Three Square MealsChapter 87 - Opening Doors On New Eden... free porn video

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John sprawled on the bed, his chest heaving as he panted to get his breath back. He gazed wide-eyed at the stars through the clear-crystal dome, admiring the beautiful sweep of bright starlight that shone down on the trio in the Observatory. The Invictus was in high orbit around New Eden in the Procyon system, located right in the heart of the Core Worlds, so the stars and constellations were reassuringly familiar.

“Oh fuck!” Alyssa squealed, drawing his attention to her.

He glanced across at the blonde, loving the look of bliss on her flushed face as she climaxed on Jade’s long, probing tongue. The Nymph had joined them at the tail-end of their frenzied coupling, just as John was pumping the quivering teen full of cum. When he’d toppled over onto the huge bed, thoroughly spent, Jade had immediately taken his place, eagerly getting to work on slurping up his spunk.

Alyssa was currently lying face down, her ass up in the air, propped up by her cum-packed belly as she moaned in ecstasy. The teenager’s bronzed skin was covered in a glistening sheen of perspiration, reminding him of those memorable times she’d oiled up her nubile body for some of their naughtier sessions in the playroom. He watched Alyssa climax again for the seventh, or was it eighth time? Actually, he’d lost count of how many times she’d cried out that she was cumming – he’d been too busy pinning her down and roughly fucking her senseless. It had become a time-honoured tradition between the two of them to finish their XO catch-up meetings that way and he’d always considered himself a traditional guy.

“You look gorgeous,” he said as he rolled onto his side, brushing the mane of golden hair from her eyes.

She was too exhausted to speak at that moment, desperately panting for breath, but she gave him a loving look with her piercing cerulean eyes. Although her body was still trying to recover from their exertions, her mind was just as active as ever, albeit a little shell-shocked at that particular point in time. That was fucking amazing! You haven’t ridden me like that in months!

Now you’re making me feel like I’ve been neglecting you, he replied with a smile, gently stroking her long locks.

Alyssa shook her head between heavy breaths. You’ve been very tender with me and the girls recently. I love it when you’re like that, but it’s really exhilarating to see you blow off some steam!

Jade paused in her efforts, withdrawing her prehensile tongue from the gasping blonde. “Would you like me to feed Tashana when we return to your room, Master?” she asked, sounding as eager to please as usual.

He’d gifted the Nymph with enough self-awareness and independence to no longer need to refer to him by that title, but Jade still liked to do so when they were intimate together. Now when she called him “Master”, the inflection in her voice had changed, throbbing with love and not just her heartfelt respect and adulation.

Moving down the bed a little, John saw that she’d started to inflate her dark-green breasts with the cum she’d sucked out of Alyssa. He reached out to place his hand on the Nymph’s lean abdomen, smiling at her indulgently as he caressed her svelte figure. “This one’s for you, Jade. I want to feed you tonight.”

She looked surprised and elated, her tummy starting to swell as she diverted his load into her stomach. Jade began to purr with contentment as he stroked her growing belly, her cat-like eyes gazing at him adoringly before she nestled between Alyssa’s pert cheeks and went to work once again. Bands of bright viridian light began to spread out around her body, following those sensual curves as they pulsed outwards from her stomach.

John followed after one of those pulses with his fingers, gliding over Jade’s soft green skin as he traced its path with his fingertips. Her purring got louder and deeper, which he could only assume meant that she approved of his gentle touch.

Alyssa confirmed that for him a moment later. She loves being stroked by you, don’t stop.

You mentioned a few days ago that you thought I should focus on Jade again, John thought to Alyssa as he caressed the exotic Lenarran. Is it because she still glows like this when I feed her?

Yeah, that’s right... Alyssa replied distractedly, sighing with pleasure. According to Rachel, those pulses of light mean you’re making Jade stronger. I was curious how powerful she could get if you keep feeding her like this...

Recalling the Nymph’s astonishing transformations into a wide variety of massive dinosaurs, John had to admit he was fairly curious himself. Sure, we could do that, but in all honesty, I’d prefer it if we rethink these marathon feeding sessions. There’s so much going on at the moment, it gets a bit awkward focusing on just one girl for that length of time. Poor Tashana keeps having to share with the rest of the crew and I end up feeling guilty for short-changing her.

She’ll have a week with you pretty-much uninterrupted when we go on holiday, so don’t worry about that, Alyssa said to placate him. Besides, Tashana’s not exactly been complaining ... She’s been having a great time! Between being overjoyed to be reunited with Irillith, loving her new psychic powers, and relishing every minute she spends with you, she couldn’t be happier.

It’s been wonderful seeing her relaxing and settling in, John said, as his fingers brushed down Jade’s flank, watching viridian lines follow in their wake.

He could feel the active connection with the Nymph in his mind, the image of her glowing with a brilliant white light as she finished filling her stomach with his cum. She was in excellent health at that moment and had fully recovered from the desperate battle on Terra. It had shocked him to see how exhausted she’d been after that fight, with Jade narrowly escaping death at the hands of Mikaboshi’s assassins. The poor girl had survived being caught in an explosion, only to be set upon by a team of cyborg ninjas, who’d slashed her scores of times with their deadly swords.

John normally put no conscious thought into the way he nurtured Jade under his psychic care, generally having a vague idea about making her stronger. This time however, he focused specifically on trying to develop her resilience, not wanting to see her get so badly hurt ever again. The lazy pulses of light that flowed out from her stomach intensified in their luminescence, making her body glow with a verdant radiance in their wake.

Jade’s vertical irises expanded into black pools of wonder as she sat bolt upright. “Oh! That feels different!”

“I’m not hurting you, am I?” John asked with concern.

She shook her head, sounding excited as she replied, “No, quite the opposite! It feels divine!”

Alyssa had managed to shake off her post-climactic daze and she studied the glowing Nymph in fascination. “Can you tell what John’s doing to you?”

Jade slowly nodded, her emerald gaze never leaving John’s face for a moment. “Normally I can feel you helping me become more powerful, but this ... It’s like something was missing before and you’re filling that gap!”

“He’s good at that,” Alyssa replied with a sly smile.

John lay down beside the blonde, then beckoned to Jade. “Come and join us for a moment, honey. There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

The Nymph moved obediently to lie between them, letting out a rapturous sigh as her two companions gently caressed her heavily rounded belly. Her eyelids got heavy as she started to look drowsy, just as she always did when her body was responding to John’s psychic enhancements.

“You can sleep in a few minutes, sexy. You’ll want to hear this,” Alyssa said, leaning over to kiss Jade’s luscious dark-green lips.

John raised himself up on one elbow so that he could study Jade’s beautiful face. “We were talking about all the girls and their families earlier, and we had an interesting chat about you.”

“You’re my family,” Jade said, giving them both a tender smile. “I love all of you very much.”

“We love you too,” Alyssa agreed, cuddling the Nymph.

John nodded, smiling affectionately at the happy girls. He brushed his fingers through Jade’s black hair, watching as the green highlights were illuminated in the soft starlight from the dome above. “We were thinking of your original family though; your Lenarran sisters. Would you like us to try and track down any that might have survived after all this time?”

Jade froze, looking at him in shock. “I thought they were all lost forever!” she gasped, sounding amazed. “You can really help me find them?!”

A hint of worry flashed across his face, reluctant as he was to give her any false hope. “I don’t want to make any promises I can’t keep, but I can promise you we’ll try our hardest to find any survivors. I was planning on asking the girls for their help tomorrow.”

“Oh, thank you so much, Master!” Jade exclaimed, hugging him tight and planting a flurry of kisses on his face. When she’d finished with John, she snaked her arm around Alyssa, pulling her in close and kissing her just as enthusiastically. “Thank you too, Mistress!”

John shared a smile with Alyssa, then turned back to the excited girl between them. “There’s no guarantees, but-”

Shaking her head, Jade replied, “If anyone can find them, it’s you, Master, I know it!” She looked practically giddy with excitement, her skin warming up to the touch.

The Nymph’s reaction puzzled him slightly. While he’d been expecting her to be very enthusiastic about the idea, she only normally heated up like this when she was aroused.

Alyssa glanced his way and rolled her eyes when he looked at her in confusion. Turning back to the overjoyed Nymph, she asked, “Jade, why does the idea of finding more Nymphs turn you on so much?”

She beamed at John and explained, “When we finally settle down, you promised to keep me pregnant for decades, but I was worried it wouldn’t be enough to rebuild the Nymph race.” Her emerald eyes gleamed as she added in a hushed voice, “But if we can find more of my sisters to help...”

“Hold on a second!” John said, shaking his head in protest. “I’m not looking to rescue them for that! I just want to save them from captivity!”

Jade sighed with delight. “I know, Master. That’s what makes you so wonderful.”

He gave her a self-conscious smile. “Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. I think it’s time to go to bed, but we’ll ask the girls for their help first thing tomorrow morning.”

Rising from the bed, he offered both girls a hand. They shared a brief hug, before Alyssa pulled away to collect the clothing they’d hastily discarded earlier. As they walked towards the door, Faye appeared in a bright flash of purple.

“Hello! I wondered if I could talk to you about something important?” she asked, looking at John with a curious expression on her face.

Alyssa hit the button to open the door into the Lagoon and she smiled when she saw there was a cleaning bot waiting outside. Dropping the pile of clothes into the laundry hopper on its back, she held out her hand for Jade. “I’ll take our lovely Nymph to bed. We’ll see you in a minute.”

“Thank you,” Jade said quietly, planting a soft kiss on his cheek before gliding out of the room hand-in-hand with Alyssa. They chattered together excitedly until the door closed again, leaving John alone in the Observatory with the purple-hued sprite.

John glanced at the agitated AI and noted with a playful smile, “You’re timing was excellent, Faye. Were you watching us?”

She blushed prettily, her cheeks darkening as she did so. “I always keep an eye on you, just in case you need me for anything,” she confessed, looking up at him with wide luminous eyes.

“Good to know,” he said with a chuckle, knowing full well the scenes of debauchery she must witness on a daily basis. “I hope you don’t find everything too ... unsettling.”

Quickly shaking her head Faye replied, “No not at all! It’s all very instructive- err, I mean, interesting!”

John arched an eyebrow at that, then sat down on the bed and patted a space in front of him. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“The cyborg assassin we have locked in the Brig,” Faye replied, her normally cheerful voice turning sombre. “I’ve been keeping him alive, using the maintenance bots to give him food and water, but being limbless for a couple of days is starting to affect his grip on sanity. What do you want done with him?”

“Oh, I’d forgotten about him,” John replied, startled by the abrupt shift in tone. He frowned as he mulled it over for a while. “I had planned on handing him over the Terran Federation judiciary, but after everything he’s seen, I’m not sure that’s wise.”

“Shall I just dispose of him then?” Faye asked, tilting her head to one side as she gazed at him.

John grimaced at the thought of just executing their prisoner, years of military training having taught him to adhere to Galactic Council law and treat captives with compassion.

Don’t shed a tear for that piece of shit, Alyssa said vehemently. I’ve seen inside his mind. The man was a murderous psychopath even before he voluntarily turned himself into a cyborg. In fact, that’s probably why Mikaboshi chose him. He assassinated over two-hundred people before Faye abruptly ended his career.

John hesitated for a second, then nodded to the purple sprite. “Alyssa told me he’s murdered hundreds, so the courts would have executed him anyway. I don’t want to risk him revealing what he knows about you or Alyssa during any interrogations though, so it’s better if we handle this ourselves. He probably doesn’t deserve the consideration, but make it quick and painless.”

“He won’t feel a thing,” Faye agreed, her expression non-judgemental. She frowned as she added, “I’m sorry to bring that up last thing before you go to bed.”

“Don’t worry, it was important you reminded me,” he replied, rubbing at his eyes. “We’ve had so much going on recently I forgot all about him.”

Faye inched closer and held out a slender hand, her fingers gliding over his. “I know. If there’s ever anything I can do to help make things easier, just let me know, okay?”

“You’re already doing loads as it is,” John replied, giving her a grateful smile. “I’m not exaggerating when I say that I’m not sure what we’d do without you.”

Her wings fluttered in response to his praise and she looked like she was about to say something, but caught herself at the last moment. “It’s nearly two in the morning, you should get some rest. Don’t let me keep you from your bed.”

John slowly rose to his feet, as Faye sprang lightly to hers. “You’re right, I’m feeling pretty haggard and I’m supposed to be meeting Rachel’s dad tomorrow.”

“Later today, you mean?” Faye replied with a cheerful smile.

He groaned and replied, “Don’t! You’re just reminding me how late it is!” He waved her goodbye as he walked towards the door. “I’ll leave the ship in your capable hands, Watch Commander.”

“Good night, John,” she replied softly, returning his wave and watching him stride away across the Bridge over the Lagoon.

Edraele awoke to the delicious aroma of cooked breakfast, her stomach rumbling as her eyes fluttered open.

“Good morning!” Nyrelle Aeberos greeted her cheerfully.

“Barely!” Valani Naestina added with some amusement, sounding in good spirits.

“What time is it?” Edraele asked, intending to sit up but changing her mind as she didn’t want to disturb the two warm bodies cuddled up against her. She glanced down and saw Almari and Ilyana flanking her and smiled at the pair, while wondering what had happened to Luna.

Soft fingers gently caressed her cheek and Luna murmured, “I’m right here, Edraele. I woke half an hour ago and would have let you rest for longer, but I didn’t think you’d want to sleep past noon. I gathered the Young Matriarchs for you.”

“You did the right thing, thank you Luna,” Edraele said, giving her lover a grateful smile. The two assassins beside her began to stir with all the conversation and they suddenly snapped awake as they’d been trained to do. Edraele calmed them with a mental caress and stroked their backs as she murmured, “It’s alright, my beautiful girls. You’re safe.”

“I wish you didn’t have to stay up so late,” Leena said, brushing her fingers along her Matriarch’s right arm. “We really miss you coming to bed with us.”

“It can’t be helped unfortunately,” Edraele replied, her stomach rumbling again at the tantalising smell of food. “I need to be awake to help John, if he requires my assistance.”

Ilyana and Almari released her and sat up, the blue-eyed assassin saying, “You should eat, Edraele.”

Edraele couldn’t help grinning as she propped herself up on the pillows. “You’re right, Almari. This looks and smells amazing!”

Valani slid some trays in front of the three women and said, “We’ve all eaten already, but I thought you might be hungry, so I made omelettes.”

Sure enough, the source of the delicious aroma turned out to be the mouth-watering Terran dish, complete with what Edraele identified as mushrooms and peppers. She picked up the knife and fork then took a bite, sighing happily as she swallowed. “This tastes delightful!” she exclaimed. “Where did you acquire all the ingredients?”

“Calara taught me the recipe a few weeks ago and I ordered everything I needed from Geniya,” Valani said with a proud smile. “Luna said you had some good news about John, so I thought you might enjoy a bit of Terran cuisine as a reminder of him. I imagine you’re missing him even more than we are!”

Edraele smiled affectionately at the considerate House Naestina Matriarch. “That was a lovely thought, thank you! You’re right, I have been really missing him, but I have the most wonderful news for all of you!”

“Before you tell us, I have some good news too!” Kali blurted out, blushing when everyone turned her way. “Sorry to interrupt, but I’ll forget if I get all excited thinking about John!”

“Go ahead, Kali,” Edraele said, gesturing for her to proceed, before taking another bite.

Kali leaned forward eagerly. “I’ve been speaking to my Fleet Commander this morning. Emalayne reports that the Kintark were only rotating out their fleets! All the original border forces have pulled back towards their homeworld, leaving only the recently arrived reserves to guard the border!”

“We’ve all discussed it with our own Fleet Commanders,” Leena added, putting her arm around Kali. “The consensus was, that a massive movement of fleet assets like this, might be indicative of an impending attack elsewhere. However, that seems unlikely, as the reserve fleets now on border patrol duty are the Kintark’s elite forces.”

“Whatever the reason, they don’t have enough forces there to pose a threat on their own. Our border is safe again!” Kali gushed, looking immensely relieved.

Edraele finished off her food, then picked up the glass of Natalla berry juice, drinking the mauve-coloured, thirst-quenching drink as she pondered the situation. “You’re right, it appears we aren’t in any immediate danger,” she finally said, smiling at Kali. “By the time those Kintark units return, we’ll have our own forces fully upgraded and back on the bor-” Her voice trailed off into silence and she frowned with concern.

“What is it, Edraele?” Luna asked, noting her Matriarch’s pensive expression.

Edraele gave her a reassuring smile, then replied, “Nothing to worry about for the moment, I’m probably just being paranoid. I’ll discuss it with John, later.”

“What was your news about him?” Nyrelle asked, her dark-blue eyes sparkling in the light.

Edraele grinned at the nude women gathered around her. “We’re planning a rendezvous on the Terran border! Alyssa requested that all of you come along too!”

“Oh, wow!” Kali gasped, her face lighting up with joy. “How long until we meet with them?”

“Just over a week, but we haven’t ironed out all the details yet,” Edraele said, sharing the electrifying thrill of excitement that now buzzed in the room. “It’ll take us just over four days to reach the border, so we’ll need to depart fairly soon.”

Nyrelle bit her lower lip, her eyes flaring with lust as she murmured, “Do you think it’s time?”

Edraele pushed aside the floating tray, smiling appreciatively at Valani as she did so. “That omelette was delicious, thank you so much!”

Now that the way was clear, she beckoned Nyrelle towards her, a coy smile on her full lips. When the House Aeberos Matriarch obediently approached, Edraele placed her hands on the younger woman’s toned abdomen.

“John loves the idea of being with all of you,” she said gently, caressing the soft blue skin on Nyrelle’s lower-belly and drawing a lusty moan from the trembling girl. “He holds to Terran ideals of long courtships before embarking on parenthood, even though the idea of siring a baby with each of you excites him very much. We might have to gently encourage him to embrace the Maliri way...”

The Young Matriarchs giggled with excitement, hugging each other, eyes sparkling at the prospect of rebuilding their Houses with John. Edraele glanced at Luna, Ilyana, and Almari in turn, seeing the wistful smiles on their faces. Speaking to the trio via telepathy, she said kindly, It’ll be your turn soon, my beautiful, special girls. When it is, it will be glorious!

The sound of quiet conversation finally stirred John from his long sleep and the moment he opened his eyes, he was met with a shower of kisses. The happy purring identified the girl kissing him even before he was able to register the doting emerald eyes gazing down on him.

“Good morning, Jade,” he said with an affectionate smile.

The Nymph beamed at him in return, overjoyed to see he was awake. “We’ve been discussing ways to find my sisters!” she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tight.

He laughed and returned her hug, before she finally released him. Sitting up, he saw that the girls were all sitting around him on the bed, watching him and Jade with some amusement.

“I hope you didn’t mind me telling everyone?” Alyssa asked, leaning in to kiss him in greeting. “You were out like a light, so it seemed like a good use of time while we waited for you to wake up.”

“No, I don’t mind at all,” John replied amiably, looking around at the girls and smiling at them. “Have you come up with any good ideas?”

“We’ve had a constructive discussion so far,” Calara said, looking thoughtful. “Tracking any surviving Lenarrans down will be very difficult, but not necessarily impossible.”

“I think we should definitely use Alyssa’s suggestion to offer a cash reward for leads,” Sakura said with certainty.

John glanced at the blonde sitting beside him. “Did you tell everyone about my reservations?”

Alyssa nodded, looking pleased. “We agree that any remaining Nymphs are probably in the hands of the rich and powerful, but Sakura pointed out something interesting.”

“Just because the Nymphs’ current owners might be incredibly wealthy, that doesn’t mean their servants are...” the Asian girl said, a knowing glint in her dark-brown eyes. “Many of Shinatobe’s assassinations were aided by information gathered by bribing security staff and the like.”

John looked at her with concern. “I thought I wiped all those implanted memories?”

She returned his look with one of profound gratitude. “You did! I can still remember a lot of what happened, as I’ve seen those implanted recordings being played back. They’re just normal memories now, not sharp and vivid like before.”

Alyssa made room for Sakura as she crossed the bed to give John a big hug.

“I’m so glad it worked,” John said, feeling tremendously relieved as he put his arms around her.

“I should have listened to you months ago,” Sakura replied, glancing up at him and blushing. “Last night was the first time in months that I’ve slept without any nightmares. I feel so much better this morning!”

“I can’t claim all the credit for that,” John said with a playful smile. “I believe Dana and Rachel went to considerable effort to tire you out...”

“She was insatiable,” Rachel interjected, giving Sakura a fond smile and making her blush even harder. “Having a tummy full of your cum gave her loads of energy!”

Dana grinned at the Asian girl. “When you’re being all dominant, you’re nearly as bossy as Alyssa on a combat mission!”

Sakura looked mortified to hear that, but John stroked her back soothingly. “I briefly saw the three of you together. Don’t worry, it was very exciting to see you enjoying yourself like that! Maybe you’ll let me watch the whole thing next time?”

Alyssa flashed her friend a quick glance. I guarantee you’ll love it! Play at being the lesbian dominatrix for him and I’ll explain why later...

Drawing herself up, Sakura arched an eyebrow and nodded, boldly meeting his fascinated gaze. “Tell me which naughty girls you’d like to see disciplined and I’m sure something could be arranged...”

John grinned at her and the rest of the girls, who were looking flushed with arousal. “I’ll definitely let you know.” Coughing to clear his throat, he continued, “We seem to have got a little sidetracked, but we better get back on topic. Did anyone have any new suggestions on ways to find the Nymphs?”

Faye eagerly raised her hand, her cupid-bow lips quivering in anticipation.

“You don’t have to hold up your hand, Faye,” he said with a fond smile. “Go ahead, what was your idea?”

“I thought I could go through the news archives for every mention of Nymphs or Lenarrans that I could find!” she began enthusiastically. “Then I could build up a database of their history and perhaps find some clues as to who might currently own any survivors!”

“That’s an excellent idea!” Calara agreed, grinning at the AI in her eagerness. “If you can gather that kind of data for me, it’ll be much easier to narrow down the search for any Lenarrans that might still be alive.”

John noticed Rachel grimace, a pensive expression briefly flickering across her face. “What is it, honey?” he asked, trying to catch her troubled grey eyes.

“I just thought of something, but you might not want to hear it ... I’m not sure I want to tell you either. I’m already worried you might think I’ve got questionable morals as it is,” Rachel replied, looking very reluctant to elaborate further.

“If you’ve thought of something, I definitely want to know what it is,” John replied, doing his best to sound encouraging. “I promise I’ll listen to your suggestion with an open mind.”

Rachel sighed, then glanced at Jade and said, “I know this sounds pretty ghoulish, but I don’t think we should restrict our search to the living. If we can locate the resting place for any Nymphs, then...”

“You can bring them back!” Jade blurted out, gaping at John in awe. “She’s right! You saved me, you could save all the Nymphs the same way!”

John looked at Rachel in shock. “Is that even possible after all these years?!”

“Nymphs have a radically different physique to a Terran. They wouldn’t decompose in the same way we would,” she replied quietly. “If we can exhume any Lenarrans, you might be able to bring them back to life, just as you did for Jade.”

The room went quiet as everyone pondered that astonishing thought for a moment.

“It’s alive!” Dana crowed with a maniacal cackle, elbowing Rachel playfully.

The brunette blushed bright red, shooting a nervous glance at John. “Don’t ... I’m sure he thinks I’m some kind of mad scientist as it is!”

John glanced down at Sakura and smiled at her as he said, “I think someone else urgently needs a hug.”

Sakura laughed and moved out the way as John beckoned Rachel over. The tawny-haired girl joined him, only relaxing when she was in his arms.

John’s tone was soothing as he said, “It might be an unconventional idea, but it’s an excellent one, just like everything else you come up with. You know I wouldn’t think anything bad about you, so why are you so self-conscious all of a sudden?”

She nuzzled into him and murmured, “This visit to my father ... It’s been preying on my mind. I’m just worried ... about everything.”

“You’ll have me, Alyssa, and Dana there to support you,” John said, brushing his fingers through her hair. “I’m sure it won’t be as bad as all that.”

“You don’t know what he’s like,” she said quietly. “He gets me so mad sometimes.”

John glanced at the ship’s chronometer to check the time. “We’re meeting him for lunch at twelve, right?”

She nodded, turning to look at the clock. “I didn’t realise how late it was. We better start getting ready fairly soon.”

“Don’t worry. It’ll be okay,” John said, giving her a reassuring smile.

Jade put her arm around the brunette and gave her a tender kiss on the cheek. “Thank you ... You’ve given me real hope we might be able to restore my lost sisters.”

Same as Three Square Meals
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After the Garden of Eden

Adam was standing outside the Garden of Eden listening to God eject him. It was totally unfair. Eve was the one who gave him the apple from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. How was he to know, all the apples looked the same? He looked at Eve and said, “How could you do that? It was the one and only thing that God said we could not do!” “I am sorry Adam. That serpent dared me and I did it. I don’t know what I was thinking.” “You were not thinking, you always act on impulse. You hurt me...

2 years ago
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Horny Antics in the Garden of Eden

2003 © I am a dyed in the wool voyeur... no doubt you are as well. Not likely that any of us would be here if we weren't! However, I am not the type of person that finds his EROTIC EYE CANDY by peeping in women's bedroom windows for my sexual kicks. I don't drill holes in the ladies room wall nor do I peek up skirts by lurking at the bottom of open staircases. Do I gawk at gorgeous legs with an admirable fanny attached... or a pair pretty of tits and a lovely face passing by? OF...

4 years ago
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Our Own Private Eden

There she was on the side of the road. I had driven right by her in my 1969 V.W. Bug. I hurried over to the shoulder. I had to reverse back a little to get back to her. As I approached and got out of my car this beautiful woman was at the car. ‘Damn,’ I heard in the back of my head. Even better than I had thought. She was about 5’6′ short dark hair. Deep inviting eyes. Oh and the most shapely body. As if she was carved out of ivory. Smooth pale complexion. She wore a dark sweater and her...

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Twilight Eden

{[email protected] a = 100001}The story contains heavy use of Choya's Conditional Variables; you need to press Start Game for the story to work.{endif} IMPORTANT: If you have time after reading or have read the story previously please take the time to contribute at If you enjoy a chapter, please give it a like, it helps me work harder on the story. It also lets me know that someone is enjoying my story; as that was the goal and the main reason...

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Under the Moons of Eden

UNDER THE MOONS OF EDEN by Christopher Leeson Copyright 1996 Revised 11/99 Chapter 1 *The sly slow hours shall not determinate The dateless limit of thy dear exile.* KING RICHARD II Our outfit, the 54th Battle Group Earth Alliance, was in transit to Cathara when an Asymmetric search-and-destroy mission intercepted us off Ophir. Since our light escorts had no firepower to match theirs, they did a good job of...

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The Monk of Eden

I was speechless. I couldn't remember how long I and the artists beside me sat there at our collection of cubicles. For six years I've worked at this company and now their just kicking us out. When the boss called for our attention this morning we expected normal news, something cheerful. Instead he declared that all 97 artists who've been working with me as long as I have, if not longer, are sacked. Fired. We won't be getting paid this week, and we have less than two hours to pack our...

3 years ago
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In Eden

This is the fourth in the series of stories written in collaboration with Alphamagus about Robert and Juliana and their love. Robert and Juliana had already been in the Maldives for a week. He had booked the trip as he knew how drained Juliana had been recently. They had both been under the pressure of projects, deadlines and keeping clients happy in their respective work, for months. It was time for a break before either of them burned out. They normally spent vacation time in Europe, but...

Love Stories
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Syns Eden

Syn's Eden By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. I appreciate that the poor grammar may take away from the tale. My editing could be better and I continue to work on it. I'm sure there are some errors and I do care. Thank you for your comments The meeting was arranged by a voice on the hotel phone and it sound like a female but there was a snarl in her words. "There's a mag shop in the Garden with an alley aside. Stanfords,...

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Hotel Eden

Copyright© I rounded the corner, and saw the flickering neon sign — Hotel Eden. It was famous, or should that be notorious, as an establishment that catered to sex. Rooms could be had by the hour, as well as by night, and it had a discrete bar frequented by lonely housewives as well as prostitutes — although it was sometimes difficult to tell them apart. The rooms were clean and cheap, and visiting businessmen who liked a woman to share their bed regularly stayed there. For a moment I...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 2 Green Eden

Green Eden appeared to be a beautiful green, white and blue sphere. From space it looked as inviting as any garden world. The transport descended through moderate clouds and approached a heavy forested land mass. We landed on a simple dirt field that had been cleared in the jungle. At the edge of the dirt field I saw a collection of primitive looking buildings made of wood. There were no machines, no robots, no ships or vehicles and no one waiting for us. Someone from the flight deck...

1 year ago
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"Hey Frank, where ya been? I need ta ask ya somethin' man." "I'm on vacation. Talk to Abbey. She's the boss until I get back. Ya better get used to it, because when I retire in a few months, she'll be taking over on a more permanent basis." "Retirement? You're only 29 years old. Motherfucker, retire my ass." "Hey, I got funds for life. No need ta stress myself ta death. Of course, I'll still own this joint, so I'll still be around." I joked around a little with some of my help, before saddling...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 7 John gets used to his new ride

John wondered what could be the problem. The After Action Report he had submitted to Federation Command last week, had made it pretty clear what had happened aboard the Corvette. He was unsure what kind of trouble the young Latina could be in, as there was certainly nothing in the AAR that implicated her being responsible in any way. “What kind of trouble?” he asked Alyssa. “Calara said she was being accused of ‘dereliction of duty’. She mentioned something about a possible court martial!”...

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Oval Office: Me: Madam President, how are you coming along at signing the bill that hit your desk this afternoon? You: I am a little reluctant to sign without fully understanding some of the boilerplate and technical jargon, yet I'm getting that oh so familiar itch. Me: That's highly inappropriate and besides, this desk has probably seen its fair share of christenings. Voters are looking forward to your speech you have been drafting up for tomorrow You: Well, maybe my chief of staff...

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Pulaski Square

Chapter One: Jaivon Johnson As I crossed the square from the Casimir Inn, on the south side of Pulaski Square, to the General’s Café on the north side, I shuddered as the big brute of a landscaper, Caleb, rose up from a flowerbed and glowered at me. He too? Would he too make me bend to his will as if by right?—not that I deserved better. But then I saw that he was looking beyond me, at Miz. Muriel standin’ at the service door of the hotel. Lookin’ at her like he’d like to eat her up. Still not...

4 years ago
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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

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BONEHEAD SQUARE Upon my arrival, there didn’t seem to be a lot of activity, so I stayed at the counter and conversed with the clerk. Few words had fallen before I heard footsteps, looked to my right to get a visual on a man walking toward me from the area where I should have gone right away. The look of longing on his familiar and handsome face as he walked toward and then past me with a nod of acknowledgment told me I’d arrived too late to attend to the needs of his thick and uncut seven inch...

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Champions of the Square Dance

CHAMPIONS OF THE SQUARE DANCE By Annie James As he was about to pull their motorhome back onto the highway after gassing up at a truckstop John Heywood's concentration was interrupted by an exclamation from his wife. "Wait, John! We can't leave that poor hitchhiker just standing in the rain. He's only a boy." John halted the vehicle, leaned out his open window, and waved to the figure huddled under the shelter near the gas pumps. That person came running up to the side of the...

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Three Square MealsChapter 26 Dana works on his ship and Alyssa works on his body

Dana bounded out of the Invictus, leaving Alyssa and Jade behind her, as she hurried to meet up with High Councillor Rathus and the dozens of Ashanath engineers who were staring at her expectantly. She was surprised at her surging confidence, having previously hated being the centre of attention, especially when there were more than a handful of people watching her. Instead of feeling the familiar crippling fear of public speaking, she was eager to get started and speaking to everyone at...

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Chatham Square

Chapter One ‘I should have brought a newspaper or a book or something.’ Nearly unpacked, having already survived her first class at the Savannah College of Art and Design in the old Barnard School building across the square, and feeling the itch to get back to her dolls, Ginny had eschewed the thought of fixing her own breakfast of burned toast and weak coffee this morning and ventured out onto the square to William’s Café at the corner at West Taylor. The serious and mournful-looking young...

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New Eden

It was Emma's 18th birthday. James decided to take his yacht out for the occasion. It was just the four of us, the catering staff, and a few friends. Small gathering, but a big party nonetheless. There was so much planned and each day for the next week was going to be amazing. John was a big help in distracting Emma while Lydia coordinated the whole thing. Together, it seemed like nothing in the world could stop the Williams family when they worked together. Day one we shipped off. It was later...

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Sharing my Wife Another Fun Square Dance

We had a square dance weekend planned in Baker City March twelfth. We’d had it planned for a long time, to go with our square dance friends, Jim and Joan. We’d made hotel reservations at the Best Western a month earlier for Saturday night for a room with two queen beds as we enjoyed sharing a room with them. We’d been friends with them long before we started our sexual odyssey and our relationship with them was purely platonic, other than a little sexual teasing. They had no idea of how we’d...

Wife Lovers
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Three Square MealsChapter 140 Renewing acquaintances

“Now?” Lyvia asked, her eyes like saucers as she gazed up at John. He glanced down at Marsendra Helewynn, the once-haughty matriarch now sucking lovingly on his cock as he came down her throat. Her belly had started to swell, the creamy load rapidly filling up her stomach and creating a noticeable bulge. Lyvia’s hand was caressing that rounded bump, feeling her new friend’s expanding tummy as she hungrily devoured everything John could offer. “Yeah ... now!” John gasped, easing back from...

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The Angel of Times Square

The Angel Of Times Square By Bluto I graduated from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in 1981 after nine months at the New York City campus. It was not my first visit to New York, but it was by far the longest time I've ever lived in Manhattan. A one school year master's program requires a lot of concentrated work and most of my time was spent in classes or choosing, researching and writing a thesis or practice reporting and more. However, in spite of all that I...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...

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Three Square MealsChapter 27 Ship upgrades space battles and an orgy Its a busy day

Dana woke up first, feeling completely refreshed after a good night’s sleep. The Ashanath engineers had been tasked with completing the last of the work while she slept and she was so eager to check on their results, that she wanted to leap out of bed and go sprinting out the room. Instead, she stealthily climbed out from under the covers and tiptoed out softly, being careful not to awaken John, or the other three girls who were still fast asleep. She dressed in her own room, then walked down...

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Three Square MealsChapter 12 The group help a new crewmate settle in

John led the girls down the corridor to the room adjacent to the Firing Range. He pressed the button opening the door and ushered them into the Armoury. This vast room was originally used to store weapons and armour for the cruiser’s compliment of three hundred marines. With no need to store that much gear any more, row after row of empty weapon racks and armour lockers filled the room, looking forlorn and abandoned. Sparks looked around, wondering why he would bring her to such an enormous...

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Town Square

Stefanie knew that stripping down to her underwear was not the brightest thing to do in a secluded wood, in the dead of night, but, hey, she did what she needed to do for art. She stepped up to the rock where she had trained two lights and her tripod-held camera set on time-delay. In between each click, telling her that the camera had taken a picture, she struck and held a pose with a katana a friend who was into swords and knives had leant her. Her poses were those of a warrior. In one, she...

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Three Square MealsChapter 67 Gently settling in the newest member of the crew

With the muted flare of silenced retro thrusters, the sleek black shuttle touched down in the centre of the glowing orange landing pad. Amatsu Mikaboshi powered down the engines, then flipped a switch on the black console in front of him, which opened the airlock door. He rose from the Pilot’s Chair, and stalked from the tiny infiltration vessel without a backward glance. Movement to his right drew his attention, as a huge set of reinforced doors dropped down into position, concealing the...

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Controlling SisterChapter 4 JP and Lavernersquos son Newtrsquos story

It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 3

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...

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Three Square MealsChapter 5 The long journey comes to a close

“What was that?” Alyssa gasped. “We’re picking up an emergency distress beacon” John replied over the din of the klaxon. He pushed a button reducing the volume to a much more subdued level. John looked at the monitor for more information. “It looks like it’s a freighter experiencing engine trouble. They need a tow or spare parts.” “Are we going to help them?” Alyssa asked, excited at this unexpected turn of events. “It could be a trap” John frowned. “They might be genuine though!” Alyssa...

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Three Square MealsChapter 18 Secrets shared and new mysteries revealed

The impenetrable blackness of John’s sleep began to brighten, as his unconscious mind realised with some trepidation that he was experiencing another dream. The swirling ethereal eddies of the dream world began to coalesce into a distinctive form and then abruptly they snapped into sharp focus. John was bestride a world, vast numbers of subjugated women kneeling at his feet in worship. Scattered around him were the husks of minions he had used up and cast aside, casually discarded when they...

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Three Square MealsChapter 20 The girls have some fun with their new toys

John woke the next morning, feeling refreshed after the night’s rest. He stretched contentedly and then looked down at his girls, expecting to see them all curled up fast asleep. Three of them were still slumbering peacefully, but a beautiful pair of rich brown eyes looked up at him from under a mass of dark hair on his left hand side. He rolled over to his left so that he was facing her, pulling her close to him and the lovely Latina watched him with a warm smile on her face. He tilted her...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 118 A chip off the old silicon

Calara stepped out of the armour-equipping frame in the Dojo’s armoury and hurried into the corridor, breaking into a jog as she headed for the grav-tube. She’d heard a brief summary of the disastrous confrontation with John’s guide from Alyssa, but after discovering that her girlfriend had been injured, all she wanted to do was rush to her side. She leapt out of the blue anti-gravity field on Deck Two and caught up to Rachel, Sakura, and Alyssa in the corridor, the blonde being supported by...

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Pennys Promiscuity 39 to 40 Return to Eden

Chapter Thirty-nineA feeling of relief washed over me as the car carrying my husband Pete and our daughter Isobel passed through the gates and out onto the road, leaving me alone in the house. In a few hours’ time she would be installed in the city flat that she would share with her University friends for the next academic year and would be out of my hair until December.After the last week, that was something devoutly to be wished.Deprived of the presence of the new boy in her life, her bed and...

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I WANT TO ONCE AGAIN THANK MY EDITOR ‘WIRES’ FOR HIS EDITING AND IDEAS ON THIS STORY. HIS EFFORTS MAKE MY SUBMISSIONS MUCH BETTER AND MORE READABLE. ***** Three weeks after Baghdad was taken things were still dangerous but were calming down somewhat. Platoon Sergeant (PSG) Thomas Simms was with his Platoon Leader 2Lt (Second Lieutenant) Marvin Paul inspecting checkpoints his platoon were responsible for when once again they found themselves in the middle of a hot zone. A large Russian truck...

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In Eden

This is the fourth in the series of stories written in collaboration with Alphamagus about Robert and Juliana and their love. Robert and Juliana had already been in the Maldives for a week. He had booked the trip as he knew how drained Juliana had been recently. They had both been under the pressure of projects, deadlines and keeping clients happy in their respective work, for months. It was time for a break before either of them burned out. They normally spent vacation time in Europe, but...

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Our First for Eden

It started one St Patrick’s Day in a small Irish bar across town. And of course like every other bar in town it was mobbed with people filling up with drink to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. I saw her standing at the bar waiting on a drink. She was wearing a short plaid skirt and a tight white shirt that showed a green lace bra underneath. She was leaning over the bar just enough that the I could see the bottom of her shapely ass and the beginnings of what appeared to be a green thong underneath...

4 years ago
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And our girlfriend makes threethe Garden of Eden

We left the bistro and the ride home was something to behold. I was trying to keep the car under control, while Steph and Janine were in the backseat getting comfortable with each other. They were only hugging and kissing, but the sounds they were making were driving me wild. I adjusted the rearview mirror to get a better look and I spent more time watching them than I was on the road. Thankfully the traffic was light so I didn’t get into an accident, but I was all over the road. If the police...

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Terra Eden

The trip slowly came to end as you stood in line of boarding the plan home. Chatter and a bit of laughter came around from a few that had enjoyed their stay and was read to return home after the fun they had. Smiling at them you then made your way onto the plane to find your seat. "We will be departing shorty, please find your assigned seats in the mean time" a soft and sweet voice spoke out from the intercom. Finding your seat near a window a soft sigh escaped from your tender lips as you...

3 years ago
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And our girlfriend makes threethe Garden of Eden

We left the bistro and the ride home was something to behold. I was trying to keep the car under control, while Steph and Janine were in the backseat getting comfortable with each other. They were only hugging and kissing, but the sounds they were making were driving me wild. I adjusted the rearview mirror to get a better look and I spent more time watching them than I was on the road. Thankfully the traffic was light so I didn't get into an accident, but I was all over the road. If the police...

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Our First for Eden

It started one St Patrick's Day in a small Irish bar across town. And of course like every other bar in town it was mobbed with people filling up with drink to celebrate St Patrick's Day. I saw her standing at the bar waiting on a drink. She was wearing a short plaid skirt and a tight white shirt that showed a green lace bra underneath. She was leaning over the bar just enough that the I could see the bottom of her shapely ass and the beginnings of what appeared to be a green thong underneath...

Straight Sex
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Three weeks after Baghdad was taken things were still dangerous but were calming down somewhat. Platoon Sergeant (PSG) Thomas Simms was with his Platoon Leader 2Lt (Second Lieutenant) Marvin Paul inspecting checkpoints his platoon were responsible for when once again they found themselves in the middle of a hot zone. A large Russian truck with Iraq Army markings was roaring toward the checkpoint. Instead of slowing down as they neared the check point the large truck actually increased its...

2 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 20 Exit From Eden

Andrew sat at his desk with his eyes closed and his head tilted back. He was enjoying the moment, and, at the moment, Millie was under the desk giving him a first class blow job. True to the agreement, she had come into the office, closed the door, stripped, crawled under the desk, and proceeded to give him a blow-job. They didn't even exchange any words. Her name was a small play on words. Millie was supposed to mean MILF without the Fuck included. She was definitely a MILF. Forty-six...

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Earths CoreChapter 19 The Pearl Of ElEden

"You..." Livai mist energy rushed to fix the right armguard. As a top student of a Martial school, which excels in formation, it was a simple thing for him to fix the Four Breaths. As for Zax's response ... it was a slap to his face since there was clearly no sign of mist energy, much less a formation, on Zax's hand. Immediately, thoughts of concealed weapons or high grade Martial technique started to circulate in Livai's mind. Those were the only means, he believed, Zax could sneakily...

2 years ago
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Something About BradleyChapter 2 Camp Eden

The following day, Rachel had left for school when I began getting to grips with the housework. The place hadn’t been touched for a few days and I got stuck into the task with gusto. As I progressed through the day my thoughts kept dipping back into the colourful weekend I’d spent with Brad. When we had first caught sight of each other, the sexual attraction between us was evident. We had both matured some, and fortunately it had been a beneficial process for both of us. Brad was simply a...

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Something About BradleyChapter 4 Sunbathing in Eden

Brad sighed contentedly with the warmth of the sun and the sparkling surface of the pool as he lay in his sun-lounger; for this was the good life. Also sunbathing alongside him was his sister Linda and her daughter Rachel who was in a gingham-check bikini; revealing the immaturity of the girl against her mother’s prime figure. What a sensual sight; a truly yummy mommy relaxing alongside the daughter she had fucked to order the night before; a perfect pair of sluts. The love bites they had...

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Three Square MealsChapter 39 Vacation time But its not just sea sand and sex

Dawn at their island on Oceanus was a spectacular affair. The golden sun slowly crept up above the horizon and sent out bright spears of light, illuminating the rapidly brightening sky. John and the girls felt the warm glow of the sun’s rays, and they woke up at the same time, stretching languidly in the extremely comfortable bed. Jade was on the western edge, and when she rolled on to her other side, so that she was facing the sun, she sat up abruptly with a startled gasp. “Oh, John, this...

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Three Square MealsChapter 43 They explore the Maliri space station and uncover secrets

“I don’t recall seeing Irillith around here before.” John mused, addressing Ceraden, who sat behind his desk, drumming his fingers on the glossy surface with irritation. “No, thank heavens. She’s a ‘guest’, and I only have to put up with her for another week, then it’ll be glorious peace and quiet once again,” Ceraden replied wistfully. Ceraden looked over the desk, and tsked with annoyance at the mess the shattered device had made on the floor. A few second later a pair of cleaning robots...

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Kelly Girl Chapter 15 Triangle Square

Copyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 15 "Triangle Square" By Wanda Cunningham "I need to go for a walk - or something," Kelly said. He stood near the edge of the glass...

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Three Square MealsChapter 57 New powers unlocked and upgraded armour unveiled

John pried the lid off the storage container, then stopped and stared distractedly at the glossy white block of Alyssium. His eyes picked up the sparkling silvery flecks in the otherwise unblemished surface, and he was entranced by the sparkling lustre, while his mind was pre-occupied with worrying thoughts. He heard footsteps behind him, and turned to see Alyssa and Jade walking over to his side. “She’ll be alright,” Alyssa said with a comforting smile. Jade nodded, and said buoyantly,...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 2

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

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