Donald's PathChapter 3 free porn video

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"Madam, Lady Christopher's carriage is coming up the drive."

"Thank you, Oliver. Please escort her to the parlor."

Margaret hadn't seen Lady Christopher since her son's accidental death six months ago and that had been at his funeral. She was Margaret's aunt and Mildred's and Donald's great aunt. Lady C's son's death without any off-spring had changed the entail to her own son, Donald, for which she was grateful. She had not communicated with Lady C about it since it was automatic and to mention it would have sounded like gloating. That was something civilized people didn't do. Since Donald was only 14 and could not inherit until he was 21, that couldn't be the reason why she was now here. She had received a note saying Lady C was coming but had not mentioned it to either of her children.

Margaret was in the parlor waiting when Lady C was shown in. She inquired politely about her health and then nodded to Oliver to bring in the Tea Service. Once the niceties were over, Lady C got right to what was on her mind.

"Margaret, I find that at 50 years of age, the need to make certain decisions is forcing me to travel around the family circuit. You, of course, know that the entail of my son's estates goes to Donald but that is not why I'm here. All of the female members of the family will receive 1000 pounds per annum from my personal estate but the rest I have decided will go to one of the three males remaining in the family. Donald, of course, is one of those."

"I'm evaluating the three to determine in my own mind which I think will be most likely to generate the necessary off-spring to keep the family name alive. It may sound rather callous to put it that way but as the matriarch of this family that is the only way I can look at it. I have just eliminated Edward as a possible recipient of the rest of my personal estate. Quite frankly, Edward looked like a fairy, talked like a fairy and had the smallest balls I've ever seen on a boy of 13."

Margaret found her face was getting flushed for more that than one reason. Only the families oldest and richest matriarch could get away with talking that crudely and honestly. Her remarks further implied that she had actually checked on the testicles of another member of the family. But worst of all, she was flushed with the specific knowledge that Donald wasn't a fairy simply because he had been routinely debauching her and her daughter continuously during the preceding three months. She hoped for Donald's sake that being a young rapist and a total pervert wouldn't knock him out of the running for the additional funds. That series of thoughts almost brought an open smile to her lips.

Mildred and Margaret had already resolved to blackmail the boy into continuing his disgusting and thoroughly satisfying activities but had not quite gotten to the point of bringing it up to him. Both of the women were missing it too much to put it off too much longer. Now, she tried to focus on what Lady C was saying.

"I'm sorry, Margaret. The older I get the less patience I have for politeness. I met with Joseph and his family three days ago. He's not as directly related to the main branch of the family as Donald is and he is considerably older. But, at least he looks burly enough to carry on the family name. But he has a reputation as a wrestler of house maids, if you know what I mean. He'll hopefully grow out of it before he gets into too much trouble. I don't want the family scandalized more than is absolutely necessary. So, your boy is still in the running even though he already will inherit the bulk of the estates and money. I would appreciate it if you would bring in your boy and let me take a quick look at him."

Margaret almost said, 'Should I strip him naked first?'

"My Lady, would you mind if my daughter sits in on the rest of this conversation? Good! She's the brains of the family as far as finances are concerned and quite clever to boot."

Margaret stepped to the door and was not surprised to find her daughter, Mildred, already approaching.

"Why there you are, my dear. Come in and greet your great aunt."

Margaret always had her daughter eavesdrop for her own convenience. After the two exchanged pleasantries, Mildred was sent to get Donald with the admonition to not dally.

Mildred ran up the stairs to the third floor excitedly. She couldn't take time for aloofness now.

I was fit to be tied, literally. The new clothes styles required tights for the legs which was considered dashing but only if I could figure out how to tie on the required cod patch. The cod patch was supposed to cover both the cock and balls of the male leaving a non-descript mound. The instructions for that little thing had been neglected when I had hurriedly purchased the new clothes. Without it the outline of my cock was totally exposed and you could even see the bumps made by my balls. I was startled by the hard raps on the door and it opened immediately without my permission. When I saw who it was, I stepped quickly behind the dressing partition.

"You must hurry now, no delay. Your great aunt is here and she is trying to find someone to give her money to when she dies. I'll explain on the way down."

I quickly pulled the crumbled and poorly fitted cod patch out of my tights and followed Mildred. When I tried to speak Mildred hushed me.

"Listen carefully to the news..."

I walked into the parlor with appropriate dignity followed by Margaret. I bowed to the Lady then shook hands politely and took a seat.

While the conversation was going on between the women, Lady C was covertly eyeing the boys crotch and wondering if he was well endowed enough for family responsibilities.

I watched my mother sitting across from me. I was visualizing my mother sitting there having tea without clothing. I felt my cock stir and rise. Suddenly, I looked around and noted that Lady C, Mildred and even Mom was looking at my crotch. Remembering where I was, I thought, Holy shit, I don't have the damn cod patch on. When I glanced back at Lady C, she looked into my eyes with a lustful look on her face.

Lady Christophers face flushed slightly and she let out a sigh. She hadn't gotten that kind of a response from a man in years, much less from a big strapping boy like this. He looks completely normal to me, she thought. But, it wouldn't hurt to make sure. With one last glance at the boys splendidly outlined cock, she royally dismissed him from the room and returned her conversation to the women. Mildred, as surprised as she was by Donald's inadvertent display, had seen the look on the Lady's face and decided to make Donald a real contender for the money.

With a knowing nod from her Mother, Mildred related to the Lady the strange illness she had contracted and the medicine she had been forced to take. She related the whole leaving out Donald's participation. She also conveniently left out the part about the medicated person knowing exactly what was going on at all times, even though they couldn't resist. She intentionally gave the impression that both mental and physical paralysis occurs without quite saying it. Then she casually mentioned she had a few pills left over. Lady Chistopher stared at Mildred for a full two minutes. The import of the story was not lost on her. Lady C then restated her need to assure herself that the recipient of her money, at her death, could function adequately and carry on the family name and traditions.

Margaret and Mildred were both left staggered and breathless by the implications of what they were actually suggesting. Even Lady C looked excited by what had being laid out.

"I think my maid and I will spend a few more days with you. I would appreciate it if you would see to the details. Just let me know when the boy will be available."

After Lady C and her maid had gone to their guest room, Margaret and Mildred just stared at each other. Margaret placed her hands over her face and slowly shook her head.

"Don't you dare tell Donald. If you do he'll refuse. Just make sure you are with him in the morning while he recovers to smooth things over and explain this to him. Poor Donald. All of our fragile deceptions will have to be shattered. We can only hope that she will just look and perhaps handle him a bit. But from the look on her face when she saw him, I'm afraid he's in for a long night. Even though I feel we are doing the correct thing for him, right now I feel a little like a pimp. And Mildred, while you're at it, you may want to threaten Donald into continuing his nighttime activities as we talked about before. The timing is right, don't you think? We're both been getting a little irritable lately."

"Madam, There is a strange carriage coming up the drive."

"Thank you, Oliver. Please escort whoever it is to the parlor."

Margaret and Mildred looked at each other in complete bafflement. They were not expecting anyone.

I had thought at the time that it was the shortest interview on record. I had returned to my room to continue working on the string arrangements for my cod patch. Without it life could become extremely embarrassing. Oliver rapped on my door and told me that a strange carriage was arriving. Shit, it may be Mr. Somerly and I forgot to tell Mother when I returned last from London. Has it really been over two months?

I arrived in the parlor in time to inform Mother and Margaret that I had invited Mr. Somerly and his family to visit anytime. Sheepishly, I apologized for the oversight in telling them. Mother tapped my hand and said it was all right, they had enough rooms if they had come for a visit. Margaret remembered that she had always liked Mr. Somerly, then also remembered to tell Donald and Mildred that Mr. Somerly's wife had died about a year ago.

Margaret, Mildred and Donald were waiting at the top of the steps when Mr. Somerly and a much younger gentleman stepped out of the coach leaving the door open. Mr. Somerly greeted Margaret, introduced himself to Mildred, who had never met him and then cordially shook my hand. He then introduced his son Adam to all of us explaining that he had recently returned from completing his schooling.

"We were in the neighborhood, and since its the end of the quarter again, I thought it may be a good time to take Donald up on his kind invitation to visit. But I see that someone else is calling and this may not be a good time to go over the books."

Margaret smiled and said, "Anytime you are in the neighborhood is appropriate for any of our friends to visit. We can easily accommodate the two of you as guests."

Mr. Somerly coughed slightly and said that Carolyn was in the carriage and would she also be invited. Margaret said of course so I bounded down the steps to escort her up from the coach. The coach door was open but the interior was quite dim. She was sitting with her back against the far side of the coach and her frock covered legs were up on the seat and crossed at the ankles in a relaxed pose.

"Hi, Carolyn, I'm glad you're here."

She just stared at me and murmured, "You ought to be. You've ruined me, Donald. I've come to let you finish the job."

I was totally confused by her remarks. Then she uncrossed her legs exposing her bare crotch to me before standing up and exiting the coach. Gayly, she bounced up the steps to introduce herself to Margaret and Mildred. I was completely baffled by her behavior and unable to say or do anything.

All of the visitors were given separate rooms and after freshening up met again in the parlor. After a reasonable time Mr. Somerly insisted that he be allowed to work on the quarterly records. He was given full access to the library while Adam was entertained by Mildred. They went out for a walk in the garden to deepen their new acquaintance. For myself, I stayed away knowing I would be required to entertain Carolyn if I showed up. I didn't understand her behavior but was sure that I did not want a fuller explanation. Consequently, Carolyn just snuggled down in a remote parlor chair facing the unused fireplace and sipped her tea. She went completely unnoticed and forgotten. Presently, Margaret and Lady C found time to converse about near future events of interest to both. All of it was overheard by a wide-eyed and unnoticed Carolyn.

After dinner, Mother insisted that I take a good hot bath. Maybe she had thought I didn't smell too good during tea this afternoon. I really didn't mind since I took frequent long baths anyway. Mom came into my bathing room with two glasses of hot toddy; one of my favorites. While we sipped them Mom talked about how important it was for Lady C to think I was a very nice boy. I began to think Mom was going to bring up some topic of importance or to admonish me for not entertaining Carolyn this afternoon. But nothing of importance seemed to come up. Shortly after my drink was gone, she left leaving me wondering what it had all been about.

After my relaxing bath, I felt drowsy and went straight to bed. I certainly didn't want to participate in the drawn out discussions I suspected were going on in the parlor. I drifted off but was awakened when my room door opened and two pairs of feet approached my bed. I couldn't move, not even an eyelid. When I tried again and I still couldn't, I panicked and nothing happened. Yet, I could feel my body, my heartbeat and hear every thing that was going on. Holy shit! It dawned on me. I've been drugged and it has to be that wonder drug that my sister had been taking. But I shouldn't be mentally aware of what was going on. The ramifications of this discovery almost made my heart stop. Mother, Mildred and Carolyn all knew every single thing that I had done to them.

I lay there stunned by my present awareness of vulnerability. All of my childish behavior was exposed to me as it had been to others for the past three months.

By rights, there should have been constables banging on my door the day after I had sexually molested Carolyn. Perhaps Carolyn had realized that a significant fraction of her father's income was attributable to our family. I had shamed her and disgraced myself even if I had gotten away with it.

Then there was my wonderful mother and sister. What I had done to them was unconscionable. And, I had patted myself on the back with my grand gesture of not quite taking all of Mildred's virginity. Should she ever want to marry, she would be in the uncomfortable position of presenting herself as pure while knowing she was soiled by my incestuous behavior.

Even while I was berating myself, I knew I had gotten away with my childish and criminal behavior. Selfishly, I was relieved. But I had to grow up and act responsibly from this point onward. I had to think of the consequences of everything I did, just like an adult should.

Lady C and her maid had been standing next to my bed as these thoughts were going through my mind.

"Handsome devil isn't he? And he'll just lay like that for at least 8 hours according to Margaret. She said we could easily and safely move him to any position we want. That's what you are here for Denise. Get up on the bed and roll him over onto his back. And, let me see, a pillow under his derriére would be nice. Now pull the covers completely off."

I could feel my Jammies being pulled off of me and felt the cool air of the room.

"My, my, my. This boy has it all. Denise, look at the size of that cock. Go on now, Denise, let go of it and leave. Just be awake and ready to help me with my toilet when I'm finished looking him over."

I just lay there, horrified. This must be what Mother, Mildred and Carolyn had all felt like when I was taking advantage of them. Not really much fun so far and with an older woman like Lady C it most likely wasn't going to get any better. I felt Lady C pick up my cock and then heft my balls in her open palm. Despite her age, I felt myself responding.

Mildred was standing across the hall in a storage room looking through a crack in the door. She was here to make sure Donald didn't make a fuss when he finally got his muscle control back. But it was more than that. She needed to talk to him after Lady C was finished. The money was worth it for Donald although he may not realize it at this moment. She knew she must keep him from doing anything stupid. She saw the maid come out of the room and leave.

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Women say that men 'have their brains in their balls and think with their dicks' and if there's a grain of truth in that (let's face it guys - there probably is) then Tracy blew my mind regularly! At home and alfresco - in the back of a black cab going home after a night out; in the cubicle of a public restroom; in the park, in the woods and on the beach - anywhere, anytime. In privacy or for an audience; although my personal favourite was after enjoying a leisurely Sunday morning breakfast...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Wife

My best friend’s wife is heavily pregnant, but very sexy. I know from talking to him that he hasn’t touched her since she began to show. He says it puts him off.I’ve always had a good relationship with her, we chat about most things, and one night, when he had passed out on the couch, we were chatting in the kitchen. We were both very drunk, and the conversation somehow got around to sex. It started with our weirdest places we’ve ever had sex but we soon got onto our favourite positions. ...

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Oklahoma Hot Black Trucker Leon

Was away on a small biz trip to Jackson Mississippi about 3 months ago and decided to stay at a Sleep Inn not far from a Waffle House shop across the way from my hotel. I always liked Waffle House food and their places so I strolled in about 7 that evening after checking in to my room.The places are always nice and have good cheap fast food and great coffee so I sat down in a booth and noticed a black older guy who was sitting behind me eating some breakfast stuff ,Waffle House serves breakfast...

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Finnaly I fuck my mother

It was Monday night, I was watching Monday Night football,I received a call from hospital informing my dad has died from his long battle with cancer.Tuesday I went to the to the airport and flew back home for his creamtion.My mom very happy to see me.After creamation, few off closed family gathering at home eat and drinks.I wasn't in the mood for drinks, and so did my mom.After all our relatives departed, my mom take a bath. I went pass the bathroom, the door was half open. I stopped and stick...

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After Hours

I’d not been working in the pub for long, just a couple of weeks, and I was getting to know the locals quite well. I’d made a good impression- well, with my 38C boobs and low-cut tops that was never going to be a problem. The guys never gave me any trouble, except at closing time. I’d get all the comments. “Want me to see you home, darling?” that kind of thing. I’d always reply with a smile, something along the lines of “You couldn’t handle me, love,” as I showed the last one the door.  There...

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my first back seat fuck

so there i was all alone one night hitch hikeing home one drunkn night,,i had got into a fight with my girl friend in which it ended up that i left her place since she picked me up at the bar,,,iwas flirting with danger with her best friend and her other friend,, there names were Candy and Sheri, and my god was she ever so sweet, her friend Sheri was alright as well, so like i said she picked me up cause like a dumbass i need her ass,,,but she had caught me flirting with her two friends,, i had...

4 years ago
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A Little Too Much Spice for KatChapter 2

Evan left and I put on a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and my sandals. I put a fresh disk in the video camera and started it up again. Then I grabbed another beer and headed next door. I didn't ring the bell. I entered, walked through the house and quietly stepped out onto the patio. Evan had Kat bent over a table, facing the patio door I had just come out of. I came to a sudden stop when I saw what was happening. He was plowing into her pretty hard and she was grunting with each stroke. Her...

4 years ago
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Son of Soccer Mom

" I want your stiff, young cock!""But mom, er I...""No more games, Kyle, it's time you fucked a real woman."Kate is my stepmother, my real mother took off when I was three, maybe that's why I have always had this sick fixation on her, or maybe her tight, tan body was too much for a healthy 18 year-old to bear. I don't want to overanalyze, it was hard enough keeping up with my class load and being the midfielder for a division I NCAA soccer team. She earned her right to be called a soccer mom...

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My Mistress Made Me

My pocket is vibrating again. I hope it is instructions from her. As I reach in my pocket to get my phone my heart is beating faster and I feel my cock swelling. Check your mail is all she says. Opening my email I immediately see an image of her long legs and sexy lingerie. Her instructions are: “I want you to tease him. Walk past his office when you leave for the day and make sure he sees your hard cock bulging in your pants. Then jerk off on the drive home and cum hard just for me baby and...

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more from eve 2

  The Manager greeted us with a huge smile and said, “welcome Shilla, so nice to see you again, but where is Ron?”   Shilla introduced me then explained about Ron’s accident and that I had come on holiday in his place.   “ Oh so sorry to hear that, hope he is better soon,” then he turned to me and said,” most welcome to you, enjoy your meal.”   The restaurant had the tables arranged around the dance floor and Shilla and I were ushered to a front row table,...

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Dukes Sex SlaveChapter 5 Duke Daze Continued

As previously mentioned, The Duke led me into a world of sex not seen in too many books. And I loved it! Which, over time, made me very good at giving sexual pleasure. I found that the more of a "giver" I became, the more I enjoyed it myself. To hear someone, man or woman, moan in appreciation as they unloaded because of my manipulations was beyond heaven to me. And it was way more real. The Duke once had me suck off an elderly black cab driver when we didn't have quite enough money for...

4 years ago
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Mom Stuck And Fucked

Hello incest lovers, I am here with a true story. This story is about my mom. So hope you would enjoy it. Any unsatisfied house wife or women…Who want some real fun..can contact my mail id.& your identity will be kept secret. My mail id : So here I begin. My family consists of five members. Me ROHAN 19, athletic body, My dad, VISHAL who is a service men ( bank accountant at a private bank), 45 My mom PRIYANKA, 38 but looks 28 as she is regular to the gym. She is 5.5 in height, fair...

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Mastered By My Father8217s Friend

Hi. This sex story is about erotic gay sex. Those who are interested in gay sex can continue. Telling about myself. I’m 22 yrs old boy(Roshan) from Coimbatore. I’m about 175 cms ht. Nd 65 kgs. Looking chubby. Got the girly look and small bouncing boobs and round sexy ass with 5″ dick. I in a girl outfit suits better. This story is my fantasy nd would love it if it happens. Hero of this story is my dad’s friend(Ramesh). Of course, I’m the heroine. Speaking about the hero. He is about 50 yrs old....

Gay Male
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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 36

I woke just before the alarm would have gone off. I made sure it was shut down and turned to look at my helpless blonde goddess. Her lips were pressed tight together. Her softly vibrating body was coated in a sheen of sweat. Speaking of vibrating, the one I had placed just inside her pussy lips last night was happily buzzing away. Holly was so wet that there was a large spread of wetness that stained the sheet, the origin of course, could be traced directly to her over heated cunt. She was...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 7

Last night, when Sandra came home from the birthday party, she had joined her parents in the living room. After the normal questions about how it had been and so on. They all had enjoyed watching a movie together on the television. And then it was time to go to bed, Sandra had kissed her parents goodnight and then had gone upstairs, to bed. Before Sandra had turned off the light, she had read the rule book that she had received at school. She wanted to make sure that she wouldn't break any...

2 years ago
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RendezvousChapter 8

Cora We had just turned the corner on the way home when an unknown man stepped out of our front door. “What the fuck?” said David. I pulled into the driveway. The truck stopped and Hairy stepped out. He picked up his crutches from the bed of the truck. “What are you doing in my home?” “Wyoming Game and Fish. Are you David?” “Yes. What’s going on?” “We have a warrant. You are under arrest.” He took a card out of his pocket and read: “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say...

3 years ago
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Start to a fantastic weekend

Their schools were only 2 blocks apart so when James finished for the day he walked down to Andy to pick him up. Usually after school on a Friday his mum would take Andy to the play area just down the road. So He walked Andy down to it and let him go and play while he did some planning. He realised that both of them getting hard was no mere coincidence. He thought about Andy naked which was easy as they had seen each other naked so many times before. He realised that Andy was very cute, his...

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My Photogenic Mom Chapter 14

Susan had finished her shower first and was sitting on the bed when Kathy came into the room to get her clothes. Susan stood up and looked at Kathy. I'm sorry about what happened with your husband the other day she said. Kathy said that no apology was necessary; she was not the first woman that Jim had been with. Susan started telling her about her life with Harold or rather lately the lack of one. She started crying and Kathy put an arm around her shoulder to comfort her. Feeling Kathy's...

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Please Dont Tell My Daughter

I had just finished raking up the leaves, and when I came inside, my daugher, Laura, informed me that she taking her sister Lisa Black Friday shopping. As a single father, I thanked the gods the day my oldest got her license so I wouldn't have to be a disinterested observer on their shopping jaunts. I told them not to spend all day out and she said that they were only going to one store anyway.I went upstairs to wash off all the grime I accumulated on my body. As I finished rinsing off, the...

Straight Sex
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Humiliating HollyChapter 11

We all piled into my car. Of course I sat in the back naked next to my young brother Ron. Kim gave me a look and I knew she wanted my cunt showing, so I opened my legs as far as I could. Ron's leg was in the way, so they weren't that far apart. Jeni looked back in the mirror and said, "Put the leg over his lap so your cunt is wide open. Then he has a better view and can stick his fingers inside." I did what I was ordered and as soon as I had my leg over his lap, his finger was going...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 11 How the Isebrands Go to Italy to Fight for the Emperor

Reinhardt, Count of Merseburg, was a cautious man. He had to be. With three younger brothers, all of them by his father's second wife, he stood in their way. He feared his stepmother, and he feared his three half-brothers. No, that was not true, he was wary of them. None of them was allowed to serve in his troops, let alone his guard. All his guard was composed of men he trusted, men without ties to the local nobility, for his stepmother was kin to most of them. He watched his favourite...

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The Eighth Warden Book 3Epilogue

Centuries of work had been wasted. Leonis had been a tool, but a useful one, and now he was dead. Unable to control his anger, Pallisur Traveled into The Lady’s domain, which had changed since the last time he’d seen it. It now resembled one of the expensive apartments on the top level of West Tower in Tir Yadar. In the totemic realm, reality was subject to the whims of those who had mastered its magics. “Hera!” he shouted. “What did you do?” “Exactly what I said I would,” said a voice from...

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What She Wants

In truth, she'd never actually had anal sex before, and when she cleaned herself, she got nothing sexual out of it, because she was always at the end of her nerves with worry. She didn't know if she would enjoy burying a cock in her pink asshole or not, but she had heard that sex in general was good, and she didn't want to spoil her cherry. Hell, she'd never even seen a penis before except from sex ed textbooks and very few 'R' rated movies. She wanted to have sex so bad and yet...

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Pushpa Auntyin Kaama Kathaigal 8211 Pt 3 Kuliyal Araiyil Oothom

En kuthiyil nandraga urinthu naaku potu kanjai kuditha prem indru en veetirku varugiren endru solli irunthaan. Enathu kanavanuku irukum sunniyai vida ivanathu sunni sirithu perithaagave 7″ irunthathu, athanaal en kuthiku ithu sariyaaga porunthum aanal premku intha vayathile sunniyai perithaaga valarthu vaithu irukiraan. Avan sunniyai umbiya suvai naavile irukirathu, manam eppozhuthu aduthathaaga avan sunniyai umbuven endru eakathudam irunthathu. Mani sariyaaga 11.30 aanathu prem varum neram...

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Fucking Mrs McKinley

I've only had one sexual encounter that was really anything to brag about, and the cruel irony is that it's something I can't brag about. People could lose jobs. A marriage and a childhood could be ruined. So congratulations, reader. Seven years of not being able to relay this story to my closest friends has led to it being posted anonymously online. Because the teacher involved in this story has a very unique last name, I'll be replacing it with a more common one. I'm changing my...

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Demon Girl

?Bastard! He almost ran me over!? I shouted indignantly. Then I looked around. ?Oh.? I was standing on fluffy white clouds, surrounded by light. In front of me was a pair of golden gates. I was wearing a white robe ? a flattering white robe ? and? I had wings. Cool. OK, by now I had worked out that that car hadn?t missed me. I walked up to the man by the gates. St Peter. He looked up and did a double take. ?Ah, yes, Miss Meldanz. We?ve been expecting you.? ?So? I get into heaven, right?? I...

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Two Sisters

Two Sisters by Picot Two sisters, 19 and 20, watched the stage, chatting away. The woman behind them listened intently to their banter about the kilted young man. "He is probably wearing the yellow one." "No, she likes the pink one better. She'll flip his skirt in a moment, you watch." The woman could no longer contain her curiosity. "Girls, what are you talking about? Is something wrong with him?" The young women smiled at each other, knowing looks passing between...

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Beware the Roasburies Pt 01

Though this is written in the first person it is not autobiographical. All characters and events are fictional, and bear no relation to any person living or dead. It is a long slow story, be warned! I’m sure an editor could cut out a good deal and make it more zingy, but sorry, I like it the way it is. If you get bored you can always stop reading and wander off to something with a little more pace. It is in seven parts, all of which are finished, and as far as possible will be posted on...

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