Some Very Lovable NeighborsChapter 3 free porn video

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Jack grinned, a little self-consciously, and stepped past Sue into the cabin's interior. The walls were constructed of unvarnished redwood, the ceiling was high, with exposed studs, and the furniture was old and comfortable, mainly rattan and old leather. There was a homey, comfortable atmosphere to the cabin, and the dim, filtered afternoon light added to its warm solidarity.

As Jack crossed the bare wooden floor, Sue shut the door and followed him into the mail living room. He could smell a faint, musky perfume, and the headiness of the odor made him slightly light-headed; images of candlelight and soft music and brandy in fine old crystal decanters flashed briefly through his mind. He shook his head, grinning his wry grin; hell, next thing you knew he would be getting romantic notions and half a hard-on, which would do him no good at all since Adie was miles away in Seattle - and Sue Mason was strictly out of bounds. Still, though, the lewd thoughts he had harbored about the voluptuous Mrs. Mason after making love to Adie last night returned momentarily; Christ yes, she would probably be one goddamned holy terror in bed, the way she walked, and smiled, and smelled was irrefutable testimony to that...

Sue said, "Did you have any trouble finding the place, Jack?"

"No, no trouble at all."

"We were sure you wouldn't."

"This really is nice of Bob and you, Mrs. Mason..."


"Well, all right... Sue."

"It's our pleasure," she said. She smiled warmly at him, and her eyes in the pale light were dancing with hot, sparking embers. "Would you like to take the guided tour now, Jack?"

"Yes," he replied. "Fine."

The cabin had four rooms in addition to the huge main living room. There were two small bedrooms, each equipped with a large double bed and a dresser; a tiny kitchen with a stove and refrigerator; and a circumscribed sun porch with floor-to-ceiling windows running the width of the dwelling, which looked out on an oblong, fenced-in rear yard with several pieces of lawn furniture and quite a few large shrubs and bushes. Beyond the fence were rolling sand dunes, extending for about five hundred years, and the dark, blue-black, white-capped surface of the Pacific Ocean.

Sue concluded the tour on the sun porch, saying, "You could work out here, Jack. Pull the bamboo blinds if the light gets too strong for you." She indicated an oval redwood table at one end of the porch. "You could use that as your desk."

Jack looked around. "Sounds great," he said. "Are there any electrical outlets here? I've got an electric typewriter..."

"Behind the settee there."

"Good. Perfect, in fact."

"Well," Sue said, smiling at him, moistening her lips with the tip of her tongue. "Are you planning to do any work tonight?"

"I don't know," Jack mused. "I usually do my best writing in the morning. I could work a little tonight, but I'd probably be wiser to get a very early start in the morning."

"Then you wouldn't be averse to having a drink with me, would you?"

"Why... no, not at all. In fact, I think I could use a drink after the drive."

"Would you mind doing the honors, sir?" she asked lightly.

Jack grinned. "Not at all."

She reached out and took his hand. "Follow me."

He allowed her to lead him back into the living room. The touch of her fingers on his hand had an odd, tingling effect on Jack; it was as if there were tiny, hidden electrodes beneath her skin, vibrating through to his flesh. He felt a certain dryness to his throat, and his eyes were on the undulating rhythm of her rounded buttocks through the tight orange shorts. Damn, but she was a hell of a sensual woman! he thought. If he wasn't married, and she wasn't married... well, there was no use thinking about ifs, getting himself all worked up over nothing.

There was a roll-out bar near the large stone-and-mortar fireplace at one end of the living room. As she slid the compact unit out of the redwood wall, Sue said, "I'm afraid we really don't have much of a liquor supply here. We seldom use the cabin."

Jack bent over to peer at the bottles. "Vermouth, sweet and dry; ruby port; and... what's this?" He lifted a large bottle of clear liquid from the shelf.

"Ouzo," Sue said, smiling. She was standing very close to Jack now, her hand brushing lightly against his arm. "My favorite! Do you like it, Jack?"

"I don't think I've ever had any."

"It's very good," Sue told him. "It's a Greek liquor. Tastes a little like licorice."

"Well..." Jack said dubiously. "How do you mix it?"

"You don't," Sue said. "It's served over ice. I'll get some from the refrigerator."

She moved away, returning moments later with a tray of ice. Jack had put two glasses on the bar face, and she dropped two cubes into each one. He uncapped the bottle and poured some of the clear liquid over the ice; almost immediately, its consistency changed to an opaque, almost milky one. "Hey!" he said. "I thought only Pernod did that."

"No, Ouzo does, too," Sue lifted her glass, waited until he followed suit, and then said, "A toast. To your novel, and its ultimate success."

"Thank you, ma'am." Jack sipped the drink, found that it did taste a little like licorice and that it wasn't at all bad; in fact, it went down quite smoothly.

"Like?" Sue asked.


"Shall we sit down on the couch?"

"All right."

They sat down. It seemed to Jack that Sue sat rather close to him. She crossed one slim, tanned leg over the other, tightening the material of her shorts into the sharply-defined slit of her crotch, making the folds of her pussy bulge out in bas-relief the brilliant orange of the material. She leaned forward slightly, holding her drink in one hand, so that a good deal of the creamy white mounds of her full, globular breasts were exposed to him - and just a hint of the ruby hardness of her nipples. He felt a slight flush start on the base of his neck, but he wasn't able to take his eyes from her provocative lushness. His prick spasmed once, twice, beneath his trousers with beginning arousal. Quickly, feeling a little ashamed, he took a long deep pull at his glass draining the Ouzo.

"I'll make us another one," Sue said, taking a healthy sip of her own drink. Before he could protest, she slid off the settee, took his glass, and went to the bar. She was chuckling quietly to herself as she refilled their glasses from the bottle of Ouzo. The liquor was one of the world's finest and most subtle aphrodisiacs, though most people were unaware of the fact; she'd been drinking it for a number of years, and knew the effect it had on the masculine libido after three or four. It increased her own Sexual fervor, too, though she could control herself if she felt like it; not that she was going to feel like it, of course. Yes Jack Rolfe was hers now, no mistake. She felt initial droplets of fluid begin to flow from the sensitive walls of her cunt as she thought about what would be taking place within the next hour. Oh, she was going to throw a fuck that Mr. Jack Rolfe would never forget. Never!

She carried the filled glasses back to Jack and handed him one. She was aware of his eyes on her, and she glanced every now and then at the front of his pants. She could see his cock pulsing there, jumping spasmodically from time to time, pushing his trouser material out briefly, and her cunt juices began to flow faster with increased anticipation. The second drink disappeared even more rapidly than the first, as she knew it would, and she quickly poured him another one. He didn't protest at all but drank thirstily from it when she gave him the glass.

Jack felt a warm, relaxed lethargy begin to flow over him. The drinks were beginning to have an effect on him, he knew that, but the feeling was so pleasant that he really didn't care. So what if he got a little drunk tonight? As long as he didn't get really bombed, so that he had such a hangover he couldn't work in the morning, why what the hell? Why not celebrate? The use of this cabin, and the philanthropy of the godsends that were the Mason's, merited celebrating; and, of course, it wasn't every day that a man had the opportunity of getting mildly looped with a woman as beautiful, as provocative, as Sue Mason.

She was really something, he thought admiringly. She exuded pure animal sex, like a kind of miasma encompassing her invisibly as she walked, moved, spoke. What he'd like to do, really like to do, would be to reach out at this moment and take her in his arms, kiss her, love her up a little... oh, not anything more than that, he wouldn't fuck her or anything, but Lord it would be nice to kiss those soft red lips, caress those hot-looking white breasts, tweak the nipples into rock-hardness, take each one in his mouth and roll it around and around his tongue...

He felt his cock jerk into sudden, instant rigidity, as if it were alive, as if it were straining for release from its cloth prison. He tried to will it limp again, to banish the lewd thoughts swirling in his mind, but it remained throbbingly blood swollen. Guiltily, his eyes went to Sue's face.

She was looking at the bulge in his pants.

And she was smiling with half-parted lips and fervid eyes.

"Why, Jack!" she said in mock surprise, mock reproof. "Whatever were you thinking about to have that happen now?"

"I... well, I... , " he stuttered.

Sue laughed deep in her throat.

"Sue, I... I'm sorry, it's just that I..." he faltered.

"I know what it is," she whispered. "I know why you have a hard-on Jack."

His breath quickened at her vernacular term. "You... you do?"

"You have a hard-on because you want to fuck me," she said. "That's right, isn't it, Jack" You do want to fuck me, don't you?"

"Oh God!" he managed to breathe. His prick seemed to be palpitating wildly in his pants now, and his brain reeled. Had he heard correctly? Yes, yes, of course he had. But why was Sue talking to him like that? What was the matter with her? Oh Christ, he could feel his balls begin to ache from the pressure of his gathering sperm; he really needed it, he really did, and Sue Mason talking to him like that wasn't helping matters any. Didn't she know what might happen, saying obscene words like that to a man? Didn't she know? He took another long swallow of his Ouzo, and found that his hand was trembling slightly.

She leaned close to him, and he could feel her breath on his cheek, like the scorching heat of a white-hot firebrand. She touched his knee, lightly, but her fingers seemed to sear right through the cloth. "Well, Jack"' she asked. "Wouldn't you like to fuck me? Wouldn't you really?"

"Sue... Christ, Sue, cut it out! I'm... only human... !"

"And so am I, Jack dear. So am I," she purred on. "My cunt is on fire right now. And the only thing that can put out that fire is a big, hard cock, Jack. I can tell you do."

And she reached out and touched the throbbing bulge.

He almost lept off the couch in a convulsing reaction to the electrical shock of her touch on his sensitive penis, encased though it was. Sue stroked it lightly, tantalizingly, sliding closer to him as he tried to pull back, increasing the rhythm of her strokes. Her breasts pressed hotly, softly against his arm, and her lips found his jaw line, traced a pattern upward along his cheek and then over to search for his mouth. Her tongue trailed a path of liquid fire along the skin of his face as her hand continued to rub his already uncomfortably swollen prick.

"Sue... please, for Christ's sake!"

"You want to fuck me, don't you?" Sue repeated, droning the words in an almost mesmeric voice, like a hypnotist practicing her art on an unwilling but nonetheless hypnotizable subject. "You want to fuck me, Jack you want to fuck me."

"No, I... no!... oh Jesus, yes, yes, yes yes yes yes!"

He couldn't help himself. The words tore from his throat, in a strangled kind of whisper that he scarcely recognized, and then his mouth was grinding against her, his tongue was flailing deep, deep into her mouth. Sue's hand began to move faster on his turgid prick, and she sucked and nibbled at his tongue, swirling her own tongue around and around his, darting it into his mouth and then drawing it back to accept the onslaught of his probing member. As if with a will of its own, Jack's left hand came up and found her breast, squeezed and kneaded the flesh momentarily, then dipped inside the orange halter to draw the garment down and away, exposing her nude breast with its fiery nipple and dark brown areola. He could feel the wetness from the seminal fluid which seeped from the gland on the hardening tip of his prick as she continued to massage him with a practiced thoroughness until he thought the head would surely erupt.

And then, suddenly, with his finger kneading the resilient flesh of her magnificent tits and his cock jerking almost out of control, the full impact of what he was doing struck Jack's mind like a mailed fist.

My God! he thought wildly. No, this is wrong, all wrong, I'm a married man, a happily married man... this is wrong, it's sick, Jesus... what would Adie say? What would she say if she could see what was happening right now, my hand on another woman's breast and that woman's hand stroking and rubbing my cock... I can't go through with it, I just can't.

The guilt was so strong within him that he wrenched violently away from Sue, pulling his mouth from her, turning his body so that her hand left his bulging lap. His face was flushed a brilliant crimson - partially from shame and partially from his intense arousal. He averted his eyes, looking at the far wall, breathing deeply, raggedly.

"What's the matter, lover?" Sue asked casually beside him, and then, with full feminine perception: "You're having an attack of conscience, aren't you? You're thinking about your wife."

"Y-yes," Jack managed to answer. "What... what are we doing... what we were leading up to... Christ Sue, it was crazy, it was all wrong."

"Was it?" she asked.

"Yes... of course..."

"I don't think so," she said.

"Yes... yes."

"You want to fuck me as much as I want you to fuck me," she teased in that droning voice of her. "you know it and I know it. So why pretend any different, Jack?"

"Jesus, Sue!"

"It's purely a physical matter." she continued. "You want to get into my soft, wet pussy, and I want your big cock inside me. That's all," her lewd words floated across to his mind.

"I... I Iove my wife."

"Sure you do. And I love my husband. But that doesn't have anything to do with us, with here and now, with fucking."

No, no I don't want to hear any more! Jack thought with gathering panic. It's wrong, it's wrong, but what she says is true in some ways, you don't have to love a woman to want to fuck her... but no, damn it, no, I can't do it!

He jumped up from the couch, standing with his back to Sue, staring at the wall again. His heart hammered violently in his chest, and he was aware that his prick was still granite-hard in his pants, that it was still seeping hot droplets of lubrication. But he had to compose himself, find a way to get Sue to leave, or better yet to leave himself, to get far, far away from her and to hell with the goddamned novel...

Sue's voice whispered huskily behind him, "Jack, lover."

He turned, gathering his courage to say what had to be said, but when he saw her the words froze in his throat. His mouth hinged open, and his eyes seemed to bulge goiter-like.

She stood before him completely nude.

She had unhooked the halter and stepped out of the brief shorts; the articles of clothing made a puddle of brilliantine color on the bare floor at her feet. She stood with her legs spread wide apart, her head and shoulders pulled back, her hands knuckled provocatively on her proud, bronzed hips. She was smiling at him with her mouth parted, her teeth slightly bared, the tip of her wet, pink tongue showing. The wet, petal-like, hair-lined lips of her vagina were presented to his eyes like an Aztec virgin on a sacrificial altar, waiting for a huge, plunging weapon to stab into her. The brown triangular bush of her pubic triangle glistened lewdly in the pale afternoon light. Her high, perfectly rounded breasts, startling alabaster white against the deep tan of her other parts, jutted out like twin, inviting ruby- crested mountain peaks, waiting to be climbed, asking to be conquered. Her legs, so long, so slender, so satiny smooth- looking at their inner thighs, were moist with the flowing juices of her passion-flowered cuntal mouth.

"Well, lover?" she asked "Do you like what you see?"

"Sue..." Her name choked past his swollen throat, but that was all. He couldn't say anything else. He could only stare at her, at her loveliness, at her completely lewd, wanton pose - and his cock began its maddening pulsations again in his pants.

Slowly, slowly, Sue lifted her hands, her eyes fastened on his, and began to slide her palms up and down, up and down, along her silky sides from the outer swells of her breasts to her flanks. Then she cupped her tits, kneading them lightly, pushing them out toward him as if presenting him with two forbidden but delicious gifts of flesh. Then her hands were stroking her belly, moving down ever so slowly until the tips of her pink-tinted nails were just touching the golden brown fleece of her pubic triangle. She held that pose for a long moment, thumbs pressing against her slender, sculptured sides, fingers splayed across her belly. Jack stood as if transfixed, unable to move, unable to speak, captured totally and completely by the strange fascinating allure of this woman before him, the absolute lustful sexuality of the scene he was witnessing. His penis seemed to be screaming with his ever- increasing arousal.

Slowly, Sue's hands began to move again, the fingertips dipping lower through her soft downy pubic hair, blazing a path toward the glistening pink slit between her legs. When she reached it, she placed the thumb and forefinger of her left hand on either side of the soft, glistening lips and spread them slowly, slowly, apart, revealing the trembling pink bud of her erect clitoris to Jack's lust-ridden gaze. With her right forefinger, then, she traced down, down, until the tip came in contact with the miniature phallus. She began to stroke it, titillating it back and forth, round and round, sending more rivulets of her lubrication trailing down her inner thighs. And while she stroked her clit, rubbing her finger in madening cadence along the gaping crevice of her wet, pink cunt, she began to talk to him in her droning, mesmeric voice.

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It is funny how random and coincidental life events can be. Or, perhaps things are not as random as they seem; could it be fate at work which leads us to our destiny? It's hard to say for sure, I suppose. Simply because my best friend needed help moving, my life was forever changed. But as I would find out years later, events had taken place years before which made that questionably fateful day a reality. I was in my mid 30's (36 to be exact) and had made a very good living for myself. I...

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Avery Black 50 125000

Avery Black was born in San Fransico, California, on July 17th, 1992. San Fran isn't a porn capital such as Las Vegas or Los Angeles, but it is an adjunct. All those freewheeling gays put energy in the air that affects even straights. People get their fuck on in San Fran, and it shows.An Asian Sex Doll with a HeartbeatNot much is known about this raven-haired Asian beauty other than that she's sexy as fuck, can ride a dick, and loves to make men hard. That's all I need to know, honestly. What...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e12 Avery Gowling 23 submissive slave

Series 9, Episode 12: Avery Gowling (23), from Slough We open with more of our smooth drone footage – this time flying over Slough town center – a hive of British commuter-belt activity. Flying over a huge Tesco superstore, more cars and shoppers ... Over the train station, hundreds of passengers boarding a rush hour train into London... Then dropping all the way down toward street level on a cleared construction site, behind a two-meter-high fence. As we drop down toward the ground, we...

2 years ago
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Avery and her Boss

I wound up in California, working only as a receptionist for an independently owned soft porn company. The idea of being a porn star was simply disgusting to me. I hadn't watched much porn in my days, just the HBO after-hour specials at friends' houses after parties, but all the women looked trashy and used. They had to wear loads of make-up on their 36-year-old faces to hide the years of drug abuse on their bodies and to make them look decent enough to fuck. Their tits were sagging,...

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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 03

I lost touch with Em very early on after leaving for university, we bumped into each other once or twice in the holidays perhaps, but always when we were in the middle of shopping or something else, and with no time. These were the days before Facebook or even mobile technology, so it’s not just that we had no particular reason to keep in touch – we didn’t really have the means to do so either. Beyond the age of writing letters, but not yet the age of the text message – we were quite a sad...

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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 05

Chapter 5: In the Pub and What Happened Next Em got to the pub before me, but was waiting for me in the car park. As tempted as I was to start asking questions, I kept my counsel, the evening had already taken so many different and unexpected turns, I didn’t want it to take a wrong one. I slipped my arm around Em’s shoulder and gave her a quick squeeze and again she turn to me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. We went into the pub together, and it struck me that this was the first time...

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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 06

Confessions and Giving in After the best part of eighteen years, I’ve been reunited with my childhood best friend, Emily, a school friend and swimming partner. It came about because after a failed marriage, I moved back to my home town, it came about also because my mother encouraged me to rediscover the swimming pool, a place where I’d been happy and comfortable as a growing child and teenager. Em was at the pool, and we swam together and raced again. Then, somehow, we were suddenly very...

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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 04

Chapter 4: The Swimming Pool It had been nigh on eighteen years earlier that I had left the town’s swimming club to concentrate on my school work. Having returned to my hometown from an abandoned life in London, I had been encouraged by my mother, and a visit to the pool of my youth, to return for the adults-only Friday night swim. Not that I’d abandoned swimming completely in the meantime, of course – I doubt anyone who has swam seriously can ever give up the bug completely, as it’s such a...

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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 02

Before I proceed with Chapter 2, I need to introduce you to Emily, or Em. It will be two more instalments before she returns to the story properly, but it will help you to understand the scope of my history, and where it is going. Emily Barrington – Em – my teenage best girlfriend, that is, best friend who happens to be a girl. We were both school friends and swimming team mates from the age of 10 or 11 to when I dropped out from the club at 17. As teenagers, we spent a lot of time together....

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My Older Brother Avery

Becca had a brother. He was sixteen years old, and very sexy. At six foot six inches, he towered over most people. He had long, blonde hair that he would swish out of his face while he played his guitar. Macy ADORED her brother,Avery. Little did she know, he adored her too. One day, Becca had just got home from a track meet. She had just won first place in long distance running, and she was on the high school team! Random pieces of hair stuck out from her previously perfect ponytail. ...

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Averys Temptations

My name is Jim. I love fucking white femboys and crossdressers with my black dick. I first saw porn when I was way too young, thanks to a step brother. I grew up watching girls scream and moan from hard anal. Soon anal was all I wanted to watch. When I was a teen, we got the internet. I first saw transsexual porn then. I loved to see their big tits and nipples, their made up faces and long hair, their asses and sexy legs, their high heels, and their big cocks. When I was young, I...

3 years ago
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Chromosome Change One Mans Story

Chromosome Change: One Man's Story Chapter I - A Pretty Average Guy Robert Kleid was pretty average. Forty-one years old, he lived in Redwood City, California, in a four-bedroom ranch-style home, with his wife and two children. He went to work each weekday in a suit and tie, did the lawn on weekends, played a mean game of basketball, and could take apart and put back together a car engine in a single afternoon. He loved his wife, Debbie. They had...

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VerySexy on a Date From MrTitLover and VerySex

You like nice sexy lingerie and you have a lot of it?Hmm but you like to wear it right?When do you wear it?Never when you go out?Hmmm Gorgeous!!!!Imaging you wearing this with a black short skirt and a dark blouse...High heels and going out for dinner with me...You would be my sexy date we would go to a quiet but nice restaurantcandle lights on the table....and I would place you with your back to the personal and the other visitors...You drink wine ? Red or white?A white one then, I order...

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Lonesome Blues

Long Gone Lonesome Blues Written and recorded by Hank Williams. Copyright, Acuff-Rose Music, Inc./Hiriam Music (BMI) Author's note: I was sipping on a scotch - Damn, I gotta stay away from that stuff - last night while working through my email. I was playing my Hank Williams playlist on iTunes, and one of the songs caught my ear. It was of course, "Long Gone Lonesome Blues." This is not as well known as many of his other songs but it has always been one of my favorites. Like many country...

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3some Surprise

This is the first story I wrote back in 2005, hope you enjoy, if it gets a good reception I will post others, I feel I have got better at writing them as time has gone on too.3Some suprise We have been out together for a great night on the drink and decide to go back to your place for a bit of fun, as we get to near the front door of your house, you shh me and say to keep the noise down as you have a friend staying over who has just split up with her boyfriend, giggling and not really being...

2 years ago
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Avery makes a mistake

A loud knock startled her from her trance. Running to the door, and flinging it open, she could see 7 very large men, towering iver her 5'1" petite frame. "But where is everyone else?" she asked, disappointed. They had promised her a group of 27, and she had reserved 2 whole nights for this. "Dont worry about it whore, theyre coming" the closest man replied, as he shoved her down onto the floor. Then the men started filing in.. one after another. Some of them spat on her as they passed....

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RansomeChapter 7 Third Time Lucky Very Lucky

He was not surprised the following Saturday when Anne Lucas accepted his invitation to have lunch at the Lisboa. It all went well and they chatted about mutual acquaintances at All Saints and commiserated about the tactlessness of the new Vicar. When it came to coffee David used his well tried line, “I would suggest coffee, but it is cheap and nasty here. Normally I go home and make my own, but I don’t suppose...” “As you introduced me to this excellent restaurant, I’m not going to doubt...

4 years ago
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Awsome Sexy Nita 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers, I am a big fan of this site and I read stories here daily. This is my second part with my NSA partner Nita, happened 3 years back. First Part: Awaiting feedback from females in Bangalore and everyone at and Coming to the story.. I am Kumar working in a BPO, Nita too works for another BPO in same tech park. We became fag mates first and then it got into friendship and a no strings attached sex relation. I am 5.11...

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Somebodys Knocking

Somebody's knocking Author's note: This one is based on the old song "Somebody's knocking" a version of which you can find here: When I heard the knocking, I jumped, even though I had been expecting it. He'd been sniffing around lately, and I figured it was only a matter of time before he made a move on me. After all, I was a "tranny", and because of my gender issues I was alone, and lonely. He'd left me loving notes telling me he only...

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Stephanies Slavery

Stephanie's Slavery Synopsis After complaining that her boss was a slave driver, Stephanie is forced to really become his slave.Stephanie's Slavery by obohoboWarning The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC  Spank Rom If you are underage or offended by such material or, if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or...

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Slavery in our Time

Slavery in our TimePart 1 – Her Strange FascinationLaura walked down the aisle gazing at all the merchandise around her. Since she was a child, Laura had always been fascinated with the selection of slaves at the department store.  Highclass was a superior department store and the quality of the slaves was high. Highclass offered a wide selection of quality slaves from domestics and nannies to gardeners and chefs. Slaves varied in price due to a number of factors such as age, health,...

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Legalised Slavery

Tracey looked out of the air plane window and wondered what awaited her on the ground below.They were approaching the imaginatively named Zonga International Airport, in the capital city of Zonga in the country of Zonga. Why choose different names when one will do thought Tracey wryly.Not that many people had heard of Zonga up until two years ago, with good reason, it was a backward little country on the eastern side of Africa with one capital city which was also it's only port, and not much...

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Return to slavery

Return to slavery by Rowena Return to slavery by Rowena  Rachel sat in her beautifully appointed office ,dressed elegantly in the latest and most tasteful fashion a white silk blouse buttoned to the neck, a smart black skirt to just below the knee, her long blond hair piled high on her head, so very different to the slutty clothes she wore when she was a slavegirl so long ago. She sighed contentedly. She was now a successful and rich business woman. She enjoyed her power and wealth....

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My First Christmas in Slavery

My first Christmas in Slavery My first Christmas in Slavery A short story for the festive season  It was my first Christmas as a slave girl. I was looking forward to the special day because I was hoping my master might have something special planned to celebrate my first Christmas of slavery to him. Only last Christmas I was a young innocent 15 year old girl, enjoying normal life as a teenager. Now I had recently passed my 16th birthday and I was a permanent slave girl to a dominant...

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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 9 Everybodys Crazy

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 9 EVERYBODY'S CRAZY "What are we going to do now?" Charlie yelled over the loud rush of passing cars. "I don't know!" cried Rachel, tears streaming down her face. "Well we can't just hang around the streets all night!" shouted Charlie. Rachel didn't say anything back. She continued to walk briskly ahead of Charlie as if she knew where she was going. Dusk was rapidly descending into night and the skyline of the distant city buildings was...

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A Very Special Delivery

It was late Monday afternoon and Cindy Adams had just come home from another day at her job as a receptionist for a large bank. Amanda Clark, her best friend and roomate, was already home when Cindy arrived. Amanda and Cindy had known each other from their college days, sharing a dorm room there as well. They had gotten to be good friends, and it seemed only natural that after college they continue their friendship. Although neither girl considered herself a lesbian, they had shared more than a...

Office Sex
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3some With Couple Through Chat

Hi guys, this is my second story, this also happened through online chat, as I told u before I’m from small city called Karur; I’m Deepak, of age 24, after I finished my 1st encounter I have been in online for next encounter, there was a id called cpl so I just pinged it formally as I do to every ids. At the time of the incident, I’d recently chatted in many sites to get in touch with single girls & hopefully other couples to have fun. After few months of initial bad luck I came across a couple...

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Sybil A Story About Interracial Slavery

This is a story about a young and very naive white girl's travels through submissive interracial sex and slavery. After reading about these terrible events in history her guilt has become an obsession to right the terrible wrongs that many young black girls had to endure as a slave over 150 years ago! She eventually sees herself as a white slave girl to black abusive slave owners, quite the reverse of what actually happened. Sybil was a most interesting young woman she had grown up in...

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Divorced into slavery

DIVORCED INTO SLAVERY By Ivorygirl Carla could find no comfortable position in the dark, dank cell in which she’d found herself alone, her hands cuffed behind her back and bound to her cuffed feet and both attached to a chain imbedded middle ways up in the wall. At the moment, the best she could do with her curled legs beneath her was to remain on her knees on the small cot that put her up just high enough and lean sideways against the wall. The chain she was hooked to didn’t allow for much...

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My wife of six years, Shreya, was a marvelous lover. We had had two children, who were, at the time of this story, ages five and four. She had regained much of her voluptuous figure. Sex was fun. We tried new things. Even though I traveled perhaps five days out of each month, the days I was gone were rarely more than two at a time, so we had several passionate homecomings plus enough regular lovemaking to average about 20 times a month. We made love in the car, in the living room, in the...

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Bravery of the Nameless

Bravery of the Nameless by Arcie Emm At the fence-line she stopped, staring at her home, and wondering if it was safe to return to the unhappy house. Were her parents still yelling at each other or had winter settled between the two? Would her return draw their glacial stares? Probably. And it was so unfair, she was not to blame. She was never to blame, just the easiest. As a female, despite being oldest, she was always judged, maybe not as worthless, but definitely as worth less...

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Averys Awakening

Special thanks to ‘oldfart’ for his expertise in editing and proofing. As a result of my dad’s recent promotion, my family has moved to Abbotsville, where the head office of Daddy’s employer is located. So far it has been a very exciting year for me. The summer holidays have been prodigious. Abbotsville is a beautiful city, my parents purchased a new home, and we now have an in ground swimming pool, for me that is been a great addition. The view from our pool deck and patio is fantastic....

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Island Royale Institutional White Slavery in the New Millennium REPOST

This is a repost of the story I recently submitted, edited as necessary because of the limitations of the XNXX website format which confuses graphics, inexplicably substitutes a question mark for quotation marks at times, and does not permit footnotes. It is hoped therefore that this reposting will provide more clarity. I have also reposted the story as one entire novella because it is hoped the sprinkling of negative comments I have received results from the previous inability of the...

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Secrets of Slavery

Well now that the whole ordeal is over, I can finally tell my story. It’s been 6 long years and countless horny men and women since it all started. I have been a secret sex slave, secret to my husband, friends, and family all because of one horny encounter that turned into years of sex slavery.Let me back up to when it all started. I (Cindy) was 27 married to my wonderful husband (Dave) and living in an upper class neighborhood outside of Chicago. My husband and I had a few swinging encounters...

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Demihuman Slavery

In the not-so-far future, a part of the world has embraced slavery. Slaves are almost entirely removed from the jurisdiction of the state, as it is the duty of the master to discipline their slaves and keep them in check. Only, when a slave proves to be dangerous to the public (as with killing or injuring a free human), they will be put down for good. However, most slaves aren’t humans. Instead, the scientists of this country have used advanced genetics to create a multitude of humanoid...

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Delvery to Grampa

By Larry Malone Mom asked me to stop in and drop off a package for my Grandpa on my way home from school and to see if he needed anything. Gramps was in good health but Mom was always a worry wort so I stopped by. Gramps is a little hard of hearing so, as always, I used the extra key under the door mat and let myself in. As I closed the door, I saw Gramps laying on the living room couch, pants and boxers pulled down to his knees, His face to the back of the couch, His bare skinny ass...

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