Shasta and Erin lesbian video shoot
- 2 years ago
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The next few weeks went by quickly. The maid's job kept her fairly busy; Shasta found out quickly Clarise wasn't a harsh taskmistress, but she did expect everything to be clean and in their correct place. Given what she had left behind, it was as close to heaven as she could have hoped. Katern was another of the maids and willingly showed her what needed to be done and how to avoid the pitfalls many newcomers fell into.
She saw Clarise, Nesho and Sosho on an almost daily basis. Since Clarise was the "wife-in-charge" of the daily operations of the household, Shasta saw her more often then the rest. However Nesho and Sosho, with their advanced stages of pregnancy, needed a considerable amount of assistance, even with the most mundane tasks, such as getting dressed in the morning. Shasta enjoyed this part most of all. While she respected Clarise for her even-tempered way of dealing with the staff and was overawed by her beauty, Shasta was more comfortable with the younger Sosho and completely awestruck by Nesho.
To the fisherman's daughter turned slave, Nesho was the epitome of grace, charm and self-assurance. Although heavily gravid with child, Nesho still spent many long hours each day cloistered in her own den/office pouring over reports and producing voluminous amounts of paperwork. The other servants said she was the heart and brains behind the shipping concern their master was involved in. Shasta had less interaction with her then the others, but what little she did left her breathless. She was without a doubt the sharpest person Shasta had ever met.
In this household filled with surprises Shasta still found herself amazed at times. Such as by the freedom the Master allowed his "slaves." She still had to be careful about using that word; the master really didn't like it and even if he didn't say anything about it, his "wives" certainly would. They had the uncanny ability to zero in on anything that caused him discomfort like sharks sensing blood in the water. And while they were usually very forgiving and quite fair-minded; if it came to distressing their man, it was safer to take the shark. Although Shasta had never seen anyone beaten for any reason in the deSiso household, the tongues of those three could be sharper than sharks' teeth if they felt it was needed.
Master Dent -- calling someone "master" still made Shasta a little bit queasy, although less so as time passed -- never seemed to interfere with anything his women did. In fact he supported them against other freemen, something absolutely unheard of. Shasta clearly remembered a time two merchants came calling on the deSiso house looking for a license for the transshipment of goods. She was dusting Nesho's office when they were announced. One she had seen before, the other was new.
The doormaid for the day had ushered them up to the large study Nesho used as her office. Dent's private den was much smaller and cozier, or so Shasta thought. It must have been that the more established merchant hadn't fully explained how and who they would be dealing with here in Safehaven since his partner was utterly shocked when they entered the room and saw Nesho sitting behind the big desk.
"Wench, you best get your ass out of that chair before your master has you whipped," he said without thinking.
"Ah, György," the other man said nervously. "This is Mistress Nesho torSiso. She is, ah, the governor's, ah, representative in these maters."
"Nonsense!" György said shaking his head in disbelief. "No self-respecting man would deal with a slave other than as a comfort in bed. Which I see she has been obviously been used for. And what is this "Mistress" crap, Imre? It's a fucking slave! It's not like it's a real woman."
"György!" Imre hissed. "Control yourself. This is His Excellency's personal representative. I told you we wouldn't be dealing directly with him." Turning back to Nesho he cleared his throat and said, "I'm terribly sorry, Mistress Nesho. My colleague isn't aware of the situation and is a bit, well, provincial in his attitude toward, ah, servants. Please forgive him; I'm sure we can work through this misunderstanding."
Nesho was about to say something when György interrupted.
"There is no misunderstanding, Imre," György said snidely. "I deal with men of my own station. I have no use for some round-heeled trollop, no matter what she calls herself."
"Really György, we must..." Imre started.
"That's quite all right, Master Imre," Nesho said smiling. "I believe Master Dent is in today. Why don't we see if he is available? Shasta," she said with a gleam in her eye, "would you please find Master Dent and ask if he is available to see these gentlemen? I believe he's in his office right now."
"Of course, Mistress," Shasta said and started for the door. As she was leaving she heard the one called Imre say, "Mistress Nesho, I really don't think that is necessary..."
Shasta hurried down the hall to the master bedroom. Dent's den/office was off the bedroom. It was very secluded and never meant to be accessible to the public. Shasta had been in there a few times when the master wasn't there. She was still uncomfortable in his presence or even to be in an area he frequented. When Shasta first saw this room she had been amazed at the starkness and its severe functionality. For the most part the walls were bare with the exception of a number of bookshelves filled to overflowing. The desk was smaller than the one Nesho was presently sitting at and meticulously clean the few times she had seen it. The only ornamentation, if you could call it that, was the full dress armor of a Guild Warrior sitting on a stand in the corner. As she entered the room she knocked on the doorframe. Dent was looking at a few papers lying on the desk and looked up as she entered.
"Shasta," he said with a smile. "What can I do for you?"
"Master," she said with a small curtsy. "Mistress Nesho begs your presence in the main office if you are available."
"I certainly am," he said rising. "Is there a problem?"
"No," she started. "Well, maybe. There is a man there that doesn't want to deal with her; he wants to see you personally. Said he doesn't deal with slaves."
"Is that so?" the smile disappearing from his face. "Then I suppose we will have to give him what he wants, now won't we?" His face now set in stone he quickly walked past and Shasta scurried to follow.
Hardly slowing down Dent entered the large office and without a glance at the two men who were just beginning to stand went straight toward the big desk and Nesho who was also struggling to standup. In doing so he walked right past György who had stuck his hand out in greeting. Motioning Nesho to remain seated he moved to stand beside her behind the desk. Bending down he gave her a slow, lingering kiss, the kind that under different circumstances might lead to some private time in the bedroom.
If his intention was to make it clear whom he considered important in the room he succeeded admirably. Shasta could see the surprised, almost shocked, expression on György's face, and the despondent look on Imre's. Shasta had to pinch herself to keep from laughing out loud. At least Nesho had propriety enough to blush; although Shasta wasn't sure if it was really embarrassment or just the flush of sexual excitement. Shasta had been there long enough now to know that with Nesho, it could very well have been either.
"Gentleman," Dent said straightening up, "I understand there is a question as to whom business-related matters should be directed towards?"
"No question at all, my good man," György answered. He appeared to be still flustered from the intended slight but was quickly recovering his composure. "I was just telling Imre here that real men don't discuss business with slaves; we do it between ourselves." Imre's had gone from despondent to a pale pallor.
"Is that so?" Dent said slowly. "To whom am I speaking and just what is this business we are supposed to discuss?"
"Well, I am György deMongue," György said with a smile. "And our business deals with leasing some space in one of your warehouses for the transshipment of goods."
At the mention of the deMongue name Shasta gave a slight involuntary gasp and started to feel a bit faint. Here was a representative of the House of her former master! Was he here also to claim his property for her just punishment? She almost turned and ran except Nesho caught her eye and with a slight shake of her head Shasta froze in place.
"I see," Dent said. His eyes had briefly flickered over to Shasta at the name but were now again centered on the man standing in front of him. "You are under a misunderstanding here, I fear. I am the governor and I deal with the administration of this island. All my business concerns with respect to the shipping company are handled by my representative here." He placed his hand possessively on Nesho's shoulder as she smiled up at him. "If you wish to do business with my company, you go through her. That is not negotiable."
"This is outrageous!" György sputtered. "Nobody would deal with you under these circumstances!"
"I do feel for you," Dent responded with almost a smirk. "I wouldn't like to negotiate with her myself. I've tried and always come up losing. But nonetheless that's the way it is. If you can't accept these conditions, well, you are certainly welcome to turn around and walk out that door."
"Ridiculous!" György shouted. "I will not be made jest of because of some bitch of a cow! I demand satisfaction!"
"Hmm," Dent looked at György with narrowed eyes.
"Dent!" Nesho said sharply. "No dueling is allowed on Safehaven! You know that! Especially you!"
"That is true," he said not taking his eyes off of György. "But since I'm the one who made that rule I can also modify it."
"No. You. Can't!" she snarled while yanking on his arm. Finally he broke contact with György and looked down at her. "It would be a really bad idea," she hissed, her eyes narrowed into cobra slits. "I mean a really bad idea."
Dent's eyes widened just a little in surprise but he only nodded. All of a sudden he grinned at her and the tension immediately left her face. Still grinning he turned back to György and Imre.
"Well, it seems I won't be accepting your kind invitation to dance," he said. "I have been gently reminded that it is not the governor's place to duel, even if it were allowed."
"That was disgusting!" György sputtered. "I have never seen a man so emasculated! You are no man! You're just a — a — a..."
"Imre," Nesho said loud enough for all to hear. "You might want to explain to your friend just how close he came to death just now." All heads turned toward her and then to Imre.
"Well, yes," Imre stammered. "György you will probably want to know that the man you have challenged is the best swordsmen in Jeevel and maybe even the world. That's not me talking; I've met a number of Guild warriors over the past few weeks and that's what they say. Remember, he is a Guild warrior."
"That's a bit much," Dent muttered.
"Also," Nesho interjected, "having two Mongue killed in Safehaven in as many months would be a cause for talk."
"Eh, what's that?" György said taken back. "Two? What are you talking about?"
"I'm sorry," Nesho said affecting an aura of innocence. "I had assumed you were related to a Blein deMongue who died here these few ten-day ago."
"Oh yes, Blein," György said and stopped to think. "My half-brother, not that we were all that close. That's right; he was killed here wasn't he? He never would take advice, that one. I told him once if he was going to play with his toys like that he should maim them first. It may not be as much fun, but it's a lot safer. I heard you killed the bitch."
"She was condemned to death as the law required," was all Dent would offer.
"A pity," György mused. "You probably had her killed quickly. If I or mine had her she'd be screaming still."
"Justice was done," Dent added sharply.
"A highly overvalued concept," György said. "Whatever the case, I may have to honor you as the governor but I certainly have no respect for you as a man. I think I will take my business elsewhere. Are you coming, Imre?" Without waiting for the answer he turned and strutted out the door nearly running down Shasta in his haste to leave.
"I'm sorry, Your Excellency, Mistress Nesho," Imre said nervously. "I'm afraid my House ordered me to work with that... person. I sincerely apologize and hope this little incident won't affect our future business dealings."
Dent just grunted and waved his hand. Nesho smiled and said, "We understand, Imre. There are times when you can't pick and choose whom you deal with. I am sure we can still work to our mutual benefit, but maybe today wouldn't be the best time for that."
"Thank you, Mistress," Imre said sounding relived. "I am very happy to hear you say that, and I agree; today wouldn't be the best time. That being the case I will beg your leave and call at a better, less emotional time. Your Excellency, Mistress." Bowing, he also turned and left.
Shasta, still flustered after meeting another Mongue and flabbergasted over Dent's actions towards the visitors and his "slave," fled to her room to hide.
It was around this same time Shasta began to get strange feelings. They were unlike anything she had ever felt before. At first it was little more than a craving, a want for some undescribable and unknown something. At first it came only at night when she would wake and reach... for nothing. As the days passed the feelings grew stronger and began to invade her dreams. She was used to waking from her nightmares shivering and with cold sweats. Those had started almost from the day she was sold to Mongue and always involved his face as he stood over her, usually with one of his pain-inducing "toys."
Although she still had those every once in a while, their frequency had decreased dramatically since joining the deSiso household. Before Mongue her nightmares revolved mostly around the capture of her village, the death of her family and her subsequent multiple rapes. Luckily those particular dreams hadn't returned. These new dreams were different, less clear, and difficult to remember. She knew they involved a man; this caused her to cringe slightly, but who he was or what he was doing remained obscured.
These feelings continued to come upon her and grew stronger, at times now hitting her in the middle of the day when she knew she wasn't dreaming. She thought about talking to Katern about them, but she was afraid of sounding like a madwoman. One night it finally came to a head.
Shasta had just gone to sleep when the most vivid dream she had ever experienced seemed to reach out and take hold of her. The man was there again, identity still in doubt, but this time he was kneeling between her legs and there was no doubt as to what was going on. She had been the recipient of this type of attention far too often to mistake what was about to happen. This kind of dream she was used to; usually she would wake up screaming before actual penetration, but this time she didn't. He also didn't immediately thrust into her as was her past masters' usual practices.
This was different and it confused her. The man was kneeling between her legs but his head was bent down, his mouth going for one of her erect pink nipples. Shasta waited; this seemed far too real and she waited for the pain of his teeth biting into her soft breast. The pain never came. Instead she felt the soft touch of lips gently enclosing her swollen nub and the pressure as he drew it into his mouth and began to slowly suckle. The feeling was unlike any she had ever experienced before. It wasn't an intense burst of pleasure, more like a slow spreading warmth starting in her breast that gently diffusing through the rest of her body. It was an eerie feeling, almost as if it wasn't her body it was happening too.
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I'm not sure if this blog post will be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm going to share an eye-opening experience that I had a weeks ago. Maybe some of you enjoy this "flavor" of kink. I'd never been in to the Sub/Dom scene -- it wasn't like I wasn't aware of it, I just never had much exposure to it. Then I hooked up with Shelly and Mark, a mature couple I met on a swingers website. She was 57, tall, slim, with graying brunette hair, glasses -- she was attractive and hovered between MILF and GILF....
My Master told me to write this, about my initial encounter with him that took me down the road to become a White man’s slave, used by him and his friends, subservient to all their requests and subjected to regular discipline sessions to remind me of my lowly status and also for their amusement.I was in my early 20s and was working in the local office of a multinational corporation. I was then regarded as a high flyer and deemed to have a bright future ahead of me in the company. Little did I...
Cruises are nice: go places, see things, eat good food. If you've got a wife like mine, a cruise is a great opportunity to show her off. Julie is really taking to her new role as a hotwife and it shows in her outfits. Her skirts are shorter, the neckline is lower, the heels are higher and she's more daring with her makeup. I particularly like that she pretty much wears red lipstick all the time now. She's got sexy lips and the red really sets them off.We were sitting at the bar after dinner,...
Wife LoversAfter my first date, which really kind of hurt that he never called or anything, I kind of gave up the dating idea for a while because we had so much going on. I had enrolled in a community colleg not far from home but dad had been offerred a pretty lucrative job in VA. We had a lot of discussions on how to make this work, mostly because I didn't want to move, my friends were going to go to the same school. It was finally decided that I would share an apartment with three of my girlfriends...
Dianne hadn't seen her sister-in-law Ellen in well over a week, though she had spoken with her the night before on the phone, learning that her brother Bill was out of town on business and wouldn't be returning until Sunday evening. "Any plans for Saturday?" Dianne had asked. "No, not really, just the usual, dusting, mopping, changing the sheets on the bed," she'd added with a smile in her tone of voice. Dianne envied her sister-in-law in that way, knowing her brother as well as she...
It had been my fantasy for a long time to share my wife with another guy.A guy with a big cock.The bigger the better.My cock was only 4 inches and although my wife Susan had never complained, I wanted her to have more.I had been talking online to Jack for a while, and he had agreed to join us. I had sent him pics of Sue and he was well up for it. Talking Susan into it had been a bigger problem. I introduced the idea while we were having sex.Susan usually rubbed her clit to climax when we made...
John found it difficult to walk so fast, his hardened member contorted in his pants. He knew it showed to all who looked, but he didn't care; he just knew he needed to have her. Joe watched them walk past, his eyes following Sarah’s breasts heaving up and down. Joe saw the doors slowly closing and the last thing he could see was John pushing her up against the back wall of the elevator, his body pressing up against her. As soon as Sarah entered the elevator, John took control again; he knew...
Oral Sex“Carter?” “Hm?” “Do you mind if I take my pants off?” I lay there motionless, stunned. Whether or not the question should have come as a shock to me, I really couldn’t say – but it did. I tried to think of how I ended up in this situation. Jennifer had always been my favourite cousin, but now things were getting as close to the edge as they could. For the last few years as she had navigated through puberty, I had found myself strangely and wildly attracted to her more and more...
********************* Our family is as normal as normal can be for a farmer, except for the animals. Our parents have a thing for unusual animals. Two headed cows, three legged goats, along with other things. The one I find most unusual are the horses. There are five of them all from the same mother. There all male, and they each have two dicks that are three feet long, unaroused. It was getting late and my sister and I, did I mention her name is Daniela; we were sitting on top of the...
Introduction: Theyd been best friends since highscool. Jenna had chosen a pretty simple life. She had the looks that could have quickly landed her a job as a Victorias Secret model. But instead, she chose to stay with her Damien, her brother, at his little diner. Okay, so they werent really related, she and Damien been best friends since their freshman year of highschool, and only become closer when his parents died in a car accident. Now they were living together, in a small two bedroom...
My husband was out of town all week for work, leaving me, a 24 year old, alone with my sexually charged imagination. It as Thursday night, a very humid sticky summer evening, I didn't turn the air conditioner on because the smell or the summer air was so refreshing. It was to hot to wear panties, even a bra, so all I had on was a this white tank top and a cotton mini skirt. My skin was moist from the heat and humidity. I pulled my long hair up into a pony-tail and ran an ice cube over my neck...
Maureen and Glenn startled. The both looked in my direction. Glenn jumped off the bed muttering. "You asshole Jimmy. Don't you ever knock?" His sister also leaped off the bed letting her nightgown fall to her knees covering her sparsely shrubbed pussy. Her panties had fallen off her ankle. She grabbed them and ran from the room. "Jeez Glenn, don't you ever lock your door while you are fucking your own sister?" Glenn was struggling to get his briefs on, over his soft prick. "Crap,"...
Hello ISS friends, yeh meri pehli kahani hai jo main aap sab ke samne rakh raha hun. Yeh mere jivan ki sachi ghatna hai jisne mere sare sapne pure kar diye aur aaj main ek khushal jindgi ji raha hoon jo ki sex aur enjoyment se barpur hai. Dosto mera naam deepak chabra hai aur main punjab ludhiana ka rehne wala hoon meri height 6’2” hai rang sanwala aur body muscular hai. Yeh kahani meri aur meri kunwari maa ki hai aap sab hairan hunge ki main kunwari kuin likh raha hun is baat ka jawab aap ko...
DAY 09 – The third day of my ‘enslavement’ Luke did wake me by rubbing my clit and when I realised that my pussy was no longer sore I asked him to fuck me. “I had 19 orgasms yesterday.” I said after Luke had fucked me to my first orgasm of the day. “No wonder that you were knackered, although I suspect that the 3 proper gang-bangs contributed quite a bit to that.” “Probably.” After my bathroom routine I went out onto the balcony to greet the new day. Both Dani and Wren were sat on...
When we last saw Jillian, she was in what looked to be an adult size nursery, I wonder what's going to happen next. Like I said I was in shock, as I realized this room was decorated like a baby's nursery. Only all of the furnishings were in an adult size. The room it's self was done in pink & lavender walls, with matching pink & lavender curtains on the windows. Over to one side was a large changing table in one corner, and over on the other side was this large crib. The crib...
The Washington Post’s Mensa Invitational once again invited readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are the winners: 1. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time. 2. Ignoranus: A person who’s both stupid and an asshole. 3. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your...
Part IJilli, Cassie, Barb, and Abbey were in the small break room of their office, laughing and scheming on their post-work Friday night adventure. They were having such loud fun that Carol heard them two offices away. Carol was far less fun than she looked, and her temper was shorter than her tolerance for those who misbehaved, especially at work.Carol stepped through the break room door, scowling, "Haven't you gaggle anything better to do than to interrupt those of us who actually work for a...
DeliveryPart 2Steve arrived promptly at ten fifteen. I had the lights dimmed appropriately and was sipping a glass of white wine. I had changed into something far more sexy and comfortable. A black lace thong, and bra with matching garter belt attached to sheer black stockings with black stiletto high heels, and my long red wig. My long sheer black negligee completed the outfit. It was a very elegant look if I do say so myself. The guest bedroom was already prepared, but I was so horny I...
“Can I ask you something, Michael?”“Sure, you can ask me anything. What’s on your mind?”“Well at work today during break a few of us ladies were talking. One of them brought up the subject of blow jobs.”Michael smiled.“Oh really. You ladies talk about that kind of stuff?”“Sure we do. Not all the time. But if someone brings up a sexual topic we talk about it.”“Okay, what’s your question?“Most of the women said they didn’t enjoy doing that. And some others said they don’t do it at all. They all...
Threesomes"I'm sorry honey, but we're not going to be able to go shopping today." Mom responded. I was so disappointed. I was going to work in mom's office next week and needed to look professional. My clothes where great for high school, but I didn't have anything that said I'm an office professional. At least not like what mom wears. I wanted to look the job and not just some high school k** being helped by her mom. This was my chance to stand up."I can take you," Dad said from behind his newspaper.I...
I was on a business trip to a Caribbean Island. It did not go how I planned. I was alone and far away from home. I arrived at the hotel and unpacked my bags. I opened my computer and reviewed the presentation that I was to give one more time. I was very anxious and nervous; if it were approved, I would get a promotion and transfer.The next day I set up for the briefing. I surveyed the room making sure everything was perfect. Everyone arrived and took their places. I scanned all the faces and...
Quickie Sex(I which I taste Bethany’s Schwarzwalder-Kirschtorte and she samples my Schwarzschlange-Honigschlag) Beth had given me her car keys and I brought my toolkit and mechanic coveralls to the bars’ parking lot. When I popped the mustangs’ hood, I found what I expected: a broken distributor cap. A quick trip to the parts store, a short tune-up and I had the ‘tang’ purring like a kitten, abet a large and deep throated kitten. Beth was just getting off the bus and she ran up to me and hugged and kissed...
InterracialThey arose in unison, the true pair. He immediately ran to the restroom. She looked at me groggily with the same contemptuous look she always gave me. And yet I wondered; how much did she feel? Did she think it was her boyfriend making the normal nightly advance? Questions truly loomed and yet, if it were true, I would be completely free despite my actions. I told her I was heading home and she met me in embrace. Absentmindedly, as she hugged me, my hands found their way to the curve of her...
While they’ve been quarantining together, Vanna Bardot knows that her stepbrother Codey Steele has been coming into her room at night to spy on her. She decides to take advantage of his obvious interest. After getting all made up, she puts on a sleek white dress while playing wedding music in the background. Codey comes home just as Vanna is toying with the ring. Vanna freaks out and tells Codey the groom isn’t supposed to see the bride before they get married. That’s when...