My Mums Sexy Busty Friend
- 3 years ago
- 23
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The sphere came out and made some passes, and I fell asleep. I felt cramped and moved my right shoulder and rubbed my neck. I thought of the Epsilon Eridani system, and the crystals.
"Mom, it didn't work. It is still there."
"It did work. I altered your mind, and made a lot more improvements. You were only a Fleet Admiral in name, now you have the mind of one. It is much more compartmentalized, and you can think of more than one thing at a time. All you need now is an AI implant, and you would be the equal of any Admiral, that ever lived. There is no way that the information can leak out, when you put it into one of your secure compartments."
I tried working on the problem in the Epsilon Eridani system and found that the problem was being attacked much more efficiently. My ideas were improved, and some even thrown out. I could see other possible plans of attack, as well.
"Mom, what have you found out in the AI crystal from the ship?"
"The file is sketchy, but the Samutz about seven hundred years ago stumbled upon, an old war zone with a fleet of damaged Tandra ships, from the Thonas/Tandra war. It looks like the Thonas had found a way to kill the crews without damaging the ships too much. The other Thonas ships were damaged very severely, and beyond repair. The Samutz just salvaged the Tandra hulls, with whatever crystals they could find in the ships stores.
"They used the warships to make major inroads in surrounding territories. They could not make full use of the ships engines, because of the limitations of their minds, just like Earth men. They tried to conquer a more advanced race, and failed. They were pushed out of the galactic centre, into this arm, about two hundred years later.
"The Samutz are now having growing pains. The king has many sons and each wants to carve out an area for himself. There are presently eighteen major star systems, beside the Samutz main world. Other Samutz kings seem to want the same thing, and are usually in a constant war with one another. They tend to keep to their own clans so that little is known about other groups.
"Earth is definitely on the list of worlds to take. There was a schedule, and this ship just saw the opportunity to jump the gun, when the explosions came. If Earth is conquered, I fear, it will go the way of all other populations. If you are digestible you will be eaten. Four other races have already been completely killed off, and another four are on the brink. Two of those races were in the meat locker in the ship."
"How do they pilot the Tandra ships?"
"The ships like Carlton or his hull have engines to drive them many times faster than what the AI can do alone. The largest war ships can travel at almost a thousand times light speed, and a hundred and sixty times that with the proper crew to help."
"A hundred and sixty thousand times the speed of light?" I said incredulously. "That is over eighteen light years per hour."
"Yes, but only the best can do that, and they need to rest after that exertion."
"What have you found about the disease the Samutz on the destroyer had?"
"It is very contagious, and multiplies quickly. It is air borne, and will survive fourteen hours external to a host. Within six hours of contagion, the host dies."
"Does the disease affect Tandra or humans?"
"I think those bodies are different enough to only cause a fair amount of discomfort, in Humans and very little in the Tandra, because of their natural tendencies to fight any disease. Why do you ask?"
"If you can improve on the virus, then I may have found a way to get the ships away from the Samutz, and into our hands."
"I think I see what you intend. It is against Tandra law, to do this."
"Is it against Tandra law to kill and eat Tandra people?"
"They will find Earth, and kill all Tandra and Humans on it. Their new shield will allow them to enter any system they wish, that is now protected by Tandra weapons. They will kill all they can find, in these systems. I will not allow my people to be killed. Are you going to help me?"
"It is unethical to do this, but I have been here for many years, thinking on what is right and wrong. The Tandra themselves are unjust, to AIs and others. Their laws are flawed, in some fundamental ways. If we follow your plan, we might be tried in a Tandra court."
"Mom, there may not be a Tandra court anymore. And like all law, the people enforcing them, are what make things right or wrong. I will take my chances with Tandra law, for my people, if you will."
"I will do as you ask."
In the coming days, Mom awoke the Samutz, and took body fluids from each, and put them back in stasis. The fluid was replicated. In two containers, the virus grew rampantly. Mom worked on the DNA sequence, and improved the response time dramatically. When a sample was placed in the fluids from the healthy donor, it grew even faster. Mom stockpiled many containers of the improved virus, in stasis, awaiting final disposition. She programmed the autodocs to make us even more resistant to the disease.
That afternoon, Carl, John, Frank and I, met for a staff meeting, and discussed the best way to defeat the Samutz. They were all for my idea of using a biological agent, to take them out. Their morality had shifted, when the imbalance in our numbers, and capabilities, were taken into account.
Carl and I were going to Albany that night. We went in the usual command model shields. Before we got there, he asked, "What did you mean before, when you said Epsilon Eridani, would be my star?"
"Carl, I want to spread a Human presence to many of the planets the Tandra now have. If they are on the decline, we can help them and ourselves at the same time. I want strong allies, not a subjugated race to be partners with. If I am on Earth, I will need somebody I can trust, on Epsilon Eridani. Are you interested?"
"I don't know what to think. I can see that part of the job would be keeping the system safe, along with the people now living on the planet. What else were you thinking of?"
"That, and weapons production. I want the Tandra re-educated to their old level, and then I want new ships and weapons, mass produced. We can introduce natural food production. The old way kept them content, with its additives. I want them angry at all others, except Humans, till we know that they are safe."
"That is a pretty tall order. Do you think I can do that?"
"Sure, you just recruit the right people, to help you, the way I got the right people to help me."
"That will give me lots of things to think about. I hope Doris will like the idea, and want to go with me."
"You love her, and I know that she loves you too. When, or if, the system is captured, she can go with you. I know that she will flourish in that environment."
"I hope you are right." The trip took only moments, and we set down in a park, close to the hotel housing our seventeen guests, from our old company.
Carl and I went in to find our old comrades. Eleven were in the bar talking together, and drinking some beer. We walked up, and they shook hands with Carl, and he had to introduce me.
"I was in a fight, and my face was reconstructed," I told them. John and Frank were only introduced by their first names. None of the old members of our unit, suspected their true identities, or would believe it, if told.
Carl told them to come in an hour, to a meeting room he rented. They shook our hands and wanted to know what was going on. I said, "Be at the briefing, and you will find out. No matter what you think, Carl is not going to be selling you Amway products."
I tried to remember the faces of the others; we had not met, and tried to home in on them. My improved mind made this slightly possible, but still very difficult. The other four were in their rooms, while two had not even shown up. I didn't know why they were absent. I surmised they had a change of heart, or were ashamed about their present status. I just didn't know. Carl and I went to the rooms of the two that made it, and apologized for coming early, and asked them to meet us on the third floor room.
The room clerk was notified, to direct the last two, if they managed to show up, to the meeting room. Very comfortable velvet covered chairs were spread out, in the room. There were enough to seat three times our number. A table was quickly set up with coffee and snacks from the kitchen, while Carl and I discussed the men we had met.
The group was composed of men approaching fifty. Most were overweight, and out of shape. White hair sprouted on some, while others did not even have that luxury. Some were drunks, and three had drug dependencies, four had served various amount of time in prison. These were not the cream of the crop, only those that could leave without arousing suspicion. None were living permanently with a woman; some had a difficult time even holding a job.
They came into the room, and sat up front. When fifteen were present, I left the idle chit chat, for the meat of the matter.
"Gentlemen, I represent a group of people that are interested in making their environment more secure. The job pays well, and takes place at some distance. Seeing your friends and wives will be impossible, for a period of at least three months. There is some danger involved, but we will provide a full regimen of training. Most of you consider yourself too old to help, but I am not asking anything that is beyond you. I value loyalty very much, and this is why I have asked you to come."
Many questions were asked from the salary of five hundred dollars a day during training; double that after training, and five thousand a day if there was fighting. I said, "All of this was not declared income, and thus tax free. After three months, we can renegotiate new terms, and you have the option of leaving then. Believe it or not, at that time, you will probably jump at the new deal we will offer." This alone brought most over to our side. I did not even have to explain what the new offer would be.
Carl told them, "Your job at first, is to learn the systems, and then teach others. The organization is growing, and you are offered a position on the ground floor. Your old ranks will not apply now. Later, we assess all the recruits, to find a suitable rank for each of you."
I had stepped back, and scanned my old friends. Only six would be of any use. The rest were too beaten, to pull themselves up, even with help in the time, I allotted.
Carl continued and stipulated that everyone was to go to a clinic here in Albany tomorrow, for a check up. Two of the men I wanted, knew they would fail any test given, and their spirits dropped. The tests would allow us to remove the ones we wanted, from the ones we didn't, without discussing the reasons with old friends.
When the meeting ended, I approached the two, and told them that they should not worry about the doctor, because it was only company policy.
We drank with the men till the wee hours, discussing things that were happening, and did happen with each. Carl and I were tabulating data from their minds, on others that we might find useful. We left our inebriated friends, and Carlton took us home.
Carl was dropped of at his house for a short rest, and to organize the shipment in five hours, of the food in the warehouse that Susan rented. I had a shower and snuggled into bed, in an open space between Blue and Nova. I felt their contented sighs, even in their sleep to my presence.
I awoke to find the Young Squad, the Human girls, and Bobby watching my breathing, as if it was the most interesting thing to see.
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. What brings you to see me?"
The Tandra youngsters didn't understand my words at all. The vocalizations I thought necessary for them to understand spoken English, but they should have been able to read my thoughts. I found my mind was closed to casual observation, except a few areas. Mom's compartmentalization had to be it. I removed some blocks, and repeated my statement. I read that they just wanted to be near me. My aura had been leaking, and I corrected it.
I had been neglecting the children, and I thought of a way to correct the problem, at least a little.
"Mom will you re-synchronize my communicator for me?" The shield on Epsilon Eridani was modulated differently, and the adjustment was needed to enable me to communicate through this shield.
"Certainly, Henry."
"Paul, Charlie, are you there?" I repeated a few times before they answered.
"Hello, Uncle Henry."
"Hi, Uncle Henry. What's up?"
"Hello boys. Are you at the warehouse?"
"Just going. Dad said you would be arriving soon, to pick the food up." Charlie said
"Hold on a moment, please." I said, and then to Carl, "Carl, all the children are here. I would like to bring them all, to the warehouse with shields. Did you want me to bring, all of them?"
"Let me think." Carl paused for a minute and said, "Yes, bring them all, I will have to talk to the boys, and now is as good a time as any. I will remember to mention Roger specifically."
"Ok. I will be getting there in half an hour, or so."
I thanked Mom, and got ready. I asked the children, "I am going to pick up some food at the warehouse. Would you like to all come with me?"
They jumped up and down, just like kids all over, only Nema was a little subdued. Bobby didn't understand enough to understand.
"Don't worry. You will only be meeting Carl, and his two sons. We will load the food, and take a short trip."
The rest of the family was working, and our procession only passed a few of the newly awakened Tandra. They inclined their heads very respectfully to me. I was forced to reply in kind. Mom had enough shield generators for everyone. The last consideration was for Paul and Charlie. I had no clothes on, and neither did the children. We didn't need them, but I think we would shock the boys.
Moments later, we were hovering invisible, next to an open door. Carlton transported each of us out, one at a time and into the building.
Carl came around the corner with his sons trailing him. He stopped and said, "Hello, I am glad you could all make it." Our present nudity did not bother him at all.
That was all he got out, before two girls tackled his legs, and cried, "Daddy."
He hugged the girls to him and said, "Clarice, Michelle, I would like you to meet your brothers. The one with the blond hair that sticks up is Charlie, and the one with his mouth open wide, is Paul.
The apparently naked girls ran over to the stunned boys, and wanted up like younger girls would. The boys were hesitant, but were required to put their hands under the girls' bottoms to support them.
Carl got things back on track, by introducing each of the children. He used his mental abilities to make sure that the boys remembered all the names.
"Dad aren't they getting cold, the door is open?" Said Paul. He was a little concerned at our lack of clothes, more than the temperature.
"They are warmer than we are Paul. They are wearing shields. Do you see those small boxes? They produce the shield, and they can go just about anywhere and still be comfortable."
Carl started organizing the loads, and said aloud, "Carlton stow them as I bring them to you, on the fork lifts. The fork trucks arrived, and the loads lifted off box by box and went into the hold. Paul and Charlie were soon driving the other trucks, and were amazed at what was happening to their cargo. Every other time, the girls or Carl would load a ship, and the boys would think a truck just came.
When everything was loaded, I took Carl aside and said, "I want to go to see Mom's hull. Do you and the boys have time for it? There are extra shields here, and we can override all of them, to keep them from de-energizing."
"I like the idea. The boys are very careful about asking me things, but it would be nice for them to feel like they are more than stock boys."
"Then you take us there."
Carl had a great big smile and said, "Sure Cap."
"That brings up another thing. Do generals, even in the Army Space Corp, pilot spacecraft? I think you should make a brevet command changes for the duration of the trip."
I did not think it possible, but he smiled even wider. "I think that can be arranged."
When the loading was complete. He turned, and used a loud commanding voice, "Paul Santo and Charles Shingle, front and centre."
The boys' heads shot up. They were in the centre of the children getting to know one another better. They stood up, and parted the children and trotted up to us.
"Yes Dad," came from both.
"The admiral here wants to go for a jaunt, to see the downed hull on the moon. It is beneath his dignity, and mine, I might add, to pilot this craft, all the time. We thought it time that both of you get a taste of command. I want Captain Santo to take us to the moon, and Captain Shingle to bring us back. Is that understood?"
It obviously wasn't, because they stood there with their mouths open, and their minds chaotic at best.
"Step to it. Ask Carlton to transport all of us into the ship."
Charlie had to nudge Paul, and tell him, "Just ask it."
"Car... ah Carlton would you transport all of us onto the ship please."
We all boarded and I added for the tractors to pull the chain off its lock, and lower the truck door. I didn't expect them to remember everything, especially the first time.
"Go to the moon, Carlton."
"On what course and speed, Captain Santo?"
"Ah a maximum safe speed and the shortest course, to the ship on its surface.
"Yes Sir."
Carl got out three more generators and gave one to each of the boys, before placing one on himself. He energized them, and locked them onto his command. I locked the ones for the rest of our passengers. The boys' mouths were open all the time, as they looked at the bow view.
After settling to the surface at the Captain's orders, the door was opened and the ramp lowered. But after I sucked the air from the ship. The dust storm would not have settled for a long time, if I didn't.
All the young ones scampered out and played in the low gravity. It was not new to them, for they played in the variable gravity gym in the base. Charlie and especially Paul were at a loss, for what to do.
I helped some, when I said, "The correct procedure is to post a guard on the ship, and the Captain, and his crew may then depart. In this case, we can just put the shield over the door, and order Carlton to not let any others board, who had not arrive with him."
They worked together to give what they thought was the best order. They ran out to have fun. I went to the damaged hull, and once I was identified, I went in and looked at the computer with a different eye than I had before. More memory modules could be added and a larger processor would also work. I looked at the hull, and found it to be similar to the destroyer's in some places. If I stripped all the usable plating from the destroyer, I could get this hull patched.
Mom's computer stated that there were two broken main ribs. Again I pictured the destroyer, and hoped there was a good enough match somewhere on the hull. I continued the survey, especially in the blind spot, close to the stern.
When I came out, I found Carl tossing rocks up and the kids using stones to hit it. Roger was by far the best at this. Charlie and Paul came running back from the other side of the wreck. They were taking giant leaps, trying to beat the other in their race. Paul stumbled, and flew toward a large rock. He was snatched out of the 'air', and redirected, so as to miss the rock. Charlie slowed and stumbled himself, trying to follow his lover.
A great mass of dust rose and carried on in the direction they were travelling. The low gravity and the absence of air, would take a long time for everything to settle.
We walked up the ramp, into the invisible ship. Only the view inside the open hatch let us know the ship was there. The shield wrapping around ours, to help us in through the difference in pressures.
Charlie and Paul came in last. Once in, Paul said, "Thanks for saving me Carlton."
"You are welcome sir," came the reply.
Paul now asked, "Where to now, dad?"
He had been informed and said, "L2 Captain Santos."
With the amount of news, they knew exactly what and where it was. "Carlton would plot a shortest time course to L2, so that we can stop there?"
"Yes Captain. Would you like me to raise the ramp before departing?"
Paul was red faced, for not doing enough thinking on the matter. "Yes Carlton. That would be best."
Carl told the boys much more about this ship, making sure they were aware of air venting from the ship, if the shield were dropped, and the usual way of entering and leaving was to have the hatch open, and the shield covering the opening. I sent Carl a hint to ask Carlton for a view of the carrier in the Epsilon Eridani system.
We all stood in awe again, at the view of the war ship. It was not the biggest, but its bulk showed the fighters leaving and entering the ship, through the field, with the use of tractors. Before too long, Carlton announced that we had arrived.
Carl came with me, as we checked the external plates, that I would need, the slightly smaller ribs at the back were just about the right size, for Mom's hull. Mom's course on ship repair, told me how to remove the parts. It wouldn't be a small job, in any case.
Captain Shingle took over for the return leg of our trip. His job was easier, and he thought hard on not making any mistakes. The boys said goodbye, as the rest of us flew back to the base. Carl needed his car parked in our small lot. Carlton unloaded the cargo and passengers into the base, and Mom whisked them away.
"Thanks for giving the boys a chance. It is not too often somebody their age, gets to fly to the moon, and L2, then back." He laughed at the absurdity of his statement.
"I hate to say it, Carl, but I do need shuttle pilots. Not all the ships in the lunar base are AI controlled. Do you think the boys would want the job, if they were trained properly?"
"Sure they would. Why do you say 'hate'"
"We went to war. Do you want them to, as well? I know this; Earth will have to have, a large standing military, and it has to be under one leader. If we attack or are attacked, we can't be squabbling, about whose job it is. It will be our job to do the protecting."
"I fully agree, but are you suggesting a dictatorship?"
"Not in the least. We can get more money, where we got the last from. We can sell Tandra made goods, as long as Earth doesn't learn Tandra technology from them. The money and other things, like a great medical and educational training will bring us lots of capable people. We just have to have our own military, for our own country, that will also protect the system."
"That is pretty heady stuff. My old country had two wars over that topic. What about the Tandra bases in South America, and other continents?"
"Maybe like East and West Pakistan, where the country was split into two separate parts but still one country."
"That might work, but let's shelve it, till we take care of the Dogfaces."
"Sure. When is the next recruitment meeting for the mercenaries?"
"Tonight, and every night for five more days. Why do you ask?"
"I want to be at the first few, then, I think you, John, and Frank, will have to take over. I think the safest place to train them, is in the moon base. I wanted to see if I can get some transportation going. You can teach them all the things we did wrong, taking the destroyer on the original article. I am sure Earth will eventually see the activity, but it can do nothing."
"I think the security services will be at the meetings to. Perhaps you should get your prints changed and wear a disguise. John's prints are changed already. It was a lot easier to do in the tank, when he was growing a new foot."
Carl sat in the chair and the autodoc made small changes in his prints. A fake beard and hair piece would have to do for now. Carl drove home with one of the combat suits in the trunk. He would now be able to make the trip much faster and safer. Carl and I had gone over the security protocols, with the suit AI, to make sure it never fell into the wrong hands. His only problem now would be to explain the beard to his wife.
John and Frank took a break, from their studies and practice. They were progressing much faster in their mental abilities, because Mom had been helping them, when they were still in the tank.
"Where is the first meeting, Henry?"
"In Dallas. You know how crazy those Texans are. They fight with one another for practice, between real wars."
"Ya, I know. I was born in Fort Worth, and you know it." We were travelling, at only Mach two, when the hatch opened, and Carl came in with his combat suit.
"See Frank, I said I could do it," Carl said.
"Anybody can do it in a suit. I thought you were just going to just jump," Frank said.
Carlton settled over a local hotel in the downtown core. We came out dressed in civvies, cut in a military fashion. Mom had to use a lot of material on John and Frank. The door on the roof, allowed us to descend to the lobby, where I arranged the refreshments for the night. They had a large sign inside, directing visitors to our meeting room.
"There may be ears already in the walls and other places, so all our conversations will have to be this way," I projected with my mind.
Some men came in, and approached us. Many were homeless, and liked it that way, and were only looking for a handout.
Carl did most of the talking, as I scanned the potential recruits. There were many ex-servicemen, ex-cops, young men looking for something other than the military life, and even some criminals, looking for a new way to live. The story we told was of a Japanese electronics company, trying to make a go of it, in South America, and was beset by thieves and robbers.
The prospective mercs readily agreed to the monetary aspects, even after telling them that everyone was going to start at the lowest rank.
I had to separate the acceptable men into four different groups. The first, were single men without dependants or just supporting them, but living away from the family. The second group, were dedicated men, with wives and children. The third was the marginal people that would not always follow orders, but would still make acceptable fighting men. The last group, were the sick desperate ones, down on their luck, not knowing where to turn, and not usually able to follow orders. All together, there were twenty three men that I would admit this time.
John stood outside my private room, while Frank guarded Carl's. The candidates came in singly, for a private chat. A man was judged and given a rating. Mostly what he could do for us, but also what we could do for him. This was dramatically different from any military recruiting done previously. It gave me a chuckle, to think that this had a strong socialist underpinning that would benefit the men as well as our cause.
All of the acceptable men were given money, depending on their monetary situation, and told where and when to report. This was another very odd way of doing things. Other outfits would never see some of the men or money again. We had the benefit of knowing who would be coming back, and who wouldn't.
One soldier, on the run from an unwarranted charge, was addressed by his real name. He became frightened, and got up.
"Sit down Sgt. Pirelli. I am not judging you, or trying to apprehend you. I want good men that may have to risk their lives in a good cause. I happen to think you qualify. Here is two thousand dollars, to get your affairs in order."
"I don't need the money. I just need to get out of the country."
"I may be able to help. I can take you now, and you don't have to walk by the FBI agent taking pictures of all the men at this meeting." He got up again.
"There is no danger Sergeant. Once you are part of our group, we will protect you. You may freely leave now, and the FBI agent is actually unaware of your identity. Eventually, they will know from the video tape that you were in Dallas."
"How do I know, that you are telling the truth?"
"Are you in or out? If you are in, I can prove it easily."
"Ah... I am in. Where do I sign?"
"Your word is good enough. Now wait here for a moment, while I call the sergeant in." John came in by my mental command.
"John, by the doors to the meeting room, there is a large man with a briefcase. He is working for the FBI. I would like you to send in the next recruit, and then escort Sgt. Pirelli onto the roof, to await our departure with us. On the way out, I would like you to prove to Sgt. Pirelli, that the gentleman is indeed an FBI agent. Do not hurt him too much."
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MIDVILLE, WYOMING — MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3 The early breakfast meeting went off without a hitch. One of Tingle's assistants gave laptops and the latest high-end smart phones to Luther, Megan and each of the town council members. When the meeting was over, the assistant set up a training schedule for the programs they would use on the laptops and gave them a quick introduction to the phones. As Luther, Megan and Ray Tingle stood outside the small office building, Luther reminded Tingle,...
Three hours went by before my mom finally knocked on my door, breaking up my research session. "I brought your suit up," she said through the closed door. "You should probably get ready. People will be arriving soon." "Thanks," I said, as I opened the door to get my bikini from her. "You've been awfully quiet up here," she said. "Is everything alright?" "Yeah, everything's fine mom," I said, lying through my teeth. "Just catching up on my reading." "OK, well get dressed and...
Emma slept for most of the next day! She was no longer horny when she woke up.“Shit, that was fun! I wonder who my second trick will be!” she thought.Just then, Evan walked in.“Hello sleepy head! I trust that you enjoyed fucking ‘H’! We have another trick lined up for you for tomorrow night. He’s a Saudi Prince with a lot of money! He heard of ‘H’s experience with you and said he would pay double to have you for tomorrow night!”He made very specific costumes for you. You will be picked up...
Chapter 5 “We are looking like…”, cutting him in the middle of the sentence Rose in her sensual voice, humorously added “Like a nerd”, and both the girls starts to giggle. “Lets do some nerdy thing.” That lucky guy with two of the bombshell one with 36C-28-36 and other with 38D-28-40 were standing out of that old building. Three of them went in separately to avoid any kinds of noticing activities in the entrance. Milky white legs Anamika was followed by curvy waist Rose. Arun went in at last,...
Irate stepdad Chad is patiently waiting for his naughty tiny teen stepdaughter Maria to get inside so he can discipline her for showing the neighbor her cute little 18 year old tits. Maria taking this like a joke, has Chad even more fired up as she pulls up her top, showing him now her titty’s. Now that Chad has been disrespected and now hard, decides to teach Maria a lesson and as he is whipping his cock out her cock hungry hot mouth is already drooling and ready to enjoy her...
xmoviesforyou“Quickly, Gil, we’re about to land,” the sexy, young brunette sitting next to me on the plane purred in to my ear as she picked up the pace of stroking my cock. ~ We had met in the Toronto International Airport, while waiting to board our plane. I was seated at a table, replying to emails on my phone, when a young, sexy brunette tripped and fell on me. She gave out a short yelp and wrapped her arms around my shoulders to keep from falling on the floor. She immediately laughed once she...
BDSMAt first I want to introduce myself – my name is Simran 21 yrs. Old, doing graduation from Mumbai. I have one elder brother who is doing master in computer application. He is two year elder than me. My father is govt. employee and my mother is principal in govt. school. My boob’s size is 34, waist size is 26 and hip size is 32 and I am very fare in color. This is the month of July and college is open. Today Swati joined the college first time after her marriage. I am best friend of her. So she...
Incest*** Hello all, this is the second installment in my short story trilogy, which is just one of the infinite tales from my fantasy universe. Someone recently noted that the characters behaved more like demigods than humans, and this is appropriate as the characters are of a very powerful race, very ancient and magical. I think this semi-divine appellation is insightful, and congrats to the one who picked up on that Votes and comments greatly appreciated. *** Part II: The Approach to Poazach ...
We went to a quiet alley and I pulled my pants down and bent his way. He pulled his cock from his pants. A not too long fat cock, I love those fat cocks. Don’t get me wrong I’ll try to take any long cock that fucks me but I kinda dislike the real deep fuck and prefer the stretching of my ass a lot more. I stood there like a whore with my ass high up in the air while I pulled my cheeks apart, showing my gape to him. He looked in it and was inspecting it, getting his cock hard by doing that. I...
Kendall Baxter was used to being passed over for a lot of things in life. Having always been the smallest boy in class and presenting few signs of masculinity in his facial features or physique he was often mistaken for a girl, and a young girl at that. At 17 he had finished high school graduating in the top 10 in his class and a college scholarship had provided him with the path to degrees in Music, Performing Arts and Literature. It was other parts of his life which had challenged and...
The alarm I set to go off each week day at 7am beeps aggravatingly on the other side of the room. Beside me you groan, throwing your covers off your naked body to go and get it. "I got it handsome" I murmur, putting a hand on your chest and pushing you back into bed gently. You don't need much convincing, rubbing groggy eyes and settling back against your pillows. I slip out of bed, already nude from a night of glorious, sweaty sex. Still a bit sore, I stretch, turning away to give you a nice...
“Hey Chanelle, you wanna go out tonight?” asked my best friend Teresa. We had been friends since kindergarten but we were different in every way possible. Teresa was pretty, caramel skin, hazel eyes, and smile that could kill. I was as pale as the clouds, packing a little baby fat, and well...just plain. She was an A student, while I spent hours of studying just so that I could get a C. She was everyone boy’s dream girl…I was the girl who no boys would talk to. Everyone was shocked that...
'Come on Kate, you can do better than that, ' I shouted loudly at my daughter. A minute later I was shouting at another girl, then a third as the football match progressed. Kate had played since she was old enough to kick a ball and had been a lot more involved in the game since she moved up to her new school. I had been a reasonable player reaching the lower levels of the pyramid {} before my wife's death had made me re-evaluate my priorities. Once my lovely...
A New Experienceby hotngr82002© A girlfriend of mine introduced me to Bob. He was nearly 20 years younger than me. Very handsome and beautiful body. He invited me out to dinner and I graciously accepted. When he picked me up, he had really dressed nice and I was very pleased with his appearance. I was dressed to match his attire. He complimented me on my nice legs as we walked to the car. We had a couple of drinks before a very nice dinner. We talked very openly with each other, expressing our...
I had been at the doors of the Naples National Archeological Museum when they opened that morning just to be able to go stand in front of the sculpture they have there of Antinous, the young lover of the Roman emperor Hadrian, for some minutes—to see a boy loved by an Emperor so much that he made him a god. Hadrian himself had been loved by the Emperor Trajan when he was a boy. There was a time in the Greek and Roman world when this was considered normal and was not remarked—certainly was not...
Chloe Cherry and Sophia Lux teamed up to seduce their stepdad Charles Dera for Father’s Day. Chloe starts the party by masturbating loudly in her room with a big fat dildo shoved balls deep in her hairy pussy. When Charles finally goes to see what the commotion is, he reprimands Chloe for being immodest. Chloe has her daddy right where she wants him, so she pulls out a Father’s Day card to butter Charles up and then goes in for a hug where she feels that his dick is nice and hard....
xmoviesforyouBy the time she’d rejoined the party she noticed that Clyde had left. Martha looked at her as she’d entered the room and Saundra gave her a little, assuring smile. As the party wound down and the guests began to leave Saundra felt fatigue settle in. When she walked Martha to the door the petite lawyer turned and tightly hugged her. ‘Saundra, are you sure you’re going to be ok? I’m worried for you. What if Clyde does reveal his suspicions to Martin?’ ‘Hush. There’s nothing that I can’t handle....
I had been in india for 2 weeks. I had travelled from mumbai by train and driven all round kerala with my indian guide. My guide took me to meet the houseboat that was to be my home for then next 6 days. I was looking forward to the tranquillity of the backwaters of kerala after a pretty hectic but wonderful past 2 weeks. The crew of the boat were a very willing trio. They helped load my luggage and with great pride sowed me round the small but very well appointed boat. The main man, who i...
This is story about a girl (Shriya) I met online. We were in touch through chats from some time, we exchanged no, started talking over phone, soon Skype’s sessions. We got so close in no time, she was from Bangalore and I am staying in Coimbatore, we started having intimated conversations, phone sex. All this got us so sparked that we couldn’t now resist to meet, she planned to come Coimbatore on Saturday , I was also thrilled and damn excited about it, she reached around late evening, I picked...
Ed had just finished reading an erotic passage about a milkmaid that seduced the governor’s young son he set the novel aside. I was lying on my side with my leg over his and my head propped up on my hand. Slowly rubbing my pussy on his thigh. When Ed finished reading about the milkmaid, he was again erect and ready for more sex. he suggested we role-play. All of which would involve me having sex with young boys. “Let’s do something a little different tonight, Pat. I want you to close your...
In 2010, when I lived in Texas, I ended up having one of the wildest experiences. I had just moved into a house with a new roommate. He and I were in the backyard grilling, when I met the neighbors for the first time. Jim and Sandy were an interesting couple. He looked to be about 40, whereas she had to be in her early 20s. I realized pretty quickly after talking to them for a few minutes that Sandy wasn't too bright, but, boy, she had a smoking hot body, even for being in in the middle...
I always thought my best friend's dad was hot. He's in his late 40's and in shape and his hair is greying at the temples, which I think is sexy and he's divorced. Last winter I went over to spend the night, but Lindsay was running late getting home from her boyfriend's house and as the weather got worse, she ended up getting snowed in. So did I. I was 18, but still lived at home. So after a couple of attempts at getting my car unstuck, I called home and let them know I was staying put. Greg was...
Erotic“Romantic?” “Maybe a little. Giggle.” “You taste delicious.” “Yesterday, you didn’t think so.” “You were angry, tasted pissy.” “Now, I’m not angry or pissy.” “Because I’m loving towards you?.” “Because I found a man worth loving!” Himalaya and I had a day of reckoning. Sorting through the baggage and trash, we figuratively burned the malignant and polished the precious salvage. Building on this success, we designed an optimistic nontoxic relationship based on todays needs and not...
Fact is I work out a lot and it shows. It's a stress reliever and sometimes I take it a little far cause I really get into it. Some guys get scared by my muscles now, but that's ok. I'm not really looking these days, I've been burnt too many times by too many assholes. So I just go to work, work out, and keep to myself. I'm actually pretty happy but there's this one guy at the gym who keeps stealing glances at me. I can't figure out if he likes me or if he's scared of me, but the gym is often...
“I’m not playing music to stay alive. I am alive. And I’m playing music for the pleasure of sharing the excitement with other musicians and other human beings.” —Maude Julien, The Only Girl in the World: A Memoir “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” Beca asked when she opened the door. I’d tried to catch her before she and Rachel left school but I had to go to the music room and get my practice guitar to take with me to Kentucky and Mr. LeBlanc wanted to discuss a rehearsal schedule for Cindy’s...
Jake stepped forward from the image that Daphne had created to transport him, Geoffrey and Sibilius to Frank and Tanya's quarters. He stared around at the charred remnants of the dwelling where his friends had been staying. "Looks like there's been a fire," Jeff muttered as the little group gradually became worried that Frank and Tanya might not be okay. "No shit, Sherlock," Jake growled, stepping forward and hoping he didn't find any unrecognizable, or rather, recognizable as once...
So when the summer began I was home alone alot while my dad was at work, and I just do the regular sit and watch tv or eat something, play games you know normal kid shit. One day my dad came up to me and said I should get out more. He hated when I didn't do anything, he would always nagg at me for not going out. So he was sitting in his chair looking bills or whatever while he was doing thst he had asked me. Dad - "So what do you plan on doing today?" He asked. J - "I don't know, I was...
I walk on set, I fix my skirt and wait for my cue. I see the cameras red light turn on indicating recording in process, I then hear my cue.“And onto Renee with the weather…”“Thanks Joe, today in Palm city, Florida it's a warm eighty-two degrees, partly cloudy with a chance of rain. As you see the temperature will remain remotely constant, staying in the eighties till around nine pm where it’ll get to a cool seventy-seven. The rest of the week is said to be sunny, with little chance of rain,...
It had been a tough few months. We had both lost most of our 401k, we were now two months behind in our mortgage and my BMW had been repossessed last week. To top it off I got laid off when my company downsized. Money was tight and we were a bit worried about losing it all. James was almost a constant house guest too and definitely a drain on our finances. He didn’t work and occasionally he would have some money from some source. I didn’t want to know and didn’t want to ask. All I know is he...
When the scene was over, Alice realized the music had turned off and everyone came into the main room. There were a good 30-50 people milling around and Natalya brought out a cake with candles on it. As Happy Birthday was sung and Alice blew out the candles, a bondage table was being brought into the center of the room and set up. Alice didn’t notice at first until people began moving out of the way. Candles were lit around the room, and a cloth was put down on the bondage table. ...
During summer 2004, I decided to take a trip down to Bangalore, India (our Native Place) before college started in USA. Ever since I was little, I spent a lot of time with my aunt, (mom's sister) Shakuntala. Everyone called her Shaku for short and as well as a pet name. Shaku took care of me many times when my mom would go to work and dad would go on business trips, and she loved looking after me. When I reached home in India, everyone was surprised to see me because I had grown...
Suzanne lay against me, her back beside my chest, my arms around her, in the dimly-lit den. We each held a cold beer (drinking beer was a common passion of ours, and something I had not been used to in previous relationships). I took a swig of mine, closed my eyes and felt her warmth on my body, thinking of her beauty, so understated yet stunning. There was no doubt I was falling for her, I had suspected the same was true from her standpoint, but couldn’t be 100 percent sure-not yet. As is...
Alien Encounter By Morpheus Walter Peyton sighed and changed position. He'd been sitting in his car seat for hours already, and he still had several more to go before he arrived at his destination. And to make things worse, he couldn't even pick up a decent radio station at the moment. There were too many mountains. The only good thing about the trip so far, was the scenery. Since he was passing through eastern Oregon on his way home to Boise to visit his parents, there...
Hi ami krish kolkatai thaki age 25 ami ek jon computer hardware engineer ami amar prothom sex experience tah share korchi apnader sahtheh r setah holo amar didi r bandhobi jar naam soma ami didi bollei dakhtam prothomeh kintu ahkhon seh amar sex partner r tar figure tah bolleh di 28-30-38 ehbar asol gotnahtah bolli ami prothomeh soma keh khubh sonman kortam karon amar didi r bandhobi r woh der barir sahtheh amader khubh bhalo somporkoh chilloh prothom amar moneh wor protti chintah dharonatah...
It had been 5 years since I graduated from high school, and that long since I had been back to my old hometown. A lot had changed in those years. The town was bigger with new buildings everywhere. I had changed a great deal also. When I graduated I had been 5’7′ and 120 pounds. The only thing that got me noticed in school was my singing voice. For such a skinny kid I had been blessed with a rich baritone voice. But that was nowhere near enough to get me in with the ‘in crowd’. Off I went to...
Ah, the passion and heat of a new lover, mmmmm what is sweeeter? I really can't think of nothing else. We all know that unbridled passion and first kisses of a new relationship. So let me explain in depth... Ah, I met this most perfect man online, I know seems so strange that you can find love online but it happens, it also happens to be the place to find lust if your looking. So I'm thinking to find both is pretty rare you think? However it may be to some so here is my little story... I was...
Straight SexChapter 5: Taking it all inExhausted, but satisfied, they lay in bed for a while until they were fully recovered and ready to face the rest of the day."OK, another quick shower I'm afraid, then let's get something to eat, I'm starving," said Lynn, sliding her legs out from under the duvet and onto the floor.Chris wasn't quite so ready, but eventually managed to unlace himself from the corset and get to the bathroom just as Lynn was finishing. He gave himself another quick rub over with the...
CrossdressingI’m an accounting manager and work in an office building. The building is three stories tall and sits right next to the freeway. My office is on the third floor on the freeway side. A couple times a month I work late, sometimes well into the night. I find I can concentrate and get more done when I’m there alone without the distractions of my fellow workers and the phones ringing, especially toward the end of each quarter when all the reports are due. I’ve been working late like this for several...
We have been having an evening alone just watching some hardcore porn videos, we used to do this once a week, Rose and I. I would choose what to watch one week and Rose the next. My wife had decided we would watch this video of the two bi-females and one man; there was fist fucking, anal sex and toys. She would then be so horny, Rose would then start to pull her skirt up and start playing with herself. Which Rose knew would get me turned on every time. I would see her pussy so wet, I would go...
Liv Wild is a sexy schoolgirl that gets taught a lesson by Manuel! Liv is a Latin spinner wearing a plaid miniskirt with a tight white top, black stockings and a collar & tie. She makes her way down the stairs so she can tease Manuel with the petite body as he reaches out and explores her curves. He helps her pull her panties down to give us a great look at her young snatch then Liv fingers herself and licks her fingers clean. She makes her way down the stairs ad goes outside where Manuel...
xmoviesforyouA friend of mine asked me if I’d stay at his house while he was at work, he was expecting the Estate Agent to give him a price on his house, as he’s a mate I said I would. I arrived as he was going to work 8:30am and he told me to help myself to anything and text him with the price the Agent said, I said I would. “He should arrive this morning sometime”, “Ok” and with that he went to work.9:45am there was a knock on the door, there stood a mature man holding a leather bound file. “Hi my name’s...
"God Damnit, First ... I don't know isn't going to cut it. Find out." "Yes, Sir." First Sgt. Smith, an E-8 with 32 years in, turned away from the Colonel and shouted to his people, "You heard the Colonel ... find out." The E-6's turned to the E-4's and screamed, "Set up a perimeter, Radio ... you're with the First ... move it, move it, move it." "First!" shouted the Colonel. "Sir." "Get those choppers in and send out a squad. Use the Blackhawk. Three men on the military...
By : Mahendra69 This is a story about 3 years old. I was waiting for train at Jhansi Railway Station for coming to Kanpur. It was about 10PM and the Train was late, so I started wandering on the station. I found a beautiful lady in saree aged about 45 year with a small girl the seats near were vacant so I sat there and waited for train. In the meantime the little girl asked for water, Lady was puzzled that how can she leave her luggage and go. Then I volunteered to bring water on my return we...
"Mom! I don't have any clothes on!" "That's all right, Henry. Mommy wants to have a little talk with you." It was late that night. Margaret had deliberately entered her son's room without knocking, hoping to catch him in the nude. She'd almost succeeded. Henry had just come out of the shower, but he was still holding the towel, and he automatically covered his crotch with it when the door opened. He now sat bashfully on the edge of the bed, looking expectantly at his mom. Margaret...
Life in my office was not that interesting as others may have… My story is almost 8 months back.. It was my ex company where i was working but due to extra stress for sales I was quitting it. I had 1 month before leaving it was that period when my senior send a new recruit at my site. JAYA. she was maybe 3-4 years elder to me with wheatish in color with a figure of 30-32-36. Looking at her I just thought when will I get to bang such a lovely ass.. Whenever she used to walk front of me I would...
Hi friends, I am Akhil i am back after long time .i am introducing myself again for the sake of new readers. i am 26 m, handsome south Indian(Hyderabad) guy working in Jabalpur .i am getting so many reply from so many women’s and girls every day. i am thankful for your address for my previous stories. I am very happy to share my experiences with u. Now i am here with my new experience which happened 1 week before. i will tell you about Sujatha heroine of this story ,her physic 34c-30-34.she...
It was proving to be one of the best summers on record. The garden was ablaze with colour as lupines, delphiniums and foxgloves came into flower. We would take a glass of chilled wine and sit out in the garden during the long summer's evenings, confident in our belief that life did not get much better. We would go to bed with the windows wide open and wake to the sound of songbirds heralding the dawn of a new day. But sometimes I woke to a different sound, the sound of love making in the...
When I look at Cassie Ibiza, my first question is, what hole do I stick it in first? I can tell by her content on Twitter where Cassie would like me to start: her asshole. But holes have long been at odds with one another.The Greatest Debate Ever KnownLet's take this argument orifice by orifice, starting with the mouth. I want all gents on our little blue ball to pat themselves on the back for a job well done right now. It took many moons, but we finally changed human society to reflect the...
Twitter Porn AccountsHi! Guys this is Arjun, age 20 writing this story about my hot mom BHANUMATHI, usually called BHANU. In this story I tell you how she became a prostitute. BHANU mom has a fair complexion, her vital stats are 38-30-40. She is now 39 years old. She was the marketing manager in a MNC firm before she became a prostitute. She has taught me sex at a very young age of 8 and how I came through her pussy to this world. After finishing dinner at the restaurant at night 10 O’clock, mom and I were walking...