly having nothing in common with the stately matrons married to aging corporate elites.
Many people blamed drugs; there was supposed to be some new designer super-drug that turned women into mindless bimbos; yet the police could never uncover a single molecule of any such narcotic. Other ideas where some sort of super-powered, international criminal cartel of human traffickers; yet none of the mystery sluts could ever finger a kidnapper. They just wanted the questioner to 'finger' them - down there. So there must be a shadowy, global conspiracy ruining everything.
So what next? How does anyone take action against a mysterious conspiracy of unknown methods, composition, and extent?
You don't.
But people could protest Washington demanding the release of one more special investigation that probably won't have anything new to say.
But others could make political careers out of it. On the radio next came the proud voice of a woman known as 'Recall Rita' She was a new, freshman Member of Congress from a district upstate from me. The man she'd replaced had become a slow-witted, forgetful stumble-bum that had lost the State several juicy infrstructure development contracts, and had been all over the net with his dick buried to the hilt inside of these strange, neo-whores.
But 'Recall Rita' Potosi was after more than just his spot - she seemed to be the de facto leader of a new, groundswell political movement demanding the declassification of the Pilsner Report, and a clean sweep of Congress. TTBO - Throw the Bums Out; it was becoming a popular slogan.
" ... And there's a lot of support for our point of view!" She boomed over the radio. Middle-aged woman; but a lot of plastic surgery to make her more photogenic. Probably wouldn't be able to fix things; but there were many confused, frightened people pinning hopes on her, and the grass-roots movement behind her.
" ... as we take back Washingtonnnnnnnn!" the crowed roared.
Yes, everyone seemed to feel that something was very wrong; but few could agree about what, how, or why.
And of course, there were the aliens. Stories about flying saucers, anal-probes, cattle-mutilation. Here we ran into the real problem; if I tried to spread what I knew through word of mouth; it would be just one more of a dozen alien theories. My hard evidence was systematically ignored by mind-controlled media outlets.
Oh, and strangest of all? The Middle East had become completely peaceful. Yes, there were still dangerous factions with the wherewithal to commit savage bombings and murders of civilian targets; but somehow; every terrorist operation was just shut down before it could begin. No one seemed to know why. Intelligence reports indicated groups that actively planned violence; but something stopped them. The terrorists themselves either vanished, or when caught had no recollection of ever planning the attack. Peaceful Middle East? That's how you knew for sure the Earth was royally fucked.
If I considered the scope of the problem, it seemed insurmountable. I actually understood something of the 'Shadowy Global Conspiracy', and I knew I couldn't change anything unless I got realllly lucky, or found a game changer.
Perhaps that's what this call on my iPhone from one of my physicist professor contacts would be...
"It's you ... I ... I this is Hayden Farnsworth, remember. You gave me some full EM spectrum recordings you'd made of an unknown energy phenomenon ... and ... I was sceptical ... but not anymore." Oh yeah, I was getting to a dead-end using biology and chemistry; so I wanted to see if physicists could tell me more. It was the cocoons, really. Those energy flashes and pulses, what did it mean? I'd gotten lucky enough once to be driving the Van around with X-ray technology, full-spectrum imaging equipment, various infrared devices; anything I could come up with and buy on my lucrative inheritance to get some more hard data on what happened when those cocoons opened.
Fransworth talked in arcane terms about Higgs-Boson particles, tachyons, and neutrino decay rates...
"But that's not all I've seen ... I have ... firsthand ... physical knowledge of this phenomenon..." I decided to pull over to the side of the road to listen, wanting to give my full attention. The guy was agitated; frightened even. But he believed me!
"I think I have a definitive hypothesis." He took a deep breath. "The Chysalis of this ... entity - after a gestation period of one hour, will open revealing the adult form of an extra-dimensional entity; a being that cannot exist in our visible frame of reference. They don't seem able to interact with our world in this form; except to deposit their offspring. (And I knew what offspring he was referring to.) The flashes you saw were from a mature entity ... leaving our apparent reality for an existence of pure energy that our human senses cannot detect."
"Yeah. I had pretty much guessed something very close to that. I just wonder why now? How did they get here?"
"Yes! I can explain that!" This got my attention!
"The waveforms ... the particles that I detected based on your data ... which I confirmed with my own tests ... they are near perfect matches for sub-atomic particles being studied at ... The Large Hadron Collider!"
"Ohhhhhh ... oh yeah ... that operation in Europe ... where it all started ... yeah, I heard they had some trouble with that, something about superconducting magnets or something."
"They fixed that problem; and they entered a new stage of investigation; about a year ago." Farnsworth took a shuddering breath over the phone.
"By creating energy signatures identical to this ... this being ... I can conclude that they attracted ... something to our world. An alien entity that doesn't travel in big, science-fiction tin-can ships through interstellar space. They have a better way; A lifeform of pure energy totally unlimited by space-time or distance.
"But they are limited by matter. They just can't move or touch solid objects in our frame of reference. For that, they need a way in; they need to become solid again."
"Well, why is that important? If they were pure energy; do they need our little mudball for anything?" A part of me already knew the answer.
"Reproduction. Our planet is a suitable ... nest ... for their young; a place for them to lay eggs to propagate more of their kind. They chose us; they bonded with our species, melded with our forms and deposited their young on our world." Farnsworth insisted.
"Bastards; why did it have to be us, I wonder. Earth is a big planet; why not ... I dunno ... Grizzly Bears, or Tapeworms?"
"Because Grizzly Bears and Tapeworms weren't on site operating the Large Hadron Collider. Humans where. And they've deposited offspring that ... that take the shape of ... can't believe I'm saying this ... Highly attractive ... f-fertile human females."
"Oh yeah, welcome to the club, doc."
"Yes! They ... use this mimicry to entice human males into sexual congress with them; this gives them the food they need to mature through their lifecycle, into new adult-forms of pure energy. They deposit the next generation at the moment of their metamorphosis, leave Earth, and their offspring continue ... using the same ... female mimicry."
"Oh yeah ... and now I know what started it, and where. Grubs ... caterpillars ... devouring a garden. So it absolutely has to be human, male sperm for them. But how do we shut down a gigantic, high-tech facility in Europe?" I mused.
"I'm not sure it matters anymore ... I don't think new adults are coming through; The LHC experiments gave them the one chance they needed. Now they've already seeded Earth with their young, who have spread far beyond the original geographic area.
"I wonder if this isn't a strategy of aggression; find a species that might advance enough to be a threat someday; using the right kind of technology - go in ... lay eggs; the offspring mimic the target species ... seduce the target species ... they can take over ... upset the natural balance of mating rituals on our world. Maybe that's why it has to be sperm; with a compelling motivation to pursue human semen we ... as in men ... will have a motivation to both embrace them, and stop breeding with our own females. By hijacking sexual selection our race will be weakened, we'll ignore our own females; feed the aliens, they can conquer us without violence involved. Death and destruction would invite organized reprisals from an intelligent species, that could run counter to their interests." The physicist said.
"Yeah, a big 'War of the Worlds' might be too costly for both sides. It's clear they need ol-fashioned physical folks like us."
"And if the aliens started with limited numbers, mankind might win anyway, and they'd profit nothing. But this way, with a monopoly on mate selection they expand, we decline. They don't have to kill us, or destroy our environment. They just come to control it. And if the aliens control our world they can create an optimal environment for their own feeding and reproduction. And we may not survive as a race! " Farnsworth concluded.
"Even if they failed somehow, even if I found a way to beat them; there's no doubt the aliens will produce thousands, maybe millions of their own kind, growing their own population, at our expense! I guess that gets 'em the most advantages with fewest costs. Why fight us when you can fuck us?"
"And ... and there's more ... I've seen things! Found out names ... I've been in contact with other people in the know; people you probably haven't met yet, and I have evidence. Something absolutely Earth-shattering; a tape that you need to see which will - AHHHH" A loud clunking sound, a door opening.

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