The Stranger s Secret Game
- 3 years ago
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That evening, I called the boys. They were together, so we linked the phones and had a three-way conversation.
"So ... I guess your mother told you what's going on yesterday morning," I began.
"Yeah," Matt answered. "It stinks, Dad. I don't understand it. She couldn't give us a real good reason why she wanted to divorce you. Just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo about wanting to realize her potential and get some meaning into her life. Where the hell does she come up with that bullshit?"
"Okay, guys. Easy on the language, please. To answer your question, I have no idea where this came from or when it started. I can't think of anything in our life that would hint that she wasn't happy or satisfied. It's like she woke up yesterday morning and decided this had to be done."
"We can't think of anything that would have given us a clue either, Dad," Ross chipped in.
"I think that's the most bothersome thing, guys. None of us had any hint that she was unhappy or unsatisfied. I thought maybe that it was just me being insensitive to her and not noticing, but now ... with you guys not seeing anything either ... I'm just baffled."
"Dad ... Ross and me ... uhhm ... we decided to stay here for now. Ross still has a year of school left and I'll be in Eugene in September. It seemed like the best idea for now. It's not like we're siding with Mom, okay?"
"No need to explain, guys. I understand and I think it's the best thing for you too. I don't know where I'm going to be living, so this gives you a home address that you can count on."
"Thanks, Dad. I'm glad you understand. Maybe we'll find out what's going on with Mom."
"You never know, but don't feel you have to spy. In the end, it doesn't really matter. Your mother has decided to divorce me, and it doesn't sound like there's anything that will change her mind. I'm going to plan on being single sometime by the end of this year."
"I hate this, Dad," Ross said, a sob in his voice. "This isn't right. How can she do this? Do you think she has a boyfriend somewhere?"
"Hell, Ross, what gave you that idea? If she has, he's well hidden. Besides, if she has, he'll show up sooner or later after the divorce is final. We'll know one way or another. For now, let's give her the benefit of the doubt."
"Jeez, Dad. You're sure being good about this. If it was me, I'd be going crazy," Matt said.
"Not much point is there, Matt? It won't change anything. It might make things worse, in fact. So for now, cool it. Just try to get along with your mother and your life. You've got the summer before you have to go back to school, so I'm sure we'll find things to do together on the weekends."
"Okay, Dad," Matt said quietly. I could tell both the boys were down about what was happening, and all I could do was to try not to add to that feeling. It would take a bit of acting for now, but it was necessary.
We signed off after I promised we would have a nightly three-way call. I wanted to keep in touch with them and I planned to spend some time on the weekends with them. It was as much therapy for me as it was for them.
When I closed the phone, I realized I had a couple of other calls to make. I was sure my parents knew nothing about this. It would come as a big shock and there would be a thousand questions. I wasn't looking forward to it, but it had to be done.
"Hi Mom, it's Geoff."
"I know who it is, Geoffrey. I've known your voice for over forty years," she said with a hint of humor.
"Mom ... I'm afraid I've got some bad news. Joyce has filed for divorce. She handed me the papers yesterday evening. I'm afraid she's serious. I know how much you liked her, and I didn't want you to hear it from someone else."
"Oh, Geoffrey. I can't believe it. Why? Have you done something wrong?"
I patiently explained what Joyce had said the evening before and how completely surprised I was. I had no inkling that she was unhappy. My mother was very sad, and after a few more words, handed the phone to my father.
"I got the gist of that conversation, Geoff. I can't imagine what's got into that girl. She was so level-headed. A great mother, and from all you told me, a great wife. I don't understand it."
"Neither do I, Dad. It may take a while before we find out just what drove her to this. Maybe we'll never know. The boys are staying with her because that makes the most sense. They're not happy, but they understand it's what's best."
We talked a little longer and I promised to keep them informed of what was happening, even if it wasn't good news. I would make sure the boys would also call them regularly once a week.
Now I had to call Joyce's parents. I was sure they knew by now, but I was close to both of them, particularly Mike, her father. Right from the beginning we hit it off and I really didn't want to lose contact with them, even if their daughter was dumping me.
"Oh, hello Nora, it's Geoff."
"Oh, Geoff. I'm so sorry. I just don't understand Joyce. What is she thinking? How could she tear a family apart like that? She said it wasn't your fault ... but ... if that's true, it must be her fault. I'm so upset with her that I can hardly keep my temper. Her father is furious. He thinks she's on drugs or something."
"I think it's going to be a while before we find out just what is going on with her, Nora. But she's got her mind set on divorce, so I'm doing what I have to do to protect myself and the boys. I don't want a divorce, but Joyce is in the driver's seat and she's the one who's initiating the action. I just hope it doesn't get nasty."
"Geoff ... I want you to promise me ... you won't abandon us. We love you and your boys and regardless of my crazy daughter, please don't forget us."
"That's an easy promise to keep. I feel like you and Mike are my second parents and I need all the support I can get. Thank you for that."
Nora handed the phone to her husband. It was a subdued and unhappy Mike Fielding that spoke.
"How you makin' out, Son?" It was a familiar greeting, but with a somber edge. He had called me Son right from the beginning of our relationship. He was almost as much a father to me as my true father. Whatever chemistry was involved, we clicked and anyone who knew us could tell immediately.
"I'll make it, Mike. It isn't going to be easy, but I've pretty much decided that what she wants is what she'll get. The only thing left is to argue over the details."
"I do not understand that girl. I never in my dreams thought she would do something like this. She can't even explain it to us and make any sense. How the hell would you have a chance to figure her out?"
"Well, Mike, we can beat this to death, but I don't see it changing anything. Like I said to Nora, maybe somewhere down the road we'll find out what prompted her to do this. But ... by then ... it won't make much difference, will it?"
We talked a little about my plans for the short term, then my promise to make sure the boys kept in touch with them. More importantly to him, I promised I would be just as frequently in touch, no matter how the divorce went. He seemed satisfied with that, but not any happier. We ended the call with his wishing me good luck.
It had been a little over twenty-four hours since Joyce dropped the bomb on me. A lot had happened, but there was a lot more to come. I had taken care of the mandatory things, now it was down to the nitty-gritty. I was going to be restless waiting for Pete to call and let me know what the next step was. I had been working on my list and I was pretty sure I had everything I wanted down on paper. If I'd forgotten something, I convinced myself that it couldn't have been that important.
I tried to immerse myself in my work on Wednesday. I'd slept a little better the previous night, primarily because I was catching up on what I had missed on Monday night.
Nonetheless, I felt more rested and alert, and surprisingly in a better mood. I had picked up the local paper with the intention of looking for a furnished apartment to rent. I had no idea if there were any available in Wenatchee, but with the number of seasonal and migrant workers now in the area for the cherry harvest, I doubted I'd be able to find anything. Just the same, I had to try.
I was busy cleaning up a hard drive that had been hopelessly cluttered with rubbish and obsolete programs. It seemed like nothing had ever been deleted, so I was going through the painstaking process of trying to decide which programs were current, and which were candidates for disposal. I was almost done when Terry walked in and sat on the edge of the desk.
"I was thinkin', Geoff. You know I've got that summer home up just north of Orondo. Normally, Tina and I would be there every weekend, but this past year her arthritis has been actin' up somethin' fierce. So, like I was sayin', you might want to use that place for a while until this divorce thing gets settled. You don't want to be livin' in that motel for too long."
"Oh, hell Terry, that's a very generous offer, but I don't want to impose on you. I know that place is special to you."
"Yeah ... well ... I know all that. It wouldn't be free, mind you, and you'd have to put up with me on a weekend now and then, but havin' it jest set there and nobody around wouldn't be good either. Hell, you bein' there would keep the break-ins and rowdy types away. That would be good for me."
"Well, it's a hell of an offer, Terry. How much would you want for rent?"
"How's about five hundred a month?" he said, squinting to see if it was too much.
"Are you kidding? You could get five hundred a week for that place. It's beautiful and right on the river too."
"Well then, what are we arguin' about? Five hundred a month and I get to join you on any weekend where Tina's sister is around to keep an eye on her."
"You're serious about this?"
"Damn sure I am."
"Thank you, Terry. That takes a load off my mind. Just one thing. I wonder if it would be okay if the boys were with me on some weekends. If I recall, we can find a place for them to sleep that won't bother anyone."
"Hell, yes. They can sleep on the porch. There's an old sofa bed out there. The breeze off the river keeps it cool at night. I've slept out there plenty of nights."
"That's great! When do you think it would be okay for me to move up there?"
"Tell you what. Tina's sister is going to be here this weekend. We can take my truck and move your stuff up there this Saturday. You can buy the beer," he laughed.
"Done. Damn it, Terry, this is really super of you. I can't thank you enough."
"Well, Geoff, divorce ain't cheap. You're a damn fine employee and one of these days I want you to be able to buy this business from me so Tina and I can go south to Arizona. She always feels better when we go there in the winter."
"I'll get my stuff organized Friday night and be ready for you when you get to the motel on Saturday morning."
"Shit, man. Why don't we just load up Friday night and head on up there? Gives us some extra drinkin' time on Saturday."
"Okay," I laughed, "just let me know when you want to go and I'll be ready."
Terry Jackson started Valley Computer Services nearly thirty years ago when the PC was just getting a foothold in the home. He was ahead of his time, and thus got a lot of business on the early machines. He looked and acted like a "good old boy," but he was savvy and had keen eye for customer service. It was that service that made Valley Computer the biggest and the best in the Wenatchee area.
It was by all appearances, a small outfit. What weren't visible were the contracts for commercial services that were the foundation of the company. City and state offices, commercial operations, all counted on him to keep them in business. To that end, his key employee was me, Geoff Nelson. I had the know-how to problem-solve and satisfy the customer. Terry wasn't shy about charging for these services, but when the chips were down, the customer knew either Terry or I could bail them out.
It was a substantial service charge that allowed Terry to pay me well above standard for the job. I could count on sixty thousand a year, plus a share of the profits. It made the job enjoyable and worthwhile, even though Joyce thought it was just a small business. I stopped trying to convince her that it was otherwise. It wasn't worth arguing over.
I decided not to take the boys up to Orondo that first weekend. I would let them know about the offer of the cottage next week after I'd got settled and was convinced that on weekends when both Terry and I were there, there would be room for my sons. I did not want to inconvenience my friend and host.
It was Thursday before noon when Pete called me on my cell.
"Hey, Geoff. Can you come to the office later this afternoon? I've got some things to discuss."
"Sure, is four o'clock okay?"
"See you then, and bring your list."
I smiled at the receptionist in Pete Mahoney's outer office as I announced myself. Pete was out to greet me a couple of minutes later and the two of us walked down the hall to Pete's office.
"So ... where are we?" I began.
"We are sitting with several questions that need answers. I am going to request Joyce, via Ocsana, hand over her last three income tax returns. To do that, I'll have to surrender your last three to her. Do you have a problem with that?"
"Nope. Nothing to hide. I'll get them for you tomorrow morning."
"Good. That's step one. Step two. Do you have a college savings account for the boys?"
"Yes ... it's set up separately. Last time I checked everything was in order. Matt won't need much this coming year. He has an academic scholarship to the University of Oregon. It'll cover about seventy-five percent of his costs."
"Good, that's looked after then. Step three. Does Joyce own her car?"
"Not exactly. She leases it from Koch. Some kind of special deal they gave her."
"Does she pay for the insurance, gas, maintenance, and lease costs?"
"I guess so. I know I don't."
"Okay, good. Step four. Do you own any other property beside your residence?"
"No. At least ... not yet. I stand to inherit half my parents' orchards when they pass on. My sister and I will share that."
"Okay. Not a problem. I'm assuming that won't be in the property settlement since they are both in good health."
"This is all about property division in the divorce, isn't it?"
"Yep. The judge, assuming we go to court, will want a full disclosure of the assets of the family to determine who gets what. Hopefully, it won't get to that. If we can work out an acceptable settlement without needing a ruling, we'll be much better off."
I nodded. That part I understood. It was going to be a lot less costly to settle this among the two parties without going to court. I was pretty sure Joyce was thinking that too.
"So ... where are we Pete?"
"Well, I was going to set up a meeting with Joyce and Ocsana for us, but I've changed my mind. I think we should wait until we get their asset list and Joyce's tax returns. We may get some surprises that will tip the table in our favor. So ... for now, give me your list that you were working on and we'll go over it. Then, it's a waiting game to see how long it takes to get the information we need."
"What would happen if Joyce refused to hand over the returns?"
"I doubt that will happen. Ocsana will counsel her that we could get a court order and by doing that, it would put her in a bad light when it went to court."
Pete looked at my list of wants and nodded as he read it. "I don't see anything in here that sticks out as a problem at first reading, Geoff. Most of this looks like everyday, ordinary things. I notice you're not expecting to have to pay either alimony or child support. That may be a bit trickier, but we'll work around that. We may have to do a bit of horse-trading."
"To be honest, Pete, I don't expect to get away with no child support, but the alimony will stick in my craw if she gets that. This was her idea and not mine. That may be a deal-breaker."
Pete smiled. "I'll keep that in mind, but let's wait until we see just how much income Joyce has coming in. I'm also going to ask for her car allowance and expenses. That should be on the tax return as well. If she's getting a free ride from Koch, then we want to figure that into the settlement too."
I spent almost an hour in the office with my friend and lawyer. His calmness and professionalism were keeping me from getting upset. He had a strategy and I quickly saw that I was much better off leaving this in his hands than flying off the handle and getting unnecessarily angry. I had to admit, I was getting periods when I was angry. It was something that was growing on me as I thought more and more about what Joyce had done.
I heard nothing from Pete on Friday, and by that afternoon, Terry and I had my possessions in his truck and my Outback as we headed out to Orondo. It was only a half-hour drive up river, and we unloaded the pickup and my wagon within a few minutes.
The summer home was a two bedroom cottage with a large living room, one bathroom, a medium sized kitchen, and a large screened-in porch that could be winterized with storm windows. In the back, there were a couple of out buildings for storage. I put my extra things in one of the sheds.
I chose the second bedroom for myself, leaving Terry the main bedroom for his visits. We argued about it for a bit, but in the end I convinced him that I would be more comfortable about the arrangement that way. He finally gave in.
We ate at a small barbeque restaurant in the town, washing the food down with a couple of beers. The conversation was light and we avoided the mess my personal life was going through. He pointed out the laundromat and the convenience store, but other than some seasonal fruit stands, there weren't many places to shop. I figured to keep an insulated cooler in my car and do my shopping in town before heading north to the cottage.
I had picked up a dozen MGDs in Wenatchee that afternoon and we transferred them into the refrigerator at the cottage. When we got back from the restaurant, Terry and I sat out on the porch with a couple of cold ones, just passing the time and watching the scenery.
"This is a real peaceful place, Terry. I can see why you'd want to spend a lot of time up here in the summer."
"It's not too bad in the winter, either," he said. "Awful quiet, but with the hassle of business and all, I don't mind quiet. I've got the satellite TV, so I don't lack for entertainment. A few years ago, I put in all new windows and insulated the place properly, so it's nice and cozy in the cold weather. There's lots of wood for the fireplace, and there was a time when Tina and I would come up here just to be together. It's a damn shame she can't get out to enjoy it like we used to."
We spent the mid-May weekend getting the grass cut, the weeds pulled, the trim painted, and generally preparing the cottage for the summer weather. It would be far too hot to do much after ten or so in the morning during July and August. Normally, this type of weekend would be a pain in the ass, but for whatever reason, I enjoyed the two days of work, beer, barbeque, and conversation. I at least owed it to Terry to pitch in. It would be my responsibility to make sure the place stayed neat and clean as long as I was living there.
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Caught in the Storm Chapter 5 - Prelude to a New Game [Author's Note: I didn't intend for this to be an "anticipation" chapter, but it sorta worked that way. I generally write the situations in my head first and let the story unfold naturally as I write it, to try and give as much agency to the characters themselves. Sometimes that leads where I expect, sometimes it doesn't. This time, it didn't, and it wound up giving a juicy little prelude to the game itself, and allowed for...
It was a game we played, and nothing more. Some flighty teases here, some forbidden glimpses there, dropping my purse and bending over, making sure my short dress rode up to reveal more of creamy thighs and butt cheeks than considered proper or allowing greedy, foreign hands to linger on my body far too long, all that was part of the secret, thrilling game we used to play whenever we were spending evenings mingling with ‘society’. These games, they always ended with Paul’s arms encircling me...
Cheating“You ready to learn something today?” Coach Way asked. He and I were in center field, and Coach Short was hitting balls to me. “Of course,” I said with a sideways look. “Here’s something I bet no one has ever told you,” he said, ready to lay some wisdom on me. “Have you ever been unsure whether or not a line-drive ball will drop in front of you?” There were times when that could be tricky. I just nodded in response. “Use the bill of your cap to help judge it. If the ball’s below the bill...
Wednesday November 2 I had my bags packed and was ready to go to St. Louis. The plan was to go to morning classes and then leave at noon. The game was to be shown on ESPN, and the network wanted to do their prep this afternoon. Coach Hope had shared that we were one of only a handful of high school teams that had had their games televised on ESPN in back-to-back years. Until this week, I’d ignored this game for several reasons. Honestly, my focus had been on two things: recruiting and my...
Introduction: 5 Friends, 5 Slaves and a poker game that the slaves are just dieing to play. END GAME Story: #13 Copyright 2005 Written: January 09 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** The door slid open with a powerful crash as the light of day forced its way in to the dark metallic closet that was Jessicas resting place, when her master Jason...
Over the years, because of the many articles and stories that were written about my gaming prowess, the press anointed me with absurd sobriquet of The Gaming Master. It was reported, somewhat erroneously, that I had never lost a game of any sort, whether it was a board game, video game or sports. In truth my prowess at sports was limited, but I had indeed mastered most other forms of gaming. And my prowess along with my celebrity became the wellspring of my rather considerable fortune....
The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in it’s death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cd’s were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part; Beeder’s departure for some reason took the winds out of our wildness. Don’t get me wrong, I was still fucking up a storm every weekend. But gone...
Introduction: Go Cougars! Charity Jones here again, sending you back in the time tunnel to the sexploits of my wonderfully misspent youth. The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in its death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cds were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part, Beeders...
"Yo dude let's get a ranked game going. I wanna rank up to Global already, I'm almost there!" Zeke's squeaky voice cheered through his headset. "Bruh. You and me both," Kane replied through his mic. "I swear to god if we end up with shitty teammates again." "Boys do you want anything to eat or drink?" a woman's voice called down from upstairs. Zeke moved his headset off his head. "No thanks mom we're good!" "Okay have fun you two!" Zeke put the headset back on and moved his...
game of porn April is one of those months that makes you feel like you can never make any plans, since the weather could be anywhere from freezing your ass off cold, to boiling your nuts in oil, hot.Looking outside, today looked like it was one big horrible April Fool's day joke on the entire city.Though winter was officially supposed to be over more than a week ago, the first of April showed up with a rude surprise for anyone hoping to get anywhere. The streets were covered in a thick coating...
MatureShe could hear the five men in the next room anteing up, raising and folding as the regular Thursday night poker game heated up. They had been meeting like this for over a year, most of the time at the Morley house because the other wives didn't seem to understand the importance of this male bonding thing. Lacy didn't mind, the guys were always nice, they never made too big a mess and they always were genuinely appreciative of the way she would bring them beer so they wouldn't have to...
Introduction: sometimes things go a little too far Lacy Morley carefully applied her make-up. Her stomach was churning as she lightly traced across her eyebrows with the dark pencil. Her brown eyes stared back at her as she lightly brushed the blush on her cheeks. It was an unsure stare that Lacy couldnt answer, she wasnt sure what she was doing even thinking about what might happen tonight. Sure they had cooked this little scheme up together, but it wouldnt be Lees butt on the line it would be...
The Perfect Game By nanomage Loosing the Division championship was the lowest day of my life, at least I thought so then. That night I sat in the corner of the country club hall at the party thrown by a few alumni of Jefferson High. No one was in a mood to party at all, I guess the teams that had loosing seasons have the consolation of just not being good enough, but nothing bites more than being second best. Instead of partying I replayed in my mind, then as I have done a...
This is my final PLANNED addition to the Game On story, but I will write other things in the future. Once again, feel free to email me at [email protected] don't forget the _, or IM me with ICQ at 247193981. I do have to give credit to Zilvara Dejewels for the name of the game. I strongly recommend you reading 'Game On: After Party' before reading this, as it is its sequel. And despite the negative feedback, I decided to keep this in the present form, as the others were in...
Chapter Two: Danielle's Naughty Birthday Game By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Danielle Carter “A naughty party game?” Adelia Tash asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning towards me. I sat closest to her on my loveseat, my half-sister Bethany beside me with Leah on the other side of her. On the opposite side of Adelia was another love seat on which set my other three half-sisters. Christina, Rebecca, and Lola sat there along with Lola's new wife, Jen. “Oh, it...
The Penal Game Inspired by the Bimbo or Billionaire stories on, originally by TheHandsThatLead (for example, Ross was the latest unwilling contestant on the new hit game show, The Penal Game. With all of the advances in nano technology in recent years, it wasn't long before the state put those advances to use in pacifying the masses and meting out punishments. Now, certain criminals could...
The past weeks had been terrible. My wife Suzie – well I should say ex-wife at that point – and I had just passed through all that divorce crap. It had taken us several months to get it all settled. It felt as if we had wasted more time fixing all that rights-stuff than during our three years of marriage . Well, at last it was over yet but I didn't really know how to feel about it. I couldn't say whether I was sad or happy or whatever... The only thing of which I was really pissed was the fact...
Straight Sex--- Eroji 2: The Next Game (mF, magic, mc, nc, parody, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Kaden considered the Eroji box. He had found it on the shelf with the other games like Monopoly and Catan, but he had no memory of the old board game. For some reason, his dick started to get hard as he looked at the box. "Hey, Ava?" he called out. His babysitter came around the corner. "Yeah?" Kaden's breath caught as he beheld the tall, sexy 18-year-old redhead. At 15, he was too old to...
Listen up, cryptocucks, I’ve got a treat for you guys this time around. If you don’t know what the fuck a Bitcoin even is or how sites like Coinbase work, then this one might not be for you. Some people say that investing in any cryptocurrency is a gamble. Hell, the folks over there trying to rocket Dogecoin to over $1 know that shit all too well. People will invest millions in meme currencies, but Bitcoin is the big daddy of crypto. It’s the most respected and most used version of this stuff...
Betting SitesStory: #13 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 09 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** The door slid open with a powerful crash as the light of day forced its way in to the dark metallic closet that was Jessica's resting place, when her master Jason was not in need of her service's she was placed in this small metal closet,...
Just over a month into my final year of university and I was hosting another of my biweekly get togethers. As parties in the rat hole, the affection name given to my apartment, went this one was dead. It was about nine o’clock and, while all the regular crowd had been here, there’d been no spark all evening. Maybe it was because Rob, my goofy roommate, hadn’t been there.Apparently I wasn’t the only one that thought this way as half the group had disappeared over the last half hour. Along with...
College SexThe Stapler Game by Aesexual PseudonymJessica misbehaves at Grandma's house, and must then face her beloved Nelson for punishment and atonement, at which time he tries to cure the delicious jezebel of her unwholesome deathwish. This vignette is an excerpt from Story #1, for those of you who require enticement before committing to read a 500,000 word book. The voice mails from Jessica's maternal grandmother persisted on a daily basis, like clockwork. Jessica had been trying to avoid...
The Dice Game Few novels can change your life. This one will Luke Rhinehart Cockcroft* [writing as L. Rhinehart] describes the origin of the title idea variously in interviews, once recalling a college "quirk" he and friends used to decide "what they were going to do that night" based on a die-roll, or sometimes to decide between mildly mischievous pranks. It has content that includes the protagonist's decisions to engage in rape and murder, and is described as having been "banned...
Dani wasn't overly fond of babysitting for the Clarks, but they did pay well so she would grit her teeth and bear it. Usually the three or four hours of torture was worth the money and Dani could use the extra cash, as her university costs were getting higher with each semester. She was 20 and in her third year in Business Law and now that summer holidays were over, so was the summer employment. During school months, she still managed to do babysitting around the neighborhood, as well as work...
Matt sits, his face wet with tears as he looks own upon his hardcock and bound balls. He has never been so hard in his life. All he wantedwas a vacation and the resort promised experiences that would change yourlife forever. He now knows they were not lying.He sits on chair, hands bound behind and legs secured to the legs.A leather strap has been tied about his balls pushing them out and makingthem easy to assess and see as they hang over the edge of the wooden chair.His cock is hard and thick...
I was running late, over two hours late! I pulled open the door to the bar and stepped inside. The place was already busy with business people who were visiting the hotel for various conferences and meetings or for drinks after work. The band was on stage playing some classic rock music and there were people on the dance floor gyrating to the beat. The lights were dim and there was smoke in the air as I made my way toward the bar. I ordered a 7 and 7 and noticed her on the dance floor. She...
THE PUNISHMENT GAME by Cuirnoir The train would enter Paddington Station about ninety minutes late. An inauspicious start to my return home after my first term at University. I had timed my arrival so that my mother, who had offered to pick me up, did not have to hang around for too long in central London after work. Since we had quarrelled before my departure in October, I was anxious to avoid irritating her at the very beginning of the vacation. I had texted her, and she took the...
July 22nd, 2037 – Danielle Carter “A naughty party game?” Adelia Tash asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning towards me. I sat closest to her on my loveseat, my half-sister Bethany beside me with Leah on the other side of her. On the opposite side of Adelia was another love seat on which set my other three half-sisters. Christina, Rebecca, and Lola sat there along with Lola’s new wife, Jen. “Oh, it was naughty,” I said. “Danielle doesn’t know any other kind of gain,” Bethany...
Chapter 40: Final Game The publicity was immense from the opening, and the local paper did a big piece on it obviously being the most important event in the community for the week. But that wasn’t all; the state paper also mentioned it in an entertainment news piece. But the thing that really surprised everyone was the national exposure, it got into the national papers, the opening was mentioned, but the kiss Bailee gave me was the main news, a picture of us lip locked was shown. There was...
Fifteen minutes later and Reynolds' team were ready to go. A feed of all four monitors was being fed to monitors set up in the interrogation room, the techs were already on the case of tracking the source of the videos and Reynolds had managed to get a begrudging go ahead to take the lead in the case and the interrogation due to emergency circumstances. With still a full three and three quarter hours still on the clock, Reynolds was ready to play whatever sick game the bitch had in...
Ethan: “Little help Bren?” She smiled, then reached down and picked up the basketball with her hands and brought it up to her body. It looked as big as a giant beach ball next to her 5’4” petite frame and almost hid her completely and momentarily from his view. Ethan stood about twenty-five feet from her waiting for her to throw him the ball, which she did after a few seconds. She then smiled again and continued on the path on her morning jog. Ethan watched her little ass wiggle in her...
My friend, Nick, and I had always been good friends. We met Freshman year of high school and somehow managed to stay friends for the next ten years without ever getting romantically involved, which is rare for a girl and a guy during those years. That’s not to say there were never rumors. People always suspected that there was more than we were letting on, but we honestly treated each other like family. For whatever reason, it just never happened. We had each other’s backs through our...
Group Sex