Donald's PathChapter 3 free porn video

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"Madam, Lady Christopher's carriage is coming up the drive."

"Thank you, Oliver. Please escort her to the parlor."

Margaret hadn't seen Lady Christopher since her son's accidental death six months ago and that had been at his funeral. She was Margaret's aunt and Mildred's and Donald's great aunt. Lady C's son's death without any off-spring had changed the entail to her own son, Donald, for which she was grateful. She had not communicated with Lady C about it since it was automatic and to mention it would have sounded like gloating. That was something civilized people didn't do. Since Donald was only 14 and could not inherit until he was 21, that couldn't be the reason why she was now here. She had received a note saying Lady C was coming but had not mentioned it to either of her children.

Margaret was in the parlor waiting when Lady C was shown in. She inquired politely about her health and then nodded to Oliver to bring in the Tea Service. Once the niceties were over, Lady C got right to what was on her mind.

"Margaret, I find that at 50 years of age, the need to make certain decisions is forcing me to travel around the family circuit. You, of course, know that the entail of my son's estates goes to Donald but that is not why I'm here. All of the female members of the family will receive 1000 pounds per annum from my personal estate but the rest I have decided will go to one of the three males remaining in the family. Donald, of course, is one of those."

"I'm evaluating the three to determine in my own mind which I think will be most likely to generate the necessary off-spring to keep the family name alive. It may sound rather callous to put it that way but as the matriarch of this family that is the only way I can look at it. I have just eliminated Edward as a possible recipient of the rest of my personal estate. Quite frankly, Edward looked like a fairy, talked like a fairy and had the smallest balls I've ever seen on a boy of 13."

Margaret found her face was getting flushed for more that than one reason. Only the families oldest and richest matriarch could get away with talking that crudely and honestly. Her remarks further implied that she had actually checked on the testicles of another member of the family. But worst of all, she was flushed with the specific knowledge that Donald wasn't a fairy simply because he had been routinely debauching her and her daughter continuously during the preceding three months. She hoped for Donald's sake that being a young rapist and a total pervert wouldn't knock him out of the running for the additional funds. That series of thoughts almost brought an open smile to her lips.

Mildred and Margaret had already resolved to blackmail the boy into continuing his disgusting and thoroughly satisfying activities but had not quite gotten to the point of bringing it up to him. Both of the women were missing it too much to put it off too much longer. Now, she tried to focus on what Lady C was saying.

"I'm sorry, Margaret. The older I get the less patience I have for politeness. I met with Joseph and his family three days ago. He's not as directly related to the main branch of the family as Donald is and he is considerably older. But, at least he looks burly enough to carry on the family name. But he has a reputation as a wrestler of house maids, if you know what I mean. He'll hopefully grow out of it before he gets into too much trouble. I don't want the family scandalized more than is absolutely necessary. So, your boy is still in the running even though he already will inherit the bulk of the estates and money. I would appreciate it if you would bring in your boy and let me take a quick look at him."

Margaret almost said, 'Should I strip him naked first?'

"My Lady, would you mind if my daughter sits in on the rest of this conversation? Good! She's the brains of the family as far as finances are concerned and quite clever to boot."

Margaret stepped to the door and was not surprised to find her daughter, Mildred, already approaching.

"Why there you are, my dear. Come in and greet your great aunt."

Margaret always had her daughter eavesdrop for her own convenience. After the two exchanged pleasantries, Mildred was sent to get Donald with the admonition to not dally.

Mildred ran up the stairs to the third floor excitedly. She couldn't take time for aloofness now.

I was fit to be tied, literally. The new clothes styles required tights for the legs which was considered dashing but only if I could figure out how to tie on the required cod patch. The cod patch was supposed to cover both the cock and balls of the male leaving a non-descript mound. The instructions for that little thing had been neglected when I had hurriedly purchased the new clothes. Without it the outline of my cock was totally exposed and you could even see the bumps made by my balls. I was startled by the hard raps on the door and it opened immediately without my permission. When I saw who it was, I stepped quickly behind the dressing partition.

"You must hurry now, no delay. Your great aunt is here and she is trying to find someone to give her money to when she dies. I'll explain on the way down."

I quickly pulled the crumbled and poorly fitted cod patch out of my tights and followed Mildred. When I tried to speak Mildred hushed me.

"Listen carefully to the news..."

I walked into the parlor with appropriate dignity followed by Margaret. I bowed to the Lady then shook hands politely and took a seat.

While the conversation was going on between the women, Lady C was covertly eyeing the boys crotch and wondering if he was well endowed enough for family responsibilities.

I watched my mother sitting across from me. I was visualizing my mother sitting there having tea without clothing. I felt my cock stir and rise. Suddenly, I looked around and noted that Lady C, Mildred and even Mom was looking at my crotch. Remembering where I was, I thought, Holy shit, I don't have the damn cod patch on. When I glanced back at Lady C, she looked into my eyes with a lustful look on her face.

Lady Christophers face flushed slightly and she let out a sigh. She hadn't gotten that kind of a response from a man in years, much less from a big strapping boy like this. He looks completely normal to me, she thought. But, it wouldn't hurt to make sure. With one last glance at the boys splendidly outlined cock, she royally dismissed him from the room and returned her conversation to the women. Mildred, as surprised as she was by Donald's inadvertent display, had seen the look on the Lady's face and decided to make Donald a real contender for the money.

With a knowing nod from her Mother, Mildred related to the Lady the strange illness she had contracted and the medicine she had been forced to take. She related the whole leaving out Donald's participation. She also conveniently left out the part about the medicated person knowing exactly what was going on at all times, even though they couldn't resist. She intentionally gave the impression that both mental and physical paralysis occurs without quite saying it. Then she casually mentioned she had a few pills left over. Lady Chistopher stared at Mildred for a full two minutes. The import of the story was not lost on her. Lady C then restated her need to assure herself that the recipient of her money, at her death, could function adequately and carry on the family name and traditions.

Margaret and Mildred were both left staggered and breathless by the implications of what they were actually suggesting. Even Lady C looked excited by what had being laid out.

"I think my maid and I will spend a few more days with you. I would appreciate it if you would see to the details. Just let me know when the boy will be available."

After Lady C and her maid had gone to their guest room, Margaret and Mildred just stared at each other. Margaret placed her hands over her face and slowly shook her head.

"Don't you dare tell Donald. If you do he'll refuse. Just make sure you are with him in the morning while he recovers to smooth things over and explain this to him. Poor Donald. All of our fragile deceptions will have to be shattered. We can only hope that she will just look and perhaps handle him a bit. But from the look on her face when she saw him, I'm afraid he's in for a long night. Even though I feel we are doing the correct thing for him, right now I feel a little like a pimp. And Mildred, while you're at it, you may want to threaten Donald into continuing his nighttime activities as we talked about before. The timing is right, don't you think? We're both been getting a little irritable lately."

"Madam, There is a strange carriage coming up the drive."

"Thank you, Oliver. Please escort whoever it is to the parlor."

Margaret and Mildred looked at each other in complete bafflement. They were not expecting anyone.

I had thought at the time that it was the shortest interview on record. I had returned to my room to continue working on the string arrangements for my cod patch. Without it life could become extremely embarrassing. Oliver rapped on my door and told me that a strange carriage was arriving. Shit, it may be Mr. Somerly and I forgot to tell Mother when I returned last from London. Has it really been over two months?

I arrived in the parlor in time to inform Mother and Margaret that I had invited Mr. Somerly and his family to visit anytime. Sheepishly, I apologized for the oversight in telling them. Mother tapped my hand and said it was all right, they had enough rooms if they had come for a visit. Margaret remembered that she had always liked Mr. Somerly, then also remembered to tell Donald and Mildred that Mr. Somerly's wife had died about a year ago.

Margaret, Mildred and Donald were waiting at the top of the steps when Mr. Somerly and a much younger gentleman stepped out of the coach leaving the door open. Mr. Somerly greeted Margaret, introduced himself to Mildred, who had never met him and then cordially shook my hand. He then introduced his son Adam to all of us explaining that he had recently returned from completing his schooling.

"We were in the neighborhood, and since its the end of the quarter again, I thought it may be a good time to take Donald up on his kind invitation to visit. But I see that someone else is calling and this may not be a good time to go over the books."

Margaret smiled and said, "Anytime you are in the neighborhood is appropriate for any of our friends to visit. We can easily accommodate the two of you as guests."

Mr. Somerly coughed slightly and said that Carolyn was in the carriage and would she also be invited. Margaret said of course so I bounded down the steps to escort her up from the coach. The coach door was open but the interior was quite dim. She was sitting with her back against the far side of the coach and her frock covered legs were up on the seat and crossed at the ankles in a relaxed pose.

"Hi, Carolyn, I'm glad you're here."

She just stared at me and murmured, "You ought to be. You've ruined me, Donald. I've come to let you finish the job."

I was totally confused by her remarks. Then she uncrossed her legs exposing her bare crotch to me before standing up and exiting the coach. Gayly, she bounced up the steps to introduce herself to Margaret and Mildred. I was completely baffled by her behavior and unable to say or do anything.

All of the visitors were given separate rooms and after freshening up met again in the parlor. After a reasonable time Mr. Somerly insisted that he be allowed to work on the quarterly records. He was given full access to the library while Adam was entertained by Mildred. They went out for a walk in the garden to deepen their new acquaintance. For myself, I stayed away knowing I would be required to entertain Carolyn if I showed up. I didn't understand her behavior but was sure that I did not want a fuller explanation. Consequently, Carolyn just snuggled down in a remote parlor chair facing the unused fireplace and sipped her tea. She went completely unnoticed and forgotten. Presently, Margaret and Lady C found time to converse about near future events of interest to both. All of it was overheard by a wide-eyed and unnoticed Carolyn.

After dinner, Mother insisted that I take a good hot bath. Maybe she had thought I didn't smell too good during tea this afternoon. I really didn't mind since I took frequent long baths anyway. Mom came into my bathing room with two glasses of hot toddy; one of my favorites. While we sipped them Mom talked about how important it was for Lady C to think I was a very nice boy. I began to think Mom was going to bring up some topic of importance or to admonish me for not entertaining Carolyn this afternoon. But nothing of importance seemed to come up. Shortly after my drink was gone, she left leaving me wondering what it had all been about.

After my relaxing bath, I felt drowsy and went straight to bed. I certainly didn't want to participate in the drawn out discussions I suspected were going on in the parlor. I drifted off but was awakened when my room door opened and two pairs of feet approached my bed. I couldn't move, not even an eyelid. When I tried again and I still couldn't, I panicked and nothing happened. Yet, I could feel my body, my heartbeat and hear every thing that was going on. Holy shit! It dawned on me. I've been drugged and it has to be that wonder drug that my sister had been taking. But I shouldn't be mentally aware of what was going on. The ramifications of this discovery almost made my heart stop. Mother, Mildred and Carolyn all knew every single thing that I had done to them.

I lay there stunned by my present awareness of vulnerability. All of my childish behavior was exposed to me as it had been to others for the past three months.

By rights, there should have been constables banging on my door the day after I had sexually molested Carolyn. Perhaps Carolyn had realized that a significant fraction of her father's income was attributable to our family. I had shamed her and disgraced myself even if I had gotten away with it.

Then there was my wonderful mother and sister. What I had done to them was unconscionable. And, I had patted myself on the back with my grand gesture of not quite taking all of Mildred's virginity. Should she ever want to marry, she would be in the uncomfortable position of presenting herself as pure while knowing she was soiled by my incestuous behavior.

Even while I was berating myself, I knew I had gotten away with my childish and criminal behavior. Selfishly, I was relieved. But I had to grow up and act responsibly from this point onward. I had to think of the consequences of everything I did, just like an adult should.

Lady C and her maid had been standing next to my bed as these thoughts were going through my mind.

"Handsome devil isn't he? And he'll just lay like that for at least 8 hours according to Margaret. She said we could easily and safely move him to any position we want. That's what you are here for Denise. Get up on the bed and roll him over onto his back. And, let me see, a pillow under his derriére would be nice. Now pull the covers completely off."

I could feel my Jammies being pulled off of me and felt the cool air of the room.

"My, my, my. This boy has it all. Denise, look at the size of that cock. Go on now, Denise, let go of it and leave. Just be awake and ready to help me with my toilet when I'm finished looking him over."

I just lay there, horrified. This must be what Mother, Mildred and Carolyn had all felt like when I was taking advantage of them. Not really much fun so far and with an older woman like Lady C it most likely wasn't going to get any better. I felt Lady C pick up my cock and then heft my balls in her open palm. Despite her age, I felt myself responding.

Mildred was standing across the hall in a storage room looking through a crack in the door. She was here to make sure Donald didn't make a fuss when he finally got his muscle control back. But it was more than that. She needed to talk to him after Lady C was finished. The money was worth it for Donald although he may not realize it at this moment. She knew she must keep him from doing anything stupid. She saw the maid come out of the room and leave.

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Last Call Bar PickUp RePost

Dan had worked over on the 4-12 shift and walked in the bar at 1:45. The Bar tender looked up and said last call, Dan smiled and said give me a glass of whatever you have on tap. The bartender sat a foamy toped glass on the bar, Dan sat down paid for his beer, and looked around there were three couples in the bar one at the bar two at tables, and an older woman in a short little black lace dress. They all looked at Dan and thought he looked very young and they were right as he had just turned...

3 years ago
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Triptych First Part

After the reading and dinner with an old college friend, she retired, as had become the custom, to the hotel bar. Here her company was a boyish bartender who seemed to be desperately trying to think up something witty every time he passed by her but was never quite able to get it out. He’d pause, concentrate really hard, and then move on. Men and woman of various ages were scattered at tables behind her, one guy on the phone, sighing and giving an angry “all right” every few minutes.The bar...

First Time
1 year ago
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Panvel Me Mili Ek Sexy Bhabhi Pt 2 Meri Society Mein

Ab din jaa rahe the par raatein kat nahi rahi thi. 2 baar hilaye bina neend nahi aa rahi thi. Hamesha us bhabhi ka chehra nazar aa raha tha. Aur usi ka naam leke main muth maare jaa raha tha. Main har roj wahi last mulaqat yaad karke sochta rehta tha ki us din maine bahut galat kiya us wajah se shayad woh guss hui hogi. Aisehi ek Saturday jab meri chhutti thi tab main baahar jane ke liye nikla. Main jaisehi baahar jane laga meri mom ne mujhe awaz deke bula liya. Maine unse jaake puccha kya kuch...

2 years ago
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Funhouse MirrorsChapter 9

Ron couldn’t believe it. He rubbed Susie’s shoulders as he looked over what could only be called a serial killer hunting board. There were dozens of colors of post-its. A rainbow of six threads overlaid Veidt’s notes to the path of personality changes experienced by his six women. There were pictures and printouts. He had to buy a second corkboard to hold her entire map. “Alright, this is so much clearer,” he smiled for the room. “Where’s Jocelyn?” Cass laid her highlighter on the papers on...

3 years ago
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Coffee Break

"One venti mochaccino, low fat with a vanilla shot hold the whipped cream please." ordered the woman in front of Heidi. The Malaysian girl's badge read trainee and she was clearly not yet up to the task of dealing with such a specific order. "Sorry Madam, please you say your order one more time?" she asked in the politest way her broken English could manage. The woman repeated her order in a much slower and louder tone than before, "One venti mochaccino, low fat with a vanilla shot...

1 year ago
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Wolf WorldChapter 12 Stranded

"Can you get it working again?" Phil peered anxiously over Charley's shoulder. "We've got to get out of here, and right now!" "What's the rush?" Charley had an access panel off and was poking around amidst the wiring with a sour expression on his face. "From the looks of this mess, we ain't going no place right away, if ever. This whole pile of junk was thrown together by a ham-fisted idiot out of odds and ends, and that bullet just about finished things." "Jordan knows we're...

3 years ago
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You left your wife a note saying the station called you in. You drive over to her place. You knock on the door. She answers in a skimpy top. You could here the song ”sweat” playing. She doesn't say a word her eyes just stared at yours. Waiting wanting. You step inside and shut and lock the door. You Reach your arm out and grab hers. You pull her close to you. You put both hands around her neck and pull her to you. Her mouth looks so tempting. Your cock is hard as fuck. you turn her back ...

1 year ago
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Harry Potter and the Coming of Age Ceremony

Harry Potter was lying snuggled in his four-poster bed in the Gryffindor boys' dormitory sound asleep, for once not dreaming of Lord Voldemort. Instead, his dreams were centered on Ginny Weasley, the younger sister of his best friend Ron, who was asleep in his own bed just across the dorm. In his dream he and Ginny were deep in an embrace. He could feel her firm breasts pressing against his chest as they kissed. Slowly his hands moved down her back and settled on her firm young ass. He felt...

1 year ago
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Fucking your wife Ch2

I could hardly wait for our next time together and it did notdisappoint! Your wife was amazing and I hope you got lots of video! The tripod probably was a good idea. I liked how your wife’s cascading hair tickled my thighs but what really excited me was when she stopped pleasuring my cock and left the bed for a moment. I almost shot my wad right then and there when she returned to me pulling a scrunchy into her hair for a pony-tail and said, “I want you to see every bit of this.” I’m not sure...

Wife Lovers
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Die Anhalterin

Die bildhübsche Tina stellt sich an den Straßenrand, den ersten Knopf der Jeans geöffnet, die frierenden, steil hervortretenden Brüste herausgereckt, ein Daumen lässig in die Tasche gehakt, den anderen nach oben gereckt. Ihre langen blonden Haare spielen im Wind. Sie lächelt. Heute ist ihr achtzehnter Geburtstag, und sie ist - endlich volljährig - aus dem Erziehungsheim entlassen worden. Eigentlich wollte ihre Mutter sie aus dem Erziehungsheim abzuholen. Doch jetzt ist ihre Vertretung im Büro...

4 years ago
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Monica Building on Her Past ExperienceChapter 3

Monica was really enjoying this business of making adult films. She'd never envisioned that it could be so fun to actually have sex in front of a camera and know that her naked body, and her sexual activities with the other porn film actors would be seen by an untold number of people, and Monica found it extremely hot and arousing to know that she'd have such a wide audience for doing something that she was loving so much. Monica made more and more porn films and she found herself in even...

1 year ago
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My Army Aunty Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Those were bachelor days when I had just got into a job in an industry located outskirts of chennai. I was looking for a suitable house to move in and was disappointed with the surroundings around my factory. On a suggestion from a friend of mine I started looking in a small suburb around 5 kms away from the factory. Although there were many desirable houses in there and empty too, being a bachelor I was not very welcome. Spending a whole of a sunny...

2 years ago
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My Panty Fetish and my StepMum Mom Part 2

Well, due to the feedback I received about my first reminiscences of my relationship with my step-mother, and my panty fetish, I realise you might be interested to hear more about us. I'll start the very next morning.You can imagine I had a very pleasant night, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Really I'd been overwhelmed by it all, and I had to sort of explain it all to myself. I reckon my Mum (I'll continue to call her that, as I have ever since) had begun by indulging me over...

1 year ago
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SisSwap Harper Red Willow Ryder Making Things Right

Alexander and Harper are having wild sex, and Nicky, Harper’s stepbrother, doesn’t know it. Nicky is also Alexander’s best friend, so he feels awful when he finds out the worst way possible. Later on, Nicky and Alexander meet to discuss how to sort out this situation. Nicky is horny for Willow, Alexander’s sexy stepsis, so he proposes fucking her to peace things up. Alexander finds no better solution, so the two meet with Harper and Willow to discuss the new agreement. Willow is more than happy...

4 years ago
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Wifes Glamour Photoshoot

Glamour ModelOpportunities?She didn’t know it yet, but today would change the beauty ther****ts’ life irrevocably. It seemed like any other day, but it wasn’t. If she ever cared to look back, which she probably wouldn’t, today would be the day that her life changed forever. For good or bad, well only time would tell. It was a slow day in the salon, a very slow day. When she came to think of it, there had been lots of slow days of late, much to many. It was probably nothing to worry about, just...

3 years ago
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A Little Tail Part 13

A little Tail - Part 13 By Lexi Lee The Arrangement Micki is furious with me. She says I am a fool letting a silly thing like love get in the way of life. She also says she will take care of it. She tells me to get some sleep as we have a busy day tomorrow. I figure it will be just what I need. I feel great this morning. Birds are singing, bells are ringing. Lexi is in love and Frank (Oh Baby) loves me. Sure I have to give him half my money (he is worth...

2 years ago
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Lost in Fold SpaceChapter 3

I had rather lost track of what I was supposed to be doing. Well – wouldn't you? I had a ... companion ... who (or which) was gorgeous, fascinated by and responsive to sex, and apparently determined to please me in every way possible. Which included food. Some of the offerings were a little odd, but since anything I didn't like was replaced very rapidly I wasn't about to complain. I could have clothes, but I soon decided, why bother? They wouldn't stay on long, that was for sure. It was...

1 year ago
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Gangbanged By Daddys Best Friends

Last week, my daddy had his weekly poker night with his buddies, and I'd been planning on going out with my friend Sasha. She got sick and had to stay home, and thus I was left at home, with my daddy and his friends. I figured that I'd play some hands with them instead of doing my homework. When his friends started to come over, I answered the door in a pair of short shorts, and a halter top. "Brit, whoa, look how you've grown up!" "Hey, Alex, Luke, Joe. How are you?" They all agreed that they...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Sex with horny maid Kala

Hi my name is john from pondicherry 5'7 age 23 having a slim body……im going to tell u the incident which took place a few days back with my servant Kala…….she is 38 married and having 2 kids….her sizes are 36-34-38 and almost as tall as me weighs about 70kgs and wheatish One day when Kala came home to do the house chores i saw her pallu falling down and got a glimpse of her cleavage and since then i wanted to fuck her…so my evil mind created a plan and here how it went…… one day when kala...

1 year ago
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The Shiny LadiesChapter 10 Initiation

As Monica and Theresa walked up to the old high school, a shiny black Hummer and a large eighteen-wheeler were pulling out. Maria, the ex-nun, and Lupe were waiting for them at the curb. "Who were those people?" asked Monica. "The car contains a man who will keep us funded," said Lupe. "And the truck brought us five new girls to be transformed, and another immune to work under you as a priestess." "Great," said Monica. Maria spoke. "Theresa, since we will soon have a third...

1 year ago
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Valentines day suprisex

my girlfriend is let’s say a little racist she says ew when she sees a black guys cock In porn so I thought I would give her a little treat this year on the holiday of romance. thanks to the help of a kind black gentleman I met online, a 35 year old african man with an 11 inche throbbing monster and I asked if he would help me out He was happy to help. 7:30pm valentines day night I walk my princess to his car she has a blindfold on and has no idea whats gonna happen I keep her from...

1 year ago
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FuckingAwesome Ashley Adams Ashley Uses her Body to Get an A

Steve Holmes, the horny professor, has been dreaming about Ashley Adams’ tight body all year. Ashley has been a naughty girl and partied too hard and now Professor Holmes tells her she will need to repeat the class. This is the last thing Ashley needs because if she fails she won’t be allowed to go on summer vacation. Ashley offers her professor sex and he is more than happy to accept the use of her tight young body. After skullfucking and titfucking her, professor Holmes fucks Ashley’s...

3 years ago
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I have to admit, I never saw this coming. My car was running rough. It needed to be serviced and I didn't have the money for it. I probably shouldn't be driving it, but I had no choice. I closed the door and saw the looks of people around me as I got out. My BMW didn't belong in this neighborhood. I headed for the secretary of state office. As I walked into the office, probably based on the way I was dressed, the security guard pointed me towards a license renewal lane. I shook my head and...

3 years ago
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Foster home 4 Fun at the lake

The girl that seemed in charge in my group was a girl named Erika. Erika had beautiful black long hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin was a natural beautiful olive color. It didn’t take me long to realize she was in charge because she told other girls what to do. Within moments of me being there she met me at my bed and gave me my new name. “So Blondie, what do you have there in your bag that belongs to me,” she asked. Now I was stunned by this question as I had just arrived so I...

3 years ago
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Early Adventures Of Tracy And JeannieChapter 7

Sunday morning we woke up together, as if on cue. Jeannie and I had been up until midnight reliving the night before, and planning tonight with Ted and Al. I smiled and let my eyes dance over Jeannie's naked form. I guess our "sleepovers" would never be the same again. After feeling Jeannie's nakedness and tasting her pussy at the lake on Friday, I looked at her now with a whole new appreciation. Not only was she still my best friend, but now she was a lover! And what a lover! She...

2 years ago
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 16

Tiffany Personal log (voice), Tiffany French, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, 9:35am, October 31st, 2006 I'd like to say the class was interesting. I would, but it would be a lie. The fact is I did not give a damn about the recent deaths of Arafat and Sharon. It's true that I was sitting in current events class. Current events to me involves rock singers and television. That and medical science. The teacher was going on. "Those of us with relatives in the Middle East may be more aware...

3 years ago
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Cabin Merger

Michael and his wife are friends of Kay, my wife, and me since our school years. Michael and I were friends even before I met Pam and he met Kay. We use to hang out together. We even spend holidays together and have bought a strip of land way up in no-mans-land where we have built two cabins for us, only divided by a rather small path just so if any of us would ever sell their cabin there wouldn't be any disputes over land or building. Both cabins are almost carbon-copies of each others and...

2 years ago
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Summer of 86rsquo Part IV

Summer of 86’ Part IVThat night we all stayed at Matt’s apartment, it was really large and in a nice part of San Diego. It only had one bedroom but it had a huge living room, Matt had a huge sectional sofa in it. Matt was gracious to offer me and Maggi his bedroom with his king bed, he even changed the sheets. Maggi and I showered and went to bed in our underwear. Maggi just wore panties, she had small tits (A Cups) and never slept with a bra, in fact the only reason she wore one all the time...

3 years ago
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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 11 Charwoman and daughter

VOLUME-1 Chapter XI We could not get servants for some time. A middle-aged charwoman came to assist, and one of her daughters came from time to time, stopping generally the night. Their cottage was not far off, I had seen the girl from an infant, she was then about eighteen years old. I had often smiled when I met her, of course I smiled now. She was quite a slim little girl, there was nothing of her, but I was at an age when anything having a cunt attracted me. Profiting by experience, I...

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