MaquisChapter 48 free porn video

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Various, England. Early July, the same year.

“Do you think it’s true? The rumours about the Americans and the Chinese I mean?”

Ted shrugged. “If it is, no one’s talking. But there were Chinese and other protesters outside the US embassy in Paris yesterday, and allegedly a number of US embassies in South-East Asia have been attacked as well.”

“Hmm.” Sophie frowned. “Well if it is true, I can’t see other nations helping the Americans much if and when they get attacked,”

“If it is true of course.”

Sophie nodded. “If,” she muttered. “I can’t decide whether it’s likely they have, or not. The problem is, I may be being prejudiced by some of Thorn’s propaganda, even unintentionally.” She briefly screwed up her face in indecision. “I know it’s propaganda, yet I can’t help thinking,” she paused.

“The problem with decent propaganda is that there’s always a hint of truth, or it’s based on a half-truth, even if it’s a historic truth. Something about it is provable, yet the whole lot is false.”

Sophie nodded. “I know, yet I can’t help thinking it’s something the Americans might do though.”

“So far as we’re aware, the Chinese have said nothing. Yet if the US did do what the rumours say they did, I can’t imagine Beijing staying silent for very long.” Ted looked at Sophie intending to continue, but at that moment Duncan, her platoon sergeant, marched into the room.

“I’ve been hearing a very odd rumour,” he said, “and I don’t know what to make of it. It’s unsettling some of the guys.”

“What rumour?” Sophie asked, glancing quickly to Ted and back.

“Oh, about how the Yanks hijacked supposedly secret Chink missiles in space to attack those swarm spheres last week. Presumably, so the rumour goes, so they could save their own missiles for any future attacks. According to one version, they redirected missiles that were aimed at the ship that landed in Africa to destroy one that was heading for the States.”

Ted nodded. It was the same rumour he and Sophie had been discussing moments earlier. “Well, it is all just a rumour. Unless or until we hear differently, we assume that. And whether it’s true or not, it does not affect us, even slightly.”

“Yes sir.”

Ted sighed. He had heard the rumour a few days ago. Joe had mentioned in passing that their Confederacy contacts were ‘all in a spin’ because of something that had happened that they hadn’t been expecting. The problem was, even if the rumour later turned out to be false, it could still cause lots of problems going forward. There would always be some who would not believe it was false.

“Right,” Ted said, “Let’s get down to business.” The three moved across to a large table where Ted proceeded to explain the next mission that had been planned for Sophie and her troops.

The siege that had started in Mid November was still in operation, yet pretty much the only people to be ‘hurt’ by it were the besiegers. There had been a surprise attack between Christmas and new year, when the attackers had got rather too close to their goal, before being pushed back with a great number of casualties. Aside from that, the besiegers had just sat and watched and waited, taking the occasional potshot at anyone they saw. In general the people in and around the estate stayed near the manor house and out of range of any small arms fire, but otherwise ignored it and carried on as normal. Or at least, made it look like they were, mostly to annoy and frustrate anyone watching. They also didn’t try and force their way out. They didn’t need to. About once a week a helicopter, sometimes a Merlin, sometimes a Chinook, swooped in, dropped off a load of supplies, exchanged personnel, and then high-tailed it out.

Each time the besiegers had opened up with what weapons they had, yet they never hit it, or if they did it was never anywhere important.

“Supplies incoming,” Steve Coats, recently promoted to sergeant, said.

“Thanks Sergeant,” muttered Captain Simnall as he rapidly skimmed through a recently arrived notice. He looked up at Coats. “We’ve been asked to help out in Oxford City Centre. The police are struggling slightly. Would you be up for that?”

Coats frowned. “Yes sir, I guess so.”

“Hmm, I know what you mean. But the Patrol and the TaF in particular, seem to be fighting back.”

“It was to be expected sir.”

“It was. But it’s a fortnight since they were told to stand down, and the police ordered to report for duty, I would have thought they’d have either fought before now, or just not bothered.”

“Getting their numbers together I expect, Sir. We know the TaF and the patrol have been kicked out of a lot of places, but I suspect they’ve just retreated and are licking their wounds.”

Simnall nodded. It was his belief as well. “Can we get out easily? Get a platoon into Oxford?”

Coats frown changed. Now it was thought rather than concern. “Easily,” he said after a moment. “But when, if, we gerrout, it’s still a twelve mile ‘ike to th’outskirts o’ Oxford, and we’ve no idea ‘ow we’ll be received.”

Simnall nodded. “Oxford, probably because of the colleges, has never been particularly favourable towards Thorn. It does make me wonder why the Patrol are fighting back here.”

“Yes sir. Any chance it’s a trap? Lure some of us out o’ here to make an attack easier?”

“It’s a good thought.” He rubbed his hands on his face. “All right Sergeant. You go and draw up a plan for getting out of here, choose your troops, but on paper only. I’ll go and run it past the Colonel in the first instance. If he’s against the idea, then we may use any plan you come up with to get out and encircle our own besiegers. It’s about time we fought back.”

“Yes sir.” Coats sounded much more relaxed about that idea.

“Do you know where Sergeant Goodwin is?”

“Medical, sir. Broke a bone a couple o’ days ago.”

“Oh, yes he did, sorry. Thank you Sergeant.”

“Sergeant Goodwin,” Simnall said a few minutes later as he entered a small room.

Tony looked up from his book.

“Sorry sir,” Said Tony, referring to his inability to stand.

“Don’t worry,” said Simnall dryly. “I’m well aware you can’t currently stand up. Left foot isn’t it?”

“Yes sir.”

“Right, well that’s what I’ve come to talk to you about.”

“Oh?” Asked Tony guardedly.

“You have been referred to the Queen Elizabeth in Birmingham. There’s a helicopter coming in next Monday to take you out.”

“What are they going to do for me that any other doctor couldn’t do?” Tony looked frustrated. “It’s not as if I do it deliberately.”

“No Sergeant, I’m well aware of your, er, osteoporosis. To answer your question, I’ve no bloody idea. However,” he explained what Steve was about to do, and asked Tony to give him what help he could in planning, while he was still here.

“My knee bloody hurts,” whispered Robbie, in surprise.

“Have you banged it?” asked Jack, not really paying a great deal of attention.

“No. Not that I remember, anyway.”

“Well it’s not gonna stop you is it?”

“No. It’s not debilitating.”

Jack nodded. “There they are.” He stopped in surprise at the sight in front of him.

“What the hell’s happening?” asked Robbie, almost rhetorically as he too saw their target. They edged forward to try and find out what was going on. They watched for a few minutes, getting more and more amazed at the sight, unable to control themselves.

Barely thirty yards in front of them, two men, their targets, were involved in an argument. They were in full Patrol uniform, one in the very dark brown of the Security Patrol, one in the slightly lighter brown of the Safety Patrol. Both were Colonels, Regiment-Leaders in their own terminology. This wasn’t just an ordinary argument either. This one crackled with hate and spite, filled with fury and invective. It had obviously been going on for a little while and, as the argument had gone on, the volume had got louder and the tone had got lower. The two men, hate pouring off them, were so involved in their vicious verbal fight that they had long since lost any sense of propriety or awareness of who or what was around them.

Along with many others, Robbie was chuckling so much he could barely keep his hands steady, which was a problem as he had a stinger clutched firmly in one of them. Jack, standing beside him, had tears running down his cheeks.

“Oh my god,” Jack said, gasping for breath. “What is a fat-arsed, hyena-faced blood-sucking son of a sodding bitch?”

“A mongrel?” Robbie answered, barely holding on to his own laughter.

“Oh don’t, it hurts.” Jack pressed a hand to his heaving ribs. “It’s too much.”

The two of them just let go and roared with laughter. Only the fact that so many other people were also laughing at the spectacle; and that the two men involved were too busy furiously throwing insults at each other enabled Robbie and Jack to escape unnoticed by their targets.

Unfortunately, while the two Patrol officers were unaware of what was happening around them everyone else was fully aware of them. Indirectly, they were protected.

Jack and Robbie would have to wait for another moment to take out the two most senior Patrol officers in Portsmouth. As they were hurrying away, not quite running, Robbie suddenly stopped. “Oh hell,” he gasped. He bent down, slowly. “I think,” he paused, his breath coming in gasps. “I need to sit down,” he whispered.

Jack looked at him. “You okay mate, you look strange. Not well.”

“I feel suddenly weak. Dizzy.” There was a longer pause. “I’m guessing, but I think those nanites in my system are telling me my end is not too far away.”

Jack helped his long time friend to a nearby bench. “Is your missus at home?”

Robbie just nodded.

“Okay, I’ll give her a ring, tell her to come and get you. Is that okay?”

“Yeah,” gasped Robbie. “Can you ring Lucy as well?” He handed over his mobile phone, and Jack looked up the numbers.

“Dad?” Lucy was the first to arrive, with Peter looking rather dishevelled not far behind her.

Robbie looked up. “Hello love. I think, no, I know I’ve not got much longer. My whole body feels really strange.”

“All right, let’s get you home. I’m sure it’s not that bad. Mum rang just as I was about to come and get you, she’s waiting for you.”

Lucy, Peter and Jack helped Robbie into Lucy’s car, and then, with Peter driving, Lucy sat in the back with her father, holding him.

Jack, reluctantly, worriedly, carried on with his, their, mission, but in reality it was already a bust.

Robbie’s wife, Lucy’s mother, came out to meet the car as it arrived. “What have you done to yourself now?” she said. It was said with a little bit of annoyance, but in fact the expression on her face was of concern and worry.

“Don’t worry Joanie,” Robbie said with a slight smile, “I just feel a bit down.”

“Let’s get him into bed,” Joan told her daughter and grandson.

“I don’t need bed, I just need to sit and relax for a while.”

“Humour us, Dad,” Lucy murmured. “You’ve been gallivanting around for years. You’ve hardly slowed down and it’s all catching up with you.”

Robbie had no answer to that, that was exactly what was happening and he knew it. He didn’t know how much longer he had, but he guessed it wasn’t long.

Ten minutes later he was tucked up in bed, Peter and Lucy sitting with him while his wife went downstairs to make cups of tea for all of them.

“Can you leave us alone for a few minutes,” Robbie asked his grandson. “Keep your grandmother company. I’ll call you when I’m ready.”

Peter nodded in surprise and left the room.

“Dad?” asked Lucy, puzzled.

Robbie smiled. He felt a lot better, just being able to relax had seemed to bring his strength, at least part way, back.

“There’s something you need to know love,” began Robbie. “I’ve been through one of those Confederacy medical tube things.”

Lucy looked shocked. “I thought they were supposed to double your life.”

Robbie shook his head. “Only your remaining life I believe. I think this is it. I’m guessing I’ve got a few more days or weeks left. If I’m right, it means that without it I’d have died anyway about three years ago. The difference is that this way I keep going almost to the end and I keep my marbles right to the end. No dementia or Alzheimer’s or anything like that.”

Lucy bent slowly forwards, her head on her father’s chest, gently sobbing.

“Now come on baby, I’ve had a good life and you were an amazing prize for me.”

“A late prize,” Lucy gulped.

“But all the better for that,” Robbie whispered. He had been forty-four when Lucy had been born; and Lucy still hadn’t quite reached forty.

Lucy just hugged her father to her for a moment before sitting up again. “I’m guessing you haven’t told Mum or Peter?”

Robbie shook his head. “I don’t know that your mum would have understood and I know she wouldn’t have wanted it for herself. Peter was too young to go in at the time, then it became too dangerous for political reasons. Since then, well, there’s been no time. Now’s the time he should be going in. And you. Talk to Jack.”

“Your friend Jack? From the scrap yard?”

“Yes. We served together.”

Suddenly everything dropped into place in Lucy’s mind. “You were both part of the underground,” she whispered. “How long?”

“Almost from the beginning. Before even Peter Lester.”

“Does Mum know?”

“No. And she’s not to know. I want to keep her safe. She,” he paused and smiled wryly. “She might not truly understand. I think she would, but...”

Lucy nodded slowly. “What about Peter? Does he know?”

“He knows, yes. He’s known about a year. Since just before his ‘A’ levels.

“He’s not involved as well is he?”

“He helps Jack out in the yard, but that’s as far as it goes.”

“Oh Dad!”

“I needed to keep him out of the hands of the Patrol. Working for Jack seemed like a good way to do it. He’s been a great help.”

“I suppose he needs to keep doing that?”

“Yes. It won’t be much longer I don’t think. A couple of Thorn’s cabinet have already surrendered, and one or two seem to have even gone into hiding. Thorn, Boase, Stewart and a few others are all still denying there’s even a problem.”

“I guess.”

“Let’s get Peter and your mum in again. They’ll be champing at the bit right now.”

Lucy gave a soft laugh. “Okay.”

“And keep all of this a secret from your mother. Okay?”

Lucy nodded.

Peter and Joan came in with a tray of tea, both of them looking puzzled.

Robbie was looking much better now, so after a cup of tea Lucy bid her parents good-bye and left for home, Peter promising to follow shortly afterwards.

“I told your mother about you and the Maquis,” Robbie told Peter when Joan left the room for a few moments. “She’s not wildly happy, but she understands.”

Peter nodded his relief. He had hated hiding it from her. “How much can I tell her?”

“Don’t tell her anything. She might pop along to see Jack. If she does, he knows more, so can give her a better explanation.”

Peter just nodded. “Okay Gramps. I’d better head off and make sure she’s okay. Are you and Gran going to be okay?”

“We’ll do fine love. Look at me. I’m feeling loads better already. I expect it was just a minor twinge or something. I’m sure I’ll be fine soon.” He grinned. “I’m eighty-two. I’m allowed a twinge or two.”

Peter laughed. “All right. But only the odd one or two. Now and again.”

Robbie chuckled. His grandson was being lighthearted about it and that was good, but underneath his banter there was still worry.

It was after nine by the time Peter got home. Lucy was doing the ironing while watching an old, very old, film on the player.

“Hello love, do you want some supper?”

“Nah. Thanks.”

“Okay love. Night night.”

“Night Mum.”

Lucy watched her son vanish into his room and smiled after him. Despite her complaints about her father getting Peter involved, she was actually secretly pleased and very proud of him.

When she went to see her father the following day, Lucy found him out of bed and looking much better. “How are you feeling Dad?” she asked him, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

“Much better love. My knee still aches, oddly, but that aside, I feel like I did before this came on.” Actually it was a little white lie, he felt a bit weak; and to him his movement seemed a bit slower, but everything else was fine. “Is Peter not here?”

Lucy shook her head. “He’s with Jack. He’ll be along in a couple of hours.”

Robbie just nodded. “Grab a cuppa and come and join us in the garden.” He waved at the window, where Lucy could see her mother pottering around the back garden, dead heading the summer flowers.


“Just going to get some bits for lunch,” Joan said about half an hour later.

“Okay love,” Robbie responded absently.

“You okay to stay here until I get back?” Joan asked her daughter.

Lucy smiled and nodded.

“Don’t fret,” Robbie murmured. “I’ll be fine. I am fine.”

Joan just mock glared at him, then winked at her daughter, a soft smile on her face.

The following day Robbie was up and out of bed for eight hours, but couldn’t do much more than sit and talk. His mind was still active, and provided he didn’t physically exert himself, he seemed to be able to keep going. The following day it was obvious Robbie was getting physically weaker and, six days after he had collapsed, he could no longer get out of bed. His eyesight and hearing seemed to finally be failing and he slept a lot. When awake he was still fully alert, but he had totally lost his appetite beyond a small amount of water or weak fruit juice. Everyone understood now he was going to die, but only he and Jack truly accepted it. The following morning Lucy, Peter, Joan, Jack, their GP, and a couple of other close friends were all by the side of his bed when he finally died.

“I wish I could have seen the end of this damned war,” he whispered. “I’m sure it would have been just days away.” He smiled at them all. “Take care of yourselves. All of you.” Joan was sitting on the side of the bed. He took her hand and looked into her eyes. “Love you,” he whispered. With that, he just closed his eyes, gave a deep sigh, and stopped breathing. The GP took his pulse, listened to his heart and softly declared him dead.

“I love you too,” Joan whispered back, sobbing softly, gripping his hand tightly.

Lucy hugged her mother tightly, “You stay with him for a little while Mum. I’ll start everything going.” Joan just nodded, tears streaming silently down her face.

“You take care old friend,” whispered Jack. “I’ll miss you, you old sod you.”

A few evenings later, Jack, with Peter’s help, captured the two men that had been his and Robbie’s target ten days earlier. It had turned out to be ridiculously easy as both men were drunk and alone. “Got them for you, Granddad” whispered Peter that night, the first moment he had finally got to himself and could think about his grandfather.

Pauline Hogarth was still feeling aggrieved. She’d been at work for over three hours already and it was still not yet eight in the morning. Being rung at four in the morning to cover an urgent and unexpected job was annoying to say the least, but today should have been a day off. She was supposed to have had three days clear, but had only had one and now was back in work again. Her boss had all but begged her, pleaded with her. “Come on Pauline, you know how I trust you. Trust you almost more than some of the others.”

Pauline did know and had, reluctantly, agreed to the extra days work. At one and a half times the normal over-time rate.

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Ahmedabad ke hasinaya mujhe sex kerne ka moka de

Hi all i am a great fan of iss and i am going to tell you my story or you can say my experience. I love female from when i was of age 12,but i was shy boy and was not bold to talk to any girl slowly i was watching girls form top to bottom and was feeling happy. When i grow up i got more and more excited about female. One day i saw a girl who was playing in film. The first time i was out of control and took my hard and virgin rod in my hand and felt exited about that girl. After some time thick...

4 years ago
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My Encounter With Sexy Aunty

Hi My name is Raj (name changed) from the South Indian city of Bangalore. Interested aunties and matured ladies can contact me on As I write this story which is 100% true, my memory dates back to 1990 when I was a 1st year Engineering student with raging hormones. I had a very strong sexual urge but did not know how to or where to release it. In those days, we did not have sites like Indian sex stories but our access to sexual literature was limited to books which were sold in some book stores...

2 years ago
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Robby Ch 04

Chapter Four – Easter Robbie drove to Tampa to see his battered sister, Karen, as soon as he could pack a bag. He was worried sick about her. His parents were already at the hospital and were keeping Robby posted on Karen’s status by cell phone. In addition to the concern for his sister, Robby was also as pissed off at her asshole of a husband as he had ever been at anyone in his life. Robbie was an easy-going guy but his good nature had an edgy side when he was angry. Karen’s husband, Jason,...

4 years ago
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No hero

It wasn’t that Jack had ever wanted to be a soldier. It was not something he chose from a range of professions. It was simply that Jack was born into an area where poverty and hardship were the norm, where the only choice for the boys who left school was either to slave in the local coal mines, or to join one of the armed services. So when Jack left school at the tender age of fourteen, as children were allowed to do in those far off days, he worked in the dirt and blackness for two long years,...

2 years ago
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Tecnical Stopover French

„Mesdames et Messieurs nous avons commencé notre descente surl´aéroport de Bruxelles National, veuillez maintenant attachervos ceintures de sécurité !". Claire la maître decabine de ce Boeing 767 charter aux couleurs belges, sortit de son sac a mainun petit miroir et son rouge a lèvre. Elle se reconnut évidemmentet l´instant d´une seconde le vide s´était á nouveauxfait dans sa tête: "quel voyage, comment une telle chose puisse m´êtrearrivée." Elle avait 37 ans, blonde aux cheveux mi-court et...

1 year ago
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Toms Journey Pt 03

Leila looked at herself in her bathroom mirror and tousled her long curls with her manicured fingers. She looked good. Finally, she was going to meet Tom. In the beginning, when they’d first started chatting she’d checked out his Facebook and obviously gone through all his pictures and old statuses. She could see through all the facade of ‘happily married man’ type statuses and tagged at anniversary meal restaurants and family day outs… All clearly for outside appearances. No way would he...

2 years ago
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Mood Ring

Grey I’m glad my husband’s BMW6 series has darkened windows in the back.I take a deep breath, ring the doorbell, hurry to the backseat and gaze at your front door. Finally it opens. You take two steps look around and shrug. I can’t breathe. I see how resilient you walk, your youthful appearance and the intensity in your eyes.My face starts glowing and I feel shivers covering my body and wavelets running through my abdomen. My sensual pearl tingles. Involuntarily, I tilt my pelvis and spread my...

Love Stories
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 8

As the end of the day approached, we were almost back at the stone warehouse and dock, when we were caught in a sudden warm rain shower. My two women were standing at the bow of the boat, looking out for familiar faces on the dockside. A sea of faces around the dock and Lady Derwen's merchant ship formed a large welcoming committee. They had plenty of time to gather, as it's not as if a mule-guided barge is fast, especially as the crew poled to avoid grounding in shallow water. At the stern...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Moka Mora Moka Mora Lures You

Moka Mora will have your cock hard in seconds flat once she starts talking to you. This hot little tease is quite fluent in several languages and that accent along with her sexy yellow dress and thigh high socks will have you paying attention to all her sexy moves and grooves. She’ll give you a countdown in Spanish and laugh as she bounces on Donnie Rocks hard cock knowing just how wild she is making you feel. She wants all your cum and all over her face. You better listen to her as she...

2 years ago
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The Cum Kiss that turned me on First time swinger

My wife, Mary, and I had been talking for years about doing some swinging with another couple but it never seemd to turn into anything. We would usually discuss this while fucking and we would both cum really hard when we got into the details so it was something I knew would be really fun. Since Mary was hesitant I figured I'd get her into it quicker if we tried a 3sum with another guy first, I mean once shes fucks another guy, how could she complain about me with another woman?After a lot of...

3 years ago
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Charlotte in a Shower of RainChapter 9

The Orgy could not have gone better, and Charlotte was praised by one and all from start to finish for her organisation. She was planning on helping Ellie serve drinks on arrival, but I stopped her – she was my partner and the joint host and so I wanted her to behave as such. Luckily Sylvie stepped in and volunteered – she was so thrilled at my offer to help her start her agency that she was delighted to help out. Dress code was dinner jacket and best frocks, and by 7.45pm the lounge was full...

2 years ago
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Masti In Hot Party

Hi friends. I’m 23 years old guy from Delhi. If any girl or aunties looking for sex or sex chat please mail on full secrecy will be maintained don’t worry. 1st chat if comfortable then we go ahead.  Firstly let me describe myself I am 22 years , 5 10 , athletic physique I was playboy in school and now in college , fuck almost every hot girl in my school and college. Let me describe my experience in sex party. I have a NRI friend Rahul, who was notorious in through hot parties , whether it’s...

2 years ago
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Revenge on Olly

Olly Martin was an absolutely ignorant horrid bastard. Trouble was he was the sexiest boy on campus and all the girls fancied him rotten. One of these girls was Ali King, but Olly was always mean to her and bullied her cos she read alot. "You know what?" She asked her best freind Kim, "I'm gonna teach Olly a lesson he'll never forget!""Pal you can't fight him, last time that lad you fought with nearly died.""That pervert shouldn't ave tried to get a feel up my shirt. Besides Olly so deseveres...

1 year ago
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JosThroat Gets Nailed

When Sabrina first asked her best friend JoAnne to move in to live and work with her, she just wanted Jo to take some of her regular clients at least some of the time, to free herself up for new clients. As it was, Sabrina was seeing twelve regulars in the senior’s apartment high rise on Waterloo, seeing most of them twice a week between 10 and midnight every Monday and Thursday. She also was servicing a ten-member hockey team every Wednesday between 10 and midnight. She had about fifteen other...

Group Sex
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My 1st sex experience with virgin student Sofia

Usually I’m a late riser. One day morning my mom was screaming at me to wake me up. Someone had come to my room. I woke up reluctantly and wringed my eyes and took my specs. Then I saw the man. He was my neighbor. I knew him. He said, “Are you a maths tutor? “ I replied yes. He asked me that if I had time to teach his daughter. I knew her too. She’s Sofia. First I told him that I had not enough time but I didn’t refuse his offer. I was agreed to teach her from the next month. On the very 1st...

4 years ago
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She bit into the mango, savoring it as though it were the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden. The pit was resting on the plate before her and the other half of the soft bounty was in my hand, dripping its succulent juice along my fingers. I had to admit, this was certainly not what I had expected. Emma had called me the night before, an air of seduction on her voice, pulling me into her like a dark temptress. She had that effect on people, the kind of effect that made your knees wobble and...

4 years ago
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Lady Cecelia Ch 03 Pt 02

For two days she had prepared the cases wardrobe and accoutrements for Lydia’s journey to Agincourt which allowed her Lady to be at Cecelia’s side in support of Cecelia’s’s bid to secure William of Edenbridge’s release from the hands of the French. Each waking moment, had found Annalette laboring with new instructions from Lydia so that by the appointed hour for departure Annalette found respite from her Lady’s constant demands as she left in the rescue vessel departing the shores of...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Brittany Andrews Off To College

Brittany Andrews is a devoted wife to James Bartholet and stepmom to Justin Hunt. Justin is getting ready to go off to college, and Brittany is concerned that her inexperienced stepson won’t know how to handle all the girls he’ll meet there. She talks it out with James while giving him a handie in bed, then has an aha moment: she will have a talk with Justin about the birds and the bees. Later, Justin is chilling out and enjoying some porn and a wank when Brittany drags James in to...

1 year ago
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Coming Home0

I arrived at my ex-stepfathers house at about 8 that night, no one was outside, but, even though I hadnt heard it in five years, I could recognize his voice coming from inside. I got out of my car and went to knock on the door. The voices inside slowed down, but didn't stop until the door was opened. "Hello Aaron," I said to the man I most respected in the world. "Alex?" he asked back. "Why are you here?" "Just visiting old family members," I answered cheerfully. "May I...

2 years ago
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A Bad Influence

Tara Reid was a bad influence on Lindsey Lohan. At least that’s what the tabloids and the celebrity web sites had been saying. Lindsey had been the wholesome Disney girl until she had filled out and started hanging out with Tara. Now every night was filled with clubbing, drinking, smoking and other things the paparazzi’s cameras didn’t catch. * * * * * The door to Tara’s huge hotel room opened and the blonde and red head entered the room, laughing loudly as they stumbled in. They had been...

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Intro to Femdom

Intro to Femdom The Beginning It was normal day on the road. I was working out of the Los Angles office for couple weeks and I decided I needed to get away from the local staff. There was a local Mexican restaurant in the neighborhood which was nothing fancy but the food was good, it was one of those places you order at the counter and wait for your food. I headed there for lunch planning on getting a couple of enchiladas with all of the fixings and then taking it back to the office and eating...

2 years ago
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Chained in the Basement Please HelpChapter 7

Well, I'm almost out of beans. I need to figure out how to get the cans open. I've been beating them against the sink, but that hasn't worked. Let me describe the basement a bit more. I think it really is a basement, there are no windows, and the walls are brick. The ceiling is covered in some kind of soundproofing foam. This part of the basement is about 20 feet wide (I measured it in me-lengths, lying down on the floor) and maybe 30 feet long. I can't get to the far end. There are two...

2 years ago
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ConvergenceChapter 20 Rescue

Jerome Parsons had been snatched from the cement floor of the loading dock by an invisible hand. Then everything went black. He had still been conscious. He knew that because he was aware of the blackness, the absolute silence that surrounded him, and the fact that he was being led by someone. Jerome was frightened, but not in the same way he had been frightened by the men who had kidnapped him and his family. He was also worried about his family. He needed to find a way to rescue them. “I...

2 years ago
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Taffeta Torment VII

George felt nervous. He was sweating as he walked up the drive to the Taffeta Torment mansion. He felt all alone but most of all he felt ashamed. Since what he thought would be his perfect marriage to Margaret, she had hardly deigned to speak to him. At least before they had common interests in opera, theatre and the cinema and how George loved it when she made the effort to dress for the occasion. Once, when they were attending a Puccini opera at the local theatre, she had knocked him...

2 years ago
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Blood Over Stone Old Magic

Voices stir you. Barely aware, your mind reaches tendrils into itself for answers. Yet as even the questions struggle to form, the voices force your attention to them, and you begin to see. Hooded figures surround you, watching intently as your presence rests above a wide basin of smokeless blue fire on a pool of water. Far behind them is a barely clothed, red-skinned figure, rippling with muscle and chained to a block of stone twice its size. The voices fall silent, and one figure steps...

2 years ago
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JuniorChapter 9 The Summer of 1991 Making plans

It may have been the lack of sleep, but I attributed my bad mood to Wanda. When she didn't respond to my knock on her bedroom door I burst into the room. "Wake up and get ready if you're going with me," I shouted. The lump in the center of the bed made a slight movement. "Wanda, are you awake?" The lump wiggled its ass. "Be ready in thirty minutes," I said, and as I turned to leave the room the lump rolled over and Wanda's head appeared, grinning. "Don't grin at me," I...

1 year ago
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Jessicas First Girl

Jessica had invited her friend Amanda to stay the night this weekend since Jessica's parents were out. The two had been friends since c***dhood and were always close. They were both very sexy, freshly 18 girls. Jessica was a little smaller than Amanda. She was 5'4" with an athletic build since she played varsity volleyball. Her legs were very long and stopped at her firm round ass, which she loved to show off. Her blonde hair was long just like her legs, and stopped at the same spot as well....

1 year ago
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happy new year momy

It’s been three weeks since school ended for the year. I feel good for I did exceptionally well, as my marks will attest. I’m looking forward to high school next September. The thought of high school makes me feel grown up. I’ve watched high school girls at the malls, and on the street, and they seem to be very mature. I would love to be able to dress as they do, but, I know it’s only a dream. Mom doesn’t earn that kind of money to indulge me in designer clothing. I’ve been babysitting since I...

2 years ago
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Daughters Little FriendChapter 6

Alice Murphy was ushered across to her house a few minutes later, wearing nothing except her beige dress. Her bra and panties were still lying in a useless pile on the floor of Richard Hink's bedroom, and Hink himself was only wearing his satin scarlet lounging jacket to hide his naked body from any curious neighbors who might see the five of them. The minute she was in her own house, she cried out for her daughter and was relieved to hear a small, weak voice answer plaintively from the...

3 years ago
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Book Club Part Three The Bet

My name is Rita. Holly and I have been friends for ten years. Like the others in the book club, we are both recent empty nesters in our mid-forties. Holly and I are good friends but have very different personalities. Holly is very outgoing and very adventurous. I would be what most would call a follower. I am quiet and shy.Just like several others in the club Holly and I would get together and discuss the books before the monthly club meeting.“What did you think Rita, did you get a little...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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It seemed odd the way the natives seemingly vanished from the dig, but it didnt really worry Josef that much. After all, he was now able to scan through that single cavern where he had been warned not to enter by several of the natives. "Now what were they hiding." He thought to himself as he walked into the cavern, torch in hand, guiding his way deeper into the dark depths. After several hours looking, a tunnel, previously unseen caused a smile to creep accross the young historian's...

Mind Control
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Lesbian 12

Japan... Chibi-Ranma looked hard. Nope, no bulge there. "You really don't have one." "I told you so," Chibi-Ukyo nodded, and pulled her pants back up. "I told you I more special than you." "Are not!" Ranma denied emphatically, trying to think of something to prove it at the same time. It was true. He and his pop had 'it'. Ukyo said her father had one too. That made up nearly all the people he knew. Ukyo must be special if she was different, but there was no way he was going to admit defeat so...

2 years ago
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Hmong sr in law 4

What’s going on there guys, it’s been a while since I last posted a story on here. So if you guys have read my stories before you all know that I have been fucking my wife’s two s****r for a very long time. The older s*s for about 3 years and the younger one for about 6-7 months. So here is another story about the encounter that I had with the younger s*s. So it’s been about since I last saw my s*s in law Samantha. It was about mid September and my wife and I were going to visit her f****y for...

2 years ago
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Red Part IX Eddie hunts for Red

He wondered if he was wasting his time sitting there. He’d pulled into this same spot at 5:45 for the last two days and waited almost 90 minutes each day, hoping to get a peek at the tall blonde. He’d seen some damn fine looking girls walking to and from the apartment complex, but he was only looking for one girl; the blonde in the red Toyota. He kept looking down at his phone, watching the video and admiring the pics he’d shot of her hairy bush sitting at the light. He prayed she’d show up,...

3 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 22

"I know you said this could happen, Amanda, but I still can't believe they'd actually refuse us!" said Heisinger. The humans were gathered in the pavilion watching as the Edenites industriously helped assemble the first load to be ferried back to the Ark. This would be, as they'd long planned, mostly soil along with a few basic horticultural specimens. The massive bays of the mothership would have to be conditioned into a reasonable approximation of Eden's surface before they'd be...

4 years ago
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1. বর্ণালিকে যে চোদা যাবে আমি প্রথম থেকেই আভাস পাচ্ছিলাম। রিসেন্টলি ডিসিশন নিয়েছিলাম আর যেচে কারো সাথে যোগাযোগ করবো না। অনেক কাজ আমার।কিন্তু বর্ণালি ক’দিন অন্তর দুপুর বেলা “কেমন আছেন?” টেক্সট চালিয়েই যাচ্ছিল। একদিন দুপুরে এমনই টেক্সট করলো কেমন আছেন? উত্তর দিলাম খুব ভালো। তখন অবাক করেই ফিরতি প্রশ্ন করলো কি করছেন! আমি দেখলাম, এই সু্যোগ বলেই ফেলি,বললাম ভাবছি তোমার কথা। বর্ণালি খেলোয়াড় মেয়ে, বললো আমার কথা!! আমার কি কথা ভাবছেন? এবার আমি বললাম তুমি যদি এখন একবার আসতে। কখন যেতে বলছেন আপনি – এ কথা...

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Finally MeetPart 2

Sara felt like she was in a dream. Not only did she finally meet the man that made her world brighter, he kissed her. It was the perfect first kiss: soft, light, and oh-so-sexy! She felt a tingle that went from her lips, to the top of her head, to the tips of her toes!! She had kissed a few men in her time, but none made her feel like that. Sara drove around and saw the sights of San Fransisco. She could see why Mike loved living there, it was amazing! She found a mall where she made a bee-line...

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