Dynasty And Destiny; Book 6 Of Poacher's ProgressChapter 10: Time Marches On #2 July 1829 – September .1831. free porn video

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July 1829. London.
To celebrate our five years of marriage I decided to buy Mimi a pendant with a heart shaped locket, inscribed with a suitable text demonstrating my undying love for her.
She accompanied me to Mordecai Rothstein’s jewellery shop in Hatton Gardens; although not a goldsmith Mordecai would know the most skilled of that trade. After introducing Mimi to Mordecai, I asked him to recommend a goldsmith to supply me with a locket and pendant. Before he could reply Mimi, who was gazing at the jewels on display, gave a gasp of delight.

“Jacques, instead of a locket could I have that beautiful sapphire on a gold chain?”
Mordecai removed the jewel from the display case.

“You have a fine eye and excellent taste, My Lady. This is one of the finest sapphires I have ever seen.” He put a loupe to his eye. “Shadrack of Naples obtained this gem from Ceylon, the home of the most sought after sapphires. He believes only a master gemstone cutter, which without any false modesty I admit to being, can do full justice to the jewel. It requires minimal, but faultless and exacting, cutting to make it practically glow in the dark. I would be honoured to cut the stone, and then have Rundell and Bridge, who employ the best goldsmiths in London, mount it in a filigree of gold, attached to a golden chain.”
Mordecai turned to me. “I will give you a discount on the price of the sapphire but Rundell will charge you the full rate for the mount and chain.” He gave a disdainful sniff. “Unfortunately he is not Jewish.”

While he and I were agreeing on a price the door behind the counter opened, and Miriam Rothstein entered the room carrying a child in her arms and another clutching her skirt...

“Mordecai I have...” She stopped, wide eyed. “I did not know you were here Elijah.” She turned to Mordecai. “Why did you not call me when Elijah arrived?”
Miriam then became aware of Mimi, who was glaring at her with some heat – not surprisingly when an unknown woman addresses her husband by his given name.
Mordecai made the introductions.

“Miriam, this is Lady Greenaway, Sir Elijah’s wife.”
Mimi blushed, she was unaccustomed to being addressed by her quite legitimate title
. “Please, call me Mimi. You must be a close friend if you know my husband as Elijah.” There was a hint of asperity in the delivery of the last phrase.
The child clutching at Miriam’s skirt, a boy about four years old, looked up at Mimi.

“Hello Mimi. My name is Rueben, and I have a brother named Elijah.”
Mimi’s face was a picture. Astonishment and amusement battled it out, and the latter won. Her laugh was liquid pleasure.
“I am delighted to make your acquaintance, Reuben. You bear a fine name, as does your brother.” She looked at Miriam, this time with a pleasant expression on her face. “What is the name of the child in your arms, Missus Rothstein?”

“Her name is Rachel, and please call me Miriam.”

“Have you any more children, Miriam?”
Miriam nodded and smiled broadly. “We have been blessed with five children. Elijah is eight, Mordecai seven, and Naomi six. They are presently with my father-in-law, the Rabbi, learning Hebrew. Reuben, four, and Rachel, two, are at home with me.” She patted her stomach. “And we are expecting another blessing early next year. How many children have you, Mimi?”

“We have twin daughters.” Mimi’s answer was spoken in a flat and toneless voice, indicating she would not be pleased to answer any more questions regarding children. Miriam sensed her distress, and discontinued the discussion.

Later that evening, as Mimi and I prepared for bed at Monmouth House, she broached the subject that I knew had been tumbling around in her mind all day.
“Why did the Rothsteins name their first son for you? Are you the father?”

“No, of course not. Why should you think such a thing?”

“Miriam looks at you as if you were a God, and even Mordecai seems in awe of you.”

“Mordecai and his father were amazed I sold them the Star of David diamond to them for six hundred pounds when I could have received treble the amount.”

“And Miriam? Was she so pleased the diamond was returned to the Jews she named her son for you?”
“I instructed her how to persuade Mordecai to impregnate her.” I then had to explain how Mordecai’s strict interpretation of Jewish law resulted in Miriam’s frustration, and no impregnation. I did not mention that I had nearly impregnated her myself, up against a wall in a dingy alleyway. I then related the agricultural allegory I had Miriam tell Mordecai to get him aroused.
I was so proficient in remembering exactly what I told Miriam that before I had finished the tale Mimi had ripped off my nightgown. She then mounted me, and used me with a ferocity completely out of character for her.
Later that night, before exhaustion claimed me, Mimi said, in her most honeyed tone of voice.
“If I conceive after what we have experienced, I shall call our first son Elijah.” I felt her tears falling on my bared, and bitten, chest. “But I fear that will never happen.” Her tears stopped. She raised herself on an elbow and gazed down at me. “Nevertheless, from time to time we will use the agricultural allegory tale to arouse our passions.”

Mimi rarely needed her passion stoked as she was always a fiery wench between the sheets. I think her more voracious and inventive, and certainly louder in her appreciation of my skills as a cocksman, when we made the Beast with Two Backs in England than when at Blanchards. The room we had in Monmouth House was separated from the other bedrooms by a long corridor, and so long as the bedroom windows were closed no one, other than a keen eared owl, would hear our shouts, shrieks, groans, moans, and shrill screams of pleasure. Opened windows, on the other hand, would have alerted the Night Watch.

In November 1829, I received my annual ‘birthday present’ from Eloise de La Zouche that was the most threatening oneto date. I determined then to call in on John Stafford at MI6 the next time I was in London and try to ascertain her whereabouts, although I had no plans of what to do if she was located.

January 1830 London
Mimi and Amy were out shopping, Claudette had remained at Blanchard as her grandmother was ill, and the twins were accompanying Princess Alexandrina and Baroness Lehzen visiting the recently opened zoo in Regents Park. With time on my hands, I walked to Scotland Yard and called into the office of John Stafford. I was surprised to see Sir Boris Crossley sat in the chair behind the desk.

“Has John stepped out for a minute, Boris?” I said, after exchanging handshakes.

“I suppose you could say that, if you think he will not be successful in his role as Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.” Boris could see I had no idea of what he was talking about. “Last year Robert Peel, the Home Secretary, raised a force of constabulary to serve London, and named them The Metropolitan Police Force. John has been appointed their chief.”

“So who is now the... ?” The huge grin on Boris’ face gave me the answer to the yet unfinished question. “You are now in charge of the Municipal Information Bureau, MI6?”

“Yes, I have that honour.” He said, and pointed to the chair opposite him. “Sit down, Sir Elijah, and tell me how I can be of assistance?”

I told him about the yearly birthday presents from Eloise de la Zouche that threatened the lives of my family, and asked him if MI6 could discover her whereabouts.

“Once I know where she is I can plan her death. It is either her, or me and mine,” I said.

“MI6 does not have a mandate to track down people outside of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, although I do have contacts in the Foreign Office who may be able to pin point her location. Do you think your family is in danger?”
“They are not in any immediate danger. Eloise is playing with me as a cat toys with a mouse before killing it. Blanchards is well guarded, but my family could be open to attack in England, as I am sure she has accomplices here from her time with the Organisation.”

“The Organisation is something MI6 can look into, and I will contact Colonel Nettlefold at MI5 to determine if he has any information concerning the de La Zouche woman.”

“What about the records from the Relocation Bureau? There were files of information on any suspected traitors, and some of those probably had dealings with Eloise.” I said.
Boris gave a snort of anger. “They were destroyed. Influential people in politics and banking did not want their peccadillos, and other, darker, deeds, to be on record. When the Box Office was closed down there was a bonfire of the vanities.”
“Is this new London constabulary competent enough to foil plots against the state, or combat rebellion, without those files?” I asked.
“The Metropolitan Police was formed to counter crimes against the person and property rather than crimes against the state. However they will, along with the Yeomanry and Militia, ensure that gatherings of those damned petitioners and members of the Hampden Club are peaceful.”

Then, in a complete change of subject, Boris said. “Why do you think the Relocation Bureau was closed down?”

“Because Peel did not agree with spying on members of the public, and vehemently disagreed with non-judicial executions.” I replied.

“That is the official line, but unofficially it had to do with culpability –’ who knew what when’ – as civil servants know it, and no elected Member of Parliament wishes to be found guilty if, when, one of our ‘relocations’ went awry and it became known that the government employed assassins.”

“But you were an MP when in charge of the Relocation Bureau, Boris.”
“Indeed, and my head would have been the first to roll. However, I was but a minor functionary, and the Opposition would have sought bigger scalps than mine. The paper trail, or more specifically the money trail, would eventually lead to the Treasury, with the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Prime Minister deemed culpable, with dire consequences for their futures. The powers-that-be considered the Relocation Bureau too great a risk to their careers, so it was closed.”
I nodded, realising now how fortunate the Bureau had been not to make any mistakes thus far. It could only have been a matter of time before a blunder occurred and Boris’s scenario enacted.

“As all government departments are funded from the Treasury there will never be an office to carry out relocations.” I said, unhappy to think traitors might go undetected and unpunished. I slumped dejectedly in my seat. “So we are now powerless when it comes to searching out and disposing of traitors?”
Boris gazed at me with an enigmatic expression on his face.
“So it would appear, but that might be to our advantage if those who wish to foment trouble in the realm think we do not have the means of catching and punishing them.”
I was confused. “But we do not have the means. How would a restored Relocation Bureau be funded if not via the Treasury?”
His smile was that of a shark. “It would be self-financed,” he said, with an airy wave of his hand. “Simple, but effective. Raise the money in-house, with no link to the Treasury or to any Member of Parliament in charge of a government department. The Relocation Bureau could be reopened and running in a week if my plans are followed.”
He could see I was baffled, and he explained in more detail his self-financing scheme.

“The Treasury is the most important department of government. All and every aspect off governance is funded by money collected by the Revenue and Excise Office, the most important sub department of the Treasury. What I propose is that a unit, let us call it the Reclamation Office, uses all the monetary and income information of members of the public held by the Treasury to hunt down those who have defaulted, avoided or evaded, paying their rightful tax. Once identified these tax dodgers will be given the choice to pay up or end up dead in a ditch. A percentage of the money recovered from these defaulters would be retained by the Reclamation Office to fund a revised Relocation Bureau, a sub unit within the Reclamation Office. The money funding the resurrected Relocation Bureau would not officially exist, and would not show up in any ledger. Nosey Members of Parliament of the Opposition, or indeed of the Governmen, t would be unaware of the existence of a new ‘Box Office’.”

Same as Dynasty and Destiny; Book 6 of Poacher's Progress
Chapter 10: Time marches on #2 July 1829 – September .1831. Videos

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 32 Bonus Chapter ndash The Holiday Stories 01 ndash Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a favorite day for me. When I was married to my first wife, my life-long dream was to have a Christmas dinner surrounded by my family. When we got divorced all of that went away. I couldn’t see or hear my ex-wife without going into a severe depression for days. So, there was no family get together for any holidays. Christmas hurt me the most. After they graduated high school, my daughter went into the Army followed by my son and get togethers never happened... Now, I am...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 34 Bonus Chapter ndash The Holiday Stories 02 ndash Paulrsquos Birthday

I held Erin and kissed her and pulled out of her, laughing my ass off. We walked hand in hand down the stairs, my penis still erect. As we hit the ground floor, I heard a voice. “Oh daddy. Look at that.” “Oh oh!” “Taylor, you and your sisters and mommies have a ‘gina’ and daddies have a penis. Sometimes, when daddies show their love to mommies, it gets big.” “Ok!” That was it. Keep it simple stupid! Right? After putting the older girls to bed, my wives and I White Castle farted ourselves...

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Destiny and Harmony

Destiny and Harmony by captv8td [email protected] 1“Aiiieee!!!” squealed Destiny.  She pounded her chest triumphantly with her foot planted in the small of the back of the woman lying on the ground as two other women stripped and bound the prone one.“Hush, Des,” admonished Harmony.  “You’re acting like an invitation to come capture us.”“Sorry, Mom,” said Destiny as she stepped back from the woman.  “I guess I got overexcited.”“Don’t worry, kitten,” replied Harmony.  “We all get...

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Destiny Weekend

Destiny Weekend by captv8td [email protected] 1?Okay, pups, listen up.  Let me go over the rules for the weekend.?  Samantha stood in front of the pledges as note pads were being distributed.  ?We’re going to be playing differently this year.  We’re going back to the old rules.??Ha!? exclaimed Sarah.  ?Old rules.  New rules.  We won’t know the difference.  This is our first time.??Hehe,? snickered Sam.  ?That’s true.  So I won’t bore you with the changes.  I’ll just tell you the...

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It couldn't have been a crisp and prettier late Autumn day. It was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and 43 year old Colleen Follett had made the short, three block drive over to visit her friend, Destiny McCullough.Dressed in her black exercise spandex along with a pair of black leggings, it had been such a lovely day, Colleen decided to leave her coat in the car figuring even when it turned off cooler, she'd be so fired up from her workout session, the last thing she need was a coat for the...

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Fulfilling Destiny

My sex life drastically changed lately. I’ve never been too outgoing in that department, but recently my wife and I discovered a mutual kink. Well, I might be getting ahead of myself. In order for you to understand my situation I’ll give you some background. I’m a real quiet dude. I don’t have many friends, I’m not social, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I’m practically a 31 year old kid. That may be a turnoff to most, however I am extremely kind and generous. The few friends I have absolutely...

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Julie out on her own ndash First Threesome ndash CDTVTS

Julie out on her own – First Threesome – CD/TV/TS, MFMRemember how Vicky, the blonde busty sexpot, owed me a favor, because she knew I knew she’d blown my best friend Mike at the bowling alley, but was going to keep quiet for her? If not, see the story two entries ago! Anyway, about two weeks later I called her up during the week, when I knew her boyfriend Frank wouldn’t likely be at her place. After a few rings, she picked up the phone.“Goodbody’s Mortuary, you stab ‘em, we slab ‘em, Elvira...

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Julie out on her own ndash with Mike and Vicky ndash CDTV

Julie out on her own – with Mike and Vicky – CD/TV/TS, MMSo last time I wrote about and my roommate Mike, how we’d come to terms with my crossdressing, my attraction to him, and his willingness to have a horny busty T-girl go wild on him.Since we both were comfortable with it, as time went on, I began staying dressed more in our apartment. Nothing fancy, but during evenings and practically all weekend, more often than not, if I had no immediate plans to go out, I would wear the following. Pink...

4 years ago
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Jerryrsquos World ndash Andirsquos Surprise

So I am a nudist now eh! Well at least that solves the problem of what to wear for the interview process and as I hadn’t even got dressed from my shower I didn’t have too much preparation so I sent a quick reply.. “Hi Andi, yes can interview you this morning” and it was seconds before she replied, “See you soon x” which was an interesting use of the ‘x’, was it a sign of endearment for a job interview?I decided that it may not be appropriate to answer the door naked so I slipped...

3 years ago
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Senior Year Part IChapter 22 Date With Destiny

Saturday October 29 My eyes blinked open, and I moaned. And not the good type of moan like I made last night, but the moan an old man must utter when every part of him aches. My Vitamin T had worn off, and I hadn’t taken a pain pill before going to bed last night. I decided to get up and cringed when my whole right side decided it might cramp up. Duke lay at the side of the bed, where he’d slept last night. He gave me a look that said it was too early. “Hey, Buddy. Go get me a pain pill,...

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Interview With Destiny

Interview with Destiny By Cassandra Morgan This was destiny, I kept telling myself. And I was Destiny. At last. All along, it was supposed to end up this way. I never had a chance. People always thought that I was surrounded by rainbows, and now I was going to be. They knew it all the time. I stuck my left toe into my pantyhose and pulled them over my smooth leg. This was nice, almost liquid in texture. I smoothed the hose over my calf. I smiled. I put my right foot in, like...

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Cassandras Destiny The Ball

As Cassandra felt the delights of Alfonse's cock for the first time and drank of his blood to fulfill her destiny more than her body was changed. Yes, she became a vampire as was he, but somehow the desires to know everything flooded her mind and body both. This is the continuation of the short story written originally for a contest. Without the word count limitation now in place, see just how far our little vamp slut will go to find the answers to her fantasies.Cassie grinned from ear to ear...

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Julie out on her own ndash with Mike ndash CDTVTS MM

Julie out on her own – with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MMLiving with my folks was OK, but when I finished college, like most k**s, I got a decent job and was eager to get a place of my own and taste more freedom … and COCK! (Well, most k**s want to taste opposite gender genitals, but you know what I mean.) Several of my friends had moved out earlier than I did, having not gone to college for a full four years, some not having gone to college at all, yet getting decent jobs through what they knew and/or...

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Julie out on her own ndash with Mike ndash CDTVTS MM

Julie out on her own – with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MMLiving with my folks was OK, but when I finished college, like most k**s, I got a decent job and was eager to get a place of my own and taste more freedom … and COCK! (Well, most k**s want to taste opposite gender genitals, but you know what I mean.) Several of my friends had moved out earlier than I did, having not gone to college for a full four years, some not having gone to college at all, yet getting decent jobs through what they knew and/or...

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Facing Destiny Pt 2 of 2

Darkniciad melted into the kiss, lost in the feeling of her soft lips. She pressed her body against his and he subconsciously followed her lead when her other hand slipped behind his back. Even as he marveled at the feeling of her tongue slipping into the kiss to tickle his lips, one of his hands curled around her back, and the other settled on the swell of her taut bottom.Destiny moaned, pulling herself even tighter against him. Then, as suddenly as she’d moved in for the kiss, she pulled...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Destiny City

Destiny City Foreword: I hate smartphones. I know that doesn't sound like something you'd expect from your typical four year old. Anymore children practically come out of their mommies with some sort of electronic device in their hands. I'm not a typical child, just like any other Destiny City child. Before I get into that I guess I should tell you why I hate smartphones. Like any other, "how I got from there to here story" mine starts a little over a year ago. Four year old...

4 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 39 The Band Stories 03 ndash Back To Work

Year 4 “Hello?” “Erin, this is Marcus. We just got robbed.” “Robbed? When? Was anyone hurt?” Erin got up and walked to the back of the ballroom for some privacy. “It just happened. I called 9-1-1 and then you. The guys had masks and guns and I gave them the entire money drawer from the register.” “No one put up a fight?” “No one was here yet. The Brothers had not come in and the local after work guys were gone. It was the gap where we normally restock and clean and do prep for the...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 46 The Band Stories 04 ndash Rush To The Big Opening

May – Year 4 After the party at the house, the band solidified. Thanks to Ronnie’s idea, the Foundation bought the shopping center he had suggested, and the remodel construction had begun. In the mean time we needed some exposure and operating capital outside of the Foundation, so I made a phone call after checking the internet. “Ryan’s Music. How may I help you?” “I need to speak to Ryan please.” “Who is calling, please.” “Paul O’Dell.” “SHIT! Hi Paul. Let me get him for...

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Julie out on her own ndash Bowling Aftermath ndash CDTVT

Julie out on her own – Bowling Aftermath – CD/TV/TS, MMSo last time I wrote about how my roommate Mike hooked up with flirty Vicky at the bowling alley, how I knew about it, how Mike knew I knew, and how Vicky knew I knew, but how Vicky didn’t know that Mike knew I knew. Confused? Read last entry!Anyway, when Mike and I got home that night, we thought it was hilarious how Vicky’s horny lusts had gotten the better of her, how she’d blown Mike in the bowling alley men’s room while I watched over...

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By the Personnel Book Pattis Destiny

By the (Personnel) Book - Chapter 5 By some aggressive flirting and a little luck, I had succeeded in pushing by my encounter with Ken Anderson to the next day, but I knew that the respite was only temporary. The best thing I had going for me was that the changes forced upon me - the porn star breasts, lips and other plastic surgery, combined with dramatic makeup and clothing -- had an unintended effect. To put it crudely, my appearance made men go hard and women get wet. And...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 56 The Band Stories 07 ndash Taking Off

June – Year 4 Erin quit jumping up and down and hugged me and gave me a nice kiss and then stepped back while I returned to the mic. “Welcome to The Club Club! The house band is The Savannah, featuring yours truly, Paul O’Dell and we will be having special friends join us from time to time. If you were with us downtown several weeks ago, you know that our friends that night was RUSH. Tomorrow night we will have some friends that will knock you out.” I turned to my bald-headed wife and gave...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 55 The Band Stories 06 ndash The Surprise Splash

June – Year 4 Ronnie and I went down to see the progress on the construction and it was looking good. The site was a shopping center that was built around a man-made lake. The lake was kind of round in shape and was maybe a quarter of a mile across. We owned the half of the lakeshore that we were built on and the other half was taken up with three houses. The side we were on was taken up by parking and the building. We have parking for around 3500 cars. The storefronts to either side of our...

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Pandemic and a croptop ndash Hedonism

Like presumably all my readers, Paul and I were fed up with the pandemic restrictions. Luckily, business wasn't bad, neither in the international company I work with nor in the enterprise my husband runs. I tell this for one reason since the jobs prevented us from thinking about too much what's going on in the world.The months of September and October welcomed us with warmth and sunshine. Midweek, early September, I skipped my lunch break in the canteen, walked to a nearby park instead, and...

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Its Your Destiny

It's your Destiny This is a story I started cooking up as my first TG story many years ago. It is now vastly different, as was Wildfire, and Hiding in plain sight. My last attempt at a normal story was a disaster, so I have to go with the kind of thing I love to write. I am working on stories based on the Highlander universe, as well as the Star Trek one, but this story just won't stay away. Hopefully, you will enjoy it, I awoke with a start to my alarm clock. It was time...

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The Sands of Destiny 2

*Letters * mean they're stressed. LetTers mean their tone of voice is raised. _Letters _ mean they're accented but not stressed. members.home.net/dow75stories The Sands of Destiny, 2) Family Crisis By Ron Dow75 [email protected] [ Note: This story is only ? completed. I have published it in the hope that someone can help me kick-start it again. I know how the technology works, it's the action visuals I'm having trouble...

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