BohicaChapter 11 free porn video

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I looked into Gloria’s eyes, actually at a complete loss for words. And I felt fear that I was going to loose her here and now. “OK Chris, complete truth here. I promise, I have made no firm decisions, but I need to know the truth. I understand Bo, but why did you try to meet me as Chris?”

“Well, it was actually serendipity. If you remember, I never tried to ‘meet you’. I really had decided to get a booth at the fair, and the place where the food and crafts vendors met just happened to be in front of Carl’s. 100% coincidence. I was already considering setting up next to Mark, and it just happened to be there. I was hungry, and remembering the chicken fried steak your uncle made I realized that is what I wanted for lunch. If the place where the food and craft vendors had been next to each other was 2 blocks down, I would probably have gone into the Mexican place for a burrito.

“If you remember, you are the one that really started talking to me. And when you realized I had a craft store and you told me you did hair, I realized that it was something we could complement each other in. But you have to realize this, Chris is not a lesbian. As you see me now, this is the ‘original me’ you might say. I was born as Chris, and lived as Chris for over 22 years. As Chris here, I feel a great affection for you as a friend, but in no way do I feel a sexual or romantic one.

“Now as Bo, how do I say this and not sound insane? Bo in most ways is a completely different person. When I’m Chris, I have absolutely no sexual interest in other girls. In fact, I deeply and passionately love cocks! I love sucking cocks, I love fucking cocks, I almost melt when I think about getting fucked by a guy and having him cum in me.

“When I become Bo, I say I ‘change’. When I change, I mean I completely change from female to male. I become completely and utterly Bo, a heterosexual male. The idea of sucking a cock repulses me as Bohica. I have absolutely no desire to ever be with a male, and all of my attraction is for women. I fought that mentally for 5 years, until you came along. I had actually resigned myself to my life as Bo only doing patrols, and masturbating. I had the hardest time accepting that I could want a boyfriend as Chris, and also a girlfriend as Bo. It is you that finally allowed me to accept this separation.”

I took a sip of water from the bottle on my nightstand. “You really are my first girlfriend. Other than masturbating almost obsessively, Bo had never been touched by a female before. And when I went into Carl’s that day as Chris, I had no idea that we would start talking. It just happened, and thankfully we did end up striking up a friendship. But I did not try to do so, it just happened.”

“Yea, I can see what you mean now. In fact, if you had not owned the craft store and we gotten into the conversation about beads and the like, I likely would have never said much more to you and we likely would never have met again. But now here is the real question, where do we go from here?”

I reached out and took her hand in mine. “Gloria, let me tell you what I would like. As Chris, I want to keep you as my friend. I really do like you, and I think you are a great girl. You are smart, witty, and are trying hard to improve yourself. I saw you working at the fair, and you worked your ass off and everybody that had you do their hair loved it. As Bo, I would want to keep you as my girlfriend. More than a little of my love for you as Bo leaks over to me as Chris. I should not love you almost like a sister right now, but I do because of how strongly Bo feels about you.”

“Wow Chris, that’s actually deep. Well, let’s just see what develops then in the future, OK? But here is the real question, how would we handle a serious relationship?”

“Well, that is the biggest problem. In case they did not explain it to you, the way my power works is that I have to be conscious to be Bo. If I fall asleep or get knocked out, as you saw, I immediately switch to Chris again. This is why Bo never let you stay the night. I actually drifted off once last week, wait, was it the week before now? Anyways, I panicked when I woke up like this in your arms. I changed back real fast and you never noticed. But it was a real scare for me.”

“OK, I can see that. But I hope we can at least sometimes spend the night together. Just so you know, I have slept with girls before. I prefer guys, but sleeping with a girl does not bother me. And I promise that if we were to do that, I will do nothing but hug and hold you.”

“OK Gloria, I can accept that. Hugging and holding a girl does not bother me, I am not homophobic or anything. I am simply not sexually attracted to you as Chris. And it is not you, I am not attracted to any girl. And yes, now that you know I would love for you to spend the night here with me. Just so long as your mother and uncle do not show up with shotguns.”

Gloria crinkled her nose and laughed. “They will not do that, they recognize I am an adult now. And I can accept that. But here is the real question, I assume you still want to date guys?”

“Yea, but it will be a while, Mark there really hurt me, bad. But yes, I want to date guys, and I love sex with guys so much I never want to give it up. And someday I want to marry a guy, and have his kids. And that is the real problem.”

“Well, I can see that in a way. I’m not sure if it is a problem if you can somehow find a guy as accepting as I am. That is willing to share the 2 of you that share a single body with me.”

“Yea, that is a real trick. But that is not the real problem.” I took a deep breath, and let it out in a long sigh. “If I ever wanted to have kids, I have to give up being Bo for the entire pregnancy. Say I became pregnant right now. If I became Bo, he has no womb. Any baby I have simply vanishes. So for me to have a child, I would pretty much have to give up ever being Bo for almost a year.”

Gloria looked at me with horror in her eyes. Her hand went in front of her mouth and she gasped. “Oh my god, really? How do you know this?”

“I’m not the only one with what they call an XX-XY chameleon mutation, but there are only a couple of us known. And in each and every case, that is how it always works. Di is an XX-XX Chameleon, so she can change her form and not essentially have a spontaneous abortion. But because there is a significant size difference in her forms she can’t change in her last 3 months. Me, I can never change.”

Gloria gave me a big hug, and kissed my cheek. “Chris, if you ever find yourself falling in love with a guy that you want to marry and have a family with, I promise to step aside. Seek out your happiness, have children, live your life. I want to have whatever Bo can give me. But never ever sacrifice yourself or a family for me. I already swear that I will give Bo up forever, just so long as I can keep Chris as my friend.”

I hugged her back, and wiped away a tear, saying “It’s OK, one good thing about finding out about this is it let me dump my birth control pills. Changing into Bohica is the 100% perfect and foolproof ‘morning after pill’. And there are other benefits as well.”

Gloria held my hand as I explained all of my known powers.

“Well, here is the thing. In case you did not know, we Paladins are ranked based upon what powers we have. Now when I was rated 5 years ago I was a rather low ranked Paladin. Unbreakable bones, impenetrable skin, increased strength and agility, and my strongest power being that I changed forms. But here is the thing, in the last month or so I have realized I have many more powers. They were simply so passive that I was never aware of them. One of the strangest is ‘metabolism control’, which I only recently discovered. And that is not quite what it sounds like.”

“Metabolism control, like you can control your breathing and shit like that?” she asked.

“Oh no, in my case there is no real control at all, although I can hold my breath for almost 10 minutes. No, my metabolism is automatically controlled by my body. I can eat as much as I want, and never gain a pound. I can also not eat for weeks at a time. I can get drunk, but the moment I change form all alcohol instantly leaves my system. Not even a hangover.”

“Wow, that can be pretty handy. That is what happened the other night when we were drinking, right?”

I smiled at her and squeezed her hand, this girl really was sharp. “Yep. I didn’t want you walking home alone, but you are right that I was in no shape to drive. As soon as you left I changed to Bo, and sober as a judge I ran to catch up with you to make sure you made it home safe. But here is the kicker, it will also fight off almost all drugs. And when I was made aware such a power existed I realized it did more. I have been uncomfortable in the rain and cold, but did not realize it really did not affect me. And in the last 5 years I have never been sick. Changing between Bo and Chris seems to kill any bacteria or virus in my system.

“I still need to go back to Control and have that tested, but I am willing to bet I am immune from any kind of infection. And I’m now starting to suspect a few others, but am not sure how they could ever be confirmed.”

“But when you changed that night to walk me home, you made that decision as Chris. You tried to drive me home, and I refused. You then made the choice to become Bo, and walk me home.” I looked into her eyes and nodded.

Gloria hugged me at that, and actually rested her head on my shoulder. “Chris, you are aware what this means, right? It was not Bo that came to walk with me, it was actually you, Chris. You could have just gone to bed, but it was you, Chris that made the conscious decision to throw away that nice buzz we had both gotten just to walk me home. I really think that the two of you are more merged than you realize.”

I rested my hand on her head, lightly stroking her hair as I considered that fact. “Yea, you’re right there. But there are a few other things. How old do you think I am?”

“Well, I know from things we have said you are 28. But you look more like 22 or 23.”

“Yep, metabolism control at work there. It’s still too soon to be sure, but from all evidence collected all that share this mutation do not seem to age. Bo appears to be around 25, which is close enough. And I have actually started to accept the fact that at some time I will have to walk away from my life and everything as Chris.”

“What? Why would you do that? Chris, that makes no sense. Why would you do that?”

“Why? Think it through. Bo never aging, that is not a problem. He is a Paladin, that people can accept that. He is a mutant, and not aging or appear to age is just how some things will be. But Chris, the little craft store owner never aging? I figure I can hide it a bit with makeup, maybe even start to use wigs with gray hair in them. But I can’t even change my hairstyle or dye my hair! Trust me, when I was attacked and first became Bohica, my hair had green streaks in it. When I returned home that night, it was back to my natural color. I once even shaved my head before I became Bo. When I changed back, my hair was the exact same length it was the night of the attack. Even the same part. It is like that is the blueprint now of what Chris would look like, and I always return to it.

“And the same with Bo. I have shaved his head also, same thing. He always appears with that tiny afro style he wears. I’m sure I can stay as Chris for at least 15, maybe as long as 20 years or so. But eventually I’m going to have to move on and adapt a new identity. Otherwise people will realize that Chris never ages, and start to connect the two of us.”

“Wow, I never realized that but it makes perfect sense. But will you age, or are you frozen at 22 forever?”

“Honestly, we just don’t know. There are a lot of things that are going to take years or decades to discover. We are all too new, but there is a group at Control that is already trying to solve these questions. We do not even know if our mutations are genetic. Are we going to be the only generation of mutants ever and when we die off we are gone? Or is this genetic, and our kids can have them also?

“You see, mutations only appear after a person reaches puberty. That seems to be the trigger, and there have been a few cases of children on that night started to show mutations once they reached puberty. So it is believed that there may be new mutants appearing for another 10 years or so. And it is going to be another 10 years or more before we discover if others who were born after that night or even conceived after that night become mutants. Nobody knows, and they have not even been able to create any kind of test to detect mutations other than direct observation.”

“Wow, that’s some heavy shit Chris. So you are strong, can not be hurt, can not get sick, and may not age.”

“Well, as you saw I can be hurt. I was also hit in the chest that night, but because the body cavity is an open system my internal organs simply shifted around and I got no further injury. It seems that my skull is a key weak point. It’s a closed bottle essentially, and there was nowhere for the force to go when I was hit there other than into my brain. My skin and bones are unbreakable, but we have learned another limitation because of that. Hydrostatic shock can still injure and even kill me, if a part of my body is hit that can not disperse the shock waves throughout other body tissues and organs.”

I yawned, and Gloria got up and sat on the edge of the bed. “By the way, how are you explaining your being away from work for so long?”

“Oh, that was simple. Carl and my mom know how much of a friend you have become to me in the last few weeks Chris. So when I said I was going to be staying near the hospital to help you out they did not question it.”

“How can you afford that? You have already missed a week from work.”

“It’s OK Chris. I live at home, and have no real expenses. Most of my money has been saved so I can afford going to the Beautician Academy next year, so this will just push it back a month or so. It’s not a problem.”

“OK, how about this instead. Take my keys, and tomorrow you open my store. I will call one of the Knitting Circle to show up and help you learn the cash register and other things and I will pay you for doing that. I hope to be able to go home tomorrow anyways, it just feels funny being here as Chris, and I only have a few of my things here.”

Gloria looked at me, and softly said “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

I looked into her eyes, and moved over and gave her a big hug. “No, not at all! If you want you can stay here tonight, and you can stay with me when I get to my other home. I’m still going to be a bit weak for a few more days, and I would rather have you staying with me than some Control home health care nurse. And there are a few other things I want to talk over with you, but tomorrow.”

Gloria hugged me, and said she would happily help me. I relaxed into my bed and Gloria turned off all the lights and slipped in next to me. I felt her hand in mine and squeezed as I started to drift off to sleep.

The next morning an ambulance showed up and drove me to Control. There I had a complete medical workup, both as Chris and as Bohica. Then interviews with shrinks, then investigators and caseworkers. Finally Doug and Dianna knocked on the door and told me it was time for lunch.

The food was actually typical cafeteria food, but there was plenty of it. I even chuckled when one of the workers came up after we sat down and put a plate of chopped up hamburger in front of Fang. “Dianna, I just gave Fang his plate,” he said, and Di reached down and rested her hand on Fang’s head. “Go ahead, have your lunch too.”

“Bohica, so you know we have identified now 4 more mutants that were pre-pubescent on the Night. At least 1 of them is confirmed Paladin class. And we have been given the case file from Belize of yet another XX-XY Chameleon. We want to send down one of our specialists to examine her, I think you will be particularly interested in following her case.”

“Why is that Di? Because she is XX-XY like me?”

“Well, that and the fact that she is only 14 years old. She is a black girl, Catholic and very scared. She is a prostitute, and when one of the customers started to beat on her she changed. Her other form is of a Native man, about 5 foot 8 but well muscled. He is strong, but not exceptionally strong like you are. We would like for you to go down there for a few days and see if you can help her.”

“Bohica, you do not have to do this,” Doug added. “But the girl really is traumatized. She believes she is cursed by God for having been a whore, but we will cover all expenses and pay you a bonus if you can go and talk to her. Maybe having her meet both of you will help her out.”

“Doug, Di, of course I will go down there. Let’s arrange it for next week. I will leave on Monday, and let’s figure I return Thursday or Friday. I assume you can make all the arrangements Doug?”

“Not a problem. We will have the Air Force fly you there and back, and put you up in the consulate while you are there.”

“No, put me up in a hotel. A moderately priced one, but with a restaurant. In fact, either get us a 2 room suite, or 2 rooms with a connecting door. I want us to be able to spend the time there together, away from others. I will meet her as Chris, that would be less intimidating for her I think. But also I will have everything I need as Bo also.”

Doug was already on the phone giving orders, and Di smiled. “I wish I could go down there with you, but I think you can do this better than anybody else. Also, offer her immigration and amnesty if she wants to come up here with you. It might be a good way if she wants to escape that old life and start over again.”

I promised her I would, and Doug got off the phone. “OK, all arranged. A 3 star hotel with a 2 room suite. We will have it fully stocked and covert security in the room next door. OK, now that that is done, you and I have an appointment down in Acquisitions, Bo. Honey, see you later?”

Di gave us both a hug and kissed her husband, and grasping Fang’s harness he led her back to her office as Doug took me into the basement.

Once there, he called to somebody across the room and took us into an office. “Bo, this is Scott Scott. He is the one that said he wanted to meet you.”

“Scott Scott?” I asked, shaking his hand.

“Long story, let’s just say my parents had a sense of humor. Anyways, when you got injured I decided that we should see what we can do to help you. Here, let me know what you think.”

He opened a trunk on the floor, and started pulling out packages. And one at a time opened them and laid the contents on the large table in front of us. Black leather coat, black leather pants, and a porkpie hat.

I looked at them all, and said “What, is this a joke? You want me to look like Heisenberg from Breaking Bad, but black? Sorry, I can’t grow a goatee, and shaving my hair is pointless.”

Scott laughed at that. “Nope, not at all. Each of these is made of a ballistic fiber material, essentially they are bulletproof. Inside is a matrix intended to absorb and disperse the impacts. Now I know that your skin is already impervious, but say if there is a repeat of that attack, these will give you additional layers of protection. Like multiple layers of armor on a tank, these will spread out the impact over a wider area before it even reaches your body.”

I nodded my head, that actually made a lot of sense. And looking at them again, I could see that it also was a style that I might actually wear. “OK, but I would like one more thing. The same thing, but a knit cap. That way I do not have to worry about it falling off.”

Scott smiled, and left the room. Less than 2 minutes later he returned and tossed one on the table. “That is actually a common item, we always have some ready to go.”

I tried on the jacket, and it was a perfect fit. As was the hat. I gave it a slight tilt, and when Scott handed me a gym bag I tossed everything inside. Scott laughed, saying “Now you look like a bad motherfucker.”

“Shut your mouth!” I immediately responded, and all 3 of us laughed. I thanked Scott for the clothes, and he said if he thought of anything else he would let me know. We all shook hands again and I decided to take a patrol.

Darktown was quiet, and a lot of people waved as I drove around. Apparently they were glad to see me back in action. After an hour or so it was starting to get dark so I drove home and got everything ready for my trip. I packed everything then went down to the tunnel. I started jogging down the tunnel, having to stoop just a little bit. The track was laid most of the way from end to end, and at the far side I saw a small 4 seat tram sitting on the rail. I stopped to look it over, and the seats could be spun around 180 degrees so people could always be sitting facing forward.

I went into my old Bunker, and stripped down and changed. I then threw on a bra and pulled a dress I had handy and slipped into a pair of flats. Then unlocking the door I entered the shop.

Gloria saw me, and gave me a big smile. “Chris! I didn’t expect you to be home so soon!” She came up and took my hand in hers, giving a small squeeze before letting go again. “I was just about to close out the till for the night and shut everything down. It was quiet, but several people came in asking how you had been. I told them you should be back in a week or so, they were waiting until the migraines were down to a tolerable level.”

“Thanks Gloria. I’m going to stay back here then out of sight, can you finish locking everything up then come back here please?” She said it was not a problem, and 15 minutes later she joined me in my Bunker.

“Here, this is the original Bohica Bunker. This is actually what I worked out of for 5 years. If you can handle a 1/2 mile walk, we can go back to my other home if you like.”

She said that sounded great, and I asked her to hold on a moment. “I’m mostly back to where I was before, but Chris is still a bit weak for a long mile walk. And the headache seems easier to handle as Bo, so give me a minute please.”

She raised her eyebrow as I slipped off the flats, then pulled my dress up over my head. “A bra and no panties? Were you hoping to get lucky or something, Chris?” she laughed.

Same as Bohica
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She put her hands behind her head, thrust out her chest, and swayed sensuously from side to side. Out of the corner of her eye she could see him enjoying her immensely. He was wearing a button-down shirt which he had open to reveal his bare chest and abs underneath, and she could see a hard-on pressing against the fabric of his pants; spread across his face was an almost comically sincere grin as he fondled her with his eyes. With a blush and the hint of a smile, she turned,...

2 years ago
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I’m sure that me recommending magic movies might be something out of the blue, or so to speak, but trust me, it is worth the visit. Now, the site itself has a lot of free porn videos for you to check out, but they also have a lot of great site suggestions for you to visit. I guess it all depends on what the heck makes your dick rise, or so to speak.I feel like this is something I have to clarify at the beginning, but for those who did not know, is a site dedicated to other porn...

Porn Aggregators
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The Date

He's sitting on the couch with the toddler when she finally comes stumbling in the door, the keys having announced her arrival just moments before her entrance. The child looks up from her mound of stuffed animals and squeals happily to see that Mommy has found her way home. He, on the other hand, furrows his brows and just stares at the allotment of toys for a long, brooding moment. When he's ready to speak, it's with an even tone, "The sitter will be here in twenty minutes. I wasn't sure if...

3 years ago
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Vanished Ch 06

I heard voices outside and froze. I strained to hear the conversation as it drifted in. I heard my name mentioned. I could tell there were a number of men, with him. They were laughing and joking. ‘No he won’t bring anyone into this place with me chained here like this, surely not. He would go to jail, he is not so demented.’ I heard at least two maybe three voices plus his deep voice. The door opened and he let three people enter before him. I could have died of the embarrassment, being seen...

4 years ago
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Kaise Nanad Ne Sanvli Bhabi Ko Chudne Ke Liye Razi Kara

Hello friends this is sushila mei ye story mere sabse close friend rahul ke behalf mei likh rahi hu ye bilkul sachi ghatna par adharit hai… “kaise meri sanvli bhabi mujse chuddi” ye story mei 3 character hai jyoti (kamin bhabi) rahul atheletic smart personality or jyoti ki sexy nanad poonam – Mei shushila 32 year old rahul ke behalf mei story likh rahi hu…Jyoti ek kamsin bhabi chulbuli apne ghar ki ladli 2bacho kimaa sirf 25yrs ki unka husband sunil bohot hi gandiya kisamka admi jo biwi ko...

2 years ago
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Becoming Goddesses

In the night sky a meteor falls to Earth on what would be an average night in Jackson, Mississippi. Contained in this meteor is an amulet that is said to give the wearer the power of the gods. The meteor crashes into the ground in a remote area just outside of the city. The meteor cracks and partially reveals the amulet.

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Shonas Summer Holiday Ch 05

Chapter 5 – Fond Farewells It was late when Geoff arrived home from the meeting, finding Jane and Shona in bed together. They were both naked, entwined in each others’ arms. Shona had been visiting Jane and her her husband for a few weeks and was about to go home to Ireland. Jane and Shona had had one last night for each other, not sharing the other with anyone else. Shona was asleep when Geoff came home, but Jane was still awake. She saw how aroused Geoff became, seeing the two young women...

4 years ago
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Christean a personal story of lust

Christean a story of personal lustThis not meant to be porn so apologies if you feel it is. It's the actual life of a porn addicted cross dressing bisexual, other- wise straight man ( well maybe not so straight ) with in exhaustive chronic need to be sexually stimulated.He lived with a tier of secrets. For most of his life the secrets Christean held inside barely acknowledged and some which were not yet discovered.In the current days Christean or Phynick has fully blossomed into a gorgeous...

3 years ago
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a straight heterosexual

I am white male 45+ and have always been a straight heterosexual in my life. I have been divorced two times and it was after my last divorce I knew being with women was not working out and not in my future. I always knew my dick was small and not even average for a white male. When hard it only grows to 5 inches; my last wife Roen called it my Dicklit, she said your Penis is bigger then a Clit, but it’s to small to be a dick, and no way is it near being a Cock. (Then she left me for...

4 years ago
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Date Night Part 7

The alarm went off at 5 a.m. I was exhausted from the night before but knew I had to be ready for another day of hard maid's work. Even though Brenda had packed my nylon nightgown, I had fallen asleep in bra and panties and wearing my wig, which was a mess. I removed the wig and my bra and falsies. I turned on the shower and started pulling off last night's panties and my tiny penis was stuck in the dried semen in the cotton crotch. I had never considered the mess that real women must...

3 years ago
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Please Shave Me

Chapter 1 Well, I was old enough to know that life doesn’t always work out exactly as you want it to. Justin and I had been married for ten years and, frankly, the passion had faded. We were both deep into our careers, I was a property manager for a local upscale real estate developer and hubby managed a district branch of a large insurance company. So, we were pretty happy career-wise and financially, it was the once-every-other-week fuck that I was getting that was disappointing. I’m...

3 years ago
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Wife Discovers Erotic Photography Chapter 9

The next morning, Chris reminded Stephanie he was going out of town for a few days the following week.Stephanie teased him, “I wonder what a naughty wife will do with her husband out of town? Maybe she could get together with one of her lovers? Maybe even find a new one?”Chris felt a twinge in his crotch thinking about the last time he was away on a business trip, and Stephanie had the shoot with the hung black model right in their bedroom. After the shoot, she even fucked the model and Jeff’s...

2 years ago
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Taken hostage

Taken hostage! I was walking along a hot busy street without a care in the world on holiday abroad. I was handsome, slim, brimming full of confidence and my gorgeous blond girlfriend walked closely next to me, her man, with her small arm wrapped round mine. The dark skinned locals stopped and watched us as we walked by, open mouthed as if seeing stunningly attractive superstars in the flesh for the first time. My girlfriend, Samantha, was tall for a girl but slim and beautiful. She...

2 years ago
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Kyle fantasy 2 Bedroom encounter

So Kyle popped up at his window yesterday morning, you see his upstairs bedroom faces my downstairs bedroom, while babysitting him in his house I've explored the view he has of my bedroom, when he stands directly in front of his window he can see me at my desk, and when he looks through the lower left portion of his window he can actually get a pretty good view of my bed, for this reason I've been very careful not to roam around my room nude with my blinds are open. So he called down to me as I...

4 years ago
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Never Trust Your Uncle

I usually spent my summer vacations up in the Catskills sitting around and bullshitting with my uncle Charley. He was a mysterious lab rat doing unmentionable things for unmentionable government departments, but he always took time to sit and talk with me. One night, deep in our beers, I wondered what it would take to have an early American cabin that would magically appear at whatever event I wanted it to appear. I remain to this day an early-American re-enactor, focusing my efforts on just...

3 years ago
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Suddenly Last Summer

It started out as a typical Saturday, with not much going on except a couple of phone calls that weren't of any consequence. Lounging on my sofa, listening to some music, and reading "Catch-22" seemed like a proper way to allot my time. Steely Dan was wafting through the speakers when there was a soft tapping at my door. I sure as hell hoped it wasn't some damn Jehovah's Witness trying to sell me Jesus. Jesus isn't for sale, as far as I know, and a theological discussion with some naive...

4 years ago
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The Hotel Room

I couldn’t wait to meet him. We had chatted for a couple of months online, exchanged pictures, and discussed what we were going to do to each other once we met. In his pictures he looked perfect. Smooth flawless skin. Athletic and muscular. A square jaw line and mysterious eyes. He had even sent me a cock picture and in the picture it looked like an excellent specimen. But I reminded myself pictures could be deceiving.I paced back and forth my living room waiting for my phone to ring indicating...

3 years ago
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Ericas New LifeChapter 10

It took a little while for Sammy to get the razor out of my hand. And when she did, I fell to my knees and cried in her arms. “I’m so sorry. I’m so so so sorry.” I cried over and over again. She held my face in her hands and looked into my eyes and asked, “Your hair will grow back. You don’t need to be sorry.” “No, I...” I cried again. I couldn’t tell her that I had just had sex with Nathan so he would leave her and Carmen alone. So I added, “I can’t believe I did this. I can’t believe I...

3 years ago
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Paul to Paula Part 3

Paul to Paula Part 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The usual disclaimers etc apply to this story. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to read sexually explicit material then please do not read any further. The same is true if you are offended by transsexualism, lesbianism or for that matter any of the topics that is to found in tales in a web site such as this. This is the first chapter in a six part story about how a shy male...

4 years ago
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Sooo Sweet

Wonderful, Sally! Come back in two hours, and don't give it another thought. Everything'll be just the way you want it. Wash, style, set, perm, the whole hairdo, same as in the book. And everything else, too. A complete makeover. It'll look fantastic, you'll see! Trust me!. You haven't been here before, have you hon? Sally's one of my regulars. My name's Janet, by the way. Just sit down over here, and let's see what we've got to work with. You know, there's a terrific woman, Sally!...

2 years ago
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The internet is full of weirdos, which is understandable. At first, it was Facebook, and people posted pictures there. Then it was Instagram, with the shitty live options and stories. And then, Tinder came into play. Now, of course, we have dating sites for people who enjoy bondage and other fetish kinds of stuff. And is just one of them. It's basically a dating community that's free, and here you can find a partner who enjoys the same type of shit that you do, making your search...

Hookup Sites
4 years ago
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I think i can and I did pt 3

As Cassie and I cuddled closely on my queen size bed, the thoughts got louder and would not stop screaming at me. I'm not sure what happened but when I awoke in a hospital bed, I knew it was bad. Cassie was still by my side talking to nurse about what happened. "...Started violently shaking and he wasn't breathing. Once he calmed a little I was able to do cpr and call 911" She sounded tearful. I sat up slowly which caused them both to jump. I spoke softly to them "It's ok. I'm alright. Thank...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend8217s Desire My Wife Part 4

The next morning I woke up, rohini was already awake. Rohini: “good morning vishal” with huge smile Vishal: ”good morning” Rohini: “What happened..not feeling good??” Vishal: ”nothing like that..just feeling sleepy..that’s it” Rohini: “you must not have slept thinking what would have happened over it??” Vishal: ”nope..I’m not bothered about that rohini” Rohini: “ok..don’t you want to know what happened yesterday night “teasingly Vishal: ”not interested least not...

4 years ago
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New MagusChapter 4

Jordan unlocked and opened the door. I stood there, watching her go inside. I didn’t feel good about going in. I suddenly realized that I had only ever been in one other person’s house before, and the experience had been terrifying. “I know the place is a mess,” she said, setting her purse aside, “but I wasn’t expecting company.” She turned and saw me still standing outside her doorway. “Aren’t you coming in?” I focused on her, and her question. “I ... um...” I couldn’t make my feet move...

3 years ago
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Star Wars The Tie FighterChapter 3 From the Badlands to the Death Star

GUSTAV had been in orbit about Resead for three days. Our mission during this time was to fly patrols in the surrounding system to guard against any further Rebel attacks, while the stormtroopers and other ground personnel solidified Imperial control of the planet. The badly damaged orbiting platform was also undergoing repairs. In addition to the patrols, I used the time for training. Our TIE squadrons and those of our sister frigate SHAMUS, which had been badly damaged in the attack on...

2 years ago
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Roomates Part 2 Witnesses to sin

The morning after started out like any other. Missy had the earliest class, and she got up and started the coffee and jumped in the shower. I was up next. I wriggled out of Jane’s arms with a soft kiss, and headed into the kitchen to make breakfast and finish the chapter’s I hadn’t quite finished last night. I felt tired, exhausted and nicely sore after a marathon sex session with Jane, inspired by the sound Missy’s cries as she gave her vibrator a good workout. I started chopping some onions...

4 years ago
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The milking centers

Keith obety finally reached his 18th birthday and was required to report to his local milking center for sperm donation and testing. His mom drove him and dropped him off at the front door, once inside he noticed the waiting room filled with several young 18 year old looking guys like himself and a few a little older, after signing in at the front desk he was told to wait. Watching fellow boy after boy being called back by a male or female nurse, some of the older looking guys had larger bulges...

3 years ago
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Dana Finds A Lover

I've been dressing since I was ten, always being careful to never be seen by anyone. The whole time I grew up I'd never had any girlie clothes of my own but I'd always worn my sister's things, even used her makeup. I always made certain that she never ran out of makeup too quickly. When I knew I had the house to myself, I would dress up and pretend I was a girl. These sessions ended in a great masturbation with something usually deep in my tight little asshole, or boy pussy or ass pussy, as...

2 years ago
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The Dare Game

Have you ever played truth or dare? It can be kind of interesting, when you have a bunch of your best friends playing with you. Well, my friends and I have changed it around a little, and we call it the dare game. Now you can dare your friends to do all sorts of things. But, in our dare game we do sexual things. My best friend Susie and I have gotten into some pretty interesting sexual situations recently. I dared Susie to go into a bar and order a guy a drink and tell him to fuck her. Susie...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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My Inconvenient Mistress

Realizing that I get completely turned on by being an oral submissive, I felt the need to finally find myself a domme mistress. After posting an ad, I got a response from a gorgeous 19 year old Latina BBW. We met at yogurt shop where she said that she had always fantasized about having a sub, especially a black slave. I assured her that I would be the perfect sub and serve her fully whenever she wanted, no matter what. This intrigued her as she raised her one eyebrow and said, "Whenever I want?...

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Fairytale Adventures Ch8 Prince Charming the fina

Kristen awoke as the sun was coming through the leaves of the trees... she felt completely refreshed, and rather glad to be so well-clothed.As she walked along, she found a little side-path that led to a stream... thinking it would be nice to take a bath, Kristen stripped off her peasant-girl outfit that she'd gotten from the b**st's castle and climbed in. Splashing and playing she almost felt like an entirely new person!Suddenly, the whinny of a horse made her turn around... and she gasped....

3 years ago
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Kindness Works

As one gets older in life, you must stay active and keep the body parts moving. Doctors come up with some dorky ideas for keeping fit. I would rather lift weights, walk, shoot some hoops and even fantasy pitch against a wall. If you do stuff like when you were a kid, you'll feel better. I found this elementary school and park combo where nobody used the outdoor facilities. I would walk or ride a bike there for my workout. In my mind, I had just finished pitching three innings in American League...

2 years ago
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Neeru Ki Chudai

Hi dosto ISS per ye meri first story hai jo main tumhe sunane ja rahe hu aur ye bilkul real story hai. Sabse pehle main aap logo ko apni intro deta hu, mera naam Sanjay hai age 32, mere lund ka size 7’’ lamba hai, ab main jayada time waste na karte huye apni story pe aata hu. Doston 1 saal pehle hamari gali mein ek family rehne aayi uss family mein husband ka naam Anil uski wife naam Neeru tha, Neeru ke do bacche the lekin usko dekh ke lagta nahin tha ke wo do baccho ki maa hogi. Neeru waise to...

3 years ago
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The First SuetoniusChapter 8

With a blast of steam and smoke, the ER15 leapt from the launching ramp with an acceleration that would've crushed a human pilot. The booster rockets flared for less than two seconds before falling away. In that time, the probe was well over Com territory. Com soldiers outside New Glasgow saw it flash over their heads. Everyone knew what it was, but it was an awesome sight nonetheless. In the command bunker flatscreens flared with the wealth of incoming data. Within a second, the volume of...

2 years ago
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Heavier Than Heaven

Hi guys! Life is just meant to be for fun and laughter. Life is just to be lived for you and the people around you whom you love the most but all this has to be done with some kind restrictions in this society. To live in India, you have to follow some norms and rules of the society. That is called Culture anything you do apart from your cultural values just throws you apart from the society, because it’s considered a taboo and such a thing I had done just few months back. Here I am going to...

3 years ago
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Fantasies fulfilled part 2

For months after their first trip to the swingers club, Janelle and Matt's passion was intensified by the memory of their experience with the other couple. Janelle was surprised by how much the taste of another woman turned her on. How soft and sensual her lips felt and the intensity of having both of her nipples sucked and licked at the same time. She loved knowing how turned on it made Matt as well. They played on lush but they both knew that another trip was in order soon. So when Matt...

2 years ago
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The Second Hundred Years SequelChapter 2

"Who's Chante?" Ten year old James asked. "She is one of our ancestors," Lewis answered. "You know what an ancestor is?" "Yeah, it's a relative that lived a long time ago." "That partly right honey," Alyssa said. "Ancestors are part of our family that are alive or lived before you. Your Dad and I are your ancestors. So they don't have to be from a long time ago. You understand?" "I think so. Boompa is my ancestor then," James replied. The boy called William, Boompa. No...

5 years ago
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The Minister Ch 01

Hi guys, this is my second story on here. It is quite long and will go over quite a few chapters. Not for people looking for just sex, though there will be sex in this story a bit later, it won’t come until later chapters. It is a slow, romantic story with a bit of drama, hope you enjoy! Please leave feedback and rate it ***** Ivy Wright sat on the train, staring out the window, blank faced as the houses rushed by in a blur of red tiled roofs and white picket fences. It was Friday morning,...

4 years ago
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My cousin and me Part 1

Hi my name is michael,My friends and family call me Seth although it really doesn't have to do with my name, I live in spain. Although I'm really not spanish, These Events happened when I was 18 years old. I really wasn't into incest back then. Although I really loved reading about it sometimes. This happened between me and my lovely cousin Lexi, She was 17 back then ( 1 year younger than me ) We always met in our grandmothers house, When we were little, we loved to explore and do things mostly...

3 years ago
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His Special Massage

 We rest awhile longer after "Her Special Massage," as we finish our champagne. She takes our glasses and places them off to the side. She takes my hand, telling me that it is now my turn. We stand, and I am lead to the walk in shower. Turning on the multiple shower heads, she guides me under one, pressing herself against me. Hooking her fingers in the waist of my skimpy white briefs, she pulls them from my hips.As she goes down on bended knees, her breasts rub along my body. Her nipple touches...

2 years ago
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HandsOnHardcore Sybil Athletic Ukrainian Teen Sybil Takes Her Roommate8217s Pecker in Her Pussy

Athletic Ukrainian teen Sybil is a fun-loving girl who loves sending photos of her taut pink twat to her boyfriend while he’s at work. But unfortunately the little nympho is unappreciated and left home alone a lot, so she has to pleasure herself by fingering her own snatch and asshole to pass the time. She gets so wet you can hear the squishing sound as her finger slides in and out of her hole. So when she comes out of her bedroom and finds her roommate Josh jerking off to some porn on...


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