AfricaChapter 2 free porn video

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"A tribe owned the East African shores the Hebrew tribe needed to land upon," Nick recommenced the tale. "They mistrusted strangers with much paler faces and in such numbers. Trade had enriched them, and many of the traders had had similar features. But those encounters involved too few numbers of people to be threatening. This looked like an invasion." Lindy and I gazed at Naomi's sketchpad and the familiar visionary experience began again.

"Sister," Morris mutters tentatively through the rug that serves as a privacy drape for Nick and Rebecca who have been relentless in their lovemaking. No longer in the little cart, but on a rolling boat and with just about the same amount of cluttered space.

This odd coupling has produced a rift in the tribe, those that find it disgusting and even evil, and those that actually find amusement in it, the latter consisting mostly of minions and their closest friends.

"Yes Morris?" Rebecca responds softly, laying naked beside Nick, the sweet endorphins still lingering from their latest lovemaking.

"It seems we are less than welcome to make landing on the African shore. The beaches are lined with natives. I believe they carry enough spears to kill every last one of us with some to spare."

"It is as expected," Morris hears Nick say. "Clear a small boat for us while we dress."

"Us?" asks Morris.

"Your sister and I."

"Just the two of you?"

"What would be less threatening than a member of a tribe which they have accepting if not friendly relationship with, and a woman of your tribe? They won't even imagine she can be as fierce as any of your men."

"I will get right on it, Mas ... uh ... Nick."

"Take your time," Nick responds.

Surprising Morris, he hears just as he turns to do as Nick commands, a moan from his sister, "Nick, what are you doing? We ... don't have ... time ... for that."

"Mmm," Nick buzzes her clit with his lips before lifting up and answering her. "I promised you one giant cum this morning, and the last one wasn't quite it." His lips return to suck, and his tongue to ravish.

"Fuck," Rebecca moans, approaching a speedy orgasm, so Nick eases off and commences the all too familiar tease. Twice more he brings her close, her need intensifying the height of pleasure not quite granted fulfillment.

"Please," she begs unsteadily, but Nick eases back one last time. When a fourth peak arises, he knows she's ready because she can't even vocalize her need. In one smooth shift, he rises between her thighs and guides his glans to her damp and swollen opening and presses deep with one intense thrust, his thumb pushing her clit against his passing shaft.

"Ah!" she yells with complete abandon, her body tight and undulating as waves of nearly unbearable ecstasy wash through her. His long thick pole stroking its full length in and out of her and the relentless pressure of his thumb on her clit sustains the highest level of orgasm she can consciously tolerate until it reaches even higher, a last great crescendo, as he presses deeper than ever and she feels his hot cum unleash in spurts from his throbbing nozzle.

"Nick," she murmurs when she can talk again, "you'll have me dripping cum down my thighs when we meet these men."

"All the better," says Nick, lifting off her body, his loose penis slipping out of her saturated cunny bringing her one last quiet tremble and an "ooh" from her lips. "Let's get dressed."

She rises slowly and gathers her clothing. "What do you mean better?"

"Proof of my conquest over you; that your people can be not just accepting, but appreciative and even submissive towards mine."

"Submissive," Rebecca growls.

"They never need know you could never be. It's all appearances. Those that look like you I'm sure have been an arrogant lot. They need to see your tribe as different."


"Accepting. Less arrogant towards darker skinned people. They see proof of your love for me, and ... they'll trust your gift more."


"Lilith and her three friends. You wondered what to do about them after they attempted escape to join the invaders, hoping to seduce their way to riches and comfort of the pharaoh and his priests."

"Those four sluts ... they're ... yours?"

"As is their betrayer."

"You want us to give them Mary, too?"

"No. She was well rewarded, getting your horny commander Meier along with his servant Herschel sharing a bed with her and each other. Two cocks to play with."

"So Herschel..."

"Enjoys both sexes, and Mary being a cum slut just like her former friends couldn't be happier."

"And Lilith's little band of sluts will go along with this?"

"Better than going without what they crave, essentially imprisoned by the watchful eyes of the women you assigned to them who by the way like showing their proof of being well fucked by their husbands as a form of torture."

"Cum dripping on their thighs like mine? And I'm supposed to show these natives the same thing?"

"I don't think it will be necessary. Your look of satisfaction and your loving glances at me should suffice."

"I don't care if I do show them. I'm proud to show off how well my man fucks me and how much he fills me in all ways."

Nick chuckles and kisses her forehead. "We'll see," he says, draping his arm around her as they exit their little love nest.

"Bring Lilith and her sluts to me," Rebecca orders the nearest Lieutenant. "And prepare them a small boat."

He bows and leaves them. The lovers walk up to Morris.

"Things look much less threatening," he tells them. "It seems a large contingent of men like you, Nick, have arrived behind our coastal natives. There seems to be some sort of dialogue between what I imagine is the chief of our greeters, looking fattest and most adorned, and three of yours. Is that what you waited for?"

Nick nods. "Timing is everything, Morris. Speaking of which, have Meir bring the four sluts to the shore as soon as we land our boat and get out of it."

"You mean Lilith... ?" Morris starts, interrupted by seeing the four troublemakers approaching, prodded by a couple of wives.

"Nick found a great way to get them off our hands," Rebecca smiles.

The foursome swear up a storm as they're led to their future. "Shut up, you bitches," a proud, handsome man commands when he arrives, standing beside Nick, his new wife leaning against him lovingly. The ladies become silent, but their faces sneer at their betrayer.

Those sneers vanish when they look to the right of Meier and see a gorgeous, tall and lean black man with his arm around the greatly respected Rebecca's shoulders. Realization strikes them immediately. They nearly bow, but don't when their master shakes his head.

Like everyone else of their tribe except Morris and of course his sister, it is the first time they get a close glimpse of the black man that had only been seen at a distance before, Nick having kept hidden from their eyes along with Rebecca, remaining in his company. Rumors abound because of this distance and Rebecca being with this man for over two days alone. Most minions Nick communicates with, letting them know Rebecca was in good hands and quite happy about it. That information hasn't been given to the sluts until they are in his presence.

Lilith looks with concern across the water at the natives bearing spears. Her girlfriends follow suit. She looks back at Nick.

"Come here, Lilith," Nick commands.

When one of her captors holds her back, Rebecca tells her to let Lilith approach.

"Master," Lilith mutters, looking up him with dread mixed with subservience. "Is this what you meant us to be? Whores for our tribe?"

"You love sex, Lilith," Nick tells her. "Nothing's better than a big hard cock spurting on you or in you. You'll finally have your choice of them."

"Will we? Will we have a choice?"

"They won't rape you."

"How do you know?"

"My tribe will protect you."


Nick chuckles which seems to ease Lilith even more than his words. "My people have a rather ominous reputation. They seem to appear and disappear like ghosts, often leaving behind a corpse. This tribe will be warned. They will be told of your special skills, and you will prove those skills to them, and losing the benefit of your expert mouths and hands and cunts along with their lives will keep them from being overly aggressive towards you. Find the handsomest of them and the cleverest. Mate with them. Make me minions."

"Their chief will have me," Lilith states as fact.

"Make the most of it. Make him happy. Learn their language. Make them a better people."

"Yes Master," Lilith bows before returning to her friends, whispering his message to them. They nod at her and at Nick, accepting their fate.

"Let's go, my love," Nick says to Rebecca, entering the small boat and helping her into it before paddling to the beach.

Even Nick is surprised by the petite woman, obviously of the coastal tribe, who has been hidden by the group of five surrounding her, three of her people and two of his.

"This is Chiklet, Master" the proud chief of the tribe that resembles his skin tells him. Krick descends from Sota's and Matta's line, the most exceptional of those minions. "We found her and her mother at the edge of our territory, her mother unfortunately dead. They fled her people when her mother's rebellious actions threatened the virginity of her child not even yet a woman. Her mother had been beaten, but her strength of character got her to her feet and out of the village and as far as us before succumbing. Chiklet is our translator."

"Are these people that cruel?" Nick asks with concern, glancing back at the approaching boat full of the sluts.

The corpulent chief of the coastal tribe shouts angrily in a language unknown to Nick.

"Chief wants to know of what you speak," Chiklet translates in Nick's people's language.

Nick looks at the petite woman and his heart skips a beat. He sees spunkiness and cuteness and wisdom beyond her years, most attractive traits for him. His smile brings forth hers, a lovely smile. She would be a vessel for minions, that's certain.

"Tell him we're just introducing each other. Tell him his tribe produces lovely creatures if you are an example." The last sentence causes her to blush, but she translates.

Nick continues. "Tell him the lady beside me is the sister of the Chief of her tribe, strong in her own right, yet completely devoted to me." Illustrating this, he embraces and kisses Rebecca, the power of it staggering her when the embrace ends.

The chief chuckles, glancing at naked thighs trickling with cum. "You have just fucked her," Chiklet translates.

"She is a lusty creature, needy of my cock," Nick says. "Not even your fearsome warriors could quiet that lust. Only my cock. And she is not alone in lustiness. Her tribe have a horny nature, and skills to match horniness to bring forth great pleasure for their men. Look at the boat that approaches. Those are the lustiest of her tribe, and the most skilled. I give them to you as a gift for letting her people pass unharmed. My friend, the chief of the Savannah tribe, must have told you these white people mean you no threat, and only wish to be escorted to the place of his people."

"I have found the people with white faces to be mean in their spirit," the chief responds. "Both in their negotiations and their interest in my women. They treat us like children and even worse, especially the women, they treat like slaves. They wish to plunge their pale swords even into my wives. I would negotiate, even trade females of my tribe they find most attractive and I find least amenable to our ways." The last sentence clearly focuses on Chiklet. "And yet the very thought of a straight trade, woman for woman, actually seems to horrify them. And yet this woman, the chief's sister at that, can't get enough of you." The chief chuckles vigorously, his heavy stomach rolling.

"Again, these are a unique tribe of the white faces," Nick explains. "The women melt at the presence of a strong, vigorous cock, and I'm sure the stiffness, not to mention the length and thickness, of your tribe will impress them most thoroughly."

The boat of women having beached, Nick waves Lilith to him. "Kneel before the chief and suck," Nick commands her.

"With pleasure," Lilith grins, soon grasping an impressive penis even in its state of flaccidness, and bringing it to her mouth.

"What is this?" the chief flinches.

"You haven't experienced oral sex?" Nick asks him. "Do not fear her teeth. You will remain intact and in awe. Relax. Enjoy. This is the gift I have bestowed on you."

The chief relaxes and definitely enjoys. His cock stretches long and wide in an incredible display of quantity.

"God, it's incredible," Lilith mutters between mouthing him. "Yes, squeeze my tits, big man." She bares them for the chief's caresses. One hand fists his cock while the other disappears between her thighs, bringing herself pleasure. When the chief begins thrusting instinctively, she shows her skills by keeping him from thrusting too deep, her head shifting back and forth to counteract the threat to her throat.

Meanwhile, with the chief and his entourage distracted, Nick communicates his concerns. "How cruel are your people?" he asks Chiklet in his tribe's language.

"The chief and his priests and the most powerful of his people demand obedience from the rest, especially the women. His wives have power, but only towards other women, and jealousy can cause cruelty from them."

"Is this what happened to your mother?"

"Yes. She was quite beautiful."

"I can tell."

Chiklet blushes. "Perhaps worse, she was charming and intelligent."

"Also inherited."

The blush deepens.

She continues, "Both aspects came in useful for the chief. His wives would never be with him when he negotiated, but concubines were there, mostly to distract and improve negotiations. They would be there for the chief and his advisors to paw and for the visitors as well. Concubines never mounted strangers, but would let them touch them and would make them cum with their hands."

"Your mother was a concubine?"

"No. She was married to a warrior, virtuous in his handsomeness, less so in his abilities as warrior and hunter, though he'd be the last to admit it. No, the chief found her useful not only in her distracting beauty—he'd imply she might be part of a trade, but never actually traded her—but also in her exceptional ability to advise him, which she did so in whispers so as not to offend his official advisor. Whispers appeared to be sexual, you know, hot breaths into ears. She was always the chief's supposed concubine."

"After all that fondling and ear caressing, he never fucked her?"

"He found her intimidating." They share a chuckle. During this dialogue, Lilith makes the chief cum and begins working on his son while her fellow sluts blow the chief's entourage. The chief proves quick at recovery, fondling Lilith, enjoying her body, before eventually shoving his giant cock with remarkable care, revealed by his gentleness earlier with her breasts, into the Jewess in a doggy style position.

"Ooh, fuck!" exclaims Lilith at the nearly painful incursion, but only pleasure can be heard in her words.

Chiklet continues, "After negotiations, the chief needed to fuck a compliant wife, and the rest of his group left with him. My mother would remain, focusing on the smartest of the foreigners and actually attempting to learn their language."


"I inherited that skill as well," Chiklet grins. The grin passes into sadness. "Of course, these foreigners visited several times, some becoming quite enamored with my mother, none more than the Egyptian, while mother became fairly fluent in their languages. She discovered that, unlike his fellow merchants, the Egyptian revealed a fascination for the culture of her tribe and other tribes in the area. Not respect exactly, though he respected her, but fascination. They'd converse long into the night, his assigned concubine asleep beside him. Inevitably they made love. That proved her downfall.

"The youngest wife of the chief stirred up the older wives. Only the oldest held out, being fond of my mother. It seems to be cross purposes in a way, since while my mother spent evenings with the traders, the youngest wife would steal into my mother's bed and fuck my mother's husband right in front of me. Of course I was supposedly asleep.

"You told her?"

"Of course. We were friends as much as mother and daughter. It irritated her more than it made her jealous. Her interest in my father ended up being purely visual. He had a shallow beauty unlike her."

"And did your mother cheat on him?"

"Aside from the Egyptian? Probably. She and the chief's advisor were quite fond of each other. In fact that's how she got to join those negotiations. They kept it well hid though if they had sex at all. It's just the way they looked at each other ... She never told me. I think she wanted me to end up being a good wife and not like her that way. To me, she never discussed her relationship with him which made me more certain they were lovers. Anything and everything else was open for discussion.

"So when she and the Egyptian finally succumbed to their passions, the youngest wife, alerted by her spy, a boy she probably teased and promised to fuck, who found her as he always did in the arms of my father, before it was to warn her of my mother's return but this time to tell her of the sex, she woke up the chief and the wives and led them to the scene.

"The bitch claimed Mother had been planning with the Egyptian to invade the shore, taking them all as slaves. Why else would she seduce the white man? She would become queen, rule the beach, become rich from the sale of our people.

"I doubt the chief believed such a claim. His advisor definitely didn't, nor did his first and most cherished wife. Problem was, not only had the youngest wife put the idea out there, but the fact that my mother fucked a foreigner was enough to garner great punishment. And being the strongest of our people, the chief administered the punishment, whipping her repeatedly until she was a mass of bruises and welts."

Tears flow across her cheeks as Chiklet sniffles. Somehow she continues. "I saw her. I saw her being whipped nearly to death." Nick hugs her to him. "I was brought there to represent the worst of her punishment. I was to be gang raped by the Egyptians in front of my mother or else they'd be killed. This went against two of our most basic beliefs: being fucked by foreigners and being fucked before the monthly bleeding began, representing the beginning of womanhood. And then I'd be given to the foreigners as a slave.

"Mother feigned unconsciousness, delaying my rape until later. Everyone except the Egyptian, my mother and I left the hut. My mother instantly awoke. The Egyptian cradled her carefully, weeping, and according to my mother, apologizing. She actually smiled at me through her pain.

"Soon I understood why. The chief's advisor and her probable lover returned with a bag and a club. He explained the threat of death was impractical since it would inevitably lead to a war between the Egyptians and my tribe in which the youngest wife's prediction would more than likely come true, albeit without my mother getting anything out of it. The only solution was banishment, and I was to help my mother escape. That meant bashing the head of the Egyptian so he would not be blamed for aiding us. I got handed the club to do the deed so that the advisor could truthfully say he wasn't the one to do it. I aimed and struck and probably a bit too enthusiastically, seething with anger at the situation. I'm not sure if I cared if I killed the man, but Mother looked relieved when the advisor told her he'd live.

"Pulling some bark from the bag, medicinal and numbing, we stumbled out of the shack and into the nearby ocean where we swam far enough along the coast to safely emerge and get lost in the jungle. We walked for ages, my mother in constant pain, until she could walk no more."

Nick nods. He understands the loss, the mother never waking again. Deciding this tribe did not represent cruelty, he feels relief. "Being foreigners," he asks the charming cutie, "and being sex slaves, how will they fit in?"

"Probably as whores," Chiklet shrugs. "Lower than concubines, they service the hunters and warriors. I'm not certain, since they're white and awfully strange to us, but this demonstration should gain them interest." The two share a chuckle. "It's a lowly position, and yet an important one. Dangerous though. They relieve the men of their need when wives are afraid of getting pregnant too often, but of course that means the whores get pregnant quite a lot and often die because of it."

"Understood," Nick nods.

"And I have a feeling not just the commoners will seek relief from them."

"How will the wives react?"

Chiklet shrugs. "The way the chief and his son seem to be enjoying themselves, perhaps lessons might be in order?"

The chief, slipping his loose penis from Lilith's sodden pussy, stands and covers himself. "Chiklet," he says, and the rest she translates later with fresh tears after hugging the big man.

"It seems," she tells Nick, "that he has lost his youngest wife to banishment along with my father and what he figures is my half-sister."

"Chief," Nick says, translated by Chiklet, "Can you assure me our gift will be treated kindly? I wish these ladies well. My friend the chief here promises to keep an eye on things just in case."

"Understood," smiles the chief, looking complicatedly at the chief of the Savannah tribe. "Assure him as much as you can that I shall cherish this tribe's remarkable gift in the spirit it has been bestowed. Perhaps he and you and your lovely woman would share supper with me to show you my people's cordiality."

"And did they?" I asked, interrupting Nick's narration.

"Did they what?"

"Did the coastal tribe treat the sluts well?"

"In their way, yes. They were treated like prize slaves, and being a trading tribe, possessions had a lot of value. And the sluts did their work for me, providing me minions, daughters and sons, especially of the elite. And, except for Lilith, who became close to both the chief and his first wife and gave them invaluable advice, they proved their worth in trade, bringing substantial riches to the coffers of the shore tribe either directly or through a quantity of slaves, and of course spreading minions to other tribes as well."

"And how were they treated by these other tribes?" asked Lindy.

"Mostly well," Nick answered.

"Mostly?" Lindy responded.

"The ghost tribe, Nick's people," Salomé answered, "and mine as well, kept tabs on the sluts. One tribe, when the Jewess proved her worth as an exceptional sex slave, became a bit frenzied in their lust and threatened a gang bang forcing my people to kill a large percentage of men in that tribe and bringing the women of it into our tribe, essentially assimilating them, along with Talia, the slut that provoked the frenzy. She ended up being my grandmother via the tribe's chief, their daughter mating with Nick conceiving a son who mated with Nick's and Rebecca's granddaughter."

"That would make you nearly a quarter Semitic," I queried. "You look..."

"Believe me," Salomé chuckled, "I'm practically pale compared to the deep black skin of the original tribe. In the end though, just as the Hebrew beliefs became doctrine within my tribe, altered to befit its place amongst blacks, a black as coal Jehovah for instance, Semitic blood lightened skin and changed facial features to longer and less broad noses, thinner lips, although not all that much thinner since the Savannah tribe had less thick lips than other tribes, and a general lightening of eye color from a dark brown to almost a tan/gold in some cases."

"That must have pleased you," said Lindy to Nick. "Only a couple generations to produce an angel after your loss of Helen."

"It did," Nick smiled. "It felt like a weight had been lifted form my heart I hadn't even felt. And best of all, Rebecca lived to see Salomé born and helped to raise her at least until her teens when we lost one of my most cherished lovers."

Nick and Salomé weep at the bedside of the dying Rebecca. Somehow she knows this will be the last evening of her life, and she and Nick agree only her lover and her granddaughter will witness her death. She smiles weakly at them. "Stop that crying, you two," she insists.

"You can't die," Salomé sniffles. "I have so much more to learn from you."

Rebecca chuckles faintly. "Unlike you and your grandfather, I must die just like everyone else. The inevitable has arrived, and just in time I might add."

"Why?" asks her granddaughter. "Why now?"

"I am no longer useful, my love. I can no longer pleasure Nick. I can no longer walk with you for our delightful chats."

"We can ... just sit and chat," Salomé struggles to say.

"Even that has become difficult. Taking a breath to create a word. And my mind has become too clouded to find any more insights to feed you. Besides, aside from loving Nick or equal to it, walking and talking with you is my greatest joy. Both gone now, what else can I delight in? Why struggle for every breath and feel pain in every joint when nothing comes of it?"

"You're in pain?" Salomé mutters.

"Not anymore. I'm numb as my body slowly enters oblivion. Only my head remains to say goodbye."

Her eyes shift to Nick, beckoning. He leans down and kisses her dry lips, lingering for nearly a minute. He sense she wishes to embrace him, but her arms won't let her. Instead, he embraces her in the smallest and yet most intimate way possible excepting being inside her. His fingers intermingle with hers.

Seeing this, Salomé does the same with Rebecca's other hand.

When their lips separate, Rebecca smiles up at her lover and shifts the smile to her granddaughter. An exhalation lasts longer than it should and no inhalation follows as the old woman's heart beats one last time. Her eyes remain directed towards Salomé, but become unseeing.

"Goodbye, Grandmother," Salomé murmurs, her hand giving one last squeeze before letting go.

"Goodbye, my love," Nick says similarly. He gently closes Rebecca's eyes while his hand also lets go.

Neither eternal beings cry anymore. Salomé looks at her grandfather and says, "She died as beautiful as she lived."

Nick only nods. After one last moment gazing at what had been an exceptionally vibrant woman, now only seeing a silent corpse, albeit still lovely, with a peaceful smile, angel and eternal wanderer interlace fingers as they have just done with their loved one and walk out of the hut to meet the gaze of the tribe.

The tallest amongst them meets Nick's eyes and sees his solemn nod. He nods back sadly and moves his eyes to his daughter surprised the utter grief she had shown when entering the hut has transformed into a calm acceptance. The strength and nobility of her expression takes his breath away. He lifts his long, lean yet powerful arms, beckoning her to embrace. In a deliberate pace, she reaches him and accepts his hug, the hug of her father and the chief of the tribe.

"She's at peace," she tells him.

"That is good," he responds with a sad smile. He nods at his head rabbi and the doctor beside him. No longer one and the same in their new religion, the doctor still has a spiritual cachée amongst his people, only secondary to the rabbi. They immediately head for the hut to prepare the body for funeral and burial. The night will fill with wailing as they speak kaddish over the newly and greatly missed departed.

In the years that follow, Nick takes over the walking conversations that had taught his angel so much from Rebecca. He keeps that tradition as well even with their telepathic ability. Somehow the Socratic method of dialogue illuminating philosophy produces more expansive thoughts and ideas for both of them.

It also serves in moments of necessary disciplining.

"You must wait for your menarche. It is the tribal way," he tells her as they stroll well beyond the border of their village. Their feet remain light and cautious as they walk, their heads cast down at the hoof tracks they follow, heads inches away from each other so they can talk quietly.

"Zeke is so beautiful, almost as beautiful as you. I heard him moaning. I knew why but it gave me an excuse to ask. I snuck up to do so and saw his beautiful cock he kept polishing. I saw the tip glisten with a bead of liquid. It seemed to call to me. I had to taste it and to feel that powerful spear between my lips. Both my mouth ... and my pussy lips."

"He's your brother."

"Aren't my parents almost as closely related?"

"It was necessary to conceive you, my angel. You know our laws."

"I ... I couldn't help it."

"I know it's not fair to you, being an angel."

Same as Africa
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She hitched up her sari and squatted on the commode and passed urine. Then she gave out a loud fart and began to pass stool. She got up, flushed, and squatted on the ground and splashed water on her ass. Washed her hands and took off her sari. Took of her blouse. Then her bra and panty. Began to scratch her cunt. Raised her hands and examined her armpits in the mirror. There were tufts of hair in her armpits. She wondered if she should shave. Decided against it. Put on the shower and the water...

3 years ago
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A Regretful Anniversary

John and Lyndsay Micheals were celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Their marriage had been what many friends and relatives had termed the perfect "Storybook Marriage." John never took Lyndsay for granted at any time. He always made certain that he took her out for a night on the town at least once a month. Many months, that number was greatly exceeded. John also made certain that he did all the little things that a wife could ask, before Lyndsay had the chance to ask. He...

1 year ago
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Do Beheno Ko Choda

Hi dosto me ek ladka hu age 18 .Engineering student hu. Meri height 5ft7inch hai handsome hu meri lund ki size 7 inch hai .Aaj me aap sab ko meri ek real kahani batane jaa rha hu .Ye kahani meri aur meri behen ko lekar hai (cousin) .Hum log apne mausi k ghar rehte hai unki 2 betiya hai wo meri apni behen ki tarha hai main unko us nazar se nhi dkhta tha pehle lekin dhire dhire unpe bhi man aane laga.Badi wali ki age 20 hai n choti wali 18+ ki hai.Badi wali jayda sundar hai n choti wali thodi...

2 years ago
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My Life as a Hermaphrodite

My Life as a Hermaphrodite My life growing up was a little strange. You might have blamed it all on that oblong orifice lurking just below my penis and testicles. My parents of course knew of my condition but ordered me never to reveal the existence of said orifice by word or touch to any other living soul. And so I attended school as a boy named Fred. I was physically smaller than the rest of my male peers and when I reached puberty I didn't have the facial hair or completely lose...

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A Day to Remember The Amusement Park

My name is Skylar. And yes, I know that’s usually a guy’s name, but do I give a fuck? Nope. I’m 16 and I have long black hair with bright blue eyes. I’m about 5ft 3 (yeah, I know I’m short), an athletic body (due to soccer, softball, and track), 34C boobs, and a tight ass. My best guy friend Alex is 17. He has light brown hair, a nice toned body(due to baseball and soccer), and he is about 6ft. We have been best friends for about two years now, ever since we met at on a cruise. We hit it off,...

3 years ago
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Slaves Ch5

Chapter 5: Needles and Hot IronThe boy looked like a beat dog as he walked in between the three women who brought him. Shakia shared a smile with her comrades. There was much for him to learn yet. And they were excellent teachers.He was new and yet to be introduced to the torture chambers. The Ha'ekthe clan were just the right ladies for such an introduction."You're late," she told the women as they came over.The one leading gave her a haughty glare. "We got a little carried away with him....

2 years ago
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Shopping for Discipline

I did try to warn him. I am headstrong, stubborn, and very used to getting my own way. I long to be submissive, but Master has to remind me of my place. Often. It's generally my mouth that gets me in trouble, and yesterday was no exception. We see each other as often as possible, but twice a month we get a hotel room for the entire moning. Master had brought toys for me, and I loved the nipple clamps, but when I saw the pussy weight, I told him "no" in no uncertain terms. Now Master is...

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Flower Ch 04

I walked back to my house with slow, unwilling steps, wondering — not for the first time — what made me go back, knowing that pain would be the only result of my interactions with my husband. Edward’s questions were still echoing through my mind. I realized that what he was saying was the truth, my friends wouldn’t want me to protect them, if it meant that I was hurt. But I had been loving them and protecting them this way for so very long. I knew it was a stubbornness that bordered on madness...

3 years ago
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FTL II First ContactChapter 13 Salina

The Salina's world was not all that remarkable. It was basically a hunk of rock orbiting 2nd out from the system's sun. The silicon-based life form that lived on it, was peaceful in the extreme. They had no weapons of any kind. In fact other than the fact that they lived on it; they had no other use for the planet other than for food. The Salinans consumed rocks, any rocks. Their digestive system was such that it converted the rock to a high-density waste product called trillium141. To the...

4 years ago
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Moms Donkey UrgeChapter 9

After his wife had walked in and found him with his tongue up the French maid's cunt, John Richards had been ashamed and contrite. Since the maid was at the point of coming, it seemed pointless to interrupt such a tasty feast and he had carried on, gulping down her cum cream. But as soon as he was finished, he had gone in search of Valerie to apologize and ask her forgiveness. But Valerie and their daughter were gone. John checked her closet and finding that only rough-country clothes were...

3 years ago
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Seducing the Shrink Ch 02

Disclaimer – this story is a bit of a slow burner…the first three chapters are a build up and there is no bdsm until the 4th chapter. ***** Chapter 2 Yellow Polka Dot Bikini Session One Dr. Prescott took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair as Ava started to describe how her relationship with her mother’s best friend had begun. She watched as Ava weaved strands of blond hair between her fingers and maintained unflinching eye contact. She studied the warmth and intensity of her hazel...

2 years ago
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True story of being seduced

I was coming back from a long day at work. I had sat through a meeting with radio marketers and they really weren't going to back off their price which was way more than I was authorized to make a deal for and it really was ending poorly. I made my way down to the subway and of course it was packed. I boarded the A train to 190th street and could tell I was going to be late for dinner with my wife and daughter so I sent my wife a text letting her know I was going to be late. It was around this...

2 years ago
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Further underwear shop experiences

Lynne's bussines had taken up after showing her specialist undies on the internet, and she now needed some assistance in the shop to do the packing and help in the shop with customers. She asked Barbara if she would mind helping at the interviews. A number of ladies attended some with tattoos and other things that did not fit with the clientel who came to the shop. One of the last to attend was a lady called Celia, and appeared to be the right choice, very well dressed and spoken. Lynne...

2 years ago
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My FamilyChapter 16

That afternoon was one of the best cookouts that we had in a long time. Paula loosened up and really enjoyed herself. The only funny thing was when she fell against me; she had stepped on a knife that someone had dropped. I think that it freaked her out that a naked man was holding her own naked body. After we started eating Paula began to become more comfortable with our nudity. That's not to say that she was entirely comfortable with it. She made sure that she always had something...

2 years ago
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Exploring New Heights

Daddy made me wanting more. He was strong and confident, tall and handsome. I could always look at him and never get sick of it. The smile that would spread across his face when he looked into my eyes catching me look at him, making me smile even wider. He sat in front of me and my legs were against him. Always having contact with him at all time, I didn’t have to hug him as tight as I did normally. I just couldn’t help myself, I always wanted to touch him. All the time, anywhere,...

3 years ago
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Sex in the City Chapter 5

The invites popped into Charles and Alice’s inbox the following Monday, inviting them to the first fantasy party the following Saturday.“It says, 'Dress as sexy as you dare.' What do you think that means?” said Alice.“Well, for men, I guess it is just a choice of whether I wear trousers and a shirt or jeans and a shirt. There aren’t really that many options, not sure about what you would wear I guess go with what you feel comfortable in,” said Charles looking over Alice’s shoulder at the...

3 years ago
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The night Jodie rocked my world x

She was my best friend, Jodie was her name and she was a regular in the bar where I worked. I never would of guessed that she was interested in girls, she always told me she loved me and that I was her baby but I guessed that to be affection.Then one night after she had been drinking in the club where I worked, I invited her to follow the night through at my flat which I shared with a friend, my friend was out for the night looking after her mum. Jodie, Isobel and Darren came back to my flat,...

1 year ago
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Mother in law suprise

It all started innocent enough, my in laws washer was broke so my mother in law brought their laundry over so they could use ours. I was off work so my wife asked while she was at work that i would keep their clothes going so she could take them back to them that night so i said i would and wow what did i mother in laws silky black panties!! I thru everything in and started eyeing those panties so i picked them up and brought the crotch to my nose and for the smelled her sweet pussy...

3 years ago
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Flossies RevengeChapter 7

The Wilson family sat around their dining room table, together, as usual, for a meal. As for the children, their recent adventure, though it had ended badly, still excited them, and their mindset about being around the other young people they knew had changed somewhat. The girls still had a few Nancy Drew books to read, and had learned that they could order new ones from the owner at the General Store. They used their allowance for that purpose, paying in advance even though it wasn’t...

1 year ago
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The Chapman Curse Part 3

There I was in full colour and high definition, sitting between Chad and Dean as they scribbled the images that came into their heads down onto the paper. I could almost remember every detail as it happened, but recalling it didn't seem to give me the same excitement as it did when I watched it. The entire journey home it was all I could think about, watching the pair of them screw me while I recounted how it felt. As my right hand slipped into the water, I watched Dean reach over and...

4 years ago
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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 30

16:10 Saturday, October 5th, 1991 139 Meadow Ln Novato, CA 94947 Even a casual study of Melissa Penley would show that she was tipsy. Deb tsked to herself, knowing the vineyard's guests shouldn't drive themselves home, and equally sure that Melissa would not accept an offer to stay the night. Melissa had watched the harvest begin early this morning – she'd driven up an hour after the pick had begun – watched from under a large floppy hat she wore on the overcast day, taking photographs...

4 years ago
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The Swedish DJs Who Shaved Me Last Winter

I first got into techno music when I was twenty. I’m kind of uptight so it was a huge surprise to me that when Laird took me to this basement techno show in Allston I was totally into it. Laird was my boyfriend for about six weeks. He was like ten years older than me and his car smelled like mold but that’s not why we broke up. We broke up because he was sexually repressed and I was twenty and just wanted to fuck all the time. He was also a Scientologist but I didn’t really care about that. I...

3 years ago
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Unnamed Act 4 Scene 2

He takes a moment to appreciate her beauty before he lowers himself down to her neck, kissing her softly, tenderly, making a little trail of kisses slowly down her neck, over her shoulder, into her generous cleavage. He kisses, licks and nibbles a slow spiral across her left breast, feeling her heart speed to a thunderous gallop as his fingertips caress her right, lips and hand reaching the nipple at the same time, fingers and teeth pinching gently but firmly, tugging the full orbs playfully...

2 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 33

There is nothing quite as humbling as being forced to recognize and accept your own mistakes and shortcomings. I sat on the backless stool before the small round table and examined the chess pieces arrayed over its top. I heard movement and looked up. Facing me across the table were my grandfather, my mother, Carlie and my dark shadowy self. I looked back to the chess pieces. There were fewer of them than the last time I remembered. Izzy, Lilly and Peggy were off to one side with pieces...

2 years ago
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My Philippines Adventure Chapter 15

It had been a exciting day at the pool with new friends but I was very tired so My Toy and I retired to my new room and took a nice nap. When we woke in the evening she was called to work by the Room Service Department so she found a spare uniform and went off to work. I called the Aussie and he was happy to meet for a drink. While changing I received a call from My Lady Friend telling me that she was traveling back the next day and that she was very horny. I told her about the couple I met at...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling Fantasies Bad Girl

“Discipline is what you need, girl!” As Lady Hilda spoke, she let the tails of the hand-crafted leather flogger stroke the girl’s spine.The girl stiffened. She was bent over the mistreatment table, dressed only in pink hipster panties and a white t-shirt. The t-shirt had been pulled up over her back, so that she would feel the instrument of chastisement on her skin. “Lady Hilda, ma’am. What have I done?”“What you’ve done?” Lady Hilda exclaimed, bringing the tails down lightly, before swirling...

4 years ago
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Magic Ink VII the Fourth RealityChapter 8

Owen continues the Narrative: I spent most of the remainder of the day in the shop with Joe. There was work to do on some items that the local farmers had brought in for repair. Frank joined us to observe later that morning. “I’ve always been interested in blacksmithing, but there wasn’t any opportunity to do it or even to see it done where I used to live,” he told us when we had taken a short break after finishing the work on the first item. “Where did you live?” I asked, curious. “I...

1 year ago
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Beyond Dreamscape Part 2 Kaetlin Jack and the Driver

Beyond Dreamscape Part 2: Kaetlin, Jack, and the Driver By Diana Kimberly Heche "Where am I?" The gentle faced red haired woman stood up at the sound of Jack Wallace's voice. She smiled upon him kindly, but her eyes could not conceal the concern. "You're in a hospital room Jack, you had a small accident. You fell off of the ladder when you were cleaning the gutters and were out for awhile." Jack Wallace lay in bed, he had raised his arms off of the bed, opening and...

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The Strangest Office Encounter Ever

It was a Saturday morning and I had to go into the office to catch up on some work. My office is a small one, in a multi-tenant office suite in a rather upscale office building. I was getting coffee in our common are a break area when I first saw her enter the suite of offices, looking around. She stood about five foot tall and was very petite. She scrunched her long jet black hair up using her well-manicured fingers and then allowed it to fall back into place as she smiled at me. She had...

Office Sex
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Stories I like In The Blink Of An Eye

In The Blink Of An EyeIt had been six months since I'd moved in next door to an amazing lady. She was in her early to mid sixties, had a vibrant warm personality, and immediately befriended me showing genuine concern after my divorce. Madeline and I became good friends. I very often stopped by after work to check on her, see how she was doing, and generally on the weekends, did a few odd jobs for her. Having Madeline as a friend, someone to talk to, made the days easier to deal with and not...

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Kate And David

Kate sat on the couch watching tv and scrolling on Instagram on her phone. It was 6 pm on a Friday night and she had nothing to do as normal. The sound of the door opening startled her causing her to look up from her phone. It was just her brother David just coming back from the gym. He walked in the living and dropped his gym bag.“What did mom and dad leave for dinner?” asked David “Just some mac and cheese” answered Kate“Thanks, Beanie.” Snarked DavidHer brother had given her that nickname...

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I didn’t quite understood why my mother didn’t like the fact that I had become a photographer. At first it was just a hobby, but then one day a few miles from where we lived, there was an RTC: a Road Traffic Collision. And not a small one at that. I had been cycling home at the time and when the actual collision took place, I was about thirty meters away. I dumped my cycle, grabbed my camera for I always had it with me, and began shooting as fast as I could. “Er, excuse me young man,” I felt a...

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Wife Gets Even Chapter 1

My wife and I get together with our neighbors to play cards to play cards about once a month. We generally have a good time but there are no stakes involved. For a poker player like me who is accustomed to gambling for large amounts of money playing just for fun is a little, well… boring. One night about a month ago, I tried to make the game a little interesting by including some drinking. We started the night playing pitch, with the loser required to drink a shot of Jack Daniels.With the...

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Thumbing for a Ride

I was driving home from a night out with my mates and I decided to take a longer way round than normal. As I drove on the dual carriageway I noticed a lad thumbing for a lift, I understood that as we’ve all done it at one time or another, so I thought I’d give him a ride. As I stopped he came over to the car, “Need a lift?” “Thanks” he said as he got in.He told we where he was going, only a few miles out of my way, as we drove he said he was Adam, 21, and at University. I asked him if he’d had...

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TittyAttack Jenna Foxx Mardi Gras Madness

When Mardi Gras comes around, most people are only thinking about two things. Tits and more tits. How else are you supposed to get rid of all those extra shiny beaded necklaces you have lying around? Good thing for Jenna Foxx. When it comes to tits she‘s got us covered. Those bazookas were nearly busting out of her top, and we were both relieved when she let them free. Watching those tatas bounce around was almost as entertaining as watching the parade floats, but Jenna had them beat. As she...

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F whores 6


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The training of my sensei Ino Yamanaka

I awake to the sun shining in my eyes, I blink confused at first. Oh man I'm late already damn! I rush to the sink and splash my face with water. Jeez Ino is gonna kill me. I stare at myself in the mirror and grimace, I've gained even more weight recently. I'm about 5'9, 240 pounds... It's a real burden in a village full of striking beautiful ninjas. My teammates serca and inori are always commenting on how I will be a virgin forever... But they are very wrong. Me and the girls just graduated...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 501

The Prison Planet ... Jasmine stared up at her lover’s face for a second before letting out a sigh. “Yeah, I suppose. So, how do we go about it?” Hearing the group coming back, Morales hurriedly answered. “We’ll talk after we’re in bed.” When everyone had returned, Jasmine spoke up. “We usually get up with the dawn. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m almost ready for bed, but first, I suppose, we’re going to have to determine how we should go about bathing.” “Uh, us guys can go outside...

3 years ago
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Rodgered by Roger

I met Roger through Fab Guys, he lived 20 minutes away by car, close enough for convenience, far enough not to cross any of my social group. We set up a meet at a local pub and I drove there wondering if we would ‘click’ enough to go forward to a more intimate event. He appeared quite active on his profile, every report was good. Roger knew what I wanted him to do to me - I wanted to be submissive and I wanted my man cunt fucked.I parked behind the pub’s garden, as far back as I could against a...

4 years ago
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SG69 Mission 1Chapter 7

"You have won the Challenge," repeated Orla. "That is a rare occurrence, and should be celebrated." Several large warriors made their way through the crowd of people until they were standing behind the Chief, weapons at the ready. "It would be bad luck if you did not start our last evening of Festival by allowing us to watch you share joy with your reunited mating group," she said. "I'm sure that Reed misses the special way you treat her, and I am anxious to see how she is treated...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Kid Seduces Me

Hi this is my first story to this site. Forgive my mistakes if any. My name is Latha. I live near Cochin in Kerala. I choose not to disclose my exact place. I am 42 years old and am happily married to Mukesh. We have one daughter Kavya who is doing her Engineering in Calicut. She went to Calicut last year and is staying in a hostel. My husband owns a restaurant and he is usually out of home all morning and most times he arrives by 8 in the night back from the restaurant. What I am about to...

2 years ago
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Full Circle

All characters in this story are 18 and older. I would like to thank l8bloom for her editing of this piece. * Sarah didn’t know what woke her up. She didn’t know if it was the bright flash or the sound of the sky tearing. For a brief moment, she saw the time on her clock, midnight, and then the red digits went blank. Her heart pounded as she listened to the sound of the tree branches slamming against the side of the house. Storms terrified her, they always had. Even as a teenager, she would...

4 years ago
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Blue HandChapter 15

While the corridors of Sky House were usually noisome with the gaiety of daily discourse, the stables were filled with softer sounds of hamox eating, snorting and generally enjoying their leisure. Porter sensed Gilly before he saw her. She was standing in front of a stall, talking to Alin. His face was rife with acne scars, but he had a friendly composure about him, despite the attack a few hours ago. Porter gave him a small bow. “I am glad you are recovered. The time has come to...

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May the best man win

Jon and I were friends from high school, we had just graduated in June and were getting ready for college. To get ready for the party scene we had enlisted the help of our former baby sitter, Angela. She was five years older than us and 5’9′ tall. She had been a dancer through college and had such beautiful sexy legs and a strong torso. We were from a small town and she had been the sitter for both of us individually and occasionally together too. She had just graduated with a degree and was...

2 years ago
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Maa Chudi 8211 Bet Hara

Hi this is Rahul. Mey 22 saal ka hu. Aur meri maa 42 saal ki par bohat sexy aur khoobsurat. Mere pita aur behan dubai me rehete hai aur meri maa aur mein India me. Meri maa ke boobs 40 size hai aur uski gaand goal hai. Hamare society ke kai mard aur ladke usko sooch ke muthliya marte honge. Mere do dost hai tapori jo rikshaw chalate hai aur hamare building ke niche hi rickshaw khadi karte hai, meri umar se kafi bade the, karib 28, 30., unka naam hai Ali aur Imran, shayad unki bhi buri nazar...

2 years ago
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DixieChapter 2 Dixie in Hawaii

I was a young Marine who had been overseas for over a year and now, finally, I was onboard ship headed for home. We had been aboard ship for ten days and I was really getting horny. We were going to stop over in Hawaii for two days and I was hoping I would be able to contact my good friend and his wife who were transferred there from Twenty-Nine Palms just before I left the States. I had met Bob and Dixie at Twenty-Nine Palms and we had become good friends, especially Dixie and I. I knew...

3 years ago
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A Little Night MusicChapter 22

“Begone, all you shod and shady senators! Give out the good, leave out the bad evil cries. I challenge the mighty titan and his troubadours! And with a smile... I’ll take you to the Seven Seas of Rhye!” -Queen, “The Seven Seas of Rhye“ A few days later, Denise Cole had returned home from school, when her parents informed her that Julie Equals had stopped by and left a crate in the garage and a package at her bedroom door for her, with instructions to open the package first. She’d...

1 year ago
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Johns sexual Adventures First time with my sexy sister

Hi, my name is John. I’ve been having fun for years now and have been living such a great sex life that I thought I would share some of my stories with you. As you know from my last adventure I was only about 13, well this story happened a year later and I was 14 and about 6’4” with long brown hair. I was still a little chubby but not overweight just trying to grow into my new body. So this story took place in the summer before my freshman year of high school. I was at home one hot summer...

4 years ago
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Picture Day 3

“I have a better idea.” Pete said. “Bring Lisa over to Brian and Tina’s house.” He said. “You guys have something in common, even if you don’t know it.” “We do?” Jason said. “What is it?” “Well, bring Lisa and you’ll find out.” Pete said. Jason could hear the grin, even over the phone. A little while later, Jason and Lisa knocked on Brian’s door, and Pete answered it. Brian and Tina were sitting on the couch, one at either end. Pete invited the newcomers to sit between...

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The Convent part 2

After that day, Sarah went to the mother superior to tell her some of her thoughts about her and me. As an heir of the kingdom I was meant to become the king one day and I told Sarah that I didn’t wanted to lose her. She was more than happy to follow me in the outer world but she told me that she could not build a family with me; her destiny was to be my whore and no more.Mother superior was in her cell when Sarah went to visit her. She was a tall woman with blonde hair and still with a...

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