AMP Reviews
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"Bitch?" the Wench queried, "I don't understand..." The pair were in the restroom off Armand's suite of offices, cleaning up. Sharon was just heading into the stall, and the Wench was arranging Sharon's clothing on the sink counter and a couple of coathooks arrayed along the wall. "What with everything that went on in there, you wanted to know about that?"
Sharon sighed. She thought briefly about closing the stall door, but if Felicia -- or Wench, or whatever her name was -- wanted to talk... Besides, Charlene had said that they'd have the place to themselves. She settled herself on the toilet, and began attempting to expel Armand's semen from her abused ass. Still, did she need to talk about this with a stranger? Ah, Hell with it! "Armand hasn't called me that since we were married. It used to be almost a term of endearment..."
"Oh." The Wench dampened a paper towel and began swiping at her pudenda. Semen was something she hadn't managed to collect, but she was gooey... "I can see that, from Master... It probably isn't even 'almost'."
"... Which only makes things more confusing." Sharon eyed the willowy redhead. "Why did you keep it to yourself that I was lubed?"
The Wench prepared another paper towel and brought it to Sharon to wipe her face with. Sharon took it, but didn't do anything with it; she was just too tired. The Wench pulled it back out of Sharon's limp grip and began wiping her face. "Master likes his fun, part of which is inflicting a little pain. Why get him excited over having a little bit of his fun snatched out from under him, when he'd already directed that I lube you with spit?" She eyed Sharon sidelong, "Do you always do that?"
"No. Armand told me Sunday that he was going to have me anally today. You never know when he's telling you something just to mess with your mind, but I figured a little preparation wouldn't hurt. Usually, he doesn't warn me about what he's going to do." She eyed the Wench, who had finished and leaned back against the sink counter, apparently thoroughly comfortable with nudity in front of another woman. "So, you live with him now?"
"I'm the lowest of the low in my Master's house," the Wench replied, "while you are its Mistress."
"What?" exclaimed Sharon. "I've never been in the place! And I probably never will!"
The Wench shrugged. "Perhaps." Sharon obviously didn't see it; so the Wench let it lie. "I'm a convenience for Master's guests, and an occasional vessel for his pleasure, when no one else is available. My position isn't exalted."
"He doesn't keep many," Sharon returned. "You're the only one I'm certain of." Almost, she was jealous...
"The house is fully staffed," the Wench returned, frowning in thought. "I can think of at least one other -- one of the maids... Master offered me my present position because he considers me a broken thing, someone he damaged too much to return to the wild. I disagree -- I've found something fulfilling..."
"Sounds wonderful," Sharon rasped, rolling her eyes. "I was his vessel -- still am, occasionally, obviously. But I didn't cater to guests... In fact, I've watched or been watched by others, but never..." She busied herself with wiping herself to cover embarrassment.
"Had someone else participate?" the Wench chuckled. "I'm not sure what that is all about -- but Master planned it. I was called for, specifically." She eyed Sharon, birdlike, "Why do you continue to come to him?"
Sharon rose, flushed, and walked to the sink. "He calls, I come. There are a thousand reasons, chief among which is that he doesn't really allow me any choice. And if I weren't already thoroughly bound, there is our daughter..."
"Do you love him?"
"WHAT?" Sharon was thoroughly taken aback, but was uncomfortable with the second wave of emotion that went through her. "We have... a lot of history. But love?" She shook her head, more in confusion than anything else. To change the subject, she asked, "Do you, uhh, do women much?"
The Wench grinned. "Sometimes. Women are gentler. They can be fun, and they're safe, and you can snuggle and talk girl talk afterwards. But they won't replace men. Even -- or perhaps especially -- men like Master." She tilted her head, and added, "You're not ruined, either."
"I suppose not. But why do you suppose he decided to do this today?" Sharon's panties had disappeared; well, it wouldn't be the first time. She stepped into her skirt.
"There have been some recent changes, haven't there? And maybe more in the offing? I think Master is 'shifting his grip' on you -- giving you new things to think about. Making some kind of point, perhaps."
"Maybe. It makes sense. I think he's trying to secure things against changes to come, maybe." Sharon worked her way back into the bra.
"I think so," the Wench agreed. "Certainly, it had nothing to do with me -- Master has MY destiny firmly in hand."
"He's had MINE for longer than I care to think about," Sharon grunted, working on her blouse buttons.
"But things are changing. That Master will do whatever he feels improves his position is a given, but it is also possible that he was working to improve YOURS."
Sharon was down to primping. Fishing out a comb, she began trying to get her hair in order. "Maybe. It certainly seemed like it." Then she turned on the other woman, suspicious. "How much do you know?"
The Wench lowered her eyes. "Quite a bit. I know he sent you videos of several old sessions, and that viewing them fostered quite a bit of unhappiness in you. I know that his intent is to remind you that the situation is basically unchanged -- only your perception of it differs."
Sharon glared. "How... ?"
"I was present when he got certain surveillance reports."
Sharon's imagination went wild; those sessions -- the ones where she was making very certain that Armand knew she'd followed instructions! Gawd, how much had she seen? She blushed crimson. "I was... following instructions. He made this horrendous threat..."
"I know." The Wench didn't pursue it. "The point is, I think he was trying to prove to you that whether you deal with it or tuck it away, you still have a relationship. And your basic methods of dealing with him probably won't change, either."
"Why do something new, then?" Sharon put away her comb and motioned toward the door.
The Wench preceded her out it and into the anteroom, collecting her cloak and swirling it around herself on the way out. "I don't know; I think it was instinctive. Perhaps introducing some change was a way to trigger a deeper analysis of the situation in you. It couldn't quite be the same old thing..." She pondered, "Master is subtle."
Sharon punched the elevator button, wondering vaguely why she was being so open with this woman. "Sticking his 'thing' in my ass is NOT subtle!"
"The action may not be, but why... THAT might have several reasons besides the obvious."
"I guess."
The elevator dropped fourteen floors in silence, opening upon the lobby. Sharon, who was going on to the parking garage in the basement, made no move, but the Wench got out, backing away with a curious genuflection. "Goodbye... Sharon."
"Goodbye, Felicia."
The Wench stepped forward and caught the elevator door. "My Master has seen fit to change my name. I am merely the Wench, now, until he again changes it."
"Armand can and will do as he pleases," Sharon replied, "but I'm not required to play his games when he is not present. Goodbye, Felicia."
The Wench stepped back smiling. "Goodbye." The elevator closed.
At school, the entire cluster gathered early. Stick and Draper arrived first, both looking altogether too pleased with themselves. Tenisha arrived next, Draper's greeting leaving no doubt as to the source of his mood. Nora arrived next, and approached the trio cautiously, but Tenisha welcomed her warmly. "Hi, Hon. How goes the wild animal training?"
"It has its ups and downs," Nora quipped, provoking chuckles. "At least I don't tease bears!"
"Teddy bears," Tenisha retorted. "Big cuddly teddy bears." Draper rolled his eyes and looked mildly put upon while Stick smirked. But a glance up from Draper caused Stick to move on without comment as he followed it to discover Mary as she hove into view, looking somewhat the worse for the wear. "You look wasted," Tenisha observed.
"I didn't sleep much," Mary replied, flicking a glance at Stick. "But it was worth it."
Nate's Chevette rattled into the parking lot. "That thing's on its last legs," Draper observed. He swept his eyes to Nora. "Sometime, he's gonna do the breakdown thing with you -- only it'll be for real!" There was a general chuckle.
Nate was tentative as he approached, "Sorry, Baby."
Nora enfolded him in her embrace. "Well, it wasn't good, but we survived, I think." Mary pricked up her ears, but Nora waved her off before her mouth opened. Nate merely closed his eyes and absorbed the cuddle.
Mary shifted her attention to Stick, asking quietly, "When did you leave?"
Stick's reply was equally quiet, "'Bout three. Hadda go change clothes. You was deep in..."
"You should have awakened me..."
"Nah. Woulda jus' disturbed ya. As it was, I got plenty -- didn't know what to do wit' myself, sleeping on a good mattress. Came wide awake." He shifted his attention, "Hey, Ted."
Teddy had been approaching warily; now he closed more confidently. "Hi, Stick, hi Mary. How's it going?"
"Oh, fine, fine," Mary replied blandly, doing a self-assessment. She was going to need a nap, but... "What are we doing tonight?"
Teddy's demeanor eased up quite a bit. "I don't know -- a movie?"
"Okay. No need to do anything wild, though -- we could just hang out at my place..." Mary was walking a tightrope, here. It was important that Teddy not go to more financial effort than Stick, whose resources were limited. But she couldn't appear to be setting a trap for Teddy, either.
Stick's "Mary's got movies," and the accompanying wink didn't help. Mary contrived to surreptitiously kick him in the instep.
Teddy started looking anxious, so Mary added, "Take a look and let me know what's on. We'll decide then." The bell rang, and the group started shuffling toward the door. Mary held Stick back; Teddy had moved off, nodding absently, no doubt thinking about where he could get a movie schedule. "We have to take it easy on Teddy," Mary remonstrated. "You know how anxious he gets around me. To him, my place is a bear trap."
"Yeh, I forgot."
"Still, if you can get him to feel more confident, it'll be easier. You know, remind him it's a competition..." Mary eyed Stick sidelong.
Stick grunted. "Is it?"
Mary shrugged. "Well, yeah, to a certain extent. If you two settle out and I have to choose..."
"This shit's complicated," Stick groused. "Why should I shoot myself in the foot?"
"You need to play fair," Mary teased, tweaking his nose. "Besides, it might keep peace in the family."
"Whose family?" Stick rubbed his nose.
"Ours," Mary passed over her shoulder, then moved off through the crowd.
Teddy and Stick contrived to stand together at gym class. "Fuckin' dodge ball sucks," Stick muttered.
"At least you can get out of the way," was Teddy's distracted rejoinder. "How did last night go?"
"Decent. Helped her with her math, then we had a couple of burgers an' watched some of Mary's porn collection."
"So you..."
"Yeah, twice." Stick grinned. "Look, Man, if you're worried about her runnin' things, then YOU gotta step up. If you're controlling things, she won't bother. An' things will go your way..."
"Well, this isn't last Saturday."
"No, but you got last Saturday under your belt. An' just 'cause I ain't standin' there... 'Sides, it's kinda a competition. You can't win if you don' play..." The pair leaped left to avoid an oncoming ball, Stick nearly bowling over the smaller Teddy. When they had settled to warily awaiting the next attack, Stick added, "Under the original plan I'm supposed to keep her off you, an' you're supposed to keep her off me. I'm doin' my job -- you gonna cover my ass, or what?"
"Yeah, I got it. She just..."
"She just nuthin', Man. You been in her crib, an' you got more time on the ground wit' her than I do! She won't bite!" Stick grinned and glanced sideways, "But she might suck..."
Teddy grinned in spite of himself. "Yeah..." The pair leapt to the right.
Later, in the locker room, Teddy turned to Stick. "What about the other thing?"
Stick toweled his leg. "Talk to Mary. I figure we'll do Friday night. Cool?"
"Cool." Teddy left it -- it seemed fair. They'd get to talk, if nothing else...
The girls sat for lunch. Mary opened with, "Nate's in the doghouse already?"
"Not really," Nora sighed. "He was actually trying to be helpful when he stuck his foot in it."
"Yeah." Nora looked around a bit. "I told you about the videos, didn't I?"
"The ones your Daddy made of him abusing your Mom?"
"Yeah. Those videos."
"Okay, so?" Mary eyed Nora sidelong.
"Well, Mom apparently went ahead and viewed a couple and, well, freaked -- so I sneaked a disk into my room and Nate and I scoped it out to see what was so awful..."
"Holy Shit! You're kidding me, right?"
"Huh! Wish I was! Nate and I watched two scenes, and they were hot, even if it WAS Mom and Daddy! Basically, they were everything Mom said they were -- Daddy is, well, seriously rough and kinky. But the really weird part is that Mom would start out trying to keep things from getting out of hand, but ended up enjoying it!"
"Damn! Really?"
"Yeah... And that's what weirded Mom out. You see, she never remembered the good parts! She'd go see Daddy, and he'd rape her, basically -- wild shit, tying her up and just doing whatever came to mind, I guess -- and she'd remember being taken against her will -- but she WOULDN'T remember breaking down and enjoying it! Then along comes the evidence, in living color!" Nora shook her head. "Well, Mom wasn't thrilled with THAT discovery. And Nate, well, let the cat out of the bag, trying to console her..."
Mary couldn't suppress a snicker. "Oh, shit!"
"Yeah. Worse, Mom has to go see Daddy today! She's a wreck!" Nora grimaced, "I spent three or four hours trying to settle her down, but she still hadn't gotten a grip when I left for school this morning."
"So, how much did THAT cut into your love life?" Mary quipped.
"Ummmmm, not a lot. We did it twice while we were watching the videos." Nora looked pensive. "I think I might be a chip off the old block."
"Well, we were watching this scene... Daddy had Mom all tied over a desk and was doing her doggy-style while spanking her ass. Well, Nate was doing me the same way..."
"No! Nate popped you on the ass?"
"Uh huh," Nora nodded. "He wasn't going for cherry red like Daddy -- he just liked the ripples from what he said afterward -- he loves my ass, you know." Mary grinned and shook her head. "So I let him do it. And it was okay -- I enjoyed it..."
"Sounds like he took it easy..."
"Well, he did. But it still stung, kind of built up slowly. Every time he'd hit me, I'd clench, which would make THAT part better, and the sting -- I dunno -- it just seemed to add to things..."
"Well, don't feel bad. Maybe it's a female thing -- one nobody mentions much," Mary opined. "I convinced Stick that maybe he ought to run things last night -- we were watching this 'Blacks on Blondes' flick, Big Black Dudes Dominate White Slut stuff, you know?" Nora didn't, but she nodded, anyway. "Stick started out reluctant, but once he got into the swing of things, well, it was nice not having to concentrate on running a seduction..."
Nora shelved the basic question as a new subject had revealed itself, "So Stick came back for seconds?"
"Uh huh." Mary grinned. "There'll be thirds, too. And I've got Teddy tonight, unless he sprouts some serious feathers."
Nora worked hard to conceal surprise. Of course, both of the boys could have decided that any pussy was better than none, in which case Mary was on the short route to unhappiness. Besides, there was the other issue... "What about their little thing?"
"We're looking at Friday night for another big get-together," Mary replied. "I'm starting to get a read on Stick; Teddy is the bigger question."
"You know," Nora opined, "keeping both of them is unlikely, at best. Even if you do, it's a share with their relationship. And they're never equal."
"What if I come out on top on both sides?" Mary challenged.
"You'll probably be unable to deal with it. Keeping both of them happy? They aren't even anything alike..." Nora frowned. "I'd be afraid that it would look really good, then crash and burn, fairly quickly."
"You sound like my mother," Mary grumbled. She assumed a nasal whine, obviously mimicking her mother, "All those two want is between your legs -- especially that black boy! And when something else better comes along, POOF! They'll be gone! I expected better of Teddy..." Mary dropped the impersonation. "Yada, yada, yada. What the fuck am I SUPPOSED to do?"
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I posted this god knows how many years back on Literotica under an old nick. Thought I had lost this until I was going through some old disks and found it. Having just reread it, and given it a bit of an edit, I though I might as well as post it. A Strange Romance. Although I was over qualified for such job's after I graduated, I could not resist accepting a post as an Internet operations officer for one of the high street retailers. With my qualifications I was offered better...
——————————————————————————— Chapter 1 The event that changed everything Lily and Tessa have been neighbors and best friends since they were toddlers. Growing up together, they both know most of each others secrets and can talk about almost anything together. Lily is the shy one and the follower of the two, sometimes shes embarrassed by Tessa’s brashness. Lily’s shyness and Tessa’s brashness has made their relationship work well. Lily and Tessa are both 18 years old still living at...
STRANGE WORLD by Geneva A dissolute English nobleman incurs the anger of an Italian Contessa and is changed to a woman by her book of spells. Through suffering and war a new life is made and love is found. The secondary character of Anna in this story is the main character in my earlier story, "Nun so Lovely". At least the wine and the food had been good. Inwardly fretting at the boredom and Conte Roberto's dronings, I watched as my wife Catherine and my sister Ophelia talked...
Strange Woman In My Shower I came home from a two-day hunting trip in the Montana Mountains. I had shot a good size elk, gutted it, and managed to drag it out of the forest on a plastic tarp. It was all I could do to drag it while taking several rest breaks. It would go a long way to filling my freezer for the winter. I was very tire, I was dirty as usual, and I smelled like a dead skunk. Sweat, campfires, and that damn awful smelling stuff that covers up my human scent does not do...
Author’s note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. If you feel offended by the subject, please skip to another story. Karen McAllister was furious. She had just received a phone call from the detective agency that she hired to spy upon her husband. An agent from Paris just informed her that for the last two nights a girl had been visiting her husband in his hotel’s room. This night as well she was there…for more than two hours....
IncestEd dropped in on Armand. "Boss, I don't think I should fuck this woman." Armand eyed him. "Why?" "If she gets a look at me, there will be problems, later." "You're not squicked, are you?" "Nah. Hell, Boss, if I was put off by a little recreational violence, I'd be long gone. It's just the complications. If you turn her loose some time and let ALL the boys dick her, I'll be in line with the rest -- but until then, I'll hold off." "Sensible," Armand nodded. "Witherspoon...
Also, I've got a plea for my female readers: Please, Please PLEASE, let me know if I overstepped or got it wrong. I'm a guy, through and through. I have no right to claim that any of the ideas or the sensations in this story are true or or even close to the mark. I'm just assuming, and everyone knows where that will get me. So do me a favor. If you're reading this and you have a problem, or maybe if you just want to help me out, then leave a message or PM me. I'd love to get your take on...
She had recently been recruited by an adult magazine to write a story on certain types of clubs. She had thought she was open minded but she had her eyes well and truly opened by some activities she witnessed while researching her story. Many times she found herself turned on by what she saw and upon her return home she relieved herself of 'tension' . Toni had not had a boyfriend for some months and she was not really missing the sex for it left her feeling as if she was missing...
I felt like a whore, a filthy one at that. I looked at him to see if I could remember his face, and I didn't. Great. I got fucked by a stranger. Diseases, here I come. I tapped his shoulder. "Do we know each other?" "Yes." he replied "Can you tell me who you are?" "We used to go to the same church as kids. But you moved. And then I found you. And we fucked." "Was it good?" "Want to relive it?" I nodded my head. As soon as I nodded my head, the dude started fingering...
"God, you're such a freak. Why don't you just go talk to him and get it over with?" Missy says, obviously a little sick of my growing obsession with the mysterious stranger who lives above our apartment. I just can't help it though. He's so.... mysterious... and strange. I gaze eagerly through my peephole as he approaches. I have to strain to make out his dark profile through the gloomy dusk but his silhouette is distinct. He walks with an easy confidence and a purposeful stride, as...
As she was making her way across a vast open patch of field the first cool drops of rain splashed down onto her shoulders and she breathed a sigh of relief. Still walking she took black elastic from her wrist and pulled her thick red hair back into a ponytail, feeling the light rain and cooling air on the back of her neck. A large drop fell onto her neck and trickled down the middle of her back causing her to shiver and bringing her out in goose bumps. A flash of blinding blue lightning...
Never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine sucking a total stranger off in an airport. From the moment she met Ted on the plane from Chicago, she ached for his touch and for his cock. Ted was really into her as well. He loved the way the fabric of her tight red business suit hugged the plump curves of her body. Now Kathy wasn’t fat but she defiantly had a few extra pounds. Ted liked big woman though. His wife was a BBW but there was something different about Kathy that made him...
I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...
I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...
Oral SexDo you get off to the thought of exposing yourself to total strangers? Or maybe you cream your pants when you think about someone running up to you and exposing themselves to you. Whatever the case may be, know that you are not fucking alone. There seems to be plenty of people that are into your kind of kink.Many of them are over on Here, you will find an abundance of users that want nothing more than to get off to content that will make you horny as fuck. If this...
Reddit NSFW ListExposed To Strangers! I’m often approached by fans on the street who ask, “Hello, Mr. PornDude. I’m a huge fan of yours. Would you be willing to sign my fleshlight? … Aww, thanks a lot. You’re the man. Hey, I have a question for you. You review so many porn websites, but what’s your favorite genre?” Well, that’s a tricky fucking question. One I can’t answer within the time restraints placed by a polite conversation on the street. So instead, I think it would be best to approach the question in...
Voyeur Porn SitesHolmes sat, and thought. The more he thought, the more maudlin he became; eventually he emitted a deep sigh. Almost in resignation he opened a locked drawer in his oaken desk; with care he slid it open and unfastened the tin that lay within. For a second he stared at the dried leaves, then as if motivated by some alien desire his left hand scooted across the leather desktop and snatched the oldest of his pipes. He needed clarity, ultimate focus, his friend was in danger. He, Ned Holmes, had...
There were LOST DOGS signs everywhere in Connecticut. Da Billion Dolla Princess’s dog had been missing for days now. Vince sat at his couch, waiting for a phone call about the dog Stephanie McMahon- Hemsley loved. He smoked his pipe, reading the newspaper when the doorbell rang. He got up to answer the door. It was Trish Stratus. She stood smiling, devilishly. ‘Hi Trish. Do you have any information about Steph’s dog?’ he asked. ‘No I don’t have anything but I have something about your dog,’...
This story is written by both Dice Casden and Kristi as part of the D&K Universe<, ****** In late February 2006, the WWE’s RAW brand is on a short four-day tour of the Philippines where they will be holding shows at the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City, Manilla. Because the length of the tour, the WWE’s front office made the arrangements for hotel accommodations for everyone, but placed the Superstars with fellow Superstars and the Divas with fellow Divas. Inside of one hotel room, former...
It was one of the finest country homes Jules had ever seen. “Fine,” she gasped, “It’s all beautiful, but we were living near the best swinger’s club ever. You know, the one where we met?” “Sure, Bobby’s Basement is a brilliant club,” Steve replied. “However to advance in the Paramedics I have to do time at a country posting. You know that.” He opened the sliding glass doors leading to the rear patio. “Come here and smell this air,” he said stepping out into the fading light of the...
What a loss! I thought our planet had one of the most advanced technologies in our galaxy but the fact is that more than half of the world has just died... Nefron has been one of the leading planets in our galaxy for centuries I just could not believe we lost so much through a small conflict with Zetch. Many of our soldiers were men, and now with the global population at an all time low, it would be a catastrophe if Zetch’s allies attacked, we would be defenseless. I felt uncomfortable...
What a loss! I thought our planet had one of the most advanced technologies in our galaxy but the fact is that more than half of the world has just died... Nefron has been one of the leading planets in our galaxy for centuries I just could not believe we lost so much through a small conflict with Zetch. Many of our soldiers were men, and now with the global population at an all time low, it would be a catastrophe if Zetch’s allies attacked, we would be defenseless. I felt uncomfortable...
Amy slowly steps out of the shower and peaks out of the door, still completely naked and dripping wet. She half hoped that she'd woke him up, but he laid in the bed still lost in deep slumber, completely unaware of the lust building inside of his young lover. Amy slipped back into the bathroom and started to dry off. It was still pretty early, so she figured she'd take a walk on the beach. She put on some sunscreen, to protect her delicate pale freckled skin before starting out. She...
It’s been a couple of months since that day the cute boy at work sent me a text to cheer me up. It was real nice and appeared to be the start of a sincere friendship. Tanner and I have spent hour’s texting each other about random shit, playing silly, finish the sentence type guessing games and have really been getting to know one another. We joke around a bit at work but really keep our friendship to ourselves… its a little taboo where we work, for us to be so close. Plus, he’s a lot younger...
[Don't forget to start the game! xoxo ~ Cindy ^.^] A friend of yours sent you the link. You thought it was another joke, a fake craigslist add, a mockery of the absurdity of the internet. But your friend insisted, and you emailed. And I replied. Almost immediately. I mostly spend my days alone in study, and this ad has been... well, you're not the only one who didn't take it seriously. So I've learned to always respond quickly. You text me, I text back. "I'm Cindy" I replied. "I'm Josh" You...
We'd told everyone that Marta and I were going to Kenya for a 'vacation', and though that was true, it was only true up to a certain point. We were going there for a vacation alright, but it was going to involve way more than sightseeing some of the sprawling nature reserves! The prime reason Marta and I were going to Kenya was to see to it that she came home pregnant...but not by ME, but by an African male (in fact there would be more than one 'donor'---there were to be three separate men...
Brenda took a seat on the side of the bed, and smiled at Dave as she looked him over. His breathing was heavy with lust and anticipation, and so was hers. He was hers for the taking, and knowing she had him in that vulnerable position with full control, had her wanting to do everything to him all at once. Chocking back her desire, she laid down next to him, and let her finger tips crawl along his landscape. His body wore the sun so elegantly, with the light providing a light shade on his chest....
Straight Sex