Dr. BitchChapter 1 free porn video

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Katherine pushed down on the horn of her BMW, waiting while the old fart with the handicapped tag tried to parallel park. People on the street were staring at her, until she let go of the horn and sped off down the road. She resisted the urge to give the old guy the finger as she passed his car.

Katherine was having a bad day, but then most days sucked. The pool guy and the lawn boy had just quit on her, saying they were sick of her constant criticism of their work. On top of that her husband, the doctor, had agreed to do charity work and give free medical exams to some of the homeless people in town. He had done it at one shelter, decided he didn't like it and asked her to do the exams at the next shelter. She hated working with the lower classes, but the tax deduction was too good to pass up. On top of the bad drivers, poor help, and bums, she wasn't getting any at home. The doctor hadn't touched her in over three months and she felt like she was constantly horny.

Katherine parked her Beamer in the alley next to the shelter and entered the building. There were about a dozen homeless men hanging around waiting for her. A small office connected to the sleeping area was to be used for the examinations. A older man with a beard was there to assist her.

"What can I do to help, Doc," said the helper.

Katherine looked him over and sneered slightly. The words, "worthless hippie do-gooder" flashed into her mind. "Just tell the men to strip to their underwear and line up outside the door. Then you can go do whatever it is you do around here."

Snooty bitch, thought the man, but he nodded and left the room.

Katherine buttoned on a lab coat and found it was tight around her large full breasts. She heard the assistant yelling to the homeless to line up as she pulled on her rubber gloves. Some of the bums were griping about dinner and she guessed that apparently they weren't allowed to eat until finishing the exam. She got a whiff from the shelter and grabbed a mask to help filter out some of the unwashed smell from the men.

Katherine opened the door and rolled her eyes. Most of the men weren't wearing underwear and she got the feeling she was being punished for something she had done in a previous life. "Come on," she said pointing at the first guy in line.

An old man shuffled into the room and stood there while she went through her check list. She got his name, medical history, and asked him to turn around and bend over, running her hands along his back. She pulled up a chair and sat before him. His underwear was dirty and full of holes. She cupped his testicles underneath his underwear and asked him to cough. He giggled and she felt disgusted when his little penis started moving underneath his underwear. She hadn't seen an erection on her husband in months and this pissed her off even more. "Next," she yelled pushing him out of the room.

The next guy was a toothless old black man who giggled the whole time she examined him. She had never examined a black man before and crinkled her nose in disgust the whole time she touched him. Katherine pulled up her chair and gasped. He wasn't wearing any underwear and his penis was the biggest she had ever seen in her life. It was slightly erect and about seven inches long. She cupped his testicles and the big penis grew until it was pointing right at her mask covered mouth. Dear god, she thought. It must be nine inches long.

"Sorry," said he black man. "I ain't never had a pretty white lady touch old jumbo before."

"Next," she yelled pushing him out of the room. She heard several of the bums applaud when they saw his erection. Katherine briefly wished her husband had a penis that big or even one that got that hard. Anyway, god had to give that black man something to make up for what he had done to the man's life.

Katherine examined a few more white bums before coming to another black man. Now that's a penis, she thought seeing the monstrosity dangling between his legs. The man was in his late forties and except for his penis, completely forgettable. She was in a daze going through the exam, picturing his big black rod in her head. It only served to remind her of how horny she was.

Katherine sat down and cupped his balls. His penis immediately turned to steel. It was probably eight inches long and the fattest thing she had ever seen.

"Don't you want me to turn my head and cough," he asked with a grin on his face.

Embarrassed, Katherine realized she had been staring at his tool. It was also pointed right at her mouth and he was starting to make little thrusts, like he was imagining she was sucking on it. She was thankful for the mask. Angry and disgusted, she shoved him out the door.

The next patient was an old white man with a penis even more laughable then her husbands. She guessed it was as big as her thumb as she peeked through a hole in his underwear.

As she neared the end of her examinations, Katherine noticed a pattern had developed. She had examined six white men and four black men so far. The white men's penis's ranged from four to six inches and only got semi-erect. None of the black men had a penis under seven inches and to the man they were all fatter and harder then the whites. She remembered hearing a rumor that black men were bigger then whites, but had shrugged it off as nonsense. She found herself anticipating seeing how big the next black penis was.

Katherine's mood was getting worse as the day wore on. She was sick of looking and smelling all these homeless men. She was also feeling cheated. All but one of the men had a penis bigger then her husband's and with the black men, all it had taken was one look or touch to make theirs become hard as a rock. She had everything she could ever want, but was stuck with a husband with a limp little five inch noodle for a penis. Life just wasn't fair.

Katherine sighed and got out the next form. The next to the last homeless man entered and without looking up she said, "Name?"

"Big D."

"Real name?" she said looking up at him. Katherine did a double take when she saw the man. He was a handsome black man in his late teens. She could see a well defined chest beneath his tight tee shirt. He was the first black man she had examined who actually wore underwear and it looked like they were about to rip apart from the size of the penis they were imprisoning.

"Dunnell Jackson," he answered admiring her well developed body straining against her white doctor's coat. She had her long brown hair up conservatively and was wearing glasses on the edge of her nose. Big D guessed she was the type of woman who was ashamed of her body and resented all the male attention it got her. There was usually a slut lurking somewhere underneath the conservative facade of women like this, just waiting to be unleashed.

Katherine filled out the rest of her form and said. "Please remove your shirt for me."

She watched him slowly pull his tee shirt off over his head revealing an extremely well chiselled chest. He certainly looked healthy from the front, she thought. She turned him around and had him touch his toes. Katherine felt a chill run up her spine as she ran her hand down his muscled back and over his spine.

"Please remove your underwear," she told him. Katherine sat in her examination chair and watched as he slid his underwear off. His ass cheeks were as hard as the rest of his body and when he turned around she gasped at the sight of his penis. It was the biggest one she had seen yet and soft it dangled down seven inches.

Katherine reached out for his testicles, but found his penis was so long and thick that it blocked her access. She gulped and reached out her other hand to lift his penis out of the way. At her touch the monster penis immediately turned fully erect and like all the other black men, it hung straight out, pointing right at her mouth. "T-turn your head and cough," she stuttered out while staring at his monster penis.

"Ten inches, if your wondering,"said Dunnell after coughing.

Now she knew why they called him Big D, she thought, still staring at the thick black sausage sized penis less then a foot from her mouth. Katherine shook her head to clear it and said, "I don't care how big your penis is."

"Why you so bitchy?" he asked looking her over.

"Not that it's any of your damn business, but I just had my pool man and lawn man quit on me. Not to mention the fact that Tuesdays my only day off and I have to spend it doing charity work instead of laying out by the pool. I'm not having a good day. You can get dressed and go."

Katherine finished Dunnell's paperwork. She felt an itch on her head and removed her rubber glove to itch it.

Katherine had trouble concentrating on her paperwork as she kept thinking of Big D's perfect nude body standing before her like some kind of ebony god. She knew she'd never cheat on her husband, especially with a black man, but she couldn't help wondering what it would be like to make love to a penis that big. She was thirty-two and nearing her sexual peak. Katherine was ashamed to realize, she was a little aroused by the days events.

Katherine noticed a large presence before her and said, "Name."


"Real name."

"Just Horse, ma'am."

Katherine sighed and stood up. She wrote Horse down as his name and looked at the man in the room. Her heart leapt with fear when she saw him. He was the biggest, ugliest, and meanest looking black man she had ever seen. He was at least six and a half feet tall. She had to strain her neck to look up at his face. He was as ugly as Dunnell was handsome. Horse's skin was dark black compared to Big D's light brown. His nose was flat and it looked like it had been broken sometime in the past. Horse's presence before her was overwhelmingly powerful. She shivered in fear and something else.

Katherine looked down his body. He had a fit fighters chest and was built similar to Mike Tyson. He was covered in muscles, she had never seen before even in an anatomy book. Her gaze kept traveling down over his stomach and towards his crotch. She gulped imagining what his penis must look like. She wasn't disappointed.

A black python, she thought, it looks like a giant black python. His penis was eleven inches long and as big around as her wrist. It was rock hard and so big that it's weight caused it to angle down slightly towards the floor. His penis was as dark as his skin from the tip to the end compared to Big D's whose tip had been lighter in color then the shaft. Dunnell had also been circumcised where Horse wasn't. The head peeking out of the foreskin was as big as a plum and the foreskin made her think of a hooded cobra instead of a python.

Katherine shook her head to clear it and asked him to turn around and bend over. He was so big that she had to lean up against his ass to run her hands down his back. She ran her hands over the muscled ridges of his back and along his spine. She looked up and was surprised to see Dunnell standing behind Horse grinning at her. He hadn't gotten dressed yet and his penis was still hard. "What are you still doing here?" she asked.

"I'm just waiting for my friend," he replied.

Katherine sat on her stool and asked Horse to turn around. Shaking her head in disbelief as his penis appeared before her face. Like Dunnell, she would have to lift it up to reach his testicles. She reached out and grasped it on the foreskin. It slid back slightly so that the head of his penis emerged fully. A drop of pre-cum oozed from the pee slit of the end and then more started coming. The pre-cum flowing out of the end was as much as one of her husbands regular orgasms and she realized it must take a lot to lubricate a penis that big. Then to her horror Katherine realized that she hadn't put her glove back on after scratching her head and she was actually touching a penis that wasn't her husband's for the first time in her life. She was disgusted to touch a homeless black man's penis, but she didn't let go, and figured it would be best just to get this over with. She raised up his penis and cupped his testicles. They were sized to match his giant sex organ. His testicles hung low, they were heavy, and were as big around as two small oranges.

There was a half inch gap between her fingers that were circled around his penis and as she released his testicles she realized the gap was widening. Katherine once again couldn't believe her eyes. His penis wasn't hanging down because of gravity, it was hanging down because he hadn't been fully erect. It grew another two inches to around thirteen inches long. Fully erect, he angled slightly upward and like all the other black men, his penis seemed to point directly at her mouth. Katherine briefly pictured Horse thrusting forward powerfully ad his mighty penis ripping right through her mask and penetrating her mouth.

Horse chuckled and Katherine was horrified to see that her hand was involuntarily stroking his shaft. Her strokes had caused more pre-cum to ooze out and the entire head of his penis was now lubricated. Ashamed of herself, she let go of his penis, turning red with embarrassment.

Katherine held her head down towards the floor breathing heavily. When she looked up, Big D had moved around and was standing besides Horse. Both their big penis's were pointing right at her face.

"Well doc," asked Dunnell, "do you see anything wrong with us"

"Oh you both seem to be completely healthy. You don't look like homeless people," said Katherine checking her watch. She was surprised to see that she had spent thirty minutes with Dunnell and Horse, where she had averaged only five minutes each with the others. Where had the time gone? She was relieved and a little upset to see that the men were starting to get dressed.

"Well Doc," said Dunnell, pulling on his shirt, "Me and Horse here lost our construction jobs and got evicted on the same day." Both he and Horse were keeping their cocks out until the last possible minute. This sexy white bitch needed to get fucked so bad, he could swear he could smell her pussy juices flowing. "Yeah, me and Horse built houses and did a lot of yard work before getting laid off." He winked at Horse's look of surprise, they had never done any yard work.

Katherine sighed when their cocks disappeared into their jeans. She couldn't remember ever being this horny and thought that even if she could get her husband's penis erect it wouldn't satisfy her. Katherine grabbed her things and said "Well, I wish you two luck... Did you say that you did yard work?

"Yes, we did a lot of yard work."

Katherine knew it was dangerous to give out private information, but she really needed her yard taken care of. "Would you guys be willing to take care of my yard until I can find someone to do it full time? My husband won't do it."

"Sure that would be great," said Dunnell. "That could sure help us get on our feet."

"Good," said Katherine writing out her address on a slip of paper and giving it to Dunnell. "Show up in the morning next Wednesday and I will leave the shed unlocked for you."

"We'll be there bright and early," said Dunnell.

"Just be sure you do a good job and I will see your well compensated," said Katherine grabbing her car keys and heading towards the exit.

"Lady," said Horse, a blank expression on his face, "once we mow your lawn you won't want anyone else to do it."

Katherine nodded at them and left.

"I wants to fuck her," said Horse watching her leave.

Dunnell had heard those words before, he knew what was required of him. "Just follow my lead."

Katherine got in her bmw and headed home. She had a habit of biting her fingernails when deep in thought and was biting them as she drove off. One problem was solved with the two black men, but where was she going to find a pool guy? She tasted something on her finger and her tongue flicked out lapping some up. It was kind of salty and she licked out, lapping up the rest, enjoying the taste. Confused, she took her hand out of her house and looked at it. Bile rose in her throat as she saw that Horse's pre-cum covered her fingers. She barely avoided getting in an accident as she sped towards the nearest store to buy some mouthwash.

Katherine sighed as she put her drink down beside the pool and sat down on the cot. She stretched sensuously and laid down on her back. She reached down and took a sip of her margarita (her third of the day) enjoying her one day of relaxation.

Tuesday was the only day of the week she didn't hate. Six days were spent at the hospital and seven nights were spent with her poor excuse of a husband, but on Tuesday she was able to drink her troubles away and relax by the pool in a bikini that barely covered her voluptuous figure.

She had lost her free day last week when she had given the exams to the homeless men at the shelter. Not only was she upset over missing out on her tanning, but she was ashamed that the exams had such an effect on her. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw long black penises pointing at her mouth. At night she dreamt of them, not just Horse's and Dunnell's, but the toothless old man with Jumbo and all the others.

It was happening now. She closed her eyes feeling the sun warming her skin and immediately imagined Horse and Dunnell were standing before her completely nude again. She was wearing her bikini in the shelter and the doctor's mask protected her from their giant penises. She was stroking Horse's massive black rod and his pre-cum was oozing out all over her hands. She wanted to taste it again and leaning forward, she parted her lips...

Katherine awoke just like she always did before doing anything wrong in her dreams. She opened her eyes and saw Horse and Big D standing above her, their eyes greedily roaming over her body. She shook her head to clear it and when she opened her eyes again, they were still there.

"Well doc," said Dunnell, "that must have been some dream you were having." He ran his eyes over the thin material of her white bikini. Her nipples were clearly visible through the top, long, fat and erect with desire. Her legs were parted and he could see that her panties were soaked from her arousal.

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It was another Friday night get together, just eight friends who liked a good time and knew how to have one. This party was at Paul and Jenny's place and as usual the booze was flowing like water, I was with Jimmy my boyfriend, Lisa and Karen were together in a big old chair and Sheila was sitting with her boyfriend Michael on the floor, Paul is my brother, older my three minutes so as you would imagine, we're close. He was quite drunk as always at these parties and Jenny wasn't far...

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BadMilfs Brenna Sparks Richelle Ryan Dirty Daughter Dirtier Stepmom

Brenna Sparks was excited to introduce her new boy toy Johnny to her stepmom Richelle Ryan. Brenna gave them a few minutes to get acquainted, and Richelle may have came on a bit too strong. She gave Johnny no choice but to let her see his cock and let her suck it. He’s usually a loyal man, but when a hot milf asks to suck your dick you better not pass it up. They finished up just before Brenna came back from the other room, then had to head out for their date. Once they got home later, love was...

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mrs watsons new neighbourhood part 3

mrs watson gets a text#all the cameras are up mrs watson#good boy come round when your housemates are home and we'll check the views togetherjustin arrives at mrs watsons later in the evening strips then knocks on the door'come in' mrs watson opens the door lets justin in'was it fun positioning the cameras?''uh yes mrs watson''did your tiny cock get excited ?''yes mrs watson it did''but you didn't touch it ?''no mrs watson''good boy , would you like me to touch it as a reward for being a good...

4 years ago
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A Ride in the Country

Claire Atwater let out a soft sigh of relief as the long meeting finally ended. Finally, her firm was about to hit the big time, the acquisition of the much coveted Saint-Abbott account was a symbol of success. It was a goal she had devoted all her energies to over the last few months, forsaking even the semblance of a personal life. At forty-six, Claire was still a strikingly good-looking woman. Standing five eight and just a little over a hundred and thirty pounds, she wore her thick blonde...

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Beths Awakening Ch 06

Chapter Six, Adventures in Providence Following our intense romp with Claire, the queen of lust, I for one was totally done in and it appeared that Beth and Stewart were too. We slept, the three of us, in a king-size bed, with Beth in the middle. Around dawn, I awoke becoming aware of activity in the adjoining room. Having to pee, I got up and, when passing by the open door, I saw Claire pulling on a pair of shorts. She was topless and I stopped to admire the view. She looked up, saw me, and...

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LongreachChapter 5

Eric looked at the screen and marveled at the hugeness of the "engine" that had appeared with it's accompanying ships it had given a lift to. The LP was as good as it's word. League of Planets freighters were even now separating from the hyper engine, and making their slow ponderous way to orbit. The engine had shortened an otherwise much longer trip for the majority of these ships. It also carried within it an interstellar communications suite. Eric marveled at how much space the...

1 year ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 4

Now that Tommy had finally graduated and was out of high school, his next step would be heading off to college that fall. He had mixed emotions about this next life step. On one hand, he could hardly wait to get to college and find out what college life was all about. He had heard from his mother and from others how much fun college life could be, and he was slated to go to a good school, which would definitely give him an advantage in finding a good paying job once he got out. He was planning...

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Woman With A PastChapter 11

Betsy Elliott is a genius! Hermie, my old, old friend Hermie, is a genius for finding her, asking her to marry him, and somehow persuading her that it was a good idea. The moonlight dinner cruise on the river might have been every bit as corny and contrived as it sounds, and God knows it wasn't cheap. But it never would have occurred to me to invite a date on a river cruise for dinner and dancing. Until I had found Shirley again, it never would have occurred to me to go dancing anywhere,...

4 years ago
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Neighbors Teasing WifeChapter 5

"Joan, we've got a problem," Vicky sighed. "Hey, no shit?" Joan said bitterly. "I can see we've got a problem, honey, but what are we gonna do about it?" "Well, I think the first thing I need is a drink," Vicky said. "How about you?" "Make it a double, please!" With drinks in hand, they discussed their situation. "It's pretty clear," Vicky said. "The guys want somebody new. They're not really too tired for sex." "Yeah. They just proved that," Joan said. "And...

3 years ago
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A Streaker started it all Part 4

By Vanessa Evans Part 4 Sunday was exercise day for Angie. She again just wore her white tennis skirt and a white tank top to exercise but this time she rolled the waist band of the skirt a couple of times which resulted in her flashing her butt and pussy quite a lot. What’s more, more guys asked her to spot them, the difference being this time that Angie knew exactly why they had asked her and she has happy to let them all have a close-up look at her wet pussy as she stood very close to the...

1 year ago
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Salamander 2Chapter 17

(Four) The man sat at the bar still wearing his cheap uniform, frankly I disliked him on sight but he would be useful so I suppressed my distaste. I moved up to the bar a meter or so down from him, trying not to scratch at my face for fear of disturbing my disguise. Personal contact was risky so I did what I could to mitigate the risk. The ex guard was pretty drunk and quite loud, it would make my job easier. Since half the pub could hear the guys ranting it wouldn't be a stretch to seem...

2 years ago
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Its Midnight and Im LostChapter 4

It looked to me like my first job would have to be finding a banker who would front for me. That turned out to be one hell of a problem. Martino did not know of a single banker or money lender who was not so far in debt to the Knights Templar that he did not dare to do anything that might displease them. Dammit, this was something that I needed to discuss with Mentor. I would have to bring that up tonight when I talked to Mentor. I would not yet class it as an emergency that required an...

3 years ago
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My very first group sex

I had been with my boyfriend Jack for about two years, before my very first experience with group sex. It started off slowly- we always enjoyed watching porn together, and it went from being one on one sex, to one girl with two guys... and slowly the groups got larger, until we were watching one woman with five or six men. He’d lie next to me on the bed, after finding new porn for us to watch, and his hands would start to run over my toned body as I lay beside him naked, my skin already...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Check Yes or NoChapter 7

The next three days were the longest of his life. He plowed through the week and in one of his few magnanimous spells, postponed all the work that he had originally scheduled to be due on Friday until the next Monday. The kids were overjoyed since he never cut them any slack when it came to schoolwork. During that time, he only briefly spoke to Ann Marie. They flirted a little, but were otherwise professional to the point that it seemed like they were ignoring each other. When the final...

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The Dress

The Dress by Diann Looking around the second hand shop, I spotted a pretty, solid blue dress that looked about my size. I'm not the easiest person to fit a dress for either, at 6' 3" and almost 300 pounds, not to mention my being a male is quite a deterrent for finding something pretty and feminine. Still, since I was a kid I had a fascination for them. The soft fabrics, the pleasing color combinations and the lovely patterns to those color combinations were too enticing to...

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If Music Be The Food of Love

Jennifer Cross had walked away from her boyfriend of four years, she had caught him in bed with another girl in their flat. She had arrived home unexpectedly due to a power out due to some electrical fault at her office. When Jennifer arrived home she used his key to open the door and was greeted by the unmistakable sound of someone having sex. She had walked to the bedroom door which was half open and she had been greeted with the sight of Joe’s bare backside clenching in the throes of his...

2 years ago
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Futa Daughters Naughty TemptationChapter 15 Futa Mommy Saves Her Daughter

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow “She’s mine!” Spice hissed. Her voice was that same melodic one I remembered from the video I’d watched in the church’s bathroom a few days ago. The futa-demon held me tight, her futa-cock buried in my ass. “I won’t let you have her.” “What the fuck is going on here?” I asked, standing in a dark void. Just moments ago, Mrs. Matthews, the reverend’s wife, had fucked me with her futa-cock and cum in me. She shouldn’t have had one, and...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 16 Dont Try and Work It Out

Jared Reznik looked down at the gorgeous eighteen year old girl below him. He looked at her lovely sweet breasts as they heaved up and down. He looked at her beautiful, blonde hair flowing around all over the floor and he looked down at her beautiful blonde pussy that his cock was ramming hard up in to. He looked at all this then he exploded again. Jared let his body fall down on top of this lovely, naked girl as his hips thrust his penis deep into her vagina as he ejaculated good and hard...

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Party of FiveChapter 2

"Are you sure this is the right way?" asked Parcifal who had taken point alongside Ned, Encelados firmly clasped on her back along with her shield, Erymanthos. Tiny slithers of starlight bounced off her glistening armor; the Holy Mountain engraved on Erymanthos shone fiery red. This far south in the world, the light of the starry sky was good enough for walking without hitting a tree. "Father and I used to hunt boar around these parts. We'd find traces of the Woodkin here and there;...

1 year ago
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Of Sinners and Saints Ch 01

** Greetings ???? ** THANKYOU WindySwimming for editing and helping me out. ** please comment and rate xoxo * Lisa walked hurried towards Skyline, a seventeenth floor building that had some of the most expensive apartments in the city. She checked her watch again. She was ten minutes late. It would take another five minutes to get to the tenth floor. Her heels clicked as she walked towards the elevator. She had worn a pale pink sundress which was demure but elegant. She carried a large handbag...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 46 A Boon Granted

Joseph’s cabinet had met without him while he was ensconced in his office with the door closed. “Forcing the landholders to house troops is not a good start to his relationship with the lords,” Alexander said. “And ladies,” Elena corrected. “But it is a good idea, though,” Alexander admitted. “I believe I see the king’s strategy,” Choran said. “It was fairly simple to me,” Genrico said. “He’s not going to allow the landowners to dictate his decisions. They are employees: that’s all the...

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Home Alone Sissy

What is it they say, "It all began like any normal day." Well since I was wearing a sissy maids uniform it was not going to be a normal day! I had on black patent leather Mary Jane shoes, with four inch heels. I love higher because it forces me to walk more daintily but I had a full list of chores and would be on my feet all day, so practical is better. My legs are encased in shear black stockings, of course they have to be stockings, tights just do not do it for me. They have a...

2 years ago
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Aphrodite wakes part 3

It was time for her to begin to expand her knowledge of this new world. Aphrodite had used her vessel to connect to a vast electric knowledge store. It had required her to wait until her vessel was asleep to take command of her body and make the necessary connections. The tome that contained all she wanted to know was a metal and silicate box called a computer. Somehow it rode the rivers of knowledge through electric current. She had dedicated a new node in her matrix to translate the signals...

4 years ago
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Ill be a Mommys UncleChapter 6

There were many days of unease that followed. Mother's little girl and I fell back into our routine of once a week. Only this time, when my cock treatened to spout off, I would jack on it and have a great cum. It was rare that I actually spilled onto my mother's naked skin, but not for not wanting to. I had to respect my daughter's wishes, and she really didn't like the nasty stuff hitting her. Still, her incredible body was the thing that turned me on the most, and the closer she was the...

2 years ago
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RelaxIts Just A Fuck

Relax.... It's Just A Fuck"No Drew! Stop Right now... Or I'm gonna...""Do what?... Craig... your wife is out there going to third base with our big dicked coworker.... what the hell are you gonna do about that?" Silence...... "Kick his ass... thats right I'm gonna fuckin' beat his...."(Background sound - "Oh my God... Its so big!... I cant believe Im taking it all!")Silence.... "Good girl! Take that big ass dick!""Shut the fuck up! I gotta stop this!" "Oh hell no, stop it!""Drew let go of me...

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My Little sisters New Job Part 3

Sometimes I take risks that could totally destroy my life. But, I also have this crazy luck hanging around me, which always helps me fall on the right side of those risks. Sometimes I go visit my friend John to smoke a bowl and talk shit. We talk about everything from entertainment to the cunts we fucked in the week. As we got high, John started to talk about a high school chick he fucked at a house party last weekend. He started to brag about how good it feels to fuck s*******n year...

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On returning to Claudie’s townhouse, which was on four levels and by French standards, particularly spacious and luxurious with close to 300 square meters or more than 3,300 square feet, laid out in groups of four homes forming squares and with detached two-car garages set off to one side, Yvette excused herself to enjoy a hot shower in the guest bedroom that was always allocated to her by Claudie.The shower helped take away some of the jet lag from Yvette’s travelling and she eagerly changed...

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Chatting with JRD

Author's Chat Night Guest: JRD Saturday May, 22 1999 6PM EST edited by Anne-Mal (Moderator_Anne-Mal) Hi again Liz! (LizBennett) 'Fraid I can't stay. I must pop in and out. We have a dinner party tonight. (Moderator_Anne-Mal) Your dinner activities seem to make all the logs! (LizBennett) Bye for now! (Moderator_Anne-Mal) I noticed that you had a few more stories posted to Fictionmania Bash! (Bashful) Yes, thank you for noticing. I don't know how Mindy does it! I...

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Annas BirthdayChapter 2

ALL FOR ME-ALL ON ME I rode with my best friend, Sarah Goodlow to Sarah’s house after the varsity basketball game, for my big eighteenth birthday party, it’s my cumming of age bash. As Sarah turned onto her lane, she lived out in the country and her driveway is a little over a mile long. I noted all the cars on it. “Holy shit,” I gasped, “are all these people at your house? Sarah smiled at me and said “Anna, just be prepared to get your brains fucked out,” “How many guys?” I asked...

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Perfect WishesChapter 21 Loose ends

Once I had most everything under control with the other telepaths I had one more important task to complete. My former friends and family deserved to know what had really happened and that Danny and Melody were not missing, but were in fact, dead. They also needed to be protected. I called Sam, my former father, and told him I needed to talk with him, Matty and Betty about Danny and Melody. I asked him to ensure Sarah and Jason were there. I arrived at my old home, knocked on the door and...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Karma RX Gaping Anal Fun

Tattooed vixen Karma Rx caresses her big boobs as her fit, beautiful body glistens in the sun. Heavily hung Ramon Nomar eats her tight cunt and squeezes her phat ass. She sucks his dick while he gives her a rim job. Karma bounces on his boner as his cock stretches her tight pussy lips. Ramon switches holes to fuck her asshole; Karma masturbates and moans through a thrilling anal reaming. She makes intense eye contact with the camera as she cums on his thick prick. See titty fucking,...

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I am such a slut9

This was the night that I had been waiting for, now dressed completely as a woman, completely, and in the hotel room with a man that Ihad met off of craigslist. And even more so, he was not an anonymous man, but someone that I sorta knew, recognizing him from my town. His name was Derek. We had kissed gently at first and then more deeply. And I had just nibbled and teased his cock before pulling his pants off of him to hang them up. I walked back across the room towards him, took a sip of my...

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