UnendingChapter 12 free porn video

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Charlotte and Beth had tossed the coffee table aside and I could see the room service waiter in the doorway, his face pale and his eyes wide as he took in the carnage. Without a word, he left the cart and ran.

I laughed, then winced as the pain hit. It wasn’t debilitating, I had felt much worse, but it wasn’t fun.

The girls got me bandaged to stop the bleeding and I convinced them to sit me up. I was leaned up against the couch and waved Beth towards the unused room where my clean clothes were stored. She came back, a thoughtful expression on her face and a full set of clothes in her hands.

“Hey Charles, are they all dead?”

Charles had been looking over the three men that lay just inside the door. He looked up and nodded.

“My gun is laying there, somewhere. Can you grab it before the cops get here? I didn’t get a chance to fire it. And I could use some coffee.”

He looked surprised, then he smiled and shook his head.

The pistol was hidden by the coffee table and he slipped it into his waistband for now. The coffee table had several bullet holes in it, but the thick hardwood and prevented me from being hit again. He fingered one for a second and shrugged.

Charlotte brought me a cup of coffee and a Danish, urging me to eat. “You need the sugar, it will help stave off shock.”

I sipped my coffee and nibbled the Danish and a thought crossed my mind.

“They didn’t say a word. I opened the door, thinking it was breakfast and they just shot.”

“They are all Middle Eastern by the looks. I think they are still angry that they missed one.” Charles said. shaking his head.

Drew stuck his head in the door. “Company.”

Two police officers rushed in; guns drawn but not pointed at anyone.

“No one move. Understand? Until we get this straightened out, just relax. If you are armed, say so, but do not, under any circumstance reach for your weapon.” The older cop said, the tone of command in his voice made it clear he was in control here. All three of my security detail raised their hands, indicating they were armed and the two cops paled a bit.

“One at a time, please remove your weapon and set it on the ground, then back up over by the couch. You first, miss.” the officer said, pointing his handgun in Beth’s direction, but not at her.

Beth left one hand in the air and, with exaggerated motions, moved her jacket aside. With her thumb and forefinger, she pulled her handgun from the holster and laid it on the small table by the door. “One shot fired, officer. Thirteen in the mag, one in the pipe.” she told him, then raising her hand again, moved over to stand beside me.

Charles followed the same routine, but laid his handgun on the floor and then turning so they could see what he was doing, he lifted his jacket and extracted my handgun as well, pushing both far away from the slowly spreading bloodstain from the man he was standing over. “Two shots fired, twelve in the mag, one in the pipe. The second belongs to Mr. Weaver, no shots fired.” he told them, then moved over next to Beth.

Charlotte, who had been leaning over me and taking my pulse, slowly stood and did the same, stepping forward to lay her handgun next to Charles. “No shots fired, full mag.”

The cops looked at me, but I was naked except for the bloody robe over my lap. I had a half-eaten Danish in my hand and a half-full cup of coffee balanced precariously on my thigh. My other hand was missing. I just shrugged. “I didn’t shoot anyone.”

The cops seemed to relax and the older one actually cracked a smile at me.

There were more rushing footfalls in the hallway and two other officers showed up in the doorway, only to be stopped by the younger of the first pair. Behind the new officers, a paramedic stuck his head around the corner and saw me.

“I need to get in there.” he said, pointing at me.

“Give us a minute to secure the scene.”

The older officer used a cell phone to snap a dozen shots of the bodies, the guns and even a group shot of us before he would let the paramedics in.

“Riley, check these three. Waste of time but we follow the regs.” he said, then turned to us. “Folks, I am Sgt. Meers, NYPD. Want to tell me what happened here?”

Charles stepped forward, holding his hand down, palm towards me, obviously not wanting me to speak.

“I am Charles Bolan, team leader for the protection detail assigned to our principal, David Weaver. We are licensed and bonded to carry firearms. You will understand if my first concern is the protection of my employer, and that protection extends to not exposing him to legal liability. We request that our lawyer be present and we will not answer any questions at this time.”

The Sgt looked at him for a moment, then shrugged. “Not my problem, I guess. The homicide guys can deal with you three.”

I tapped Charles on the leg and he bent down so I could whisper. “Tell him to call De Blasio, we were his guests at the birthday party last night.” I said with a grin.

“Sgt, my client asked me to have you call the Mayor. He was a guest of the Mayor at his birthday party last night and was told to call if he needed anything while he was in town.” Charles said, keeping his tone matter-of-fact.

The Sgt just groaned and shook his head. “Perfect, just fucking perfect.” He turned to his partner. “Let the paramedics in. Any of those guys alive?” His partner shook his head and then waved to the waiting ambulance crew.

The men came in, gingerly stepping over the corpses and the pools of blood, avoiding the weapons as well, and crouched down next to me.

They removed the bandage Charlotte had applied and took a look at the wound, easing me forward to see the rear. “Nice.” he said softly, nodding.

“Okay, we are going to start you on some fluids to help with the blood you lost, but the bleeding has already slowed and whoever patched you up did a good job. We need to take you in, get that hole cleaned out and stitched up, but you are in good shape.” He talked while practiced hands pulled out a clear bag of fluid, attached a rubber line and prepared and IV needle. He gripped my upper arm in his hand and told me to pump my fist a couple of times, then slid the needle in place on the first try. In another second he had the needle taped down and the fluid running, laying the bag on the couch behind me so that gravity would feed the fluid correctly.

“You hurt anywhere else?” he asked, shining a light in my eyes.

“Dizzy, a little light headed and beginning to feel a little queasy, but otherwise uninjured.”

He nodded and me and stood up, seeing his partner double-checking the bodies on the floor. “Anyone else hurt?”

“Nope, just me. Listen, Beth has some clothes for me over there by the door, she had to drop them when the officers came in. Can she help me get dressed?

The paramedic looked to the Sgt who nodded, his cell phone to his ear and, in turn, the paramedic nodded to Beth.

As Beth went to retrieve the clothes, I tapped Charles on the leg again. He crouched down, slowly so as to not alarm the officers. “We need to protect the girls. Charlotte didn’t fire her gun, so send her in with the girls, have her move them to another room. If you haven’t already, call Wendy Duff.” He nodded, then talked quietly to Charlotte.

I dug my phone out of the pants from last night while Beth, blushing a little helped me pull on underwear, pants, shoes and socks. She withheld the polo shirt for now. I dialed the girl’s number, hoping the nice thick door and walls would prevent anyone out here from hearing their phone ring.

“Uncle Dave?”

“Shhh ... girls, be very quiet and wait in there. I am just fine, barely a scratch, but I will have to go to the hospital to get it cleaned out. Charles and Beth both fired their guns, so it is certain they will have to go to the police station. Charlotte should be able to stay here with you, and she will move you to another room. I am calling your mom, and I will fly her up here if we need to. Everything is going to be okay, I promise.”

“We were so scared for you! What happened? Why were they shooting at you?”

“Ladies, listen to me. I don’t know yet, but I promise I will fill you in. For now, it is more important to me that you two are safe. I couldn’t live with myself if either of you got hurt. Just stay put, listen to Charlotte, okay?”

“Okay, Uncle Dave. We love you so much!”

“I love you too. Let me call your Mom and then you can call her okay?”

The phone call with Sophia did not go so well.

“WHAT? Where are the girls, are they hurt? Are they safe? What the fuck is going on, David?”I calmed her down and told her what had happened, and that they were a little scared by the noise, but didn’t see anything and were nowhere near the altercation.”

“Altercation my ass! You said you got fucking shot!”

Damn ... she rarely every cussed. She was as angry and upset as I had ever seen her.

“Sophia, damnit, listen to me. They are fine. You know I would give my life to protect them. They are perfectly okay. Call Abby, have her book you a flight. She can give you Charlotte’s number and you have the girls’ numbers. Do me a favor, make sure Wendy Duff is coming with you. I might need a mouthpiece to hurry things along. Sophia, I love you, and everything is going to be okay.”

“I love you too, you asshole. Scaring me again. Damn you, David. Don’t do this to me. I will be there in a few hours.”

It took more than a half hour for the next wave of officials to show up. Two detectives followed by a man in a suit that cost more than the combined cops in the room’s month salary, followed closely behind.

“Mr. Weaver?” The suit asked, barging in and mincing over the dead bodies, his face pale. “The Mayor sent me. He is on his way, but he was at the shore and it will be a while before a helicopter can get him here. He said he will go directly to the hospital.”

“Please tell him I said thanks.” I replied, wondering what else I was supposed to say.

He turned to the paramedic and started peppering him with questions, his phone in his hand.

The detectives stepped forward, looking around at the scene. “Christ, what a mess. Who are the stiffs, anyone know?” he got a bunch of head shakes. “What about the shooters?” The Sgt pointed to Charles and Beth.

“Huh. Nice shooting. Three head shots.” He looked around again. He pointed to Beth’s gun, then Charles and Charlottes. “Yours?” he asked, looking at Charles and getting a nod.

“Permits, please.”

Once he got the basics, he seemed more relaxed. “Okay, you will have to come down for statements and the guns will be held for now, standard policy. The third one is yours, right?” he asked, pointing to Charlotte who nodded in response. “No shots fired?”

He bent down and slipped on a pair of latex gloves, then examined the handgun, dropping the magazine and clearing the live round from the chamber. He examined the chamber and held the barrel up near his nose, sniffing.

“Okay, no worries there.” He handed the pistol to Charlotte, asking her to holster it, then handed her the magazine and loose round, asking her to stick them in a pocket. “Please do not remove the weapon from its holster or load the weapon while we are here.” he instructed and got a head nod. He took a photo of her identification and license, then handed them back to her.

“You are David Weaver?” he asked me and I nodded, fishing my wallet from the pocket of the bloody robe. Thankfully, it was on the opposite side pocket and I was shot on the left.

I handed him my ID and my licenses that stated I was both an Executive with the security firm and a licensed concealed handgun carrier.

He moved over and repeated the process with my pistol, after verifying which was which, but he put it in his pocket. “You can get this back at the station after you give your statement, assuming you are cleared, of course.”

“The Mayor is airborne, Mr. Weaver.” the mayor’s man chimed in, giving me a thumbs up.

“Detective, there are two ladies in the other room. They were sleeping and didn’t see the shooting, only emerging afterwards to be sent right back into the room again. I would like to get them and my employers possessions, out of there and safely into another room with as little publicity as possible.” Charlotte said softly.

He stared at her for a moment, his eyes flicking towards the Mayor’s man. “You understand that I need to verify that, and I need to see what you are taking out? This room is a crime scene.”

“Technically, this room, and not that room, behind the closed and locked door, is a crime scene.” she said softly so only the detective and the three of us could hear her.

He seemed to think it over for a moment, then shrugged and waved towards the room. “Keep them there for now, but you can join them.”

I addressed the detective. “Detective... ?”

“Connoly, Homicide.”

“Detective Connoly, thank you for your help. My protective detail and I will cooperate fully. My nieces, whom I brought to New York for to celebrate their birthdays with the Mayor, are only fifteen. You would not be able to question them anyway, not without their mother and a lawyer here.”

He stared at me for a moment and I could see his mind working. His forehead creased, a frown appearing for a moment, but he seemed to have come to a decision.

“I will need to see ID, and we want to see what is carried out, but as long as they are staying here until their mother collects them, then I don’t have a problem with it. You might want to have them wait until we can cover the bodies. The coroner should be here soon.” he said, then turned to talk to the other detective.

Charles looked down at me, his face unreadable. He shrugged and walked over to the room, knocking and then speaking quietly to Charlotte.

“Mr. Weaver, shouldn’t we be getting you to the hospital? You are bleeding, for heaven’s sake!” The mayors man still looked a little queasy, but he had his phone to his ear as he talked to me.

“Not until my nieces are somewhere safe.” I said firmly, making sure he realized I was deadly serious.

“Mr. Mayor...” I heard him say as he turned away.

More people were milling around in the hall, and another uniformed officer stepped in. All the cops in the room stood a little straighter, moved a little stiffer. The man looked around, spoke with the Sergeant for a moment then the detective, before coming over to crouch down in front of me.

“Mr. Weaver? I am Captain Allen and the Mayor called the commissioner who called me. I got a little of your background, and about the attack that led you to getting security for yourself. This,” he waved his hands at the bodies, “ looks like it may be connected. In any case, I was instructed to apologize to you, from His Honor, for this attack happening in his peaceful city.” The sarcasm in his voice was so thick I could have used it for a blanket.

I just grinned at him and shook my head.

He nodded and continued. “Now, I understand your nieces, is it? Your nieces are with you and you want them away from all of this.”

“That’s right, Captain. At least this happened after the birthday party last night so the whole trip wasn’t ruined, but I don’t want them exposed to ... this.” I said, duplicating his wave at the mess.

He looked at me for a moment then nodded. “I have three daughters.” he said, then stood and started barking orders.

“Sergeant, strip the bed in that second bedroom and bring whatever towels you can find. Carefully cover those bodies and any blood stains. Everyone not directly involved in the investigation, clear the room. In fact, clear the floor and place a guard on the elevator and stairwells.” He turned to the paramedic.

“As soon as his nieces are gone, I don’t care if you have to knock him out, Mr. Weaver goes to the hospital. I will detail a car to escort you and provide security.” The paramedic nodded, and smiled down at me.

In moments, the bodies were covered and only the two detectives, among the police officers, remained in the room, other than the Captain, of course.

He pointed at Charles and Beth. “If you two will accompany one of these detectives to the precinct, we can get your statements or wait for your lawyer, whatever you decide best.”

Once they were gone, he looked around and nodded, striding over to the closed bedroom door and knocking.

Charlotte opened the door, but was blocking the doorway.

“Ma’am, you and the young ladies can leave, but I would like the Detective to take a look through the bags. Procedure, I am afraid. You have been informed that you need to remain here, at the hotel, until the girls’ mother arrives?”

Charlotte nodded, and turned to motion the girls forward.

They emerged from the room, pale faced and eyes red. They both rushed over to me and I saw the Captain roll his eyes, but he didn’t say anything.

“Uncle Dave, are you really okay? Why aren’t you at the hospital? Won’t they let you go? You are bleeding!”

“Girls, calm down. I am okay. The bleeding has stopped and I wanted you two safe, first. Just grab your presents, forget anything else, and take them out in the hall. Charlotte is going to take you to her room until your mom arrives. Then you can come down to the hospital if I am not done there. Now, you go and listen to Charlotte.”

Both girls hugged me and kissed me on the cheek before running back to the room and grabbing their shopping bags. Charlotte was carrying their overnight bags in one hand, leaving the other hand free.

Out in the hall, I could see the detective rummaging through the bags but it appeared to be more pro forma than because he thought he would find something. When he waved them on, I turned to nod at the paramedic.

“Give me a hand here, will you?” I asked, waving my stump with a grin. He helped me to my feet, but was shaking his head.

“I’ll let you walk out, otherwise we would have to move bodies, but once in the hall you have to get on the gurney.”

I thought about arguing the matter but decided it wasn’t worth it.

When we arrived at the hospital, a tense thirty-minute drive later, the Mayor was already waiting and flanked by another high-ranking police officer, this one with stars on his collar, and two other suits.

“David, you know when I said to call if you needed anything, it was a polite fiction, right?” De Blasio said with a smile, laying his hand on my shoulder as he walked beside the gurney.

“Sorry to pull you away from, well, where ever it was you were. I was more worried about my nieces.”

“I wanted an excuse to get out anyway.” De Blasio said with a wink. “I told my assistant to stay there at the hotel, and to make sure a car was at the airport for your sister when she comes in. He got the arrival information, after much arguing, I might add, from your security detail. I was asked to tell you that she is bringing more security with her.”

He paused while they transferred me to an exam table. The doctor shot looks of disgust at the men in his way, but kept his mouth shut on the topic.

“What’s this all about David?”

“I wish I could say. My lawyer is on the way in and her firm has some contacts in DC. I am going to see if they can find out. All I know is that this is the third time men of Middle Eastern persuasion have tried to kill me though, to be fair, the first time it wasn’t personal.” I told him, raising my stump to make a point.

He just shook his head. “Well, the Deputy Commissioner here,” De Blasio said, indicating the uniformed man, “assures me that he has a half dozen officers on hand to make sure it doesn’t happen again while you are here. I’ll check on your girls, make sure they are safe as well.” he said, stepping out of the room.

The emergency room staff cleaned the wound and stitched up the small holes, front and back. “Just a flesh wound, didn’t find anything nasty inside and didn’t even have time to expand. I’ll write you a script for some antibiotics and you can have it checked out by your doctor. I am going to give you an injection now to kick start the antibiotics. I want to get an X-ray of your chest, that is a nasty looking bruise, but I don’t feel anything out of place. Your heart sounds fine and you are breathing okay. Once we get a look at the X-ray, assuming we don’t find anything, you can be released.”

It was three more hours before they released me, and the NYPD gave me a ride down to the precinct to wait for my lawyer and to give them a statement.

Another hour wait until Wendy showed up, another suit with her, this one a younger man, nattily dressed and with a beat up leather attaché in his hand.

“David, what the hell have you gotten in to this time?” Wendy said, in lieu of a greeting, I suppose.

“Ordered room service but I got three guys with guns. I hid while my security team dealt with them, but I got a scratch in the process.”

“Scratch? They told me you got shot!”

“Winged, Wendy, seriously, it’s not a big deal. I am more worried about who these guys are and why they were gunning for me. Three men, bearded, armed, looked like Middle Eastern, but could have been from Russia for all I know. Any chance you can get your boss to call his relative in DC? The State Department didn’t come see me for nothing, after all.”

Wendy looked thoughtful, then nodded. “I can ask.”

“Mr. Weaver, pleasure to meet you, though I would have wished it were under better circumstances. I am Milton Townes, and since Ms. Duff is not licensed to practice law in New York State, her firm has asked mine to provide you with legal services in their stead. Assuming, of course, that is acceptable?”

“Any port in a storm, Mr. Townes.” I nodded.

“Well, we need to write out a statement about what you know, then you should be free to leave. The detective I spoke to on the phone during the drive here informed me that the Deputy Commissioner has made his wishes clear on the matter. Should you be needed later, they will contact Ms. Duff’s firm. Now, if you would?” he asked, handing over a legal pad and several pencils.

I wrote down exactly what happened thought I hesitated before I put down that I puked. They might want to know who that mess belonged to.

It took almost two hours to get the paperwork done, and part of that was because I insisted that my handgun be returned. Charles and Beth were done before I was and, like me, the NYPD was handling them with kid gloves.

Sophia had arrived at the hotel about the same time as Wendy arrived at the station, and she was sitting with the girls and Charlotte when we came in.

She rushed to me and, carefully, gave me a hug and a kiss. “You look pretty good for someone who was in a gunfight today.” she said, looking as if she wanted to cry. She was pushed out of the way by the twins who got a hug and a kiss of their own.

“What’s going on, Uncle Dave? Are you okay? Can we go home?”

“I am okay. A little sore, but okay. We can all go home now, or as soon as I call and charter a plane.”

It took less time than I imagined to get a plane booked, and I told the girls and Sophia all about the hospital and the police station on the way to the airport. It was hard to believe that it was only five in the evening. Today had been at least three days long, I was sure of it!

Once we were airborne, the girls settled down and got out their toys. After making sure I had my watch on, they left me to sit and talk with their mother.

“You are coming home with us, David.” she said, her tone telling me it was useless to argue but I had to try.

“Sophia, the less I am around you until I figure out what the hell is going on, the safer you and the girls will be.”

“Bullshit. Don’t argue with me on this, David. You can’t win. I spent hours talking to Charlotte and on the phone with Mark and Elaine Nelson. They are taking it personally, now that you are a junior partner, more so that if someone attacked one of their regular clients. They are going to have you so hemmed in that you won’t be able to fart in public without one of them being there with a chemical detector to analyze it.”

I laughed, then winced, then scowled at her.

“That doesn’t mean that I am not putting you in danger. Sophia, that scared me, but what scared me more was that the girls might have gotten hurt. I couldn’t stand it if that happened. I feel the same about you! In fact, I am giving Abby a leave of absence or, if she prefers, she can work at the office. I thought I might take a little trip to Aspen, or Miami, or anywhere away from the people I love.”

“If you love us, then let us help you.” she said, pulling out the big guns. “The girls would never forgive you if you just take off.”

I decided to stay with Sophia and the girls for a couple of days. I bet that surprised you!

Once we were locked up tight in her apartment, two armed guards outside the door and a look-out in the lower lobby, I slumped down on to the couch. “Anyone up for pizza? Or subs? Or anything, really. I haven’t eaten since that half a Danish this morning and I am starved!”

Sophia gave me a look. A ‘You got shot and you haven’t eaten? What the hell is wrong with you?’ look if I ever saw one. She bustled into the kitchen and was back in a flash with a roast beef on rye and a glass of orange juice.

“If only you were barefoot and pregnant, you would be the perfect wife.” I said, though she didn’t find it quite as funny as I did.

Once the girls saw me situated and comfortable and they were sure I didn’t need anything at all, they started bombarding me with little hearts, smilies and other nonsense. My wrist was buzzing every thirty seconds as they giggled and sent super-secret messages to each other and to me.

My favorite was from Mina, “You owe me one, but it can wait until your stitches come out, I guess.” with a little frowny face.

Sophia finally settled down and cuddled up with me on the couch. “I called all the girls. They wanted to rush over, but agreed to come by tomorrow instead. Angela said to tell you that she would see what she could find out about the investigation, but she didn’t think it would be much. Inter-departmental cooperation is not an NYPD strong suit.”

“Thank you for calling them. I should have done it so they heard it from me, but I was worried about the twins ... and if you were going to kill me or not.” I said, laying my head on her shoulder.

“You had no way of knowing they were after you, right? I mean, you wouldn’t have taken the girls to New York if you had known.”

“I really didn’t! That thing at the restaurant looked like a chance meeting. I think it was chance. This time, it was deliberate. There is no way in hell I would endanger any of you.”

“I know, but I am a mother. It is my prerogative to worry. Now, tell me about last night. The girls told me about the Mayor, and about getting on the stage with Adele. They even told me about her singing your song! What I want to know is your impression of afterwards.” she said, her voice soft.

“They told you?”

“David, they barely talked of anything else, once Wendy called and told us she was meeting you at the police station because the hospital had released you. Um, speaking of talk, you may want to have a word with Charlotte. She probably knows more than we would wish.”

“Crap. Okay, ignoring that for the moment, talk to me about the girls.”

“David, you would think that they were the ones who discovered sex. They were over the moon! I was so proud of them, and of you. Thank you, baby brother, for taking care of my babies. It sounds like it was everything they could hope for.”

“It was ... magic. Really. Never experienced anything in my life like that and I doubt I ever will again. I did find a fool-proof way to tell them apart. I mean, other than the small mole on Amy’s neck.” I said, laughing.

“Mina took great joy in embarrassing Amy about that.” Sophia laughed and snuggled closer. “I wish I could have been there.”

“I know. You would have been touched. They are amazing young women in every sense of the word.”

We were quiet for a while, just watching the girls play with their laptops and watches.

“Mina says you owe her one, but refused to say what that was about.” Sophia whispered, turning her head to look at me from the corner of her eye.

“Well, then I won’t either. Sorry, sis. I don’t talk about what you and I do together and I won’t with the girls.”


The next day was full of worrying women, surprise media coverage and frustration.

First came the invasion. Angela was at the door bright and early, having called and woke Sophia and I up, since I slept in with her rather than displace one of the twins.

She stepped through the door and held me at arm’s-length, scrutinizing me from head to toe. When nothing obvious presented itself, she leaned in and gave me a kiss, just ticking my top lip with her tongue, then grabbed the bottom hem of my shirt and pulled it up and off over my head.

She ran her fingers, barely touching, over the bruise on my sternum, then hovered over the bandage on my side without touching it at all. She looked up at me, anger in her eyes.

Same as Unending
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A Fling With My FIL

Hi ISS Readers, this is Sudha once again, writing after a long gap – remember my previous post “Road To Heaven”? I received a lot of mails from readers and have wanted to write again to share some more experiences with you. I hope readers will like this story too. The incident that I’m about to describe happened around 10 years back when I was 22. I had just been married and was staying with my husband in Bombay. We were living in a comfortable 2BHK flat in Mulund and life was good and...

2 years ago
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Kitchen Sex

I'm 21 years old and newly wed to my husband, Jacob. He is the love of my life and I'm always working to spice up our sex life. This is what happened two nights ago: Jacob was in the kitchen sipping his mixed drink. I told him he had to wait in the kitchen and I would be right back. I went up the stairs and began stripping my clothes. I was wearing my new purple lace bra and purple lace panties that matched. I was clean shaved and knew how pretty I looked. My hair was curled and it fell on my...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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His Cock My Ass 8211 Part II

Hi readers, thanks for rating my previous stories and for valuable comments. I am here to share one of my experience with you. I am Vinu 22yrs,white,slim.This is my latest experience that I have. I have some other experience also but will write it on another occasion. I now like to cross dress and is ready to do anything my sex mate want. I had met a guy through online who was 30 yrs of age and he was working as a beautician. His place was almost 50km from my house. During chatting we exchange...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 2 Cerezas Curious Kink

The green foliage sped by as Bayonetta pressed down firmly on the accelerator of her Noble M12 GTO. It was a warm spring day and James, sitting in the passenger seat beside her, was basking in the sun and fresh air. It was the first time he'd been outside of Bayonetta's lair since he fell into her clutches and he was overjoyed to be out and stretching his legs. He was even more thankful that he was not wearing the latex bondage suit that had become his second skin as Bayonetta's...

3 years ago
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Adopted part 1

"Walter!" Patty brushed her long, wavy blonde hair out of her eyes and glowered angrily at her adopted son's bedroom door. "Walter, I know what you're doing in there! I am absolutely sick of listening to you jacking off in your room every day! Walter, are you listening?" Her teenage adopted son didn't answer. The rhythmic thumping continued louder than ever, the sound of the headboard banging against the wall as Walter eagerly beat his prick, flailing...

1 year ago
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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 3 of 7 Opening Allie

Author’s Note: These stories are hard to categorize… voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, quasi-threesome with bi overtones and a hot wife. If you’re interested in an illustrated version of the stories, send me an email at ———————————- Smiling up from between my legs, she ran her tongue sensuously along my shaft, licking her own juices from my cock. ‘Now, give yourself a minute to calm down, and then tell me how you got ‘poor, sweet, innocent’ Allie to spread her legs for you.’ ‘God, Carol....

3 years ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 13 High School Confidential

Zupena’s Parents’ Bedroom, Ilderton, Ontario 6:33am, Sunday, November 18, 1979 My dream was exquisite. In it, my hard, motionless cock was being milked within an amazingly tall blonde’s silky smooth, yet wonderfully tight pussy. Our bodies were melded together as I spooned against her long, lean back and tight butt. I remembered my right hand was gently squeezing a warm breast, with a hard nipple that was trying to leave a permanent indentation in my palm. This Amazonian girl slowly twisted...

3 years ago
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Vacation ing with two friends

This past summer my wife and I took a couple of days off and headed to Panama city Beach. We got checked in and decided to lay down and relax after the six hour ride. I woke up after about a two hour nap to find out I was alone in the bed. I had a piss hard on and headed to the bathroom. I pushed the door open and there in the tub was my wife and she was relaxing with her eyes closed.I started pissing without first speaking thinking she was asleep. She spoke to me with opening her eyes. She...

3 years ago
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“Lori, number 3.” The voice comes over the little speaker and a grin traces its way across my lips. I am Lori and my owner is behind door number 3. I am sitting at the little makeup desk in my office. I pick up the black leather collar and buckle it around my neck. I love the way it feels, just snug enough that if my owner tugs, it bites a bit. I like that. Pain is a good reminder, a good teacher. Are you going to watch me? Here, sit here in my dressing room and watch the television. See, you...

4 years ago
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Tekken Force Civilian edition part 2

Paul spoke bluntly: "Suck my cock like the little bitch you are." as he pulled down his pants again. The teenager nodded, falling to his knees before the muscle god clad in a white judo-gi. Now that the pants were down, the muscles of the legs were fully visible. Just from seeing that, the wimpy nerd moaned, and so, he kissed the tip of the cock that went so well with the superior male it belonged to. Liking the musky taste and smell, the teenager began to suck, moaning and yipping in...

2 years ago
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AnnetteChapter 1

"That must be a weight off your mind," said Louise. "Dead right," said Annette with force. "I just hope I'm too old for him by the time they let him out. I never want to see or hear from him again," she added with a shudder. "I'm glad no one ever tried that on me," said Louise, "although there was one bloke who was chatting up Mum who used to look at me. He gave me the squirms." Annette nodded sympathetically. "Um, Lou, can I ask you something a bit personal?" "'Course you...

4 years ago
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selling mums pussy part 3

Hi a little about me before i get on with the story .Im now 18 mum never wanted a baby so i was looked after by a nanny who was about 46 i saw mum about once a month then only to say hi to me .My nanny as i told you in part 2 gave me a wank after my bath when i was 12 i loved that she just gave me a wank so i would make dad keep her in the job this got my young mind working overtime if she wants to keep her job here what else would she do .So next night after my bath she took my little cock in...

3 years ago
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Mom and Dad8217s Friend

This happened about a few years back when I was in college I woke up with a start, my brain slowly coming into focus. I smiled as I realized it had only been a dream. But what a dream! In my dream, my mother and I were naked on her big bed, making love. I often fantasized about being in my beautiful mother’s arms. She was awesome. She stood five feet seven inches and weighed in at one-hundred-and-fourteen pounds. Her face was gorgeous. She had big brown eyes and a small nose. She had beautiful...

3 years ago
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Cruising in the Park

Left the gym feeling pretty horny yesterday since I didn’t get any action in the locker rooms, showed off my cock to a few older men and got a few looks but nothing else. Oh well, can’t suck somebody’s cock in the showers every time. So I decided to head to the local cruising park for older daddy’s that I had heard of awhile ago but never was interested to check it out until now. The park is pretty hidden away off some main roads so it barely sees anybody else but gay twinks and daddies looking...

1 year ago
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Confessions Chloe Foster Chloe Just Loves To Fuck Bad Boys

Ever since Chloe can remember she had always gotten so wet when there is a bad boy around. She just loves the thrill of fucking those hot trouble makers. The thrill of doing something so wrong just turns her on so much more. She finds herself a prison man and he just got out of the slammer and she is hoping he will come and slam her! Small Hands comes over and fucks her raw. Its been so long since he had a pussy like hers. That shaved little thing tastes so sweet and she wants that hard cock...

3 years ago
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Im not a Lesbian Im not well maybe

I need to say something right up front: I'm not a lesbian.I am open minded. I'll try almost anything once.That's why I joined the sex club at my university.But I'm not a lesbian.It wasn't actually called 'The Sex Club' of course. The official name was The Sorority Sisters Sex Education Club, SSSEC. Everyone called it 'The Sex Club'.The club's purpose was to promote healthy attitudes and lifestyles for women with regard to sex. I was proud of that. We had subgroups for everything from...

2 years ago
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Young Bess Part Seven

With apologies to all devotees of Bess for the long delay, I will try to do better in the future. Shannon Q unintentionally made me feel guilty into submitting this part, after I spent months puttering around with it. I want you to know Shannon that I actually cried after I read your review of Part Six. Fans don't deserve to be kept waiting this long. It's not fair. And, no, I will never abandon this project. Thank you, Shannon. As always, YOUNG BESS is fully copyrighted and may not be...

2 years ago
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Jessica and Grandpa ch 2

Next day at school, my mind raced. I had decided to stay over again this evening, asking my mom to drop off some clother for me, during the day, by phone. It would only be the 2nd time I'd stayed over at my grandparents this week, so was nothing unusual, though it wasn't often I'd stay over two nights in a row.I knew Grandma would be out visiting friends when I got back in from school, as she always was on a Friday afternoon, which of course meant I would have some time on my own again with...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Kimmy Kimm Kimmy8217s Hard After School Special

Mr. Stefano has been waiting all day to deliver his firm after school lesson to sweet petite Asian schoolgirl Kimmy. As soon as she walked in he was taken back by how hot, sexy and slutty she looked as Kimmy dropped to her knees and sucking on his hard throbbing cock. Mr. Stefano lifted her skirt, sliding her soaked white panties to the side and fucked her hard bent over against the door before taking her to the bed and tasting more of her sweet young Asian pink pussy and unloading his hot...

3 years ago
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In The Kings ArmyChapter 14

Dev and Rufio were traveling along the Western Road. They had left Westford just that morning and was making their way towards Spriggans. That is where they would pick up the trail of the Elves. Rufio was leading a third horse on a lead. It had backpacks on it, as the two would stable their horses in Spriggans, and then walk westward from there. Rufio said they could not take horses where they were going, thus the reason for the packs. Rufio was as good as his word. He started teaching Dev...

1 year ago
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Building It Up

Of all places to meet my significant other, I met mine at a trade show at the convention center a year ago.  She works at an architectural firm and I was doing landscaping and wanted to talk to several real estates and architect firms looking for more work.  Landscaping allowed me to work during the day so I could take classes in Security and Investigations. Katelynn is a beautiful woman.   She’s about five-feet-seven-inches tall, blonde with killer red highlights.  She has great curves and a...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 21

"Na, ein Wochenende mit deiner liebsten Freundin. Wei?t du was, ich komme morgen Vormittag zu dir und wir verbringen ein sch?nes Wochenende." Moni sieht Jeanie mit gro?en Augen erstaunt an, selbst Siggi bemerkt diesen seltsamen Blick. "Und was ist mit Siggi?" "Och... er wartet auf mich und hat Sonntag sowieso ein Spiel, du bist im Augenblick wichtiger, selbst er sagt es. Uns drei verbindet doch eine richtige Freundschaft, und du Moni, brauchst im Moment unsere Hilfe genau so, wie d...

1 year ago
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Meagans TailA Beauty or a Beast

Tuesday, July 12 2016 6:50AM Palos Verdes, California As Bruce continued changing into a human, he snatched a towel from under David's boogie board and dropped it on his lap, "That's better, it's best not to get arrested on my first day...besides your GG'ma would turn me into chum!" he laughed to the teens. "So you are my mentor...Bruce is it?" Meagan asked, while watching that tail of his was still very much there, even though he could pass for a human...except for a now much...

3 years ago
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Susan was a very attractive blonde haired woman. Susan had awesome stats at 5ft.-8 tall-36D-23-34 measurements and was a slender 110 pounds. Susan never shaved her natural hairy body and had thick blonde hair in her armpits. Susan also had a thick hairy blonde pussy with thick hair all the way up her hairy belly to her hairy navel. Tonight Susan would let her black lover Duke use her oral hole for his pleasure. Duke levered up on his hands into a push-up position above the slowly, undulating...

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Rape your mother

You are sat at the kitchen island in your upper-middle class home in the suburbs. You're idly chomping down on some scrambled eggs, thinking about the day ahead as your mother is busy cleaning up the dishes. The rest of your family has left for the day while you're staying home recovering from a fever. Your eyes wander onto your mother's backside as you continue to eat. Her arse is of a lovely shape, big and meaty due to her age but still fairly firm with her semi-strict regiment of daily...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVIII 3 Womans Right to Change Her Mind

I had promised my mom I would spend that Sunday with her and Richie, and despite the fact that I wanted to spend every minute of it with Jennifer, I did actually enjoy some parts of the day. Richie was christened that morning for one thing, and I was made his Godfather which meant I held him while they made his fussy mood worse by sprinkling the holy water on him and making him outright cry. Oh, I shouldn't really complain though. I was happy to do it, especially since I didn't have a...

1 year ago
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The PetChapter 11

The regimen continued for the next two days. Every two or three hours either David or Danielle would come down stairs and interact with Pet, which is all that they called her. They both knew the girl was getting little sustained sleep, and even as her pink legs and ass returned to normal, and the bruises began to fade, her movements became sluggish and a bit uncoordinated. The sleep deprivation began to do its magic, as Pet was simply too...

1 year ago
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Sex With Roomside Bhabhi

Hi friends, I am bikash and my age is now 24. I am from bhubaneswar(bbsr),odisha.this is my first story to iss so if there is any mistake please forgive me. For any feedback my mail address is About me i am an average looking guy with 5.5 inch dick.I was always looking for ladies those who are married.i always interested in matured ladies. They are so attractive with massive body structures and the attractive thing is their ass. I had many girl friends but before that incident i was virgin. it...

3 years ago
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The Rainbow Club

I just out of the Army and was looking for some thing to make my riches at. I had all my savings from the army to invest and being Bisexual I was thinking of a book store or a bar. So traveling around to all the stores and bars I found a bar for sale that had living quarters above plus a apartment that was rented to a lesbian couple. This bar had a mix clientele of lesbian and gay men so it would be right for my sexual fun. After the sale I started to fix the basement up to make two...

1 year ago
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My Brother My Lover Ch 07

Callie and Nathan drove to their parent's house in silence. Callie wondered what Amber or Rebecca had said to Nathan about David. Nathan was never silent unless he was upset. "Nathan? You OK?" Callie asked softly placing her hand over his. Nathan sighed. "Yeah I'm fine but that Rebecca girl mentioned something about her cousin having a crush on you?" "Well yeah that's the guy I told you about. I already to you that I got that situation under control babe. He knows I'm seeing someone. That...

2 years ago
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Uncle Takes Over FamilyChapter 11

Clay opened to door to the teen’s bedroom. Carrie Ann was lying in her bed with the sheet pulled up around her. He walked over to the bed and looked down at the beautiful blonde teen that was the same age as him. Clay could see the imprint of her nipples pushing up against the sheet, as he said, “My uncle said you were a virgin when he took you.” “Please. I didn’t want to do it with him. You could just tell him you did me,” Carrie Ann begged. “Why would I want to do that?” Clay queried, as...

1 year ago
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Shroom Dungeon First Delve

*************************************** - - - Prologue - - - *************************************** "Come on, Tiberius. You can do it!" Conway coughed up blood as if last words drew his last energy forth. He was behind Tiberius. Down on one knee and clutching his side. "We are doomed if you don't pull that off." Sinea sounded strained. She was mostly okay - save for a few superficial cuts all over her body - but was heaving their bleeding rogue on her shoulder. "Go kill .......

3 years ago
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If I Told Her to Take Her Clothes Off She Just WouldChapter 9

“Wow that’s great,” I hid my feelings while I tried to decide what those feelings were exactly. Faye at a party... “I knew you’d be pleased,” she stroked my ass happily, “I mean ... I do see Mandy and Derek outside school sometimes, but it’s, you know...” “Yes I know.” They hang out because they’re fellow rejects rather than because they have a lot in common. “It’s what you wanted for me, isn’t it?” She’d picked up some sign of my ambivalence about it. “Yes of course it is,” I gave her a...

2 years ago
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Uncle D has a massive D

He spent most of his time talking to me, i was also enjoying his company he wasnt a bad guy like i thought at my impression of him. Feeling his hands on my thighs were giving me a different euphoria, i never felt like this before. I was getting hard. We hung out till night then before leaving he gave me his number, hugged me and grabbed my ass. He wicked at me and said i should call or text him. After going back home, i messaged him and we at first talked about how nice it was to meet him and...

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Gang Bang Bonnie

Copyright © 1999, Phil Phantom. ALL Rights Reserved Bonnie sat in a tub of water with her father begging to get in and use the toilet. He had to go, bad. There was no curtain on the tub, just six inches of slightly milky water, but she had to let him in and called out, "All right, I'll unlock the door, but give me a few seconds to get back in the tub." "Fine, just hurry." Bonnie got out dripping water off her fifteen-year-old, never-been-seen-naked-by-a-man body, went to the door,...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 25 Training for Survival

The honeymoon didn't last long for the newlyweds since neither couple wanted to spend a lot of money. Times were tight and there was other things the two couples wanted to spend their money on. BB took Sheila on a tour of the White Mountain Apache Reservation for their honeymoon much to Sheila's delight. Sheila agreed with BB that his home was surrounded by some of the most beautiful country on earth. She liked the plains and rolling hills of her home in Oklahoma but the majesty of the...

1 year ago
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Brad The Hypnotist Ch 03

Thanks for the feedback, it’s always welcome. I’m also looking for people’s favorite sites, if you wish to share. Two days and my whole life has changed. What started as a normal April school vacation for my wife Amy and I has turned into a nightmare. A nightmare for me, anyway. In the past two days, I have done more harm to our relationship than I could ever dream possible. I was never aware of any sexual problems between us, nor any dissatisfaction from Amy so how could I watch as she...

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BlizzardChapter 24

I stood up and waved. Jared, Sam’s father, was a straight-backed white-haired balding man. He seemed younger, or at least stronger, than Peter and Wayne, Alex and Max’s fathers. I could see Sam in his eyes and height. She must’ve taken after her mother otherwise. He nodded. I sat down and he joined me. “You know why I’m here,” he said. “You’re here because if you straight up tell Sam she can’t see me, she’ll be banging on my door in five minutes,” I said. “She’s got a healthy amount of...

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So You Want To Be A Nurse Part Seven

So You Want To Be A Nurse By Michele Nylons Chapter Seven - Michele Ascending Michele and Polly sat in Michele's lounge drinking tea and smoking. "So? Inspector Burgess?" Michele asked. "Well you know the Matron runs a prostitution ring and that most of the clients are the elite of CMH and the hoi polloi who make up their close circle of friends," Polly went on. "Well us girls and our punters need protection. We need protection from other organisations that provide...

3 years ago
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Im Jim, and my friend is Rudy. We have been golfing friends for 10 years now. We golf on the weekend, cause Rudy works out of town and comes home Friday night. His wife is Gina, 43 120 pounds with an ass to die for. Rudy asked me when we were golfing that Gina wants you to come to dinner tonight? Ok, im free. As I knock on door with a bottle of wine,Gina answers the door. She is wearing a tight t shirt that is so tight her C cup tits are pokeing out. And a pair of tight shorts.

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Natalie looked at her watch. “Ten past four. Ten past fucking four!” she said to nobody in particular. As far as Natalie was concerned, it wasn’t fair that she was the only one that had been given detention. Okay, she had a reputation with the lecturers for being a bit disruptive but on this occasion, she was trying to hear what Miss Williams was saying. It was that cow Denise that had been sat behind her poking her with a ruler that should be in detention. Typical that Miss Williams should...

Straight Sex
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how it all started the road to being a slut

In my early 20's I was having a birthday party for my 1st husband, with 3 other couples he invited from work. We had already started out the night at the house getting stoned on pot and having a few drinks before we moved to the local bar/pool hall down the street. We mostly had the place to ourselves except for some out of townies. The drinks flowed and party went on. I was playing pool with his work friends in a loose ruffled skirt, black panties, boots and spaghetti string T-shirt, with no...

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Morning Harding Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part II

Dosto morning harding part 2 hai plz read first part 1 phir aap ko samj aye ge .ita soft story agar jalde hai muth marany ki to koi or read kar lay ,qukay mare stories ayse he hoti slow slow. Sorry friend didi nay lund pay kiss or thora sa mu main laynay kay bad didi to chali gaye bedroom say but mara to bura haal kar gaye mujay itna sakoon or itna maza a raha tha jab unho nay apni piyaray red color kay lips main mara lund liya tha or un kay mu he heat maray lund ko or be pagal kar gaye thi...

2 years ago
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Juvenile Sexuality by Jim Stanley Chs 1011

Juvenile SexualityByJim StanleyChapter 10Bernie and MeI excused myself at the end of the pinochle game. "Goodnight everybody,"was my exit cue, to which everyone responded, almost in unison, "Goodnight,sleep well." I went up the stairs and immediately undressed, lying nakedbeneath the covers, awaiting Bernie's warm body and his 10 inch hard cock.I had no idea how much longer the game would continue and lay theredry-mouthed anticipating all that would transpire between Bernie and methat night. My...

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Tropical Island Vacation Chapter 2

Our first full day on Kauai is spent unpacking, settling in at the condo, buying groceries to stock the fridge, and a short walk to a restaurant for lunch. The unpacking doesn’t take long as we each brought only one small bag of clothing to wear, consisting of mostly shorts, t-shirts and such. Talia had bought a few tank tops and crop tops for the trip. Little do we know at this point what little use we’ll have for even the clothes we had packed. Talia brought only one bikini because she had...

1 year ago
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The Little Dick Game 1

Story Summary – Oh, those silly, silly games boys play. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives! ----------- Alex’s new friend Jared was so lucky! Jared had a new...

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Kates Enlightenment

Hi my name is Kate and I have a story to tell you about my lifestyle change and how it changed my life. I had been married to Steve for 20 years when the first incident took place and it set in motion a chain of events I could neither have foreseen nor seemed to have any real control over once it started. Whilst living in the suburbs of London, I had a group of friends who were a mixture of single, engaged and married women, varying in ages from late 20s to 40’s like me. We often met as a...

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Helped And Later Fucked Neighbor Nalini

Hi Friends, This is Neel () again from Hyderabad. This story happened few months back with my neighbor Lady. My height is 5.5″ and the size of the dick is 7 and thickness is 2 1/2 centimeters. I live in a group house where each floor has 2 flats and I stay in the last floor which is 4th…Opposite to my flat there used to live a couple and the lady is the heroine of this story. The husband is a short guy and he used to work as a medical rep. He used to be in town for 15 days and another 15 days...

2 years ago
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Sleazy Satanic Cult 3

“It is not just pleasure we own, we owe it all to pain. Now, you will understand what it takes to be one of us.” “I am all yours to use, Sir.” “Call me Rogarth, Daemon. From now on, you are ours; especially mine.” Rogarth released Daemon. As the hounds entered the chamber naked with cocks engorged and equally just as huge. They began staring down at him; and as Daemon crawled back from his captive towards a dark corner but to no avail escape had finally captivated himself in the excess...

1 year ago
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A Fuck Times Four

POW! ‘Fuck.’ I knew exactly what happened. This was not good it’s cold, the middle of winter, a blizzard outside and I blow a tire in the small town of Buffalo Minnesota which about 45 minutes Northwest of Minneapolis and worst of all I had no spare. I pulled over the the side of the road and got out of my car and walked around and saw my right front tire was the one that was flat. Even if I did have a spare I had no idea how to change a tire. I was on my way to visit my aunt and uncle and I...

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Caras twisted revenge in her family Prologue1

Dodge was a bad boy. Everybody knew it. He was well known in town for being the little shit you must avoid at all costs. Him and his friends were nothing more then the town hooligans. He had no morals and Cara knew this. That's why she went to him for help. There was always rumours flying around school about Dodge and his gang. The shit they get up to. The chaos they cause. If they weren't getting drugged off their faces and robbing hotels, they were raping some innocent girls down...

2 years ago
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Fashion Man 3

AUTHOR’S NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction containing adults in adult situations. The persons depicted do not exist nor have they existed to the author’s knowledge. This story is not to be read by, read to, or printed and given to any minor under the age of, oh let’s say 20. Situations may be portrayed which may be considered in bad taste, or downright illegal in some places and therefore should not be attempted unless you are a story character and not a real human being. ...


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