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Three weeks after Baghdad was taken things were still dangerous but were calming down somewhat. Platoon Sergeant (PSG) Thomas Simms was with his Platoon Leader 2Lt (Second Lieutenant) Marvin Paul inspecting checkpoints his platoon were responsible for when once again they found themselves in the middle of a hot zone. A large Russian truck with Iraq Army markings was roaring toward the checkpoint. Instead of slowing down as they neared the check point the large truck actually increased its speed. Dust was billowing out behind the vehicle. The engine was roaring as the truck bore down on the flimsy barrier across the road.

PSG Simms jerked his head around when he heard the engine roar increase in volume. His soldiers watched in surprise for a moment. Just as he started to tell them to fire on the truck they began to move and took it under fire. Now his attention turned to his young inexperienced Platoon Leader. Like an idiot the young lieutenant stepped to the side of the road and held his arms up to signal the truck to stop. PSG Simms began running toward the LT. He yelled, "Lieutenant, get down. The LT just glanced over his shoulder for a moment at his running PSG then turned his attention back to the speeding truck. PSG Simms watched in horror as the blossom of rifle fire came from the truck. He yelled at the lieutenant once again, "Sir! GET DOWN!"

The lieutenant had only been with the unit for three days and was thinking with his stateside brain in spite of the training he received. He looked at the PSG once again with a puzzled expression. Finally his brain understood the situation. A look of horror and comprehension covered his face. He started to move away from the road toward cover. His mouth opened to say something when he was hit. He stumbled back and fell to the ground where he lay unmoving.

PSG Simms turned to the remainder of his section and said, "You know the drill. Take those rag headed bastards out now. Immediately, an increased amount of rifle fire reached out to the truck. At first it held its line of travel then the driver slumped over the wheel and the truck veered off the road and nosed into a two story building. When it came to a stop the cab was inside the building and debris had fallen all around it.

PSG Simms looked around and motioned some of his soldiers to approach the truck to verify all the combatants were neutralized. He felt some trepidation when he saw his assistant platoon sergeant SSG Samantha Peters stand and motion to two of her section. She led them toward the truck. PSG Simms watched in admiration as she maneuvered her soldiers toward the objective. They were doing it right. She moved herself and her men from cover to cover, her head always moving, checking for threats. He felt his cock twitch when he saw the absolutely perfect ass and legs flex and move what he knew was a superior body toward her objective.

No, there was nothing physical between the two senior NCO'S of the platoon but there could have been. They were close friends and spent as much time together as the job and regulations allowed. They both suspected there could be something wonderful between them if regulations didn't prohibit them dating. These two were, after all, good soldiers. They did their job well, followed the regulations and expected others to do the same. No, there was nothing between them except unrequited desire, deep respect, friendship and a longing for more. At times, when it was acceptable for them to interact socially they did so with gusto. At company parties and other military mandated social meetings they spent much of their time together. They were a team on duty and knew what the other was thinking. That carried over to social occasions. They were comfortable together in all situations.

Both PSG Simms and SSG Peters were alone, some said loners, even haters of the opposite sex. It had not always been that way for PSG Simms. There were two failed serious relationships and one failed marriage in his past. After the divorce he tried one more time for a serious relationship but when it failed he decided no more. He couldn't go through the pain and suffering of another cheating bitch. Married life and the Army just didn't mix well, especially in today's environment of frequent long deployments.

PSG Simms mentally shook himself. He knew he was allowing his mind to drift dangerously. His attention to the tactical situation had become dangerously poor. He began to pull himself back to the present when he heard Sam yell, "Hey, Sarge. You need to come see this shit."

Simms looked up and saw his soldiers at their posts. The Check Point (CP) was manned, the soldiers were attentive. A medic was tending to the downed LT. The two men who accompanied SSG Peters were on guard at the sides of the truck while she went through the vehicle to identify the contents. One of the first things to be checked for was explosives. Simms felt his stomach lurch when he heard Sam call out. Crap, he thought. She's got a bomb. He was already planning troop dispositions if they had to relocate until the bomb was safed by EOD.

Simms walked rapidly but safely up to the truck and climbed inside to kneel beside SSG Peters. He looked at her first and said, "What cha got, Sam?"

She looked up at him in shock and licked her lips. She almost whispered, "Money, Tom. Bags and boxes of U.S. hundred dollar bills and more cases of hundred Euro bills. There's a fortune in this truck."

PSG Simms looked down at the containers in awe as Sam opened them and showed him the money. "Jesus," he whispered. The brass will shit when they see this. You watch this while I set better security and call it in."

Simms dropped from the truck and moved to the check point. He motioned the Corporal over and gave him instructions for tightening security. He called all the soldiers who were not actually manning the CP and sent them to form a better perimeter security without telling the Corporal why. He glanced again at the medic working on the LT to verify he was taken care of. Now he needed to call the brass. He jumped into the command Hummer and made the call asking for more security and the Company Commander. He didn't want to tell them why he needed more men so only reported the attack and injuries, requesting Dustoff (helicopter medical evacuation) for the LT.

After the radio call Simms moved the Hummer closer to the truck and CP. He sent the two guards away and he and Samantha took up the guard duties for the money and truck. Tom stood thinking about his life and future. His retirement papers were already turned in. He would retire from the Army with almost 21 years of service about five weeks after the unit returned to the states. His mind wandered to the money once again. Did he want to endanger not only his retirement but his very freedom and do something stupid?

Contrary to policy Sam wandered over beside Tom. She glanced at him briefly then at the truck and licked her lips. She said, "Damn, that's a lot of cash. My god, what someone could do with all that. Where do you think it all came from and where were they taking it?"

"Good questions, Sam. I know where I would like to take it and what I'd like to do with it."

Sam grinned up at him and gave him a hip but. Her eyes sparkled and she licked her lips before letting out a silent, "Yeah. FUCK, I'd like to have a bag of that. I've only got about eighteen months to go and I'm putting my papers in. I've had it with this army shit. I want to find me a man to love and make some babies. A bag of that money would sure make that easier." She looked at Tom from under her tilted head and continued, "You ever think about getting married and settling down?"

"Oh, yeah. Been there, done that, have the T-shirt. She couldn't take the army and cheated on me. She laughed when I caught her and took off with her lover. She never spoke to me from then until I divorced her and I haven't seen her since. I had a couple close calls in addition to the short marriage but they didn't take. You?"

"About the same. Got engaged once to another soldier. He couldn't keep it in his pants. Had a couple three others I got pretty close to. Lived with them for a while but it just wasn't right, ya know? Maybe after I get out. I hope so."

Sam moved off to the other side of the truck to watch from there. Tom stood watching his surroundings and thinking. He moved over to the truck and looked inside again. He really didn't think. He climbed into the truck and threw three of the bags of money out. One had Euros inside the other two were full of $100 bills. There were still five cases in the truck. He quickly took some money from the five cases inside and partially filled three bags to replace the ones he threw out. That returned the count to eight once again albeit ones with less money in each than they originally contained.

Simms quickly picked up the bags and moved to his Hummer. He buried the bags underneath the equipment he and the Lieutenant carried in the back. Unless it was searched the bags were not visible. Tom felt a surge of fear at what he had done. If he was caught it was court martial, loss of his pension, and probably prison. He almost took the bags out and put them back into the truck. He was actually walking toward the Hummer to do so when that option was taken out of his hands. His Company Commander drove up with the reinforcements.

When PSG Simms reported to the CO and showed him the money the Captain was shocked. He quickly organized the removal of the money. PSG Simms and SSG Peters stood watching the detail move the containers of money to the Captain's vehicle. After the money and injured were evacuated SSG Peters turned to look at PSG Simms. He was watching as the CP returned to normal.

SSG Peters moved closer to PSG Simms and said quietly, "Those containers didn't look as full when the Captain took them as they did when I first found them. I thought we watched the truck pretty closely. Do you think someone got into the stash?"

Simms felt his gut clench. He looked in the direction the Captain was driving and said, "I really didn't notice. Since we didn't count the money it would be really hard to tell for sure if any was missing, though. I suspect we'd better just keep our mouths shut about all this. It's way above our pay grade."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Sure would like to have a bit of that though. All that cash could make retirement a lot smoother dontcha know?"

The two NCO's looked at each other then returned to the business at hand. Neither mentioned the money again until three days later.

Three days after the Captain took the money a rumor went around the compound. The rumor was that three bags of money were found in a truck that tried to drive through a check point. When SSG Peters heard the rumor she found an opportunity to talk to PSG Simms. "Did you hear they found three bags of money in the truck that tried to break our CP? Do you believe that? Are they putting out misinformation or did someone take the money do you think?"

"No idea. I know I got a receipt for all five, uh, all eight containers from the C O. What happened after that I can't say."

Sam looked at Tom and furrowed her brow. "What do you mean all five cases?"

"I just misspoke. I was thinking of the rumor and doing poor math in my head is all." He rummaged in his desk and pulled a receipt from it showing he turned over five cases and three bags of money, amount unknown, to the Captain. "See, here's the receipt. Now, you ok?"

Sam looked at Tom a moment and gave him an appraising look, then smiled. "Yeah, I'm ok Sarge. It sure looks like there's something fishy going on though. Well, I gotta get back to the ol' grind." She gave him a searching look, a serious look. Just before she walked off she said, "Tom, I need you to be real careful now. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you. I know you're retiring as soon as we get back stateside. You don't want to do anything to fuck that up." She smiled and continued, "If you need any help with anything you let me know. I have some ideas on how to return things to the states in a secure manner." After giving Tom a searching look Sam turned and walked from his office.

PSG Simms heaved a sigh of relief when Samantha disappeared from his sight. He was more nervous than he normally was in a firefight. He still hadn't figured out what to do with the money. Or, more specifically, he hadn't decided how to get the money home without getting caught. He had several ideas but hadn't settled on the method or methods he would use to attempt smuggling the funds back to the states.

PSG Simms finally decided to use several methods to smuggle the funds into the states hoping if one stash was found others wouldn't be. His main worry was the Euros. He thought he might be able to explain away the U S money if it was found. He put the Euros inside two spare tires on vehicles being returned to the states for the unit. More money was secreted one packet deep in false bottoms of old style wooden foot lockers going back inside a conex assigned to the unit. Some of the money he actually placed inside the linings of his personal clothing and protective armor.

PSG Simms kept track of his stashes after the unit and its equipment returned to Ft. Bragg. The money in his personal gear and possessions was not discovered by the customs inspection done before leaving the Mideast. He carefully removed those funds from his gear and took them off base to his home. That part of the money was safely hidden in a safe deposit box. He had $150,000.00 in cool cash already and was completely free of detection so far. Now, did he want to go after the remaining funds stored in more dangerous locations?

The next funds Tom recovered were those shipped in the false bottoms of cases bound for his Platoon offices. The first night after they were placed in the Platoon office he removed the false bottoms and took those funds home. He was a nervous wreck as he worked in the office and later when he carried the duffel bag of money to his vehicle. He kept waiting for a voice to tell him to halt and put his hands up. It never came. When he approached the gate off post his stomach knotted once again. He felt as if he was going to throw up. He almost had an accident from his sudden relaxation when he exited the base unstopped. His vision actually blurred and dimmed from the release of tension.

Once again the recovered funds were hidden in his home for a few days. Another $350,000.00 was safely added to his stash. He placed these funds in a safe deposit box in a different bank from the one he used before. Now the only funds he had to recover were the Euros in the tires. Those would be the most difficult to recover and the most dangerous. He was not authorized inside the motor pool during non-work hours and it was normally much too busy a place to break down the tire and recover the loot during duty hours.

Tom had almost decided to forgo recovering the Euros when fate stepped in and handed him a golden opportunity. One of his young soldiers mother died and he was authorized emergency leave to return home for the services. The notification came near the end of the work day. Simms took the call and told the LT he was going to personally pick up the soldier and get him on his way. Since this was army business during working hours Simms had the motor pool dispatch a Hummer to him for the unpleasant task.

When PSG Simms entered the motor pool he walked up to the dispatcher and said, "I need a Hummer dispatched to me personally. I have to pick up a soldier going on emergency leave. I also want to do an inspection of one of my squad's vehicles at the same time. Could you dispatch bumper number C22 or C24?" Both of the requested Hummers had Euros stashed in the spare tire so either would do. Since the requested vehicles were assigned to his platoon there was no question about the dispatch. The Dispatcher completed the paperwork on C22 and dispatched it to him with no question.

Simms drove back to his platoon office and stopped beside his truck. He took a duffel bag from the truck with a lumpy object inside. He placed the bag inside the hummer. He rapidly drove to a secluded area and stopped. He quickly released the pressure from the tire and used the on vehicle tool set to break the bead. He pulled the cash from the tire and placed it in a duffel bag he had brought with him. Next he pulled a small air compressor from the vehicle, hooked it to the electrical system and reinflated the tire.

Once again the recovery of the money went undetected. At the current exchange rate the recovered Euros added another $160,000 to Tom's stash. Now he had $660,000. If he could recover the money in the other tire he would have about $820,000 in cool hard cash. Even if he couldn't find a way to invest that money and he had to keep it in cash he could live well on it and his pension. At least he could live well if he ever got to draw his pension. He had to stay out of prison to do that.

For the next ten days Tom lived in constant fear of arrest. All at once it was time to clear post, turn in his army property and return to civilian life. Since clearing post was a military function he took the opportunity to drive the one remaining Hummer with his cash stash still in the tire. Once again he recovered the money without getting caught. Tom heaved a sigh of relief and relaxed somewhat. Finally the day he looked forward to arrived. His retirement day was upon him. He went through the ceremony and made the rounds of his friends shaking hands and slapping backs. He was proud of his career. He was embarrassed with himself for stealing the money then smuggling it back into the states. He was excited with the possibilities the large balance of money opened for him.

The last person PSG Simms talked to before driving off was SSG Peters. She walked with him to his truck as he prepared to leave the post for the last time. The two friends stood beside the truck and visited for several minutes. Finally Tom said, "Well, I suppose I need to get this show on the road. I know I have all the time I need and there's no deadline but I feel pushed to get on down the road."

Sam touched Tom's forearm and stepped closer to him. Her breasts were almost touching his abdomen. She looked into his eyes and said, "You actually pulled it off, didn't you? I kept expecting to come to work one morning and hear you were in the stockade."

Tom felt his knees weaken. He opened his mouth to say something. Sam said urgently, "Don't. You don't need to deny anything or to admit anything. We both know what I'm talking about. In a way I wish I had the guts to do what you and whoever else it was did. I'd love to know how much you made off with. Good luck, Tom. I hope you keep in touch. Maybe we can get together next year when I retire. I'll really miss you."

Sam turned and walked rapidly away from Tom. Tom yelled, "Hey, Sam. When you get out I expect you to come see me before you find that man and make those babies. I really want to see you again. I'll keep you posted on how the retirement's going and where I land."

Tom got into his nearly new F150 and closed the door. He sat behind the wheel feeling the fear and shakes drain from his body. How had she known? He knew she knew what he did. She was too positive in her statement. And she hadn't turned him in. What did she want? Did she want anything? Did he want to do what she asked and stay in touch? Wouldn't that just make it easier for her to cause him trouble? No, probably not. The Army would know where he was forever because of his retirement check. SHIT!

Finally Tom started his truck and drove off the post for the last time. He took three days on the trip home. He was returning to the same small town he grew up in and left 21 years previously. He was 39 years old and starting over. He had no one to share his life with, no job and no place to call home. His parent's had sold his boyhood home and moved to a senior complex several years before so he couldn't stay with them even if he wanted to. He was excited and complacent at the same time. He was looking forward to living his own life to his own timetable. Currently he had no plans for his future.

All the "liberated" money was stashed inside the frame of his truck. He and a friend had boxed the frame in and installed lockable doors to secure the cash. Then they tack welded a plate over the end of the frame to hide the locked door. Of course the friend hadn't known why they were doing the work on the truck. He accepted Tom's statement that he wanted to strengthen the frame for some heavy hauling and 4 wheeling after he retired.

Tom arrived in his home town in mid afternoon three days after leaving Ft. Bragg. He had a very pleasant reunion with his parents and other family that night. The next morning, after a leisurely breakfast and more visiting, Tom drove into town and stopped at a real estate office. He knew what he wanted and wasn't going to settle for less.

Two weeks later Tom and his real estate agent found exactly what he wanted. They found a twenty acre plot of ground twelve miles from town on Big Sugar Creek. There was a rough dirt road running past the acreage. The trail onto the place was so rough Tom's truck could just barely make it down it. There was a small meadow of perhaps three acres. The rest of the land was covered in woods and brush. He would own almost a quarter mile of stream front. There was a sharp curve in the stream about midway past his land where it ran into a sandstone bluff. The hole in the bend of the stream was fifteen or twenty feet deep next to the bluff. Across from the bluff was a nice gravel bar. The stream was full of fish. There were bass, some crappie, perch, goggle eye, blue gill, and various other species of fish.

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BangBus Paris Knight Surviving The Hurricane One Ride At A Time

Were finally out after being stuck indoors from the hurricane. We checked out the impact of the hurricane throughout the city before we finally caught a stranger in the streets. We approached this hurricane victim and decided to help her out. We talked, we negotiated and we got some tits before she jumped in the van. This busty blonde took the helping hand before she realized what was really happening. She wasn’t shy and we see her sucking hard on a cock before her tits and ass bounce from sex....

3 years ago
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Dad Rules 1

“And what do you think your up to?” I asked quietly. “Shit!” Arron screamed jumping naked off the settee, sending his equally naked sister sprawling on the floor. “I …I …I …” Arron stammered trying to cover his decreasing erection. “Quiet” I snapped. “Before you try lying to me, I have been here for nearly ten minutes, watching your vain attempt to teach your sixteen year old sister to suck your cock correctly. Ellen. What do you have to say?” Her head appeared over the back of the settee....

4 years ago
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MaquisChapter 24

Birmingham. August the same year. The Chief Executive of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, looked up, startled, as two men entered his office unannounced. “What?” he asked in surprise, before gathering himself. “Who are you and what do you want?” he asked, wondering slightly why his PA had not even tried to inform him. “Mister Sturgeon? Mister Connor Sturgeon?” the taller, younger, of the two men asked. “Yes. Who are you? You need to make an appointment. I’m a busy man, now please...

2 years ago
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The Girls

Marie ran a high class escort service. Her girls were perfect with great looks and the best sexy figures. Wealthy men used the girls when they were in town. They were well known for their high class look. Tonight a prince was coming to town and he needed one gal for himself and six for his security. He requested for him self huge tits and a huge ass. He loved the American girls with the big tits and big round asses. The girls would attend a party in his hotel where her had the complete fortieth...

3 years ago
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Mom caught me

Please give me some feedback. [email protected] My older brother Tommy called me. He was looking for a specific baseball card he was hoping to sell and he could not find it in his collection, so he wanted me to search my stash and see if I had it. I hung up and climbed the stairs to the attic where I kept my sizable collection of cards. I was on a search for an old Ernie Banks rookie card, framed in plastic and in mint condition. I dug around a bit to no avail. As I was giving up the...

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Bounder Ch 05

************************* CHAPTER FIVE ‘Marc and Torvald,’ the old veteran tapster ordered with rather disturbing calm, ‘take a pair of muskets upstairs to the front loft window and keep the front approach swept clear. Target their leaders and any obvious Blackguards officers first. Make every shot count! Brody and Erin, grab another pair of guns and go with them with extra shot and powder and keep the sharpshooters reloaded! They’ll charge the door first and if that fails they’ll then decide...

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Uski Newly Married Wife Mili Gift Mein Part 8211 23

Pichhli story mein aapne padha ki manoj k jane k baad reena mere sath sex ka khoob maza le rahi thi.Wo mujhe bath room mein kuchh dene aai.Maine use pakad kar chumne lga.Ab aage…..Day 4 morning….   Reena ne meri shert khol di.Maine uski peeth pr hath rakha aur bra khool di.Ab uske dono boob bilkul aazad ho gaye.Uski pink nipple ko dekhte hi maza aa raha tha.Maine dono hath se boob ko pakda to reena ki siski nikal gai.Ek boob ko pakad kar nipple chusne lga.Dusre hath se dusre boob ko dbane...

1 year ago
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Dickgirl Twins

Eighteen years ago, they were the first documented twins to be born with the genitalia of both sexes: each had a penis, a scrotum, and a vagina, thus they were "intersex." When they were older, they willingly appeared in the local newspaper, and even had a special on the Discovery channel. "Well, we feel like girls, I guess," they'd say, "but technically, we're in the middle." Despite the twins' acceptance of their ambiguous sex, some townspeople did not receive them well. Their...

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Wars End

10th of January, 1946. Some say the British and Americans were preparing to attack us. I don’t know how that rumour started, but, with not much real information coming from 10th Army headquarters, we soldiers came to our own conclusions. I do not believe it’s true. Since moving into this village, I have frequently crossed the railway into the British Zone and moved freely about in our little Commer truck. I have even crossed the river bridge into the American Zone and have seen for myself the...

1 year ago
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A Mothers Confession 2

100% fiction! After a second or two he regained his composure and began to fuck me. He said, "Oh Mom, you're my first girl." Looking back I am not sure if that meant he was a virgin or if he was saying he had gay experiences before yesterday. Again, I probably don't want to know. After all, I'm not a pervert or anything. I rode his cock for a full 40 minutes and had 3 orgasms. I know he's my son and all, but it's hard not to cum when you are being fucked for 40 minutes. And unlike my husband,...

2 years ago
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Bits and Pieces of Crusing at the ParkNot funA

If you have read me other times with me learning about my Bi sexuality, I only write about things that have actually happened to me. This account is about the small bits and pieces of cruising in the small park in the town I live.It was Summer, and the night was cool, but not cold, and there was a gentle flower filled wind blowing across the river. One of the things that I love about this part of Gods Country.I had just finished up working, and was feeling really horny so I decided to drive...

2 years ago
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Magic Is Gross 2 DevilChapter 12

He snored. Avery ran her hand in a circle over David’s chest. He gargled and snored quite louder than he sometimes did. She smiled. She slid out of bed. She lifted her t-shirt off of his nightstand and pulled on her flannel pajama pants. She slipped into her beaten and untied sneakers. It was almost a routine drop out the window. The back lawn had grown wet over night and she wiped her hands on her shirt as she walked back home. A few orange leaves were spiralling down but just as many trees...

2 years ago
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A Come BackChapter 18 Simple Day

The next dawn dawned hot and humid. The only one to get much sleep was Cleo. Who was already dressed and seated for breakfast. Long sleeves again, and this time Jeans, covered any signs of abuse well. Her face well... "Looking better today." Molly slid breakfast onto Cleo's plate. "Feeling better. Like I'm rested and..." She trailed off looking at me. I smiled weakly. I knew she felt better from having shared her ordeal. I climbed my groggy self onto the island stool and picked up a...

2 years ago
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A Conflict of Interest

‘And whatever you,’ cautioned our instructor at the parole and probation academy, ‘don’t become socially involved with any of your offenders. Big no no.’ Twenty-two years old and just out of college,I thought that being a P&P agent struck an ideal balance between social work (wanting to help people) and law enforcement (keeping our community safer). The pay wasn’t bad, the medical benefits were good and the job offered the type of flexibility I craved. We made field visits, testified in court,...

3 years ago
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The BlizzardChapter 11

“I got a call from the bank,” I said as Andrea ran a dust mop over the hardwood floor in the front room. “Our mortgage is approved for the full amount -- two hundred twenty thousand.” “Wonderful. What did that take? Three weeks?” She dusted around the base of the Christmas tree in the bay window. “Just under. Now we can schedule a closing. Lisa will get us the final figures and then I can go to our other bank and draw sixty grand or so from that account and have them cut a cashier’s check....

1 year ago
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Rule34 is a sacred rule that has been around as long as there has been porn on the internet. If it exists, then there is porn of it somewhere. Don’t believe me? Well, just try that shit out for yourself. Look up your favorite character, turn safe search off, and you’ll be inundated with thousands of images of them getting fucked in all sorts of obscene and kinky styles. Plus, it’s not limited to characters. You can find fap-worthy content of all kinds of dumb shit like famous places, buildings,...

Hentai Porn Sites
3 years ago
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My friend wifethe train journey

Of late I had lost appetite for sex coz I get too tired and fall sleep as soon as I find the bed. Though Jaspreet would not complain but off late I find her behavior turning nonchalant. Whenever I try to hug her she would turn indifferent and say – aap to aab khali jafi pane layek ho. Lagta hai mujhe aab koi dusra mard dekhna padega. When she would say this my deep fantasy of seeing my wife fuck other men, would come alive. However one thing led to another and I started fantasizing Jaspreet...

2 years ago
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ravenhawk12 gets it up again and again part 1 am

ravenhawk12I feel as if I may have lost a few years off my life, let alone be able to get it up again.....yes...she's THAT amazing!!Yet, as we look at each other, that scalding gaze she's giving me as she casually fingers herself very slowly, I knew I had to do something....or i may temp fate...and death....and attack her once more!Then, i grin.....an idea.I stand, her smile growing and her fingers speeding up their self-assault, as she watches me walk around the bed. At the side i stop,...

3 years ago
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Petticoat and No Panties Junction

Petticoat and No Panties JunctionIt was just another Friday at the Shady Rest Hotel just North of Hooterville. The hotel was located about half way between Pixley and Hooterville but they did most of their shopping at the Sam Ducker’s General Story in Hooterville. Their main source of transportation was a small train, the Cannon Ball, which made several trips between Hooterville and Pixley each day.The hotel was run by Kate and her three daughters, Betty Jo, Bobbie Jo, and Billie Jo. Their...

4 years ago
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 24

During the last week of their stay on Maui, Kathy began to play tennis with the Trangs. As she suspected, they were both remarkably well coordinated. Since the game she played was against the twins playing together, they quickly became very good because of the way they seemed to share a single brain. It was like playing one person with two bodies, employing each one to maximum effect. When she insisted on massaging them after their match, Kathy realized how perfect the two girl's bodies now...

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A hot wife gets banged on a Greek ferry

The ferry was due to sail just before midnight. While we were waiting to drive our hire car onto the ship, my wife and I had sat in a taverna knocking back Metaxa Greek brandy. By the time that we had stowed the car and found the lounge I was shattered. Susan, my beautiful but wanton wife, had consumed enough Greek brandy to feel horny, so she told me to get another round of drinks and then find somewhere quiet for us to fuck. I had been driving all day and badly needed a few hours sleep, so I...

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Wife sleeping with my friend

Today i am going to share my thrilling real time experience that spiced our life as a couple. Let me tell you that we are a young couple 34-30 years married for now 11 years as we got married quite early and ours is a love marriage . We had one kid when this incident happened but now at present we have two kids which complete our family. I am working with a mnc at a senior middle management position so we are a well settled family and my wife is a business lady by profession. She is a...

3 years ago
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An unhappily married young woman hires a teenager to mow her lawn and satisfy her needs

Anyway, I was sitting there in the busy shop getting my roots taken care of and my nails done and the thin woman beside me, she was laid all the way back and getting a wash and rinse, she started talking about the boy that cut her lawn and then fucked her silly. Of course she said he was hung like a horse; don’t they always say that? She said she was sore for a week. But it got my attention since I’ve been having a terrible itch, a serious need, a real hunger, and when she sat up...

4 years ago
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This is a true chronicle. Names have been changed to protect the guilty. Her name was Cindy, and she worked the evening shift at the local Seven-Eleven. In those better days, stores provided free coffee to customers, and my crew and I always stopped at Cindy’s store to grab cigarettes and whatever on the way to the rig. One evening, Jake asked me if I had ever noticed that Cindy was always reading a Penthouse Forum when we came in. I hadn’t noticed, but would check it out the next time we...

2 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 62 Moody Morgan

At 9.30am Jane and Andrew arrived. They were impressed with the unit and it’s views. Then went down in the lift at 9.45 to the 5th floor to attend the meeting. Mr Morgan was not happy, too many people for his place. Helena introduced herself but let Jane and Andrew pass without introduction. Harry was not happy ‘He is a dictator and a bossy one at that, only 6 people were to attend now he has 30 attending, he is a nasty one, I have truth him.’ Helena replied ‘I got that feeling yesterday, go...

2 years ago
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Loving My Husband

Introduction: You guys should really thank Saki for this story. She was sitting on me while breast feeding our son the other day and she described what if felt like to make love with me. She also said she was the circle of life. She had me inside her so she could take in another life while she was giving life to our son through her breast milk. Loving My Husband Having your man make love to you is the greatest gift a woman can have. (Next to having his baby) And giving your man a nice wet home...

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My Best Friend8217s Desire 8211 My Wife 8211 Part 1

Hi my name is vishal and my wife name is rohini, we have been happily married from past 1 year.My child hood best friend is vivek tall and muscular guy. We were best friends from child hood, always shared our things from pen to underwear and while we were in college we often used to tease each other that we will share our wives too after getting married. Rohini was my girlfriend in my college and vivek used to help us a lot, like providing his vehicle when ever we wish to go some where for...

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A chance at a new sex life Part 10

Sometime later that morning my mom comes into the room carrying some breakfast. “Morning sweetie, how are you feeling?” “A lot better mom thanks!” “I’m glad.” Here I made you some breakfast and brought your next dose of medication.” Mom lays a tray of food with a few pills next to it. “Thanks mom, where’s Stacey?” I try not to sound too eager. “She’s off to college today, she wanted to stay and help but I made her go, such the bad mother I am.” She replies with a big grin on her face and...

4 years ago
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Me and Mum starting again

"They're lovely kids mum.""They're your brother and sister Danny.""Yes."They were happy kids, a boy, and a girl, beautiful children who would be spared the terror I endured as a kid. They'd never lie in bed at night listening to their father raping and beating their mother as I had and as I lay in the hot sun watching them playing happily, I decided to try to be a surrogate father to them, at least until mum met a nice, decent man and remarried.I turned onto my side and looked at her, it was...

1 year ago
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The Ghost of a 57 Chevy

The Ghost of a ’57 Chevy Janet Fremont You drive east from Lexington – not on the interstate, but on the old Kentucky state highways and smaller county roads – on past Stanton and Hazard and Pikeville, on past the tiny towns and the even smaller places that used to be tiny towns before the mines closed or the new roads bypassed them or maybe just the ones where all the younger people left and the older ones finally died. You drive on into the true rural part of the state, into the mountains...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 492

This Ought to Make All Grandpas Feel All Warm and Fuzzy A six-year-old goes to the hospital with her mother to visit her Grandpa. When they get to the hospital, she runs ahead of her mother and bursts into her Grandpa’s room. “Grandpa, Grandpa,” she says excitedly, “as soon as my mother comes into the room, make a noise like a frog!” “What?” said her Grandpa. “Make a noise like a frog because my mom said that as soon as you croak, we’re all going to Disney World!” This one is...

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Amisha 8211 My Friend8217s Hot Mom

Hey guys! This is Aryan and this is my first story on ISS. I have been following ISS for a very long time. Now, I think I am ready to submit a nice story for our viewers. It is a bit long story. I hope you like it and leave a comment. I am Aryan, a vivid reader of ISS. This is a fiction story of my friend’s mother. I saw for the first time and fell in love with her. It was 4 years back when I and my other friends used to meet at night time for playing cards or chit-chat. We used to sit on a...

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Christmas Climaxes

Step dad, mum and college lass: Everything under a Christmas tree should be opened with relish and delight....Some may say I’m lucky, others who share the same birthday as me, will take a different view. My birthday falls on Christmas Day. Yet here I was getting up excited and very early on Christmas morning just turned eighteen. I was prepared as usual for the ‘single double’ present that covered both birthday and Christmas. But at least it was under a tree. The tree I had helped decorate with...

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Indian Fighters John ShiplyChapter 7

Abigail found some new clothes, albeit men's clothes, to wear at the next town. She was looking for clothes she could conveniently wear while straddling a horse. Sam's boots turned out to be a good fit once she had some socks to wear. John bought her a Navy Colt and holster to wear, and, after some thought, bought the same combination for himself. They both spent a day practicing with the guns and got pretty good, though neither one was ever going to be a quick-draw artist. The men were...

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rich boys love 8

when harvey drove me home outside my gates i said goodnight to him and i kissed him as i was getting out he took my hand and said "leon thank you so much for tonight" i said "its not a problem i enjoyed my self" and strangly enought i did harvey also asked for my car keys (because i had a spare set of keys to my parents cars and he didnt want me to drink drive) so i handed them over the next day i woke up early and got ready i called my self a cab to go to harveys house top pick up my...

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Graduation and Ch 19

‘Oh, wow! Look at this place!’ Bobby exclaimed when he and Paula pulled into the driveway of their weekend hideaway. The beach house was very modern and jutted out from the bank, set on top of pilings driven into the beach sands. Behind it, built into the bank, was a concrete parking area and two-car garage. The minute the car stopped, Paula got out and started walking toward the house. Bobby watched her for a second, then got out of the car, too. Paula took the key out of her pocket and...

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Pyaasi Bahan

Mai sidhiyo se chad raha tha apne ghar ke liye ke saamne ke ghar ka darwaza khula aur meri bahan shahina nikli.pasine me bhigi hui aur apne saari ke pallu se apne chehre ka pasina pochti hui.mai kuch waqt ke liye maano wohi jam sa gaya.mujhe yakin nahi hua ke maine kya dekha.agle hi pal meri didi ne hamare ghar ka lock khola aur andar chali gayi.uske piche mai bhi andar chala gaya.dekha to didi drawing room me sofe pe baithi gahri gahri saanse le rahi thi.uska blouse pasine se bhiga hua tha aur...

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