Fallen SkiesChapter 8 free porn video

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Tamalain took her Cadets on a tour of both old and new Kelethin. The oldest building to survive the fire happened to be the bank of Kelethin. Since it was one of the few stone buildings the Elven had built in the tree, it survived the fires. The roof was new as the old one had suffered sever fire damage. The inside was exactly as Tamalain remembered it though. She had visited it a few times during her time at the old academy when she needed spending money.

The following morning they returned to the forest floor and retrieved their well- rested horses. The ride to the Steamfont pass went without incident and she was finally able to report in. She delivered a complete report of all the events that had taken place on this mission. The station head was amazed that they had made it to Kelethin in one piece.

Shortly after arriving and reporting in, she received a message packet addressed to her. The letter inside contained new orders for her and the cadets to return to the Upper Glenn's via the road. She needed to report to Mayor Jordan upon arrival. After nights rest, they departed for home.

"Any idea what that is about," asked Mersinis, pointing to the packet?

"No idea at all. He may just be giving me my next milk run is all."

"Well it could be worse."

"How could it be worse?"

"He could put you behind a desk again?"

"Cadet, if he even suggests that, I will turn him into spiced Elven chops for the Kobalds to snack on."

The three laughed for a second until they realized from Tamalains look, she wasn't kidding.

"Ok, bad idea, how about working us to death at the gym instead," Both the guys groaned at that thought. "Hey, you two aren't much better off than me, so stop whining."

"That I will do happily, now let's get going, we have a lot of miles to cover today."

The four riders had their horses up to canter and made it to the Swayback Inn by nightfall, much to the pleasure of the Inn Keeper. "It has been quiet all along the road since you settled the issues of the road bandits. All the merchants are grateful for your help too. I did hear this and think you should know about it. A bard runner came through this morning from the Upper Glenn's, he reported several dozen caravans are forming to bring folks back to the Faydark. He said it is mostly farmers, tradesmen, and merchants."

"That is interesting news indeed. We will keep an eye out for any trouble on our way out. Now for some of that wonderful stew you make and a nights rest. We are a full week behind and have to make up as much of the time as we can."

The Inn Keeper quickly had their dinner served and they were off to bed. The night was quiet except for a brief thunderstorm passing through so their sleep was peaceful deep. In the morning light, the air was clean and clear, the breeze cool and comforting, the kind of day that made for easy riding. Tamalain listening to the birds for a few minutes didn't hear anything that indicated problems, so they rode out in the first hour.

The roads were a little wet and muddy in places that the road crews had not reached in some time. They made note of the locations and would report them to any caravans and repair crews they came across. By late afternoon the same day, they reached the Quanet river bridge; the Brownies were just finishing the repairs as they arrived.

Tamalain dismounted and approached one of the brownies. "Private, if you would be so kind, could you please direct me to Colonel Bogey."

The Brownie came to attention and saluted, "YES MUM, Right this way MUM." He headed towards a small tent at a fast march.

Tamalain smiled and nodded her head at the way they acted and spoke. A minute later, she met with Colonel Bogey. She came to attention and saluted, "Captain Arrowmark reporting sir."

"Ah, if it isn't the spider killing civil war stopper herself, what have you to report?" Tamalain gave him the locations of the road damage and obstructions.

"When I was a child Colonel, my father, Axeman Arrowmark took care of this regions roads and bridges."

"Did he now, yes ... Oh my, it's you then. My apologies, Lady Arrowmark. Might I inquire, will you be staying in the area for a few days?"

Tamalain wasn't sure of what to make of the Lady remark, so she didn't pursue it right then. "No Sir, we have to be on our way. Did the Bard runner give you the word on large scale caravan movements in this area very soon?"

"No Mum, he didn't even slow down for us, thank you for the warning though, I will have to send a runner to Kelethin for extra support on road maintenance."

"Might I suggest that you ask the Elven if some of them would be willing to join your work crews? If they need employment, they might be interested in the work."

"Now that captain is the best suggestion I have had in many days. I will ask if we see any of them, and I will pass word to inquire should any of the other companies see them as well."

"Now Colonel, as much as I would love to stay and hear how things went after the exodus, I really must be on my way. Too many miles ahead and not enough time to enjoy them."

"On your way then Captain, you have done the Fay a great service and I will help speed you on. Remember, the Bogey March will speed you along, bard or not."

"We will keep it in mind, but too much speed and we will miss threats that need to be dealt with."

"Hmmph, good point, on your way, dismissed."

Tamalain quickly returned to the cadets and they rode on until sunset. While passing the area of the spider battle, the party saw the remains of the mess they had made. Small insects and scavengers had already cleaned up the smaller spider corpses. Strangely though, nothing had touched the queen's carcass.

This was enough for Tamalain to call a halt to investigate. With swords drawn, they slowly approached the body. It did not smell of decay and Tamalain noticed the rear end had healed, it was not dead, and it knew they were there. Tamalain did not give it a chance to react. She did a forwards jump and drove her sword down through its head, pinning it solidly to the ground while she unloaded her entire mana pool into a lightning blast. The Queen Spiders head exploded in all directions and the body quickly drained of all its fluids.

Not willing to take the chance it could recover again, they burned the body to ashes. "That is creepy Captain, how did it live from all the damage we did to it before?" asked Ren'retere.

"That Cadet, I don't know. It was a major monster in the area and they do tend to be a bit harder to kill. I guess we just didn't kill it hard enough the first time."

They all got a good laugh from that, remounted and rode on until sunset. The following morning they had only been riding for an hour when they encountered the first caravan. Tamalain could tell from the wagons and cargo that these folks happened to be farmers. She wanted to know why they were moving and singled the caravan leader to hold for a moment.

"Well miss, we heard that the roads are open and mostly safe now. My kin and I have wanted to move back to the places our families farmed before the fires. The soil should be in fantastic shape by now and ready to grow bumper crops next season."

"Well I wish you good fortunes in your endeavors. I would like to know what you did with your farms."

"We sold the land to the city to deal with. It is all good lands and ready to plant next spring. The home though we broke down and brought all the building materials for use here."

"Do you suppose others might be moving as well?"

"I did hear that a few other families were thinking of coming home now. I think the wood is calling us Ma'am. I feel better now than I have in ages once we passed into the trees."

"Well then, I won't keep you any longer. By the way, should any of your folk feel the urge, the Brownies are the road repair crews now and they will need help if the traffic goes up to much."

"Ma'am, we have several boys that show no interest in farming, but did a pretty fair job at working the roads and lanes around the farms and town. I will see that they get in touch with the proper folk after we are set up."

With that he singled the caravan to roll onwards, he also remembered the road rules and stayed to one side, keeping the other clear the oncoming and passing riders. Tamalain did the same and they rode on towards the border only a few miles ahead.

At the border, they felt a compulsive urge to stop. "Captain, do you feel it, like something telling us not to leave," asked Ravensclaw? "It is almost a physical force, pulling me back."

Tamalain closed her eyes and felt the pull. She understood it immediately. It was the call of the Faydark to her children. Returning the plaque had set it in motion and all the Elven would feel the urge to return home. She called to the wood, "Faydark, I will return when it is time for me to do so. Call the others home, I have promises and obligations to complete. I will return, as will the three with me. Allow us to pass please."

The cadets looked at her as if she had lost her mind, until the urge to turn around suddenly faded to a faint call in the backs of their minds. "This is just getting crazy," said Mersinis. "What is going on Captain, why are we feeling this calling?"

"Once I set the plaque fulfilling the promise, the forest started calling to the Elven, it will become stronger everyday. I have asked that it allow me to complete what I have to do first. Come on, we need to move out and return the Glenn's now. Jordan will need to contact the council right away."

They rode hard, arriving at the Northern gate an hour after sunset. The guards opened the gates and let them pass, for they could feel the pull as well. She told the cadets to take their horses to the stables; she would see them in a few days about gym time. She found Jordan outside the City Hall talking with several merchants, almost begging them not to go yet.

"Jordan, we have to talk, we haven't much time before this movement turns into chaos. The Fay in Kelethin will not be ready to take the entire Elven population all at once."

He looked at the merchants, "Please, hold off departing until we can get things organized for a slow, steady return."

"Very well Mayor, we will wait a week but the call, it is so strong. It feels like a hand is pulling me towards the Wood."

Tamalain had a thought, "Ask the feeling to give you time, that you have to complete what you are doing here first, it may ease off a bit. It did for me when it stopped the cadets and I at the border."

The merchants each looked inside themselves and asked the feeling to give them time. All but one had a sudden feeling that the hand had released them, but would snatch them up when it was time. The one though, "I must go, I have to pack and prepare my supplies and inventory, staff and family to move. I could almost hear it as a voice calling me. I don't understand."

Jordan looked at him, "You can go. A slow even departure is better than a mass exodus. Tam, you have any idea on what is doing this?"

"When did this feeling start Jordan, exactly when. Was it after I left? If so when did it begin."

He thought about the timing for a moment, looked at the merchants, "About mid morning two days after you departed."

"That arrogant old bastard," she scowled, "A gift I would like he wrote, that old Necro was a royal bastard after all. That is about when I returned the plaque. He set a stone pet to wait for me to return the plaque, and in it, the new monolith it built has another enchantment. A compulsion if you will. That has to be it."

"What Necromancer Tam, what are you talking about?"

"Remember the stone golems that were assisting the farmers in the early days, he created them and could program them. He set a trap for me."

"Oh yes, I remember now. He set a golem to create a new home for the plaque then, and it has a calling enchantment?"

"Yes, that is what I think is going on. You need to spread the word to the Elven everywhere outside the Faydark. Tell them to ask for time; that is all they need to do. Those that need to go can go, the rest can hold off until things are set up for them in the Wood. Jordan, the Wood is calling us to come home."

Several weeks later at the gym near the academy.

"Captain, do you always lift so much on the bench," ask Ravensclaw.

"Actually, I had to increase it a bit this morning. When it gets to easy, I increase the weight. Don't worry, work enough and you will be doing the same. Now lift those bars kids, work those bow arms."

She smiled as she heard the grunts, groans and straining as the cadets entire class had joined them on this venture. The PT instructors complained at first, then when the students started out performing them, the complaints ceased as they fought to keep up.

During the third week, she saw a familiar face in the gym. "B'rill," she called. She set her weights down and ran up to him. He was rather surprised when she pulled him into a hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "It is good to see you again. Where have you been? I expected to see you in here the first day I started this impromptu class."

"That is why, it is your class. Tam, you are looking more fit every time I see you. I hear that we have you to thank for the sudden urge to return to the Faydark."

"Not me B'rill, the old Skinstitch. It seems he set this up to help us go home as a people."

"Well, what ever the cause, the academes are all getting set to move soon. The urge is solid and no amount of begging on the part of the staff seems to help."

"That is a good thing then. We have to go home, I miss the Wood B'rill, I miss it so much it hurts."

"I know Tam, I feel it too. It grows stronger every day. I sought you out here to deliver a message from Jordan. There is a massive caravan from the docks, over two thousand Elven on the move over the next week coming through. You and many others are being reactivated as guards to control traffic and keep trouble makers from raiding the wagons."

"B'rill, I think I have the perfect extra forces for that duty right here, right now."


"Yes, Cadets. I was a third year when all this started, I think with a good brief and a senior guard or staff with three cadets each, it would work."

B'rill thought about her suggestion for a few seconds and smiled. Now he took advantage and gave her a kiss on the mouth that left her standing stunned. "Have to run Tam; you may have solved the manning issue we were facing." He ran out the door and disappeared.

Mersinis whispered, "Norrath to Tamalain, come in Tamalain."

Tamalain shook her head and looked around. "Well, what are you staring at, get lifting, you may be needing those muscles sooner than you planned."

That evening at the Bath's, Tamalain and Farleo were discussing the call. "I feel it a little bit Tam, but not serious, just a whisper in the wind. I guess I will be out in the cold for a while yet."

"You have to admit, you do run a specialized service, not a common one. I visited one major bathhouse while on the patrol run and learned a bit. They have enchanted steel ingots to heat their water. Their operating cost are a fraction of yours. No coal or wood needed to heat water."

"I looked into that and what the enchanter wanted would have set me back twenty years financially. I just couldn't afford to go that route."

"I know why he wanted so much cash up front; you are not part of the families. Those in the Faydark are the ones that stayed behind or slipped back in later. You are not the only merchant that ended up screwed over by that bunch. Fortunately, they won't be a problem for some time. The house leaders involved are being tried for attempted murders and conspiracy. One is up for murder of the Royal heir to the Fay throne. In fact you knew her quite well, I met her the first night I came in here to soak a broken tired body."

"Oh my goodness, you mean Stera Moritew? She killed a child?"

"She kicked him headfirst into a wall. Suffered brain damage and died that night. She also broke the wings on the youngest daughter before they could stop her. As punishment, Stera Moritew is going to be fed to the heart tree at the center of the Valley. That is something the Fay managed to keep from us from the beginning. The chamberlain explained that once dropped into the tree center, the sap keeps you alive for several months as it slowly dissolves the subject as food. Very painful I might add."

Farleo shivered, "I wonder how many other trees in the Wood are like that?"

"None, I asked that myself. The Heart Tree is unique and one of a kind. They are not sure that it is really a tree or some other creature that just looks and acts like one."

"Well as long as it doesn't want to eat just anybody, I am fine with it."

"No direct danger at least Farleo, the Fay keep it well guarded and protected from outside interference. Now I need a bit of soak. I leave as guard on a merchant caravan down to southeastern Kelethin, by the old city. I will have a few cadets with me to back me up, but I don't foresee this bunch wanting to cause me any problems after what has happened."

"Enjoy your soak and I hope to see you when you get back. Have a safe trip."

"I intend too." Tamalain lowered herself into the hottest pool and allowed the intense heat burn its way into her sore muscles.

On the Astral Plane, The Dragon of the Sky, Veeshan looked down at Norrath and was not happy. Something very much unplanned for had just begun and she saw no way of stopping it. She flicked a claw, summoning all the lesser gods to her presence.

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Fallen Angel2

I'd been following Angel for a month, stalking her from the shadows and planning my attack. She was a 18-year-old Christian church girl, saving herself until marriage. She lived on her own in a small house on the street corner. She seemed generally happy and full of life. She was fat, but not too fat to fuck. Brown hair past her shoulders, blue eyes, and soft light skin... It was too bad she had extra weight, because she really did have a pretty face. Did for a while, anyway. The best part...

3 years ago
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Fallen Fruit The New Girl

If you’re reading a chapter in this series for the first time, please read the short Introduction chapter for the background and set up. Walking up the stairs behind Jenna, I suddenly became incredibly nervous, wondering what I was about to get myself into. In fact for the past twenty-four hours my mind had been a complete wreck of swirling emotions. After having the best sex I’d ever had in the changing room yesterday, the only thing I could think about was getting more, and my whole body...

2 years ago
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Fallen Fruit Making Out OK

If you’re reading a chapter in this series for the first time, please read the short Introduction for the background and set up. “Hey Jenna, check this out.” Jenna looked up and glanced across the counter. They had both been working the register near the end of a typical day, and Anton had been watching the monitors for several minutes now. There were a handful of kids in the store, and apparently two of them had decided to utilize the changing rooms for some fun. On the screen was a...

2 years ago
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Fallen Fruit Jenna Gets Her Brat

If you’re reading a chapter in this series for the first time, please read the short Introduction for the background and set up. There was one girl in particular who’d been in the store several times that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on. She was a big-breasted girl, and quite pretty, but obviously thought way too highly of herself, and always had way too much attitude with her high school friends and us as well. She was rude, condescending, and just an all around bitch. But the...

4 years ago
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Fallen Fruit The First

If you’re reading a chapter in this series for the first time, please read the short Introduction for the background and set up. We decided it would be best if we were both involved the first time around, which meant that we were looking for a girl, and that we’d have to wait until the end of the business day. We’d been taking turns at the register watching the monitors for activity, and there was plenty to see as usual, because about one in every eight or ten customers would take...

4 years ago
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Fallen Angel part 2 Caught in the act

“Oh baby like that oh your so tight I wanna fuck you always your my dirty little girl now” as I was getting into it and bouncing harder and faster Mark holding my hips helping to bounce me harder and thrust deeper into my tight pussy the door flew open “What the hell is going on here?” and there stood in the doorway was my brother and two of his friends. Mark thrust me off his cock and onto the bed next to him “DIDN’T ANYONE TEACH YOU TO KNOCK BEFORE YOU GO BURSTING INTO SOMEONE’S...

2 years ago
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Fallen Angels0

“Lilly will you tidy your room im going to see Nana G and mark is going to look after you ok hunny, I’ll see you later” my mum calls “ok mum see you later” “Hey kiddo what ya doing up there now?” mark asked as he walked up the stairs “Mum said I have to tidy my room but there’s so much to tidy and it wasn’t all my doing Janey messed it up as well, it’s not fair why does she get out of tidying up!” Janey was my older sister and a pain in my ass, she was the favourite in my...

3 years ago
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Fallen Girls and Holidays Ch 05

Authors’ note: This is my first attempt at a story. So feedback is certainly appreciated. It gets off to a rather slow start but hopefully will pick up a bit in later chapters. I have the first few chapters mostly done but I can’t make any promises as to how quickly I’ll be posting new ones after that. I can however promise that I’ll finish it at some point if you’re patient. Hope you enjoy the experience of reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. Hats off to little_blonde_jug for her...

2 years ago
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Fallen Girls and Holidays Ch 03

Authors’ note: This is my first attempt at a story. So feedback is certainly appreciated. It gets off to a rather slow start but hopefully will pick up a bit in later chapters. I have the first few chapters mostly done but I can’t make any promises as to how quickly I’ll be posting new ones after that. I can however promise that I’ll finish it at some point if you’re patient. Hope you enjoy the experience of reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. Hats off to little_blonde_jug for her...

3 years ago
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Fallen Leaves

Taking her hand in mine, Lindsay and I walked hand-in-hand down the deserted sidewalk. Around us, the iridescent leaves fell like drops of rain. I glanced over at her with a quick smile, lovingly squeezing her hand, she glanced back and intertwined our fingers, looking longingly into my eyes. As we walked, the wind blew playfully through her dark, brown hair. Lindsay was beautiful, more now than ever before. Every aspect of her captivated me. The cold air had kissed her cheeks, leaving them...

3 years ago
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Fallen Girls and Holidays Ch 04

Authors’ note: This is my first attempt at a story. So feedback is certainly appreciated. It gets off to a rather slow start but hopefully will pick up a bit in later chapters. I have the first few chapters mostly done but I can’t make any promises as to how quickly I’ll be posting new ones after that. I can however promise that I’ll finish it at some point if you’re patient. Hope you enjoy the experience of reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. Hats off to little_blonde_jug for her...

2 years ago
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Fallen Girls and Holidays Ch 01

Authors’ note: This is my first attempt at a story. So feedback is certainly appreciated. It gets off to a rather slow start but hopefully will pick up a bit in later chapters. I have the first few chapters mostly done but I can’t make any promises as to how quickly I’ll be posting new ones after that. I can however promise that I’ll finish it at some point if you’re patient. Hope you enjoy the experience of reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. Hats off to little_blonde_jug for her...

4 years ago
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Fallen Girls and Holidays Ch 02

Authors’ note: This is my first attempt at a story. So feedback is certainly appreciated. It gets off to a rather slow start but hopefully will pick up a bit in later chapters. I have the first few chapters mostly done but I can’t make any promises as to how quickly I’ll be posting new ones after that. I can however promise that I’ll finish it at some point if you’re patient. Hope you enjoy the experience of reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. Hats off to little_blonde_jug for her...

2 years ago
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Fallen Angel

December was always hot in Southern Africa but for the last few days it seemed to get hotter. No breeze stirred the air and the heat seemed to rise up from the ground in waves. It was Friday about 10am and I had been stretched out on the lawn chair for the last hour. The sweat formed beads of water on my brow and my body shimmered with a fine sheen of perspiration. I had on a pair of dark sun glasses to shade my eyes from the glare and a tiny two piece white bikini which suited my tanned skin...

4 years ago
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Fallen Angel Dream

You stare deeply into my deep blue eyes with an intensity I had never seen before. As dark wings suspend us in the air I allow myself to drink in those eyes that suck me in like a black hole. Comfortable being pressed tightly against your naked, clean, muscular chest my mind is bombarded with delicious thoughts. You are holding me to you in a way that makes me wonder if you are afraid to drop me. If I began plummeting toward the earth would you catch me? Lost in transit we slowly descend back...

2 years ago
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Fallen Angel

Introduction: A womans fantasy. This isnt a true story… Although Id like for it to be. ,) Six years ago, a woman I was dating told me she wanted to be fucked by a dog. I thought she was crazy. Still, Im all about the pussy, and anything that will get me closer to that is okay with me. Together, we went to the animal shelter and found a Great Dane we named Hank. Hank loved pussy as much as I did. We became partners after that whore bitch left the picture, and weve been partners ever since. Ill...

3 years ago
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Your scream echoes through the cold wasteland, and you let the darkness embrace you, letting it soothe the pain in your heart. You can see your life pass through the millenias, and you wish nothing but too get a second chance. You ask yourself the question that you have noot been able to ask before, the heaven forbid. Who are you? You were willed into existance at the same time as light, your life starting several millenias ago. You were a warrior, and a protector. Your life was never your...

2 years ago
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Fallen Poets

Authors note: this story is a work of fiction and in no way reflects the actions or thoughts of the people involved.Lucy stood at the bar waiting to be served. The concert had been as good, if not better, than she had anticipated. In her head she replayed her favourite songs and recalled every nuance of Markos performance. His voice was just as gorgeous as she remembered from the videos, and Ollie played the guitar like a dream. It had been amazing.Sipping her drink Lucy made her way over to...

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Fallen Police

Long nose and mouth Township is the edge of a railway line Qiongxiang , township police station is only three policemen ( including me ) . There are also several defense team . Because finances are poor, so often unable to pay wages months . Police mission is simple , for a variety of documents to prove beyond is to help guard against theft railroad railway police crime . But the main work or follow the leadership of the township government charges .Was sent to this small place , my bad mood ,...

3 years ago
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Fallen Police

Long nose and mouth Township is the edge of a railway line Qiongxiang , township police station is only three policemen ( including me ) . There are also several defense team . Because finances are poor, so often unable to pay wages months . Police mission is simple , for a variety of documents to prove beyond is to help guard against theft railroad railway police crime . But the main work or follow the leadership of the township government charges .Was sent to this small place , my bad mood ,...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Cal the ninja Cal and Althea arrived back at his place at just a little after midnight. The two had to sneak into his house via the basement, because Cal didn't want to wake his parents up. Plus, in a way, it was quicker, because his room was in the basement. "Be silent!" Cal whispered as he picked the window-lock to his father's office. He then stealthily sneaked through the room and opened the basement door, which was in his father's office. He let Althea in and then...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Life as an Outcast Once outside, Cal dropped the shopping bag and stepped away from the glass window. Althea noticed a very pained expression on his face. "Evan," Cal began, "why are you doing this?" "Doing what?!" Evan asked offensively. "You're being stupid, Cal." "Stupid?!" Cal repeated, planting his right foot for a speedy lunge if Evan decided to throw the first punch. "You called me an idiot for no reason and we've not spoken in two months! What the fuck have I...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 6 The Halloween Dance and the New Friend

Chapter 6: The Halloween Dance and the New Friend The two awoke just as the setting sun cast a gentle crimson ambience across the grassland, the light filtering through the trees and casting ghastly shadows amongst the somewhat deserted streets. Althea was the first to awaken, feeling Cal's warm, naked flesh on top of her own. Yawning softly, she gently rolled Cal off of her so he rested at her side, where she could snuggle into his sleeping form. Cal woke up ten or so minutes later,...

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Fallen Angel 7 True Colors

Chapter 7: True Colors Hopping into the jeep, Cal started it and then unlocked the doors. Miranda hopped in the back while Althea figured out how to open the door and jumped in the front passenger seat. Careful not to hit any of the surrounding cars, Cal slowly backed out of his parking space and drove down the parking lot to the exit, and then to Dark Star Lane, right next to the marina. This, Cal recalled by straining his memory, was where Jeri lived, or at least where he thought she...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 9 Mirandas Past

Chapter 9: Miranda's Past Cal shrugged. "Why do you want to see if I can use a sword?" he asked. A thunderous laughter erupted from Fen. "You idiot! Don't you realize anything?" "I realize that I shouldn't have to draw my sword unless I use it to either kill or defend. You should learn this too..." Cal said scathingly. "Very well, then. Unsheathe your sword because you'll have to defend yourself!" With that said, Fen lunged at him, his sabre drawn and ready. Cal sidestepped a...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 12 The Poem

Chapter 12: The Poem The three arrived at school at around six thirty, for they stopped at a McDonalds to get breakfast. This left Cal forty-five minutes to show Althea around and get her acquainted with the school. "So, you got your schedule with you, love?" Cal asked as they entered the double doors to the Gym Building. He walked then to G1, where Anthropology was held. Althea shook her head. "They didn't give me my schedule..." she said distractedly. She was busy admiring the...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 15 Darksides Past

Chapter 15: Darkside's Past A terrible silence had overcome Cal as he followed the vice-principal through the crowd to his office. He opened his door and walked inside, ushering him and Althea in as well. He took a seat behind his desk and looked at Cal and Althea as they sat in chairs opposite him. "So," he drawled, folding his fingers in a steeple, "do you have any idea who did this?" "What the hell's that supposed to mean, sir?!" Cal asked angrily, not caring the consequences of...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 16 Jeris New Love

Chapter 16: Jeri's New Love The lights seared through the darkness as Tawny felt something or someone caress the side of her face. Blearily opening one eye, she saw Jeri looking down at her lovingly. "H, hi..." she moaned, the sudden pain rushing back into her like a mile-long freight train smashing through a pickup truck. "Hi..." Jeri whispered. Tawny noticed something in her eyes, sensing that something was amiss. "How are you feeling, Tawny?" Looking around, Tawny moaned again...

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Fallen Angel Dream

You stare deeply into my deep blue eyes with an intensity I had never seen before. As dark wings suspend us in the air I allow myself to drink in those eyes that suck me in like a black hole. Comfortable being pressed tightly against your naked, clean, muscular chest my mind is bombarded with delicious thoughts. You are holding me to you in a way that makes me wonder if you are afraid to drop me. If I began plummeting toward the earth would you catch me?Lost in transit we slowly descend back to...

4 years ago
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Fallen Angel

December was always hot in Southern Africa but for the last few days it seemed to get hotter. No breeze stirred the air and the heat seemed to rise up from the ground in waves. It was Friday about 10am and I had been stretched out on the lawn chair for the last hour. The sweat formed beads of water on my brow and my body shimmered with a fine sheen of perspiration. I had on a pair of dark sun glasses to shade my eyes from the glare and a tiny two piece white bikini which suited my tanned skin...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Fallen Angel

“Do you want to see my tattoo?” Petra asked me as we sat in her lounge, enjoying our weekly midmorning coffee.“Sure.” I looked at my beautiful friend, her long red hair cascading over her shoulders, not sure what to expect. She wasn’t dressed in her normal vicarage clothes. She had a short black Japanese kimono with a red embroidered dragon on the back. I could see the swelling of her full mature breasts, her long naked legs stretched out before her. My heart thumped in my chest; my breath...


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