My Cajun Lover
- 3 years ago
- 27
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“I pay them. They should put my needs ahead of theirs,” said Nora as she looked at Ed expecting him to agree with her. She sat there wearing designer jeans, a stylish shirt, and boots that cost five hundred dollars. The boots weren’t any good for real use, only for show in a Hollywood store. After two days, they were already showing signs that they would fail.
Chipping away at the rock face with his rock hammer, Ed didn’t answer. The medallion on his chest flared with heat and then subsided. As he worked on extracting the sample, he thought about the past two days. Nora had been demanding, treating him as though he were her servant. They had to drive rather than ride because she had a movie coming up with a nude scene and she didn’t want to risk any injury that would show up on the film. Rather than working on extracting samples, she was busy slathering sun block over her skin as she chattered about how the sun would cause wrinkles and they would kill her movie career.
“I don’t understand why you didn’t erect the umbrella here. This sun is just murder on my skin,” she said repeating a complaint that she had made several times a day. She took a sip of her imported bottled water.
With a well-placed strike of the hammer, the sample came loose. He removed it from the rock face and examined it before storing it in his saddlebag. This was the third from this site and he looked around, listening to the sounds of the desert while ignoring the rambling stream of complaints from Nora. He packed his equipment with care expecting to hear the sound of a helicopter any moment.
Nora, taking a moment away from her mirror, said, “Why are you packing up? There are still more samples to collect here.”
Looking over at her, Ed smiled and said, “I’m expecting company.”
“Who? I thought we came out here to be alone.”
“Something has come up.” Ed looked at the horizon expecting to see the helicopter appear any moment. A smile crossed his face when a speck appeared over the horizon. He ordered, “Pack up your stuff, right now.”
Confused and bordering on angry at being ordered around, she put her gear in the backpack moving with deliberate slowness. The helicopter was close enough for her to hear by the time she finished. Turning, she stared at the helicopter fearing that it was Paparazzi trying to get pictures of her. The military insignia on it became clear as the helicopter approached for a landing. Turning to Ed she asked, “What?”
Smiling, he said, “Your next movie involves terrorists, right?”
Uncertain, she answered, “Yes.”
With a grin that went from ear to ear, Ed said, “The Gods and Goddesses have arranged a chance for you to meet a real live terrorist.”
The idea of actually meeting a terrorist thrilled her, but one look at the smile on Ed’s face quashed her excitement. This was the first time that he had smiled since they had come out to the desert. There was an unsettling look to the smile that dampened her enthusiasm. Still, it was an opportunity that most actors never had. Smiling, she said, “Great.”
Colonel Grey came running out of the helicopter, bent over in the posture all people took when leaving a helicopter. The fear that the blades would decapitate them over shadowed the rational knowledge that the blades were five feet above their heads. Away from the helicopter, the Colonel straightened up and walked to Ed. Exchanging nods, he said, “We’ve got a real nasty one.”
“I’ll help you if she can come along,” replied Ed knowing that the Colonel would put up a fight.
“She’s a fucking movie star,” replied the Colonel as he stared at Nora. “She doesn’t have clearance.”
As Nora bristled in anger at the comment, Ed turned and squatted next to his saddlebag. Opening it, he removed the rock hammer and examined the face of the rock wall. The Colonel swore and then shouted, “This is a matter of national security.”
Ed didn’t reply as he ran a finger over the rock face. Irritated at being ignored and knowing that Ed could basically demand anything that he wanted, the Colonel said, “She can go there, but she can’t see the prisoner.”
“She sits in the room with me while I work,” replied Ed.
“She’ll blab everything she sees to the press! She’s a fucking movie star!” The Colonel was ready to explode.
The attitude of the Colonel was irritating Nora. How dare this man completely dismiss her? As visions of giving interviews in which she told how she had actually sat in on the interrogation of a real terrorist flashed through her mind, she became determined that she would go. Stroking the medallion on his chest, Ed said, “My service to the Two-Sided One demands it.”
The comment brought a chill to the Colonel and Nora. It wasn’t what he said, but the tone of voice in which he said it. There was an iron present in his words that Nora had never heard before. It was like a hammer hitting an anvil and he was the anvil that rang when struck but didn’t demonstrate any damage. The Colonel replied, “Okay.”
Ed packed the hammer and picked up his saddlebag. Turning to Nora, he said, “Come, we have to fly to the house and pick up something.”
The Learjet provided by the CIA landed at the airbase. Inside the jet, the windows were closed so that the passengers wouldn’t know where they were. The precaution was taken because Nora didn’t even have the clearance to know where the prisoner was being held. They were led directly to the interrogation center, for Ed to direct what changes he wanted made to the room.
Nora followed Ed, overwhelmed by the grim looks on the men that she encountered. Unlike the movies, the men didn’t look like suave heroes that could seduce a woman with just a glance. These men were hard, with eyes that judged people in terms of the threat that they represented. The young soldiers, standing at attention, watched everything with suspicion. The only woman that she saw was in her fifties with gray hair, overweight with a second chin, and glasses.
The interrogation room was plain with yellowed walls and no carpet. Ed looked at the florescent lights and said, “We need to reduce the lighting in here. Remove all of the bulbs except for two of them.”
The Colonel went to the wall and flipped a switch. All of the lights, except for two, went out. Grinning, he said, “We knew that you would ask for that.”
“Do you have the Korans?”
“They will arrive in the morning. The Ayatollah is bringing them,” replied the Colonel. He looked around the room and then at Ed. He said, “If there are no further changes you want to suggest, they are ready to brief you, now.”
Ed and Nora followed the Colonel to a conference room. Ed took a seat at the head of the table and gestured for Nora to sit beside him. Nervous, she sat in the chair looking around the room. For the first time in ages, she didn’t feel like a celebrity. Colonel Grey sat on the other side of Ed and examined Nora as she fidgeted in her chair. It was clear that she felt nervous and lost.
At the far end of the table, a deputy director of the CIA said, “The subject is a very dangerous man. We don’t know much about his past. In fact, we aren’t even sure what his real name is. We are pretty sure that he is a Saudi, but we caught him traveling under a Sudanese passport.”
Ed asked, “Where did you capture him?”
There was a long moment of silence before a nondescript man answered, “I took him in front of a Mosque in a country that borders the US.”
After staring at the man for a minute, Ed asked, “Bounty hunter?”
“Yes, I am,” replied the man as Nora’s visions of a massive CIA raid fell apart.
“Were you after him specifically?”
“No. I was after a man that embezzled money from the company in which he was a partner.”
Shaking his head with a smile, Ed sensed the hand of the God in the capture. “How did you take him?”
“I hired a couple of mercs. The bastard shot his own security guy when he surrendered,” replied the man as he shook his head.
“So what can you tell me about the man?” asked Ed disturbed by the news.
The Deputy Director pointed to the woman and said, “Debbie, tell him.”
This was the woman that Nora had seen earlier. Debbie looked down at her briefing notes and said, “The guy is a total sociopath. We don’t know what conditions produced him, but he’s entirely focused on destroying the United States. He doesn’t even care about Israel, but uses that whole issue to motivate people to his will.”
Nora leaned forward finding the report of the woman fascinating. Debbie continued, “We know that he has sent suicide bombers into Israel, but the targets had significant American involvement. In other parts of the world, he has paid for assassinations of American businessmen. I must warn you that he feels no guilt about his actions.”
Ed shook his head as he realized the magnitude of the problem in front of him. He asked, “Give me a better insight into his character.”
“He doesn’t care about the people who follow him. He uses their beliefs for his purposes, talking young kids into blowing themselves up with promises of virgin women in the afterlife. As far as we can tell, he doesn’t even believe in Allah. He will kill on the drop of a hat. I’m not surprised that he killed his own security person for surrendering when he was captured. Failure of any kind is punished by death.”
Nora shook at the description realizing that she was going to be meeting a very scary person. She looked over at Ed for assurance. He smiled and asked, “What can you tell me about being a user?”
The question came as a surprise that set her back in her chair. The worst thing was that he was asking her with the expectation that she could answer. “Huh?”
“You are a user who views the people that work for you as not having lives of their own. You think that your needs should come before theirs. What can you tell me about being a user?” Ed asked the question knowing that it was harsh and would hurt, but he had to protect the people that worked for her from further harm. The medallion, emitting a feeling of soft comfortable warmth, soothed his nerves.
Flushing a bright red, Nora didn’t know what she felt. Anger, embarrassment, righteousness, and shame competed. She struggled to breathe, but her chest was so constricted that she couldn’t draw a breath. Hand trembling as she moved it to cover her mouth, she stared at Ed feeling like her soul was being peeled back under his direct and unwavering gaze.
Ed wasn’t the only one interested in her answer. Debbie and the bounty hunter leaned forward as they studied her like an interesting specimen under a microscope. Colonel Grey and the Deputy Direct of the CIA watched Ed to see what he would do next.
Time passed before Nora drew a ragged breath and tears rolled down her cheek. She answered, “You get to rely on people who do that little extra for you. After a while, you begin to expect it from them. You forget that they have feelings and needs beyond what you do for them, as they have become tools for you to use. One day, the tools become interchangeable. It happens so slow that you never know that you have turned into something ugly.”
Nodding, Ed said, “Interesting.”
Debbie sat back and thought about the answer. It captured a reality that was experienced by celebrities, but did it apply to terrorists? She knew that she would have to think about that for a long time. The bounty hunter sat back disappointed as he had hoped for a greater insight that would give him an advantage in his work. All of the people that he pursued were users.
Turning to the others with the kind of suddenness that was shocking, Ed asked, “So does anyone have more to tell me? For example, hints as to why he was just across the border from us.”
One of the analysts in the room answered, “We don’t know where he was staying so we couldn’t search it for clues as to what he was doing there. It would be consistent with past trends to assume that he is going to try random acts of violence that targets American Businesses. He’s not the type that goes for the big score, but chips away at his target over time.”
Debbie commented, “The initial effect is small, but over time he can bring a very real sense of terror to a very large audience.”
Everyone around the table nodded their heads at that news. Ed turned to Colonel Grey and asked, “Would you take Nora to her quarters so that she can rest before dinner?”
The shift in topic again left everyone off-balance. Recovering, the Colonel answered, “If you will come with me, Ms. Turner, I’ll take you to your room.”
He stood and waited for her to stand. Knees shaking, Nora finally stood to follow him out of the room. When they left, Ed said, “I thank you for your patience. To the matter at hand, I’m afraid that this is going to take some time. I shall have to change how I normally interview suspects for this particular individual.”
“What do you mean?”
Ignoring the question, Ed said, “I’ll need five interpreters. None of them is to work for more than two hours. Once I get him in a cooperative mood, I shall stop and continue the next day. I don’t expect to get anything from him for a full day.”
“It has been my experience that a sociopath will brag about past victories once you get them talking, but they won’t open up about their future plans. We have to shake him to his core.” The answer was the best that Ed could give to explain what he felt would happen.
The dimly lit room was occupied by Ed seated at one end of a table. In front of him was a Koran with his crystal ball set upon it. To the right of the first Koran was the second Koran with a jewel- encrusted cover. The spine of the book faced the other end of the table.
Behind Ed, Nora was seated in a chair fascinated by the care with which Ed had taken in arranging the room. She was exhausted, having spent the whole night crying alone in her quarters. This morning, her eyes were puffy and red. She didn’t look or feel like a movie star. In front of her was a short table that contained glasses of iced tea and snacks.
The terrorist was brought into the room wearing arm and leg shackles. The short chains required him to shuffle into the room. The look he gave Ed and Nora was calculated and without emotion. Unlike others that had faced Ed, this man didn’t react to him being a Druid. The two guards guided him through the room to the chair. Helping him into the seat, they locked the chains to a post in the table.
At a nod from Ed, the first interpreter entered the room and took the last remaining chair at the table. Situated between the two men, his role was to interpret what each man said. In the briefing, he had been told repeatedly to translate verbatim without interpretation. If the terrorist called Ed camel shit, then he was to translate it as camel shit.
*The following is, as the title states, mostly true. Certain details have been changed so that this reads more like an actual story and less like a diary entry. If you enjoy this then please comment and or vote.* I lost my virginity at a relatively young age to an older man and since then I have been more attracted to them. I have been with boys my own age but I always find myself coming back to older cock. This is how it all started for me, this is how I had my first “Daddy”. It was late one...
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This is a rewrite of ‘Vegas’, combining both Books. While maintaining the theme, it offers a completely different and fresh take for the main characters. Grateful thanks go to the best editor in the world — thesoundandfury – not only for his editing, but also for the constant encouragement, suggestions, and for helping me to become a better writer. Chapter 8: Grace becomes an angel ‘The strawberries are delightful,’ Rosie grinned, pulling the fluffy white robe more tightly around her body....
Throngs of people, all fully clothed, were everywhere. Until recently, Becky and Janet had lived this way themselves but now it all felt strange and foreign to them. They both gulped and each took in a deep breath. Could they pass this First Test!? A car whizzed by and a young, good looking gentleman tooted his car horn in appreciation of what he was seeing. Other passers-by nodded or smiled at the naked girls but no one seemed to mind. They had taken their first steps into the life of an...
*Comments are welcome - thanks!** * * * *My name is Karen and I am guilty. Completely and without a doubt, I am guilty of seducing my father-in-law, Tom.This September, we had a family reunion, of sorts, in northern Vermont. Tom's father (my husband's grandfather) had rented out an entire wing of a small Inn nestled on the slope of a plush green mountain. Most of the family arrived on Friday night. My husband, Rich, tried to keep me up to date on who was there and who wasn't, but even he got...
The other day, while I was at work, the strangest situation happened to me. My name is James. I work for a large apartment community, where I do maintenance. I am in good shape, and have decent looks, not “Brad Pitt” by any means, but I am not fat or any thing like that. Any way you get my point. I am one of four guys on the property that do service calls. Well doing one of these service calls put me in the best situation you could imagine. A couple of days ago, the office called me to do a...
Group SexIt was ten years after the memorable opening night of the New House of Joy when two people came into Martha's life who were to have a profound effect on her. Both were girls, one of them very young, and they were auctioned as the last two of the same batch. Both were bought by Karl for ridiculous prices. First there were the usual parade of men being sold for mine workers, none of whom interested her in the least. Then Kate put up one young man, Grant, who stood on the platform showing off...
All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure - Whole New World. Part...
Philip knelt on the floor of his bedroom rummaging through a tall stack of papers. If asked his mother would have explained that the state of his bedroom was a clear reflection of her son's life. Finally finding what he needed, he placed the loose sheets of paper into a rather large binder. Across the top of the binder, hand written in beautiful calligraphy was the word Mercia. Unlike many young men his age, Philip was not looking forward to the weekends to spend time trying to pick up...
Jessie Lynne is really hoping to make some extra cash by babysitting for the Castles, but she hasn’t heard back from them ever since their first phone call. She faces that issue by knocking on Johnny’s door and talking with him face-to-face, which turns out to be the best thing she could have done in more ways than one! Not only does Johnny give her the job, but she finds out his wife is out of town, which makes the timing perfect for Jessie to seduce her new boss! Watch as the horny young...
xmoviesforyouthis is a continuoes story of part1 Priya gently removed her panties. She felt Dev’s hand on her secret mount. God! This was the first time someone other than her husband is touching her privates and the one touching her cunt is none other than her own son!Dev was curious. He brought his nose to his mother’s cunt hole and deeply inhaled the pungent sexy aroma of her pheromones.“You hungry?” Priya asked.“Oh maa, its like a dream come true”“Then eat me Dev, I can’t wait!”Dev with both his hands...
Philip had given one of his newest interns the word to be in his office bright and early the next morning. Her name was Cindy Nash, and he wanted to fuck Cindy so badly he could hardly wait for the next business day to arrive. Cindy had only been there in his company for a week, and he'd been checking her out from the day they'd first hired her. Cindy was only 18 years old, fresh out of high school, but she wanted to work in his company and learn as much as she could about the business they...
Candice Sampson crept into her house, carefully avoiding each creaking stair and softly muffling each clicking lock. Whatever she did, she wanted to avoid waking her father. It wasn't that Candice was in trouble, quite the contrary. She was quiet to avoid disturbing a hard-working man who slept poorly at best. Her dad would be thrilled she'd gone to the movies with friends, had fun and stayed out late. She could hear him now. "Goddamn it, Candice Faye, it's not like you died same time as...
We were four recent, white (and broke) college grads who met when we all started work as IT consultants in a middling-sized firm downtown. Josh, Paul, Randy and I (I’m Bill) saved money by finding a house to rent together. The place would never win any architectural awards, and we decided the plumbing was probably out of the 19 th century. Four bedrooms, three baths, a backyard with a patio, and, as they say, location, location, location. It came with a neighborhood to die for. The whole thing...
It was a dress-up party that I met him at Saul. ?? I met him at a slaves and masters dress-up party thrown by a friend of mine. I?d gone as a slave, naturally, and I looked hot. I wore a black studded dog collar around my neck with a chain attached to it, coiled, for the moment, around my upper arm. I had one end of a pair of hand-cuffs locked around my left wrist, the other cuff dangling free, and the key to them hung round my neck on a black satin ribbon, resting between my barely...
Valentina Nappi and Chanell Heart are back for another round of hot, hot lesbian adventures before taking some big, black cock! Just look at these two super sluts going at it! Deep, deep pussy and ass eating in a sensual — yet hot — way that only two super sluts can pull off! You can see the excitement in their eyes when their stud, Rob Piper, walks in the room. Both girls immediately open their eager mouths wide in order to accommodate his massive tool! Piper skull fucks both women...
xmoviesforyouWe arrived at the airport well ahead of our scheduled departure time, which was probably a good thing, because it seemed like we had to stand in line for hours. I guess that she could see that I was starting to get impatient, because she reached out and took hold of my hand. “Be patient, it won’t be too much longer now.” She whispered. Finally, we were able to get our luggage checked and all the necessary papers to allow us to board the plane when the time came. “We have a long flight ahead of...
IncestI am Vinoth from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. I am 19 year old guy 6 feet height and 60 kg weight; tall handsome and athletic body. This is completely a fiction story. To tell about my mom her name is Lalitha 40 from Coimbatore. She has a sexy figure 36-32-38 that can make any guy to fall for her. She has a sexy ass that swings while she walks. My father works in Chennai. He comes home once a month. I & my mom live in a double bedroom house. One room is for me and another room for my mom. My dad’s...
IncestMost people know about the massacre in Rwanda. There were roughly 800,000 deaths, mostly Tutsi though some moderate Hutu’s, taking place during a 100-day crisis in 1994. Many to this day do not understand why the U.N. and other world powers stood idly by whilst it happened. Most do not know what really happened and why the Council of the Wise had to act to keep ordinary people, including many aid agencies, out of the war zone. Military intervention was simply not possible because Earth...
Foreword ‘There’s an interminable fog about the place, a fog that surrounds my body at all times, a fog that seeps all the way through into my mind. I can never get it to go, and sometimes I feel like I’m living a solitary existence in a secluded, remote cave in the middle of fucking nowhere. And I don’t even get the sight of a misty coated sea to gaze at, for me it’s just a grey and horrid sight, with a trail of pollution drifting through into my cave in unravelling smoke. I guess I should be...
Ann Bristol waited behind the car she had hit. Her hand had slipped off of the steering wheel and her bumper had made contact with the car. Although the damage was minor, she was not the type to leave without letting the person that owned the car get her insurance information. She had been in a hurry to pick up a few things at Walgreen's before she got home and her mind had been on the changes that were about to happen at work. She lived alone since her daughter had gotten married. Her...
Vanessa squatted on the big black cock as her husband watched. He was gagged and bound to the chair. The two young black men wore balaclavas when they came in to the living room held his wife with a knife to her throat."Cooperate or else" he had gestured with the knife. He didn't have much choice he was lying on the floor , Vanessa had been sucking his cock at the time. Now he was bound naked to a chair in the dining room her wet panties stuffed in his mouth and his mouth taped shut. The worst...
We'd been working together for almost a year. She was a long haired beauty that came in and took the company by storm. The relationship between us was organic. She was gorgeous and immediately I was smitten by her. She had a smile with bright eyes that could light up the room. But we didn't start out craving each other's bodies. Working closely together we got to know each other. She was incredible. Smart. Funny. Passionate about all the same things as myself. We grew really close. We were both...
Cali has always wanted to have sex with her best friend but it just seemed the opportunity was never there. After all several times, she had hinted at it in the past but been rebuffed every time as Isabella was not a lesbian. That is until this fateful afternoon. Lounging around bored staring at their phones like every millennial does Cali once again starts up. Horny and sensing a moment Cali starts playing with her pussy and notices just how intrigued Isabella is with her. Soon Isabella is...