Simple Gay Fucking Story
- 4 years ago
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Los Angeles, California. November 30, 2008.
"How's it going, Nadine?" Baxter Page asked. The Goth hippie walked up to the frumpy reporter dressed like MTV character Daria when she disengaged herself from a group of costumed celebrities. They were near the bar in the main gathering room of Marilyn Manson's home and hundreds of party guests were moving around.
"It's going okay," Nadine replied. "I was just watching Brangelina say hello to Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer."
"Did anything happen?"
"No. They just exchanged greetings and then walked away from each other. They all seemed calm. I guess they're not going to come to blows tonight."
"Too bad. I've been asking random people about drugs at this party. Everyone keeps telling me there aren't any. I stopped my inquiries about fifteen minutes ago when a security guy looked at me suspicious. I think they're telling the truth."
"Were you expecting to find drugs?"
"Not really. We've been trying to prove Manson uses them for a long time, though, so it was worth a shot. I also heard a preliminary total for the funds Manson's collected here — around seventy million dollars."
"Yes. It will take more to overturn Proposition 8 like Manson hopes, however. Have you seen Gary?"
"Not since he went to the restroom. Wait, there he is!"
Baxter turned as Nadine pointed out the approaching blond weasel-faced werewolf. "Here you are, guys," Gary said. "I got what we came for. Come on, I have a feeling we need to leave now."
"What are you talking about, Gary?" Baxter asked with a frown.
Gary grinned as he answered. "Okay, get this! I just got video and audio of Evan Rachel Wood taking Jodie Foster upstairs and eating her pussy. Jodie returned the favor. We finally have proof Jodie's a lesbian. Not only that, Evan Rachel Wood has wood for other girls!"
Nadine raised her eyebrows. "Gary, is what you got something we can legally put on television?"
"Not completely, no, but that's not a big deal." Gary was talking and gesturing rapidly. "Ted can edit it. He'll really like it. Come on, let's get out of this mansion and take it back to him."
Baxter looked around them, saw no one listening and then held out his hand. "You should give me your flash drive just in case."
"Here," Gary said. He passed Baxter a small gray box from inside his costume shirt's half-open zipper. "Don't lose that. Did you guys get anything good?"
"Well," Nadine began, "I..." She paused, staring at a figure behind Gary.
"What?" Gary asked and then turned around. He gaped, speechless as Mickey Rourke grabbed him by the costume chest hair and lifted him up off his feet.
"I know you, you little bastard," growled the "Sin City" actor Gary had recently maligned. "You're the tabloid reporter who published false rumors about my friend Evan and me. You're not getting out of here alive."
"Those rumors weren't my fault!" Gary stammered. Rourke was staggering and sweating, he noticed, possibly intoxicated with too much liquor. He was also glaring at Gary and everyone else around them was staying back. "The public has a right to judge who celebrities date!" Gary continued his protests. "I had a source! It was Dane..."
"Gary, shut up!" Baxter interrupted. He tapped the mirrored button on his vest and made a Friendship society gesture. "Mickey, please put him down!"
Rourke shook his head, too soused to interpret the movements or see reason. "I'm gonna break this fuckwit's legs!"
Rourke cocked his arms to throw Gary across the room and then gasped and stumbled. A blue-skinned albino ghoul in ragged clothing had leapt out of the crowd nearby and kicked him in the shin. Rourke dropped Gary and spun to face Asher Stravjan. The Gypsy agent stood in a Savate martial arts stance, his hands up and his eyes on Rourke.
"Clint Eastwood?" Rourke questioned, mistaking Asher for the action star he resembled. "Why are you interfering in this?"
Asher did not answer.
"Never mind. You're going down!" Rourke swung a ham-hock fist at Asher but the Gypsy dodged. He then blocked two follow-up punches and kicked Rourke in the other shin. As Rourke toppled over, Asher grabbed his extended arm in one expert movement, applied a come-along hold and twisted Rourke's wrist behind his back. The burly former boxer went flaccid at once.
"You're not Clint," he gasped. "Who are you?"
"We'll take it from here," Barney the mummy security guard said, approaching. He and his Frankenstein's Monster partner Andy had been relieved at the mansion gates a few minutes before. "You've had too much to drink, Mickey, okay? It's time to go home."
Barney took one of Rourke's arms and Andy took the other. Asher nodded thanks to them as they bore Rourke away and then turned to face the tabloid reporters he'd spotted. Security supervisor Mr. Fox and other guards were moving amongst the nearby guests, telling them there was "nothing worth seeing here" and waving them off.
"Gary, are you okay?" Baxter asked, helping his friend get up. He grimaced, noticing the ghoul who stood next to them. Then the hippie blinked in recognition. "Asher?"
Hello, Baxter, Asher gestured at his former comrade. Forgive me. I cannot speak.
"Yeah, I remember," Baxter said, reading the sign language. "What are you doing here? Wait, never mind. Clarke and Viceroy Ramsay sent you, didn't they?"
They did. I have been watching you. Please give me your companion's flash drive. Baxter nodded and produced it. "Good to see you again," he said after handing the device over. "You and whoever's with you call me before you leave town, okay? Viceroy Ramsay has my number. I wouldn't mind catching up."
I will do that. I will also give Jodi Lee your regards.
"Who is this guy, Baxter?" Gary asked, staring at Asher. "Do you know him? Why are you giving him my footage?"
"It's just like with Eliza, Gary," Baxter answered. "This was all a setup. Come on, it's time to go."
Asher gave Baxter a look of agreement as he pushed the drive's "data erase" button and then passed the device back to Baxter. I trust you have no other footage our society would not want to see.
"I won't air it if we do. I wasn't going to air that either. I know Regal Jodie Foster values her privacy." Friend, Viceroy and Regal were the three tiers of Friendship rank.
Friends Evan and Jodi Lee value theirs as well.
"Excuse me," Nadine addressed Asher. "Are you related to Bat Boy?"
"He's not!" Baxter snapped. "It's just a costume. Come on." Nadine grimaced at Baxter, who then made a confession. "He's Friendship and so am I. Let's go!" Nadine nodded assent and smiled at Baxter and Asher. She then took up position to help Baxter support Gary.
"Thank you, Asher," Baxter said. "Can we get out of here okay?"
Yes. Please do not forget to air your story about the lack of drugs at this party as you were instructed. Friend Manson wants the gossip about his drug addiction dispelled.
"I'll try. Some people may still speculate."
Friend Manson can live with that as long as the truth is also known. Remember to clear everything else you have recorded with Viceroy Pinkerton before it is aired or printed.
"We will. See you later. Thanks again." Baxter steered Gary to the mansion's exit with Nadine's help. "You are very lucky, Gary!"
"Hey, I didn't know I was going to get jumped like that! Now everything I had is gone! Did you guys get anything?"
Baxter told him about the drug investigation and the funding preliminary total.
"Okay, that's something," Gary said. "Anything else?"
"I recorded what happened to you and I see no problem in using it. After this, Mickey Rourke should think twice before he provokes the press."
"Yeah, that's definitely worth getting my legs broken over. Who was that dude who saved me? I didn't know old men could move like that."
"He's not an old man, Gary. It's a long story. I'll tell you sometime. Your legs aren't broken. You're just a bit unsteady on them. You're fine."
"I still feel terrible. Did you get anything, Nadine?"
"I saw Jack Nicholson leave with two girls a third his age," Nadine answered. "They were all hanging on each other and kept stopping to trade kisses."
"Jack the womanizer? That's not big news."
"I also saw Alicia Witt. You know, from 'Law & Order'? She was dancing the tango with some guy and they both looked very content."
"Alicia Witt is happily seeing some guy? That won't last, or sell for that matter."
"Well, I did pick up something else. Michelle Williams was at the party and I interviewed her. She wanted me to put out that living on the Goth scene has given her help getting over Heath Ledger's death. You remember Michelle from your attempt to talk to her last week, right, Gary?"
Gary dropped his jaw. "She gave you an interview?"
"Yes. I identified myself and told her I would air nothing without her permission. I was very nice to her. You should try that sometime."
"Damn it!" Gary cursed. "You really lucked out and I ain't got shit! How did that happen? Baxter?"
"It's your karma, Gary," the hippie said with a smile. "Let's go home."
In another mansion elsewhere in Los Angeles, a redhead and a brunette were grinding their naked bodies against one another. The redhead was in her mid-twenties and voluptuous. Vivid auburn hair and deep blue eyes accented her fierce angel's face. The brunette was about ten years older and slimmer in figure. Her black hair flowed about a Romanesque visage with expressive brown eyes. Both women were beautiful and talented actresses.
"Yes!" Erika Christensen cried out, removing her mouth from Marisol Nichols's. The other woman's small brown nipples stabbed into Erika's own large pink breasts. Their legs rubbed together, entangling about each other's sweat-flushed torsos. The two women rolled back and forth on the tan-sheeted bed, the black rubber double-ended dildo they had between them moving in both their cunts. Erika's pussy was surrounded by a fertile vee of blonde hair while Marisol's had a well-tended black patch. Their hands journeyed over each other's backsides, massaging hip and shoulder muscles. Marisol's body was athletic and Erika's was larger in figure but equally toned.
We've been lovers just over six years, Erika recalled as they fucked. She smiled at Marisol's eyes and the other woman beamed in return. Each pulled the other closer with arms and legs and their lips touched again.
The two had first met taking Scientology courses together in Los Angeles. Erika was born into the church while Marisol was introduced to it by her chiropractor. They both found fulfillment in Scientology's teachings and values. They also agreed the church needed to turn away from its abusive practices such as charging money for spiritual services and expelling members who did not strictly toe the scriptural lines. As celebrities, Erika and Marisol were mostly immune to these provisos but they still felt sympathy for people who did not enjoy such advantages.
"You remember our first time?" Marisol asked Erika in a breathless voice. Erika nodded, exhaling as she reminisced. Six years ago Erika was in the middle of filming the teenage slasher film "Swimfan" and enjoying a church purification sauna between days of shooting. Marisol and four other Scientologist actresses — Catherine Bell, Lynsey Bartilson, Laura Prepon and Juliette Lewis — entered the sauna and surrounded Erika.
"We've heard about you," the "Resurrection Boulevard" star Marisol said. "You're part of a movement to reform Scientology with celebrity leaders."
Erika blinked but nodded. She had indeed recently joined such a group. It was guided by the church's Office of Special Affairs Director Mike Rinder and senior celebrity Scientologists such as Isaac Hayes and John Travolta. The movement was growing but the members wanted to keep it secret. Scientology's Chairman and the fanatics who held power in the church could be deadly enemies if the reformers challenged them. Thus the movement was not widely advertised and did not even have a name.
"Be not afraid, Erika," Marisol said, making a gesture that indicated she was a Friendship member. "We're here to help you. You have a purpose we share and the ability to accomplish it." She smiled. "We've also heard you're into swinging. We've all been doing that for a number of years. Catherine's agent, who is also your agent, told us about you."
The women then moved in to touch the no longer apprehensive Erika and dropped their cotton robes. A steamy orgy followed. It remained among Erika's most treasured experiences. She found key allies in Marisol and the other actresses. Catherine and Juliette had been popular in the church for over a decade. Laura was a new entrant and Lynsey was born and raised in the religion just as Erika was. Lynsey's mother was a church lawyer who had become so disgusted with defending Scientology in court over and over again that she wanted to see the religion reform before it disintegrated under its own mistakes. Laurie Bartilson passed her desire on to her daughter. Lynsey was a rising star in the church's "Youth for Human Rights" program. She became a valuable secret recruiter for Erika's movement.
It was Marisol, though, who was even more useful. Like Lynsey, she was heavily involved in the church charities. She was also the older girlfriend of a teenage genius named Taron Lexton who wrote and directed many of Scientology's promotional videos. Taron wanted their church reformed too.
"Marisol and I see quite a number of people having to put on a happy face for my cameras," he said when Erika inquired. "It bothers me when I think about how many of them really feel cheerful and how many don't."
Because of this opinion, both Taron and his girlfriend wished to be part of Erika's reform drive. They had enlisted the other actresses who entered the sauna and their families. All knew that their goals might not succeed and would probably take a long time to accomplish but believed the journey was worth it.
"We have the power to change our church," the "Grounded for Life" star Lynsey Bartilson said. "We are being used to sell something that can help but also hurt. We must take over and stop the hurting." Erika agreed and welcomed them all into her circle of associates.
Soon afterwards, the Friendship Viceroy who headed their movement was exposed as a would-be reformer and thrown out of Scientology. Fear spread in the wake of this. The movement disintegrated before it could do anything major. Rinder, the new leader, warned everyone to quiet down. A doctrine promotion campaign spearheaded by Chairman David Miscavige along with Tom Cruise, Jenna Elfman and other celebrity fanatics followed. Erika's movement lost its drive and the would-be reformers slipped into the shadows.
For the past six years they had stayed there, watching and waiting as their creed's new popularity backfired and the forces opposing Scientology in its entirety grew. In 2007, Rinder had resigned his office and left the church. The reformers had no leader now and every Scientologist celebrity's career was suffering as word of their religion's abuses continued to spread. The church contracted and declined in strength, just as Erika's movement had. Vibes of apprehension ran high among those who remained inside.
The reformers still exist, though, Erika thought. We've been growing in recent years. We do not sponsor Scientology's abuses and we lead others away from them. We're ready to step up when the time comes, held together by the Friendship and our dreams. Deft political maneuvers and staying away from the fanatics has kept us part of our religion. Poise, precision, resolve and audacity will one day let us lead. I have faith in that. The Internet protest group Anonymous, the ex-Scientologists and the others who are against us may for the most part not know about us or even believe we exist, but we are here. We might not be willing to accept their help, but we too want our church to change. We believe Scientology has the right to be a religion and stand in this world. We live the good in our beliefs, knowing that good exists, and work to edit out the evil. The battle for our tomorrow continues today.
She grinned at the last thought, the theme from "Terminator" sounding in her soul.
Erika and Marisol were celebrating now, having just secured another victory in that ongoing conflict. Erika was acting in independent films at present and Marisol was on the TV show "24". Taron retained his job as church advertising director. He had increased his standing by being one of the first to film the aftermath of the 2004 Asian tsunami disaster and winning several awards. All were active in charity and quietly supporting their secret Scientology reform movement. They were shocked when they discovered their enemies had nearly corrupted Erika's youngest brother.
Thankfully, the problem was easily solved. When he contacted Erika three days ago, Dane Christensen was already free of Jessica Feshbach Rodriguez, the fanatic cleric who had tried to worm her way into his life. Erika had sent Dane to her OSA deputy director ally Melissa Feshbach Prynne in St. Louis. Also a Scientology minister, Melissa was Jessica's twin sister and personality opposite. She specialized in helping those who were angry at Scientology's dark side learn that they did not have to be part of something bad. Melissa's main tool was directing her clients towards charity and spiritual relief, the intended purposes of any church.
A growing number of ministers were on Melissa's side, enough to make even Chairman Miscavige take note. He had toned down his efforts to deter reform of late, afraid his church was collapsing. There were also members of his own family who had left Scientology and hurt Miscavige's conscience. Unfortunately, the Chairman's sympathy did not extend to everyone in the church.
Jessica and her family were a key example, Erika mused. Except for Melissa and a few others, they were all dedicated Scientologists who practiced their beliefs with overzealous indifference, ignoring the negative consequences. Joe Feshbach, Jessica's father, made his fortune through unethical stock market practices. He donated millions to church programs and expected his family to be treated well in return. Jessica's cousins Bean, Bunce and Boggis were ministers who had been inside the church's internal retribution programs more than anyone else in all of Scientology's history. Erika often shivered when she observed them unable to stop running everywhere and attempting to bait those who pissed them off.
Jessica herself had also developed a bad reputation in the past ten years. The unbalanced OSA operative was known for inspiring a series of celebrity public relations fiascos with bad advice. The worst episodes included Tom Cruise's biased debate over psychology with "Today Show" host Matt Lauer and Jenna Elfman's proclamation that AIDS was "only a state of mind." Jessica accepted responsibility for none of her deeds.
If not for Melissa, Erika thought, I might despise the entire Feshbach family. She's so calm and considerate in the face of it all that she makes up for the others. Melissa tells me the rest of her family is crooked by their own fault. They're Scientology nobility and they refuse to know any life other than that.
"They can't see that their way is dooming us," Melissa said to Erika. "People like my family are the reason our church gets protested. It's their refusal to remove the planks from off their eyes. So what if we're considered crazy for believing alien specters cause mental illness and enlightenment can be found within one's own self? The world would have few problems with us if we weren't so elitist about our faith."
Melissa's gaze was steady and discerning but not judgmental. In face and figure, she resembled the independent film star Parker Posey. About thirty years old, Melissa regularly wore a blue skirted suit. Her long black hair was streaked with premature gray. Erika had seen pictures of Jessica and knew she looked exactly like Melissa except in three areas. Melissa was kindly while Jessica's usual attitude was haughty and sardonic. In addition, Jessica dyed her hair to keep the gray out and one of her hazel eyes was glass. The latter feature was the product of an auto accident Jessica suffered at age eighteen, Melissa informed Erika. Melissa did not know the exact details of the event, only that it had seriously scarred Jessica's face. Their father had paid for plastic surgery and Scientology auditing to cover up the injury's effects, but neither Jessica's mind nor body was completely whole.
"They gave her a spot in the church anyway," Melissa said. "It was my father's money and Jessica's own skill at our techniques. She has since become heavily involved with celebrity auditing and public relations. I do not think she is a talented actress. However, she can still fool people. I recommend you avoid her, Erika, as long as you can."
Melissa was not Erika's lover. She had sworn off sex after her Green Beret husband died in Iraq and she found no satisfaction in other men or women. "At least I'm not like my sister," Melissa let slip to Erika once. She refused to further explain.
Erika had sought further information on Jessica over the years of hearing about her, especially the past three days. Everything Erika discovered said that Jessica was competent at Scientology scriptures and methods but either ignorant towards the results of the way she used them or deliberately malicious. If the latter was the case, Erika could not discern a reason.
I don't even have to ask, Erika thought in the present. Not now that I know what she did to my brother. The fact that Jessica was more interested in Dane's connections to Evan Rachel Wood and Marilyn Manson than she was in Dane himself mitigates my fears. She backed off once Evan and Manson rebuffed her and Dane discharged her. Dane told me about his experiences with Jessica Friday evening. After my family and I went over everything with Dane, using my genius girlfriend Alicia as an independent observer, we sent a complaint up the chain to Melissa. Melissa called us back in an hour and did a preliminary audit with Dane on the phone. They verified his experiences again and now Dane's in St. Louis with Melissa treating him in person. Most of our family is there as well. Melissa wrote a report to her superiors upon concluding her first audit of my brother. Chairman Miscavige called Melissa the day afterwards and said he would reprimand Jessica for her misdeeds.
"Jessica told him about your schooling just as you feared," Melissa told Erika after talking to Miscavige. "I put the spin on it you requested. You believe education is a gift and that even if psychologists are our enemies you felt you should know them. Miscavige accepted this and said he was proud of you."
"Good," Erika answered, relieved. Miscavige was one of the most irrationally anti-psychology people in her church and it would not do for him to see her degree the wrong way. "What about my family?"
"The Chairman was quite displeased to hear about what my sister did to your brother. He's taking steps to punish her. She and our cousins have all been given additional black marks on their records and day after tomorrow they're going to be sent on a probationary world tour of all Scientology facilities. Miscavige wants them reminded of the diversity within our organization and this planet."
"That's it?" Erika asked, surprised.
"He can't do any more. Jessica and the other three broke no official church policies. The worst they did was overzealous recruitment, which is hardly a crime. We have only Dane's word that those rumors were put out to the tabloids at Jessica's instruction. She admits nothing. Yes, forcing Dane to disconnect from the rest of your family was wrong but no harm was done now that it's been repealed. That's what Miscavige said."
"How can he be so cold?"
"You know his position. Scientology is still regarded with suspicion and hate all over the world, even with the recent gains we've had in Germany and elsewhere. My father is one of many fanatics who contribute large funds and recruit numbers to the Church. With all the bad publicity directed at us right now, Miscavige doesn't want to upset these people."
"Melissa, I barely got Dane to change his mind about departing Scientology after what your sister had him do. You know how he feels. You've talked to him."
"Your brother was to blame for what happened as much as Jessica, Erika. He followed her instructions. Dane admits to that and has accepted it. Why can't you?"
"I have accepted it," Erika said with a groan. "Dane apologized to the family and we've all forgiven him. When he returns to L.A. later this week he'll make amends to Evan. Dane's going into Walker's karate program and parking cars at our brother Nick's auto dealership while studying for business school. That should fix him up right. I want something to happen to Jessica, though. We have to stop fostering the discrimination against us. We can't just deny our mistakes, we need to learn from them and fix them. Haven't people like Jessica done enough damage to our church over the years?"
"She cannot be held accountable for anything she has done. It was all in accordance with doctrine. Warped outdated doctrine, yes, but she violated no laws. The reactions of others are to blame for what happened as a result of Jessica's manipulations, the way the Chairman sees things. He says she's making mistakes but can be ironed out with auditing and this world tour. I pray he's right."
Melissa was silent for a moment. "There was one other thing. Miscavige wanted me to apologize to you on his behalf for this situation. He wants you to know that you and all your friends are welcome in the church. He emphasized the word 'friends'."
Erika felt her heart catch. "Does he know about our reform movement?"
"He didn't let on if he did or not. We've existed for several decades, though, Erika. I don't see how he couldn't know about us. Miscavige may not be able to formally support reform but he doesn't want our faction gone from the church any more than he wants my father's gone. He intends for Scientology to survive and flourish, not collapse into a religious war. Miscavige isn't Friendship, but he is aware of the society and its presence within Scientology. Our church founder Ron Hubbard was a Friendship Viceroy who used his connections to spread our religion in the early days. Ron broke with the Friendship when they refused to raise him to Regal and he felt he no longer needed them. Since then other Friends still inside Scientology have worked to aid our church and limit the fanatics' influence. They did not forget Ron or those of us who are good. You, your family, Mike Rinder and I are among them."
Erika gasped at the unfamiliar lessons. Then she smiled, realizing she should have known. "So Miscavige isn't going to expel us then?"
"No, I don't think so, although he can't recognize us either. This is the best we can hope for right now, Erika. There are many people in the church as powerful as Miscavige, people like my father and sister, who would prefer otherwise."
"Fine," Erika replied. "Tell the Chairman I appreciate his decision. I also agree with him on Jessica. As for our reforms, my commitment to them was just increased." Melissa replied that hers was as well.
Both Melissa and Erika, Scientology reverend and parishioner, had then contacted their allies and arranged support for Manson's gay rights fundraiser the next evening. Some Scientologist celebrities attended while others sent checks and good wishes. Erika, who was still unsure whether she could reunite with Manson's girlfriend Evan, was one of the latter.
Marisol, agreeing with Melissa that they had achieved a triumph, told Erika that they should have their own party the same night as Manson's. Taron would be out of town, but Marisol and Erika could still have fun together. Erika concurred.
I'm pleased Marisol's with us, Erika completed her mental review with a smile. She licked the other actress's tongue with her own. The two were dedicated girlfriends who often worked out together in the gym and the bedroom. They had not fucked in a long time, though. Earlier that year Marisol had married Taron and given birth to their daughter. Sex during pregnancy was discouraged by Scientology doctrine and Erika honored this practice with her lovers who wished to follow it. Non-Scientologists such as Erika's "Six Degrees" co-star Bridget Moynahan and her "Upside of Anger" co-star Keri Russell were happy to fuck Erika whether they were pregnant or not. Marisol and other devout Scientologists felt otherwise. Erika respected and fulfilled the wishes of each.
Now Marisol's baby was born and her body was recovered. She and Erika were making up for lost time, kissing and rubbing one another. Arms massaged backs and legs fastened tight around hips. Breasts touched and nipples dueled. Breaths were exchanged along with tongue swaps. The dildo throbbed between them, stimulating each woman's cunt as it was pushed into the other woman by her muscles. Both Marisol and Erika felt lubrication flowing from inside their bodies. The bed's absorbent sheets were soaking it up. Their minds were being stripped of negative emotions such as guilt and apathy and filled instead with a mutual caring and joy.
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Marco was stalling now. He was early to work this morning, earlier than usual, to avoid the unexpected spring heat. It was mid-morning. He cast long looks back at the house hoping to catch a glimpse of her in one of her bright dresses, the wind making the light fabric dance around her knees. Maybe she’d wave, bring him some cold water. He squinted at the house, wiping his face with his forearm, removing his hat. Marco sighed. He couldn’t see much from this distance; the wide veranda drenches...
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She met him for dinner at their favorite sushi restaurant. Matt had been acting strange all week but when he asked her to go to dinner two days before with a sexy text that included, "hoping to fulfill some fantasies, baby" Janelle knew that he had something in mind that she was sure to enjoy. All through dinner Matt acted coy, pretending not to notice her impatience. Finally she just asked him outright, "What do you have planned, you have me wet just thinking about it.". He smiled and leaned...
Bisexual4 years later........ This case has been the toughest on all of us. No leads, no witnesses it just seems like they vanished into thin air! The police chief took a deep breath and continued, "As always there have been false leads, maybe to throw us off their trail or maybe it's just people looking for the reward money. We may never know in fact we may never......" A knock penetrated the room. The chief yells at his secretary for letting people into the building when it was supposed to be...
I had always had a close relationship with my older sister Tammy. She was 15 months older than me, and a total knockout. She has brown hair down to her shoulders, green eyes, tanned, with a very toned body from years of gymnastics. She is about 5'6" 125#. Her breasts are pert and perky at 34C, a nice slender waist a tight, apple-shaped ass, long muscular legs. She used to make me a bit uncomfortable though, she would let her kisses linger a bit too long, rub herself against me when we'd hug,...
IncestHello Friends, this is Sumithra Singh aged of 46 from Jaipur staying in Hyderabad. Am a married women having one daughter and one son. My Husband is a Businessman.we got married 26 yrs back. My self am a housewife, My daughter completed her Graduation and working in a MNC company, my son is studying engineering 1st year. Now coming to myself am 5.6 ft tall and have a good body with figure of 36 28 38. It was in the month of August when My Husband and My son went to Pune for getting admission in...
To be honest, from the few times the boys at my high school had shown me photos trying to flirt with me, I was expecting older women with huge boobs and lots of makeup. Wow was I surprised. This girl I found that started this passion was about my age. She was very athletic and cute but seemed so relaxed while showing EVERYTHING off. In most of her pictures, she was arching her back to expose her butt to the camera. I took off my shorts and compared myself to her in the mirror. I arched...
I'm definitely screwed. It’s late at night and I haven't even called in to say that I'm going to be late. For sure, mom and dad would be livid. My younger brother Dave couldn't help me out of this. He texted me for what seemed ages ago that he would turn in early and I should get back home soon. The party lasted longer than I expected and I lost track of time. Completely exhausted, I have no time for early morning arguments and dismissals. I just hope mom and dad are fast asleep and would...
IncestIf there’s one thing we’ve learned here at it’s that it’s good to have friends with hot mothers or grandmothers. Sam is a lucky man because his friend’s mom is Wendy Leigh, who’s 60 years old, has big tits and loves to suck and fuck big, young cock. Sam has one. Wendy wants it. Of course, Sam knew his friend’s mom was sexy, but he didn’t know how well she sucked cock. He’s about to find out. He also didn’t know how well...
xmoviesforyou‘Do you have any painkillers?’ he asked me. My eyes landed on the small bottom of ibuprofen on the bedside table . ‘Yes, Sir,’ I said through the phone. ‘Better take some now. I’m on my way home,’ he said and hung up. I set the phone down and picked up the pill bottle. I didn’t have time to worry if Master was in an angry or playful mood. It might not matter too much either way, it was clear that he intended to wear me out when he got home. I opened the bottle absently as I walked into the...
I woke face down in the sand. My head pulsed with a dull throb of pain. How long had I been asleep? I turned over and saw that I was on a beach. A life jacket with a patch bearing the name John was lying a few meters away. My clothes were in tatters. Suddenly, it all came back in a flash. My plane had been struck by lighting! My nighttime cargo flight had turned into a nightmare when my plane found itself in the middle of a huge sea storm. I was blown miles off course. A bolt of lightning...
InterracialRandy and Sam were conflicted, something not unusual for young people their age. They loved school, and the adventure of being off on their own. But they were missing out on life back home. True, they got almost daily email updates from Mallory, who also kept her Face Book page up to date with pictures and posts. But it wasn’t the same as being there, and they felt like they were losing something. At the same time, the freedom to be lovers under conditions that seemed secret was also...
In that period I had only one close friend that we were always together no matter what.We wanted to start exploring ourselves as we spend more and more time together,so we did that.First we started to look at some naked woman in the magazines and we were very horny.This was in the 90's so there was no internet and it was not easy as today to get some porn! After that I managed to sleepover at his house few times.This was way more interesting cause he had a TV in his room and we were watching...
Pucker Up By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 7 "I'm past that and you didn't come up with any last second brain storms, right?" said Paul, already knowing the answer. "No," said Kristen, staring at the big bump that looked even bigger with his head wrapped in a towel. "Stop staring at it and I'll be fine, mom," said Paul with a smile. "You always did say I looked like you when you were younger. Now go, so they can make me as beautiful as you too." She turned,...
It was a cloudy day and was going to rain very fast that day. As usual I got ready to go to my office but I wasn’t feeling to go to office but had to go. Usually I go to office by changing three autos. I came to main road and got in the first auto but before it could reach its destination it started raining heavily. I got down at the stand to get in a second auto but there was no auto and I got fully drenched in heavy shower I saw a cute girl rather say a dam sexy girl in tight t-shirt and...
The following are compliments of Mike Shallcross Young man went to the doctors about a complaint he had. “Doctor,” he said in a high pitched voice, “Can you do something about my voice?” So the doctor did a complete examination and when he got to his cock and balls saw the problem, 15 inches by a soft drink can around and that was on the slack. “Your problem is the size of your Penis,” he said, “To get your voice lower I’m afraid I need to cut off half of it.” “No way,” said the young...
I was out one afternoon running errands when I ran into Darnell at the d**g store. He kind of caught me by surprise and things were a little awkward as we talked. I have to admit I was Wet thinking of a couple weeks ago when Darnell fucked me on the Bathroom floor at the party. We walked out together, continued to chat as we stood outside the store. He told me the wife and k**s had left to visit her mother and he was alone at home for a couple days. He then asked if I wanted to come over for a...
That big, black cock hit my tonsils, as it sought the entrance to my gullet. My eyes grew big as saucers as I took six, seven, eight inches into my mouth and still was looking at least three more extending from my lips. The man paused, letting my throat get used to the girth, as tears welled up in my eyes. I grabbed his butt cheeks with both hands and pulled him closer; I figured if I was going to choke to death, it might as well be worth it. My nose was buried in his stiff and wiry pubes, my...
Gay MaleTo fully enjoy this episode it is recommended that you read Soft Target 4: Girl's night in first.As Chrissie had been relating the events of last night, Keith’s eyes had been fixed on Amelie, taking in every pore of her nakedness, and his mouth had been hanging open like a naughty schoolboy. Amelie stood up, walked over to the freezer and returned with the ice cream tub. Tearing the lid of the tub, she scraped out a fingerful of ice cream and placed it between her breasts. “I fancy some ice...
Group SexChapter 1: The Wager John Theiswyde-Parted, Esq. was entertaining two of his old friends, Sir Reginald Randistaff and the Right Reverend Philp Lichsbottoms, at his palatial country estate. Over brandy and cigars after dinner, John was regaling his guests with the sad state of today's youth and speculated that the cause was that the practice of flogging young bottoms was on the wane. "I say, John, you must know that is not true, particularly here in this part of the country," Reggie...
I am living in Coimbatore for last 36 years. I respect womanhood and I vouch on the fact that a woman needs to enjoy sex more than a man and I have practically realized it whenever I loved a lady in bed. This happens when women don’t get fucked the way they want to be by their husbands. I like ladies with good looks, figure and good sense of humor. These qualities help me to bring out more out of me to offer services to the lady I am sexually playing with. I have always wished to meet a lady...
She had an infectious grin, that was the first thing. Impish, it kind of reminded me of Jack Nicholson. But there the resemblance stopped. She was petite, about 5’3, damned if she was over 105 pounds. Dark hair cut to frame her face. Small, swimmer’s body. She had a six-pack (she showed me). Deep brown eyes. It was hard to see her as a girl because of the gender-neutral hats, t-shirts and khaki pants we had to wear at the restaurant I managed. It was also hard to see her as a girl because she...
Behind The Bamboo Curtain "Mike, Mike - check out what's behind door number one." I was helping my neighbor Rick install a skylight. I turned and followed the direction of his gaze over the peak of the garage roof. Less than twenty feet away, framed by the French doors of the guest bedroom was a pair of legs - beautiful legs. Rick's sister-in-law Gwen was visiting and I certainly had no objections to seeing her in all her glory. The only problem was a matchstick sunshade hanging down...
I lived in a student house with eight other people. Half of them were girls, which was one of my favorite things about the house; but the fact that everyone seemed to go home for the weekend was even better.It was a quaint house where many of the rooms were not originally built for bedrooms, but the landlord had worked around that. Because of this, almost none of the rooms had locks on them. This gave me free reign of the house when the weekend hit and no one was home. Regardless of this, I was...
Straight SexI have mentioned in previous stories that my career was spent as a Captain of a high end 100' charter yacht working the waters of Alaska. It was a job that provided me many opportunities to 'play' with men, women and couples, most of them older, and all of them very well-off financially. Passengers and crew had to sign agreements that I could inspect their rooms and belongings for any reason whatsoever, though I assured them it was very unusual for me to do so. For the crew, my main reason...
I saw Sherry just walk out. 'Shit, now he is crying. What the hell can I say to make this better? '"Crap," he sobbed, rubbing his face in a single long stroke."I'm so sorry, Ted. I guess until she came through that door, I never comprehended that you two still had a relationship," I confessed, putting my hands up as I stood behind him."It is fine, Quinn. As she said, it was pure cheating. How bad can I feel? We fucked once because I fancied doing it, but even that was wrong. Then every time we...
NovelsPart 2 of 10 Parts. Part 2. For some reason, Tim didn't refer to the incident or the toys in the attic again that day or the next. While he worked getting the house in order under Diana's directions, he sometimes found her looking at him with a strange smile and he found himself blushing, guessing she was remembering how he had looked when he tried to come. On Monday, they kissed goodbye and Tim drove off to his architect's office while Diana drove off to the school she taught at. A few days...
FetishLuna opened the front door with the keys that her best friend Celine gave her. Celine’s mother wasn’t feeling that great and concerned Celine decided to leave her home for two weeks while asking Luna to take care of her twin daughters aged five and make sure her husband was okay. But Luna wanted to make sure that Carl was more than okay and most of all, that he didn’t miss Celine’s absence at all... she got in.. ‘’what a nice house’’ she thought... ‘’Celine doesn’t have the right to be so...
TabooThe way out is through Officer Brandon Carter (Tommy Pistol) just got a call about a disgruntled employee (Khloe Kapri) who has recently gotten laid off from her job. She returned to her former employer demanding they give her the money she’s claiming they owe her. The assistant manager, who was the one who notified the police, is claiming the suspect is being overly aggressive and is afraid she’s going to get violent if someone doesn’t intervene. When Officer Carter walks in,...
xmoviesforyouRenegade's Revenge DARK LOVE 2 By: V.L. Marquette Lightly edited by; Ravyn (Author's Note) Okay, this time I do believe I am going to get it all outfirst so I don't have to keep going back and repeating myself. *****NO ONE, and I do mean NO ONE.***** Underthe age of eighteen or who lives in area's where this sort of reading materialis considered illegal should read ant farter. Now having said that, if you are still with me, the material within thesepages is Fiction. Thus saying, anything any...
When I was in my twenties, we lived in a small neighborhood in BENGAL, two rows of low houses with a narrow road in between. All the families were friendly, and we generally celebrated all festivals together. Mr A lived in the house to our right. He was almost fifty, but still single. He owned a large factory nearby and spent most of his time there. Everyone said that he’d been very busy doing business when he was younger, which is why he had never married. Imagine all our surprise when he...
Hiii mera naam raj h or me ahmedabas se..Mujhe bhabhiya bht pasnd h.Aaj me apni first story aap sab ko batane ja raha hu.Agr koi galti ho to ignore kar dena..1st me apni sali k bare me batadu …Meri sali marride h. Or uska fighr size h 34 30 34.. He.. Vo bht hi sexy h nd yahi ahmedabd m hi raheti hi. Jab b hum milte h to double mnngs ki bate karte or kabhi kabar to me usse chu k pareshan b karta hu..Usse b ye sab baht pasnd he.Ek din ki baat husne mujhe call kiya k usse thoda kaam h to mere ghar...
Here’s a little (okay, actually it’s pretty long) story about love in the wintertime. It’s about two people who manage to melt the ice between them. It’s also about ice fishing (seriously). I wrote it as a tribute to the Canadian winter which I am currently in the midst of. I hope you all enjoy! As always, I welcome feedback and comments. All the best, Leora *** They’d spent the last two hours bumping along the rough, gravel road in their rented four by four. Rebecca cursed as her head...
Be Careful What You Wish For By Teaser The room was small. Not tiny, just small. And dark. Very dark. There were no windows to allow the mid day sun to splash the walls and floor with life. The only illumination came from the loose door jam, the only room's only entrance. It was warm, also. Very warm. Too warm. Stifling even. There was the smell of sex and sweat. And most of all, the smell of fear. There was little noise. The sound of duress, an occasional grunt of frustration....
Humor On! Porn is better when funny. The internet is filled with strange, bizarre, and weird porn, and your boy has gone to the darkest side of the internet to find it, and I’m not even asking for something in return. Fuck the mainstream porn that every other XXX site is serving you, right? Today I’ll be using my expertise to tell you all about the hardcore, bizarre porn, and shocking videos in general that are to be found at or simply Humor On.Even a blind man and his dog can tell...
Funny Porn SitesYou are already in the shower, the water is hot and steamy and you are just standing there with your eyes closed letting the hot water pound your body. I slip in quietly and gently start to lather your body with soap, running my hands from your neck and shoulders down your back. Sliding to the front, then to your back, massaging gently but firmly, taking my time with each part of you, I turn you to face me, telling you to keep your eyes closed. I guide you around untill you are completely...
Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...
I should have known something was going on when I got ‘invited’ next door to watch the football game while my wife was having a girl’s day with some wives at our house. I wasn’t much into football nor did I know the neighbors well either. I tended to keep to myself, which you will understand why later.We moved in just three months ago and while my wife really hit it off with the wife of our next-door neighbor, I hardly saw her husband, even on the weekend. Vivian was an outgoing and lovely...
Crossdressing"Velma, I have a disk here that I want taken across the street in ten minutes. This one is not sexual in nature but it is more explosive, I believe." She handed a new unmarked plastic case to the surprised waitress. "Will you do it?" "Oh yes I will, Dana. Oh yes I will." She accepted the DVD and tucked it in her apron pocket. "What is it?" "It's a recording of the number two man in the FBI accepting a "donation" and agreeing to look the other way where 'certain irregularities'...
Introduction: Will she choose to stay with the demon? A/N My dear readers! Thank you to everyone who has emailed me with your praise, encouragement and ideas! I love you all dearly and you keep me writing whenever I feel like throwing my laptop away. It is because of you that I present in all its ten thousand word glory, PART SEVEN!! As always PLEASE rate, comment and email me! I love hearing from you guys and I will reply to every email. Happy New Year! Cheers, Steelkat Part 7 My bed is...
The rest of the day was rather uneventful. Everybody spent their day checking their wardrobes for the next day, with the women making needed repairs, and mending what was needed. The women cooked some of the dishes that would be served the next day, and Pop Campbell called the caterer to check if everything was up to speed for the reception. He was assured that everything was under control, and that a natural disaster was the only thing that could spoil their plans. Mike, Misti, Mary, and Jerry...
After that, I couldn't resist kissing her. Most of the time that's all we did ... share soft, warm kisses, with just a little stroking. I went on more dates, and eventually worked up the courage to try to kiss Cathy Thompson good night. She was willing, and it was nice, but it didn't electrify me, like Gloria's kisses did. When Gloria kissed me, I got a boner. It happened every time. Sometimes she'd feel it, and smile, and kiss me some more, and then tell me to go home and take care of...
My wife arrived home around four in the morning and, judging by the look on her face, she was very content. When I woke fully later that morning, I saw all her beautiful leather clothes in pile on the floor. The look on her face when she'd got into bed, had told me that this was probably the second time in the last twelve hours that they'd been spread on the floor somewhere.I let her sleep as I got ready to leave for work. I called her out of work that day as I knew that she needed to rest....
Wife Lovers"I need to get home," I said to Six. I wasn't talking to Seven. She made my head ache. After the pain and trouble I went through getting my head screwed on straight, I didn't need the bullshit. And she was full of it ... and she lied to me ... maybe. Sins of omission count when you've been kidnapped ... even if it was by accident. If Tom hadn't decided to mark his territory that night I wouldn't have been washing the cat pee off the watch fragments. If I'd have dropped the...
It didn’t happen Sunday. It didn’t happen Monday, although by then both of them were remembering Saturday night fondly. Kanye wasn’t suffering too terribly because he had something concrete to fantasize about. Lucille did, too, for that matter. But Tuesday, weirdly, the baby monitor surfaced again... It shouldn’t have. Lucille would have sworn that it was an accident -- and probably passed a lie detector test. But her subconscious wouldn’t have... She was where she shouldn’t have been - at...
I booked us into a double at the Comfort Inn. Shug and I took our bags into the room. I’d just set mind down when he gathered me into his arms. He kissed me with a passion and warmth that set my head spinning. In moments we were naked and lying in the double bed farthest from the window. Shug had left the lights on. I could see every feature of him as he lay himself down above me. He kissed me, beginning at my lips, then my forehead, temples, ears. He buried his face in my neck and I could...
Hi I am Swathi. 28 years old . With good assets 36-34-38. I’m a fat and short girl about 5’2″. I am horny most of the time. And love to read public sex stories. This s a real story which happened during my college days. hope you will b cumming at the end. :P I and my boyfriend were travelling in a AC bus to Madurai from our college. So we got into the bus and we were chatting. As soon as the lights were off I was sleepy and turned to the window side. My bf woke me up as he was not sleeping. We...
When Kathy and Rosie came into the kitchen Mrs. Warren said, “Well, you girls look like you really enjoyed yourself. I bet you silly things were just giggling your heads off.” Rosie gave her friend’s mother a demure smile as she pictured Kathy’s father “eating” Mrs. Warren’s pussy. Before she had come to the Warren’s house that morning, she knew so very little about sex. Now, her horizons were on the rise. After “going down” on each other Rosie realized that Kathy knew so much more about...
“So you did okay in finals?” Julie nodded. “All that stress actually made me work my ass off. I think I did pretty well,” she grinned. “I’m going to miss your company out here, but good luck with quitting,” I said. “The few, the proud, the exiled,” I added. “Mike, thanks for keeping me company and listening to me bitch all semester,” Julie said. “I’m gonna miss hanging out here with you and...