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The strawberry-blonde fifteen-year-old felt a wall of sound rush in towards her as her blue eyes snapped away from the dark brown ones that she had been staring at to the green eyes of her boyfriend, Ryan. His concerned look made the young blonde blush a little. “Sorry Ryan, were you saying something?”

“I was asking if you wanted a drink,” Ryan said, “You seemed like you had spaced out a bit there.”

“Y-yea, I was just thinking,” Savannah said as she scanned the party looking for those rich dark brown eyes she was loosing herself in before. She found them sitting in the living room passing around a fat joint. “Hey, isn’t that Derek Williams over there?”

Ryan scoffed and shook his head, “Yea, of course he’d get an invite.”

“Hey, I know you two aren’t friends, but he’s nice,” Savannah said.

“He’s nice to you because he’s trying to get in your pants,” Ryan said with a scowl on his face.


“It’s true,” the brown-haired teen shrugged, “he’s mentioned it before in the locker room that he thinks you’re hot. That’s Derek for ‘I want to knock you up’.”

“Knock me up?” Savannah asked blushing, her eyes darting to the dark-skinned teen in the living room as he took a hit from the bong that was passed to him.

“That’s his fetish, apparently. Likes to go raw and cum inside,” Ryan nodded his head towards an obviously pregnant brunette in the kitchen, “He said he’s why Mindy is pregnant and I think he knocked up one of the freshmen a couple of months ago.”

Savannah’s eyes darted back to Derek who was looking in Savannah’s direction and gave the strawberry-blonde a wink and a smile. The fifteen-year-old felt her heart pound in her chest before she turned back to her boyfriend. “Why don’t you go get us something to drink?” Savannah said with a smile, “I’ll meet you over in the living room.”

Ryan shrugged and said, “Sure babe,” before walking over to the beer table.

Savannah grinned and walked over to the living room. Derek saw the strawberry-blonde walking over and made room on the couch, “Hey Savannah, why don’t you sit here?”

The fifteen-year-old giggled and took the open spot between Derek and another guy so when Ryan came back from the kitchen the only spot left in the living room was across from Savannah. Ryan handed a beer to the blonde with a look of annoyance before taking his seat across from the girl. Instantly a joint was passed to him. “I don’t smoke,” the brown-haired teen said as he took the joint into his hand.

“Oh come on, it’s only a little weed,” Derek said as he exhaled another bong rip before passing the bong to Savannah. The blonde fifteen-year-old had never smoked before, so she took a curious look at the device in her hand before putting it to her lips and taking in a breath. Savannah filled the chamber with smoke and then pulled the head out sucking the smoke deep into her lungs. Savannah quickly put the head back and passed the bong before coughing as she exhaled. Derek rubbed the teenager’s back as she caught her breath. “See, even your girlfriend’s doing it,” Derek said making Ryan scowl a little. Still, the brown-haired teen took a few hits of the joint before passing it to the next person in line. “That’s the spirit!” the dark-skinned teen said as Ryan coughed from the smoke.

“Fuck off,” Ryan said, swaying a little as he took a healthy sip of his beer.

“Geeze you’re grouchy,” Derek said with a chuckle. Savannah blushed a little as she caught a glimpse of Derek’s sly grin. The thought of what Ryan had told her about Derek echoed in the back of her mind, a burning tingling feeling developing between the strawberry-blonde’s legs. “Drink some more, you’ll feel better.”

“I’d rather not,” Ryan said before downing some more anyway.

“Why are you always so uptight? It’s like you’re religious or something,” Derek said as he accepted the joint from his right and took a hit before passing it to Savannah on his left. “Careful, it’s lit.”

Savannah took the joint between her fingers and carefully brought it to her mouth. “Take slow puffs in,” instructed Derek. Savannah took a couple of slow puffs in and inhaled before handing it and coughing some more. Derek rubbed the teenager’s back some more while Ryan finished his beer scowling.

The fifteen-year-old looked up and her eyes found Derek’s brown ones. She felt her cheeks get hot and the tingling between her legs becoming more of a burning ‘heat. Savannah snapped out of her trance when Ryan cracked a new beer and chugged it down.

“Dude, lighten up,” Derek said as the bong made it’s way to Ryan, “you’ll feel better.”

Savannah watched as Ryan took the bong from the person to his right and took a deep hit, coughing as he passed the bong to his left. The brown-haired teen was swaying in his seat and Savannah knew he wasn’t going to stay awake. “Are you feeling alright?” Savannah asked.

Ryan finished his beer and looked like he was about to say something before he fell forward, passing out as he hit the floor. The unflattering position he landed in caused everyone to chuckle. Derek leaned over and rubbed Savannah’s knee. “Do you want to head upstairs for a while?” the dark-skinned teen whispered into Savannah’s ear, causing the strawberry-blonde to shiver in excitement.

Derek’s hand slid up Savannah’s thigh and under her skirt making the fifteen-year-old moan. The young teen looked once at her passed out boyfriend, party goers taking pictures of him laying face down with his ass in the air, before nodding to Derek eagerly. “Y-yea, let’s go,” the blonde fifteen-year-old said as she stood up, a little wobbly on her legs.

“Whoa, easy there,” Derek said standing up and steadying the young teen. Savannah looked into the taller teen’s eyes and trembled a little at his smile. She turned and walked over to the stairs, waiting until she knew Derek was behind her before slowly walking up the steep staircase. The horny teen swung her hips back and forth as she climbed the stairs, giggling a little when she looked back and saw Derek’s hungry look on his face.

At the top of the stairs, Savannah heard the sounds of gasping and moaning coming from one of the bedrooms, a pair of panties hanging from the doorknob. Savannah felt her cheeks get hotter as she turned to Derek. The black teen shrugged and pointed to a door further down the hall. The doorknob on this door was empty and Savannah giggled a little as she approached the door. “I guess I do this then?” the fifteen-year-old asked as she reached under her skirt and pulled her panties down her smooth legs. Savannah hung them by the doorknob before opening the door.

The spartan guest room was plainly decorated: a king-sized bed with a dark blue bedspread and matching paint on the walls. “I thought he’d never pass out,” Derek said closing the door behind him. “He came to a party late last year and drank a beer and a half before passing out, this time it took a little more. Guess he’s not as much of a lightweight as I thought.”

“So you knew he’d pass out?” Savannah said sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Yea, it was likely anyway.” Derek pulled a small metal pipe out of his pocket and a bag of weed. “Draw in slowly with this,” Derek said as he packed the pipe with the leafy green cannabis, “it hits pretty strong.”

Savannah took the offered pipe and awkwardly brought it up to her lips. Derek took out his lighter and held it over the cannabis as Savannah slowly took in a hit. The smoke filled the young teen’s lungs and she pulled away after a bit, holding the hit in before exhaling with a giggle. She could feel it instantly, the giddiness and euphoria that this strain produced. “Wow, this is intense,” the young teen giggled.

“It’s meant to heighten the senses,” Derek said as he took a hit and put his hand on the young girl’s thigh, “Makes sex hotter.”

Savannah giggled and took another hit as Derek put his hand on her thigh. “I wouldn’t know that,” the young girl moaned as Derek slid his hand up her thigh and under her skirt. “Ryan and I haven’t gone further than kissing.”

Derek chuckled softly into Savannah’s ear, taking the pipe and taking another hit. “So, you’ve never been fucked before?” Derek asked as his fingers traveled further up the teen’s thigh making Savannah gasp as his fingers brushed against her swollen vulva.

“N-no, I haven’t,” the strawberry-blonde moaned. She bucked her hips on instinct, moaning from the contact of the dark-skinned teen’s fingers on her damp sex.

“Do you want to get fucked?” Derek asked dancing his fingers between Savannah’s legs.

The young teen bit her lip and shuddered as the black sixteen-year-old probed her virgin pussy with his fingers. She wanted to scream yes at the top of her lungs with Derek’s expert fingers teasing her like this. It was only when Derek brushed her clit with his thumb that Savannah let out an excited moan. “F-Fuck me!”

Moaning that out loud at the top of her lungs made the fifteen-year-old tremble with an eager anticipation. The dark-skinned teen teased the younger blonde even more, probing his finer deeper near her baby hole. “Are you on birth control?” Derek whispered, nipping at the nape of the fifteen-year-old’s neck.

Savannah tilted her head and moaned eagerly. Derek’s finger at the entrance to her vagina and mouth at her neck made her bite her lip. “N-no, I’m not,” Savannah moaned, “b-but you don’t need a c-condom.”

Derek’s fingers stopped moving as he slid his hand to over Savannah’s flat stomach. “Do you know what happens if we do that?” the sixteen-year-old whispered.

“R-Ryan said you g-get off on t-that sort of t-thing,” Savannah moaned, barely able to form words. The burning sensation between her legs was now a raging inferno radiating through most of her body centered around her pussy and where Derek’s hand was over her womb.

“Are you sure? I’m pretty sure Ryan wouldn’t like it if I got you pregnant.”

Derek’s hand squeezed Savannah’s belly and hips making the young teen moan more. “He can go fuck himself,” the fifteen-year-old moaned, “I’ve b-been trying to get h-him to do this w-with me and he says h-he’s not ready.”

“It sounds like you are though,” Derek chuckled, sliding his fingers back between the teen’s legs. His fingers dipping between her swollen folds made Savannah moan eagerly. “Feels like you’re ready too.”

Savannah trembled as his fingers teased her vulva, her breaths coming in short excited pants. “F-fuck me,” Savannah moaned, “K-knock me up!"

Derek pulled his hand out from under Savannah’s skirt and chuckled. “Then get naked for me,” the dark-skinned teen said as he stood and pulled his shirt off. Savannah quickly pulled her top up over her head and reached behind her back to undo her bra.

The young teen moaned and blushed as she let the bra fall away, and she let the older teen see her perky B-cups for the first time. The blonde teen unzipped her skirt and lifted her hips, tossing it to the side. Instinctively, Savannah laid back and spread her legs open wide, trembling as the cool air hit her virgin sex as she lay invitingly on the bed. The younger teen watched as Derek undid his belt and pushed his jeans and his boxers down in one move. Savannah gasped as his thick throbbing cock sprang up already drooling with precum. It was bigger than the young teen expected, fully hard at ten inches of throbbing penis ready to penetrate her and put his baby batter inside her. “So big,” Savannah said as she stared at the dark-skinned teen’s baby maker.

“I love it when girls say that,” Derek said before he climbed onto the bed between Savannah’s legs. Savannah’s hips bucked a little as the older teen slid the underside of his throbbing penis between the swollen lips of the blonde’s vulva. “Last chance to back out,” Derek whispered into Savannah’s ear, grinding his penis against her vulva.

The fifteen-year-old arched her back and bucked her hips against his. “Put a baby in me,” Savannah pleaded, trembling with every word. “Get me pregnant!”

Derek grinned and lifted his hips, lining his cock up with her slit. “This is going to hurt a little at first but will feel really good afterward,” the older teen warned before slowly pushing his hips forward sinking the thick bulbous head of his penis into her vagina.

Savannah gasped and bit her lip as she felt his thick cock penetrate her virgin sex, tearing slowly through her hymen. It definitely hurt but even through the pain strong waves of pleasure pulsed through her body. The blonde wrapped her legs around the dark-skinned teen’s waist as his cock slowly stretched her out and filled her until his balls were resting on her ass. When Derek slowly started pulling back, Savannah’s gasp reached a new pitch as it echoed off the walls. Her body trembled in anticipation before Derek slammed his hips forward causing the younger teen to squeal. “Oh, Derek!”

Derek’s only response was to slowly thrust again making the younger girl moan louder. The sixteen-year-old slowly worked into a steady rhythm as Savannah’s moans bounced off the walls. “Ohh, fuck,” Derek moaned, “I love knocking up white girls.”

“Do it, Derek!” Savannah moaned, tightening the grip of her legs and squeezing her vagina tightly around his thrusting cock, “Knock me up! Put a baby in me!”

Derek started thrusting erratically, groaning and biting his lip. “I’m gonna put a black baby in you,” he groaned.

“Yes! Cum in me! Cum in me!! Knock me up!!”

Derek’s hips slammed forward and the older teen let out a loud moan. Savannah felt the first splashes of Derek’s hot seed hit her cervix and she let out a loud squeal that she knew people could hear downstairs. The younger teen’s whole body trembled as she held on to Derek tightly, her vagina milking Derek’s thick hard shaft for every last drop of cum. After a few minutes, Savannah released her grip on the older teen and collapsed spread eagle on the bed, panting and moaning happily in the afterglow. “W-wow!” Savannah said when she regained the ability to make words, “That was incredible.”

“Who says we’re done yet?” Derek said as he stood up. His cock had only lost a little bit of his full hardness but was still standing pointing straight at the freshly fucked teen. “That is if you’re up for more.”

Savannah giggled and sat up a little. “Y-yea I’m up for it. Aren’t guys supposed to not be able to go twice in a row or something?”

Derek chuckled and shook his head. “Most guys yea. I usually can get off twice before I need a break.” The black teen grabbed Savannah’s hips and guided her until she was on her hands and knees. “This position can get rather intense, so if you need me to slow down let me know,” the older teen said as he climbed back into position behind Savannah.

Savannah shuddered and moaned happily when she felt the fat tip of the dark-skinned teen’s penis rub against her sensitive slit. “F-fuck me, Derek,” the white teen moaned, “Fuck my fertile pussy and give me a black baby!”

Derek put one hand on Savannah’s hips and the other guided his thick cock as he slid back into the eager teenager’s cunt. The blond tossed her head up and moaned as Derek worked his hips in a slow rhythm. Derek reached out and pulled lightly on Savannah’s hair, using his other hand to hold her hips. “Oh f-fuck! Fuck!” Savannah moaned, trembling as she felt Derek’s heavy testicles smash against her clit.

“Told you it was intense,” Derek said as he gripped the younger teen’s round ass, gripping it tightly. Savannah felt the older teen’s thick cock drive deeper and deeper into her tight fifteen-year-old pussy. The strawberry-blonde squealed each time she felt the swollen glans of his penis against her cervix, clenching her vagina tighter around him. “That’s it, squeeze my dick,” the black teen moaned.

“Oh, god!” Savannah cried out, her arms giving out and her face falling into the pillow. Derek held her hips high, his hips slamming harder with both hands now on the white teen’s ass. “Fuck me, Derek! Fuck a baby into me!!”

The wet smacks of skin against skin and cock thrusting into wet pussy mingled with the groans and moans of ecstasy bouncing off the walls. Neither teen could form words as Derek’s hips suddenly picked up pace, his balls slapping hard against Savannah’s clit. With a mighty groan Derek slammed his hips forward and started shooting another load into the fertile younger teen. Savannah let out a primal squeal as she felt the older teen’s hot gooey semen flood her fertile womb. The blonde’s body trembled violently as Derek held her in place, emptying his balls into the younger teen. “Mm that ought to do it,” the black teen moaned as he slid back, his thick cock popping free of Savannah’s tight pussy and falling limp and spent. “Stay where you are,” Derek said as he shuffled around for a moment looking for his phone. Savannah just giggled and basked in the afterglow. When Derek found his phone he framed up Savannah’s freshly fucked pussy and took a shot. “Check this out,” Derek said handing his phone to Savannah.

“Wow,” the teen moaned, trembling a little at the sight of her puffy vulva with cum drooling out of it knowing there was so much of it inside her on a mission to find her fertile egg. “That’s hot.” The teen then sent the picture to her phone and giggled, “There, now you have my number if you want to do that again.”

Derek chuckled and took back his phone, “What about Ryan?”

“I’m dumping him,” Savannah said settling on her side, “He’s a prude and a dick and is either scared or not into girls. Either way, not something I want right now.” The teen giggled and slowly sat up, searching for her clothes. “I love getting fucked way too much.”

Derek tossed Savannah her skirt as he grabbed his clothes, “Yea, I can see that.”

The teens dressed quickly after that, giggling and smiling at one another. When they went to leave Derek grabbed Savannah’s panties off the door and handed them to the teen. Savannah thought about it for a moment before putting the garment in the black teen’s pocket. “For you,” the strawberry-blonde said as she got on her tip toes and kissed the dark-skinned teen’s cheek.

The teens slowly went downstairs and returned to the party to find that Ryan was still passed out with his ass in the air. Several party goers had taken pictures with the passed out teen and had written stuff all over him in sharpie marker. Savannah smirked to herself and went to grab her phone. The picture Derek took of her earlier was waiting for her when she opened it. This gave her a naughty idea on how to break up with Ryan. She borrowed the marker and pulled Ryan’s shirt up, writing ‘We’re done’ on his back. The blonde took a picture and sent both the picture of her message on his passed out body and the picture of her cum-filled pussy to her now ex-boyfriend.

Savannah then linked her arm with Derek and gave the dark-skinned teen a smile, “Want to take me home?”

Derek put his hand on Savannah’s round ass and grinned back, nodding down at the younger teen. “Sure.”

As Derek led Savannah outside and to his car, deep inside Savannah’s womb Derek’s sperm surrounded Savannah’s defenseless egg. One lucky sperm penetrated the thin membrane and fertilized the ripe ovum. Nine months later, Savannah gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Monique.


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Student AssistanceChapter 17

Our server came up. I had known her in high school. Jennifer was a nice girl then. She smiled and said, “Hello, folks. I will serve you tonight. “Brad, who is this beautiful lady?” “Jennifer, please meet my fiancé, Karen Mason.” I stood. “Karen, please meet Jennifer Baker. We were in high school together.” They shook hands. Jennifer said, “You will ruin a lot of girls’ dreams when they find out that Brad’s out of circulation permanently. You are gorgeous. I always thought Brad’s taste...

1 year ago
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Sylvias Revenge 1

Sylvia's Revenge - by: Joanie Davis OK lets get this straight from the beginning, Sylvia was fat. Huge, gargantuan, thunder-thighs personified. She was also on the rebound and had decided that I was the man for her. We had been acquainted for some time, we worked for the same company and shared some friends. She was a sweet lady and a good friend. She reminded me of a marshmallow, all soft and gooey, inside and out. We worked for a health insurance company, I as a technician on...

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Crucifix Longing Ch 04

Here’s chapter 4…thanks for being so patient! A new school year started and the ‘teacher’ side of me had to do all that silly ‘school’ stuff! I hope you enjoy reading about the intensifying relationship between William and Erin. Enjoy. * Chapter 4. Hot Showers, Tensions Rise, Inhibitions Fall William woke the next morning with a knot in his neck. ‘Damn it.’ He’d slept deeply, yet, it was not a peaceful sleep. It was like he closed his eyes at one o’clock that morning and instantly woke up to...

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The PromotionChapter 8

Cathy immersed herself in her work that week, going in early and staying late, trying to avoid confrontations with her husband. For his part, Steve was doing nothing ... absolutely nothing; no housework, no yard work, no cooking, nothing but sitting in front of the television all day, each day. The next week, Cathy told him that she needed to attend a meeting in Chicago over the weekend and that she would drop their daughter off at her mother's house so that he wouldn't have to worry about...

1 year ago
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The flight

"Another long boring flight" I thought "8 hrs on a plane what a night mare" as I sat down travelling all over the world had seemed exciting to start with but the long flights to America and back soon lost their appeal. I looked up and a girl was stood there "hi" she said " Im in that window seat do you mind if I squeeze past" " er no of course not" i replied and jumped up to let her in, she smiled her thanks and sat down I sat back down and smiled at her "simon" I said sticking out my hand...

3 years ago
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Cheating On Our Husbands In Hot 4some

HiI'm Debbie ,I am 41 years old, 5 ft 6 , Blonde Hair , Blue Eyes ,slim Well Tanned and I Have 38E Natural BreastMy Best Freind Karen Is 39 , She Is Around 5 ft 7, Blonde Hair , Blue eyes , she is also has a lovely slim figure with a great tan And she has 38 DD Implants.We are both married with c***dren and work together in an office job, we take great care of our bodys and go to the gym most nights.Both Of Our Sex lives are basically none existant with our husbands and when the do bother their...

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A Lodi ChristmasChapter 7

The very thought of you and I forget to do the little ordinary things that everyone ought to do. I’m living in kind of a daydream; I’m happy as a king and foolish though it may seem, to me that’s everything. Ray Noble On the short drive from the police station he didn’t have much of a chance to tell her about his day. Juliet, on the other hand, had regaled him with stories, mostly humorous, of upholding the law in Lodi. She had inherited their mother’s dry wit and wicked sense of...

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Paint it Summer

Her name was Lucy and she took a shine to me right away, which was kind of nice. By the second day I figured out that she was into girls because of the way she kept checking out my ass. I mean several times a day if I was bending over a paint tray there was Lucy checking out my tight teen ass. So by the second week I decided to push the issue, I started wearing shorter and tighter shorts, and made a no underwear pact which meant that when Lucy checked me out she might have just as well have...

2 years ago
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 “This is the dream I’ve had about you since the day we split. It’s one I still have and, to be honest, I want to act it out with you sometime.”“Mmmm…sounds kinky sweet man. What kind of girl do you think I am MK?”“I don’t quite know yet but after finding my white dick in your benevolent pink pussy outdoors, in a public place, with your beautiful brown ass in a tree, I think you might like what I’m about to tell you.”“You have my undivided attention, My’Kuyah, lay some of your salacious...

1 year ago
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Please mom

Note : Thia story is completely fictional! My name is Sally. I live with my husband of 20 years and our son John. Everything was normal until one day when John asked me to let him see me naked. John a good looking although extremely shy young man. He has a lot of friends but has never had a girlfriend. From talking to the other mothers at school events it seams that John is the last of his group to be dating. Hearing them complain about the girls calling and coming over made he glad that he was...

2 years ago
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It Certainly Wasnt A Conscious Decision

It certainly wasn't a conscious decision. We were the leftovers. An evening, they said. The eight of us. Why not? My best friend Mark and his girlfriend, two old sort-of-friends with a plan for immediate benefits, two strangers who just fell on top of each other, and us. I don't know who came up with the plan in the first place, but odds are it was Mark. It was decided that we really needed to go to this Chinese restaurant, that we really needed to partake in the banquet, and that we...

3 years ago
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Dreamy Monday Morning

Dreaming pleasantly, I watched as foggy images passed through my mind. I felt gentle hands and soft lips move over my resting body. I must have been dreaming, as reality has never felt so sweet. The sensations started to wake me from my slumber. I opened my eyes to see a loving smile greeting me. His eyes, sparkling and gazing into mine, welcomed me into this day—the most wonderful yet. I closed my eyes once again, enjoying his warm presence. I felt him, his soul. Satin-soft lips pressed to...

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Climbing out of her car Maria gave a slight groan as the pain in her legs reminded her of the fucking she had just received. Her blouse is tied around her waste, all the buttons having been ripped off. Reaching into the car for her purse she saw the cum stains on the leather interior; wiping it up with her fingers she sucked the cum juices off of them smiling to herself. "Good to the last drop", she giggles and heads into the house, her high heels clicking on the pavement. Giggling again as...

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Rex of Great Cross Chapters 1 and 2

The town of Great Cross was named for a towering monument that never existed. The founders had talked of making a bid to become the state capital, and the cross was meant to be a declaration of their ambition. The ambitious talk was more fun than the actual work of building would have been, however, and no great cross ever materialized. The town reached a stable population of about four hundred, which varied up or down by only a few dozen as decades and generations came and went. Few who...

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Big Gerry is what people call me. I am a virgin. Oh wait I mean was…. Until the dunes. I was chilling on the beach with my boys, B Ban, Jimbo, Dietz, and Big Walt, when all of a sudden Katie and Debbie walked by on the beach and winked at me and hinted me over towards them. So I excused myself from the crew and just followed these fine hunnies. Debbie and Katie walked towards the dunes so I followed them. When I got over the hill I saw Debbie and Katie making out and feeling each other up. I...

First Time
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{Now don’t go panic, I am a guy. And yep, this really IS about a couple of lesbiens. Well, and me. I used this catagory because no other seemed to fit. The fact is, this one doesn’t fit, either.} Anybody who has ever had the chance to play up on stage in a band will probably understand when I say very often we get to take our pick of what is available. Not that I was any fucking star or anything, I had my guitar and the obligatory long flowing hair, and I was very good at pretending to play...

4 years ago
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The Sleep Out in the Tent

OK, everybody put your way back hat's on to remember a simpler time, before cell phones, computers in your home and all that kind of stuff.It was summer, school was out and we were just shy of our teens. We had spent the day playing like k**s in the early 70's did. We went into a friend's pool to cool off when the idea came to have a sleepout. The friend with the pool had just gotten a new tent so it was decided to be at his place in the back yard (we were in a suburban area). All of us had...

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The Intruder

Just a quicky - Happy Halloween!----------That much for hoping to have the first fun halloween night out in 13 years. It's past midnight but hubby insisted I'd visit him at the health resort for our wedding anniversary which once again meant going out for dinner at a random boring restaurant.Too late to go out now. I think I'll just watch some TV have a nice bath and go to sleep. I've just put the car in the garage and kicked off my shoes reaching the hallway all tired and frustrated for...

4 years ago
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The City Girl BluesChapter 9

When he got to her neck, he moved up onto her scalp, sliding his fingers through hair that smelled like perfume. He breathed it in and felt his cock twitch. It was still diamond hard. He didn’t know what to do. He was finished with her back side, both literally and figuratively, but if he told her to turn over she’d see his ... condition. She took the decision out of his hands by rolling over without being told to. Her eyes glittered, half open, watching him. He couldn’t be sure, but he...

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New town 2

Bill said " you don't need to cover up, just wondering what was talking you two so long ". Ted told him that we were playing, and asked if he wanted to watch. I was afraid Bill was going to call my mom and started shaking. Bill walked in and closed the door. Sitting on the bed he said " you know you need to be careful Ted, you never know when your moms going to walk in"."I know dad, I'm sorry" Ted told him. Bill reached down and pushed my hands away from my crotch, " looks like you were having...

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“We Shouldn’t.” “I know.” “It’s wrong.” “I Know.” “We could get caught.” “I know.” “We would lose everything.” “I know.” Despite all the solid arguments she was making my hands continued to fondle her large, hanging breasts. They were being covered, rather than supported by the plain purple and black plaid one-piece swimsuit she was wearing. Between responses I buried my face into her black curly hair and continued to bite and nibble on her neck. Between her protests she moaned and...

3 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Life in the Suburbs Role Play

I'm glad that Laura seems to be settling in ok sweetie," Roger said to his wife as they prepared to get ready for bed. "She certainly seems to be," Michelle replied agreeing. It was Sunday evening, they had been in America for a week and their daughter had already made some new friends. They had been coming round nearly every day according to her husband. "I hope you are as well dear," Michelle said as she put on some boxers and climbed into bed. "Of course I am honey," Roger replied...

1 year ago
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Work Out Of The Office Part 2

It had been a month since Janine and I started having our out of office meetings.All seemed to be the same but I still enjoyed them. I sat in the office and began to work when my moss, Ms.Walker walked into my office with a girl. "Cheyenne I'd like you to meet our newest worker. This is Ahn Mei Sitake.Ahn Mei this is Cheyenne Lee." I looked at Ahn Mei.Asian with the longest hair I had ever seen.It went down to the end of her hips.Her body was perfect,nice curves but not fat at all.Her breasts...

4 years ago
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Poker Night

Tonight is yet another poker night with the guys. You always feel neglected when he has these games, and it has become a weekly ordeal. After all, your insatiable sex drive can’t be tamed alone. Your attempts at seducing the men that visit seem to have been in vain. Short of prancing around naked or blatantly saying it out loud, you aren’t really sure if there’s anything you haven’t tried. As the men arrive, he shows to them all to the table and they begin to chat about football and the women...

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May i give Sir a blow job

"Did Sir have a hard day at work?" I ask as You walk through the door. Receiving a nod in answer I take Your lunch pale and hard hat placing them on the side table. I watch you ease off Your work boots and shrug off Your over shirt. Leaning in for a hug and kiss, wrapping my arms around Your neck and pressing my body firmly against You. A moan escapes my lips so You grasp me tighter before pulling away to sit and relax.I decide to grab You a cold beer from the fridge. I crack it open while...

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Her Initiation

Hen was horny again, and she would satisfy his need. He didn’t even need to ask her, he as a man, was well within his rights to demand that she complied, but he found it more thrilling that she would to want to do the things he required of her.He wandered along the sea front, in hopes of finding her, his thoughts wandered to their previous encounter, his cock twitched when he recalled her lips around him, it physically hardened when he recalled holding her beneath the water, feeling her...

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Helping Out A Friend

“Babe, can you pass me my bikini?” “Which one?” “The thong bikini that shows off a lot of cleavage.. the one you like,” I said with a knowing wink. Me and my boyfriend Mike were at his friends cottage out in Virginia. It was supposed to be a weekend of partying, but the rest of our friends weren’t coming up until the following day. So for now it was just Mike, his friend Ron and myself. Ron had been going through a difficult breakup a few weeks ago, and me and Mike were talking about how...

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Urlaub in Daumlnemark

Und es war einmal ein Urlaub in Dänemark…….. Lange hatten wir uns schon auf die schönsten Tage des Jahres gefreut und sehnlichst erwartet. URLAAAAAAUUUUB. Und nun waren diese lang erwarteten Tage endlich gekommen. Wir packten unsere Sachen und verstauten diese in unser Auto und machten uns auf den Weg zum Treffpunkt. Am Treffpunkt angekommen warteten auf uns schon Diana und Sven. Wir begrüßten uns, und die Mädels quasselten sofort miteinander was alles mit genommen wurde. Wir warteten nur noch...

2 years ago
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Lily part 1

Its July 4th week-end and as always its Chris & Nicki’s annual backyard bash. All of our friends are here. The pool is being used, people are eating, drinking and laughing. As I am talking to some of my buddies by the grill I notice a gorgeous brunette wearing a plain white tank top and jean cutoff shorts come out of the house and onto the patio. My eyes follow as she looks around unsure of where to go. I excuse myself from the boys and walk over to her. Each step I take she becomes more...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Marley Brinx Interracial Gangbang

Marley Brinx takes on 5 BBC’s in this ALL INTERRACIAL gangbang! Pale skinned beauty, Marley, is seductively sexy as she dances on the balcony in a tiny one piece that barely covers her. She makes her way inside and climbs onto the counter top and pushes her ass back and forth before untying her thong to give us a perfect look at her beautiful holes. Marley removes her top, leaving her totally naked with only high heels on. She’s joined by her 5 suitors who get right to inspecting every inch of...

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Kurt The Girl Emerging

THE WALTZ Once in a while our school would hold a winter dance. It didn't happen every year, and I didn't know why, but this year was a special one and the dance was would be held on Saturday between Christmas and New Years. It would be a formal affair, more formal than a senior prom. It's purpose was mostly not for entertainment but rather for the development of some social skills: such as for girls and boys being polite with each other, those little smiles with 'thanks' and...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 38

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 38 Friday came and Paula was given the chance to have a few extra hours in bed. Having eventually got up, she washed and dressed before heading down for breakfast. "Morning," said Laura. "You have slept in." "I know," yawned Paula. "What're we doing today?" "Have some more mother-daughter time if you like," she replied. "That would be great. Just wish there was more I could do with my hair," said Paula. "In time. It is near to shoulder...

3 years ago
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Invitation Only

Invitation Only! Tegan, a sweet and innocent 18 year old girl, had heard through a girlfriend of hers about a special ‘invititation only’ party that happens every month in a secluded area, from a middle-aged couple who are into sharing their experiences with others in a sexual party atmosphere. Tegan loved sex, and had several sexual partners already, and the thought of seeing one of these ‘so-called’ parties excited her. She had managed to pull an invite to the party through her friend, but...

4 years ago
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ANTICIPATION When Kelly heard from Mary about the trip to Central City gloryhole, she jumped. Literally. . “TAKE ME THERE!! Talk about Heaven!” “Oh, Kelly, can you imagine two hotties like us walking in there and asking for one of those rooms? We’d start a riot!” “Maybe we should go real trampy, you know, dress like sluts.” “Do you think a girl could drown in come?” giggled Mary. “We could ask Puttana. Well, you know I have a big...

2 years ago
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Partner Swap Fantasy Of A Hot Milf

Hi, Maddy here back again with another hot MILF fantasy story of partner swap. This happened after a 46-year-old MILF named Leela (name changed) replied after reading my previous story, A brief about myself, I am a 25-year-old handsome guy from Bangalore. I have a special attraction towards sexually attractive MILFs. I believe not in jumping in bed with all and will make out only if we connect well. I do treat women with great respect and make them be in their comfort zone. Coming to the...

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a mooms point of view

Ever since the first time I slipped my first pair of nylons on my feet and legs as a girl, I was totally enraptured by the sight, sound, and feel of nylon. Whenever I was alone I couldn’t wait to slip my shoes off and run my stocking feet up and down my legs and rub my feet together. It just felt so delicious and made my pussy tingle. Growing up I noticed that some boys liked to watch me do this which made it all the more exciting! I always wore stockings or pantyhose and constantly dipped my...

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