SolaraChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 29
- 0
The investigators were proving harder to reach than Hank imagined. Mrs. Holland had almost been a setback. If he hadn’t heard of it early than it could have spelled disaster. Luckily Hank’s daughters had their ears and eyes out for the investigators in several schools.
Resting his hand on Lacy’s head—was she Maggie’s daughter? Or his sister’s? All of his offspring were getting hard to track in his head—he was consumed with plans. He knew he could just write in his book and make the investigators go away, but that wasn’t likely to fix the problem. His changes did affect the outside world occasionally. He was putting more people into the world who shared his ‘values’ and they’d slowly enter the real world. More female celebrities were already being found to get involved in pornography. None too big yet, but it was only a matter of time. But if he affected the investigators more would come eventually, as his little book only directly affected Mactown. It wasn’t a proper solution.
Lacy was deep into his groin, his cock choking her from the inside. He was pretty sure she was Anna’s. Yes, because Lacy was his first daughter twice over. He was her grandad and dad at the same time. Whenever he saw Lacy, he was reminded the extent he had to change in reproduction. Genetic inferiority was too high a risk to ignore, so he had to make it so genes that were too similar were randomized, avoiding recessive and dangerous traits. It also ensured genetic and physical health.
Some of his prouder accomplishments were those in health. It was cheap and easy to rear kids even for the young teenagers and new health advances in transplants made surrogacy an option even for pregnant girls who didn’t want to be pregnant anymore. Though that seemed to stretch the little book’s incredible abilities a significant amount. Hank found it was easier to write in the small steps to get to the large ones, rather than take the massive leap. That way there wouldn’t be such intense changes and even damaging changes. That’s how he came up with hormonal treatments for girls who seemed to miss the good endowment his book provided. It was a powerful puberty enhancer and accelerator, and all almost naturally.
Lacy was a particular accomplishment to him because of how inbred she really was, and she still came out so well. She shared just the right genes with the rest of his family, so they still looked similar, but the dangerous ones were randomized so any physical or mental health risks were negated. It gave him free reign, which only meant it was harder to keep track of who belonged to who in his harem family. At forty years old, he knew he should have drawn up a family tree a long time ago. Well, better late than never.
Kyra couldn’t decide what she was going to wear for her date tomorrow. She was planning on something simpler, nothing too suggestive. But she had her doubts. The way Rachel was dressing made her think maybe she should be more daring. Kyra never had a boyfriend before, and she didn’t want to screw up a good thing. Rachel got guys all the time, so maybe Kyra should dress more like her sister.
But no, she wasn’t ready for that. Rachel was so intense already, could go so far. Kyra hadn’t ever done more than kiss a boy. And Rachel and their dad...
Kyra tried not to think about it. Very confusing thoughts clattered around in her head when she thought of them together. It wasn’t fair. She’d always thought her dad was hot, and Rachel got him first. But now seeing what he did to Kyra’s older sister, maybe Kyra was the lucky one. At the same time Rachel seemed to enjoy her second-class status.
Who could enjoy being treated like that?
Kyra wasn’t sure. She knew her dad was taking more and more glances at her, deep longing stares she couldn’t ignore anymore. It made her privates feel funny. But that was her dad! It was so wrong and disgusting. And she had a boyfriend anyway. But then why did it make her feel ... so much desire. She couldn’t ignore the itch she felt either.
It didn’t matter. Rachel had their dad all tied up. And Kyra wasn’t old enough for a few days anyway, she could just have fun with Riley. He was a sweetheart anyway. He bought her flowers, always had coffee, and made her laugh. Plus he was so ambitious, thinking about doing real good in politics and business. He was a little too forward and physical for Kyra’s liking, but no one could say he didn’t give her the amount of attention she wanted.
That settled it. Kyra was thinking too much. She could just wear a light jacket over a shirt, and some jeans. This weekend was going to go great.
The forty dollars was on Mr. Farrell’s desk, crumpled up and frayed from being in his pocket all day. That’s what Rachel was worth. Forty dollars. What her time was worth. She bet professional prostitutes got paid twice that much. But she was inexperienced, maybe it made sense that she make a little less. After all, it was a lot more than what you made at a minimum wage job.
It seemed to her that Mr. Farrell got to decide how much time that was. Men always got to decide how much time. Rachel wished that would bother her but sitting on her old kindergarten desk letting her old teacher take photos of her naked body, she found she didn’t mind giving up that right.
Rachel had remembered Mr. Farrell as a cute middle aged balding man with glasses. And he always wore sweater vests. About a decade later he was still very much the same, but he didn’t seem as old anymore. He had a neat brown beard with greying hairs on the sides and he still wore the glasses and sweater vest.
Rachel never imagined she’d have sex with him. She’d never even had a romantic thought about him. it seemed to her a testament to change now that she was here. Taking cash for sex. Her dad had been very adamant about servicing Mr. Farrell, despite Rachel’s objections. For one thing she was skipping school and she was already in trouble for missing class, and she was starting to worry about her grades. Not that it really mattered, her teachers kept her grades up as long as she served them as they liked. They did get mad at her when they skipped their classes to have sex with another teacher. Her dad pointed out to her it was a half day anyway, not that important, and that she should be able to catch up on schoolwork during her free time. As if she had free time.
She also told her dad it was way too risky to do it at the elementary school. Plus, she couldn’t imagine sleeping with Mr. Farrell. He was just such a sweet old man. She was shocked he solicited her dad in the first place. But her dad said that it was important to do favors for family friends. He said it would be greedy of him and the family if they kept Rachel all for themselves.
After not seeing him for around a decade Rachel realized Mr. Farrell wasn’t such a sweet old man after all.
He was taller than her by almost half a foot and leered. When she came into class as a ‘visitor’ she realized how much his eyes wavered towards her. Things really came together when she remembered the random teenage girls that would visit the class when she was his student. In any normal community this man would have been arrested a long time ago. Rachel was sure he deserved it. But sitting here she couldn’t help but shudder in anticipation of the illicitness of it all. She had to resist the temptation to lick the cum on her face.
Between photos with his digital camera, he handed her slip of something, “Hold his up next to your face.”
Rachel looked at it. It was an old photo of her from when she was in his class. Probably right out the yearbook. She had pigtails and was giving a big toothy grin.
“You want me to hold this up for the camera?” while she was naked, and her face covered in his semen? This guy was seriously perverted.
“Make sure you smile.” He gave one of his own and continued taking photos.
Rachel did a few more simple poses and her old desk. She spread her legs for him, made a few kissing and winking faces, some scared and pained faces, and of course plenty of smiles.
“Aren’t you worried about when they come back?” Rachel asked.
The kids had gone to lunch, and it had been almost twenty minutes by now.
Mr. Farrell shook his head, “No, lunch I gave them an extra-long lunch today. We have plenty of time.” He put the camera on his desk and grabbed a small video camera that he set up pointing towards Rachel.
He freed his erection from his pants, which was still hard from when he absolutely obliterated her throat ten minutes ago. Rachel was astonished by the size. It was almost as long as her forearm. She couldn’t believe she’d taken that thing all the way down her throat. She’d almost blacked out several times. Not that it was uncommon. She’d really learned how to take giant dick in the last year, no matter how much it hurt or how impossible it seemed. It’s not like the ones fucking her really gave her any other choice.
“Clean your face,” he told her.
Using her hands, Rachel wiped the cum on her face into her mouth as best as she could. It tasted better than she expected. People in Mactown just had good tasting cum for some reason. But really, she liked cum in her mouth because it was gross, and it turned her on about as much as anything. She let it all pool in her mouth which she obediently showed him. Men liked it when girls pretended to be their sex toilets. And Rachel liked what to do anything that men wanted of her. She hated that she was so easy, but the attention, the touching, the sex. It was all too delicious to resist. Rachel swallowed his semen when he told her to.
Mr. Farrell came up close. He took a big sniff of Rachel’s hair, sighing with content. This guy was definitely a creep. He put his finger on her bottom lip and opened her mouth.
“Show me your tongue.”
Rachel did.
Mr. Farrell’s old face leaned in close, and Rachel thought he was about to kiss her. Instead, he stuck his tongue out and gave her tongue a big lick. Then another, and another, and another. He kept going, moaning and groaning. Rachel started to whimper. His tongue was all over her mouth, it was weird how the saliva was being distributed, dribbling down her chin and wetting her lips. It was also kind of gross and started to turn her on all. Just like everything else. Why couldn’t she just get control over herself just once.
She felt his mushroom headed cock prod her wet cunt. It practically vacuumed him inside. Of course, Rachel understood that she couldn’t control herself because deep down she didn’t want to.
“Try and be gentle, you’re so big you might rip me in half,” Rachel said with a nervous laugh.
He gave her another lick, “What do you think I’m trying to do?”
He filled her up completely. Rachel didn’t understand how every cock felt like it fit inside her up so fully, while also feeling so twisted and wrong. Every time she got fucked her insides churned and melted. Deep down her body knew what was happening to her was wrong.
But if old men fucking fifteen-year-old girls was wrong than she didn’t want those men to be right.
They were joined at their genitals, his balls resting on her ass comfortably. He was all smiles. Rachel was panting from the exertion of accommodating his girthy erection.
“Oh fuck,” he drew out almost completely and pumped back into her. Rachel screamed soundlessly from the pleasure and the pain. “I knew it from the very beginning. I knew you were going to be one of the sexy ones. But goddamn the wait is always so worth it.”
Mr. Farrell lifted her up and sat on the desk with her on his lap. Her weight pushed him even deeper, and her heart skipped a beat. Rachel put her arms around him but screwed her face up at him.
“Fuck, you were checking me out when I was your student?”
“Of course not,” He gave her a sharp and loud slap across the face, reminding Rachel of her place. “I’m not attracted to any of my students. Far too young. But I keep track of the ones I think will be the prettiest when they’re older. In fact, the girl who sits at this desk, I’m sure she’s going to be a babe when she’s your age.
Yeah, Rachel was sure this guy deserved to be locked up. But she didn’t have to do that, did she? He wasn’t hurting her. Actually, another slap reminded her that he was, but she deserved it. No, she wouldn’t get him in trouble because it really wasn’t her place. And if she got be fucked while he walked free that was just a benefit of being accountable. Let that be someone else’s problem.
“Your sister, she was one of my students too,” he said before latching his lips around Rachel’s stiff nipple.
Rachel panted as he nibbled and sucked on her chest, sending tingles and shivers across her skin.
“She’s—she’s too young still,” Rachel said, breathing heavier and heavier.
Rachel accepted that she deserved to be a sex toy. Everyone wanted to have a pass with her, and she hated disappointing people. But she didn’t like the way her dad had been looking at Kyra. And she didn’t like how flirtatious Kyra was with her dad. Rachel knew it was Kyra’s choice, but still, Kyra was Rachel’s little sister. She was supposed to take care of Kyra. If she let people use Kyra the way people used Rachel, how could she call herself a good big sister?
“No, I don’t think that’s right. I read it in my book, she’s ready.” Mr. Farrell let out a big groan of satisfaction. He was pumping in and out of her faster and harder. And at the mention of Kyra Rachel could have sworn he got just a bit bigger. “God I’d love to be your dad. Breeding the two of you, making you swap my cum. I can’t wait to get your new sisters. Or do you consider them your kids?”
“Sisters and brothers” Rachel breathed.
Rachel had her eyes closed. She was getting close and talking about the incest babies she made with her dad wasn’t her favorite topic. They mostly just pretended her new brother and sister hadn’t been born the way they were and left the raising to nannies and babysitters. Mactown had a lot of them, so it wasn’t that difficult. Plus, there was a big community fund to help with the costs. It was the only way so many girls Rachel’s age could serve the baby making their dads wanted, and still live a normal life at school and spend time with friends. Or at least as normal as it got in Mactown.
Mr. Farrell latched back on Rachel’s nipple. He was really bouncing her up and down now. Her free tit was wantonly bouncing and jiggling, and her hair was waving as he pounded away at her. He slapped her ass and fondled her chest like some animal. He was pounding wave after wave of ecstasy through her body.
He resurfaced and brought her face close to his, his hand gripping her hair tightly.
“I’m going to ask your dad if I can breed you and your sister when you’re out of school. Yes, yes, I’ve decided. That’s what I want. I’m going to pump kids into your fresh accepting womb.”
“Oh fuck!” Rachel hated when people talked like that to her. She was already obedient but talk like that made her absolutely subservient. “Please don’t, I don’t want more kids.”
He slapped her across the face again, “Think of this like a trial run. Practice for when this town makes you into a little slut making factory. You’re going to give me my own daughters!”
Rachel’s vision went blurry as her body shook from his thrusts. Pressure was building and building, and she could feel her nerves prime for an explosion. Rachel could tell he was close too. “Oh fuck! Oh FUCK! You’re going to make me have your babies? You want some daughters of your own to rape!”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” He growled in her face, the both of them staring each other in the eyes. “And I’ll make you watch. But first I’m going to rape you again and again. And your sister. Yeah, I’ll make you watch that too. Understand, you breedable little slut?”
“Yes! YES!” Rachel was almost crying.
“Tell me! Tell me what you want me to do to you and your sister! Beg me for it!”
“Please keep raping me! And my sister! She’s so breedable, just like me, perfect skinny girl great for pumping babies inside of. We won’t ever reject you because we shouldn’t! We shouldn’t even be allowed to say no. And I’ll ask my dad to say yes, I’ll beg him and suck his cock better than ever until he says yes. Then you can rape and breed us!”
Mr. Farrell groaned something unintelligible, and Rachel felt his semen splatter into her insides. She was close behind. Her nerves finally firing, the explosions of ecstasy spreading through her body in wave after wave of pure blissful pleasure.
The two of them panted together. Rachel leaned forward against him. Her pussy was soaking up his cum, greedily gathering what it could for its function of impregnation.
Mr. Farrell lifted her up and put her on the desk. He went to his desk and pulled out a binder. Rachel was barely thinking, still coming down from the high of her orgasm. She didn’t realize what he was doing until he had her bent over the desk, with the binder open in front of her. One section of it was filled with pictures of aging pictures of Rachel and Kyra.
“What they fuck? Where did you get these?” She asked breathlessly.
Suddenly, and at this point only just realizing Mr. Farrell was still rock hard, she felt his cock head at her sphincter.
“You’re dad obviously. Go ahead flip through there’s more.” He shoved his meat sword up her ass and Rachel stifled a scream as her colon was forced to accommodate his member.
He grabbed her neck and pulled her tight into him, using his other hand to start flipping pages for her. The earlier sections had similar progression photos of other girls he’d once called his students. They all had a last couple of photos where the girl was around Rachel’s age and in the nude. The later sections had notes and names a few yearbook photos of girls he’d taken note of. Many of them had notes signed from their dads, referencing promises and even asking suggestions of what the best way to take virginities would be.
It was so predatory, so creepy and fucked up Rachel couldn’t help but be disgusted to the point of nausea. But she was also as turned on as she was disturbed. She started flipping the pages. She recognized one girl she’d seen in his class today.
Now with a free hand available Mr. Farrell took a whole fistful of her hair and pulled. Rachel could barely focus on what she was looking at because he was so rough. The pain was intense and attention demanding. More than once she found herself closing her eyes and letting her body soak and relish in the delicious taste of being roughly fucked.
Mr. Farrell butt raped her until the very end, pumping another full load inside her backdoor. Rachel had to put in a butt plug so her cum in her ass wouldn’t leak and stain her clothes. The cum in her pussy had leaked as he fucked her ass, but Mr. Farrell had her clean it up with her tongue. And none too soon either. By the time Rachel had her clothes back on, daisy dukes and a white tank top, the kids were filing back into the classroom, ushered in by cafeteria staff. Rachel found she couldn’t look any of them in the eye.
Before Mr. Farrell continued the rest of the day’s class Rachel went up to him for the money. He took the old twenty-dollar bills and stuffed them down her deep cleavage, guiding her out of the classroom.
“You earned that,” he said, slapping her on the ass.
Rachel yelped as the stinging tingles spread across her body deliciously. He might not have been a sexy man, but he knew how to put Rachel in her place.
She left the elementary school and started her way back home. It was a quick twenty-minute walk, and the weather was nice for it. Cars passed by and men, men as old as her dad were telling her to take her clothes off as they passed. She didn’t, they were going too fast for her to give them what they wanted anyway. She had to get home quickly because her parents were taking Rachel and her sister to the beach for their half day and Kyra’s birthday which was in a few days.
She was worried about how her dad was looking at Kyra, and this was a perfect opportunity for him to take advantage of her. Rachel wondered what she often wondered, if the way they lived in Mactown was really better than the way people lived outside of Mactown.
She knew, she just knew, it was worse for women and girls here. It wasn’t written law anywhere or anything, but they didn’t have any say in the goings on of town. There were plenty of women in places of power and high level, high paying jobs, but it seemed there was a discrepancy between what they got and what the younger women were expected to do. Rachel felt like young girls had to run through the gauntlet of male gaze and lust before they could be treated like equals. Until they were older, Rachel and her peers were second class citizens, pieces of property or objects to be used until they served their purposes.
Cars kept passing by. Girls a little older than her waved and blew kisses. A few men called her a whore and Rachel knew she should be offended but was really only flattered they’d give so much attention.
But then what did Rachel know, she was just a freshman in high school, and no one seemed to be complaining. Girls seemed happy to give up their rights or power, happy to ignore previously held dreams or goals. Rachel wanted to travel the world and work in the foreign sector like her mom. She read books about history and wanted to do well in school and go to college. But when a boy shoved her face down and put his cock inside her, she was melted butter. They wanted to breed her? Great, nothing was hotter than serving her breeding function for whichever random guy wanted her. Why waste her time with big important issues, when she could spend all her time with legs spread wide open for free access. It was the best function for young women and girls like herself.
She was five minutes from home, about to turn from the main street and head towards her home neighborhood, when an SUV pulled up next to her. Inside was a group of senior boys from school. She didn’t know most of their names, but she recognized the driver as the window rolled down. His name was Tyler and the soccer captain. He had friends in ten different big peer groups and was easily the most popular boy in school. His girlfriend was a theatre girl who was absolutely stunning. Most girls were deathly jealous of her because of how hot Tyler was.
His jaw was to die for, he had black curly hair that just barely covered his face in the cutest way. His smile was dazzling, and he had a typical soccer athlete body that girls were constantly trying to catch glimpses of. But his eyes were easily his best feature. Powder blue eyes you just drowned in.
“Hey, your name is Rachel, right?”
Holy shit he knows my name!? Rachel was less infatuated than she was just stunned. How would he even know her name?
“Um, yeah ... I mean yes,” she quickly got out.
Oh, shit she forgot. Rachel quickly started pulling her shirt off. All freshmen girls were supposed to strip down naked if senior boys were around. It was a small symbol of subservience, but an important one.
Quickly he started waving at her to stop, “Hey now, it’s ok you don’t have to do that.”
Wow, nice too? Who is this guy? Rachel had never spoken to him, but rumor had it he was kind of a nice guy. Even asked girls before he had sex with them.
“Hey, we were just wondering if you wanted to come to a party at my place. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, not sure yet. There’ll be food and drinks and all the works, ya know? You should come by.”
Holy shit, he’s inviting me to a party? How many freshman girls got invited to senior parties? That sounded crazy. Was he for real?
“Umm, yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun. But I mean ... are you sure? I’m not really—”
He quickly shook his head, “Yeah, it’s no worries. You should swing by.”
“Should I bring anyone?”
“Nah that’s ok, you can come alone. I’ll text you my address and you can come by. It’s Saturday night.”
That sounded odd to her, like it would trouble her to bring someone. And wouldn’t he want more girls, for ratio or something. That’s just the kinds of things she heard older girls talking about. Did he even have her number? She didn’t think so.
It didn’t seem to matter because in no time the car was gone and Rachel was alone on the pavement, her tits hanging out of her shirt. This sounded like a practical joke to her, though he seemed serious. Rachel slipped her shirt back over her chest and made her way home, trying not to think too much about Tyler or the weekend. Saturday was tomorrow. Would he text her tomorrow?
She really didn’t have much time to think any more about it. She was home and her family was already packing the car up for the beach.
“Rachel! Finally, let’s go!” Kyra came scurrying out of the house and Rachel’s eyes snapped to her little sister’s chest. Her fat jiggling tits and ass were almost bursting out of the black bikini she wore.
Like Rachel, her dad, Thomas, wanted to augment Kyra’s chest. Unlike Rachel, he’d gone a different way and pumped his youngest daughter with hormone enhancers to speed up her development. Rachel’s mom, Lyn, had been worried about all the hormone imbalances and side effects, etc. It was all very technical, and Rachel didn’t know anything about it, but the doctors in Mactown were experts at manipulating young girl’s bodies and puberty. What came out in Kyra were a pair of full sized, impressively perky, breasts any woman would be jealous of. Rachel’s were firm, where Kyra’s were soft and squishy.
“I’m here, I’m here, let me just get my bikini,” Rachel almost made her way into the house before her dad stopped her.
“No worries, Kyra already packed your things,” Thomas put an arm around Kyra’s shoulders and looked down at her, a big smile down at her, eyes flitting towards her deep cleavage.
Kyra blushed and slipped from his grasp. She took Rachel’s hand and pulled her into the car. Rachel couldn’t pin Kyra down. She knew her sister had been spying on Rachel while she had sex, and she was definitely curious about it. But every time their dad gave her that stare, she got all fidgety and uncomfortable looking, scurrying away as quick as she could. At the same time, Rachel had been there when Kyra had asked their dad for the breast enhancements. She was practically on her knees begging him all while he denied her, saying she was too young and that he and mom weren’t sure about the hormones. Eventually, actually going to her knees and wrapping her arms around his legs and giving a pouty face did the trick.
Rachel and Kyra filed into the car right before their parents. Rachel was happy to let the time pass with her family chatting away. She took rest every chance she could. Her body needed it all the time.
Lyn was going on and on about work, Thomas listening respectfully. Kyra was talking to Rachel about her new boyfriend. Only he wasn’t really that new. They met on a long vacation a few years ago and stayed friends for a while. He lived close enough to visit often enough, but not close enough that he was within Mactown. Rachel wondered how long that it would last, but Kyra seemed pretty taken with him. That was fine with Rachel, more focus for Kyra outside of Mactown. But Rachel doubted it would workout. This town wasn’t very relationship friendly. Kyra was showing her pictures of their outings and praising how smart and funny and nice he was. He was cute and tall, Rachel had to grant.
What Rachel wished was that she could drive. A nice long drive by herself sounded nice. She could go for hours, and when she was tired of driving, she could park at the Classroom and bounce on some rich business guy’s dick until she was spent. Not that it had to be a rich business guy. She wasn’t picky. It’s just that was who usually went to the Classroom. In any case, she wasn’t old enough to drive. She had to be taken anywhere. Old enough to be gangraped by men four times her age, but not old enough for a driver’s permit, not even classes. Seemed just right to her.
Rachel wished the drive could have been a little longer, but the beach was never very far from Mactown. A quick thirty-minute drive and they were at the public beach. The parking lot was full, and the beach was busy. They’d have to do some searching for a good spot. Luckily her parents packed the umbrellas.
They unpacked the car and strode onto the beach. In a few moments they came face to face with the rules signage just on the beach edge. The rules were as typical as most people would imagine. Follow the lifeguard’s rules, no kids under the age of 10 without an adult, no littering, that sort of thing. But there was one central rule most people would balk at. For girls between the ages of 15 and 35, nudism required.
Rachel had only turned fifteen recently. And Kyra was a year from the cut off.
“Girls,” Thomas said an eyebrow raised, “What are you waiting for?”
“Dad, can’t we find a spot first, it’s a little ... public ... here,” Rachel asked. They were at the top of a raise on a wooden walkway with busy foot traffic. Rachel might have been a whore, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t feel embarrassed.
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Gay MaleWelcome to the next installment of my wonderful adventures. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoy writing it. After all, I sure did As always, you can read the previous installment. I reserve all non- electronic and commercial rights to this work. If it is illegal in your jurisdiction to read this work, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K ? Chapter 2 - By Brett Lynn LOVING, INNOCENT & VIRGINAL "Wake up! Wake up!" Miss K...
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Teaching The NeighborBy: Londebaaz ChohanUnlucky, Aryan got divorced only after couple of months of marrying his school days’ cock hiding pussy girl, Alkali. He was hardly 19 when he came to live in this quiet neighborhood. He did not know if the men and women in the block fucked or not but they sure did not produce any k**s because for almost a month living in this neighborhood, he did not see any k**s but of course a couple of grown up boys and girls were seen driving with moms to soccer...
For those who have read any of my other stories, each one is fiction. Not complete fiction actually, to tell the truth. Firstly, the main character is certainly not fictitious, and nor are the other main characters. They all start in scenarios of my life past, present or near future, with a person about whom I have fantasized. This helps add some realism. However, to date, none of these events have ever passed beyond the basic scene-set, the introduction, the situation. Here's hoping! It...
I am a 23 year old man with dark brown hair and eyes. I have a muscular build and a strong appetite for sex. Maybe too healthy. I can't get my mind off of women. No matter what I'm doing if I see a sexy women or my mind wanders, my cock hardens. I'm not sure why, so I've made an appointment to see a doctor to see if this is normal. On the day of my appointment I was rather nervous for obvious reasons. I sit in the waiting room apprehensively and jump at my name being called."Come with me and...
Quickie SexSitting down at the kitchen table, I pour my orange juice and pick up the paper. It’s finally Saturday; I can finally relax and spend time with my baby girl. We lost her mother five years ago and since then we’ve only had each other. We have gotten very close since. I hear her coming down the stairs. “Morning’ daddy!” Lexi greets me with a smile and kiss on the cheek. God she looks amazing, she’s only in a beater and running shorts. Let me describe her for you. She’s about 5’1’, tone, tan, 36 C...
Incest(All characters that appear in this story is more that 18 years of age since this takes place several years after Dawn of the Dragon.) How do we start this adventure? Who do we follow? Will it be our heroes, Spyro and Cynder? Or do you wish to follow side characters like the Guardians or even OC characters? Note, you don't have to stick to one character. This is simply the point of view you wish to start from.
BDSM... I remembered the tempting voice of Bria 'I bet you squirt don't you? The quiet ones always do'. Too long had it been. I was sure that I'd peed myself, but as I looked back through jolts of pleasure, I saw my sweet, clear liquid squirt from my pussy onto the dildo and Gina's stomach. She started pumping the strap-on harder, deeper inside of me. "You better cum all the way bitch! I didn't wait this long to break you off for nothin'!" Gina had lost it. I was convinced. It didn't matter though....
BisexualI am from Rajasthan My name is Sanju age 24 yrs. Live in Jalor dist and study in jodhpur Coming to story 2yrs back my cousin brothers marriage was settled so I was Lasked to come home for the arrangements at first 5 days I was busy in giving cards to our relations all about 30 villages and all other cousin were busy in other preparations and in our joint family my cousin Nisha she is 22yr Is very close to me she is very friendly to me as only 2 days left all our relatives came all our 3 houses...
"I'd cut a lotta deals, but none spiffier than this. I spared Kronika and she gave up the Hourglass. The Power to shape time and history to my liking? Oh ho ho, fuck yeah." Kano sat in what he liked to call his "Throne Room." Despite the name, it wasn't some fancy hall in a big castle, though he did have an amazingly comfy chair for him to sit on. Kano's Throne Room was a pocket dimension that existed outside of time and space. It acted as his private sanctuary and his hub to hop between the...
The penis is a fascinating piece of biological architecture. It’s so loaded with neurons that it’s no wonder the ongoing joke is ‘thinking with the little head’. It’s also fascinating how each of us responds to different types of touch, and I’m only talking about touching the dick. For some of us, incredibly light touch is incredibly erotic while a heavy grip is right up their with suffocation. For others, it’s the opposite: softness is bland and doesn’t register, instead needing a...
With football over and debate tournaments still a few weekends away, Jim scheduled a weekend to go up to help Debbie get the big inboard out of the water and do some other things around her lake place to get it ready for winter. And, more importantly, Jim’s father had decided that it was time for them to have a second car. With three drivers in the house, one car just wasn’t cutting it. So, he picked up a ‘62 Pontiac Starchief convertible with low miles (only driven by a little old lady to...
100% fiction! When i went on holiday as a child my aunt was very kind to me, so when i wanted to go to University, my parents suggested i stay with with my aunt Mary who a was now a teacher in the City school. My father took me to Aunt Mary his sister who said I could stop with her as she lived on her own in a nice area and had a spare room. On my arrival for fresher's week she said my country clothes were not too suitable so as she was still on holiday she would take me shopping for some up to...
IncestThis is part of an ongoing series of diary entries. If you want more background check out a few of my other stories especially “Dangerous Game,” “Changing the rules” or “A hot shower.” This year my husband and I found ourselves with no set plans for Thanksgiving. We had a mellow relaxing day, put the Christmas decorations up and made dinner. Late in the evening I got a text from Sean. He had finished his family dinner and was hoping to kill a few hours before heading home so he could avoid...
A hard day at work for two ladies, they want to relax, but how? No males around, not a big deal, a woman always knows perfectly what it takes to make a woman cum. Wild lesbian sex can surely compensate for men, sometimes….Once, when the work day was over me and my new woman secretary working her first day stayed in the office after long and hard working hours to discuss some subjects lingering over coffee. She was medium-height 25 year old girl, single, long black haired alumna. After the...
I first saw Chitra in college.She was the about 20yrs , 5’1″, very fair complexion.Her breasts were small and her ass was round shaped. The first time I saw her I couldn’t help but stare at her.It was like watching an angel ascend from heaven. I couldn’t concentrate in my studies because I kept thinking of her day and night. Somehow those horrible exams were over and our college day I was passing by the bustop when I saw Chitra standing there. I slowed the bike down.She also saw me...
IncestTitel: Warum? Autor(in): 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (C) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." Warum? ====== Warum habe ich diese Gedanken und...
WHAT WOMEN WANT – COMBINATION OF LOVE AND LUST !!! As i proceed further i request you all to read my story in isolation away from noise,people and other destruction.i want to know real emotions in terms of lust(hawas) or love (pyar) in your if you are in noisy place close it and select half hour isolated to give justice to this wonderful moment of my life.i will not say it is real or imaginary you decide it.those who want only erotica or lund and choot style or ahhh or ohhh kindly...
From the shadows of the doorway, Dale looked into the candlelit room and gazed upon the beauty of the young goddess like creature who adorned his bed. The other women in his household had done their best to prepare her for her entry into womanhood. Angelina and Louisa had grown especially close to Lizzy seeing her as a younger sister, while Georgette had accepted her completely treating her as if she were another daughter. It seemed that each of the women he considered to be a part of his...
I don't know why I brought it up that night. I had thought of it many times, but I guess the frustration and the wine had pushed me to it. Ellen and I had not had sex in almost two years. I masturbated, but no intercourse or oral sex. Plus Ellen still looked fantastic, although she went to great lengths to not be seen nude by me. Her breasts were still firm and at 36 C they were beautiful. She still had an hourglass shape, and her larger hips balanced any thickness around her...
My Brother, My Sister – Part I By Michele Nylons Note : This story is completely fictional! I wrote this story originally under the title “Be Careful In the Park” about an older crossdresser who meets a street gang in a park and gets more than she bargained for. There was no incest in the original version. I like this version better as it includes all my peccadillos: incest, crossdressing, nylon fetish, and forced sex. A warning to those who find those subjects not to their taste. My God! I was...
IncestIt has been almost a week since we saw each for the first time. I have never had an internet conversation with a stranger before. You were webcamming and I stumbled across your darkened room one day. Night for you in London and day time for me. I don't know what attracted me to stop at your room when there were another nine hundred to choose from. I couldn't see your face. The room was dark. But I saw enough of you to stop and say hello. My god you were sexy! No sound. Just typing. You were...
ExhibitionismAna and a pair of gay guys My loving Victor was out of the town during that long weekend and I really was starting to get bored home alone, but then my old friend Jeremy called me. He invited me to take a walk that Saturday night and of course I accepted in delight.My good friend was younger than me, a handsome guy, polite and a real Gentleman, fire in his eyes, a nice thick cock, but… he was gay…That night I made my best to get sure I was looking good. A short black silk dress and a pair of...
Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....Your Mom's in porn now...It all started pretty innocently. I was back home on summer break from college. I was walking our family dog. I just turned the corner on my street. "Beep! Beep! Hey Buck. Long time no see." said a guys voice. I turned my head toward the voice. "Hey dude. What's up?" I said. It was Small Daryl. He was a friend from high school. We used to hang out all the time in school. It's been close to two years since I seen him. His real name was...
Introduction: No sex in this one, just punishment… but hey, if spanking is a fetish… then this is your deal. Daddy sent me to bed with no dinner at 8pm that night. My little sister Abigail came home shortly after we did and was all smiles when she found out I was in trouble. She was sucking up to my Dad all the way until I got sent to bed with a sharp smack to my bottom for complaining, to which Abigail giggled. I was told to expect a punishment the next day. During the night I tossed and...
It took longer than I expected to get Dave and Andrew out to my place, but we finally hit a date that all three of us were free and nothing last minute happened. The boys managed to stay fully dressed. Ivan grilled a couple steaks. Dave and I sat in my den and drank a couple good scotches until Andrew arrived. Dave took one look at him then glowered at me. "Alright, John, what gives?" "Sit back and drink your scotch, Dave. You're gonna have to give on this one." "Like...
Hi friends!!!!Ye meri 1st sex story hai to please apne reviews zarrur de aur galti hoye to maaf kar deein and unsatisfied girls and aunties are free to mail me full satisfaction will be provided and privacy will be kept always for you to chalo ye baatein baad ki main aapko meri real life story sunata hu jo meri kaam wali ki hai jiski jabardast chudai hui Main gandhidham ka rehne wala hu aur ye bas kuch time phle ki baat hai jab hamare ghar me nayi kaam wali rakhi thi usse dekhte hi lauda uchal...
Were you like me and went through a Japanese girl fetish in the early 2000s? That's what I found on this website. The tits are ten out of ten, and the ass is eleven out of ten, and if I'm one hundred percent honest with you, this brought me back to some of my first years of internet porn mastery. If hot busty Asian babes are your thing, you'll love I was one of those mother fuckers that always had a thing for big Asian tits. I think it started when I saw Tila Tequila on MySpace, but...
Asian Porn SitesKarlee Grey is the adorable girl next door that everyone thinks is sweet and innocent, but once you’re behind closed doors she turns into a good little whore that’s hungry for cock. She’s looking sexy as ever in her tight red body suit that shows off her perfect ass and can barely contain her huge rack! Karlee prides herself on her amazing cock-sucking skills and man she doesn’t disappoint, this young slut chokes and gags on Prince’s BBC but that doesn’t stop...
xmoviesforyouPart two of my fantasy story about sexy Serena. “I…err…what a question!” Phil blustered, blushing . Serena sat there calmly with an amused smile on her face. “Look, this game is not going to work if we don’t answer questions honestly. Why don’t you just be honest and tell me – you never know where it might lead”. Still taken aback by the blunt line of questioning but tantalised by what Serena had just said he decided to play her game. “Well, errr…since you ask, I was going to get her to...
Say Thanks to LordDragon65 for this smile: Some of my friends need Preparation H. The rest are perfect assholes. Some of the first group use the generic version, they are cheap assholes. Some of them grab the tube out of the medicine cabinet and mistake it for the toothpaste or denture cream, those are either blind assholes or dumb assholes. And if they end up actually using it that way, they’re tasteless assholes. My roommate, @DrakeSteele just told me that he realized he’s not only...
CHAPTER SIX --- THE SALON & THE SECOND DREAM 1 A few weeks later Jason arrived for work in medium heels, low cut, patterned blouse and women's trousers, his lips as pink and glossy as ever. He was surprised to find Kelly in his office. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Morning, Jenny. Fetch us a glass of juice each and we'll talk about it." "Huh?" "Hurry. I'll not tolerate slackness." What the heck was going on? Jason thought. He reached into the small fridge and...
When tight bodied beauty Avery Cristy takes forever in the bathroom, her snoopy stepbrother has a feeling that she is up to something sexy. When she finally comes out, he discovers that she has been fucking herself with a dildo the whole time! She sucks his cock to get her big dick fix. Later, Avery catches her stepbrother jerking off while watching her enjoy some self love of her own. They bang it out to get the nuts they have been looking for. A couple days later, Avery finally cuts it off...
xmoviesforyouAfter weeks of sitting in front of the computer buck naked, with her fingers in a frenzy . . . manipulating her pussy and apple-sized titties . . . being the voyeur that she had learned to be . . . it was time to branch out and get some real pictures of her own friends or school mates. The craving began a few years earlier when she began watching the lump in boy's bathing suits before and after they went swimming. With younger boys, it was just a tiny protrusion...
My name is Tony and my wife and I have been together now for seven years and are both 31. We have just bought our first house in a quiet area of Sussex. Both of us work hard and between us we earn enough to consider ourselves well off. Because of work and unpacking it was quite some time before we actually got to meet any of the other villagers; and as our house was about a hundred meters from our next-door neighbors, we hadn’t even bumped into anybody. It was two weeks before we met anybody...
We Need Some PAs 3 Emma was surprised, the initial fear of being exposed subsided quite quickly, she had worn cycling tights before this wasn't significantly different. Then she became aware of the bra she was wearing and gazed at her hands with the striking polish, yes that was different. Paula had never worn such clothes outside, as the breeze caressed her legs and more importantly around and under her top she felt very exposed. However apart from these feelings and having to...
“I just came to get some of my clothes, you know I still keep stuff here right?” He nodded and reached for the nearest pillow off the couch shielding his dick from my eyes, like I hadn’t just seen it. “I-I’m sorry you had to see that.” “Me too.” I smirked. “Now can you get some fucking pants on.” I didn’t like Donnie very much. And maybe that was because he’d fell in love with my mother and not me. I walked up the stairs grabbed the green dress of the hanger and placed it on the bed. I wanted...
I finally get to the library, you've been waiting for me, .... I get study room 304, as I planned ... and we go upstairs ... you walking behind me, I can feel your stare on me ... I unlock the door, and we go inside, put our stuff down, and you say ... "look at you, with that little top on" as I take my sweater off ... you say, "let's see" and I, feeling a little bit shy about it, but wanting your reaction, wanting you to want me, I do a little twirl around so you can check me out ... you...
This is a true story. My wife, Patty, and I are both white. Unlike a lot of stories I've read where the husband claims his wife is a knockout beauty, my 5'3" wife is an older woman, still very cute, but with less than perfect body. In her mid-fifties, Patty's figure has gotten a bit thicker with age. Her melon-sized tits now sag slightly and her well-rounded ass is a bit too big. She has wide curvy hips and her thighs are fleshy soft. She once joked, "Her body is built for comfort, not speed,...
My little sister is sick. Some people would say I was even sicker, because I take advantage of her. No, I mean physically sick, not mentally. Though some people might say she was mentally sick too. You see, my little sister drinks pee. Yes, pee. Piss. Urine. You know what I mean. You see, she doesn’t drink it because she likes to, but because she has too. No, that’s wrong too. I didn’t mean to imply that she didn’t like it. Chrissie likes to drink pee,...
Kate gently stroked Rick's cock through the thick fabric of his jeans. The movie they were watching had not raised their interest enough not to be interrupted by her groping his package as a sign of lust. Boring or not, rare were the occasions where a movie would keep them from fondling each other after more than twenty minutes.Kate unbuttoned Rick's jeans and freed his growing manhood from its cotton confinement. She laggardly pumped it, clenching her fist around it harder each time. They...
FemdomDay 1 12:16 P.M Cameron pushed deeper into Kristen’s taut asshole. He loved bringing her to his home for a quick romp every time the opportunity arose. Fucking his personal assistants was something that he had done for most of his career as a lawyer. He changed them every year because he loved the variety. Some have been known to stick around for two years, and that’s only because they were actually good at their job. This time he got a red head, and damn she was fucking hot. He knew she was...
October 1977 The school year was progressing. I was doing OK in all my classes, except Spanish, where nothing I did seemed to bring my grade above a ‘C’. That was the only low spot, though. The school newspaper was keeping me busy, as was Chess Club. And of course, working at the deli. I was finding time to hang out with Jennifer and Larry, and was doing my best to flirt with all the cute girls in my class. There were a couple of super cute 8th graders who were on my radar as well. We had...
My work required me a week away from home; it entailed a long 6 hour drive with a few nights in a motel; during the day multiple meetings. I knew it was to be tiring, but all the same I was looking forward to the trip away. I set off early in the morning and made good timing along the route; the road was good, a relatively quiet highway. In the distant past I masturbated when driving, but now that I am older I refrain from this, as it is a little dangerous. But I am not too far away from...
Em@il to God: by DebWeb Authors note: This is a philosophical tale; it is in no way intended to offend any person of a religious persuasion. There is no sexual content within but if your religious sensibilities are easily offended then I urge you not to read this story. You have been warned so please do not complain!!! Just click on to the next brave contributor. Hey! I was fed on a diet of BBC programmes in my childhood. Where is the ITV channel? Oops, who's got the...
Wendy was a married school teacher on the west side who taught English in the upper grades.She was known as a tough but fair disciplinarian by her students and highly respected by thefaculty. Although relatively happy at home, she became bored by her husband's infrequent fairassfucking where she rarely came, and began to fantasize about being fucked proper by somenice hard strong cockmeat.One afternoon after school session had let out, Wendy had two of her students, Todd – who wasa footballer,...
It’s not easy growing up with a sexy mother. It messes with your mind a lot. Sexiness is not a quality you want readily to associate with your mother, who should really represent something far more wholesome and reassuring. The mind of a teenage boy growing up is full of enough confusion as he starts discovering women and sexual urges without them being tied to thoughts and feelings about his mother. The breasts that once fed you as a baby should never confront you in later life barely...
IncestMasala Desi! Let’s agree on one thing, besides the essence of porn in our lives that is the factor that it’s not every goddamned person's schedule that allows them to meet up with friends or even engage in the normal chit chats with friends. The good news for such people from the Indian race being that Masala Desi has created an opportunity for them to participate in basic discussions on things like football every day in forums. Besides, there is more interesting shit to do here including...
Porn ForumsSarah's decision Sarah spent a restless night. It should have been an easy decision. Who would want to be a slave, no less than slave? She would be a human cow, subject to his whims. On the other hand, she would continue to be involved in his business, working on deals far larger and more exciting than anything she could ever hope to touch otherwise. But her ability to produce milk would diminish and stop after, perhaps, fifteen years. What would happen to her then? Would he free her or...
My name is Adaeze, am 30 years old, am married, my husband is in Europe. I am fair, slim, and tall and my stats are 34 28 32. One day my neighbour came with her daughter who was in class 12 and asked me to take science tuitions for her as I was a science graduate as she requested very much and also I did not have much work to do as I was staying alone in my house. So I accepted. Soon more students started joining.It was only one more month to exams and regular students only came once in a week...
“Oh my God! Give it to me, hard!” Amy pushed her buttocks back into my thrusting penis. She loved it doggy style. I pumped into her as hard as I could. I felt her shaking as she climaxed.“Ohhhhhh! Oh, Mark, I loooove it just like that!” It had been a big orgasm. Something must have really set her off. My wife cums easily, but this had been a whopper.I withdrew and turned Amy on her side. She was still breathing hard. I got between her legs and slid my penis back into her juicy cunt.“Honey, that...
After my encounter with Lavinia in the hot tub at home I had to return to school when my summer vacation was over. I got back into the swing of college life, always thinking back upon our two nights in the hot tub. Lavinia and I had managed to meet several more times. I actually went to her home about an hour away from my hometown. It was all very good.I was just over twenty years old and I was in good shape you could certainly say. I was feeling very horny during that semester and within a few...
Group SexHi to all readers of this story and first of all I wanted to say thank you for selecting my story to read and I hope you will enjoy it. I wanted to clarify that this is not a fictional work it’s a real story of my own. This is my second and real sex experience. It’s all started when I was 18 years old and in my 2nd year in graduation. I am 5’7″. Normal built and fair whitish color. No doubt I am a smart guy at present my age is 30, in my family. I am the only child, father is in business and...