- 2 years ago
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A few days later, we pulled into Tucson. Just to be sure that there would be no trouble, I had asked Running Fox to stay with the wagons. With the current Indian wars going on, too many people shot first and asked questions later, if at all.
Every chance she had, Alice had been teaching English to Running Fox. He was not fluent in the language, but he was beginning to understand simpler statements. Running Fox seemed to be one of the smartest men I ever met, and he had a knack with languages.
While we were at Tucson, we dropped off a lot of the freight that we had been hauling and picked up some headed for Yuma. We didn't have as much going out as we did coming into Tucson, but there was enough to make it worth our while to haul it. There were no fixed freight rates, so each load involved a negotiation for the best rate for both sides. Based on my success with buying the wagon, Mr. Jackson asked me to come along to negotiate for him. He freely admitted that he was a very poor bargainer, and sometimes took a job at less money than he could have gotten for it.
I was happy to help him out, especially considering how kind he had been to me and to Alice. When we left the first customer, he slapped me on the back and commented that I had gotten twice the fee that he would have settled for. From then on, Mr. Jackson just introduced me as his agent, and stayed out of the conversation after that. I could not always do as well as I did on that first contract, but I always did better than he would have done without me. I really felt good about that.
We loaded up the freight from Tucson and evened out the loads in the wagons so that we had the same number of wagons, but each one was not as heavily loaded. I'm sure that this was appreciated by the oxen, though none of them actually commented on it.
We had spent three days in Tucson, and I had taken the opportunity to pick up four of the S&W top-break .44-40 revolvers as a present for Running Fox. I figured to have my friend on the wagon train make up a rig for him like he had done for me. In the meantime, he could use his current holster for a single S&W revolver.
Running Fox was ecstatic over the gift of the new revolver, and he almost kissed me when he realized that he was getting three more as soon as the holsters were ready. He had been practicing his pistol shooting and had become quite good with it considering how little time he'd had to work with a handgun. I had visions of him becoming as good as me, once he had enough experience. He was great when he had time to aim, but he needed to work on his draw and his quick shooting without the conventional aiming. I practiced with him as much as possible, and several of the other men in the crew joined us for my very informal classes. Alice even joined us with her .38, and she, too, got to be very proficient with it.
One day, she asked to try out a .44-40. The gun was really too big for her small hand to hold comfortably, but she did very well with two hands. Hell, we were not after style points, so I helped her with holding the pistol with two hands. This way, Alice could shoot as well with the .44-40 as she could with the .38 revolver she normally carried. That convinced me to switch her to a S&W .44-40 as soon as I could find one for her. In the meantime, she did switch to the Colt that Running Fox had been carrying.
We really had to be alert once we started out west of Tucson. The Yaquis were active along here, and they had the reputation of being the meanest Indians that a White man could run up against. Yaquis had been attacking wagon trains long before the full scale war had started, and they were expected to continue doing it long after the main war was over.
Running Fox and I were out one morning on our scouting run when we came upon a White man who had been tortured to death in a most gruesome way. Running Fox's only comment was, "Yaqui!" He looked around and estimated that the job had been done by 4-6 Yaquis, and it had been done yesterday. Without a doubt, we could expect an attack from them today or tomorrow. Running Fox warned me to be sure to shoot Alice before she could be captured by the Yaquis. Even a gut shot that would take hours to kill her was preferable to what the Yaquis would do to her over a period of several days.
We hurried to scout the rest of the road before taking up the trail of the Yaquis. Running Fox insisted that the Yaquis were not somebody to be taken lightly, and the two of us needed to stick together in Yaqui territory. I was happy after hearing that to know that Running fox had his four guns, and could use them to good effect.
We hurried back to the wagon train to report that the route was clear for the next 15 miles and to report that we were going looking for a party of 4-6 Yaquis. Mr. Jackson promised to be alert, and we were waved out with shouts of "Good luck" from the whole group. I even had the time for a kiss from Alice.
We found the trail of the Yaquis, and Running Fox was a bit concerned. He said that the trail was too easy to follow, and he feared that the Yaquis wanted to be followed. He was sure that they were planning some sort of ambush. Well, Running Fox was correct, as usual.
We followed the trail for about a mile south into the desert. Suddenly, Running Fox said, "Keep a close watch! There are not as many Yaquis leaving a trail, starting just up there about a hundred feet."
Hardly had he said that than two men burst up out of the sand. They had been hiding in slit trenches with just a light covering of sand. Neither man went for us. Instead, they cut long slits in our horses' throats. Whatever else it accomplished, it kept me from escaping because my horse fell in such a way that my leg was trapped under my horse. Shit! I was in desperate trouble!
The Yaqui who had attacked me turned on me with his knife, but I had been able to draw my revolver while he was coming around my fallen horse. It was a snap shot, but I hit him in the gut, and that put him out of the fight. At that range, a slug from a .44-40 makes a big mess as it travels through a man's body. Even the relatively low power of black powder, as compared to smokeless powder, puts enough energy into the bullet to scramble flesh and break bones as it passes through.
Meanwhile, Running Fox had not been so lucky. He had jumped free of his dying horse, but he landed too close to his attacker and received a nasty wound in his left forearm as he shielded himself from a swing from the man's knife that would have gutted him. I could see the attack on Running Fox, so I put a bullet through the chest of his attacker.
Definitely, we were in serious trouble! Running Fox was badly cut and bleeding profusely. I was pinned under my horse. We had no idea where the rest of the Yaquis might be. I waved Running Fox to me and had him keep watch while I tried to do what I could to stop the bleeding. Fortunately, no major artery had been cut. I cut off one sleeve of his shirt and used that with the handle of his tomahawk to make a tourniquet. That slowed down the bleeding enough for me to stop it completely with a compression bandage made from his other shirt sleeve.
There was still no sign of the rest of the Yaquis, so I began to work my leg from under my dead horse. I had made considerable progress when Running Fox announced the presence of the rest of the Yaquis by firing his revolver at them. There was no way he could use his rifle with his left arm messed up the way it was. Thank God that he was now proficient with his revolvers. My Winchester was buried under several hundred pounds of horse carcass, so I, too, was stuck with only my revolvers.
Introduction: So youre not going to believe what I just got back from doing. Im sitting here on my computer about to write down the story of what happened tonight because I DONT WANT TO FORGET A SINGLE DETAIL! My girlfriend is now laying in bed asleep after putting on the performance of her life. She earned it! So youre not going to believe what I just got back from doing. Im sitting here on my computer about to write down the story of what happened tonight because I DONT WANT TO FORGET A...
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Center Stage By Melissa Blake He tried to scream out as the process to change him began. Little did he know that within several minutes, the life he led would cease to exist. If only he hadn't held the coin. If only. He doubled up, racked in pain as he felt his body begin to conform to his wishes. His pulse and breath quickened, his chest heaving heavily. His hands reached for the edge of the bed as he stumbled across the bedroom. The pores of his skin began to sweat...
Part One: Center Mass Greg Lorcan had left implicit instructions with the Hotel manager to be left alone in the restaurant banquet hall, a room sizable enough to accommodate at least fifty people comfortably. And while his ego could fill a space twice that size the Senator from Washington D.C. just wanted to be left alone. He didn’t notice her at first but he should have. She was tall standing a good six feet with long toned legs that would make a spider jealous. She was dark skinned...
Chuck Nelson hummed to himself as he approached the news stand. The new issue of Playpen was out and he always looked forward to that. It was a hard core porn mag that had the best models in it, both male and female, and he never failed to have ample jerk off fantasies as he examined the mag during the month. In fact, he liked them so much he hadn't thrown a single one away in the two years he'd been buying them. Ever since his wife had died, he hadn't had the stomach for re-entering the...
Autumn looked out the window into the season that was her namesake, twirled a finger through a curl in her long brunette hair, and sighed. The final leaves falling from the maple tree after a strong gust of wind reminded her of the last few months of her life, as piece after piece of it had crashed to earth. First, her boyfriend of two years had lost interest in sex and grown distant. Her hormones had decided to go into overdrive at almost the exact same time, making it doubly torturous. After...
“My god...that was tiring.” Sighed John, as he shut the front door to his small apartment. Setting his keys on the nearby counter to his left. John had just finished another hard day at work and was ready for some downtime. Walking through his barely furnished home, he lays down on the couch in the center of the small living room. Falling down onto the couch without a care John lets out one last sigh of relief at feeling the comfort upon his tired body. Grabbing the remote next to him, John...
Mind ControlRunning Fox and I set out on our usual morning scouting run. We were not expecting anything unusual, I say that because Indian attacks had become more and more usual. We were about 3 miles from the wagons when Running Fox called a halt. "I saw something moving back there among the dunes. It didn't register at first, but now I think that we should check it out." "OK by me. You often see things that I don't, Running Fox, that's why you are so valuable as a partner." We turned back...
Under ordinary circumstances, the Remington rolling block buffalo gun just had too much recoil for somebody of Joe's size and age. It had a very narrow buttplate and could very easily break his collar bone. However, I thought about it for a while and came up with a possible solution. If I could come up with some sort of pad to absorb and distribute the shock of the recoil, Joe could shoot the rifle. I went to talk to my friend, the leather worker. Jeremiah thought about the problem for a...
"Greetings and welcome friends! I am the master of the mental forces, Hypnotico!" You call out in a boisterous voice. The crowd before you applauds you warmly, though you note it could have been better. Well this is your first gig after all. Can't complain too much. You bow cockily, adjusting your mask as you come back up. You see that you have a good sized crowd before you. Almost a full house. Now all you had to do was wow them. "Hypnotico greets you friends! He hopes you enjoy the show! At...
Mind ControlAutumn looked out the window into the season that was her namesake, twirled a finger through a curl in her long brunette hair, and sighed. The final leaves falling from the maple tree after a strong gust of wind reminded her of the last few months of her life, as piece after piece of it had crashed to earth. First, her boyfriend of two years had lost interest in sex and grown distant. Her hormones had decided to go into overdrive at almost the exact same time, making it doubly torturous. After...
A few days later, I was making my morning scouting excursion when I heard a moan coming from a few yards off the road. I drew my pistol just in case it was a trap as I rode over there. I was surprised to find a naked White woman lying beside a burned-out wagon. There was a skeleton of an adult lying against a burned wheel as if it had been tied to the wheel at one time. The woman was tied to stakes facing down, but her ass was in the air. I could see dried blood all around her ass and pussy,...
I had brought in four draft mules and 10 Indian horses when I rescued Alice. Mr. Jackson told me that they were mine to do with as I wished, so I sold them and used the money to increase my arsenal. I bought three more of the S&W .44-40 top-break revolvers and had holsters made for them by our resident leather worker. He made up another crossdraw holster that I wore on my right side, plus two holsters that I wore at my hips in the conventional fashion. That gave me 20 shots before I had...
Arnie Upson was the most knowledgeable among the wagon train crew on wagons, so he was sent into town with us to find a wagon to be hooked behind the chuck wagon. This wagon was to become a home on wheels for Alice and me. Alice claimed to know nothing about wagons, and I certainly didn't, so we were grateful that Arnie was willing to help us out in selecting a wagon. Arnie warned us that a good wagon could cost $60-75, so he was going to be real picky about the one he recommended. He even...
I turned to follow the trail of the "three" Indians as they got closer to my wagon train. I planned to take no chances. If this war party got close to the wagons where Alice was, I was going to start shooting, and to hell with giving them any warning! I followed the trail for about 30 minutes until I came to the camp where they must have spent last night. As was common with Indians, they left the place in a mess, but I was able to find traces which proved to me that they were Navajo. The...
We didn't know where that gang of 10 Navajos had disappeared to, but Running Fox and I were not comfortable knowing that they could be in our neighborhood. We left to hunt for them shortly after the train reorganized following the Apache attack. At least, we didn't have to worry about the two groups working together, though we would have been in a lot more trouble if they had done so. Running Fox and I hurried to where we had seen their tracks and immediately started to follow them. The...
We cut the women loose, and they just collapsed where they were. They did not have the strength to move from their current positions. We got some of the Indian sleeping blankets and made crude bedrolls for the women. When that was done, we pulled the dead Indians away from camp, since it was obvious that the women were not going anywhere for a while. We set up our usual two-hour watch rotation and got what rest we could for the rest of the night. The next morning, it was obvious that the...
I wondered what these inept fighters were doing out here where they could be so easily killed without the protection they so obviously needed. Running Fox cleared up the mystery for me. These were shamans who were on a mission to commune with the spirits. From the number of amulets that were hanging from the rock walls, he guessed that they were preparing charms against bullets. It was kind of axiomatic among the Indians that you could never be sure what craziness a shaman would come up with...
I didn't let Joe wear his guns in camp, yet, for fear that he might be tempted to show off and hurt somebody accidentally. However, that didn't keep him from strutting around the rest of the day and through supper. Of course, after supper, he had to tell in excruciating detail all about his experiences with a "real gun." There were some secret smiles at all of this, but everybody encouraged him to keep up his training so that he could become a hunter and scout that they could depend on....
We didn't linger in Las Cruces any longer than we had to. All of our business there was transacted in two days. We were now on our last leg of the trek. We should be in El Paso in no more than four days. That was great news for virtually everybody. Most of the crew had wives, girlfriends, or favorite whores that they were anxious to find and get reacquainted with. It was a little different for my family. None of us knew anybody in El Paso, so we were at loose ends. Sunshine thought that...
We had a week of peace and quiet, and damned if it didn't get boring! What do you make of that!?! By this time we were well into the wilds of the New Mexico Territory desert, and we were expecting to see our first Navajos pretty soon. In some ways they were harder to fight than other Indians because so many of them still used bows and arrows. It wasn't because they couldn't get guns, it was more because it was the traditional way to fight. The result of this was that they were much...
It was now late in the year, so bad weather was to be expected. Running Fox said that we were approaching the season of sand storms, and they could be very bad on occasion. I didn't doubt him, but I wasn't anxious to have him proven correct, either. I was really getting into this wagon master state of mind, and I hated anything that interfered with our progress toward Yuma. The weather didn't seem to care that we were getting close to Tucson. We were hit with a major sandstorm a couple of...
The next morning, I was expecting to find a resumption of the battle. However, the neighborhood was strangely quiet. I scanned our entire perimeter with my binoculars, but could not see a single Navajo. Where the hell did they go? For that mater, where were Joe and Running Fox? Alice was cooking breakfast when the prodigals came in. As soon as I saw them, I knew something serious had gone wrong. Joe was slumped over his saddle and was in the saddle more by Running Fox's efforts than his...
I extracted a promise from him to buy more condoms before I come to see him in New York. We waited until he was home before we decided when that would be, so he could look at his date book. I was glad for the delay for a number of reasons. It gave me plenty of time to schedule my vacation time at work. I don’t make a lot of money as a CNA, but I’ve managed my finances well enough that I could afford a flight to New York, especially if I purchased the tickets a month in advance and stayed at...
Winter, 1982 Cami and I had met up behind our high school auditorium. It was night, but the area was lit because the drama club had a production of ‘Death of a Salesman’ running. As promised, Cami was wearing my letterman’s jacket. I could see her short dress, too short for this time of year, poking out below the hem, and I could only see skin above the top button. She undid the top button, and I could see a little cleavage. She undid the other two buttons and started to open the jacket up....
Since we were already naked, we went to Cami’s bed for the night. I’d spent the night in a few women’s beds during my years in New York, but I hadn’t been so happy about the actual going to bed part since I left Iowa. I had the best night’s sleep I’d had in years. When I woke up, she was lying with her back to me. I kissed the back of her neck and told her, ‘Good morning.’ She turned over to face me. ‘It is, isn’t it?’ she responded. ‘You’re the first man I’ve been with since Mike died.’ ...
NOTE: I wrote this story in 2007. The ages reflect this. *** When I went to bed the night of my birthday, I was as happy as I’d ever been. The girl of my dreams was now the lady in my life, and I wanted to make sure it stayed that way. She was even giving serious thought to having my child, which was more than I had dared to dream with any other woman since I became an adult. I hoped that the rest of Cami’s visit would follow the pattern of the first part of it: sex, sightseeing, sex, sleep,...
“So, have you made up your mind yet? Where are we going tonight?” my husband, Greg, asked. “It’s a toss up, baby. Part of me wants to go to the casinos, but a bigger part of me wants to go to the strip club, like we talked about,” I told him, as we drove home from his mom’s house. My mother-in-law agreed to watch my 2 daughters for the night. Tonight was our 7th anniversary, and since I rarely have the weekend off, we really wanted something fun to do. We sat silently in the truck for...
“So, have you made up your mind yet? Where are we going tonight?” my husband, Greg, asked. “It's a toss up, baby. Part of me wants to go to the casinos, but a bigger part of me wants to go to the strip club, like we talked about,” I told him, as we drove home from his mom's house. My mother-in-law agreed to watch my 2 daughters for the night. Tonight was our 7th anniversary, and since I rarely have the weekend off, we really wanted something fun to do. We sat silently in the truck for awhile,...
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The doorbell. I opened the door and there she was. Sally looked the same as she did the week she left, except her hair was different – shorter. She was just as slim, just as shapely. Her face was just as pretty, but her eyes had lost something; I took it that they were harder, less peaceful and carefree. Not surprising, considering what she had come to do. “Hello Sally,” I said evenly. How do you greet a wife who’s left you for someone else, I wondered briefly. “Come in, let me take your...
When Ayden sat back on the couch, his dick was still pointing at the ceiling. It took me a while to recover on the floor, but my own six-incher was still hard as a rock. For both of us, the sexual experience had been completely unexpected but incredibly hot. Not in a million years did I ever think that I would swallow a dick, let alone one as huge as Ayden's. He too had no idea that he would dominate his sister's boyfriend, or that he would ream out his throat with his enormous cock.Ayden...
I was sick and tired of Becky Finklestein. I hated the way that she bullied me, and I hated the way that Courtney swooned over her. But I couldn’t do anything to stop her, not with muscles like that. I needed an advantage. So I made a phone call. Ernesto Valderrama was Miss Valderrama’s husband. They shared a dojo, with Ernesto teaching boys and his wife teaching girls. Lessons were over by the time I got there, but Ernesto said he would make an exception for me after I told about how I was...
It is nice to be home even if we had to take a tour bus to get here. Bart and Chrissy got their luggage to hurry over to her house. Camden said she would explain once things settled down. April was in the door as soon as it opened, yelling, “Mommy, Daddy, Day-id has seven babies.” She went off excitedly to tell them all about how she was a big girl and had a job, too. They heard all about how she got to say hi to the new people and bye when they were leaving. It was a big job because I...
Star Spangled Sex July 4th Story Challenge: Author’s Note: This went a far way down the dominance, submission relationship that steamed under the surface at the school. It answered the burning question how a competent pretty blonde school teacher could be led down the path of becoming a submissive to another of her peers. Perhaps it had to do with her to female authority figure experiences with getting a firm paddling! *After you have read this latest chapter I would appreciate if you...
[Preservation, West Georgia] Mike is two years old. It's late spring of 2014. It amazes me to realize I track time now by my son's age. Shirley and I are trying for another. Actually, we have been trying just without success in getting Shirley pregnant. She said that we enjoy making love too much to worry about her becoming pregnant. Janice and Bennie married six months ago and they had a church wedding after making their public announcement. I gave away the bride and Shirley, holding...
CHAPTER 17 Fifteen months later when Reece returned home with Courtney from her lawyer, he was a very rich man, subject to transfers of titles and some other routine documentation. He felt pleased, but not elated. In fact, except for a slight feeling that he could now afford to be more decisive in life, it was quite remarkable how unchanged he felt. He shrugged, and went into the office while Courtney busied herself with her thoughts while preparing a celebratory meal for two. Patricia was in...
I guess you could call me somewhat of a cockhound, but I can't help it. I've always had a strong sex drive and my husband knew that when we got married. I felt he was losing interest in sex, we were only having sex three or four times a month, I missed the mid-day stuff, and he was spending a little more time "out with the guys." That was until I caught him cheating, I actually think he wanted to be caught, I found about thirty or so pictures on the computer. The pictures were of a mutual...
Hi indian sex storiesdot net readers .Hope you enjoyed the part 1 of my story.Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments. Coming to me , I am a software engineer working in Hyderabad.I am 5.7″ tall with average body and with satisfying cock ;-) Girls/aunties from Hyderabad who want to have a private sex/sex relationship can mail me @ Please do not hesitate in reaching me …will keep your details private and confidential. Coming to the story: Part2: Most of part 1 contains the love part of...
POW CAMP 2 1-14-05 Thirty-nine year old Sergeant Sandra MacEwen looked out at the barbed wire as the five men digging the grave for Captain Vickie Tamping, the young Canadian woman who was taken on Space Dock Two leading a small unit of guerrillas against the American forces. She had been wounded when she was brought in and they never gave her any of the advanced medical they had captured. Sandra's eyes floated over the three thousand wooden crosses and cringed as she remembered the first...
“Jim, is there something I can do for you?” Lia asked as she walked into the kitchen, freshly showered from the morning’s dawn raid in search of isolation, nature, and somewhere for Miss P to run wild. It had been only her second outing, and as advertised, both Miss P and Lia had ‘needed’ a good boning afterwards, so the question of Lia’s offer to do something for me left me a little lost for an answer. The long tee-shirt she was only wearing was paying things off for me, too. “Something you...