Without Remorse Ch 02
- 2 years ago
- 39
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Los Angeles, California. November 30, 2008.
"How's it going, Nadine?" Baxter Page asked. The Goth hippie walked up to the frumpy reporter dressed like MTV character Daria when she disengaged herself from a group of costumed celebrities. They were near the bar in the main gathering room of Marilyn Manson's home and hundreds of party guests were moving around.
"It's going okay," Nadine replied. "I was just watching Brangelina say hello to Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer."
"Did anything happen?"
"No. They just exchanged greetings and then walked away from each other. They all seemed calm. I guess they're not going to come to blows tonight."
"Too bad. I've been asking random people about drugs at this party. Everyone keeps telling me there aren't any. I stopped my inquiries about fifteen minutes ago when a security guy looked at me suspicious. I think they're telling the truth."
"Were you expecting to find drugs?"
"Not really. We've been trying to prove Manson uses them for a long time, though, so it was worth a shot. I also heard a preliminary total for the funds Manson's collected here — around seventy million dollars."
"Yes. It will take more to overturn Proposition 8 like Manson hopes, however. Have you seen Gary?"
"Not since he went to the restroom. Wait, there he is!"
Baxter turned as Nadine pointed out the approaching blond weasel-faced werewolf. "Here you are, guys," Gary said. "I got what we came for. Come on, I have a feeling we need to leave now."
"What are you talking about, Gary?" Baxter asked with a frown.
Gary grinned as he answered. "Okay, get this! I just got video and audio of Evan Rachel Wood taking Jodie Foster upstairs and eating her pussy. Jodie returned the favor. We finally have proof Jodie's a lesbian. Not only that, Evan Rachel Wood has wood for other girls!"
Nadine raised her eyebrows. "Gary, is what you got something we can legally put on television?"
"Not completely, no, but that's not a big deal." Gary was talking and gesturing rapidly. "Ted can edit it. He'll really like it. Come on, let's get out of this mansion and take it back to him."
Baxter looked around them, saw no one listening and then held out his hand. "You should give me your flash drive just in case."
"Here," Gary said. He passed Baxter a small gray box from inside his costume shirt's half-open zipper. "Don't lose that. Did you guys get anything good?"
"Well," Nadine began, "I..." She paused, staring at a figure behind Gary.
"What?" Gary asked and then turned around. He gaped, speechless as Mickey Rourke grabbed him by the costume chest hair and lifted him up off his feet.
"I know you, you little bastard," growled the "Sin City" actor Gary had recently maligned. "You're the tabloid reporter who published false rumors about my friend Evan and me. You're not getting out of here alive."
"Those rumors weren't my fault!" Gary stammered. Rourke was staggering and sweating, he noticed, possibly intoxicated with too much liquor. He was also glaring at Gary and everyone else around them was staying back. "The public has a right to judge who celebrities date!" Gary continued his protests. "I had a source! It was Dane..."
"Gary, shut up!" Baxter interrupted. He tapped the mirrored button on his vest and made a Friendship society gesture. "Mickey, please put him down!"
Rourke shook his head, too soused to interpret the movements or see reason. "I'm gonna break this fuckwit's legs!"
Rourke cocked his arms to throw Gary across the room and then gasped and stumbled. A blue-skinned albino ghoul in ragged clothing had leapt out of the crowd nearby and kicked him in the shin. Rourke dropped Gary and spun to face Asher Stravjan. The Gypsy agent stood in a Savate martial arts stance, his hands up and his eyes on Rourke.
"Clint Eastwood?" Rourke questioned, mistaking Asher for the action star he resembled. "Why are you interfering in this?"
Asher did not answer.
"Never mind. You're going down!" Rourke swung a ham-hock fist at Asher but the Gypsy dodged. He then blocked two follow-up punches and kicked Rourke in the other shin. As Rourke toppled over, Asher grabbed his extended arm in one expert movement, applied a come-along hold and twisted Rourke's wrist behind his back. The burly former boxer went flaccid at once.
"You're not Clint," he gasped. "Who are you?"
"We'll take it from here," Barney the mummy security guard said, approaching. He and his Frankenstein's Monster partner Andy had been relieved at the mansion gates a few minutes before. "You've had too much to drink, Mickey, okay? It's time to go home."
Barney took one of Rourke's arms and Andy took the other. Asher nodded thanks to them as they bore Rourke away and then turned to face the tabloid reporters he'd spotted. Security supervisor Mr. Fox and other guards were moving amongst the nearby guests, telling them there was "nothing worth seeing here" and waving them off.
"Gary, are you okay?" Baxter asked, helping his friend get up. He grimaced, noticing the ghoul who stood next to them. Then the hippie blinked in recognition. "Asher?"
Hello, Baxter, Asher gestured at his former comrade. Forgive me. I cannot speak.
"Yeah, I remember," Baxter said, reading the sign language. "What are you doing here? Wait, never mind. Clarke and Viceroy Ramsay sent you, didn't they?"
They did. I have been watching you. Please give me your companion's flash drive. Baxter nodded and produced it. "Good to see you again," he said after handing the device over. "You and whoever's with you call me before you leave town, okay? Viceroy Ramsay has my number. I wouldn't mind catching up."
I will do that. I will also give Jodi Lee your regards.
"Who is this guy, Baxter?" Gary asked, staring at Asher. "Do you know him? Why are you giving him my footage?"
"It's just like with Eliza, Gary," Baxter answered. "This was all a setup. Come on, it's time to go."
Asher gave Baxter a look of agreement as he pushed the drive's "data erase" button and then passed the device back to Baxter. I trust you have no other footage our society would not want to see.
"I won't air it if we do. I wasn't going to air that either. I know Regal Jodie Foster values her privacy." Friend, Viceroy and Regal were the three tiers of Friendship rank.
Friends Evan and Jodi Lee value theirs as well.
"Excuse me," Nadine addressed Asher. "Are you related to Bat Boy?"
"He's not!" Baxter snapped. "It's just a costume. Come on." Nadine grimaced at Baxter, who then made a confession. "He's Friendship and so am I. Let's go!" Nadine nodded assent and smiled at Baxter and Asher. She then took up position to help Baxter support Gary.
"Thank you, Asher," Baxter said. "Can we get out of here okay?"
Yes. Please do not forget to air your story about the lack of drugs at this party as you were instructed. Friend Manson wants the gossip about his drug addiction dispelled.
"I'll try. Some people may still speculate."
Friend Manson can live with that as long as the truth is also known. Remember to clear everything else you have recorded with Viceroy Pinkerton before it is aired or printed.
"We will. See you later. Thanks again." Baxter steered Gary to the mansion's exit with Nadine's help. "You are very lucky, Gary!"
"Hey, I didn't know I was going to get jumped like that! Now everything I had is gone! Did you guys get anything?"
Baxter told him about the drug investigation and the funding preliminary total.
"Okay, that's something," Gary said. "Anything else?"
"I recorded what happened to you and I see no problem in using it. After this, Mickey Rourke should think twice before he provokes the press."
"Yeah, that's definitely worth getting my legs broken over. Who was that dude who saved me? I didn't know old men could move like that."
"He's not an old man, Gary. It's a long story. I'll tell you sometime. Your legs aren't broken. You're just a bit unsteady on them. You're fine."
"I still feel terrible. Did you get anything, Nadine?"
"I saw Jack Nicholson leave with two girls a third his age," Nadine answered. "They were all hanging on each other and kept stopping to trade kisses."
"Jack the womanizer? That's not big news."
"I also saw Alicia Witt. You know, from 'Law & Order'? She was dancing the tango with some guy and they both looked very content."
"Alicia Witt is happily seeing some guy? That won't last, or sell for that matter."
"Well, I did pick up something else. Michelle Williams was at the party and I interviewed her. She wanted me to put out that living on the Goth scene has given her help getting over Heath Ledger's death. You remember Michelle from your attempt to talk to her last week, right, Gary?"
Gary dropped his jaw. "She gave you an interview?"
"Yes. I identified myself and told her I would air nothing without her permission. I was very nice to her. You should try that sometime."
"Damn it!" Gary cursed. "You really lucked out and I ain't got shit! How did that happen? Baxter?"
"It's your karma, Gary," the hippie said with a smile. "Let's go home."
In another mansion elsewhere in Los Angeles, a redhead and a brunette were grinding their naked bodies against one another. The redhead was in her mid-twenties and voluptuous. Vivid auburn hair and deep blue eyes accented her fierce angel's face. The brunette was about ten years older and slimmer in figure. Her black hair flowed about a Romanesque visage with expressive brown eyes. Both women were beautiful and talented actresses.
"Yes!" Erika Christensen cried out, removing her mouth from Marisol Nichols's. The other woman's small brown nipples stabbed into Erika's own large pink breasts. Their legs rubbed together, entangling about each other's sweat-flushed torsos. The two women rolled back and forth on the tan-sheeted bed, the black rubber double-ended dildo they had between them moving in both their cunts. Erika's pussy was surrounded by a fertile vee of blonde hair while Marisol's had a well-tended black patch. Their hands journeyed over each other's backsides, massaging hip and shoulder muscles. Marisol's body was athletic and Erika's was larger in figure but equally toned.
We've been lovers just over six years, Erika recalled as they fucked. She smiled at Marisol's eyes and the other woman beamed in return. Each pulled the other closer with arms and legs and their lips touched again.
The two had first met taking Scientology courses together in Los Angeles. Erika was born into the church while Marisol was introduced to it by her chiropractor. They both found fulfillment in Scientology's teachings and values. They also agreed the church needed to turn away from its abusive practices such as charging money for spiritual services and expelling members who did not strictly toe the scriptural lines. As celebrities, Erika and Marisol were mostly immune to these provisos but they still felt sympathy for people who did not enjoy such advantages.
"You remember our first time?" Marisol asked Erika in a breathless voice. Erika nodded, exhaling as she reminisced. Six years ago Erika was in the middle of filming the teenage slasher film "Swimfan" and enjoying a church purification sauna between days of shooting. Marisol and four other Scientologist actresses — Catherine Bell, Lynsey Bartilson, Laura Prepon and Juliette Lewis — entered the sauna and surrounded Erika.
"We've heard about you," the "Resurrection Boulevard" star Marisol said. "You're part of a movement to reform Scientology with celebrity leaders."
Erika blinked but nodded. She had indeed recently joined such a group. It was guided by the church's Office of Special Affairs Director Mike Rinder and senior celebrity Scientologists such as Isaac Hayes and John Travolta. The movement was growing but the members wanted to keep it secret. Scientology's Chairman and the fanatics who held power in the church could be deadly enemies if the reformers challenged them. Thus the movement was not widely advertised and did not even have a name.
"Be not afraid, Erika," Marisol said, making a gesture that indicated she was a Friendship member. "We're here to help you. You have a purpose we share and the ability to accomplish it." She smiled. "We've also heard you're into swinging. We've all been doing that for a number of years. Catherine's agent, who is also your agent, told us about you."
The women then moved in to touch the no longer apprehensive Erika and dropped their cotton robes. A steamy orgy followed. It remained among Erika's most treasured experiences. She found key allies in Marisol and the other actresses. Catherine and Juliette had been popular in the church for over a decade. Laura was a new entrant and Lynsey was born and raised in the religion just as Erika was. Lynsey's mother was a church lawyer who had become so disgusted with defending Scientology in court over and over again that she wanted to see the religion reform before it disintegrated under its own mistakes. Laurie Bartilson passed her desire on to her daughter. Lynsey was a rising star in the church's "Youth for Human Rights" program. She became a valuable secret recruiter for Erika's movement.
It was Marisol, though, who was even more useful. Like Lynsey, she was heavily involved in the church charities. She was also the older girlfriend of a teenage genius named Taron Lexton who wrote and directed many of Scientology's promotional videos. Taron wanted their church reformed too.
"Marisol and I see quite a number of people having to put on a happy face for my cameras," he said when Erika inquired. "It bothers me when I think about how many of them really feel cheerful and how many don't."
Because of this opinion, both Taron and his girlfriend wished to be part of Erika's reform drive. They had enlisted the other actresses who entered the sauna and their families. All knew that their goals might not succeed and would probably take a long time to accomplish but believed the journey was worth it.
"We have the power to change our church," the "Grounded for Life" star Lynsey Bartilson said. "We are being used to sell something that can help but also hurt. We must take over and stop the hurting." Erika agreed and welcomed them all into her circle of associates.
Soon afterwards, the Friendship Viceroy who headed their movement was exposed as a would-be reformer and thrown out of Scientology. Fear spread in the wake of this. The movement disintegrated before it could do anything major. Rinder, the new leader, warned everyone to quiet down. A doctrine promotion campaign spearheaded by Chairman David Miscavige along with Tom Cruise, Jenna Elfman and other celebrity fanatics followed. Erika's movement lost its drive and the would-be reformers slipped into the shadows.
For the past six years they had stayed there, watching and waiting as their creed's new popularity backfired and the forces opposing Scientology in its entirety grew. In 2007, Rinder had resigned his office and left the church. The reformers had no leader now and every Scientologist celebrity's career was suffering as word of their religion's abuses continued to spread. The church contracted and declined in strength, just as Erika's movement had. Vibes of apprehension ran high among those who remained inside.
The reformers still exist, though, Erika thought. We've been growing in recent years. We do not sponsor Scientology's abuses and we lead others away from them. We're ready to step up when the time comes, held together by the Friendship and our dreams. Deft political maneuvers and staying away from the fanatics has kept us part of our religion. Poise, precision, resolve and audacity will one day let us lead. I have faith in that. The Internet protest group Anonymous, the ex-Scientologists and the others who are against us may for the most part not know about us or even believe we exist, but we are here. We might not be willing to accept their help, but we too want our church to change. We believe Scientology has the right to be a religion and stand in this world. We live the good in our beliefs, knowing that good exists, and work to edit out the evil. The battle for our tomorrow continues today.
She grinned at the last thought, the theme from "Terminator" sounding in her soul.
Erika and Marisol were celebrating now, having just secured another victory in that ongoing conflict. Erika was acting in independent films at present and Marisol was on the TV show "24". Taron retained his job as church advertising director. He had increased his standing by being one of the first to film the aftermath of the 2004 Asian tsunami disaster and winning several awards. All were active in charity and quietly supporting their secret Scientology reform movement. They were shocked when they discovered their enemies had nearly corrupted Erika's youngest brother.
Thankfully, the problem was easily solved. When he contacted Erika three days ago, Dane Christensen was already free of Jessica Feshbach Rodriguez, the fanatic cleric who had tried to worm her way into his life. Erika had sent Dane to her OSA deputy director ally Melissa Feshbach Prynne in St. Louis. Also a Scientology minister, Melissa was Jessica's twin sister and personality opposite. She specialized in helping those who were angry at Scientology's dark side learn that they did not have to be part of something bad. Melissa's main tool was directing her clients towards charity and spiritual relief, the intended purposes of any church.
A growing number of ministers were on Melissa's side, enough to make even Chairman Miscavige take note. He had toned down his efforts to deter reform of late, afraid his church was collapsing. There were also members of his own family who had left Scientology and hurt Miscavige's conscience. Unfortunately, the Chairman's sympathy did not extend to everyone in the church.
Jessica and her family were a key example, Erika mused. Except for Melissa and a few others, they were all dedicated Scientologists who practiced their beliefs with overzealous indifference, ignoring the negative consequences. Joe Feshbach, Jessica's father, made his fortune through unethical stock market practices. He donated millions to church programs and expected his family to be treated well in return. Jessica's cousins Bean, Bunce and Boggis were ministers who had been inside the church's internal retribution programs more than anyone else in all of Scientology's history. Erika often shivered when she observed them unable to stop running everywhere and attempting to bait those who pissed them off.
Jessica herself had also developed a bad reputation in the past ten years. The unbalanced OSA operative was known for inspiring a series of celebrity public relations fiascos with bad advice. The worst episodes included Tom Cruise's biased debate over psychology with "Today Show" host Matt Lauer and Jenna Elfman's proclamation that AIDS was "only a state of mind." Jessica accepted responsibility for none of her deeds.
If not for Melissa, Erika thought, I might despise the entire Feshbach family. She's so calm and considerate in the face of it all that she makes up for the others. Melissa tells me the rest of her family is crooked by their own fault. They're Scientology nobility and they refuse to know any life other than that.
"They can't see that their way is dooming us," Melissa said to Erika. "People like my family are the reason our church gets protested. It's their refusal to remove the planks from off their eyes. So what if we're considered crazy for believing alien specters cause mental illness and enlightenment can be found within one's own self? The world would have few problems with us if we weren't so elitist about our faith."
Melissa's gaze was steady and discerning but not judgmental. In face and figure, she resembled the independent film star Parker Posey. About thirty years old, Melissa regularly wore a blue skirted suit. Her long black hair was streaked with premature gray. Erika had seen pictures of Jessica and knew she looked exactly like Melissa except in three areas. Melissa was kindly while Jessica's usual attitude was haughty and sardonic. In addition, Jessica dyed her hair to keep the gray out and one of her hazel eyes was glass. The latter feature was the product of an auto accident Jessica suffered at age eighteen, Melissa informed Erika. Melissa did not know the exact details of the event, only that it had seriously scarred Jessica's face. Their father had paid for plastic surgery and Scientology auditing to cover up the injury's effects, but neither Jessica's mind nor body was completely whole.
"They gave her a spot in the church anyway," Melissa said. "It was my father's money and Jessica's own skill at our techniques. She has since become heavily involved with celebrity auditing and public relations. I do not think she is a talented actress. However, she can still fool people. I recommend you avoid her, Erika, as long as you can."
Melissa was not Erika's lover. She had sworn off sex after her Green Beret husband died in Iraq and she found no satisfaction in other men or women. "At least I'm not like my sister," Melissa let slip to Erika once. She refused to further explain.
Erika had sought further information on Jessica over the years of hearing about her, especially the past three days. Everything Erika discovered said that Jessica was competent at Scientology scriptures and methods but either ignorant towards the results of the way she used them or deliberately malicious. If the latter was the case, Erika could not discern a reason.
I don't even have to ask, Erika thought in the present. Not now that I know what she did to my brother. The fact that Jessica was more interested in Dane's connections to Evan Rachel Wood and Marilyn Manson than she was in Dane himself mitigates my fears. She backed off once Evan and Manson rebuffed her and Dane discharged her. Dane told me about his experiences with Jessica Friday evening. After my family and I went over everything with Dane, using my genius girlfriend Alicia as an independent observer, we sent a complaint up the chain to Melissa. Melissa called us back in an hour and did a preliminary audit with Dane on the phone. They verified his experiences again and now Dane's in St. Louis with Melissa treating him in person. Most of our family is there as well. Melissa wrote a report to her superiors upon concluding her first audit of my brother. Chairman Miscavige called Melissa the day afterwards and said he would reprimand Jessica for her misdeeds.
"Jessica told him about your schooling just as you feared," Melissa told Erika after talking to Miscavige. "I put the spin on it you requested. You believe education is a gift and that even if psychologists are our enemies you felt you should know them. Miscavige accepted this and said he was proud of you."
"Good," Erika answered, relieved. Miscavige was one of the most irrationally anti-psychology people in her church and it would not do for him to see her degree the wrong way. "What about my family?"
"The Chairman was quite displeased to hear about what my sister did to your brother. He's taking steps to punish her. She and our cousins have all been given additional black marks on their records and day after tomorrow they're going to be sent on a probationary world tour of all Scientology facilities. Miscavige wants them reminded of the diversity within our organization and this planet."
"That's it?" Erika asked, surprised.
"He can't do any more. Jessica and the other three broke no official church policies. The worst they did was overzealous recruitment, which is hardly a crime. We have only Dane's word that those rumors were put out to the tabloids at Jessica's instruction. She admits nothing. Yes, forcing Dane to disconnect from the rest of your family was wrong but no harm was done now that it's been repealed. That's what Miscavige said."
"How can he be so cold?"
"You know his position. Scientology is still regarded with suspicion and hate all over the world, even with the recent gains we've had in Germany and elsewhere. My father is one of many fanatics who contribute large funds and recruit numbers to the Church. With all the bad publicity directed at us right now, Miscavige doesn't want to upset these people."
"Melissa, I barely got Dane to change his mind about departing Scientology after what your sister had him do. You know how he feels. You've talked to him."
"Your brother was to blame for what happened as much as Jessica, Erika. He followed her instructions. Dane admits to that and has accepted it. Why can't you?"
"I have accepted it," Erika said with a groan. "Dane apologized to the family and we've all forgiven him. When he returns to L.A. later this week he'll make amends to Evan. Dane's going into Walker's karate program and parking cars at our brother Nick's auto dealership while studying for business school. That should fix him up right. I want something to happen to Jessica, though. We have to stop fostering the discrimination against us. We can't just deny our mistakes, we need to learn from them and fix them. Haven't people like Jessica done enough damage to our church over the years?"
"She cannot be held accountable for anything she has done. It was all in accordance with doctrine. Warped outdated doctrine, yes, but she violated no laws. The reactions of others are to blame for what happened as a result of Jessica's manipulations, the way the Chairman sees things. He says she's making mistakes but can be ironed out with auditing and this world tour. I pray he's right."
Melissa was silent for a moment. "There was one other thing. Miscavige wanted me to apologize to you on his behalf for this situation. He wants you to know that you and all your friends are welcome in the church. He emphasized the word 'friends'."
Erika felt her heart catch. "Does he know about our reform movement?"
"He didn't let on if he did or not. We've existed for several decades, though, Erika. I don't see how he couldn't know about us. Miscavige may not be able to formally support reform but he doesn't want our faction gone from the church any more than he wants my father's gone. He intends for Scientology to survive and flourish, not collapse into a religious war. Miscavige isn't Friendship, but he is aware of the society and its presence within Scientology. Our church founder Ron Hubbard was a Friendship Viceroy who used his connections to spread our religion in the early days. Ron broke with the Friendship when they refused to raise him to Regal and he felt he no longer needed them. Since then other Friends still inside Scientology have worked to aid our church and limit the fanatics' influence. They did not forget Ron or those of us who are good. You, your family, Mike Rinder and I are among them."
Erika gasped at the unfamiliar lessons. Then she smiled, realizing she should have known. "So Miscavige isn't going to expel us then?"
"No, I don't think so, although he can't recognize us either. This is the best we can hope for right now, Erika. There are many people in the church as powerful as Miscavige, people like my father and sister, who would prefer otherwise."
"Fine," Erika replied. "Tell the Chairman I appreciate his decision. I also agree with him on Jessica. As for our reforms, my commitment to them was just increased." Melissa replied that hers was as well.
Both Melissa and Erika, Scientology reverend and parishioner, had then contacted their allies and arranged support for Manson's gay rights fundraiser the next evening. Some Scientologist celebrities attended while others sent checks and good wishes. Erika, who was still unsure whether she could reunite with Manson's girlfriend Evan, was one of the latter.
Marisol, agreeing with Melissa that they had achieved a triumph, told Erika that they should have their own party the same night as Manson's. Taron would be out of town, but Marisol and Erika could still have fun together. Erika concurred.
I'm pleased Marisol's with us, Erika completed her mental review with a smile. She licked the other actress's tongue with her own. The two were dedicated girlfriends who often worked out together in the gym and the bedroom. They had not fucked in a long time, though. Earlier that year Marisol had married Taron and given birth to their daughter. Sex during pregnancy was discouraged by Scientology doctrine and Erika honored this practice with her lovers who wished to follow it. Non-Scientologists such as Erika's "Six Degrees" co-star Bridget Moynahan and her "Upside of Anger" co-star Keri Russell were happy to fuck Erika whether they were pregnant or not. Marisol and other devout Scientologists felt otherwise. Erika respected and fulfilled the wishes of each.
Now Marisol's baby was born and her body was recovered. She and Erika were making up for lost time, kissing and rubbing one another. Arms massaged backs and legs fastened tight around hips. Breasts touched and nipples dueled. Breaths were exchanged along with tongue swaps. The dildo throbbed between them, stimulating each woman's cunt as it was pushed into the other woman by her muscles. Both Marisol and Erika felt lubrication flowing from inside their bodies. The bed's absorbent sheets were soaking it up. Their minds were being stripped of negative emotions such as guilt and apathy and filled instead with a mutual caring and joy.
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Mary called me before I got home and she seemed to understand why I had left. I was back in my motor home by afternoon. Throughout the drive my troubled thoughts had kept me going but as the AC removed the heat from my home I lay down and dropped into a deep restful sleep. I awoke about sundown. At first I thought it was morning but then I realized the sun was coming from the wrong direction. I prepared a light meal and as I ate I determined that I had to straighten out my thinking before...
For some reason my parents had my sister and me far apart. I was now thirty-three and Abby was twenty-two. I guess you could say there was a mistake along the way. I also didn't see my sister very often. That was about to change. Abby called me recently and asked if she could visit. I thought it might be a good idea to get a little closer to my younger sister, so I told her to come and stay.My sister arrived at my door and gave me a big hug."I really missed you Tom," she said to me.I missed...
** Remember to hit "Start Game" now to keep track of the so called "choices" you make ** You wake up and it takes a moment for your memories to bubble up from the depths of your sordid dreams. The air is different here and you blink at the island sunlight peeking through the window blinds. Ah yes, this is Alola. You moved here last night and basically fell asleep as soon as you got your room. New day. New life. Today a new adventure begins... but it's not going to be the adventure you were...
IncestI was a lucky guy in high school. I had a really hot girlfriend who was almost as horny as I was all the time. Her Mom was single, having been divorced about 5 years ago. She worked as a nurse and was always working extra shifts and odd hours to make more money. Usually I would bring Julie home from school, we would fuck, nap, fuck, do our homework, fuck and then her Mom would get home around 8 or 9. I had a decent relationship with Julie's Mom, whose name was Stacy. She seemed to think I was...
I wake up in the morning a little disoriented. I had just a bit of wine last night, nothing too crazy, and it wasn't the cheap stuff, so there's no hangover or ill feeling; it just takes me a minute to come to my senses in unfamiliar surroundings. I turn over, and there is Kathryn, covers pulled up around her shoulders, hair a mess, mouth open, and pillow lines on her face – not the freshest sight. Did I really do nerdy Kathryn last night? I start to get that “shit, what the fuck have I done?”...
Straight SexGorgeous Kali Roses is feeling horny today. She starts playing with her sweet little pussy and this makes her even more horny. She looks through her cell phone and comes across a service to order big black dick. After seeing what Charlie Mac is packing, she decides to call and make a special order. A bit later he’s knocking on the front door. She excitedly greets and pulls him inside. Right away she wants to take a look at that monster cock. She pulls down his pants and is more than excited...
xmoviesforyouA lady walks out of the farm house wearing only knee high black rubber boots and overalls. The overalls fit her form quite well. Her ample firm breasts push out the top of the overalls to the breaking point. One can almost see her nipples in the fabric. As you stand next to her you can clearly see she wears nothing else under her overalls. She looks like she is between late teens early twenties. Her long wavey honey blonde hair flows down to her firm round ass. She has deep green eyes...
I was in my room, getting dressed for a night out with my girl friends trying on clothes, when my door bell rang. I knew it would be Joanna because she had told me she was going to come over to get dressed at my house. So I yelled to her that the door was open to come up stairs to my room. I had a towel wrapped around me since I had just gotten out of the shower and was looking for what I was going to wear. Joanna walked in and she was in what I would say, was as little as possible she could...
After a busy morning together, you left me home while you ran some errands. I potter around the house for a while, a bit bored with the sudden lack of attention, but then I remember that you had swimming practice tonight. A thought popping into my head, with a smile I pack my bag and grab my phone before heading out of the door.It's already dark outside due to the English winter we are in the middle of. As I walk down the street I notice there is not much activity around the swimming complex. I...
Straight SexBelle's cell phone rang causing Jeffrey to pull away from her and let go of his hold on her hips. Timing is everything, she thought. She frantically tried to pull the phone out of the pocket of her coat, that she had hung over the bedpost. The interruption was what she needed to regain some semblance of control. When she answered the phone she was surprised to hear that it was Richard Ericson, the P.I. He said that he would continue to tail David for the next day and a quarter but had...
Broken-record time: Almost all of my writing is based, to some degree, on real people and / or events in my life. This one is no exception, but it’s about 99% fiction. There’s a lot (I think) of character development, and some explicit sex, but this is not designed to be a stroke story. It’s intended to be about loving relationships, both sexual and nonsexual, within and between generations, and healthy, renewable family bonds. Also: after looking at the finished product, I must say I had not...
My life was pretty good. I had an excellent job that paid well and afforded a nice mobile home. I played baseball on the company team and had a bevy of office hotties show up to the games to cheer me on, I even dated a few of them briefly. It was the nights that I really looked forward to.Once the day was done and I was safely behind the drawn drapes and locked doors of my trailer that I indulged myself in my new habit. Fresh from a shower I dug out the erotic lingerie that he had...
CrossdressingA Little Nookie While Playing Hookie (part 1) As I watched his car drive away I wondered how this would change things at work. Since I work for a utility company with 49 other men, what happened today could change things forever. The company I work for has a policy about staying home sick. It penalizes you the same for a one day absence as a 5 day absence so of course everyone stays out the full 5 days. Who am I to buck the system? For me this meant 5 days of letting my hair down,...
I freely admit to having a people pleasing personality and with the right kind of person it can be submissive magic!I met my Sir through a bdsm website The kind where you type in what you like and what you are seekingI'd had a few sessions with paid doms and it was okay but sometimes it did seem a little cold and mechanical or perhaps it was that I just didn't click with the dom and there was no spark!However when I had my first meeting with Sir I could feel a tangible electric frisson between...
Tales of a Mad Morphing Mage by Troy Troy was a wizard by both training and choice of profession. He had acquired the nickname "Mad Morphing Mage" because of his enjoyment of polymorphing spells. Silly people, just because his beloved female cat Diamond used to be a male orc named Gutsplitter, that did not mean he was a polymorphing nut. So what if he had four wands of polymorphing, so what if he had a talisman of shape shifting. He just found these items useful. ...
I normally meet with guys on travel, I meet them on Craigslist and usually no bullshit with them.They didn't know that men can cum two or three times in a row.Every word of these two meeting is true.Multiple Orgasm One - Role-playing (bad girl and her daddy)I got to his hotel (he was in town on a job) and he met me outside and took me to his room. I asked him if he wanted me to dress and he said yes. He took off his clothes and sat down and watched me as I took my clothes off and slipped on a...
still liked to come over to see me. He teased me all the time. He liked to talk about everything to me and played games with me. He was there a lot, ever since he was younger. He was there a lot when he was just a kid himself. Chad was a little bit on the heavier side. I have to admit though, he isn't bad looking. He has a lot of muscles, not just fat. I guess that is why he is built a little bit bigger too. He wasn't that popular when he was in high school, so maybe that is why he...
My mother signed me up for Bible Camp. I couldn’t wear anything too sexy; it had to be modest. Hell all mighty, I was a teenage boy, modesty was my middle name. I read the brochure and it said that the girls had to wear one piece bathing suits and cover up as soon as they got out of the water. They couldn’t wear short shorts either. Crap! Plus we had to take our own bible and a musical instrument if we played one. I didn’t! Well mom packed my stuff and dad drove me to the camp and dropped...
Today was Saturday, and like every Saturday night, Dave was jogging in the woods when he suddenly saw a bright light in front of him. He was a hard-working, 48 year old father of two and really needed his jogs to unwind on weekends! "Huh, what is that?" he went closer ... Behind thick bushes he saw a young blonde standing alone in a clearing. "Hello, Miss! Can I help you?" he shouted. Just then, he noticed something hovering above him! "A... spaceship!?" Dave mumbled hesistantly. "Miss, we...
Hi this is Rahul; this happened when I was living Hyderabad, My house maid Bujji, is a girl from a village, she was dark but with a good firm body, curvy hips, while working she would be unknowingly exposing her stomach, navel, and cleavage as she used to wear a half sari, I didn’t notice her much until one day, while I was sitting on my bed in the morning and she entered my room to clean. As she bent to sweep the floor, I noticed the deep cleavage and her boobs too; she didn’t know that her...
Harvey is still wondering why he had to sign a non-disclosure agreement just to get a room key, and why the outing is for fathers and daughters, no mothers allowed. And how will he keep three sexed-up young women off Harry's monster cock? Borderline Behavior Across The Border While Annie attended a party with all of the other daughters, I opened the inner hand-addressed envelope, the one labeled "GUEST FATHER ONLY." The card inside gave simple instructions. "Tune your TV to channel 3...
My name is Alexis, and this story chronicles an experience my graduate assistant, Rhea, and I had on an archaeological fieldtrip on a supposedly uninhabited island in the Aegean Sea, off the coast of Greece. But it will be helpful to provide a little background before I get to the main events in the story.It took me a while to decide on a major course of study in college, but I finally settled on classical archaeology, which is the study of archaeology covering the Aegean, Greek, Etruscan, and...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI met my gf at a party. Immediately fell in love with each other. Our relationship was a bit weird and crazy, but it was cool. After some time I started to getting know her fantasies. She was very submissive kind of girl. We started to roleplay and have fun, me as her master and she as my slave. After some time it started to affect our everyday life. She was more and more submissive and i had a lot of ideas to have fun with her. She is very hot girl in her mid 20's, short, blonde with slim...
I watch as you walk through the crowded bar and find an empty seat at the bar. You’re alone, and that suits me just fine. I’ve met up with a friend for a drink after work, but now after seeing you, I have other things on my mind.“Fuck, would you look at her,” my best friend Jason hissed, eyeing you, “I’m gonna go talk to her.”“She’ll turn you down flat man,” I reply finishing my drink and signaling the waitress for another.“How are you so sure?” he hisses.“Because they always turn you down...
After my new Girlfriend fucked my ass the last time, she asked me how I felt about the whole thing. She asked me if I could handle it again?I told her that while it was painful and scary, that it was exciting to be forced that way. I asked her if she had enjoyed it."OMG yes," she replied. I think I enjoyed it too much. "The more you screamed, the more excited I got. I came several times. At the same time, it was scary, how much I enjoyed it. You know I love you, and don't want to do anything to...
Alex D. spots his stepsister Ariana Marie doing some interesting masturbating, and after jacking himself off for a while he gets caught in the act. It takes a bit of coaxing, but Alex convinces Ariana to stroke his dick and then suck him off. Once the stepsiblings get started playing with each other, one thing quickly leads to another. Soon Ariana finds herself on the bed with her legs spread as Alex drives into her creamy landing strip twat. His cock is just what she needs to scratch the itch...
xmoviesforyouBill and I had gotten together several times after the first two weeks that he and I exchanged blowjobs with each other. Bill had been the one to show me the unbelievable pleasures of having another man's mouth and hands on my naked body. I couldn't believe how hot and erotic his first blowjob with me had been. After the second time Bill and I had gotten together to spend the night, we decided to pick up the pace of our sharing blowjobs and getting to know each other a lot better. I...
Mark sat on the bed bent over tying his shoes. He looked up as Jenny came in with her long blonde hair hanging free and wearing a white tank top and yellow running shorts. "Hey babe," she said in a broken English with a German accent. "Want to play?" "I'm afraid to ask," he said. "I want to sit on your face." "Again?" "Yes!" she said excitedly. "Again." "I'm not sure," he said. "Take off your clothes and lie down for me," she said as a demand as much as a...
When I heard Maria leave the room and go in the other direction, I went into the kitchen and saw Lupe just finishing her cleaning of the oven. I told her that I was happy, as I hadn’t cleaned it for 6 months. And that I was most happy, as she had done it on her own without me having to tell her. She was a little sweaty and I told her to take a shower, as I wanted to talk with her and explain what Maria and I had discussed. I gave her a sarong and one of my sleeveless t-shirts and told her I...
FetishOne summer evening I was returning home in a crowded bus; because my own car was under repairs in a garage.During the voyage, a man stood close behind me and started squeezing my buttocks with his hands. As the bus was crowded and I didn’t want to make a scene I simply stood there and let him. The following day the same thing happened again. I went home feeling confused; because I knew it was wrong but at the same time I felt a bit excited and proud that someone considered my round ass worth...
Kelly Girl 25: "Floop or Consequences" Down the hall from Barbie and Kelly, in the boys' part of the house, Richard and Pete dozed in front of the big TV in the children's lounge. Richard woke up from a very vivid dream and stared at the screen for several minutes, not really seeing the infomercial that had replaced the Australian Rules Football he and Pete had been watching. "Pete," he said. "Uh," his older brother grunted. Richard turned off the pitch for the ultimate kitchen...
"That's... that's very interesting, Cassie. I, uh, never would have thought of that myself." Cassie beamed at Melinda. Melinda managed a small smile in return. It masked the growing anxiety inside her. The simple truth was that Melinda was running out of things to say. Cassie had lost her a half hour ago. Melinda heard only half of what Cassie said, and barely a fraction of that could she comprehend. The only good thing about it was that Cassie had been so eager to talk to Melinda that...
Victorious: Falling Pieces #2The next three weeks flew by for everyone as they prepared to return to school. The Vega household was constantly busy as both girls were constantly on the move, either with dates or secret meetings with their boyfriends. The two tried to make time for friends, but Tori felt like she was seeing Robbie and Andre very little anymore. She only really saw Cat in passing, as she seemed much more private and secretive than normal, but Tori believed she would be back to...
"A private session? Private, as in--""One-on-one," Professor Williams said, leading the way into the university's atelier-and-drawing-studio multipurpose room. It was somewhat hidden in the back, behind many corridors and rooms full of workbenches, supply shelves and closets, arts projects, sculptures, busts, installations and paintings stacked upon paintings. Normally the halls were full of activity, but it was Friday evening just after 10 and everyone except Professor Williams seemed to have...
VoyeurAfter a snatched afternoon of intense love making, Ross asks me what fantasies I have. Although we have no secrets, I consider carefully which fantasy to tell him, if I plant the seed he will make it happen. "I'd love to get naked and fuck outside," I told him. "Really?" he answers, and without looking at his handsome face I knew I had him. Weeks later Ross is out "planning" some adventure trip with his friends, which involves more drinking than planning! I receive a text for me to collect him...
Oral SexThe news reporters were still trying to play catch-up the next morning. They'd had a pretty confusing day the day before. First there was the drama of the "attempted assassination" of a popular Senator in his own office, and the shooting of his top aide. Then I'd been "cornered" in the Justice headquarters and an FBI team was being dispatched to "take me down." Then ... for a little while, nothing. The next thing they knew, warrants were being served on the two "victims" of this...
I am Siddharth Mittal, running my own Company with USD 100 Million of Business. Everything is going on well and I am excelling in my business. I have a secretary named Sonia. She is a smart and beautiful girl with 36-32-36 size. She knows how to get her work done. She wears simple clothes and is decent in her approach. I have never looked at her in any wrong sense.I have a strong competitor who I always suspect is on the wrong moves. His name is Rahul.One day I was working out a business...
A Beautiful Wishby 800ibgorrilaPrologueBeyond the Cliffs of Torment there was nothing. The sunset cast its dying glow on the seas, crashing against the black volcanic rocks of the cliffs. Large curtains of steam blasted off the meeting between stone and sea, as the waves mixed with the liquid hot sludge cascading down the rock face of distant mount Hatred. Any normal man would have stayed worlds away from this dreadful place, but Sir George of Battlehaven was no normal man. He fought in the...
NovelsWe wrapped up the home stand, still winning, and were on the road again by late Thursday. I hadn't seen Maria since picnic night, three days earlier. That had been deliberate on my part. If you don't know what to do with a girl, the best thing to do with her is nothing. We had the White Sox, then the Twins, and then Detroit before we would be back in Baltimore for a lengthy series of games at home before the All-Star break. I hadn't gotten the call to pitch in several days, but it didn't...
Larry was 30 years old, divorced, and fortunately didn't have to worry about paying alimony or child support because his marriage had only lasted a couple of weeks. His wife had discovered that Larry was unable to maintain an erection long enough to make love to her, so she promptly dumped him and went on to live her life elsewhere. Larry really wasn't heartbroken about this because he knew the reason he couldn't make love with his wife. He didn't need her. He had his sheep to care...
Although I moved into my new apartment in Liverpool in the autumn, for one reason or another I had never had a house warming party. Laura had only been here two weeks before going to uni and came back every other weekend. I really wanted all my old gang to come and have a proper get together with us and maybe make a weekend of it. I really wanted to ask Ashlie too, who was the newest recruit to the circle. The thing is, plans never go exactly as you want them to and suddenly the memories of the...
Group SexIt began when I married my wife. We were both 25 at the time and we loved each other dearly. My name is John, I was slim and had brown hair and pale white skin. My wife is called Jessica, she was white, slim and had blonde hair.People often asked how I managed to pull such a gorgeous girl and I would just say something like "What can I say, I'm a good looking guy!" in a joking tone. I wasn't an ugly guy but maybe Jess was so hot that she seemed way out of my league. The real reason was that we...
Michelle Bannon washed dishes. They were not hers, only her responsibility as a dishwasher. She puffed a white curl from her face and tried to blink stinging sweat from here left eye. Up to the elbows in suds, she thought about home. It had been months since she arrived on the Qadesh Hub Station, fleeing the boredom of a small family farm of a small moon of an inconsequential planet of a backwater system...The farm was all she knew, trained to work the land and care for the a****ls and just...
Recently, I was searching the internet for a nice black guy when I scrolled across the sexy black TS. She had a nice body, very passable face. I was so intrigued. I immediately contacted her and we got to talking. She was visiting in town for a couple days, and had her own hotel room. I agreed to drive to her. 40 minutes later, I pull up to her hotel. As soon as she opens the door, there stands this gorgeous black beauty. We do our introductions, and I find out her name is Jen. ...
I was 20 years old and still a virgin. Sure, I jerked off to magazines and year book photos, but have never been inside a woman. My boss' wife, June, was 45 years old and stunning; tall, statuesque, brunette, with an accent that would make any cock tingle. She had three daughters, the oldest being a professional model, and the mom was the more beautiful. I started working for the company straight out of high school as shipper/receiver, then also managed a warehouse they were leasing downtown. I...
By Philip Johnson Chapter One His name was Sam Conklin, just over six feet tall, twenty nine years old and reasonably handsome. He had medium brown hair that parted on the right because he was left handed and he was clean shaven. Sam owned the right half of a duplex that was empty on the left half and had been empty for several weeks. When Sam was home he preferred to wear shorts even well into the fall when everybody else was pulling out the sweatshirts and he frequently shunned a shirt....
I've heard about sites you can go to on the Internet and read about cheating wives. Who would want to write about the pain it causes to the husband? I suppose there are stories about cheating husbands too, but not so many. Maybe because of the double standard. Who knows? There must be equally as much pain brought on by either the wife or the husband cheating. Some wives make a mistake and some go out deliberately to cheat. I'm not sure which category my wife fell into but I know the pain...
I thought about the walk to the park , my mind full of doubt but I summoned up the courage to go, also the fear of what Kate might do to me , if I didn't go. I couldn't take another beating I left the room as it was and went down stairs , I looked in the mirror , I could see I was quite convincing as a girl , so I walked out onto the street , the sun was hot on my legs and the occasionallya light breeze blowing up my skirt added to the excitement, I reached the road I had to cross to the ally...
As the girls were ready, Connie received a cell phone call from Walter who advised he had arrived earlier than expected and had already secured a table at the Roadhouse. The girls trooped over to the Harrison Roadhouse to provide a pleasant surprise for Walter. Instead of having just his sister to entertain he was to be introduced to the Porter sisters. When Brenda was introduced, Walter obviously noticed her disfigured face. Being good natured and without a malicious bone in his body, Walter...