TandraChapter 17 free porn video

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Before pulling back the tarp covering the mine entrance, I heard the unmistakable sound of an outboard motor. I pulled the covering came back slowly and very carefully. I saw not only a boat, but three canoes, paddling up the river. These were hunters. For the good weather had ended, and moose season had just started.

"There are some people on the river. It may be better to wait. They may see some beautiful nude ladies leaving the mine, and come to investigate."

A moment of silent communication ensued, to which I was not privy. All the newcomers joined hands with Chris. Then they disappeared from sight. I stared in amazement, and felt Susan's astonishment too. It did not take me long to recover. I was beginning to take this sort of thing in stride, no matter how weird things got.

I carried the box containing the babies, and Susan helped Kitten down the incline. I didn't know for sure if she really needed the help, even if she had just had triplets.

The boat went around the bend, and the canoeists were paddling away from us. Taking small careful steps, I walked down the slope. Kitten and Susan were just behind me. Chris was taking small steps, and stopping until everybody behind her had completed their own steps.

Kitten said to me, "They have shut off all light entering their suits. They are essentially blind, and must feel their way."

When Chris got onto the level section, I asked all of the girls to become visible again, because we were below the tops of the trees and could not be seen by any on the river.

Most of the newcomers cringed at the wide-open space, and immediately closed their eyes, or made their suits impenetrable to light and thus blind.

"Just keep your eyes closed or your suits opaque, and I will help you into the back of the truck."

Once all but Kitten and the babies were in the back, I did up the tailgate, and loaded the front seat with the precious box, and Kitten. Dog ran behind the truck because he had no room to get in. He didn't seem to understand, there appeared to be a lot of vacant space in the back.

I heard in my mind, Susan talking to the rest. She was discussing the experience we were going to have, in driving the truck on the road back to the house.

Once back, Susan went into the house first. She shut all the blinds she could, to help the new people adjust to the new surroundings. Kitten started to prepare the feeders. Chris took the youngsters to the washroom to explain its use. Susan took Nova and Blue around the house, explaining everything, for all was strange to them.

After the youngsters were finished using the toilet, and the bidet, they found the other adults, and continued with the tour.

I had time to actually open a beer, and sit in my chair, watching the now dying coals, in the fire place. Eventually, Moth and Cloud came over to see what I was doing.

"Why are you wearing these?" Moth asked.

I saw that the question was completely innocent of guile. Kitten and Chris had removed all their own clothes, soon after entering, except for their new lingerie. Susan was back to bare skin. I gave a little groan. I got up, entered the bedroom, removed my clothes, and put them away. The young girls had entered with me. The others clustered around the doorway, trying to see what they could.

I straightened up the room, planning where to put the mattresses tonight. It was very fortunate that the room was so large. All the girls were fascinated with certain portions of my anatomy, that were different from theirs. I caught small thoughts of height, hair, eyes, muscle structure, and of course my genitals. After seeing my cock in the base, they were trying to deduce the purpose of my scrotum, and all the surrounding hair.

When I passed them, my scent sent them off. I could almost see the reaction spread like wild fire. One girl was feeding the next, and getting the amplified signal coming back, to be re-amplified. This reminded me of a microphone being put too close to an output speaker.

This had its effect on me to. It was difficult to push their thoughts out of my mind, and try to put a barrier up. My mind was effective enough to use the old ways to keep me from having an erection at an embarrassing time, but only just.

The room was warm, but still not up to the Tandra standard. I reached into a wicker basket, and removed some thin strips of dry wood. The tinder was put on the old coals, and then larger pieces of white birch on those. The chair, and my beer still beckoned me. The chair felt much different on bare skin, because I never had sat on it without clothes before. Moth and Cloud scrambled over, and invited themselves up into my lap. I moved them to a leg each, and they could almost sit beside me.

The girls' attention was on me, until the kindling lit, and crackled. Tiny flames worked their way up the white birth logs. They turned their heads in awe, to see the small flames, and the long streamers of white smoke rise. The characteristic aroma of the smoke filled the room. As others looked at the strange sight, I could see how they were becoming mesmerized by its beauty. I had visions of my ancestors, crouching around just such a fire. It seemed to radiate safety and peace, as well as warmth. Kitty, the third youngest, was about to touch the fire, to see how real it was.

"Kitty, Honey, the fire will hurt you, if you touch it. If you stay close, sometimes hot sparks pop out, and would hurt you too. We all used to rely on fire. Many houses still only have wood to heat their homes. Why don't you come over here, and sit on my lap and watch?"

The little girl climbed onto my lap and got comfortable as she lay back onto my chest. I was not much of a story teller, so I visualized my earliest ruminations of ever coming to this area as a child. My aunt showing me all the trails, and all the sign to look for. Fawns appeared in the spring, and deer could always be found. She was always telling me about the birds, and how to distinguish them apart. Sitting in the boat fishing with my uncle. The unexpected tugs on the line, that got my young heart beating strongly.

Late at night over an open fire, cooking the trout to perfection, with only a little salt. The love we shared, as Uncle Jake taught me all his secret places to fish, the techniques he used. As if passing down his legacy. Then how Aunt Harriet would tuck me in on a cold night after a meal she had prepared, that was impossible to taste any better. The cast iron stove in the corner, making the house warm enough, but sending out the scent of burning white birch bark. The roof hammering, as large drops of rain struck it and the windows. The coal oil lamps that only stayed on a while, as they read or talked. Soon they would go out, too. The feeling of belonging was still strong within my breast, even after all these years.

When school started I was heart broken to leave the lakes, rivers, trails, and the people I had grown to love so much. I remember leaving, with tears in all our eyes, and an ache in my chest.

On the bus home, I would think of all the things I learned and felt, during that first magical summer. Stepping off the bus, to be picked up and swung around by my dad as he hugged me. His beard was scratchy on my cheek. This lasted only long enough till mom would take me from his arms, and swing me too. The soft touch of her skin, and the smell of her perfume, made me feel home once again. She told me how much both of them had missed me. I was very lucky to be loved by so many people, that I cried with the intense feeling of youth, getting my blazer wet, and my sleeve covered with snot.

Dad was a mechanic. He was never too busy to show me what he was doing, and how the machine worked. I remember when I took apart the lawn mower engine. I sent the block out to be bored, ordered a new piston and rings, before reassembling it. His pride made me so happy. He told all his friends what I had done, with only a little help from him.

Mom was unlike most of the mothers of her day. Instead of staying home, and looking after her only child, she was an RN at a hospital, in Toronto. Though her schedule was hectic, Dad and I worked around it as best we could. We would go out to parks and play ball. Sometimes, we would have a picnic after, on the grass. There was never a time I felt I was not loved by both.

I remembered our old neighbourhood. Tall old trees, with large brick homes lining the streets. Children my own age, and even older, followed my lead no matter what it was. Mom would get me to clean up all the paper, and refuse on the streets. Even when it was under the bushes. She would treat us to cookies and lemonade, if she were home. Other times the gang would come over at my house for a meal, and a sleep over. We made our neighbourhood a community. Even the parents would band together, some times, to help our group.

Once a fire partially damaged a home. The rest of us put up the family, until the house was rebuilt. There was never any problem about the parents and children being separated, for they knew they were close, and well cared for. We all played hockey, baseball and soccer, I became fascinated with karate as well. Usually we formed our own teams, and took on all comers.

I visualized my days at school, and how I got along with almost everybody. My joy was studying, and getting the top marks in every class I attended. Some friends in my class needed help, and I tried as diplomatically as possible to get them to understand the lesson. Then the day when a much older bully was attacking Terry, my best friend. He was a small and very shy boy, of six. The bully demanding his ball, and hitting him, when he didn't get it fast enough. I didn't remember much about my actions, but the bully was on the ground, bleeding and cowering from the other six year old boy, above him. From that day on; bullies seemed to instinctively avoid me, the same way all the shy boys seemed to gather around.

The girls my age came around as well, trying to make friends with the leader of our motley band. Chiku was a dark skinned Nigerian girl. She was the daughter of a doctor who was studying, before returning to his homeland. She taught me how to run like the wind, and especially how to kiss. I was heartbroken, when she had to leave, after only a year on our street. Other girls later took her place, and I became quite well known for my kissing ability.

When I was eight or so, I seemed to loose interest in girls. We were still friends, but a boy my own age seemed to draw me to him. Before I knew what was happening, we were experimenting in sex, or as much as eight year olds could. Sammy would love to suck on my little prick, and I would enjoy the attention, too. At that age, we never had a real orgasm, but the stimulation was enough. After hearing some of the rowdier boys talk about what they heard about anal sex, I was eager to try it. Sammy was even more willing to bend over, and allow me to finger him, then push my short little pecker into his ass after we started.

When I was thirteen, Uncle Jake died. I watched as the casket was lowered into the frozen ground. Mom and Aunt Harriet held onto one another, and managed the best they could. Aunt Harriet, outright refused to stay with us in Toronto, preferring the property, that had passed down through our family's hands, from way back.

Sammy drifted off to older boys, able to make him happier.

Sports kept me occupied in his absence, until I recovered my interest in girls. Mother, was astute enough to see all the girls wanting to be with me. She got dad to give me 'a talk about the birds and the bees'. I think he secretly envied me, and my prowess. Many girls lost their virginity to me. I never pushed, and gave them as much enjoyment, as they gave me, treating each with as much love as dad treated mom. There were so many that came over, but never did they make a fuss, about being my only girlfriend. I had let them know in advance, that I loved them all, and would not play favourites. I seemed to go out with a girl for a week, and then go to the next. After five or so weeks, I would go back with the first again, and repeat the sequence. This was only broken for their birthdays, and special occasions. The girls eventually banded together, to work out for themselves, where I would go next.

Some girls I found, needed help, and my girls gave it willingly. Sometimes their abusive boyfriends needed to have an attitude adjustment. It didn't matter how old or how big they were, they eventually fell before me. Mother was used to patching up the cuts, bruises and other forms of trauma on me. In her official capacity as a nurse for my opponents, she said virtually nothing. Again the boys learned that the girls I favoured, were safe, and I was prepared to make it that way, no matter what happened to me.

All this happened before I was even able to produce sperm. After that fact, dad would secretly give me condoms. This was against all rules, in those days. It was assumed, that if we had no protection, we would not do anything.

Mom eventually got wind of the arrangement, and only asked questions about the amount, that was necessary for my needs. She once said, "Perhaps we should buy them by the case, and save a little money."

Other members of our band, started to find girls of their own, and the time dedicated to sports, dropped dramatically. My girls were reluctant to leave me, for a boy of their own, knowing that I loved each of them. They also knew that I left other girls alone, so that I could spend time with the six in my little harem.

Some of their parents moved away for different work, and I only had four left, when I finished high school in grade thirteen. I had skipped a few grades, but that never seemed to matter much. It was me leaving for university, that put the most strain on our relationship.

I was a year and a bit into university, when I felt the call to join the American effort in Viet Nam. It was the end of 1968, when it became too much for me, and I had just turned eighteen.

Mom and Dad were against me going, as all parents would be. I explained how I wanted to help, and learn, at the same time. They reluctantly agreed to my arguments, even though they were deathly afraid something was going to happen to me.

During training, and after, I made friends, and watched some of my new friends die. I was promoted quickly, and found myself in charge of men, while in the field. I could see some of the good times, and bad, and not all were in the country side. There were occasions, when I had to pull my own men out of fights, in the bars or brothels.

I could see in my mind's eye, some of the girls in the brothels. They wore next to nothing, to lure the soldiers into the bar, to buy them watered down drinks. And, a chance to relieve their tension, as well as their wallets.

I preferred the villages, where the girls were cleaner, and the booze was native, but at least honest. Many girls came to me for money or food. After knowing me, they stayed, because they liked the way I treated them. One village had a boy that reminded me of Sammy, and did the same services for me. Until he stepped on a mine, a few months later. I cried with his parents, as the body was placed into the ground.

My own men would sympathize with me, then laugh, as I got all the 'Dear John' letters from my old girlfriends. We stuck together as a well-versed team, especially after my instinct for traps, saved our lives, many times. I could see now the young faces of the men, not much older that me, coolly and proficiently killed, the Cong. Looking at the dead or captured enemy, I did not see much difference at all.

My parents were proud of my accomplishments. They displayed my awards, citations, and medals to all their friends, and to my old gang.

After re-enlisting, I was given even more men to lead, and have killed. Part of the old platoon re-enlisted to stay with me, even though they could go home to friends and family. I was a father figure, that was sometimes younger, than the son. In times of trouble, I would do my best to work things out with their family, or the ever present military.

In one village, I met a pair of bright young newlyweds. Their friends and immediate family were mostly dead or scattered, and it looked that they would be next. The woman was very beautiful. If she had not been married, I would have courted her myself. Instead, I got my parents help, and had them accepted into Canada as immigrants. Later when I returned home, they sent me a picture of their daughter. It still sits in my wallet, as one of my prize possessions.

In another village close by, I fell in love with Tuyen. After her death, I went crazy with my grief. The men under my command, made a very impressive body count, but I was not satisfied. I would go out, on my own time, and kill all those, I thought might be responsible. The only thing, that saved my life, was that the end of my second hitch coming up. That, and the death of my parents.

It was difficult to leave my friends, the land that I had come to love, and come back to Canada. The military discharged me a little sooner than scheduled, so I could attend the funeral. I knew better than to try re-enlisting again. I left with more useless awards, and memorabilia, to start a new life for myself.

My parents' funeral filled the church to capacity, with all their friends, and mine. I held Aunt Harriet, trying to comfort her, at her loss of a sister, and brother-in-law. She had not been doing well, and I could see the effects on her. Again; she refused to stay in Toronto with me, preferring the north, which we both loved.

I moved to the states, and went back to university. It was easy and dull, after being shot at for a living. I made up for it, by being the student to graduate with the highest marks in engineering that the school had that year. My accomplishments in karate, earned me many titles as well. I met and helped a few women. They stayed on. They took the place of the ones I left in high school, and at my pre-Nam university.

Before my final year, Aunt Harriet had fallen ill. I had to help the frail, prematurely old, woman into a health care facility. Months later she died. I had no family left, now. Tears came to my eyes, as I saw the frail woman languish away, because of her refusal to leave the land she loved.

I made frequent trips to Montréal, after graduating, to see Tran Van Duc, his beautiful wife Le Thi Lam, and their even more beautiful baby: Susan. They seemed to become my family, even though I was only a year older than the parents. I set up my own business in the north to be near where I thought I should be.

I think the only reason they moved to North Bay, was to be near me, in the land I'd talked about so much. I saw Susan as much as I could, guiding her to become a success, at anything she wanted. My love for her was boundless.

I stopped my wool gathering, to see all the faces turned to me. I had not meant to think of all the things, I had kept hidden for so long. The young girls were either on the floor, or my lap. The older ones were standing, looking at me with something like awe in their faces. I had no idea what brought this about, and I felt uncomfortable, under their scrutiny.

Susan, now seeing that I had come out of my recollections, ran to me, and hugged me from behind the chair. I could hear her sobs, as she relived the past with me, and all the trials I had gone through. I had previously only told her only a sanitized version of my past. It was good, that I had really just skimmed over the really gory parts, or not gone into them at all.

She said, "Why didn't you tell me all of this, before?"

"It is not my way to lay my burden on anyone else's shoulders. I could hardly tell you that I loved your mother, before you were born. I did tell you once, how I killed men, that had murdered a girl I loved, before you." To be truthful I did not know why I felt compelled to unburden myself at this time. The girls all looked at us, no doubt weighting my sins, and judging me.

"Do not concern yourself with us judging you, for we already know you, for what you are. We would have no other male, before you," Nova said with real conviction. She must have sent something to the others, for they all came over to the chair to hold, or at least touch, me. They all tried to reassure me, as best they could.

The closeness made me feel better. But the three little girls in my lap, could get hurt if someone stumbled and fell on them.

"Thank you for your encouragement. I didn't mean to bring out my dirty laundry, to show to you. But it is better being out in the open, now. Besides, it would be hard to hide it from a community that can read my thoughts. Let's get up, and make dinner. I am getting hungry."

Susan and I made dinner, keeping in mind their preference for bland food. Sandy, and the other girl roughly her age, Star; did most of the work. Susan acted as 'mother', teaching her daughters how to prepare a meal. The meal was definitely unexceptional, but we praised the girls for their work, anyway.

The phone rang, just as we were finishing. The answering machine had been handling all the calls up to this time, and I had not even looked to see who had called.


"Hello, yourself, Henry. I have been calling you for over three days now. Are you all right?"

"Yes I am, Blair. Just doing some research on the reactors. I found that I may have to go back to school for a course or two."

"That's great, because we are having a recurring problem in number two reactor. Why do you want to go back to school? I know of no other person that can handle the jobs we give you, in the time taken. Didn't the University of Waterloo want you to teach some of the things you have found?"

"The courses I was thinking of taking, would be in nuclear physics, and math. And yes, they did offer me a job. I am not ready to start teaching that sort of stuff, yet. By the way I found the problem with the reactor, and completely re-wrote the control sequence. It is almost twenty percent faster, and the shutdown can be speeded up by almost the same amount."

"That is fantastic! How did you do it? We bought the present program, and it cost a bundle. NuTech had ten people working over three months, developing it. They took another three, testing it."

"Hang on a little," I laughed, thinking of his consternation. "I can get the program over to you in a few days. You can go over it, with the rest of the department. Why don't you hire NuTech, to see if they can find any flaws?"

"That's great. What can you do for us now? We are losing millions."

I brought up the logic in my mind. I saw the seven simple patches, that would be required to get them safely through the present emergency. If I flew there now, I could be there and back, in four hours. A few minutes to input the data, and a few hours to hold their hands, while they found out the patches were working correctly.

Same as Tandra
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Hi friends! Mera naam chetan hai aur main 25 years ka hun main Gurgaon me ek MNC me media managaer hun na jaane kyu main kisi ladki ki nabhi kamar aur pet ke liye pagal ho jaata hun kisi ladki ki sunder gehri nabhi dekhte hi mera lund ek hot rod ki tereh khada ho jaata hai yahan delhi me aaj kal shaadiyon ya parties me ladies saree pehenti hain aur kabhi kabhi nabhi se niche bhi pleets rakhti hain dekhte hi pagal ho Jaata hun kai baar turant bathroom me jaakar juice nikalna parta hai otherwise...

2 years ago
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Fucking is fun MMMKAY

Typical erotic story protagonist. I work at a button factory. My job is to operate the heavy machinery. So basically I sit in the corner shoving my face with donuts and when my boss Mr. Penisface (yes that's his real name, but he gets mad if you make fun fo it). yella at me i press a button and the hot molten plastic pours into the moulds and forms buttons. Easy enough, right? I also own a car. It's a Toyota Camry and it's blue. It looks pretty inconspicuous. I also have a Canon...

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Dear Monsters Magazine

Dear Monsters Magazine, I never thought it would happen to me. I mean, sure, we've all heard the stories. Strapping young adventuresses, more interested in cock than killing monsters. But I thought them tall-tales to tell at the war-camp late at night to keep the blood warm. That all changed last month. First, who am I? Name's Grug, minotaur from the spawning pits of Agathor. A good old Aga-boy, and yeah, yeah, I know all the jokes. I'm eight foot, six inches tall, have big wide shoulders,...

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The FavorChapter 23 The Playroom

I opened the door and turned on the lights. I dragged the box into the room and closed the door behind me. First things first: I went around and replaced all the dead light bulbs. Then I carried my box into the room and surveyed the damage. For a suburban dungeon, it really was very impressive. The furniture looked well built and the whips and chains looked expensive. I got out my broom and started sweeping. After a few hours of sweeping, dusting and hosing, the place was starting to look...

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Star Trek The Second Life of Janice Lester

Ever wonder what happened to Dr Janice Lester following the events of 'Turnabout Intruder'? This is a sequel to my earlier story STAR TREK: THE FINAL FATE OF JANICE LESTER. STAR TREK: THE SECOND LIFE OF JANICE LESTER by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures * 2269: Elba II "I stole your body because I wanted to captain a starship, something Starfleet doesn't allow women to do," said Janice Lester....

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Andys Training Chapter 6

Andy's Training Chapter 6 By Cissykay When we were through eating, Aunty Betty and Cissy sat back and each lit a cigarette. "Well Andrea, are you as happy as we are that your secret is now out in the open? To be honest with you, we've known about it for quite some time. We were just waiting for the right opportunity to show you. I'm really quite surprised that you never figured out that since I am a professional photographer, I would have several video...

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War of the Women

War of the Women The thing between Marcia and Tara had been going on for some time. Marcia was quite friendly with the rest of her neighbors in the Close, but she continued to snub Tara. Possibly because Tara was suspected of having seduced several of the men in the area. Revenge was now a question of when, rather than if. With Tara, revenge would involve the seduction of Sam, Marcia’s husband. Her juices were in full flow at the thought of it. Imagine seducing that great hunk, with the...

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The Horse You Rode In On

I was pouring a fresh cup of coffee, listening to some Stevie Ray Vaughan and thinking what an incredible blues guitar player he was, when I heard a soft tap on the door. I hurriedly threw on an old button-down and walked to the door, opened it, and was delighted to see her standing at my door. Mackenzie was a classmate of mine at the university, and she was majoring in sociology as I was. She was a pretty neat woman. She was as intelligent as all hell, but wasn’t full of pretense as so many...

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Goodbye Miss Granger Part 2

Under normal circumstances I’m a positive person; despite my emotional misery, I finished school with good marks and was accepted into my chosen course at university: a Bachelor of Science with a major in Pure Mathematics. And I did well, well enough to progress on to my Master’s degree in 2008-09. Hermione Granger didn’t haunt me beyond high school, although I did have one scare when J.K. Rowling published the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where Hermione’s middle name was...

Straight Sex
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Death of a HeroChapter 3

Lincoln Steele swept his room at the Old South Inn for microphones and cameras. It took a while to inspect every light fixture, vent, and other places the electronics could be hidden. Why so long? He hadn’t brought the sophisticated equipment he had back home. There had been no need. He was there to bury a friend. That’s all. So much of Steele’s life took him where he had not planned. Confident he wasn’t being monitored, Steele returned to the empty suitcase on his bed. He lifted a thin lead...

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Robin part 1

The following story is essentially true. The first part is recounted from an earlier story, and the rest continues the story of my long affair with my first cousin. The events happened pretty much as described, though some parts occurred when I was very young, and I cant remember everything precisely as it happened. Names have been changed where needed. Just a bit of background first… My grandfather molested my mother and her oldest sister when they were in their teens. Her older sister,...

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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 9 Lucy

Five days after graduation, Danny, Ashley and Lynn boarded their flight to Paris. They were traveling coach. Danny and Ash could have flown business class, but the downgrade freed up enough cash to bankroll Lynn’s flight with money to spare. They could have easily afforded to pay for Lynn’s expenses, but flying in coach was a gesture of solidarity with their friend. They had a row of three seats in the centre section, very much in the back of the plane. Lynn was a bit nervous before take-off...

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The Panty Princess

Jane and I had only been living together for three weeks when I was caught red-handed. I was mortified when I saw her in the mirror, standing behind me with her mouth wide open. She had managed to come through the front door, up the stairs and into the bedroom without making any noise. I tried to explain that it was the first time I’d ever done such a thing, but she was having none of it. For the next hour we sat on the edge of the bed while she bombarded me with questions about my sexuality,...

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Gym Pleasures

My life has gotten super busy since my move. I love my newjob, I’m decorating my house. I joined a gym, and have started to work my ass off. I’m finding muscles I didn’t know I had. That was where I met her, at my gym. I was in the locker room, mid-afternoon, on a Wednesday, getting ready to do my circuit. I had seen Marcy around the gym, but never really took notice. Until I realized my locker was right next to hers. I was unbuttoning my blouse when she came in. I couldn’t help but look up...

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Put Me In CoachChapter 5

We had the Devil Rays in for a three-game series, the second game of which was scheduled for that night. The Orioles' hitting coach, B. J. Surhoff, sat down beside me in the dugout before the game and opened up a bottle of berry-flavored water. "Would you do me a favor?" he said. "Sure. What you need?" "It's Tough Shit," Surhoff said. "He won't listen to me about his hitting." Surhoff was referring to our kid left fielder, T. S. Williams, a second-year player with good skills...

1 year ago
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Anal Humiliation by Ex GF

I was walking out of the university shop after grabbing an energy drink before hitting the gym after work, when my ex girlfriend walked towards me. It was the first time we had met since we broke up two years ago, when the thought of being with a man who would one day turn into a woman was too much for her. ‘Hey, nice to see you. I didn’t know you were still here’ I said in a friendly tone. ‘Hey, yeah I’m studying a masters here this year’ she replied. ‘Cool, hope you’re enjoying it.’ I said....

4 years ago
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Pizza Delivery

Pizza Delivery> It had been a slow night, summertime was slow enough for pizza delivery, but when delivering to a hotel tips where even worse. I moved out of my parents house right after graduation and my teacher's salary didn't cover all the bills so I had a weekend job delivering for Papa John's. I was surprised by the name on the delivery slip as Wendy R. at room 240, The Hilton Garden. Mrs. R had been my guidance counselor, during my freshmen year at State college, rumor had it she was...

2 years ago
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Bedtime Scoup

The bartender picks them from the crowd; the first two recipients of his special drink. The slender brunette in the black heals and short summer dress looks deserving of a Mai-Tai. The shapely blonde with enormous breasts, flaunted by the squeeze of her small bikini, will receive a pin? colada.There are others, and the drinks are on the house. The women can thank him later—or maybe not. Either way, the boss will be pleased with his careful selection of talent, the efforts of his staff, hired t...

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Desert DroppingChapter 36B

Standing at the edge of the pool, water running down my body from head to toe and wearing black shorts so drenched that they sagged at my hips, I stepped into the water for the fifth time, and sank down to the bottom. I kept trying to find that peaceful place, to think of my mom as I wondered what she'd tell me to do about all of the worry in the pit of my stomach, but it wasn't working. Nothing was working. The image of Eddie, lying in that bed looking like someone else's dad; and the...

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The DefencemanChapter 5

I was up early and grabbed my hockey stuff and headed to the rink. I wasn't sure yet if I would join the intramural league or try out for the Wolverines but I brought the equipment in the car just in case. I thought I would watch for a bit to see what kind of players in the league before introducing myself. I walked into the arena a bit after nine without my equipment and looked at the rink through the glass. There were around a dozen guys on the ice with a goalie stretching near the goal at...

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Sorority Male Slave Auction

Early in October, the Phi Delta sorority hosted an “auction” of young male freshmen who were pledging a nearby fraternity. Phi Delta—the Greek letters for FD, or Female Domination—was devoted to young women who enjoyed inflicting sadistic, erotic v******e on men. And the fraternity pledges, for the most part, were eager to show they were tough enough to survive a night of sexual torture so they could join a prized college fraternity. So it was a “win-win” situation for the sorority and the...

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Hot Summer Nights

I stood in the kitchen drinking the cool glass of water. It was hot, very hot. Every window in the house was open but there was no breeze to move the hot air. As I walked back to my bed something caught my eye in my parents room. Their door was wide open with the hope a breeze may come thru and cool things. Both of my parents were on the bed naked. A dim light from a lamp gave just enough light to allow for me to see the treasure that lay before me. There on the bed, covers all thrown off on...

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John CarterChapter 18

Tired from the party, Betsy and John came home and fell asleep. In the morning, they woke with limbs entwined. Waking was followed by soft tender kisses. When lips touched lips, the whole world disappeared. They made very slow and passionate love. It was special and reminiscent of their first time, but with much deeper feelings. Both of them surrendered themselves totally to the other. This was that rare occasion when neither thinks of their individual pleasure and yet doesn’t dwell on...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 4

The lights were off, something that I hadn’t expected. It was a little surprising seeing him asleep on a late Friday afternoon. Then again, given how much energy he spent just hours earlier with me, maybe it’s not! “Honey” I said a notch louder this time, approaching his bed. Knowing we didn’t have the time or the privacy for any fun anyways, I decided not to wake him; Instead opting to pick up his load of dirty laundry and sweater to wash. But as I l did so, I couldn’t help but giggle...

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ExpansionChapter 6

Ralph showed up on schedule and spent almost eight hours going over in great detail all of the answers to our questions and the arrangements for the language school. That meant that we would spend the summer in Virginia near Washington, and the kids were thrilled because that would surely mean that they could visit all of the memorials and special attractions that abounded in Washington. We were told the name of the company that we would be associated with, and the kids had never heard of...

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Anna goes from being innocent housewife to her new

I am Anne, in my late 40's, size 14, curvy big tits and with great legs or so I've been told. My hubby Sam and I had decided to put a bit of a zing into our flagging love life by experimenting in the swinging scene. Sam told me he got off on the idea of me getting it on with younger single lads. How was I to argue with that? I thought at 47 what the heck, go for it girl! Having suffered the delights of timewasters and bottlers we finally agreed to meet up with a guy called Jamie, a fit looking...

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TriptychChapter 14

IT WAS GOING TO TAKE SOME TIME to get everything legally set up. As our lawyer, John MacDonald, said to us, “Nothing about your relationship is covered under Washington State Law. You aren’t married. Therefore, we have to have documents that spell out everything. Your partnership has to be a business partnership as domestic partnerships are limited to two people just like marriage. You’ll have a stated business purpose of owning and investing in businesses and property. For everything else,...

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My name is Rick Mandel and before I ever met the woman I eventually married, I use to dream about that future ... Who would she be? How many children would we have? Where would we live? What would be the story of our life together? In all my fantasizing, I never once imagined how it would have turned out in the end. When I met Claire in college, I was instantly attracted. Other men were, too, and so I spent the next three years winning her love. Despite gentle warnings from our parents, who...

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My favorite cousin

It was the summer of 1978 and I had just turned 18. I was in a great mood as my mother had told me that my cousin Colleen was coming to spend the summer with us. My cousin Colleen was 18 years old with long legs, a tight ass, long blonde hair and blue eyes eyes. She had just finished her senior year and was going to work at my Sister's office for the summer and needed a place to stay. We had a large 5 bedroom house in a good area. My bedroom was at the rear of the house. The spare bedroom where...

2 years ago
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Soaking Wet

It was raining heavily and, by the time I found a cab, I was already running late. It was one of those summer rains that could get you soaked in a blink of an eye. “Fucking shitty day this will be!” , I uttered rather loudly as I settled on the backseat of the cab looking down at myself. I couldn't show up at the meeting looking that way, but I couldn't miss the meeting either. So I decided to try and save my appearance while the cab slithered through the jammed traffic, seeming mostly...

Straight Sex
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Craving for Giant Nipples 8211 Part I

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...

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Muscle encounters 1 Dawn Whtiman

Muscle encounters- Dawn WhitmanBy lilguyA happy fan meets Dawn Whitman, smut happens.I had met Dawn Whitman at a Muscle Expo. She had been my favorite bodybuilder. She was a great mixture of muscle and sexuality. She was strong letshe had sexy curves. Her biceps were huge and her legs look like they couldcrush a Buick.She had a punk girl look. Her hair was spiky blond. She had a nose ring andtattoos all over her arms and back. Her breast was huge and barely was held inby the outfit she wore...

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aunty milked me like a cow

all the ladies looking for a sexmate conatct me at [email protected] or in my skype id ronnie.rs.982My sister’s marriage got fixed recently. Because of that, now she is not sent out for any jobs including as the helping hands of the milking lady. In my sisters place amma decided to send me instead as it would give some money, however small it might be. Reluctantly I had to go to the milker’s house in my summer vacation. Her house was a small one. I called out her name and she came out....

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SRU The Costume Box

Feel free to archive my stories anywhere you'd like. All comic characters mentioned in these stories are the property of their respective comic book publishers, such as Marvel, DC, and Image. No profit is being made from their usage here, and are strictly used for non-promotional purposes. Steve Zink ------- SRU: The Costume Box, part 1/? CATching the Party by Steve Zink The fraternity was hosting a costume party for Halloween. The elder members of the frat made sure that...

2 years ago
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Lucys Imagination

Lucy pulled up her hair into a loose ponytail as she got home, dropping her keys on the kitchen counter. Something was bothering her; she huffed and clamped her lips anxiously, her cheeks rosy. “You should come have some fun with us instead!” What Amy had said jokingly earlier that night still echoed in Lucy's mind. “Well, thanks for the offer, but I think I prefer boys, still!” Lucy questioned her response, stalling as she undressed her coat. Again, she sighed to herself. “Just forget it,” she...

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Holidays With Buva In Store Room

This is true and unbelievable incidence happened to me during holidays of May. Mera naam Suraj hai. I am well educated and coming from well known family in our area. The bad habit is I love sex. An erotic sex with unsatisfied little bit fatty married woman. I like such pussy. The smell of their pussy and underarms excites me to high level. It’s not compulsory that the woman is either fair or black or good looking. The only thing is she has to be great and busty figure. Mai Pune ka rehnewala hu....

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22 Tweets

Tweets 2Big prison riot. Warden ordered me to cell block H. Guard locked me in. I was the nurse, now I'm a bald fuck toy. That was 5 years ago."Swallow it, slave." Her lips engulf my entire cock and balls. In and out. I cum down her throat. "Stay! I need to relieve my bladder."My husband is intent on humiliating me. First he threw out all my bras. Now I can only wear T shirts. Next he says I get 2" nipple rings.Master is a 6'5" shemale with 12" cock. Mistress is bull dyke. I'm tattooed head to...

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Hedonia High School 1

The closest men’s room had two urinals and two stalls. Bradley chose the stall against the wall. After a halfway satisfying dump, he had flushed, pulled his pants up, and was almost ready to head out when someone came in the bathroom. He heard wet smacks and high pitched moans — wait, is that a girl? He froze inside the stall, as he listened to the sounds get closer, and then the stall door next to him banged open and two sets of feet shuffled in next door. One pair of feet wore bright...

3 years ago
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Mira 6

I do not know what time it was that Irina brought us tea and coffee. I only know that within a few moments of her doing so, Ivanova arrived with Mira’s phone. ‘There is a call for you. It is, apparently, urgent.’ Sitting up and still in that beautiful nightgown, Mira took the phone from Ivanova and spoke. Her breasts were not concealed by the gown, they showed, white against the black and her dark nipples showed brown against them. Ivanova sat in a chair at the end of the bed and looked at me,...

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The CameraChapter 5

The committee had just gotten seated and started their discussion when Beth Cobb tapped on the door and cracked it just enough to see Bobby at the end of the table. She smiled blew him a kiss then closed the door. “Who was that, Bobby?” Kayla House asked. “Just Ms. Cobb. I suggested she go see Mr. Grafton and volunteer to be one of the chaperones and she did.” “Well, is she?” Jessica asked hopefully. “Yes she is. We’ll have someone closer to our age.” “Great, I really like her.” Betty...

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