TandraChapter 37 free porn video

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The sphere came out and made some passes, and I fell asleep. I felt cramped and moved my right shoulder and rubbed my neck. I thought of the Epsilon Eridani system, and the crystals.

"Mom, it didn't work. It is still there."

"It did work. I altered your mind, and made a lot more improvements. You were only a Fleet Admiral in name, now you have the mind of one. It is much more compartmentalized, and you can think of more than one thing at a time. All you need now is an AI implant, and you would be the equal of any Admiral, that ever lived. There is no way that the information can leak out, when you put it into one of your secure compartments."

I tried working on the problem in the Epsilon Eridani system and found that the problem was being attacked much more efficiently. My ideas were improved, and some even thrown out. I could see other possible plans of attack, as well.

"Mom, what have you found out in the AI crystal from the ship?"

"The file is sketchy, but the Samutz about seven hundred years ago stumbled upon, an old war zone with a fleet of damaged Tandra ships, from the Thonas/Tandra war. It looks like the Thonas had found a way to kill the crews without damaging the ships too much. The other Thonas ships were damaged very severely, and beyond repair. The Samutz just salvaged the Tandra hulls, with whatever crystals they could find in the ships stores.

"They used the warships to make major inroads in surrounding territories. They could not make full use of the ships engines, because of the limitations of their minds, just like Earth men. They tried to conquer a more advanced race, and failed. They were pushed out of the galactic centre, into this arm, about two hundred years later.

"The Samutz are now having growing pains. The king has many sons and each wants to carve out an area for himself. There are presently eighteen major star systems, beside the Samutz main world. Other Samutz kings seem to want the same thing, and are usually in a constant war with one another. They tend to keep to their own clans so that little is known about other groups.

"Earth is definitely on the list of worlds to take. There was a schedule, and this ship just saw the opportunity to jump the gun, when the explosions came. If Earth is conquered, I fear, it will go the way of all other populations. If you are digestible you will be eaten. Four other races have already been completely killed off, and another four are on the brink. Two of those races were in the meat locker in the ship."

"How do they pilot the Tandra ships?"

"The ships like Carlton or his hull have engines to drive them many times faster than what the AI can do alone. The largest war ships can travel at almost a thousand times light speed, and a hundred and sixty times that with the proper crew to help."

"A hundred and sixty thousand times the speed of light?" I said incredulously. "That is over eighteen light years per hour."

"Yes, but only the best can do that, and they need to rest after that exertion."

"What have you found about the disease the Samutz on the destroyer had?"

"It is very contagious, and multiplies quickly. It is air borne, and will survive fourteen hours external to a host. Within six hours of contagion, the host dies."

"Does the disease affect Tandra or humans?"

"I think those bodies are different enough to only cause a fair amount of discomfort, in Humans and very little in the Tandra, because of their natural tendencies to fight any disease. Why do you ask?"

"If you can improve on the virus, then I may have found a way to get the ships away from the Samutz, and into our hands."

"I think I see what you intend. It is against Tandra law, to do this."

"Is it against Tandra law to kill and eat Tandra people?"


"They will find Earth, and kill all Tandra and Humans on it. Their new shield will allow them to enter any system they wish, that is now protected by Tandra weapons. They will kill all they can find, in these systems. I will not allow my people to be killed. Are you going to help me?"

"It is unethical to do this, but I have been here for many years, thinking on what is right and wrong. The Tandra themselves are unjust, to AIs and others. Their laws are flawed, in some fundamental ways. If we follow your plan, we might be tried in a Tandra court."

"Mom, there may not be a Tandra court anymore. And like all law, the people enforcing them, are what make things right or wrong. I will take my chances with Tandra law, for my people, if you will."

"I will do as you ask."

In the coming days, Mom awoke the Samutz, and took body fluids from each, and put them back in stasis. The fluid was replicated. In two containers, the virus grew rampantly. Mom worked on the DNA sequence, and improved the response time dramatically. When a sample was placed in the fluids from the healthy donor, it grew even faster. Mom stockpiled many containers of the improved virus, in stasis, awaiting final disposition. She programmed the autodocs to make us even more resistant to the disease.

That afternoon, Carl, John, Frank and I, met for a staff meeting, and discussed the best way to defeat the Samutz. They were all for my idea of using a biological agent, to take them out. Their morality had shifted, when the imbalance in our numbers, and capabilities, were taken into account.

Carl and I were going to Albany that night. We went in the usual command model shields. Before we got there, he asked, "What did you mean before, when you said Epsilon Eridani, would be my star?"

"Carl, I want to spread a Human presence to many of the planets the Tandra now have. If they are on the decline, we can help them and ourselves at the same time. I want strong allies, not a subjugated race to be partners with. If I am on Earth, I will need somebody I can trust, on Epsilon Eridani. Are you interested?"

"I don't know what to think. I can see that part of the job would be keeping the system safe, along with the people now living on the planet. What else were you thinking of?"

"That, and weapons production. I want the Tandra re-educated to their old level, and then I want new ships and weapons, mass produced. We can introduce natural food production. The old way kept them content, with its additives. I want them angry at all others, except Humans, till we know that they are safe."

"That is a pretty tall order. Do you think I can do that?"

"Sure, you just recruit the right people, to help you, the way I got the right people to help me."

"That will give me lots of things to think about. I hope Doris will like the idea, and want to go with me."

"You love her, and I know that she loves you too. When, or if, the system is captured, she can go with you. I know that she will flourish in that environment."

"I hope you are right." The trip took only moments, and we set down in a park, close to the hotel housing our seventeen guests, from our old company.

Carl and I went in to find our old comrades. Eleven were in the bar talking together, and drinking some beer. We walked up, and they shook hands with Carl, and he had to introduce me.

"I was in a fight, and my face was reconstructed," I told them. John and Frank were only introduced by their first names. None of the old members of our unit, suspected their true identities, or would believe it, if told.

Carl told them to come in an hour, to a meeting room he rented. They shook our hands and wanted to know what was going on. I said, "Be at the briefing, and you will find out. No matter what you think, Carl is not going to be selling you Amway products."

I tried to remember the faces of the others; we had not met, and tried to home in on them. My improved mind made this slightly possible, but still very difficult. The other four were in their rooms, while two had not even shown up. I didn't know why they were absent. I surmised they had a change of heart, or were ashamed about their present status. I just didn't know. Carl and I went to the rooms of the two that made it, and apologized for coming early, and asked them to meet us on the third floor room.

The room clerk was notified, to direct the last two, if they managed to show up, to the meeting room. Very comfortable velvet covered chairs were spread out, in the room. There were enough to seat three times our number. A table was quickly set up with coffee and snacks from the kitchen, while Carl and I discussed the men we had met.

The group was composed of men approaching fifty. Most were overweight, and out of shape. White hair sprouted on some, while others did not even have that luxury. Some were drunks, and three had drug dependencies, four had served various amount of time in prison. These were not the cream of the crop, only those that could leave without arousing suspicion. None were living permanently with a woman; some had a difficult time even holding a job.

They came into the room, and sat up front. When fifteen were present, I left the idle chit chat, for the meat of the matter.

"Gentlemen, I represent a group of people that are interested in making their environment more secure. The job pays well, and takes place at some distance. Seeing your friends and wives will be impossible, for a period of at least three months. There is some danger involved, but we will provide a full regimen of training. Most of you consider yourself too old to help, but I am not asking anything that is beyond you. I value loyalty very much, and this is why I have asked you to come."

Many questions were asked from the salary of five hundred dollars a day during training; double that after training, and five thousand a day if there was fighting. I said, "All of this was not declared income, and thus tax free. After three months, we can renegotiate new terms, and you have the option of leaving then. Believe it or not, at that time, you will probably jump at the new deal we will offer." This alone brought most over to our side. I did not even have to explain what the new offer would be.

Carl told them, "Your job at first, is to learn the systems, and then teach others. The organization is growing, and you are offered a position on the ground floor. Your old ranks will not apply now. Later, we assess all the recruits, to find a suitable rank for each of you."

I had stepped back, and scanned my old friends. Only six would be of any use. The rest were too beaten, to pull themselves up, even with help in the time, I allotted.

Carl continued and stipulated that everyone was to go to a clinic here in Albany tomorrow, for a check up. Two of the men I wanted, knew they would fail any test given, and their spirits dropped. The tests would allow us to remove the ones we wanted, from the ones we didn't, without discussing the reasons with old friends.

When the meeting ended, I approached the two, and told them that they should not worry about the doctor, because it was only company policy.

We drank with the men till the wee hours, discussing things that were happening, and did happen with each. Carl and I were tabulating data from their minds, on others that we might find useful. We left our inebriated friends, and Carlton took us home.

Carl was dropped of at his house for a short rest, and to organize the shipment in five hours, of the food in the warehouse that Susan rented. I had a shower and snuggled into bed, in an open space between Blue and Nova. I felt their contented sighs, even in their sleep to my presence.

I awoke to find the Young Squad, the Human girls, and Bobby watching my breathing, as if it was the most interesting thing to see.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. What brings you to see me?"

The Tandra youngsters didn't understand my words at all. The vocalizations I thought necessary for them to understand spoken English, but they should have been able to read my thoughts. I found my mind was closed to casual observation, except a few areas. Mom's compartmentalization had to be it. I removed some blocks, and repeated my statement. I read that they just wanted to be near me. My aura had been leaking, and I corrected it.

I had been neglecting the children, and I thought of a way to correct the problem, at least a little.

"Mom will you re-synchronize my communicator for me?" The shield on Epsilon Eridani was modulated differently, and the adjustment was needed to enable me to communicate through this shield.

"Certainly, Henry."

"Paul, Charlie, are you there?" I repeated a few times before they answered.

"Hello, Uncle Henry."

"Hi, Uncle Henry. What's up?"

"Hello boys. Are you at the warehouse?"

"Just going. Dad said you would be arriving soon, to pick the food up." Charlie said

"Hold on a moment, please." I said, and then to Carl, "Carl, all the children are here. I would like to bring them all, to the warehouse with shields. Did you want me to bring, all of them?"

"Let me think." Carl paused for a minute and said, "Yes, bring them all, I will have to talk to the boys, and now is as good a time as any. I will remember to mention Roger specifically."

"Ok. I will be getting there in half an hour, or so."

I thanked Mom, and got ready. I asked the children, "I am going to pick up some food at the warehouse. Would you like to all come with me?"

They jumped up and down, just like kids all over, only Nema was a little subdued. Bobby didn't understand enough to understand.

"Don't worry. You will only be meeting Carl, and his two sons. We will load the food, and take a short trip."

The rest of the family was working, and our procession only passed a few of the newly awakened Tandra. They inclined their heads very respectfully to me. I was forced to reply in kind. Mom had enough shield generators for everyone. The last consideration was for Paul and Charlie. I had no clothes on, and neither did the children. We didn't need them, but I think we would shock the boys.

Moments later, we were hovering invisible, next to an open door. Carlton transported each of us out, one at a time and into the building.

Carl came around the corner with his sons trailing him. He stopped and said, "Hello, I am glad you could all make it." Our present nudity did not bother him at all.

That was all he got out, before two girls tackled his legs, and cried, "Daddy."

He hugged the girls to him and said, "Clarice, Michelle, I would like you to meet your brothers. The one with the blond hair that sticks up is Charlie, and the one with his mouth open wide, is Paul.

The apparently naked girls ran over to the stunned boys, and wanted up like younger girls would. The boys were hesitant, but were required to put their hands under the girls' bottoms to support them.

Carl got things back on track, by introducing each of the children. He used his mental abilities to make sure that the boys remembered all the names.

"Dad aren't they getting cold, the door is open?" Said Paul. He was a little concerned at our lack of clothes, more than the temperature.

"They are warmer than we are Paul. They are wearing shields. Do you see those small boxes? They produce the shield, and they can go just about anywhere and still be comfortable."

Carl started organizing the loads, and said aloud, "Carlton stow them as I bring them to you, on the fork lifts. The fork trucks arrived, and the loads lifted off box by box and went into the hold. Paul and Charlie were soon driving the other trucks, and were amazed at what was happening to their cargo. Every other time, the girls or Carl would load a ship, and the boys would think a truck just came.

When everything was loaded, I took Carl aside and said, "I want to go to see Mom's hull. Do you and the boys have time for it? There are extra shields here, and we can override all of them, to keep them from de-energizing."

"I like the idea. The boys are very careful about asking me things, but it would be nice for them to feel like they are more than stock boys."

"Then you take us there."

Carl had a great big smile and said, "Sure Cap."

"That brings up another thing. Do generals, even in the Army Space Corp, pilot spacecraft? I think you should make a brevet command changes for the duration of the trip."

I did not think it possible, but he smiled even wider. "I think that can be arranged."

When the loading was complete. He turned, and used a loud commanding voice, "Paul Santo and Charles Shingle, front and centre."

The boys' heads shot up. They were in the centre of the children getting to know one another better. They stood up, and parted the children and trotted up to us.

"Yes Dad," came from both.

"The admiral here wants to go for a jaunt, to see the downed hull on the moon. It is beneath his dignity, and mine, I might add, to pilot this craft, all the time. We thought it time that both of you get a taste of command. I want Captain Santo to take us to the moon, and Captain Shingle to bring us back. Is that understood?"

It obviously wasn't, because they stood there with their mouths open, and their minds chaotic at best.

"Step to it. Ask Carlton to transport all of us into the ship."

Charlie had to nudge Paul, and tell him, "Just ask it."

"Car... ah Carlton would you transport all of us onto the ship please."

We all boarded and I added for the tractors to pull the chain off its lock, and lower the truck door. I didn't expect them to remember everything, especially the first time.

"Go to the moon, Carlton."

"On what course and speed, Captain Santo?"

"Ah a maximum safe speed and the shortest course, to the ship on its surface.

"Yes Sir."

Carl got out three more generators and gave one to each of the boys, before placing one on himself. He energized them, and locked them onto his command. I locked the ones for the rest of our passengers. The boys' mouths were open all the time, as they looked at the bow view.

After settling to the surface at the Captain's orders, the door was opened and the ramp lowered. But after I sucked the air from the ship. The dust storm would not have settled for a long time, if I didn't.

All the young ones scampered out and played in the low gravity. It was not new to them, for they played in the variable gravity gym in the base. Charlie and especially Paul were at a loss, for what to do.

I helped some, when I said, "The correct procedure is to post a guard on the ship, and the Captain, and his crew may then depart. In this case, we can just put the shield over the door, and order Carlton to not let any others board, who had not arrive with him."

They worked together to give what they thought was the best order. They ran out to have fun. I went to the damaged hull, and once I was identified, I went in and looked at the computer with a different eye than I had before. More memory modules could be added and a larger processor would also work. I looked at the hull, and found it to be similar to the destroyer's in some places. If I stripped all the usable plating from the destroyer, I could get this hull patched.

Mom's computer stated that there were two broken main ribs. Again I pictured the destroyer, and hoped there was a good enough match somewhere on the hull. I continued the survey, especially in the blind spot, close to the stern.

When I came out, I found Carl tossing rocks up and the kids using stones to hit it. Roger was by far the best at this. Charlie and Paul came running back from the other side of the wreck. They were taking giant leaps, trying to beat the other in their race. Paul stumbled, and flew toward a large rock. He was snatched out of the 'air', and redirected, so as to miss the rock. Charlie slowed and stumbled himself, trying to follow his lover.

A great mass of dust rose and carried on in the direction they were travelling. The low gravity and the absence of air, would take a long time for everything to settle.

We walked up the ramp, into the invisible ship. Only the view inside the open hatch let us know the ship was there. The shield wrapping around ours, to help us in through the difference in pressures.

Charlie and Paul came in last. Once in, Paul said, "Thanks for saving me Carlton."

"You are welcome sir," came the reply.

Paul now asked, "Where to now, dad?"

He had been informed and said, "L2 Captain Santos."

With the amount of news, they knew exactly what and where it was. "Carlton would plot a shortest time course to L2, so that we can stop there?"

"Yes Captain. Would you like me to raise the ramp before departing?"

Paul was red faced, for not doing enough thinking on the matter. "Yes Carlton. That would be best."

Carl told the boys much more about this ship, making sure they were aware of air venting from the ship, if the shield were dropped, and the usual way of entering and leaving was to have the hatch open, and the shield covering the opening. I sent Carl a hint to ask Carlton for a view of the carrier in the Epsilon Eridani system.

We all stood in awe again, at the view of the war ship. It was not the biggest, but its bulk showed the fighters leaving and entering the ship, through the field, with the use of tractors. Before too long, Carlton announced that we had arrived.

Carl came with me, as we checked the external plates, that I would need, the slightly smaller ribs at the back were just about the right size, for Mom's hull. Mom's course on ship repair, told me how to remove the parts. It wouldn't be a small job, in any case.

Captain Shingle took over for the return leg of our trip. His job was easier, and he thought hard on not making any mistakes. The boys said goodbye, as the rest of us flew back to the base. Carl needed his car parked in our small lot. Carlton unloaded the cargo and passengers into the base, and Mom whisked them away.

"Thanks for giving the boys a chance. It is not too often somebody their age, gets to fly to the moon, and L2, then back." He laughed at the absurdity of his statement.

"I hate to say it, Carl, but I do need shuttle pilots. Not all the ships in the lunar base are AI controlled. Do you think the boys would want the job, if they were trained properly?"

"Sure they would. Why do you say 'hate'"

"We went to war. Do you want them to, as well? I know this; Earth will have to have, a large standing military, and it has to be under one leader. If we attack or are attacked, we can't be squabbling, about whose job it is. It will be our job to do the protecting."

"I fully agree, but are you suggesting a dictatorship?"

"Not in the least. We can get more money, where we got the last from. We can sell Tandra made goods, as long as Earth doesn't learn Tandra technology from them. The money and other things, like a great medical and educational training will bring us lots of capable people. We just have to have our own military, for our own country, that will also protect the system."

"That is pretty heady stuff. My old country had two wars over that topic. What about the Tandra bases in South America, and other continents?"

"Maybe like East and West Pakistan, where the country was split into two separate parts but still one country."

"That might work, but let's shelve it, till we take care of the Dogfaces."

"Sure. When is the next recruitment meeting for the mercenaries?"

"Tonight, and every night for five more days. Why do you ask?"

"I want to be at the first few, then, I think you, John, and Frank, will have to take over. I think the safest place to train them, is in the moon base. I wanted to see if I can get some transportation going. You can teach them all the things we did wrong, taking the destroyer on the original article. I am sure Earth will eventually see the activity, but it can do nothing."

"I think the security services will be at the meetings to. Perhaps you should get your prints changed and wear a disguise. John's prints are changed already. It was a lot easier to do in the tank, when he was growing a new foot."

Carl sat in the chair and the autodoc made small changes in his prints. A fake beard and hair piece would have to do for now. Carl drove home with one of the combat suits in the trunk. He would now be able to make the trip much faster and safer. Carl and I had gone over the security protocols, with the suit AI, to make sure it never fell into the wrong hands. His only problem now would be to explain the beard to his wife.

John and Frank took a break, from their studies and practice. They were progressing much faster in their mental abilities, because Mom had been helping them, when they were still in the tank.

"Where is the first meeting, Henry?"

"In Dallas. You know how crazy those Texans are. They fight with one another for practice, between real wars."

"Ya, I know. I was born in Fort Worth, and you know it." We were travelling, at only Mach two, when the hatch opened, and Carl came in with his combat suit.

"See Frank, I said I could do it," Carl said.

"Anybody can do it in a suit. I thought you were just going to just jump," Frank said.

Carlton settled over a local hotel in the downtown core. We came out dressed in civvies, cut in a military fashion. Mom had to use a lot of material on John and Frank. The door on the roof, allowed us to descend to the lobby, where I arranged the refreshments for the night. They had a large sign inside, directing visitors to our meeting room.

"There may be ears already in the walls and other places, so all our conversations will have to be this way," I projected with my mind.

Some men came in, and approached us. Many were homeless, and liked it that way, and were only looking for a handout.

Carl did most of the talking, as I scanned the potential recruits. There were many ex-servicemen, ex-cops, young men looking for something other than the military life, and even some criminals, looking for a new way to live. The story we told was of a Japanese electronics company, trying to make a go of it, in South America, and was beset by thieves and robbers.

The prospective mercs readily agreed to the monetary aspects, even after telling them that everyone was going to start at the lowest rank.

I had to separate the acceptable men into four different groups. The first, were single men without dependants or just supporting them, but living away from the family. The second group, were dedicated men, with wives and children. The third was the marginal people that would not always follow orders, but would still make acceptable fighting men. The last group, were the sick desperate ones, down on their luck, not knowing where to turn, and not usually able to follow orders. All together, there were twenty three men that I would admit this time.

John stood outside my private room, while Frank guarded Carl's. The candidates came in singly, for a private chat. A man was judged and given a rating. Mostly what he could do for us, but also what we could do for him. This was dramatically different from any military recruiting done previously. It gave me a chuckle, to think that this had a strong socialist underpinning that would benefit the men as well as our cause.

All of the acceptable men were given money, depending on their monetary situation, and told where and when to report. This was another very odd way of doing things. Other outfits would never see some of the men or money again. We had the benefit of knowing who would be coming back, and who wouldn't.

One soldier, on the run from an unwarranted charge, was addressed by his real name. He became frightened, and got up.

"Sit down Sgt. Pirelli. I am not judging you, or trying to apprehend you. I want good men that may have to risk their lives in a good cause. I happen to think you qualify. Here is two thousand dollars, to get your affairs in order."

"I don't need the money. I just need to get out of the country."

"I may be able to help. I can take you now, and you don't have to walk by the FBI agent taking pictures of all the men at this meeting." He got up again.

"There is no danger Sergeant. Once you are part of our group, we will protect you. You may freely leave now, and the FBI agent is actually unaware of your identity. Eventually, they will know from the video tape that you were in Dallas."

"How do I know, that you are telling the truth?"

"Are you in or out? If you are in, I can prove it easily."

"Ah... I am in. Where do I sign?"

"Your word is good enough. Now wait here for a moment, while I call the sergeant in." John came in by my mental command.

"John, by the doors to the meeting room, there is a large man with a briefcase. He is working for the FBI. I would like you to send in the next recruit, and then escort Sgt. Pirelli onto the roof, to await our departure with us. On the way out, I would like you to prove to Sgt. Pirelli, that the gentleman is indeed an FBI agent. Do not hurt him too much."

Same as Tandra
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Mom ko dekh kar lund khada ho gaya. Mom aaj bohut khoob surat lag rahi thi. Nighty mein bina bra ke boobs khoob masti mein jhoom rahe the. Mom ke gore gore boob dekh kar man hua ki mom ko choda jaye. Mom bohut khoob surat hai. Uske boob bohut hi mast aur gore hain. Ek dum pake huye santre ki tarah. Mom ke lambe kale baal aur kali aankhe hain. Woh bina make up ke bohut mast lagti hai. Mom ko pichhe se dekhne par kayamat hi lagti hai. Mom ko dekh kar man hota hai ki pakad kar bohut sare kiss kiye...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Aria 08192017

22 year old Aria is a hair dresser, car fanatic, and anal-loving slave who actually cums when she gets slapped in the face so loud that the room echoes. We don’t make this stuff up – we don’t have to. As with the last submissive, we had no idea this amateur is into extreme submissive kink until she admits to it in her interview. So once again we shift gears, put on our meanest Master/Sir hats and go to town on this petite blue-eyed white girl. All her nervousness and...

4 years ago
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Now This Wont Hurt A BitChapter 29

Her heart pounds as she crosses the threshold and enters the room. By the time her gaze falls upon the voluptuous figure of the nurse, her pussy is pounding as well, her panties soaked and steamy. She could hear her own breath, ragged and gasping, as intense need filled her being. "Yes, come here," coos Nyssa. "Come to your Mistress." A moan escapes her lips as she steps forward, compelled to obey her Mistress. Strange, glittery embers are left in her wake that fade like mist seconds...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 13 Spring Break

APRIL 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Do it, Ben. Do it. Gimme your jizz. Cum for your nasty slut. I wanna feel you dripping down my chest. I'm just gonna put my shirt on when you're done. I'm gonna eat dinner with my dad knowing that I've got your dried spunk on my chest. Do it, Ben! Cum!" I growled and leaned back, feeling the compression in my balls as I readied for ejaculation. Adrienne started hunching her body up and down even faster, squeezing her massive breasts around my long prick,...

3 years ago
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Staying With Erin Chapter 4

A quick look at the watch told me that my adventures this morning had taken up quite some time, as it was already half past ten. “Why don’t you show Paisy a bit of the farm while I start cooking?” Erin didn’t wait for my opinion, jumping up from Bridget’s lap and grabbing my hand. “We’ll be back inside at twelve!” Crossing the threshold to the outside world nude felt strange, but my friend simply pulled me through the door and there I was, blinking my eyes in the glaring sunlight and...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Angel Emily Hardcore DP Threesome

Exquisite doll Angel Emily may be tiny, but wow can this petite perfect 10 take on big dongs with ease. Join her as her boyfriend takes her to a business meeting, knowing with her looks and love for hardcore fucking that she will be able to help him close his deal in any way she needs to. Sure enough, it’s not long before her panties are off and she’s blowing the client’s huge hard on before taking both meaty cocks at once in this premium Hands on Hardcore scene. You’ll...

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GirlsWay August Ames Kendra James Kenna James Missing Part Five

Anita Sharpe, as it turns out has a few tricks up her sleeve. Lara furiously tries to figure out what’s going on, when MANTIS left her passed out and delirious to once again piece together the puzzle. A puzzle that has her hot on the trail to finally discovering the world of lesbian power that has been left stunted by the media, and organizations headed by narcissistic maniacs like Anita Sharpe. Our heroine’s memory is lingering, only moments of distress and surprise remain,...

4 years ago
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To Be Frank Ch 04

Usual disclaimer – I’ve tried to write a stand-alone story, but you’ll benefit from reading the previous chapters. First-timers: Frank is a girl! All characters are fictional, all comments are welcome. * * * * * Early next morning I awoke with Tim behind me, his hardness pressed into my spine as he slowly woke, his unconscious male body recalling the previous evening’s fucking. I slipped away from him, and, pulling on my bikini to cover my little tits and shaven pussy, I left the tent with...

2 years ago
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Welcome Home part one

Neal Cannon always seemed to be looking at me lustfully. He never said anything that might be construed as remotely sexual, but his look always made me feel like he was thinking about dragging me off somewhere and ravishing me. I’d seen that look in other men’s eyes on many occasions, and it always meant that I was either going to fuck or fight off their advances. With Neal though it always ended there. Just the look. My friend Francisca thought it was just wishful thinking on my part. She was...

1 year ago
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Karen Tells

Karen Toms is sitting at home worried about the talk she needs to have with Shelly her 18yrs daughter that is about to leave for school. Karen has wanted many times to have this talk but the timing was never right now it has to be time has ran out. Coming home from the beach Shelly enters the house in a bathing suit that shows all her gorgeous features her long brown hair her 34C stand tall her long trim legs and perfect ass. Karen in all just looking at her then honey please come here we...

2 years ago
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Spying on Mom Fucking

It was hard for me to believe my eyes but I guess I shouldnt have been surprised by what I saw. It was just a matter of time really. I had woken up from a nap due to some rustling in the bushes, having stayed home from school today because I wasn’t feeling well. I thought it was odd for there to be noise outside, it was early for my mom to be getting home, so I looked out my window and when I saw what I did I quickly closed my blinds except for a crack so I couldnt be seen. Mom had become more...

2 years ago
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"Oh my God!" He cried. "That feels fucking fantastic". David had a cock to be proud of. Often measured and never found wanting. His nine inches was completely down her throat. She lifted her head, parting their connection and took a breath. "You like that?" Her eyes searched his for conformation. "You cannot know just how good that feels." He replied, bliss written across his face at the sensation of having his cock massaged and swallowed by this gorgeous woman he had just met. David...

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Honorable Discharge

The wheels screeched as the C-130 touched down on the runway. The jolt of the plane pulled Duncan back to reality. He was finally home. After a tour in Iraq and three tours in Afghanistan, he was done. He had decided not to re-enlist. He knew part of him would miss it, but there was a tremendous sense of relief that it was over. Once the plane stopped, he retrieved his things and followed the rest of the unit out the back of the plane. The sunlight warmed him and he took a deep breath of...

Straight Sex
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My First Black Girl

I have known Dana for a number of years and never really gave our relationship much thought. We have been good friends, but I never really thought of her sexually. Possibly because she had never expressed an overt interest in myself, and possibly because I’m white and she’s black. I always thought she was an attractive woman, but a deeper relationship than our close friendship had done no more than flitted through my mind. Then in June we were sent on a three day...

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On the subway in my miniskirt

There had been some sort of problems with the subways earlier so it was standing room only in the car I boarded. Let me describe myself. I'm about 5 foot 3, naturally honey blond hair in a pageboy cut. I had on a thin white ribbed t-shirt, plaid miniskirt, the skimpy bottoms from an old bikini, with no bra. I'm just small enough that I can get away with it. Mom says I'll droop later in life, but right now, I'm high and proud. I had smoked a bowl before I left, so I was flying. My...

2 years ago
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New Society New RulesChapter 10

The island was no longer paradise. Our Garden of Eden was invaded by a— No, Mom wasn't a serpent, although Maria thought so. The two were always bickering. To my mother, Maria couldn't do anything right. In her eyes, still her servant. They both vied for my attention. All the time! I was never alone. One of them would insist on even tagging along when I went fishing or hunting. I missed those peaceful times. We had just finished cleaning up after dinner when my mother inspected the inside...

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Demolingchi Anas execution

Demo-lingchiSCENE 1 - CONTEXT Mr. Leon Van Bergh was an official from the Local Force for more than 30 years. During this period, he occupied different positions in the government, but the one that really made him famous in the country was as the cruellest Executioner since 2010.Famous by his sadism, Leon was the favourite executioner of the King. When people needed to see a public torture show, his hands worth any price for the Kingdom.What nobody could expect is that the infamous executioner...

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Man Maid 3 Todd Speaks

I have been roommates with Ken for several years. We had been friends since high school and now, at the age of thirty-five, I thought I knew him pretty well. But he was making me a little nervous. Although I left for work this morning one hundred percent positive that tonight would be the conclusion to a well played out practical joke on me, my phone call home at five thirty left me less sure than before I called. Let me explain. About a week ago I made a comment that I would pay...

1 year ago
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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

2 years ago
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On All Fours

It was the festive season and in this country it always occurs at the end of the year, some were saying the winter was unseasonable cold, and the heavy evening of drinking at Joyce’s, perhaps did not make us over popular with our host, especially as we emptied the punch bowl twice, it was not a deliberate act us refraining from going to the toilet, but there was always a queue for the solitary toilet, and we felt that some revelers were taking just a bit longer than necessary, so the pressure...

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GirlsOnlyPorn Agatha Vega Alexis Crystal Perfect Moment

Agatha Vega and Alexis Crystal are two hot girls who are ready for a night of girls only passion. Dressed in lingerie that highlights how slim and luscious they both are, they come together in an embrace that leaves nothing to the imagination. Hugging and caressing quickly leads to kissing, which is the preview of so much more. Leaning forward against the mantle, Agatha waits in anticipation as Alexa bumps her butt against Agatha’s and then gets on her knees. Caressing Agatha’s big...

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A Fathers Last Wedding

Donald was eating breakfast with his wife, Lorna. He loved her even if she was particularly cold he loved her all the same. Soon enough they heard a voice coming from upstairs "Mom, Daddy I've got a surprise!" Bea their daughter called from upstairs. They watched her descend the steps in a white wedding dress "What the fuck is this?" Lorna asked dismissively Bea didn't let Lorna's dark demeanor get her down, she laughed it off "I'm getting married today!" Bea declared. This was rather shocking...

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My sister Part 2

As I entered her I could immediately feel her tight already wet cunt stretching and taking in my hard thick shaft. I spread her legs wide and ran my big hands down her thick thighs and I kept thrusting gently. She moaned and bounced back and forth against my cock as we fucked; her huge beautiful breasts bouncing as my cock kept gently fucking her. I reached for her tits and squeezed them tightly in my hands; they felt so soft and wet as sweat dripped down them; her nipples were rock hard as I...

3 years ago
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Fun At The Campground

Introduction: A man and wife find oout about group sex Fun At The Campground My wife and I had been camping at this site for quite a few years and had met many people over that time. This time though, one particular couple gained our fancy. They were a little younger than us but had many of the same interests and especially sexual interests. They liked hiking so one day my wife went on a hike with the woman why her husband and I stayed at the camp site. The two of us talked for a while then...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Adriana Maya That8217s Got Some Weight To It

After a year-plus long absence, the lovely Adriana Maya ? makes her triumphant return to Hussie?Pass this week… and since she’s already had Brickzilla, we thought she might enjoy some time with 18-year-old newbie stud Damion Dayski’s 12-inch cock ? for today’s update. After the Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ??? where she lets us in on a couple of her kinks, Adriana shows off her juicy all-natural body before getting herself warmed up by playing with...

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The Box On My Front Porch

I was excited to see the box on my front porch when I got home from work and quickly hustled it inside and set it on my kitchen table. I wanted to open it right then, but I knew I wouldn’t get any work done if I did. I went up to my bedroom and changed into something more comfortable, pulling my long curling dark brown hair into a ponytail and putting on my glasses to give my eyes a rest. I left my tie-dyed anklets on but shed my formal work attire, strictly pressed cream slacks and a white...

3 years ago
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Little Red Journal 6 First Boyfriend Flirtations

So you probably missed, buried among the musings on my crush EK, this line:Day after birthday/---CWhy do I want him I spent the evening socializing with other choir people. I thought of a new way to do what? I lost my train of thought.It seems innocuous enough nestled among the hormone-driven sexual cravings of a teenage mind. An evening with choir people could mean one of two things.  Either I was on a bus trip to watch an opera or I was at a collaborative retreat with some choirs from...

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About a Boi

Nick is 22 tall with a medium build and about ten vanity pounds on his stomach. He's the type of gay man that fights for what he believes in and loves to be pretty as well as handsome. He is also a believer in open relationships. He has these incredibly blue eyes and full red lips on a sweet face. He is in short, perfect. Of course, I have only seen pictures of him because he lives over in London right now. He's doing one of those semesters abroad. We met online about 6 months ago fairly...

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How Polygamy Begins 43

Sue and I had come in from running a path around the ranch perimeter when Mrs. Donner came up behind us and invited us both for a relaxing sauna. I tried to make a polite exit by saying I really needed a shower. “Nonsense,” Katherine exclaimed. “You might as well take a sauna first, it will relax those tired muscles.” I had been dreading the conversation I had known was coming. I didn’t know why, I didn’t have anything to hide from Katherine. I just didn’t have a good rapport with most...

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Sins of A Father Part 3

Introduction: This is the third part of a story about a very naughty daddy Sins of A Father Part 3 How time flies when youre having fun. Four years had passed. My sexcapades with my daughter were beginning to turn from a sick fantasy to an obsessive mission. A mission to turn my little Princess Sarah in to a full blown sex goddess. She was thirteen now and a fine piece of ass. She was about 55, 95lbs, beautiful round ass and tits. Her golden blond hair fell halfway down her back and her skin...

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Power Words

You're the chosen one, now. What you say goes- ANYTHING you say, goes. Warning: Given the nature of this story, at the very least the following themes will come into play: BDSM, Mind Control, Non-Consent, Incest, Fetish

Mind Control
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Caught By Mr D Part 2

See Part 1 to find out what happened right before this....We made our deal. I get away with my "youthful indiscretion" by giving my body to my next door neighbor."Go in the house and put on some clothes. Then come to my house. But be sure that there's nobody walking or driving by and nobody hanging around outside when you walk over so there is no chance that anyone will see you doing it. Go in the back and come in through the back door. Lock both doors behind you as soon as you're inside. Then...

1 year ago
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Sasha Ch 15

When I saw the car’s headlights pull up to the reception area, I thought it was odd that someone might be arriving so late, in such bad weather. It had been snowing heavily and the Japanese aren’t fond of traveling in the snow, nor did the inn get many guests in the winter. I heard muffled voices outside the door, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Oh well, I’m sure Murada-san will tell me all about it in the morning. I had been at the inn for a few days. A few months earlier, I came...

3 years ago
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Watching Sis Try Moms Vibrator

I hid in the shadows of my parent's bedroom, peering into the white light of their large bathroom with its high, granite countertops and glittery fixtures. In the center of the room stood my sister, naked from her sports bra that was pulled up to expose her pointy pink nipples all the way down to her painted toes. She held mom's "massager" up in between her legs, which were awkwardly spread as she stood on the tile floor. Her feet arched upward as she balanced on the toes of her right foot. The...

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I Challenge You To A Pissing Competition

We had been meeting up for regular over the knee spanking sessions at each other's homes for some months. In the conversations during and after these sessions, it came to light that each of us had, in addition to other fetishes, an interest in watersports but had never had the opportunity to try it out...Until the day I challenged you to a little competition.The two of us are sitting fully clothed in your kitchen. We are sitting on hard wooden chairs that are on a ceramic tiled floor– an...

1 year ago
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MrPov Karma RX Community Cunt

“This one’s for you, Daddy.” That’s how the amazing Karma Rx kicks off her near-perfect performance. And she’s talking to you, Daddy. Her biggest fan. Karma loves it when her fans jerk off to her. In fact, Karma’s biggest jerk fantasy for herself is to have her fans — every single one of them — stand over her and jerk it for her. Turning Karma into a real cum dumpster. “That’s obviously what I am!” Karma says, before spitting on...

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My Exs Best Friend

Me and my ex had a long, decently healthy relationship before our breakup. We both cared for each other a lot, and we were good at keeping each-other happy. Honestly, there wasn’t really one reason why we broke up, it just kind of happened. I was sad, she was numb, it was messy. So many mixed signals and stressful conversations, and so many times we’d rip each others clothes off after meeting for “closure” just to awkwardly stop as we thought about the various rebounds we dealt with. Yeah, our...

2 years ago
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Sororal Twins Part 4

Please read Sororal Twins, Parts 1, 2, and 3 before reading this part. ' Writer's note: I apologize for a 13 month delay in finishing the fourth installment. I promise that the delay will be much shorter for the next few segments. I anticipate at the very least 2-3 more segments. Sororal Twins Part 4: Table for Two "Okay, let's get you out of that dress and get something to eat." With Jenny's assistance, I was eventually able to free myself from my wedding gown. I kick off my...

2 years ago
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Sam Goes to Summer Camp

The alley was immaculate. You've never seen such a spotless alley. Not a single piece of litter anywhere. No drink cups or cardboard boxes. Not even a single cigarette butt. Other than that, it could have been just about any urban alleyway anywhere in the world. Painted cinderblock and brick buildings with dented metal doors and barred windows lined both sides of a stretch of asphalt. Recessed doorways and a couple of dumpsters could provide cover for someone up to no good. I smiled as I...

3 years ago
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Slave Diaries Part I

Introduction: My life as a slave… Sandy? Sandy? called Madam Rose as she walked quickly along the hallway, looking in each cage. Sandy, where the hell are you? Im here! I responded from a cage at the end of the hall. Sandy, were going to be late for the slave expo, Madam shouted as she marched towards me and stepped inside my cage. Madam Rose unlocked my hand and ankle cuffs. She said For god sake get ready fast, the show got to start by 10! I was lying naked in my cage and I didnt understand...

2 years ago
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Summer Vacation With Aunt8217s Daughter

Hi guys..I m back with new story.Hope you all liked my previous story.Those who don’t know me..I m sam from bangalore doing my degree in reputed college.I m 21yrs old and is capable of satisfying any women of any age.Oil massage, body to body massage, a-zservice is provided by me to any gal of any age, even who are interested in sex chat..Those who are interested can contact me Now coming to the story this is real incident happened whn  I  was in ninth standard.I had finished my exams and was...

1 year ago
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Females for Hire CAW7 Dark Leather Fire

Bookshelves lined the walls of the room, filled to bursting with all the most well acclaimed books and books upon books about politics. A desk of the finest wood sat a few feet from a large window nearly floor to ceiling that looked out upon the mansion grounds. Two armchairs sat in front of a fireplace next to two love seats, all of which were plush and comfortable…. She knew that from experience.. Upon one of the arm chairs sat a handsome gentleman in his mid forties. At least he looked...

3 years ago
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Housesitting Day 0 Chapter 4 Thank Me With Your Mouth Dyking Out Edit

HOUSESITTING DAY 0: The Day Before Chapter 4: Thank Me With Your Mouth / Dyking Out To my shock and surprise, Kaylie didn't fix her mascara or clean the cum and drool off her face and neck before we left Coach's office. She just pulled her flowery summer dress over her head. No Bra! No Panties! Fuck, I had no idea Kaylie was such slutty girl. She usually looked so sweet and innocent, but not that day. That day, she looked fucking sexy all spattered in cum and with her make-up...

3 years ago
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Work Bitch

The Plane shuttered and I closed my eyes, we were 50,000 feet up and I just got done drinking my second Bud when I decide to take a nap. It had been a long week and my wife was leaving me and my dog ran away and I lost my car. My job did not give me a raise or the promotion I was looking for and they decide to hire a women to run the sales office. I was up for the promotion but they wanted to capture the women market at the up coming trade show in Houston, so I went along for the ride. I new a...

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A Life Long Journey Part 11

A Life Long Journey Part 11 It was a long hard struggle for me, but finally the day came when I was to graduate from college with my degree in accounting. I was so excited because of it. I know that must sound strange but that was the case. I was excited because I had worked extra hard to support myself since Amy was not with me helping with the bills. And I wanted to do as well as I could in school. I was just an average student but to do even that well, I spent a lot of nights...

2 years ago
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A very VERY special visit

Crystal and I had been dating for almost 2 years.  We were nearly inseparablec and she almost immediately started staying with me in my trailer home, which was fine with me because I didn't have to masturbate, and she could suck "chrome off my hitch", if you get my point.  She had a voracious, insatiable appetite for sex and had no boundaries.    We had sex everywhere. We had a 3some with a guy she met at the grocery store,  a girlfriend in our trailer park, anal sex, public sex, nothing was...

3 years ago
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Plain JaneChapter 6

Three weeks had passed since I first arrived in London with Claire and been installed in her sublime house in Eaton Square. I had enrolled at my Chemistry degree course at London University, had immediately joined their women’s rugby club and after the first training session, been selected for the first team to play the coming weekend. Before Claire left to go back to Bermuda, she had taken me to a small private Swiss bank in the City – it turned out to be her family’s - and I now had the...

3 years ago
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A Loving FamilyChapter 2 Seducing Jenny

Mom’s reaction was harsh. I would say she overreacted, but honestly, I don’t blame her. I can only imagine what went thru her head when she realized her kids were fucking each other. I can imagine her thinking of two-headed grandchildren or highly retarded ones. We were grounded for a month and forbidden from going near each other. Then mom took us to a shrink. The shrink tried to ‘cure’ me, but it was bullshit, and she fed more bullshit to Louise and my mother. I had to go to the...

1 year ago
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“You know, I think you would like my mom.”That surprised me. I had known Kristi, and her mom, for a couple decades now. Kristi had grown from a bubbly little girl into an amazing woman with a college degree and on her way to a career in medicine. Her mom, Jo, was classy, charming, fuller figured than her daughter and although divorced all the time I knew her, always seemed to have a boyfriend. Kristi had always been comfortable around me and while I may have had a fantasy or two about Jo, had...

4 years ago
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Opened and DisPlayed Ch 02

This chapter is for SimonSays1 with my thanks for his patient encouragement… * Although I had gone to bed feeling happy and relaxed after kissing Carlos good-bye, the nightmare came back that night. What is supposed to be a happy occasion for every girl, the wedding night, had indeed been an ordeal for me and it often came back to haunt my sleep. The dreams were always so realistic, such exact replicas of the real thing, that I regularly woke up bathed in sweat with tears of pain and...

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