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Three weeks after Baghdad was taken things were still dangerous but were calming down somewhat. Platoon Sergeant (PSG) Thomas Simms was with his Platoon Leader 2Lt (Second Lieutenant) Marvin Paul inspecting checkpoints his platoon were responsible for when once again they found themselves in the middle of a hot zone. A large Russian truck with Iraq Army markings was roaring toward the checkpoint. Instead of slowing down as they neared the check point the large truck actually increased its speed. Dust was billowing out behind the vehicle. The engine was roaring as the truck bore down on the flimsy barrier across the road.

PSG Simms jerked his head around when he heard the engine roar increase in volume. His soldiers watched in surprise for a moment. Just as he started to tell them to fire on the truck they began to move and took it under fire. Now his attention turned to his young inexperienced Platoon Leader. Like an idiot the young lieutenant stepped to the side of the road and held his arms up to signal the truck to stop. PSG Simms began running toward the LT. He yelled, ‘Lieutenant, get down. The LT just glanced over his shoulder for a moment at his running PSG then turned his attention back to the speeding truck. PSG Simms watched in horror as the blossom of rifle fire came from the truck. He yelled at the lieutenant once again, ‘Sir! GET DOWN!’

The lieutenant had only been with the unit for three days and was thinking with his stateside brain in spite of the training he received. He looked at the PSG once again with a puzzled expression. Finally his brain understood the situation. A look of horror and comprehension covered his face. He started to move away from the road toward cover. His mouth opened to say something when he was hit. He stumbled back and fell to the ground where he lay unmoving.

PSG Simms turned to the remainder of his section and said, ‘You know the drill. Take those rag headed bastards out now. Immediately, an increased amount of rifle fire reached out to the truck. At first it held its line of travel then the driver slumped over the wheel and the truck veered off the road and nosed into a two story building. When it came to a stop the cab was inside the building and debris had fallen all around it.

PSG Simms looked around and motioned some of his soldiers to approach the truck to verify all the combatants were neutralized. He felt some trepidation when he saw his assistant platoon sergeant SSG Samantha Peters stand and motion to two of her section. She led them toward the truck. PSG Simms watched in admiration as she maneuvered her soldiers toward the objective. They were doing it right. She moved herself and her men from cover to cover, her head always moving, checking for threats. He felt his cock twitch when he saw the absolutely perfect ass and legs flex and move what he knew was a superior body toward her objective.

No, there was nothing physical between the two senior NCO’S of the platoon but there could have been. They were close friends and spent as much time together as the job and regulations allowed. They both suspected there could be something wonderful between them if regulations didn’t prohibit them dating. These two were, after all, good soldiers. They did their job well, followed the regulations and expected others to do the same. No, there was nothing between them except unrequited desire, deep respect, friendship and a longing for more. At times, when it was acceptable for them to interact socially they did so with gusto. At company parties and other military mandated social meetings they spent much of their time together. They were a team on duty and knew what the other was thinking. That carried over to social occasions. They were comfortable together in all situations.

Both PSG Simms and SSG Peters were alone, some said loners, even haters of the opposite sex. It had not always been that way for PSG Simms. There were two failed serious relationships and one failed marriage in his past. After the divorce he tried one more time for a serious relationship but when it failed he decided no more. He couldn’t go through the pain and suffering of another cheating bitch. Married life and the Army just didn’t mix well, especially in today’s environment of frequent long deployments.

PSG Simms mentally shook himself. He knew he was allowing his mind to drift dangerously. His attention to the tactical situation had become dangerously poor. He began to pull himself back to the present when he heard Sam yell, ‘Hey, Sarge. You need to come see this shit.’

Simms looked up and saw his soldiers at their posts. The Check Point (CP) was manned, the soldiers were attentive. A medic was tending to the downed LT. The two men who accompanied SSG Peters were on guard at the sides of the truck while she went through the vehicle to identify the contents. One of the first things to be checked for was explosives. Simms felt his stomach lurch when he heard Sam call out. Crap, he thought. She’s got a bomb. He was already planning troop dispositions if they had to relocate until the bomb was safed by EOD.

Simms walked rapidly but safely up to the truck and climbed inside to kneel beside SSG Peters. He looked at her first and said, ‘What cha got, Sam?’

She looked up at him in shock and licked her lips. She almost whispered, ‘Money, Tom. Bags and boxes of U.S. hundred dollar bills and more cases of hundred Euro bills. There’s a fortune in this truck.’

PSG Simms looked down at the containers in awe as Sam opened them and showed him the money. ‘Jesus,’ he whispered. The brass will shit when they see this. You watch this while I set better security and call it in.’

Simms dropped from the truck and moved to the check point. He motioned the Corporal over and gave him instructions for tightening security. He called all the soldiers who were not actually manning the CP and sent them to form a better perimeter security without telling the Corporal why. He glanced again at the medic working on the LT to verify he was taken care of. Now he needed to call the brass. He jumped into the command Hummer and made the call asking for more security and the Company Commander. He didn’t want to tell them why he needed more men so only reported the attack and injuries, requesting Dustoff (helicopter medical evacuation) for the LT.

After the radio call Simms moved the Hummer closer to the truck and CP. He sent the two guards away and he and Samantha took up the guard duties for the money and truck. Tom stood thinking about his life and future. His retirement papers were already turned in. He would retire from the Army with almost 21 years of service about five weeks after the unit returned to the states. His mind wandered to the money once again. Did he want to endanger not only his retirement but his very freedom and do something stupid?

Contrary to policy Sam wandered over beside Tom. She glanced at him briefly then at the truck and licked her lips. She said, ‘Damn, that’s a lot of cash. My god, what someone could do with all that. Where do you think it all came from and where were they taking it?’

‘Good questions, Sam. I know where I would like to take it and what I’d like to do with it.’

Sam grinned up at him and gave him a hip but. Her eyes sparkled and she licked her lips before letting out a silent, ‘Yeah. FUCK, I’d like to have a bag of that. I’ve only got about eighteen months to go and I’m putting my papers in. I’ve had it with this army shit. I want to find me a man to love and make some babies. A bag of that money would sure make that easier.’ She looked at Tom from under her tilted head and continued, ‘You ever think about getting married and settling down?’

‘Oh, yeah. Been there, done that, have the T-shirt. She couldn’t take the army and cheated on me. She laughed when I caught her
and took off with her lover. She never spoke to me from then until I divorced her and I haven’t seen her since. I had a couple close calls in addition to the short marriage but they didn’t take. You?’

‘About the same. Got engaged once to another soldier. He couldn’t keep it in his pants. Had a couple three others I got pretty close to. Lived with them for a while but it just wasn’t right, ya know? Maybe after I get out. I hope so.’

Sam moved off to the other side of the truck to watch from there. Tom stood watching his surroundings and thinking. He moved over to the truck and looked inside again. He really didn’t think. He climbed into the truck and threw three of the bags of money out. One had Euros inside the other two were full of $100 bills. There were still five cases in the truck. He quickly took some money from the five cases inside and partially filled three bags to replace the ones he threw out. That returned the count to eight once again albeit ones with less money in each than they originally contained.

Simms quickly picked up the bags and moved to his Hummer. He buried the bags underneath the equipment he and the Lieutenant carried in the back. Unless it was searched the bags were not visible. Tom felt a surge of fear at what he had done. If he was caught it was court martial, loss of his pension, and probably prison. He almost took the bags out and put them back into the truck. He was actually walking toward the Hummer to do so when that option was taken out of his hands. His Company Commander drove up with the reinforcements.

When PSG Simms reported to the CO and showed him the money the Captain was shocked. He quickly organized the removal of the money. PSG Simms and SSG Peters stood watching the detail move the containers of money to the Captain’s vehicle. After the money and injured were evacuated SSG Peters turned to look at PSG Simms. He was watching as the CP returned to normal.

SSG Peters moved closer to PSG Simms and said quietly, ‘Those containers didn’t look as full when the Captain took them as they did when I first found them. I thought we watched the truck pretty closely. Do you think someone got into the stash?’

Simms felt his gut clench. He looked in the direction the Captain was driving and said, ‘I really didn’t notice. Since we didn’t count the money it would be really hard to tell for sure if any was missing, though. I suspect we’d better just keep our mouths shut about all this. It’s way above our pay grade.’

‘Yeah, I guess you’re right. Sure would like to have a bit of that though. All that cash could make retirement a lot smoother dontcha know?’

The two NCO’s looked at each other then returned to the business at hand. Neither mentioned the money again until three days later.

Three days after the Captain took the money a rumor went around the compound. The rumor was that three bags of money were found in a truck that tried to drive through a check point. When SSG Peters heard the rumor she found an opportunity to talk to PSG Simms. ‘Did you hear they found three bags of money in the truck that tried to break our CP? Do you believe that? Are they putting out misinformation or did someone take the money do you think?’

‘No idea. I know I got a receipt for all five, uh, all eight containers from the C O. What happened after that I can’t say.’

Sam looked at Tom and furrowed her brow. ‘What do you mean all five cases?’

‘I just misspoke. I was thinking of the rumor and doing poor math in my head is all.’ He rummaged in his desk and pulled a receipt from it showing he turned over five cases and three bags of money, amount unknown, to the Captain. ‘See, here’s the receipt. Now, you ok?’

Sam looked at Tom a moment and gave him an appraising look, then smiled. ‘Yeah, I’m ok Sarge. It sure looks like there’s something fishy going on though. Well, I gotta get back to the ol’ grind.’ She gave him a searching look, a serious look. Just before she walked off she said, ‘Tom, I need you to be real careful now. I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you. I know you’re retiring as soon as we get back stateside. You don’t want to do anything to fuck that up.’ She smiled and continued, ‘If you need any help with anything you let me know. I have some ideas on how to return things to the states in a secure manner.’ After giving Tom a searching look Sam turned and walked from his office.

PSG Simms heaved a sigh of relief when Samantha disappeared from his sight. He was more nervous than he normally was in a firefight. He still hadn’t figured out what to do with the money. Or, more specifically, he hadn’t decided how to get the money home without getting caught. He had several ideas but hadn’t settled on the method or methods he would use to attempt smuggling the funds back to the states.

PSG Simms finally decided to use several methods to smuggle the funds into the states hoping if one stash was found others wouldn’t be. His main worry was the Euros. He thought he might be able to explain away the U S money if it was found. He put the Euros inside two spare tires on vehicles being returned to the states for the unit. More money was secreted one packet deep in false bottoms of old style wooden foot lockers going back inside a conex assigned to the unit. Some of the money he actually placed inside the linings of his personal clothing and protective armor.

PSG Simms kept track of his stashes after the unit and its equipment returned to Ft. Bragg. The money in his personal gear and possessions was not discovered by the customs inspection done before leaving the Mideast. He carefully removed those funds from his gear and took them off base to his home. That part of the money was safely hidden in a safe deposit box. He had $150,000.00 in cool cash already and was completely free of detection so far. Now, did he want to go after the remaining funds stored in more dangerous locations?

The next funds Tom recovered were those shipped in the false bottoms of cases bound for his Platoon offices. The first night after they were placed in the Platoon office he removed the false bottoms and took those funds home. He was a nervous wreck as he worked in the office and later when he carried the duffel bag of money to his vehicle. He kept waiting for a voice to tell him to halt and put his hands up. It never came. When he approached the gate off post his stomach knotted once again. He felt as if he was going to throw up. He almost had an accident from his sudden relaxation when he exited the base unstopped. His vision actually blurred and dimmed from the release of tension.

Once again the recovered funds were hidden in his home for a few days. Another $350,000.00 was safely added to his stash. He placed these funds in a safe deposit box in a different bank from the one he used before. Now the only funds he had to recover were the Euros in the tires. Those would be the most difficult to recover and the most dangerous. He was not authorized inside the motor pool during non-work hours and it was normally much too busy a place to break down the tire and recover the loot during duty hours.

Tom had almost decided to forgo recovering the Euros when fate stepped in and handed him a golden opportunity. One of his young soldiers mother died and he was authorized emergency leave to return home for the services. The notification came near the end of the work day. Simms took the call and told the LT he was going to personally pick up the soldier and get him on his way. Since this was army business during working hours Simms had the motor pool dispatch a Hummer to him for the unpleasant task.

When PSG Simms entered the motor pool he walked up to the dispatcher and said, ‘I need a Hummer dispatched to me personally. I have to pick up a soldier going on emergency leave. I also want to do an inspection of one of my squad’s vehicles at the same time. Could you dispatch bumper number C22 or C24?’ Both of the requested Hummers had Euros stashed in the spare tire so either would do. S
ince the requested vehicles were assigned to his platoon there was no question about the dispatch. The Dispatcher completed the paperwork on C22 and dispatched it to him with no question.

Simms drove back to his platoon office and stopped beside his truck. He took a duffel bag from the truck with a lumpy object inside. He placed the bag inside the hummer. He rapidly drove to a secluded area and stopped. He quickly released the pressure from the tire and used the on vehicle tool set to break the bead. He pulled the cash from the tire and placed it in a duffel bag he had brought with him. Next he pulled a small air compressor from the vehicle, hooked it to the electrical system and reinflated the tire.

Once again the recovery of the money went undetected. At the current exchange rate the recovered Euros added another $160,000 to Tom’s stash. Now he had $660,000. If he could recover the money in the other tire he would have about $820,000 in cool hard cash. Even if he couldn’t find a way to invest that money and he had to keep it in cash he could live well on it and his pension. At least he could live well if he ever got to draw his pension. He had to stay out of prison to do that.

For the next ten days Tom lived in constant fear of arrest. All at once it was time to clear post, turn in his army property and return to civilian life. Since clearing post was a military function he took the opportunity to drive the one remaining Hummer with his cash stash still in the tire. Once again he recovered the money without getting caught. Tom heaved a sigh of relief and relaxed somewhat. Finally the day he looked forward to arrived. His retirement day was upon him. He went through the ceremony and made the rounds of his friends shaking hands and slapping backs. He was proud of his career. He was embarrassed with himself for stealing the money then smuggling it back into the states. He was excited with the possibilities the large balance of money opened for him.

The last person PSG Simms talked to before driving off was SSG Peters. She walked with him to his truck as he prepared to leave the post for the last time. The two friends stood beside the truck and visited for several minutes. Finally Tom said, ‘Well, I suppose I need to get this show on the road. I know I have all the time I need and there’s no deadline but I feel pushed to get on down the road.’

Sam touched Tom’s forearm and stepped closer to him. Her breasts were almost touching his abdomen. She looked into his eyes and said, ‘You actually pulled it off, didn’t you? I kept expecting to come to work one morning and hear you were in the stockade.’

Tom felt his knees weaken. He opened his mouth to say something. Sam said urgently, ‘Don’t. You don’t need to deny anything or to admit anything. We both know what I’m talking about. In a way I wish I had the guts to do what you and whoever else it was did. I’d love to know how much you made off with. Good luck, Tom. I hope you keep in touch. Maybe we can get together next year when I retire. I’ll really miss you.’

Sam turned and walked rapidly away from Tom. Tom yelled, ‘Hey, Sam. When you get out I expect you to come see me before you find that man and make those babies. I really want to see you again. I’ll keep you posted on how the retirement’s going and where I land.’

Tom got into his nearly new F150 and closed the door. He sat behind the wheel feeling the fear and shakes drain from his body. How had she known? He knew she knew what he did. She was too positive in her statement. And she hadn’t turned him in. What did she want? Did she want anything? Did he want to do what she asked and stay in touch? Wouldn’t that just make it easier for her to cause him trouble? No, probably not. The Army would know where he was forever because of his retirement check. SHIT!

Finally Tom started his truck and drove off the post for the last time. He took three days on the trip home. He was returning to the same small town he grew up in and left 21 years previously. He was 39 years old and starting over. He had no one to share his life with, no job and no place to call home. His parent’s had sold his boyhood home and moved to a senior complex several years before so he couldn’t stay with them even if he wanted to. He was excited and complacent at the same time. He was looking forward to living his own life to his own timetable. Currently he had no plans for his future.

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SyntheticChapter 6

In the other room, the guests were all seated at the table. Claude was at the head, with Simon's master, Henry, a few seats down on his left. Simon stood next to him. His skin was pale. "-swear," said Henry. He'd obviously been talking for a while, most of the people around him were listening avidly. "It'd be the best thing you ever did. It's like having two syns for the price of one. And-" he took Simon's wrist, and jerked him closer. "It makes every time the first time." Renee...

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Gaandu 8211 1

Hi to all iss readers this is rehaan khan 4 u. Yeh kahani meri apni zindagi ki hai. Mujhe pata hai aap sochte honge ki maine apni story ka naam gaandu kyuon rakha, iska yahi jawaab hai ki mai paidaiysi gaandu hu isliye. Khair in baaton ko chotda hu aur apni kahani ya zindagi ke baare main sunata hu. Mera janam up ke meerut jile main hua tha.mera pita se meri maa ka bahoot jaldi hi taalak ho gaya tha aur main apni maa ke saath apne nani ke yaha rahta tha. Main bachpan se thoda dubla tha par pata...

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our walk part 1 2

Recently my wife asked me if I jerk off, And I said yes, she then asked me what i thought about while doing it. I told her my many fantasies. She agreed to help me fullfil one. I got home from work last week, it was late, my wife told me to take a shower and put on the outfit she laid out in the spare bedroom for me. When I got out of shower i went into the backroom and found A pair of black tights (with hole cut out for my cock) a black leotard , oversize hooded sweatshirt and...

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Geneva School for GirlsChapter 3

It wasn’t a requirement that professors hired for the Geneva School for Girls be oversexed, but if they weren’t when they were hired, they soon became so. Given the ratio of 200 students to 50 professors, there was little time for rest. The men had their hands full instructing girls in the finer arts of satisfying a man’s baser needs. There were also the assorted obligations of the school, which often led to mind-blowing orgasms. And then, of course, there were those moments of opportunity,...

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Torture a Sisters of Fate Story

Hey folks, happy Halloween. This story is a little bit of this and a little bit of that. It’s based on the song “Torture” by the Jacksons. There’s also a quick cameo by the host of my favorite pod cast (there’s no place like Terra) which is insanely funny. But the main theme of the story is to push the nuns forward into their future and towards unification with my hopefully soon to be done book. It also fleshes out some of the characters that I’ve been teasing for a couple of years and delves...

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Gallants Revolution

For six millennium the humans in Nox have been serfs to mage lords. I should say slaves because that was really what we were. There were few free men in the nation but unless you were elven, a dwarf or a mage there was little chance to be free. Even the soldiers were serfs but they had more freedom and things they were allowed to do. My father had been a soldier and taught me using sticks and rods of iron. Our mage lord had cut back the numbers of soldiers he had to half and my father was...

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The Boss Asks For A Massage

Hi friends, this is Bike back with another adventure of mine. I have received a lot of responses from ISS readers, keep them coming at Also happy to help you with your queries. This sex story is about an unmarried women who liked to have sex with younger guys. She used to work with me in my office and we ended up having sex in her office cabin.Simran was in her early thirties, she was one of the managers in my office. She was unmarried and there were lotnof gossips in office about her having...

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Rand Ki Moti Gand

Let’s start friends, skip all the things and come to the story.   So this is a story of a girl named juuhi ( imaginary name ). She is a busty girl aur uska figure hai 36 30 38. Uski badi tarbooz jaisi chuchiya aaye haaye aur uski mast moti gaand kisi ka bhi lund todd de.   Ek baar juuhi ek shop par jati hai jha se wo hamesha bra panty leti hai. Wo wha jake uss dukaandar se bra dikhane ko kehti hai ( dukaandar thoda tharki aur 35 saal ka hai ). Wo usse size puchta hai aur uska jawab milta hai...

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The Long and the Short of ItChapter 4

Tina woke at her usual time of seven and lay listening. She heard no movement and decided to stay where she was until she did. It would be better for the family to start their day without having to look after her. She only had to wait half an hour and then surmised that not having heard the bathroom door that it was Sarah and Ben with their ensuite one who were on the move. She padded off to the bathroom, did her thing and then dressed. She waited again until she heard Christopher going to...

3 years ago
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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 9 Sunday Sunday Cant Trust That Day

The good professor showed about 8AM, went to the artifacts tent and was figuratively speechless. Professors are seldom literally bereft of vocal cords. He donned Nitrile gloves and scrutinized each blank extensively. He held each to the sun and commented about the clarity of the obsidian. Gil was taking notes in Gregg as fast as she could. Impossible terms like no inclusions, perfectly matched percussion flaking, inability to decide on a reverse side fell like raindrops in a...

4 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop Chapter 1

Andrew Bishop flicked the switch to turn on the exterior lights, opened the front door and stepped out on to the wide verandah of his century old farmhouse. He leant his shoulder on the verandah post and sloshed the last of the red wine in the glass that he'd carried out with him, raised it to his lips and drank the small mouthful. He didn't drink much, but did enjoy a glass or two of good local product on most Sunday evenings. It was a cool August evening, the weather was on the improve and...

Straight Sex
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I met Kim when she came to be with her brother

Kim was a beautiful 21 year old blonde,slim,small tits and a wonderful personality.It was about a month after she came to live with us I found she had quite a sexual appetite.It happened one night when even though she had her own room she climbed in bed with me. I had been thinking about having sex with her but didn’t know what Sam would do. When she woke me up that night snuggling against me naked it didn’t matter about Sam any more.She said nothing when she moved under the covers, only...

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Hot Session With Mom

Mom and I sat in the room talking about random things . After an hour or so, when we thought that everyone must have gone to sleep, mom closed the door of my room and switched on all the lights and fans. She liked to do it with the lights on. Here I was, the shy one. Standing in front of me was someone I once loved more than anything and had nothing but respect for her. With a sly smile, she took off her top and pulled the string of her shalwar. It fell on the floor, revealing the most...

4 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 3 Rewards

Hajji Mansur El-Najjar was a more than average devotee of the prophet. He had, as the honorific implied, made the pilgrimage to Mecca and took the teachings of the Koran seriously. It had worried him that his eldest son, Ramzy El-Najjar, might pollute his body with masturbation. The conviction that a young man of eighteen summers needed to ejaculate twice daily at least was a medical fact as far as the father was concerned; it was the same as urinating or eating, if it was not done something...

1 year ago
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By the end of July, we end up in Benidorm, we booked in a small hotel, It was late in the evening but we decide to go for dinner, on th way back, we shaw a bar on the side street of the hotel, asked my husband, if we could have a drink before we go to sleep. he said ok! but he said just one, you must be very tired, specially after all those lorry drivers, you been having sex with, I said ok! nice bar lots of people, we sat in a corner of the bar, the walls were full of pictures, with wrestling...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Lexi Lowe Met Over The Pond

Old acquaintances Lexi Lowe and Marcus London unexpectedly reunite at a hotel where Marcus works as a masseur. He offers Lexi a massage free of charge and she happily accepts. Marcus has her lay down nude on the Nuru Massage bed, dousing the cold gel over her ass and back. He gives her upper thighs some extra attention and touches her shaved pussy, tactfully. Lexi flips over as Marcus now focuses on her huge boobs which makes her extremely horny and demands Marcus remove his pants so she can...

2 years ago
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Cumming On To Big brother

Except for the sighing of the breeze and the chirping of the birds it was quiet and all the windows were open to the spring air, softly scented with the cherry and magnolia trees surrounding the house. It was a lovely two story colonial that Dale's mother had gotten when his father had decided to chuck it all and head off to Mexico with his secretary, who happened to be at least half his age. Dale's mother didn't mind, she got the house paid for plus a more than adequate amount of cash, stocks,...

3 years ago
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A date with my wife

We get in the car, me driving, my wife in the passenger seat, and you in the backseat. You lean forward continuing our conversation. Looking in the rear view I see you staring at my wifes cleavage as we chat. Her slinky black dress is low cut showing her full D cup breasts nicely. For several minutes you perv on my wifes tits until you glance up and make eye contact with me. I smile as if to say "caught you" and you grin drunkenly. My wife is looking out the window totally unaware. You take...

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Outward BoundChapter 5

Three days after my meeting with Agnes Seward, I took their shuttle over. I shared the ride with two very hungover contractors and a load of supplies for one of the many departments onboard a mining ship. When I arrived, I met a young lady who told me her name was Mary and she was Grandmother Seward’s secretary. I resolved that I would have to remember the Grandmother title. Mary led me to Grandmother Seward’s office. When I entered, Agnes stood and held her hand out. “Captain Sullivan, I’m...

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Sherry Begins at an Early Age

I had been dating Sherry for a while and knew her to be a gorgeous, fun, and very sexual woman. She had long red hair, deep green eyes, and a petite, gymnast type body with proportional breasts to fit her size and a sweet little bottom. I knew she had a very colorful past as far as men and sex was concerned and had gotten bits and pieces of her story over time and a lot of it when she was drinking.So one night we were gonna be at my place chilling and watching movies. I decided to try real hard...

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Healing Hands of TimeChapter 9

The favor Amber wanted was a big one. She needed a sort of body guard for a private party she was working. She thought I might be interested in doing the job, because the men who hired her were junior associates at the law firm of Crossman, Fielding and Blakemore. The lawyers were throwing a bash to celebrate their large year-end bonuses, and wanted Mary Margaret to perform her lawyer routine. She turned down the job at first, but when the men offered to double her normal rate, she decided...

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Modern Woman 2

The first few weeks after the seminar were really difficult. I know my husband felt that something had changed. He sometimes just looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face as if to say, 'Who are you and what have you done with my wife?' I spent those weeks trying to find a way to talk to him about Louise. She and I promised each other that we would find a way to leave our marriages so we could be together. We spoke over the phone every day. We had a code so we didn’t alert our...

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Bhai Bahen Ka Pyar


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The Academy Chpt 4 revised version

*Knock, Knock, Knock* I went to the door to answer it. Mr. Owens: Ah, good you’re all ready, well then let’s go shall we? Kyle: Yea, let’s win this thing guys! The six of us got up and out the door but Mr. Owens stopped us. Mr. Owens: Sorry you four today’s matches are only for teams of two. Adam: You guys have some fun while we’re gone. Mr. Owens led us into a waiting room filled with a lot of other teams of two, it took a couple hours before we were called and by then...

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My trip to sauna pt1

I am 26 years old, 178cm tall and a little chubby, but always horny.I had some previous experience with guys, older. Some were nice, just wanted a blowjob, other were more mean, dominant. I have found that the nice guys do not work for me, for the most part. Cum in my mouth, or on my face is fine, some fumbling with my hole, but there was never anything...well hot.But the dominant guys, those were something.I frequent some chat rooms, hunting for the perfect guy. For most part it is only...

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10 Book2Chapter 3

Herb said, "My cousin Jeff is having a birthday soon. I want to get rid of the house and make peace with the fire department and Dr Vale. Ellen should make an appearance and straighten out her affairs too." "Are your homely brides invited to go with you?" Herb blew up. I had not seen this coming. "Don't say that ever. You and Kim are beautiful. Even a person that doesn't have the emotional involvement I have will find you at least pretty." "I'm sorry hon. Maybe I'm fishing for...

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Best Friend part 2

HI ti you all this carries on from part 1.Linda was now being fucked by sam on a regular basis he was picking her up about once a week and she was enjoying the attention and it certainly helped our sex life as i now got to fuck her not only as a couple but as her sub, when sam was picking her up she would spend time getting ready, then when he came she would be out the door, linda would say i was out so it didnt raise suspicions as she hadnt told him that i knew.when linda came home she would...

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Sweet sisi 1

Hi friends. This is my first story. I really have no ideas how many of this are real stories but mine is really a true story which is still happening. We are two kids to my parents. My elder sis who is Sonali. Doing her engineering in one of the reputed inst in Bangalore and my parents are working in top management level for a soft ware firm in Bangalore. I am being the second and last member in my family enjoyed a lot of love and lenience from parents and my sis as well. It was a Sunday when...

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Soul Mates Part 1 The beauties of modern technology

Joe was a sex god, long, black hair that reaches his shoulders, which I just yearn to run my hands through as I kiss him passionately. He has the most beautiful bright blue eyes, which look almost unnatural. His slight chubbiness just makes my body lust for him more, wanting him to hug and hold me and kiss me, make me feel safe in his arms. MSN pinged and my attention was brought back to the real world (in my mind I was slowly undressing Joe). Ah, Joe had just signed in. It was four...

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Afternoon Interlude

Afternoon InterludeCeleste looked at her watch. It can't be only 9:30am. Celeste has been counting the minutes until she could sneak away for an early lunch. She had an order from Dom Adam to meet at the Hotel Mirtle around the corner at 11am sharp! Celeste began to heat up just thinking about that order. Her boss was gone for the day and would not miss her for a couple of hours. Tick Tock. That clock had never moved so slowly before today. Celeste tried to concentrate on her menial accounting...

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 28

JULY 4, 1991 “Happy birthday, Jake.” It was a pleasant way to wake up. No alarm had been set. I was allowed to sleep in a bit. It was mom who woke me up in a gentle way at around 9:30. But it wasn’t her words that woke me up. It was the smell of bacon in the oven. I rolled out of bed and felt the sharp sting in my lower half. ‘Fucking leg day!’ I swore to myself. We’d spent the early part of Tuesday morning on the track, running short bursts of sprints on up to a full mile run. Then...

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How Long Has This Been Going OnChapter 3

Allen had rented a cabin at a nice resort in the mountains in Tennessee. He worked out, and got blitzed til he didn’t feel the pain anymore. This was his routine for the next several days after finding out that his beloved wife had taken a lover on the side. He ran into a very attractive thirty something woman in the bar, who seemed to take a liking to him. She said her name was Susan Morris. He had just put away his first drink of the day when he heard someone say, “You look like a man on...

2 years ago
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The Island chapter 02

time penis play, and decided that he was going to try it again during the day when he could watch what was going on. Although this all seemed new to him, somewhere deep inside of him he knew that it wasn't. During the day's explorations, Jimmy came upon a small stream with fresh water, something which he realized was important for his survival. After drinking his fill, he stepped into the clean cold water, and washed himself from head to toe, feeling clean for the first time. The...

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After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty-five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...

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Party with sister

Typical Catholic family, father, mother, then older sister and I. My father has got import/export business of fishes and my mother is helping him in the business. When my parents got married within a year my sister, Tina, born. After around ten years I was born. Mother was helping my father in the business so most of the time she used to stay out of home. My sister who was 10 year older Than me took care of me all my childhood. We were very close. She was more like Mother figure to me than...


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