Jasmine 8217 s Journey 8211 Part 1 8211 The Reunion
- 2 years ago
- 52
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We had only been at my apartment for half an hour when the knock sounded at the door. Knowing who was coming, I didn’t bother to check the camera, which in hind sight might have been a good idea.
“Hi lover!” Angela stepped in and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a very serious kiss.
“Hi Baby! I wasn’t expecting you tonight!” I said, thinking maybe I had forgot something.
“I know.” Angela said with a smirk, brushing past me. “Hi! You must be Abby. I’ve heard a lot about you and I am glad I finally have a chance to meet you.”
I watched her walk over and warmly greet Abby and shook my head. This was going to be interesting.
I turned to close the door and saw Christine and Lucy coming down the hall.
“David! Gimme some sugar, baby!” Chris said with a laugh and practically raped my face with her tongue, only stopping when Lucy smacked her on the ass.
“Move it sister, I need some too!”
Lucy tried to climb my body as she latched on, and her kiss was even hotter!
Christine had already bypassed me and was kissing Angela!
Lucy let me go with a wink and went to give Angela a kiss while Chris introduced herself to Abby.
Again I turned to close the door and there was someone else in the hall. Isabella.
Isabella had a smirk on her face and she reached out, cupping my cheek in her hand and gave me a warm, very tender but chaste kiss.
I checked the hall one more time to see if there were any surprises and closed the door.
Isabella was giving the other girls kisses as I walked back into the living room and Abby was watching the whole thing, eyes wide and a smile pasted on her face.
“Hi, Abby. I’m Isabella. Are you thinking of joining the harem or are you keeping it professional?” she asked lightly.
All five women turned to look at me when I entered and I just had to laugh.
“Okay, whose idea was this? Who gets spanked tonight?”
Christine raised her hand and grinned. “Well, it was my idea, but Lucy gets spanked.” she said to the general laughter of the other women.
Abby just stared.
“Well, I can offer you something to drink, or we can just leave now. I was going to take Chris and Lucy to dinner with us, so Angela and Isabella, you can come as well or we can order in and just get stinking drunk. Right now, drunk sounds good to me.”
Angela walked over beside me and put her arm around my waist, laying her head on my shoulder and turning to face the other women.
“No drunken shenanigans tonight for me, baby, I have to work in the morning.” she said, the waved her hand at the room. “Abby, this was a joke, though mostly to tease David. See, of the four of us, only three are David’s lovers, the other just wants to be.”
Abby still said nothing, her eyes darting from one woman to the next.
I just rubbed my forehead and waved at the couch and loveseat. “Okay, everyone, take a seat. Can I offer you a drink? Wine? Tea? I have some soda in there.”
Abby followed me to the kitchen and kept sneaking looks at me while we filled drink orders then helped carry them back into the living room. Christine, Angela and Isabella were sitting on the couch, Lucy was perched on the arm of my chair and the loveseat was still open, so Abby took a seat there.
I sat down in my chair and Lucy slid into my lap, snuggling like she loves to do.
“Abby, I am Christine, David’s oldest friend and someone who has loved him dearly since I was five. Lucy, the little one on his lap is someone he met in college and who has been in love with him since then, she is also my lover.” Lucy raised her hand and waved.
“Angela is a police officer who, with her fellow officers, worked their asses off at the Chase building searching for survivors, but didn’t meet David until later, and they eventually became lovers too.”
“Last, and certainly not least, is Isabella. She is going to school to be a nurse, and works for Sophia, his sister. She isn’t his lover but she said that it is only because he never asked her, and she wanted to come along tonight when we set up this little gag.”
It was quiet for a moment, then Abby just sighed. “I recognize three of you, the names at least, from the script, but I didn’t know you were all so ... close.”
“Well, we all talk, you know? We are friends and, surprise, surprise, one of our favorite topics is lover boy here. When Sophia told us about him bringing you over to meet the family, and that he was planning on bringing you to meet the rest of us, we thought we would just get it over with.” Christine told her, waving her hands at the rest.
“Ladies, this was a little mean of you, but I get it. Abby is my personal assistant and she will be with me every day, all day, and she is going to be aware of just about everything I do. She has to be in order to manage my schedule and so on. I thought I would ease her in to our ... non-standard arrangements.”
“Think about it as pulling a bandage off quickly, David, instead of a tiny bit at a time.” Angela said with a laugh.
“Speaking of which, Lucy darling, do you... ?” Christine asked the small girl on my lap.
Lucy sat up and seemed to ponder for a moment, then grinned and slid off, moving over to Christine. She knelt on the floor at Christine’s feet and in her upturned palms was the silk choker.
Christine kissed her on the forehead and took the choker, putting it around Lucy’s neck and hooking the clasp. Lucy’s demeanor changed almost instantly, her head dropping, eyes on the floor, she assumed the position.
Abby gasped, her hand going to cover her mouth.
“You are dressed improperly, Pet.” Christine said. “And this is your Master’s apartment, you should be with him.”
Lucy stripped off her clothes and once she was naked, knelt by my feet, hugging my legs and laying her head on my knee.
I was watching Abby, whose eyes were locked on the diminutive beauty. She was slightly flushed and was breathing rapidly.
I glanced over at Angela and Isabella. Isabella seemed interested, but in a more clinical way, but Angela seemed flushed, her nipples visible through her top. That was an interesting development.
“So ... any more surprises tonight, Boss?” Abby asked, her voice sounding a little strange.
“Not that I know of.” I said with a shrug, looking at the others just in case. “I just had an idea ... I think you ladies should take my credit card and go to dinner together. You can get to know one another and get comfortable, and I’ll stay here. I have some paperwork I have been putting off anyway.”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea, but I am still coming back later. Do you want Pet to stay and keep you company?” Christine asked, smirking as she waved at little Lucy.
“No, but have you taken your Pet in public yet? She might have fun going to dinner in her choker.” I felt Lucy quiver and added, “Though you might want to let her get dressed ... minus the undergarments!”
Christine got a wicked grin on her face as she considered. “How about it, Pet? Do you want to remove the collar before we go?”
Lucy was shaking a bit, but I could see her rubbing her thighs together. She raised her head to look at Chris and shook it side to side.
Isabella had been quiet throughout this whole mess, but she spoke up. “I think I will stay here with David, if you don’t mind. I came tonight to as part of the joke, and I know you want to talk to Abby. I have class at eight anyway.”
“I have some left-over lasagna in the fridge, Isabella, so I can at least feed you before class.” I offered and she smiled, nodding at me.
Once the four ladies were gone, Isabella seemed to retreat into her shell a bit, regaining the shyness that had marked every other time we had met.
“Would you like a salad with dinner, Isabella? A glass of wine?” I asked, heading for the kitchen after I showed the ladies to the door.
“Oh, don’t go to any trouble because of me, David.” she demurred, looking a little uncomfortable.
“It’s no trouble, I would have made one for myself anyway.”
She followed me into the kitchen, though she seemed to hang back by the door, watching me as I took the lasagna out and turned on the oven. When I started piling things on the counter for the salad; a head of lettuce, tomatoes, half a green pepper, she came forward, her hands waving a bit as if she was dying to step in and take over.
I looked up at her and she smiled at me, then threw up her hands. “I can’t just stand here!” she laughed, and moved to stand beside me. “Let me do this. Men should not be allowed in the kitchen and you are worse than most. How do you hold a tomato to slice it?” she asked acerbically, grinning at me.
“Ah, well, that is the trick, isn’t it? Let me show you something I found online.” I said and pulled out a slicing wrack. It was a stainless-steel rack with an oval indentation in the base and moveable arms that would hold a medium sized object like an onion, tomato, potato and so on. A steel grid could then be flipped in place to pin the object down and give you a clear guide to cut nice, even slices.
“Very clever! Maybe you are not completely helpless after all.” she said, setting a tomato into the device to see how it worked.
“I’m told that I manage things quite well.” I replied, winking at her. I was rewarded with a blush and a smile.
“Go, sit down. You will distract me and I will cut myself, then I will faint and you will have to explain to the others why I have a lump on my head.” Isabella joked, pushing me towards a stool at the counter.
“Isabella, I invited you to dinner, not to cook dinner.” I protested, though I had no real qualms about her helping. It seemed to make her feel more relaxed.
“Yes, and I told you to sit down.” she said, waving the knife in her hand in my general direction.
“Yes Ma’am. Anything you say, Ma’am.”
“See? You learn quickly. That is a good sign.”
“Oh? A good sign of what, exactly?” I teased.
She ignored the question, her face a little flushed.
“David, what we were joking about earlier, I hope you weren’t offended. This was all a big joke that Christine arranged, you see?”
“Then you are not secretly in love with me? That’s a relief. I was wondering how I was going to fend off your advances! With only one arm, you might have overpowered me and taken what you wanted.”
“You are teasing me again. It is not very nice.” she said with a pretty little scowl, but I could tell her heart was not in it.
“Isabella, you are beautiful, intelligent and a genuinely nice person. Nothing you could do would offend me. This joke set up by Christine is pure Christine. She used to stage elaborate practical jokes when we were children too.”
“You should not do that. It gets me flustered.” she said, putting the ingredients for the salad into the large salad bowl and cleaning up the remains.
“Do what?”
“Compliment me like that. It is not right. I have no time for romance or foolishness and you have too many women already.”
“Now I have offended you, Isabella, and for that, I am sorry. I was simply telling the truth but, if you prefer, I will lie to you.”
She just shook her head, refusing to meet my eyes.
“You are not like anyone I have ever met before and you make me nervous. Me! I am twenty-five years old, not some blushing virgin. Why do you make me feel so unsure of myself?” she said grumpily, glaring at me.
“I don’t know, honestly. I don’t intend to make you nervous. I was just having fun, trying to be friendly. I like to laugh and tease, but if it really makes you uncomfortable, I will try and behave.” I said seriously, holding up my hand.
I got up and moved to the cupboard, stacking two bowls on top of two plates and carrying the stack to the table to distribute. I went back to grab silverware but Isabella was standing there, the silverware in her hand when I turned around. We were face to face, almost touching and I could feel her breath on my neck.
“Umm ... sorry.” I moved to one side, but she followed me, and when I moved the other way, we were right back where we started. Isabella looked up at me, our eyes meeting, and she stepped forward, laying her cheek on my chest, her arms circling my waist.
“You make me think unchristian thoughts, David.” she said softly. “If you turn down the heat on the oven...” she whispered and I felt her shiver.
“Isabella, are you sure about this? I don’t want you to regret this later.” I said, startled.
“Kiss me then, and I will know.” she replied with a smile, turning her face up to mine. I could feel her soft breasts on my chest, and could feel her hard nipples poking me, urging me on.
I bent down and our lips touched. Softly at first, her lips warm and soft against mine. Then she parted her lips just a bit, the tip of her tongue flicking out to touch my upper lip, exploring, questing. When I opened my mouth as well, our tongues met and danced, the kiss heated up quickly.
We broke the kiss slowly, ramping down the intensity, but I could feel the heat from her groin where she had it pressed against mine, my erection pressed firmly to her lower belly.
“David, it has been so long for me. I work, I go to school, I help my family. But I am not like these other women, I like you, respect you and what you have done. You excite me, but I am not in love with you. I would not come when you call or ... play these games they play.” she said, her midsection still pressed firmly against me.
“I would never ask for more than you are willing to give, Isabella. That goes for all of the women in my life.” I said softly, stroking my fingers along her spine.
“If I would ask you make love to me, but that it be just this once?”
“I would be disappointed, but I would do as you ask, and no one need ever know unless you share with them.”
She was quiet for several long minutes, laying her cheek against my chest again, her breath warm against my skin.
“I think we should eat dinner, then I will go home and take a long shower.” she said finally, her shoulders slumping. “I cannot. You are a very ... appealing man, but I don’t love you and I can’t, I just can’t.”
When she pulled away, there was sadness there. I understood, but I hated to see that expression on her face. I leaned down and kissed her gently on the forehead, then stepped back, putting some space between us.
Picking up the silverware from where she had laid them in the counter, I finished setting the table.
When the girls got home around ten, Christine, Lucy and Abby all seemed pleasantly flush, but they were all laughing and chattering away.
Angela gave me a very hot kiss and managed to sneak in a grope, her hand teasing me to hardness. “You be nice to these two tonight. Someday, when we have time and maybe I get to have a few drinks, I would like to explore some very evil thoughts I have been having about your little Lucy.” she said, her breath hot in my ear.
I watched, stunned, as she turned and sashayed out the door, her hard, little ass bouncing as she practically strutted down the hall.
I turned back to the room and the other three were watching and giggling. I saw three sets of eyes drop to my groin and my very obvious erection. Two sets of eyes looked hungry, but the third belonged to Abby and she was flushed, her expression one of mild interest.
“I called a cab, David, and I will see you on Monday. I’ll be around this weekend if you need anything.” she said coyly, her eyes roaming over Christine and Lucy. Lucy had stripped off her clothes as soon as she came in the apartment, and was currently rubbing herself up against Christine, slowly unbuttoning the taller woman’s blouse.
“That sounds like a plan.” I agreed, smiling at my assistant. She walked over to me and leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek. “You are one twisted, but very lucky, man, boss.” she whispered, giggling as she headed for the door.
I spent Saturday with Christine and Lucy and we actually got to go to dinner together, though I wondered if we had as much fun as the girls had the previous night, since Lucy didn’t wear her choker for our dinner.
Sunday, I spent with Angela, and I had fun teasing her, whispering in her ear all the things that Lucy could, and would, do to and for her.
Monday and Tuesday were script re-writes. They team ran each one by me for approval, since I had contractual oversight of the script and, after that idiot producer’s fit, I was damned sure that I kept the reins under my hands or, well, hand, anyway.
I took Wednesday and Thursday off. No office time, no business of any kind. Wednesday was the twins’ birthdays and I had planned a whole day and night for them, with Sophia’s approval, of course. They stayed home from school and were practically bouncing off the walls when I arrived at nine on Wednesday morning.
“Okay, ladies. First things first. You need to dress nice and pack a bag. You need night clothes and a set of casual clothes for tomorrow. I have big plans and you will be staying with me. I’ll bring you home tomorrow evening.”
“Where are we going? What are we doing? Why do we need dresses? We are staying with you? All night? Are you going to give us the present we asked for?”
The questions came fast and furious and I just held up my hand for quiet. “Ladies, do you trust me?”
The kisses they gave me answered that question and they scurried off to their rooms to pack.
Sophia had been standing back, laughing at their antics and, when they left the room, she slid into my arms and kissed me as well. “Thank you, David. They are so excited about spending time with you, and tonight, well, it is all they have been talking about all week. I know you will treat them right and make it special.”
“I love you, Sophia, and I love them. I am surprised that they didn’t ask you to be there for them tonight.”
“They asked me, but tonight should be about them” she said, her eyes moist. “Guess what else they told me?” she asked, smiling again. “They want to plan a weekend with all of us. Christine, Lucy, Angela, me and them, all in the same bed. They even said we should invite Isabella and Abby!” she laughed, shaking her head.
“Well, Isabella is out, and so is Abby. She and I are friends and she is an employee, so no hanky-panky.”
“We talked. It isn’t right for us.” I said, keeping it short. If Isabella wanted to share the details with Sophia, then she could, but I wasn’t going to speak for her.
“Ahh...” Sophia said quietly, looking thoughtful.
The twins came roaring out, each of the wearing slacks and a nice blouse, carrying an overnight bag.
“Ready? Let the birthday celebration commence!”
We were driven straight to the airport and to the private aviation terminal where a small private plane was waiting. Beth and Charlotte were coming with us, as was Drew, because I wanted to take no chances with the girls.
We were ushered onboard like royalty, the girls loving every second, and seated in an area that was closed off from the rest of the plane. Drew and the ladies sat up front with the flight attendant, leaving just the three of us in the rear of the aircraft.
After takeoff, the flight attendant brought back flutes of champagne for the three of us, and it was fun to watch the twins. They were determined to act as grown up as possible for fifteen-year-old girls to be, and were smooth as they accepted the flutes and thanked the flight attendant.
I watched the attendant’s eyes and she was amused, winking at me as she returned to the front of the plane and closed the door behind her.
“Well, ladies, we have a big day planned. First, we are going shopping. I have arranged a personal shopper for each of you and our first stop is Sax Fifth Avenue, followed by Anne Taylor and Tiffany’s. Then we will take a short stop at the big Apple store so you can pick out new laptops as my birthday gift to you.”
The girls looked enchanted at the idea and were smiling so widely that I am surprised their cheeks weren’t hurting. They both cuddled close, raising the arms between the seats and rubbing up against me as they chattered back and forth excitedly.
When there was a pause, I interjected, getting their attention.
“For dinner, we have reservations at the infamous 21 club, and we have front row seats to see Adele at the Brooklyn Bowl. She is doing a special show, one night only, for the Mayor, Bill De Blasio. It is his birthday too.”
When the girls had stopped cheering and laughing, I added one additional thing.
“We have a suite at the Westin hotel on Times Square, and the hotel is very nice, I stayed there when I was in New York a while back.
There was stunned silence at this, both girls were smiling and crying, hugging and kissing me anyplace they could reach.
“We love you so much, Uncle Dave. This is the best thing that has ever happened and we can’t believe you did this all for us.!”
“I love the two of you, more than I could say, and I wanted this birthday to be special. Now, you two are adults now, so I want you to call me David, or Dave if you like. Let’s leave the Uncle part at home because tonight you are my dates, not just my nieces.”
They leaned forward and locked eyes, doing that thing again, then both slid to the floor, their hands going to my fly.
“We want to give you just a little preview, David, to show our appreciation!” Mina said, her eyes alight.
“Let us do this. It isn’t the mile high club, but maybe we can save that for the trip home!” Amy chipped in, leaning in to lick the head of my cock.
Between the two of them, trading off in sucking on my cock and licking and fondling my sack, it wasn’t long at all before I came, filling Amy’s mouth with my seed. Seeing them kiss and share my cum kept me rock hard long after they tucked me back into my pants and finished off their champagne.
Shopping with the girls was bearable only because their personal shoppers took charge, with their bodyguards in tow, while an attendant brought me coffee and a newspaper as I sat and watched them scurry around the store.
The girls managed to find the perfect outfits for dinner and a concert, and managed, somehow, to fill half a dozen bags each in doing so. They were flushed with excitement by the time they were done and chattering about all the outfits they saw, but didn’t buy.
The Apple Store on 5th Avenue in New York city was a three-story tall, glass cube and it had become an iconic stop for Apple fans worldwide. The girls were all atwitter at being there and, as we descended the staircase to the actual store underground, they skipped ahead and I was quickly forgotten as they fondled the latest gear.
I was approached by a very attractive young lady and asked if I needed help, but I pointed to the twins and grinned. “They are supposed to be choosing new laptops, but it may be a while. Since you are here though, I want to buy them watches as well, the smaller ones for ladies. No idea what color or band though, so if you could steer them that way and see what they like?”
She smiled at me and nodded, watching Mina and Amy talking over a laptop on display. “I can do that, sir. Should I come find you when they are ready?”
“Please do. I think I am going to go look at the watches as well.”
I had been watching one of the large screens on the wall and it was listing all the features on the Apple watches. One of them, the ability to send texts and emojis, write simple messages and draw things like hearts, seemed to be a big draw. I thought the girls would have fun keeping in touch with me like that, and I went to see if I could find a watch for myself.
We ended up with a pair of fifteen-inch Macbook Pros and two 38mm watches for the girls, with several bands in different colors, and a 42mm watch for me with a Milanese stainless bracelet and a pair of leather bands in black and brown. The price tag was hefty, but the smiles made it worthwhile to me.
The twins insisted that we go to the hotel so they could get ready. It was still two hours before our dinner reservations, so I slipped the concierge a couple hundred to slot them in with a hairdresser for a facial and hair appointment.
Up in the room, while the girls were getting dolled up, I stripped down to shorts and a t-shirt, grabbed the analgesic cream for my legs and collapsed on the couch with a drink. It had been more walking than I planned already, and there would be even more time on my feet this evening.
The evening was all about glitz and glamour so, of course, we had a stretch limo for the events. Rolling up in front of the iconic 21 club with two young, dazzlingly beautiful twins on my arm, was a real treat for all of us.
We had every eye in the room following us as we were shown to our table. Every woman in the room was jealous of the attention the twins received and every man wanted to be me.
Dinner was good, though I had eaten better, and the girls were having a ball. I was sandwiched between them and they made sure, with subtle gropes and ribald comments, that my cock stayed hard all through the meal. They even talked me into a single slow dance, with both of them tucked up close in my arms as we moved, slowly, on the dance floor.
When we arrived at the Brooklyn Bowl, our limo got in line with several others that were discharging passenger. The paparazzi were out in force to see who would turn up to this special concert and, before we got out of the limo, I warned them about how it would go.
“I will get out first and help each of you. This is so the vultures out there won’t be able to get any shots up those gorgeous dresses you are wearing. They won’t care that you are only fifteen.” The twins looked partly shocked and partly titillated, and I wasn’t sure which emotion was winning!
“They will be snapping pictures like mad and the flashes will be blinding, so just hold on to my elbows and keep smiling. We will have to be a little discreet since these may end up in the papers.” I warned them. As much as I had managed to convince myself that what we were doing wasn’t really wrong, it was still illegal and most of the country would gladly stake me out for the buzzards if they knew.
“Just let me do the talking if they ask questions, okay?”
Once out of the car, we did the red carpet bit, pausing and smiling for the cameras.
“David! Who are your dates this evening?” was the most common question yelled out by the press.
“This is Mina and Amy Falcone, the most beautiful twins in the country.”
“Are you dating both?”
“Are they going to be in your movie?”
“How old are you, Mina? Amy?”
I raised my hand to get them to quiet for a second.
“Amy and Min are fifteen today.” I said, getting a rush of gasps and shouted questions before I could continue, but we just smiled and waited for a break.
“They are my nieces and this is part of their birthday celebration. No, they won’t be in the movie themselves, though they will be represented in the film. Thank you everyone.” I said, waving as I directed the twins towards the door.
“Oh my god! That was the greatest EVER!” enthused Amy, bouncing on her toes in excitement once we were inside.
“We are going to be famous! And David told everyone that we were the most beautiful twins in the country. I think he’s looking to get lucky tonight.” Mina said in a stage whisper, causing Amy to laugh.
“David Weaver?” I turned to see who was speaking and found the Mayor, his wife Chirlane and his children, Chiara and Dante standing there, the Mayor with his hand out.
“Bill De Blasio. I am glad to meet you, Mr. Weaver. Your story has lifted a lot of hearts. We here in New York understand only too well the pain your city went through.”
“Mr. Mayor, may I present my nieces, Mina and Amy? It is their birthday as well, and I thought they would enjoy coming to see Adele and celebrating with the country’s most famous Mayor.”
The girls blushed when he kissed their hands, Mrs. De Blasio looking on with a smile.
“Would you three like to join us in our box?” he asked, smiling at us.
I looked down at the twins, but they didn’t seem excited by the idea.
“Well, we got front row center seats, thanks to the studio, and I think these young ladies would rather be there, but thank you for the very kind offer.” I demurred.
I wasn’t a fan of the man, his policies or his beliefs, but I was trying to be polite. This is his party, after all.
“I understand completely. Here, take these. There will be a small gathering back stage after the concert. We are going to get a chance to meet Adele and I think the ladies would enjoy that. I hope you enjoy the concert and thank you for coming.”
The twins were beaming at him. I didn’t know if they even really knew who he was, beyond the mayor, but he was now on their short list of really great people.
When the lights went down in the hall and up on the stage, the audience was on its feet before the star had even appeared. She came out, a huge smile on her face and took a bow before ever singing a note.
Part 3 — Please Sally walked down the road to the station in the morning. She sighed. It hadn’t been that bad. She could cope, it was only for a month after all, or so the guard had said, but how was she going to juggle this — this what? How should she describe it — juggle this new obligation with being with Jerry? Jerry would suspect she was seeing someone else… and she was—actually. Well that was one way to dump him, if she did want to, especially now. She thought about the guard and his...
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The first thing I noticed, when I could finally feel anything again, was that I’d let go of all the mana I held. Panicked, I scrabbled for it before even opening my eyes ... but there wasn’t any. I couldn’t sense a single mage. That startled me enough to make me start noticing other things. I was lying in a bed, for example, not the hard rock and dirt floor I expected, and it was warm – warmer than I’d been in what felt like a very long time. As I mentally took inventory of my situation, it...
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Susannah had no way of knowing what it was that lay in store for her as the first snow flakes of winter began to fall. It had been a generous spring and summer for her and her father. They were the last survivors of a long journey west that had begun three years ago. It had taken one year to make it to their homestead from Missouri. On the way, Susannah and her family had lost the youngest member of their family, Jonathan. The trip was a rough one for a two year old and he had succumbed to a...
When Simone was gone, Janey came over and sat on my lap, curled up in a ball and wept. All the fear, all the terror, all the unknown came rushing out. Things were OK, now. Simone was back safe. She could let go. I let her cry. In between her tears, she told me that she had remembered what I had done for her when she had been hiding from reality. How I had sat by her bed and talked to her. So she did that with Nicole. She told Nicole about Steven's attack on her. What she had felt like. How...
The silence seeped in slowly. It crawled inside, completely invading, until she was filled with it. A silence so complete that nothing, no one could get past. She never knew how it started or why. It just was. And in this silence, she saw. She saw the face of death, of terror. Images that seared themselves into her brain, images that screamed but were never heard. The silence came and she could not control it. She could no sooner will the frightening images out of her mind, than she could will...
I guess I should reintroduce my self; I'm Brandon, age 17 your run of the mill geek until yesterday I never even kissed a girl. The girl I kissed is named Skye age 15 she hit me with her bike and felt bad so we started to talk, went to a local restaurant and the next day she came over for breakfast. After breakfast I gave her a rose and she kissed me. Boy what a kiss. After that nothing much exciting happened for the rest of the day. Skye had to go home and go to church (her mom is a bible...
Welcome to every gamers' fantasy. Have you ever wanted to see your favorite female character being stripped of all their dignity? Well step right up for this is the place for you. We've got characters ranging from all over the gaming world from Mrs Pacman to Commander Shepard (female) whomever you want is fair game as long as they've been in a video game! Writing Rules: No rape All characters must be 18+ This is an ENF adventure so characters must actually be embarrassed. Although other forms...
Hi friends, I am from Hyderabad, and currently in Bangalore I have been reading the ISS since some time. Most of the stories are very good. So I decided to write my experience of unsatisfied sex. This happened when I was 18 year old. I would not say I’m good looking but I’m above average with a athletic body and my height is 5’8. There was this hot girl in my class during my graduation, her stats would be 36-28-38, and her height was 5’5 weighing around 60kgs. She was the best looking gal in...
Sahil is 18 year old boy, 6 feet tall, fair has a slender body. He looks like a model. He is studying in school and very popular among girls, as he is a very good dancer in his school and won many prizes. He had a girlfriend name kirti, she usually let him kiss her lip and let him presses her boobs from outside. Sahil badly want to fuck her pussy but she never allows him to fuck her. One day while kissing he inserted his finger inside her panty through her skirt and made her forced to open her...
Gay MaleThe SecretKurt hadn't heard from Nicole for several weeks after their torrid night together. That was a good news, bad news situation. Although he hadn't gotten a message from her, apparently Nicole wasn't pregnant. He had been anxious about that possibility during the whole time he hadn't heard from her.Like most people in that town, Kurt was at the high school stadium to watch the Fourth of July fireworks. Everyone was there including Nicole. She spotted him and waved. He walked toward her...
SeductionPresent – Ben – at the Continental Divide Trailhead As I trot along the Continental Divide trail, I let my mind wander from trying to figure out what Jim is doing by making me a deputy sheriff (I can afford to delay this because I don't have any idea why he did it and it's not like I won't have some time to figure this out later) to the more pressing and troubling thought about how damn resourceful Destiny is - I know without a doubt she will find me. I slow down, stop running, and recall...
28 days. That's 4 weeks since my last orgasm. And I was so horny, to the point of constant distraction. It was all I could think about. My locked little penis was dripping into my panties, and my little balls were swollen.Six weeks ago my wife, Angie, caught me jerking off to interracial cuckold porn, a video with the cuck locked in chastity. She'd come home early from the gym and caught me. She was pissed, but made me finish as she watched, commenting all the while about my small penis and how...
Morton Blakely looked at the gorgeous, sweaty, naked, unconscious girl lying next to him, and gave silent thanks to his sister Leticia. The experience he had gained by pleasing his over-sexed sister had given him enough stamina, and enough skill, to finally fuck Patty into submission. It hadn't been easy, but it sure had been fun. He had made good on his promise that she would enjoy giving her virginity to him. He'd had no idea, though, that he would also enjoy the best lovemaking session...
Chris just said ‘now it’s your turn’. She was smiling big like she had something up her sleeve. * Part2 Chris got up on her knees and straddled my legs. She leaned forward and planted the longest kiss I think I ever had. I kept flashing in my mind back to the wife and how this would really piss her off to know I had succumbed to the daughter’s allurer. I guess it didn’t affect me that much as I kissed her right back. As our kiss continued my hands were taking in the soft flesh of her young...
Oral SexJenna closed her trunk and held the last box in her hands. She had finally gotten herself completely moved into her new apartment. Her cute, cozy little apartment may have seemed small to some people, but it was all the space she needed. She walked up the stairs to the front door of the building, struggling to get the door open because of the weight of the box. “I got it,” a deep baritone voice spoke from behind her. Before she could protest, the box was pulled out of her arms and up into the...
I was still smiling from Kim’s instructions to go to my trainer when I arrived at Clemmie’s. All the lights were out, but the front door was unlocked. I slipped inside and prepared for an ambush. I needed to get naked, I decided, and crawl carefully to the bedroom. A few minutes of exploration revealed that the two naked bodies in the bed were sound asleep. Some ambush. I left them alone and used the other bed. The room was full of sun and bodies with coffee cups were moving around. I...
I am sorry Mr. Jones I did but the folder on your desk like you asked sir. I's not here and a 1.2 mil dollar account is on the line. go the fuck home Larry the board will have a meeting on you in the morning to see if you stay are go !! Larry just sit in the car in his driveway wondering what the hell happened and how to get out of this shit he is in now. His wife Salma seen him and walked out to the car. she was wearing s yellow sun dress ,flat sandles her toe's are perfect and are always...
We arrived at Heather’s house at 2 pm as instructed. The party was to start at five, but she said that we needed plenty of prep time first. I drove and parked in her driveway (Well, her mom’s driveway, I guess), and shut the engine off. We both sat there in silence for a minute. “Are we up to this?” I asked. “We are,” Jess said, though whether she was trying to convince me, or herself, I didn’t know. “Ok, it’s now or never,” I said. With that, we both began stripping until we were as...
It had been two weeks since Ben had lost his virginity to Margaret. The sweet memory had played over and over in Ben’s mind every night since then as he fell asleep. Ben could not get the vision of Margaret’s beautiful body out of his head. Ben could not forget the intense pleasure Margaret had shown him. Ben was trying to think just what it was that had attracted him to Margaret in the first place. Was it Margaret’s C cup breasts, with their large suck able nipples? Was it that her butt was as...
MatureSome of the girls we have on the couch are extremely promiscuous and proud of it. Stacey is one of those girls. She’s only 18 years old and already fucked about 70 guys and an equal number of girls. We can thank Tinder, “a lot of drunken nights at the hotel” as well as a broken moral compass for molding this bright future leader of America. We made her start by cleaning Vince’s ass with her tongue, which she was worried about since she’d never done it before. Then,...
xmoviesforyouIt had seemed such a good idea at first. I’d been out of work for nearly a year at the time, and Jilly, my wife, had been out of work for three years. Our eighteen year old daughter worked part time in the local news agents, but that was Sunday mornings only and what with the ‘dole’ rules, it meant that in effect she actually only earned a few quid for a whole mornings work. Our sixteen year old son had decided that he would go on the dole rather than go to college, as at least it meant that...
I’m naked, something I can rarely handle when not in some altered state. He loves my body, but as most twenty-something females, I am far from comfortable in my body. I stand at a short five foot one, curvy, but as most tell me, far from fat. A round ass, perfect for spanking or whipping, or anything else that strikes his fancy, a small waist, and large ‘c’ cup breasts. Long dark hair and my crowning achievement, my emerald green eyes. I’m tied to his bed, spread eagle. Moments, or was it hours...
If you haven't read part 1, you should. This picks up where that one stopped. I rub the lips of her pussy with the head of this monster, which is double the size of me. Up and down, up and down. But real slow. Then I start to circle her clit ever so fucking slow. She starts gyrating her hips just a little and let's out a very quit moan. Then I pushed the head down onto her pussy's opening and held it there, no more than a quarter inch in. I started to push the head in and I saw her body relax....
The highlight of Saturday night was the beginning of the long promised and awaited "Date Night". The concept spread quickly and soon everyone had decided to go out in twos, threes and fours to something of interest to the group. Some of the pairings were natural. Walt and Mary invited Katey to join them for a game at Dodgers Stadium. Sean, Rachelle and Meredith planned an evening of dinner and dancing. Adam wasn't a bit surprised when Beth and Jason decided to spend Saturday at the...
Linda was curled up facing away from him. John as usual lay behind her facing her back. Regardless of what position they ended up in when they woke they always fell asleep that way. Linda turned. In the darkness of the room she couldn’t see him but knew he was looking at her. She moved closer and felt his lips press against hers. They were warm and wet and inviting. His hand went to her shoulder, moving down her arm to her thigh pulling her closer. John felt her breasts against his chest...
24/7 – A power exchange relationship (whether aspects big or small) that exists all day, every day.Aftercare – a period of time after play during which players check in and re-establish connections with each other. Often involves cuddling, sex, eating or drinking to replace electrolytes, discussing the scene and/or checking in. Aftercare is different for everyone, and can also involve alone time, or any number of personal preferences. Aftercare is widely considered to be an essential part of...
Before you read..check out Parts 1-3...PART 1: http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/234264.htmlPART 2: http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/238551.htmlPART 3: http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/250197.html“Joe, honey, can you grab me a cold beer from the cooler?” Diana asked me. “Sure,” I replied.My best friend’s wife, Diana, was on the cushioned rear platform of the ski boat, laying flat on her back in the sun, totally nude. I was also naked, and had been sitting on the bench...
Consequences of the wish Six months ago ... The handsome arabic man smiled at me, and asked, "Are you sure that's your wish?" I nodded. "Yes. I want all the boys to know what it's like to wear skirts or dresses. I can't believe how they tried to look under my skirt today, so the shoe should be on the other foot." "Granted," he said, and vanished. The next morning, I hurried to school, anxious to see how embarrassed the boys would be to be in skirts. Then they started to...
“Fuck, she knows I’ve been sneaking looks under her skirt,” you realize. “You left your notebook in class the other day… You’re a real artist,” she says. “You saw the drawings?” you wonder, thinking about how fucked you are. “No. The words. You’re a literary artist. I noticed it when you wrote that essay on the Red Light District. The way you… described it… it turned me on. Come with me; I’ve got something I want to show you.” “What the fuck? I’m not in trouble?” you think. You’re in...
My name is Georgia and I'm getting the urge to masturbate in my backyard. I often will sit on my Cleopatra style chair on the patio, and rub myself with oil and finger my aching pussy. That's what I decided to do. My husband was out of town at a business meeting and usually when he is not home, I do like to pleasure myself out by the pool. I grabbed my suntan oil and headed out to the patio. I was wearing a string orange bikini. I'm very tan and the orange next to my skin really looks quite...
VoyeurYour name is Dominic, and you have a sister called Natasha. You have long since moved out of your parents house, but your sister has only recently moved out. She moved into the same apartment as you, because she goes to Uni very near where you work, and since she hasn't got a job, she can't really afford to move out yet. Ideally, she wouldn't be here for too long but you are all too happy to let her stay until she can find some financial stability, as long as she cleans up after herself and all...
IncestHi guys again shoeb here. Yeh storie 3month pehele ki hai meri aur meri girlfrnd ki jiska naam anam hai,uski age 20yrs hogyi aur meri 21 hum ek he colony mei rehte hai woh meri opposite bulding mei rehti hai,woh sirf mehndi class jati thi,woh fair hai and sexy brown eyes,height 5.3 hogayi figure 32-28-38 hai,yeh kahani 6month pehele start hui thi mei usko nich baith ke dekha karta tha woh bhi khidki mei aati thi aaisi karte karte 1month nikal gaye,1month baad mei usko himmat kar ke pakkad aur...
When I got back to school, I started my new classes. This time I had a science class instead of history, and for math I was now taking algebra. But the typing class was really coming in handy, and my typing speed had increased a lot. Cindy and I were now chatting quite often, her shell of solitude finally cracking a little bit. And the week after I got back I went back to the dance and met Freddy there. And I had decided to say nothing about overhearing him and Thomas. But I was not going to...
My daughter, Karen, was returning home from college for a visit. Although I lived alone, since my wife's death a few years before, I prepared a fantastic welcome-home dinner for her. As she drove up in her little red Subaru, I set the main course out on the table. "Dad!" she exclaimed as I came to the door to greet her, and we shared a tight hug at the door. "Welcome home, Karen," I said. I was stunned at the way she looked. Even though she had only been away for a few months, she had...
My mates Aunty who is around 50 yrs old had a bad car accident about three weeks ago, she has broken her collar bone and is plastered up she also has a fractured ankle. My mate and all his family have gone away on holiday for 3 weeks and his mum and him asked if I would pop in from time to time to make sure she is ok. I popped in yesterday and I found her on the bedroom floor and she was unable to get up. i helped her back on to the bed and noticed as i was lifting her on to the bed she was not...
BBW StepmombyFrank2002©It seems I always had this thing for bigger, full figure women. I don't know where is started but I seemed to fantasize about them all the time. My step mom was a bigger woman. My dad divorced and remarried when I was very young. He was away quite a lot with business so it was just me and Sally, that's my stepmom, at home most times. I always thought Sally was quite attractive even when I was young. As I grew older I started to notice her more. She had put on a few more...
There are plenty of attractive people throughout the country of Amestris. There's the automail mechanic Winry Rockbell, the housewife Izumi Curtis, and the deadly sniper Riza Hawkeye to name a few. There are of course a number of attractive men as well. The flame alchemist Colonel Mustang, the crown prince Ling Yao, perhaps even the Fullmetal Alchemist himself. Any one of them could end up naked and humiliated.
As I shut the front door, Celia poked her head out of her sitting room at the back of the hall and said, “Care for a drink?”“That would be lovely, Ms. Zhang. Let me wash up.”I took off my hat, shoes, and overcoat and went to wash my face and hands. It had not been a tiresome day, but I felt better joining her in her private space after cleaning off the daily grime. She gave me a healthy discount on the rent of her extra bedroom in return for maintenance around her house and other properties....
MasturbationHi Sexy people. Handshake to boys, boobs shake to girls. Thank you for all who responded for my previous stories. This time I’m gonna narrate a cute story. This happened between me and my beautiful and cute friend. Let’s get onto it straight. Guys, your hands on your dick and girls, your fingers in your pussy now. I have a friend called Sahana, whom I met over the internet. In fact she was one of the reader of my sex story and we became friends. In the beginning we used to talk more about sex...
It had been nearly a week since the "Gang Bang in the Old Garage" and every night I had thought about the power this "lucky stone" possessed and I vowed to use it to the full the next opportunity I got. Sue had got her money from Dad as well as a bonus from Mr King for "services" to the company. No one was talking about it and Sue and Dad had gone a little cold in the past few days. Dad announced that he was going away for the weekend to surprise Mom but Sue claimed work and I made up...
"I appreciate your honestly, Joe, I really do," He says, "I'm feeling you don't believe in the big dick theory at all, in the spirit of disclosure however, I'd like you to rate mine."With that he stood up and dropped his shorts to his ankles revealing a very well sized, well formed, black dick. I couldn't guess what size it was, but it was bigger than mine and it was pretty impressive. The pubes were well trimmed, cut, with some nicely shaped balls, I was struggling not to stare, I don't know...
I exited the bathroom quietly, hoping to catch my wife still naked after her shower, or perhaps slipping on her underwear. I don't know what it is, but the visual of a beautiful woman (or man, to be fair) slipping into something soft and sensual is incredibly arousing to me. Whether its my wife in some satin panties or Warren in his running shorts, the sight of naked flesh and material really gets me going. However, entering the bedroom she wasn't dressing, but she was still naked. She was...
BisexualBrianna was standing off to the side of the teleport pads, waiting for Calix’s and Heather’s return. The pads were in the center of a large hex-shaped area, separated from the rest of the base with three-meter-tall walls or dividers painted an unnerving shade of gray. She sighed as she looked up into the fading darkness of oblivion. She could see the walls of the cavern above her, but it faded into darkness before her eyes could make out the roof. She was a little disappointed at being made...
The day after our gumbo and bluegrass blowout, we woke up to another one of those nasty winter days, an occluded front keeping the skies leaden and dripping. I didn't feel like cooking breakfast and cold cereal just wouldn't do on a day like this. I kissed the nose that was peeking out just above the blankets. "I'm going back to bed, wife. Call me when you have breakfast ready." The blanket came down far enough for her to stick her tongue out. "Pancakes and hot coffee sounds awfully...
Waking up with a devious grin on my face, I make my way downstairs and casually stroll into the kitchen. As I hunt for something worth eating in the cupboards, I begin to feel as if I'm being watched from behind, but just before I have the time to pick myself up and turn around to find out who's watching me, I painfully feel this huge, powerful slap across my arse. "What the fu..!?" I scream, suddenly turning around. "Hey, you; thanks for last night, I totally enjoyed having you between my legs...
LesbianHello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. It was morning. I opened my eyes. There she is, still sleeping. But she has turned to her right now. Our heads are facing each other. Gosh! She looks so pretty! Her face looks really cute! My dick was...
I check to see if anyone is in the bathroom, and then grab a stall. I pull off my clothes and look at myself. Yep, those are definitely breasts. Like, they're not huge, but they're large enough to fill my hands. Large enough that they're hard to hide without something baggy on. I lean forwards and confirm what's going on between my legs. There's no doubt about it. Physically, at the very least, I am no longer a man. I slump on the toilet, suddenly exhausted. I don't really...
It took a while for things to settle down in the encampment. Soo Hong's family swarmed her the moment she made her presence known. They all wanted to know what was going on. The same thing happened with Gaeta, although the cave women were more subdued in their reaction. It was one of the first things I noticed about them. Once the firing had stopped and the other Cro-Magnon women had picked themselves up out of the dirt. Then one by one, they had come forward to greet Gaeta. From the look of...
Pilar: “Guy walks into a bar and is shocked to see a horse behind the bar.” Walker: “Horse says, ‘What’s the matter? You can’t believe that a horse can tend bar?’” Pilar: “No. I just can’t believe the ferret sold the place.” Alicia Collins called me from New York. “Bear told you.” “Yes. Have to admit it shocked me. Vanessa too. And the kids.” “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything. But I felt it was Bear’s news to share.” “No, I understand. And he would have wanted to be the one to tell...
It was another scorching summer in California and on the beaches the Baywatch Lifeguards were busy saving lives. There was probably more fake drowning incidents on that stretch of beach than anywhere else in the world. Everyone knew that if you pretended to drown then a busty babe would rescue you, pressing her wet body against yours as she tried to resuscitate you. There was something for the ladies too as the lifeguard hunks were all handsome athletes with impressive bulges where it counted....
I felt my cock start to become heavy as it filled with blood and hung down the left leg of my boxers, I wondered whether Sandie, my daughter, could see it. She was bent over in front of me tying her shoes, her little short skirt revealing her tightly stretched white cotton knickers. As she straightened up she turned and smiled at me, then as her eyes dropped to my groin she said, 'See you after school Daddy,' and blew me a kiss. I groaned inwardly as I could see her bra-less breasts straining...
Hello guys, this Kishore. This is my first story so please excuse me if there are any mistakes. So let’s begin. I will start by introducing myself. I am Kishore, good-looking guy. I have a 6 inches long tool that can satisfy anyone on the earth. A brief description of myself. I am 180cm tall with a good body. I go to the gym and play professional cricket. I tend to attract girls due to my good looks and my down to earth character. Girls like me because I give them respect and treat them fairly....
IncestIntroduction: my first story so please leave some constructive sritisism.. To most people Manju was an ordinary housewife who was loyal and truthful to her husband and family. She is a mother of two and around 35 years old. She was an employee of the city municipal office for around 10 years. Her looks betrayed her age. She has a c cup for a breast and a round ass. Even though her stomach was also rounded a bit, it only added to her mature look. What people dint know about her was her appetite...
As anyone who has read my last story Kefalonian Cock Tale will know, watching my wife being screwed by another guy has been a fantasy of mine for over many years but Debbie would never agree until Kefalonia. This story is about a very early experience in our married life, and the one and only time when we have “swapped” but sadly I never got to watch. However it was this first experience that recently led to my fantasy actually becoming a reality. It happened a few years ago when Debbie and I...
First Time