A Picture's WorthChapter 3 free porn video

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The next morning Sally again, slowly woke up. She let out a little groan. Why do mornings need to be so early? she asked herself, not for the first time.

Through her bedroom door, she could faintly hear, her father's voice coming from the kitchen. Her clock said it was already 10:00 am, she decided to get up and see if there was any more news about Jessie.

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Sally shuffled into the bathroom. She picked up her electric toothbrush and brushed her teeth. Sally was feeling much more awake, by the time she rinsed out her mouth and went back to her room to dress.

When she went down stairs her parents were sitting at the kitchen table, each was holding a cup of coffee. Frank looked up when Sally walked in and said, "Good morning."

"Morning, parents of mine."

Frank rolled his eyes. Sally knew he did not understand why his daughter had to find complex ways, to say simple things, but he didn't say anything. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yes dad." Sally answered, thinking of what she had been doing to tire herself out.

Sally prepared herself a bowl of cereal. Sitting down at the table with her parents, Sally saw Frank was about to say something, when his cell phone rang.

"Frank Turner," he answered. Listening for a few moments, he grinned. "That's great. Keep me advised."

Frank closed the phone. "That was Phil, one of our tech guys. He thinks he has found a match on the description we got of the kidnapper. We are getting a warrant, to check his credit and bank card usage for the last couple days. See if we can get, a location on him."

Sally finished eating. She rinsed off the bowl and spoon before putting them into the dishwasher. "Dad, I have an idea how I may be able to help you with that also. I will be in my room, with the picture."

"Just be careful." Frank reminded her.

"I know."

Sally went back up to her room. She quickly re-entered the picture and returned to the moment she last left Jessie. "It's getting light outside. Let's see, if we can figure out where you are," Sally said.

Sally and Jessie walked outside, the birds were starting to chirp with the increasing light. Realizing it was still cold outside, Sally created a warm coat for Jessie and herself. Both girls started to walk down the path. They had both been moving along for about 20 minutes, when they turned a corner and saw a man standing in front of them with several grocery bags in his hands.

"Who the fuck..."

Sally pushed Jessie back up the hill. "Run!"

Sally followed behind Jessie, but she could hear the man catching up with then. Without stopping, Sally concentrated and was holding a baseball bat in her hands. She ducked behind a tree, just out of her pursuer's site and waited until he appeared. When he was close enough, Sally stepped out in front of him; swinging the bat as hard as she could, Sally smashed it into his face.

The man flew back, a spirt of blood coming from his shattered teeth. The man lay groaning on the ground. Sally yelled, "Jessie! I got him. Come help me tie him up."

A few moments later, Jessie walked slowly back down the path. Her pace picked up again, when she saw Sally was safe. She was guarding the man, with the bat still in her hands. Both girls working together, managed to drag the barely conscious man to a large tree close to the edge of the path. Sally produced chains and cuffs similar to those that had been used to hold Jessie. Wrapping the chains around the base of the tree and the man's chest, they finally attached the ends to cuffs, which they placed around both his wrists and ankles.

Feeling safer, now that he could not stop them Sally and Jessie continued down the path. They soon came across a small clearing and saw a black SUV parked there. Sally stopped, to make note of the license plate number. The path was wider after that, but still continued down hill. The girls continued walking down for another half hour before they finally reached pavement.

Sally and Jessie looked both directions, but there were no obvious landmarks to be seen. Sally picked a direction away from the rising sun and started walking along the side of the road. Because it was so early she was not surprised there was no traffic.

The two girls, continued walking for another 15 minutes. Sally finally stopped. "Jessie, we have no idea where you are. I need, to let my father know about the kidnapper's licence plate number. I will be back in a bit and we can continue looking if necessary."

"OK, please hurry."

"You won't even know I'm gone."

Sally put her arms around Jessie. The two girls hugged briefly. Sally release the picture and sat up on her bed. She stood up and ran down stairs. Her father was in the living room with her mother. Frank turned, when he heard Sally run down the stairs. "More good news," he said before Sally could speak, "we have got hits on both his credit card and bank card in a small town called Sethville, in BC."

"I know his licence plate number. Do you have a picture? I know what he looks like and can confirm if it is the same person."

Frank wrote down the licence plate number and dialed his cell phone. "Phil it's Frank, check this BC licence number and let me know if it matches our suspect." He read off the number. He listened for a few more moments. "Can you e-mail me his DMV photo, to my phone? OK, thanks Phil."

"Well, I don't know how you are starting to get this new information and frankly at this point, I don't care. You are right, the licence plate is his." Frank's phone beeped. He looked at the display. He pressed some buttons, then held the display towards Sally. "Is this him?"

Sally looked at the picture. "Yes, that's him."

"I need to call Jane and bring her up to speed on this."

Frank called his partner and talked with her for a few minutes. "I am meeting Jane at the airport. The Mounties are letting us come along for the arrest, seeing we will be bringing him back here anyway. If all goes well, we should be back in a few days at the most. Sally, you can help us. When we are getting ready to go in, I am going to call you. You can use my picture to view where I will be and check ahead to let me know, what we will be dealing with. You may save some lives, if things go bad."

"Sure dad, no problem."

Frank went upstairs, he came back a few minutes later with a backpack over one shoulder. He quickly kissed his wife on the lips and before Sally could say anything, gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

"Be careful Frank."

"I will, love you both." Frank gave a quick final wave before stepping quickly outside. Sally watched out the window, as he got into his car and drove off.

It was getting close to lunch time. Sally went to the kitchen and made herself a couple of peanut butter sandwiches. Sally sat at the kitchen table. She looked through the kitchen entrance into the living room and saw her mother still looking out the window, with a worried frown on her face.

"Mom, do you want a sandwich? I can make you something else, if you don't want peanut butter."

Clair jumped at bit when Sally spoke. Taking a deep breath, she turned away from the window to face her daughter. Sally was shocked to see tears, in her mothers eyes. Clair gave a little smile to Sally. "No thank-you I can make my own lunch. Sorry to be such a worry-wart."

"That's alright."

Despite what Clair had said to her, Sally handed her mother the uneaten sandwich. Clair wordlessly took it from her and started to eat it. Sally got up from the table, she grabbed a couple glasses from the cupboard, she poured them each a glass of milk. Sally handed one to her mother, she then drank half of her own before stopping. Sally was still hungry so she made herself another sandwich to eat.

A few hours later Sally was pacing back and forth in her room. Unable to stand not knowing what was going on anymore, she picked up a picture of her father. It was one she had taken herself, a couple months ago. Taken, during an early spring camping trip, she and her parents had gone on around Jasper. Sally had snapped the picture, just as her father was getting out of the tent, he was sharing with her mother. Sally smiled at the look on his face, captured at the moment her mother was dumping a handful snow, that had fall the night before, down the back of his shirt.

Sally concentrated on the picture and quickly entered it. Not wasting more time, she let the world around her fast-forward to the present. Sally blushed furiously, when she realized that she was standing in the men's room next to her father, while he was peeing into a urinal. She quickly left the room and saw that she was in an airport.

A couple minutes later Frank left the bathroom. Sally followed him, as he walked towards a couple people in RCMP uniforms. Jane was already standing there talking with them. "Frank let me introduce, Constables Susan Right and Peter Helms." Frank shook both extended hands.

"Good to meet you. Any new information?"

"We are moving surveillance teams in, where we think he is staying." Peter answered. "Can this person you have helping you, do anything for us here?"

"I think so." Frank answered. "We will need to wait until we are closer, she will be using me or Jane as a focal point."

"I don't suppose, you would be willing to tell us anything about this mystery psychic working with you?" Susan asked. "I have always been interested in the paranormal. I would love to meet the real deal some time."

"Sorry not my place to share. If and when she is ready, it will be up to her to tell others about her abilities."

Sally could see what looked like honest disappointment on Susan's face. For now she was just as glad, that her father was being his normal over-protective self. Frank and Jane were following the two RCMP officers outside. They all climbed into the marked cruiser, Susan got behind the wheel and pulled out of the airport's parking lot.

Sally let go of the picture, of her father. She then picked up the picture of Jessie and quickly entered that one. Jessie was still alone, she was sleeping on the bed. Sally moved closer and saw evidence that Jessie had cried herself to sleep. She reached out with her hand and without thinking about it tried to stroke Jessie's hair in a comforting manner, but was frustrated when her hand simply passed, insubstantially through Jessie's head.

Sally with a sigh released Jessie's picture knowing that there was nothing more she could do for Jessie, until her father was able to get somebody there to free her. Sally realized that she was hungry again.

She went downstairs. Her mother was cleaning the house. This was her normal way to deal with the stress when she was worried about something. "Mom, would you like me to make supper?"

Clair jumped when Sally spoke. Clair turned to look at her daughter. "That would be nice Sally."

"Do you want anything in particular?" Sally asked.

"No make what ever you want. I didn't realize until now, but I am hungry also."

"Can I invite Emily over?" Sally asked.


Sally first went to the basement. She opened the freezer and took out a package of ground beef. She went back upstairs. She grabbed a plate and put the package on it and put it into the microwave on defrost. When she had the meat going she picked up the phone.

It rang a couple times, "Jennifer's. This is Jennifer. How may I help you?"

"Hi Mrs. Hatch. It's Sally, is Emily still there?"

"She is with a customer at the moment. If you can hold, she can speak with you when she is done."

"Thanks. That will be fine."

Sally heard the phone being put down. She listened to the noises from the restaurant for a few minutes, before Emily picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Em. Are you going to be off work soon?"

"Yep. Just need to clean up my table then I am off."

"I am making beef casserole, mom said you could come over for supper if you want."

"That would be great. Be nice to have someone else serve me for a change. I should be there in about a half-hour, unless I miss my bus."

"OK, that should be fine. I haven't started yet and it will keep until you get here. See you soon." Sally made sure her mother was not in ear shot before making a kissing noise into the phone receiver and hung up.

Sally was just taking the casserole dish out of the oven, when the door bell rang. Clair answered the door. Sally looked up, when Emily walked into the kitchen. She was still in her work uniform, she had her back-pack that Sally knew she kept her regular clothes in.

"Just let me get changed and I will be right back." Emily said.

Going upstairs, Sally heard Emily open and close her bedroom door.

"Mom, supper is ready."

Sally put a hot plate onto the kitchen table. She put the dish onto the plate and then grabbed a serving spoon and stuck it into the still bubbling, wonderful smelling meal she had prepared. Sally returned to the cupboard for some plates and cutlery, when Clair walked into the kitchen.

"Mmm. Smells good." She took the plates and cutlery from Sally and set them on the table. Sally opened the fridge and took out a bowl of fresh carrot and celery sticks, with cauliflower and broccoli, while Clair sat down.

Sally put the bowl of vegetables on the table, before she sat in her own chair. She looked up at the sound of Emily walking back down the stairs. Sally and her mother waited until Emily had sat and scooped some casserole onto her dish, Sally then grabbed some of the veggies, for herself.

While waiting for her mother to serve herself, Sally saw that Emily had not put on her make-up, she was, however, wearing one of her signature black t-shirts and black jeans. Today her shirt had a giant skull and cross-bones on the front.

"So, where's your dad?" Emily asked.

"We got some leads on where Jessie is being kept," Sally answered, "Dad and Jane have flown out to Thomasburg. Last I checked with them, dad was just driving to Sethvill where they think the kidnapper may be staying."

"That's great!" Emily said.

Sally just nodded her mouth was full of food. Emily got up. She helped herself to a glass of orange juice. She took a sip before asking, "does anyone else want some?"

Sally and her mother both answered no. Emily put the juice back in the fridge and took her glass back to the table and continued eating. After everyone was finished Emily said, "That was great, thanks for supper."

With out asking, Emily stood up and started gathering up dishes and took them all to the sink. Sally put a lid on the leftover casserole, she then put it and the remaining vegetables back into the fridge.

"Me and Emily will clean up, mom."

Emily rinsed off all the dishes and Sally put them into the dishwasher. "Did you finish your homework?" Emily asked as the two girls worked.

Sally was wiping off the table when she answered. "Yep, all done. Don't let me forget to give you back your text-book before you leave."

Sally jumped slightly when the phone rang. Clair answered it, "Sally, it's your father. He would like to talk with you."

Sally trotted over to her mother and took the cordless phone from her. "Hello?"

"Hey. We are here and getting ready to move in. If you feel up to it, I would like you to scout inside the house and let us know what we should expect," Frank said not wasting any time.

"OK dad." Sally was just about to ask him to wait while she got his picture, but her mother handed her one. Sally quickly glanced at it and saw it was another picture from the same family vacation, she had used earlier. This time it was a picture, of her mother and father standing next to each other, in front of a water fall.

Sally concentrated on the picture. She was quickly standing in front of her mother and father. Not wasting any time, she focused her mind on her father and let the world around her fast-forward to the present.

Frank was just putting one his kevlar vest. Sally watched her father pick up his cell phone again and hold it against his ear. Likely her mother was still talking with him, letting him know what she was doing. Frank waited a few more moments, Sally assumed he was giving her enough time to arrive.

Frank then started talking into the phone, pretending she was listening on the other side. "We are staged a block away from the suspects house. We have people in closer, keeping an eye on the house, to make sure he does not leave."

"He should be in house 342. We need to know if he is actually in there and alone. We also need to know what is the inside layout of the house is and what room is he in?"

Sally moved in the direction her father and the other police were all looking in. She could see officers dressed in camouflage moving to all the neighboring houses ordering people to stay inside. Sally saw her destination, she moved inside.

In the house, Sally could hear noises coming from the basement. Looking around a bit, Sally finally found the stairs leading down. When she got down the stairs she could make out the sound of feminine moaning. Sally moved into the room, where the sounds could be heard and saw the kidnapper sitting in front of a TV. He had his pants down around his knees, masturbating as he watched a lesbian porno on the screen.

Eww! Sally thought to herself. She looked around and made sure he was alone in the room before moving on. She searched the rest of the house and confirmed that he was alone, before she released the picture from her mind.

Clair, seeing Sally, move handed her the phone. "Dad..." Sally told her father everything that she had seen in the house.

After Sally was finished making her report her father said, "OK, you did great. I need to go now."

Emily had been watching and listening to everything, without saying a word. As soon as her father hung up the phone Sally said, "Come on Em. Let's go up to my room."

Both girls went upstairs. Sally closed the door, before she picked up the picture of her father she had used earlier. "I'm a bit worried about what is going on. Would it bother you, if I go back and watch my father?"

"No, I understand."

Sally laid down on her stomach, on her bed. Emily laid down next to her. Just as Sally started to concentrate on the picture, Emily unexpectedly reached over and touched the picture. Things felt a bit strange to Sally, when she entered the picture. She was standing in front of her frozen father, with snow down his back. Sally jumped when she heard suddenly from behind her, "What the fuck?"

Sally quickly turned and was shocked to see Emily standing there, next to Sally's own frozen self. "Em? How did you get here?"

"I don't know. Must have been, from touching the picture."

"I have entered pictures before with someone touching it. This has never happened before. Must be another, new ability."

"New ability?"

"I'll explain later. For now let's go see what is happening."

Sally was not sure, exactly what would happen with an extra person along for the ride. She was relieved when she was able to take Emily by the hand. Sally concentrated again for a moment and the world started to race ahead in time. Emily just had time to yell, "Whoa!" and throw her arms around Sally, before things settled back down.

"Warn a girl, next time something like that is going to happen." Emily said.

"Sorry. I have got so used to that, I don't think about it anymore."

Both girls looked around, they saw Frank busy talking with several men and women wearing kevlar vests, checking over rifles and pistols. The girls moved closer, to hear what was being said.

"... we know the suspect is in the house alone, we believe he is currently in the basement, but we need to check the whole house incase he has moved. We have no idea if he is armed, we should assume he is and go in using flash-bangs and tear gas. Are there any questions?"

Frank waited a few moments. When no one spoke, Frank clapped his hands together and said, "OK. Let's go!"

Everyone pulled gas masks over their faces and started to move towards the house. In front, were two large men, carrying a steel battering ram. Sally and Emily followed along, watching with interest what was happening. When everyone was close to the house, everyone fanned out, pointing their weapons towards the windows.

The two with the ram moved up to the front steps, with one good swing they smashed in the front door. A woman came up behind them and tossed a gas canister through the door way. Everyone waited a moment for the gas to disperse, before moving in.

Sally and Emily went in behind. They were unaffected by the gas, but they found it hard to see through the thick, white smoke. The girls could hear the sound of someone coughing, coming from the basement. Following behind Sally's father and his partner, both barely recognizable behind their gas masks, Sally and Emily watched as Frank and Jane, carefully navigated their way, toward the stairs.

A woman, wearing full body armor went down first. She had her rifle held ready to fire before her. Sally took Emily by the hand. She concentrated for a moment, slowly both girls began to sink down through the floor.

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My mother-in-law is a good person. Good to her two grown children. Good to her grandkids-- I’ve given her two of them. A good mother herself, and a heartbroken one, for the daughter she lost, lost when my husband was ten. She’s good to me: kind, thoughtful; yes, like a second mother. In the eyes of God, probably, better than the one I had. Better than my stepmother, surely. And a loving and faithful wife, that too she was. Much better than the one I‘ve become. I don’t know why I think of her,...

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Pictures In Your Mind

Hi folks I've fixed the problem with 3rd and first person, sorry for the error and someone also pointed out that there is a mass to weight ratio that is unexplained, so I've tried to explain that away as well... Hope you like this version. Looking forward to some considered criticism and responses. Hugs Tanya xxxxxx This work is a work of fiction and is the copyright and property of Tanya Grant. Any similarities to persons or organisations is purely unintended. No...

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It all began when Sheri’s husband started encouraging her to show a little more cleavage, a little more leg. He began taking pictures first with clothes on then with less and less. She started dressing more and more revealing, lower cut tops, shorter skirts, skirts with no panties. She would drive home from work with her tits practically hanging out, her skirt pulled way up for others to gaze upon. She never took herself for an exhibitionist but she started to enjoy the way it made her feel and...

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Pictures of Mother Part 7

Mom and Betty were having a drink in the kitchen when I heard a car pull into in the driveway. I looked out the front window where I could see Cindy, she had taken a taxi from the station and was just negotiating her fare with the cab driver. When the transaction was complete the driver honked the horn and we went outside to meet her.She had several large boxes with her, which we carried into the living room. Introductions were made and Cindy proceeded to enthrall us with her Paris adventures....

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Pictures of the Family Album

From that day on, anytime they went to the lake they wouldn't let him come in the canoe, and they started making him sleep on the fold out couch. The girls had convinced their parents to get two full beds instead of the bunk beds, but he always noted that one bed looking untouched whenever he went in to shower in their bathroom in the morning. He flipped the page, watching his sisters develop before him. Their chests grew to their present day B cup, their bodies lithe and athletic....

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Pictures Never Lie A Love StoryChapter 8 Making Changes

Janet’s Story The summer wore on without any respite from my sense of guilt and emptiness. I knew that the only way we would be able to put our life back on track was if Tom and I talked things through. So, we got together for several hours each week, sat in our house and chatted about the experiences that had led us to where we were. Then we fucked and he went back to his condo. I use the term “fucked” because those sessions were more for the purpose of me maintaining my sanity than they...

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Pictures Never Lie A Love StoryChapter 9 The Two Lovers Find Their Way Back to Each Other

A hard rain had started as I drove back to my condo. People lose track of how far Long Island juts out into the Atlantic. And thanks to where we are located we get our share of violent storms. This was shaping up to be one to remember. In fact, even though we are a little south of their breeding grounds, tonight’s weather felt like it might turn into a true Nor’easter. While the lightning flashed and the wipers slapped their busy tune I was thinking about what I had just overheard. I was...

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Since turning 18 you've discovered your new gift. The ability to manipulate any still image by 'customizing the characters' within a photo. Obviously you had no idea that such an ability existed. You only stumbled across it accidentally, having spent the morning browsing you're Instagram you'd found yourself pausing at you're crushes latest post. Just a simple selfie taken with their friends on a night out, but the light had caught them just right and they looked stunning. Browsing the photo,...

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Pictures to Remember Me By

Rick cruised along the freeway in the rental car, barely paying attention to the road. The traffic was light at this point, rush hour in Philly long since over. Between that and the GPS guiding his way to the hotel, the trip really didn’t require much of his attention. He slipped into a daydream, trying to escape the sad reality of his life. He searched for something pleasant to focus on. He went to his old standby, those glorious days of his youth when he led his Little League team to the...

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Pictures of Molly

I’d been friends with Molly for a couple of years at least, mainly because our desks were situated close to each other at work.   We got along very well, but that was it really.   Despite my finding her incredibly attractive, she never really showed any interest in me, so we stayed “just friends”. Once we’d gotten to know each other about as well as platonic friends can, we started to discuss ourselves in a little more intimate detail.   It was nothing more than exciting conversations...

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My mother-in-law is a good person. Good to her two grown children. Good to her grandkids– I’ve given her two of them. A good mother herself, and a heartbroken one, for the daughter she lost, lost when my husband was ten. She’s good to me: kind, thoughtful, yes, like a second mother. In the eyes of God, probably, better than the one I had. Better than my stepmother, surely. And a loving and faithful wife, that too she was. Much better than the one I‘ve become. I don’t know why I think of her,...

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Pictures from the past

"I must've been fucking insane," I cussed, staring around the cavernous attic. "Why did I sign up for this?" "This" was cleaning out my deceased mother's house. Large, traditional, and draughty, she'd bequeathed it to me. But, being a city girl, I'd decided to sell this country dwelling.After a morning of hard graft, broken fingernails, and filling a gigantic skip, what used to be my former home, was now nothing more than a husk.Mum had disposed of most of the rubbish before she died. An...

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Pictures of Mom

After the three hour drive from campus, Derek pulled into the driveway of his mother's home. His home too, though he hadn't seen it, much less stepped foot in it, for months. He parked behind his mom's car, which he was surprised to see as he expected her to be at work. He knocked on the door, struggling to juggle his bags before giving up and setting them on the porch."You don't have to knock, you live here too!" he heard from inside the house, followed by the pitter patter of bare feet on...

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Pictures at an Exhibition

She stands at the door, wavering between knocking or running away (for d) She stands at the door, wavering between knocking and running away. She glances one last time at the crumpled note in her hand: If you are ready, I will be waiting That?s it; no specifics, no signature, just the one sentence. She takes a deep breath, puts the note back in her coat pocket, and knocks. The door opens as soon as her knuckles leave the wood. He smiles as he beckons her into the house, only one word...

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Pictures Never Lie A Love StoryChapter 4 After the Fall

If you think that it is easy going through life looking like me I have news for you. Try getting hints for your entire girlhood that you are worth nothing more than your beautiful face, and your glorious pair of tits. Then tell me what that does for your self-image? Growing up, there was never any recognition that I was kind-hearted, or smart, or even hard working and capable. Instead people just kept staring at my chest and commenting about how “mature” and “developed” I looked. I went all...

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Pictures Never Lie A Love StoryChapter 7 New Information in a Cheaterrsquos Paradise

Tom’s Story I sailed back to the marina with a much sunnier outlook than what I had when we left. Mind-blowing sex with my stunning wife would lift the spirits of a zombie. More importantly, I was sure that Janet and I had done the right thing. It was hard to blame Murphy for trying. No functioning male could ignore Janet’s spectacular face, figure or smoldering sexuality. And I am sure that most of the men she has encountered have had fleeting thoughts about what it would be like to seduce...

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Pictures Never Lie A Love StoryChapter 10 Their Story

I was feeling very strange, as Tom and I were diving off of Nassau. I was kicking my way to the surface. The water was warm and crystal clear. But I was having the oddest, most stimulating sensations as I rose. I couldn’t reconcile the erotic sensations that were passing through my body with the fact that I was underwater. It almost felt like the air in my scuba tank was giving me continuous orgasms. When I broke out into the sunshine of Abaco Island the scene suddenly underwent one of those...

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Picture Perfect1

Picture Perfect “Oh come on! It can’t be that bad!” Amy chuckled to herself in front of the glow of her computer screen. “There is no way on earth that I would sleep with a 50 year old pervert just to get my share of the rent together.” Sarah had argued for the past ten minutes with her roommate about the dangers of using Craigslist to make money, but as always with Amy, she had to feeling she was fighting a losing battle. “You don’t have to sleep with someone, you can just do what I...

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Picture Perfect

Introduction: Sarah Gets More Than She Asked For At A Modelling Job Ok, so this is my first story. I hope you like it. I understand that it may have a few problems with it, but Im only just getting into writing after being a long time reader of a lot of peoples work on here. Id love to hear your feedback on it in the hopes I can improve my writing ability. Hope it turns you on. This is not a true story and nobody in this work is real. Picture Perfect Oh come on! It cant be that bad! Amy...

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Picture Perfect

Picture PerfectJust don’t where to start and how the heck we ended up at this point. But i guess it is best to start with a little background on the wife and II married my wife over 35 years ago. We married a couple years out of high school. We had very few sex partners before we married. For both of us before we met the sexual experience was with very immature partners who knew just as little as what we knew. Together we mature into a very comfortable sex life , boring, but it did take care of...

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Picture Taker

Picture Taker I went looking for my camera and it was missing. When I asked Mom about it, she said that my sister had borrowed it, and that she had given her permission to do so. I had taken some nude pictures of myself beating off and they were still in the camera. My hard cock was in my hand with a lot of stroking and some pretty amazing squirting. I had to get that camera back. Mom said that they were out taking pictures somewhere in the woods in a clearing near a stream. I...

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Picture This

There's an old saying in the world of photography that "sooner or later, everyone will shoot a nude," but I never really pursued it. Not that I wouldn't have loved to spend my time and effort recording the beauty of naked young women, but being married to a rather conservative woman, I concentrated my artistic efforts on flowers and landscapes instead. I've managed to build a pretty good portfolio and client base of fine art print sales and publications over the years, so it's not like I...

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Pictur Perfect

Introduction: This is a revision of a story I did a few weeks ago. I will have parts two and three coming shortly Picture Perfect, (the revised edition) Prologue, My original, Picture perfect, was written as a, stand alone, story but I received so many questions as to the wifes motives, that I decided to write a follow up story from Judys point of view. This proved more difficult than I had expected but the two stories generated so much interest that I thought I would revise both stories to...

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Pictur Perfect

Prologue; My original, “Picture perfect,” was written as a, stand alone, story but I received so many questions as to the wife’s motives, that I decided to write a follow up story from Judy’s point of view. This proved more difficult than I had expected but the two stories generated so much interest that I thought I would revise both stories to make them more believable. Please be advise; The forced, male to male, rape toward the end is essential to the telling of this story. I did...

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Picture This

Picture This By JinSoo They say a picture's worth a thousand words. You'd be surprised just how true this is. It was about 2 years ago when I purchased a very strange camera. It had all your basic features 13 megapixel camera, facial recognition, 8 gigs of memory on an SD card, and very basic recording capabilities. But that wasn't all! It also had a feature that wasn't advertised on the box. It wasn't until I was messing around with it in the park that I found out just what it could...

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Picture Perfect Part 2

Picture Perfect Part 2By all means it looks like my tiny wife is hooked on very humongous black cock. Yes just about all black cocks are bigger than mine and I would be happy with just about any black cock impaling my wife’s little red mink. But her standards for black cock fucking were set by Lil Dwayne. Damn you Lil Dwayne with your big black cock for spoiling my wife. Well to tell you the truth I do like my wife’s standards and I pretty sure her little red mink does too.Cheryl told me when...

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Picture Day 3

“I have a better idea.” Pete said. “Bring Lisa over to Brian and Tina’s house.” He said. “You guys have something in common, even if you don’t know it.” “We do?” Jason said. “What is it?” “Well, bring Lisa and you’ll find out.” Pete said. Jason could hear the grin, even over the phone. A little while later, Jason and Lisa knocked on Brian’s door, and Pete answered it. Brian and Tina were sitting on the couch, one at either end. Pete invited the newcomers to sit between...

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Picture perfect trilogy Pt 2 Judys story

Introduction: re-write of, Not so picture perfect Picture perfect Trilogy Judys story (part 2) (The revised edition) Prologue, If you havent read, Picture Perfect Trilogy (Garys story) (the revised edition) I would advise reading that before this. My original story, although very popular, did have some criticisms that I thought were very valid so, I have revised the story. I hope you enjoy this as much as you did the first story. Thank you very much, And now: Picture Perfect Trilogy...

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Picture Picture

Chapter 1 When I was in high school, I was something of an art geek. Now, I'm not overly geeky-looking and all that, but I did win some photography and painting contests at school and a few that our local newspaper sponsored. So, I was always taking pictures wherever I went. If you think I had a nice camera, you're exactly right. Mine was a state-of-the-art camera/videocam combination, really slick, it did just about everything and the image quality was excellent. My sister, Jenna, was two...

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Picture Worth a 1000 Words

Brenda had an obscene view of her father's tight ass, large balls, and long cock as he sawed his cock lazily in four-inch stokes within the tight-lipped sheath of her thirteen-year-old daughter's vagina. Carly's thin white legs, bent sharply at the knees and splayed out to the sides, gave Brenda a view of her daughter she never thought she'd see, as well. Brenda's first impulse was to rush forward and drag her father off Carly. She could not understand what stopped her, or why she stayed...

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Picture Picture

Chapter 1 When I was in high school, I was something of an art geek. Now, I'm not overly geeky-looking and all that, but I did win some photography and painting contests at school and a few that our local newspaper sponsored. So, I was always taking pictures wherever I went. If you think I had a nice camera, you're exactly right. Mine was a state-of-the-art camera/videocam combination, really slick, it did just about everything and the image quality was excellent. My sister, Jenna, was two...

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Picture This

Part I: Hospital Morgue Picture this! You've just come on duty as the night shift morgue attendant. The phone rings; they have a client for you that was DOA at the emergency room. You arrive at the elevator and take possession of the body and roll it into the morgue. You roll the gurney up next to one of the stainless steel tables and remove the sheet. Imagine the shock as you are staring at an incredibly beautiful woman! She is tall and well tanned with shoulder length dark brown hair with...

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Picture Man

Philip Johnson Chapter One ‘What do you mean we’ve been selected?’ ‘Gwen Hargrove has chosen our studio to do their formal portraits.’ ‘Lee I know you’re a good photographer but…you?’ ‘Thank you for that vote of confidence.’ ‘You know what I mean Lee, people like that go to New York or someplace to have their work done, not here in Memphis.’ ‘I met Gwen when I photographed the executives at Hargrove Industries and she seemed to like me.’ ‘You mean she selected you because she...

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Picture Story Hotel Softcore Photo shoot

Hotel photo shoot picture story – Softcore first meeting!!I was ready to pull out of the hotel parking lot when the text finally came. “Go to front desk. Ask for envelope for Mr. Holmes in 1335” So I did.The envelope had a room key and the instructions, “Come up to 1335. Knock. When I call you in, just come in and get showered. =R” So I walked down the hall to the bank of elevators and went up stairs. My heart seemed to pound louder as I went higher until I thought it would echo in the...

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Picture Day 2

“You need my camera?” He asked. “Sure. I’ll bring it over today, but I have a condition. I want to take some semi-nudes of Lisa in exchange. Either she agrees, or it’s no deal.” Jason took a moment to discuss it with his sister, then told Pete that she would do it, but only if Jason was there to chaperone. “Okay, I’ll be there in about 20 minutes” he said, smiling. Lisa was easily the hottest girl in school, and pictures of her, even partially undressed, would be worth...

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Picture perfect trilogy Pt 2 Judys story

Judy’s story (part 2) (The revised edition) Prologue; If you haven’t read, “Picture Perfect Trilogy” (Gary‘s story) (the revised edition) I would advise reading that before this. My original story, although very popular, did have some criticisms that I thought were very valid so, I have revised the story. I hope you enjoy this as much as you did the first story. Thank you very much; And now: Picture Perfect Trilogy Judy’s Story (The revised edition) My name is...

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Picture pewrfect

When I first met Judy, she was a top model herself, probably the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, at least I thought so. We met on my first, major, shoot. Prior to that I was doing model composites, some small advertising photography and, I’m not too proud to admit it, but I even took a few weddings to keep my head above water. This was my big break, it was the big time, a 3 day shoot for a major client, and I was all puffed up like a peacock. I would have never had the balls to even ask...

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