My Second Wife s Secret Furry Fandom Life
- 4 years ago
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Slowly, as she reached for her release, an unwelcomed sound penetrated the lustfully stimulated young wife's brain: a knocking at the back door... persistent... but... not demanding... yet! For a long moment, the rapturously captivated Vicki did not move, couldn't move in the throes of her forbidden enchantment. But the knocking continued... Oh God, just a minute more and I would have come! she thought wildly.
Damn! she cursed under her breath, then quickly grasped her robe as she shivered maddeningly from the impassioned sensations still electrifying her loins. Who the devil could it be?
"Vicki... ? Oh, Vickiiiii... ?" a throaty female voice called.
There's no mistaking that voice; it was the landlady's, Vicki thought dejectedly as she slipped into the robe, hurriedly buttoned it and then gave her hair several quick pats.
"Oh, there you are, honey," the voice gushed as Vicki approached the windowed kitchen door with a forced calm that belied the inner turmoil she felt.
"I hope I didn't interrupt you?" the older woman continued. Then, not waiting to be invited in, she opened the door, paused to let her big Doberman pinscher enter first and then boldly stepped in herself.
"No, that's all right. I was just getting ready to bathe," Vicki lied.
"Gee, honey, I'm sorry," the woman said in a tone that clearly indicated she really wasn't. "I just had to come over as soon as I found out," she continued breathlessly as her eyes traveled up, and then down, her tenant's scantily clad body. "With Harold being gone, I just knew you wouldn't mind, and if I've told him once, I've told him a hundred times that you and Kirk are the best tenants we've ever had, always so thoughtful and considerate, and..."
"Mrs. Hatton! " Vicki interjected firmly.
"Yes, my dear?"
"What is it you know I wouldn't mind?" Vicki asked with a trace of impatience that went unnoticed in the older woman.
"Wouldn't mind? Wouldn't mind? Oh, yes," she said, her thought process finally overtaking her runaway tongue. "I knew you wouldn't mind taking care of Fello," she continued to gush excitedly, then smiled broadly at her own cleverness at remembering. "He's such a doll..." She smiled again. "Really no trouble at all..." She glanced warmly at the big friendly dog shaking profuse amounts of rain water on the recently polished floor. "... and I really must leave tonight..." Her dark eyes darted upwards again, searching the young woman's for some sign of acceptance. "... and it's the only flight 'til two tomorrow afternoon..." Her eyes dropped, quickly swept the room, then returned to Vicki's. "... and Bill doesn't think Effie will last more than a couple of days," she concluded somewhat breathlessly.
Vicki remained motionless for a long moment digesting the flow of words which over the months she had become accustomed to. Her eyes shifted from her raincoat clad and dripping landlady to the dog who was still busily shaking water all over her clean kitchen floor. Finally, she lifted her glance again, studied those of the expectant woman, and said:
"You want me to take care of Fello for you while you visit your sister who is ill, is that it?"
"Oh, I knew you'd understand, dear," the older woman enthused. "If I've told Harold once, I've..."
"Mrs. Hatton!"
"... Yes, dear?"
"How long are you planning on being away?"
"Oh! I really wouldn't know." The landlady's eyebrows arched upwards and frown lines wrinkled her forehead beneath a mop of rain-matted dark hair. After a moment her expression changed, registering satisfaction, and as she ticked each item off with the forefinger of her right hand touching in turn each of the upraised fingers of her left, she said: "Let's see, one day to get there, two or three days 'til the funeral, a day or two to..."
"Mrs. Hatton!"
"... Yes, dear?"
"Why don't you call me from your sister's after you have appraised the situation," Vicki said, stepping forward to place a gentling hand on the other woman and begin guiding her toward the door, "and let me know then. In the meantime you can write me a list of the things I need to know... the phone number where you'll be, instructions for the care and feeding of Fello and anything else you think is important. Meanwhile, Fello can stay here with me and when your ready to leave you can drop the list off. Okay?"
"Oh, I just knew you'd understand, dear," Mrs. Hatton said happily as she stodgily allowed Vicki to guide her to the door. "If I've told Harold once..."
"Mrs. Hatton!"
"... Yes, dear?"
"You hurry on over to the house, and pack and write me that list. And don't worry about a thing. "
"Oh, you're so sweet. I knew you...
"And don't worry about Fello," Vicki interjected as she opened the door.
Mrs. Hatton's eyes flicked to the huge animal who was now sniffing at the cabinet beneath the kitchen sink. "Now you be a good dog, Fello," she gushed sweetly. "You mind Vicki."
Fello looked up momentarily, then resumed sniffing.
Vicki gave her landlady a convincing smile.
Mrs. Hatton's eyes suddenly began to twinkle mischievously as she backed through the doorway. She said:
"Thank you, dear. I'm sure Fello will be as much of a companion to you as he is to me. You know, what with Harold being away so much of the time and..."
"Mrs. Hatton!"
"... Yes, dear?"
"Good-bye, dear."
For several moments Vicki watched the retreating figure of her landlady, then a soft whine from the big Doberman pincher behind her interrupted her thoughts. She turned, frowned momentarily, then smiled down at the handsome animal as he ambled toward her.
"What is it, Fello, baby?" she cooed softly. "Are you hungry, baby?" she continued, lovingly stroking the mighty dog's head.
The pleasing sound of the young woman's soft, crooning voice together with the gentle pressure of her small, stroking hand filled Fello with warm-hearted relish. Instinctively, he raised his head and began licking her hand to impart his growing attachment to her.
"Supposing we look in the fridge to see what we can find for you to eat, handsome? I think there might even be a nice big steak bone there."
The intelligent animal whined, almost as if he knew what she were saying, Vicki thought, as she embraced him against her leg and continued stroking his head.
Fello whimpered softly, partially in awareness to her melodious voice bestowing kindness and love, but even more because he had sensed in his closeness against her, a poignant smell not unfamiliar to him, a heady scent which immediately inspired trained responses inside his sleek, muscular body--the human mating aura he had been skillfully educated by his female owner to recognize...
Her mind still a conglomeration of mixed-veined thoughts, Vicki opened the refrigerator and bent down to retrieve the steak bone from its place on a lower shelf.
Behind the bent figure, Fello's head abruptly nudged forward in underneath the hem of the loose housecoat.
Vicki was frozen into immobility at the feel of the unmistakable cool wetness of Fello's nose high on the softness of her inner thigh! Why she didn't jerk upright in shock, fear, or at least, a smattering of self-decorum, she could only lay to the prurient incitement which still smoldered inside her loins. Instead, she continued to stoop there, waiting, knowing that the big dog's head was wedged up under her short robe from behind, animalishly sniffing. And then, the hot unmistakable lap of his long slippery tongue snaked up against her still moistened vaginal lips!
Good God! He's sensed my erotic state!
It had to be that! His searing tongue felt like a firebrand caressing the swollen lips of her still feverishly throbbing pussy! Again, he licked, and she hung there in her stooped-over position as he drew the long wet length of his tongue undeniably between her partially spread vaginal lips, licking along the entire hair-lined furrow.
Slowly, Vicki raised up... straightening. She held the bone in her hand as she turned to gaze down in bewilderment at the handsome animal who was staring up at her with brown eyes twinkling, ears erect, mouth open, and bobbed tail wagging.
Then he growled, softly.
"Wh-What has Mrs. Hatton been teaching you, Fello, baby?" Vicki asked incredulously.
The massive Doberman pinscher uttered another muted growl, and the sensually intoxicated young wife wasn't sure why... whether for the bone she held, or because he sensed the rekindled passion up between her trembling thighs!
Good God! I've got to get hold of myself! she thought as she held the bone out to the attentive dog who accepted it willingly. "Now you be a good dog," she said aloud. Then, without warning, a shiver of lewd excitement coursed the length of her body, and for a moment she shook uncontrollably. When it had passed, she turned and made her way shakily to the bedroom.
Once there, she flung herself across the rumpled bed and began to sob. Her mind was a quagmire of troubled thoughts; her body had betrayed her. Not once, but twice! What was happening to her? Why had she relented to her own pleasure giving fingers? Why did Kirk have to be away when she needed him so desperately? Why, why, why?
Finally, the crying subsided and the confused young wife rolled over, fluffed up a pillow and then stretched full length on the bed, her head pounding with the ache of emotional turmoil. She had always been a logical thinker, but this sudden attack on her emotional stability had left her frightened and confused. And in this state she refused to accept the difficulty of examining her plight through cold, painful logic. Instead, she surrendered mind and body to the refreshing comfort of escapism, to the warm enveloping arms of deep, painless sleep.
And yet, although the agony of reality was, for the moment, effaced from memory, her body, even in sleep, remained tense with desire.
Although sleep--deep, mind-rejuvenating sleep--came, with it rode that swirling vortex of uninhibited thought known as subconscious. And there, in the fragments of an instantaneous, unvoiced thought, in the hazy mirage of dream, Vicki's mind began playing tricks on her: giant, transparent fingers fluttered incessantly like perpetually waving whiffs of graceful, beckoning sea grass; an endless pack of howling wolves chased a young, naked child across miles of searing, barren plain; the child tripped and suddenly the lead wolf, snarling and wild-eyed, was upon her...
... Strange sensations of tingling warmth rippled through Vicki's abdomen as she lay limply on her back, a maze of disconnected thought-waves suddenly swirling through her head. Confusion swept through her and she tried to move, but stopped at the sound of a low, animal-like snarl. She opened her eyes then, yet continued to lie there unmoving, the strange stirring sensations in her belly ever-increasing with a weirdly rising excitement. Her sleep-drugged brain functioned slowly in its effort to restore normalcy. W-Where was she... ? It was dark... yet through the open window across the room she could see a half- moon and... and stars... wh-what had happened... ?
Thunder filled the darkness of the room as simultaneously, further charges of stimulating arousal raced through her loins and belly. Vicki raised her hands to her throat in instinctive fear, then lifted herself to her elbows to see what had awakened her. Then, by the flash of revealing lightning, she saw that she was naked... wholly and shamefully naked... saw that she was lying with her legs obscenely spread apart... and... and Fello, her landlady's massive Doberman pinscher was standing between her thighs, his tongue laxly out and his great head lowered just above... above her naked vagina!
Again, fire-filled sensations charged through the core of her desire-stimulated body. The warm wet contact of his saliva- drenched tongue spread open the sparse, hair-lined lips of her young cuntal crevice as the dog began laving her sensitive inner- flesh with a taunting upsweep that sent uncontrollable shivers of sudden passion bursting over her! My God! He... he was licking her down there between her open thighs, again!
The unbelievably lewd sight of what was happening, combined with the realization that Fello was once again licking at her nakedly defenseless pussy, was about to drive the dark-haired young wife hysterical.
She gaped at him through the darkness which her eyes were growing accustomed to, and saw his own burning orbs staring hotly at her nakedness as he continued to obscenely lick and nuzzle at her exposed vaginal lips. A tremor of incredulous sensations caused her to convulse and she found her hips rising of their own accord.
Oh God, he-he was almost human... that expression in his unrelenting eyes... and what he was doing to her nakedly betraying loins!
Oooohh... what he was doing to her! She'd never known such sensuous feelings in her belly, and her wildly excited little pussy felt as if there were a hot billowing fire glowing inside it! Even... even her breasts tingled in lewd excitement, she realized, as she mentally cupped, then pinched their tiny, hardened nipples... But... but this was insane!
It had to be stopped!
Feebly, Vicki cried out, then attempted to scramble onto hands and knees and blindly crawl away. Fello waited only long enough for her to reach the all-fours position before unleashing a savage growl, stopping the curvaceously naked young wife in icy- veined terror. She had heard of cases where Doberman pinschers had tumed on their owners after years of docility. Was this the case?
From that point, the huge dog never teemed to hesitate, but moved as if his intentions had been pre-determined. He mounted her from behind, his powerful forepaws clutching at the soft, white flesh of her youthfully curved hips, his tongue hanging loosely from his open mouth!
Vicki dared not breathe! She was that terrified with his sudden clamber up behind her unprotected nakedness, his strong, hairy forelegs clutching at her narrow waist and the arch of her hips! Her firm young breasts quivered and swayed in fright beneath her chest as the big animal's hind legs came in closer to her defenselessly upraised buttocks. Then suddenly, she felt the coolness of the metal license tag that hung from his collar grazing the smooth-fleshed hollow of her naked back! He... he was going... going to do it to her... as if she were nothing more than a... a whining bitch dog!
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"Hello, thank you for calling "Furry Fulfillment" for your furry friend needs. Please follow the instructions and answer clearly when prompted. If you have any questions press 9# to talk to one of our staff members. First question..
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Part 2 As Caity moaned from ecstasy beneath me, I started feeling the familiar sensation in my balls and cock, that I felt every time I masturbated thinking of her and other women, mainly porn stars, that is when she screamed out “Oh God! I think I’m gonna cum!” I replied “Me to!” she looked up at me smiled and said “Lets cum together” and with that she held me close to her and we both went off at the same time as both our cum flowed out of her pussy she looked up at me, smiled then kissed...
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This is a story about your life as a furry. Full of sex, adventure, drama, romance, but mostly sex. But before we start, need to create you. Now tell me, are you male or female?
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IncestFurries are real in this world. Whether they are treated as people or still as animals are entirely up to the story you read.
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The sun barely began to poke up from between the Mitzger Building and the Laylaeux towers, the two largest skyscrapers in the city which you apartment building was directly west from. The faint, royal purple sky began to bleed over into orange as that dastardly sun officially drew your weekend to a close. That damn sun was always ruining your sleep schedule, Especially lately, when you were in the nasty habit of staying out late and neglecting to close the window blinds that would probably...
FetishWelcome to the story, please choose a character. The world building will soon comence tomorrow as I am more interested in where the story goes first. So please be patient with me as this is my first story. For now if you want some of the concept then look to the synopsis. I have returned to the story after several months break and shall be, hopefully, posting more regularly. Other than that I hope you enjoy. If you wish to add anything to the story please do :)
FetishJust a few quick questions to start out.
In this story the choices you make will drastically affect the outcome of the story. Make your choices wisely and make sure to try different paths! This is my first story as a writer, so there might be errors, feel free to message me with errors or requests you'd like to see in paths or another path you would like to see me add!
FantasyYou are James Lancer a pretty average 19 year old guy. You currently live at home with your parents while you complete your studies at the local college. As a keen astronomer and animal lover you ultimately have been labelled as a nerd throughout your whole school career, which unfortunately has done nothing to enhance your reputation with the ladies. It doesnt help that your idea of a perfect lover would be an anthropomorphic animal... Still a virgin, you dream of having a loving girlfriend,...
FetishTo begin, are you a male or a female.
Light streams in through your window and hits your eyes. You groan, rolling out of bed, and stare at the ceiling a few minutes before getting up. You're still tired, horny, and you curse - loudly - as you step on a piece of broken ceramic. The mug of water you got before bed fell off your dresser and broke in the night. Lovely. You pick the little shard of pottery out of your foot and look at your reflection in the mirror across the room from you, seeing... well, the same thing you see every...
FantasyYou slowly open your eyes to the sound of obnoxious ringing. You look at the source of the noise to see your phone on the dresser, buzzing and ringing. You reach over, press snooze and then roll onto your back. You stare at your ceiling for a while, not wanting to get up, but not being able to go back to sleep. Your restlessness makes you sit up in bed and look around your room. You don't really have a lot to look at, all that's in your room is your dresser, your bed, your laptop and your...
RomanceThis is the main story hub, where you can choose from a variety of different stories as I add them. These stories will have many branching paths, and I am planning on updating it often. This story was made to be extremely customizable for those who want a more personalized story.
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FantasyIt was a beautiful day on the wolfheart farm when Amanda wolfheart awoke to her mothers kiss on the forehead "good morning Mama" "Happy birthday babby" Samantha says as she moves to sit on the edge of the bed "Oh shit I forgot about that" Amanda says unconvincingly. " Ok sure Ill believe that when pigs fly" Samantha says as she goes in to to tickel her. "Hahahaha ok ok I didn't forget " "I know that you have been bugging me to show you the barn for a week now but today is the day" " now follow...
Fetish"I have client meetings during the day", Samantha explained as she and Brent sipped their orange juice," but we’ll have our evenings together, and once the weekend rolls around, you and I can do whatever we like" She grinned across the table at him, that wicked, toothy grin that only a tigress can get away with, copper hair framing her feminine but somehow slightly intimidating visage. Brent smiled back, she was his wife after all. He’s seen that grin many times before. "Sure, whatever works",...
FantasyJane was going to the woods. She was going to the woods because she wanted to be fucked by wolves. She was very attracted to canine penises. One time she sucked her friend’s Brown Lab’s dick. He shot his dog semen down her throat, and she loved it! Jane wanted to see what it was like to by fucked by a wild wolf. She got on her bike, and rode to the forest. When she got to the woods, and got off her bike. She leaned it against a tree. Then, she took off all of her clothing, exposing her young...
Being a good bitch“Hey Bunny. do you like what you see?” Samantha, a hermaphrodite kitsune asks standing in front of the rabbit. A smile curls hir lips as shi strokes hir ten and a half inch cock. Pre-cum making the red flesh glisten.“Yeah, I'd love to play with a cock that big.” Bunny says licking his lips at the sight of pre-cum dripping from the tip of hir cock.“Well then, come and get it. on one condition. You're my pet until I'm satisfied.” Samantha says with a smile and milking stroke of...
Kiya LL cup Tiger Goddess: Hey againmike himike: so how we start?Kiya LL cup Tiger Goddess: shall I start?mike: yesKiya LL cup Tiger Goddess: You're wandering deep in the jungle, searching for some ancient ruins.Kiya LL cup Tiger Goddess: I'm resting underneath a massive tree in front of those ruins, my massive LL titties facing the sky while my long black hair covers my tiger-striped fur, which helps my heavenly naked body blend in a little with the tall grass around me. "Nyaaaaauuuhh..." I...
The year was 2567. Earth had collapsed finally under the weight of all the wars and hardships that have happened. A hundred year war filled with nukes and vandals. It was time to take the population elsewhere. They had been flying through the universe for what seemed like an eternity. In all reality, it had only been four months of traveling. The male was on board solo, sent out by his commander to seek shelter in a planet. His goals were find life and see if life would be sustainable there for...
FantasyYou come to, in a body not your own. What happened? How did things get this way? What will you do? Keep reading to find out...
FantasyI vaguely remember Spock warning me about the potential dangers of approaching this odd singularity too closely. It was powerful and appeared to be more than a little unstable — all the more reason to get a bit closer to send in a probe or two and give it a complete look-over with short range sensors. Star Fleet would really want to know all about this singularity as they rarely lasted long enough to dispatch a science ship there before they burned out or do whatever it is these special...
Kirk Young adjusted his tie and smoothed a hand along the side of his carefully combed red hair, both gestures for the twentieth time since he and Vicki had left their small bungalow to drive to the Kaye's Glenview Hills home shortly before nine that night. He felt nervous excitement at the prospect of this evening with the eminent faculty member. He had come into close contact with Dr. Kaye only once, briefly, when he had picked Vicki up at work one night, and had been impressed by the...
Victoria felt a soft, cool hand stroke her forehead and her long raven hair, and her eyes came open instantly. Her head lilted from the back of the couch, and she could feel her heart hammering in her chest. At first, she had a strange disembodied feeling; she didn't know where she was, even who she was. The room was unfamiliar, and the man sitting next to her, stroking her, wasn't her husband... but then she recognized Dr. Eric Kaye her employer, and the room as his home--and the...
Vicki awoke slowly, coming into awareness by degrees. The room was completely dark, and she lay between fresh, sweet smelling sheets on a strange bed, curled into a fetal position with her knees drawn up to her breasts. She turned her head, unleashing a sharp pain in her temples, that made her groan softly in the darkness. Slowly the young brunette moved her hand, and her fingertips touched the bare satiny surface of one hip. She realized then that she was naked--and the events which had...
The odor of bacon frying and fresh-brewed coffee woke Vicki and Kirk late on the morning of New Year's day. They lay cuddled together in the strange bed until there was a soft knock on the door and Eric Kaye called out cheerfully, "Breakfast is ready. Or are you two planning to stay in bed all day?" "No," Kirk answered, "we'll be there in a minute." "As you say, my boy." Vicki and Kirk dressed leisurely, and hand in hand, they left the bedroom and walked down the hallway and into...
Four months had passed since that wild, orgiastic night at the home of Eric and Christy Kaye, and spring with all its attendant joys and promises had come to Glenview. The weather had turned balmy and spring fever seemed to have set in. Vicki found herself thinking just that as she strolled up the walk to her new Glenview Heights home, bathing in the warm late afternoon sunshine. This kind of weather made you want to take long rides in the country, or long walks in the park--or, she...
2020 an incredible year they say. 2020 is the beginning of a new decade of improvement in these modern times. Well, I am not having it we thought the rumors were false and a joke not real. The epidemic hit my city in the sweaty hot months of June. At first it was small reports of people going missing and abnormal violence and not many thought much of it. A month later most public services have been overrun by those things. The news has gone through so many stages of reporting and now we haven't...
GayIt had been a month since the last job I pulled the girl was back with her family a well known crimelord in fact the guy who paid me worked for the crimeboss although the religious nut job who had her brainwashed put out a public statement that a member of his flock had been stollen from him and that he wouldn't rest till she was returned so once more I'm contracted do remove such subversive prospects and or crazy fuckers in this case Leading into the highrise office buildings vestibule...