Shasta's TaleChapter 3 free porn video

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The next few weeks went by quickly. The maid's job kept her fairly busy; Shasta found out quickly Clarise wasn't a harsh taskmistress, but she did expect everything to be clean and in their correct place. Given what she had left behind, it was as close to heaven as she could have hoped. Katern was another of the maids and willingly showed her what needed to be done and how to avoid the pitfalls many newcomers fell into.

She saw Clarise, Nesho and Sosho on an almost daily basis. Since Clarise was the "wife-in-charge" of the daily operations of the household, Shasta saw her more often then the rest. However Nesho and Sosho, with their advanced stages of pregnancy, needed a considerable amount of assistance, even with the most mundane tasks, such as getting dressed in the morning. Shasta enjoyed this part most of all. While she respected Clarise for her even-tempered way of dealing with the staff and was overawed by her beauty, Shasta was more comfortable with the younger Sosho and completely awestruck by Nesho.

To the fisherman's daughter turned slave, Nesho was the epitome of grace, charm and self-assurance. Although heavily gravid with child, Nesho still spent many long hours each day cloistered in her own den/office pouring over reports and producing voluminous amounts of paperwork. The other servants said she was the heart and brains behind the shipping concern their master was involved in. Shasta had less interaction with her then the others, but what little she did left her breathless. She was without a doubt the sharpest person Shasta had ever met.

In this household filled with surprises Shasta still found herself amazed at times. Such as by the freedom the Master allowed his "slaves." She still had to be careful about using that word; the master really didn't like it and even if he didn't say anything about it, his "wives" certainly would. They had the uncanny ability to zero in on anything that caused him discomfort like sharks sensing blood in the water. And while they were usually very forgiving and quite fair-minded; if it came to distressing their man, it was safer to take the shark. Although Shasta had never seen anyone beaten for any reason in the deSiso household, the tongues of those three could be sharper than sharks' teeth if they felt it was needed.

Master Dent -- calling someone "master" still made Shasta a little bit queasy, although less so as time passed -- never seemed to interfere with anything his women did. In fact he supported them against other freemen, something absolutely unheard of. Shasta clearly remembered a time two merchants came calling on the deSiso house looking for a license for the transshipment of goods. She was dusting Nesho's office when they were announced. One she had seen before, the other was new.

The doormaid for the day had ushered them up to the large study Nesho used as her office. Dent's private den was much smaller and cozier, or so Shasta thought. It must have been that the more established merchant hadn't fully explained how and who they would be dealing with here in Safehaven since his partner was utterly shocked when they entered the room and saw Nesho sitting behind the big desk.

"Wench, you best get your ass out of that chair before your master has you whipped," he said without thinking.

"Ah, György," the other man said nervously. "This is Mistress Nesho torSiso. She is, ah, the governor's, ah, representative in these maters."

"Nonsense!" György said shaking his head in disbelief. "No self-respecting man would deal with a slave other than as a comfort in bed. Which I see she has been obviously been used for. And what is this "Mistress" crap, Imre? It's a fucking slave! It's not like it's a real woman."

"György!" Imre hissed. "Control yourself. This is His Excellency's personal representative. I told you we wouldn't be dealing directly with him." Turning back to Nesho he cleared his throat and said, "I'm terribly sorry, Mistress Nesho. My colleague isn't aware of the situation and is a bit, well, provincial in his attitude toward, ah, servants. Please forgive him; I'm sure we can work through this misunderstanding."

Nesho was about to say something when György interrupted.

"There is no misunderstanding, Imre," György said snidely. "I deal with men of my own station. I have no use for some round-heeled trollop, no matter what she calls herself."

"Really György, we must..." Imre started.

"That's quite all right, Master Imre," Nesho said smiling. "I believe Master Dent is in today. Why don't we see if he is available? Shasta," she said with a gleam in her eye, "would you please find Master Dent and ask if he is available to see these gentlemen? I believe he's in his office right now."

"Of course, Mistress," Shasta said and started for the door. As she was leaving she heard the one called Imre say, "Mistress Nesho, I really don't think that is necessary..."

Shasta hurried down the hall to the master bedroom. Dent's den/office was off the bedroom. It was very secluded and never meant to be accessible to the public. Shasta had been in there a few times when the master wasn't there. She was still uncomfortable in his presence or even to be in an area he frequented. When Shasta first saw this room she had been amazed at the starkness and its severe functionality. For the most part the walls were bare with the exception of a number of bookshelves filled to overflowing. The desk was smaller than the one Nesho was presently sitting at and meticulously clean the few times she had seen it. The only ornamentation, if you could call it that, was the full dress armor of a Guild Warrior sitting on a stand in the corner. As she entered the room she knocked on the doorframe. Dent was looking at a few papers lying on the desk and looked up as she entered.

"Shasta," he said with a smile. "What can I do for you?"

"Master," she said with a small curtsy. "Mistress Nesho begs your presence in the main office if you are available."

"I certainly am," he said rising. "Is there a problem?"

"No," she started. "Well, maybe. There is a man there that doesn't want to deal with her; he wants to see you personally. Said he doesn't deal with slaves."

"Is that so?" the smile disappearing from his face. "Then I suppose we will have to give him what he wants, now won't we?" His face now set in stone he quickly walked past and Shasta scurried to follow.

Hardly slowing down Dent entered the large office and without a glance at the two men who were just beginning to stand went straight toward the big desk and Nesho who was also struggling to standup. In doing so he walked right past György who had stuck his hand out in greeting. Motioning Nesho to remain seated he moved to stand beside her behind the desk. Bending down he gave her a slow, lingering kiss, the kind that under different circumstances might lead to some private time in the bedroom.

If his intention was to make it clear whom he considered important in the room he succeeded admirably. Shasta could see the surprised, almost shocked, expression on György's face, and the despondent look on Imre's. Shasta had to pinch herself to keep from laughing out loud. At least Nesho had propriety enough to blush; although Shasta wasn't sure if it was really embarrassment or just the flush of sexual excitement. Shasta had been there long enough now to know that with Nesho, it could very well have been either.

"Gentleman," Dent said straightening up, "I understand there is a question as to whom business-related matters should be directed towards?"

"No question at all, my good man," György answered. He appeared to be still flustered from the intended slight but was quickly recovering his composure. "I was just telling Imre here that real men don't discuss business with slaves; we do it between ourselves." Imre's had gone from despondent to a pale pallor.

"Is that so?" Dent said slowly. "To whom am I speaking and just what is this business we are supposed to discuss?"

"Well, I am György deMongue," György said with a smile. "And our business deals with leasing some space in one of your warehouses for the transshipment of goods."

At the mention of the deMongue name Shasta gave a slight involuntary gasp and started to feel a bit faint. Here was a representative of the House of her former master! Was he here also to claim his property for her just punishment? She almost turned and ran except Nesho caught her eye and with a slight shake of her head Shasta froze in place.

"I see," Dent said. His eyes had briefly flickered over to Shasta at the name but were now again centered on the man standing in front of him. "You are under a misunderstanding here, I fear. I am the governor and I deal with the administration of this island. All my business concerns with respect to the shipping company are handled by my representative here." He placed his hand possessively on Nesho's shoulder as she smiled up at him. "If you wish to do business with my company, you go through her. That is not negotiable."

"This is outrageous!" György sputtered. "Nobody would deal with you under these circumstances!"

"I do feel for you," Dent responded with almost a smirk. "I wouldn't like to negotiate with her myself. I've tried and always come up losing. But nonetheless that's the way it is. If you can't accept these conditions, well, you are certainly welcome to turn around and walk out that door."

"Ridiculous!" György shouted. "I will not be made jest of because of some bitch of a cow! I demand satisfaction!"

"Hmm," Dent looked at György with narrowed eyes.

"Dent!" Nesho said sharply. "No dueling is allowed on Safehaven! You know that! Especially you!"

"That is true," he said not taking his eyes off of György. "But since I'm the one who made that rule I can also modify it."

"No. You. Can't!" she snarled while yanking on his arm. Finally he broke contact with György and looked down at her. "It would be a really bad idea," she hissed, her eyes narrowed into cobra slits. "I mean a really bad idea."

Dent's eyes widened just a little in surprise but he only nodded. All of a sudden he grinned at her and the tension immediately left her face. Still grinning he turned back to György and Imre.

"Well, it seems I won't be accepting your kind invitation to dance," he said. "I have been gently reminded that it is not the governor's place to duel, even if it were allowed."

"That was disgusting!" György sputtered. "I have never seen a man so emasculated! You are no man! You're just a — a — a..."

"Imre," Nesho said loud enough for all to hear. "You might want to explain to your friend just how close he came to death just now." All heads turned toward her and then to Imre.

"Well, yes," Imre stammered. "György you will probably want to know that the man you have challenged is the best swordsmen in Jeevel and maybe even the world. That's not me talking; I've met a number of Guild warriors over the past few weeks and that's what they say. Remember, he is a Guild warrior."

"That's a bit much," Dent muttered.

"Also," Nesho interjected, "having two Mongue killed in Safehaven in as many months would be a cause for talk."

"Eh, what's that?" György said taken back. "Two? What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry," Nesho said affecting an aura of innocence. "I had assumed you were related to a Blein deMongue who died here these few ten-day ago."

"Oh yes, Blein," György said and stopped to think. "My half-brother, not that we were all that close. That's right; he was killed here wasn't he? He never would take advice, that one. I told him once if he was going to play with his toys like that he should maim them first. It may not be as much fun, but it's a lot safer. I heard you killed the bitch."

"She was condemned to death as the law required," was all Dent would offer.

"A pity," György mused. "You probably had her killed quickly. If I or mine had her she'd be screaming still."

"Justice was done," Dent added sharply.

"A highly overvalued concept," György said. "Whatever the case, I may have to honor you as the governor but I certainly have no respect for you as a man. I think I will take my business elsewhere. Are you coming, Imre?" Without waiting for the answer he turned and strutted out the door nearly running down Shasta in his haste to leave.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency, Mistress Nesho," Imre said nervously. "I'm afraid my House ordered me to work with that... person. I sincerely apologize and hope this little incident won't affect our future business dealings."

Dent just grunted and waved his hand. Nesho smiled and said, "We understand, Imre. There are times when you can't pick and choose whom you deal with. I am sure we can still work to our mutual benefit, but maybe today wouldn't be the best time for that."

"Thank you, Mistress," Imre said sounding relived. "I am very happy to hear you say that, and I agree; today wouldn't be the best time. That being the case I will beg your leave and call at a better, less emotional time. Your Excellency, Mistress." Bowing, he also turned and left.

Shasta, still flustered after meeting another Mongue and flabbergasted over Dent's actions towards the visitors and his "slave," fled to her room to hide.

It was around this same time Shasta began to get strange feelings. They were unlike anything she had ever felt before. At first it was little more than a craving, a want for some undescribable and unknown something. At first it came only at night when she would wake and reach... for nothing. As the days passed the feelings grew stronger and began to invade her dreams. She was used to waking from her nightmares shivering and with cold sweats. Those had started almost from the day she was sold to Mongue and always involved his face as he stood over her, usually with one of his pain-inducing "toys."

Although she still had those every once in a while, their frequency had decreased dramatically since joining the deSiso household. Before Mongue her nightmares revolved mostly around the capture of her village, the death of her family and her subsequent multiple rapes. Luckily those particular dreams hadn't returned. These new dreams were different, less clear, and difficult to remember. She knew they involved a man; this caused her to cringe slightly, but who he was or what he was doing remained obscured.

These feelings continued to come upon her and grew stronger, at times now hitting her in the middle of the day when she knew she wasn't dreaming. She thought about talking to Katern about them, but she was afraid of sounding like a madwoman. One night it finally came to a head.

Shasta had just gone to sleep when the most vivid dream she had ever experienced seemed to reach out and take hold of her. The man was there again, identity still in doubt, but this time he was kneeling between her legs and there was no doubt as to what was going on. She had been the recipient of this type of attention far too often to mistake what was about to happen. This kind of dream she was used to; usually she would wake up screaming before actual penetration, but this time she didn't. He also didn't immediately thrust into her as was her past masters' usual practices.

This was different and it confused her. The man was kneeling between her legs but his head was bent down, his mouth going for one of her erect pink nipples. Shasta waited; this seemed far too real and she waited for the pain of his teeth biting into her soft breast. The pain never came. Instead she felt the soft touch of lips gently enclosing her swollen nub and the pressure as he drew it into his mouth and began to slowly suckle. The feeling was unlike any she had ever experienced before. It wasn't an intense burst of pleasure, more like a slow spreading warmth starting in her breast that gently diffusing through the rest of her body. It was an eerie feeling, almost as if it wasn't her body it was happening too.

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The Waitress

There she was... everyday since I first saw here I've been coming into this place just in the hope that she would notice me. Everyday I'd walk up to the counter and order the coffee that I'd never drink. I'd make my way over to my usual table, waiting for her to come to me with the cup of hot black coffee. I'd taken my usual spot on the stool in the corner where she'd have to work her way carefully zig-zagging through the faceless masses and squeeze through lightly brushing her voluptuous firm...

2 years ago
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Pimped out wife

Having seen some stories here about women being pimped I thought I’d add my own account of how this happened to me not long before our wedding. My boyfriend and I shared a flat in a seaside town in the south of England. It was a tiny, two-room bedsit type place, old, crumbling and damp. We desperately wanted a home of our own. We had tried to save for a deposit on a house but were finding it difficult as the wedding itself was taking all our savings. My father was in poor health so I could...

3 years ago
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A Surprise Glamour Shoot

The day was going to be awesome; I had booked in for a glamour shoot as I had wanted one for ages and It was a present from my father in-law. A lot of my friends had had it done including men and women, what they offer is a set of photos taken by a professional photographer at a studio and they organize a makeup artist and a hair dresser for a three hour shoot where you are pampered and treated like a model regardless of how you look, most of the ones that my friends have had done have turned...

3 years ago
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Services Rendered

I sat in the hotel room and waited. Shortly after the agreed time the door opened, and in walked Mistress leading Hubby by the hand. I stood and bobbed a curtsy.They'd been downstairs having a romantic dinner, she dressed in a dark blouse and skirt, he in smart jacket and trousers. We exchange some pleasantries - yes, room service was good thank you. Dinner in the restaurant was lovely, the wine excellent and the service in the Country Manor as good and attentive as ever. Mistress poured...

4 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 5

Isra watched as they approached the blue green planet quickly, his heart beginning to pound in his chest the closer he got to the world. Down there somewhere was the sapphire eyed female she-elf wolf, the one who had stolen all he was. And because she was so deeply bonded with the amber eyed Drow, all that she was now included her. The trip had been long and arduous for him, each day bringing him closer to what he had gained in one moment and lost in the next. He had claimed her that day on...

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Rubys New Life Ch 11

When homework was finished, we furiously emailed contractors and decorators and ordered things online for our new homes. I had to pass-on instructions to the help I’d hired as to how I wanted things set up. It was a busy time. Kyle sent letters regularly, telling me how impressed he was with my progress. He kept me updated on the house and gushed over how he approved of my choices. It made me smile. When our first home visit arrived, the campus seemed buzzing with excitement. We hadn’t...

4 years ago
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My wife on the porch part twenty five

Sara wore the white see-through dress to the restaurant with no underwear on and she looked amazing. Both Pat and I had erections the whole night as I’m sure our waiter did as well. We got home around nine-thirty and as soon as we walked in the front door Pat pulled at her zipper. “Pat, what are you doing?” Sara asked. “Naked as soon as you get home, babe, remember,” Pat answered, “I’m just helping you get naked.” Within five seconds her dress was at her ankles and she stepped out of it. Pat...

2 years ago
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richboys love 40

there was a knock on the door and another officer entered the room "his attonry is here" when my mom entered the room i went to run to her but the officer loudly shouted at me to sit down having one hand over the top of his gun so did as he said my mom handed the man a white envolope he opened it and read my certifate of birth and a few other documents the man looked at me and said he was very sorry and im free to go i ran to my mom and said "thank you so much" when i got outside...

3 years ago
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The flight had no oxygen

The flight had no oxygen! It started on Thursday a call came through asking for an immediate meeting in Christ Church. I didn’t want to leave right away so I asked Marcy to check flight availabilities.“Just one ticket J?” I noticed the pen that god dam chewed up pen in the corner of that god dam mouth!“Listen don’t be a smart ass, I can’t handle a paper cup without your help. You’re coming with me!” “Good times yah!” In that infuriating giggling voice she does.Marcy what can I say about Marcy...

1 year ago
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Dave ndash Meganrsquos Day Off Part 2

Meghan got up close and personal and we hugged for a good few minutes and I felt my hard cock pushing against her belly, I am sure she could feel it and maybe that’s why the hug was so long, I even let my hands slip down from her waist to her arse cheeks feeling her bare cheeks under her shirt.She didn’t move, I brought one hand up and stoked her golden blonde hair pressing her head into my hairy chest while the other hand squeezed her arse cheek, her arms tight around my waist I remembered how...

3 years ago
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The Binding RingsChapter 11

Jason awoke to find that he had reversed the position that they had gone to sleep in; he was laying on his side and had thrown an arm over his aunt, holding her close to him. Her bare skin was soft and pleasant against his own and he tightened his arm around her, holding her even closer. He groggily shook his head, and squinted over at the clock on the wall to see what time it was. It was still early - hours before he had to get up. He looked down at his aunt, barely being able to make out...

4 years ago
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Retreads Part DeuxChapter 4

Every time I thought about retiring, something interesting always came up to change my mind. This time was no different. Personally, I had all but written Earth off as a lost cause. I honestly believed that they would find a way to destroy themselves before they grew out of the urge to do so. Others obviously held out some hope for our old home, though. I thought the Bards might help, but not enough. I didn't know about the contingency plans until Dina French asked for a meeting with me. I...

3 years ago
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African godess

A couple of weeks ago I had the taste for a Rally’s burger, the drive thru line was very long and it was a nice day in the south so I parked and walked up to the window. I saw this nice looking thick African American black girl standing on a step stool pouring ice into the machine. She had the body of a goddess, caramel skin, nice d sized tits, slim waist, and a cute face. I was aw struck I had forgotten how hungry I was, the only thing that came out of my mouth was “Miss Lady you are sexy as...

2 years ago
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Ghumne Ke Bahane Megha Ki Choot Maari

Hi doston , mera naam alok hai , pehle main aap logon ko apne baare mein bata doon waise to main agra ka rehne wala hoon but aajkal main pune mein job kar raha hoon, mera loda 6.5 inch lamba aur 4 inch mota hai. Ab main aapko zyada wait nahi karwaunga aur direct story pe aata hoon , ye meri pehli story hai to agar koi galti ho to maaf karna Ye story meri aur meri ex girlfriend megha ki hai , megha sood 27 saal ki ladki hai dekhne mein bahut sundar nhi hai but punjaban hone ke karan usne apni...

3 years ago
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Loving Little sister and Friend

i****t/TabooLoving Little sister and FriendPrologue Rachel is my younger sister by three years. Since we were little she and I have been best buddies. For the most part we have always gotten along great together. I love playing games and hanging out with her. She's the happiest person I know and has the cutest smile and the most adorable laugh ever. She is so fun to be around and she's kind and friendly to everyone.As her older brother, naturally I enjoy teasing the hell out of her. I learned...

2 years ago
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First Day

My first story, hope you enjoy it. It was my first day of class and to be quite honest I wasn’t really looking forward to it either. I didn’t know any of the people in the room with me and that made me a little nervous. The desks were set in pairs of two at each. I got there early to watch the others file in after me. I watched as one by one all my peers walked through the door and avoided the seat next to me. As the last person filed in he had no option but to sit next to me. We sat there in...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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24 hours 5 years 10 months Ch 04

The door bell rang and Marie yelled out from the kitchen, ‘Jim, should be my folks, I’m draining the pasta. Where do you hide the colander, quick before I over cook it.’ Walking to the front door I yelled back, ‘Wall with the fridge, floor cabinet, third door from the right.’ The door bell rang again as I opened it. Standing there looking slightly amused and very tired were Dot and Carl, Marie’s parents. ‘Well, come on in, I can take your sweaters and you can put your luggage off to the side...

2 years ago
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Fun in Cabo Part 3

On the drive to the restaurant, Linda suggested we take her boat out for a short trip.  She said I would only need to pack a few things,  that I would not really need much in the way of clothing and that she would bring the sunscreen and toys.  We could even head right to the boat that evening, and she would just have everything we needed brought to us. That way we could be underway first thing in the morning.“That sounds awesome, but…”“No buts!  It is the perfect plan.”Without even waiting,...

2 years ago
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Different "Are you sure coming back the morning after vandalizing a fucking storefront to such a brilliant plan?" I asked as I grabbed my bag from the back of Chris's car. "A bit risky, don't you think?" Chris favored me with a smirk through his dark mop as he said, "Am I the only one with balls around here?" I'd had just about enough of that skinny runt, but I couldn't think of any way out of this without looking like a wimp, so I turned and headed for the beach. "Not so...

3 years ago
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No room for debate

Janie Barnes was running late to get out the door for the speech contest her students were participating in that April Saturday morning. Normally, the mild-mannered 5'6, 41-year-old speech and debate teacher at the local intermediate school avoided getting unraveled. However, on this morning, her nine-year-old son Alex was not cooperating in terms of waking up, eating breakfast and getting dressed before the babysitter arrived at 8 a.m. The fact that her husband George and fourteen-year-old son...

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The Agency Ch 01

Chapter 1 Roberta the Witch So there I was, in a hotel room on Miami Beach, in bed naked with my boss, Roberta the Witch. This was not the duty of an underpaid minion. I was exactly where I wanted to be, risking being decapitated by her thighs. As I waited for her spasms to end I idly wondered how I came to be between her legs. She was the head of an advertising agency and as ruthless a boss as any in the land. I was in the production end of her company overseeing print advertisement. It...

2 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 19

The girls were becoming more comfortable with me as the day went on, so we talked and touched each other more and more. We had to be back aboard by 7 PM for and 8 PM departure, which was fine because we were at the 7 PM seating for dinner. We were in our room by 6 PM and were on time for our dinner. One of the couples was not there but the other was. They had gone on the catamaran and had a good time. They said it was crowded, but they had seen a couple of dolphins, a sea turtle and even a...

2 years ago
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My Dear Br

DISCLAIMER: This story is solely a work of fiction. Any similarities between people living or dead is purely coincidental. No a****ls were harmed in the writing of this story. When I was a young c***d, I was teased a lot. I was a boy, but I looked more like a girl, and even acted quite feminine. The older girls would use me as a dress-up doll, and the older boys would beat me. My b****r, though, would often come to my rescue, even if it meant that he took a worse beating than I did. I loved...

2 years ago
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MageChapter 73

We all assembled, including Crnnch and a couple of his Adepts, to discuss the results of the ‘great raid’ as it was being called. Roxanne doing a quick summary of our success, followed by Crnnch, who wasn’t in armour (that we could tell), giving the Orc side. “Perhaps we could offer the use of a Mage to the Orc weapon platforms to provide added shielding for them?” I posited. “We certainly have a few to spare at the minute, but that’s up to Seeker Crnnch,” Roxanne replied after a moment’s...

4 years ago
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Flawed Wife

I consider myself very lucky to have such a beautiful wife, although she is only 23 years old, to my 29, she has lived her life to the full. I of course didn't know any of this until after I had married her, but after an initial shock I found it very stimulating to hear of her sexual adventures when she was younger. I sowed my fair share of wild oats in my time but its nothing compare to hers. So lets start at the being, I met her when she was just out of college and joined my company. It was...

2 years ago
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Red lights were flashing. The sirens were screaming for attention, drowning out the consistent moan of the gravity engine. Panicked people paced quickly from one end of the station to the other. Things aboard The Horizon weren’t looking great. Yet Alan Coley thought that this was the perfect time to sit down and have a cup of dehydrated coffee. The Horizon was a state-of-the-art solar observatory in an orbit around the star 3820-Sagittae. The main purpose of the facility was to collect data on...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Dare Book 2Chapter 6 Submission

Early the next morning, unable to sleep, Talia got up and wrote about the rest of the previous evening. She interrupted her story when she got a reply from Mason, and they went back and forth about the wisdom of what she was doing, and how she was so brave, but for her to be careful. She continued to think about what might happen, and she resolved to call in and work from home again, unable to imagine spending a whole day at work while wondering what Peter would do to her when she got home,...

3 years ago
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Cabin Boy

"Quick m'lady. Your hair!" Catherine gasped. "What are you doing?" Mary-Ann seized a fistful of the fair locks. There was a long knife in her hand. "Ow-oww! No! Stop it!" "It has to be done. Beggin' yer pardon m'lady. It grieves me, but 'tis your only chance." The knife was sawing, hacking at her hair. A handful of it had gone already, tossed over the side of the boat where the waves slapped and sloshed. Another handful, tugging and tearing at her scalp. Mary-Ann's eyes were full...

3 years ago
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Sub Zero Episode One

She’s programmed herself to talk the talk, but walking the walk reveals she’s inexperienced. You have to read the body language closely: the widened eyes, the lack of grace in posture, the barely repressed nervous giggle. She tells you she’s had this Master and that Sir and maybe she has, but they’ve all been phonies and wanna-bes, poseurs who – like her – only think they’re in the lifestyle. But they’re not. And it shows.She doesn’t look comfortable on her knees yet. She’s not found her center...


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