DixielandChapter 2 free porn video

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The phone jangled, and Beagle sat up slowly and shook the cobwebs out of his head. He had pulled down the shades when he got back to his room, but sunlight now was creeping in around the edges.

The phone rang again, and he picked up the receiver.

It was Cass. "Beagle, how much trouble am I in?"

Beagle paused, composed his thoughts and said, "He's pretty pissed, Mike. I mean, he's so pissed I think you're fired."

"Shit." Cass's voice was filled with anguish.

After a moment, he said, "Can I fix it up?"

"I don't think so, Mike. Where are you?"

"Over in Gulfport. There's a girl I know here — you remember her, Binky; used to be a stripper in Pensacola."

"Oh, yeah," said Beagle. "I remember her."

"So I'm in deep shit."

"Yeah, pretty deep." Beagle's tone was sympathetic. He was thinking hard. "What's the phone number there?" He found a pencil and wrote it on a piece of yellowed hotel stationery.

"I'll see what I can do at this end," he said. "And I'll call you back this afternoon." He paused. "No, don't come 'round here right now. Seein' you might jus' set him off. I'll call you."

He hung up, got out of bed and raised the shades. The sunlight hurt his eyes, so he pulled the shades back down and lit a cigarette. This could be an interesting day, he thought.

They gathered together in the dining room downstairs for breakfast: LT, Deedee, Beagle and Mealia. Everyone was quiet. Even the usually voluble LT was lost in thought. Deedee seemed depressed and wouldn't look anyone in the eye.

She slipped a cushion onto her chair before sitting.

"You okay?" LT asked.

"I jus' need my coffee," she mumbled.

"How'd it go last night?" Mealia asked.

"Pretty good, I guess," said LT. "Wouldn't you say it went okay, Beagle?"

"Sure, LT."

They fell silent again.

Finally, Mealia said, "You sure don't sound like everything went okay."

LT munched on a slice of toast, washed it down with a gulp of coffee, and said, "Well, there was one problem. Mike Cass got drunk and picked a fight with the mayor's son. It was a stupid thing to do. I had to fire him."

"You fired Mike?" Deedee asked. It was the first time since she got up that she'd shown any spark of life.

"Yeah, I didn't want to, but I had no choice. It was either fire him or lose the mayor. And if we lose the mayor, the whole deal blows up."

"That's too bad," Deedee said sadly. "I like Mike. And I know he really looks up to you."

"Yeah, well, he shouldn't have got drunk." LT was peeved, and it showed. In fact, any feeling LT had immediately showed up in his face. He's an open book, Beagle thought.

"I feel bad about it, too," Beagle said. "I told him to quit the booze. I wish I had kept at him about that. Deedee's right. He really admires you, LT." He paused, then added, "And I know he really likes you, too, Deedee."

After breakfast, Beagle followed Mealia to her room.

"We need to talk," he said.

She let him in. The room was a mess. Mealia always had been a slob.

He sat in a wicker chair and felt a lump beneath him. He slid forward, turned and picked up Deedee's balled up panties. He held them up and gave them a shake.

"You gettin' awfully sexy these days," he said to his sister with a sly grin.

Her face got even redder than usual.

"Give 'em here," she said.

"Whose are they?" he asked.

"None of your business."

He sniffed them. "Don't smell like you, sis. And there's only one other woman in this hotel, besides the maid." He sniffed them again. "Yeah, this here reeks of Deedee."

"Give 'em to me," Mealia demanded.

"No, I think I may find a use for them, sis. Maybe I'll keep 'em in my pocket, so I can give myself a little pick-me-up from time to time. Like smellin' salts when a person's feelin' faint. And speakin' of feelin' faint, how rough were you with her last night?"

"You're such a prick," Mealia said.

He got up to leave.

"What'd you come in here to talk about?" Mealia asked.

"I was gonna ask how you thought LT and Deedee was gettin' along. But I don't need to know anymore. The past don't matter. I think I know exactly how they'll be gettin' along from now on."

"It's the damnedest thing," LT said, slowly twisting his bottle of Dr. Pepper back and forth between his hands. "She's got these red welts all over her behind, but she won't talk 'bout 'em. And she seems all confused and sad. I ain't never seen her like this before."

"Maybe you got cooties in your room," Beagle said, letting out a stream of cigarette smoke.

"No, these ain't bug bites. Looks more like she's been hit — you know, like when someone whips you with a switch."

"Y'all into that kind of thing?" Beagle asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Not me," LT said. "I'm old-fashioned when it comes to lovemakin' — jus' fuckin' and blow-jobs and maybe a bit of pussy-lickin' on special occasions."

He grinned in spite of himself.

"What about you, Beag?" he asked.

"I guess I'm pretty much like you, LT. I'm not really into kinky stuff... Well, not ordinarily, anyhow."

"Whatcha mean, 'not ordinarily'?"

"Well, a few months ago me and Mike went to a whorehouse in Biloxi, and things got kinda strange."

"How so?" LT seemed keenly interested.

"Well, Mike asked for a girl who liked rough stuff. That's the way he put it — 'rough stuff.' And the madam, she said she had a girl who was willing to put up with a little roughness. Spanking and such."

"Really?" LT asked, wide-eyed. "Mike asked for that?"

"Sure enough," Beagle said. Then he fell silent.

"Well," said LT. "What the hell happened?"

"Aw, I shouldn't be tellin' you this, LT. It's kinda private, and it's not really fair to Mike."

"Tell me what happened, for God's sake," LT said loudly.

"Okay, okay. Jus' keep it down." They were sitting in a café in what passed for a downtown in Cypress Grove.

"Well," said Beagle. "He took out this leather whip he was carrying. It was coiled up inside his shirt. He took it out and whipped the shit out of her."

LT whistled. "Beat her with a whip?"

"Yeah, and it kinda upset me. I mean, it was the same sort of thing we're goin' into business to do, but this was a Southern white girl, not some Yankee slut."

"I never would have thought it," LT said softly.

"Yeah, me neither," said Beagle. "After all, it's not like Mike needs to go beatin' up whores if he's lookin' for sex. He's never had trouble gettin' women. He was real popular in high school. In fact, I think he dated Deedee. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he did."

"He never told me that," LT said, his face darkening.

"Well, no reason why he should. It was probably no big thing for either of them. I'm not even sure Mike would remember."

"You don't forget a girl like Deedee," LT said menacingly.

"Sure, you're right. She's special," Beagle said quickly. "It's just that he had so many girls. Anyway, I'm sure it wasn't nothin' but a little high school fling."

The waitress, a thin young black woman, came up to their table and asked if they wanted anything else.

"Yeah," said LT. "I think it's time to switch to beer. Bring me a Dixie."

"We don't serve no beer," the waitress said.

LT looked at her coldly. "Sure, you got beer. You go back in the kitchen and tell whoever runs this place that LT Moore and his right-hand-man are out front and they want a couple bottles of Dixie. Tell him that, and see what happens. And if he ain't heard of LT Moore, tell him to call Sheriff Berkey and ask about me."

"Okay," the waitress said sulkily as she walked away, "but I know we ain't got no beer."

"Jesus H. Fuckin' Christ," LT sighed. "It's one goddam aggravation after another. Now, where were we?"

"I don't recall," Beagle said. "Oh, yeah, it was about Mike and Deedee."

"You think they ever did it?" LT asked, staring into Beagle's eyes.

Beagle looked away. "Why you put me on the spot like this, LT? It was a long time ago and they was jus' teen-agers. What difference does it make?"

"I want to know what you think, dammit," LT shouted.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. What I think is that, yeah, they probably did it. I mean, it was probably just a blow job or a quick fuck in the back seat of a car at the drive-in. But shit, that doesn't mean they was in love, much less that they're still — " Here he paused.

"They're still what?" LT grabbed his arm.

"Christ, LT, that hurts. Relax, will you?"

LT released him. "Okay, I'm relaxed. I'm calm. What I want to know is do you think there's still anything between Mike and Deedee? Any love interest? Any carryin' on?"

"No, I don't," Beagle said. "And that's the honest to God truth. I think whatever was between them is over and done with. Besides, I'm not even sure Deedee ever enjoyed that kind of rough stuff."

LT stood up so suddenly that his chair fell over backward.

"What you mean? You sayin' he used to beat her?"

"No, that's not what I'm sayin'. Sit down, for Christ sake."

LT picked up his chair and sat. He leaned across the table until his face was close to Beagle's.

"Then what are you sayin', Beagle. Think very carefully before you talk, you son-of-a-bitch. What are you gettin' at?"

Beagle wore a pained expression, as if he were struggling within himself.

"Look, LT, I don't want to cause no trouble. I don't want to upset you. I don't want to hurt Deedee or Mike."

"Get to the goddamn point," LT bellowed.

Two men who had been finishing a late breakfast at another table got up, shook their heads disapprovingly and left.

"What I heard is that Deedee found Mike powerful appealin'. And when she got to know him... when he introduced her, so to speak, to some of his kinky stuff, she got real excited."

"And that happened back in high school?" LT asked.

"No, this was sometime after high school."

"How long after?" LT demanded.

Beagle was silent for what seemed like a long time. Finally, he said, "Til you and Deedee took up together. About three months ago."

LT looked like he had been hit between the eyes with a two-by-four.

"I gotta talk to her," he said, more to himself than to Beagle. "I gotta talk to her."

"Before you do that, LT, you need to think this through. What good will it do to talk to her? She'll just deny it. She'll say Mike don't mean nothin' to her. That's only natural. And so will Mike. They don't want to hurt you. Besides, what happened before you and Deedee took up with one another ain't technically any of your business. I mean, so long as they ain't still at it, you can't claim no wrong."

"And how in the fuck am I to know whether they're 'still at it'?"

"I don't know," Beagle said. His voice was filled with sadness. "I jus' wish I had kept my mouth shut. I don't know how you can know for sure what's goin' on."

"I'm goin' out for a walk on the beach," LT said. "You're right. I gotta think this through. I'll see you later at the hotel."

"Sure, LT. You go ahead. I'll pay the bill here."

LT walked away, his shoulders slumped. When the screen door swung shut, Beagle gestured to the waitress. "How much?" he asked.

"Dollar and a quarter," she said. Then she added, "I checked. We don't have no beer."

Beagle smiled. "Dollar and a quarter don't seem much of a price for destroyin' a man's soul," he said.

The waitress frowned. "I don't know what you talkin' 'bout, Mister."

He gave her two dollars. "Keep the change, honey," he said. "I'm feelin' generous today."

From a pay phone at a gas station near the hotel, Beagle called the number Cass had given him. A woman answered.

"Mike there?" he asked.

"He's sleepin'," the woman said.

"Is this Binky?"

"Yeah, who's this?"

"This is Mike's friend Beagle. Tell him I need to talk to him. Wake him up. He won't mind."

"You sure?" she asked.

"I promise he'll be glad you did."

A few seconds later Mike's sleepy voice asked, "Yeah, Beagle, what's up?"

"Get over to the hotel as quick as you can. I think I know how we can patch this thing up. LT is a sucker for Deedee. He'll do jus' about anything to please her. If we can get her to talk to him about your situation, I think we can fix it."

"Thanks, Beagle," Cass said, his voice filled with relief. "You're a real friend. I'll be there in no time — 20 minutes tops."

Beagle hung up and walked jauntily to the hotel. A stiff breeze was blowing in from the Gulf, carrying a tang of salt and the cries of gulls. Far in the distance, he could see LT, at the water's edge.

Mealia was sitting on the veranda.

"You seen Deedee?" he asked.

"I think she's still up in her room," Mealia said. "What you up to, Beagle?"

"You ever been in the bumper cars over at Pontchartrain Beach? Imagine if the bumper cars was locomotives. That's what I'm up to, sis."

He went into the Cytherea and raced up the stairs, two at a time.

LT wasn't much of a walker, but he trudged through the sand with grim determination. His despair had quickly been transformed into anger, and the anger frightened him. He wanted to work it off. At the moment, walking was the only safe way to do so.

Now he was headed back to the hotel, head down, brow furrowed, deep in thought. What did he really know about Mike and Deedee? Nothing but what Beagle had told him, and Beagle himself said he didn't have anything definite. They probably dated in high school. They may have had something going after high school. It was all surmise and suspicion.

But then there were the welts on Deedee's behind. When he had asked her about them, she had blushed and turned away from him. She wouldn't talk about them.

And whipping women's behinds was something that turned Mike on. Beagle had seen it with his own eyes.

But Beagle could be lying. Naw, why would he lie? He liked Mike.

So the story about Mike at the whorehouse had to be true. And the welts on Deedee's ass were a fact. Put two and two together and what do you get? Perversion, that's what — kinky shit between his buddy and his girlfriend. Kinky stuff that she must like. Going on while his back was turned. Going on last night, while he was at the VFW hall making his sales pitch. Mike must have come back to the hotel, still sort of drunk. He sees Deedee sitting on the veranda. They talk. He makes a suggestion. She smiles seductively. They go up to the room, and then...

"Jesus H. Fuckin' Christ!" LT yelled, startling half a dozen terns into flight.

He looked around to get his bearings. The hotel was barely a hundred yards away. Two people were on the veranda. He couldn't tell from this distance who they were. But he was pretty sure one was a man and the other was a women.

He walked faster.

"I don't know if it'll do any good, but I'll try," Deedee said. "He doesn't like me inquirin' into his business."

"I'm not askin' you to talk business," Mike said. "I'm askin' you to talk to him about how me and him have been friends for a long time. I'm askin' you to ask him to give me another chance."

A voice came from the screen door a few feet from them. It was Beagle, who had been standing in the lobby, by the door.

"Mike, you better hightail it out of here," he said. "I see LT comin' and he's walkin' like a man who's really pissed."

"Why should I run away?" Mike asked. "I want to face him like a man. I want to tell him I'm sorry and ask him to forgive me."

"I'm tellin' you," Beagle said urgently, "You better get the fuck out of here, fast."

Mike sighed, then walked down the steps of the veranda and looked to his left. The figure in the distance was still small, but he could tell it was LT. He turned and walked in the other direction.

Deedee came to the top of the steps and leaned against a wooden column. She was confused. Beagle had urged her to talk with Mike, but now he had told Mike to go away. Why not let Mike and LT work this out together? She didn't want to get in the middle. She liked Mike, but who was she to tell LT who to hire and fire?

LT reached the foot of the steps, paused and tried to catch his breath.

"Was that Mike jus' left here?" he finally asked.

"Yeah, honey, he..." Deedee hesitated. LT was coming up the steps fast and his face was twisted with rage.

She backed away, but his open-handed blow still caught her on the side of the head. She tumbled backward into the clapboard wall and fell to the floor. He knelt and continued slapping her.

Deedee's screams brought Mealia out from the kitchen, where she had been talking with the cook. She rushed past Beagle and out on the veranda.

"LT, what the hell you doin'?" she cried. She tried to grab his raised right hand, but he pushed her away and continued pummeling Deedee.

"Beagle," Mealia called. "Come out here and stop him. Please, for God's sake."

Beagle stepped out and said, "Lay off her, LT. You jus' gonna get yourself into trouble. Let her alone. Let's go for a walk and do some talkin'."

LT paused. He was still on his knees. Deedee was curled up next to him, her hands pressed against the sides of her head.

"I done enough walkin' today, Beagle. I done enough thinkin' and talkin' too."

"A person can't never do enough thinkin'," said Beagle. "Lack of thinkin' is what gets you into deep shit." He walked over to LT and squatted beside him.

"Let her go back up to her room and compose herself," he said. "Mealia'll take care of her. Let's you and me go somewhere and figure out what to do next."

LT got unsteadily to his feet. His fit of rage had suddenly passed, and he looked dazed. Deedee was sobbing softly. He looked down at her and said, "You okay, honey?"
Mealia helped Deedee to sit up, and took her in her arms. "Go away, LT. Go away, and let her go upstairs and rest. You done put her through hell."

LT walked down the steps. Beagle was at his side, with one hand on his shoulder. LT felt old and tired. He wanted to go somewhere, far from everyone, and sleep. Sleep forever. No more pain. No more jealousy. No more voices.

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“NUDIST family SEX CLINIC” PART 2 “Do you like big ones? she asked. Billy hung his head. “I guess…” “Please look at my tits, Billy.” His eyes flickered up to her offered breast. “There’s a powerful connection between the nerves in a woman’s nipples and the ones in her uterus, so, nipple sucking can be very stimulating for many women.” She gave him another one of those sleepy smiles, and repeated, “Look at me,...

4 years ago
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Charity Graduates 4 The Big Game

The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in it’s death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cd’s were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part; Beeder’s departure for some reason took the winds out of our wildness. Don’t get me wrong, I was still fucking up a storm every weekend. But gone...

3 years ago
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Just the Right GuyPart 3

It was about 3 PM Sunday afternoon when Megan arrived at her parent's house with Michael in tow. Her mom fawned over her, asking several times if she was all right. Megan played down the horrors of the previous 24 hours not wanting to send her into a tizzy. Michael was polite and demure during the introductions, making a very good impression on mom but making her dad wonder if he wasn't something of a milquetoast. "Dear, come in the kitchen and give me a hand, I'm putting together an...

2 years ago
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Stop Sign by loyalsock

Mike knew the instant he did it he was in trouble! “Dammit,” he cursed out loud, “stupidstop sign!” The spinning blue light on the police squad car told him instantly that he had just committed his third moving violation in the past twelve months! “Christ alive,” he thought, “I’m gonna lose my fucking license again!!!!” He waited until the officer was next to his door before rolling down his window. Trying the “I don’t have a clue approach”, he offered, “Something wrong, officer?” The female...

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Crazy Love

My best friend myself and some of her coworkers decided to hit up a club together since its been awhile since we’ve all hung out. Shaunie is a regular on the club scene so it was easy to get us in or so we thought. I watched her as she talked to the promoters and couldn’t help but recognize them both. I made my way to where she was to give myself a better view… my heart smiled it had been almost two years since I had seen them both. I had gone to college with them and a few of they’re other...

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RansomeChapter 4 Helping His Staff

The ‘phone rang on David’s desk on the Wednesday morning and the secretary said, “A Mrs. James for you. She said you would know what it was about. I haven’t told her you are in, and I can say you are out, or busy.” “Yes. I do know, and you can put her through.” ... “Hello, what can I do for you?” “I am so sorry to trouble you, but I don’t know what to do now,” said Amanda, sounding very troubled. “Yvonne?” he asked. “I don’t want to discuss it on the ‘phone, but you did say if I needed...

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Halloween Party1

I called my friend Bill. Bill is a friend of mine who I swapped blow jobs with several times. I also invited his roommate Phil. I called my landlord Sonny. Sonny is screaming gay and we also swapped blow jobs on several occasions. Lastly, I invited Bill’s younger brother John. John was about 20 at the time. John and sonny had fucked around together a few times in the past. Actually we all had had each other at one time or another. it was kind of a party group we had. An NSA fuck buddy...

3 years ago
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An Elizabethen AdventureChapter 4

Being Affianced One of the penalties of being affianced or almost affianced to Anne-Marie, was the obligation to escort her to various boring social events. She also made time to visit our home and introduce herself to my Sister, and to the senior house staff. She made it clear that she intended to be the mistress of my domain in due course. I was also required to escort her to various social events, which quickly became time consuming, as well as insisting that we took time for our own...

1 year ago
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Last of Anubis Ch 1

Chapter One: Child of Anubis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scraping sands shifted across the salt crusted, rocky terrain. The sun beat down mercilessly upon the scorched dessert valley. A flock of raptors, grey leathery, sharp taloned predators, circled the sky, their piercing screeches shot through...

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Brie Bellas feast

"Damn it, Brie, you cost us another match!" Nikki Bella shouted at her twin sister, who had just been pinned in another tag team match. Nikki was desperate to get the Divas title again, but only being able to prove herself in tag team matches meant her chances of seeing gold again were getting slimmer and slimmer with her sister losing them every match."It's called a tag team match, you stupid bitch, just cause I got pinned doesn't mean it's my fault," Brie retorted, showing a rare flash of...

3 years ago
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Like Mother Like Son 7

Written by Sharon Parsons and edited by Victor G. 16 year old Darren Peterman tries out his older woman disguise and is presented to his little brother as the boy's Aunt Nancy- a 46 year old smoker. Later that day, Aunt Nancy takes her young nephew to the park. *************** Chapter 7 ************** When I woke up Sunday morning, I felt as if an elephant was sitting on my chest. Of course, my heavy breast forms played a big role, but so did my heavy smoking the day...

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The Ohlympics

It was the event they had been working towards for the last four years. They had dedicated every moment of their lives the getting here; disciplining themselves, waking up early to train in all weathers and even on Christmas day, avoiding the foods they love and having to say no as others scoffed down cake or candy in font of them, missing out on nights out and spending time with friends and family to go to the gym or get to bed early, travelling all over the world from anonymous hotel to...

1 year ago
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The VoiceChapter 3

It was close to six weeks later when Scott received a phone call from Lynn his attorney. “You are officially a single man now since the divorce is final.” “Were there any problems in doing it?’ “Her lawyer did call saying Diane wanted more of her share of the assets. I told him that was not going to happen and if she insisted I was going to change the grounds for the divorce to adultery and I could prove it. He didn’t ask how I could do that but said he would need to check with his client....

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Jane Wilde Charly Summer Cum Swap Cuties

Seth Gamble is talking to his friend Jane Wilde about his sex life. He says that his girlfriend Charly Summer likes it when he cums on her face, or in her pussy, or on her ass, but she never lets him cum in her mouth. Jane suggests that maybe Charly is just afraid to try having cum in her mouth, so if she had a friend to do it with her, she wouldn’t be afraid anymore. Naturally, Jane is more than happy to be that friend! Seth decides that it’s worth a try. Later on, before the...

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Crissie Fucks the Neighbor

It was a Saturday afternoon and I was all alone in the apartment as my roommate Kelly had gone home to visit hermother for the weekend. I hadn't had a date or been more importantly been laid in several weeks. Needless to say I was very horny.I quickly flipped through the TV channels and as usual there was nothing worthwhile to watch so I clicked the off button.I'd already read the days newspaper and even completed the crossword puzzle. The weather was fairly warm so I was dressed in tight cut...

3 years ago
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An Erotic Journey

Hello guys, its Kunal again and I hope you all are doing great. First of all, I would like to thank you all for receiving so many positive responses from my last story A Romantic, Thrilling and Unexpected Sexual Encounter and as I promised; I am back again with one more exciting episode of sexual adventure of my life. I rarely share these stuffs with anyone but I feel ISS is a safe arena to let these flow. The story that you are going to read now is about me and a married woman whom I met...

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My mother always prided herself on being a hard working paralegal. She loved the fact that she worked for a large and prestigious company. She loved waking up early each morning so that she could look her very best in the office. She loved wearing expensive attire and high-end accessories. And she loved the amount of money she was making, especially as a single mother who was proud of her independence.So it came as no surprise that she was absolutely devastated when her department closed down...

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My wife Judy and I met around 3 years ago. We had both gone through difficult splits from previous partners, but we met at a club, got on well and after a few months I used to pop round and stay over. We had a good sex life, although often she was tired after a hard days work, but if I’m honest, sometimes so was I and was probably not a star performer.Judy had a daughter and a son from her previous marriage. Her son Mike was off at Uni, reading law and her teenage daughter Emma was at school,...

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Japanese housewife gangbanged by BBCs

Everyday brings a new adventure for my special lady. Akiko's first two days with me have been everything that she's craved for her entire life. She has completely submitted to her calling, from prim and proper housewife to sinful Japanese black cock slut. Her past life has led her to this. She is the quintessential submissive whore and the fire has been burning for quite some time. Years ago she found herself on her knees sucking off an associate of her father. She's had a group of Japanese men...

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The Restaurant

"Good evening sir," the hostess spoke softly "How many in your party?" "Just one," I replied, slipping a bill between her fingers. "But I'd like to be seated near the lady that just went in." "Of course," she whispered knowingly, "right this way." Within seconds I was seated only a few feet away from the most incredible woman I'd seen in a long time. Long soft hair framed her face, drawing all attention to the most incredible blue eyes I had ever seen. Clinging to her body was a flirty emerald...

Straight Sex
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 26 Cold Cox Academy

The next day, just after lunch, I stopped in the bank branch near my office and got on the short line to my favorite teller. I had checks from several customers to deposit and needed a cash withdrawal. Tanisha looked pretty and very professional as usual. When she saw me standing at her window I saw a distinct blush suffuse her face. "What can I do for you today Mr. Steelforth?" she asked. While her greeting was not unfriendly, I thought she was making an effort to stay more formal and...

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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 12

Neil was sat up in bed when I entered our bedroom in the early hours of Wednesday morning. I could see his eagerness to hear details, but suddenly I felt incredibly tired. I guess excitement and adrenaline had driven me on through these last hours of our energetic love-making at Jason’s. But now back in the real world, all I wanted to do was sleep.“I’m sorry, honey, can it wait until tomorrow. I’m totally whacked and right now, all I can think of is sleep. I promise I’ll tell you everything...

Wife Lovers
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The Black Sandwich

About two weeks ago we received an envelope with a picture of a young good looking, tall black stud who had a 10 inch cock and wanted to join us in our fantasy. We contacted him and arranged to meet at our place the following night. When he arrived I thought Jennie was going to cum right there on the spot. His name was Frank and he was better looking in person than in his photo. We drank some wine and discussed how our evening would be spent. Jennie told him that she wanted to tie his hands...

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Fertility Down Chapter 2 Viable

Chapter 2: ViableWe all went to a diner. At first we didn’t talk much, but eventually we started joking around. Dan seemed to be a little better. That was the thing about the whole situation, very few people expected to be fertile, so it was a little bit of an easier blow after a little while. Especially after you sit down in a public place like the diner. There was a lot of couples and friends, and literally no c***dren. And something like that probably helped Dan. He knew he was in the same...

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The maids first time part 3

Rob didn’t need any encouragement and thrust his hard cock deep into Sally’s wet cunt, as Sally moaned so those guests who had gathered around made comments of approval and this made Sally all the more horny. Several couples had decided that if fucking was taking place in the open then they were going to be involved as well and panties were removed, cocks set free from trousers and several positions were being adopted with one couple fucking on a chair, one up against the house wall and one...

4 years ago
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The Substitute Girlfriend

You are close to comming. Your girlfriend is now sucking you off for about ten minutes and is very eager to make you come soon. Faster and with more suction she fucks you with her mouth to get you off. Almost everyday for the last five years you have been served by her and it still is the best thing. You do fuck her, too, but when Ally lets you fuck her mouth, thats the greatest. And she loves it, too. She actually came a couple off times while you deep throated her. The little slut just likes...

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My Fairy TaleChapter 12

We enjoyed a loving fall and winter that year. Mrs. Kornet got sick and we had to take care of her until spring. My little family was very happy. I fulfilled my duty as militia leader and we met and trained. I was sure that we would run into another fight before many months. My family prayed daily for guidance, and we were blessed with many small things to make our home a pleasant place to be. I still had to come home twice a day from the fields or my other work to hold and touch my wives....

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The English Teacher

- - THE ENGLISH TEACHER - -“kavita? Come in.”kavita’s head snapped up at the sound of Mr. khan, the senior English teacher’s, voice. She had been leaning outside his door in the chilly winter air for a good twenty minutes after school; only ten minutes ago she caught Allison Tapping leaving for home and asked to borrow her black felt coat and purple scarf for the rest of the day.“I’ll bring it back tomorrow,” she had promised.Allison had removed her coat and scarf and handed it to kavita with a...

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Chinamans Chance

My name is Jennifer Yang. I was your typical Asian-American princess born and raised in southern California. I was attending UCLA majoring in business, intent on professional success and marrying well. But then I fell in with a bad crowd (according to my parents) and everything changed. They were Hollywood types; stuntmen to be specific. A stuntman stands in for the actor when the script calls for a risky or dangerous action: fights, falls, car crashes, the whole bit. They taught me a lot and...

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Blind Leading BlindChapter 3

I lay there next to Justine with Diane on her other side and reflected on how my life had made such incredible changes in such a short time. I had been shaken out of my comfortable life as a nobody by an ugly little blind girl. Now in the space of a few months I had taken two cherries and fallen in love. I did love Justine; I knew it after just one date and one time in bed. "I don't know about you two, but I'm hungry," said Diane. "What kind of groceries did you buy today,...

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Sex After Marriage Life

Hi everyone I am Appu and I am back with another fantasy and sex story of mine and I am ready to seduce you all. You can reach out to me at I am Appu, an normal Indian husband, manager, who goes to work in an IT company from morn 9 to 6 in the evening, mine is an arranged marriage and I have a wife who is sweet and looks beautiful, we live in an apartment of 2bhk in the seventh floor. Today my work day was against me, the project was not finished on time and the all the senior managers were...

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Swapping With Ed And Cathy

I had thought about Ed's offer to swap with him and Cathy and so one day at work Ed and I got together and I told him Ann and I would love to swap partners. I knew Ann wouldn't object and so Ed and I planned out a day when we could come over to his place and as an added afterthought, a day when Ed would be going out of town on assignment. I went home and told Ann what was going to happen and she agreed, knowing she'd get Ed's black cock again, but still a little weary of the whipping she had...

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Trumped Up Punishments Chapter 13 Spanking Machi

Trumped Up Punishments - Chapter 13 - The Rise of the Spanking MachinesMonday, 6 November. The first Monday of the new month had arrived. The students of Millennium High had been informed in early October that the normal early morning punishment assembly would be reinstated, not just for the first Monday of each month, but for every Monday … The first Monday of each month would have an additional punishment assembly in the afternoon, one open to the public. This would be reserved for more...

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Compulsions Ch 01

-1- MONDAY Tendrils of pleasure pulled and tugged at Mike Connors, wrenching him from the deep, restful sleep that had seemed to last forever. Wet warmth seemed to caress him and envelop him, smothering out all thoughts but the pleasure, the unending, undying and undeniable pleasure… Mike’s eyes opened to see the glorious sight of red lips on his erect cock and a raven-haired head bobbing up and down. Consciousness had not yet fully returned and his hands drifted, instinctually, down to...

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The Deer Hunter

The morning had been unevenful until now but a strange thought suddenly entered my mind. I'd like to have a piece of that ass. And that would never ever happen if she was alive. As I pondered whether it would be worth the risk; the devil won out and I raised the rifle again and adjusted the scope elevation for the distance to Mrs. Palmer and squeezed the trigger. The rifle barked and I saw my 2 legged "deer" fall backward on the bench; convulse a few times and then she was still. Climbing...

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Mummy ki mast chudai

Hi dear readers How are you muje aap sab logo ke bahut achchhe response mil rahe he.Thank u all for sending me feedback aaj me jo aapko kahani sunane ja raha hu vo meri aur meri mummy ki he ye kahani sunkar jarur aapka lund khada ho jayega.me gujrat ke rajkot sahar se hu me 26 sal ka hu aur meri mummy karib 48 sal ki he vo bahut hi gori aur uska badan bharavdar he . Uske honth gulabi aur bilkul clean he aur height bahut jyada nahi he. Ye bat aajse karib 6 month pahele ki he.hamare gav me...

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My friends hot mom

This goes back to the time when i had just finished college. There was a friend of mine named akash. Akash and i were quite close and as such i used to stay over at his place quite often. Another incentive to stay over was his mom. Her name was namita. She was about 45 and was a bombshell. What most people would describe as a milf. She must be about 36-32-38 or the near about. What was so special about her was that she was flirtatious as well. I had seen her openly flirting with her neighbor on...


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