Pictures Just For You
- 3 years ago
- 44
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Rick cruised along the freeway in the rental car, barely paying attention to the road. The traffic was light at this point, rush hour in Philly long since over. Between that and the GPS guiding his way to the hotel, the trip really didn’t require much of his attention. He slipped into a daydream, trying to escape the sad reality of his life.
He searched for something pleasant to focus on. He went to his old standby, those glorious days of his youth when he led his Little League team to the Regional title. For the thousandth time he recalled that final inning on the mound. No matter how many times he relived it, ghosts of the emotional roller coaster he rode out during those 18 minutes would visit him. Perhaps that was why he kept going back to it. Sure, the memory of being the hero was gratifying, but it was more than that. This was the one event from his childhood that he remembered vividly, that hadn’t faded into a vague grayness.
He even remembered every name. The names of his teammates, even the names of the opposing batters he faced that inning, announced over the sound system. Rick recited the names in his head, always amazed that they came to him without a struggle.
He used to be able to just enjoy this memory, but lately it came with strings attached, bringing up other feelings. The sense of nostalgia had become so strong, the longing for those happy, innocent days so potent, that tears would well up.
This sensation had become infinitely worse since that fateful day six months ago when he saw his doctor and received the diagnosis. He already knew the truth, but it wasn’t until the doctor confirmed it that it seemed real and the dread really hit him. What had been a mild case of mid-life crisis became moments of crushing desperation to find something meaningful in his life while he still could.
It was ironic that he spent most of the time trying to forget his condition. He would try to distract himself with something, anything, so he wouldn’t have to think about it. Ironic because his affliction was precisely his inability to remember. He had been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s at just 48 years of age.
His mind was still razor sharp most of the time, as long as he could latch onto something to anchor himself mentally. He had developed methods to compensate for his lapses and thus was still holding his own as a successful and respected businessman. Certainly there were awkward moments when he would forget the names of long time colleagues and business associates. He had become adept at anticipating these situations, however, and steering around the issue.
Every morning when he arrived at the office, he would go down the organization chart and read off the names of everyone in the building, pairing up the names with faces in his mind.
The situations that caused him the most trouble were questions that came up on the fly, where he had to react to something unexpected. He needed something to grasp to focus his mind on the issue, until he was able to find that something, he was useless. The rising panic he felt in those situations only made it worse. He found that the best approach was to stall and get others to start talking. Eventually someone would unknowingly give him a mental lifeline that he could grab hold of and draw his mind into the problem, allowing his cranky synapses to make the right connections.
He had managed to play these situations well enough that people looked at him as being a wise eccentric. When he stalled and coaxed his colleagues to reason things out, people assumed it was a ploy to lead them to the solution, as though he were seizing a teaching moment. Some of the junior employees would get annoyed at him when he seemed obtuse, thinking he was toying with them. Little did they know he was just confused. Once he managed to focus, he would invariably produce the right answer, reinforcing his status as the guru.
Sadly, Rick knew his career was destined to end poorly. Eventually those mental lapses were going to prevent him from functioning in the business world. The search for mental lifelines would take too long and he would be exposed. He pondered again if he should just announce his diagnosis to his peers. It would save him from a potential spectacular failure, but it still seemed like an unpleasant alternative.
He knew the respect he had gained would be gone in an instant. Despite what people said, and they would say all the right things, he would be immediately dismissed in people’s minds as mentally deficient. They wouldn’t fire him. He would be shunted off to some menial position, albeit with a nice sounding title, and never trusted to do anything important again.
Rick had already been through a similar situation with his now ex-wife. The moment he told her the diagnosis, he saw the change in her. The respect was gone, replaced by pity. From that moment on, she treated him like a child. She saw things in black and white. He had been a smart man, but now the doctors said his brain didn’t work right, so she wasn’t going to take him seriously anymore. She was relieved when he left her, realizing she was absolved of years of caring for him as he declined.
Rick knew that leaving his wife was putting his future care at risk, but he couldn’t stand the thought of living with someone that had no respect for him in the meantime.
An annoying voice brought him back to reality. The GPS was trying in vain to tell him to turn around, that he had missed the exit to his hotel. He realized that it had been telling him this for a few miles now. He would need to get off at the next exit. He shut off the GPS voice function, not wanting to listen to it for the next three miles to the exit.
Rick settled in for three more miles of sad reflection on his life. There had to be another way. Fading in place just wasn’t acceptable. He wished he were headed for something fun or at least distracting instead of a business conference. At least he might get a little more enjoyment out of life while he could still appreciate it. ‘That’s it,’ he thought, ‘When I get back from this damn conference, I’m planning a vacation . . . a long vacation.’ How long? As he pondered this, he missed the next exit. ‘Dammit.’
A new thought came to him: what if he didn’t stop? What if he didn’t attend the conference at all? Would it really hurt his career to skip it? Did that even matter to him anymore? He would have to give some excuse to his boss as to why he didn’t show up unless . . .
He made a momentous decision. Fuck it all. Fuck his career. Fuck his boss. Fuck his ex-wife. Fuck everything.
He was going to start that vacation right now. He didn’t know where he was going and he decided he didn’t care. He would drive until he decided he didn’t feel like driving anymore and do whatever came to mind when he got there. He would return when he felt like it, maybe never.
It occurred to Rick that he had a decent sized investment portfolio, he could live for quite a while on it. Maybe when the money ran out, he would just step in front of a train.
Rick continued south until 2 am, then stopped to sleep for 6 hours at a roadside motel. After breakfast, he headed out again. At about 3 pm, his cell phone rang. His boss’s number showed up on the screen. Undoubtedly, he was calling to ask where the hell Rick was, and why he wasn’t at the conference. Rick rolled down the window and flung the company phone into a Georgia swamp.
Halfway through Florida, he turned in his rental car, bought a cheap used convertible and headed west to the gulf coast.
There was one resort in the small beach town he ended up in. It was upscale without being ostentatious. It offered laid back, casual elegance that was off the beaten path. Rick paid for a room, figuring he would seek out something more budget friendly if he chose to stay more than a few days.
The next day, he wrangled a job as a bartender at the beach bar, one of those open air, grass r
oof ‘tiki bar’ things that most resorts have. He just happened to be at the right place at the right time. The bartender that day just quit on the spot after a fight with his barmaid girlfriend. The manager was in a desperate situation, when Rick, who was sitting at the bar at the time, offered his help.
‘I’ll tend your bar for the rest of his shift if you want. You don’t even need to pay me. Consider it an audition. If you are happy with me, we can talk about a paid position tomorrow.’
In a bind, the manager accepted. Rick had learned to tend bar in college to offset a small fraction of the cost. Thus far, whatever pocket of his brain held all those drink recipes seemed to have been untouched by his ailment.
Over the next week, Rick bought an old beat-up 30′ wooden boat. It was in rough shape, but the important part was that it was still floating. A local agreed to let him keep it at his dock for a reasonable fee. Rick took up residence in the boat.
Rick soon found his new life to be to his liking. He worked 40 hours a week at the bar, spent a couple of hours a day at a local gym and worked on repairing and restoring his live-aboard boat. He experimented with other hobbies he had never had time for previously. He took scuba lessons, took up photography, played the saxophone and began writing short stories. He didn’t have the slightest regret at having given up his six figure job.
Working at the beach bar was low stress. It never got overly busy. People wandered off the beach in bathing suits and ordered a drink or two, then shuffled off again. Others didn’t bother leaving their beach chairs and just let the waitresses serve them. The clientele were upper middle class vacationers who were generally in a relaxed state of mind during the day. They often liked to make small talk, but nobody expected him to remember anything they told him the next day. If nothing else, there was always some eye candy in bikinis around, including the two waitresses.
Bella and Elise looked to be college age. They were both pretty and shapely, Bella being on the athletic side and Elise more classically curvy. They both recognized the benefit of flaunting what they had for the sake of tips. Officially, their waitress uniforms consisted of a white polo shirt with the resort logo and a teal miniskirt. Both girls were in the habit of showing up every day in this attire with bikinis underneath. Depending on the mix of clientele that day, they would expose more or less skin during their shift.
Bella was the more daring of the two, and if, on a particular day, the customers were predominately male, she would often work in just a bikini, and a skimpy one at that. Rick heard a rumor that she had pushed it as far as wearing a thong one time, but a woman complained that her husband couldn’t keep his eyes off the barmaid’s posterior, and the manager reluctantly asked Bella to cover up.
The waitresses took to Rick right away. He suspected his age and his new laid-back demeanor made him seem safe. That is not to say that their relationship with him was completely platonic. Both girls seemed to really enjoy teasing and flirting with him. Bella especially would ‘accidentally’ rub against him behind the bar. The less she wore, the more she would do it. At times, Rick was thankful there was a bar between him and the eyes of the customers, lest he display some embarrassing evidence of arousal.
What got to him most, sending his imagination on wild fantasies, was the casual touching of each other that the girls engaged in when they were behind the bar. His sense was that they did it precisely because they were aware of the effect it had on him, not that they were actually into each other that way.
Rick knew they were toying with him. It was just sport for them. He was not so naïve as to think he had the slightest chance with either one, but it made the workday fun, if sometimes sexually frustrating.
Occasionally, bar patrons were surprised by their idle conversations with Rick. People expect bartenders to lend a sympathetic ear, but don’t generally expect them to be particularly bright or knowledgeable. Rick took great delight in engaging vacationing businessmen in conversation about their work. He loved seeing the look of surprise creep across their faces when they realized he had intimate knowledge of things like capital equipment depreciation or industrial robotics.
The following conversation would invariably ensue:
‘What the hell are you doing here tending bar?’
‘Let me ask you something: Is your job stressful?’
‘Yes, that’s why I needed a vacation.’
‘Can you go to work in shorts and sandals?’
‘Of course not.’
‘Do your co-workers look like this?’ Rick would call over one of the two half-naked waitresses and give her a playful pat on the ass, eliciting a giggle.
‘Not hardly.’
The businessmen would invariably see his point.
Rick knew, of course, that he couldn’t completely escape the issues associated with his condition. It came up three weeks into his ‘retirement.’ Rick needed to get Elise’s attention, but at the last second, her name escaped him.
‘Hey . . . um, beautiful, those drink orders are ready.’
Bella turned around.
‘No, not you Bella, your partner in crime.’
Elise looked at him, annoyed, ‘I do have a name, you know.’
Rick’s heart sank when he saw surprise and suspicion cross her face. ‘Wait . . . my god! . . . you don’t even remember my name, do you? What’s my name?’
‘Um . . . I’m sorry, I’m drawing a blank.’
‘I can’t fucking believe you! I know I’m just a lowly waitress, but you should at least have enough respect for me to learn my name. We’ve been working together for three weeks. I’m more than just an ass and a pair of tits, you know.’
Rick’s face reddened. He had fled his career so that he didn’t need to live with the stress of hiding his condition. He realized that he hadn’t accomplished anything if he let the same stress overtake him here. Besides, so what if they fired him? It was a job he had taken on a whim.
He gestured for Elise to follow him to the back corner of the bar by the register, away from the customers. He called out to Bella, ‘can you come over here, too?’ Elise glared and Bella looked puzzled, but both complied.
‘Ladies, I need to tell you something. There is a reason I gave up a six figure salary in Boston to come tend bar on the beach in Florida. It’s the same reason I couldn’t remember your name just now. I . . . I have Alzheimer’s.’ Despite his best effort, emotion crept into his voice.
Elise looked shocked, then her eyes welled up. ‘My god, Rick, I’m so sorry I yelled at you.’
She flung her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. Bella embraced both of them together.
‘Um, you’d best let go now before something embarrassing ‘pops up’.’ Two bikini clad bodies draped over him were having a pleasant but awkward effect.
‘I thought only old people get Alzheimer’s,’ commented Elise.
‘Some of us get it early. I started seeing symptoms three years ago.’
‘You are one of the smartest people I know. My grandmother has Alzheimer’s and she can’t function at all. She needs care 24 hours a day. She has no grasp of reality. You are nothing like her,’ observed Elise.
‘Not yet.’
‘How long?’
‘How long before I get like her? Who knows? It could be 3 years, it could be 30 years.’
‘My god,’ Bella said softly, a tear slowly rolling down her cheek.
Rick was touched that she was sympathetic to his plight. Despite her racy behavior, Bella really was a sweet girl. He reached out and wiped the tear from her face. ‘OK, enough of the melodrama, girls. We’ve got customers to get drunk.’
‘What do you say the three of us get drunk too, after our shift is over,’ Elise suggested, a tinge of sadness still in her voice.
‘Sounds like a plan,’ said Rick.
Two hours later, the t
hree of them walked out to the parking lot.
‘Where should we go?’ asked Bella.
‘We could head to ‘Mariani’s,’ offered Rick.
‘Too expensive. I can’t afford to get drunk there on what I make,’ said Elise.
Rick was about to offer to pay for the drinks, when Bella spoke up with another suggestion. ‘Let’s just get a bottle of something at ‘Coastal Liquors’ and find a quiet spot on the beach.’
‘Or we could take it on my boat,’ Rick suggested on impulse. He immediately regretted it, thinking it might sound a little too creepy. He needn’t have worried.
‘Oh Rick, you’ve been holding out on us, you have a boat?’ exclaimed Bella.
‘Well, yes, but don’t get the wrong idea. It’s not like it’s a yacht. It’s more like a heap of junk.’
‘I don’t care, I love boats. Let’s go.’
They arrived at the dock with two bottles of Chianti, Rick’s favorite. They climbed aboard.
‘This is awesome, Rick, I love it,’ said Bella. Elise seemed more noncommittal.
‘It’s a work in progress,’ he said as he went below deck to find some wine glasses. Bella followed him. She spotted the forward berthing with its crumpled bedding.
‘Wait, Rick, do you live here?’
‘Yup, this is home.’ He cringed, figuring his humble living arrangement would not impress her.
‘My god, that’s so awesome. It would be fun to live on a boat.’
‘Well it takes some getting used to. There isn’t much closet space.’
Rick found the glasses and a corkscrew and turned to go topside, nearly running into Bella. She blocked his path, giving him a sly look. She draped her arms over his shoulders and said teasingly, ‘So this was just a ploy to get me in your bedroom, wasn’t it?’
‘Darn, you caught me,’ Rick replied with a laugh.
‘I knew you were devious, but there’s a problem with your plan,’ she said as she turned to exit.
‘What’s that?’ asked Rick, beginning to wonder if there was the slightest chance this was more than just flirting.
‘You brought too many girls here.’
‘Who says two is too many?’
‘Ooh, you’re kinky. I should have known. I don’t think Elise would go along with it though, she’s kind of a prude.’
Elise turned to Bella, hearing her name as the other two came back on deck. ‘What are you two saying about me? I’m not a prude.’
‘Well, then. I stand corrected. Rick, this is your lucky day. She’s OK with having a threesome with us.’
Elise looked shocked. ‘Bella, I didn’t say that!’
Bella laughed. ‘Relax Elise, we’re just teasing.’
Elise blushed, but looked a little miffed. Rick had mixed emotions. He was nearly certain Bella had been joking all along, but she had made it just believable enough that he had been feeling an uneasy thrill. Uneasy because, while it sounded great in a fantasy world, he suspected two girls at once in reality would be a bit too much to handle.
The three of them drank wine until the sun set. Bella continued to flirt shamelessly as she slowly got drunk. Elise drank sparingly.
Elise pulled out her cell phone. ‘I gotta go, Jim just texted me. He wants to know where I am. C’mon Bella.’
‘I don’ wanna leave. I’m havin’ too mush fun. Besides, there’s still wine left.’
‘But I’m your ride.’
‘Rick’ll take care of me, won’tcha Ricky.’
‘You’re drunk. I don’t think that’s a good idea.’
‘Fuck you, you’re not my mother.’
‘Fine, suit yourself,’ Elise said and she left.
‘Who’s Jim?’
‘Her boyfriend. She does everything he tells her. That’s why I dumped mine . . . too controlling.’
‘Yeah, I believe I witnessed the dumping.’
‘Boyfriends suck. I’m sick of them telling me what to do. There’s only one thing they are good for.’
Rick knew what she meant, but he couldn’t resist asking anyway. ‘And what would that be . . .?’
‘Oh c’mon, you know what I mean . . . a girl’s got knees . . . I mean needs. Three weeks is too long . . . makes me crazy.’
‘Oh you poor baby, three whole weeks.’
‘You’re making fun of me. How long’s it been for you?’
‘Try three years.’
‘Oh god! Oh my fucking god! You’re shitting me.’
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The first time my husband mentioned it, I was shocked, but I always said I would go along with anything to please him, as long as it was between us. So he calmed me down and I got dressed up in lingerie and make up for him. I did my hair and when I came out, I looked pretty good I would say for what he called a "BBW" because I had recently had a baby and had put on quite a few pounds since we met. He had me pose in different poses and move freely as I chose as he clicked away with my digital...
So Woody, his dad and his granddad gave Cindy a real good rogering. There was no professionalism here it was a straight gang bang and I had to film what I could when I could. Cindy was great she urged the men to fuck her harder and harder. The film ended with her wanting more as her cum soaked body lay on the floor.Hot stuff. She was insatiable!That night Cindy was supposed to go home. She called her sister to have her pick her up at the station. Mom had not been able to get the cum completely...
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BisexualHi folks I've fixed the problem with 3rd and first person, sorry for the error and someone also pointed out that there is a mass to weight ratio that is unexplained, so I've tried to explain that away as well... Hope you like this version. Looking forward to some considered criticism and responses. Hugs Tanya xxxxxx This work is a work of fiction and is the copyright and property of Tanya Grant. Any similarities to persons or organisations is purely unintended. No...
It all began when Sheri’s husband started encouraging her to show a little more cleavage, a little more leg. He began taking pictures first with clothes on then with less and less. She started dressing more and more revealing, lower cut tops, shorter skirts, skirts with no panties. She would drive home from work with her tits practically hanging out, her skirt pulled way up for others to gaze upon. She never took herself for an exhibitionist but she started to enjoy the way it made her feel and...
Mom and Betty were having a drink in the kitchen when I heard a car pull into in the driveway. I looked out the front window where I could see Cindy, she had taken a taxi from the station and was just negotiating her fare with the cab driver. When the transaction was complete the driver honked the horn and we went outside to meet her.She had several large boxes with her, which we carried into the living room. Introductions were made and Cindy proceeded to enthrall us with her Paris adventures....
From that day on, anytime they went to the lake they wouldn't let him come in the canoe, and they started making him sleep on the fold out couch. The girls had convinced their parents to get two full beds instead of the bunk beds, but he always noted that one bed looking untouched whenever he went in to shower in their bathroom in the morning. He flipped the page, watching his sisters develop before him. Their chests grew to their present day B cup, their bodies lithe and athletic....
Janet’s Story The summer wore on without any respite from my sense of guilt and emptiness. I knew that the only way we would be able to put our life back on track was if Tom and I talked things through. So, we got together for several hours each week, sat in our house and chatted about the experiences that had led us to where we were. Then we fucked and he went back to his condo. I use the term “fucked” because those sessions were more for the purpose of me maintaining my sanity than they...
‘All the Worlds a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.’ William Shakespeare A Young Boy Remembers – The best Guitar Player I Never Heard! I still remember that summer day. It was hot, almost stifling in my Grandparent’s modest living room. Out of boredom, I had picked up my Aunt Jeannie’s guitar and was idly fooling around with it, picking the third string once, and then sounding the second string...
Author’s Note: This story is set in the 1930’s before Vatican II. It is a love story between a Roman Catholic priest and a woman he comes to love while he was in Rome, Italy. If this type of story offends you, read no further. If you like a love story, then enjoy. Thanks to my best friend and soul sister for all your help. Rita Remembers Chapter 1 Mrs. Rita Thompson was a middle age Korean War widow. Her husband had been an Air Force colonel when his plane was shot down over the seas off of...
Cover Art The images used are Brownswirl with cgbc eyes1 811 from the Lulu cover art page and are used with permission of Lulu. The trimming, manipulation, and adding of text is by Ernest Bywater. All rights to the cover image are reserved by the copyright owners. 10 November 2018 version The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents The Story Starts Troubles Shell Game Thursday - Getting Organised Moving On Friday Furniture Arrangements Evening Night...
A Beautiful Wish by 800ibGorrila Chapter 5: The Heart Remembers The water streamed across George and Dawn’s entwined bodies. It traced the lines of George’s lean muscles and caressed Dawn’s impossible curves. They kissed and embraced and joined over and over, enjoying a closeness that neither had felt in their short time together. George cleaned her first, starting with her golden brown hair, which looked and smelled just as intoxicating wet. He lathered up his hands and slowly ran them...
It was the time of year Mother Nature breaks out her pallet of colors and repaints the Ohio landscape in brilliant Technicolor. A time of year that brings out the crispness of a fading year—summer is gone—winter’s just around the corner. She wrapped her hand around his arm, and he pulled her closer as they walked down a quiet gravel road. A slow meandering river bubbled and gurgled as they walked by. Its water muddy from the slit it carried. ‘It’s nice out today isn’t?’ he asked. ‘Yes,...
Don't You Remember? by Stephanie Rose Mark Jacobson was running late. He was meeting his best friend, Jake Schneider at their old hunting grounds, Blake's Tavern. They had barely seen each other in the four years since high school. Now, both of them college graduates, they were finally back home. It was time to re- connect. Mark flashed his ID at the bouncer at the door. The burly man waved him through without a second look. Mark smiled. It was the first time he had gone in there without...
"When I count to 3 you'll wake up and remember nothing of what happened here today. Do you understand?" "Yes," came the dreamy reply. "1. 2. 3." The older lady sitting in front of me opened her eyes and looked around, as if to reorient herself. "Was I really hypnotized?" she asked. "Yes, you were." "Was anything accomplished?" she asked. "I'll know more when we meet for our next appointment, which will be," I checked my appointment book sitting in front of me, "in 2 weeks." "Am I to do...
Remember?Do you remember.... how I knelt on the bed between your sprawled legs and settled there, like a contented kitten, to place my lips softly around your engorged cock....Do you remember me raising my eyes to yours.... waiting... questioning... wondering about how you like it.... how you wanted this to go....Do you remember my hot, moist, tongue tracing circles around the head of your desire while I lightly fingered your tight, firm balls.... remember how it filled me up, to pleasure you...
A hard rain had started as I drove back to my condo. People lose track of how far Long Island juts out into the Atlantic. And thanks to where we are located we get our share of violent storms. This was shaping up to be one to remember. In fact, even though we are a little south of their breeding grounds, tonight’s weather felt like it might turn into a true Nor’easter. While the lightning flashed and the wipers slapped their busy tune I was thinking about what I had just overheard. I was...
This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. I remember that incident in Iraq quite well. It's one of my clearest memories. Five of us in a Humvee were going to one of the Iraqi government buildings where I was working on the computer network systems when we were ambushed. As we were driving down the road, an RPG exploded to the right of us. The vehicle was lifted off the ground on that side by the shock wave of the blast....
It's been 18 years since I last attended college and looking through some old photos brought back so very pleasant memories. College is a time of lots of exploration and of course, sex. But, we've all had the incidents with the we had a crush on and the slut we fucked. But, out of all of them, one stood out as the best friend and all rolled into one. Knowing the reach of the internet, perhaps the retelling of this tale will reach "Nikki" as we nicknamed her. And maybe bring as nostalgic smile...
EroticRemember, remember, as if you could forget the memories that are seared upon your mind. The clouds of forgetfulness hang heavy around you, but you must remember so that you can bring about justice to the one who has wronged you so evilly. Before this all began you thought that evil was just a concept, a word to be applied to something bad when it appeared on the television news or in the papers. Now you know that evil has a face, and you must remember. Remember! You remember that it started...
She’d been emailing him for years, the first love of her life. She had entrusted her mind, body and soul to be his wife after their love at first sight. Ana was now 25 years old and she waited on him for 9 years. Nine of the longest most troubling years she had ever had to encounter for she was a Medical Student. Just imagine how many years of school she had to go through plus internship to get her certification. Joey on the other hand miles and miles away from Dear Ana was pursuing his dream...
Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember ElrodW A man who's having an affair would love to leave his wife for his best friend and love. The problem is that the wife has the power to ruin him if he tries. He needs help - magic help of the kind that Bikini Beach specializes in. But the results aren't quite what he was thinking. *********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember This story is copyright by the author. It is...
A Weekend To Remember by Vivian Bird Hello. My name is Elena Russell and I am enjoying life to the fullest. I am 36 years old, 5 foot 8, with long, blond hair, large boobs and I enjoy the company of both men and women. I wear very feminine, sexy clothes and I'm not adverse to showing off my substantial cleavage, or long legs, in public. I am the epitomy of a "girlie girl" and I never tire of flaunting my femininity. The funny thing is that I wasn't always a woman. I was a...
Steven sat at the bar watching the mirror mounted on the wall behind it as questions roared through his mind. Would he recognize her? What would she think of him and what he'd done with his life? Would she actually go through with what they had planned? What about his father? Would it matter to him that they wanted to be together or would he go off in one of his tirades and... and what? What could he do? They were both adults and had been attracted to each other since the first day he had...
"Uh, what?" Henry winked across the table to Ted, and slung an arm around their confused friend. "We were just talking last time, Charlie. Don't you remember? You owe me twenty bucks for drinks?" "I don't -- I dont remember. Oh, well." Charlie dutifully handed over some notes from inside his tracksuit top, then tugged his earlope, a little fidgety gesture. A waitress set down a new round of beers. It was all Ted could do to keep from snorting out his beer. "Oh Charlie, you're so...
Since turning 18 you've discovered your new gift. The ability to manipulate any still image by 'customizing the characters' within a photo. Obviously you had no idea that such an ability existed. You only stumbled across it accidentally, having spent the morning browsing you're Instagram you'd found yourself pausing at you're crushes latest post. Just a simple selfie taken with their friends on a night out, but the light had caught them just right and they looked stunning. Browsing the photo,...
A NEW YEARS TO REMEMBER Dan, Anna, Marie & myself had gotten closer than I ever thought we would. That was a surprise, but a nice one just the same. New years is traditionally thought of as a new hope, a fresh slate for the future. Welcoming the new year of hope with a bang, as it were. We pretty much figured they'd want us over for some kind of New Years party. But we didn't want to leave the boys at home alone on New Years Eve. Quite the dilemma? Besides, if we keep taking off every...
My wife, Jackie, and I have been happily married for nine years. She is a very attractive and shapely woman, she is tall with a medium size build and a bouncy bustline. She has shoulder length dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. Jackie is a high school teacher who is very outgoing, with a bubbly personality. She gets sexy second looks everywhere she goes, even though she dresses fairly modestly.I have always had fantasies about her being an exhibitionist and exposing her beautiful body...
A Night Out To RememberI had known Sue for almost five years but had known Liz for a lot longer. We had met while she wasstill at school although I was four years older we still became good friends. After she left school Ihelped her with her college work and more importantly when she needed advice about boys and latergirls. I helped her pass through that difficult stage when she was just discovering her sexuality. Shesoon became aware that although she liked boys she liked girls a whole lot...
Note 1: I first published this story in 1987 in a small British SF magazine (Cassandra Anthology) under the pseudonym 'Richard Kollo'. Since it was angled towards a science fiction rather than a TG readership, it may not be explicit enough for Fictionmania; but I have posted it unchanged, save for some minor corrections of punctuation, and should be grateful for any feedback. Note 2: The names are pronounced: Lotey -ahmeh, Ni-roweh; i.e. the final 'e'is sounded. On Summer Nights...
The Invitation You“Do any of you hike?” you ask. The question is addressed to the table but you were looking at her when you spoke. The immediate flurry of responses from everyone making it clear that not one of them has realised who your question is really aimed at.“My fingers do all the exercising I’ll ever need thank you very much!” one laughs.“You wouldn’t catch me dead anywhere near that much nature on purpose!” another exclaims.“Urghhh, I used to a long time ago but I just can’t with the...
LesbianGod, I hated the draft. I loved coaching baseball – showing young men how to play the game, watching as they grasped the concepts, and seeing the joy on their faces as the incomprehensible becomes known. Watching boys transition to young men, both in terms of baseball and life brought indescribable joy to this lowly coach. Each year, these young men became MY boys if only for the summer. But for the summer they were mine as surely as if I had sired each and every one of them. But before we...
Mary Ann and I started to share secret texts so we could have private conversations. She started sending me naked pics but that quickly evolved into cam sessions where we both got naked and masturbated for each other. This also allowed us to plan our next date. Since my wife was going to Florida for a week in October I confirmed that she’d have her room to herself on a Tuesday and put in a request at work to take the day off. Everything was set but we still had two weeks to wait. After...
Introduction: Hello. I posted half of this story on a different account, but something went wrong so I could not post the second part or it could not be up/down voted. So Ill try again and Im posting the entire story right away. This is my first ever story, and I apologize in advance for spelling/grammar mistakes. Enjoy Chapter 1 My name is Cora. 24 years old, slim, but got good curves, and big boobs, I got a double D cup. I got hair like Ariel, and it reaches down to midwaist. Im 1.57m tall....
The early morning fog hung low to the ground, like a misty blanket, and the breaking dawn cast long shadows, as we headed into the sun. The landscape consisted of sparse vegetation and sporadic groups of trees and rolling hills. We flew close to the deck as possible, trying to use the element of surprise.This wasn't like many of our search-and-destroy missions, where the target was ambiguous at best. This time, the "eye in the sky" was giving us clear Intel and confirming this was an enemy...
Love StoriesFeedback from my previous first post has proven to be so positive that I’ve decided to upload another story – I will always make a distinction between fiction and factual, because too many post ‘fantasy’ stories in sectors earmarked ‘true.’ All of the events in my stories at this time are true and only names and perhaps venues/places changed to protect others.Many years ago, around 30 or so, I had an ‘English girlfriend’ who for a short time lived in the Greater Glasgow area. She was dark...