Asquared Bsquared Csquared
- 2 years ago
- 59
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The vast fleet in the Delta-Draconis system was the largest that John had ever seen. The Tactical Map showed the precisely arrayed formations of the Terran Federation navy, which had smashed the system’s Kintark forces in a major fleet engagement, leaving behind a widely dispersed field of debris and wrecked vessels. Squadrons of corvettes and destroyers were patrolling the outskirts of Delta-Draconis, while clusters of cruisers, carriers, and even larger vessels formed neat, precise battle groups in the staging area closer to the centre of the system.
There were three huge dreadnoughts here, forming the core of each of those task forces. As awe-inspiring as those massive ships were, John’s eyes were drawn to the behemoth in the centre of all those vessels. Taking pride of place amongst the terrifying display of military might was Fleet Admiral Buckingham’s flagship. He was commanding a colossal fleet carrier, named ‘The Retribution of Zeus’, and it was the first time John had seen this moving fortress. At nearly four kilometres in length, it was even bigger than the dreadnoughts, and it was breathtaking in its enormity.
Calara highlighted the ‘Zeus’ in the tactical targeting view, and the mighty ship now rotated as a hologram, floating silently in the middle of the Bridge. John leaned forward in his Command Chair, unable to take his eyes off the titanic spacecraft. He immediately spotted the distinctive shape of spinal mounted singularity drivers standing out from the topdeck, the weapons themselves nearly as large as the Invictus. They reared up over sweeping batteries of Heavy Cannons, Beam Laser arrays, and row upon row of Missile Racks. The Zeus wasn’t just armed with conventional weaponry, it was also host to several squadrons of strike craft. He watched as fighter wings launched from the ship, then peeled away to begin their exhaustive patrols of the system.
John saw the blinking warning light on his console, alerting him to an incoming call. Rachel accepted it with the click of a button from her Communications Console, and checking the caller ID, she looked up at him, and said, “I have a Rear Admiral Carmela Moreno on the comm for you.”
He nodded to her, and replied, “Put her through, please.”
The viewscreen crackled to life and an attractive olive-skinned woman in her early forties appeared before him. She saluted sharply, and said somewhat haughtily, “This is Rear Admiral Moreno, Chief of Staff to the Fleet Admiral on ‘The Retribution of Zeus’. What are you doing here, -Commodore- Blake?”
If Admiral Lynton arranged a meeting, there’s no way Buckingham’s Chief of Staff wouldn’t know about it, or your new rank, Edraele advised him as she carefully listened to his thoughts. She’s probably either threatened or jealous of your rapid promotions, and trying to assert her dominance over you. You can either go for the diplomatic approach, or be a bit more direct in how you deal with her.
John was still feeling disappointed by Sakura’s point-blank rejection of his offer to try and give her a normal life, and this obnoxious officer provided a convenient outlet for his frustration. He gave her a condescending smile, and said, “I’m here to speak with the Fleet Admiral, Carmela. I believe he’s expecting me.”
She ground her teeth in anger, and snapped, “You will address me as ‘Rear Admiral Moreno’, Commodore!”
He gave her a dismissive way of his hand, and said, “You know full well I’m a Rear Admiral too. Surely we can dispense with ranks?” Without pausing, he continued relentlessly, “As for what I’m doing here, it’s classified. So be a dear, and run along and let the Fleet Admiral know I want to speak to him, please.”
“I’ll do no such thing!” she snorted indignantly. She sneered as she added, “He’s in a meeting with senior Admiralty, and not to be disturbed!”
John shrugged, and said, “That’s fine. I’m coming aboard then, and I’ll wait until he’s done. My meeting with the Fleet Admiral would be better held in person, anyway.”
“Absolutely not!” she protested looking flustered. “You can jus-.”
“See you soon, Carmela,” John replied with a wink as he cut her off. He glanced at Rachel, and she cut off the comm channel while stifling a giggle.
Edraele sounded amused, and said, She’ll be absolutely furious, but Buckingham’s expecting you, so there’s nothing she can do. I’ve seen this kind of thing before, and I’d wager she earned all her promotions behind a desk.
Calara had been raised to show high ranking officers the utmost respect, and she looked shocked at his blatant indifference to the Terran Federation Officer’s rank. She stared at him wide-eyed and gasped, “She was a Rear Admiral! You can’t speak to her like that!”
John gave the appalled young woman a grim smile, and said, “She was playing games, and I’m already tired of that bullshit.” His expression lightened then, and he chuckled as he added, “I’ve said far worse to Charles, and he’s a Vice Admiral.”
Jade turned in the Pilot’s Chair, and asked, “Do you want me to fly you over in the Raptor?”
“That would be great, thanks Jade. We’ll head off in a few minutes,” he replied with a smile. He looked up at the holographic map, noting the scores of cruisers and light carriers identified amongst the sprawling fleet, and turning back to Calara, he added considerately, “Why don’t you scan through the transponders on those ships, and try to find the Damocles and the Hydra.”
Calara gave him a grateful smile at the mention of her father’s and brother’s ships, and said, “I’ve actually started looking already, but I haven’t found them yet.”
Before you go, John, I want to talk to you about something, Edraele said to him, her voice suddenly very serious.
Go ahead, you can talk to me about anything, he replied, surprised by her tone.
The Maliri Matriarch wasted no time in saying, I have my suspicions about Admiral Lynton.
John didn’t seem surprised, and he said, Yes, me too. With a Progenitor running around this corner of the galaxy, and knowing my species’ affect on women, it seems awfully convenient that her video comms broke down just before we arrived. Especially considering we know there’s traitors involved in the Dragon March. We saw battle damage to her ship, but to still not have it fixed after six hours...
The old Edraele would have had the relevant technicians flayed alive for such incompetence, she replied in a sombre voice.
Why send me to destroy the nebula base though? he asked her with a puzzled frown. If Gabrielle’s a traitor, then why set us up to deliver a devastating blow against the Kintark Empire?
To build trust perhaps? Edraele speculated. I must admit that aspect of her dealings with you has me perplexed.
Perhaps to keep us busy while she tipped off Norwood? John guessed. He seems to have defected within hours of us arriving in the Dragon March.
Very good, John, that makes sense, she replied. He could hear the proud smile in her voice as she added, Something for my daughter to look into?
Agreed. Excuse me one moment, please, he said to her courteously.
Looking out at his Bridge Crew, he said to Dana, “Sparks, I’ve got some suspicions about Admiral Lynton. Would there be any reason her video comms could still be out after more than six hours to fix the comms array?”
The redhead pulled her attention away from a complex array of sensor data in a glowing hologram floating above her Engineering Console. She pondered the question for a moment before she replied, “The ship did get a bit melted by a plasma torpedo, but the damage looked pretty light. They should have been able to repair it by then, and there’d be no excuse by now.”
John was half-tempted to call Lynton immediately to resolve his doubts one way or another, but he didn’t want to tip his hand. Instead he turned to the Maliri girl sitting at the IntOps Station, and asked, “Irillith, could you look into something for me please?”
“Of course,” she agreed immediately. “What do you want me to investigate?”
His eyes narrowed as he replied, “I’d like you to check to see if Lynton contacted Norwood before his ships attacked the loyal forces. Can you do that?”
The blue-skinned girl looked thoughtful before she replied, “It might take me a while. I can’t hack either ship directly to find out, as we’re not even in the same system. The only way would be if the comm logs had been automatically archived. If they have been, then I’ll just need to explore the Terran Federation data archives on Mars and find the new secure repository.”
He gave her a grateful smile as he said, “Sounds like a good plan, but stay safe, and try not to flatten the data fortress this time, okay?”
The beautiful Maliri girl gave him a sparkling smile as she replied confidently, “This time, they’ll never even know I’ve been there. As soon as I find out, I’ll notify Alyssa, and she can update you.”
Calara’s voice drew his attention to the front of the Bridge, and he could hear the relief in her voice as she announced, “I’ve found the Damocles!”
John grinned at her, feeling relieved himself, and said, “That’s brilliant news! So we know your Dad is safe, but what about Mateo?”
Her face fell as she replied, “I’ve checked all the light carriers in the area, but there’s no sign of the Hydra.”
“They might be guarding the supply lines, don’t start worrying until we know for sure,” he said soothingly. Rising from his chair, he continued, “We’ll call Jack when we return from meeting Buckingham, but we better get changed before we meet the Fleet Admiral. Full dress uniform I think, Commander.”
She rose from her chair, smiling at him as she walked up the ramp towards the grav-tube. He looked out over the Bridge from atop the Command Podium, and said, “Hopefully we won’t be gone long. You should be safe here, but don’t take any chances. Get Alyssa immediately if you suspect even a hint of trouble.”
The girls nodded obediently, and wished him a safe journey as he jogged down the steps to join Calara at the grav-tube. They stepped into the anti-gravity field, then dropped down in the soft blue glow to Deck Two and the corridor leading to their quarters.
You should wear your new uniform. Make a statement... Alyssa suddenly said to him, halting him in his tracks. By the look of surprise and consternation on Calara’s face, he guessed the psychic blonde had said much the same to her.
I’m not sure that’s such a good idea, he replied tentatively, recalling the form fitting uniforms that Alyssa had designed for the girls. They were extremely flattering, and they’d looked sensational, but he didn’t think showcasing his ass would set the right tone when dealing with the upper echelons of the Admiralty.
He could feel her amusement over their bond as she listened to his thoughts, and said, Trust me, you’ll look spectacular!
Calara seemed to have been similarly cajoled by the mischievous blonde, and she had a look of dread on her face as she opened the door to her room. Her eyes met his as she murmured, “I’ll meet you in the corridor.”
John walked into his bedroom, then through to the walk-in wardrobe, feeling apprehensive as he wondered exactly what Alyssa had in store for him. He suddenly realised he was being ridiculous, and if he didn’t like the new design, he could still wear his old uniform. With that thought in mind, he felt a surge of relief when he spotted his grey Terran Federation dress uniform hanging where he left it.
As if I’d do anything with that stuffy old thing, Alyssa chastised him with a telepathic frown. She sounded like she was enjoying herself far too much as she continued, Look at the end of the rail, I’ve covered your new uniform in a black shell cover to protect it.
With his curiosity piqued, he strolled up to the end of the wardrobe, and found the black protective cover she had described. Holding his breath, he touched his thumb to the tag at the top, and it peeled back, revealing the new uniform she’d designed for him. He was shocked by it at first, but once that wore off, he smiled as he reached out to brush his fingers over the material. Pulling off his clothes, he started to get changed.
He quickly got dressed, pulling on the trousers, buttoning up the formal shirt, and putting on the jacket. The fit was remarkable, and as he tugged his boots on, he marvelled at the exquisite tailoring with which Alyssa had fashioned these clothes. It was definitely the most comfortable formal outfit he’d ever had the privilege to wear.
Of course. Nothing but the best for my man, she replied, listening to his thoughts with a deep sense of satisfaction. I know your body almost as well as my own.
There was a peaked hat that went with the uniform, and he smiled as he turned it around and saw the Terran Federation insignia. He placed it on his head, and just as he was about to go and examine himself in the mirrors, he heard a gasp from the doorway. When he looked up, he saw Calara had entered the walk-in wardrobe, and was staring at him in amazement. His own eyes widened as well when he saw her uniform, and when she noticed his expression, she smiled shyly.
Nodding appreciatively, he said, “You look incredible, Calara. Alyssa’s done a magnificent job.”
“I know,” she replied, feeling a little shamefaced for not trusting her lover.
Her new outfit was cut to look very similar to her original Terran Federation Officers’ dress uniform. It was demure and respectable, with knee-length boots, trousers, a long jacket that came down to just above the knee, and finished with a peaked cap. That was where the similarities ended however. The uniform was subtly tailored to emphasise her femininity, without undermining her rank and aura of authority. Her boots had a slightly higher heel, and the jacket fit just a little more snugly than the standard uniform. At first glance you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the cut, but the overall effect was dramatic, and as sensational as she looked, she would definitely turn heads.
Her boots were black, but the uniform itself was immaculate white, the jacket, belt, and trousers edged in gold. The colour scheme was identical to those the other girls had worn for the award ceremony, clearly setting her apart from the conventional military, and identifying her as one of the Lionesses of the Federation.
She watched him studying her intently, then asked, “Have you seen yourself yet?”
He shook his head, and smiled at her, as he replied, “No, not yet.”
Grinning at him, she beckoned him over to stand before the cleverly designed mirrors, which would let him see himself from all angles. He had to admit he felt some butterflies in his stomach as he stepped in front of the mirrors, but he was amazed when he finally did so.
His own uniform followed the same design ethos as Calara’s. The style was very similar to the standard Terran Federation dress uniform, but his was cut to make him look more commanding. He exuded imposing authority in the new uniform, but there was a certain predatory edge to it that made him seem slightly intimidating.
It was the same pristine white as the other uniforms that Alyssa had designed; the jacket edged in gold, as were the trousers that he’d tucked into his black boots. The jacket buttoned down the right side of his chest, but where it radically differed, was the golden lion that was frozen mid roar where it was emblazoned across his torso. It left absolutely no doubt as to the identity of the man in the resplendent uniform. The outfit was topped with a white peaked hat that had the bright gold Terran Federation insignia on the peak. The familiar insignia consisted of a sword flanked by wings, with the sword tip pointing towards a star.
“You look so handsome,” Calara said breathily, walking over to stand beside him. Lifting her beautiful face to stare into his eyes, she asked him, “Is it wrong that I really want to drop to my knees and give you a loving blowjob?”
“As long as you wear your uniform too, I’m sure that’d be fine,” he replied with a playful smile. With a sigh of regret, he added, “It’ll have to wait until later I’m afraid, gorgeous. We’ve got a Fleet Admiral to see.”
You can both thank me later, Alyssa thought to them both smugly, then smiled as they both began to imagine all the things they’d do to her in gratitude.
Alyssa watched Sakura thoughtfully, as she sat in one of the chairs around the long table in the Briefing Room. The Asian girl was quiet, lost in her own thoughts as she desperately tried to adjust to all the shocks she’d had since being freed from Mikaboshi’s insidious grasp. It was heartbreaking to see her like this, but Alyssa had been through more than her fair share of traumatic events in her relatively short life, and knew it was simply going to take time for the girl to recover.
Of course, there was a simpler and much faster way of helping her deal with everything, but the poor girl had been the subject of enough mental tampering for two lifetimes. With that in mind, Alyssa waited patiently for Sakura to rouse herself from her grief. She occupied herself by listening in to John and Calara’s thoughts, and tried not to chuckle at their reactions as she encouraged them to try on their new uniforms.
Sakura seemed to slowly collect herself, until she finally glanced at Alyssa, and asked in a quiet voice, “You said you wanted to talk to me?”
The blonde girl nodded, and replied, “There’s no hurry, though. If you need time to yourself, just let me know, and I’ll leave you in peace.”
The petite girl shook her head, and replied, “I want to talk. I’ve been locked away for what seemed like forever, and it’s nice to be able to speak to someone.”
Giving her a radiant smile, Alyssa said, “Well you’re in luck, because I like talking!”
Despite herself, Sakura laughed, then seemed surprised at the sound. She gave Alyssa a sad smile, and said, “I don’t think I’ve laughed in over seventy-five years. How tragic is that?”
Alyssa’s answering smile was sympathetic, and she said, “You have a nice laugh. I hope we’ll get to hear it a lot over the next seventy-five years.”
Sakura sat up straight then, but she missed what Alyssa was alluding to, instead picking up on the more obvious as she asked, “I thought John said-.”
Rolling her eyes affectionately, Alyssa replied, “Yeah, forget what he said, he’s just trying to be noble.” Rising from her chair, she added, “Want to get out of here? We can go and relax somewhere a bit less stuffy.”
“That would be nice, thanks,” Sakura replied gratefully.
Alyssa offered her an arm, and Sakura linked hers with the taller girl, then they walked out of the Briefing Room onto the Bridge. Aside from John and Calara, all the rest of the crew were there, and they gave their guest warm and welcoming smiles. The girls didn’t try to introduce themselves, assuming Alyssa was trying not to overwhelm her.
Alyssa leaned over, and whispered, “Are you feeling brave enough to meet them?”
When Sakura nodded shyly, Alyssa turned to the others, and said, “Ladies, this is Sakura. Sakura, these lovely girls are Dana, Rachel, Jade, Irillith, and Faye.”
She pointed to each of them in turn, and Sakura’s eyes grew wider with each progressively more exotic girl she was introduced to. They each waved to her and said hello in turn, and once the brief introductions were done, Alyssa led her up to the Ready Room. She pressed the button to open the door, but before she walked inside, the Asian girl glanced back across the Bridge, frowning as she looked at Jade once again.
“Would you like a drink?” Alyssa asked, as she waved Sakura over to one of the comfortable sofas.
Sakura hesitated, then replied, “An iced tea would be lovely, thank you.”
Walking over to sit next to her, Alyssa smiled as she said, “She’ll just be a minute.”
“Who will?” Sakura asked in confusion.
“Jade. I asked her to go and make us a couple of drinks. She’ll be along shortly,” Alyssa explained patiently.
Now Sakura looked really confused as she asked, “But you didn’t say anything to her?”
Tapping her forehead, Alyssa replied, “As well as having telekinesis, I’m a telepath as well.” Sakura looked shocked, but the blonde girl shrugged as she kicked off her heels, then tucked her legs up on the sofa. Her voice was calm and soothing as she continued, “We’re all gifted in our own way. If you’re interested in joining us, there’s no point hiding any of our abilities.”
Suddenly remembering what they were supposed to be talking about, Sakura blurted out, “I do want to join you! I want to help you defeat Mikaboshi!”
Alyssa smiled at her, and said, “I know, and I think you’ll be a good fit for our group.”
“But what about, John?” Sakura asked with a frustrated frown. “He seemed to hate the idea.”
With an affectionate smile on her face, Alyssa replied, “He hates the thought of forcing you into something against your will, or the idea that you might regret a decision to join us. He’s a good man, and he likes to help people, not harm them.” She paused a moment, then clarified, “Apart from bad guys, we’ve killed thousands of those.”
“What do you mean by ‘bad guys’?” Sakura asked curiously.
With a bright smile, Alyssa replied with enthusiasm, “My definition is anyone who threatens our family, but John’s a little more traditional. We’ve fought Pirates, Kirrix, Drakkar Raiders, kidnappers, murderers, rapists, the list seems endless ... unfortunately the galaxy has plenty of evil shits who desperately need killing.”
Sakura smiled wryly, and said, “My university professors would argue very passionately with you there. They placed their faith in the legal system, and I know they didn’t approve of vigilantism.”
Alyssa nodded, and said, “A wise girl once said: ‘Fuck the law’. I think she was right. Seeing justice done is far more important.”
The Asian girl blushed at that, but she glanced at Alyssa with a curious look in her eyes, and said, “This feels like you’re giving me a sales pitch. I thought I was the one trying to convince you to let me help you?”
With a sigh, Alyssa replied, “He’ll be really tiresome about this if I don’t explain everything to you clearly.” After a brief pause while she studied the other girl, she added, “I’d like to show you a few images to clarify a few things. Some are a bit shocking though, is that okay?”
Bracing herself bravely, Sakura nodded, so Alyssa gestured to the viewscreen remote with a casual flick of her wrist. It floated off the coffee table, then levitated over to her, and landed smoothly in her outstretched palm. Sakura watched in fascination, her mind still struggling with the idea of telekinesis, but before she could comment, the door opened and Jade strolled into the room. The Nymph was carrying two glasses of iced tea, and she gave Sakura a kind smile as she placed the drinks down on the table, briefly making eye contact as she did so. The girl smiled back at her, but as she looked into those emerald cat-like eyes, there was a sudden flicker of recognition and she quailed before the Nymph.
Jade glanced at Alyssa in alarm, and the blonde girl replied reassuringly, It’s alright, I’ll sort this out. She smiled at the green-skinned girl, and added, “Thanks for the drinks, sexy. You might want to change into your uniform, so you can match John and Calara.”
With a final worried glance at Sakura, Jade nodded, then walked out of the Ready Room, leaving the other two girls alone.
“She ... I... , I mean Shinatobe...” Sakura sputtered as soon as the Nymph left the room.
Alyssa picked up her drink, and took a sip of the tea, before saying calmly, “Yes, she’s the Jade Tiger that Shinatobe fought and killed.”
Sakura blanched, and stammered, “K-k-killed?! But she’s...”
“Alive and well?” Alyssa asked, finishing the shocked girl’s sentence for her. With a firm nod, she continued, “John brought her back to life.”
At this Sakura gaped in utter shock, and sounding awed, she asked, “Just how powerful is he?”
“Very,” Alyssa replied simply. She paused, and added, “We’re kind of skipping to the end of the story though. Let me guide you through it, and I promise it’ll make more sense.”
When she received a tentative nod, Alyssa pressed a few buttons on the remote, and the projectors in the room generated the image of two girls. Both were blondes with piercing Cerulean eyes, but beyond that, there were very few similarities between the five-foot-nine statuesque beauty, and the emaciated five-foot-two waif.
“Who’s the smaller girl?” Sakura asked, staring at the images with a sympathetic expression on her face.
“They’re both me. One image was taken several months ago, before I joined John, and the other was after he’d given me the Gift,” Alyssa explained carefully.
After all the incredible things she’d already witnessed, Sakura barely reacted to this astonishing transformation, and she immediately asked, “The Gift? What’s that?”
“It’s varied a little for each of us, but there are a few things that have been constant,” Alyssa explained. Staring into the smaller girl’s eyes, Alyssa began ticking off her fingers, as she clarified, “A strong, agile, healthy body like mine, enhanced intelligence, and immortality...”
Sakura’s eyes threatened to roll out of her head at this revelation, and she started to gasp, “Immor-.”
Alyssa cut her off, and said, “Yes, as long as we regularly swallow John’s cum, we’re immune to disease, we’ll never age, and we’re effectively immortal, although we can still be killed in combat.” When she saw Sakura about to object, she clarified, “Although Jade is a special case.”
The Asian girl was quiet for a long moment, until she asked, “So John’s sleeping with all of you?”
With a gentle smile on her face, Alyssa reached over and smoothed her hand over Sakura’s gently rounded belly, reminding her what was filling her stomach. “It’s how his powers work,” she said with a shrug. After a brief pause, she added, “Actually, that makes it sound like we’re only with him for that reason, but we all love him very much. He’s a kind, caring, loving man, and we’re all very lucky to be with him.”
“So I’d have to as well?” Sakura asked hesitantly, although she certainly didn’t look too upset at the idea.
“Yes, and you’ll likely end up having fun with us girls too,” Alyssa replied with a sultry smile.
This did shock the smaller girl, and she gazed at Alyssa again, but this time in an entirely different way. Alyssa gave her a knowing look, recognising the hint of curiosity in those dark brown eyes, which made Sakura blush furiously this time.
“It’s okay, you can just take things at your own pace,” Alyssa said gently. Nodding towards the holo-images again, she added, “Now let me show you the rest of us, and it’ll make it clearer why I think you’ll fit in.”
Pressing the button on the remote, the image changed, showing the before and after images of Calara, then Dana, Rachel, and finally Irillith. Sakura was enthralled by the images bearing witness to the miraculous healing and transformation the girls had undergone. Alyssa ignored the images, and focused her attention on Sakura instead. She smiled when she saw the light of understanding in those lovely brown eyes.
“You were all like me,” she whispered, stunned by the images.
“Wounded little birds, just like you,” Alyssa agreed sombrely. “Believe me when I say we’ve all experienced our fair share of pain and loss. John’s helped heal all of us though, and I’m not just talking about the physical scars.”
“Did he wipe the painful parts of your memory?” Sakura asked in a small voice.
Alyssa shook her head, and replied, “No, but I do know what you’re going through. My mother died in childbirth, and my dad died in a mining accident when I was six. Dana never knew her parents, and we both grew up in orphanages.”
Sakura’s expression was filled with sympathy as she said in a quiet voice, “Talking to me about this must be really hard for you. At least I had eighteen years with my parents until they were taken away from me. I can’t even imagine what that must have been like for you. I’m so sorry.”
Opening her arms for a hug, Alyssa wrapped up the smaller girl in a warm embrace, and smiled as she said, “Thank you. It can be hard sometimes, but what me and Dana missed the most growing up, was not having a family. We’ve got a new family now, and I can’t tell you how wonderful it feels every day, just knowing that.”
The black-haired girl looked up from their hug, and said tentatively, “You haven’t told me any downsides to this Gift yet. There’s got to be more to it than that.”
Alyssa smiled at her, and said, “John likes smart girls. I think he’ll be impressed by you.” The two girls parted a little as they broke away from the hug, but Sakura didn’t make any effort to move away, sitting close beside Alyssa instead. The blonde’s hands moved automatically, going to the other girl’s rounded stomach and caressing it lightly.
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The Angel Of Times Square By Bluto I graduated from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in 1981 after nine months at the New York City campus. It was not my first visit to New York, but it was by far the longest time I've ever lived in Manhattan. A one school year master's program requires a lot of concentrated work and most of my time was spent in classes or choosing, researching and writing a thesis or practice reporting and more. However, in spite of all that I...
Dana woke up first, feeling completely refreshed after a good night’s sleep. The Ashanath engineers had been tasked with completing the last of the work while she slept and she was so eager to check on their results, that she wanted to leap out of bed and go sprinting out the room. Instead, she stealthily climbed out from under the covers and tiptoed out softly, being careful not to awaken John, or the other three girls who were still fast asleep. She dressed in her own room, then walked down...
Stefanie knew that stripping down to her underwear was not the brightest thing to do in a secluded wood, in the dead of night, but, hey, she did what she needed to do for art. She stepped up to the rock where she had trained two lights and her tripod-held camera set on time-delay. In between each click, telling her that the camera had taken a picture, she struck and held a pose with a katana a friend who was into swords and knives had leant her. Her poses were those of a warrior. In one, she...
"We'll leave the smell of the sea in your bed, Where love's just a job and nothing is said." ELTON JOHN - Sweet Painted Lady "Webster", she said, standing on tiptoe so that she could speak into the intercom set high and to the right of the door. "Tina Webster. I'm supposed to start today". "Of course you are. Come up". The voice was young, light, cheerful. Tina felt the tension in her stomach lift a little. "I can't get in", she told the disembodied voice. "There's no door...
Weight Gain Reddit, aka r/WGBeforeAfter! Don’t you just love to see babes go from skinny to chunky? That transition can be incredibly hot, and I am sure a lot of my peeps will agree. Then again, you are either into this sort of thing, or you are not. Both are completely fine; it all really depends on what the fuck you are hoping to see. All I am saying is that if you would like to see some hotties transform from skinny to fat, you should check out r/wgbeforeafter/.Basically, r/wgbeforeafter/...
Reddit NSFW ListCalara stepped out of the armour-equipping frame in the Dojo’s armoury and hurried into the corridor, breaking into a jog as she headed for the grav-tube. She’d heard a brief summary of the disastrous confrontation with John’s guide from Alyssa, but after discovering that her girlfriend had been injured, all she wanted to do was rush to her side. She leapt out of the blue anti-gravity field on Deck Two and caught up to Rachel, Sakura, and Alyssa in the corridor, the blonde being supported by...
DARKNESS hangs heavily upon me as I struggle to wriggle from its torturous grasp. I am smothered by its heaviness upon me as I consider my fate. Someone please reveal to me that this deed is nothing but a cruel and unusual prank, I await the sound of laughter as the perpetrators come to remove me from this hell. I hold my breath and intently listen, I can only hear the distant scratching of vermin within the castle walls and the pounding pulse in my temples. It is as quiet as it is dark, the...
John wondered what could be the problem. The After Action Report he had submitted to Federation Command last week, had made it pretty clear what had happened aboard the Corvette. He was unsure what kind of trouble the young Latina could be in, as there was certainly nothing in the AAR that implicated her being responsible in any way. “What kind of trouble?” he asked Alyssa. “Calara said she was being accused of ‘dereliction of duty’. She mentioned something about a possible court martial!”...
Dawn at their island on Oceanus was a spectacular affair. The golden sun slowly crept up above the horizon and sent out bright spears of light, illuminating the rapidly brightening sky. John and the girls felt the warm glow of the sun’s rays, and they woke up at the same time, stretching languidly in the extremely comfortable bed. Jade was on the western edge, and when she rolled on to her other side, so that she was facing the sun, she sat up abruptly with a startled gasp. “Oh, John, this...
“I don’t recall seeing Irillith around here before.” John mused, addressing Ceraden, who sat behind his desk, drumming his fingers on the glossy surface with irritation. “No, thank heavens. She’s a ‘guest’, and I only have to put up with her for another week, then it’ll be glorious peace and quiet once again,” Ceraden replied wistfully. Ceraden looked over the desk, and tsked with annoyance at the mess the shattered device had made on the floor. A few second later a pair of cleaning robots...
Copyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 15 "Triangle Square" By Wanda Cunningham "I need to go for a walk - or something," Kelly said. He stood near the edge of the glass...
Ularean’s image faded away, the Senior Councillor closing the call abruptly and leaving John and Calara exchanging frowns. “Any idea what Ularean was referring to with his ‘preparations’?” John asked, a pensive expression on his face. “He was doing that same slow blinking mannerism as Talari - I’d love to know what that means.” The Latina shook her head, turning to gaze at her listings of the Ashanath’s fleet assets. “I hope they’ve got something significant planned because they’re going to...
We are meeting in Federation square. You're wearing a dress that hugs your figure as you walk toward me. When you hug me I slide my hands down your body and squeeze your arse enough you make you jump a little and give me that little smile. I let you get ahead a little as we walk to a bar by the river and order drinks so I can admire your figure.We sit beside each other looking out over the river and talk about nothing, as you lean in closer I pick you up and put you in my lap. As we drink I run...
"Bastard!" I turned to see the plastic cup exploding on impact, spilling a vivid red stain on the wall's white. A clean shaven man in a Tuxedo gawped at the remains of the missile that had been intended for him. Finding the assailant did not take very long. She was out on the balcony muttering obscenities under her breath. The snow had driven the rest of the party back indoors but the crowds below were preparing to welcome the new year with barely diminished spirits. The balcony had never...
Quickie SexSquare Dance Panties By Margaret Jeanette Sara Long stepped out of the truck stop restaurant door and got into her car. She had stopped at the edge of town for breakfast -- she needed her coffee to get going for the day. She was very happy, on her way to surprise her best friend Sally Morgan. They had been best friends in college. Sally had been maid of honor at her wedding five years previously. But they didn't see each other real often, as they lived 110 miles apart. Sara...
“They were in Times Square, for New Year’s Eve.” “Never understood that, celebrating New Year’s with all those strangers, standing in the cold, in a place so fucking crowded.” “And how did it happen?” “I don’t know ... He just said his parents got pissed on by somebody.” “I assume it was a man.” “You never know.” “It was so clotted with people that the pisser probably couldn’t reach a bathroom, was stupid drunk, I’d guess.” “It was New Year’s Eve...” “I wonder how it went down. Did the...
You are naked except for a slinky thong and high heels. Very high heels. You can barely walk in them. I have made you wear the thong to keep it inside you. You don't know what it is, except it's something. Is it a dildo? It vibrates... continuously. But there's another feeling too. Some kind of irritant has obviously been applied before I inserted it. You didn't notice it at first but the itch is maddening. You'd like to scratch it, but your hands are tied behind your back. You totter to...
Finally Charlotte was taken from the hated cage and put into an abaya. Quite a lot of the other women were also taken and they were all loaded on to a lorry and driven through the town. On arrival in the main square, Charlotte realised with horror that she was to be auctioned in public with the rest of the captives. It was over an hour in the hot sun that she waited and watched as woman after woman was rapidly sold. Then she was dragged to the rostrum herself, and stripped of her...
Krish had advised me, before we buried the the young Chasseur of the Guard officer, that if I intended disinterring him at a later date then certain actions needed to be carried out to prevent a rapid decomposing of the corpse. The first was to wrap the body in a tightly tied blanket, or ground sheet, keeping the material close to the corpse. The depth of the burial should be at least six feet, which would save the corpse from being disturbed by ploughing, or being dug up by animals. The...
The elevator swished open quietly and John, Alyssa, and Calara darted into their respective positions on the bridge. Sparks turned to face them as they arrived on the Command deck. “We’re getting an incoming distress call from a freighter. They’ve been disabled by pirates and are being boarded!” Sparks said with alarm. “Alyssa, plot a course to their location. Calara, shields up and weapons armed, we’re going to need to strike quickly,” John ordered decisively. The girls sprung into action...
Alyssa smiled to herself as she listened to John and Dana chatting on their way out of the Legacy. He was trying his best to concentrate on the detailed technical benefits of the new Progenitor tech that they’d just acquired from the ancient ship, but he was more than a little distracted by thoughts of the Maliri twins. The blonde girl was currently floating in the air, her body shrouded in a soft white light as she set about systematically repairing the damage to the Invictus’ armour. She...
John took a deep breath to calm himself and glanced at the holographic image above Dana’s engineering station that showed they at least had their shields up now. “Ok Alyssa, you’re with me. We’re going to have to repel boarders.” he ordered brusquely. “Dana, try and get the damage to fire control repaired.” “Calara, send out a distress call. Don’t fire back unless they continue attacking, they might think they knocked out all our weapons. They know we can’t get away and they’ll probably...
I sat there in the almost pitch dark room. Almost pitch dark, because there was a bit of a glow from the little light on the computer monitor signifying that it was in sleep mode. I sat there with a headful of thoughts that I wished I didn’t have. The door opened, admitting a shaft of light, and my wife came into the room. “What are you doing in here? I’ve been upstairs in bed waiting for you for over half an hour.” “Practicing.” “Practicing what?” “Being alone.” “Shit! Another one of your...
Dana slapped another magazine into her railgun, and hurriedly snapped off a three round burst at the Fulmanax warrior that was charging straight towards her. The high velocity rounds slammed into the right side of its head, blasting out huge chunks of white, fibrous material, until the third round punched through to the nerve ganglia. The eight foot tall Fungoid creature crashed over lifelessly, skidding across the ground, and coming to a rest at her armour plated feet. “I’m getting low on...
‘Bastard!’ I turned to see the plastic cup exploding on impact, spilling a vivid red stain on the wall’s white. A clean shaven man in a Tuxedo gawped at the remains of the missile that had been intended for him. Finding the assailant did not take very long. She was out on the balcony muttering obscenities under her breath. The snow had driven the rest of the party back indoors but the crowds below were preparing to welcome the new year with barely diminished spirits. The balcony had never...
They called themselves the Magnificent Seven, but only among themselves. They consisted of four guys and three gals, all in their late twenties. They had met in college, some as roommates, some as classmates, a couple as former sweethearts. Now they were a tightly knit group of friends. Some of them roomed together and others lived nearby, so they were constantly together in the roommates’ apartment or their favorite hang-out joint – a Starbucks.Over the years lovers have come and gone, but if...
Bisexual“Your transdimensional bridge is complete then?” the yet unseen entity spoke, it’s voice like the menacing rumble of thunder. “I will be able to escape this realm into yours?” “The machine’s structure is just about complete, yes.” Daedalus adjusted the large, round lenses of his goggles with his long, black-gloved fingers as he spoke. “My bioborgs are at the island facility working non-stop on the machine and putting the finishing touches on it. I will be travelling there to oversee its...
“I take it that’s bad then?” Sparks asked, startled by John and Calara’s shocked reaction to the mystery ship. “Who are the Kirrix exactly?” “They are kill on sight to all species in the Galactic League” John explained briefly. “They’re a parasitic insectoid species that use other life forms to incubate their young. When their larvae hatch, they eat their way out of their victims!” he said, his mouth twisting with disgust. “I can’t believe these pirates would capture slaves for them. That’s...
“You throw like a girl, Lizzie,” Fastball scoffed. “Oh, screw you, Nathan,” Shard clucked, sneering at her Vanguard teammate. “If anyone is to blame, it’s my throwing trainer. He sucks.” “Hey, I’ll have you know, if I wasn’t so good being an All-Star shortstop, I could have been a Cy Young winning pitcher,” Fastball said. “Yeah, like twenty years ago,” the silver-haired beauty sniffed. “Now you’re just old and slow.” Fastball winced. “That’s kind of insulting considering my power is to...
Rachael Hooper was worried, her daughter, Kate, wasn't home. Although she was a headstrong young girl she knew her responsibilities, Rachael knew this, she also knew that Kate wasn't the type to blindly go with strangers, she smiled, Kate was more likely to cause them more harm than they would to her. No it was the fact that Kate wasn't home on time! Rachael looked at the fridge, as expected there was the envelope on there, Kate had moaned about this - it was something they'd...
From the innkeeper, he bought a smoked ham and bread, before he left the village, heading westward. He did not follow the road for long. East of Dassow, he turned south on a sparsely travelled road. He spent the night in the inn of the small town of Schoenberg, and in two more days, he reached Ratzeburg, the seat of the Bishop, with its impressive cathedral. Here, he was able to buy new clothes and better shoes. He also traded for a horse, a sturdy animal, able to carry him. He knew that he...
SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend - Chapter Ten: Gainful Employment by Mark Mc Donald I remembered thinking, "That was too damn close!" I had been reckless and selfish. I still didn't realize just how selfish my attempt to repair the controller had been until I started telling this, for want of a better phrase, tale. I could have wound up in a dozen different states, none of them positive. Luckily, I was now on a HOV on my way home -- still a female, but going home. I was broke too....
Alyssa looked down over her lovers and saw that she had their undivided attention. They listened to her eagerly, intrigued to learn more about the beautiful blonde girl they cared so much about. “As you know, I grew up on Karron. It’s a bleak inhospitable place, a massive asteroid that’s been gradually hollowed out as the mines have dug deeper. Slums have built up in the old abandoned tunnels and there’s thousands of people living there now.” Calara didn’t know much about Alyssa’s history...
John stretched and then sat up, leaving the girls curled around him in bed. “You ladies have a rest then come and join me in the officers’ lounge in 30 minutes” he said “I owe you girls that celebratory dinner!” He manoeuvred his way out of the bed, being careful not to accidentally lean his weight on Calara as he climbed over her. The girls snuggled up together, watching him get dressed before waving him goodbye with smiles on their beautiful young faces. John strolled down the corridor...
Ailanthia stretched like a cat on the soft black sheets, letting out a deeply contented sigh. She felt the wonderful heavy weight at her waist and one of her light-green hands slid down over her gloriously curved abdomen. She bit her flushed lower lip and let out a low moan, her skin feeling so sensitive where it had stretched taut to accommodate her cum-stuffed womb. She let out a quiet, disbelieving laugh, awed by memories of the heated coupling with her Master this morning. He’d been...
A warm beam of sunlight played on my face, and under its benign caress I swam slowly up from a deep sleep. For a moment I could not recall where I was, but then realised I was lying in the four-poster bed in Annette’s boudoir. It was the most comfortable bed I could ever recall being in. The thick luxurious mattress, stuffed with eider down, was both supportive to my body and yet comforting. I sat up. The pillow next to mine was rumpled, and on pulling back the sheet saw the unmistakable...
Jade stepped out of the grav-tube then jogged down the ramp into the Combat Bridge in a smooth loping run, greeting the girls with a warm grin. “Welcome back, stranger,” Irillith said to her with a smile. The Nymph trailed her green fingers down the Maliri girl’s arm as she breezed past and took her place at the Pilot’s Station. “Hi!” Faye said with a bright smile. “Do you want to take over as Pilot?” “Yes, please,” Jade replied, taking a firm grip on the Invictus’ flight controls. A...
Kate's Version The service was boring as always, I knew mum wanted me to go to communion classes, but I couldn't see the point, finally the hymns had finished and we could escape from the confines of the building, but the vicar was there at the front saying goodbye to his flock, "Hello Kate," he said to me, "I understand that you'll be taking the classes this Thursday, I'll be happy to see you there." I turned to mum who was just smiling away nodding. I pulled on her arm as we were...
Billy's story I was having breakfast when mom answered the phone, it was Kate, I didn't know what to say to her, but I had to say something "Hello Kate," not very original but then she shocked me with her next words, "What would you say if I said Fried Fish?" she asked, I couldn't answer at first, it must have been coincidence, she couldn't really be saying that, I wondered if I should answer, then decided that I had to. "Apple sauce!" I said, now it was her turn to be quiet, I...
John stood aside to let Jade enter the room first and she smiled at him in appreciation of his gentlemanly manners, as she sashayed into the room. John followed in her wake, enjoying the view of her spectacular dark green body as her hips swayed in front of him. He smiled to himself when he saw the hand print on the perfect round curve of her bottom, the evidence of their shared lust where she had encouraged him to spank her beautiful asscheek. He stopped leering after the Nymph to look up...
The Invictus slipped effortlessly out of hyper warp in Epsilon-Eridani, and the crew watched from their places on the bridge, as the holographic map displayed the bright yellow star at its centre. There were two wide asteroid belts that ringed the system, and one single huge planet that was labelled Jericho. “Nearly home Calara,” John said with a smile as he watched the brunette’s reaction. “It feels like so long ago when I last visited, but it’s only been a matter of months!” she replied,...
John sat with his back against the headboard and Alyssa, Sparks and Calara sat on the bed in a semicircle in front of him, watching as he began his tale. Jade lay curled up comfortably on her side, her beautiful dark green body rippling with the ethereal bands of light that were radiating out from her swollen belly. “Now gather around little girls and let me begin...” he said in a creaking voice, as though he was a wizened old storyteller. The three teenagers giggled and the room echoed...
“So, where do I begin?” John wondered, blowing out the breath he’d been holding. “Why don’t you let me start you off?” Alyssa asked, as she rose and glided down the room to pick up the remote for the holo-projector. She returned to her seat and then pressed a few buttons on the remote, displaying several images in the centre of the table. The girls are all okay with this? John asked Alyssa considerately. Of course, I asked them a few minutes ago, she replied reassuringly. “Thanks, I’ve...
“John...” the soft voice murmured, penetrating his subconscious. “Lilyana wants to speak with you...” He opened his eyes and found himself looking up at a dazzling view of the stars, the crystal dome in the Observatory so clear he could have been floating out there in the black. The next realisation was that he was buried under a pile of girls, with his ravished harem sprawled over him on the oval bed. They’d all been especially loving and affectionate after the orgy, wanting to be as close...
The Invictus dropped out of hyper-warp at the edge of the Alpha Centauri system, its huge engines blazing to life before the tachyon particles even had a chance to dissipate. Following a familiar path, the battlecruiser roared towards Gravitus, a volcanic planet that had been terraformed by the Federation into a spectacular jewel of the Core Worlds. However, the warship’s destination wasn’t the planet itself, but Olympus Shipyard, the vast six-armed space station in high orbit above. The...
John led the girls down the corridor to the room adjacent to the Firing Range. He pressed the button opening the door and ushered them into the Armoury. This vast room was originally used to store weapons and armour for the cruiser’s compliment of three hundred marines. With no need to store that much gear any more, row after row of empty weapon racks and armour lockers filled the room, looking forlorn and abandoned. Sparks looked around, wondering why he would bring her to such an enormous...
John stretched contentedly as he awoke, feeling full of energy and ready to go. He looked down to see his four girls curled up sound asleep on the bed with him, and he smiled and stretched again. Not wanting to disturb any of the young women, he lay back, closed his eyes and just revelled in the close physical contact. With his eyes closed, he suddenly remembered the odd dream he’d had while he’d been sleeping. He recalled being embraced by radiant figures, a glowing nimbus of light had...
Tossing and turning in bed, the blue-skinned Maliri girl whimpered as she suffered through a terrifying nightmare, one of her more frequently visited horrors from a broad and grotesque catalogue. She was standing legs parted and arms upraised, shackled to the floor by her ankles, and to the ceiling by her wrists. Stripped entirely bare, she was exposed and horribly vulnerable to violations by the repulsive monstrosity that lurked with her in the darkness. Her sharp, pointed ears heard it...
Matriarch Tsarra Perfaren nibbled apprehensively on her thumbnail as she stared at the holo-map projection of House Perfaren territory. Biting her nails was an unfortunate new nervous habit she’d acquired, but considering the stress she was under, such weakness was understandable. She had bags under her eyes from lack of sleep, and her exhausted dark green orbs flickered over the holographic images, darting from one enemy fleet insignia to another. Large fleets from Houses Valaden, Loraleth,...
The darkness of the tunnel was banished by the bright pulses of laser fire, while the shrill screams of dying Kirrix rang in John’s ears. There was a momentary lull in the carnage as Irillith followed the ramp up and around the corner, her sister hovering protectively at her side. The insectoid troops lurking around the corner in ambush rushed forward, but Tashana’s twin Quantum pistols barked out their deadly song and they were blown to pieces in a hail of railgun slugs. Irillith levelled...
The door to Sarinia Baelora’s quarters slid open and Myrdina burst into the room. “You’re leaving?!” she screeched, bristling with anger. “Welcome, dear sister,” the eldest daughter of House Baelora said dryly, turning to glance through her bedroom’s open door into the lounge. “Please accept my apologies for not inviting you in, I was preoccupied and must have failed to hear the door chime.” Myrdina ignored her elder sister’s sarcasm. “I just got your message! What do you mean you’re going...
“Holy shit!” Dana blurted out, her eyes like saucers as she stared at the shattered bed. “How hard were you fucking her in the ass?!” John was sitting on the mattress in the middle of all the destruction and protested, “Not enough to break the bed!” Irillith kissed him on the shoulder and gave him a dreamy smile. “Actually, it was all very sensual and loving.” “Everything was,” Tashana murmured, looking up at John with a doe-eyed expression of absolute devotion. “I don’t think I’ve ever...